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And Family
PROGRAMS can help families of USC students find all the information they need to help stay informed and connected throughout their student’s time in college. According to the director of Parent and Family Programs, Leena Holt, the office is a one-stop shop for families of students.

“I have seen the breadth of opportunities and resources our university offers its students,” said Cecelia Tatro, USC alumna and former intern for the Office of Parent and Family Programs. “It has given me a greater appreciation for the intentionality that our university staff pours into programming. It is a rewarding experience to share it with our Gamecock parents and families.”
The easiest way to connect with the Office of Parent and Family Programs’ resources is to visit the parent and families gateway at sc.edu/ parents. It consolidates and gives families information about what is most important, including all the other ways families can get connected.
One of those methods is the Gamecock Family Hub, a one-stop shop for campus resources, personalized information and relevant articles on topics from which families can benefit. The Hub features more timely information, and families can select how often they’d like to receive email newsletters that include announcements, reminders and updates.
By Tyler Sprague
The office also provides a mobile app on which users can access information on academic calendars, move-in procedures, financial aid and tuition payment, campus safety and security, maps and options to contact the office. Simply search “UofSC Parent & Family Programs” in a mobile app store or follow the guide at sc.edu/parents.

Those with specific questions or needs can always contact the Office of Parent and Family Programs through email at sparents@sc.edu or by phone at 803-777-3008 for individualized support. The assistance line allows parents to speak to an actual human to ask more complicated questions or navigate resources.

“Families just need to remember our number and email, as we can often get them to the right place or office the first time around,” said Leena Holt, director of Parent and Family Programs.
Besides just sharing information, the Office of Parent and Family Programs provides a memorable experience through Family Weekend, a signature event that takes place over a weekend during the fall semester. For the occasion, students invite family members and parents to see campus and experience what it’s like to call Carolina home. In addition to reuniting with their students, families can connect with others who also have loved ones attending the university.
This upcoming Family Weekend will be held from Sept. 22–23, 2023, featuring signature events such as the president’s meet-and-greet, Rock the Roost with the Reggie Sullivan Band, and the family tailgate party on Saturday before kickoff for the Family Weekend football game against Mississippi State.
“My favorite parts of Family Weekend are the events tailored for family bonding,” Tatro said. “The family tailgate party prior to the football game on that Saturday is a great time for students to share their love for Gamecock football with their families. Families can feel the energy and excitement of a Saturday in Columbia, South Carolina. There is food, music and space to enjoy the time together. It is a truly special day when a parent gets to experience their first ‘Sandstorm’ with their student.”
Online registration for Family Weekend 2023 will open at 10 a.m. on July 11 and close at 4 p.m. on Sept. 1.
The Office of Parent and Family Programs has many opportunities for students and families to truly take advantage of their time here at USC in a stress-free way. Parents and students can find all these services and more through the gateway at sc.edu/parents or on the Parent & Family Programs app.