The Daily Gamecock 1/29/14


VOL. 114, NO. 12 • SINCE 1908


LET IT SNOW Jeremy Marshall Harkness / THE DAILY GAMECOCK

When snow finally fell late Tuesday night, students flocked to the Horseshoe to frolic in the snowfall that closed USC and much of the rest of the city for two days.

Thad Moore & Hannah Jeffrey NEWS@DAILYGAMECOCK.COM


s the afternoon started to fade into night around 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, the Thomas

Cooper Library was barren. The doors were locked, the sidewalks all but empty, the steps littered with small pellets — of salt, that is. USC was hunkering down, and students celebrated a day without classes, awaiting the inches of snow and sleet that forecasters had been promising for days. Campus and Columbia were all but shut down, ready for t he Tuesday af ter noon snowstor m that could have been. On Twitter, it was dubbed #snowmess. If only the snow had come. The National Weather Service expected 2 to 4 inches of snow and sleet to accumulate in Columbia on Tuesday evening, but as the day went on, the snow’s expected start was pushed back further into the night. It wasn’t until around 9 p.m. that the snow began to fall, covering campus in a blanket of snow. USC made a number of moves to get ready for the snowfall and ice. Class was canceled for a second day, the Bull Street Garage was shut down and traffic patterns on Greene Street were altered to keep cars off the steep hill on Bull Street. Carolina Dining opted to keep managers and some employees on campus overnight, renting rooms at the Inn at USC and setting up cots in dining facilities, according to Michael Gwiazdowski, operations manager. Sorority and fraternity members were directed to the Russell House ballroom to use their Greek Life meal plans. “Bull Street [Garage] was closed, so we couldn’t even get to our cars to drive to Greek Village,” said Juliet Wilson, fi rst-year broadcast journalism student and member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. “We didn’t want to walk in the rain.” As the crowds trickled out of the ballroom, students were encouraged to grab a few pizzas and a tray of sandwiches on their way out. Downstairs, Marble Slab workers scooped ice cream for anyone who wanted an extra chill, though there weren’t many. “There’s no one here. Now is the time to go [to Marble Slab],” Carly Hildebrant said from behind the counter. Hildebrant had talked to her boss the night before, when it was decided that cookies and ice cream would be available for anyone stuck on campus. Standing on the Horseshoe without a hat, scarf or gloves, Michael Kempner, a first-year biomedical SNOW • 2










Gradually clearing skies throughout the day. Some melting may take place over the course of the day, but there is a possibility of refreezing.

Due to ice and snow melting and refreezing with temperatures in the high teens, black ice and ice on roadways are a strong possibility.

It is unknown how refreezing ice and snow will impact roads Friday, but temperature increases indicate further melting.

33˚ 41˚ 52˚ 12˚ 19˚ 32˚ DINING


Bates Diner, Gibbes Court Bistro and Grand Market Place will open at 9 a.m. today.

The university union is open today on its usual schedule, from 7 a.m. until midnight. There are movies showing at the theater all day today and in the afternoon tomorrow. There’s also free popcorn available, while it lasts. Play Station and gaming will be available all day. Reservations for rooms in the Russell House will be rescheduled.

PARKING & ROADS Greene Street will be closed to eastbound traffic from Sumter Street to Bull Street, meaning the road will be closed for drivers headed toward Five Points. The closure will allow cars parked in the Bull Street Garage to get out while the hill on Bull Street is closed to traffic. Drivers won’t be able to park in the Bull Street Garage during the closures, but they can park in the Blossom Garage. Drivers with parking spots on the top floors of the Pendleton Street Garage will be allowed to park in the Senate Street Garage.


“Wedding Crashers” “Easy A”

3 p.m., 9 p.m. 6 p.m.

GREEK VILLAGE Members of fraternities and sororities living in Green Village will have meals served at their houses. Others will eat in the Russell House Ballroom. Lunch will be served today from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and dinner will be from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Students will need CarolinaCards to pick up their meals.

The Thomas Cooper Library is closed today.



The Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center is open today on its regular schedule, until midnight. The Blatt P.E. Center is closed today.

