The Daily Gamecock 2/10/20

Page 1 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2020


VOL. 114, NO. 5

SINCE 1908


Augusta Baker leaves legacy in USC’s School of Library and Information Science


Storyteller-in-residence sounds like a dream job for some library science students, but for Augusta Baker, it was more t han a fair y tale. Ba k er, who l i ve d f rom 1911 to 1998, led a life t hat saw her overcome all obstacles to become one of the top 100 most important l e a d e r s o f t h e 2 0 t h c e nt u r y, according to the American Library Association Archives. B a k er w a s t he f i r s t A f r ic a n A mer ica n to g raduate f rom SU N Y A lbany with a bachelor’s degree in library and information

studies. She worked in the New York Public Library system at the 135th Street branch in Harlem. What started as a temporary job eventually led Baker to become the first African American coordinator of children’s ser v ices for all 82 l ibra r ies w it h i n t he New York Public Library system. However, even today, 85% of individuals within the profession librarianship are white. Nicole A. Cooke, the Augusta B a k e r E nd ow e d C h a i r at t he Un iversit y of Sout h Ca rol i na, spoke about t he impor ta nce of diverse representation in libraries. “If people go in and they don’t s e e t he m s e l v e s i n t he p e o ple that work there, if they don’t see

themselves in the collections, if they don’t see themselves in the ser vices, they’re not gonna go,” Cooke said. A s t h e c o o r d i n a t o r, B a k e r established the James Weldon John Memorial Collection of children’s book s, wh ich is a col lec t ion focused on accurately portraying A frican A merican children and their lives. She cont inued her work w it h d i ver s it y b y w r it i n g t he f i r s t extensive bibliography of t it les that featured positive depictions of African A merican children in 1946, titled “Books about Negro Life for Children.” The title was changed to “The Black Experience in Children’s Books” in 1971.


Augusta Baker shows a young girl a children’s book at the New York Public Library in 1941. Baker worked as the first African American coordinator of children’s services in the New York Public Library system.


SJMC partners with athletic department for softball broadcasts


Trey Martin, a third-year broadcast journalism student, announces the softball game Feb. 7 against North Dakota State. Carolina softball has partnered with the School of Journalism and Mass Communications to provide student-run broadcasts for home games this season.

MICHAEL SAULS Assistant Sports Editor Gamecocks Online announced Jan. 27 that the Gamecock softball team would be partnering with the School of Journalism and Mass Communications to allow students to do play-by-play for up to 27 home games. The three students chosen for the position this semester are thirdyear broadcast journalism students Trey Martin, Zach McK instr y and Dillon Clark. All three took

director of content Brad Muller’s sp or t s a n nou nc i ng c la s s la st semester. Martin said he is “very excited” and “very honored to have that opportunity to lead the way” with this program, and McKinstry said the news and “importance” of doing this “really hasn’t hit” him. Clark said the department talked for several semesters about building the relationship between the journalism school and athletic department, and he was excited to actually begin. “In work ing with the sports

announcing class during the fall, I was impressed with the talent, professionalism and work ethic I saw from the students who want to get into play-by-play as a career,” Muller told Gamecocks Online. “These students have potential for a bright future in broadcasting, and I’m very excited that we’ve been able to create this partnership with South Ca rol i na At h let ic s a nd t he School of Journalism and Mass Communications.” SEE SOFTBALL PAGE 9


St udent Government elect ions are right around the corner, starting on Feb. 25 and ending Feb. 26. Students will be voting for student body president, vice president, treasurer and speaker of the senate. Current student leaders discussed their roles in Student Government, including the hardest and most important parts of their work.


‘Rising Stars’ to feature Greene Street field to be replaced by new parking lot Concerto-Aria winners ZAHIDA ASHROFF News Writer

SARAH CRONIN Arts & Culture Writer


This year’s winners of University of South Carolina’s ConcertoA r ia Compet it ion, Chloe Madison Johnston and Juan Nicolás Morle s E s pit i a , w i l l be performing in t he university’s Symphony Orchestra’s upcoming

concert, “Rising Stars.” Si ng i ng h a s b een a lifelong passion for sopr a no Joh n ston. She is i n her fou r t h year at USC pursuing a b a c h e l o r ’s d e g r e e of music in vocal performance. Her sing ing career bega n with lessons in the sixth grade, but her interest in performing started years before that.


Juan Nicolás Morales Espitia, a winner of the Concerto-Aria Competition, will be performing in the University of South Carolina’s Rising Stars concert.


After plans to build a Greek parking garage were halted, the university now plans to switch up parking arrangements near the Colonial Life Arena. Current plans to increase Greek parking include opening the AD3 commuter lot across from 650 Li ncol n to Greek students while building a new commuter lot on Greene Street field near



“Le Ballet de l’Amour,” a Valentine’s Day special event from Columbia City Ballet, celebrates love through dance. Page 5


The Greene Street field is currently undergoing construction to start development for a new commuter parking lot.

Colonial Life Arena. W h i le t he p a r k i n g garage would have added an additional 900 to 1,000 parking spots, the AD3



South Carolina’s women’s basketball team honors the passing of Kobe Bryant. Page 7

lot supports 500 parking spots. Jeff Stensland, the university’s spokesman, outlined the reasoning behind this decision. “A g a rage is ex ponent ially more expensive and requires multiple state and local approvals. In contrast, a surface lot can be graded and surfaced fairly quickly and much more affordably,” Stensland said in an email interview. SEE PARKING PAGE 3



The referendum that proposes making treasurer an appointed position was poorly defended and showed a lack of faith in the student body. Page 10



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Student Government executives discuss responsibilities JACK BINGHAM Senior News Writer

With Student Government elections right around the corner, students will soon be voting on several executive of f icer p o sit ion s: st udent b o d y president, vice president, speaker of the senate and treasurer. Each of these positions has specific responsibilities and roles which will affect the student body. Student body president The st udent body president, a position held by fourth-year political science student Luke Rankin, serves primarily as the representative for the student body’s voice to the university, including at board of trustees meetings, where he sits in as non-voting member. “Before each meet ing, I spend an extensive amount of time going through and looking at, you know, the documents, reviewing the pictures, so I know what’s going to be discussed, if any of those potential actions are going to affect students, that I know what these effects will be, and then I’m ready to speak on it,” Rankin said. The president also appoints and leads an executive cabinet, which consists primarily of secretaries who develop programs in sustainability, Greek life, athletics and other areas of campus life. Student body vice president The office of student body vice pre sident , f i l led by fou r t h-yea r finance student Sophie Davish, was, until recently, tasked with overseeing s t u d e nt s e n at e . No w, t h e v i c e president’s primary responsibility, per Student Government’s constitution, i s t o o v e r s e e t he c r e at io n a nd

i mplement at ion of prog ra ms by members of Student Government. In addition to programming, the vice president assists with the president’s duties. The vice president focuses on creating new long-term programs, such as Swipe Out Hunger and freshman council. “The most important part of my position is making sure I am reaching as many students as possible,” Davish said in an email interview. “I try to do this by surrounding myself with a diverse group of staff members and student leaders as well as attending events and speaking to students that are not normally in my direct circle.” Speaker of the student senate The speaker of the student senate, an office held by third-year political science student Davis Latham, operates as the leader of the student senate. This duty takes many forms, from overseeing the creation and passage of student body legislature to nominating cha i r s of t he m a ny com m it tee s contained within the student body senate. The student senate contains dozens of members, each of whom can create and submit legislation for approval. The role of speaker can sometimes be a bit monotonous, according to Latham. “I love the job, and I have fun doing all of it, but I would say the toughest thing is staying motivated to complete the mundane work,” Latham said in an email interview. “Every week I will have to read over tons of legislation and check for grammar and consistency.” SEE LEADERS PAGE 4

Office of Diversity and Inclusion hosts town halls in search of new vice president CAMDYN BRUCE News Writer

