VOL. 114, NO. 15 • SINCE 1908
SG elections: Meet your candidates Student Government elections will take place on Feb. 18 and 19 on Self Service Carolina, and students will elect new executive officers and several new student senators. Seven candidates have been confirmed for the three executive offices: three for president, two for vice president and two for treasurer. If needed, a runoff election will take place on Feb. 25 and 26; new officers will be inducted March 19.
President Jameson Broggi
Lindsay Richardson
Chris Sumpter
Third-year political science student Former intern for U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint and Sen. Tim Scott, both Republicans of South Carolina. Master of ceremonies, Campus Crusade for Christ Resident mentor in Harper/Elliott
Third-year political science, management and marketing student President pro tempore, student senate University ambassador Resident mentor in Carolina Women’s Community EMPOWER diversity peer educator
T h i rd -ye a r c r i m i n a l j u s ti c e a n d economics student Vice presidential coordinator of senate outreach Former USC Sumter student body president Former student senator President, Young Americans for Liberty Page, South Carolina Senate Owner, Sumpter Farms
—Compiled by Amanda Coyne
Vice President
Donnie Iorio
David Leggett
Ryan Harman
Natalie Hageman
Third-year management science and marketing student Chief justice, Constitutional Council (currently on leave of absence due to campaign) National president, Phi Beta Lambda business fraternity Founder, USC for Babies R e s i d e nt m e nto r, Wo o d row College
Second-year economics and political science student Historian, Student Government Member, Carolina Judicial Council Intern, South Carolina Senate Judiciary Committee Former president, Gamecock Club Swimming
Third-year business economics student Former vice president of internal affairs, Carolina Productions Former treasurer, BGLSA Former comptroller, Student Government Capstone Fellow
Second-year business student Senate finance committee chair, student senate Supplemental instructor, MATH 122 (Calculus for Business and Social Sciences) South Campus liaison, Residence Hall Association Fo r m e r pre sid e nt, Ca ro lina W o m e n ’s C o m m u n i t y h a l l government
Students vote for Cheerios ad in Super Bowl class Cereal commercial takes annual Cocky Award Natalie Pita
Students from 19 campuses came to USC for the Student Leadership and Diversity Conference on Saturday.
Conference speakers inspire USC hosts more than 500 students for leadership workshops, talks Natalie Pita
USC hosted students from 19 campuses across the South on Saturday for the 28th Annual Student Leadership and Diversit y Conference, themed “Find Your Fit: Unlock Your Future.” “We are excited that many years ago that we had the foresight to start a conference of this type to give individuals a one-day opportunity to come and hear some wonderful workshops,” said Jerry Brewer, associate vice president for student affairs. “We’ve got a lot of insight to share with you, and we hope we’ll make you think a little bit different.” A grand total of 509 students came from South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Georgia to attend three different workshop sessions and hear two keynote speakers during the conference. “You’ve got 500 different people here,” Brewer said. “Believe it or not, everyone looks at things a little bit different; they have a little bit different perspective, a little bit different takeaway.” Brian Bordainick, who was recently named one of Forbes Magazine’s “Top 30 Under 30,” started off the morning by encouraging students to reach their own potential. Bordainick is recognized as one of New Orleans’ highest-achieving young entrepreneurs after he created 9th Ward Field
of Dreams, an organization that built a football stadium for a New Orleans high school. The 27-year-old said that everything he did started out as a failure, even though he is now the chief executive of Dinner Lab, a company that pairs little-known chefs with diners looking for a unique experiences. The company was recently valued at $55 million although it began less than two years ago. “Just move as fast as possible, and dest roy everything in your path,” he said. “I think that’s the only way you’re going to do something special or magical.” Bordainick said he likes to speak to college students because they still have the idea that they can accomplish anything. The second keynote speaker, Julie Beck, aimed to inspire students to follow their dreams. Beck traveled to all 50 states before she was 30 and all seven continents by 40, and her adventures have now taken her to 77 countries. She encou raged t he audience to challenge themselves, meet new people and try new things. “A ll t he people in t he world f it into t hree categories,” Brewer said. “There’s people who don’t have any idea anything is happening. There’s people who watch things happen. A nd there’s people who make things happen.” DG
General Mills brought back Gracie and her interracial parents f rom last year’s Super Bowl commercial during the first unscheduled timeout of Sunday’s game. According to Bonnie Drewniany’s Super Bowl of Advertising class, General Mills was doing something right when they created the commercial. The students voted it this year’s best ad, making its creators the winner of the annual Cocky Award. In the ad, a father uses Cheerios to explain to his daughter that she would soon have a baby brother, and the girl responds by suggesting they also add a puppy to the family. The students in Drewniany’s class were focused on the commercials during the big game , w hile most people focused on the game, spent time with friends or gorged on food. The group of more than 100 students gathered in the Carolina Coliseum to watch the game together and rate each commercial based on its likability, persuasiveness, brand identity and whether or not they’d seen it before. “What it comes down to for me is, ‘Am I intrigued by it the whole time?’” fourth-year business student Louis Howell said. “That’s the one I’m going to give the best score to. If there’s more than one that does that for me, I’ll give it to the one that sets above the rest.” The class stopped after every commercial to rate it, and during the game, they skipped past the lag time in between plays. Even so, the students typically finish the game an hour and a half behind the rest of the world. While preparing for the event, students practiced rating ads in class and analyzed what made previous winners of the Cocky Award so successful. They also researched t he b eh i nd-t he - s cene s a sp ec t s of t he commercials. “I’ve gained an appreciation of how much goes into making that million-dollar ad,” fourth-year advertising student Shannon White said. Drew niany said she hopes t hat i nve st ig at i ng t he pro ce s s b eh i nd t he commercials has taught her students “never to look at an ad the same way.”
