The Daily Gamecock 10/8/13


VOL. 113, NO. 33 • SINCE 1908


BREAST CANCER A W A R E N E S S M O N T H Disease has wide-reaching impact Sarah Ellis



re you reading this article in a lecture hall? While eating lunch in Russell House? Walk ing dow n Greene Street on the way to your next class? Look around you. Notice all the women. Now realize this: A n eighth of them will likely battle breast cancer in their lifetime. Chances are, you or someone you know have been or will be affected by the disease, which is expected to claim around 40,000 lives this year alone, according to the American Cancer Society. “It’s going to affect every collegeaged woman, whether she personally has breast cancer or she k nows someone who has breast cancer,” said Dr. Amanda Arrington, a board– certified surgical oncologist in the School of Medicine. “One in eight women, you know, if you look at a lecture hall with 50 women in it, it’s going to affect six women in that room directly, and everyone else indirectly because they know that woman.” Be your own advocate Arrington owes her career path to her grandmother’s experience with breast cancer. She remembers her father’s mother, Edna Arrington, as a stoic individual,

a hardworking country woman and single mother whose husband died young. Like most country folks, Arrington said, her grandmother rarely went to the doctor. It wasn’t until she was at the point of pain from a softball–sized tumor in her breast that she, with embarrassment, visited the family’s local doctor. Arrington said she was shocked, then, when the doctor told the family there were no treatment options for her. “It really did impact me when he said, ‘Oh, go get your affairs in order. You’re not going to survive,’” Arrington said. But there was treatment to be of fered at Wake Forest Bapt ist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C . A rring ton’s g ra ndmot her fought the disease for nine months before her death. Her grandmother’s battle with breast cancer taught A rring ton the importance of being your own advocate for your health, she said. A nd it inspired her to become a healthcare advocate for others in their own fights. “Sit t ing w it h her in her c hemot her ap y t re at ment s a nd

232,430 estimated new cases of invasive breast cancer in U.S. women to be diagnosed in 2013

39,620 U.S. women expected to die from breast cancer in 2013

2.9 million U.S. women with a history of breast cancer who were alive on Jan. 1, 2012

12.3% Lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer for American women (1 in 8 women)

34% Decrease in breast cancer death rates among U.S. women from 1990 to 2010


C A N C E R is going to affect each and every one of us in some way, shape or form in our lives.” — DR. AMANDA ARRINGTON

89% 5-year relative survival rate for women diagnosed with breast cancer, based on the most recent data Source: American Cancer Society

UPCOMING EVENTS October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and as Gamecocks, our philanthropy has — as they say — no limits. This past weekend the women’s club soccer team hosted a “Cocks Kick it for a Cure” game, in which players wore pink and collected money for the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation. In addition, the Palmetto Health Foundation’s

23rd Annual Walk for Life/Race for Life was held at Finlay Park on Saturday. As for the rest of the month, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved and make a difference. Here are some awareness events happening on campus and in the community:

O C T.

O C T.

O C T.




From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. today, students can visit the Campus Wellness and Healthy Carolina table at the Healthy C a r o l i n a F a r m e r ’s Market to learn about breast cancer screening and prevention.

Lexington Medical Center is holding its annual Women’s Night Out event o n O c t . 15 a t t h e Columbia Metropolitan C o nve nti o n C e nte r. Women will have the oppor tunit y to meet LMC physicians, as well as bid on items at a silent auction and have dinner.

The Palmetto Health Mobile Mammography Unit will be on Greene Street from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Oct. 31 offering screenings to those who register ahead of time. Call the Campus Wellness office a t 8 0 3 -777- 6 518 to determine your eligibility and register.



Throughout the entire month, Smashburger, located on Devine Street, is donating 40 cents from ever y Haagen Dazs ice cream and Raspberry Sorbet Shake to the Susan G. Komen foundation. A minimum donation of $25,000 will be donated to the organization.

B u b b l e Te a C a f é , located on Pendleton S t r e e t, i s d o n a t i n g one dollar from each Guavaberry Gulp to the Alala Cancer Society’s “Kick Cancer Where it Hur ts” campaign. T– shirts benefiting Alala will also be available for purchase.


— Compiled by Sarah Martin





The South Carolina women’s soccer team won two away overtime games over the weekend.

Preview the food and fun before hitting the annual South Carolina State Fair.

Editorial Board: Mary Beth Tinker sets an inspiring example for students and journalists alike.





