First Grade Holiday Letters 2021

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Holiday Letters! he Globe asked first graders at Worthington’s Prairie Elementary School to respond to the following questions:


The best thing about winter is: I like winter because… How to make hot cocoa: If I lived in an igloo: How to make a snow fort:


need food coloring for the walls and slide. It I no how to make the will look cool. I hav to best snow fort. I need use wet snow for the wet snow for tall walls tall walls. This will be to make it strong. I will the best snow fort! use food coloring to Jaqueline make the walls look awsum. My snow fort Winter is the best will hav a slide to get season of all. I like out fast. It will be cool! to make snow forts

Mrs. Teerink’s class

mug. Next, I will use hot water and chocolate powder. Then, I will mix it in the mug and add marshmallows. Last, I will drink the best hot cocoa to stay warm. Lawla

up. I like to put up our Christmas tree in winter. I luv looking at the pretty Christmas lights in my house. Sheyla I no how to make the best snow fort. I can make it colorful. My snow fort can be big and thick. I can make windows to see out of. I can make it with wet and sticky snow. I like to make cool snow forts.

I can make the best because it is fun. I like hot coca. First, I need Damian my favorit reindeer to eat marshmallows There are lots of mug. Next, I use hot because they are things I like about milk and chocolate tasty. On bad wintery winter. I leve cookies powder to make it snow days I would not and milk for Santa. delishus. Then, I mix have school. In winter I luv Christmas it all and add little, I get to see pretty because I get Vanessa colored marshmallows Christmas trees. presents! I eat lots and whipped cream. Winter is so fun! Mrs. Bahl’s class of marshmallows in Last, I will drink the winter when I drink my Jean Pierre I can’t wait for winter. hot coca up. hot chocolate. I luv My favorite thing is I can make the best the song Jingle Bells. Marisa KDYLQJ D VQRZEDOO ¿WH hot cocoa. First, I I like to go sledding. Dayana Winter is the best need my Santa mug. I really like to go season. On snow Next, I put hot water I can make the best skating. I feel happy days thar is no snow fort. I can make and cocoa powder in because there is school. I like to have a snow balcony. I can the mug. Then, I mix snow. make snow windows. it good and add some D VQRZEDOO ¿JKW ZLWK my frends. Then, we big marshmallows Ehnora I can make my snow make a snow fort to the cocoa. Last, I fort big and thick. I I can’t wait for winter. to play in. Me and can make snow chairs drink up the yumme My favorite thing is my frends drink hot for me and my friends cocoa. chocolate to warm up skateing. I like to go to sit in. Making a Jesus after fun. I love winter! sledding. I really like snow fort is fun. to bild a snowman. I I no how to make the Elijah feel happy because best snow fort. I make Nebeu winter is the best. The best thing about the walls colorful with I can make the best winter is the snow. I food coloring. I need snow fort. I can make Jeanpablo love going out in the a food coloring slide. I wet snow for a tall I can’t wait for winter. snow and stomping can make a snow fort wall on all sides. My My favorite thing is to on it. I like to throw snow fort would have with strong tall walls. make a fort. I like to a slide to get out fast. snow too. I can’t wait My snow fort is the to have some snow to bild a snoman. I really best. We are going to I will have the best like to go play in. make it with wet snow snow fort of all. sleding. I feel happy so it lasts a long time. Jimmy Neysmi because there is Hsa I cannot make the I like many things snow. best snow but I can I can tech you how to about winter. I drink Reyna try. I can try to make make a colorful snow hot chocolate and snow chairs to sit on. marshmallows I can’t wait for winter. fort. I am guna make I can make the best because it is yumy. My favorite thing is a liberty statue with roof with a hole to I can make a cool snow. I am making sleding. I like to make see out of. I can try to a fort. I really like a snow fort in winter. I 5 snow chairs for like to hav a snowball make statues for the me and my friends. I snow bolder. I feel need to have big and ¿JKW ZLWK P\ IULHQGV front. I can make the happy because winter Christmas is in winter best tunnle. thick snow to make it is the best! and I get presents. strong. Preston Liam Winter is cool! Jacinta I can try to make the I can’t wait for winter. Jonathan best snow fort. My I can make the best My favorite thing is snow fort will have hot coca. First, I need I can make the best skateing. I like to bild a big and thick roof. WR ¿QG P\ (OVD PXJ hot cocoa. First, I a snoman. I really like The slide will go in need my tree and Next, I will put in my to have a the back of the fort. I star mug. Next, I will mug the hot milk and VQRZEDOO ¿WH , IHHO will make it look like put the hot milk and chocolate powder. happy because winter a castle I will make chocolate powder Then, mix it up and is the best! my snow fort with tall add big marshmallows in my mug. Then, walls. I mix it and add Timothy and a lot of whipped marshmallows and cream. Last, I will Roslyn I can’t wait for winter. whipped cream. Last, drink the hot coca My favorite thing is ice I will drink my yummy I like many things IURP P\ (OVD PXJ skating. I like to drink about winter. I drink hot cocoa. Jani hot chocolat. I really in the winter hot Kaydenn like to mak a snowman. chocolate. I like to I no how to make the KDYH D GULQN RI FRႇHH I feel happy because I I can make the best best snow fort. I can can make hot choclat. with marshmallows make a slide to play hot cocoa. First, I on. It will be fun! I ZLOO JHW P\ VQRZÀDNH because it warms me Vatsanna

