VOL. 113, NO. 29 • SINCE 1908
Police: February rape report unfounded Officials don’t send students update months after Carolina Alert sent in East Quad incident Thad Moore
Police found no evidence that a woman was raped near the East Quadrangle in February and closed the case, but they decided not to send an update students, an official said. Investigators decided to close the case in June after the woman who reported it gave them inconsistent details and failed a polygraph test; about 50 people who were in the area during the alleged rape said they didn’t see anything suspicious. It was closed officially in August, and an online
alert about the incident was deleted from the USC police website. Scott Prill, associate director of the Division of Law Enforcement and Safety, said in an email that students were not notified because so much time had passed. “We would not normally update a crime alert after such a long period of time,” he said. A report on the investigation was released late Friday afternoon, more than two weeks after The Daily Gamecock requested it. Prill said the delay owed to legal review and redactions by USC police, the State Law Enforcement Division and the circuit solicitor’s office. “This was a very complex case and there needed to be a very thorough and deliberate review,” Prill said. Police sent “numerous items” including a rape kit,
to SLED for analysis, but investigators did not fi nd evidence of an assault, according to the report. The report says SLED found “probable drug use” by the victim, including marijuana that was likely laced with methanol, which can produce hallucinations similar to LSD. But, Prill said, “It cannot be proven that she was hallucinating.” The incident, which was said to have happened around midnight Feb. 19, was reported to students in a Carolina Alert text message later that day. The unidentified woman told police she was taken in a choke hold outside the dorm and assaulted between the building and Blossom Street. According to the report, each time she talked to investigators, INVESTIGATION • 3
Drama professor travels to Wales with recent work Ularu presented piece at World Stage Design conference this year Natalie Pita
Freefall Program. “It’s something everyone should try once but shouldn’t expect to stop at just one,” Flying Gamecocks President Paul Czeresko said. Licensed skydivers can go on to compete in the annual collegiate nationals competition. The nationals were held in Arizona last year, when Lauren Pruett and Katrina Buckner, the fi rst members of the club to medal, took home the gold. “ T he i r w i n h a s c au s e d ou r t wo t e a m s training this year to be much more intense to hopefully follow in their footsteps,” said Flying Gamecocks Vice President Jared Ham, a fourthyear pharmacy student.
I n his most recent original work, Professor Nic Ularu combined acting, dance, puppetry and connections. “Fusions” is a work in progress that uses humor to break down the trend of human isolation caused by technology and examines the relationship between body, imagination and the inf luence of media on daily life. “The technology and the media, the bombardment of information and our addictions to smartphones and Internet (have) transformed us in nerds who lose more and more the ability to communicate outside social media, emails and messaging,” Ularu said in an email. U la r u recent ly t raveled to Ca rd if f, Wa les, to present his work at the World Stage Design conference, which he has been involved in since its founding as an alternative to the Prague Quadrennial International Exhibition. In 2005, he was appointed by the U.S. Institute for Theatre Technology to co-design the international exhibition and to create the poster for the first conference, which was held in Toronto. Ularu was invited to hold a workshop at the second conference in Seoul, South Korea, in 2009. Ularu took a unique approach to his newest work, which was produced by Uniart Theatre Company and presented at Cardiff’s Richard Burton Theatre. “‘Fusions’ started as a classroom project that had
Courtesy of Fabian Reddig
Members of the Flying Gamecocks skydiving club organize diving days throughout the academic year.
Old club reaches for new heights Flying Gamecocks recruit more members for upcoming year Jennifer Harmon
Though they were already decades-old, the Flying Gamecocks started to gain popularity a few years ago, when Harris Pastides did a tandem jump during his first year as USC’s president. USC’s skydiving club started out small, so its goal is to recruit as many students it can and increase the numbers of licensed jumpers it has. To become licensed, jumpers must undergo a 16-level program. After successfully completing 25 jumps, they can get a license in the Advanced
Canines in college pose challenges for owners Dogs teach students responsibility, life skills Hannah Jeffrey
Adria na G arcia m ight be a dog lover, but she doesn’t love t he idea of hav ing one in her apartment. T he f ou r t h-y e a r p ol it ic a l science student lives in Olympia Mills with her two roommates, and although pets are permitted in their apartment complex, the three do not share their space with any furry friends. “There’s poop in the elevators, and after it rains, it smells like wet dog ever y where,” Garcia said. “It’s one thing to have a goldfish, but it’s another thing to have a Great Dane in your apartment.” Fish are t he only pets permitted in on-campus housing, but off campus, circumstances
are often more pet-friendly. The majority of off-campus housing options are open to four-legged friends. The majorit y of apar t ment complexes listed on USC’s offcampus housing website do allow pet s, i ncludi ng The Ret reat, Stadium Suites, The Woodlands and Garnet River Walk. Only two options forbid pets: Pointe West and Riverside. According to the Pointe West website, pets are not allowed in the communit y as “a courtesy t o ou r r e s ide nt s”; howe v e r, “except ions w ill be made for fish.” Hunter VanGeison, a thirdyear business student, lives in Universit y Oaks with his t wo hu ma n room mates a nd t hei r two canine companions. Oakley, VanGeison’s four-month-old lab/ pitbull mix, is cage-trained and goes out between eight and 10 times a day.
