1 minute read

Dear Mom,


you told your mom or mother figure lately how much she means to you?

Take the opportunity to tell her, and you could win a prize!

Write a 100-word letter to her explaining why she’s the best!

First prize: $100 VISA gi card

Runner-up: $50 gi card to Illini Union Bookstore dents money from purchasing this data from another site – it felt wrong that students were paying $30 for public data, and I wanted to make sure it was available in an accessible way to everyone free of charge,” Fagen-Ulmschneider said. liamm4@dailyillini.com

Contest is open to all UIUC students.

Winners will be chosen by Illini Media judges.

Deadline is Sunday, April 2, at 11:59 p.m.

Winners will be featured in The Daily Illini!

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