The Daily Iowan - 03/13/14

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Exuberant Politics hosts “Protect Our Parks, Pass It On,” an event dedicated to raising awareness of fracking this weekend. 80 Hours.





New hospital progressing, officials say UI officials say the new Children’s Hospital is on schedule and on budget. The new children’s

hospital is now

30% done There will be:

189 BEDS

14 floors 186 floor to ceiling windows

Construction continues on the new Children’s Hospital on Wednesday. The target completion date is March 2016. (The Daily Iowan/Valerie Burke)

By Ian Murphy

University of Iowa Health Care officials said despite the harsh winter weather, the new Children’s Hospital is on schedule and on budget — and as they continue to work, they are making sure the building is going to last. The new hospital is approximately 30 percent complete and has moved into the tower-construction phase. The new underground parking ramp is almost 62

percent complete, said Ken Kates, the UIHC CEO. Officials do not expect the project to exceed its $292 million budget. In the coming months, workers will continue to build upon the base of the building. “For the next few months, the activity for the Children’s Hospital will be on pouring concrete and tying steel reinforcing,” Kates said. “So far, 20,000 cubic yards of concrete have been poured, so about 40 percent of the total.” During the construction period, offi-

cials have also focused on ensuring the building can withstand severe weather conditions. Construction on the exterior of the building will begin in July. There will be 186 floor-to-ceiling patient room windows in the building, which Kates said will provide great views and natural light for patients, family, and staff. “Each window weighs 1,750 pounds,” Kates said, “The building has been designed to be high performing during severe weather.”

In addition to the views the windows provide, it will also provide patients, staff, and families with safety in the event of an emergency. The windows have four layers of heat-treated glass and two safety inner layers designed to resist projectiles and debris. “We’ve done extensive testing to make sure they are safe,” Kates said. Kates said experts have fired projecSee hospital, 3A

Legislators consider elderly abuse law

UI’s revamped email warning wins praise

The legislation defines abuse more thoroughly.

University officials said adjusted wording in sexual-assaultwarning emails is more sensitive to victims.

By Megan Deppe

take place on Friday. Bob Welsh, a member of the task force and part of the Older Iowa Legislature, As the next legislative funnel draws said the current bill requires the elderly near, a bill addressing the abuse of older victim to be dependent on a caretaker Iowans has been prepared for discussion. and the abuser in the caretaker role. “We want an adult-abuse bill that proThe proposed law would focus specifically on issues involving persons of age tects all Iowans,” Welsh said. Welsh said the issue with this bill is 60 and over. It would define abuse more thoroughly and set up an Elder Abuse that of the many reported cases of elderly abuse, a large percentage of cases do not and Resource Program. fit into the definiThe House of tion of abuse in Representatives ‘The government needs to put more the current Deamended the bill Abuse on Wednesday by money into investigators for elder abuse.’ pendent Bill. establishing the — Jeanette Daly, associate research scientist in family According to crime of financial medicine the Dependent exploitation, creAdult Abuse Staating protective orders for elderly victims, and working tistical Report from the Iowa Departto continue the task force that works to ment of Human Services, there were a reported 3,409 cases of abuse between July improve the system. This will be the first time that the and December in 2013, and only 1,098 abuse of older Iowans is addressed broad- of those were accepted until the current ly, after two years of work by a task force terms. in the Iowa Department of Aging. The funnel that the bill will pass through will See abuse, 3A





Mostly sunny, breezy.

By Lily Abromeit

A new “trigger” warning in emails implemented by the University of Iowa is set to shield people from reliving traumatic experiences regarding sexual assault. Officials made adjustments in the warning email sent by the university after a sexual assault is reported. Language in the emails was adjusted after UI students said the emails contained vic- Rocklin tim-blaming language. Student Life VP “We’ve long considered it important to use timely emails for education values … so there are certain things we want to communicate to people when they are thinking about sexual assault,” said UI Vice President for Student Life Tom Rocklin. “I think it’s a big improvement. We took a lot of student input on it, and I’ve heard from quite a







number of students today who think it’s very much improved.” A sexual assault reported Tuesday resulted in the first delivery of the new email. This will be the ninth reported sexual assault this academic year. Chuck Green, the assistant vice president for the UI police, said a criminal investigation is not underway because the woman is not pressing charges. The biggest change in the email is the inclusion of the trigger warning at the beginning of the email, keying readers in to the content of the message. Tracy Cox, the communications director for the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, said a trigger warning is important because without it, survivors may read information that would cause them to remember their assault. Cautionary steps continue into the second paragraph, as readers are informed of the legality of sharing this information with students and faculty. See assault, 3A

7B 8B 4A 8A 1B




The Daily Iowan

Pepperjax Coming

Volume 145 Breaking News Phone: (319) 335-6063 Email: Fax: 335-6297 Corrections Call: 335-6030 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for accuracy and fairness in the reporting of news. If a report is wrong or misleading, a request for a correction or a clarification may be made. Publishing info The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is published by Student Publications Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and university holidays, and university vacations. Periodicals postage paid at the Iowa City Post Office under the Act of Congress of March 2, 1879.

Construction continues on Wednesday at the new Pepperjax Grill on South Clinton Street at the former location of InBox Clothing. The chain operates 17 restaurants in five states. (The Daily Iowan/Valerie Burke)

Protest targets efficiency study By Ian Murphy

secure taxpayers’ investments. The study will cost approximately $2.5 million; the last comprehensive efficiency study was conducted in 1989 at a cost of $1.2 million. Jeannette Gabriel, one of the student protesters, said she and the other protesters felt decisions made about public universities should be made in a public forum with members of the public present instead of behind closed doors. “Public institutions’ decisions about how education funding should be used should be made by education experts,” Gabriel said. “This is not about cutting costs, this is about cutting opportunities to learn.” The universities need to consider better ways to spend their money, Gabriel said, and top officials need to take pay cuts before they move to cut funding for educational programs. “I think it’s a positive thing when students get involved and express their views,” UI Vice President

for Student Life said Tom Rocklin. “But we can’t have them interrupting university business.” Regent President Bruce Rastetter said this was the first time he has heard of opposition to the efficiency study. “The information we put out has all been received positively,” he said. “Our interest in doing the efficiency study is to make sure the public universities are as efficient as they possibly can be long term.” University of Iowa President Sally Mason echoed Rastetter’s statement. “This is the first that I have heard from students about a concern about Deloitte,” she said, “We want them to be part of the conversation, and hopefully, as we communicate more information, as we have more information, we can clear up any miscommunications or misunderstandings that there might be.” Corporate law firms will make the decisions, despite what university officials say about listening to the

public, Gabriel said. The study will be led by Mark Braun, President Mason’s chief of staff and chief transparency officer. “We look forward to Deloitte being on campus and meeting with the groups on campus, including the group today, should they choose to meet with them,” Rastetter said.

Regents approve cinema name change

Regents approve equipment financing

The state Board of Regents unanimously approved the University of Iowa’s request to rename a department. The Department of Cinema and Comparative Literature has requested its name be changed to the Department of Cinematic Arts. “When we were cinema and comparative literature it was difficult for students to understand what we were about,” said Professor Steve Ungar, the head of film studies. The name change will have no effect on students currently pursuing the major, he said. UI Provost Barry Butler said changing the name will have little to no cost for the university.

The UI received seven bids from financing companies for its parking equipment. Piper Jaffray won the bid and will finance the parking equipment, which is valued at $19.95 million. Piper Jaffray, a Minnesota firm, will charge the University 3.59 percent interest, which narrowly outbid Wells Fargo’s bid of 3.66 percent interest. The regents unanimously approved the financing of the equipment.

years, more than double the national average of 21.6 percent. Six-year graduation rate was 69.6 percent for the class of 2007; the national average was 48.9 percent.

Colloton and Pappajohn Pavilions, to expand pediatric clinics. The Pediatrics Department offices will be moved to level one of the General Hospital and Boyd Tower, and the Psychiatry Department will be moved to the rooftop space on level seven or eight of the Colloton Pavilion, which is nearing completion. The estimated cost of these projects is $5.4 million and $4 million.

— by Ian Murphy

The regents approved naming the new Iowa football-operations building after Richard Jacobsen. The 76,000-square-foot “Richard O. Jacobsen Football Operations Building” is under construction and is expected to be completed in the late summer. The building will include amenities such as an exhibit space dedicated to the history of the program, and it will also serve as a location for team activities, strength and conditioning, and special events. The building will be connected to the indoor practice facility.