I can’t wait for winter. My favorite thing is KDYLQJ D VQRZEDOO ¿WH I like to go sleding. I really like to mak sno anjls. I feel happy because I like playing in the snow. Joselina I can’t wait for winter. My favorite thing is drinking hot choclat. I like to go sleding. I really like to mak a snowman. I feel happy because I can drink hot chocolate. Dante I can’t wait for winter. My favorite thing is ice skatng. I like hot chocolat. I really like to mak a snowman. I feel happy because I make hot chocolat. Pedro I can’t wait for winter! My favorite thing is drinking hot chocolat. I like to make snowanjls. I really like to mak a snowman. I feel happy because I like playing in the snow.

the sno. I feel hape because I like sno. Ruby I can’t wait for witner! My favorite thing is to KDY D VQR ERO ¿WH , OLNH to go sledin. I really like to go ice skatin. I feel hapy because I like snow. Trayson I can’t wait for winter! My favorite thing is to bild a igloo. I like to go sledin. I really like to KDY D VQR ERO ¿WH , IHHO hape because I like sno. Gerson I can’t wait for winter! My favorite thing is to bild a snocave. I like to bild a snoman. I really like to heve a VQR ERO ¿WH , IHHO KDSH because I like sno. Boyd I can’t wait for winter! My favorite thing is sleding. I like to mak a sno bol. I really like WR KDYH D VQR ERO ¿WH I feel hape because I like sno.



I can’t wait for winter! My favorite thing is going sleding. I like to mak a sno engl. I really like to hav a sno ERO ¿WH , IHHO KDSH because I like sno.

I can’t wait for winter! My favorite thing is to mac a snoman. I like to mak a sno angl. I really like to go sledding. I feel xcited because I like sno.



I can’t wait for winter! My favorite thing is to drink hot koko. I like to mak sno angls. I really like to dig in

I can’t wait for winter! My favorite thing is to bild a snow man. I like LETTERS : Page B4

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Holiday Letters! LETTERS LET TTE ERS From Page B3

to mak a sno bol. I Really like to mak a sno anjl. I feel hape because I like sno. Duran I can’t wait for winter. My favorite thing is to make a snowman. I like to bild a sno casl. I really like to drinc hot chocolit. I feel hape because I like playing in the sno. Miranda I can’t wait for winter! I wont to play in the snow. I wont to go sledding. I wont to bild a snoman. I feel hape because this will be my frst winter.

ccelebrate ce lebrat leb le brate Ch Chri risstm stmas mas Christmas in the winter. I like to make a snowman with my sister. I like to sled with my friends at school. Winter is the best! Janely The best thing about winter is drinking hot chocolate. I love to go sledding. I like to JR LFH ¿VKLQJ ZLWK P\ dad. I love to make snow angels with my sister. I love winter because my dad WDNHV PH LFH ¿VKLQJ Madeline The best thing about winter is Christmas. I like to build a snowman. I know how to skate on ice. I like to play in the snow. Winter makes me happy!

winter wi intte err because beccau ause ause e my my birthday is in the winter. Catalina The best thing about winter is making a snowman. I like to make a snow angel. Hot chocolate tastes good. Winter is fun! Sergio Mrs. Jans’ class The best thing about winter is I like to play with my dad in the snow and have a VQRZEDOO ¿JKW Baudilio

The T Th he best besst thing be thi hing n about abo bout utt winter is I like to drink hot chocolate with marshmallows and go sledding with my cousin. 6R¿D The best thing about winter is I like to snuggle with my family and then drink hot cocoa with marshmallows and candy canes Annalyse The best thing about winter is I like to go to Paw’s and eat noodles and make an ice house.