Monday, February 3, 2014
Missing shrimp sparks suspicion in Fort Mill A food distributor in Fort Mill is suffering a severe shrimp shortage after a shipment of frozen shrimp went missing, according to the Rock Hill Herald. A U.S. Foods employee told police Thursday t hat t he shrimp shipment, valued at $5,480, arrived Tuesday and upon arrival, eight cases of shrimp were not accounted for. A police report says police and employees have surveillance footage of a pallet being moved into a truck. According to the York County Sheriff’s Office report, all deliveries are “scanned into the system” before they are stored; however, employees later found eight cases of shrimp were missing. —Hannah Jeffrey, News Editor
Legislators attempt to block law school sale
Hoffman found dead in New York apartment
A number of Sout h Carolina legislators are attempting to stop a Florida-based company from buying the Charleston School of Law, according to The State. InfiLaw owns for-profit law schools in Charlotte, Jacksonville, Fla., and Phoenix and is looking to merge the law school with a state-supported school, which would give the state two publicly funded law schools. But before the sale can go through, the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education must give the company a license to operate within the state. Several legislators are questioning the deal, including state Rep. Leon Stavrinakis, R-Charleston, who wrote to the Commission on Higher Education saying, “That cannot possibly be a safe bet for South Carolina’s students.” The status of InfiLaw’s application could be known as early as June. —Hannah Jeffrey, News Editor
Ph i l ip S e y mou r Hof f m a n , a p r o m i ne nt character actor, was found dead Sunday in his New York apart ment, The A ssociated Press reported. He was 46. Anonymous law enforcement officials told the A P that Hoffman was found with a needle in his arm. According to those officials, glassine envelopes containing what is believed to be heroin were also found with Hoffman. Those who knew Hoffman took to Twitter to express their grief. Actor Ricky Gervais tweeted, “One of the greatest actors of a generation and a sweet, funny & humble man.” Director Spike Lee said, “Damn, We Lost Another Great Artist.” —Hannah Jeffrey, News Editor
The blotter comes from police reports released by the USC Division of Law Enforcement and Safety and doesn’t include crimes reported by city or county law enforcement.
JAN. 25 TO JAN. 31 6 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Drug/ Narcotics Violation Theft from Building Larceny (all other) Traffic/ DUI Larceny of Bicycle Trespassing Larceny of Moped Fake ID Alcohol/ Liquor Law Violation Larceny/ Theft from Vehicle Drunkenness Assault
— W hile on pat rol early Wednesday morning, an officer saw a man urinat ing at t he corner of Laurens and Greene streets. When the man saw the patrol car, he began to walk in the opposite direction, but t he of f icer pulled up next to him and noticed the man was still urinating as he walked. The man was unsteady and slurred his speech and told the officer that he was 18. The officer asked for his fake ID, and the man provided a Connecticut driver’s license that did not belong to him. When the officer asked where he had been, the man said he was at “Pavlov’s all night drinking beer.” — An officer responded to a report of drunkenness in East Quad and found an intoxicated girl vomiting in the lobby. The girl said she’d had a
lot of whiskey, but she was beginning to feel better after vomiting several times. W hen she was asked if she had been drink ing beer, she told officers no, she had been drinking liquor, and told them she was 18. When authorities asked her who the president is, she answered George Washington. She was given a citation and was taken to Palmetto Health Baptist. — A n officer was dispatched to S out h Tower Mond ay mor n i ng after vandalism was reported in the building’s t hree elevators. Upon arrival, t he of f icer was told t hat one light was missing from the fi rst elevator, all six were missing from the second elevator and three were m issing f rom t he t hird elevator. A sign was hanging in the second elevator with a picture of “Jigsaw”
t hat said “I would like to play a game.” Damage was estimated to be around $5,000. — Compiled by Hannah Jef f rey, News Editor Briefs don’t include every incident f r o m t he l a s t week , a n d s u s pe c t s are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Information could change as investigations continue.
