The Daily Gamecock 12/1/16


VOL. 108, NO. 30 ● SINCE 1908


SG reflects on semester Brittany Franceschina @BRITTAFRAN

We s at d ow n w it h St udent Bod y P r e s id e nt M i c h a e l Parks to review what Student Government has done during the fall semester, and hear ab out w h at he h a s planned for the spring. Cockstock The Carolina com mu n it y-based concert fest ival was t he ma i n i n it iat ive of St udent Body P r e s id e nt M i c h a e l Parks. Student G o v e r n m e n t partnered with Carolina Productions and the Homecoming committee to plan the event that brought in over 8,000 st udents on Strom Thurmond Field a nd f e at u re d p opu l a r a r t i s t R ae Sremmurd. Parks said t he at tenda nce was far g reater t ha n he expected, and Student Government hopes to lay the groundwork for the event to become an annual tradition that will grow to include more of the Columbia community. “At a school this big, you can’t have enough community events like


IRIS sets sights on more diversity Mike Woodel @GETHISDONGONETOO

Madison MacDonald / THE DAILY GAMECOCK

Cockstock was one of Michael Park’s central campaign promises. that,” Parks said. “The crowd is diverse in nature and ever yone just enjoys what it means to be a student,” Parks said. It’s On Us Pa rk s sa id t hat hundreds of students participated and signed t h e p le d g e d u r i n g t he Week of Act ion held in October. The i n it iat ive i n for med st udent s ab out t he national campaign to end sexual assault on college campuses and u ndersta nd what to do in those t ypes of situations.

Spurs and Struts W h e n t h e H o m e c o m i n g committee made the decision this summer to not include Spurs a nd St r ut s a nd t he step show f rom t he week’s lineup, Student Government stepped in. The NPHC communit y planned t he s t e p s how a nd st udent government col laborated w it h Dance Marathon and Fraternity Council to make the annual event a reality. The response was positive, and over one thousand students

at tended Spu rs a nd Struts held on Greene Street. Uber discount As the university’s contract with Carolina Cab came to an end last spring, St udent Government worked to come up with a new, late-night, affordable student transportation system using an Uber discount code. They held a four-week trial period where students registered with their st udent em a i ls a nd Uber accounts to see SEESGPAGE2

Sac red doc u ment s have been a f ixt ure of American inaugurations, big and small, for generat ions. Sout h Ca rol i n a G ov. N i k k i Ha ley was s wor n i n w it h her ha nd on t he Bible, Rep. Keit h El l ison of M i n nesot a o n t he Q u r ’a n , a nd Rep. Ky r sten Si nema of Arizona on the U.S. Constitution. So it was only appropriate t hat when Jared Neeley was sworn in as president of Individuals Respecting Identities and Sexualities he did so with his hand on a copy of Lady Gaga’s “Joanne.” Five new IRIS board members took the oath of

office with the bisexual pop star’s latest album Tue sd ay n ight at t he Russell House Theater. T he s o c i a l a d v o c a c y organization converged for the ceremony as its fi nal meeting of the fall semester. The group came into being as t he Bisex ual, Gay, Lesbian, Straight A l l ia nce at USC i n 19 8 3. S i n c e t h e n , members have sought to maintain awareness and open discussion of social issues facing the L G B T Q c o m m u n it y a mong USC st udent s and faculty alike. O utgoi ng president K a it l i n Mc C l a m ro c k holds the utmost fa it h i n I R IS’ new administration. She said SEEIRISPAGE2

Scott, Gowdy named to Trump transition team

Courtesy of Tribune News Service

Riverbanks Zoo is home to multiple species of gorillas.

Riverbanks expecting first baby gorilla Columbia’s Riverbanks Zoo will welcome a new addition this spring. The zoo announced this week that Macy, a 10-year-old western lowland gorilla, is expecting. She’s due in May, and this is her first pregnancy. Her offspring will be the fi rst gorilla born at

Riverbanks. Zoo officials recognize that first-time gorilla mothers face many risks in pregnancy and childbirth but are “cautiously optimistic” about the pregnancy. Macy has been at Riverbanks since 2015.

– Compiled by Mary Ramsey


December Courtesy of Shutterstock


USCPD Toys for Tots Donation Drive 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. outside Colonial Life Arena

Campus Chirstmas Tree Lighting 6 p.m. on the Horseshoe

2 3

Scott and Gowdy have been close allies throughout their time together in Congress.

Last day to use Beyond the Classroom funds 5 p.m. in Sumwalt College Room 102 USCPD Toys for Tots Donation Drive 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. outside Colonial Life Arena

Reading Day

File photo: Luke Yengo / THE DAILY GAMECOCK

Mary Ramsey @MCOLLEEN1996

A pa i r of prom i nent South Carolina Republicans are jumping on boa rd t he Dona ld Trump transition team. Sen. Ti m S c ot t w i l l serve as one of seven vice chairs of the transition, and Rep. Trey Gowdy was chosen for the transition’s executive committee. T he m o v e w i l l g i v e both men sway in helping t o s h a p e t h e Tr u m p administration, especially w he n it c o m e s t o t he

transition’s work to staff the West Wing. Scott and Gowdy are also rumored to be interested in running for governor and lieutenant governor of t he Pa l met t o St at e come 2018. Scott called Gowdy his “best friend in Congress” and said his decision on whether to run will be driven by “God, my family, and Trey Gowdy” in a recent interview with The Post and Courier. On t he ot her side of the aisle, South Carolina Democratic Part y chair Ja ime Ha r r ison is st il l

making headlines in his r u n for cha ir person of the Democratic National Committee. Harrison picked up a big -t i me e ndor s e me nt from his former boss and fellow South Carolinian Rep. Ja mes Clybu r n, a true power player in the Democratic Party. He also announced a new campaign initiative to create a vice chairmanship designated for someone under the age of 35 as part of his broader push to bring a younger voice to party leadership.