The health center and counseling services will open at 10 a.m. today. First responders are available at all times, and in an emergency, students can call 803-777-4215 or 911.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

State unemployment rate falls, labor force increases Joblessness in South Carolina hit its lowest point since June 2008 at the end of last year, The State reported. In November, the jobless rate was 7.1 percent before falling to 6.6 percent in December, according to t he S.C. Depart ment of Employ ment and Workforce. This was the first month since January 2001 that South Carolina’s rate was lower than the nation’s. South Carolina’s labor force saw a slight increase last month; it now stands at 2.15 million. G o v. N i k k i H a l e y c r e d i t e d t h e f a l l i n g unemployment rates to leaders across the state, saying in a statement, “The fact that more South Carolinians are working today than since 2008 proves we are moving in the right direction.” —Hannah Jeffrey, News Editor

Third grader’s letter spurs SC State president defends lack of lockdown bills to name state fossil Sout h Carolina State Universit y President Thomas Elzey defended the school’s decision to not lock down the school’s campus immediately after last week’s fatal shooting, The State reported. In a video message sent to students, Elzey said police had several witnesses report the gunman fled the premises after shooting 20-year-old Brandon Robinson Friday. Because t he shooter im mediately lef t, t he university decided that keeping everyone inside was not necessary; however, a lockdown was issued later in the day to ensure the gunman did not return. Elzey said he is confident there is no further threat to the campus and that the campus is shaken but still strong. —Hannah Jeffrey, News Editor

A South Carolina 8-year-old’s love of fossils has caught statewide attention after she wrote a letter to her state legislators, The State reported. Oliva McConell, a third grader at Carolina Academy in Lake Cit y, wrote to Rep. Robert Ridgeway and Sen. Kevin Johnson, both Democrats of Clarendon County, with a list of reasons why a state fossil should be adopted. Both lawmakers have filed bills to make the wooly mammoth the official state fossil. And although she has a big voice in the fight for a state fossil, McConnell knows that the decision goes beyond her. “We can’t just say we need a state fossil because I like fossils,” she said. “That wouldn’t make sense.” —Hannah Jeffrey, News Editor

SNOW • Continued from 1 engineering student, said he had decided to roam around campus after doing homework for most of the day. “It’s pretty likely that I’ll get frostbite and die out here,” he said jokingly, “so I wrote up a will before I left.” Da nae Ku nselma n, a t h ird-year pharmacy student, said she would have enjoyed a snowball fight, but as her dog, Kingsley, ran around Horseshoe’s the wet grass, she said her furry friend was probably more disappointed than she was, “whether he knows it or not.” “He loves the snow, so I was hoping he would get to see it again,” Kunselman said. After reports of a parking overflow at Publix Monday night that spilled from the main lot into the rest of the Vista, Tuesday evening saw ample parking, as well as bread, milk and eggs for the few shoppers who ventured through the sleet to stock up on the basics for the snow that hadn’t by then materialized. Though Kunselman and K ingsley were disappointed with the lack of snow, both were keeping their hopes up for the rest of the week. “Maybe tomorrow,” Kunselman said. Thad Moore / THE DAILY GAMECOCK

Salt grains outnumbered snowflakes Tuesday afternoon, as the university prepared for the snowstorm that came later.



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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Student Government campaigning postponed This week’s snowstorm didn’t only cancel classes; Student Government also closed for the winter weather, including a mandator y candidate meeting scheduled for Tuesday night. As a result, candidates running for office this year could have a violation filed against them for beginning their campaigns Tuesday night as planned. Candidates are not allowed to begin ca mpa ig n i ng u nt i l t he elec t ions commission meeting. According to Will O’Shields, chief elections commissioner, the elections commission will hold its meeting as

soon as possible and will make every effort to meet the day the university opens again. O’Shields said voting will not be pushed back due to university closings. The elections codes do not specify that there’s a set length of time for campaigning. D u e t o We d n e s d a y ’ s c l a s s cancellation, student senate will not meet. A special session will be held on either Thursday Jan. 30, Monday Feb. 3 or Tuesday Feb. 4. —Compiled by Natalie Pita, Assistant News Editor

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014






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No snow Tuesday, but cancellation still smart ISSUE It didn’t snow despite the school cancellation. OUR STANCE The precuationary decision was the correct one. Well, maybe the snowpocalypse didn’t begin when we thought it would. What a disappointing c onc lu s ion t o a n ot her w i s e enjoyable mor n i ng (or ea rly afternoon) of sleeping. For all we know, today could be a repeat of that, or maybe the weathermen promised days ago. But hey, we still had a snow d ay. Ye s , it come s w it h t he embarrassing stipulation that there wasn’t even any snow, let alone ice, but that’s not the point, right? Wrong. Inevitably, some people are upset that USC was catfished by Mother Nature and canceled school over nothing. These people are missing the point of snow days altogether. They’re a preventative measure aimed to ensure student safety. In a vacuum, it’s unfortunate that productivity came to a halt for

little reason yesterday, but we don’t live in a world without context. In any case, it’s not like the school is happy about the way things turned out, let alone the cit y of Columbia. Surely they realize t heir decision is st ill justified, though. It doesn’t take an economics student to realize there’s a great opportunity cost associated with canceling school, but sometimes we have to cut our losses. W hat if school hadn’t been canceled and every major road was a logistical nightmare? The backlash would be tremendous. We touched on this earlier in the week, but South Carolina ranks second worst in the country when it comes to the average driver’s ability. To make matters worse, it’s also dead last in careless driving,