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Monday, February 3, 2014
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Candidates qualified, but more diversity needed ISSUE The student body will choose next year’s elected officials. OUR STANCE We’d like more diversity, but the candidates are qualified. Election season is here again, and the various competitions look especially tight this year. Despite an absence of a field of c a nd idate s t h at ’s k now n w idel y a r ou nd c a mpu s , a l l of t hose r u n n i ng for of f ice appear qualified for the offices t hey seek . Each has a sol id background of involvement in various USC bodies, and the va st m ajor it y of t hem have extensive leadership or service experience. W hat this means, roughly, is that we’re in for some very tough races. In the running for president are two Student Government veterans, Lindsay Richardson and Chris Sumpter, along with t h i rd-yea r pol it ic a l sc ience major Jameson Broggi, the only student running for executive office who hasn’t had ties to SG. To be honest, it’s refreshing to see political contenders from
outside Student Government circles. It opens up the candidate pool to perspectives and areas of interest uncommon to those fluent in the operations of SG. W h i le it i s e s s e nt i a l f o r a ny elec ted of f icia l to have political experience, we must remember that the student body president is just that: an elected represent at ive of t he ent ire school.
“Despite an absence of a field of candidates that’s known widely around campus, all of those running for office appear qualified for the offices they seek. Each has a solid background of involvement in various USC bodies, and the vast majority of them have extensive leadership ... experience.”
One doesn’t need to be a highlevel political operator to run for an office that is supposed to represent everybody (although it certainly helps). No, the only requirements are to have logged enough credit hours and to be in good standing in one’s college. So, why do so few students outside of SG choose to run? Simple interest can provide a possible answer. Those who run for president are usually interested in polit ics, which tends to increase the probability that they will have participated in SG in the past. A not her a ns wer is si mple k nowledge of election procedure. How many potential candidates didn’t sign up simply because they didn’t know they c o u ld r u n ? W h i le S G h a s made good efforts to make its deadlines widely known, more could be done to publicize these important dates. Don’t get us w rong: Th is year’s elect ion has plent y of qualified candidates. We only w ish more of t he student body, from more parts of campus, would seek to run for office.
Free speech must trump other concerns Being offended is no excuse for censorship On the whole, I don’t consider myself an absolutist. When it comes to most concepts, from moralit y to t he correct way to prepare tea, there is always room for doubt. The only worthwhile enterprises are those that keep a close eye on all assumptions and continue to check and recheck previous conclusions. Science could not exist without doubt. ( Neit her cou ld t r ue faith, for that matter.) If you don’t have a healt hy s e n s e of d oub t , y ou le a v e yourself open to an extremism and certitude that can lead to horrible consequences. (Would anyone, for example, sign up for suicide bombing if t hey weren’t absolutely certain that t he y wou ld go on to t hei r reward?) When it comes to free speech, however, I’m as absolute as any garden-variety fanatic. Here’s why : I wou ld n’t b e able to write the words you’re reading if we were living under the censor. Even if very little was cha nged, ever y t h i ng I wrote from here on out would not be my words, but the words allowed by authority. I n essence, it would be t he authorit y speak ing, and not me. With free speech, there can be no totalitarianism. One of the reasons the United States is so secure in its democratic a nd plu ra l ist ic a i m s is t he
First Amendment: a bedrock principle which enshrines the freedom to speak above all else. It is an irony t hat t he most sacred of the enlightenment ideals is that, when it comes to speech, nothing is sacred. A nd when I say, “nothing is sacred,” I mean it. I n 1989, an Iranian religious fanat ic sentenced Salman Rushdie, a British novelist, to death for the crime of writing a novel. H is book , “The Sat a n ic Verses,” was bu r ned across t he world for its blasphemous depiction of revered Islamic f ig ures. People associated wit h t he b o ok were murdered by fanatical mobs. W h at w a s t h e Ben world’s reaction? Crawford T hat Rushd ie First-year shou ld n’t h ave English and written the book Russian student in the fi rst place. It didn’t particularly matter that the passages involved were taking place in the mind of a madman (or, for that matter, that the people burning the b o ok ne ver g ot a rou nd t o reading it.) What all of this means is this: The freedom of speech means that one has the right to offend and be offended. As of now, the most dangerous threat to free speech is the person who claims h is or her ow n hu r t feelings as a right to censor or