“ I ’m mov i ng i nto a hou s e next year, which was always the pla n,” Va nG eison sa id. “But Oakley is now one of the main reasons that I’m moving. I don’t like apartment life with a dog, just because I like the dog to be able to go out in a yard and run around.” VanGeison’s roommate, David Burke, a second-year f inance student, said he doesn’t really mind having the pups around. “Ever ybody likes dogs,” he said. “Girls like dogs.” B u t Va n G e i s o n s a i d t h a t owning a pet goes further than just cleaning up after it; Oakley h a s t au g ht h i m a lo t ab o ut growing up. “Oak ley’s def initely helped me with responsibility,” he said. “He helps me keep my priorities straight, because I know I have another living thing to take care of.” DG
Hannah Cleaveland / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
A wide variety of off-campus apartment complexes offer pet-friendly accommodations.
Nev Schulman of MTV’s “Catfish” sits down with The Mix after speaking at the Koger Center
Mahamoudou Kaba netted two goals Tuesday to lead men’s soccer to its second straight win.
Editorial Board: USC should have told students after they closed an investigation into rape allegations.
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Bears found in Upstate to return to wild After being found in the South Carolina mountains last winter, three bear cubs are going to be returned to the wild this fall, according to The Associated Press. The three bear cubs have been housed at the Appalachian Bear Rescue nonprofit facility over the past few months, according to spokeswoman Dana Dodd. One of the cubs had been treated for a couple of weeks at the Animal Forest at the Charles Towne Landing State Historic Site in Charleston after being found in March. Each cub now weighs about 70 pounds. Dodd said that the bears will likely be released in November by the state Department of Natural Resources, after the Upstate’s two-week bear hunting season.
Haley assists constituents Mega Millions making with health care concerns changes to increase jackpot Gov. Nikki Haley said that the first day to enroll in health insurance through the federal government was a mess, The Associated Press reported. Though she is an avid protester of the Affordable Care Act, often referred to as Obamacare, Haley said that her office is trying to help people who are calling with questions about signing up. Haley said that even though she fought against the Affordable Care Act, it has been enacted into law, so people need to understand the process. South Carolina, along with 35 other states, has opted to not run its own health care exchange, which leaves the responsibility with the federal government. — Hannah Jeffrey, Assistant News Editor
The multi-state Mega Millions lottery will be making changes starting this month in hopes of building up larger jackpots, according to The State. Mega Millions lottery tickets are sold in 43 states nationwide, including South Carolina. Changes will include decreasing the number of Megaballs from 46 to 15, as these trigger the most prizes; the other white balls in the drawing will increase from 56 to 75. In order to raise the value of Mega Millions jackpots, the odds of winning the jackpot will decrease from 1 in 176 million to 1 in 259 million. Odds of winning the next-biggest prize will decrease from 1 in 3.9 million to 1 in 18.4 million. –Hannah Jeffrey, Assistant News Editor
— Hannah Jeffrey, Assistant News Editor
ULARU • Continued from 1 multiple versions until the fi nal draft,” Ularu said. “I started the creation of it from the visuals to the text; usually, one starts with the text and gets to the visuals.” Creating and directing “Fusions” did not happen without difficulties, though. Among t he problems was t he fact t hat U lar u’s choreographer and puppeteer lived in New York, so they could only work together in Columbia for fi nal rehearsals in the last few days before the performances. “It was very difficult to renounce the set elements that were supposed to create a sophisticated installation that was supposed to be transported overseas,” Ularu said. “Getting the financial support is always a problem; even if my work represents the university nationally and internationally, it is always difficult to get the money to realize it.” Despite some challenges along the way, par t icipat ing in t he conference was a n enjoyable and rewarding experience, Ularu said. One lesson that he took away from the conference was that modern spectators should be more interactive during this type of performance. “The enjoyable parts were to work with my students and actors and to create together something to be proud of,” Ularu said. “And, of course, to have a warm audience, as we had
in Cardiff.” Although the 2013 conference has ended, Ularu has further aspirations for “Fusions.” He intends to restructure the show so that it can become an off-Broadway production at La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club in New York in 2015. In addition to his personal success, Ularu has helped the Department of Theatre and Dance grow as a whole. Ularu moved from Smith College in Massachusetts to join the USC faculty in January 2001, because the universit y was look ing to strengthen its master’s design program. During his tenure, the program has become one of the 14 best programs in the country. This semester, Ularu is taking sabbatical at a t heater school in New Zealand. He received a Fulbright grant and was invited to host workshops and conduct a project at the National Theatre School. For students who have aspirations in design and theater, Ularu has some advice. “Never give up,” he said. “Theater is a wonderful profession, but very demanding. If you are really serious about it, do every work related to the theater, from acting to carpentry and painting. Sooner or later, it will pay off.” DG
