VOL. 113, NO. 60 • SINCE 1908
USC grad launches seat-finding website TagSeats helps USC fans find friends in stadium at games Natalie Pita
W hen G a mecock fa n Jack Dietrich was making plans to at tend t he 2010 SEC Championship game, he knew most of his friends were also going. But he was having difficulty fi nding where his friends were sitting at the game. That inspired him to create TagSeats, a website where USC fa ns ca n see which of their friends are going to a game and where they will be sitting. “I t hought t here mu st be an easier way with new tech nolog y to solve t h is problem ... and socialize t h e e v e n t m o r e ,” s a i d Dietrich, a USC graduate a n d C o l u m b i a r e s id e nt who is now the CEO of the company. Fans can connect t heir F a c e b o o k o r Tw i t t e r accounts to TagSeats.com or create a qu ick prof ile u si ng a n em a i l add re s s. Users can pick an event, tag their seat on an interactive map and then easily share where they are sitting across their social media accounts. TagSeats launched Nov. 12 for Saturday’s USC game against the Florida Gators. Over 200 users tagged seats for t hat event , t he sa me number of fans that checked in with Foursquare. Dietrich said he thinks this tool will be especially usef ul for USC st udents. For example, he said, since Wi-Fi connection is weak in some areas of the stadium, st udent s w i l l no longer st r uggle to contact t heir friends before or during the game to fi nd them. Instead, they can use TagSeats as a tool to plan ahead. For students with lower d e c k t i c k e t s , Ta g S e a t s fac i l it ates coord i nat ion, e ve n i f s t ude nt s de c ide to move seats during t he game. For t hose w it h an upper deck ticket, TagSeats helps students swap seats so they can be closer to their friends. Diet r ich pred ic t s t hat TagSeats could diminish t he problem of st udent s le a v i n g t he g a me e a rl y because they will no longer have to worry about fi nding their friends before heading to their after-game plans. “A little bit of the problem for USC students this year has been staying the whole game,” Diet rich said. “If you’re not sitting with your friends, you’re spending the whole game worrying about how you can get back.” Dietrich said the TagSeats team members are happy wit h t he success of t heir i n it ia l lau nch, a nd t he y have big plans to expand t he compa ny. They pla n to include this year’s SEC
Hannah Cleaveland / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
Students wait to donate blood on Monday. More than 3,600 Gamecocks donated blood during last year’s donation competition.
Blood-stained rivalry kicks off Annual Carolina-Clemson donation drive hopes to top last year’s collection Sarah Ellis
W hile USC hopes to extend its winning streak to five straight against Clemson at Williams-Brice Stadium next Saturday, it’s looking to continue a longer winning streak in the rivalry this week. T he 29 t h a n nu a l Ca rol i naClemson Blood Drive k icked of f Monday and will run through the end of the week. Whichever school collects the most units of blood will win bragging rights in the traditional competition. The series is tied at 14 wins apiece, with USC winning the last five years. The competitive frame certainly helps drive donat ions, said A nna Drew Jackson, a fourth-year exercise science student who coordinates the
drive for the Greek Programming Board. But beating Clemson isn’t the only thing that makes the blood drive important, she said. “The drive comes at an important time because it’s right before the holiday time when donations actually decrease because people are traveling or busy or just forget to donate,” Jackson said. “I think the competition definitely fuels it, but at the end of the day, the goal for both schools is just to collect as much [blood] as possible.” Last year, USC collected blood from 3,655 donors, barely topping C le m s o n’s 3, 534 , a c c o r d i n g t o Jackson. There’s no specific goal set for donations this year, she said, only to top last year’s numbers. The blood drive continues through Friday, wit h donat ion stat ions in the Russell House Ballroom daily from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and at various mobile locations on campus from 11
Here’s where and when you can donate on campus today: Russell House Ballroom, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Bloodmobile at Thomas Cooper Library, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Bloodmobile at Colonial Life Arena, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Castilho discusses Brazilian abolition Visiting professor talks recent book on country’s slave emancipation Hannah Richardson
An accomplished Brazilian history specialist joined a crowded room of s t ude nt s a nd f ac u lt y Mond a y i n G ambrell to g ive a lect u re called “‘Africans,’ Indianist Allegories, and Abolition: Creating Race and Nation in
Brazilian Freedom Celebrations.” Celso Thomas Castilho, an assistant professor at Vanderbilt Universit y who has published works in the U.S. and Brazil, spoke about the last two chapters of his book, “The Politics of Slave Emancipation in Pernambuco: Abolitionism, Race and Citizenship in Northeastern Brazil, 1865-1893.” In his book, he discusses the effects of abolit ionist mobilizat ions f rom the 1860s to the end of the Brazilian
monarchy. “With a presentation like this, it affords me the opportunity to engage a nd to t a ke back suggest ions a nd criticisms then to incorporate them,” Castilho said. Cast ilho was born in São Paulo, Br a z i l, a nd r a ised i n Ca l i for n ia. He received his doctorate from the BRAZIL • 2
Gamecock Pantry officially opens The Gamecock Pantry officially opened Monday with a ribbon-cutting ceremony at its McBryde Quadrangle A location. The st udent-r un pantr y, a St udent Government initiative, provides food for in-need students and also offers services like counseling, legal assistance and help paying rent. Canned food donations for the pantry can be dropped off at the Campus Life Center. — Compiled by Sarah Ellis, Assistant News Editor Leah Grubb / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
Want to give blood?
