The Daily Iowan - 02/19/14

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Combine ready. Tight end C.J. Fiedorowicz is ready to make a difference at the next level. Sports.




Young people head to church


Council passes seniors’ panel By Daniel Seidl

Parishioners gather for a service in St. Andrew Presbyterian Church on Tuesday. The Iowa City area is experiencing growth with younger members attending church. (The Daily Iowan/Valerie Burke)

By Carter Cranberg

Numbers aren’t few in the pew. While surrounding cities, such as Cedar Rapids, have seen a decline in the number of young churchgoers, Iowa City and Coralville have experienced a steady increase. Veritas Church, which meets in Coralville and oversees the campus ministry the Salt Company, has noticed the importance of being active with the youth. Veritas’ number of student attendees its Thursday service has increased from 200 to 300 just over this past year. Church coordinator Randuyl LaMack said Veritas has tried a more proactive

approach on young adults, which she believes has contributed to its surge in new members. “Every Monday, we have a prayer time at the IMU, and every Thursday, we have our college service,” she said. “Then we have events throughout the year, such as cookouts, retreats, Bible studies, and musical events.” Campus Christian club Cru staff member Kevin Krohn said it may be harder for people in their 20s to attend church and Christian clubs than those of older generations. He believes this is mostly because of the wide variety of jobs, sports, and other pursuits occupying younger people’s time. “Members have booked schedules and are involved with so much else that they

have a hard time committing to everything, which means they might not always attend our events or church,” he said. Cru staff member of eight years Charlie Schaller believes that while older generations willingly attended church on their own, young adults today need to be shown what church has to offer. “I think the reality is with this generation of young people; we can’t sit back and wait for them to come,” he said. “This is a very spiritually interested generation, but most people aren’t just going to walk into a church. So, the churches and us are tying to reach out and engage students and foster relationships.” See churches, 5

IC CoLab expands to Coralville The Iowa City CoLab will spread to Coralville.

The Iowa City City Council decided to increase senior services in Iowa City on Tuesday despite dissent from some councilors and Senior Center commissioners. The council passed a resolution creating an ad-hoc Senior Services Committee, which will be in charge of evaluating current senior services and making recommendations to the council on what action to take. The resolution passed by a vote of 5-2, with Councilors Terry Dickens and Kingsley Botchway opposing. The main senior services provided by the city are from the Senior Center. Several Senior Center commissioners expressed their concerns about the new panel. “We’re very concerned about the timing of the ad-hoc committee,” said Jay Honohan, the head of the Senior Center Commission. “I urge [the council] not to adopt this resolution tonight and have a survey done throughout the city before the ad-hoc committee is formed.” The Senior Center Commission had requested the city perform a community survey of senior services before moving forward with a committee. The council alleviated some of the commission’s concerns by saying the committee would serve much of the same purpose as a community survey and may even lead to this type of survey in the near future. “I think having the committee See seniors, 5

Schooling expands in Iowa homes

By Abigail Meier

By Megan Deppe

Officials cut the ribbon on a second CoLab less than a year after the first Iowa City CoLab opened. The Coralville CoLab, 2852 Coral Court Suite 3, held a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Tuesday. The Coralville branch is an expansion of the Iowa City CoLab, a project aimed at helping young entrepreneurs open their businesses. The Coralville CoLab will be managed by Iowa City Area Development Group. The Coralville CoLab opened in January as a partnership between Iowa City Area Development and Innovative Software Engineering — a company that creates software development. Eric Hanson, the communications director for the Iowa City Area Development Group, said Coralville officials wanted to create the second facility to expand working space. Hass Machlab, the CEO of Innovative Software Engineering, was the first to reach about starting another space in Coralville. “Ideally, we like to see is people coming here to network and interact, ultimately we want this place to fill up which will allow many of our local businesses to

said. “It allows our ecosystem of businesses to grow and succeed.” Hanson said that since the opening of the Iowa City CoLab, the lab has gained 50 active members between the two spaces. There have been four companies and 19 new positions since the building’s inception. “It’s kind of like a gym membership

Homeschooling families have one more way they can interact with public schools and the state — the Independent Private Instruction option. Kirstin Miller, a University of Iowa graduate student, held a workshop on Tuesday in which she highlighted some of the new changes. Gov. Terry Branstad signed the 2013 Education Reform Bill into law last year, and it allows for several new elements to the options available for homeschooling in Iowa. Under the bill, homeschooling families are no longer required to submit assessments of their children to the local school districts. “[Some parents] feel that the government should have no input on how they educate their children,” Miller said. “[The new option] fits in well with the changing family structure. That was a big win for use this year.” Andrea Farrier, a former lobbyist for the Iowa Homeschool Assistance Program Professionals, wrote in an

See colab, 5

See schooling, 5





Mostly sunny, breezy at first, then 80% chance of rain and possibly T-storms. Yeah, T-storms.

Coralville Mayor John Lundell cuts the red ribbon at the Coralville CoLab ceremony in Coralville on Tuesday. The Coralville CoLab is a full-time co-working space. (The Daily Iowan/Callie Mitchell) grow,” Machlab said. Machlab said this space will provide a place for students freshly graduated from the University of Iowa to build ideas. “I think it’s been incredible because we have the city rallying for this, the community organizations, economic development, the chamber, and private businesses everybody has come together and made it a very easy thing to do,” Machlab







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Sign of the times

The Daily Iowan Volume 145 Breaking News Phone: (319) 335-6063 Email: Fax: 335-6297 Corrections Call: 335-6030 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for accuracy and fairness in the reporting of news. If a report is wrong or misleading, a request for a correction or a clarification may be made. Publishing info The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is published by Student Publications Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and university holidays, and university vacations. Periodicals postage paid at the Iowa City Post Office under the Act of Congress of March 2, 1879.

Larry Slocum tears down an old building on North Linn Street on Tuesday. (The Daily Iowan/Callie Mitchell)

METRO/world Man charged with child endangerment causing injury A local man has been accused of striking his 5-year-old daughter in the face. Israel Acevedo-Joaquin Joaquin, 26, was charged March 22, 2012, with child endangerment/bodily injury. According to an Iowa City police complaint, Acevedo-Joaquin’s 5-yearold daughter climbed onto his bed. She began playing with her younger sister and did not touch, mess with, or try to wake up Acevedo-Joaquin, the complaint said. He was turned away from the girl while lying on the bed. He allegedly swung his arm and hand backward and struck the her in the face. Her nose started to bleed, and a large abrasion was visible across her cheek, the complaint said. The girl arrived at school with blood on her clothing and told several staff members that her father had hit her, the complaint said. Child endangerment with bodily injury is a Class-D felony. — by Rebecca Morin

Council backs departments’ merger The Iowa City City Council considered Tuesday an ordinance that would merge the Planning and Community Development and Housing and Inspections Services Department into a single Neighborhood and Development Services Department. The first consideration passed 7-0. The proposed ordinance would remove the director of planning and communication development office and director of housing and inspection services offices. The ordinance would replace them with the director of neighborhood and development services position. This change could potentially aid the city by improving internal and external communications and streamlining workflow procedures, according to a letter sent to the council by City Manager Tom Markus. This will also allow for a more comprehensive approach to the city council’s strategic plan of healthy neighborhoods and enhance resources dedicated toward economic development. Though the merger will lead to many day-to-day changes for employees, it would not result in any layoffs, Markus said. These new positions would be filled internally by the city, Markus said. Though there may be some cost to the city as a result of these changes, there is enough flexibility in the current budget to satisfy this need. If approved, Markus said he aims to have the new department organized by July 1. — by Daniel Seidl