Thursday, December 1, 2016




The Daily Gamecock is the editorially independent student newspaper of the University of South Carolina. It is published daily during the fall and spring semesters and nine times during the summer with the exception of university holidays and exam periods. Opinions expressed in The Daily Gamecock are the author’s and are not the university’s. The Board of Student Publications and Communications is the publisher of The Daily Gamecock. The Department of Student Media is the newspaper’s parent organization. The Daily Gamecock is supported in part by student activity fees. One free copy per reader. Additional copies may be purchased for $1 each from Student Media.

ETV president stepping down in 2017 Respected broadcaster Linda O’Bryon announced plans to retire from her position as president of SC ETV and SC Public Radio, The State reports. O’Bryon has held the position since 2010, and she spent 40 years as a reporter and anchor in public broadcasting before taking the job. During her tenure, she has over seen major renovations to both ETV and Public Radio’s facilities as well as expanded content. O’Bryon will officially leave office in the fall of 2017. — Compiled by Mary Ramsey, News Editor

No charges in Keith Scott shooting A Charlotte-area police officer will not face charges in the death of Keith Scott, WIS reports. Scott, an African-American, was killed during a police stop in September, and the incident triggered widespread protests. However, District Attorney Andrew Murray ruled against pressing charges. Evidence indicated that Scott was armed at the time of the incident. The decision also comes as former North Charleston police officer Michael Slager sits trial in the death of an unarmed AfricanAmerican man, Walter Scott. — Compiled by Mary Ramsey, News Editor

Midlands church vandalized A Sumter church was defaced by spray paint over the holiday weekend, WLTX reports. Local officials are still searching for the person or people who caused over $2,000 worth of damages at Calvary Church of the Nazarene. The back of the church and a church van were covered with “satanic symbols” and other obscenities. EDITOR NEWS OPINION

— Compiled by Mary Ramsey, News Editor


Newsroom: 777-7726

SGPAGE1 how well it worked. “It went very well; we’re at a place now that I can tell you t hat procurement for a state entit y like USC is a very complicated thing,” Parks said. “That’s one of the biggest things I’ve probably learned in the last semester that that’s very complicated.” T he t r i a l p e r io d g a v e St udent Government numbers and informat ion that will help them better reach their goal of restoring a safe ride prog rams. According to Parks, they plan to do so by looking at the trial period and determining whether they can afford it, or need to find funds from somewhere else or reevaluate their options. Veterans initiatives St udent G over n ment appoi nted a sec ret a r y of vetera ns af fairs to t he c a b i n e t . Pa r k s s a i d t h e purpose of the position is

IRISPAGE1 the fi rst big test for Neeley is Birdcage, USC’s annual drag show that is scheduled for this April. McClamrock said she believes Neeley can put together “an amazing show,” and that the board will bring fresh ideas and opinions to the table in the new year. Before the swearing-in of new off icials at Tuesday’s c e r e m o n y, M c C l a m r o c k handed out a nu mber of s up erl at ive awa rd s to orga n izat ion members. Neeley, a transfer student

Editor’s office: 777-3914

to work towards initiatives to serve veterans on campus such as priority registrations and advocating for veterans to have a stole or cord to wear and be recognized with at graduation. $1 water bottles S t u d e nt G o v e r n m e nt , with the help of the athletic depar t ment a nd at hlet ics director Ray Tanner, secured $1 water bottles for students during the second half of home games. This eliminated the profit margin target at students before and helped w it h safet y and healt h of students at hot games when hydrat ion is nor mally a n issue. Greek affairs committee With more than one fourth of students being members of t he Greek communit y, St udent Government compiled a committee of 30 students that represent over 80 percent of Greek chapters on campus to meet bi-weekly. Parks said the purpose is to

keep Student Government keyed i n on t he f ut u re growth of the communit y with university projects like the Greek activity center and other things up for debate. “We look forward to the rest of our term of working for t he st udent body and adding to the successes of our f irst f ull semester in of f ice. Next semester, we look forward to continuing to visit student organizations to ma rket t he i n it iat ives that have just begun to be put in place. Additionally, we w i l l beg i n to lay t he groundwork for planning the second annual Cockstock and establishing a long term safe ride program. I am excited about our progress this term, but I am even more excited for our future,” Student body Vice President Ross Lordo said. Higher education report and honor roll Parks said this report will be a collaboration between

St udent G over n ment s at USC and Clemson, the major u n iver sit ie s t h at receive state funding for the state legislatures, with the intent of giving the student body a way to give recognition to those in the state Senate and House of Representat ives who are supporters of higher education in South Carolina. The report, to be released on Jan. 9, will also include a polic y sect ion t hat is a “wish list” of things students from both campuses need. A ccord i ng to Pa rk s , t he No. 1 issue in the proposal is for a bond bill that would allow addit ional f u nds to op er ate u n iver sit ie s a nd provide students with a more affordable college education. Four executive system restructure referendum Last mont h, St udent G over n ment passed a referendum to add a speaker of t he st udent senate and allow the vice president to pursue initiatives with the

student body president. Next semester it will be on the ballot for the student body to vote on in February. “It’s the system that most of our SEC counterparts use and it’s ver y practical and it’s time that we transition t o t h at ,” Pa r k s s a id . “ I certainly urge and hope that the student body will vote ‘yea’ for it on the ballot in February.” Additional student space St udent G over n ment has beg u n to advocate to ad m i n ist rat ion a nd t he B o a r d o f Tr u s t e e s a n d push for additional student u n ion space for st udent s on c a mpu s. T he Ru s sel l Hou se prov ide s on ly 5.5 squ a re feet p er st udent , a nd w it h a cont i nu a l ly growing enrollment, Student Government hopes to work toward this next semester and in the future.