“What if school hadn’t been cancelled and every major road was a logisitcal nightmare?”

measured by pedest rians and cyclists killed per 100,000 people. Throw some snow into the mix, and answer this: Do you want to be on those roads? South Carolina has dangerous roads as it is, but combining that fact wit h its inadequate road clearing equipment and the state’s relatively inexperienced winterweather drivers will result in a nightmare. USC doesn’t want to run the risk of putting its students into that kind of situation, so it rightfully canceled classes. I t ’s e a s y t o m a k e f u n o f Columbia, South Carolina and even the South for shutting down over modest — or even nonexistent — snowfall. But we don’t have the infrastructure, the experience or the resources northern states have for winter weather. Most years, we don’t need it. Failure to realize the necessity of Tuesday’s cancellation is a failure to realize anything but the most immediate of threats. We’re happy USC and local governments showed that foresight, even if it didn’t quite go as planned.

US needs manufacturing renaissance Domestic industry makes for stronger workforce Grow i ng up, ma ny of us were taught the importance of obt a i n i ng h igher educ at ion. A f ter receiv ing t he same message, high school students across the country are gearing up to attend college in the fall. While there is a strong case for h igher educat ion, t he payof f from investment is declining. At D utch Fork H igh School in I r mo, SC , representat ives from colleges across the state told seniors they should plan to finish a master’s degree if they expect a decent-paying job. With the current economic state of this nation, college is too costly and with little guarantee after graduation. A study conducted by G eorgetow n Un iversit y ’s Center on Educat ion and t he Work force fou nd t hat recent college graduates have an almost 10 p e r c e n t u n e m p l o y m e n t rate. Depending on your field, the rate is up to 15 percent. In order to a l lev iate t h is issue, manufacturing should be brought back to America. No m at t er wh at f ield one chooses to enter, there is constant chatter of a tough job market and how students should make themselves more competitive in order to land a job. In law school, students have to work for little to no sa la r y as i nter ns af ter graduation in the hope of moving up the ladder at a law firm. In business, an MBA g uarantees almost nothing as many students have to pu rsue add it iona l training. Similar stories exist for t he med ic a l profe ssions.

Additionally, I personally know two gentlemen with doctor of philosophy degrees who applied to the summer camp I worked at bec au se not h i ng else wa s available to them. My cousin has a master’s degree in English, yet cannot find a job in her field. This demonstrates a need for new avenues of employment in America. Pr ior to t he early ’90s, t he Big Th ree automobile manufacturers, which includes Fo r d , G e n e r a l M o t o r s a n d Chr ysler, employed hundreds of t hou s a nd s of A mer ic a n s . According to the Washington Post, the Ford plant in Detroit alone employed roughly 100,000 people prior to its bankruptcy. Before t he out sou rcing b o o m , A me r ic a n manufact uring paid workers well and provided great benefits surpassing those of even college graduates. Steven Nowadays, our Asbill Fourth-year gover n ment has pharmacy given no incentive student for companies to rema i n i n t he U. S., so t here is nex t to no m a nu f ac t u r i n g i n A mer ic a . Eliminating the manufacturing indust r y puts a st rain on t he employ ment nu mber s wh ich the service industry can handle, thus further implicating a job shortage. When was the last time you saw a product wit h a tag saying “made in the USA?” It’s become so rare that many of us have to ponder the last time we noticed. This was not always so. In the years after World War II,