Man faces theft, drug charges A North Liberty man has been accused of stealing two iPhones. Jonathan Gordon, 31, was charged Jan. 19 with second-degree theft and possession of a controlled substance. According to an Iowa City police complaint, police officials responded to 504 E. Burlington St. after receiving a report of a stolen iPhone 5s, which was valued at $710. The victim reportedly identified Gordon as the individual who took the iPhone. After activating a warning sound on the victim’s phone, Gordon was found to have the phone in his possession, the complaint said. Gordon was also found with a second iPhone 5s, which was also valued at $710. The second iPhone was also stolen, the complaint said. The second iPhone was returned to its original owner, and the victim described Gordon as the individual that stole the phone, the complaint said. Once Gordon was in custody, officials allegedly found a clear plastic bag containing 14 grams of marijuana inside his left coat pocket, the complaint said. Gordon reportedly admitted to providing a friend with money so they could jointly purchase the marijuana, the complaint said. Second-degree theft is a Class-D felony. Possession of a controlled substance is an aggravated misdemeanor. — by Rebecca Morin

Council approves mailbox ordinance The Iowa City City Council voted Tuesday to consider an ordinance that would amend the city code to remove distance limits on mailbox clusters and add ordinances to regulate the construction and placement of these structures. The consideration was approved by a vote of 7-0. The original ordinance limited mailbox clusters to being within one block or 600 feet of the residents it serves. The removal of this ordinance is in response to the U.S. Postal Service indicating it will no longer support distance limits of this kind. The two considered ordinances the council considered adding aim to make these mailbox clusters accessible and convenient for residents. The ordinances also state that installation and maintenance cost for these mailbox clusters would be the responsibility of the neighborhood’s homeowners association and/or the Postal Service. This amendment would not affect existing subdivisions. — by Daniel Seidl

Council schedules meeting on UI rezoning The Iowa City City Council voted

Tuesday to set public input meetings for two ordinances that would rezone areas for University of Iowa facilities. The rezoning was passed with a 7-0 vote. The first of these two ordinances would rezone 1.45 acres of property located west of Clinton Street and south of Burlington Street from central business support (CB-5) to institutional public (P-2). The second ordinance would rezone .54 acres of property located at 109 River St. from neighborhood stabilization residential (RNS-20) to (P-2). Both rezonings will acknowledge the UI owns the property. The UI intends to use the area, for new music and arts facilities. The date for both public input meetings is March 4. — by Daniel Seidl

Council moves on taxi ordinance The Iowa City City Council considered an ordinance Tuesday that would amend the City Code to change policies on taxis. The first consideration passes 6-1, with Councilor Jim Throgmorton casting the dissenting vote. He said he voted no because there was a lack of public input. “I doubt that there are more than five people in the city that even have a clue that we are considering these regulations,” he said. The proposed ordinance, which was proposed in response to a Feb. 4 meeting with taxi companies, would require taxi drivers to maintain manifest laws, require some uniformity of rate cards, require notification when a license plate number of a taxi is changed, eliminate taxi stands, allow taxis to be parked on residential streets, and authorize the city to suspend a taxi driver’s license. — by Daniel Seidl

Council to seek input on animal shelter

The Iowa City City Council voted Tuesday to set a public input meeting to further discuss the 2014 construction of the animal care and adoption center project. The vote was passed to a 7-0 vote. The city’s previous animal shelter was damaged in the 2008 flood, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency will partially fund the new construction. The budget for the project is $3.1 million. Of that, $1.4 million will come from FEMA, with the Friends of the Animal Center Foundation providing an additional $1 million to fund the project over the next five years. The remaining cost will be covered by Johnson County and cities within the county. The city has outlined several goals for the new facility, including durability and sustainability, as well as meeting the city’s animal care and capacity needs.

Though the city has looked to make the plans as energy-efficient and sustainable as possible, the new facility will not be Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certified. The new facility would be located at 3910 Napoleon Lane. The date of the public input meeting is March 4. — by Daniel Seidl

Council moves on police, fire project The Iowa City City Council passed a resolution approving plans, specifications, contracting, and costs for the Police and Fire Departments’ heating, ventilation, and air conditioning replacement project at a Tuesday Meeting. The resolution passed with a vote of 7-0. The project’s purpose is to remove and replace two such units. The total cost of the project is estimated at $147,000. The resolution sets the bid security for the project at 10 percent of each bid. It also would authorize the city clerk to publish notice for the receipt of bids for the project and would set the deadline for project bids at 2:30 p.m. on March 3. — by Daniel Seidl

Riot police move in against Kiev protest camp

KIEV, Ukraine — Amid cries of “Glory to Ukraine” and with flaming tires lighting up the night sky, thousands of riot police armed with stun grenades and water cannons attacked the sprawling protest camp in the center of Kiev, following a day of street battles that left at least 18 people dead and hundreds injured. The violence on Tuesday was the deadliest in nearly three months of anti-government protests that have paralyzed Ukraine’s capital in a struggle over the identity of a nation divided in loyalties between Russia and the West, and the worst in the country’s post-Soviet history With the boom of exploding stun grenades and fireworks nearly drowning out his words at times, opposition leader Vitali Klitschko urged the 20,000 protesters to defend the camp on Independence Square that has been the heart of the protests. “We will not go anywhere from here,” Klitschko, a former heavyweight boxing champion, told the crowd, speaking from a stage in the square as tents and tires burned around him, releasing huge plumes of smoke. “This is an island of freedom, and we will defend it,” he said. Many heeded his call. “This looks like a war against one’s own people,” said Dmytro Shulko, 35, who was heading toward the camp armed with a fire bomb. “But we will defend ourselves.” — Associated Press

Correction In the brief “Officials outline 1105 Project concerns,” The Daily Iowan incorrectly reported that his project aims to renovate the building located at 1105 Gilbert Court. This was misleading, as the building opened for use in late December 2013. This brief also had reported that the Johnson County Salvation Army was part of the 1105 project, when in fact it is not. The DI regrets these errors.

BLOTTER Shane Cross, 26, 530 S. Summit St., was charged Tuesday with driving with a suspended/canceled license. David Flores-Vargas, 39, 2801 Highway 6 E. No. 383,

was charged Monday with OWI. Malcolm Harris, 18, Cincinnati, was charged Sunday with third-degree burglary and obstructing an officer.

Pedro Lagos, 19, 1208 Tracey Lane, was charged Tuesday with driving while barred. Kenneth Orr, 44, address unknown, was charged Monday with fifth-degree theft.

Evan Ross, 20, 12 E. Court St. 504, was charged Feb. 15 with PAULA. Daniel Wren, 56, address unknown, was charged Feb. 15 with public intoxication.

Subscriptions Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Email: Subscription rates: Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 for summer session, $50 for full year. Out of town: $40 for one sememster, $80 for two semesters, $20 for summer session, $100 all year. Send address changes to: The Daily Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004 Advertising Sales Staff Bev Mrstik 335-5792 Cathy Witt 335-5794

Issue 140 sTaff Publisher 335-5788 William Casey Editor-in-Chief 335-6030 Kristen East Managing Editor 335-5855 Jordyn Reiland Metro Editors 335-6063 Rebecca Morin Stacey Murray Opinions Editor 335-5863 Zach Tilly Sports Editors 335-5848 Josh Bolander Danny Payne Arts Editor 335-5851 Sam Gentry Copy Chief 335-6063 Beau Elliot Photo Editor 335-5852 Tessa Hursh Projects Editor 335-5855 Jordyn Reiland Design Editor 335-6063 Haley Nelson Graphics Editor 335-6063 Alicia Kramme Convergence Editor 335-6063 Brent Griffiths TV Director 335-6063 Reid Chandler TV Sports Director 335-6063 Josh Bolander Web Editor 335-5829 Tony Phan Business Manager 335-5786 Debra Plath Classifed Ads/Circulation Manager Juli Krause 335-5784 Advertising Manager 335-5193 Renee Manders Production Manager 335-5789 Heidi Owen




Coralville works on redevelopment area


By Michelle Ngo

An area company’s $1 investment could grow to be a $14 million project. The Coralville City Council approved a resolution of intent to sell more than

100,000 square feet of cityowned property to Blue Sky Developers Inc. for $1 at a Coralville City Council meeting earlier this month. The urban-renewal property is part of an area near Sixth Street and Fifth Avenue.