A few University of Iowa students protested an upcoming efficiency study in the state’s public universities during the state Board of Regents meeting Wednesday. A group of four students interrupted the meeting, standing up and chanting “ditch Deloitte,” and “stop the audit” several times before being escorted out of the IMU Main Lounge. The efficiency study, which will be conducted by the New York company Deloitte, will search for inefficiencies at the regent universities and highlight ways they can run better. Deliotte will be on campus at the UI starting March 31. The study will look at all aspects at each university, including facilities, information technology, and athletics. Any inefficient funding found by the study will be reinvested in the universities. The reinvestment will be a way to

Protest A group of UI students protested the pending efficiency study of Iowa’s public universities, which will be conducted by New York company Deloitte, at the state Board of Regents’ meeting Wednesday. • Deloitte is an international consulting firm contracted to lead the efficiency study for $2.5 million. • Any inefficienctly used funds that are found in a university will be reinvested in the university. • Deloitte will be on the UI campus starting March 31. Source: State Board of Regents


Officials tout accelerated programs UI officials outlined several options for the regents’ Education and Student Affairs Committee that will benefit high-achieving students who want to spend less time in school. Mary Aquino, associate dean of the College of Public Health, Gail Agrawal, dean of the College of Law, and Milan Sonka, associate dean of the College of Engineering, discussed options students can pursue to finish their undergraduate and graduate degrees in less time. The law program will use a 3 + 3 program. The program, partnered with several universities in Iowa, will grant students their undergraduate degree at the end of their first year of law school. The master’s in public health program partnered with several other programs to offer an accelerated program. “They were excited they had a place to encourage students to go,” Aquino said. The master’s in engineering program will be a similar format to the law-school program.

— by Ian Murphy

— by Ian Murphy

Football-operations building to be named after donor

— by Ian Murphy

UI retention rate better than average

The UI is retaining and graduating students at rates above the national average. Regent Chief Academic Officer Diana Gonzalez and the annual report of student retention and graduation rates said the UI retained 85.8 percent of first-year students, well above the national average of 77.7 percent for public universities The UI also graduated 51.1 percent of the entering class of 2009 in four

— by Ian Murphy

UI to create new program in sports management

The UI received approval from the regents to create a new program in the Health and Human Physiology Department. The regents voted unanimously to approve the creation of the Bachelor of Science Program in Sport and Recreation Management. Dan Matheson, a lecturer in the Leisure Studies Department who has won four World Series rings as the director of baseball operations for the New York Yankees, said the program, currently a part of the leisure-studies degree, needs to be recognized on its own. “There’s nothing leisurely about working in sports,” Matheson told the Education and Student Affairs committee. “It’s hard for students to find us when they look for sports management [at the UI],” Matheson said. — by Ian Murphy

Regents OK hospital projects The regents approved a series of University of Iowa capital improvements proposed by the Facilities Committee. The UI Hospitals and Clinics received approval to expand the Iowa River Landing Clinic. The UIHC will develop shell space on the fourth and fifth floor of the clinic to accommodate 39 additional exam rooms. The hospital will also relocate the offices of pediatrics and psychiatry, currently located on level one of the

— by Ian Murphy

Regents OK name change The UI received approval from the regents to change the name of a program in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The name of the Bachelor of Science program in Leisure Studies will be changed to the Bachelor of Science program in Therapeutic Recreation. Students will have the option to change their degree name if they desire.

— by Ian Murphy

UI moves ahead on Art Museum UI officials hope to have their final partner for the new Museum of Art by the time the next school year starts. Rod Lehnertz, the director of planning, design, and construction for UI Facilities Management, told the regents on Wednesday that the university will release the request for qualifications after gaining approval from the regents, to companies today and that the RFQ will be due July 1. The biggest factors for competing companies are the feasibility of proposed sites and the experience of the companies, Provost Barry Butler said. The old Museum of Art was visited by several thousand people per year, Butler said.

— by Ian Murphy

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hospital Continued from front tiles at speeds of over 85 mph at the windows without causing damage. “The good thing is it did not penetrate inside the room,” he said. As the windows are being installed, officials continue to look ahead. UI spokesman Tom Moore said he is excited the hospital is on track and on budget.

abuse Continued from front Welsh said a resource and referral program “makes sense.” It would provide protection and support services for the elderly in question. “What an elder abused

assault Continued from front “The trigger is followed by the relatively neutral paragraph so readers don’t encounter the incident descript accidentally,” Rocklin said. Cox said anything could trigger a traumatic incident for a victim. Triggers can be anything from certain smells, a song, or a season of the year. “I think it’s very mindful to have that and for the university to recognize that their student body contains survivors,” she said. Rocklin said students appeared pleased with the trigger warning, as well as the language that makes it clear the perpetrator is the only person to blame. “This morning Tom Rocklin, me, and others were getting emails from students thanking us for the changes in wording to reflect the comments they were making directly to us,” said President Sally Mason on Wednesday during a state Board of Regents meeting. “So, I’m pleased with the way that’s moving along,” The language was developed through “broad consultation” with a number



“Patients and families are also excited and looking forward to having it open,” Moore said. “[It’s] less than two years away.” With the concrete poured for both the first and second levels, Kates said the anticipation is building. “There continues to be great excitement and enthusiasm about this project,” he said. Kates said plastic partitions and hot-water lines are being used as heat in order to continue to pour

concrete in the winter. The windows will overlook much of Iowa City, and the western windows will look down into Kinnick Stadium. As the construction continues, the workers are reaching out to the families who may eventually occupy the building. Workers have hidden clues throughout the worksite and have visited with patients, helping them find those clues. The new hospital building will have 189 beds,

which is a 25 percent increase over current numbers. There will be 87 natal-intensive-care beds and will have 28 pediatric and pediatric cardiac intensive care unit beds. The surgery and cancer units will have 74 beds at the new facility. As the construction continues, other UI and state officials are excited to have the new facility open. “It looks great,” Regent Nicole Carroll said.

person needs is help and support,” he said. Jeanette Daly, an associate research scientist in family medicine at the University of Iowa, said the bill should address the financial side of the issue. “The government needs to put more money into investigators for elder abuse,” she said. “Having a sole des-

ignation is the best way.” Daly said each of the 99 counties in Iowa has a department of human services. However, only 38 of these counties have investigators for elderly abuse cases, while each county has at least one investigator for child abuse. Sen. Jack Hatch, D-Des Moines, said that he hopes

the bill will pass through the funnel without problems. “We have had significant discussion on the terms of abuse and the lack of oversight,” he said. “It came out of [the Senate] with big support.” Rep. Chip Baltimore, R-Boone, said opinions were not so high in the House

of Representatives when the bill was discussed on Wednesday. “The Senate version [of the bill] creates a brandnew bureaucracy under a different department,” he said. “It’s difficult to get our arms around what this new bureaucracy is going to cost.” Baltimore said that the

funding for what the bill proposed was not there and that he couldn’t “in good conscience” pass a new bureaucracy without that funding. He also made the point that the department that would perform the investigation would have no experience in dealing with an investigation of elderly abuse.

of people, Rocklin said. The group aimed to avoid any information or language that would traumatize a victim. “We need to warn people of what’s coming and give

resource in case the warning itself reminds them and traumatizes them,” Rocklin said. Green said the language also had to avoid anything that could be used to identi-

fy the victim. Cox said transparency while protecting the victim in these notices is what universities need to aim for to be the most helpful. “Universities want to be

very forthright with information, and they also want to be very timely with it … so [students] are aware from the beginning what’s going on on campus,” she said. “That’s really import-

ant to not only set the tone as far as ‘here’s the trigger warning,’ but here’s where you can go for support and then also reinforcing the fact that [survivors are] not alone.”

Construction continues at the site of the new Children’s Hospital on Wednesday. The target completion date is March 2016. (The Daily Iowan/Valerie Burke)

Opinions 4A



End abstinenceonly education Brianne Richson

When I was 12 years old, I signed a chastity agreement along with my Catholic-school classmates after seeing a public speaker who regretted losing his virginity at a young age and had decided to become a “born-again” virgin. Obviously, at the age of 12 I had next to zero experience in romantic relationships at all, let alone those of a sexual nature, and wouldn’t gain any insight for a few years to come. But regardless, I signed this plastic, credit-card looking contract that I could keep in my wallet, pledging to God and the heavens above that I would not have sex until I was married. I cannot speak for the rest of my classmates who also signed the agreement, but I can say with confidence that I had no business making that sort of a decision about my sexuality before I had even kissed another human being. While it was not surprising that the only sex education I was exposed to in my time as a youth at Catholic school was the doctrine of abstinence, I now know that for me personally, the expectations set by this curriculum were unrealistic. President Obama is setting his sights on cutting funding for abstinence education, which would save the country about $5 million a year. Whether you are pro or anti-abstinence, I think you will agree with me when I say, “Gee, that is a lot of money that I definitely am not seeing the products of anywhere.” No matter what you teach kids in school,

they are influenced by outside factors such as the popular media, their peers (who are also influenced by the same media), and their own internal, physical drives. Particularly in today’s popular media climate, abstinence education seems archaic; any merits it does maintain stifled by the reality that sex is increasingly all around us. It is OK to teach kids that the only way to protect themselves from the risks sex entails — disease, unwanted pregnancy, possible emotional vulnerability — is to, logically, not have sex. In fact, it is more than OK. However, this important sentiment can be taught with supplementary information as to how one would have safe sex. Abstinence presented as the overwhelming, single option to today’s youth is counterproductive. Compare an abstinence-only education to the 40 minutes of gym class kids might experience per day: Even with the best intentions to get all kids, including “couch potatoes,” engaged in physical activity, the reality is that the majority of work must be done outside the school day … gym does children no good if they are just going to go home and sit eating a jar of peanut butter (not speaking from personal experience, of course). Similarly, if you tell a child or teenager that bottom-line, they should not have sex, but the media tell them otherwise the other 23 hours of the day outside of health class, which message is going to prevail? I respect the decision to wait for marriage, but I think it is a commitment people must make once they have gained experience and the proper sex education. And it is certainly not for everyone, so perhaps abstinence education funding would be better spent elsewhere.