there was greater “buy American” sentiment, and there was less g reed d r iv i ng jobs overseas. Contrary to the myth, American manufacturing is not expensive. My father works at Mack Trucks, and I can assure you he is not a millionaire. Ever y year, his job is threatened to go overseas unless he and his team agree to certain pay and benefits cuts. I chose to attend college to work in a field where I would have job stability. I have now found that this stability is never guaranteed. Financial benefits aren’t the only reason to bring manufacturing back. By opening more plants and factories, customer demands can be met at greater ease and efficiency. If more money for the average f a m i ly, or g reater c u stomer ser v ice isn’t rea son enough, corporations can also relish in the fact that shifting economics now favor U.S. production. A study in 2011 concluded that, when factoring in wages, raw materials and capital costs, but excluding taxes, compliance and other structural costs, American m a nu f ac t u r i n g i s 9 p er c e nt cheaper than the average cost of other competing countries. A mer ica has become too reliant on foreign nations like China to make basic products which could easily be made at home. China is no friend to us and now owns the market in a whole host of product lines. We owe China tremendous sums of money in large part due to the huge gap in trade. In order for America to regain its edge in the market and cut unemployment, manufacturing should be brought back to the mainland.

Social stereotypes not always accurate Students should care about how they percieve their peers We all know the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Maybe you see a guy spending hours upon hours at the library day in and out, and think, “What a nerd. He’ll never get a girlfriend with that kind of social life.” But then you step back and consider that who knows? He might be a party animal on the weekends and a regular Casanova. Maybe you see a girl with large glasses and a venti Starbucks coffee reading a worn copy of “The Great Gatsby.” She’s immediately written off as a hipster, until you realize that maybe she’s reading Gatsby for class and that the coffee is to help her through an all-nighter. But what if he really is a nerd? What if she’s a hipster? Is it okay to judge then? The immediate response is that of course it isn’t. So why do we still do it? Once our suspicions and assumptions are confi rmed about what stereotype someone fits into, what gives us the right to judge them for it? Why do we criticize people based on their likes and dislikes, their aspirations or their plans to meet their goals? The problem is that most of the time, we think we’re being helpful. You might say to a shy friend of yours, “You should go to this party; it’ll be good for you.” Or maybe you imply to someone that they won’t have a stable or well-paying job upon graduation because of their major and that they should consider changing career paths to something more profitable. Maybe you express surprise when your friend tells you that they don’t have any romantic interests right now, and you tell them that they should meet someone else you know because “you two would totally hit it off.” Those are all fairly harmless suggestions, right? It may seem that way, because that’s how you meant it. But little comments like that are hurtful because that person then feels judged for how they are directing their lives. These things that you may perceive as problems aren’t necessarily such. No one wants to be told that they are living an inferior life compared to others. It’s a form of unintentional harassment. We can’t judge ot hers based on our own personal experiences. I can’t tell someone that they’re enjoying orange juice wrong if they like pulp just because I like it without; similarly, I can’t belittle someone for their likes and dislikes. I can’t pass judgment on someone for eating an Oreo whole just because I prefer to separate the halves fi rst; I also can’t judge someone for their methods of reaching their goals. These examples are silly, but so are imposing your own ideals and motivations on someone who has different emotions and another mentality. The key is to, of course, keep an open mind, but how can we do that if we don’t share common experiences? The simple answer is to ask questions. If you ask why a person feels or does things a certain way, it’s sure to be appreciated and explained, and you might just learn something. – Mar y K ate Gar mire, second-year English student



Offices located on the third floor of Russell House The goal of The Daily G a m e c o c k ’s V i e w p o i n t s p a g e is to st imu late d isc ussion i n t he Un iver sit y of Sout h Ca rol i na communit y. A ll published authors a re e x p e c ted to prov ide log ic a l arguments to back their views. The Daily Gamecock encourages readers to voice opinions and offers three methods of expression: letters to t he editor, g uest colum ns and feedback on Letters and guest columns should be submitted via email to editor@ Letters must be 200 to 300 words in length and

include the author’s name, year in school and area of study. We also inv ite st udent leaders and USC faculty members to submit guest columns. Columnists should keep submissions to about 500 words in length and include the author’s name and position. The editor reserves the right to edit and condense submissions for length and clarit y, or not publish at all. A l l subm issions become t he propert y of The Daily Gamecock a nd mu s t c o n f or m t o t he le g a l standards of USC Student Media.

CORRECTIONS If you find an error in today’s edition of The Daily Gamecock, let us know about it. Email and we will print the correction in our next issue.


