2 minute read
What dorm room are you?
As you work through the quiz, keep track of your points.
Choosing option A earns 1 point, option B earns 2 points and option C earns 3 points.
1. How are you spending an ideal Friday night?
A: Getting my homework out of the way before the weekend! Grainger, here I come!
B: Recipe for success: lots of snacks, a movie and my weighted blanket.
C: Out and about! Directing my friends and I to the nearest rager.
3. Which friend are you?
A: The Bookworm — This friend is fun and fresh when they don’t have an assignment due the next day. Otherwise, good luck getting them to answer your FaceTime!
B: The Mom/Dad/Parent — On a typical evening, you’re giving relationship advice, cleaning up vomit and providing free therapy to your less mature friends. It’s all worth it in the end, because you get the benefit of a sober “I told you so” the next morning.
C: The Party Animal — You consistently wreak havoc in your friend group. This friend is constantly involved in hoodwinks and mischief, simultaneously entertaining and concerning everyone in a one-mile radius.
Glorified Prison Cell 4-6 pts.
Your dorm is functional and efficient. This is your home base while you pad your GPA and bounce between class and the library. Yes, you have a social life, but it doesn’t need to take place in your dorm — you don’t have time for that
2. What snacks are you keeping in your room?
A: Apples, baby carrots, multigrain bagels, hummus and local honey! Gotta keep myself fueled for the day?
B: Hot chocolate, Cheez-Its, energy drinks, granola bars and lots of string cheese. Can’t be too healthy — it’s college a er all!
C: Funyuns, Four Loko, Cheetos, Oreos, Fat Sandwich curly fries and ramen. Shouldn’t matter, because I’m following a liquid diet over the weekend anyways!
4. Which TV character best represents you?
A: Young Sheldon from “Young Sheldon” — Your friends may want to beat you up with hammers.
B: Squidward Tentacles from “Spongebob” — You hate your job and perpetually roll your eyes at the meddlesome goobers around you.
C: Kramer from “Seinfeld” — Today, you’re carpeting the walls in your apartment on a whim. Tomorrow, you’re taking 30 doves into a New York City cab. You’re the best person to have around when the days are starting to blend together, but nobody is completely sure of your safety at any given moment in the day.
Be Grade-A Chiller
7-9 pts.
Your dorm is always stocked with the best snacks and your friends know they can come over whenever they need to have a deep talk. There are way more blankets than people in your room and your skills on aux are nothing short of impeccable.
10-12 pts.
Everyone knows that you run the pregame pad. Your dorm décor is chill and vibe-y with plenty of bottles lining the shelves. This doesn’t mean that you aren’t dedicated to school or your friends, for the record — you are the embodiment of work hard, play hard.