The best thing about winter is I like to have Hercules VQRZEDOO ¿JKWV DQG GR The best thing about VWXႇ LQ WKH VQRZ winter is I like to drink hot chocolate and Jameson cuddle up in a cozy The best thing about blanket. Marino winter is I like to play Alaya Luna in the snow and go Mrs. Rogers’ class sledding. The best thing about The best thing about The best thing about winter is I like to winter is snow. I love Lesly winter is making a make a snowman with D VQRZEDOO ¿JKW , ORYH snow angel. I like to The best thing about my friend Christian hot chocolate. I love skate in the winter. winter is I get to throw and then we have a opening presents on Hot chocolate is snowballs and watch VQRZEDOO ¿JKW yummy! I like sledding Christmas. Winter is a Christmas movie Dario with my sister. Winter fun! with my family. is fun! Zayden The best thing about Giovanni winter is I like to go Junior The best thing about sledding and throw The best thing about winter is snow. I The best thing about snowballs at my winter is I like to go winter is making snow love sledding. I love sledding and go inside sisters. hot cocoa. I love a angels! I like to drink VQRZEDOO ¿JKW , ORYH my house and drink Braylee hot cocoa with my hot chocolate. winter! dad. The Christmas The best thing about tree is so pretty. Yonelvi Jadiel winter is I like to make Cleaning snow is fun! snowballs and throw The best thing about The best thing about Winter is fun. winter is I like to throw them at my friends. winter is drinking Donald snowballs with my hot chocolate. I Jonathan brother and cousins. I like to open gifts at It is fun to sled down like to eat smores. Mrs. Hibbing’s class Christmas. It is fun the hill. I drink hot to have a snowball cocoa in my home. I If I lived in an igloo: I Eneas ¿JKW ZLWK P\ VLVWHUV go ice skating! The would play my tablet I make a snowman in The best thing about best thing about inside with blankets winter is I like to go the winter. Winter is winter is throwing to stay warm. I would sledding and drink hot my favorite season! snowballs. I am watch tv. I would play chocolate. excited for Christmas! Nayvon with my sisters. I want Juneia to live in an igloo. Dalayza The best thing about The best thing about Isabel winter is snow. I love The best thing about winter is I like to sleep sledding. I love having winter is sledding. I If I lived in an igloo: over at Hercule’s D VQRZEDOO ¿JKW , can sled really fast. I would eat big house and going to love to open gifts I like to drink hot marshmallows to play fox and chicken at Christmas. I love chocolate too. I like stay warm. I would in the snow with to make snow angels winter the best! celebrate Christmas. I Hercules. in the snow. Winter would play fort nite. I Carlos makes me feel great! Paw do not want to live in The best thing about an igloo. Michael winter is all the snow. The best thing about winter is I like to go Jaxson I like to play with my The best thing about ice skating with my friends. I love to make winter is drinking If I lived in an igloo: I mom and play with my ZRXOG EXLOG D ¿UH WR a snowman. I like to hot cocoa. I like to skate with my sisters. drink hot cocoa. I love train. stay warm. I would winter because it is I like to celebrate play basketball. I Jacob the best! Christmas. I like to would have a party. The best thing about make a snowman with K’paw I want to live in an winter is I like to my brother and sister. igloo. play in the snow with Winter is my favorite! The best thing about Taliyah my family and eat winter is watching Stefany chocolate cake. movies. It is fun to If I lived in an igloo: play in the snow. I The best thing about I would go to bed to Elias wear a coat when I go winter is having a stay warm. I would VQRZEDOO ¿JKW , ZDQW sledding. I like to look The best thing about drink hot chocolate. winter is I like to make to learn how to skate. at Christmas lights. I would make a zoo. a snowman and make It is fun to make a big Winter makes me I want to live in an snow angels. snowball. I like to put happy! igloo. marshmallows in my Amanda Yessenia Shinnia hot chocolate. Winter The best thing about The best thing about If I lived in an igloo: I is my favorite! winter is I like to throw winter is celebrating would sleep in a bed Neymar snowballs at my sister to stay warm. I would Christmas! I like to open presents. I love and make a snow The best thing about KDYH D VQRZEDOO ¿JKW to drink hot chocolate. wall. winter is drinking I would celebrate FRႇHH , OLNH WR