Editor-in-Chief THAD MOORE Print Managing Editor AMANDA COYNE Web Managing Editor AUSTIN PRICE Training Coordinator SYDNEY PATTERSON Copy Desk Chiefs RICHARD LIPKIN EMILY READY Assistant Copy Desk Chief SAMANTHA LOCKWOOD Design Directors ANNIE PARHAM KRISTMAR MULDROW Assistant Design Director ERIN BURKE News Editor HANNAH JEFFREY Assistant News Editors SARAH MARTIN NATALIE PITA

Viewpoints Editor MAX STOLARCZYK Assistant Viewpoints Editor BEN CRAWFORD The Mix Editors ALEX BUSCEMI BELVIN OLASOV Assistant Mix Editor CAITLYN MCGUIRE Boots and Bows Editor KATIE COLE Sports Editor DANNY GARRISON Assistant Sports Editor DAVID ROBERTS Sandstorm Editor RIXON LANE Photo Editor JEREMY MARSHALL HARKNESS Assistant Photo Editor KAMILA MELKO Senior Photographer HANNAH CLEAVELAND

Sports: 777-7182


Editor’s office: 777-3914


Fax: 777-6482


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

growing green clothing

It ain’t easy


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Illustration by Grey Klein / THE DAILY GAMECOCK

USC graduate making a business of importing, selling industrial hemp Erika Ryan


Patrique Veille, a USC alumnus, is the cofounder of American Hemp LLC, a company that processes and distributes industrial hemp that it imports because the crop is illegal to grow in the U.S. “This is something my brother told me about around nine years ago. He explained industrial hemp’s versatility and the variety of benefits the rotational field crop provides. And about four years ago we decided to take it from a more educational campaign to a business,” Veille said. The federal ban on U.S. hemp cultivation makes their process more costly and difficult. To date, 32 states have introduced pro-hemp legislation, and 20 have passed such laws, according to Vote Hemp, an advocacy group. Industrial hemp is in the cannabis genus and has levels of THC, which is the active ingredient in marijuana, between 0.0 to 0.3 percent. Medical or recreational marijuana can have THC levels of approximately 20 percent. Hemp, an industrial grade natural fiber, can be used to make text iles, bioplast ics, paper, hempcrete, pet bedding and grain, all of which

are biodegradable. Because hemp is illegal to grow in the United States, companies have to charge more for the material because of costs associated with shipping and importation. “Right now, you have to import industrial hemp from outside countries because hemp is legal to grow and cultivate in almost every industrialized nation except the United States,” Veille said. “Despite this obstacle, the U.S. is the largest market for it in the world, at approximately $450 million.” Veille started American Hemp with his brother while he was still in college as an entrepreneurship and supply chain management student. He said his studies benefited him while at USC, but he also had outside inspiration. “The passion my brother displayed and the obvious benefits of hemp were the inspiration, and USC’s programs aided in my development,” he said. “There’s defi nitely a difference between reading something in a textbook and going out and doing it.” State Rep. Kevin Bryant, R-Anderson, recently introduced a bill in the General Assembly to “clarify that industrial hemp is excluded from the defi nition of marijuana,” making hemp legal to grow for industrial purposes. Veille said that to get hemp legalized in South Carolina, he and other activists will need to spread HEMP • 6

Bruno Mars to perform in Columbia in June Tickets for Colonial Life show to go on sale Monday Alex Buscemi


Gra m my-w i n n i ng R&B crooner Bruno Mars announced yesterday he will perform at t he Colon ial Life A rena on June 13 for the next leg of his “Mo o n s h i ne Ju n g le World Tour.” Tickets go on sale Monday at 10 a.m. — the morning after his Super Bowl XLVIII haltime performance. The “Grenade” and “Just the Way You A re” superstar will be joined by soulf ul singer/ song w riter A loe Blacc, who sings on the Avicii track “Wake Me Up”.

Tickets start at $49.50; a student rate isn’t being offered for now, Colonial Life Arena

Marketing Coordinator Aaron Pugh said in an email. The performance will b e M a r s’ o n l y s t o p i n t he Carolinas, aside from a stop in Raleigh, N.C. It’s already shaping up to be a big year for the Hawaii native. He just added a second Grammy to his résumé for “Unorthodox Ju kebox,” wh ich was named Best Pop Vocal A lbum (“Just The Way You A re” won t he same award last year). He’s also poised to light up t he Pepsi Super Bowl XLVIII with a show featuring rock legends Red Hot Chili Peppers. Tickets are available online through http://www.LMCtix. com, or by phone at 855-45628 49 (4 -L MC -T I X ) a nd i n person at t he Colon ial Life Arena box office. They’re also being sold at Columbia’s Play It Again Sports store. DG

Courtesy of MCT Campus

The award-winning performer will be the leading act for the Pepsi Super Bowl XLVIII Sunday.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