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High 68° Low 57°


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Colgate-Palmolive plant to bring 300 jobs Western South Carolina will see 300 new jobs with a nearly $200 million investment by Colgate-Palmolive Co. in a new production facility expected to open next year, The Associated Press reported. The plant will be established in an ex isting 525,000-square-foot building in Greenwood County. It will produce liquid hand soap for the company’s Softsoap brand and deodorant for its Mennen Speed Stick brand. “Manufacturing continues to be a real wealth creator in our state, and today’s announcement provides another boost to South Carolina’s manufacturing sector,” said Bobby Hitt, the state’s secretary of commerce, according to AP. This is Colgate-Palmolive’s first plant in the state, according to AP. The company sells its products in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. — Sarah Ellis, Assistant News Editor

4 SC motorists killed in Councilman sentenced for crashes with deer this year not paying child support A retired pharmacist from Texas who was riding on the back of her husband’s motorcycle died Sunday after a deer collided with the motorcycle on U.S. 501 between Aynor and Galivants Ferry, The State reported. Merry Davis, 64, became the fourth South Carolina motorist this year to die because of a deer. Three people on motorcycles and one in a car have died after crashing into a deer so far this year, according to The State. Last year, a total of six motorists died in South Carolina after their vehicles hit a deer. Motorists are most likely to collide with deer between October and December, according to State Farm insurance studies. In 2012, South Carolina was ranked 18th in the country by State Farm for the highest likelihood of collision with deer. — Sarah Ellis, Assistant News Editor

After falling more than $15,000 behind in child support payments, a Lexington Count y town councilman will serve jail time for the second time since April. Steve Ca i n, a member of t he Batesbu rgLeesville Town Council, will spend 45 days behind bars after failing to pay $15,796.53 in court-ordered support to the mothers of his two children, according to W IS. He has not made a child support payment for one of his children since May. “It’s just been a bad — really a bad year for me,” Cain told Judge Robert Newton at his hearing Monday morning, WIS reported. In April, Cain faced a 30-day sentence for failing to pay more than $15,000 in support for his two children, but was released after paying $1,500 toward what he owed, according to WIS. — Sarah Ellis, Assistant News Editor

Tinker Tour inspires high school journalists Landmark court decision secured students’ First Amendment rights Amanda Coyne


High school journalism students filled the Russell House Ballroom for the South Carolina Scholastic Press Association conference Monday, and journalism and law professor Jay Bender posed them a question. “W hat were you doing at 13 to demonstrate social conscience or social awareness?” Bender asked. “Or have you been too glued to your iPhone?” T here wa s one per son i n t he ballroom who had taken a risk for what she believed was right. Her actions as a 13-year-old took place in 1965. More than 55 years ago, Mary Beth Tinker had no idea what would happen when she put on a black armband and wore it to school in protest of the Vietnam War. “I had seen so many brave, strong people stand up like that, but I’d

never done that,” Tinker said. “I thought, ‘Maybe I could.’” Tinker’s older brother suggested wearing the armbands, even though t hey had been banned by school administrators. When she showed up to algebra class with the black fabric around her arm, she was sent to the office. Before the day was over, she had been suspended from school. “If there’s something you really believe in your conscience ... you have to be w illing to accept t he consequences,” Tinker said. A nd she did. Tinker apologized for breaking the rules and thought t h e o r d e a l w a s o v e r. T h a t i s , u nt il members of t he A mer ica n Civ il Libert ies Union contacted her family, saying Tinker’s First A mend ment r ight s had been violated. The ACLU and Tinker went to court, twice losing. But when Tinker was in the 11th grade, the Supreme Court decided to take up her case, eventually deciding in a 7-2 ruling

that her right to free speech had been violated by the Des Moines Independent Communit y School District. But even after the nation’s highest court ruled on her armband, Tinker didn’t think her case was a big deal. She didn’t fully grasp the gravity of the case until she read about herself in a textbook, she said. B u t n o w, s h e ’s t a k e n h e r experiences on the road, speaking to students and student journalists across the country about their First Amendment rights. Along with Mike Hiestand, special projects attorney for the Student Press Law Center, Tinker is touring the country in a

bus, telling her story and relating it to the free speech barriers students face from school administrators now. “There have been generat ions of school ad m i n ist rators a nd judges who think that your First Amendment right is to be seen and not heard,” Bender said. Monday’s speech was the Tinker Tour’s only stop in South Carolina, t hough st udents from across t he state were in attendance. Schools including Mount Pleasant’s Wando H igh School a nd Spar t a nbu rg’s Dorman High School were represented at the conference. DG

Sydney Patterson / THE DAILY GAMECOCK

Mary Beth Tinker speaks to a crowd of high school journlism students at a South Carolina Scholastic Press Associateon conference Monday in the Russell House Ballroom.

The Daily Gamecock

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k now ing t hat people who do not have the income, number one, or the transportation to get to their doctors appointments, places that don’t have the right doctors or (don’t) have the doctors with the right training — there’s a lot of Americans like that,” Arrington said. “So that’s kind of why I wanted to go into medicine.” Awareness is key October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and awareness is one of the keys to successfully beating the disease, Arrington said. “All people should be very aware of their own bodies,” Arrington said. “You have to know whether there are changes. There’s no tumor marker in your blood that we could test for breast cancer. There’s no other big light bulb moments in breast cancer other than your self breast exams and mammogram.” Breast cancer is hormonally driven and can affect anyone — men included. Most of the risk factors are unavoidable, including family history and lifetime estrogen exposure. But factors like smoking, obesity and lack of exercise are under individuals’ control, Arrington said. While ACS statistics show 79 percent of new breast cancer cases are diagnosed in women over 50, young women can begin taking steps to increase their awareness of their own health and boost