do violence to someone. This brings up one additional point: Just as I have the right to speak, you have the right to listen. In the free exchange of ideas, it is a disservice to all if one side of the argument is removed from play. When all arguments become one-sided, those who believe one idea are allowed to believe it u ncr it ical ly, w it hout t he possibilit y of self-ref lection. It is for this reason that the unpopular or dissenting voice is also the most important; it gives us the tools to examine our own beliefs more seriously. I n 1919, t he U. S. Supreme Cou r t sentenced C ha rle s Schenck, a Yiddish-speaking soc ia l ist , to si x mont h s i n prison for publishing f lyers (in Yiddish) against American involvement in World War I. Oliver Wendell Holmes called h i s ac t ion s comp a r able to “shouting ‘fire!’ in a crowded theater.” W hat no one seems to rememb er (a s C h r istopher Hitchens once pointed out) is that during that awful, needless war, there was an actual fi re in that proverbial theater, and it consumed the lives of millions of young men before it was put out. The difference is that the only man who dared shout was sent to prison, and the fire would cont i nue to bu r n for ma ny years afterward.
Birth of president’s granddaughter doesn’t warrant newspaper article Story about Pastides’ family not relevant to USC community As a daily reader of The Daily Gamecock, I was more than a little surprised to have to read a cover story this past Friday that informs us of personal family details of the president of our University of South Carolina. Upon reading the article, I was even more st u n ned to lear n t hat t he president had contributed to the story by means of an email interview. Not only do I fail to see the relevance of this story, but it also poses a somewhat confusing situation. After all, while Pastides holds the position of university president not on the basis of an election, but upon appointment following a national search (that evidently turned inward), his position is not that of a king to whom such reporting would ordinarily be applied. Conversely, shou ld The G a mecock be interested in t he private lives of any and all members of our university, I encourage students, faculty and staff to share their online posted pictures with the paper! Setting the example, here is a picture of my cat Alphonse that I shared on Instagram during last week’s snow days. I trust The Gamecock will write a story of this important event in my cat’s life. Either that, or we’ll have to go buy somebody a crown. —Mathieu Deflem, sociology professor
Courtesy of Mathieu Deflem
WHAT’S YOUR TAKE? Do you want your opinion voiced in The Daily Gamecock? Want to write a letter to the editor? Write a weekly column in the newspaper? Contact viewpoints@dailygamecock. com for more information.
IT’S YOUR RIGHT The goal of The Daily G a m e c o c k ’s V i e w p o i n t s p a g e is to st imu late d isc ussion i n t he Un iver sit y of Sout h Ca rol i na communit y. A ll published authors a re e x p e c ted to prov ide log ic a l arguments to back their views. The Daily Gamecock encourages readers to voice opinions and offers three methods of expression: letters to t he editor, g uest colum ns and feedback on dailygamecock.com. Letters and guest columns should be submitted via email to editor@ dailygamecock.com. Letters must be 200 to 300 words in length and
include the author’s name, year in school and area of study. We also inv ite st udent leaders and USC faculty members to submit guest columns. Columnists should keep submissions to about 500 words in length and include the author’s name and position. The editor reserves the right to edit and condense submissions for length and clarit y, or not publish at all. A l l subm issions become t he propert y of The Daily Gamecock a nd mu s t c o n f or m t o t he le g a l standards of USC Student Media.
CORRECTIONS If you find an error in today’s edition of The Daily Gamecock, let us know about it. Email editor@dailygamecock.com and we will print the correction in our next issue.
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Monday, February 3, 2014
Queens of the Stone Age vent Grammy frustration
Photos by Clarie Randall / THE DAILY GAMECOCK
Troy Van Leeuwen, left, and Josh Homme perform at the Township Auditorium on Friday as part of their 2014 tour, which features goth rocker Chelsea Wolfe.
