The Daily Gamecock 9/29/15

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Courtesy of MCT Campus

YOUR FAVORITE GAMECOCKS: Where are they now?


Ranking the best seasons for Gamecocks in the MLB

Stars De Niro, Hathaway outshine unoriginal plot

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Courtesy of Warner Bros.


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VOL. 106, NO. 20 ● SINCE 1908


College GOP hosts NRA at Russell

Wednesday last day to apply for Paisley

Mary Ramsey @MARYRISA

USC College Republicans hosted officials from the National Rifle Association (NRA) for an introduction to t he N R A Universit y program this Monday in the Russell House Ballroom. Representatives from the NR A in attendance were two grassroots coordinators for the organization. With a membership of 4.3 million, t he N R A is one of t he nation’s most powerful — and controversial — interest groups. T he event i ncluded discussion of the NR A’s efforts with regard to gun rights at the local, state a nd feder a l le vel. T he speakers fielded questions from attendees, who had access to free food, NRA memb er s h ip a nd N R A materials. One main topic of conversat ion was t he idea of a media bias against g u n rights. Grassroot s coordinator Natasha Montag ue of fered commentar y on t he quest ion of bias by showing an “independently produced” video analyzing statistics surrounding gun violence rates in the U.S. and Great Britain. “A lot of studies by [antigun groups] with smaller sample sizes … of course get more media attention than a lot of the more valid studies,” Montague said. T h i r d -y e a r p ol it ic a l science student John Ray, who attended the speech and comes from a family involved with the NR A, was i n ag reement w it h Montague’s analysis that guns serve as a deterrent to crime. “I personally believe we

BLAST Courtesy of MCT Campus

Patrick Ingraham @PATTYMILLS11

A nyone can take advantage of a chance to win free passes to see a countr y music superstar per for m i n Colu mbia. Students will have until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 30 to apply for a chance to receive tickets to see Brad Paisley perform as part of his Country Nation College Tour presented by Zaxby’s at t he u n iver sit y ’s new Alumni Center on Friday, Oct. 16. Students who are members of the My Carolina association are guaranteed free tickets as long as they register by the deadline. The concert will be a part of My Carolina A lumni Association’s homecoming activities. To attend the concert students must apply online at www.MyCarolina. org/Brad or contact Alexa Sonderman at asonderman@ Several thousand tickets are available, but only an allotted number of students and alumni will be able to attend. Winning students will be notified by Friday, Oct. 2 with details for how to pick up their My Carolina Brad Pa isley concer t wristbands. The concert will take place from 7 to 10 p.m. in front of the Alumni Center on Senate Street across from the Columbia Convention Center. C ou nt r y a r t ist SEEPAISLEYPAGE2

from the PAST Courtesy of MCT Campus

After a six-year search, USC archaeologists discover three historic Civil War cannons in a river.

Patrick Ingraham @PATTYMILLS11

Sc ient ist s f rom Sout h Carolina plan to take the f i na l step i n recover i ng three artifacts important to the state’s histor y and key to prov iding insight into Civil War weaponr y this week. A n underwater archaeology team from the

university will raise three Civ il War cannons f rom South Carolina on Tuesday, Sept. 29 f rom t he Great Pee Dee River in Florence C o u n t y. T h e c a n n o n raising will begin at 10 a.m. The three cannons weigh upwards of seven tons each. Two of t he ca n nons a re Confederate Brooke Rif le cannons, 11.8 and 12.25 feet

each, and one is a captured Union Dahlgren can non that is approx imately 8.9 feet long. A fter the cannons are raised from the s e d i m e n t i n t h e r i v e r, t hey w ill be t ransported at ap p r o x i m at e l y 12:30 p.m. to the Warren Lasch SEECANNONSPAGE2

Spurrier to share play-calling duties Offensive line coach Shawn Elliot t a nd quar terback s coach G. A . Mang us w ill continue to share play-calling duties this weekend against Missouri. Head coach Steve Spurrier said that Mangus will stay up in the press box and call pass plays while Elliott will stay on the sideline to call runs, with Spurrier chiming in occasionally to make adjustments. Sat u rday was Ma ng us’ first game ever in the box. The seventh-year Gamecock coach stood the entire game, refusing to sit in any of the box chairs. Spurrier said Saturday that he called about half the plays

in the second half against UCF. He also said that the Gamecocks “are probably going to do the same format” this week against Missouri. With freshman Lorenzo Nunez stepping in as the st a r ter, t he play- c a l l i ng has shifted a bit. The dualthreat ran 18 times against the K nights, and Spurrier stressed after the game that he does not mind Nunez running that often. The G amecock s w ill travel to Missouri to take on a Tigers team that ranks first in the SEC in total defense. T he noon g a me w i l l be televised on SEC Network. — Written by Will Helms



Courtesy of Andy Spreeuwers

Local tattoo artist Spreeuwers has drawn tattoos for athletes in the NFL and the MLB.