their chances of early detection later in life, Arrington said. Regular monthly breast exams are key to noticing critical changes, Arrington said. “It might not mean a lot now. But when you’re 40 or 45 and you’ve got that routine down and you could pick up that early breast cancer [sign], it means everything in the world to that one woman who did it all that time,” Arrington said. A r r i n g t o n s a i d s h e ’s s e e n a “hyperawareness” of breast cancer in the country. Everyone from Yoplait to the NFL promotes pink products and raising funds for research, and high–profile celebrities like A ngelina Jolie have brought recent attention to the disease. Awareness is important, Arrington said, but it can also mean a heightened anxiety among women who fear their chances of developing breast cancer. “We have to be super aware of our own healthcare,” Arrington said. “We can’t avoid things that pop up and we think, ‘Oh, it’ll just go away next month.’ But it also doesn’t mean that every woman needs to have both of her breasts removed early in life so that they don’t get breast cancer. “Just be cognizant. Be aware of it. Support research. All in all, cancer is going to affect each and every one of us in some way, shape or form in our lives.”



CANCER • Continued from 1



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Tuesday, October 8, 2013






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Students should ‘flex’ First Amendment rights ISSUE Mary Beth Tinker visited USC to speak about her case. OUR STANCE Students should continue fighting to protect First Amendment rights. W hat were you doing as a 13-year-old? Obsessively editing the HTML on your MySpace page? Passing notes in mat h class? Or standing up for what you believe in and sparking a national debate and ultimately, a Supreme Court decision in favor of First Amendment rights for students? Yeah, probably not. But Mar y Bet h Tinker d id. She took somet h i ng as seem i ngly i n noc uous as a black piece of fabric, wrapped it around her arm, and made history. Somet i me s, it rea l ly is a s simple as that. T i n k e r h a d n o id e a t h at this one act of defiance would lead to a four-year battle for public school students to keep their rights to free speech or e x p r e s s io n e v e n o n s c ho ol g rou nds. Tin ker was just look ing to make a statement about t he Viet nam War, but si nce t hen, her case has set an important precedent t hat protects the First Amendment rights of students all over the countr y. Those rights are of pa r t ic u la r i nterest to us, as jou r na l ist s, a nd we applaud

Tinker’s courage. While Mary Beth Tinker is an extraordinary woman, that doesn’t mean every 13-year-old doesn’t have the capabilit y to stand up for what they believe i n. T here is no shor t age of things to fight for, and as adults, we h a v e no e xc u s e f or not making a difference, even if it’s a small one. Ti n ker a lso showc a se s a n important facet of mak ing a dif ference t hat can be of ten looked over: continuing after t he init ial f ight is over. The Supreme Court decided Tinker a nd her brot her were r ight , but she didn’t stop after that. She’s mounted a national tour to educate st udents and spur them to action. Yesterday, she

“Tinker was just looking to make a statement about the Vietnam War, but since then, her case has set an important precedent that protects the First Amendment rights of students all over the country. Those rights are of particular interest to us, as journalists, and we applaud Tinker’s courage.”

inspired a group of high school students — and us — to keep First Amendment rights in the forefront, even when it’s not easy. To m o r r o w, s h e ’ l l m o v e to a not her g roup of f ut u re leaders and show them how to make a difference. Tinker also directs the Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project at American University, which teaches law st udent s how to educate kids in public schools on constitutional law and juvenile justice. In effect, she’s teaching the next generation how to teach the next generation to fight for their freedoms. First Amendment rights are at the top of the Bill of Rights for a reason. They protect the kinds of freedoms we use on a daily basis. The f u nda ment a l prem ise beh i nd t he Ti n ker case was the abilit y to f lex those First A m e n d m e nt r i g ht s . W h e n you don’t work a mu scle, it will deteriorate, and that same principle applies here. We, as students, artists and w riters, have a f u ndamental c iv ic dut y to f lex ou r Fi r st Amendment muscles to ensure t hey are st rong for t he next generation. So you’ve got to fight for your right — not to party — but to speak, to write, to petition, to assemble and to believe.

Better image needed in Five Points Quality bars would make students feel safer T he reput at ion t h at Fi ve Points has made for itself over the past few years consists of underage drinking and violence. Fi ve Poi nt s i s a c on s t a nt concern to the city in regards to violent acts seen frequently in the news. A stark contrast could be seen by all who frequented the Vista and Five Points in the sense that Five Points represents a much lower-end scene. However, the opening of new establishments is a chance for a nicer and cleaner downtown area for students to occupy. Some of the older bars such as Locals a nd Red Hot Tomatoes Ba r have been renovated and now encourage a more sophisticated crowd. Entirely new additions such as MooseHead Saloon, T he Bi rd Dog a nd Cover 3 provide more upscale options for students and detract from the questionable vibe that used to haunt these locations. Hopef u lly t he Five Point s area will continue to progress to a point where it can rival the Vista in comfort and qualit y