Homme rocks Township after TV performance cut off by commercials Alex Buscemi
Less than a week after his Grammy performance was cut off by a Delta A irlines commercial, lead singer Josh Homme took the stage at the Township Auditorium with Queens of the Stone Age for a powerful, gritty, emotional and — most importantly — uninterrupted display of veteran rocksmanship. Homme has been quiet about the Grammy debacle, but the frontman was clearly miffed about it at his Friday night show. You could feel him seeing red as the band hammered out one combative song after another with little to no rest in between. Save for a few t hanks, Homme barely stopped to speak to the audience. “I know you’re supposed to talk during these things ... but this is one of those nights I just wanna play, you know?” he said. T he c rowd re sp onded w it h a raucou s a nd hea r t felt “F--- t he Grammys!” Fans were mad at the awards show for more than just the disrespectful interruption, however. Queens of the
Stone Age were passed over for two awards that night, including best rock performance, which went — to the dismay of any hard rock die-hard — to Imagine Dragons. The mutually-felt Grammy hate coupled with an already-intense setlist created a perfect storm of aggression. It was everything you could ask for in a hard rock show: a royally pissed-off vocalist, thrashing guitar solos and an LED screen lighting up a backdrop of rivers of blood, malformed sk ulls gnashing t heir teeth and silhouettes of naked women dancing. T he r apid - s t r u m m i n g i nt r o s shot each song off like a machine g un, cooled dow n w it h Homme’ nonchalant vocals and penetrated with Queens’ signature guitar moans, which were achieved by dragging the strings across a microphone or with a table steel guitar (a dorky-looking Beach Boys instrument, but one lead guitarist Troy Van Leeuwen made look cool by spitting on the ground a lot). The setlist covered much of the album “...Like Clockwork,” which was released last year, but they were sure to throw in a few classic fan favorites, too. “No One Knows,” “Little Sister” and “Go with the Flow” were all included, but sadly, “3’s & 7’s” was not.
Homme, visibly upset by his interruption at the Grammys, got lots of love from fans. The fast-paced show slowed down only twice. First, about halfway through “... Li ke Clock work ,” t he l i nger i ng bitterness from the Grammys made t he d i s ap p oi nt me nt t h at s e e p s through the album’s lyrics that much more real. Take, for example, the line, “Because not everything that goes around comes back around you know.” Then, at the beginning of the encore, Homme sat at a piano for the contemplating, depressive “The Vampyre of Time and Memory.”
The audience was made up of a blend of college prep and college dropout goth, which made for one unsung highlight: a woman in all black with f ishnets and whiteout makeup slow-grinding on a man with a polo tucked into khakis. There was something poetic about the moment — two opposite souls coming together to revel in their d isg ust for t he m ist reat ment of modern rock. DG
‘Blue is the Warmest Color’ awe-inspiring French drama, 2013’s best film, offers all-time great love story between 2 lesbians in Paris Jonathan Winchell
“Blue Is the Warmest Color” NOW IN THEATERS
Director: Abdellatif Kechiche Starring: Léa Seydoux, Adèle Exarchopoulos Rating: NC-17 for explicit sexual content The French NC-17-rated romantic drama “Blue Is the Warmest Color,” really has no plot, or at least very little happens in the three-hour story. The film, the original title of which translates to “The Life of Adèle - Chapters 1 and 2,” follows the life of Adèle (Adèle Exarchopoulos) as she starts high school. She has full, round cheeks, a slightly agape mouth and a longing curiousness in her eyes. There is not yet great pain or frustration in her life for the most part. Rather, she is a typical teenager trying to find her place in the world. She becomes friendly with an attractive boy she goes to school with, and their relationship continues with meals and conversation. On the way to meet him one day, she sees a woman with blue hair with her arms around another woman. She instantly catches Adèle’s eye, even among the crowd in the bustling city street. Adèle continues dating her boyfriend, and like many teenage relationships,
Courtesy of MCT Campus
Adèle Exarchopoulos turns in an excellent performance as a lesbian lover in this fearless, overwhelming work of art. it becomes sexual. Unmoved by her first time at intercourse, she realizes not so much that she is a lesbian yet, but that she does not seem to be attracted to men. Her heterosexual experience leaves her cold and detached. One of Adèle’s best male friends is gay, and one evening, he takes her to a gay nightclub. She slips out and finds her way into a lesbian bar, and much to her surprise, she sees the blue-haired woman she saw briefly on the street. She finds out her name is Emma (Léa Seydoux), and the two have a long conversation at the bar. Right away, they both can tell they have a connection. They begin seeing each other as friends, but their relationship
