The Daily Iowan - 05/14/14

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Female Athlete of the Year. Sam Logic. Sports.

Wednesday, may 14, 2014



UI Dining says, cash out


Boundary talk postponed By Lily Abromeit

stations in residence dining halls along with a new food court when the IMU ground floor reopens in 2015, which could further reduce traffic in the River Room. Starting Aug. 11, cash will no longer be accepted at Burge and Hillcrest Marketplaces, the Eckstein Medical Research Building, Pat’s Diner, Court Café, the Main Library, and the Mayflower, Burge, and Hillcrest convenience stores. Customers will have to use university IDs or bank cards. “The No. 1 reason is that service will be a lot quicker,” James said. “They won’t have to count back change … There’s also been numerous articles online the last few months about how dirty money is, so we’d like to take that cash-handling and some of that stuff away from our cashiers.” UI Housing and Dining will install

More than 40 students, teachers, and community members waited patiently for more than two hours Tuesday for their turn to address the Iowa City School Board, focusing on a multitude of issues. Budget cuts and the attendance zones for elementary schools received the most attention. Many concerns focused on music and language cuts as well as the discontinuation of seventh-grade football. “It’s very passionate,” said Gregg Shoultz, the principal of Northwest Junior High. “People are passionate about these programs, and it’s [obvious] in the community that they have a strong affinity for music and language, and it’s actually heartwarming to see how these programs are supported.” The board voted to postpone discussion on attendance zones for elementary schools, noting they wanted to be able to review the boundary maps and become familiar with the suggestions. “For me, it’s a matter of having more time to digest it,” board President Sally Hoelscher told the crowd. “We are interested in … input, but we are just not ready to discuss this right now.” Instead of making a decision during the board meeting, the members will discuss the attendance zones during a work session. Following the work session, a public discussion will be held during the second meeting in June. Board members Marla Swesey, Jeff McGinness, and Chris Lynch said they would like more time to scrutinize the maps before voting. However, Lynch said a discussion should have still occurred. Board member Tuyet Dorau advocated an open discussion during a board meeting to improve transparency across the district, and she was

See Dining, 3

See board, 3

Students wait in line to purchase food and beverages at the Hillcrest convenience store on Monday. Beginning Aug. 11, many locations, including marketplaces, cafés, and convenience stores will go cashless. (The Daily Iowan/Allison Orvis)

By Chris Higgins

University of Iowa students will have two more reasons to remember their student IDs or debit cards. During the next academic year, the IMU’s River Room will not accept meal swipes for grill meals. Also, many campus retail locations will not allow cash transactions. Starting in the middle of this semester, students were allowed to use meal swipes for grill options, which includes cheeseburgers and fish and chips, at the River Room instead of paying with money. The change was made to alleviate pressure at the Burge and Hillcrest Marketplaces. “A lot of our walk-in guests were getting frustrated because of the long lines with all of the students for the meal-swipe options,” said Bob James, the assistant director of UI Housing and Dining retail operations. “Now, it

has put so much pressure on the River Room, and with such a small area and limited storage space right now, we kind of have to tailor things back and do what we can do best.” From 10:30a.m.-4p.m., students can still use meal swipes at the River Room’s for deli, pizza homestyle, and either Asian or pasta meals. Officials have not determined which option will be excluded. All but the grill will be available for swipes during dinnertime. The change has attracted criticism from UI students. “If you pay for your meal swipes, you should be able to get the food that you want,” said biomedical-engineering graduate student Deepti Sharma. “It’s a customer-service industry, so if you want that food, then you’ve already paid. If they get rid of that, then they should just get rid of meal swipes.” James said there are plans for new grill

An Iowa City icon bids adieu

China to catch graduation

By Kaitlin DeWulf

Tuesday marked the last time on air for a beloved radio host. Since 1959, the “Dottie Ray Show” has aired weekdays from 8:45-9 a.m. Dottie Ray, a 91-year-old Iowa City resident, informed her listeners about local organizations, artists, and events. Ray has interviewed thousands of guests — and left her mark on them all. AM-800 KXIC hosted one final interview with Ray on Tuesday, which involved flipping the spotlight and focusing it on Ray and her accomplishments. Jay Capron, KXIC’s morning host, devoted a full one-hour slot to Ray, though there is no amount of time that could explain the impact she had on Iowa City, he said. According to the Iowa Women’s Journalist website, Ray was born in Eagle Grove in 1922. She worked at the Eagle Grove Eagle, beginning at the age of 17. She then attended junior college before transferring to the University of Iowa in 1942, where Ray was one of the first female editors of The Daily Iowan, and she had an all female staff when men were off serving in World War II. “Dottie was working for The Daily Iowan





Partly cloudy, breezy.

By Abigail Meier

14,000 interviews. In her last radio show, Ray welcomed guests, including Mayor Matt Hayek, who congratulated her on her accomplishments.