Born and raised in Irmo, South Carolina, Andy Spreeuwers knows Columbia, and he knows tattoos. A local tattoo legend and owner of 8 Sins Tattoo, Spreeuwers has inked up some of USC’s fi nest athletes, such as Jadeveon Clowney, Mike Davis and Connor Shaw. The Daily Gamecock caught up with Spreeuwers to ask him some not so skin deep questions. SEETATTOOPAGE5



Tuesday, September 29, 2015

About The Daily Gamecock Editor-in-Chief BEN CRAWFORD Managing Editor BELVIN OLASOV EMILY READY Online Editor GREY KLEIN Design Director RACHAEL MCGAHEE Special Sections Director KELLY VILLWOCK Copy Desk Chiefs DREW MUELLER RANA SOBEIH Social Media Editor GABBI FRASCO Photo Editor KAMILA MELKO News Editor PATRICK INGRAHAM Arts & Culture Editors KYLIE TOKAR LAUREN GALIDA Opinion Editor BEN TURNER Sports Editor WILL HELMS Assistant Photo Editors CODY SCOGGINS ABBY WEBB Assistant Design Director LOGAN ZAHNER Senior Designer JESSICA BLAHUT Assistant Arts & Culture Editor MORGAN SMITH Assistant Opinion Editor GRIFFIN HOBSON Assistant Sports Editor KELLI CALDWELL Assistant Copy Desk Chief MADELEINE VATH Senior Copy Editor DEBBIE CLARK CAROLYN CULBERTSON Faculty Adviser DOUG FISHER Interim Student Media Director SARAH SCARBOROUGH

Rand Paul’s wife makes appearance in South Carolina Kelley Paul, wife of presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul, is visiting South Carolina on her husband’s behalf, reported WLTX. Monday, Sept. 28, Paul gave the keynote address at a luncheon for the Hilton Head Island Women’s Club. She then traveled to Columbia for a meeting with the Richland County Republican Party at Doc’s Barbecue. Tuesday, she will go to the state’s Republican Party Headquarters in downtown Columbia to officially file her husband’s paperwork to be in the South Carolina primary. — Emily Barber, Asst. News Editor


Trump reveals long-awaited tax plan Yesterday, Donald Trump revealed his long-anticipated tax plan, which would lower income taxes and simplify the paperwork involved, according to The State. The plan would primarily lessen the burden on the middle class. Trump says he would condense the current seven tax brackets into four: 25 percent, 20 percent, 10 percent and zero. About 75 million households would no longer pay income tax, according to the published plan. Trump would also lower the corporate tax rate from its current 35 percent to 15 percent, while simultaneously getting rid of many tax deductions. — Emily Barber, Asst. News Editor

The Daily Gamecock is the editorially independent student newspaper

Police seek information on Sunday shooting

of the University of South Carolina. It is published daily during the fall and spring semesters and nine times during the summer with the exception of university holidays and exam periods. Opinions expressed in The Daily Gamecock are those of editors or author and not those of the University of South Carolina. The Board of Student Publications and Communications is the publisher of The Daily Gamecock. The Department of Student Media

A Columbia man died after being shot near Garners Ferry Road, WIS reported. Police are seeking any information that could lead to a suspect. Timothy Ray Morgan, a 48-year-old Columbia resident, was shot on Patterson Road just before 7 p.m. on Sunday. Officers arrived at the scene after he was taken to a nearby hospital, where he later died. Authorities have been meeting with witnesses who heard gunshots and then saw Morgan stumble to the ground.

is the newspaper’s parent organization. The Daily Gamecock is supported in part by student activity fees. One free copy per reader. Additional copies may be purchased for $1 each from the Department of Student Media. INFORMATION

— Emily Barber, Asst. News Editor

Offices located on the third floor of Russell House EDITOR NEWS OPINION Newsroom: 777-7726

ARTS & CULTURE SPORTS PHOTO Editor’s office: 777-3914

CORRECTIONS If you find an error in today’s edition of The Daily Gamecock, let us know about it. Email editor@ and we will print the correction in our next issue.

CANNONSPAGE1 C on ser vat ion C enter i n Nor t h Cha rleston before a per ma nent outdoor display can be made for them at the new Florence County administration building. T he t e a m of a r c h ae olo g i s t s , led by USC and state underwater archaeologist James Spirek and state a rchaeolog ist Jonat ha n Leader, began its search for the cannons in 2009 after archaeologists discovered t h e r e m a i n s o f t h e 15 0 - f o o t Confederate g unboat C.S.S. Pee Dee. The ship was built at the Mars Bluff Navy Yard in Florence County.


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should have open carry in every state,” Ray said. “I think nobody’s going to mess with you if you have a gun hanging off of your hip.” Another issue discussed by Montague was the idea of Second A mendment rights as individual rights. She noted that proponents of gun laws argue that t he word “m i l it i a” changes the meaning of the Second Amendment despite U.S. Supreme Court r u lings to t he contrary in U.S. v. Miller, District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. City of Chicago. “The Second A mendment is an i n d i v i d u a l r i g h t ,” Montague said. “It’s not

The three pieces of artillery were reportedly heaved overboard in the final days of the Civil War before the gunboat was burned. The ship never saw the Atlantic Ocean because it was halted by the fa mous march of G en. W il l ia m T. Sherman’s Union troops (The troops had taken the coastal city of Georgetown and were advancing northward through South Carolina). The naval yard was destroyed March 15, 1865. T he Da i ly G a mecock w i l l be prov iding more coverage on t he recovery after the cannons are raised from the river.