quickly blossoms into rapturous, sensual love. “Blue Is the Warmest Color” won the Palme d’Or at last year’s Cannes Film Festival, and in an unprecedented move, the award was given to not only its director, Abdellatif Kechiche, but also to its two female stars, Adèle Exarchopoulos and Léa Seydoux. It is the best film of 2013. There have been few films ever made that have been as emotionally raw and honest about love, sex and human attraction as this one is. Because there is no real narrative to the film, the viewer is asked to completely invest in the characters. BLUE • 6
Monday, February 3, 2014
follow us @thegamecock
BLUE • Cont. from 5 Most of the film is shot in medium close-up with hand-held cameras giving the film a spontaneous power. The viewer almost becomes a part of t he relationship because of its intimacy. The film does not seem to be made to satisfy an audience or tell a conventional story. Some of the conversations go on for much longer than they would in most films, and the characters pause and glance like actual people do. Kechiche let t he actresses read his script only once and wanted t he m t o f org et t hei r
lines and react naturally together. The film is a character study that is so invested in its characters that it truly feels like real life is unfolding. The act resses are com m it ted to t hei r performances, and they pou r t heir sou ls onto the screen. Some of the most emotional scenes are hard to watch because the characters’ intensity is so palpable and fierce. Much has been made about the explicit sex scenes in the film that earned it the NC-17 rating. They are g raph ic, but ever y t hing was simulated. Some people have criticized the film for
being voyeuristic because a straight male director is leering at the private life of these woman. However, the director is capturing the intellectual, emotional and physical con nect ion t he t wo women have for each other, and the sex scenes are an essential piece of the rest of the film. The scenes of lovemaking, as graphic as they are, are vital in creating the bond between Adèle and Emma. “Blue Is the Warmest Color” is as awe-inspiring and cinema-redefining in its intimacy as Alfonso Cuarón’s “Gravity” is in its grandeur. It is one of t he c i n e m a’s b e s t l o v e stories, regardless of the cha r ac ter s’ sex u a l it y. T here a re moment s and images in the film, glimpses into other lives, that are as beautiful and moving as anything ever put on screen.
Monday, February 3, 2014
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You’re con f ident a nd eager to go for the next two days. Keep an eye out for hidden treasure. Make new contacts while filling present orders. An unexpected development leads to a st ar t l i ng discovery. Keep digging.
Travel conditions look good today and tomorrow. A start ling revelat ion propels your plans. The financial situation could be unstable. And household matters need attention. Still, don’t limit your imagination. Travel seems appealing, but it’s not without peril.
It’s okay to get a little wild, even revolutionary. Get ready to party, and i nv ite you r net work . Clear up any confusion before broadcasting. Play with friends and family, and encourage the fun. Celebrate being together.
You can complete projects w it h more ease. Slow down and think it over. Start by clean ing out closets, and discover a forgotten treasure. Others find the answer you’ve been seeking. A friend has a brilliant idea.
Circumstances control your actions today and tomorrow. A startling cha nge i n com ma nd cou ld d isr upt t h i ng s. A ppea ra nces deceive. G at her input f rom others. Associates deliver t he d at a . A s u r p r i s e project comes your way. Encou rage someone’s creativity.
C a reer oppor t u n it ies arise today and tomorrow. Use your imagination to take advantage. Focus attention and stay alert to ju mp at t he r ight moment. Make contact. B e r e s p e c t f u l . Yo u r consultant provides legal insight. Keep the rules and move.
Organize your financial plans today and tomorrow. Look into the future, and imagine what you want. Talk it over and gain surprising insight into your partner’s desires. With purchases, invest in the highest long-lasting quality. Build your nest.
Spend time with your partner, and anticipate surprises. Let somebody else direct the show for a couple of days. Imagine perfection. Upgrade the technology. Push yourself forward. Surprise! That works better than you thought possible.
It’s busy, so let intuition steer you in t he right direction. Work matters are on the front burner. Break out of your shell! Risk a little, and discover a lucky break. Entertain new ideas and suggestions.
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., free McKissick Museum
SCHOONER, GROSS GHOST, RELEASE THE DOGS 8 p.m., $5 / $3 under 21 The New Brookland Tavern 122 State St.
Stick close to home for the next two days, where t he house a nd fa m ily require more attention. Upgrade the space and personal comfort level. Domestic bliss restores and rejuvenates. Share it with your closest crew.