The women’s soccer team dominated Furman 5-0 Friday behind four first-half goals.
Timeline of the regrets, sorrows and cat videos experienced during a late-night cram session.
Editorial Board: Giving blood can save lives and continue our other win streak against Clemson.
High 62° Low 39°
High 63° Low 43°
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Man faces 2 drug charges after passing out in car A Columbia man is facing two drug charges after being found passed out behind the wheel of his vehicle in Lexington County, according to WIS. Lexington deputies discovered Jahbou Rudolpfh Drakes, 42, unconscious in his SUV stopped on the wrong side of St. Andrews Road. The vehicle was stopped, but the engine was still running. Drakes admitted to drinking when he woke up. The deputies smelled marijuana from inside the SUV. They searched the vehicle and found a green leaf y substance, several bags of white powder in a pill bottle believed to be powder cocaine and a scale. D r a k e s w a s a r r e s t e d a nd c h a r g e d w it h possession of marijuana and possession of cocaine. — Maxwell Bauman, Copy Desk Chief
Columbia, region set Army says it didn’t cover up pollution findings record-high temperatures The U.S. Army denied it covered up the findings of a pollution investigation at Fort Jackson for more than a year, according to The State. Fort Jackson officials said they received the results of a groundwater contamination test in June 2013. A letter from the Department of Health and Environmental Cont rol said army of f icials were aware of t he contamination in July 2012 and didn’t notify them. Traces of Royal Demolition Explosive were discovered in the groundwater. RDX is a compound used since the 1940s in hand grenades. It can cause seizures in those who drink water containing high levels. The first signs of contamination were found in the summer of 2012, and a report was not sent to DHEC until October of this year. Fort Jackson has sent out notices to residents who live near the base to test their wells for contamination. Fort Jackson’s environmental management branch chief, Barbara Williams, said she would drink the water. — Maxwell Bauman, Copy Desk Chief
Columbia and the region saw record-breaking high temperatures Monday. The capital city reached 85 degrees between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m., breaking the previous Nov. 18 temperature record of 83 degrees set in 1958, The State reported. Augusta also set its record-high temperature Monday, 86 degrees. And several cities in the region tied their records, including Florence (83), Savannah (83) and Charlotte (78), according to The State. Temperatures will cool significantly for the next three days. The Weather Channel predicts a high of 62 degrees and a low of 39 in Columbia today. High temperatures are predicted to remain in the mid60s until Friday, when the high is projected to be 74 degrees. Fans at Saturday’s 1 p.m. kickoff for the USC vs. Coastal Carolina game can expect isolated thunderstorms with a high of 77 degrees. — Sarah Ellis, Assistant News Editor
BRAZIL • Continued from 1 University of California-Berkley and his master’s in Latin American studies from the University of California-Los Angeles. Much of Cast ilho’s research is done i n Pernambuco, Brazil, which was an entry point from Europe and Africa into the country. He spoke about many of the celebrations of freedom during the abolition period and showed pictures and paintings of these celebrations. He also focused on the political realignment of the time period. One of the influential people Castilho talked about was Antonio de Castro Alves, who was considered a great abolitionist poet. “He also made a significant impact not only during his life ... but throughout the rest of the abolitionist movement through theater,” Castilho said of Alves. Castilho emphasized that the abolitionist reforms were the biggest festivities of the 19th century in Brazil. He also discussed the opposing views of the time period about the labor and social conditions. “ W h at wa s f a sc i n at i ng wa s t h at f rom the cultural celebration to the government champion and its role in abolition, you also had the opportunity to use this issue of freedom to criticize unfulfilled expectations,” Castilho said. Hannah Cleaveland / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
Visiting professor Celso Thomas Castilho discusses abolition and freedom celebrations in 19th century Brazil.
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013
BLOOD • Continued from 1 a.m. to 6 p.m. On Thursday, donors and workers will have an opportunity to sign a large sheet with messages of support for Martha Childress, the 18-year-
TAGSEATS • Continued from 1 Championship and bowl games on t he website, as well as USC basketball and baseball games. TagSeats will also be launching for some NFL games this month, st ar t i ng w it h M ia m i Dolph i ns games and later growing to include home g a me s for t he Ca rol i n a Panthers and Atlanta Falcons. Other plans in the works include a mob i le ap p f o r i Pho ne a nd Android devices, in-stadium group chat, tailgating maps with GPS
old fi rst-year business student who was paralyzed in a shooting in Five Points last month. DG
f unct ionalit y and t he abilit y to swap tickets with other fans. The company is using USC fan base as the market for the initial lau nc h , hopi ng to eng age t he students in the website and receive comments from them. “It’s just been great feedback,� Dietrich said. “And as a former USC student and current Gamecock fan, it’s a great opportunity to use this fan base and identify what is useful for them.� DG
9 Area Locations
Hannah Cleaveland / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
Ana Porteles, a second-year marine science student, gives blood in the Russell House Ballroom on Monday. This is the 29th year of the Carolina-Clemson blood drive.