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion is in search of a new vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion following university President Bob Caslen’s decision to elevate the position of chief diversity officer to a vice president position. T he ne w p o sit ion wou ld a l low t he v ice president of equity, diversity and inclusion to report directly to the university president instead of reporting to the provost, the chief academic officer at the University of South Carolina. Since the search committee was formed in November, it has rev iewed 93 applicat ions, conduc ted 10 v ideo conference i nter v iews with candidates and narrowed it down to three finalists. As part of the search, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion hosted three town halls open to the public to highlight each of the three finalists for the position. On Monday, the first town hall was moderated by Kirk Foster, the associate dean for diversity, equit y and inclusion in the College of Social Work, wit h t he f irst candidate inter viewed, Deidra Dennie. Den n ie is t he ch ief d iversit y of f icer for Anne Arundel Community College in Arnold, Mar yla nd. She was asked a quest ion about “educ at ion a nd profe s s ion a l de velopment curriculum.” “You can’t have programming initiatives just for the sake of programming and initiatives; it needs to be tied to something. There needs to be some outcomes; there needs to be some measurements,” Dennie said. De n n ie s a id her i m me d i at e pr ior it y, i f elected, would be to investigate the question of representation. I n her f irst si x mont hs, Den n ie sa id her goal would be to “really get into the data and disaggregate it and see what’s going on, and figure out a way to meet with people in order to address what we see are the deficits.” The second town hall was moderated by Anna Cofie, the president of the graduate student association, and was held on Thursday with the second candidate interviewed, Julian Williams. Williams is the vice president of compliance,


Audience members listen to chief diversity officer and senior associate provost John Dozier speak about what diversity means to him at the town hall in Russell House Theater Feb. 7. Dozier is one of three candidates running for vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion, a newly created position.

diversity and ethics at George Mason University in Virginia. He spoke about the importance of diversity. “It’s important because we have a student body, in particular, that is well informed and will call us on the gap between what they feel and what is actually happening,” Williams said. “Folks are tired of reading our values. They want to feel them.” Williams said if he was chosen, he would want to hear from the Carolina community and build from there. “From a vision and goals perspective, I think there’s an opportunity for the institution to be a national leader in this space,” Williams said. “What I would want to do initially is just come in and listen to people ... have them help me ingratiate myself into the community if selected and then sort of go from there.” The third and final town hall featured John Dozier. Dozier is the chief diversity officer and senior associate provost for inclusion at USC. He discussed his plans to expand the office’s impact. “I think first you have to develop a strategic plan that addresses how we want to address the challenges of diversit y, equit y and inclusion on our campus,” Dozier said. “Composition, achievement, engagement and inclusion are the core issues, or the core attributes, of a strategic plan.” Dozier said as the standing chief officer of diversity, he is already familiar with the challenges

that face the university. “I understand our context, I understand some of the challenges here,” Dozier said. “I’m energized and passionate about the work that we’re doing.” A l l of t he c a nd id at e s were a s ked ab out biased incidents on campuses and how t hey would balance their duties as vice president with freedom of speech rights. Dennie said although freedom of speech is a right, “it doesn’t recuse you from consequences.” “ T h a t ’s t h e o n e t h i n g I f o u n d i n m y communit y,” Dennie said. “Our populace is saying, ‘This happened to me, and nobody cared. Nobody checked on me to make sure I was okay.’ We need to do check-ins.” Williams said he thought different types of speech should be called as they are. “In my opinion, I think we have to get plain,” Williams said. “If something’s racist, let’s call it that. If it’s homophobic, xenophobic, sexist, let’s call it that, but then let’s also make sure that we’re communicating what else we’re doing.” Dozier said he would argue for consequences for some forms of speech. “Instances when people do or say things that are intentional and public ... I would be the very first to argue that we need to call out and push out those bad actors,” Dozier said. Caslen will make the final decision on who is chosen to be the new vice president of diversity, equity and inclusion in the next few weeks.



Ariba Johar, a third-year psychology student who parks at the AD3 lot, said in an email interview that these plans would not help commuters. “Unless the new commuter lot is bigger than the current lot, then no we are not solving the problem. The Greeks already have their own parking near the village and adding the new [lot] that is exclusively for the Greeks would not be conducive,� Johar said. Johar said she would want t hese changes to reflect commuter students’ needs, taking into consideration the scarce availability and reserved graduate parking spots. “I would want to make the lot bigger and move the reserved graduate spots to another lot. Us undergrads already are fighting for spots, we do not need to throw in more people into the ring,� Johar said. Greene Street field, where the new commuter lot is slated to be built, is a sp or t s pr ac t ice f ield where t he university’s quidditch and intramural soccer teams practice. Erin Smekrud, a fourth-year biology s t u d e nt a n d c o - p r e s id e nt of t h e Gamecock quidditch club, said in an email interview that the parking lot will affect the team. “We host one tou rnament ever y semester and we always use Greene Street field because it is on campus so I do not have to arrange rides for my team to an off-campus location and the field is easy to reserve,� Smekrud said. FROM STARS PAGE 1


Chloe Madison Johnston, a soprano singer, was one of the winners for the University of South Carolina’s Concerto-Aria Competition.

Johnston was p a r t i c u l a r l y e x c it e d about winning because it is rare for a vocalist to be chosen to perform w it h t h e o r c h e s t r a . She ad m it s t he most challeng i ng par t was not getting her hopes up after getting through the first round. Another winner of the

compet it ion and av id pian ist, Juan NicolĂĄs M o r l e s E s p it i a , h a s a l so b een i ntere sted in his craft for most of h is l ife. Grow i ng up in Colombia, he began play i ng pia no due to his parents’ belief that he had too much free time. As he matured into h is teenage years, he began to realize being a musician was something he wanted for his future. E spit ia g radu ated summa cum laude from Un iver sidad de los Andes with a bachelor’s in music. H is f irst time leaving his home country was to pursue his master’s degree in music at the Manhattan School of Music. Adjust i ng to a new cult ure and lang uage proved d if f ic u lt , but so d id at tend i ng a h igh ly compet it ive conservatory. “So, on the one hand it’s great because you are surrounded by great musicians,â€? Espitia said. “But then on the other hand there is so much pre s s u re to p er for m well because everyone performs so well. T he average level of performers is so high.â€? However, Espitia said he believes the whole ex per ience cha nged h is l ife. E spit ia is current ly a candidate for a doctorate’s degree of musical arts in piano

not provide a long-term solution for the parking problems commuters currently face. “The new lot would be farther away so we would have to recalculate our walking commute and then the same situation would play over again as we have in the current lot of fighting and searching for a spot,� Johar said. Stensland said the new lot is a single piece of a bigger plan to bring additional parking to USC. “The new surface lot was a way to pedagog y at USC. He is a st udent of Philip Bush, “one of the most experienced A merican chamber music pianists o f h i s g e n e r a t i o n ,� a c c o r d i n g t o Bu s h’s USC faculty bio. This experience is one that Espitia feels especially privileged to have. “I learned so much through the process,� Espitia said. “He’s the kind of teacher that, he never like pushes you up

to the point where you can just break down, but he’s still trying to bring t he best [out] of you. He is always positively encouraging you.� Bush expressed similar feelings about Espitia. He said Espitia’s d o c t o r a l c o m m it t e e exam was “outstanding� and the “only one� the faculty gave a round of applause for at the end. “He has a pretty wide knowledge of and–most

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importantly–intellectual curiosit y about many other areas of classical music, sy mphonic, chamber music, aspects of music h istor y a nd t heor y and so fort h,� Bush said in an email. “ I t ’s t h e k i n d o f background and mindset that makes a “musician for the long haul� as I SEE ONLINE

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support commuter parking as we make room for the Greek Village parking nearby,� Stensland said. “It is one piece of a larger strategic plan to address bot h long term park ing and public transportation needs.� As advertised by bright yellow signs surrounding Greene Street field, the nex t step in t he u n iversit y’s plans includes getting approval from the City of Columbia Board of Zoning Appeals during a public hearing on Feb. 11 on the third floor of city hall at 10 a.m.