I like to sled. I love


Christmas. I don’t

wa ant to o live liive in an an want igloo.

I want want to to live liiv in an igloo.



If I lived in an igloo: I would sleep with blankets and pillows to stay warm. I would play with my baby. I would play with everything. I want to live in an igloo.

If I lived in an igloo: I ZRXOG PDNH D ¿UH WR stay warm. I would make a snowman. I would play with my toys. I want to live in an igloo.

Alexa If I lived in an igloo: I would wear a hat and mittens to stay warm. I would watch tv. I would play with my cousins and friends. I do not want to live in an igloo.

If I lived in an igloo: I would wear a sweater and gloves to stay warm. I would watch tv. I would eat popcorn and marshmallows. I do not want to live in an igloo.



If I lived in an igloo: I would get a carpet to stay warm. I would eat popcorn. I would make a zoo. I want to live in an igloo.

If I lived in an igloo: I would get a blanket and a pillow to stay warm. I would play video games and with my toys. I would draw and read. I want to live in an igloo.

Andy If I lived in an igloo: I would drink hot chocolate to stay warm. I would paint my car. I would play with my toys. I want to live in an igloo. Yeabsira If I lived in an igloo: I would drink hot chocolate to stay warm. I would eat popcorn. I would make a snowman. I want to live in an igloo.


Annabelle If I lived in an igloo: I would sleep in my bed to stay warm. I ZRXOG SOD\ IUHH ¿UH I would play with the penguins. I would love to live in an igloo. David If I lived in an igloo: I would get blankets to stay warm. I would play fort nite. I would play minecraft. I want to live in an igloo.

Jose B.


If I lived in an igloo: I would drink hot chocolate to stay warm. I would make a snowman. I would play soccer. I want to live in an igloo.

If I lived in an igloo: I ZRXOG EXLOG D ¿UHSODFH to stay warm. I would eat popcorn. I would invite a friend over. I do not want to live in an igloo.



If I lived in an igloo: I would drink hot chocolate with marshmallows to stay warm. I would eat popcorn. I would watch a movie. I want to live in an igloo. Abigail If I lived in an igloo: I would use blankets to stay warm. I would play minecraft. I would make a snowman. I want to live in an igloo. Jose P. If I lived in an igloo: I would drink hot chocolate to stay warm. I would play with my barbie toys. I would eat popcorn. I want to live in an igloo. Leslie If I lived in an igloo: I would drink hot chocolate to stay warm. I would celebrate Christmas with my family. I would KDYH D VQRZEDOO ¿JKW

Mrs. Eisenmenger’s class The best things about winter are playing inside with my legos. Jonathan The best thing about winter is playing barbies with my sister. Teresa The best thing about winter is playing inside my warm house. Adonis The best things about winter are making ÀRZHUV LQ WKH VQRZ and playing with my sister. Britany The best things about winter are the snow and playing with my sister making a snowman. Alejandra The best things about winter are you can make a snowman and LETTERS : Page B5







Holiday Letters! LETTERS From Page B4

you can throw snowballs at it. Fabian The best things about winter are sledding in the snow and we play outside making snowmen. Kevin

microwave. Next Next, the microwave I put the chocolate in the milk and mix it. Last I put the marshmallows on top. It is good. Lariza I made the best snow fort. First, I dug a snow fort in the snow. Next, I made