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Copy Desk Chief
Asst. Photo Editor
Asst. Mix Editor
Managing Editor
Design Director
Viewpoints Editor
Sports Editor
USC should beat Clemson off the field, too ISSUE It’s the annual CarolinaClemson Blood Drive. OUR STANCE Donating blood is important, and beating Clemson is always good. A m o n g U S C ’s c o u n t l e s s ser v ice event s is t he a n nua l Carolina-Clemson Blood Drive, which kicked off again Monday. W h i l e it ’s e a s y t o s e e t h e immediate effect of volunteering at a soup k itchen or adopting a pet from a shelter, too often, don at i ng blo o d f a l l s to t he wayside. At least, it does in Clemson. USC has ha nd i ly defeated Clemson on the football field for four (soon to be five) years now, and it may be thanks to the Tigers’ routine declawing in the blood drive the week prior.
Should USC win again, it will extend its streak to six blood drives in a row. Nonetheless, now is no time to get cocky. Whether it concerns football or the blood drive, we still need to show up and earn t he v ictor y. Sure, a win over Clemson should be motivation enough, but given the nature of donating blood, sometimes the squeamish need added incentive.
“Nonetheless, now is no time to get cocky. Whether is concerns football or the blood drive, we still need to show up and earn the victory.”
There is absolutely no subst it ute for hu ma n blood, so you r donat ion d i rec t ly contributes to saving the lives of others. Shortages occur far too often, especially this time of year when the weather and holiday travel decrease donations and increase demand. You may not have guessed it, but someone needs blood every two seconds in the United States alone; that’s a lot of blood. It’s grim, but blood shortages lead to lives lost that could have otherwise been easily saved. Thankfully, we’re here to pick up the slack, but we can’t do it on our own. We want USC to get a better turnout each and every year, but it wouldn’t hurt if Clemson stepped up its game. An even stiffer competition benefits everyone, so long as Clemson still donates slightly less than us.
USC’s tobacco ban unrealistic measure Better compromise needs to be found After five years of smoking, I quit. I was surprised at how easy it was once I set my mind to it . Rea l ly. T he c rav i ng s weren’t too terribly bad, and they ended after a few days. These days, there really isn’t much that makes me want to smoke, with the exception of one thing: Healthy Carolina’s Tobacco Free USC initiative. I find it curious enough that ever y t ime I hear a ny t h i ng about “Tobacco Free USC,” I want to buy a pack of cigarettes and light up just to protest the policy, not because I even want to smoke but just because the idea of the policy is infuriating to me. There are, of course, a few reasons the policy rubs me the wrong way. First off, USC is not a private university. This is a public space, owned by the state government. This policy is therefore unenforceable, as you cannot punish someone for doing somet hing t hat is completely in compliance with the law. Ever wondered when t he violence in Five Points started? The m i nute t hey forced everyone who likes to smoke while drinking outside to get drunk on the street standing around in a big group instead of sitting peacefully in a bar. Besides that, this rule is akin to saying that drinking coffee i nside is no longer a l lowed because coffee smells bad and c a n c au s e g a s t r oi nt e s t i n a l problems. Of course, there are those who would say, “It’s not t he
sa me! T h is is protec t i ng t he healt h of t hose arou nd the smokers, too!” W hat no one tells you is that yes, if it is not t he same, it’s at least pret t y si m i la r. W hen t he y talk about second-hand smoke related illnesses, the cause is not just catching a whif f of smoke outside. The cause is prolonged exposure in enclosed environments. Outside on the st reet , you’re get t i ng more cancer from passing vehicles t h a n f rom a l l t he s moker s combined. S e c ond l y, I f e el l i k e t he Healt hy Carol i na i n it iat ive is demea n i ng to t hose who use tobacco. I n all t heir publ icat ions, t hey ac t as though smokers and smokeless tobacco users are misguided, u n i nfor med i nd iv idua ls. I n reality, the majority of tobacco users on campus are perfectly happy w it h t hei r habit a nd know they can quit. They just don’t want to. If anyone is misguided, it’s the people banning tobacco. Look at t heir reasoning for ban ning smokeless tobacco: “We don’t want st udents to just resort to dipping instead of smoking.” Dipping is harming no one but the user, so banning it obviously isn’t a matter of public safety. Those that dip are harming absolutely no one but themselves. Thirdly, tobacco users are generally considerate of others. If you ask them to put their cigarette out or not to smoke around you, most will respect that and will move elsewhere. T hat sa id, no smoker on campus is going to care about some arbitrary rule, and most