FEB. 13

“I was definitely that k id w it h t he k araoke machine and the hairbrush, screaming at my parents,� Johnston said. Joh nston spent her summers during middle school taking collegelevel music classes t hrough a prog ram of fered by Wint hrop Un i v e r s it y. I n h i g h school, she got into the top choir program at her school, which offered her private voice lessons at no cost. “[ I’m] ver y blessed in that way,� Johnston said about her school experiences. “I wouldn’t have been exposed to it otherwise, honestly.� After almost deciding to at tend school to b e c ome a do c t or, Johnston made a “last m i nut e� de c i s io n t o continue studying music. She auditioned for a few schools around South Carolina before deciding on USC. Not only is she regionally ranked, but she is also ranked by the National Association of Teachers of Singing in SC. J o h n s t o n ’s t a l e n t also led her to perform i n t wo i nter nat iona l choir tours: one around Ireland and the other across Europe. The Concerto-Aria is

an annual competition open to every instrument and level of education at USC . In the first round, the judges choose one undergraduate, graduate and doctoral musician for each i nst r u ment. The second round determines two to three over a l l w i n ner s who will perform with the Symphony Orchestra at their next concert.


FEB. 10


Smek rud said getting a field that is convenient for students is already difficult. “I try to request Strom or Blatt fields since t hey are also on campus and have lights, but I am denied because intramurals has control over t hose fields,� Smekrud said. T h e q u i d d it c h t e a m n o r m a l l y practices on Bluff Field but also utilizes the Greene Street field, according to Smekrud. “ We r a n d o m l y h o s t w e e k e n d prac t ice s on Greene St reet f ields before tournaments or as extra practice with other teams instead of attending tournaments,� Smek rud said. “Our regular practices will not be affected by the plans for a lot, but our tournaments and random weekend practices will be greatly affected.� Smek r ud said while t his park ing expansion will solve one problem, it creates another. “I think this might be the correct step for the parking issues, but I do not think this is the correct step in accommodating the growing number of sport clubs with limited access to fields for practice and tournaments as is,� Smekrud said. Stensland said the board of trustees plans to discuss alternate field sites at its Feb. 21 meeting. “In terms of the recreation fields, we believe existing fields can be utilized more wh i le we work [to] acqu i re additional recreation fields near the Williams Brice Stadium,� Stensland said. Johar said this plan ultimately does

FEB. 12


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Poor lighting on, around campus causes concern with students CAMDYN BRUCE News Writer

At the beginning of the spring semester, Maddie Love was walking home from her evening lab when she realized there was no light along her path between LeConte and Davis College. L o v e , a f i r s t-y e a r p h a r m a c y student, said she was scared. “Even when I’m walking in well-lit areas at night, I always feel like I need to be talking to someone on the phone, if anything were to happen to me,” Love said. “It’s definitely more scary when it’s dark. Like, you just kind of feel scared.” Love isn’t alone in her fear. Firstyear journalism st udent Addison Hinkle and first-year elementar y education student Cherokee Davis sa id t hey ex per ienced t he sa me feelings when walk ing at n ight. Hinkle often walks to and from Park Place, an apartment complex just off campus. “If you’re a woman walking home at night, there’s basically no light. You go past the train tracks, and t here’s all t hese people t hat are walking,” Hinkle said. “It’s just very scary.” Davis said she cuts through the parking lot across from 650 Lincoln apartment complex as a shortcut at night. “It’s already dangerous walking by yourself anyway, and then there’s no light, so then, yeah, it got really bad,” Davis said. “I actually did start crying for a second, and then I kind


Baker also took her expertise in diversity a nd libraria nsh ip


A streetlamp on the Pendleton Bridge is out. The insufficient lighting on campus is a safety concern among students.

of gathered myself together and just hurried up and got home.” Un iversit y of Sout h Ca rol i na Police Depart ment captain Eric Grabski said student safety is a top priority at USC. USCPD does safety and lighting surveys on campus if students feel an area of campus is unsafe.

beyond print, teaching at Columbia Un iversit y, Rutgers University and others. However, t he biggest impact Baker

made was on the art of storytelling. Stor ytelling is dif ferent from stor y t i me , wh ic h C o oke de sc r ibe s a s hav i ng

“O u r pr i m a r y concer n is t he safety of our students; not only their physical safet y, but that they feel safe on campus. Not just students, but everybody that’s on campus,” Grabski said. First-year retail st udent Greer Shanley said she thinks the lack of lighting also poses a potential safety

lo t s of c h i ld r e n i n one room, “singing, and doing interactive play t ime and t hings of that nature.” “But what Augusta a nd ot hers do was really much more than that. It’s really more of a performance, and it’s really theatrical, r ight , i n t he best possible way,” Cooke said. B a k e r ’s s t y l e o f storytelling eventually became k now n as “The Baker Method,” a nd she published “Storytelling: Art and Technique” with Ellin Green in 1987. “ For her t o b e able to c apt u re t he imaginat ion and the at tent ion of a l l of these children, she is a true artist,” Cooke said. FROM LEADERS PAGE 2

The speaker of t he senate also serves as a representative for the student body’s senators. The speaker ensu res senators’ leg islat ion, which is proposed on behalf of t he st udent body, is heard and, if possible, implemented. Student body treasurer The posit ion of student body treasurer i s f i l le d b y f o u r t h year political science st udent K ate Lew is, who serves as the main p oi nt of con nec t ion bet ween St udent Government and student organizations. The treasurer, working with the senate finance

hazard because people are unable to see the ground. “The bricks, people trip on these during the day, so I feel like someone could get really hurt,” Shanley said. A f ter hear i ng compla i nt s, Residence Hall Association president Brandon Lynch said he looked at some of the areas students thought were problematic. “Seeing it for the first time, I could definitely see where people would see some of those areas as unsafe,” Lynch said. “In some of those areas, there actually aren’t any lights at all. Those are areas that, if I had to be on campus anywhere in those areas, I would definitely try to avoid them.” According to Grabski, the number of people who report an issue with lighting in an area has no bearing on whether USCPD will investigate the area. “It doesn’t have to be a bunch of people,” Grabski said. “We’re very concerned about what our students think, and if it’s just, like I said, just one, we’re going to look into it.” Grabski said he recommends the Rave Guardian Safety app for those who feel unsafe. The app includes a text feature that connects directly to USCPD. St udent s ca n a lso cont act t he department at 803-777-4215, email USC PD st a f f member s u si ng t he depart ment’s staf f director y located on their website or go to the department headquarters and make a report in person if they want USCPD to investigate an area for safety purposes.