SKYDIVING • Continued from 1 stress and relax. “ Freef a l l i s t he mo st Nat ion a l s w i l l b e held relaxing thing in the world i n L a k e Wa l e s , F l a . , to me,” H a m sa id. “ It is i n D e c e m b e r, a n d c l u b impossible to t hink about members are already that exam you have the next training. The teams decide day, or a fight with a friend, which discipline to compete etc., while in freefall.” in, including freefl ying and The Fly ing G amecock s relative work. me e t e ver y T hu r s d a y at “You practice at the drop 8 p.m. i n t he Busi ness zone, or in the indoor diving Ad m i n ist rat ion bu ild i ng, wind tunnel,” Czeresko said. room 002, to plan events and “So you don’t have to worry set up diving days. about going up the plane and “There is a reason this is waiting to dive. on ever yone’s bucket list. “The thrill lies in learning Ju mpi ng may seem sca r y new things and figuring out or crazy at first, but I can things that weren’t taught g ua ra ntee you t hat when to me. Even though it’s the you land, you will have the same plane, the same gear, biggest smile on your face,” the same drop zone, every Ham said. “Skydiving is the jump is different, no matter most addicting, ridiculously how close you think it will fun thing you can do with be to the last jump you did.” your free time.” The t h rill of sk ydiv ing is a big factor in keeping members active, Czeresko said. But for some, sk ydiving may have the opposite effect, providing a chance to deDG
INVESTIGATION • Cont. from 1 she told them her abduction had started in a different place — three times in all. T he wom a n h a s not b een charged with lying to police, Prill said, because the investigation did not find she intentionally lied. The incident was also being treated as an armed robber y, because the woman said the man took $50 and her cell phone and she said she feared he was armed. SL E D t r ac k e d t he pho ne down at a Boost Mobile store in Columbia, found the person who took it to the store and then talked to a homeless man that person bought it from, according to the report. Neither was related to the assault. The armed robbery investigation was closed after investigators ran out of leads “without getting a direct answer as to how the homeless man ended up with the victim’s cell phone” and the man passed a polygraph test. DG
Club provides pizza, porn BGLSA holds information meeting about sexual health Hannah Jeffrey
The Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Straight Alliance held a “Porn and Pizza” event Tuesday evening, in which pizza was provided and pornography was shown. “If anyone is frightened by that title, the back door is still open,” BGLSA President Mason Branham said as the event began. “Let the puns begin.” The meeting’s main objective was to inform the audience about sexual health in both gay and straight relationships. The night started off with the famous “Mean Girls” clip in which Coach Carr tells students that “if you have sex, you will get pregnant, and you will die.” Next up was a round of sexual
health “Fact or Crap.” Afterwards, Branham said, “Raise your hand if you learned at least one new thing from this.” Almost every hand in the room was raised. “ Ye s! We’re e d u c at ion a l!” Branham said. Branham and fellow BGLSA member Kaitlyn Jones , a thirdyear sociology student, then lead the room in an analysis of multiple “case studies,” which consisted of both heterosexual and homosexual pornography. Branham said the event was funded with club dues, not student activity fees. Prior to playing the pornography, Branham and Jones switched from a school computer using university Wi-Fi to a laptop using a hotspot. “It’s a college campus, so there’s probably somebody in their dorm watching this on school Wi-Fi, so it’s not totally shut down,” Branham said. “But we wanted an extra safety measure for BGLSA.” DG
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013
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USC’s lack of communication concerning ISSUE USC didn’t tell students a high-profile case was closed. OUR STANCE Improving communication helps students and police. Police found no evidence of a rape near the East Quadrangle in February. Consequently, the case was closed after the victim failed a polygraph test and provided inconsistent details regarding her alleged rape, and police leads led to dead ends. The case was officially closed in August, and shortly after its closing, an online alert of the case’s status was deleted from the USC police website. No further update had been provided to the students from the police, and it wasn’t until a report of the investigation was released last week after a long delay that the information regarding the case’s closure has come to light. When Carolina Alert sent a text message about the incident back in February, many of us were scared. We were upset that USC took hours to let us know about what was going on. Their reasoning in waiting to
text us? As they repeat every time students want information faster, police wanted to make sure they had their facts straight before putting us on edge unnecessarily. So why are we just now finding out t hat t he allegat ions were unfounded? Scott Prill, associate director of the Division of Law Enforcement and Safety, essentially said that police don’t usually release updates on cases that have been open for so long. We think that policy is misguided. Knowing what is happening, or has happened, on campus helps us make better decisions, and it helps us stay safe during our time here. Whether it’s a robbery, a rape or even a feigned kidnapping, students need to know everything
“We understand that the police may not release every single detail to prevent undue panic, but we should be able to trust them to give the essentials.”
the police can tell us so that we can act accordingly. Put simply, transparency — at least as best as the police can provide — is key. We understand that the police may not release every single detail to prevent undue panic, but we should be able to trust them to give us about essential information. Closing February’s investigation is a prime example. Lately, USC has taken steps to make campus safer. It’s adding pol ice of f icers, l ight i ng a nd surveillance cameras. And for their part, city cops are improving their relationship with students with a commitment to curb violent crime instead of underage drinking. We know both want to keep us safe, and we appreciate it, but don’t only need to know about what’s happening now or about what police will be doing in the future. We also need to know about how past incidents are being resolved. Informed students may well be t he pol ice’s best a l l ies i n combating crime on campus, and that’s a cooperation that can’t be achieved unless communication between students and the police is improved.