will take pride in breaking what they see as an unfair and, above a l l, boneheaded r u le. They w ill not at tend “ma ndator y cessation classes,” as if they are as bad as those who go for a joy ride after 15 pints at Pint Night: a problem USC should focus on over tobacco users. Honest ly, I do ag ree t hat some smokers on campus can be rude about it. It has always bot hered me seeing a group of people standing around the entrance to a building clogging the air with smoke, and I can understand how nonsmokers can take umbrage to that. Even my eyes water when walk ing into a cloud of smoke. I also ag ree t hat t here shou ld be some regulation. The answer is not, however, a total, allencompassi ng ba n, because it will not work. Anyone who believes that will ever actually work is delusional. One workable answer is to just enforce t he polic y t hat is already i n place, or even bet ter, to create desig nated areas near enough to classes that smokers can go to smoke a nd b e u n mole s t e d b y t he Healthy Carolina activists. In the meantime, the tobacco ban should be abandoned. Smokers will respect reasonable rules, but the minute someone goes up to anot her and demands that they put their cigarette out because of the new “rule,” the entire plan will go up in flames. — Markus Johnson, second-year French and Russian student
Media coverage perpetuates criminality Murderers should be promptly punished, forgotten Yesterday, CN N headlined one of t he last interviews with Joseph Franklin, the infamous serial killer, before his scheduled execution on Wednesday. For those of you who have never heard of him, Joseph Frank lin is a serial k iller who has been in prison ser ving multiple life sentences for the murders of 22 people. Franklin is a racist man who grew up as a member of several hate groups and shows zero repenta nce for h is heinous crimes against t hose who he claims t hreatened the white race. The interview divulges his twisted theories about the benefits of a racial war and revisits the stories of those innocent individuals who fell victim to Franklin. In the i nter v iew, he desc r ibes how Jesus and Hitler inspired him and how he is proud that he has supporters who love him and his cause. While I can understand Kathryn that trying to dissect the warped Duggan minds of such individuals can Fourth-year be somewhat intriguing, I find journalism student it appalling that we continue to reward monsters like Franklin w it h media coverage and t he attention they thrive off of. Joseph Frank lin is not hing more t han a c raz ed mu rderer, a nd prov id i ng h i m with a voice on one of the nation’s largest news networks grants him recognition and coverage of which he’s unworthy. He robbed 22 individuals of their lives, many of whom were complete strangers, strictly based on race. For that, the media is enabling him to feel that he deserves national attention. He speaks of his followers who adore him in his interview. Sadly, he is not mistaken; there truly are sick people out there who believe Franklin was not only justified in his killings but also a hero for carrying them out. It is not inconceivable to think that these individuals will be inspired by Franklin’s last words. In our nation and world alike, there are so many issues that require our attention, and it is disappointing to see that with all else that is happening in the world, the story of this killer is considered newsworthy. We are permitting Franklin to believe that people care about him, and by allowing him to be glorified in the media, we are disgracing those he brought harm to. The focus becomes more about the story of the criminal than the innocent people whose lives he stole. The acknowledgment and interest we give him can be misconstrued as approval, and it is essential that it be known that this hateful behavior is in no way condoned. The best way to handle Joseph Franklin and other murderers is to refuse to give them a voice and leave t hem to t he pu nishment t hey deserve.
WHAT’S YOUR TAKE? Do you want your opinion voiced in The Daily Gamecock? Contact viewpoints@dailygamecock.com for more information.
IT’S YOUR RIGHT The goal of The Daily Gamecock’s Viewpoints page is to stimulate discussion in the University of South Carolina communit y. A ll published authors are expected to provide logical arguments to back their views. The Daily Gamecock encourages readers to voice opinions and offers three methods of expression: letters to t he editor, g uest colu m ns and feedback on dailygamecock.com. Letters and guest columns should be submitted via email to editor@ dailygamecock.com. Letters must be 200 to 300 words in length and
include the author’s name, year in school and area of study. We also inv ite st udent leaders and USC faculty members to submit guest columns. Columnists should keep submissions to about 500 words in length and include the author’s name and position. The editor reserves the right to edit and condense submissions for length and clarit y, or not publish at all. A l l subm issions become t he propert y of The Daily Gamecock a nd mu s t c o n f or m t o t he le g a l standards of USC Student Media.
CORRECTIONS If you find an error in today’s edition of The Daily Gamecock, let us know about it. Email editor@dailygamecock.com and we will print the correction in our next issue.
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Editor’s office: 777-3914
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Exam Day Eve: A timeline of a typical last-second study session Alex Buscemi
It doesn’t matter if you’re studying the effects of immigration on early 20th century A merica, the chemical composition of a leaf or why Freud says you have a subconscious physical attraction to your mother, you’ve put off hitting the books until the night before those evil, empty Scantron bubbles stare you down on test day. Now it’s crunch time. Pack your bags and head to the library for a night of panic, self-hatred, regret and cramming. It’s 6 p.m. now. Test starts at 9 a.m. Good luck and Godspeed.