the roof and door. Last The best things about I made a bed and a table for eating. I love winter are the snow and making snowmen. my snow fort. It’s big and loving. Briana Delvin The best things about Winter is m favorite winter are we go season. I play games. play outside tag and I watch T.V. I make we go shopping with grandma and grandpa cake. I like winter. for warm clothes. Luis Nelson If I lived in an igloo. The best things about I would need a table of ice in my kitchen. I winter are playing would need a bed of with snow and throw ice. I would need toys snow and drink hot made of ice. I would chocolate. Neby be happy in my igloo. The best things about Yessenia winter are building snowmen and snow I do many things in ¿JKWV the winter. I drink FRႇHH , UHDG ERRNV , Hser play. I like winter. The best things about Jose winter are playing in the snow and making I made the best snow a snowman. fort. First, I made a ZDOO E\ ÀDWWHQLQJ WKH Ester snow. Next, I made The best things about the roof. I piled the winter are throw the snow. Last, I made it snow and you can look like a castle. I like play with the snow. my snow fort because it looks like a castle. Cristian The best things about winter are snow and throw and play with snow. Josue The best things about winter are making snowmen, snow angels, and making hot cocoa. Victoria The best things about winter are making snowmen and making s’mores outside by a ¿UH Samantha How to make the best hot cocoa: Get chocolate, get a pot, and get milk. Boil it. Pout it into cups. Put marshmallows on top. Brielle How to make the best hot cocoa: Get chocolate, a pot, get PLON 0DNH LW ZLWK ¿UH Put it in a cup with big marshmallows. Lexi To make the best snow fort, I would need a tent and snow around it. A snow fort LV FRRO Jacob

Easton I do many things in the winter. I make a snowman. I color pictures. I bake cookies. Winter is fun. Melisa


because I I like lik winter i t b can see white snow. I can smell apple pie. I can taste pumpkin pie. I can hear quiet snow falling. I can feel a snowman. Adriel

I like winter because , FDQ VHH ELUGV À\LQJ I can make a snow South. I can smell fort. First I make snow apple pie. I can taste EULFNV 7KHQ , ¿QG chocolate cake. I can more snow to build hear mom and dad the walls. Last, I play wrapping presents. I VQRZEDOO ¿JKW ZLWK P\ can feel a snowman. friends. Playing with Julian my friends makes me I like winter because happy. I can see snowball Nyabuoy ¿JKWV , FDQ VPHOO Winter is my favorite cinnamon. I can season. I make taste hot chocolate snowballs. I shovel the with marshmallows. snow. I make cookies. I can hear shaking I like winter. presents. I can feel wet snow. Kevin Yohana I can make hot cocoa. First, I make I like winter because I the chocolate. Next, can see snow angels. I will put it in the I can smell mom oven. Last, I put the making supper. I can sprinkles in the top. It taste hot chocolate makes me feel happy with marshmallows. I and warm. can hear quiet snow falling. I can feel Arely pokey Christmas tree I am busy in the branches. winter. I play snowball 6R¿D ¿JKW , GULQN KRW cocoa. I decorate the I like winter because Christmas tree. I like I can see sparkling winter. snow. I can smell chocolate chip Noe cookies. I can taste I can make hot cocoa. hot chocolate with First, put chocolate in marshmallows. I can the cup. Then put I in hear jingling bells. I the oven. Next take it can feel slippery ice. out. Then mix it. Last, Arianna put marshmallows in the cup. I like sweet I like winter because hot cocoa. I can see snow forts. I can smell yummy Alexandra eggnog. I can taste Winter is fun. I make blueberry pie. snow angels. I do I can hear quiet snow cookies. I look at the snow falling. Winter is falling. I can feel wet snow. my favorite season. Tobias Rafael David

I can make hot cocoa. First, we put the chocolate in the cup. Next, we pour the milk in the cup. Last, we put the marshmallows I like winter. I watch in the cup. I like hot T.V. I play toys. I go chocolate. sledding. Winter is Sophia cold Winter is my favorite Christopher season. I drink I can make hot cocoa. hot cocoa. I put First, I get chocolate ornaments on the milk and warm it up. Christmas tree. I eat Next, I stir it. Last I put noodles. Winter is marshmallows in the good. cup. I love hot cocoa. Ruth Gabriella I do many things in winter. I decorate Mrs. Glade’s class the Christmas tree. I make snowman. I play I like winter because with my sister. Winter I can see sparkling snow. I can smell is nice. chocolate chip Henry cookies. I can taste hot chocolate with If I lived in an igloo, I marshmallows. I can would crawl inside a hear mom and dad tunnel. I would eat at wrapping presents. a table made of ice. I can feel pokey I would need some snow to make a bed. I Christmas tree would like living in my branches. igloo. Emma