Country’s censorship incongruous, flawed FCC not consistent in what’s OK, banned Miley Cyrus has dominated pop culture lately with her tantalizing M T V V i d e o M u s i c Aw a r d s performance, fascinating tweets and, most recently, an interview with Rolling Stone, in which she questions America’s censorship policy. She said, “America is so weird in what they think is right and wrong ... They bleeped ‘molly’ at the VMA’s. Look what I’m doing up here right now, and you’re going to bleep out ‘molly?’ Whatever.” Reg a rd le s s of what people may judge Cyrus for, this simple statement makes readers stop and wonder whether the rebellious celebrity has a point. I n v e s t i g at i n g t he Fe d e r a l Communication Commission’s censorship policy, I learned that there are seven sinister words — most of which you could probably guess — you are to never allowed to say on broadcast television or radio; content-wise, regulations are a different story. Media is extremely skewed in what is said and what is shown. The FCC makes sure that the A merican public is not tainted by the seven scandalous words in media. Nevertheless, you can turn on satellite radio and hear Howard Stern’s daily risqué rants. Not a fan of Stern’s scandalous baritone? Perh ap s you shou ld t u ne to Channel 102 for “Radio Sex” to hear about “Naughty Gamers” on Mondays. Sunday night television is filled
with episodes of “True Blood” that show its characters engaging in explicit sex ual acts and of “Brea k i ng Bad” t hat beckon viewers to join Walter White on his journey into the oily black underworld of all things tragic, dark and otherwise unsettling. You can find websites on how to commit suicide, make a bomb and become a terrorist online. There’s even online inspiration for becoming anorexic, with a how-to manual and daily encouragement to not eat. A cce s sibi l it y to med ia ha s benef ited societ y in so many ways, yet with all good things, bad must come too. Now, we see so much, take it all in and are supposed to d if ferent iate between all of this information. Foul lang uage is too much, but a cancerstricken chemistry t e a c he r ’s f a l l Deveney from grace into a Williams Third-year visual monstrous, bipolar communications criminal is suitable student to be broadcasted? The tacky cliché that “a picture is worth a thousand words” flawlessly fits the comparison of images to words. The average American is exposed to about 3,000 messages per day — a little overwhelming. It is proven that an image is stronger than words in many situations, because it is clear, provides direction and stays in your mind. If the FCC is going to strictly prohibit certain language, then the censorship ought to be uniform. That’s not
necessarily desired, but it’s logical. A merica has seen a growing issue with violence, body image and self-esteem, among other things, in the past few decades. Any chance it may have something to do w it h t he content we continually expose ourselves to? W hen the majorit y of video games are won by hav ing t he most kills and it’s sexy to advertise females in a degrading fashion, it may be wise for society to consider what may be f uel i ng t hese epidemics taking over America. The blame falls on the culture itself and the media and marketing trends that we the people prove are effective. So maybe the girl twerking on stage, suggestively dancing with a foam-fi nger isn’t so crazy after all. Maybe we need to realize that we can’t complain about what makes it onto television, radio or media in general, until our federal censorship is abandoned entirely, or at least finds a logically con si stent en forcement t h at tackles our culture’s true issues.
WHAT’S YOUR TAKE? Do you want your opinion voiced in The Daily Gamecock? Contact viewpoints@ dailygamecock.com for more information.