6 p.m.
6:15 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:15 p.m.
Finish loading backpack. Notice how dirty room is.
May as well clean the rest of the house while you’re at it.
May as well mow the lawn while you’re at it.
May as well power-wash the siding while you’re at it.
7:55 p.m.
7:52 p.m.
7:51 p.m.
7:46 p.m.
Miley Cyrus’s “Wrecking B a l l ” c o m e s o n r a d i o. “Psssh, lame.”
Notice horrified look on face of driver next to you. Roll up windows, bark quieter.
En route to T. Coop, blast DM X to get pumped. “GRRRR RUFF RUFF THE DAWG IS HERE!”
Realize that Freud may be right.
7:58 p.m.
8:03 p.m.
8:05 p.m.
8:06 p.m.
Park on Bull Street, wait until Miley Cyrus song finishes. Dry eyes with napkin.
P o w e r- w a l k t o l i b r a r y, weaving through crowd of students like Mike Davis. Accidentally knock small girl over. No time to go back. Mouth “user-truck” to yourself.
Sideways-shimmy through automatic doors, too impatient to wait for them to open all the way.
Wait on elevator wedged between sorority girl yelling on the phone and large man who just ate Taco Bell.
8:31 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
8:25 p.m.
8:20 p.m.
Sign in on Facebook. Commence shameless stalking of people you don’t know.
Sign in on Blackboard. Time to cram like you’ve never crammed before.
Snapchat selfie while making a sad face with caption “Studying all night FML.” Send to all friends.
Instagram picture of Nos Energy Drink next to computer from artistic low angle.
7:30 p.m. All clean. Time to hit up T.Coop. But first ...
7:45 p.m. Delete browser history
8:10 p.m. Sit at computer, sign in after three tries.
8:13 p.m. Tw e e t “ O n D a t S t u d y Grind #Studious #TCoop #ComeAtMeKnowledge”
12 a.m.
12:15 a.m.
12:30 a.m.
12:45 a.m.
1 a.m.
Click on “50 Photos of Cute Kittens that Think They’re People.”
Click on “50 Photos of Cute Kittens Cuddling in Baskets.”
Click on “ T he Ef fect of Neurotransmit ters on Behavior.” Now you’re back on track.
Click on “ T he Ef fect of Toy Helicopters on Cute Kittens.” DANG IT.
Curse your love of fuzzy things.
3 a.m.
2:15 a.m.
2 a.m.
1:30 a.m.
1:15 a.m.
Bathroom break.
Grab sandwich from Horseshoe Deli.
Quietly sob.
“What is the meaning of life?”
Calculate lowest possible grade you can get and still pass the course.
3:15 a.m.
3:45 a.m.
4 a.m.
5:30 a.m.
D e l ete i P h o n e b row s e r history.
Back to studying. If it’s not in bold, you don’t read it.
Reward the 15 minutes of work with a Candy Crush session.
“You need three tickets to unlock the next level.”
5:45 a.m. R e o p e n “ T h e Ef fe c t of Neurotransmit ters on Behavior.”
9 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
8 a.m.
6:01 a.m.
6 a.m.
Email teacher infor ming her of your “uncontrollable vomiting,” “sky-high fever” a nd deep est ap ologies for being unable to attend today’s exam. Yo teach, when’s the make-up?
Accept defeat.
Wake up. Swear loudly, then realize the library is now full of people.
Pass out on keyboard.
Feel slightly confident that you can still pull off a C.
VOLLEYBALL • Continued from 8 scrappy and so good at defense and they have a tall, blocking front line that it’s just really hard to score in general,” Christiaansen said. H igh spi r it s a re ha rd to come by t he se d ay s at t he Vol le y ba l l C o m p e t i t i o n F a c i l i t y, a s t h e Gamecocks have been shut out in each of their last 5 matches, and with the season coming to a close, optimism has become even rarer. “We’re not a very good team right now, and we’re trying to learn from it,” Swanson said. “We’re trying to do the best we can to stay positive.” Christiaansen agrees that the young
team has a lot to learn. “I hate losing more than anything and I think it’s hard to bounce back from that, but we’re a young team and we have a lot to learn,” Christiaansen added. For now, the team is just focusing on getting better, getting back to basics and taking the rest of the season as a learning opportunity. The players are particularly excited for senior night, hoping to send players like Lindsay Craft and Juliette Thévenin, who have had a profound effect on the USC volleyball program, off on a good note. DG
Check out our fashion blog:
boots & bows
on dailygamecock.com
Are you interested in: • Volunteering in South Carolina? • Assisting your community during an emergency? • Participating in exercises to strengthen your knowledge of how to respond to emergencies?
If so, please visit www.scserv.gov for more information or to sign-up to volunteer.
To promote the health and well-being of all Gamecocks, our entire campus is
Tobacco-Free January 1, 2014 Thank you for your compliance and support.