only the military or the police force that have the right to bear arms — that’s like saying freedom of speech only applies to the press.” R ay ag reed w it h Mont ag ue’s p o sit ion on the issue of constitutionality. “I think it’s our right as A mericans to carry weapons,” he said. “I t h i n k f or a nyone t o infringe on that freedom is unconstitutional … and goes against what we were founded upon.” Montague emphasized t h e N R A’s w o r k o n g un safet y programs, especially with regard to children, and concluded her address by noting job opportunities within the organization and its affiliates. Given the nature of the

event’s topic, it was not without its detractors. College Democrats of South Carolina issued a p r e - e mpt i v e p r e s s release denouncing the NRA with quotes from Nick Sott ile, College Democrat s president and fourth-year political s c ie n c e a n d h i s t o r y student. “The NRA lives in a fantasy world where the Second Amendment is under attack. The Second Amendment isn’t under attack – you’re thinking of our schools, theaters, churches and everywhere in between,” Sottile said in the press release. College Democrat s have deemed October as Gun Violence Awareness Mont h on c a mpu s e s across South Carolina, including that of USC.

inviting students to the homecom i ng St udent Trivia Night on Oct. 14 at the Alumni Center and for the grand opening at

2:30 p.m. on Oct. 15 when President Harris Pastides and alumni officials will de d ic at e t he A lu m n i Center.

The Daily Gamecock PAISLEYPAGE1

@dailygamecock 130 racks on and off campus Russell House 343 | 803.777.3888

Eric Paslay will open for Paisley from 7:30 to 8 p.m. My Carolina is also BIRTHRIGHT OF COLUMBIA

Pregnant? Need help? • 803.765.0165 •



Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Tuesday, September 29, 2015


‘The Intern’ focuses on generation gaps

Courtesy of 300 Entertainment

Fetty Wap’s debut album bears no resemblence to his three top hits. Courtesy of Warner Bros.

Written and directed by Nancy Meyers, ‘The Intern’ tells the story of a 70-year-old widower and retired businessman who applies for an internship at a successful Internet clothing startup.

Joseph Glass @TDG_ARTS

“The Intern,” starring Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway, was released in theaters Sept. 25. Written and directed by Nancy Meyers, “The Intern” tells the story of Ben Whittaker (De Niro), a 70-year-old widower and retired businessman, who applies for an internship to Jules Ostin’s (Hathaway) successf u l I nter net clothing startup. It’s easy to assume that this movie’s main premise addresses the difficulties a baby boomer faces in modern societ y and business; however, that’s only part of t he stor y. The actual premise of the movie changes frequently throughout the first 30 minutes of the film. Only by the end of the movie does it become clear that “The Intern” is not really about W h it t a ker. The movie is about Ostin. The beginning of the film focuses heavily on Whittaker and his decision to apply for an internship at Ostin’s company, making stereot y pically obvious jokes about the generation

gap between W hittaker and the other employees. The movie pokes equal fun at both the older and y o u n g e r g e ne r at io n s , careful not to offend either of the age groups while still providing humorous reprieve from some of the more serious content of the film. Ostin, in comparison to W h it t a ker, is i n it ia l l y p or t r ayed a s a st rong, i ndependent a nd u ncomprom isi ng woman. Some of t hese characteristics, however, are torn down by the end of t he f i l m — t hey ’re a wall h iding her t r ue personalit y. I n realit y, O st i n is a c a r i ng a nd empathetic individual who finds herself assailed on all sides by both the sexism f ou nd i n t he mo de r n business world and familial obligation. This is where Whittaker’s true role as her intern shines. The film turns the idea of the internship on its head. The initial premise of the film revolves around Whittaker’s introduction to the fast-paced world of I nternet start ups as Ostin’s intern. However, t he u lt i m at e p r e m i s e

revolves around Ostin’s ow n apprent icesh ip to W h it t a ker. I nstead of Ostin teaching Whittaker about business, Whittaker teache s her about her company and herself. The film greatly suffers f rom it s over-rel ia nce on stereot y pes a nd it s unfocused premise. The humor is often unrelated to the plot and sometimes feels out of place or u n ne c e s s a r i l y v u lg a r. That said, De Niro and Hat haway bot h g ive charming performances and the chemistr y between them is positively delightful — every scene in which they interact is pure joy. The movie is funny despite the stereotypical humor, and the film does a good job of addressing real modern day concerns and putting the audience in a state of feel-good euphoria. “The Intern” is worth watching if you’re looking for a light-hearted and feel-good movie with some minor emotional moments along the way. It doesn’t break any new ground, but it does what it sets out to do and is a fundamentally, if generically, pleasing film.

Fetty fails fans “Fetty Wap” Release Date: Sept. 25 Artist: Fetty Wap Label: 300 Entertainment Duration: 64 minutes


Summer Neal @TDG_ARTS

Fetty Wap first made headlines after “Trap Queen” took the cou nt r y by stor m. Mesh ing together Atlanta’s culture and h i s ow n R& B ro ot s , Fet t y Wap created a catchy musical masterpiece. The artist then continued to pump out three more hit singles that topped the Billboard charts simultaneously. Collaborat ing w it h Drake on “My Way” served to make 2015 a phenomenal year for t he R e m y B o y z f r o nt m a n . However, his self-titled debut album bears no resemblance to the superstar’s greatest hits, and it doesn’t live up to the hype and anticipation. Unfortunately, Fetty’s 64-minute long album is a mess, to say the least.