while maintaining a decent fare for college students. Five Points sees most student busi ness because of t he low prices and the convenience of being so close to campus. C he ap er p r ic e s a re of t e n more i mpor t a nt to st udent s than the quality of the bar and t he d r i n k s t hey sell. The increase i n qua l it y of t he b a r s i n t he a re a allows students to experience a more reputable bar scene and feel safer in a Kathryn more developed Duggan space. Fourth-year The image of journalism Fi ve Poi nt s a s a student w h o le w o u ld b e r e v it a l i z e d w it h the addition of more classy bars, which would allow parents to feel at ease about their children v isit i ng t he a rea. T h is is essential for incoming students, because parents would be more i ncl i ned to send t hei r ch i ld somewhere w it h a n ice, safe nearby downtown area. The improved at mosphere also could potentially attract an

older crowd who are capable of bringing in a greater revenue. This could also inspire a greater at t rac t ion to su r rou nd i ng businesses and increase their customer intake as well. The Vista is a major tourism at t ract ion of t he cit y of Columbia, and Five Points has the ability to redefine itself as another possible attraction for visitors to want to visit. The best way to accompl ish t h is i s t h rou gh rei nve nt i n g t he district’s image. Bar owners in the Five Points area should consider doing their part to make their bars more appealing to a wider clientele as some of their neighboring businesses have begun to do. A cleaner look will help to promote the bars as respectable est abl ish ment s a nd embody a st yle of class and a sense of safety.

Learning a new language won’t hinder your patriotism The United States has an unusual insistence on speaking English. W hile it is estimated that half of the world’s population speaks two or more languages in everyday life, in the U.S., that figure is a mere 20 percent. Proponents of English monolingualism argue that communicating in said language is crucial to the American experience; however, this is a very short-sighted approach. K nowledge of a foreign lang uage opens many doors in understanding other cultures. For instance, in China, it is common for people to greet each ot her by ask ing t he other if they have eaten, or if they are full. Native English speakers may fi nd themselves confused if greeted by this remark, but those that know a little Chinese understand that this remark originates from the country’s history of famine and respond appropriately. This contrasts greatly with the Italian language, which has unique words Chad for food dishes that have been Brown cooked twice, and thousands of Second-year insurance and ways to say pasta. risk management Oftentimes, those that oppose student multilingualism argue that their national language will lose some of its inf luence if more natives speak other languages, but that doesn’t have to be the case. In many countries, it is common for people in different countries to learn English to communicate with tourists, while proudly retaining their native tongue for speaking to each other. In Denmark, Danish is the official and most commonly used language. Students are taught English beginning in the third grade, and most take up either French or German in the seventh grade. Regardless of one’s language preference, it is important to respect ot hers’ choices in communicating with each other. Earlier this year, Spirit A irlines removed a group of Russian-speaking passengers from their Las Vegas-bound plane, stat ing t hat t hey were being loud a nd disr upt ive. Perhaps the passengers really were behaving rudely; however, it is also possible that the crew felt intimidated by the novel sounds of the Russian language, and escorted them off as a result. This demonstrates that a greater knowledge of and appreciation for foreign languages should be encouraged in the U.S.

WHAT’S YOUR TAKE? Do you want your opinion voiced in The Daily Gamecock? Send a letter to the editor to editor@dailygamecock. com or contact viewpoints@ for more information on becoming a weekly columnist.


IT’S YOUR RIGHT The goal of The Daily Gamecock’s Viewpoints page is to stimulate discussion in the University of South Carolina communit y. A ll published authors are expected to provide logical arguments to back their views. The Daily Gamecock encourages readers to voice opinions and offers three methods of expression: letters to t he editor, g uest colu m ns and feedback on Letters and guest columns should be submitted via email to editor@ Letters must be 200 to 300 words in length and

Bilinguists appreciate other cultural nuances

include the author’s name, year in school and area of study. We also inv ite st udent leaders and USC faculty members to submit guest columns. Columnists should keep submissions to about 500 words in length and include the author’s name and position. The editor reserves the right to edit and condense submissions for length and clarit y, or not publish at all. A l l subm issions become t he propert y of The Daily Gamecock a nd mu s t c o n f or m t o t he le g a l standards of USC Student Media.

CORRECTIONS If you find an error in today’s edition of The Daily Gamecock, let us know about it. Email and we will print the correction in our next issue.

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Map courtesy of

One of Columbia’s longest-running traditions, the South Carolina State Fair, will be returning to the stadium fairgrounds on Oct. 9 with food, rides and live music.

Annual State Fair returning to Columbia Patrons can loosen belt, not wallet for deep-fried fun Caitlyn McGuire


In just one short day, traffic near the stadium will begin to slow, and the smells of fried food and the screams of kids on rides will flood the area. That’s right: the South Carolina State Fair is back in all its fried-food-filled glory. Freshmen, as well as upperclassmen who haven’t experienced the unique experience that is the state fair, may not know what to expect, but the fair is much more than just creaky rides and corn dogs. So take a break from studying for midterms, grab a few friends and head to the fairgrounds for some budget–friendly fun.




The South is already notorious for its fried specialties, but the fair takes things to a whole new level. Vendors offer an array of fried candy bars, but they also give fairgoers interesting options like fried butter and footlong corndogs. If that still seems too traditional, go for a chocolate chip corn dog or the most impressively fattening item at the fair, the Krispy Kreme donut burger. Yes, that is a cheeseburger with two glazed Krispy Kreme donuts for buns. Just consider that for a second. Of course, the fair offers traditional choices like French fries, cotton candy, fried dough and all types of meats on sticks.