from Greenville Technical C ol leg e , t o ok home t he Outstanding New Member award. A third-year psycholog y s t ude nt , Ne ele y s a id he hopes to reach more LGBTQ people of color at USC in his term as president of IR IS. Cu lt u ral factors among the black community, he said, discourage LGBTQ individuals from being open about their sexual identity. When asked if he thought t he LGB TQ com mu n it y receives proper treatment in socially conservative South

Ca rol i n a , Neele y sa id it doesn’t. But then he hardly sees the Palmetto State as an outlier. “I don’t think it’s properly treated any where,” Neeley sa id. “A s long as we st ay together as a community and work with our allies, we can work to be treated better.” Miles Joyner, a third-year history student, took home IRIS’s Community Impact Award. A transfer student f rom M idlands Technical College, Joyner was sworn in as logistics director for 2017. I n recent years, Joy ner

has worked with advocacy nonprof it BiNet USA and Biscuit, an online magazine for bisexual women based in the United Kingdom. With IRIS, they hope to establish a group for st udents who ident if y a s bisex u a l or non-binary. “A nything that is under the multi-attracted umbrella, I want them to have their own space,” Joyner said. The night also feat ured IRIS’s Lavender Graduation, i n wh ich orga n izat ion members i n t heir f i nal yea r of educat ion were

recognized. Alex George was among them. G e org e , a fou r t h-ye a r env i ron ment a l science st udent, bega n at tending BGLSA meet ings as a f reshman, hoping to f ind friends at his new school. He was not disappointed. “This represents all the friendships I’ve made and the support,” George said, referenc i ng t he lavender graduat ion cord dangling f rom h is shou lders. “I came into my own in this com mu n it y, so it’s really important to me.”


Thursday, December 1, 2016

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Thursday, December 1, 2016


Dress like an icon: Kanye West is known for his style Jenna Schiferl @JENNASCHIF

Kanye West is widely regarded as a contemporary icon in both the fashion and music industries. He consistently challenges traditional thinking and cultural norms through his avantgarde album covers and experimental outfits. Additionally, West shifts between minimalist everyday looks and modern high fashion ensembles. West recently canceled his Columbia tour date at the Colonial Life Arena. If you are still lamenting the loss of this performance or if you simply admire his daring fashion choices, here are a few key elements of West’s personal style that you can use to channel your inner Kanye. Oversized coats A staple piece in Kanye’s wardrobe is a classic oversized outerwear jacket. He has sported looks ranging from cream-colored topcoats to calf-length fur robes. He has also been spotted wearing a dark brown velvet overcoat while walk ing around New York City. Oversized coats are perfect for winter. They can be easily layered with sweaters and scarves, or worn alone. You can get this look for an inexpensive price by scouring your local Goodwill or at other thrift stores. Feel free to experiment — the weirder the better. Monochrome neutrals As far as casual looks go, West often opts for black jeans and a dark T-shirt. A lternat ively, West occasionally takes the monochromatic theme in a different direction with all white ensembles. West favors shirts that are

cut longer than the natural waistline. The easiest way to achieve this look is by simply finding shirts that are a few sizes too large. This is good news for broke and lazy college students. Slap on your favorite white T-shirt and some white denim and you’re good to go. Leather pants Although leather pants are widely regarded as a fashion mistake from the ‘90s that most would rather forget, Kanye effortlessly makes leather pants cool again. He gives the look a modern twist by keeping the trousers loose and baggy instead of skintight. This versatile look can be kept casual with a sweatshirt or dressed up with a structured blazer. You can find leather pants at high-end retailers like Top Shop, or at H&M for a more affordable option. Footwear Classic Timberland boots constantly appear in West’s wardrobe. These sturdy boots are used for hiking but also make a bold fashion statement when worn as an everyday look. West often wears these boots loosely tied, or removes the laces completely for a more relaxed ensemble. Sunglasses Kanye is almost always spotted wearing a pair of dark aviator style sunglasses. The purpose of these sunglasses is twofold. They are great eyewear protection from harmful UV rays, but they also allow Kanye to uphold his stoic facade. He uses dark shades as a tool for shielding emotions and maintaining a mild illusion of mystery.

Courtesy of Tribune News Service

Kanye West attends the Balmain show at Paris Fashion Week on March 3, 2016.

Head to head: hype for ‘Westworld’ worth it? Leland McElveen/ THE DAILY GAMECOCK


Enjoy live music while you can Darby Hallman @DARBYHALLMAN1

Courtesy of Tribune News Service

Evan Rachel Wood and Jimmi Simpson star in HBO’s “Westworld.”

Brad Dountz & Jenna Schiferl @TDG_ARTS & @JENNASCHIF

No: Jenna Schiferl The HBO television series “ We s t w o rld” h a s r e c e nt l y generated large amou nt s of at tent ion i n t he med ia a nd popular culture. It has received positive reviews from consumers a nd h a s b een compa red to successful HBO series “Game of Thrones.” However, it has proved to be disappointing so far. B a s e d o n t he 1973 f i l m , “ We s t w o r l d ” o c c u r s i n a f ut u rist ic societ y where r i c h v a c a t i o n e r s e nt e r a n amusement park f illed w it h robotic “hosts.” These hosts are indistinguishable from humans. Their appearance is incredibly real ist ic a nd t hey posses artificial intelligence that gives them the illusion of free-will and consciousness. The first episode of “West world” hook s v iewers with a dramatic cliff-hanger. Well-executed cinematography and a diverse cast made it easy to become emotionally invested and involved with the narrative. Howe ver, t he plot b e c a me somewhat stale as t he show progressed. There were many synthetic d r a m at ic e ve nt s t h at were injected into the storyline. Their primary purpose was to generate shock, but had no real value. This device was used repeatedly to build suspense and provoke a strong emotional reaction from