STAFF KRISTEN EAST Editor-in-Chief JORDYN REILAND Managing Editor ZACH TILLY Opinions Editor NICK HASSETT and MATTHEW BYRD Editorial Writers MICHAEL BEALL, JOE LANE, ASHLEY LEE, LC Graf, ADAM GROMOTKA, JON OVERTON, SRI PONNADA, BRIANNE RICHSON, and BARRETT SONN Columnists ERIC MOORE Cartoonist EDITORIALS reflect the majority opinion of the DI Editorial Board and not the opinion of the Publisher, Student Publications Inc.,or the University of Iowa. OPINIONS, COMMENTARIES, COLUMNS, and EDITORIAL CARTOONS reflect the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board.

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DAILYIOWAN.COM THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2014 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. — FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION


Watching the watchers


he secret surveillance programs revealed last year by Edward Snowden brought a firestorm of domestic and international scorn to the American spy agencies, namely the NSA, because of their sweeping and seemingly indiscriminate collection of data many assumed was private. Officials found themselves scrambling to decide which side of the fence to sit on. Jump too fast to rein in intelligence gathering, and one risks being seen as weak on terrorism or simply reactionary, but to defend them too strongly would invite public ire on a vastly unpopular program. One of these defenders was Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee. When asked in 2013 about NSA phone-log monitoring that had just been revealed to the public, she responded, “I know that people are trying to get to us. This is the reason why the FBI now has 10,000 people doing intelligence on counterterrorism. It’s called protecting America.” Feinstein’s previous comments on surveillance made her disclosure Tuesday all the more surprising. In a public address, she accused the CIA of breaking into computers used by the intelligence committee in its investigation into the agency’s controversial detention and interrogation program. Feinstein contended that the CIA monitored the committee’s work, removed documents from the committee’s computers, and attempted to obstruct the investigation in what she called a “defining moment” for the oversight of the intelligence community, and a possible violation of federal law and the Constitution. If Feinstein’s allegations are true, they would reveal a chilling reversal of the balance of power in government: elected representatives tasked with overseeing the spy agencies are being strong-armed out of their own investigation. The potential motive is obvious: the Senate probe could reveal details of detention pro-

grams, created after 9/11, that some say use torture as an interrogation method. By suppressing this information, the CIA would ensure the programs remain secret. CIA Director John Brennan said, “Nothing could be further from the truth” about Feinstein’s allegations. Brennan purportedly told Feinstein that agency personnel searched the computers because they believed the intelligence committee could have accessed materials the members were not authorized to see. Feinstein contends these materials were included in the collection provided to the committee. Brennan’s denial echoes that of NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander, who last year admitted to misleading the public on the number of terror attacks thwarted by mass surveillance programs. Alexander also mischaracterized the nature of the programs. When asked by Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., on whether the NSA collects “any type of data at all on millions of Americans,” Alexander responded, “No, sir.” In an interview with CNN, Wyden said he sees a pattern: “The fundamental question here is whether the Congress of the United States is going to be able to do effective oversight over the intelligence apparatus. And again and again … the intelligence leadership has, in effect, thwarted the ability of Congress to get the information it needs to do that oversight.” The inner workings of spy agencies are necessarily opaque, and any oversight into their operations does need to balance the competing demands of accountability and secrecy. But if the CIA has been interfering in an official investigation to protect its own interests, it would be another disturbing example of a three-letter agency misleading or lying to the American public, of a surveillance state whose reach includes even those watching the watchers. YOUR TURN Are you concerned about domestic spying in the U.S.? Weigh in at

Letters to the editor Progress on sexualassault email I want to applaud the University of Iowa for taking action and making changes to the format of the “Timely Warning Notification” emails that are distributed after a sexual assault is reported on or near campus. Though it saddened me to read another report of sexual assault, it is promising to see suggestions that were made at the Feb. 27 sexual misconduct listening session convened by President Sally Mason put into practice. Specifically it was suggested that a “trigger warning” be added to the beginning of the email, which gives survivors of sexual assault an

indication that it is possible that contents of the email may cause an adverse traumatic response. Additionally, information on obtaining help was listed at the top of the email, and it was highlighted early on that “the only person responsible for sexual misconduct is the perpetrator.” I appreciate that in the recent weeks the discourse on sexual misconduct has been open and that the administration is not only seeking input from the campus community through initiatives including the listening session and the assembly of the sexual assault advisory committee, but also following through with action.

Caitlin Owens

Re: The Worst Politician in America

As a former Chicago suburbanite who has lived in Iowa City yearround for five years, I sometimes get the sense of reluctance admitting where I am from. This is because the reputation people from Chicago who come to the University of No. 1 Party School have. That reputation is that the Chicagoans show up, say how much better Chicago is than Iowa, graduate, and move back to the North Side while leaving their red plastic cups for someone else to pick up. Well, I will be the Chicagoan to stand up for the Hawkeye State

saying that it is as genuine, subtle, and just as cultured as a big city. Sure, Iowa doesn’t have a hockey team everyone can bandwagon on, but that doesn’t mean we are less significant to the world than a big city. Iowans feed the world. Iowans value hard work, education, and community. Iowa City does have good food — shout out to Mesa Pizza, very desirable in my opinion. Sure we do have politicians and legislation that I don’t agree with (see Rep. Steve King and gun permits for the blind). But the article written by Matthew Byrd could have been just as informative without expressing his distaste for the community that he currently belongs to. Danny Jimenez


The IOUs are piling up

“Putting the national debt on a downward path” is not an enticing or appealing phrase, nor is it an appealing task. It is also not a simple undertaking because meaningful economic reform requires leadership and compromise between two parties, something as rare as mountain climbing in Iowa. Yet, every one of us should seek opportunities to put pressure on our elected leaders to come together to make the hard choices necessary to put our debt’s trajectory on a downward path. What’s the alternative? If nothing is done now, our leaders will be forced to make painful decisions in the future that could be devastating to us, our families, and our businesses. House Ways and Means Chairman Dave Camp’s recent tax-reform draft is a good indication that all is not lost. Its effects on the overall economy are generally positive.

The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that the new bill would increase economic activity by up to $3.4 trillion from now until 2023. Because of the lower marginal tax rates, there would be an increased labor supply, a greater likelihood that businesses would invest more in the economy, as well as an increased incentive for people to work. Camp’s leadership is a bold step in the right direction. My only concern is that the draft does not reduce deficits enough in the long-term to alter the debt’s trajectory. It uses all the revenue generated by broadening the base to decrease rates, instead of using some of it to improve our fiscal situation. It also uses some revenue from temporary revenue provisions and timing shifts to substitute for permanent rate reductions. Days after Camp released his tax proposal, President Obama

delivered his budget for next year. The issues I have with the budget are similar to my objections to the tax draft. Although the budget puts the debt on a downward path as a share of the economy in this decade, it does not consider debt levels in the next decade, and it makes some overly rosy economic assumptions that make our fiscal situation seem less severe than it actually is. The budget also lacks the structural entitlement reforms necessary to ensure the solvency of Social Security and other vital health-care programs for future generations. Addressing the solvency of these programs would assist in putting our nation’s debt on a downward trajectory. Along with an aging population, rising health-care costs contribute a massive portion to our national debt. This will only worsen with time, and the longer we wait to make these necessary types of reforms, the

changes we will need to make in the future will be more drastic. We owe it to ourselves and our children to use these recent fiscal developments as a means to keep pressuring elected officials to do what is necessary. We should not sit back and expect elected officials to do what’s in our best long-term interest. After all, Iowans, more than anyone else, can capitalize on the idea that America is an active democratic society. Every four years, politicians want to know what Iowans think. Let’s not wait a few more years before telling them. That’s why I am a member of the Iowa Chapter of Fix the Debt. Let’s all get up, get talking and get pushing for the kind of economic safety and prosperity we all deserve. Mark Hanawait is president of United Equipment Accessories and a steering-committee member of the Iowa Chapter of Fix the Debt.