Although absent from the meeting, Mayor John Lundell said he supports the new development. “It’s just what we’re looking for,” he said. “We’ve been experiencing a lot of development around Coralville, but this it is the most recent

one in that neighborhood.” Blaine Thomas, the Blue Sky president and CEO, plans to build a mixed-use two-structure development comprising 18,000 square feet of commercial space on the first level and approximately 70 living units on the upper levels. This is the first of four building proposals planned by Thomas, said Coralville City Administrator Kelly Hayworth. Thomas plans to pay for the project without any assistance from the city. “The city didn’t think it was needed for the project, you know,” Hayworth said. “The land is a significant contribution to this project.” Unless any other design proposals are presented to the council, the city will vote on Blue Sky Developer’s space on March 25. If the City Council approves the project, construction of the buildings could begin as soon as June 1 and open in September 2015. Though the Town Center

At UI, a cold eye for e-textbooks By Kevin Svec

Recent attempts to incorporate electronic textbooks into higher education have proven to be ineffective. Based on responses from a University of Iowa e-textbook pilot program, most students preferred printed books. One of the key results in determining the effectiveness of e-books was there was no significant difference in final grades between e-book users and print users. In the fall of 2012, the UI Information Technology Services and the College of Education joined an e-text pilot project conducted in partnership with McGraw-Hill Education and Courseload. The sponsors for the project were EDUCAUSE and Internet2. The project was meant to evaluate the transition from traditional textbooks to electronic content. “We ran the pilot program in 2011 and collaborated with EDUCAUSE

in 2012,” said Dana Voss, a program manager at Internet2. “The last project was in the fall of 2013, and there are currently no specific plans for the future.” The new features that came with the e-textbooks included such functions as note-taking and -sharing and embedded quizzes, videos, and activities. “The tools in e-books allow students to share information and questions,” said Maggie Jesse, a senior IT director for ITS. “It allows students and faculty to interact within the textbook.” The study at the UI started in the fall of 2012 and concluded in fall 2013. The cost for the project was $20,000 for fall of 2012, $40,000 for spring 2013, and $11,000 for fall of 2013. The ITS had received most of the information it needed by the end of the spring of 2013, driving down the price for the final semester. In the fall of 2012, the study involved roughly 600 students in 17 courses. The researchers

matched the courses so one class used traditional print textbooks and the other used the e-texts. In 2013, the project involved around 1,800 UI students enrolled in 25 courses. Although some of the tools offered by the e-books were utilized, most students did not engage in tools such as bookmarking, annotating, and note-taking. During the pilot project, the e-textbooks were offered to students free of charge, which sparked an interest in participation. E-textbooks are still available at a cost, but the student’s attitudes toward them remain the same as during the project. “I used an e-textbook for the first time this semester, but I didn’t like it,” said UI junior Jessica Dennis. “I like to have an actual book in front of me.” However, some believe e-textbooks have potential. “It all depends on the class,” said UI junior Mallory Hughes. “Some

classes offer more discussion than others. E-books would probably be better in more subjective classes and could help boost critical thinking.” University officials said they still remain hopeful for the use of e-books in the future. “We need to better educate faculty and students on e-book tools in order to provide a more beneficial education,” Jesse said.

Design Standard does include a few limitations of what the space can’t be used for, such as a convenience or auto-parts store, Thomas has freedom of what will be featured in his design. “His idea sounded a little bit eclectic but also geared more toward the local neighborhood in that area,” said City Councilor Bill Hoeft. Hoeft and Hayworth said Thomas’ plans may include an ice-cream shop, dentist’s office, fitness center, and café, which is expected to generate up to a $14 million property value total. “This is something the council has had in its goals for a long time,” Hayworth said. “It’s been an urban-renewal area since the 1990s,

so it will connect the Old Town development starting now with the Town Center District.” As this project passes through the Coralville City Council, councilors such as Hoeft hope more projects will be presented in the future to create a flow among the areas of Old Town, Town Center, and First Avenue, creating a large riverfront development where residents can walk and shop. “The riverfront plan is a long-term plan,” Hoeft said. “When we’re thinking about these things, we’re not thinking about five or even 10 years down the road. We’re talking 15 or 20. That’s a big, big project.”

Opinions 4



Don’t tread on my fireworks Zach Tilly

A few years ago, my sister and I may have made the four-hour roundtrip from our hometown in Illinois to the Indiana border for the sole purpose of buying and smuggling back home a small number of relatively tame fireworks for the Fourth of July. I can’t confirm that happened for legal reasons — I may have dreamed it — but such is the extent to which some go to get their hands on illegal fireworks in the name of a little bit of moderately dangerous fun. In Iowa, the days of illegal fireworks may be coming to an end. On Monday, a piece of legislation emerged from a subcommittee in the state Legislature that would lift the state’s ban on such delights as firecrackers, bottle rockets, and Roman candles. Currently, the state allows only sparklers, the O’Douls of combustible party enhancers. This potential expansion of our right to consume explosives is tremendous news. Sure, the average number of hands-per-Iowan would likely dip a bit below two, but that’s a small price to pay for fun for the masses. As long as we can avoid a glut of disgusting Missourian fireworks emporia along our southern border, things will be great in a firework-positive Iowa. After all, firework prohibition is a quintessential nanny-state infringement on my liberty. Wait … “nanny-state infringement on my liberty” … I’ve heard that someplace before. It seems that I feel about fireworks the way many Second-Amendment fan boys and girls feel about guns: I like them because they’re fun, and they

don’t seem that dangerous unless they’re abused. See, I’ve had some wonderful experiences with fireworks. A surprising number of my late-childhood memories involve my friends and I throwing bottle rockets at each other. My support for legalizing access to this stuff is based nothing more than I think they’re fun. I haven’t considered the safety, the increased risk of fires, and so on — I don’t need to. My connection is emotional and immune to reason. Besides, I know that fireworks don’t hurt people, people lighting off fireworks in their hand or tying a bunch of them together and throwing it at somebody hurt people. So — as an on-the-record gun-control advocate and someone who hasn’t had the pleasure of firing a full-on gun — I am, in some ways, a total hypocrite. That’s not to say that I think fireworks and guns are equally menacing to society, but I am certainly susceptible to the same kind of logic-proof, knee-jerk “Don’t Tread on Me” righteous indignation that I’ve ridiculed in the gun community. So I apologize for that. We all stick up for the stuff we like, and I, like any American worth his salt, like fireworks. The lesson here, though, isn’t that “but it’s fun” is a somehow a good argument because of its universality. It’s actually a very bad argument. The lesson is that we are all more vulnerable to being blinded by our experiences than we think, and we’re all stubborn to give up things we like in the face of a logical argument. Never mind that two Iowa towns nearly burned to the ground before the consumer-fireworks ban went into effect in the 1930s. Never mind that the state’s doctors think lifting the ban would lead to an increase in injuries. Just give me the fireworks and leave me alone.