The album weakly postures as a smooth body of work, but, instead of feeling put together, every song seems to consciously break the album’s theme. Songs like “How We Do Things” and “No Days Of f ” rely heav ily on guest artist Monty (who is annoyingly featured on seven of the 17 tracks) but do nothing to show off the insane vocals Fetty has under his belt. H iding behind loud beats created by a rag tag team of producers, “Boomin” is the next glaring issue on the album. Fetty continues to put out less than satisfactory bars and his vocals really lose momentum by this point. The only glimmer of hope is “Couple Bands,” and it finally shows fans that Fetty Wap can sing — even if it’s only about sex and selling drugs. It’s the one song on the album that doesn’t feel completely rushed. Expectations were high for newcomer Fetty Wap after his breakout hits, but his self-titled debut only proves that he was better off gloating during his 15 minutes of fame. Disjointed and highly disorganized, this project is an overwhelming failure for the rapper we had so much hope for.

CCFI fosters smooth move to US Paolo Marro @TDG_ARTS

Moving to a different country is a hard process for most people but is especially difficult for college students leaving their family and acquiring independence for the first time. As one of the largest universities in the South, Columbia hosts many international students and faculty visiting for several months or several years. Making sure that the international members of the USC community integrate well and without trouble is not only ethically right, it is also crucial to fostering a smooth and friendly coexistence between Americans and non-Americans. Founded in 1965, the Columbia Council for Internationals (CCFI) is a nonprofit organization which helps international students and faculty transition to life in Columbia. Robin Dean, a volunteer and hospitality programs coordinator at CCFI, explains that the aim of the organization is to “have interaction and goodwill between visiting students and faculty and family members ... with the people in Columbia.” According to Dean, CCFI was founded at the request of the university by a group of local citizens. The organization actively organizes events on a weekly basis, both on campus and around the city. All events aim to foster interaction between locals and internationals, providing a space for them to get to know one another. For example, CCFI organizes a free lunch at Maxcy Residence Hall every Friday at 12:30 p.m., during which international students and American students have the chance to gather and socialize while eating a healthy meal. The organization also provides welcoming services to international students. “One of the things we do every fall ... in August when the students arrive, we offer a pick-up at the airport,” Dean said. Many international students fly a long way to

Courtesy of the International House at Maxcy College

The Columbia Council for Internationals creates a unified international and national community in Columbia. CCFI helps people from abroad experience American life and culture. get to Columbia and carry heavy luggage. Having someone to pick you up at the airport is useful and highly appreciated in those circumstances. The Columbia Council for Internationals has been growing and evolving since its foundation, but the goals and the principles on which it was founded have not changed. As of today, CCFI has around 100 members, all of whom are volunteers passionate about the organization and its mission. Many of them are A merican USC students,

like William Welsh, a fourth-year biochemistry and molecular biolog y st udent, who started volunteering for CCFI when he was a freshman. Anyone can become a member and volunteer in the activities of the organization. “I got sent one of their emails about Friday lunch,” Welsh said. “I started coming to those because I was interested in studying abroad and SEECCFIPAGE5

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

TATTOOPAGE1 T he Da i ly G a mecock : You were recommended to me by two completely independent sources. How do you think you’ve become such a prominent tattoo artist in Columbia? Andy Spreeuwers: I just know so many people. Columbia is so small, and by now I have worked on a lot of different people from all over the country. I am an extrovert, so I w i l l t a l k to a nyone about tattoos, hand them a card and hope they come in! I stay pretty active in charity throughout the year also, so that brings even more. A lso, I tr y to just be a nice g uy. Our prices are fair, and with my medical background, I think people are just more comfortable here. Some shops and tattooers are just unkempt and rude. But mostly, I just [kind of ] know a lot of people in Columbia. TDG: You’ve tattooed some big name people like Connor Shaw. Who are some other famous people that you’ve inked up? AS: Some of my bigger clients are in the NFL and MLB. Clowney, A lshon Jeffer y, Melvin Ingram, Brandon Bostick, Mike Davis and Bruce Ellington. At heart I’m a big sports fan, so it’s really cool for me to get to work on these guys. Some have even flown me to their city to tattoo them! TDG: Can you describe your favorite tattoo on your body?

A S: I have so many and have done so ma ny; a l l of t hem are awesome. A ll of mine are really cool to me because of the meaning [or] no meaning whatsoever. I’ve drawn out of a hat for a tattoo. Sometimes not much thought goes into mine. Others, however, are extremely important to me. My favorite on me has to be the horse with six human boobs that takes my entire right butt cheek up! We have had a lot of fun, so all have been pretty good. Now, I’m seeing my full sleeves and full legs that I have done, and it’s really cool. TDG: A re there any tips you have for people who are thinking about getting a tattoo? A S: Don’t t r y to cram all of you r ideas i nto one t at too. Be kind to your artist, come to your appointment on time, do not expect to get tattooed if you change your design up at the last [minute]. We are a custom shop, so all tattoos get drawn by us, and sometimes that takes a while to do ... Mainly, don’t get a tattoo just because it is cool. Also, research your artist. There are a lot of people that call themselves tattoo artists that are nothing more than a person with a machine, tearing people up ... Be smart so you don’t end up with hepatitis and a crappy tattoo. Then, you still have to pay a professional to fi x it, so why not do it by one to begin with?