Parents halfway across the world will now be able to experience their children’s graduations without the hassle of traveling more than 6,500 miles. For Saturday’s University of Iowa Tippie College of Business graduation ceremony, family members, friends, and potential international students in China will be able to watch the ceremony through a narrated version of a live-stream broadcast. “This provides a more visual and active way for others in China to experience the real UI culture and gives them an image of what the university looks like,” said Star Shen, a UI freshman and member of AiCheng magazine, a UI student organization

See Dottie, 3

See china, 3

Courtesy of Iowa Digital Libraries. on D-Day, running around yelling, ‘Extra, extra,’ ” Capron said. “That’s how far she dates back to journalism in Iowa City.” For the past 55 years, Ray has interviewed locals for 15 minutes on her show, five days a week, totaling more than







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logging in

The Daily Iowan Volume 146 Breaking News Phone: (319) 335-6063 Email: Fax: 335-6297 Corrections Call: 335-6030 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for accuracy and fairness in the reporting of news. If a report is wrong or misleading, a request for a correction or a clarification may be made. Publishing info The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is published by Student Publications Inc., E131 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily except Saturdays, Sundays, legal and university holidays, and university vacations. Periodicals postage paid at the Iowa City Post Office under the Act of Congress of March 2, 1879.

Phillip Metcalfe of Plano, Texas, screams on Tuesday as he helps lift a log during Sea Trials, a day of physical and mental challenges for freshman midshipmen, known as plebes, that caps off their first year at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. (Associated Press /Patrick Semansky)

Miller-Meeks visits the ’Burg

Mariannette Miller-Meeks swung into Iowa City Tuesday for a meet-and-greet. By Aleksandra Vujicic

The Hamburg Inn bustled as forks clanked and people chowed down on their scrambled eggs and toast. Mariannette Miller-Meeks made her way around the tables to speak with local residents Tuesday. On her third attempt at beating Rep. Dave Loebsack, D-Iowa, to represent Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District, she is making a stop at each of the 24 counties that make up the district. She called it the “Full Grassley,” leading up to the June primaries, as she follows in the footsteps of Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who visits all 99 Iowa counties every year. The former eye doctor and director of the Iowa Department of Public Health said people are concerned about health care. “We want people to know that despite the lies that were told with the health-care bill, this time they can keep their doctor and lose their congressman,” Miller-Meeks said, referring to Loebsack. She said some of the main problems with the Affordable Care Act are the lack of personalization and its “one-sizefits-all agenda.” But her opponent from across the aisle doesn’t find merit in her claims. “Republicans seem to be hell-bent on once again giving big insurance companies the ability to stop people with

pre-existing conditions from getting insurance, increasing prescription-drug payments for seniors, not allowing y o u n g adults to stay on their parents’ insurance, and going back to the time when w o m - Miller-Meeks en were charged more for their health care,” said Nick Clarksen, Loebsack’s political director. Local resident Edgar Thornton said one of Meeker-Mills’ greatest strengths is her experience with and knowledge of medical issues. “I like my doctor, and I want to be able to pick my doctor, and I don’t want to necessarily have to use certain doctors that are offered,” Thornton said. “Personally, I think we need some type of healthcare system that needs reform, and we need some type of change, but I’m not sure the change that we have today is the right change.” Miller-Meeks also spoke to the crowd about the rising take-home pay in a “sluggish” economy. “Lower-income people, they see gasoline rising, they see food prices rising, electricity is rising, and policies we’ve had in our state help us, but nationwide, we need to do more,” Miller-Meeks said. Another local resident, Carol Ann Christiansen, agreed with Miller-Meek’s about how

the current government is handling social and economic issues. “She mentioned something about being in a bubble in Washington, D.C.,” Christiansen said. “I sincerely think they are in a bubble. They don’t know what it’s like trying to make ends meet in this economy, worrying about ‘Well can I go see this doctor, that I’ve been seeing for the past 20 years or can I not?’ ” “She gets it,” Christiansen said. Miller-Meeks said the bureaucracy is becoming too big, and government accountability is lacking. She brought up the recent controversy with hidden delays in VA Hospitals that are currently under federal investigation. “We’ve seen what’s happened at the VA hospitals these past couple of weeks, and that’s a travesty,” Meeker-Mills said. “As a 24-year veteran, if we can’t take care of our men and women who have served our nation so admirably, then

you have to look at your priorities and say ‘Who’s being held accountable for this?’ ” UI Associate Professor of political science Cary Covington said most primary elections, historically, run on issues that are particularly relevant to the people of the district. In recent election years, there have been more wave elections, in which the issues are more focused on the national “wave” that moves the public one way or another, he said. “[Miller-Meeks] is probably thinking there’s going to be kind of a national mood, and she wants to plug into it to help her win the election here in Iowa,” Covington said. “It’s effective when constituents are really motivated by those national issues.” Right now, he said, the campaign is focused on mobilizing the Republican base and energizing the relatively smaller number of people who vote in midterm elections.