Columbia has been buzzing for months about the big names like The Band Perry, Hunter Hayes and Justin Moore, who will be hitting the Pepsi Grand Stand Stage during the fair. But there will be many more performances throughout the days that offer some entertainment for varied tastes. Local artists as well as a long list of Charleston musicians will be making appearances on the fair grounds, and there is sure to be plenty of country, honky tonk and bluegrass. Thursday, Oct. 10, is college day, when students receive free admission by showing their student IDs.

The attractions at the South Carolina State Fair are a bit more interesting than just a petting zoo (but don’t worry, there’s one of those, too). Of the dozens of daily attractions, guests can find wildly artistic sand sculptures, horse shows, the works of several local artists and large flower displays. Several of the attractions are all dairy. The fair includes a wild cow milking contest and probably t he most u nique contender, the “Moogician,” who will tell jokes and perform magic tricks with dairy products. DG

Don’t let this one go: Cuarón crafts sci-fi masterpiece ‘Gravity’ takes viewers’ breath away with stunning visuals, spectacular action Jonathan Winchell



Director: Alfonso Cuarón Starring: George Clooney, Sandra Bullock Rating: PG-13 for intense perilous sequences, some disturbing images and brief strong language Oscar-nominee Alfonso Cuarón (“Y Tu Mamá Ta mbién,” “Ha r r y Pot ter a nd t he Pr isoner of Azkaban”) is the front-runner to win Best Director at next year’s Academy Awards for his extraordinary science fiction fi lm “Gravity.” Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) is a medical engineer on her fi rst mission into space. After only a few months of training, she is sent up to do some technological work and is accompanied by seasoned astronaut Matt Kowalski (George Clooney). All seems to be going well as the devilishly charming Kowalski tells rowdy stories and listens to country music while the no-nonsense Stone is trying to do her job. Suddenly, Houston warns them that debris from a Russian anti-satellite test is headed toward them. The debris smashes into the spaceship and sends even more debris whizzing around the helpless humans. Within the fi rst 20 minutes of the fi lm, Stone and Kowalski are stuck floating out in space alone. She has less than ten percent of oxygen left in her suit. “Gravity” is one of the most technologically astonishing feats of fi lmmaking in cinema history. Part of me wants to know how all of the special effects were created but another part of me does not, wanting to preserve the spell the fi lm casts. The fi lm is a sci-fi drama thriller that completely transports the spectator and remains unbelievably thrilling and nerve-racking for its 90-minute running time. The characters’ fear and anxiety

Photo courtesy of Warner Bros.

The stunning, immersive setting in Alfonso Cuarón’s latest flick, “Gravity,” is best enjoyed in IMAX 3-D. are not just seen and heard but experienced. One of the reasons the fi lm is so heart-stopping and intense is because much of the fi lm seems to be taking place in real time. The director, Alfonso Cuarón, has many shots in the film that go on for several minutes without a cut. The opening shot of the film is 17 minutes. By staying on the characters and following their movements without cutting, the fi lm builds a focused urgency that makes the spectacular action believable and potent. When there are only one or two characters on screen for almost the entire fi lm, there is no reason to constantly cut. The long shots capture the loneliness and helplessness of the characters. I t h i n k 3-D is over u sed, m i s u sed a nd a gimmicky waste more often than not, but Cuarón,

his cinematographer, Emmanuel Lubezki, and the hundreds of special effects artists that worked on the film make the 3-D totally immersive. Halfway through the fi lm, I suddenly realized I was watching it in 3-D. I had been so enraptured by the fi lm’s story and visuals that I forgot about the 3-D and the glasses. Having seen the fi lm in that format, I can’t imagine the fi lm in 2-D. The fi lm was designed to be seen in 3-D, and it is one of the best uses of it I’ve ever seen, so spending the extra money is justified. Seeing it in IMAX, like I did, only adds to the experience, too. The fi lm is so revolutionary, not only because of all of the technology and special effects that have never been used before, but because of the way the GRAVITY • 6




GRAVITY • Continued from 5 fi lm tells the story visually. Usually a film is shot with the characters moving left and right, forward and backward, and the camera follows t hei r mot ion w it h i n t he f ra me. The f rame is f u ll of bou ndaries and confines such as walls, f loors, ceilings, furniture, streets and cars. In space, the “world” of the f ilm is everywhere and in all directions a nd t here a re a l i m ited nu mber of object s on screen to compare distance and placement. Because so much of “Gravity” has the characters stranded in the vastness of space, the camera is untethered and often floating as if in zero gravity like the characters. Many shots in the film feel like they could be from the point of view of another astronaut. I n o n e i n g e n io u s s c e n e , t h e camera shows an extreme close-up of Stone’s face soon after she is fi rst cast adrift in space, and after many seconds of seeing the terror in her eyes, the camera turns within the same shot and becomes a perspective through her helmet and shows her spinning head over heels repeatedly and without any control over her

movement. This dizzying shot is one of the examples of how the fi lm would not be the same in 2-D. It is not only that the shot shows what she is seeing out in space, but the added dimension shows what looking out through the helmet looks like. Shooting through the clear material of her hel met i n 3-D c apt u re s her depth of vision and creates a claustrophobic prison around her. The canvas on which the fi lm is set is so huge, but much of the action is concentrated and specific. The film is always focused on the characters and their relationship to their boundless surroundings. That makes the 3-D camera work an integral part of the fi lm. Cuarón, whose last feature film, “Children of Men,” came out seven years ago, spent more than four years making this film. He wrote this labor of love with his son Jonás. Those who care about cinema and about art need to run out and see this fi lm in 3-D on a big screen. It is easily one of the best fi lms of the year and one of the best science fiction fi lms of all time. DG