CARUSO • Continued from 8 just taken it and ran with it. He’s playing his tail off right now.” While he’s not known as a prolific scorer, Caruso is averaging a healthy 9.1 point s per game so far t h is season, the third-highest average on the team. Texas A&M’s leading scorer — and the only Aggie averaging doubledigits — is guard Jamal Jones. The junior is scoring 11.8 points per game and turned in a game-high 22 points in his last meeting with South Carolina. A major contributing factor in the Gamecocks’ loss against Texas A&M was the shift in momentum on the glass. A fter a convincing 21-13 rebounding effort in the fi rst half, t he A gg ies would w in t he rebounding battle in the second half, a swing that South Carolina’s leading rebou nder, sophomore for ward Mindaugus Kacinas, says can’t be allowed this time. “Everything is about effort,” he said. “And if you put a lot of effort

going for a rebou nd or a loose ball, it’s more likely you’ll get the rebound. So this is what I’m doing every single time.” Tip-off is scheduled for 7 p.m. at t he Colonial Life A rena, but snowbound fans can catch the action live on ESPN3. Despite Texas A&M’s three-game skid, Kacinas still sees the Aggies as a formidable opponent because of their ability to get everyone on the floor involved in the game plan. He sa id t he G a mecock s w i l l need to play one of their most wellrounded games of the season in order to pull off the victory. “They have a lot of guys that score, like, eight points, and everything just adds up,” Kacinas said. “You have 10 guys that average like eight points, and it’s pretty hard to defend them. As we’ve seen on film, they have good players, and they are physical, too. So it’s going to be hard.”

HEMP • Continued from 5 the word, let people know what hemp can do and vote pro-hemp. “Once more people learn about hemp, it will make sense that this historical A merican crop George Washington and Thomas Jefferson

t old c it i z en s t o s ow s hou ld b e i ncor porated back i nto ou r economy,” Veille said. “History is coming back to the future, and hemp can give a lot of opportunities for younger generations to get involved with this growing industry.”

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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

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Austral Salon is currently accepting applications for an individual to work on our guest relations team. Duties would include answering the phone, booking appointments, greeting the clients, accepting payment, opening the day, closing the day and offer exceptional customer service. The hours needed are Mondays 9:30 am - 1 pm Wednesdays 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Thursdays 8:30 am - 1 pm also two Saturdays a month 9:30 - 4:30. Please send resume to cshealy@




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BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK $189 for 5 Days. All prices include: Round-trip luxury party cruise. Accommodations on the island at your choice of thirteen resorts. Appalachia Travel. 800-867-5018

Michael Oana Retirement Planning Specialists is currently looking for a college Junior or Senior interested in the field of private wealth management to apply for this spring semester and into the summer. Please send your resume to newacc@

NANNY NEEDED: Extremely responsible, very dependable, kid-friendly female college student sought to fill nanny position for 8yo girl. Before and after school care; Transporting to/from school & activities; 3-4 days/wk. For more details, call/text Joanie: 575-405-8559



Leo Soak in t he love, and enjoy t he moment. T h i ng s a re ab out to get busy soon. You’re going to need all your st a m i na. Prof it f rom meticulous service. Make investments later. Rest, relax and think it over.

Go fart her t han ever over the next two days. Unexpected bills arrive. Reach for something you might normally avoid. Tr y u s i n g t h e h a n d that you don’t normally use. Ex plore cult u re, philosophy and history. Get adventurous.

P r e p a r e f o r conf ront at ion, a nd consider all possibilities. Your routine could get disr upted, but t here’s more t ime to rela x today a nd tomor row. Handle chores. Pamper yourself along with your sweetheart.

Fig u re t he cost s i n adva nce. The more c a ref u l you a re w it h the details, the better you lo ok . You ag ree to d i sag ree. E x pre s s differences respectfully, and admit when you’re w rong. That’s appreciated. Don’t rush it.

Reconsider assumptions and judgments. The next two days are good for making changes at home. B e c a r e f u l ap p l y i n g new skills. Temporary confusion could slow the action. Don’t leave the job half done or overlook domestic chores.



M a i nt a i n con sc iou s awareness of your environment. Discover romance today and tomorrow. You’re likely to be bu s y, so spend cuddly time with family every opportunity you can. Let a part ner or friend do the talking.