CCFIPAGE4 meeting international students.” We l s h b e c a m e a c t i v e i n t h e or g a n i z at io n b y at t e nd i n g t he meet ings and event ually started showing up early to set up. “I remember my f irst job was drawing information on the boards and adding artistic effects to it,”

Welsh said. CCFI has opportunities for both American and international students. Make sure you keep an eye on the events that CCFI organizes in order to meet new people, get to k now about different cultures and have fun. Application forms can be filled online at

Courtesy of the International House at Maxcy College

The CCFI organizes several events on campus to help students and internationals meet new people, learn about other cultures and participate in community events.

8 Sins Tattoo Hours: Monday: 2 to 8 p.m. Tuesday-Thursday: noon to 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday: noon to 10 p.m. Sunday: noon to 5 p.m.

2301-C Bush River Rd.

@thegamecock for news updates on the go


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Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Defense mercenaries get bad reputation BEN CRAWFORD





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NRA attendance shockingly low ISSUE The College Republicans hosted the NRA on campus. OUR STANCE The low attendance shows NRA, College Republican weakness. The National Rifle Association (NRA) is perhaps the most famous special group in America. This is largely because they have the odd distinction of being both deeply controversial and successful. The nigh-apocalyptic rhetoric of their executive vice president in recent years also adds to their notoriety. Still, when invited to speak by the College Republicans — the largest political organization on campus — they couldn’t even fill the room. Part of this is likely due to the

nature of the NR A. While they claim to have 4.3 million ver y passionate supporters, that’s less than 5 percent of the estimated number of gun owners in America. Some of their most vocal stances are out of line with 90 percent of gun owners. But, as a prominent conservative organization, it is shocking that the College Republicans could get so few people to show up. In fact it almost seemed as if the College Democrats, who put out a press release on the event, cared more about it. It may be a sign of broader weaknesses for the College Republicans after a disappointing Carolina Clash relative to the College Libertarians and the College Democrats. Perhaps this ref lects broader trends in the national party. More Republicans now say they would support one of the three candidates that have never held elected office

over the seven governors and five senators running for the Republican nominat ion. Nat ionwide, Republicans don’t seem to like Republicans much anymore. Perhaps the inability to get many Republicans to show up for an allied organization and the public breaks from the party mainstream at the Carolina Clash are inevitable in an increasingly fractured and disaffected part. Still, it is particularly odd as a highly competitive primary looms for the Republicans. In comparison the state’s Democratic primary, at least without Joe Biden running, is not terribly competitive given Bernie Sanders’ weaknesses with the minorities and moderates who dominate the state party. We hope they increase turnout at their events. There is no point in having organizations and speakers on campus if they present to halfempty rooms.

Transport laws should be changed for Uber U b e r, a n ap p c o n n e c t i n g users w it h rides, has become i nc rea si ngly p opu la r a mong college students. Customers are given a quote for the trip which can vary slightly depending on traffic, and at the end of the ride the payment is sent directly from their account (bank account information is entered upon downloading the app). The price is quite reasonable; a r ide f rom my dor m to t he Garners Ferry Target could range from $11 to $15, which is slightly cheaper than a taxi ride. The company’s policy of not asking for tips brings the price down even lower in comparison. Unlike in the traditional cab system, you pay through the app. The company takes a cut of 20 to 30 percent of the fare, and the rest goes to t he driver. The convenience, transparency and low cost of this budding transportation service has driven a boom in the number of users and drivers, which has cut into the profits of traditional taxi drivers, who vigorously oppose the company. Meanwhile, some city officials and law enforcement have also i nser ted t hemselves i nto t he dialogue. Several cities in the

United States have suspended the company’s operations, citing its disregard for the regulations intended to keep passengers safe. But Uber has a ver y unique busi ness model wh ich uses d i rec t feedback to m a i nt a i n optimal conditions. Drivers have ratings posted on the app based on consumer feedback and can be “deactivated for consistently poor rat i ng s.” On t he ot her hand, users can be temporarily or permanently “barred from using the app for inappropriate or unsafe behav ior,” so t here is incentive for both parties to provide a good experience. Uber is “committed to safely connecting riders and drivers” and rigorously screens potential drivers, who undergo “a process that includes county, federal, and multi-state criminal background checks.” The company believes that these checks and balances are equivalent to ensuring users a safe environment to the regulations applied to regular taxis. Though it is proving a more usef u l a nd ef f icient mode of t ra nspor tat ion to t radit ional taxicabs, Uber is vulnerable to government inter vent ion. Its business plan cannot thrive in