Tuesday, October 8, 2013



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THE SCENE TODAY “VALLEY OF SAINTS” 5:30 p.m., $10 Nickelodeon Theatre, 1607 Main St. USC SYMPHONIC WINDS CONCERT 7:30 p.m., free Koger Center for the Arts, 1051 Greene St.





Your t raveling boots a re get t i ng re st le s s. Explore new options. Keep a l id on cost s. Fi n ish a n old job. Do some long-ra nge pla n n i ng f irst. Love lifts you higher. Get a running start.

G et t he word out on your position, and clear up remaining doubts; let others state theirs. There’s a new shuffle in your social circle. Don’t push. It works out fine w it h com mu n icat ion. Focus on fun together.

You’re get t i ng more sen sit ive, w it h ex t r a confidence. Do a good job. Pass all prev ious records. Avoid gossip, gambling and shopping. You’re gaining authority. Keep it practical, and build solid infrastructure.

Stand fi rm for a cause. Fig u re out f i na nces. St udy where your money goes. Don’t let a n opp or t u n it y sl ip between your fingers. It all works out, with a p o s it i ve out c o me . Imagine success.

Dispel a n i l lu sion at work. Get an important job f in ished before le av i n g. Fo c u s o n t a k i ng c a re of home and family. Plan menus carefully, and buy only what you need. Increase the beaut y level. Take pictures.

Shop carefully. Watch out for surprises. Take a c t io n f or lo v e , not money. Do it to gain deeper insight. Hold your temper, and stay sensitive to a loved one’s wishes. You’re exceptionally cute now.


6:30 p.m., free New Brookland Tavern, 122 State St.



Consider t he f ut u re. Ta k e c a r e a t w o r k . Stay object ive in a tense situation. Avoid i m p u l s i v e s p e nd i n g. Don’t fund your dream yet. Develop the pla n a nd st r ateg y. A beneficial development arises.

Career matters emerge. P rov ide s upp or t . B e careful where you step. Don’t encou rage t he pea nut g a l ler y when you all should be quiet and respectful. Notice a strong attraction. Don’t fall for a trick. Get ready at home.


Doodle in class? Like to draw? Email about creating our daily comic.


1 2 3 4

For solutions to today’s puzzle, go to

ACROSS 1 Prepare, as apples for pie 5 Dirt bike relatives, briefly 9 Dressed like a judge 14 “Jeopardy!” first name 15 Actress Perlman 16 Get the lead out? 17 Bossa __ 18 Blurted out 19 Full of attitude 20 “The sky is falling!” critter 23 Get the lead out 24 Visits, as a doctor 25 Cock and drake 28 Suffix with dextr29 Snapshot, for short 31 One who doesn’t have much laundry to do? 33 Seven-time winner of the Daytona 500 36 Modest skirt length 39 Have a life 40 Tennis great Arthur 41 Like Chopin’s “Funeral March,” keywise 46 Enjoyed the rink 47 Letters before xis 48 Neg.’s opposite 51 Air France flier until 2003 52 Election Day: Abbr. 55 Stymie, as plans 57 New Orleans daily, with “The” 60 Kitchen strainer 62 “Love Songs” poet Teasdale 63 Alda or Arkin 64 Like flawed mdse. 65 Slices of history 66 Jackson 5 brother 67 Boss’s privilege 68 Hawaii’s state bird 69 Most affordable golf purchases

DOWN 1 Mexican Villa

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2 Hawaiian hello and goodbye 3 Edit 4 Not off by even a hair 5 “__ and Old Lace” 6 Comparative word 7 Bridal coverings 8 __ Hawkins Day 9 Gathers strength for a big day 10 Taken with a spoon 11 Singles, on a diamond 12 Tricky road bend 13 Susan of “L.A. Law” 21 Foreign Legion cap 22 Be inclined (to) 26 O.T. book named for a woman 27 Eyelid problem 30 Casual talk 32 Sugarpie 33 Break in friendship 34 Business end of a slot machine



For solutions to today’s puzzle, go to

or download our app!

35 Bridle strap 36 Be nostalgic for 37 Tattooist’s supplies 38 Common flashlight power source 42 “Hands off!” 43 For two voices together, in scores 44 One with a screw loose 45 Fed. workplace monitor

48 Talking parrot voiced by Jay Mohr 49 Showily decorated 50 Shorthand pros 53 Krupp Works city 54 Flat replacement 56 Lawman Earp 58 Folk singer Burl 59 Persian Gulf nation 60 Bro’s sib 61 Tax shelter initials

Networking & communication Join us for this workshop as part of the PDCP!