STAFF KRISTEN EAST Editor-in-Chief JORDYN REILAND Managing Editor ZACH TILLY Opinions Editor NICK HASSETT and MATTHEW BYRD Editorial Writers MICHAEL BEALL, JOE LANE, ASHLEY LEE, LC Graf, ADAM GROMOTKA, JON OVERTON, SRI PONNADA, BRIANNE RICHSON, and BARRETT SONN Columnists ERIC MOORE Cartoonist EDITORIALS reflect the majority opinion of the DI Editorial Board and not the opinion of the Publisher, Student Publications Inc.,or the University of Iowa. OPINIONS, COMMENTARIES, COLUMNS, and EDITORIAL CARTOONS reflect the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board.

EDITORIAL POLICY THE DAILY IOWAN is a multifaceted news-media organization that provides fair and accurate coverage of events and issues pertaining to the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Johnson County, and the state of Iowa. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR may be sent via email to (as text, not as attachments). Each letter must be signed and include an address and phone number for verification. Letters should not exceed 300 words. The DI will publish only one letter per author per month. Letters will be chosen for publication by the editors according to space considerations. No advertisements or mass mailings, please. GUEST OPINIONS that exceed 300 words in length must be arranged with the Opinions editor at least three days prior to the desired date of publication. Guest opinions are selected in accordance with word length, subject relevance, and space considerations. READER COMMENTS that may appear below were originally posted on in response to published material. They will be chosen for print publication when they are deemed to be well-written and to forward public discussion. They may be edited for length and style.

DAILYIOWAN.COM WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2014 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. — FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION


The unfinished stimulus Monday marked the fifth anniversary of the implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, better known as the Stimulus Package. The bill, a massive conglomeration of public works, tax incentives, and the expansion of unemployment benefits, was a $891 billion response to, in what has become almost a cliché to say, the most destructive financial collapse this country had faced since the Great Depression. Now, with five years of hindsight, we believe that the stimulus, while certainly improving the economic health of the country, did not go far enough in terms of alleviating the fundamental problems at the heart of this recession. Passed with essentially zero Republican support, the stimulus has been controversial from the start, with critics deriding it as yet another experiment in a government trying to bail out the economy by wastefully spending. The evidence however, does not support this conclusion. Daniel J. Wilson of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco has shown that the stimulus created around 3.2 million jobs, and the CBO estimated that the stimulus increased the GDP by between 1.1 and 3.1 percent. A better assessment of the economic data on this matter is provided by Dylan Matthews of the Washington Post, who compiled a multitude of studies that offered a variety of opinions on the stimulus. Matthews found that the more optimistic studies tended to have fewer flaws than the studies that cast the stimulus in a negative light, leading him to conclude that the data seemed to suggest that economic stimulus had a mostly positive effect on the country’s economic condition. However, even though the stimulus did have a positive effect in the fight against the recession, it clearly did not go far enough. Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman has suggested that the stimulus would have needed almost $2.9 trillion in spending in order to successfully reverse the effects of the recession, falling well sort of the bill’s $891 billion price tag. The basic problem at the heart of this recession, as economists such as Krugman have suggested, is a lack of demand — people aren’t spending money. So, while

the private sector holds on to its money, the government ought to spend money on projects such as infrastructure, boosting entitlements, and other programs in order to increase demand and get people spending again. This in turn will encourage the private sector to free up its assets, restoring economic growth. Looking at how other countries have handled the Great Recession shows the value of this approach. While countries that embarked on radical austerity programs, such as Great Britain, Greece, and Spain, have led those economies into double-dip recessions and, in the case of Greece, full-on depression, nations such as Japan, which engaged in massive public works spending, have seen their economies grow at rates not seen in years. It is our view that, in the wake of the fifth anniversary of this cursory attempt at Keynesian economics, that the U.S. government implement renewed stimulus spending in order to bolster an economy that has been stagnating for almost half a decade. We must reverse the culture of austerity and gridlock that has gripped Washington and massively mobilize our countries resources in order restore our economy to a state that is not only healthy but thriving. YOUR TURN Do you think the U.S. should spend more on economic-stimulus efforts? Weigh in at

Online comments Re: We need Black History Month

population. It’s working like a charm.

There is a big difference between recognizing something happening in the past and continuing to apologize for something that I had nothing to do with. I for one don’t know anyone who has been a slave. Although the newest and coolest form of slavery is taking over the country using social programs to create a dependent

You shouldn’t ever have to feel a need to apologize for something you didn’t do. Nor should you ever feel it necessary to try to justify something you didn’t do. No one is asking that you apologize, just that you empathize. Put yourself in the shoes of the oppressed and admit that such a situation would suck, and then make

Nathan J. Fisher

sure that you help make sure these things never, ever happen again. Make sure that you look at people as people and not as things, and that is all you ever really need to do to help make the world a better place.

pretentious and self-absorbed. His article, as someone else has noted, is “like a dispatch from the Martian Embassy.” A connection with the CIA? Professor Bennett needs help. And soon.

Re: Article roils Workshop’s waters

I have it on good authority that the Martian Embassy had nothing to do with Mr. Bennett’s article.

Nate Mims

Eric Bennett is remarkably

Osvaldo Francisco Díaz-Duque

Eric R. Weston


On the CIA, UI Writers’ Workshop Christopher Merrill or anyone else interested in seeing the documentary evidence for the CIA support of writing at Iowa should consult series two, box four, file four (1 Nov. 1964-31 March 1969) of the Paul Engle Papers in the University of Iowa Main Library’s Special Collections. That folder contains a list of contributors for 1967, including the Farfield Foundation. The Farfield Foundation has been established by the Cold War historians Frances Stonor Saunders and Hugh Wilford as a CIA front. The library permitted me to make a copy of the contributor list in question for my own records when I visited in 2007, and I would send along a PDF, but I do not have permission to reproduce the image. The papers are open to the public, and I encourage anybody who is curious to go have a look. What, exactly, was happening in Paul Engle’s life in 1967? Was the CIA money intended for the Writers’ Workshop or the International Writing Program? The donation landed in the IWP coffers, but the questions are nevertheless good ones. Wikipedia (and other popular accounts) cite 1965 as the last year of Engle’s directorship of the domestic Workshop. This

is approximately true, but the narrative in the archives has the chaos of the worst of academic politics and reflects Engle’s great reluctance to relinquish his central role in the Workshop. It’s sad, boring stuff, and full of conflicting viewpoints and rancorous spats. In spring 1965, Engle got waylaid at a faculty meeting and was surprised to discover that he was losing control of the Workshop. He had been away from Iowa City a lot, traveling internationally. His surrogates had been making important decisions without him, and he was enraged. So it’s definitely true to say that in spring 1965, his grip on the Workshop began to slip. But as late as spring of 1966 (a year later), Eugene Garber (the unofficial acting director of the Workshop in 196566) and Vance Bourjaily (faculty) sent letters from Iowa City to ask Engle (in Europe) about enrollment and personnel issues. Engle still, as far as I can tell, considered the Wrokshop to be his show, and he was treated by faculty as a necessary person to be consulted regarding important matters in spring 1966. In fall 1966, amid continuing turmoil, George Starbuck assumed the directorship of the Workshop. Engle was finally