To make the best snow fort, I would have a big tent and lots of snow. Put snow Yorsalem on top and have hot Winter is my favorite FRFRD LQVLGH season. I like to build a snowman. I like to Alexander shop. I like to jump in Mrs. Ebbers’ class the snow. Winter is I can make hot cocoa. fun. First, put the milk in

hot cocoa. I can make ke h ott cocoa First, I get a cup. Next, I put chocolate milk in the cup and cook it. Last, I put marshmallows in the cup. I like hot cocoa when it is cold outside.

I like winter because I can see snow angels. I can smell chocolate chip cookies. I can taste hot chocolate. I can hear Christmas music. I can feel soft blankets. Nalani I like winter because I can see Christmas presents. I can smell apple pie. I can taste baked goodies. I can hear mom and dad wrapping presents. I can feel wet snow. Brock I like winter because I can see people sledding. I can smell apple cider. I can taste GHOLFLRXV PXႈQV I can hear joyful singing. I can feel wet snow. Olivia

I like winter because , FDQ VHH ELUGV À\LQJ South. I can smell apple pie. I can taste chocolate cake. I can hear bells jingling. I can feel a snowman.

I like winter because I can see presents. I can smell sugar cookies. I can taste apple pie. I can hear Christmas songs. I can feel bells.



I like winter because I can see snow on the tree. I can smell marshmallows. I can taste hot chocolate. I can hear crunching snow. I can feel snowballs. Bryson I like winter because I can see snow angels. I can smell M&M cookies. I can taste chocolate chip cookies. I can hear Christmas songs. I can feel Christmas cookies. Jeslin I like winter because I can see snow angels. I can smell chocolate. , FDQ WDVWH FRႇHH , can hear Santa say, ³+R KR KR ´ , FDQ IHHO VQRZÀDNHV Annabelle I like winter because I can see no leaves on the trees. I can smell Christmas trees. I can taste chocolate chip cookies. I can hear crunching snow. I can feel soft blankets. Josue I like winter because I can see presents. I can smell popcorn. I can taste chili. I can hear Santa. I can feel a snowball. Nehemias I like winter because I can see presents. I can smell Christmas trees. I can taste hot chocolate. I can hear Santa. I can feel wet snow.

drenk hot chocklit. I cho like to go sleden. Sophia The best thing about winter is bild snomen. I like to dekerate. I like to giv presents. I pley in a snopil. Iliana The best thing about winter is help my dad clen the sidwok. I like to play with my dad for in a row. I like to go skadin. I like to woch movi with my famoli. Uzias The best thing about winter is to play in my house. I like the Christmas tree. I like the present. I like the lightes. It is fun to play in the snow. Glory The best thing about winter is sleding. I like WR SOD\ VQRZ ¿JKW ZLWK my dad. I can have hot chocolate. I can have cookies. I like presents. Cynthia The best thing about winter is throwing snow at my mom and dad. I play in the snow. I like to build a snowman. Edvin The best thing about winter is snow. I like to bild a snowman. I like to go to the parek. I like to drik hot choclit. I like to ride my bik in the snow. Jace

I like winter because I can see presents. I can smell ice. I can taste chili. I can hear Christmas songs. I can feel soft snow.

The best thing about winter is I can mek hot cholet. I can play at the park. I like to play in the snow with my brothur. I like to go ice skatin and making a snowman.



I like winter because I can see kids playing in the snow. I can smell Christmas trees. I can taste chocolate chip cookies. I can hear Christmas music. , FDQ IHHO ÀXႇ\ VQRZ

The best thing about winter is drek hot choclit. I like winter bekoz I can put my crismis tree up. I like winter bekus I bild forts. I like to bild a fort with my friend.



I like winter because I can see presents. I can smell hot chocolate. I can taste hot chocolate. I can hear shaking presents. I can feel ÀXႇ\ VQRZ

The bes thing about winter is playing in the snow. I like to bild a snowman. I like to hot choclet. I get to play with my frend.