H e r f a m e d s t o r y t e l l i n g capabilities eventually le d h e r t o U S C i n 19 8 0 , s e r v i n g a s t he “stor y tel ler-i nresidence,” a role that suited her talents. To d a y , s h e i s com memorated i n “ B a k e r ’s D o z e n : A Celebrat ion of Stor ie s ,” a n a n nu a l festival sponsored by the School of Library and Informat ion Science, College of I n for m at ion a nd Communications and the Richland Library. The festival is in its 34th year and will be held t h is yea r f rom April 23 to April 25. In conjunct ion with the festival, the School of Library and Information Science w i l l b e ho s t i n g it s

f irst ever lect ure on Augusta Baker, called the “Baker Diversit y L e c t u r e S e r i e s ,” which will be open to the public. A s for her leg ac y on campus, Cooke d e s c r i b e s B a k e r ’s endowed chair as “extraordinary.” “ You k now, endowed cha i r s a re not that common, and they’re certainly not common for Librar y and Informat ion Science. T hey a re even less com mon na med af ter people of color,” Cooke said. “This is an example of why black facult y mat ter, why fac u lt y of color matter, why st udent s of color matter.”

committee, determines and allocates funding for the over 500 student organizations on USC’s campus. Lewis said in an email i nter v iew t h is is not a competitive process a n d t h e t r e a s u r e r ’s goa l is to ensu re a l l st udent s u nder st a nd and take advantage of the funds the Student Government has available. “Our goal is to always fund the organization as long as the request meets the St udent Government Codes and Senate Fi n a nc e C om m it t ee G u i d e l i n e s ,” L e w i s said. A d d i t i o n a l l y, t h e t r e a s u r e r or g a n i z e s Student Government’s

budgets and oversees its financial processes. The process to elect t hese posit ions is conducted by a separate g roup k now n a s t he elections commission. A n e le c t io n s commissioner leads this group, which is made up of a deputy elections com m issioner and seven to nine assistant commissioners, all of whom are nom inated by t he student body president and conf irmed by t h e s t u d e nt s e n at e . T h is yea r ’s elec t ion commissioner is fourthyear interdisciplinary studies student Bennett Lunn. The elections c o m m i s s i o n’s responsibilities primarily deal with the publication of Student Government elections, com mu n icat ion w it h candidates regarding elec t ion reg u lat ion s and scheduling events for t he elect ions. Suc h e vent s i nclude exec ut ive debates, the announcement of elec t ion re s u lt s a nd inaugurations.

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CULTURE MOVIE OF THE WEEK: “Taylor Swift: Miss Americana” Ta y l o r S w i f t s h o w s a n e w, v u l ner able side to her sel f i n her ne w do c u ment a r y “M i s s A mericana.” The documentary follows t he famous si nger/ songwriter through a few years of her career, showing some of the challenges she faced as a woman and artist in the spotlight. Swift, known for her creative storytelling, took a chance to tell a different story, one in which she controls her own narrative and finds power in her voice. Directed by Lana Wilson, “Miss Americana” is on Netflix now.


A Valentine’s Day special event, “Le Ballet de l’Amour” celebrates all kinds of love at the Harbison Theatre at Midlands Technical College.

ALBUM OF THE WEEK: “Treat Myself” by Meghan Tainor Meghan Trainor is known for her empowering lyrics and popR&B v ibes. Her t h i rd st ud io album, “Treat Myself,” adds more feel-good pop to her discography. Trainor released the first single, “No Excuses,” in March 2018. After working on the record for more than two years, her story of finding self-confidence with and without a partner is compiled into fifteen tracks. Each song stays true to Trainor’s brand: a catchy melody over a mixed pop sound.

SONG OF THE WEEK: “loneliness for love” by lovelytheband

W h i l e Va l e nt i n e’s D a y i s traditionally about a positive love, it can also bring up a lot of notso-positive feelings. “loneliness for love’’ by the indie-pop group lovely theband gives an honest look into “mistaking loneliness for love.” Nonetheless, the rhythmic guitar and pulsing synth contrast go well w it h t he mela ncholic message to make a fun song. The song was released Jan. 31 as the start of the band’s new era.


me: *apolog izes for no reason* p e r s o n : u d o n’t n e e d to apologize, u didn’t do anything me: ur right i’m sorry —@carlyincontro

EVENTS OF THE WEEK: Fitz and the Tantrums The Senate Feb. 11 at 7:30 p.m.

KISS: End of the Road World Tour Colonial Life Arena Feb. 11 at 7 p.m.

A ll the Single L adie s: Valentine’s Day Ball with Beyoncé and Justin Timberlake Tributes The Senate Feb. 14 at 9 p.m.

Ross Ellis Nashville Hits the Roof concert series at Tin Roof Feb. 16 at 8 p.m. —compiled by Madison Poindexter

IAN ROBINSON Arts & Culture Writer Comprised of different sets from ballets such as “Dracula,” “The Hootie and the Blowfish Ballet” and “Romeo and Juliet” along with original pieces, “Ballet de l’Amour” is not your traditional ballet “Ballet de l’Amour” incorporates different kinds of love, from heterosexual and homosexual romantic love to platonic love and the bond shared between friends. Columbia City Ballet will perform the ballet at the Harbison Theatre at Midlands Technical College as a special show for Valentine’s Day. Writer and director William Starrett has been in the ballet world for over 33 years. Starrett started in Los Angeles and New York City, and he traveled the world with his dance company, performing many different pieces throughout his career. He came to Columbia to learn under one of his mentors at the time and eventually took over the dance company, helping further shape Columbia into a “dance city.” “What we’re going to do is, we’re going to highlight the greatest moments from the greatest ballets of all time,” Starrett said.

The types of love are represented through various dances, such as duets, group dances and pas de trois, a dance between three people. “I think this is so great because you end up doing the same old thing at Valentine’s, so this kind of really lets people think outside the box,” Starrett said. Columbia City Ballet usually holds its performances at the Koger Center near campus, but it switched to Harbison Theatre because the Koger Center has prior commitments on Valentine’s Day weekend. “We have a ver y state-of-t he-ar t venue; plus it’s a little smaller. We have 400 seats, so all the performances are up close and a little more real,” Kristin Cobb, executive director of Harbison Theatre, said. T he t heater is ra ked, mea n i ng t he seat s a re staggered and no one can block your view. The stage is surrounded by the audience on three sides, which allows for a better and more immersive viewing experience. “Le Ballet de l’Amour” will be performed Feb. 14 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 for students, military personnel and seniors, $30 for adults and $50 for a VIP option.

Nashville Hits the Roof to showcase new country artists MADISON POINDEXTER & LILY SHAHIDA Arts & Culture Editors

Over the next five months, live music venue Tin Roof will host a wave of country artists for Nashville Hits the Roof, a tour showcasing upand-coming artists from Nashville, Tennessee. T he f ree concer t ser ie s w i l l kick off in Columbia Feb. 16 with country artist Ross Ellis. To prepare for t he ser ies, Ti n Roof t alent buyers and entertainment managers searched for new artists that would be not only crowd pleasers but also potential breakout stars. The series was planned to give customers a p e r s o n a l e x p e r ie nc e w it h t he performers and give burgeoning artists the opportunity to showcase their talent. “The idea came out of Tin Roof, the original location, which is in Nashville,” said Thomas Glasgow, marketing manager for Tin Roof Ca rol i na s, Ba lt i more a nd T he Senate. “A lot of really now-major country acts have played there or

been regulars there.” A r t ist s such a s Lu ke Combs, Kacey Musgraves and Kenny Chesney have a l l played at Ti n Roof Nashv i l le du r i ng t hei r careers. “ We r e a l l y w a n t e d to k ind of bring that to all of our locations with a country tour and make COURTESY OF CHRIS LEHMAN them free shows and open Tin Roof will kick off its Nashville Hits the Roof to t he publ ic a nd g i ve country concert series Feb. 16. country artists a platform where they could go on a for Columbia’s local music scene in proper tour of all of the Tin Roofs,” the long run. Glasgow said. “We feel like we’ve always been Though Nashville Hits the Roof bringing great entertainment to is packed with a full setlist of new Columbia, but in order for us to talent, this series is also intended get to that next level and to keep to be accessible to both artists and these higher level artists coming to audiences. Each show is free to Columbia, we have to show them the public, and the artists get the what this market has to offer,” Murff opportunity to share their music at said. different Tin Roof properties. A f t e r w o r k i n g at T i n R o o f Entertainment manager for Tin Columbia for 10 years, Murff said Roof Carolinas and Baltimore Scott family is what sets the location apart Murff said showing these artists the from the other live music joints. best of Columbia could be beneficial “Some of the guys that don’t work there any longer, they still have that passion that, when we came 10 years ago, that we brought something to Columbia that was needed,” Murff said. “We were a part of something special and that continues today.” The live music spot in the Vista, with its laid-back atmosphere and Southern-inspired bar menu, is a great spot to host artists from most genres, including jazz and folk / Americana. It’s a place for music lovers to relax during a weekday or party on a weekend, according to assistant general manager Jaryd Toohey. “It’s a fun environment where you can get to know a lot of people and it’s always a good time,” Toohey said. Tin Roof Columbia w ill host artists on the Nashville Hits the Roof tour from February to July. T hey a re look i ng to add more up-and-coming artists as they are available.