Flashnotes (Part-time Job) Interested in improving your study skills and GPA while earning extra money. Why not consider Flashnotes? Post your study guides and flash cards for all your classes, tell all your friends, and start making money immediately. Visit ref/yasminef. I also can be reached at (803) 269-4346. Email




Today a nd tomor row you r concent r at ion’s especially sharp. St udy t he angles. A n unexpected bonus arrives f rom art iculat ing t he project. Go with your feelings. Don’t spend to fix the problem yet. Pack age you r idea s creatively.




Figure finances today and tomorrow. Household matters demands attention. Estimate how much money you’ll need. Engage with the budget. You can make changes s o o n . St ud y opt io n s and elements, and make preparations. Recharge your batteries.

RESONANCE ART EXHIBITION 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., free Tapp’s Art Center, 1644 Main St. “INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS” 5:30 and 8 p.m., $8 Nickelodeon Theatre, 1607 Main St.


You’re strong and getting stronger. Don’t offer to pay all the bills, though. Get lost in two days of intense activity and study. You’re extra confident. Play conser vat ive w it h you r f i na nces nonetheless.


Don’t fall for crocodile tears. Review plans in confidence. Identify new resources. Note financial shortages. Take two days for private meditation, as much as possible. Slow down and contemplate. Something’s coming due. Rest up to provide it.


CLYBOURNE PARK 8 p.m., $11-$27 Trustus Theatre, 520 Lady St.

National Student Exchange NATION COCKY

APPLICATION DEADLINE: JANUARY 31 Come to an info session!



Check public opinion today and tomorrow. An uncomfortable moment could arise. Something’s not work i ng r ight. Friends offer comfort and advice. Avoid blind reactions. Break the old mold.





Proceed wit h caut ion over the next two days. You may have to make an abr upt decision to save the day. Imagine the problem already solved, and then take the natural steps to arrive t here. Keep a secret.



SATURDAY — 4:30PM SUNDAY — 9 & 11AM 5 & 7 PM 1610 Greene Street On the USC Campus


1 2 3 4

For solutions to today’s puzzle, go to

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ACROSS 1 Something to do between class and homework 6 “Animal House” house 11 Acting as 14 São __ 15 Unfamiliar 16 Prefix with form 17 Auger shape 18 Globe fleck 19 Green source, briefly 20 Anti-sweatshirt slogan? 23 Shogunate seat of power 24 Major course 25 Rabid B-ball fan’s shout? 31 Lennox of the Eurythmics 32 “__ only kidding!” 33 Get-up-and-go 36 “Waverley” novelist 37 Boston’s Liberty Tree, e.g. 38 Word of welcome 40 Push-up target 41 Progress measure 42 Two-dimensional products 43 Conspiracy resting place? 47 Guiding light 49 Much of the daily paper 50 Harried photographer’s wish? 56 D-backs, on scoreboards 57 Harry’s Hogwarts nemesis 58 “The Office” airer 60 Uruguayan uncle 61 Saharan refuges 62 Use a short form of 63 __ master 64 Not sharp, say 65 Believer in the clockwork universe theory DOWN 1 Daytona meas. 2 French city near the English Channel

3 Styne of Broadway 4 Greek salad leftover 5 Ardent fan’s purchase 6 Speaker’s platform 7 Supermodel Benitez 8 Plant family including tulips 9 Giggles 10 Caesar colleague 11 Adjusted for a larger group, as a recipe 12 Free 13 Pop singer Mann 21 Dauphin’s destiny 22 Nebraska native 25 Door closer 26 “I’ll try anything __” 27 Irregularly 28 Not be up-front with 29 Nocturnal newcomer 30 Improvises 34 Mideast flier 35 Put forward 38 Got set 39 Subject to removal

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41 Desert bordering the Mojave 44 German grouse? 45 Bad luck, and a hint to the four longest across answers 46 Ceiling 47 Lush-lipped doll brand 48 More than odd 51 Thing to stay on 52 Big name in slush 53 Prying 54 MX ÷ V

55 Approx. takeoff hrs. 59 Thoroughly examine

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Gamecocks return home after Vandy Women’s basketball team looks to maintain share of conference lead David Roberts


Hannah Cleaveland/ THE DAILY GAMECOCK

Alaina Coates (41) added to her impressive freshman campaign Sunday with six points and four blocks. She and Elem Ibiam have accounted for nearly 300 rebounds so far this season.