Your concentration and com mu n icat ion f lows extraordinarily well today and tomorrow. This gets handy, with unexpected costs or income arising. St udy t he issue for s o l u t io n s . Ta k e t h i s opportunity to go for the prize. Shop carefully for supplies.
There’s money coming, but also goi ng, today and tomorrow. Follow your inner voice when choosing direction. Or hold off, and let things cook a nd si m mer. Be patient with those who are confused. The answer surprises.
1 2 3 4
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ACROSS 1 Popped (out) 6 Pet welfare org. 10 Swear 14 One drawing a bead 15 Feeds, as cattle 16 Kevin’s “A Fish Called Wanda” role 17 *Neat, practical types, so it’s said 19 Father of Cordelia 20 Slip 21 Swore 22 Piano’s opposite, in a score 23 Rhone feeder 25 Keys for a music room? 27 Department store employees 30 Dog days mo. 31 Sing like Michael Bublé 32 Is leery of 37 Kin of -ess 38 Different kinds of them are split (but not in an embarrassing way) in the four starred answers 39 Make __ with: impress 40 Radiation detection device 42 Inclined (to) 43 Here-there link 44 Invaded, with “on” 46 Epitome of thickness 50 Clutch 51 Insect-trapping resin 52 Man of many words 54 Le Mans law 57 Kind of miss 58 *Easter Bunny’s delivery 60 Bar peel 61 Pulitzer-winning author James 62 As if it were scripted 63 Mars, to the Greeks 64 Lout 65 Ninnies DOWN 1 Deal with 2 Whopper creator
3 Puts away 4 It’s always in Shakespeare 5 Big screen locale 6 Slip preventer 7 Peel 8 Singer Lauper 9 Beast of burden 10 *Ceremonial flag carriers 11 Wombs 12 Country 13 Abrasions 18 Innermost part 22 Final complement, perhaps 24 *Arch supports, e.g. 26 Relatives of drums 27 Emailed a dupe to 28 Cartoonist Peter 29 Resilient strength 33 Poky follower 34 Hearst Castle, for one 35 Brown of publishing 36 Dump closing? 38 Chincha Islands country
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41 Marshy wasteland 42 Marshy fuel source 45 Neutral shade in London 46 Quixote’s squire Sancho 47 Arab chieftain 48 Demean 49 Barilla rival 53 Butter alternative 55 Albatross 56 “Got it” 58 Punch that might make you reel
59 Yachtsman’s course: Abbr.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Women’s basketball remains at top of SEC South Carolina topples Missouri 78-62 Sunday Tanner Abel
A strong first half helped the South Carolina women’s basketball team earn its 20th win of the season on Sunday, a 78-62 victory over Missouri as well as first place in the SEC. Sophomore guard Tiffany Mitchell scored 20 points to go along with nine rebounds and four steals in the win. Along with Mitchell, sophomore point guard Khadijah Sessions was active on the defensive end with four steals of her own, along with 13 points and six assists. Turnovers were an issue for the Tigers (14-8, 3-6 SEC) in the first half. They gave up 13 while South Carolina had on ly t h ree. The G amecock s (20-2, 8-1 SEC) scored 23 points off turnovers in the first half. “In the second half, when they got going, I thought just having to play exhaustive basketball in the fi rst half really helped us hold on to get this win,” coach Dawn Staley said. Sessions set the tone early with a nice dish of f to junior for ward Aleighsa Welch for a layup to give South Carolina a 13-5 lead with less than 15 minutes remaining in the first half. Sophomore guard Asia Dozier hit a three a few minutes later to push the lead to 18-7. Dozier fi nished with 11 points and four assists on the night. Missouri fought back to make it 23-17 with a little more than eight minutes to play in the fi rst half after sophomore guard Morgan Stock’s three-pointer. Starting at the 6:45 mark in the first half, the Gamecocks went on a 23-6 run to close out the half. Free throws and freshman center Alaina Coates’ inside presence helped build South Carolina’s fi rst half lead to 23 points at halftime with a 48-25 score. Coates finished the day with 13 points, five rebounds and four blocks. The Gamecocks held the advantage in points in the paint on the day, with 36 to Missouri’s 16. “I think we took advantage of our post players once again,” Mitchell said. “We knew they were going to sag off pretty hard on us and we still tried to execute and get the ball inside.” I n t he second half, t he Tigers were in the bonus with more than 13 minutes to play. That helped spark a 15-5 run by the Tigers to start off the second half, cutting South Carolina’s lead to 13 points with the score at 53-40. A couple of minutes later, Mitchell hit from beyond the arc to push the lead back up to 18. Aside from a flurry of missed free throws (they shot 9-for-14 in the second half ), things went relatively smoothly for the Gamecocks the rest
Guard Tiffany Mitchell led South Carolina with 20 points in the win over the Missouri Tigers on Sunday; she also logged nine rebounds and four steals. She said that the historical significance of winning 20 games in one season is not lost on her. of the game. Missouri’s leading scorer, senior forward Bri Kulas, had 21 points on the night, but did not get much help from her teammates besides junior guard Morgan Eye, who chipped in with 14 points. “Defensively, I think we executed our game plan, tak ing away their strengths for the most part, closing out ha rd a nd not g iv i ng up a ny uncontested three-pointers,” Dozier said.