men Continued from 8A Romania has averaged 13.8 points and 6.3 rebounds per game. “It’s not easy to beat anybody three times in one season, we know that, we understand that,” Iowa assistant coach Kirk Speraw said during Monday’s Big Ten teleconference. “I don’t think it will be a problem with our guys. They’ve done a great job all year long on being mentally focused on the task at hand.” Even though Northwestern finished one game ahead of Purdue in conference play, many statistics suggest that this is the worst team in the conference. In terms of overall record, the Wildcats had the conference’s worst winning percentage (.419) by a wide margin. And no word describes Northwestern’s offense more accurately than “atrocious.” This season, Chris Collins’ squad ranked

BASEBALL Continued from 8A ing for — the Hawkeyes. “Once I finished my career as a player, I wanted to get into coaching, and being that I live in Iowa City, this really was the perfect fit for me,” Magrane said. He was drafted out of high school by the Mets in 1996, but he chose to go to school at Iowa before attempting a pro career. Now, not quite 20 years later, Magrane is back in town, volunteering his time coaching the team that gave him his start. “It really was a pretty simple decision,” he said.

349th in points, 304th in assists, and 345th in fieldgoal percentage. “We have our work cut out for us,” Collins said during the teleconference. “The first time we played [Iowa], we were completely overmatched … We really didn’t give them much resistance. I thought we played much better the second time we played them. Their depth and athleticism and length has been a problem for us.” If Iowa can win as heavy favorites against Northwestern, it will take on Michigan State on Friday. The Spartans knocked off Iowa twice in 2013-14, and they’ve eliminated Iowa from the Big Ten Tournament each of the past three seasons. “Any time you have an opportunity to play in an event of this caliber, I think that’s going to make everybody pretty excited,” McCaffery said. “You look at this season in terms of the length of it and the intensity of the journey, and you prepare. And that’s how you

“Coach Heller called me up one day when I was only four blocks away and said there was an opportunity for me to come in and get started, so I took it.” It’s sounds funny, but Magrane might be the most overly qualified volunteer coach in the country. After being signed by Tampa Bay, he was named the Ray’s organization pitcher of the year for the 2000 season after he went 12-5 with a 2.76 ERA, including 162 strikeouts in 173 innings. He led all Devil Rays’ minor-league pitchers in wins and ERA. From there, Magrane enjoyed success pretty much everywhere he went. In 2010, he was named



Iowa center Adam Woodbury goes up for a lay-up in Welsh-Ryan Arena on Jan. 25 in Evanston, Ill. The Hawkeyes defeated Northwestern, 76-50. (The Daily Iowan/Margaret Kispert) get ready to play a team like Northwestern. We prepare.

“That’s exactly what they are doing for us. We played

the Chinese (Taiwan) Professional Baseball Championship series MVP, then finished his career with an Italian Series MVP in 2013. Playing professional ball for more than a decade is an experience that Magrane says helps him better connect with the players he now helps to coach. “It absolutely helps,” he said. “The way I look at a baseball game is through the lens of a guy who was a pitcher for 20 years, and now I’m seeing it through the eyes of someone who sits behind the dugout as a coach as well.” It really shouldn’t come as a surprise to see him coaching shortly after re-

tirement: After all, he has baseball in his blood. Magrane’s uncle Joe Magrane spent eight years in the major leagues, playing for the Cardinals, Angels, and White Sox from 1987-96. In 1988, he led the National League in ERA (2.18). Jim Magrane has adjusted well to his new team in the few weeks he’s been around, learning his role in an all-new coaching staff much in the same way that his players have. “The biggest adjustment has just been learning the way everyone prepares for games,” he said. “I’ve been learning what my role is and how I fit in as well and how I can use some of the

them twice. We’ve seen each other play a million

times, because you watch other teams; you’re ready.”

Iowa baseball volunteer assistant coach Jim Magrane runs drills during practice on March 5. Magrane is a former Hawkeye and pro pitcher. (The Daily Iowan/Callie Mitchell) intuition I’ve developed over the past 20 years to help the guys.” So far, his intuition has been spot on, and the Hawkeyes’ confidence has grown expo-

nentially as a result. “The competition is only going to get better, but the fact that we’ll be going in there having played well so far has given us a big boost,” he said.






Women’s tennis faces tough Big Ten test Women’s tennis will meet Nebraska to start conference play.

Annette Dohanics eyes the ball before serving in the Hawkeye Tennis & Recreation Complex on Feb. 8, 2013. The Hawkeyes swept Creighton, 7-0, in the meet. (The Daily Iowan/File Photo)

By Alec Clasen

The Iowa women’s tennis team is set to take on Nebraska at 3 p.m. Friday to kick off their Big Ten schedule in a pivotal away match. The Hawks are coming off a confidence-building road win against Drake, upsetting the Bulldogs in front of a hostile crowd. “It’s our first Big Ten match; we’ve got to start it off on the right foot,” head coach Katie Dougherty said. “We haven’t beaten them in a number of years, and honestly, it’d be huge for us for our confidence and our momentum.” After stunning Drake in Des Moines, the Hawks hope to bring their recently exceptional play with them to Lincoln. The feeling after

the Drake match was one of pride and excitement, but the Hawkeyes aren’t content. “It was a great team win all around,” sophomore Annette Dohanics said. “Drake always brings a tough crowd — the building was loud, but we did our jobs and pulled it together to put points on the board.” Even with the Iowa playing arguably its best tennis of the season, Nebraska presents a different set of challenges. The Hawkeyes have yet to take down the Huskers since they joined the Big Ten conference in 2012. Dougherty knows the team will encounter a solid squad on Friday and is preparing her team for an intense match. “Nebraska was in the Sweet 16 last year and lost a few seniors, but they know

what it means to be good — they are used to winning, so it will be a really good test on the road,” she said. In practice, the Hawkeyes have stuck to their usual grind. The Hawks’ work ethic, they believe, has helped them to muster the extra effort needed to win close, tight matches. With a somewhat lengthy break in between matches, Dougherty’s squad has tried to stay fresh. “We’ve done a bit of competing, working on depth,” she said. “It’s tough when you have that kind of layoff in between matches. But all in all, we’ve had some great practices since, and we’re looking forward to a great performance.” The Hawkeyes have strung together four wins in a row for the first time since they did it twice during the 2009 campaign, and they hope to keep that streak alive. “All of these matches that we’ve won has given us so much confidence,” junior Morven McCulloch said. “Now that we’re about to start Big Tens, we’re just looking forward to beating the Huskers in our first conference match.” Nebraska is on a threematch winning streak since losing to the Hawkeyes’ most recent opponent, Drake. With the win over Drake, the Haws reign supreme over the state, besting all the in-state opponents they have played. “The win puts us in a good position; now we’re perfect in state,” Dohanics said. “We like to keep that in our pocket as we move on to Big Ten play.”




HAWKEYE SWIMMER, DIVERS HAVE MUCH SUCCESS It was a big day for the Iowa swimming and diving teams on the final day of the 2014 NCAA Zone D Diving Championships. Good news smiled on the men’s swimming team when senior Dustin Rhoads qualified for the NCAA championships. Redshirt junior Abby Grilli finished 11th in the 3-meter dive on Tuesday. Her score of 624.25 was best out of the female divers at the event. Wednesday saw the Rhoads competition Hawk swimmer compete in the tower diving event. Freshman Calli Head finished fifth in the women’s event with a score of 551.10. In the male event, sophomore Addison Boschult also finished in fifth place with a score of 753.25. On the swimmers side of things, Rhoads qualified for the NCAA meet in the 100 and 200 backstroke event. The championships will be held in Austin, Texas, from March 27-29.