President should be able to raise debt ceiling Economy survives shutdown, but Congress still fails As I write this, your social media feed is blowing up, and news syndicates are portraying the downfall of society. The economy is in crisis. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 20 percent, and life savings are in ruins. Chaos is breaking out in the streets as commerce comes to a screeching halt... Or at least that’s the picture of the future the media presented in the run-up to the current federal shutdown. In reality, the government shut down, and the markets are still open. In fact, they generally closed about 1 percent higher Tuesday. For all the media attention, no one really seems to care about the shutdown. Of course, the media needs this to be a crisis so we’re all glued to our screens at midnight, waiting to see what terrible event happens next. But a cursory look into the history of government shutdowns shows that they have occurred ma ny t i mes i n t he past w it h minimal consequences. Matthew There were seven government Coleman shutdowns in the 1980s alone, Third-year international and most of them ended within business student days. Not to mention Australia’s government shutdown in 1975, which resulted in the Queen fi ring every single member of Parliament. I wonder if Obama could do something similar. Instead, we’re stuck here weathering the platitudes coming from Congress and the rebel yells of doomsday predictors who think their underground shelters have finally been vindicated. The only real threat to the economy is if America sees a repeat of 1995 and 1996, when the government was shut down for 21 days. Even in that case, there was minimal damage to the economy. W h i le t h e d e b t c e i l i n g i s u s u a l l y a distraction, its continued use as a bargaining chip is frustrating. The Republican leadership won’t actually allow America to default on its debt, and the Democrats know that. All the Republicans are doing is giving the Democrats more ammunition against them while gaining no advantage in policy. If the Republicans wish to gain any ground on the political spectrum, a serious reconsideration of their tactics is in order or division between the parties will continue at the countr y’s expense. W h ile t he debt ceiling’s ef fect on t he economy is minimal so far, it does foster unnecessary uncertainty. A better alternative to the current system would be to allow the president to raise the debt ceiling unilaterally. If the debt ceiling increase is unreasonable for some reason, Congress could still vote to block it with a majority vote, but it couldn’t be filibustered forever by the minority party like it has in recent history. This alternat ive w ill cont ribute to t he long-term stability of the economy and will let politicians argue over more important matters instead of grandstanding for the next election cycle, a practice that should have been abandoned long ago due to its obvious inefficiency, CONTACT INFORMATION
IT’S YOUR RIGHT The goal of The Daily Gamecock’s V ie w p oi nt s p age i s to st i mu l ate discussion in the University of South Carolina community. All published authors are expected to provide logical arguments to back their views. The Daily Gamecock encourages readers to voice opinions and offers three methods of expression: letters to the editor, guest columns and feedback on dailygamecock.com. Letters and guest columns should be submitted via email to editor@ dailygamecock.com. Letters must be 200 to 300 words in length and include the author’s name, year in school and
area of study. We also invite student leaders and USC faculty members to submit guest columns. Columnists should keep submissions to about 500 words in length and include the author’s name and position. The editor reserves the right to edit and condense submissions for length and clarity, or not publish at all. A ll subm issions become t he property of The Daily Gamecock and must conform to the legal standards of USC Student Media.
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013
‘Catfish’ comes to Carolina
Nev Schulman, host and executive producer of the MTV series “Catfish,” shared experiences, inspirational words and what it means to be a catfish Tuesday night.
Nev Schulman discusses friendships, mistakes, life Tuesday night Caitlyn McGuire
Dating is different in the 21st century. Students and adults alike are no longer meeting cute girls and boys in soda shops, asking them on dates and falling madly in love. Instead, this is a generation of people creating online profiles and molding their dating lives into whatever they like. Without the shift to online dating, Nev Schulman would not be where he is today. “It was not planned. I made mistakes,” Schulman said about experiences. The New York City native, who fi rst gained fame with his 2010 film, “Catfish,” which documented his experience with an online relationship with an unexpected twist. Schulman is now the host and executive producer of the movie-turned-MTV-show. The show has become a television sensation, as Schulman and his friend and filmmaking partner Max Joseph document the lives of people in online relationships as they discover the hidden truths of their virtual partners’ true personas. In Schulman’s appearance at the Koger Center for the A rts Tuesday, he not only discussed his experiences filming the movie and show but the even more important life experiences that have led him to be the person he is today, advice on friendship and his impressive display of chest hair. “I want to take a trip back in time and bring the
audience on a bit of a ride,” Schulman said before the show. “Take them through all of the mistakes, life lessons, discoveries and eventual triumphs that I’ve been fortunate enough to experience.” During the show, he talked about his interactions with friends, moments of low self-confidence, multiple experiences getting kicked out of school and selfdiscovery they have led him to. His multimedia approach incorporated the short
and bad tasting because they were inactive, so fishermen put catfish in the tanks to keep the other fish moving. Schulman remembered him saying, “I thank God for the catfish,” and so the title came to be. But for Schulman, the title has a very different meaning. “A catfish to me is someone who thinks outside the box and goes against the norm,” he said. “As you choose your friends, think of that also. You don’t want to be all
Don’t limit yourself, and say NO to the things that interest you
films, favorite quotations and pictures of his life that helped him to explain to the audience what he has learned about the meaning of friendship and how unpredictable life is. “You want to be friends with people completely honest with you,” he said. Aside from his words of advice and interesting life experiences, going from rebel teen to motivated adult, Schulman made sure to answer the question on everyone’s minds: What does Catfish mean? He described his first meeting with the woman he had an online “relationship” with in his documentary, and although he was astonished by the fact that this beautiful woman he had fallen for was a middle-aged married mother, he remembered a story her husband told. Her husband explained that when live bass and cod were shipped from Asia, the fish would arrive mushy
the same.” Now proudly living as a catf ish, he said t he unpredictable nature of his life has been the most important thing to him. As he reminisced on his life, he said that if he had never met the woman online, he would have never made a film, so he would have never had a television show, and he wouldn’t have been at USC Tuesday night. “A lot of weird stuff happens that’s not part of the plan,” he said. Now an advocate of online dating sites, he said he thinks it’s amazing that people all over the world can now connect, but staying true to yourself, surrounding yourself by the people you’d like to and staying cautious of the lies is the best advice he can give. “You have to go and live and date and get your heart broken,” he said. DG
‘Rent the Runway’ dresses, entertains campus Dress rental pop-up shop parks outside Russell House Katie Cole
Rent the Runway swept through USC ’s c a mpu s Mond a y, a nd t o say it was successf ul would be an understatement. After many months of preparation and planning, the group, which lets customers rent dresses online, began its “Storm the South” campaign. They f irst stopped at Clemson and at Georgia for gameday before la nd i ng i n Colu mbia w it h a n elaborate pop-up shop outside the Russell House. Inside a vehicle were more than 200 dresses handpicked by Rent the Runway, divided into five categories: “Girl on a Budget,” “Homecoming,” “Sororit y Formal,” “Holiday” and “Halloween.” The pop-up shop saw a steady flow of visitors throughout the early afternoon trying on dresses, making rentals and signing up to become members. Pi ng-pong t ables, cor n hole, a photo b oot h , ja r s of c a nd y a nd business cards were set up outside. Each hot-pink item outside shared the same design: gold script with either a quote or the “RTR” letters.