the viewer. Unfortunately, when approached logically the plot twists often lacked any depth or concrete rationale. As I continued to watch the show, I felt as if I was observing a random collection of unrelated radical events that were solely intended to elicit a response in the viewer. And although these dramatic events were initially pleasing, it eventually became repetitive and dull. Wit h only one remaining episode in the season, I have h i g h e x p e c t at io n s f o r t he finale. If the final episode is unable to successfully justif y all of the seemingly irrelevant and unnecessary dramatic tools used in previous episodes, I will regret the hours I wasted watching this program. Yes: Brad Dountz “ We s t w o r l d ’ s ” b i g g e s t strength is its abilit y to tell a g reat stor y — somet h i ng A nthony Hopk ins’ character ha s been doi ng a l l sea son. “West world” has succeeded with this aspect and is able to support itself even with all the twists and turns that come along with it. What the first season h a s b een bu i ld i ng towa rd s is an inevitable uprising from the robots or “hosts” that are subjected to unspeakable cruelty that the human customers who visit the park pay for. It succeeds in asking the age-old question of what makes certain beings SEEWESTPAGE5

Earlier this month, I saw Yellowcard perform at the Masquerade in Atlanta as part of their farewell tour. This is a band I’ve listened to pretty much as long as I’ve listened to music and, though many dropped off after “Ocean Avenue,” I have been with them every step of the way. As I sang along with my best friend who has joined me in far too many shows to ever hope to count, saying goodbye to a band I love, I couldn’t help but be a bit emotional. Before the band took the stage, an audio track of a man with a deep announcer voice gave a f unny monolog ue telling the audience members who planned to watch the e nt i re c onc er t t h r ou g h their phone camera that the songs they are recording have been recorded before and that basically they are blowing their chance to really experience the show. I have to agree. While many aspects of my life has changed and I have gone t h rough nu merous phases (I was sadly one of the many who suffered from the emo skinny jean phase in middle school) one of the constants has been live music. From the moment my friend and I asked his mom to take us to see Shinedown when I was 13 just because we liked “Second Chance” and maybe two other songs, I have been going to concerts constantly. In high school I practically lived at the New Brookland Tavern, singing my voice out to bands I loved, probably nearly getting knocked out in mosh pits and meeting new

friends. There is somet hing i ncred ibly specia l about seeing a band live. I, as a kid who was obsessed with Green Day to a scary level, saw them play an around-three-hour set that blew my 13-year old mind. I’ve been to many music festivals with groups of friends where we literally had paper and pen so that we could plan out our day perfectly in order to see as many bands if possible, even if it meant rushing to a stage to get a good spot instead of eating lunch. I watched one of my favorite bands, Tonight Alive, grow from a band fresh from Australia play ing a small set to an audience who didn’t know them to being on magazine covers and playing headlining shows where the audience is chanting back the lyrics that I once awkwardly sang alone. I’ve tried (and failed) to hold back tears at an Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties show. I’ve seen The Chariot’s drummer throw his drum set into the crowd and then jump down and continue to play. I’ve traveled four hours by myself to see Lights play because apparently it’s hard to find someone to travel through snow and icy roads to see a somewhat obscure Canadian pop artist. The memories go on and on. W hen t h i n k i ng about all the memories I’ve had at shows and how crucial it was to making me who I am today, I really feel like Yellowcard’s message, while funny, actually hits home on a far more serious level. I can’t help but feel that if I had been watching all the concerts I’ve been to through a phone screen and trying

to get the perfect shot like I see increasingly more and more p eople doi ng, my memories wouldn’t be half as special as they are. Sure, I would have a low-quality video to remember the show by, but that’s not what I go to shows for. I go to shows to experience a connection with the band and have a good time with my friends and strangers, and I feel like this is difficult to do when you are holding up a phone instead of moshing, dancing or generally just enjoying the show. I won’t tell you how to live your life, but if you are one who records entire concerts on their phone, I would simply implore that you try to make yourself put the phone away next time and see what happens. I, like everyone, have developed the urge to constantly pull out my phone and document everything, but I have found that my experience is better when I put the phone away and just experience the show. Life is short, and you won’t always have the opportunity to experience seeing t he artists you love. I’ve never been more aware of t hat than now as just in the last few years many bands I love have broken up and artists I love have passed away, and as I get older I suspect it will continue to happen at a more rapid pace. So, as someone whose life has been legitimately changed and molded by the experience of live music, I urge you to stop making excuses and see the bands you’ve always been dying to see, and if you do, remember to take time to live in the moment and soak it all in, because the chance will

Thursday, December 1, 2016


A cocky Christmas playlist

Graphic by Maggie Neal

WESTPAGE4 human and others not in an exciting, HBO quality package. A few complaints have been about all the forced t wists and violence against women, but even with all its faults, “Westworld” tells of a bigger game going on. All the characters may know pieces of what is going on with the park, but does anyone on the show truly know the whole picture? A not so subtle MacGuffin for the show is called “The Maze,” a layered level to the park that seems to attract some hosts’ and a certain guest’s attention. Just like “Lost,” “Westworld” likes to ask big