Go to for the story of Iowa trackster Tess Wilberding, a triplet with Big Ten track and field in her blood. DAILYIOWAN.COM

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Hawk Grothus gets NCAA invitation

By Danny Payne

Iowa’s Brody Grothus received new life on We d n e s day afternoon when the NCAA Selection Committee chose Grothus him as Hawk wrestler an atlarge selection for the 2014 NCAA Wrestling

Championships. His inclusion means the Iowa wrestling program will send all 10 of its varsity wrestlers to the NCAA championships for the first time since the 2010 national tournament. Iowa’s 149-pounder didn’t manage to qualify for the national tournament through the Big Ten championships last weekend, which served as the conference’s automatic qualifying tournament. He needed to place in the

top six to earn an automatic bid but went 1-2 and was eliminated in the Round-of-12. A product of Davenport-Assumption, Grothus was one of four atlarge selections, and one of 33 total qualifiers, for the 149-pound bracket at the NCAA championships, which are set for March 20-22 at the Chesapeake Energy Arena in Oklahoma City. Grothus, just a sophomore, posted a 23-10

record this season. He became Iowa’s first 149-pound wrestler to win a match at the Big Ten Tournament since Brent Metcalf in the 2009-10 season. In qualifying for the NCAA championships, Grothus also becomes the first Iowa 149-pounder to do so since that same season. The NCAA championship seedings were announced. The tournament is scheduled to take place March 20-22

in Oklahoma City, Okla. Cory Clark received the No. 8 seed at 125 pounds, Tony Ramos the No. 3-seed at 133, and Grothus the No. 13 spot. Nick Moore, Ethen Lofthouse, and Bobby Telford are seeded fifth at 165, 184, and heavyweight. Derek St. John received the No. 2 spot at 157 pounds, Mike Evans the No, 4 at 174, and Nathan Burak the No. 11 seed at 197. Josh Dziewa is unseeded at 141.

Men’s hoops girds for ’Cats

— by Jordan Hansen

THROWBACK THURSDAY March 13, 1997 — DI editorial writer Mark Lyons wrote a piece titled “How the tournament screwed Iowa.” Despite finishing with the Big Ten’s second best record at 219, Dr. Tom Davis’ crew were seeded eighth in the NCAA Tournament. After taking down No. 9 Virginia, 73-60, Iowa lost by 6 points to No. 1 Kentucky in the second round in a game in which Hawk guard Andre Woolridge nearly beat the Wildcats single-handedly.

Iowa center Adam Woodbury takes a baseline shot in Welsh-Ryan Arena on Jan. 25in Evanston, Ill. The Hawkeyes defeated Northwestern, 76-50. (The Daily Iowan/Margaret Kispert)

SCOREBOARD NCAAM Miami (Fla.) 57, Virginia Tech 53 Wake Forest 81, Notre Dame 69 Mississippi State 82, Vanderbilt 68 Baylor 76, TCU 68 Central Florida 94, Temple 90 (2OT) Georgia Tech 73, Boston College 73 Eastern Michigan 53, Northern Illinois 48 South Carolina 74, Auburn 56 Oklahoma State 80, Texas Tech 62 Ohio 66, Miami (Ohio) 55 Rutgers 72, South Florida 68 NCAAW Florida International, Eastern Carolina 75 Idaho 84, Chicago State 43 Texas State 44, Georgia State 44 Toledo 72, Western Michigan 61 North Carolina A&T 78, Bethune-Cookman 46 Arkansas State 78, Louisiana-Monroe 69 UAB 79, Marshall 63 Ball State 61, Northern Illinois 47 Hampton 71, Howard 55 Green Bay 72, Valparaiso 55 Texas Southern 82, Grambling 74 Arkansas-Little Rock 66, Troy 54 Old Dominion 79, Texas-San Antonio 74 Southern 80, Alabama A&M 66 New Mexico State 86, Texas-Pan Am 74 Youngstown State 68, Oakland 64 Wright State 73, Milwaukee 64 Western Kentucky 67, Louisiana Lafayette 61

By Ryan Probasco

Fran McCaffery’s Hawkeyes certainly aren’t coasting to the Big Ten Tournament in the manner they’d prefer. After starting the season 16-5 — and surpassing many of the lofty preseason expectations fans and followers of the program placed upon it — Iowa’s fatigue and at times putrid defense caused a collapse in the latter half of the conference season. Although Iowa’s problems seem to be strictly on the defensive side of the ball — the Hawks led the Big Ten in scoring, topping the second-highest scoring team (Michigan State) by more than 6 points per game — McCaffery

thinks what’s been beating Iowa is much more complicated than that. “We’re not as in sync as we were, and I’m hopeful that we’ve been able to go back to some of the basic things that we needed to fix,” McCaffery said. “I think when you look at everything in its entirety, you’ve got to say, well, all right, let’s start with the defense, OK. It’s transition; it’s rebounding; it’s on the ball; it’s ballscreen defense; it’s help recovery; it’s being in the gaps. I mean, all of those things.” Up first for Iowa in the conference tournament is Northwestern, a team the Black and Gold smoked by 26 points twice this season. Like Iowa, the Wildcats is a bit different from what they were earlier in the season. The big-

See men, 5a

2014 Big Ten Tournament Who: No. 6 Iowa vs. No. 11 Northwestern When: 7:30 p.m. today Where to watch: ESPN2


Ex-Hawk goes pro, comes back By Ryan Rodriguez

NBA Brooklyn 96, Miami 95 Denver 120, Orlando 112 Sacramento 115, Philadelphia 98 Toronto 101, Detroit 87 Charlotte 98, Washington 85 New York 116, Boston 92 Memphis 90, New Orleans 88 Dallas 108, Utah 101 San Antonio 103, Portland 90 Cleveland 110, Phoenix 101 Golden State, LA Clippers (late) NHL Boston 4, Montreal 1 Vancouver 3, Winnipeg 2 (F/SO) Colorado 3, Chicago 2 Calgary 6, Anaheim 2

gest difference between the Wildcats Iowa saw earlier in the year and now is the production they have been getting from center Alex Olah. Starting with the Jan. 9 game between Iowa and Northwestern, Olah failed to score in double figures for 10 games in a row. But in the last six games of the season, the 7-foot center from

Iowa baseball volunteer assistant coach Jim Magrane runs drills with the team during practice on March 5. Magrane, who played baseball for the Hawkeyes in the late-90s, spent 13 years in pro ball. (The Daily Iowan/Callie Mitchell)

Thirteen years in professional baseball have taken Iowa volunteer assistant coach Jim Magrane all over the globe, with stops in Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Mexico, Taiwan, South Korea, and Italy. Signed by the Tampa Bay Devil Rays in 2000, Magrane served stints in the minors with the Tampa Bay’s and the Washington Nationals’ organizations before embarking on a world tour of professional baseball. In close to 200 career games, he took the mound in seven countries on three continents, including stints in the Chinese

(Taiwan) Professional Baseball League and the Italian Serie A1. Now that his world tour is over and he has settled into retirement from playing, he has returned to his home state, where he first picked up a glove, to coach the team he grew up rootSee baseball, 5A

Bench Newcomers Rick Heller is in his first season as the head coach of the Iowa baseball team. This is the fourth in a five-part series on the new Iowa coaching staff. • Monday: Rick Heller • Tuesday: Scott Brickman • Wednesday: Marty Sutherland • Today: Jim Magrane • Friday: Matt Wooldrik

80HOURS The weekend in arts & entertainment

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Exuberant activism By Justus Flair

Some activists in Iowa City are fracking angry. Exuberant Politics, an international group focusing on the combination of art and activism, has used handmade signs, dancing, and vibrant ensembles to bring awareness to ethnic and environmental issues and stereotypes. Photos on its website show ballerinas in Laundromats, children holding crayon-inscribed signs begging humans to stop destroying their planet, and stills from films devoted to making prejudice visible around the world. The group’s latest target is fracking (hydraulic fracturing), a way of extracting oil and

Protect Our Parks, Pass It On When: 7 p.m. Friday Where: Public Space One, 120 N. Dubuque Admission: Free

natural gas from rock structures in the United States and elsewhere. “Protect Our Parks, Pass It On,” an event devoted to raising awareness of fracking and protesting its use, will be held at 7 p.m. Friday See activism, 6B

Design and Illustrations by Haley Nelson

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The music is Irish; green beer, not By Emma McClatchEy