Rent the Runway, the traveling rent-a-dress shop, opened up its closet doors, full of custom dresses, to students on Monday. Even the cornhole bean bags had “RTR” stamped on them in white and pink. Maria Alosco, the group’s college coordinator, said that the event had been a great success and that South Carolina was her first so far. Many customers said they had not heard of the service and that they thought it
was a good opportunity to get dresses for events they would only wear once. The entire staff helped customers browse look s a nd recom mended d resses based on t heir request s. Customers could save dresses for future formals and semi-formals or fi nd dresses to suggest for friends. Toward the end of the set-up, Rent
the Runway presented a runway show highlighting gameday style with the help of their campus representatives at USC. Each had escorts, most of whom sported American f lag fanny packs and fi nished their walks with twirls. DG
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013
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Don’t ma ke prom ises you won’t keep. Friends t e ac h y ou t he r u le s . Work causes delays, so call if you’ll be late. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Proceed with caution.
Private conversat ions increase efficiency. Sort out any disagreements, especially about money. Otherwise, it could get c o n f u s i n g. C o n s id e r suggestions first. Then urge someone into action. Enthusiasm wins over facts. Defer gratification.
Share you r dreams. Friends are right there for you. Suspend disbelief. Confirm reser vations. Keep the money in mind. Don’t tel l t he whole story yet. Be patient with things that don’t make sense. There could be a confrontation. Answers get revealed later.
Listen to all considerat ions before choosi ng d irect ion. Changing fiscal priorities causes upsets. Work on the big picture f irst. Accept f ringe benef it s as par t ial pay ment. Listen to p ower f u l p eople you re spec t . Stock up on beverages.
Use your intuition. Talk leads to opportunities a nd a n i nterest i ng development. Look at your sit uat ion f rom a higher vantage point. Be a stabilizing inf luence. Don’t push yourself too f a r too f a st . G et t he word out.
Work interferes w it h travel. Rethink finances. Don’t f und a fantasy. Go for substance over sy mbolism. Use your skills of persuasion. Ask your part ner to exert i n f luenc e. Use wh at you’ve recently learned. A n answer comes in a dream.
All isn’t as it appears. Be careful. Figure out what needs to be done. You come up with a better idea and save a bundle. Put your will into creative projects. Postpone chores. Record the muse.
Go for solid results over symbolism. Incorporate creative ideas into a plan. Your limits get tested. You tend to overestimate your powers and underbudget you r t i me. I f you’re late for a date, text or call. Make your life easier with help from friends.
K eep you r objec t ive in m ind. Conser ve resources. K now what you’re talking about, but don’t tell ever y t hing. Listening can be more powerful than speaking. Work extra hard now. Bring a little glamour home. Ca nd les a nd good conversat ion satisfy your spirit.
A d i st a nt f r iend i s a big comfort. Do a job yourself and save. Exert reasonable caution. Be clever and resourceful. Recycling pays. Clean with a vengeance. Waste not , wa nt not . T hen enjoy the fruits of your labors.
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Your assumpt ions get c h a l l e n g e d . Ta l k i s cheap right now. Hold on to your money. There could be a conflict with a competitor. Discuss an impending change with your teammates. Wait overnight to sign. Ask provocative questions.
Check i nst r uct ions for errors or changes. It cou ld get chaot ic. Listen to someone who’s conf u sed. Work get s profitable, so pour on the steam. Be gracious even if u nwa r ra nted. You r k indness comes back to you.