Nashville Hits the Roof Columbia dates: Feb. 16

May 28

June 4

March 15

April 19

June 11

March 29

May 14

July 12

Ross Ellis Rob Leines

Jackson Michelson

More Information:

AARON Goodvin Cody Purvis Kyle Daniel

Noah Gutherie

Tedd Robb

Garrett Jacobs

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6 ARTS & CULTURE C um n: Disc


s n a l p y a D s ’ e n i y r Valent

SAVANNAH TRANTER Arts & Culture Writer Ah, Valentine’s Day. That time of year when every store is swathed in red and covered with heartthemed decorations. Some look forward to the love-filled day while others believe it to be a holiday people use as an excuse to flaunt the extravagant dates they have planned. Whether you love or hate Valentine’s Day, here’s a guide to a few things you can do with a date, your friends or even by yourself.

Single ?

Grab some friends and cash in on those great Valentine’s Day restaurant deals. If you really want to treat yourself, go places you may not normally go, such as Pearlz Oyster Bar or Cowboy Brazillian Steakhouse. Have your friends over and bash some of the “best” romantic comedies, or go to a movie theater with your friends and see that scary movie you have all been anticipating.

Does your special someone enjoy making potter y? Or do you just really want to recreate that scene from “Ghost?” If so, celebrate at The Mad Platter, located at 3101 Millwood Ave. Reservations include a decorated table and a dessert, and the $10 deposit fee goes toward creating a handpainted gift. The Valentine’s Day special is from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. If you and your date are into a more low-key evening, have a rom-com movie marathon and order a heart-shaped pizza to share. Whether you enjoy the movies or hate them, you can definitely enjoy a nice cheesy pizza together.

Invite your friends over and order a heartshaped pizza from Pizza Hut or Papa Johns. Everyone loves pizza. If you and your galentines want to go out for Valentine’s Day celebrations, head to The Senate for its “All the Single Ladies: Valentine’s Day Ball w/ Beyoncé & Justin Timberlake Tributes.” The Senate is located at 1022 Senate Street, and the show starts at 9 p.m. with general admission priced at $10.

Ta ke you r sig n if ic a nt ot her to see “The Photograph” on Valentine’s Day. Who doesn’t love a romantic movie? And who doesn’t love Issa Rae? If you or your significant other answered “me” to either of those questions, well, I doubt you both hate movie popcorn. Ma ke d i n ner for you r date. Ta k i ng someone to a nice restaurant is great and all, but if you really want to make someone feel special, cook for him or her. It doesn’t have to be complex or fancy, but an attempt to make his or her favorite food will definitely make your significant other feel loved.

cou pled?

Whether you are excited for Valentine’s Day or absolutely dreading it, just remember that it’s one day. You can treat it as a special occasion, or you can just treat it like any normal day. But most importantly, whether you are celebrating the day with someone or not, make sure you are doing something you want.


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This past week in



Left: Freshman guard Brea Beal shoots during warmups while wearing a T-shirt honoring Kobe Bryant. The retired Los Angeles Lakers guard died in a helicopter crash Jan. 26. Right: The women’s basketball team huddles while wearing sweatshirts and T-shirts honoring the death of Kobe Bryant during the game against Tennessee Feb. 2.

Gamecock basketball teams feel effects of Kobe Bryant’s passing PAIGE DAVOREN Sports Writer

Te a m s f r o m a l l o v e r t h e count r y have paid t ribute to t he l at e b a s k e t b a l l le g e nd , Kobe Br yant. At Sout h Carolina, t he G amecock s have remembered Br ya nt at mu lt iple event s i n t he week follow ing his deat h. O n Ja n . 26 , B r y a nt , h i s daughter Gia n na Br ya nt , A lyssa A ltobelli, Keri A ltobel l i, Joh n A ltobel l i, Pay ton C he ster, Sa r a h C he s t er, C h r i s t i n a M au s er and A ra Zobayan were k illed in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California. W hile all the deaths devastated friends and f a m i l y, B r y a n t a n d h i s d a u g h t e r ’s d e a t h h i t t h e spor t s world par t ic u larly hard. The No. 1-ranked Gamecock women’s basketball team honored Br ya nt by wea r i ng wa r mup sh i r t s for t hei r g a me i n Oxford, M ississippi, against Ole M is s on Ja n. 30. T he shirts had a picture of Br ya nt on t he f ront , w it h his name and number, 24, on t he back. The team also held a

moment of si lence before it h o s t e d it s f i r s t g a m e i n Colon ia l Life A rena si nce t he accident on Feb. 2. “It is really hard to s wa l low, you k now, but you rel ish on t he fac t t hat he was a good man. I mean, he was a good man t hat approached t he game l ike ever ybody shou ld approach t h e g a m e ,” w o m e n’s h e a d coach Daw n Staley said at a media availabilit y inter v iew. “ We ’r e s a d b e c a u s e w e ’r e g o n n a m i s s t h at a nd we’r e gon na m iss all t he t h i ngs t h at he h ad i n s t ore f or u s t o s e e , b u t h i s le g a c y w i l l def initely live on.” D u r i n g t h e t e a m’s g a m e a g a i n s t Te n n e s s e e , S t a l e y wore Ti mberla nds specia l ly pa i nted for her by “Shoe Chef ” Doug Romer f rom Lex i ng ton, Sout h Carol i na. The shoes were painted gold a nd pu r ple, a nd one h a d B r y a n t ’s f a c e o n t h e side while t he ot her had t he nu mber 24 a nd a pic t u re of Br yant and his daughter. The Sout h Carolina men’s basketball team was also heav i ly af fec ted by t he loss of Br yant. In a press conference on t he day follow ing t he acc ident , M a r t i n sa id h is

son, who plays basketball at USC Up s t at e , s t r u g gle d w it h t he loss. “ W h at hu r t me t he mo s t was [ Br yant] was one of t he p e o p l e t h a t I w a s r e a l l y, really dy ing to meet t hrough basketball, or because of b a s k e t b a l l ,” M a r t i n s a i d . “ Ta l k about somebody t hat was impact ing societ y in a n i ncred ible way. W hat he was doi ng for homelessness sit uat ion in Los A ngeles just speaks volumes for who he is and who he was.” Martin remembered B r y a n t ’s a b i l i t y t o u p l i f t teammates, challenge ot hers a nd be a mentor to r isi ng basketball stars. “I’ve always been told, what happens i n t he da rk i s g oi ng to c ome to l ight ,” f r e s h m a n g u a r d Tr a e Han n ibal said in a press conference. “I’ve always been play ing w it h t hat ‘Mamba Ment al it y ’ t y pe of st yle and just being aggressive ‘cause, you k now, t hat’s how he was.” T he G a mecock t r ack a nd f ield team also remembered Br yant by wearing gold s h i r t s t h at re ad “ Ru n 24 /8 w it h M a mb a Me nt a l it y ” at the Carolina Challenge from Jan. 31 to Feb. 1.