St. Patrick’s Day for an average Iowa City resident may include guzzling green beer at Micky’s Irish Pub, 11 S. Dubuque St., wearing a “Kiss Me, I’m Iowish” T-shirt from Raygun, or a green felt leprechaun hat from Ragstock, and receiving chronic brain freeze at the hands of a McDonald’s Shamrock Shake. But there is a slightly more authentic way to celebrate the Irish “feast holiday” for those sticking around Iowa City during spring break. Members of local Irish band the Beggarmen said Irish folk music has an audience in Iowa City — especially on March 17. “I actually have a lot of problems with how St. Patrick’s Day is portrayed. It’s really become an American holiday,” said Tara McGovern, a vocalist and fiddler for the Beggarmen. “For us, St. Patrick’s Day is about celebrating an incredibly rich culture and an incredibly beautiful place that’s close to my heart.” The 13-year-old Beggarmen will play at 2 Dogs Pub, 1705 S. First Ave., at 8 p.m. Friday and open for high-profile Irish band Dervish at the Englert, 221 E. Washington St., on Saturday. The group will also join other local Irish musicians at Uptown Bill’s, 730 S. Dubuque St.,

on March 17 for the event “Ireland to Iowa; A Living Tradition.” The latter will begin with a potluck at 6 p.m., and kick off performances of traditional and original Irish tunes at 7 p.m. “I think it’s very communal music,” said Beggarmen guitarist, tin whistler, pianist, and vocalist Keith Reins. “I like to think of ourselves as an eclectic traditional Irish band. We pay respect to tradition, but add to it.” Today, Irish music takes many forms: Dropkick Murphy’s “I’m Shipping Up to Boston” blaring over the student section at an Iowa football game, Jack and Rose spinning to the foot-stomping Irish band in Titanic, the ubiquitous ballad “Danny Boy” and thigh-slapper “The Little Beggarman” (the eponym for the Beggarmen), and in American genres such as bluegrass and country, influenced by Irish folk tunes. “Irish music is very emotive,” McGovern said. “It inspires a lot of different feelings and stories, so even if people are unfamiliar with the kind of music they discover something they never knew before … It’s a music that has a lot going on; even in really sad songs there will be an uplifting element to it.” This pipes- and stringsheavy music has thrived for hundreds of years in the hills and shores of Ireland, but today, Irish music has spread beyond the Emerald Island. “It’s dance music, primarily,” said founding member Brad Pouleson. “There are ballads that tell

the story of Ireland, but the dance music has a beat people really respond to that gets your feet moving. It’s instantly recognizable.” Pouleson, who plays both traditional Irish instruments (uilleann pipes) and newer additions to the folk canon (mandolin), said the players feel free to add their own spice to Irish sound. Joseph Dutcher — bodhrán and flute — said some modern Celtic bands are even taking Irish music into the punk-rock territory. “Every folk music is [adaptive],” Pouleson said. “Irish music grows out of that tradition. There are always people who want to carve out a certain time period, but that’s a losing battle. It’s definitely a living, breathing genre.” The Beggarmen members agree that Iowa City’s Irish music scene is most alive at Uptown Bill’s, which hosts a monthly Irish music session on Saturday afternoons. Uptown Bill’s director Tom Gilsenan said the program is reminiscent of community jam sessions often held at pubs in Ireland. For the “Ireland to Iowa” event on March 17, Gilsenan encourages visitors to bring their favorite Irish foods to the potluck, including potatoes, pork, cabbage, or other comfort foods. And as an avid fan of Irish music, Gilsenan sided with the Beggarmen: St. Patrick’s Day is about more than a pint of Guinness. “It’s perfectly fine for people to go to a pub or a bar … but it’s bigger than that,” he said. “It’s a day when we can all be Irish.”

Hanging out, LY style By Mckenna Paulus

Leslie Hall started her band Leslie and the LYs out of her fans’ desire to simply see, hear, and smell more of her. “We started off taking photographs of me, and I made a website dedicated to me, and eventually people wanted to buy something from me,” Hall said. “So I made an album about myself so they can listen to songs about me, in their car, at their job, and with their friends.” Leslie and the LYs will play at 9 p.m. Friday at the Blue Moose, 211 Iowa Ave. Admission is $10 to $12. Just by looking at a picture of Hall, it is clear she is a very eccentric woman who loves bright colors and crazy outfits. The band plays songs to get people moving, and Hall created her own genre of music. “I would describe us as a fun-girl-pop-jam band; all the songs are like that,” she said. “We are trying to get people to dance but also to make you listen and laugh. Plus, we’re trying to stay smart.” The group tries to convert the excitement the

members portray in their music into bizarre and amusing live performances. Band member Beth Kemp said the band likes to include the audience in the festivities, which results in an engaging party atmosphere. “I think the unique thing is the experience when you go to a show, it’s a total sensory experience: You see it, hear it, and smell us,” Kemp said. “There are a lot of colors and textures, and we really do a great job of dancing and not making anyone feel silly.” Kemp said there is an element of surprise that comes with the live shows. Although it is well-known the group is a great entertainer, the members still love pushing the limits. “We like to keep our cards close to the chest, but we do a lot of costume changes, and there are a lot of props, and we love using bright colors,” Kemp said. “It’s a unique experience; it’s like watching TV, but you’re watching live, and we work really hard to keep the audience laughing and entertained, and we want them to squeal and beg for more. That’s our goal.” During its famous live

shows, the band presents a Vegas-theme performance. Ramona Muse, an LY in the band who sings backup vocals, said all the showmanship comes from Hall’s experiences and influences. “The Vegas-show styling is that [Hall] has been to see Spice Girls and Brittany Spears so many times, and she always comes back and is like, we have to do this thing I saw,” Muse said. “But we don’t have the money, so we come up with an homemade Iowa styling.” The band, which has been together since 2005, has created numerous viral videos on YouTube and has released five albums. It demonstrates no signs of slowing down, and Muse said the players want to work on catering to a new audience. “We want to make more videos, with other artists, and we really want to work on a kids’ album,” Muse said. “The wheels are always spinning in our head; nothing is off limits.”

MUSIC When: 9 p.m. Friday Where: Blue Moose, 211 Iowa Admission: $10 to $12


weekend events Movies opening this weekend

Need for Speed Based on the most successful racing-video-game franchise, this action-packed thriller tells the story of blue-collar mechanic Tobey Marshall (Aaron Paul) who’s on a mission for revenge after he is framed by an ex-NASCAR driver, Dino, for manslaughter. Against all odds, he plans to take down Dino in the Super Bowl of underground racing with the hopes of finishing in first place.

Today 3.13 MUSIC


• Open Mike, 7 p.m., Uptown Bill’s, 730 S. Dubuque • UI School of Music Presents: Aura Strohschein, piano, 8 p.m., University Capitol Center Recital Hall • Black Daniels and the Bears, 9 p.m., Blue Moose, 211 Iowa • Gemini Karaoke, 9 p.m., Blue Moose • Mixology, 10 p.m., Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington • Soulshake, 10 p.m., Gabe’s

• Book Wings Russia, 11 a.m., Theater Building Theater B • Absurd Person Singular, Mainstage Series 8 p.m., Theater Building Thayer Theater


• “The Work of Contemporary Artist Crystal Wagner, Deceptive Environments,” 8 p.m., 116 Art Building West

WORDS • “Live from Prairie Lights,” Julene Bair, nonfiction, 7 p.m., Prairie Lights, 15 S. Dubuque Veronica Mars Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell) is back after walking away from her past as a teenage private eye. She travels to her hometown to help an old love interest, Logan, who’s involved in a murder mystery. In the midst of solving the crime, she might even attend her high-school reunion.



• The Janice Ian Experience, 9 p.m., Mill, 120 E. Burlington • Campus Activities Board, Casino Night, 10 p.m., IMU Main Lounge



• National Theater Live, War Horse, 7 p.m., Englert, 221 E. Washington • Time Stands Still, by Donald Margulies, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Society, 10 S. Gilbert • Absurd Person Singular, Mainstage, 8 p.m., Thayer Theater

• Gloria, 4, 6:15, & 8:30 p.m., FilmScene • Donnie Darko, Bijou After Hours, 11 p.m., FilmScene

• Ballroom and Latin Dancing, 7:30 p.m., Old Brick, 26 E. Market

drink of the week

• The Past, 6 & 8:30 p.m., FilmScene, 118 E. College • Marlon Riggs Film Series, Anthem, Affirmations and Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien, noon, Lindquist Center Jones Commons

Friday 3.14


Gloria Winner of the Silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival, Paulina García plays the role of a middle-age divorcée who finds her final chance at love while dancing at a local singles club. She meets Rodolfo, but their passionate relationship leaves her conflicted, requiring her to maintain her dignity and carry on as a single woman. Showtimes: 4, 6:15, & 8:30 p.m. Friday; noon, 2:15, 4:30, & 9 p.m. Saturday; 1 & 3 p.m. March 16


MUSIC • Jazz After Five w. OddBar, 5 p.m., Mill, 120 E. Burlington • Jesse White Band, 10 p.m., Yacht Club, 13 S. Linn • Bass Culture, 10 p.m., Gabe’s

Saturday 3.15 MUSIC


• Saturday Night Music, Awful Purdies, 7 p.m., Uptown Bill’s • Marbin, 10 p.m., Yacht Club • Item 9 Third-Annual Benefit for Charity, 8 p.m., Gabe’s • Dervish, 8 p.m., Englert • Free Bass Dance Party, 9 p.m., Blue Moose