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ACROSS 1 Skips, as stones 5 __ jure: by the law itself 9 Ancient Briton 13 Catchall survey opción 14 Like a prof. emeritus: Abbr. 15 Raw fish dish 16 *Itching for a fight 18 From years past 19 Elephant in stories 20 Prints a new edition of 22 Suffix in taxonomy 23 *Steady guy or gal 26 Gathered together 27 Objective 28 “Cats” poet’s monogram 29 Up to, casually 30 Author Harte 32 “Let’s not” 34 Like law school courts 36 *Third base, in baseball lingo 40 Gumbo thickener 42 Quite small 43 “Oedipus Tex” composer P.D.Q. __ 47 “There’s no __ team” 48 Cat’s pajamas? 51 Man of the house 53 However, briefly 54 *Shower convenience 57 Suffix for velvet 58 Batman, for Bruce Wayne 59 Surprise hit, maybe 61 Threw verbal tomatoes 62 Football linemen, or an apt description of the last words of the answers to starred clues 65 Black hues, in poetry 66 Spread in a tub 67 Pierre’s South Dakota? 68 A whole bunch
69 Tiny fraction of a min. 70 One of the Gilmore girls DOWN 1 Internet failure, punnily 2 ’80s Republican strategist Lee 3 Court concerned with wills 4 Crash site? 5 E-file org. 6 Apple of one’s eye 7 Not easily amused 8 Most likely to raise eyebrows 9 Vital sign 10 Happens because of 11 Cracker with a hole in the middle 12 Holiday glitter 15 “What are you gonna do about it?!” 17 “__ la Douce” 21 Mensa stats 24 Grammar class no-no 25 13-year-old Apple 31 TGIF eve? 33 Question of method
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35 Ball 37 Laced dress shoes 38 Start from scratch 39 Tide table term 40 1970 John Wayne western 41 Painting the town red 44 Eroded, as profits 45 11-Down flavor 46 Lincoln forte 47 Writer Allende 49 French 101 article
50 Convertible, in slang 52 Balance due, e.g. 55 Hammer parts 56 Churns up 60 Reader of signs 63 “Go figure” 64 Ad __ committee
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Men’s soccer earns 2nd straight victory Kaba scores twice to lead Gamecocks in 3-0 win Salvatore Costa
The lights were on, fans stood in a line that ran past the gate and the Gamecock men’s soccer team took care of business, winning 3-0 Tuesday night against Presbyterian. South Carolina (4-4-2) jumped out to an early lead in the 20th minute when sophomore midfielder Ryan Arambula assisted junior defender Mahamoudou Kaba off a corner kick that connected at the far post. “Great ball by Ryan, it will be great if he can do more of those,” Kaba said. “We work well together. We work on it at practice, and we are looking forward to the next one.” But Kaba’s day wasn’t over yet. The junior netted his second goal of the contest after collecting a rebound off a shot from a corner kick. At 6 foot, 2 inches and 193 pounds, coach Mark Berson said Kaba’s size and ability allow him to get in the mix of players and give the Gamecocks an advantage over smaller players. “Mo came up big on the corners, and a couple of good balls served in from Ryan,” Berson said. “Mo’s definitely a good target on set pieces;
he’s certainly a force for us. The delivery is good. Ryan Arambula is putting some great balls in there.” Kaba’s early offensive output gave the Gamecocks some of the goalscoring threat that they have been lacking this season. The upbeat, fastpaced offense was encouraging to watch from a young South Carolina team. Berson said he was pleased with his team’s efforts. He said he thought his players came out flying and created a lot of good opportunities. He did mention the team’s finishing wasn’t as sharp as he would have liked, but that the team is out creating good scoring opportunities is the major takeaway, Berson said. “We were able to keep the ball and to get the some service from the flanks,” he said. “Our strikers were getting in good position. The reason we got all the corners was because of our penetration in the attack and our good service.” The 3-0 win was South Carolina’s second shutout of the season. Junior midfielder Braeden Troyer, the anchor of the Gamecock defense, was excited about the shutout and was quick to credit his teammates for their stellar play. “We stayed up on their side most of the parts. We were moving it well, moving the ball well; sometimes,
Junior Mahamoudou Kaba scored his third and fourth goals of the season Tuesday. it ’s go o d to b e away f rom (t he goalkeeper),” Troyer said. Berson said the win means a lot to t he team and t hat his players will continue to work, improve and develop their talent for the coming games.
Hannah Cleaveland / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
can get everybody to embrace the roles that they are given, especially on the defensive end, then we will be fi ne.” While working on the defense, coach Dawn Staley does not want an explosive offense to fall by the wayside. “I’m not going to jinx ourselves, but I am hoping and praying that we can score some more points. We’ve been doing some things differently, like we’ll open the floor up and let some of our scorers do what they do,” Staley said. “We like to push it and not get bogged down in half-court sets. They’re well conditioned, so we’re going to let them run up and down a little bit.” To help open up that offense, the team plans on using a bigger lineup, utilizing the two centers on the team, junior Elem Ibiam and highly-touted freshman Alaina Coates. “[Coate s] c a n get up a nd dow n t he f lo or w it h t he b e st of t hem. Conceptually, she’s picking up what we want. Being an intense practice, it weighs on her, but at the same time, she’s not shying away from it; she’s done quite well,” Staley said. “I don’t think we’ve had a player as strong as she is physically. We got to tap into that.” That presence inside will help free up shooters on the perimeter to hit open shots. “It helps tremendously, because if we have some one that can knock down open shots, that opens up lanes for my teammates and myself,” sophomore guard Tiffany Mitchell said. “Before, it was all clogged with no spacing. With them being able to hit shots, it will open up a lot of lanes for us.” With the team returning only two starters, there is a void of leadership t h at Welch w i l l look to f i l l. She e spec ia l ly wa nt s to help you nger players get focused on their game. “Just talking to them, encouraging them, letting them know that it’s a dayby-day process,” Welch said. “We’ve all been there before. We’ve all had our fi rst year where we were just looking around wondering where we stand, but it’s going to get better.” Staley believes this is a team that wants to get better and is willing to put the time in to get there. Wit h all t he talent on t he team, young and old, the team seems poised to make a deep run in the SEC and in the NCAA tournament. “They don’t mind getting in the gym on their own; they don’t mind watching a little fi lm; they don’t mind doing the little things or [making] the sacrifices to become better. So they’re driven in that way, and I don’t think we’ve had a team in which everybody wants to get better, everyone wants to participate, and everyone wants to play,” Staley said. “They’re putting in the time to do that.”