Si nce up set t i ng t henNo. 10 Kentuck y on Jan. 15, t he S out h C a rol i n a men’s basketball team has been moving in the right direction, winning six of its last eight games. Despite some struggles, the team is currently tied for fourth in the SEC standings. With plenty of basketball left to be played, the Gamecocks (149) could have an opportunity to play in t he NC A A tournament in March. In the eyes of the Division I men’s basketball committee, it is critical to win games against the best t e a m s on t he s c he du le . Thus far, South Carolina’s best wins have come against t he d e f e nd i n g n at io n a l c h a mpion , t he V i rg i n ia Cavaliers, 16-win Arkansas and then-No. 10 Kentucky. To provide context, the 2016 -17 men’s basketball

tea m t hat reached t he Final Four beat five top-25 programs. In all likelihood, the Gamecocks will have to win against another ranked team in order to impress the committee. However, there have been times in which they have not played their best brand of basketball. In the Cancun Challenge during the week of Thanksgiving, the team lost bot h of its games to Wichita State Universit y and University of Northern Iowa. On Dec. 8, t he No. 25 Hou ston C oug a r s c a me to Columbia and beat the Gamecocks by 20 points. Less t han a mont h later, t here wa s a t h ree -g a me stretch in which they would lose to Stetson, Florida and Tennessee. Moving forward, there is not much of a margin for error, as a few more losses could derail any aspirations of playing in the postseason. With nine games

Lost, 84-70 at Ole Miss Wednesday, Feb. 5 Won, 74-54 vs. Texas A&M Saturday, Feb. 8


Women’s Basketball Won, 86-65 at Arkansas Thursday, Feb. 6


Softball Won, 4-2 vs. Ohio State Friday, Feb. 7

Column: South Carolina men’s basketball may reach NCAA tornament JACK VELTRI Sports Writer

men’s Basketball

This week...

Men’s basketball

at Georgia Wednesday, Feb. 12 at 6:30 p.m. vs. Tennessee Saturday, Feb. 15 at 6 p.m.

Women’s Basketball

vs. Connecticut Monday, Feb. 10 at 7 p.m. vs. Auburn Thursday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m.


The South Carolina men’s basketball team huddles in Colonial Life Arena before its game against Missouri on Feb. 1. The Gamecocks won 76-54.

remaining in the reg ular s e a s on , t he G a me c o c k s w i l l be i n a posit ion to strengthen their resume in games against No. 18 LSU, Tennessee, Mississippi State and Georgia twice. Winning t hese match-ups aga i nst teams toward the bottom of t he SEC standings in Vanderbilt will be crucial down the road. It is also important that they come away with two or more wins in the SEC tournament. Considering t hey a re a tea m i n t he middle of the pack in the conference, they will need

to find a way to upend some of the higher seeded teams to potentially solidif y an at-large bid for the NCAA tournament. As it stands, they average 71.5 points per game, which is 10th in the conference. Improvements w ill have to be made on offense if South Carolina is going to be competitive and win against the best of the best. On Saturday afternoon, South Carolina will look to start a winning streak when the team travels to Georgia to play the Bulldogs Feb. 12 at 6:30 p.m.

Tiger Paw Invite Friday and Saturday, Feb. 14 to 15


2020 St. Pete/Clearwater Elite Invitational Thursday, Feb. 13 to Sunday, Feb. 16


vs. Holy Cross Friday, Feb. 14 at 4 p.m. vs. Holy Cross Saturday, Feb. 15 at 2 p.m.






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Column: Four Gamecocks could be selected in NBA, WNBA drafts GRAPHIC BY ALEX FINGER // THE GAMECOCK


With a month remaining in South Carolina basketball’s regular season, there are four standout athletes who could be selected in the NBA and WNBA drafts. For some, the most obvious draft prospect on the men’s team is sophomore guard AJ Lawson, who declared for the draft in 2019 but withdrew in order to continue at South Carolina. Lawson, who has been a big name in his two seasons as a Gamecock, was named to SEC AllFreshman Team in 2019, and in June, three mock drafts listed Lawson as a first-round pick. This season, Lawson hasn’t consistently looked like a strong first-round talent, and updated mock drafts have omitted his name in their projections. However, this doesn’t mean he’s totally out of the running. Lawson recently led the Gamecocks in a close win over Arkansas, scoring 19 points and tying a career-high eight field goals. If he continues to heat up in the remainder of the season, he might still be a late first round pick. Sen ior for ward Ma ik Kot sar, who w ill be FROM SOFTBALL PAGE 1

Martin said the students learned the various parts of play-by-play annou ncing, such as the preparation of it and how to act on the air, and McKinstry said the class worked with different high school sports outside t he classroom. “It was more of an i nter nsh ip t ha n a cla ss,” Mc K i n st r y sa id. “ It wa s such a great opportunity to

automatically eligible for the draft, could also be a worthwhile pick for an NBA team. Kotsar has been impactful for the Gamecocks, recently leading the team to victory over Missouri with a season-high 21 points. Over 23 games, he’s made 52.1% of his field goal attempts and 65% of his free throw attempts, averaging 6.5 rebounds a game. This season has statistically been his best so far. While he’s not necessarily a recognizable name across the country, he could feasibly be a candidate for a second-round selection. The Gamecock women’s basketball team also has some draft prospects. Senior guard Tyasha Harris and senior forward Mikiah Herbert Harrigan, the team’s only seniors, will both be eligible for the WNBA draft after the season, and both have made strong cases for themselves. Harris, along with freshman forward Aliyah Boston, were recently named to the John R. Wooden Award’s Late Season Top 20. A spot on this list makes Harris a feasible choice for the John R. Wooden Women’s Player of the Year Award. Harris currently leads the SEC with an average of 5.2 assists and 12 points per game. In the Gamecocks’ victory over Georgia, Harris notched 13 points and seven assists and claimed the title of South Carolina’s

be able to be comfortable in your voice and learn the basics of sports announcing.” The partnership between t he school a nd t he tea m is a not her step toward helping students get real life experience in career fields they aspire to be a part of after their time as a student ends. Kev i n Hu l l, t he spor t s media lead in the journalism s c ho ol , t old G a me c o c k s O n l i n e t h e p a r t n e r s h ip b et we e n t he s c ho ol a nd softball team is “just the next

step” in sports media efforts at South Carolina. Starting nex t fa l l, t here w il l be a sports media concentration in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications. Hu ll said he t hought opportunities such as these would be “a big part of the draw.” “We are always talk ing about ma k i ng su re ou r students are getting these real-world experiences and I can’t t hink of any t hing bet ter t ha n hav ing ou r spor t s med ia st udent s

all-time leader in career assists. Earlier this season, she also became the fourth South Carolina women’s basketball player in history with over 1,000 points and 500 assists in her career. Herbert Harrigan has steadily improved in her four years at South Carolina. This season, she has been shooting for 51.2%, averaging 5.5 rebounds and 12.4 points a game. Herbert Harrigan is also a strong defender, being ranked fifth in program history with 189 career blocked shots. With 10 points each, Harris and Herbert Harrigan recently led the Gamecocks to their 87-32 victory over Ole Miss. Herbert Harrigan also recorded two blocks and a steal. The two seniors have played consistent roles in the starting lineup and have been instrumental in South Carolina’s success this season, making them strong contenders for draft consideration. Whether any of these players will declare for the draft remains to be seen, but there are certainly strong players in both the men’s and women’s programs. If selected, these athletes will represent South Carolina in the professional leagues alongside notable former Gamecocks Chris Silva and A’ja Wilson. The 2020 drafts for the NBA and WNBA will take place on June 25 and April 17, respectively.

broadcast softball games for the Gamecocks,” Hull told Gamecocks Online. Mart in said he t hought the partnership would be a “good recruiting tool” for those who grew up wanting to impact spor t s w it hout playing in it. “In the future, it’s going to be a lot bigger, and there a re goi ng to be st udent s that want to come to South Carolina for the opportunity to call these games and get t he oppor t u n it y t hat we have,” McKinstry said.

In all, Clark, Martin and McK inst r y ack nowledged the importance of their roles as “trailblazers” of this new partnership for the future of the SJMC and the impact t h is new part nersh ip can have on f ut u re st udent s. Nonet heless, t here is pre s s u re on t he s e t h re e students, but they are ready to embrace it. “I know there’s a lot riding on this, so a lot of pressure, but it makes it even better,” Clark said.