In the spirit of sharing the holiday merriment, the Arts & Culture staff compiled a playlist of all of our favorite Christmas songs. We hope they bring you as much mirth and joy as they have us. Happy holidays! Check out the Spotify account, “thedailygamecock,” to listen to these songs. Shayla Nidever — “The Christmas Song” by Nat King Cole Jenna Schiferl — “Lumberjack Christmas” by Sufjan Stevens and “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” by She & Him Taylor Evans — “All I Want For Christmas Is You” by Mariah Carey and “This Christmas” by Chris Brown Alli McLeod — “Christmas/Sarajevo 12/24” by The Trans-Siberian Orchestra, “Mary Did You Know” by Pentatonix and “Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” by Michael Bublé Brad Dountz — “Little Saint Nick” by the Beach Boys and “Wonderful Christmastime” by Paul McCartney Alex Wyatt — “Happy Xmas (War is Over)” by John Lennon Zoe Nicholson — “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” by Bing Crosby, “That’s Christmas To Me” by Pentatonix and “Blue Christmas” by Elvis Presley Grace Batton — “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” by Andy Williams, “Holly Jolly Christmas” by Burl Ives and “It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas” by Perry Como Darby Hallman — “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” by August Burns Red and “Christmas at 22” by The Wonder Years

questions and give the best answers it possibly can. It is building something that we can’t quite see yet, so much so that the audience has begun to identify wit h t he robots because t hey are oblivious to their basic enslavement. Could the same be said about our society now? Who knows? That is the same question “Westworld” has been slowly answering over several episodes and we still have no idea. Even with the season fi nale airing Sunday night and nine episodes already behind it, the audience still feels like firsttime guests, fi nally ready to see what actually makes the robots tick.


Rumours: A Fleetwood Mac Tribute December 3

2nd Annual Toys for Tots Drive December 4

Slander & NGHTMRE December 6

Nappy Roots December 7

Styles & Complete December 9

Yule Jam December 10

Tripp Lake Camp is looking for counselors. Teach your favorite activities such as arts, sports, waterski, tennis, and swim. APPLY ONLINE at


Call us at 1-800-997-4347 with any questions

1 Visit an animal shelter to take a dog for a walk.


Stress Tips


Go to one of Columbia’s parks: Columbia Riverfront Park, Saluda Shoals Park, Harbison State Forest, Lake Murray.


Follow these helpful tips to get through the most stressful time of the semester

Take a nap or watch an episode of your favorite TV show.

Be sure to manage your time well by scheduling when you’ll study for each exam (include scheduled study breaks!). Be realistic about your goals – write down exactly what you hope to accomplish during finals week.


Don’t pull all-nighters – be sure to get some sleep.


Eat regular meals with plenty of protein to sustain your long hours in the library.

Drink caffeine in moderation – too much will make you too jittery to focus.

Take a walk or exercise to help clear your head.

Take study breaks – here are some great ideas if you have a longer break:

Consider scheduling a one-on-one stress management consultation when you return for the spring semester so you can get ahead of stress and get tips to avoid getting overwhelmed. Call 803-576-9393.

Student Health Services Supporting the vision of a Healthy Carolina community

Go to one of Columbia’s great attractions: the Riverbanks Zoo & Garden, the South Carolina State Museum, the South Carolina State House.


Play some games at the Golden Spur in the Russell House.

Get some fresh fruits and veggies at the Soda City Market on Saturday morning.


Thursday, December 1, 2016




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Thursday, December 1, 2016


PEOTUS deplorably ignorant of Constitution Dan Nelson

Second-year public health student

Liberals must be prepared for action in next four years Linden Atelsek Third-year psychology student

Dear young liberals, Many of us are not used to losing. That’s probably why wak ing up on Nov. 9 felt so different from wak ing up on Nov. 8, although we were living in the exact same country as we were before. We’ve g row n up u nder t wo ter ms of Obama — t wo massive wins in 20 0 8 a nd 2012. A nd a lt hough progress has been stifled by rabid p a r t i s a n s h ip a nd g over n ment gridlock, victories have been won over the course of our lifetimes — LGBT rights, environmental refor m, i ncreased gover n ment transparency, healthcare reform, t he ex pa nsion of a civ il right s division in Department of Justice a nd so on. Slow prog ress, but progress nonetheless. The country was taking strides forward. But what many white liberals, like me, learned as t he result s came in was what minorities in t h i s c ou nt r y h ave k now n f or a long time: We weren’t tak ing st rides for ward so much as we were straining against the pull of a rubber band. On Election Day, the band snapped back. Progress isn’t permanent. For me, that was a crushing realization to have, but for my friends who are people of color, it was less surprising. We st ill have abort ion rights because activists and organizations l i ke Pla n ned Parent hood have been fighting to keep restrictive laws from getting passed. We have the voting rights we do because ac t i v i s t s h ave b een at t ac k i ng suppression laws in t he cou rt s whenever they emerge. Gay rights are where they are because gay people sued and sued to overturn discriminatory laws, and they’re still suing. Civil rights advances have always come at the expense of great time and great effort by marginalized groups, after years of crushing injustice. And it’s always

momentou s when refor m get s passed into law, but most of the fight happens in making sure we don’t slide backward. It is unlikely that we’ll make any real progress in the next four years, but the fight to keep from regressing will continue. Donald Trump will be president. W het her or not t he Elec tora l College is unfair and should be eliminated, he played by the rules of the game and won. But he won’t be president until Jan. 20, which means we have time to learn from this election and get ready. Here’s wh at I le a r ned f rom 2016: I’ve been slacking. A lot of us have been. Yes, there have been some white people beat ing t he streets fighting for racial minority rights. Yes, some people who are not mentally ill or disabled have been fighting for people who are mentally ill or disabled. Yes, some straight people have been fighting for LGBT people a nd some Christians have been fighting for Muslims and Jews. Some men have been fighting for women’s rights. Those contributions are amazing. But part of losing this election is being honest with ourselves about what we’ve done wrong, and while everything I’ve just said is true, what is equally true is this: A lot of us haven’t. That’s hard to admit. But I’ve told myself that I didn’t donate to things I believe in because I didn’t have the money, while people with less money than I have have donated to the causes I passed over. I have been to some protests. I have volunteered. But not often. I told myself I didn’t have time to do more, but that wasn’t really true — I just didn’t want to spend my free time holding a sign or pushing a cause when I could be relaxing. I voted a nd I sig n pet it ions — i nc red ibly low- ef for t c iv ic participation. I write for this paper, but if I didn’t love it I probably wouldn’t have started, or continued. I could have been doing more, but I didn’t, because I didn’t have to. My drinking water was never in danger. I was never going to be shot in the street by the police. I was not ever and am not now in danger of being registered for my religion, or losing my job and falling behind on my rent because I am being held in jail