Tuesday, oct 8


Pursue career dreams. L i m it s re app e a r. M i n i m i z e r i sk s , a nd bu ild on what you h a v e . Yo u ’r e s u p e r smart, and find it easy to concentrate. Invite someone to play. Use your network.

You gain clarit y now. There’s an unexpected development. Emotions could flare. This week is good for travel. It could get hot. You’re not in the game alone. Provide services, not cash. Use you r mag net ism a nd charm.




Cancer Postpone a celebration. A ssert your personal idea l s. T h i ng s st a r t working well. Shortages a r e t e m p o r a r y ; i t ’s no t a g o o d t i m e t o gamble. There’s work to be done. Profit from m e t ic u l o u s s e r v i c e . Make requests; you’re irresistible.


7 p.m., $30 South Carolina State Fairgrounds, 1200 Rosewood Dr.



Consult with experts. Set a juicy goal. Keep costs down by declining frivolity. Finish one job before mak ing a new mess. You don’t need experience. Consider a charming suggestion. It’s all good.







5:00‒6:00 PM

register here!

rhuu 203

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Gamecocks win 2 overtime road games South Carolina knocks off second top-10 opponent this season Dalton Abel


The South Carolina women’s soccer team won two overtime games in three days on the road this weekend and made history in the process. With the team’s 2-1 double-overtime victory at No. 8 Florida on Friday, the Gamecocks (11-1-1, 4-1-0) became the first team in SEC history to win back-toback games at Florida. For the first time in program history, South Carolina has knocked off two top-10 opponents in the same season, the other coming against then-No. 7 Duke on Aug. 25. The Gamecocks concluded their weekend road trip in Knoxville with a 1-0 overtime victory over the Tennessee Volunteers on Sunday. “It mea ns a lot . We k now a nd understand how hard it is to go on the road in the SEC and win away,” head coach Shelley Smith said. “This is one of the most exceptional weekends we’ve ever had on the road.” Drama filled the overtime periods in the history-setting victory at Florida on Friday night. After South Carolina staved off a couple Gator chances in the first overtime, the two teams headed to double overtime knotted at one apiece. The game appeared to be over for a brief moment in the 103rd minute when Florida striker Savannah Jordan put the ball in the back of the net. However, she was ruled offside, keeping the match going. “I think that really lit a fire under all of us, and it was like all right, this is real; we


Taylor Leach (24) scored the game-winning goal in Gainesville, Fla. in double overtime. The Gamecocks also defeated Tennessee in OT. actually need to score,” redshirt junior defender Taylor Leach said. “It was just a battle the whole game, especially in the overtimes. It was unreal.” Leach ended the game in the 109th minute off a corner kick from freshman midfielder Chelsea Drennan, a play that looked eerily similar to a missed chance in the 79th minute. This time, however, Leach was able to put her header closer to the right post. The ball found the back of the net and gave the Gamecocks a thrilling victory. Sophomore forward Bay Daniel broke the scoreless tie in the 38th minute on the Gamecocks’ only opportunity of the first half. Florida responded with the equalizer in the 45th minute only seconds before halftime.

South Carolina was outshot 10-5 by the Gators on Friday, but made sure to capitalize on their opportunities. “We have to run hard in the box and want to score goals, and the couple opportunities we had, we did that. Our players stepped up to the challenge and wanted to win and you could see it,” Smith said. Leach received AgSouth Athlete of the Week as well as SEC Defensive Player of the Week honors for her play this weekend. Sunday’s victory needed another gritty effort from the Gamecocks. Dominating possession throughout the game, South Carolina held a 14-4 shot advantage after regulation but had yet to break through. The fi rst chance they had in overtime

would be the only one they needed. Less than three minutes into overtime, senior captain Elizabeth Sinclair sent a pass down the right side splitting two Tennessee defenders to find sophomore midfielder Raina Johnson. Only a few yards from the end line, Johnson kicked the ball across her body towards the far left post past Tennessee goalie Julie Eckel for the game-winner. “We pretty much just put everything else aside and take it one game at a time,” Johnson said. “No matter what happens off the field or on the field we just need to take care of business when it’s time to go and that’s what we’ve been doing.” DG

Tulsa defeats men’s soccer team with lastsecond goal Mahamoudou Kaba scores team’s lone point Connor Hazelton



Sophomore Sarah Blomgren said the team stayed calm during the final moments of the victory over A&M.

Volleyball splits weekend matches Squad beats Texas A&M, but loses to Arkansas David Roberts


Before the weekend series, head coach Scot t Swa nson said he would be happy if his squad only split the two games. With a Texas A&M team that went 25- 6 overall last year coming into Columbia to face a young Gamecocks team, you could say Swanson’s tempered expectations were justified. South Carolina (10-6, 2-2 SEC) came away with the split, but not in the way Swanson expected. The Gamecocks were devastated as the crowd of 1,405 watched A rkansas (11-5, 4-1 SEC) take the victory in a 3-2 five-match win. The Razorbacks claimed the victory to the scores of 25-22, 23-25, 25-16, 25-23 and 15-12. The crowd ranked as the fourth largest in the history of the Volleyball Competition Facilit y, but was broken the following match by a 1,430 mark. A f t e r F r i d a y ’s l o s s t o A rk a n s a s , S out h Ca rol i n a regrouped and put together a stellar performance to hand Texas A&M (9-5, 1-2 SEC) their second loss in SEC play. The loss to South Carolina was the Aggies’ first loss to an unranked team this season. South Carolina won 25-23, 25-20, 20-25 and 2523 Sunday.