South Carolina outlasted No. 16 Vanderbilt on the road Sunday, which enabled the Gamecocks to grab a share of Texas A&M’s SEC lead after the Aggies fell to No. 10 Tennessee. And with South Carolina’s remaining opponents posting a 27-36 in-conference record so far, the Gamecocks have a chance to control their own destiny. With the win at Vanderbilt, the Gamecocks are off to their best start through 20 games in school history at 18-2. Ole Miss (10-11, 1-6 SEC) will be the first team to visit No. 7 South Carolina (18-2, 6-1 SEC) during the Gamecocks’ twogame home stand. They will host Missouri on Sunday. The Rebels secured their first SEC win over in-state rival Mississippi State last week and, in doing so, erased a five-game losing streak. Ole Miss opened up conference play with an 85-76 loss to Missouri and then gave up 94 points to Alabama and 93 points to No. 10 Tennessee. Through seven SEC contests, the Rebels are surrendering an average of 81.6 points per game. A lthough the Rebels’ recent struggles have been welldocumented, head coach Dawn Staley said she’s taking the game seriously. Even if they’re in the bottom tier, the Rebels are still in the SEC, after all. “I find that whether you’re at home or away in this league, you have to be able to play and sustain yourself for 40 minutes,” Staley said. “And if you don’t, teams are going to make you pay for it.” The Rebels are under the leadership of first-year head coach Matt Insell. The school has struggled to find a long-term solution since former head coach Adrian Wiggins was placed on administrative leave amid a recruiting investigation. With Ole Miss giving up buckets by the handful and the Gamecocks dominating in the paint — 46 of their 61 points at Vanderbilt came in the paint — South Carolina will look to improve upon their school-best 18-2 start. The Gamecocks also rank third in the NCAA in scoring defense, allowing only 52.3 points per game. The Gamecocks will look to contain Ole Miss junior forward Tia Faleru, who leads the team in rebounding with 88 offensive rebounds and 104 defensive rebounds. Faleru is second on the team in points, scoring 322, which is 23 behind point guard Valencia McFarland. Faleru posted 29 points and 15 rebounds in Ole Miss’ victory over Mississippi State. So far this season, South Carolina has been lead by centers Elem Ibiam and Alaina Coates. Both players are listed at 6-foot4, so opponents have had trouble battling them for rebounds. Together, they own 292 total rebounds on the season. “That is where our advantage is and that is where highpercentage basketball is for us,” Staley said. “It’s worked for us all season long, and it has to continue.” South Carolina will look to distance themselves from Texas A&M in the standings over these next few games. The Gamecocks will face Ole Miss (1-6 SEC), Missouri (2-5 SEC), Mississippi State (2-5 SEC) and Arkansas (2-5 SEC). Two out of the Aggies’ next three opponents are ranked — No. 16 Vanderbilt and No. 14 LSU — and both hold 5-2 records in conference play. DG

Men’s basketball still searching for 1st SEC win Team hopes to avenge loss against Aggies earlier this season Danny Garrison


W hen South Carolina took on Texas A&M earlier this month, the Gamecocks charged out of the gates, finishing the first half with a lead behind a dominant rebounding performance. But as the story has gone throughout the men’s basketball team’s conference season, the opponent would secure the advantage in the second half and never look back. In the Gamecocks’ six SEC losses, they’ve lost just two by a double-digit margin. While South Carolina (7-12, 0-6 SEC) has been on the wrong end of many close games, coach Frank Martin points out that his opponent Wednesday, Texas A&M, has been known to come out on top in the same scenario. “(Texas A&M) scored 18 points in the fi rst half against Tennessee,” Martin said. “And they came out the second half, and they were ultra-aggressive. I mean they were in attack mode, and they made shots, and they’re scrappy.” That was just the Aggies’ second conference game, and after that abysmal first half, they would go on to beat the Volunteers 57-56. South Carolina will vie for its fi rst SEC victory of the year in Wednesday night’s rematch with the Aggies. But the conference standings look much different for Texas A&M now than they did leading up to the two teams’ first meeting. Texas A&M opened to a hot start in conference play, holding a share of the conference lead when they first played the Gamecocks. Since the Aggies’


Mindaugus Kacinas (25) said that the team cannot allow Texas A&M to beat them in the rebounding battle. victory over South Carolina, they have lost threestraight and currently sit at ninth in the SEC. One Texas A&M player who hasn’t slowed down since playing the Gamecocks is point guard Alex Caruso, but his contribution has been as a facilitator rather than a scorer. Caruso registered a game-high

seven assists in the two teams’ last meeting and currently leads the SEC with 4.8 assists per game. “That kid Caruso, he didn’t go there to be a point guard,” Martin said. “And because of defections, he kind of was forced into that job last year, and he has CARUSO • 6

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