T h is is t he t h i rd con sec ut ive season in which South Carolina has reached 20 wins after the program had struggled for years to reach that mark. The improvement has led many of Staley’s peers, including Missouri coach Robin Pingeton, to praise the South Carolina coach. “Especially where South Carolina has come from, I hope to be one of the model programs that you could look at to see how we built it,” Staley said. No. 17 Texas A&M narrowly lost to
No. 16 Vanderbilt on Sunday to help push the Gamecocks into the SEC’s top spot. Mitchell and Dozier said they realize that the team has a target on its back now, but that they also understand the progress the program has made over the past few years. “I think we understand the history of the program and how far we’ve come,” Mitchell said. “So we’re just t hank f ul to get to t hese 20 w ins already.” DG
Gamecocks lose rematch against Rebels Men’s basketball squanders double-digit lead in 2nd half Danny Garrison
South Carolina was riding high heading into its rematch at Ole Miss on Saturday. The Gamecocks were fresh off their first conference win and eager to challenge a Rebel team that they lost to by a single point earlier in the season. But South Carolina (8-13, 1-7 SEC) couldn’t channel that energy into a win Saturday, falling 75-71 in another nail-biter against the Rebels (15-6, 6-2 SEC). Much like the first meeting with Ole M iss, t he G amecock s held a double-digit lead in the contest that the Rebels would chip away at until it disappeared. One factor t hat cont ributed to South Carolina’s slowed momentum was its missed shots in the second half. The Gamecocks shot 56 percent in the first period, but in the second half, they shot just 37.5 percent. The Gamecocks were led by 23 points from senior guard Brenton Williams, who was followed closely by freshman guard Sindarius Thornwell, who scored 20 points. With freshman Duane Notice’s nine points, the three guards turned in the
Courtesy of MCT Campus
Senior guard Brenton Williams scored a game-high 23 points in the loss at Ole Miss. three highest totals on the team, a statistic that coach Frank Martin said is a testament to the growth of South Carolina’s backcourt. “They’ve been pretty good,” Martin said. “Those three guys have been in tune with one another and continue to play better.” Thornwell, Williams and Notice are the Gamecocks’ fi rst, second and fourth leading scorers, respectively. A nd with the team’s No. 3 scorer, junior guard Tyrone Johnson, sidelined
for the foreseeable future after ankle surgery, all three will look to increase their contributions. “I’ve just got to give credit to my teammates for helping me pick my spots and get open,” Notice said. “I’ve been working diligently with the coaching staff where I can get my shots throughout the game.” Ole Miss’s leading scorer from their first matchup with the Gamecocks, Anthony Perez, was held in check with just seven points in the game.
But star guard Marshall Henderson wasn’t as easy to control, leading the way for the Rebels with a team-high 21 points. “Give (Henderson) credit now,” Martin said. “He’s a good player.” Henderson is averaging the thirdmost points in the SEC, with 19.2 per game. South Carolina has had a measure of success in rematches this season, winning its second matchups with Akron and Texas A&M, but the trend was broken Saturday in Oxford, Miss. “Frank was implicating that it’s always good to play a team a second time that beat you the first time,” W i l l ia m s sa id. “So t hat k i nd of motivated us.” In the Gamecocks’ next matchup, on Wednesday, they will take on a team that they haven’t seen yet this season, Auburn. In its fi rst six SEC contests, South Carolina left each game on the losing end of t he scoreboard. A nd af ter earning their first conference win over Texas A&M, things seemed to be looking up for the Gamecocks. But M a r t i n sa id t hat whet her expectations were negative or positive heading into the game with the Rebels, a loss is a loss. “If we were 6-0 and we got beat, I’d have been miserable,” Martin said. “I can’t pay attention to the record.” DG