Junior Aleighsa Welch emerged as a leader after Tuesday’s opening practice.
Collyn Taylor
Junior Jadeveon Clowney said he needs to see more out of his defensive line.
Spurrier: Defensive changes on the horizon Kyle Heck
If you watched Steve Spurrier’s press conference without seeing the game Saturday, you’d probably have thought that the Gamecocks had just suffered a loss. Spurrier was frustrated that his team let the Knights get back into the game in the fourth quarter. It was the second game in a row in which the defense allowed an opponent to fight its way back. Spurrier was annoyed and said for the second time this season that changes are going to be made to the defense. He suggested that the Gamecocks play more three-deep coverage, which cornerback Victor Hampton said the team already does. Clearly, the coach is tired of sweating it out every game. And he isn’t the only one frustrated; the players are, too. Jadeveon Clowney said in the postgame press conference that some of his teammates were smiling and waving to the crowd when they had a 10-point lead in the fourth quarter. The junior said he told them that the game wasn’t over yet. South Carolina gave up another long drive and a touchdown to make it a three-point game. “This ain’t high school anymore,” Clowney said. “You have to play until the clock ends around here.” Whatever the problem is, it must be f ixed soon. The Gamecocks may be able to get away w it h a lac k ad a i sic a l ef for t ag a i n st Kentucky, but after that, the team is on the road for three straight weeks. The Gamecocks are 1-1 on the road and have given up 66 points in those two games.
Welch prepares to lead Women’s basketball looks to fill holes left by Walker, Bruner
Georgia widens gap in SEC Eastern division
“It’s a good win; it’s a shutout; it’s very important for us at this stage of the season,” Berson said. “I think we’re playing better and better each game, and that’s really what we are looking for is improvement.”
The main problem on the defense is simply youth and inexperience. Fans got used to seeing a dominant defense led by D.J. Swearinger and DeVonte Holloman , and frankly, t hat isn’t going to ret u rn t h is season. It’s a longer process than that. But I know one thing is for sure: In practice this week, defensive coordinator Lorenzo Ward and Spurrier are going to make sure that the young players know they can never feel comfortable with a lead. And with a third of the season behind them, there should start to be improvements in the defense in the third and fourth quarters. If there is not, however, there is no way that the Gamecocks will get away with it on their three-game road trip. LSU-Georgia As most fans know, this game was very important to the Gamecocks. They needed a win from LSU in order to catch Georgia in the east. However, that didn’t happen. Georgia pulled out a 44-41 victory. Apparently you don’t need a defense when you have Aaron Murray. I’m sure LSU coach Les Miles was t hink ing, “W hat t he heck happened?” It has been a long time since the Tigers have given up 44 points.” Now, there is virtually no chance for the Gamecocks to overtake the Bulldogs. Georgia has one ranked team left on the schedule in No. 18 Florida, and I’m still confused as to why the Gators are in the top 25. The Bulldogs must lose two of their remaining six SEC games, and the Gamecocks have to win out the rest of their SEC games. While it’s not entirely impossible, the prospects look bleak for the Gamecocks’ hopes for Atlanta. DG
With the squeaks of sneakers on hardwood and the swish of the ball hitting the net, the women’s basketball team hit the court Tuesday for its fi rst practice of the year. “It’s the fi rst day of practice, so it’s really just working out the kinks, just getting a feel for everybody, getting used to the drills and picking up the intensit y,” junior for ward A leighsa Welch said. “It’s a lot different intensity than individual workouts or pickups.” Coming off back-to-back 25-win s e a s o n s a n d N C A A t o u r n a m e nt appearances, the Gamecocks have lost two of their top performers from the last two seasons: guard Ieasia Walker and forward Ashley Bruner. Walker led the team in rebounds per game (8.1), and Bruner was second on the team in scoring, averaging 10.3 points per game. But t he most signif icant facet of Sout h Carolina’s game t hat needs replacing is the defense. Welch said that to replace Walker a nd Br u ner, player s w i l l need to embrace their roles and step up even more. “If you embrace it and say, ‘I’m going to affect this team in another way other than scoring,’ that’s how the team will come together,” Walker said. “If we