fully ousted. He did not found the IWP with Nieh Hualing (who would later become his wife) until June 1967. I can’t judge from the documents that I’ve seen the exact week or month when Engle, privately and mentally, at last let go of the domestic program. He had been building the Workshop since the early 1940s and thinking of it as an internationally minded program at least since the mid-1950s. The letting go of the directorship was hard for him. Yet, despite the ambiguity of the timeline, I feel comfortable saying, based on all the evidence I have seen to date, that the donors whom Engle lists in 1967 were courted by him in 1966 or earlier, in months and years when Engle was still thinking of international writing as a dimension of the Workshop and not a separate thing. The money was raised for the Workshop but went to the IWP. Many of the individuals and organizations on the list in question, unlike the Farfield Foundation, were long-standing sponsors of the domestic Workshop. In retrospective accounts, Engle presented the founding of the IWP in June 1967 as a spontaneous development unrelated to the Workshop. The archival evidence suggests something different: that

the gesture reflected pride and anger as well as idealism. He left the Workshop, founded the IWP, and took his donors with him. The CIA connection, which was fleeting, and which straddles the confusing months of the Workshop power struggle, serves the argument of my piece in the Chronicle Review by fitting a long pattern of evidence from Engle’s career as a fundraiser. I argue that he promoted the Workshop as a bastion of American free expression in contrast to Soviet control of the arts. The CIA detail, to judge by last week’s flap, is symbolically potent. But it doesn’t bear especially on what I consider to be the parts of my argument most worth discussing. The debate I had hoped to give rise to is about American literature since the 1950s. Have we, as creative writers, inherited more assumptions than we think? My hunch is yes. But I would love for the conversation to continue and for us to draw on as much historical evidence as we can all dig up together. Eric Bennett is an assistant professor of English at Providence College. His article “How Iowa Flattened Literature” recently appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education.


churches Continued from front Schaller believes Iowa City’s churches and Christian clubs should be very

colab Continued from front for companies,” Hanson said. “What we try and do is manage the space. We

seniors Continued from front [members] look at what information they need and what kind of survey they may or may not need [would be beneficial],” said

schooling Continued from front email the bill gives families a chance to utilize resources while providing additional options. “In a nutshell, it added new options without taking away from current resources, programs, or



hands on, which lends to the growth in young attendees. As of this fall, Cru is up to around 300 members, a significant growth from its 12 members during the first year of its operation nearly

a decade ago. Ed Fitzpatrick, the priest at the Newman Catholic Student Center, echoed Schaller’s opinion in regards to establishing a place that is more active with the younger generation.

“We offer free food, a place for students to study; it’s a supportive and nurturing environment for young people to come in,” he said. “I think this has helped maintain our numbers at service because I ha-

ven’t noticed a decrease at our services since I started here in 1982.” Krohn said the key to maintaining the interest of young adults lies in versatility. “We’re constantly meet-

ing with students and seeing what events engaged people and which ones didn’t,” he said. “So, we’re adapting and trying to find what works and help establish lasting relationships.”

want the companies and members to see the space as their space.” The Coralville CoLab is the second co-working space that collaborates with businesses by providing public and private

work areas to network with companies. Hanson said the new facility is only half as large as its Iowa City counterpart, 316 E. Court St. “There is a more organic cooperation that needs to

grow between businesses over time,” Hanson said. “We are a little bit of a catalyst for our members by hosting social functions and programs, but we don’t force them into anything, and we allow them to grow

naturally.” David Hensley, the executive director of the University of Iowa’s Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center, said the new center is one more inexpensive step for many young entrepreneurs

to networking into the Iowa City community. “It provides a plate of inspiration for entrepreneurs to network and develop their start-up businesses and ideas with other local businesses,” Hensley said.

Councilor Susan Mims. Dickens disagreed and opposed the resolution because he believed a survey was necessary before the council could proceed. “We need to do a survey before we go ahead,” he said. “I think we should defer until we do that.”

The council agreed that the Senior Center already provides fine services, though it may not be able to keep up with a growing and diversifying senior population in Iowa City. “The purpose [of the committee] is to look at changes in the senior pop-

ulation,” Councilor Jim Throgmorton said. “[Our] senior population is [becoming] much more diverse.” Botchway disagreed with some of the wording of the resolution, which states at least one member of the council will serve on

the committee. Botchway proposed an amendment to have this particular language removed from the resolution; it failed with a 4-3 vote. Botchway felt having a councilor be required to serve on the committee would remove a spot that

could be occupied by someone from the aging Iowa City community. “I just felt like it was a situation where, [the councilors] interests are already represented on council,” he said. “I would like to see that position filled by one of the affected people.”

opportunities,” she said. “There aren’t many new laws that achieve that.” Marti Melton-Streeter, a lobbyist for the Iowa Home School Assistance Program Professionals, said that the new program could become a “loophole.” “I think it’s important to realize that with any change, there may need to be modification to that

change,” Melton-Streeter said. “Just because the bill was passed does not mean it should be set in stone.” She said, as an example, a family who told one school district that they would homeschool their child would not be required to tell another school district if they should move. In this case,

there would be no one to check on the child’s progress. “I am really concerned about some of those students who may get lost,” Melton-Streeter said. “It’s only 1 or 2 percent, but that 1 or 2 percent could make a huge difference in that child’s life.” While she doesn’t believe that the new chang-

es will influence more families to leave the public school system, she does think that the bill “might get rough along the way.” “People have the right to homeschool,” Melton-Streeter said. “I just think with that privilege also comes responsibility.” Farrier was more optimistic, saying that Iowa’s

homeschooling families have proven themselves to be competent. “I think it’s especially appropriate that we, as a state, are providing a wide range of options for students and families, including in the area of homeschooling, to achieve the education that best suits their needs,” she said.




Daily Break

the ledge This column reflects the opinion of the author and not the DI Editorial Board, the Publisher, Student Publications Inc., or the University of Iowa.

General and unsolicited advice:

• Never go to the grocery store hungry, the mall broke, or the retirement home horny. • Quit searching for “inner beauty”; inner beauty is myth. It’s not worth searching for, let alone finding, for to find inner beauty is to dig blood and viscera and slimy, stringy, smelly, squishy squickitude. Inner beauty is anything but beautiful, and it’s definitely best left unwitnessed. Admittedly, I’m extrapolating from my experience with fetal pigs, but I’m told humans are remarkably similar. • If you don’t have a television, but you still watch tons of TV and movies via your laptop or tablet, then you have absolutely no right to be condescending about “not owning a television.” It’s like derisively telling people you don’t own a swimming pool because you prefer to do laps in a hot tub. • If anybody ever advises you to “just be yourself,” it’s because they don’t care enough to think up (or honestly don’t have) any actual advice for you. • Asking if something counts as cheating on your S.O. counts as cheating on your S.O. Andrew R. Juhl hides his depression behind superfluous exclamation points!!!!! despite F. Scott Fitzgerald’s advice on exclamation points.

today’s events • Iowa Centers for Enterprises Dev/Iowa Bootcamp, nine-week program for web developers, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Thinc Lab, 122 E. Market • English Language Discussion Circles, noon, S126 Pappajohn Business Building • Engineering Staff Advisory Council Soup/Chili Cook-Off, noon- 1 p.m., Seamans second-floor lobby • Anatomy/Cell Biology Seminar, “Abeta42 Induces Hyperexcitability in a Pathway that Leads to Learning and Motor Deficits, Neurodegeneration, and Premature Death,” Susan Tsunoda, Colorado State, 1 p.m., Bowen 1-561 • Express Workshops, 1 p.m., Main Library Learning Commons Group Area D • CIMBA Italy Information Session, 2:30 p.m., 4511 Seamans • Lichtenberger Library Xpress Class, 2:30-2:45 p.m., 2001C Seamans • Study Skills & Test Taking, Academic Support & Retention, 4:30 p.m., 343 IMU