“We kind of let that one on Friday night slip away,” Swanson said. “But that’s really why this one means so much more.” The Gamecocks came out swinging against A rkansas, exchanging games wit h t he Razorbacks until the fi nal kill. Much of t he act ion Fr iday afternoon resembled that of a teeter totter motion, with neither team gaining too big of a lead. Down two games to one, the Gamecocks took an early 4-1 lead in the fourth game. They would see that lead dissipate, however, and turn into a 1210 A rkansas advantage. The Razorbacks would eventually grow t heir lead over Sout h Carolina to 18-14. With their back s against t he wall, t he Gamecocks took the next four points to tie the game, and then rallied behind two kills from senior outside hitter Juliette Thévenin to win 25-23 and force a fifth game. South Carolina was six points away f rom a v ictor y in t he fifth game, but saw a tenacious A rk a nsas team score seven straight points to take a lead they would never relinquish. It was a frustrating loss for the Gamecocks, who hit the ball hard but seemingly always at A rk a n s a s sen ior defen sive specialist Emily Helm, who had 31 digs. Helm was later named SEC Defensive Player of the Week. “[After the A rkansas loss] we kept it very, very positive. We k new that it was a ver y

disappointing loss for our kids, and it was very disappointing for the staff and fans,” Swanson said. Wa s t i n g n o t i m e , t h e Gamecocks jumped out to an early lead in the first game of the Texas A&M match. South Carolina led by as many as five in the game, but saw that shrink late in the match. The Aggies tied the game up at 22, but South Carolina still managed to take the game 25-23. The teams would then split the next two games, putting South Carolina one game away from a win. Similar to the previous games, t he fourt h game of t he set kept the crowd of more than 1,400 glued to their seats. The Gamecocks saw eight tied scores and five lead changes in the game before eventually claiming victory 25-23. “We have a tendency to get really anxious and I think the last couple points, we kept a really good, calm energ y,” sophomore right side and outside hitter Sarah Blomgren said. “We played through that rally really well and that’s what helped us win.” The win is indicative of the team’s determination, Swanson said. “This group just proved that if they fight, and if they want it, they’re going to go get it,” Swanson said. “A nd if t hey don’t get it, they’re going to go down clawing and scraping and scratching.” DG

T he S out h C a r ol i n a men’s soccer team suffered a hear tbreak ing loss to conference foe No. 23 Tulsa on Sunday. The score was tied 1-1 about to head to the second overtime, but with three seconds remaining, Tulsa junior forward Akeil Barrett scored the winning goal. The loss drops t he Gamecocks’ record to 4-52, with a 1-1-0 conference record. Afterwards, head coach M a rk B e r s o n w a s n’t particularly pleased with his team’s first-half efforts, but later eased off due to their strong play in the second half. “The first half, we didn’t play very well. Credit Tulsa, they had a lot to do with that. In the second half, we were able to make adjustments and we came roaring back. We completely dominated the statistics in the second half,” Berson said. “We had a number of very good chances, but we weren’t able to capitalize on them. I was proud of the way we played in the second half.” A fter a slow f irst half in which the Gamecocks were outshot 10–2, junior defender M a ha moudou Kaba scored a header on a corner kick delivered from s o p h o m o r e m id f ie ld e r Ryan Arambula. Freshman goalkeeper Marco Velez contributed with six saves. The Gamecock s were able to outshoot Tulsa in the second half 9-5, which Kaba felt was a positive to take from the game. “On the bright side, we

got a lot of opportunities; we just got to get behind them and finish them, and hopefully we’ll finish them the next game,” Kaba said. Coach Berson was proud of the opportunities his team got in the second half, but also mentioned that his team needs to play a complete game. “I thought we really took it to Tulsa in the second half, and I was proud of that, but we need t wo halves. We need a first half and a second half,” Berson said. “In spit of that, we certainly had opportunities to win the game, but we weren’t able to put it in.” The game involved a lot of aggressive play from both teams, and at some points seemed to get a little chippy. “It’s a conference game, so it’s going to be tough and aggressive. They’re a tough team, but so are we,” Kaba said. A lt hough it was a devastat ing loss for t he Gamecocks, Berson doesn’t think this loss will cripple the rest of their season. “That’s part of being a competitive athlete at this level — we need to step up and be ready for the next game. That’s just something that comes part in partial to the caliber of guys that we recruit here,” Berson said. “I don’t think there will be any issues with that. They’ll be ready to go.” Kaba also has confidence that his team will bounce back from this game. “It’s sports; you win some, you lose some. We’re a good team, we’re going to get good training and bounce back. I know we will,” Kaba said. The G a mecock s nex t game is this Sunday on the road against Kentucky. DG

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