I have been a lifelong Republican. As co-chairman of the state Reagan for President campaign in 1980 and the youngest Republican elected to the SC House of Representatives, I have a message for the people of South Carolina: “Don’t trust the Republicans.” Since the days of Abraham Lincoln, they have, at least covertly, always aided their cronies in big business to make money. They have engaged in ”corporate welfare,” if you will, to line their pockets and advance personal political agendas. Yet, Republicans have recently stepped further and stooped lower to achieve their monetary and political aims. Nikki Haley has “remade” herself at the expense of the honor and good names of South Carolina’s 22,000 Confederate dead by colluding with the enemy as an anti-

a heavily regulated market, as evidenced by its recent withdrawal f rom t wo cit ies i n A laba ma, Auburn and Tuscaloosa, t hat tried to impose taxi ordinances on its drivers. Still to be decided — by t he public at large and city officials — is whether this upstart company deserves a break from conforming to all existing transportation laws. But around the world, the innovative model is proving irrepressible in cities like Cape Town, South Africa; Queensla nd, Aust ral ia a nd Mumbai, I ndia, in which t he service is banned yet continues to operate illegally. L i ke it or not , t he f ut u re of transportation is changing rapidly. Our governments must decide soon whether to evolve along with it, and profit from the legitimate revenues of companies like Uber, or to strictly enforce ex ist i ng reg u lat ions, forci ng these services underground and decreasing their safety and service quality — the very conditions the regulations are intended to bring about. —Andy Wilson, first-year English student

South “civil rights” figure. With the staging assistance of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, her shameless exploitation of the families of the nine victims gunned down by a deranged lone-wolf shooter have branded her as a “national” Republican figure. Yet the Republican masquerade continues. I knew Carly Fiorina personally when she was a contract officer for AT&T. She was then a liberal, pro-abortion Democrat. Few, if any, of the Republicans are really what they seem. They, together with the Democrats, will continue to betray the trust and traditional values of South Carolinians. As the Scripture admonishes us, “put not your trust in princes.” — Richard T. Hines, former state representative

In recent years, the media has put a larger focus on security firms and security contractors. Whether it is about the fraud and malpractice they commit or scandals like Blackwater, news coverage has ignored many of the benefits these agencies can offer. Private sector security firms and contractors reduce the risks facing American soldiers while also combating one enemy better than any individual country: terrorism. The involvement of these agencies, often called Personal Security Details (PSD), has been growing steadily since the Vietnam War. During that conflict, the ratio of PSD operators to soldiers was one-to-eight. Now, that ratio has grown closer to 1-to-1. When most people hear about the actions of these PSD operators, it is normally due to malpractice. The most well-known case is that of the Nisour Square massacre in 2007, when 14 innocent civilians were killed during one of Blackwater’s operations. In 2010, there was an AP investigation into over 200 contractors with allegations of ever ything from sexual misconduct to gunfights in Haiti. What often does not get reported in the news is the amount of funding and success that these contractors experience. With the pulling of U.S. troops from Iraq in 2012, the U.S. Department of State had an estimated 5,000 contractors provide protection. But private security firms are also having a major impact on the war on terror. One prominent figure in this area is Matthew VanDyke. VanDyke, whose exploits are reminiscent of preceding writer Ernest Hemingway, is an American journalist, documentary filmmaker and writer. He has also spent time traveling the Middle East and Northern Africa on his motorcycle, taking part in the Libyan Revolution to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi and spending time as a prisoner of war. His latest efforts to fight terrorism and tyrants come after ISIS murdered a friend of his. Motivated to stop further violence against civilians, he founded Sons of Liberty Internat ional, t he f irst ever nonprof it security agency with the goal of training locals in Iraq to fight terrorists in the region. VanDyke’s efforts highlight an area that receives little to no attention. With t he failure of internat ional states and communities to prevent further war and violence, Matthew VanDyke has found a way to prevent terrorists from capturing towns and creating extensive bases. There have already been nearly 7,000 American soldiers who have died in the war on terror. Rather than losing American lives and spending millions — even billions — of dollars on defense funding, alternative methods to resolve international conflict can be used. Securit y firms offer an advantageous opportunit y when it comes to fighting terrorism and tyrants. Rather than training U.S. soldiers to fight in foreign lands, locals can be trained to keep their own cities safe. —Rylan Learman, Fourth-year political science student

LETTER TO THE EDITOR REQUIREMENTS Letters to the editor must not exceed 300 words. Students must include their full name, major and year. Faculty and staff must include their full name, position and department. Community members must include their full name and applicable job title. Verifiable statements of fact must include at least one source; if we cannot verify a statement of fact, your letter will not be published until the writer implements necessary changes or provides reputable sources for any facts in question. Letters are edited for clarity, style and grammar. Email submissions to or mail them to The Daily Gamecock 1400 Greene Street Columbia, SC 29225


Tuesday, September 29, 2015




Experienced Personal Health and Fitness Trainers needed. Ft and Pt hours available. Gym is 1 mile from campus. Contact Anne Marie for details 803.799.9455. Email Pasta Fresca seeking EXPERIENCED SERVER/ BARTENDER for evening shifts. Apply in person between 3:30pm - 6:30pm daily at 4722 Forest Drive, 29206

Pasta Fresca seeking part time Host/Cashier for evening/weekend shifts. Apply in person between 3:30pm - 6:30pm daily at 4722 Forest Drive, 29206





Ta k e o n m o r e responsibility over the next few days. There could be a test. Think big. A rise in status is possible. A lucky break is available, if you can act on the opportunity.