• Six-Week Start-Up, 6-9 p.m., Research Park BioVentures Center • Out of Bounds: Using Art to Create Conversations about Bullying, 6:30 p.m., N110 Public Health Building • “Live from Prairie Lights,” Nonfiction Writing Program Visiting Professor Bernard Cooper, 7 p.m., Prairie Lights, 15 S. Dubuque • Olympic Viewing & Free Food, Whitey’s Ice Cream, 7:30 p.m., 1505 Seamans • School of Music Presents: Symphony Orchestra, 7:30 p.m., IMU Main Lounge • Eric Bibb and Ruthie Foster, 8 p.m., Englert, 221 E. Washington • Talk Art, 10 p.m., Mill, 120 E. Burlington submit an event Want to see your special event appear here? Simply submit the details at:

8-9 a.m. Morning Drive 10-11 p.m. The Dog House Noon-2 Sports Block 4-5 Daytrotter 5 KRUI News 6-7 Yew Piney Mountain 7-8 Live from Prairie 8-10 … Back to Saturn-X! 10- Midnight Theater of the Mind


Wednesday, February 19, 2014 by Eugenia Last

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Take care of business. Don’t get dragged down or into a situation that has the potential to make you look bad. Keep things moving along without complication, and you will show your strength and ability to get things done. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Stay focused on what you need to accomplish. Don’t get involved in rumors or office politics. Put greater emphasis on what you have to offer and the ways you can diversify in order to make the most professionally and financially. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Follow your heart, and go in the direction that suits you best. Refuse to let anyone railroad you into something you know little about. Express your thoughts, and push for what you want to see unfold. Taking the initiative will be your best course of action. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Get involved in your community or in an activity that will add to your knowledge regarding a skill you have. Finding ways to improve will take you in a new direction that may be questioned by friends or relatives. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): A short trip or conversation with an expert will help you make a decision that will alter your course and help you find the satisfaction and happiness you desire. Don’t look back when forward motion has so much to offer. Follow your heart. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Take it easy, relax, and enjoy your friends. Go shopping for something that will help update your appearance. Spend some time socializing with someone you love to be with. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Tie up loose ends before someone brings them to your attention. Complaints will end in hard feelings and a change in an important relationship. Now is not the time to overreact. Just get things done, and live up to any promises you made. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Have some fun, learn something new, and venture into unfamiliar territory. It’s time to expand your mind, your friendships, and your interests. Romance will improve your life and lead to a personal change that will make you happy. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): It’s important to have a clear picture of your situation, surroundings, and what other think or want to do in order to make a judgment call that can determine your future. Have a heart-to-heart talk before making a personal or professional decision. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Don’t tamper with something that is working. Step back, and watch things unfold. The less you do or say, the better. You will be blamed for whatever goes wrong if you decide to interfere. Don’t try to change others. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Strategize and push to activate your plans. Don’t be shy; express your thoughts, and use your skills openly to reach your goals. Rewards will come your way along with recognition and praise. Stand tall, and be proud of your accomplishments. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Ease your stress by making the changes that will help you achieve stability in your life personally, financially, and physically. A chance to help someone you have worked with in the past will lead to a new and prosperous opportunity.

Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence. —Leonardo da Vinci



Locals affected by events in Ukraine

Sticking with home for the Olympics By Lily Abromeit

Anti-government protesters clash with riot police in Kiev’s Independence Square, the epicenter of Ukraine’s current unrest, on Tuesday. At least 18 people were killed in street clashes when thousands of armed police officers attacked a large opposition camp in Ukraine’s capital that has been the center of nearly three months of anti-government protests. (Associated Press/Efrem Lukatsky)

By Rebecca Morin

Nearly 5,000 miles across the globe, a nation is roiling with political unrest. Starting in November 2013, citizens of Ukraine began protesting against President Viktor Yanukovych after he stopped working toward a free-trade deal with the European Union. The protests have continued on with the most recent clash resulting in nearly 22 reported dead and more than 1,000 injured after clashes on Tuesday. “Ukraine’s population is socially and politically polarized,” said William Reisinger, a UI professor of political science. “In the parts of the country where Russia’s influence is strongest, which are the eastern and southern regions, Ukrainians tend to back President Yanukovych and his pro-Russian policies.” However, throughout the four months, the protests have been hard to keep organized and disciplined, Reisinger said. “… Some want to use

force to get rid of the protesters quickly, while others want a more cautious, peaceful approach,” Reisinger said. “Therefore, behind-thescenes developments can cause what looked like a good situation last weekend to turn into a very bad one.” Although the protests are occurring halfway across the world, residents of Iowa City from Ukraine are not ignoring the country’s problems. UI senior Liliya Bubiy, who moved from Ukraine 10 years ago, said she has followed the recent events online. “It’s very sad and hard to believe that our government is hurting its own people, but unfortunately, things like this happen everywhere in the world even today,” she said. “I am overfilled with pride after seeing how hard the Ukrainian people are fighting for our freedom and rights, and what’s more astonishing is the fact that Ukrainians all over the world are supporting them.” The UI has five Ukrainian students enrolled, as well as several other faculty members

from Ukraine. Although there have yet to be any negotiations between the opposing citizens and Yanukovych, officials believe it should happen soon before violence becomes too severe. “The possibility of the best-case scenario, a negotiated settlement, may be lost if the violence doesn’t stop very soon,” Reisinger said. “On the other hand, if Yanukovych is willing to face foreign condemnation, his government has sufficient military power to end the protests and throw opposition leaders in jail. It’s possible he has now decided to do so.” Bubiy said the one option to restore peace is to see Yanukovych to resign. “…I believe that the only option for our president is resignation,” she said. “The people have placed a lot of trust into him; however, he has continually ignored their wishes, passed laws that limit their freedom of speech, and hurt them through the riot police … Their patience is gone, and they won’t give up until they see him resign.”

and the U.S.-China relationship. Fifty undergraduates at the UI, as well as faculty, staff, and graduate students, will participate in the global leadership workshop from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in the Adler Journalism Building. Members of the UI and Iowa City community are welcome to observe

the event. Those interested may RSVP to Dongwang Liu by emailing A schedule for Saturday’s workshop is available at international. — by Kristen East

world UI to hold globalization workshop University of Iowa International Programs will host a daylong workshop on Saturday about globalization



The Olympic games reach globally, and a few international students feel the effect at the University of Iowa. While they may be studying here, many said they do not feel a strong enough connection to the United States to cheer for the American teams during the Winter Olympics. “I’m very indifferent about it,” UI junior Kumar Agrawal said. “I’m an international student here, [and] I’m studying here, but it’s really not a big deal for me [how the United States does].” Agrawal, who was born in Nepal but grew up in Thailand, said he doesn’t feel as connected to the United States as he does to what he considers his homelands. UI senior Juyun Han said she feels the same way about her home country, South Korea. Han said she doesn’t understand why international students would want to cheer for more than their home country, because she sees her time here as purely for educational reasons. “I think for international students, America is not their country; this is just a country for studying,” she said. “I [would] think almost every international student would cheer for their own countries, not the [United States].” For one UI student, his homeland does not play a superior role when he decides which team to cheer for during the games. “I cheer for the United States,” said UI senior Pratik Bhakta, who was born in Canada. “I still have a Canadian passport, I’m still a Canadian citizen, but if you ask me what my country is, I would say the United States.” Bhakta said sometimes the intense pro-America culture that surfaces during the Olympics can be intense. “It can be a bit over-