NOVEMBER 18th-22nd Locations Every Day Russell House Ballroom 10am to 7pm
Bloodmobiles All locations 11am-6pm MONDAY
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TUESDAY Nov. 19th Thomas Cooper & Colonial Life Arena
More information is available at sc.edu/tobaccofreeusc
THURSDAY Nov. 21st Greek Village & Thomas Cooper
WEDNESDAY Nov. 20th Thomas Cooper & BA Building & Blatt PE Center FRIDAY Nov. 22nd
Inside Russell House gate & BA Building
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK $189 for 5 Days. All prices include: Round-trip luxury party cruise. Accommodations on the island at your choice of thirteen resorts. Appalachia Travel. www.BahamaSun.com 800-867-5018
Experienced Personal Trainers needed Pt and Ft hours available. Gym is 1 mile from campus. Contact Anne Marie for details 803.799.9455. Email mfulmer44@aol.com
Gymboree Play & Music, the leader in early childhood motor skill & music classes, is looking for energetic part time instructors. Call 738-1231 for more info.
THE SCENE TODAY KAYO DOT 8:30 p.m., $8 Conundrum Music Hall, 626 Meeting St.
100 YEARS OF CLEMSON ARCHITECTURE: CHAMBER INNOVISTA CONCERT SERIES SOUTHERN ROOTS AND GLOBAL REACH 7:30 p.m., $5 USC School of Music, 6 p.m., $10 813 Assembly St. Columbia Museum of Art, 1515 Main St.
Stand on your toes for a while. A surprise is in t he works. It requires patience and flexibility, but you can handle it. Your communications go farther than expected; make them count.
Finances are in a state of f lux for the better. T here’s more money available than it seems. G roup p a r t ic ip at ion contributes. Share the wealth, give and receive. A pizza party could be in order.
Tempers are r u n n i ng shor t , but t here’s no need to dwel l i n a ny a rg u ment s. Foc u s on chores that increase your income, and postpone the unnecessary ones. There are more goodies coming in, if you keep your eyes open. Collect them.
A d i sr upt ion brea k s your routine. Find the motivation to get the job done. The deadline’s right around the corner. Count on your friends for help, and return the favor. Ta l k is cheap. Have a backup plan.
Gent ly rearrange t he fact s a nd make t hem work. Put in a correction and minimize financial r i s k . Fo c u s o n w h at you have in com mon rather than your dif ferences and avoid the obvious argument. Use your words to build partnership.
You’re a p owerhou s e r i g h t n o w, a n d t h a t can be intimidating to ot hers. There may be a d isag reement about priorities. Compromise without compromising your integrit y or commitment. Keep the trains on time, and then take time to relax and appreciate.
Avoid grumpy people. Spend time with family or by yourself doing the things you love. Blow off steam on the basketball court or by climbing a mountain (metaphorical or literal). Take care of your spirit.
More challenges head your way. Your actions a nd i ntent ions cou ld seem t hwarted by ci rc u mst a nces. Keep your humor. Study the terrain. The surprises you encounter could be refreshingly fun. Keep cost s dow n. Physical games are good.
TOMORROW FREE THE VAULT, LRH, JOSH (CBO) 8 p.m., $4 over 21 / $7 under 21 New Brookland Tavern, 122 State St.
BROADWAY IN COLUMBIA PRESENTS ‘HELLO DOLLY’ STARRING SALLY STRUTHERS 7:30 p.m., $58 / $52 / $47 Koger Center for the Arts, 1051 Greene St.
Take action to provide g reat ser v ice, rat her than just talking about it . Some idea s may not work . Keep you r stinger sheathed. Avoid reckless spending. Little by little, pay back what you owe. Try a partner’s suggestion.
A new idea has bugs, but it works! Don’t throw money at the problem. Use imagination. Make a fo ol of you r s el f i f necessary. It could get fun. Look on the bright side, and share that with cohorts.
Work together to get fart her. Your part ner h a s w h at y o u n e e d . Things may not always go according to plan. From the ashes rises the Phoenix. Get creative with an original plan, a n d a r t i c u l at e y o u r message.
It’s good to let another d r ive now. A fa nt as y seems more real than facts. Go with the flow a nd st ay f lex ible but without excluding doing w h at y o u p r o m i s e d . Draw on your reserves. Get creative at home.