The best thing about winter is build a Ms. Dykstra’s class snowmen. I like to play in the snow. I like The best thing about to open presents. I winter is bidg a snowman. I like to do like to mak a cookes. a snowagle. I lik to Wendy play inside. I The best thing like to go sleding. I about winter is bild like to deke hotchoklit. a snowman. I like to hav prasents with my Kinley family. I like to skate. The best thing about I like to have hot winter is snow. I like to choclit. I like to play thro snow bals. I like with my frens. to mak a snowbank. I Vanessa like to LETTERS : Page B6 bild a fort. I like to






Holiday Letters! LETTERS

I like lik winter win i te terr because because I can see snow From Page B5 falling down. I can smell hot coconuts. I The best thing about can taste chocolate winter is snow. I like to Alisson chip cookies. I can play in sid. I like to bild I like winter because I hear Santa say “Ho, a snow fort. I like to can see white snow on Ho, Ho”. I can feel play in the snow. I like the ground. I can smell Christmas cookies. to play teg. sugar cookies. I can Cristian Angelique taste hot chocolate. I can hear Santa. I can I like winter because The best thing about I can see white feel soft blankets. winter is play game. I snow. I can smell can play in the snow. I Alexa marshmallows. I can like to bild a snoman. I taste hot chocolate. I I like winter because I can rid on a sled. can see snow angels. can hear Santa. I can Obang I can smell popcorn. I feel Christmas trees. can taste pumpkin pie. Lester The best thing about I can hear Christmas winter is play in the I like winter songs. I can feel wet snow. I like presents. because I can see snow. I like to run in snow. presents. I can smell I like to blud a Kestaleen marshmallows. I can snowman. I like blud taste hot chocolate. I I like winter because a fort. can hear Santa. I can I can see snowmen. Giovanni feel snowballs. I can smell popcorn. The best thing about I can taste chili. I can Anderson winter is building hear presents. I can I like winter because snow forts. I will make IHHO VQRZÀDNHV I can see decorated Christmas cookies. I Rey trees. I can smell will put rainbow lights marshmallows. I can and Christmas light on I like winter because taste hot chocolate. I my tree. I like to go ice I can see ice. I can can hear Santa. I can VPHOO KRW FRႇHH , staking. feel snow blowing. can taste chocolate Mick chip cookies. I can Ian Mrs. Nelson’s class hear Santa say “Ho, I like winter because Ho, Ho”. I can feel I can see sparkling I like winter because VQRZÀDNHV snow. I can smell I can see presents. Heli chocolate chip I can smell snow. I cookies. I can taste can taste pozole. I I like winter because can hear presents I can see kids playing GHOLFLRXV PXႈQV , can hear quiet snow opening. I can feel in the snow. I can falling. I can feel wet VQRZÀDNHV RQ P\ smell cookies. I can snow. face. taste chocolate chip cookies. I can hear Alazare Keyner Christmas songs. I I like winter because I like winter because can feel Christmas I can see snowball I can see Christmas cookies. ¿JKWV , FDQ VPHOO trees. I can smell gingerbread houses. Idaliyah chocolate chip cookies. cookkies I can taste tastte hot chocolate. I can hear Santa. I can feel wet snow.

I can taste tastte delicious d licious de i PXႈQV , FDQ KHDU Christmas music. I can feel soft blankets. Delina I like winter because I can see sparkling snow. I can smell gingerbread houses. I can taste hot chocolate. I can hear Christmas music. I can feel soft blankets. Amelia I like winter because I can see Christmas presents. I can smell chocolate chip cookies. I can taste baked goodies. I can hear shaking presents. I can feel soft blankets. Jaxon I like winter because I can see snowball ¿JKWV , FDQ VPHOO apple pie. I can taste buttery popcorn. I can hear laughter. I can feel soft blankets. Kaw Moo I like winter because I can see snow angels. I can smell chocolate chip cookies. I can taste apple pie. I can hear joyful singing. I can feel pokey Christmas tree branches. Jason

wrapping presents. wrap ppi ping ng prese sent ntts I can feel a snowman. Daisy I like winter because , FDQ VHH ELUGV À\LQJ south. I can smell candles burning. I can taste apple pie. I can hear mom and dad wrapping presents. I can feel a snowman. Brant I like winter because I can see Christmas presents. I can smell chocolate chip cookies. I can taste hot chocolate. I can hear mom and dad wrapping presents. I can feel a snowman.

