Merry Christmas Earthlings!

In the bleak mid-winter As Earth lay calm and chill A fretful eye came watching And spied signs of ill will.
The strangers had been looking long, From ships of saucer shape They watched the Christmas bustle start And transform Earth’s landscape.
No humans, these, though not unlike; Two arms, two legs, dark eyes; Their skin was gray and oddly smoothAnd they were only child-size.
“They’re building robots, ray-guns too! They muster for attack! We must prepare to meet them And begin to fight them back!”
“I disagree,” the Wise One said, And showed Sam-X a screen. It showed the humans shopping, (And they didn’t look that mean.)
“These earthlings are not fighting They make these things for fun; This is the time of Christmas And there’s joy for everyone.”
But Sam-X would not listen As fear consumed his brains He thought the Earthlings went to war With fighting candy canes.
“We’ll go and see,” the Wise One said And learn their true design If you are right I’ll help you fightBut I think we’ll be just fine.”
The saucer flew through outer space And the brilliant Milky Way Dodging comets, planets, stars As if it were child’s play. “But where to land? Earth’s very large And we are very small.” Sam-X did not like their odds ‘Gainst giants, not at all.
“Here’s a place” the Wise One said, “Here’s where we should aim. It can’t be big, it can’t be huge Mini-sota is its name.”
Sam-X gazed upon the map And picked a place at random “Worthington” proclaimed the sign And water tower, in tandem.
They landed quick, and hid their ship And went to find some clues Was Earth preparing to go to war? (And if so, could they lose?)
They checked out Lampert Lumber With its wood and tools galore And found some helpful builders Assisting at the store.
“It’s Christmas time in Worthington,” They told the tiny strangers. “It’s when we build and give out gifts; It’s free of any dangers.” So Sam-X peeked and peered and looked But found the builder truthful. He thought he’d find some other source Someone innocent and youthful.
Sam brought the Wise One with him
To Hy-Vee’s grocery store And looked for someone near his height To tell him something more. He found her in the produce aisle, Young Gabby Ann McCree She told him about Santa Claus And laughed aloud with glee.
“Don’t you know about Christmas?” She asked Sam-X with a grin. “It’s for me and you and everyoneYou’re welcome to join in.”
The baffled stranger shook his head.
“I’d best be moving on.” Sam doubted their intentions His faith and trust were gone.
Sam-X could see the Wise One shiver But she did not complain. They were on a mission! No time to deal with pain. Instead, to Johnson Jewelry!
Where the gems are all a-glitter
The Wise One will be fine, thought Sam, I’m not a baby-sitter.
The jeweler welcomed them indoors
And told them “Happy holidays!” Sam frowned and grumped and said “I know nothing of that phrase.”
“It’s a kind, forgiving, giving time,” The jeweler said, “for family and for friends.
“With open hearts and thoughts and minds, To all our love extends.”
Sam-X frowned his fiercest frown. He didn’t see the use. The thought of being vulnerable Left him wanting to vamoose.
At Top Asian Foods they asked again For pho and more supplies The Wise One lagged a bit behind To Sam-X’s surprise.
“Kind and giving,” Sam-X thought, And slowed his pace right down. “I bet she’s getting tired Walking all over town.”
“I bet her feet are cold and damp,” Sam thought, and felt ashamed. “Brown’s Shoe Fit is our next stop, It’s Christmas,” he proclaimed.
“Now you see,” the Wise One said And smiled at Sam at last. At Brown’s she chose some thick warm socks And snow-tight boots, quite fast.
“I do,” said Sam, “But now I think I want to share my joy. How can I thank the Earthlings? This Christmas is no ploy.”
The Wise One pondered deeply, And came up with a plot She shared with Sam-X playfully He liked the thought a lot.
Henning Construction, that’s the place! Sam thought and headed for it. They’ll build a gift to all earthlings And every one will adore it!
Quick as a wink the workers started Moving ice and snow Stacking snow-bricks one by one Sam watched the ice palace grow.
When it was done, the castle fair Sparkled with Christmas light And the strangers waved and bid farewell