1 2 3 4
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ACROSS 1 Revolution for Caesar? 6 Run together 10 Midnight snack 14 “The Family Man” actress 15 Mystical letter 16 Home furnishings acronym 17 Success symbol 18 Alarm clock toggle 19 Shout to a line 20 Movie about a wacky submarine crew? 23 Give out in portions 24 Set-to 25 Quarterdeck? 28 Set the stage for 32 Carpooler’s __ lane 33 Feeling when surrounded by taxis? 36 Largest of a septet 38 Tote 39 Certain surgeon’s concern 40 Prince’s request to the Pauper? 45 In addition 46 Level of importance 47 Harper Lee recluse Boo __ 49 Chicago city council mem. 50 Prepare eggs, in a way 52 Random criticisms from the Musketeers? 57 Thick-bodied fish 58 Stir up 59 Birthstones for some Scorpios 61 Farm housing 62 Letters from Hera 63 Cap 64 Like the ocean around SEALAB 65 Run like a rabbit 66 Green Goblin, to Spider-Man
DOWN 1 In the vein of 2 Pond denizen
3 Role in the musical “Two By Two” 4 Like fliers on the windshield, usually 5 Place to start for a young music student 6 “Well played!” 7 “12 Angry Men” director 8 Offensive to some, briefly 9 “Why’d I do that?” feeling 10 Trendy retailer named for its original 57th Street address 11 Gave the nod 12 Tantalizing, in a way 13 Magician’s prop 21 Iconic Ingrid role 22 Mineralogist with a scale 25 Fiona of “Harry Potter” films et al. 26 Put forth 27 Walled Spanish city 28 Desire 29 Bumpkin 30 Goddess of peace
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31 Down-and-out 34 Down 35 Pint seller 37 Bible bearer, often 41 Winter season 42 Put in place 43 Pictures taken in a hosp. 44 Football helmet feature 48 Unexpected visitor ... and a hint to 20-, 33-, 40- and 52Across
50 Like some panels 51 Earthshaking ’50s event 52 Slender 53 Clumsy ship 54 Edible pocket 55 Get under control 56 Unlikely 57 TV drama set in Vegas 60 Wilbur’s whereabouts, in “Charlotte’s Web”
Gamecocks rip Furman 4 first-half goals prove to be difference in 5-0 shutout on Friday Dalton Abel
hen junior keeper Sabrina D’Angelo was knocked over clearing a routine dump-in in the 14th minute, South Carolina hadn’t recorded a shot and the match had been played primarily in the Gamecocks’ defensive half. Despite the no-call, the SEC Defensive Player of the Year stood up quickly, as did the rest of her teammates. Taylor Leach netted a goal on the ensuing possession to set off South Carolina’s four-goal barrage in the first half as the Gamecocks defeated Furman 5-0 in the first round of the NCAA Tournament on Friday night. “I think my team’s response was great,” D’Angelo said. “We got the goals we needed in the first half. We were just determined to score goals and win the game.” While D’Angelo gathered herself following the collision, freshman midfielder Chelsea Drennan was busy setting up South Carolina’s first chance of the night. After Furman keeper Rose Hull deflected Drennan’s initial lob pass to senior forward Danielle Au out of bounds, the Gamecocks were set up with their first corner kick of the night. Drennan’s corner was headed back towards the goal where Leach kicked it off Hull into the back of the net. Though the point was initially ruled an own goal, the redshirt junior defender was later credited with her third goal of the season. Just two minutes later, Furman responded with a chance of its own. Junior defender Alyssa Althoff sent a strike from outside the box that ricocheted off the crossbar and back into play, where the Gamecocks controlled it. South Carolina used the Paladins’ missed chance to propel their second chance of the night. After corralling a long ball just inside Furman’s half in the 19th minute, Au sent a lob out in front of the only other Gamecock on that side of the field. As Raina Johnson chased down the ball seemingly for naught, Hull and a Furman defender suffered from apparent miscommunication and let the ball bounce in between them just outside the box. Johnson seized the opportunity, squeezing
between the two and sending the ball into the empty net for her team-leading 10th goal of the season. The South Carolina bench provided a spark from there. Sophomore forward Coryn Bajema, sidelined for a majority of the season with an injury, came on and netted her second and third goals of the season in the 28th and 35th minutes, respectively. The first of Bajema’s goals came off another corner k ick from Drennan. Drennan’s kick found the heads of Daija Griffin and Elizabeth Sinclair before Bajema headed it past Hull. “Our bench has been great coming in to give us a lift,” head coach Shelley Smith said. “That group that came in, in the first, it changed the game.” When halftime finally put a pause to the Gamecocks’ attack, the team had netted four of its six shots, including their first three. Drennan, who assisted Bajema’s second goal, moved up to second all-time in program history for assists in a season with 12. Drennan needs one more to tie the record. “I just try my best to put the ball in front of the net and pick out players and to give them opportunities to score goals,” Drennan said. Sophie Groff’s third goal of the season in the 63rd minute capped the Gamecocks scoring. South Carolina outshot the Paladins 12-4 for the match, scoring on nearly half their attempts. The Gamecocks improved to a perfect 11-0-0 at “The Graveyard” in 2013. Overall, Smith was pleased with the team’s
South Carolina cruises Coates named SEC Freshman of the Week after recording 3 double-doubles Danny Garrison