First, make Firstt m Fi ake k hot milk in the microwave and add marshmallows. Next, put chocolate in the milk. Stir it. Then put marshmallows in the the chocolate milk. Finally, drink it! Griselda If I made the best snow fort it would be big. I would have tall walls so no one could see me. I would make a door for my fort. My friends could come in to play with me. Nelvin

I make the best hot cocoa. First, get warm water. Next, put powder in the Evalyn cup. Then put it in the microwave. Then add Mrs. Arens’ class sprinkles and whipped I can make the best cream to the top. hot cocoa. First, you Finally, I would drink it need hot milk. Next, and then I would make you need whipped cream. Then you need one for my brother. sprinkles. Finally, you He would like a candy cane in his to stir. need sprinkles and Marisela whipped cream and marshmallows and I know how to build then you need a straw and mix it. Now, drink it! Julissa I can make the best hot cocoa. First, is water. Put it in the cup. Next, is powder. Put it in the cup. Then add marshmallows. Finally, it is done and now you can drink it.

I like winter because I can see families together. I can smell apple cider. I can taste Ava GHOLFLRXV PXႈQV , FDQ I know how to make hear mom and dad the best hot cocoa.

the best snow fort. First, you should get snow and build the walls. Make the windows by making a square and then put a cross in the window. Add a big slide to the fort.Finally, cut out a rectangle for the door. Sebastian I make the best hot cocoa. First put hot milk. Next take one LETTERS : Page B7

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Holiday Letters! LETTERS LE ETTERS

My family makes hot cocoa. Since my mom and dad pay for hockey, I get to play in the winter. Winter makes me happy.

s ffun. un n I go Winter iis sledding on top of the From Page B6 ice. My brother sits behind me. I throw some snow at my cocoa brown sugar. brother. I share hot Then add whipped chocolate with my cream and sprinkles. Klayton brother. We use two Finally, enjoy your hot I like winter. I drink hot straws and have lots cocoa. chocolate super warm of marshmallows. I Nashly and it tastes good. I put like winter. my dad’s hat on a This is how to make Tomas the best hot cocoa. snowman and a carrot This is how you make First, put hot milk in for his nose. My mom hot chocolate. You your cup. Next, put the lets us open presents need chocolate to cocoa in the cup. Then at Christmastime. I melt. Then roast the add some whipped love winter. cream. Finally, drink marshmallows to Daniel your hot cocoa and make them hot. Put I like winter. I am enjoy! the marshmallows and happy to get presents the chocolate together Ella at Christmastime. I in a little bit of water. I like winter. I like to bake chocolate chip And that is how you play outside with my cookies with my make hot chocolate. family in the snow. I grandma. I love to play Rudra get to hang out with my games with my family. family. I get to drink hot My mom and grandma I like winter. I need my jacket, hat, and gloves chocolate. We get to are busy cooking to play in the snow. play with my grandma food so I play with my I make a snowman. when she visits. cousins, my dad, and I put a carrot for the Dan my brother. Winter is nose and a hat on Winter is the best. I like happy. I love it! my snowman. My to hang with my family. Natalie snowman needs boots

Happy Holidays!


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to sleep in mysnow fort too. My friends would play with me in my snow fort.



I like winter. I like to make a snowman. My cousins help me make it. We have snowball ¿JKWV WRR ,W LV IXQ WR FDWFK VQRZÀDNHV RQ my tongue too.

If I was in charge of building the best snow fort, my mom, dad, and sister would help me. It will be big. We will make a snow slide for my sister and I. We would paint the snow blue.

Crystel If I was in charge of making the best snow fort, my snow fort would be big. It would have windows and tall walls. I would put lights inside. I would need some blankets

Cristian This is hot make the best hot chocolate. First, get milk and chocolate. Then, you QHHG VRPH FRႇHH Get a spoon for

stirring stirring. Heat it up in the microwave. Put marshmallows on top. Then, its done. Go outside to drink it. Edgar I like winter. I like snowmen. I like sledding, I like playing outside in the snow. Franky Winter is the best. I like to go to ice skating. I can go sledding with my dad. We can drink hot chocolate with marshmallows. Jocelyn

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too and I will use sticks for his hands. I like to make snowmen in the winter.

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