The Daily Gamecock: Switching Seasons 11/6/22

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Cocky on the football field in 1980 for his season debut. At first, many students were not on board with the mascot’s friendly look. Photo Courtesy of Elizabeth West

Calista Pushman


hether it’s breaking out of a magic box to kick off a football game, dancing along the sidelines with the cheerleaders or taking fun selfies with students in the stands, Cocky is a staple at all USC sporting events. While most of the Carolina community loves the

Gamecock mascot, it took some time for Gamecocks nation to love the cartoonish red bird as they do today. Follow along through the history of Cocky, starting at his official debut in 1980, to the present day.

Cocky often performed with the cheerleaders. His soft and fun demeanor, though disliked by many at first, quickly grew on students with each appearance in the 1980s.

The mascots of South Carolina and Clemson keep fans fired up for the game. Whether it’s 1990 or present day, one thing has always been the same: the Clemson-Carolina rivalry is between players and mascots alike. Photo courtesy of Garnet & Black Yearbook

Photo: Kyle Holland


Photo courtesy of Garnet & Black Yearbook 36

Cocky joins the Carolina Band in the stands at a football game in 1994. Though many students often see Cocky on the field at football games, his schenanigans aren’t limited to the sidelines. Photo courtesy of Garnet & Black Yearbook

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