Studies and adventures thrive today and tomorrow. Consider a vacation. Travel for a good cause. Take a class or seminar, especially regarding grow ing family finances. After t he Har vest Moon eclipse yesterday, you’re in a potentially profitable phase.

Concentrate on a new assignment today and tomor row. Fo c u s on prov iding met iculous ser v ice. Make su re y o u r t e a m h a s w h at t hey need. Walk a nd talk. Alternate between physical exercise and quiet reverie. Replace something volatile with something secure.

Gemini Clarify your direction. Conclude arrangements today a nd tomor row. Draw upon h idden resources to pursue a dream. Others admire y o u r c o u r a g e . Ta k e action to make it come t r ue . Ta k e a h i g he r perspective. Slow down and consider options.

Cancer Develop a st rateg y with teammates t h r o u g h t o m o r r o w. It ’s a g o o d t i me for parties, meetings and conferences. Network, col labor ate a nd play t o g e t he r. Fr ie nd s pu l l t h rou g h . Sh a re resources and talents, with gratitude. Celebrate and expand community efforts.

Kennel Tech Looking for hardworking dependable part time help. Must be able to work some weekdays, weekends, and holidays. Apply in person with resume. Dog Daze 1241 Veterans Road 695.0091 Email dogdazellc@bellsouth. net


The next two days can get qu ite prof it able. Think outside the box. Track you r f i na nces, w it h mo ne y c o m i n g today a nd tomor row. Take advantage of new opportunities. Prioritize action over talk. You’re more confident today a nd tomor row. Put on your power suit. Check your course, then full speed ahead. Focus on personal passion. Get physical for peace and satisfaction. As you gain strength, you also gain options.



Libra Pare down to practical fi nancial priorities. Use what you’ve learned to cut costs. You’re more p at ie nt w it h m o n e y management over the next few days. Advance you r agenda t hrough careful budgeting and scheduling. A nticipate surprises. Set long-term goals.

Capricorn To raise your game, get a good coach. Discover secrets and tricks of the t rade. The more you learn, the easier it gets. Practice what you love today a nd tomor row. S o m e o n e f i n d s t h at at t ract ive. Rela x a nd play.

Aquarius Family comes first today and tomorrow. Get into a domestic cycle. Clean, r e no v at e a nd r e p a i r your infrastructure. Set up systems to conserve resources. Beautify your surroundings. Add color and composition to your design.



Negot iat ions resume. Yo u d o n ’ t h a v e t o d o e v e r y t h i n g. L e t somebody else direct t he show for a few days. Accept a promise. Learn from each other. Work toget her today and tomorrow. Physical magnetism is part of the fun.

I nt u it ion reveals t he correct choice. You’re especially clever with words today and tomorrow. Catch up on reading and research. A p p l y w h at y o u’r e learning. Act on what you hear. A revelation provides an opportunity. Study developments.



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1 2 3 4

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@thegamecock 9/29/15

LEFT OF THE DIAL RIGHT IN YOUR EAR ACROSS 1 Hedge row 7 Fox’s “X-Files” partner 11 Rite Aid rival 14 Cozy spot? 15 Tiny tunes player 17 Vessel storing a cash stash? 19 Earlier 20 Strong adhesive 21 Some poker tells 22 “Lady Jane Grey” playwright 24 Farm cry 25 Layered computer connections? 31 Bundle 32 Tracy/Hepburn battle-of-thesexes film 37 “You’re on!” 38 Impact sound 40 Stoic philosopher 41 Telescope sighting 43 Hunter of myth 44 Pet named for writer Sinclair? 47 Sudden blow 50 Lined up, with “in” 51 Part of one’s inheritance 52 Tend 55 Oft-bruised item 58 Tantrum that devolves into hysterical gibberish? 62 “Lead the way!”, and a phonetic hint to this puzzle’s theme 63 Actor Hugh 64 Gathered dust 65 2012 N.L. East champs 66 Had dinner DOWN 1 Handle for a chef? 2 Juno, to Homer 3 Chimed 4 On the market 5 Discontented cry 6 Scattered 7 T. Rex, e.g. 8 Summit 9 Getting into the wrong business?

10 Nav. bigwig 11 “Emperor of the Air” novelist 12 Certain tee 13 Sauces for sushi 16 Denier’s words 18 Column with a slant 23 Big galoot 24 Electrician’s unit 25 Rib-eye rating gp. 26 Witches, but not warlocks 27 Knocked out 28 Character found in kids’ books 29 Peak of Crete 30 Victim of curiosity 33 Made a mess of 34 Surprise strike 35 “__, Sing America”: Hughes 36 Low bell sound 38 Dip, as in gravy 39 Nectarine core 42 Symbol of boredom 43 “Well, looky here!” 45 “Six Feet Under” son 46 High-tech troublemakers

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47 Italian port on its own gulf 48 In its original form 49 Help beneficiary, at times 51 Blokes 52 First name in the freezer section 53 Once, in days past 54 CPR specialists 56 Hiker’s supply 57 Boo-boo 59 A, in Stuttgart

60 St. Anthony’s Cross shape 61 Nancy Drew’s guy



Tuesday, September 29, 2015




g gamecocks in MLB

Bobby Balboni @TDG_ SPORTS


nder the leadership of athletics director R a y Ta n n e r a n d head coach Chad Holbrook, Sout h Carolina has been one of the most dominant baseball programs in tthe he country in recent years. The talent, once on display in Columbia, has surfaced in the majors as evidence of the program’s prowess. With the regular season coming to a close, a number of former Gamecocks saw big league success in 2015. But which former Gamecocks had the best seasons? Courtesy of MCT Campus

Fan favorite Jackie Bradley Jr. emerged midway through the 2015 season as a legitimate offensive threat to go with his incredible defensive ability.