whelming at times, just because the overwhelming majority of fans are United States fans,” he said. He thinks a lot of hostility can arise between opposing countries and fans, because the Olympics are all about pride. “It only happens every four years, [and] it’s where you’re from,” he said. “I think people take a lot of pride in it … and I think you’re born with [that pride].” Kaitlin Najeong Kim, a UI junior from South Korea, said she cheers for her country no matter how well it does simply out of loyalty. “I think it is very natural that international students cheer for their own country, because the fact that I am a Korean, and Korea is my country doesn’t change, despite [the fact that] I am outside of my country,” she wrote in an email. Kim said she also has experienced the pressure to support a certain team. However, she said she does not think the United States has as strong of commitment to the games as other countries might. “If other [American] stu-

dents (were) enthusiastic about [the] Olympics, and [the] majority of people cheered for [the United States], I would be influenced by those people,” she said. UI senior Abdul Aljoufi said he thinks the Olympics are more about the sport, not the countries competing. “When you see the sports that are actually happening, it’s not that the United States is happening, it’s just the sports,” he said. However, Aljoufi, who is the president of the Arab Student Association, said for many students from the Middle East, the Winter Olympics do not provide the entertainment they wish to see. “The thing is, we don’t follow the Winter Olympics in general because when it comes to the Middle East … the sport most people follow is soccer,” he said. Aljoufi, who is originally from Yemen, said if his home country and the United States ever went head-to-head, he wouldn’t know which to cheer for. “If they played against each other, honestly, I would be happy either way,” he said. “I belong to both.”


wrestling Continued from 12 denominator on the bottom, and I have to fix it.” And with one dual left before the postseason begins, Dziewa has an opportunity to fix the problem, but those two losses — particularly to Dutton — could make a difference once seeds are released for the Big Ten Tournament As we explained in this week’s edition of DITV’s Matside webisode, Penn State’s Zain Retherford and Ohio State’s Logan Stieber virtually have locked up the top-two seeds in the tournament — which will begin on March 8 in Madison, Wis. In no particular order, Chris Dardanes of Minnesota, Dutton, and Dziewa will presumably fill spots 3, 4, and 5. Dziewa has one more shot on Feb. 23 against Wisconsin to improve his draw in the tournament. “I would say there’s clearly something wrong, and it’s time to fix it,” he said.


National Duals reactions

The National Duals were held on Sunday and Monday in Columbus, Ohio. Minnesota topped Cornell, 24-15. There has been an air of controversy surrounding the tournament, and after competing in the event last season, Iowa was absent from this year’s edition. Head coach Tom Brands was short when speaking about the event at Iowa’s wrestling media availability on Tuesday. “You follow it because it’s your competition, we saw the Minnesota-Cornell dual, we saw the Minnesota-Ohio State semifinal so you pay attention just like you pay attention every week to relevant competition and relevant results,” Brands said. Iowa 133-pounder Tony Ramos echoed the statements of his head coach but also said he was glad the nation’s second-ranked team didn’t attend. “I feel like the people who run the National Duals, or are heads of the National Duals, are a little bit political, maybe a nicer way to say it,” Ra-


mos, a senior, said. “I’m not too big of a fan of it.”

125 in the postseason Iowa wrestling fans know Brands and his coaching staff have a good problem on their hands this season. Throughout the season, Thomas Gilman and Cory Clark have traded the starting spot at 125 back-and-forth, and Brands only has one more dual before deciding who to wrestle at the Big Ten tournament. The eighth-year head coach compared the situation with the decision he made at 184 pounds last season. Ethen Lofthouse and Grant Gambrall had a wrestle off to determine the situation. Brands said a decision hasn’t been made in terms of a wrestle-off, saying it may not be the way to make the decision. “[It is] not easy to do; you have two really good guys there, both guys are doing it,” Brands said. “Both guys are the top four in the country, if not the best guy in the country, I believe that. So we’ll pick one and go.”


Continued from 12

box scores, NFL scouts and draft pundits still seem to be in love with the upside of Fiedorowicz’s game. Dane Brugler, the owner/operator of, offered his analysis of Fiedorowicz on CBS Sports’ NFL draft database. “Good versatility, showing the ability to come off a down block to get past defenders as a receiver,” Brugler said. “Good body control and soft hands for such a large man, traits that have led Washington junior Austin Seferian-Jenkins to earn a lot of attention as a possible first-round pick. “Fiedorowicz isn’t as flashy as [Seferian-Jenkins], but he’s just as big and fast in a straight line and is a much more physical and attentive blocker.” The praise for Fiedorowicz’s skills hasn’t stopped there. Phil Savage, the executive director of the prospect-heavy Senior Bowl, graded Fiedorowicz as the top tight end at the conclusion of the 2014 event. “C.J. won the Alabama Power Most Outstanding Receiver for the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday practices,” Savage wrote. “He has excellent size

basketball Continued from 12 Assembly Hall. Coach McCaffery and his team are returning from Indiana tonight. We are working with Indiana Athletics Director Fred Glass and

Iowa tight ends Ray Hamilton and C.J. Fiedorowicz react after Fiedorowicz’s 10-yard touchdown at the end of the second quarter in Kinnick Stadium on Oct. 5, 2013. Fiedorowicz caught three passes during the game to extend his streak of consecutive games with a reception to 24. (The Daily Iowan/Tessa Hursh) with a proportioned body and is physical enough to continue developing as a blocker. He demonstrated more suddenness in and out of his cuts that will allow him to get separation when facing man coverage. “His hands are dependable, and he provides a large catching radius for the QB. Expect to see C.J. get on the field as a rookie in two- and three-TE personnel groupings. He has the physical development and mental maturity to contribute in his first year.” In Savage’s “career forecast” portion of his report, he wrote that Fiedorowicz is a “potential starter (within three seasons).” Currently, you’ll find Fiedorowicz’s name anywhere from the second to fourth rounds on

the blogosphere’s mock drafts. In his defense, Fiedorowicz was never fully utilized in the Hawkeye offense, and his numbers show that. But at the same time, you have to wonder how much of his disappointing stat line had to do with the scheme and tendencies of Iowa’s offense, and how much of it was actually correlative to Fiedorowicz’s talent. If he is to succeed in the NFL, the 22-year old will have to be more assertive and demanding in the passing game than he was at Iowa. And if he and his eventual team can figure out a way to have his skills translate to results on paper, Fiedorowicz will easily be the most successful pro of the 2014 Iowa draft class.

the Big Ten to determine when and, possibly, where to play the game.” The idea of moving the game to Bankers Life Field House — the home of the Indiana Pacers — was kicked around by officials. And according to reports, the Pacers made the building available to the teams

Wednesday night. But, for logistical reasons, Indiana was not able to accept the Pacers’ offer. Iowa’s next scheduled game is Saturday, when it will host No. 16 Wisconsin in Carver-Hawkeye. The Hawkeyes were defeated by the Badgers on Jan. 5, 75-71.

Softball seeks rebound

Then-Hawkeye Nikki Gentile receives some instructions from head coach Marla Looper during the Hawks’ game against Wisconsin at Pearl Field on March 29, 2013. The Hawkeyes lost the second game of a double-header, 8-0, in five innings. (The Daily Iowan/File Photo)

By Jack Rossi

Iowa softball will have to shore up some offensive inconsistencies if it wants to get back to a .500 record anytime soon. The Hawkeyes returned from a jam-packed weekend in which they played five games in three days, and they now see themselves in a hole with a record of 3-6. “We got quite a few hits, but not when runners were in scoring position, so that kind of hurt,” head coach Marla Looper said. Iowa recorded only 2 runs in its four losses and saved all of its offensive production for the final game against Drake, in which they unloaded for 16 hits and 9 runs. Base running has been a weak area for the team this season — the Hawkeyes have made mental errors on the base paths, and the mistakes have ruined crucial scoring opportunities.