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Column: Trust students to elect the treasurer The proposed referendum that would change the role of treasurer to an appointed position instead of an elected one is not in the best interest of students – instead, it shows a distrust in the student body. Speaker pro tempore Brandon Patrick proposed the referendum and said because the position is not Stephanie Allen in the line of succession, it should be Second-year appointed by the president. Other English and studio art student reasons for the change include that, should the position of treasurer become vacant, the president nominates a replacement. Because the role of treasurer would no longer be an executive position, the treasurer would not receive payment for any work performed. To compensate for the loss of a stipend, the treasurer would have fewer responsibilities. At the student senate meeting on Feb. 5, Patrick did not specify what duties would be reallocated and failed to explain who the tasks would be reassigned to. Chairman of health and safet y David Butler supplemented Patrick’s argument and said because treasurer is not an elected position in some other SEC schools and Clemson, a precedent for this change is already in place. Continuously evaluating and challenging current methods and standards is important to maintain the integrity of Student Government. This plan, however, was incomplete and poorly defended. Treasurer Kate Lewis said she admired Patrick’s work and transparency and contended his main motivation

was ensuring the most qualified candidate becomes treasurer. She said this core idea was an offense to the student body. “Every single student here is here for a reason,” Lewis said. “They’re intelligent, and they can make decisions for themselves and for the betterment of this university, so it almost insults the student body to say that they want this as an appointed position.” Lewis seemed to understand the plan better than Patrick himself and noted that schools in which treasurer is an appointed position have multiple vice presidents and work with fewer funds. “The amount of money that I deal with is hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the amount of responsibilities I have is way more than anybody who stands up there proposing this legislation can imagine,” Lewis said. She also broke down the logistics of appointing a treasurer. She said she was under “immense” pressure to submit budgets 30 days after inauguration, and said it would not be feasible for that work to be done if a candidate was being nominated and appointed during that time. Lewis said because every student pays an $85 activity fee to fund the treasurer’s budget, they should have a direct voice in how that money is managed. “If every single student has monetary value in that role, then they should have a say in that role,” Lewis said. “It’s just simple ethics.” The assumption that appointing a treasurer will produce the right candidate displays a blatant lack of faith in the student body, and it puts more power into the hands of senators. Patrick showed only vague familiarity


with the plan and the position itself. Though his policy of transparency was admirable, it revealed only a poor argument. While other schools might be able to successfully and ethically appoint the position of treasurer, because of the current framework of USC’s Student Government, it could not be equitably implemented here without substantial institutional changes. “At the end of the day, even if this doesn’t pass, I want what’s best for the student body,” Patrick said. If Patrick and the rest of Student Government continue to make students their priority, the results of this debate are clear. Keep the power with the students.

Column: Make residence hall visitation policies uniform


Column: Celebrate Valentine’s Day with handmade gifts On Valentine’s Day, we often focus on impressing and showing off to our significant others and f r i e n d s , Meredith Edwards w h e t h e r Second-year by look ing mass communications glamorous or by splu rg i ng student on gifts for our loved ones. Instead of focusing on the competitive, consumeristic nature of society on Valentine’s Day, we should reflect on love’s best qualit ies by exchanging handmade gifts. According to the National Retail Federation, surveyed consumers “said they plan to spend an average $196.31” this Valentine’s Day. This is in part because of the growing trend to purchase gifts for friends, family, coworkers and pets for Valentine’s Day. For men, the expected spending is even higher at $291.15, and for those confused on what their loved ones want, $2 billion is expected to be spent on gift cards. O ne i mp or t a nt t h i ng t he Valent ine’s Day industr y has disregarded is the environment. Sadly, t he $2.4 billion spent on candy will contribute to a considerable amount of candy wrapper waste that is hard to recycle. Wrappers, along with the endless greeting cards and plastic wrapped gifts, add up to a lot of additional waste created on the day devoted to love. Receiving a generic piece of colorful paper might seem like a nice gesture when you get it, but doesn’t it just end forgotten and in the trash by the end of the week? Many mainstream Valentine’s gifts don’t show our love but instead our desire for convenience.

“Gif t g iv ing should be something you should do for someone, to show your love and appreciation … I’ve seen people make a huge deal out of this holiday — a far bigger deal than what is really necessary,” Margaret Xiao wrote for Odyssey. The goal of Valentine’s Day shouldn’t be purchasing the best gifts, but instead making sure people see how much we appreciate and love them, and the best way to do that is to handcraft something made just for your special people. Because you know your loved ones best, you will be able to make them something that ref lects the things you know they love. Whether they are still avid Harry Potter fans or want to travel the world, you can make something that is especially for them and show that you have been listening to what they are passionate about. If you are at a loss for what to do, there are countless tutorials on the internet, including upcycled and sustainable gifts you can create to help you decide on something that fits your skill level and what your people enjoy. You can try something new or go with something you are already skilled at. It can be as simple as writing a letter or as complicated as a crochet project. Making gifts for people is a great opportunity to express your creativity. Taking the time away from studying and activities to create something for someone you genuinely love shouldn’t be a burden, but a way to celebrate love and the creativity it inspires. Ta k i ng t he t i me to m a ke gifts for the people you love and appreciate trumps buying the generic gifts Valentine’s Day is known for and gives you the chance to show how the people you love have inspired you.

Visitation p o l i c y has been debated i n t h e Carolina student community for years, Audrey Elsberry a n d First-year w h i l e t h e journalism R e s ide nc e student H a l l Association (RHA) has been proficient at acknowledging the complaints of students, more improvements can be made in order for onc a mpu s re sidence ha l ls to have a more realist ic ap p r o a c h t o v i s it at io n policies. There are currently two visitation plans available to students depending on the residence hall they live in. The Crescent Plan allows visitation “24 hours a day, ever y day of t he week.” Visitors must be checked in at the front desk upon arrival, checked out upon depa r t u re a nd mu st be escor ted by t he host at all times in the residence hall. This plan is the more liberal of the two and relies on the communication of room mates in order for visitor guidelines to be set. T he more re st r ic t ive policy is called the Palmetto Plan and allows v isitors “f rom 9 a.m. – 2 a.m., Monday through Thursday; and 9 a.m. Friday – 2 a.m. Monday.” The host must remain with their guest in this policy as well — the only difference is the ban of overnight v isitors on weekday s. Howe ver, i n select halls, students have the opportunity to vote to switch to the Crescent Plan at the start of the second semester. History shows that the vast majorit y of students prefer the Crescent Plan over t he Palmetto Plan, accord i ng to Bra ndon Lynch, the RHA president and fourt h-year f inance a nd econom ics st udent. Not only is the Crescent Pla n more popu lar, but “out of the nearly 2,000 respondents that [R H A] had to the poll, 96.15% of them voted to move towards the Crescent Plan,” Lynch s a id . T h i s w id e s p r e a d approval of the Crescent Plan begs t he quest ion: W hy cont inue w it h t he Palmet to Pla n in select residence halls if students will only vote to switch?