• Terry Wahls, 2 p.m., Iowa City Public Library, 123 S. Linn



• Time Stands Still, by Donald Margulies, 7:30 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Society, 10 S. Gilbert • Absurd Person Singular, Mainstage Series, 8 p.m., Thayer Building

• Gloria, noon, 2:15, 4:30, & 9 p.m., FilmScene • From Deep, Head Room Series, FilmScene • Donnie Darko, Bijou After Hours, 11 p.m., FilmScene


• Winter Farmers’ Market, 10 a.m., Sycamore Mall • Comedy Showcase hosted by Daniel Frana, 9 p.m., Mill

Sunday 3.16 MUSIC • That 1 Guy, 8 p.m., Gabe’s


Absolut Hard Tea

• Introduction to Fencing Program, 10 a.m., Iowa City

Fencing Center, 415 Highland Ave. Suite 200 • Iowa City Scrabble Club, 2 p.m., Wedge Downtown, 136 S. Dubuque

A tea-hee beverage Primary Alcohol: Absolut flavored vodka Description: A favorite of tea lovers, but instead of relying on the tea itself for flavor, the blast of fruit comes from the vodka. Taste: The base is the same in all versions, unsweetened tea that is chilled to perfection, a small bite of lemon, and a spike of flavor from whatever type of Absolut you pick. My favorites are the Mango and Pear editions, but this is a matter of individual preference. Appearance: Served in a variety of glasses, as long as it has ice and a lemon wedge, all else is secondary. Generally a light brown color, like watered-down tea. My experience with this drink first came when my grandma discovered the delicious taste of hard tea. I was a beer only guy back then, so I was pleasantly surprised when this drink tasted so good. Now, as an avid tea drinker, this drink is as good as it gets. Advice: Get creative based on your options of Absolut. Pear, Pepper, Mandarin — almost anything can be mixed with iced tea and lemon. Be warned, these are powerful drinks, even with the ice and tea to help with sobriety.

— by Ben Verhille

Many hats, much entertainment As a performing artist who combines music, comedy, and magic in his shows, it’s no wonder Mike Silverman is called That 1 Guy, because he encompasses so many talents into a single performance. That 1 Guy will take the stage at 8 p.m. March 16 at Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington St. Admission is $15 to $39. Being a performer, inventor, songwriter, and musician, Silverman has been categorized as a “wearer of many hats.” “I wear two hats when I perform — literally,” he said. “I have so many passions that all get crammed into my show. The only way to keep everything working is to make sure it becomes part of the show. Funny thing is that I’m not the best multitasker. But everything that I do fits together somehow.” The classically trained Silverman, who started out in a jazz/funkabilly

band called the Fabulous Hedgehogs, will play his signature “experimental, earthshaking future funk” music at the show, which he would describe as “more of a vibe.” “It’s rooted in the past but somehow from the future,” he said. “This music was transported here. I’m pretty bad at describing what I do stylistically. Usually, I just try to list as many of the fundamental parts of my music and then try to paint a visual picture of how I make the music. It always sounds abstract the way I describe it.” For now, Silverman is looking forward to interacting with his fans during his show in Iowa City. “I’m lucky to have such amazing fans,” Silverman said. “I feel a very strong unconditional support for what I’m trying to do. I feel they want to see me push my crafts forward, and I feel that I owe them my best work.”

— by Jennifer Hoch










Beaver's Night Out

Box Lunch puts delicious fresh food on wheels

By Ben Verhille

Found in the outskirts of Iowa City, elusive and mysterious, exists a mobile diner just waiting for a chance to shine. The Box Lunch is a ’50s/’60s-style food truck, owned and operated by Liz Wohlford, an Iowa native. Starting in September 2013, the truck quickly gained traction in the Johnson County area. Specially made in Florida, the Box Lunch was driven all the way back to the Midwest to create a new facet

for Iowa City’s food culture. But unlike the food trolleys found in the Pedestrian Mall, which are on many-year contracts with a limited number, food trucks must be in commercial or private spaces to follow City Code. “It is a matter of parking and public space,” said Kellie Tuttle, administrative secretary of the City Clerk’s Office. She brought out section 9-4-4 I of parking regulations, which states no vehicle can park or stop on any roadway for more than 10 minutes with the primary

purpose of conducting commercial activity, including food sales. This does not apply to private properties with permission from the owner. Having recently returned from the Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival, in Des Moines with the only food truck in attendance, both Wohlford and operating partner Christopher George are very excited to be back in the Iowa City area. Their ideal situation would involve parking along the perimeter of parks or events, but the City Code will only allow them to serve private and commercial audiences. “We’re filling our schedule up now between graduation parties, small weddings, and employee stuff,” Wohlford said. “We can pull right in and feed everybody off the truck.” Although the menu currently lists the food they serve off the truck, Wohlford said they are very versatile in their catering options. “We can cook up anything you can think of,” she said.

Wohlford is proud of the ways the truck fills the market’s needs, available on nights and weekends, and George said he appreciates their attention to the ingredients. “[The menu] changes, too,” he said. “Relying on fresh ingredients, our options change all the time. We’re not a big restaurant with freezers full of stuff.” The Box Lunch hand-presses patties and makes its own sauces, which are more often served with the fresh-cut fries than the entrées. Right next to the special onion rings are the crispy pepper rings — a thick cut of green peppers prepared almost identically to an onion ring. Delicious, innovative, and fresh. A recommendation by George is the shrimp taco. Served with huge chunks of avocado and delicately seasoned shrimp, even the bed of lettuce will not be what sticks out. The sweet chili sauce will close the deal. Looking similar to a yum-yum sauce, the Sriracha and vinegar are mixed to a delicacy, with a happy medium of sweet and spicy.

The Box Lunch is known for being present on game day at the Farmers’ Mar-

ket and hopes to have a spot on Melrose in the coming years.


activism Continued from 1B at at Public Space One, 120 N. Dubuque St. Fracking has pushed the United States to the top of natural-gas/oil production, but it has been controversial among environmentalists, who question if it is worth the destruction of parks and environments. Jennifer Myers, a University of Iowa alumna and Pittsburgh-based artist, designed the event after listening to testimonies given during Pittsburgh’s “Protect Our Parks” campaign. “It is a collection of the 10-most-powerful testimonies,” Myers said. “They are the public comments that give voice to the public’s deep and immediate concerns against fracking in the county parks, something that has been proposed to begin in 2014 by the county executive in Pittsburgh.” The testimonies, Myers feels, go far beyond just fracking in Pennsylvania. “During this re-performance, the public will hear that the struggle in Pittsburgh is indeed a universal one — shared by all and in accord with the whole human race,” Myers said. “Though some details may differ, what is really being presented are testimonies for the future of this planet and what’s at stake if we don’t pursue renewable energy today and get off fossil

THE DAILY IOWAN fuel now.” The struggle in Pittsburgh affects Iowa’s Allamakee County. Though the county Board of Supervisors issued a moratorium to stop mining a silica sand used in fracking just over a year ago, the hiatus will soon end, and the mining may begin again despite the protests of the Allamakee County Protectors. An Iowa City group, 100 Grannies, is also protesting fracking in an effort to preserve natural resources and help in “promoting solutions to end activities destructive to Mother Earth,” according to its website. Several of the performers in “Protect Our Parks, Pass It On” are members of 100 Grannies. “The big goal of 100 Grannies is to save the planet, but we have been around long enough to know that the smart thing to do is to do what we can, where we are, and with what we have,” said Grannie member Janet Stephan. “We have concerns about what the use of fossil fuel is doing to our planet and the future for our grandchildren, not to mention fracking and sand fracking in northern Iowa and the XL pipeline and GMOs and water pollution ... the list goes on. Our purpose is to educate, advocate, and agitate for a better future.” Agitation may seem an odd goal for a group with “exuberant” in its name, but Sarah Kanouse, one of the founders, agrees with


agitating people into action. “We are looking at an approach to art and activism as a feeling that can be a celebratory feeling or another strong feeling,” she said. “I think a lot of times, people feel that political art is sort of dry and didactic, and we certainly have art that is about teaching people stuff, but we tried to put together a show that will capture the imagination and the intellect as well. We’re looking for something that is energetic, engaging, and exuberant, as the title says.” Kanouse said the live performance is especially appealing to members of Exuberant Politics, because theater invites the audience to empathize with a point of view that is not their own. The performance also attracted Stephan. “There are statistics and numbers and graphs and charts that are frightening,” she said, referring to research done on the negative consequences of fracking. The biggest complaint is that in removing oil and natural gas, fracking destroys natural rock formations and displaces wildlife, not to mention in Pennsylvania, residents have complained about water quality in areas of fracking. “These things appeal to the brain part of our functioning, but a play is art, and it appeals to the heart,” she said. “We are aiming for a heartfelt message. It is another path to get