on a minor charge that I cannot afford to pay bail for. This should be sounding familiar to a lot of you. Because I am not alone. Only 13 percent of people participate in politics to the extent I do or more — the remaining 87 percent do less. And 37 percent do nothing at all. Yes, you could blame that on the older generation, or Trump voters not caring about the preservation of democracy, or the fact that millennials don’t have the money or the time to participate. But that would be a disingenuous shifting of blame. Older people participate more. Trump voters voted, or we wouldn’t be here. They went to rallies. They worked for his campaign. Additionally, some of us — like I was — are lying to ourselves about not having the time or the money. Many of us are act ually liv ing paycheck to paycheck, deeply in debt, and cannot be expected to contribute to causes. But some of us are not. Some of us are overloaded with class, homework, jobs and so on, and genuinely don’t have the time to participate. But some of us are not. And that balance tips towards white people, because our families, on average, are richer, and we tend to get more scholarships. Liberals — particularly white liberals, st raight liberals, male liberals — are going to have to start putting our money where our mouths are. I could have been doing more. So could many of the people reading t his. But marginalized people did not have the luxury not to care, and that is even more true now. And if you say you care about civil rights, you need to stand up for them. It’s all well and good to say that our new government will enact discriminatory policies —what are liberals who will not be hurt by them going to do about it? A lot of us who have not felt the urgency of discrimination have been t a l k i ng t he t a l k w it hout wa l k i ng t he wa l k . T hat was always unacceptable, but it’s even less acceptable now. If Trump’s pre sidenc y ’s ef fec t s a re to be mitigated, our activism has to be active rather than performative. So don’t just put on a safety pin and complain for the next four years — get out there and fight.


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At 3:55 a.m. on Nov. 29, Presidentelect Donald Trump t weeted that “Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag - if they do, there must be consequences - perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!” To label this t weet as yet another middle of the night rambling would miss the major constitutional confl icts Tr u m p’s o p i n io n r u n s i nt o . I n particular, Trump appears to have little understanding of the Supreme Court’s interpretation of both the First and Fourteenth amendments. For a man who claims that he “see[s] the Constitution as set in stone,” he knows terrifyingly little about it. To u n d e r s t a n d t h e s e r i o u s l y misg uided and, frank ly, insidious nature of Trump’s remarks, we must take a dive into constitutional law. Texas v. Johnson was a landmark Supreme Court case that dealt with the legality of flag burning as a form of protest as it pertains to the First A mendment. The court ruled that the government may not “proscribe part icular conduct because it has ex pressive element s.” Th is r uling invalidated all laws that prevented or punished flag burning as flag burning was found to be protected speech under the First amendment. This assumes that the flag burning was in line with the Brandenburg v. Ohio ruling that “free speech and free press do not permit a State to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.” Texas v. Johnson was reaffi rmed yet again in United States v. Eichman, as the court concluded that laws that prevent flag burning on the grounds that it is desecration of a national sy mbol r uns in opposit ion to US Code 496 U.S. 310, 313–319 that “the Government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society fi nds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.” Now t hat we have d isc u ssed Trump’s utter ignorance in regards to t he c on s t it ut ion a l it y of f l ag burning, we will dive into another area of his ignorance — citizenship. Trump appears to believe that a just punishment for f lag burning would be a revocation of one’s citizenship, a punishment ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. In Afroyim v. Rusk, the court ruled that “once acquired, this Fourteenth Amendment cit izenship was not to be shifted, canceled, or diluted at the will of the Federal Government, the States, or any other governmental unit.” Under this, the only way to lose citizenship would be to voluntarily give it up. The Presidential Oath of Office reads, “I do solem nly swear t hat I will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States, and will to the best of my abilit y, preser ve, protect and defend t he Constitution of the United States.” Trump’s inability to even properly distinguish articles and amendments of the Constitution further highlights how nearly impossible it will be for him to carry out this essential role. His uniquely cancerous ignorance of the foundational principles of our freedom poses an existential threat to t he b ed ro c k of ou r republ ic. Americans have fought and died for constitutionally guaranteed freedoms since our creat ion, Trump’s utter disregard and ignorance for the most sacred of American values is affront to the very history of this nation.


Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thursday, December 1, 2016

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A professional oppor t u n it y beckons today a nd tomor row. Tell friends you’ll see t hem later. Foc us on act ion. Close out old business and replenish reserves. Sign contracts.

Focus on your work for the next few days. Take advantage of an opportunity to expand your career prospects. Exercise, eat well and rest.

Today and tomorrow are good for money. Tap new revenue. The action is beh ind t he scenes. Others appreciate your ef for t s. Conclude a fortunate deal.

Taurus Plot (or make) your nex t escape over t he next t wo days. St udy, research and advance you r i nvest igat ion. Discover new f lavors, concept s a nd ideas. Follow passion.

Gemini Talk with your partner about improvements that you’d like to make today and tomorrow. Revise the budget to suit new p r ior it ie s . I nv e s t i n efficiency.