It lo ok e d l i k e S out h C a r ol i n a wo me n’s basketball team would face its first test of the season Sunday against Seton Hall. But a sluggish first half for the Gamecocks gave way to the dominant showing fans are used to, as South Carolina went on to win 88-67. “I thought we just tightened up things (in the second half ) from an offensive standpoint,” coach Dawn Staley said. “I’m pretty pleased that we were calculating in the type of shots that we wanted.” At the conclusion of the fi rst half, the No. 19 Gamecocks were clinging to a two-point lead after shooting just 40.9 percent from the field in the opening period. After the two teams returned to the court for the second half, it appeared Staley worked her magic in the locker room, as South Carolina (4-0) turned in a 73.9 shooting percentage in the closing half. “Coach made a few adjustments at halftime about where to get the ball to,” sophomore guard
Khadijah Sessions said. “She’d seen open holes in their defense so she said just move the ball.” While Sessions’ 17 points Sunday were good for a season-high, she deferred to junior forward A leighsa Welch as t he eng i ne t hat ra n t he Gamecock offense in the second half. Turning in 15 points of her own in the contest, Welch has thus far earned her Preseason AllSEC nod, emerging as a leader verbally and demonstratively for South Carolina. “It was mostly our main focus to get the high post to come up to get in t he meat of t heir defense,” Sessions said. “[Staley] said just get the ball inside and, Aleighsa, she’s good passer, she’s a good shooter, she knows what to do. She’s a good decision maker, so we were like, ‘Get the ball to Aleighsa.’” So far this season, it has not been out of the ordinar y for multiple Gamecocks to score in double digits in a single game, but South Carolina took that concept to another level Sunday. Five Gamecocks finished in double figures, led by junior center Elem Ibiam’s 18 points on the day. “I t hink t his team versus last year’s team, everybody can score,” Staley said. “There isn’t anybody t hat people can just totally lay of f because they all can shoot from the outside, and people will usually pick their poison.” Sessions and Welch joined Ibiam in double figures along with sophomore Tiffany Mitchell and freshman Alaina Coates. In Coates’ fi rst four collegiate games, she has turned in double-digit performances in three of them. Seton Hall entered t he contest at 3- 0 and seem ingly posed t he most v iable t hreat t he Gamecocks had faced all season. Before their trip to Colonial Life Arena, the Pirates had beaten all three of their previous opponents by at least 10 points. A lt hough it didn’t appear it would be t he case after the closely contested fi rst half, South Carolina was able to secure another margin of victory above 20 points, a mark the team has surpassed in every game so far. W hile Seton Hall had proven t hemselves formidable so far this season, Staley said her team was still taken by surprise when the Pirates put up the fight they did in the fi rst half. But the coach conceded that all is well that ends well, and she was happy to leave Colonial Life Arena with another convincing win. “I thought their zone and their ability to just light up from the three-point really caught us off guard a little bit, and we knew that they were capable but we didn’t think they would shoot as well as they shot,” Staley said. “But the second half I thought we did a couple adjustments from a defensive and an offensive standpoint where we could get some fast-break points.”
Hannah Cleveland / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
Junior Aleighsa Welch (24) is considered to be a good passer and good shooter by her teammates.
Keeper Sabrina D’Angelo, the SEC Defensive Player of the year, recorded another shutout against the Paladins. opening round performance. “They played great,” Smith said. “I think there’s things that you look at and we do need to do better. We know the next rounds just get harder and harder.”
Volleyball fails to win set over weekend Swanson: “We’re not a very good team right now” J.P. West
The volleyball team had a tough go of it this past weekend, dropping matches against Alabama (3-0) and undefeated No. 6 Missouri (3-0). Despite not winning a single set against t he Crimson Tide, coach Scott Swanson’s team showed they still have some f ight in them after losing the first two sets by only two points against a group that, on paper, was supposed to win anyways. Juliette Thévenin had another career day, recording her eighth double-double of the season with 18 kills and 11 blocks. Dessaa Legros added another 10 kills while Jacgy Angermiller did her part at the net, tallying four blocks on the day. In their penultimate home game against the Tigers, many had high hopes of unseating the highly ranked bunch from Columbia, Mo., and notching a g utsy win in an other wise dismal season. These hopes did not come to fruition, as the Gamecocks were decimated in three quick sets (25-13, 25-12, 25-16) by the polished Missouri crew. The story of the day for the Gamecocks were the 38 errors they committed which accounted for more than half of Missouri’s points and put them at a significant disadvantage from the fi rst serve. “We didn’t really give ourselves a chance to compete with them,” Swanson said. “We made 38 total errors. To give a team like that, that’s already so good, 38 free points is inexcusable really.” Even Juliette Thévenin, the Gamecocks’ star player and serious candidate for SEC Player of the Year, had an off day, recording only 10 points, her fourt h-lowest total of the season, along with 10 errors of her own. Despite all their shortcomings, the Gamecocks acknowledged that Missouri was just the better team that day. “I think they do everything well. They pass the ball well, they serve tough, they are the most efficient hitting team in the country, they have the best setter in the country, they have one of the best middles, one of the best outsides, one of the best right sides,” Swanson said. Swanson’s praise went even further. “They’re gearing up to go be a final four team, I mean I t h in k t hey ’re t hat good,” Swanson said. Junior Michaela Christiaansen shared the sentiment. “I think it’s just hard because they’re so VOLLEYBALL • 6