Plastic as natural By Cassidy Riley

Imagine a tree growing up through the center of an office building. Its branches protrude into the cubicles of the diligent staff typing away at their computers. The roots at the base of the trunk spread throughout the ground floor. This is the effect Crystal Wagner tries to create with her installation art, except instead of planting a tree inside a building, she uses chicken wire and plastic tablecloths. Wagner, while also skilled in drawing and printmaking, is perhaps best known for her installations. Words such as vibrant, exotic, and otherworldly have all been used to describe them. They are essentially giant sculptures with a base of chicken wire that hold its shape with materials such as plastic tablecloths, office paper,

and caution tape stuffed inside the wire. These materials come together to create a massive body that intrudes on the manmade building it resides in. They look unlike anything in the natural world but are meant to eerily evoke the emotions felt when beholding a great natural beauty, such as a waterfall or redwood forest. Her installations are known for their scale. At Georgetown College in Kentucky, her installation is 15 feet tall and 55-by25-feet wide with a cave inside it. Wagner equates her work to bringing a plastic plant into the workplace or home. She said its intension is to use synthetic material to remind the owner of the outside world. “I make extremely large plastic plants,” she said. “If we really want a plastic plant to do what we want it to do, it has to be

much bigger, and it has to have more texture.” Wagner will present a lecture at 8 p.m. today in 116 Art Building West. She said among many topics she will touch on will be her growth as an artist and her artistic process. Wagner said she will encourage students to draw every day. Her assistant, Dovie Chamma, said drawing is instrumental in Wagner’s process. “She has a deep understanding and a deep love for drawing,” Chamma said. “I get to watch these drawings grow from a sketch in a book to a beautiful massive object on a wall.” Chamma said she also hopes students pick up on Wagner’s love for what she does and apply that to their own work.

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the message out that we need to stand together and do something to save the Earth.” The performers’ enthusiasm and passion were crucial to keeping the performance upbeat, Myers said. “Having it performed by regular citizens based in Iowa City and Coralville was always important, and [Willie Barbour, director of the performance] has been able to make that happen,” Myers said. “I think by including the general public as the performers, you get a chance to stay light and playful while also being effective.” The location in Iowa City, Myers said, was also very important to her and other organizers. “[Iowa City] is a crossroads at the heart of the country, where people from all over the world converge,” Myers said. “It is a small little miracle that exists in the middle of our country, and I think it’s a great place to host this symposium. Iowa has always been known for being part of the artistic avant-garde of the U.S., and I think that is still true.” Because they view Iowa City as a meeting place for a wide variety of people, event organizers are hopeful that staging the event here will help spread the message and stir interest. “I am very opposed to the destruction of our economy, the working class, the environment, and our political system at the hands of capitalism,” Barbour said. “As a

58-year-old, I have watched the corporations slowly change and corrupt our/my way of life. The only way to effect change is to have a larger voice in having a multitude of voices joined to combat the multitudes spent by the corporations. If we can all see the truth and speak as one, the better off we are as a whole.” This deeper understanding and unity will lead to a brighter future, Myers hopes. “We are speaking not only to our local issue of fracking the county parks, but more broadly to the universal struggle of trying to survive on this planet through this period of intense climate change,” Myers said. “Our dependency on fossil fuels only corrodes further any chance of long-term sur-

vival we may have on this planet, so it is indeed a universal cry for common sense and decency.”







Daily Break the ledge

This column reflects the opinion of the author and not the DI Editorial Board, the Publisher, Student Publications Inc., or the University of Iowa.

’80s Hits EXPOSED • A new study shows that the owner of a lonely heart is actually only slightly better than, if not equal to, an owner of a broken heart. • An investigative report commissioned by CNN has found that less than a tenth of the people who Wang Chung tonight will have any fun. • Tiger’s eyes have been banned in all competitive sports for almost 60 years — ever since the thrill of the fight was implicated in 27 fatalities 1956 Melbourne Summer Olympics. • Whipping should always be done on a discretionary, not compulsory, basis. • Sting’s one-to-one equating of 100 billion bottles to a 100 billion other castaways is faulty at its very core; he, himself, sent at least two bottles. Additionally, that many bottles surrounding even a tiny deserted island would create a new “land mass” easily noticeable from space, let alone commercial airplanes, rendering any further SOS unnecessary. • There exists virtually no correlation between (1) possessing guilty feet and (2) suffering from a lack of rhythm. Andrew R. Juhl thanks Tom B and Zach Z for contributing to today’s Ledge.

today’s events • Book Wings Russia, 11 a.m., Theater Building Theater B • Marlon Riggs Film Series, Anthem, Affirmations and Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien, noon, Lindquist Center Jones Commons • English Language Discussion Circles, noon, S126 Pappajohn Business Building • Analytical Chemistry Seminar, “Sol-Gel Derived Environment-Friendly Liquid-Repellent Surfaces,” Chihiro Urata, 12:30 p.m., C29 Pomerantz Center • Organic Chemistry Seminar, “From Plants to Plastics,” Atanu Biswas, 12:30 p.m., W268 Chemistry Building • Pharmacology Graduate Student Workshop, “Studies of the Recruitment of Y-Family Polymerases to PCNA,” Elizabeth Boehm, 12:30 p.m., Bowen Spivey Auditorium • Anatomy/Cell Biology Seminar, “Role of SPECC1L Cytoskeletal Protein in Craniofacial Morphogenesis,” Irfan Saadi, University of Kansas, 1 p.m., 1-561 Bowen • Hardin Open Workshop, EndNote Desktop, 3 p.m., Hardin

Library Information Commons East • Life in Iowa, Networking, 3:30 p.m., 1117 University Capitol Center • “Live from Prairie Lights,” Julene Bair, nonfiction, 7 p.m., Prairie Lights, 15 S. Dubuque • Absurd Person Singular, Mainstage Series, 8 p.m., Theater Building Thayer Theater • “The Work of Contemporary Artist Crystal Wagner, Deceptive Environments,” 8 p.m., 116 Art Building West • UI School of Music Presents: Aura Strohschein, piano, 8 p.m., University Capitol Center Recital Hall • Campus Activities Board, Casino Night, 10 p.m., IMU Main Lounge submit an event Want to see your special event appear here? Simply submit the details at:

8-9 a.m. Morning Drive 10 a.m.-Noon Instru-Mental Madness Noon-2 p.m. Sports Block 5 p.m. KRUI 6-8 p.m. The Fuzz Fix 8-10 p.m. Eclectic Anesthetic 10 p.m.- Midnight The Chrysanthemum Sound System


Thursday, March 13, 2014 by Eugenia Last

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don’t let impulse get the better of you. Take a moment to decipher all the angles before you make an impromptu decision that can affect your reputation, status, or position. A partnership or collaboration will help you stay on track. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Stick to your principles, and follow through with the plans you have in place. Someone you have worked with in the past will have a lead or want to do you a favor, but double-check the information or ask for an offer in writing. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Put your efforts into work, money, getting along with your colleagues, and applying for any kind of advancement up for grabs. Love is on the rise, and an emotional conversation will bring you closer to better living arrangements. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Bypass anyone creating problems or trying to drag you into an altercation or no-win situation. You don’t need to invite unnecessary change into your life when it’s obvious you should be innovative and develop what you have started. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Make changes that will bring you joy and happiness. Whether you focus on self-improvement or making positive changes to your personal life and relationships, you will end up satisfied with the choice you make. Investments are favored. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Find out the source of any tidbit of information that comes your way before sharing with others. It is likely that someone will mislead you in order to buy time. What you offer may end up being used against you. Sit tight; observe. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Don’t be railroaded by someone who is pushy or demanding. You must make choices based on what’s best for you. Mentally and physically, you can achieve happiness and success if you follow your heart and your intuition. Put love first. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Stick to creative projects, travel, or exploring places you have never been before. An emotional issue that affects your living arrangement must be dealt with cautiously. Someone from your past can be of help to you now. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Listen to what’s being said, and assess the situation thoroughly before you proceed. An exaggeration is likely to perk your interest, but it shouldn’t entice you to get involved in something risky. Focus on love and personal improvement. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Move in a direction that will allow you to follow your personal or professional goals. Don’t worry about the changes others make. Keep moving forward, and walk away from anyone looking for a fight. Disagreements will not help you get ahead. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Assess your situation, and make your move. Don’t linger when timing will be crucial with regard to what you achieve. Make changes based on intuitive intelligence, and you will find a way to secure any legal or financial matter you face. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Tie up loose ends. Look over important papers and investments that can help you raise your standard of living. Personal changes based on hidden assets or money that comes from an unusual source will improve your financial situation.

There are years that ask questions and years that answer. — Zora Neale Hurston

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