“We are running into outs …We are getting called out on leaving the base early on a fly ball when we have plenty of time to get to the next base,” Looper said. Looper and the coaching staff hope to address the issues this week. “We are going to work a lot on base running, and getting reads, and reading ground balls, fly balls, when to move and when not to move, so it becomes more instinctual and not questionable,” she said. The offense is not without some bright spots. Freshman Claire Fritsch and sophomore Erin Erickson have been two of the few productive players. Fritsch has begun her college career on the right foot, putting up a staggering .444 batting average in nine games. “We work hard in the cages and everything, so I think it finally came out and showed on the field. I am seeing the ball re-

ally well, and playing at Baylor — I have played on that field since I was a kid, so I felt really comfortable playing there,” she said. Erickson leads the team with 2 home runs after nine games; she didn’t hit any long balls last season. “I like to think that I am becoming more of a leader on and off the field,” she said. “I think as the season will progress we will all feed of each other in terms of how comfortable we are as a team. We are just working through some kinks right now.”






Wrestlers remain No. 2 InterMat announced Tuesday that the Iowa wrestling team stayed No. 2 in the NCAA Division-I rankings. Penn State holds the top spot, and Minnesota, Oklahoma State, and Cornell round Brands out the top head coach five. Below are Iowa’s ranked wrestlers. Previous week’s rankings are in parentheses. 125 pounds: No. 5 Thomas Gilman, RS Freshman (5)
 133 pounds: No. 3 Tony Ramos, Senior (3)

 141 Pounds: No. 13 Josh Dziewa, Junior (9) 
 149 Pounds: No. 7 Brody Grothus, Sophomore (7)

 157 Pounds: No. 2 Derek St. John, Senior (2)

 165 Pounds: No. 4 Nick Moore, Junior (4)

 174 Pounds: No. 5 Mike Evans, Junior (5)

 184 Pounds: No. 4 Ethen Lofthouse, Senior (4)

 197 Pounds: No. 13 Nathan Burak, Sophomore (14)

 Heavyweight: No. 3 Bobby Telford, Junior (3) — by Danny Payne

For up-to-date coverage of Hawkeye sports, follow us on twitter at @DI_Sports_Desk


Assembly Hall not so assembled Falling metal in Assembly Hall postponed Tuesday’s Iowa-Indiana men’s basketball game. By Ryan Probasco

The Iowa-Indiana men’s basketball game scheduled for 8 p.m. (CST) Tuesday was postponed as a result of metal falling from the ceiling of the Hoosiers’ Assembly Hall. According to reports, roughly 6 ½ hours before game time, a metal facing

approximately 8 feet long and 14 inches wide fell and damaged seats in the northwest corner of the arena. Currently, the teams do not have a makeup date set, but by Big Ten rules, the schools have 72 hours to do so. If they are unable to reschedule during that window, the conference will intervene.

“Safety is our No.1 priority,” Indiana Athletics Director Fred Glass said. “Our university engineers have advised us to postpone events in Glass A s s e m b l y Indiana AD Hall until

it can be determined what caused the facing to fall and ensure the safety of everyone attending an event in the facility.” Iowa AD Gary Barta also released a statement regarding the game’s postponement. “Obviously, we are disappointed [Tuesday’s] game had to be canceled. Fran [McCaffery] and his team

are in contention for a Big Ten title and were looking forward to the opportunity to getting back on the court,” Barta said. “The most important part of this equation is safety. We are in full support of Indiana’s decision to postpone the game based on the issues with See basketball, 8

nfl combine 2014

Scouts high on C.J.

Iowa State 85, Texas 76 AMES — Texas coach Rick Barnes thought the Longhorns weren’t tough enough early or smart enough late to beat Iowa State. But missing 47 shots is what really killed Texas against the Cyclones. Melvin Ejim scored 25 points, and DeAndre Kane added 22 to help No. 17 Iowa State beat No. 19 Texas, 85-76, on Tuesday night for its fifth victory in six games. Georges Niang had 20 points for the Cyclones (20-5, 8-5 Big 12), who clinched their third-straight 20-win season under coach Fred Hoiberg. Iowa State outscored Texas 25-12 late in the second half to pull away and move within a game of the second-place Longhorns in the Big 12. They were keyed by Ejim, who had his second-best scoring game of the season. — Associated Press

WINTER OLYMPICS MEDAL COUNT Netherlands: 20 United States: 20 Russia: 19 Norway: 18 Canada: 17 Germany: 15

SCOREBOARD NCAAM San Diego State 60, Utah State 45 Kentucky 84, Mississippi 70 Iowa State 85, Texas 76 Virginia 57, Virginia Tech 53 Louisville 80, South Florida 54 Villanova 82, Providence 79 (F/2OT) Kansas 64, Texas Tech 63 Duke 68, Georgia Tech 51 Iowa, Indiana (postponed) NBA Denver 107, Phoenix 112 LA Clippers 103, San Antonio 113 Indiana 108, Atlanta 98 Cleveland 114, Philadelphia 85 Toronto 103, Washington 93 Charlotte 108, Detroit 96 Memphis 98, New York 93 Milwaukee 104, Orlando 100 Miami 117, Dallas 106 Olympic Hockey (M) Slovenia 4, Austria 0 Russia 4, Norway 0 Czech Republic 5, Slovakia 3 Latvia 3, Switzerland 1 Champions League Soccer Paris St. Germain 4, Bayer Leverkusen 0 Barcelona 2, Manchester City 0

WHAT TO WATCH NCAAM Boston College vs. Syracuse, 6 p.m., ESPN2 Washington vs. Oregon, 8 p.m., ESPN2 NBA Indiana vs. Milwaukee, 7 p.m., ESPN Houston vs. LA Lakers, 9:30 p.m., ESPN

Iowa tight end C.J. Fiedorowicz runs down the Iowa sideline in TCF Bank Stadium in Minneapolis on Sept. 28, 2013. Fiedorowicz ran for 13-yards on the carry, and Iowa defeated Minnesota, 23-7. (The Daily Iowan/Tessa Hursh)

C.J. Fiedorowicz’s bottom-line production may have been underwhelming at Iowa, but scouts love the potential of his skills. By Ryan Probasco

When C.J. Fiedorowicz enrolled at Iowa as a four-star recruit in the fall of 2010, many dubbed the Johnsburg, Ill., native as the next man up in the Hawkeyes’ long line of successful tight ends.

Although his presence was always felt in the Iowa offense, there’s no debating that Fiedorowicz’s results never fully reached the potential fans and followers of the program thought it would produce. The now 6-7, 265-pound receiver set a career high in touchdowns with 6 this past season but only hauled in 30 passes for 299 yards.

The lack of consistent production from a player so skilled was dually frustrating, considering he decommitted from Illinois in favor of Iowa because he didn’t believe the Illini used tight ends efficiently. But despite his underwhelming output in See combine, 8


Hawk Dziewa not perturbed By Danny Payne

Josh Dziewa has lost the last two matches he has wrestled: The Iowa 141-pounder dropped a 3-2 decision to Michigan’s Steve Dutton, who is ranked in InterMat’s top 10, on Feb. 9, and the Yardley, Pa., native lost, 5-3, to Laike Gardner less than a week later, on Feb. 14, during his team’s 31-6 win over Lehigh. But the junior isn’t worried that he has failed to wrestle at the highest level he is capable of in the last two duals. “I wouldn’t say ‘worried’ is the right word; if you look at the matches, they were similar,” Dziewa said. “There was a common See wrestling, 8

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Iowa 141-pounder Josh Dziewa looks up at the clock during his match against Anthony Collica of Oklahoma State in Carver-Hawkeye on Jan. 10. Iowa defeated Oklahoma State, 24-6. (The Daily Iowan/Callie Mitchell)

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