Lynch said until R H A is able to work out finding a happy medium between the two plans, the current system is the best way to regulate the different styles of residence halls. Re s idenc e h a l l s w it h more widespread entrances are chosen for the Crescent Pla n because it is more d if f ic u lt for t hose who work at the desk to control who gets checked in and out. Halls such as South, East and Green Quad, with multiple entrance points, are given more freedom. However, not all residences under the Palmetto Plan have a single entrance. This lack of uniformity causes some residence halls to be able to get away with a limitless visitation policy, even under the Palmetto Plan. Si ms i n t he Women’s Quad is an example of a residence hall with more t ha n one ent r y poi nt under the Palmetto Plan. Shelby Scoggins, a visual communications student who work s at t he f ront desk of Sims, said she has to ask students to sign in “all the time,” and students might not be truthful about signing in guests due to lack of card-scanning upon entering Women’s Quad. K ajal Patel, a fou r t hyear student and current resident mentor in Sims who works at the front desk, said within a two-hour span she will have “10 people or 15 people who might scan in.” She said because the lobby is built with multiple entrances, students find it

easier to get to the elevator without scanning in. Other buildings under the Palmetto Plan, such as Capstone House and South Tower, have doors blocking the elevators adjacent to the front desk, so students must scan their cards and sign in their guests. Residence halls such as this are better suited for the more restrictive plan because it can be enforced through the architecture of the lobby rather than relying on those who work at the front desk to force students to sign in. T he Pa l met to Pla n is v ir t ually useless i n a residence hall context due to the inconsistency of the entry points of each hall. The high rate of transition from the Palmetto Plan to the Crescent Plan shows students want a more liberal visitation policy, and the community learns nothing f r o m m o r e r e s t r ic t io n except how to get around signing in their guests. Providing the Crescent Pla n to a l l residence halls would benefit each c o m m u n it y b e c au s e it encourages communication among roommates in order to est abl ish bou nda r ies regarding visitation while also allowing students to bring g uests in w it hout feeling as if they need to hide any t hing f rom t he front desk workers, creating an environment of integrity and cooperation.

Your eyes For Hollis, You ask why I stare; The closer I look, the more I swell with admiration I am but a stargazer, gazing at the stars, My heart is set on fire by your constellation Entranced in love; entangled in time; The world passes by at its own quick pace. Just a second would fulfill my longing, I tilt my head and get lost in your space How can the vast expanse of beauty Be confined to the skies? For I find beauty set free, When I look in your eyes. -Anonymous



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Wa t c h y o u r s t e p . Fo c u s o n p r a c t i c a l phy sica l pr ior it ies. Nurt ure your healt h, wel l ness a nd energ y. Your past performance sp ea k s wel l for you. Practice for strength.

Listen to what others want. You’re learning quickly. Work out the budget for best value. Avoid distractions and silly arguments. Provide leadership.



You’r e a p owe r f u l force toget her. Ne w possibilities stretch old boundaries. Stay openm i nded to m a k i ng a shift. Family comes first. Support each other.


Your attent ion is at home. Don’t make wild promises. Keep the ones you have. Get farther than expected. Follow rules closely for lasting results.


Edit and polish your creative work. Keep to practical priorities for satisfying results. Longterm benefits arise in communication. Build on strong foundations.

You ca n t a ke ex t ra ground on a personal project. Don’t spin your wheels on empt y talk. Act ions speak louder t h a n w o r d s . Ta k e charge.


An answer may seem elusive. Peace and quiet s o ot he s y ou r s p i r it . Meditate on the desired results. Go for substance over symbolism. Imagine them accomplished.


Teamwork can earn last ing results. Don’t indulge in gossip or idle c h at ter. Ta ke ac t ion on practical priorities for a shared vision or possibility.


You can advance your career. Listen closely to avoid a communication breakdown. Words can be decept ive. Make a practical move for longlasting benefits.


St udy and learn valuable sk ills. Avoid fantasies and elusive or ephemeral words. Action beats idle talk. Advance your educational priorities. Explore your subject.



Stick closely to rules and guidelines. Monitor the budget for power, sustainability and lasting value. Avoid someone else’s argument. Actions speak louder than words.

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Advance collaborative goals one step at a time. Together benefit from coord i nated ac t ion. Avoid distract ion and m iscom mu n icat ion. Keep your part of the bargain.



1 2 3 4

Solutions to today’s puzzle

© 2020 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All rights reserved.

ACROSS 1 Depletes, with “up” 5 Pod in Creole cuisine 9 Theme park that retired its IllumiNations show in 2019 14 Tall and skinny 15 Umpire’s call 16 Greek played by Anthony Quinn 17 Bit of insurance paperwork 19 Earlier offense 20 Series-ending abbr. 21 Set as a price 22 Accumulates 24 Letters shown in the “Wheel of Fortune” bonus round 26 PC panic key 27 No longer in style 34 Public tantrum 37 Hydroplaned 38 Writer Ferber 39 Novelist Levin 40 Charge card charge 43 Tarzan player Ron 44 Owlet’s home 46 With everything in place 47 ER images 49 Work out regularly at the gym 52 __ ring: foot jewelry 53 Postgame rundowns 57 Domed hall 61 Watergate pres. 62 Sigma follower 63 Soft palate part 64 Fungus on an old loaf 67 Latish wake-up hr. 68 James of “Elf” 69 Charitable offerings 70 Catch by trickery 71 Prefix with formal or final 72 Potter’s material associated with the end of 17-,

27-, 49- and 64-Across DOWN 1 Worrier’s stomach woe 2 Seasons with crystals 3 Make official 4 Tackle moguls 5 Cancel out 6 Eccentric sort 7 Capek play about automatons 8 __ mater 9 Toll-paying convenience 10 Sports car that has two syllables in German 11 NFL analyst Collinsworth 12 Slender wind 13 Seasoned sailors 18 “Hamilton” creator Lin-__ Miranda 23 Victor at Gettysburg 25 Chaney of silents 28 Bone: Pref. 29 Pet peeves? 30 Saks __ Avenue 31 Mental flash 32 “I’m __ human” 33 Negative votes

34 Act the fink 35 First Nations tribe 36 “__ of Eden” 41 Paid for a hand 42 Use, as energy 45 In name only 48 DVR button 50 Like a generic brand 51 Designer Giorgio 54 Ring-shaped reef 55 Director Brian De __ 56 Like dishwater 57 Boring routines 58 Baking appliance 59 Fish in cat food 60 Preschool basics 61 Paper quantity

65 Grammy winner Corinne Bailey __ 66 PC alternative




Your concerns about climate are completely justified and on target. It's ridiculously unfair for you to inherit an uninhabitable planet because self-interested politicians refuse to stand up to corporations. But they can’t dismiss you. Your voices rise with the conviction of truth and the willingness to act. You’ve called yourselves “the voiceless future of humanity,” but you are not voiceless. For too long, members of my generation have chosen short-term profit over anything else, even people’s lives. But you’ve broken through — using every tool at your disposal to demand a voice. It’s imperative for those in power to treat the climate crisis with the urgency it demands. I'm the only candidate who will openly make fighting climate change my number one priority. If it's not number one, it won't get done ... and it has toget done. On the first day of my presidency, I will declare the climate crisis a national emergency and invoke the emergency powers of the executive office, including enacting power plant regulations, instilling stricter pollution standards on cars, and revamping building codes. I will hold all corporate polluters accountable for their environmental crimes against humanity. No other candidate sees it this way, but we have no choice — we’re running out of time. It’s why I left my company a decade ago to start NextGen America, and worked with students all across the U.S. to mobilize the largest youth voter registration and turnout effort in American history. Young people lead the charge; and in 2020 you’ll vote out the most corrupt president this country has ever seen. Climate justice is at the heart of this struggle. Far too much pollution is located in communities that lack political agency, and especially in communities of color. My climate justice plan ( focuses on bringing justice to those whose air and water has been poisoned by corporations over decades of discriminatory, environmentally racist policies. We must redress this historic and continued discrimination if we are going to build a better America and transform our economy safely and equitably.

On day one of my presidency, I will declare the climate crisis a national emergency and invoke the emergency powers of the executive office.

When we put justice at the center of fighting climate change, we'll bring this country together and create millions of good, high-paying, green jobs in the process. The future of this planet and our economic future can only be assured together. We must turn the most powerful tool in history — the American economy — toward healing our planet, restoring our communities, and building a government that is truly of, by, and for the people. This is the election that will determine the course of all our lives. Trump has made it clear that he is willing to destroy our health and our planet to please the oil and gas industry. We must stop him. We can safeguard our futures while restoring the health of the planet. We can become global leaders again through climate action. And together, we can win. Regardless of who you’re voting for in 2020, I know you’ll show up. I know you’ll speak out. I know you’ll vote, because there’s so much at stake — everything. Let’s save the world, and let’s do it together.



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