Cancer Accept a challenge. Don’t worr y t hat you don’t know how. Work with a partner for the next few days. Refine the plan. Have faith.



Love g uides you over the next two days. Things fall together. You can get what’s needed. Walk the walk. Creative collaboration delights. Honor each other.

G o wh at you wa nt today a nd tomor row. Take charge and make it happen. You’ve got conf idence, luck a nd charisma on your side. Dress for success.



The next two days are good for making changes a t h o m e . Fa n t a s i z e together. Listen to all considerat ions before committing resources. Do what you can yourself.

S e t t l e i n t o contemplation today and tomorrow. Review and revise plans. Sort and organize. Savor a hot beverage by a fire, and schedule your dreams.

Scorpio It’s a time of intense l e a r n i n g . Yo u ’r e especially brilliant for the next few days. Write, ed it a nd pol ish you r me s s age. C r a f t you r creative expression.


TDG @thegamecock

Set meet ings a nd schedu le g at her i ng s. Work toget her today a nd tomor row. K eep appointments and pay debts. Get help building your dream. Enjoy fun with friends.


See Yourself Here. ere r . CAMPUS CHANNEL N 4 sgt .e




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1 2 3 4

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ACROSS 1 Sputnik letters 5 Insert 8 *Scarlet letter? 14 “Hello, I didn’t see you there” 15 Tax-advantaged vehicle 16 Like unmiked orators, maybe 17 Collins contemporary 18 Like some sales 20 *Rio jokester? 22 Part of a black suit 23 It may be packed 24 Grand squared 27 General of Chinese cuisine 28 “Bueller? Bueller?” actor Stein 29 “Die Lorelei” poet 31 Shaver brand 33 *Law against certain intrafamily marriages? 35 First-century Judean monarch Herod __ 37 Portion portion 38 *Game disc on the farm? 40 Prefix with morph 41 Healthy greens 42 Storage unit 43 Muscle prone to tears, briefly 44 Fashion monogram 45 A long way 46 Waffle __ 48 *Fighter running on tequila? 52 Tevye-playing Tony winner 55 Prom rental 56 Inverse trig function 57 Spreading tree 58 Foreign attorneys’ degs. 59 Like the answers to starred clues before they were edited for content? 60 Call for help 61 “Uh-huh”

DOWN 1 Georgia county planned to be the 2017 home of the Braves 2 Blackens 3 It doesn’t provide lasting enjoyment 4 Quick lunch, perhaps 5 Window alternative 6 German crowd? 7 Broken 8 Gymnast Johnson who was a “Dancing With the Stars” winner 9 Inner Hebrides isle 10 Da __, Vietnam 11 Play about Capote 12 Hard-rock link 13 Crystallize 19 How a chorus may sing 21 Vow on a stand 24 Site of Los Angeles’ Museum Row 25 Like krypton 26 Not a __ stand on 28 Contoured chairs 29 Connecting flight

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site 30 In particular 31 Nonsensical 32 Ottoman nobility 33 Ajar, poetically 34 Curly-tailed canine 36 Soccer stat 39 1979 World Series champs 43 What life imitates, so it’s said 45 Fern leaf 46 Festival features 47 1994 film king 48 Very

49 Grenoble gal pal 50 Move shortly? 51 “My stars!” 52 Either of two stubborn Seuss characters 53 Go off 54 Early ’N Sync label


Thursday, December 1, 2016 10

‘Bama favored to win SEC title, advance to CFP


Jordan Airington @AIRJ96


With Jake Bentley starting at quarterback, South Caroina went 4-2 and gained bowl eligibilty.

Birmingham Bowl likely destination for Gamecocks Adam Orfinger @AORFINGER

W ho would’ve t h o u g h t w e ’d b e t a l k i ng about what bowl South Carolina would be going to in 2016? Eleven SEC teams reached t he six-w in threshold this season, and Mississippi State will likely go bowling a t 5 -7 d u e t o t h e Bulldogs’ APR score. Let’s briefly run down t he b ow l s ele c t ion process for SEC teams. I t ’s c l e a r t h a t A labama w ill reach the College Football Playof f, ba r r i ng a n i nc red ibly u n l i kely loss to Florida in the conference title game. An SEC team will also g r ab a Sug a r Bowl

bid, which will likely g o t o A ubu r n , but w i l l be deter m i ned by the highest-rated team in the fi nal CFP rankings, which will be released on Sunday. T he C it r u s Bowl gets the next selection, which could be any of t he conference’s eight-win teams that are passed over by the Sugar. Then comes the group of six bowls (Outback, TaxSlayer, Mu sic C it y, Tex a s , B e l k a n d L i b e r t y) with equal selection stat us. Let’s assume t hat when t hese si x bowls have t heir picks, the Sugar and Cit r us have chosen Auburn and Florida, respectively. I f t hat happens, when the group of six bowls comes up with

their selections, there will be six SEC teams w it h at lea st se ven wins to choose from ( LSU, Texas A& M, Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky and Arkansas). It’s possible for one of t hese si x bowls to pick South Carolina over one of t he aforement ioned teams, specifically the Belk Bowl, but it’s still unlikely. W it h n i ne tea m s t hen of f t he board, Sout h Carolina and Va nderbi lt a re lef t for t he t wo bowls with mandatory SEC tie-ins — Mississippi St ate w ill get a n a t- l a r g e b i d . T h e Bir m i ngham Bowl gets the next choice of tea ms, a nd t he Gamecocks make the most sense, hav i ng

b e a t e n Va n d e r b i l t earlier in the season. If the Birmingham Bowl passes over South Carolina, the G a mecock s wou ld be relegated to t he Independence Bowl, which will kick off on Dec. 26 in Shreveport, Louisiana. Sout h Ca rol i na defeated M ia m i i n t he 2014 Independence Bowl. If it’s t he Dec. 29 Bi r m i ngh a m Bowl, the Gamecocks will square off against a team f rom t he A mer ica n C on ference , wh ic h projections say could b e Tu l s a o r S out h Florida, among ot her teams. The I ndependence Bowl will be an SEC-ACC matchup.