Lonnie Chisenhall (2 0 0 6) – R F – Cleveland Indians

Chisenhall played just one season for South Carolina after electing to go the junior college route his sophomore year, but Chisenhall had a productive 2015 season for the Cleveland Indians. While Chisenhall performed below his career levels offensively, he transformed himself into an excellent right fielder after previously playing third base.


Steve Pearce (20042 0 0 5) – L F – Baltimore Orioles

Pearce left South Carolina to enter pro ball back in 2005, but he bounced around the league before breaking out in 2014 for the Orioles. Pearce failed to match that success this season, posting just a .220 batting average. Still, he is just one year removed from being among the most valuable players in the MLB by advanced metrics. He also gives the Orioles plenty of his flexibility through his defensive versatility and adds some pop to their lineup.

Soccer teams slay, 3 players honored Will Helms @WHELMS21

South Carolina’s men’s and women’s soccer teams went a combined 4-0 with three wins over top-eight opponents last week. Monday it was announced that three players garnered honors. Sophomore goalkeeper William Pyle was named Conference USA Defensive Player of the Week for his performances against No. 8 Elon and seventh-ranked New Mexico. The sophomore goalkeeper saved six shots in the two wins — the second time in school history that the team beat top 10 teams in back-to-back games — and is now 3-0-0 since taking over as the starter. Junior midfielder Danny Deakin scored two goals against the Phoenix last Tuesday and leads the team with six scores and 13 points. College Soccer News announced the transfer made their Team of the Week. For the women, sophomore goalkeeper Abbey Crider was named SEC Defensive Player of the Week. Crider is 5-0-0 on the season after two wins last week. She conceded just one goal in two games and made a diving save in the 85th minute to keep the score tied with Texas A&M. Both teams will be in action Friday.


Justin Smoak (20062008) – 1B – Toronto Blue Jays


Smoak terrorized SEC pitching while playing under Ray Tanner, but despite his high pedigree as a prospect, Major League pitchers found ways to exploit the holes in Smoak’s long swing. Still there is plenty of thunder in Smoak’s bat, and while the switch-hitter struggles to hit for high batting averages, he has carved out a niche as a pure power bat. After signing with the Jays this winter, Smoak slugged a career-high .475 and has been an important piece in Toronto’s hunt for October.


Sam Dyson (20 082010) – RHP – Texas Rangers

Dyson was an innings-eater wit h a blazing fastball in the Gamecock rotation during his time in Columbia. Now Dyson is flourishing in a new role as a relief ace for the Texas Rangers. Texas acquired Dyson from the Miami Marlins during the most recent trade deadline, and since then the sinkerballer has posted a 1.37 ERA with good peripherals to match it, including a 23:4 strikeout-to-walk ratio.

Jackie Bradle y Jr. (2009-2011) – OF – Boston Red Sox

Perhaps the most beloved Gamecock slugger in recent memory, Bradley broke out in a big way in 2015. Since turning pro, he has showcased elite defensive skills and a cannon arm in the outfield, but at times his bat has lagged behind his glove. After a dismal 2014 season, Bradley simplified his swing and made changes to his approach at the plate, and the results speak for themselves. Bradley has reached base at a .333 rate and slugged to the tune of a .503 clip for Boston.

Gamecocks head into final round within striking distance Chris Slade @JANGO_UNSLADE

T h e G a m e c o c k s m e n’s golf tea m made t he t r ip to Birmingham, Alabama, this week to participate in the Shoal Creek Invitational hosted by UA B. The Gamecocks entered the tournament ranked seventh in the nation, and as the top team in the field of 12. The Gamecocks got off to a promising start as they sit in a tie second place after posting a total of 582 (6-over). UAB sits atop the leaderboard with a two round total of 575 (1-under) and North Florida and College of Charleston sit in a tie with the Gamecocks at 6-over. On the individual leaderboards, freshman Scott Stevens is off to a great start with a two round of 144 (even) currently has him t ied for eight h place in t he tournament. Gamecock senior Matt NeSmith, fresh off a top 10 finish at the Carpet Capitol Collegiate two weekends ago, got off to another promising start

Courtesy of Gamecock Athletics

Senior Matt Nesmith is in fourth as the Gamecocks sit six shots back. with a round 1 score of 73 and a second round 70 to head into the final day in fourth place at 1-under. Finally, f reshman Keenan Huskey and senior Sean Kelly give the Gamecocks four golfers

in the top 25 at 3-over and 4-over, respectively. The Gamecocks will conclude the tournament with tomorrow’s third round. The Gamecocks remain within striking distance, seven shots behind UAB.

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