A f t e r 13 w e e k s of slugg i ng it out on t he g r id i ron, t he A laba ma Cr imson Tide a nd t he Florida Gators will face off in the SEC Championship Game. Alabama survived the brutal SEC West and est abl ished t hemselves as the No. 1 team in the nation, while Florida rose from the mess that was the SEC East to reach Atlanta. The Crimson Tide have maintained their national supremacy by going 12-0 i n t he reg u la r sea son. Ja le n Hu r t s h a s b e e n brilliant in his freshman season, possibly earning an invitation to New York C it y for t he Hei sm a n Trophy presentation. Along with the dynamic play of t he of fense, t he Tide’s defense finished the season as the best in the country. Florida has taken a much different path to this game and does not have national championship implications like Alabama. The Gators concluded t he reg u la r season with an 8-3 record where all three losses came on the road. The team has seen its share of struggles on offense but has been kept alive by its dynamic defense. The unit ranks as second best in the SEC on ly beh i nd A laba m a. The matchup also marks the ninth time the two teams have met in the game’s history. The series is currently tied at four wins a piece, but the Tide hold a

two-game winning streak. Alabama will hope to expose the Florida defense with its dynamic rushing attack. Hurts and running back Damien Harris have b e e n a n ig ht m a r e f or opponent s t h is season. Establishing the run early will open up the playbook for Hurts to take to the air. Wide receivers Calvin R i d l e y a n d A rD a r i u s Stewart need to make big plays over Jalen Tabor and the Gators’ secondary to propel t he of fen se. For the defense the pass rush is the most important key to capt u r i ng t he win. Defensive linemen Jonathan Allen and Tim Williams will look to force Gators’ quarterback Austin Appleby into bad decisions. Appleby will need to be efficient for the Florida offense but Jordan Scarlett also has to bring life to t he r u n g a me , a s you can’t beat the Tide with a one-dimensional offense. Doing t his w ill not be easy against a defense as physical as the Tide’s but is a must if the Gators are going to grab t he win. The Pick: A labama 31, F lor id a 14 The A labama defense w i l l b e t o o mu c h f o r Florida, who hasn’t exactly had a dynamic offense this season. The Crimson Tide will claim their seventh SEC Championship game in the program’s history and fourth in the last five years with a win over the Gators.

Three stories that should be 30 for 30s Sarah Stone @SARAHCHA_SAUCE_

One of the major draws of sports is that it changes from minute to minute. However, sports fans also love to focus on the past. We are constantly debating the greatest era or player of a sport and looking back on sport’s best moments. In doing so, we fail to realize that many of the moments that we will look back on for years are happening right now. Over the course of 2016, there have already been at least three storylines that will likely meet the ultimate mark of a modern sports legend: becoming the subject of an ESPN 30 for 30. 1. Baylor’s Scandal What if I told you: the death penalty didn’t kill scandal in Texas football. The scandal itself would be enough for a strong 30 for 30: allegations of rape and assault that range from players to staff, A rt Briles initial resistance to admitting guilt and a Baylor board member who wants to coach to return. W hat makes t his an especially impact f ul stor y, however, is how much the scandal contrasts with the narrative initially presented of Briles and his Baylor Bears. Not only did Art Briles bring a football program from the laughingstock of the state to a national powerhouse, for many people he embodied a classic heartwarming Texas story in a plot that could have been a spinoff of Friday Night Lights. Briles grew up in small-town Texas,

where he played on his father’s team. Over the course of his coaching and playing career, he never left Texas. His son, Kendal Briles, not only played for him but also coached for him at Baylor. 2. Race and Sports in 2016 W hat if I told you: it’s not just sports. The social unrest of the United States became inextricably intertwined with athletics over the course of 2016. The Black Lives Matter movement af fected sports: fans were unable to attend the Orioles’ game against the White Sox as a result of protests in Baltimore. Sports, however, also af fec ted t he Black Lives M at ter Movement when Colin Kaepernick, Lebron James a nd cou nt le s s ot her at h lete s ex pressed t hei r opi n ion on race relat ions i n A mer ica, lead i ng to national discussion about an athlete’s role in these situations, racism in athletics and racism in the nation as a whole. It also seems worthy to note that this occurred the same year as Muhammad Ali, an athlete known for his social activism, passed away. 3. The Russian Doping Scandal in Rio What if I told you: for swimmers, the Cold War began in Rio. Swimming in the 2016 Olympics became enveloped in drama before c o m p e t it io n s e v e n b e g a n . T he International Olympic Committee refused to apply a widespread ban on

Courtesy of Tribune News Service / THE DAILY GAMECOCK

Russian swimmers after the World Anti-Doping Agency released a report saying that Russian athletes had both widely and systematically cheated in recent Olympics. However, the real conflict truly took off when American swimmer Lilly King criticized world champion Yulia Efi mova for competing and bragging despite her history of testing positive for performance enhancing drugs. King then defeated Efimova on her way to winning gold in the 100m breaststroke. The controversy surrounding the International Olympic Committee’s decision and King’s comments set fire

to issues that will likely continue to affect the sport for years to come. The degree to which many fans and athletes t r ust not on ly t he I nter nat iona l Olympic Committee, but also the quality of the sport have the potential to change, due to the increased media attention to the used of performance enhancing drugs in swimming. King’s comments also sparked debate over whether swimming should remain a gentleman’s sport or whether the convention of swimmers staying silent about conflict and issues within the sport should be broken.

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