for its employees. The free service, Duo, is a two-step phone verification tool to protect employees from on- and off-campus locations. The service is also used by several companies, including Facebook, Google, and Tumblr. The new tool follows a series of phishing scams that hit the UI last fall. The new verification service will require employees to enter a phone number, and a verification code will be sent to complete the process. The service also requires employees’ to re-verify a phone number if they use a different computer, clear their browser’s cache, or after 30 days have passed.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences undergraduates to accommodate more family members and guests. All commencement ceremonies will be streamed through the Iowa Now website. The schedule for commencement ceremonies:

• Location: Carver-Hawkeye

Graduation ceremonies

College of Law • Day: Friday • Time: 1 p.m. • Location: IMU Main Lounge

METRO Law-school express Students throughout Iowa can earn bachelor’s and law degrees in six years now from eight undergraduate institutions. The University of Iowa College of Law has partnered with eight institutions since announcing the 3+3 program in November 2013. The program will allow qualified undergraduates from the partner schools admission to the law school after the conclusion of their junior year. The credits earned during their first year of law school will also apply to their undergraduate degree. The eight partner institutions are: University of Dubuque; Clarke University, Dubuque; Coe College, Cedar Rapids; Wartburg College, Waverly; Buena Vista University, Storm Lake; Morningside College, Sioux City; Iowa State University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; UI College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

— by Rebecca Morin

UI moves on identity theft The University of Iowa launched a new tool to prevent identity theft

— by Stacey Murray

Approximately 5,000 University of Iowa students will reach a landmark this coming weekend. Spring 2014 graduation ceremonies will begin Thursday with the College of Pharmacy commencement and will end June 6 with the College of Dentistry’s graduation. All other ceremonies will be held on Friday and Saturday. Split ceremonies will be held for

College of Pharmacy • Day: Thursday • Time: 10 a.m. • Location: Marriott Hotel, Coralville School of Management, Tippie College of Business • Day: Friday • Time: 10 a.m. • Location: Marriott

Carver College of Medicine • Day: Friday • Time: 6:30 p.m. • Location: Marriott Graduate College • Day: Friday • Time: 7 p.m.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences • Day: Saturday • Time: 9 a.m. • Location: Carver-Hawkeye College of Liberal Arts and Sciences • Day: Saturday • Time: 1 p.m. • Location: Carver-Hawkeye College of Engineering • Day: Saturday • Time: 10 a.m. • Location: Marriott College of Nursing • Day: Saturday • Time: 10 a.m. • Location: IMU Main Lounge Tippie College of Business • Day: Saturday • Time: 5 p.m. • Location: Carver-Hawkeye College of Dentistry • Day: June 6 • Time: 6 p.m. • Location: Marriott

Subscriptions Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Email: Subscription rates: Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 for summer session, $50 for full year. Out of town: $40 for one sememster, $80 for two semesters, $20 for summer session, $100 all year. Send address changes to: The Daily Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004 Advertising Sales Staff Bev Mrstik 335-5792 Cathy Witt 335-5794

Issue 195 sTaff Publisher 335-5788 William Casey Editor-in-Chief 335-6030 Kristen East Managing Editor 335-5855 Jordyn Reiland Metro Editors 335-6063 Rebecca Morin Stacey Murray Opinions Editor 335-5863 Zach Tilly Sports Editors 335-5848 Josh Bolander Danny Payne Arts Editor 335-5851 Sam Gentry Copy Chief 335-6063 Beau Elliot Photo Editor 335-5852 Tessa Hursh Projects Editor 335-5855 Jordyn Reiland Design Editor 335-5855 Mercedes Potter Graphics Editor 335-6063 Alicia Kramme Convergence Editor 335-6063 Brent Griffiths TV Director 335-6063 Reid Chandler TV Sports Director 335-6063 Josh Bolander Web Editor 335-5829 Tony Phan Business Manager 335-5786 Debra Plath Classifed Ads/Circulation Manager Juli Krause 335-5784 Advertising Manager 335-5193 Renee Manders Production Manager 335-5789 Heidi Owen


dining Continued from front new registers and card readers, which James said

dottie Continued from front Throughout the show, Ray spoke about her career and how she found her place in radio. She talked about her time in journalism and how exciting it was to report during wartime in America. “I learned a great deal, and I’m a little embarrassed I left [the DI] for radio,” Ray said. “But not really.”


Continued from front upset when the conversation was postponed. “We basically just shut down an entire room,” Dorau said during the meeting. “I find that to be abso-

china Continued from front run by international students. AiCheng will partner with UI Video Services, International Programs, and the Admission’s Office to provide the streaming. The UI is the only school in the Big Ten to provide this service. Joan Kjaer, the director of strategic communications at the UI Internation-



will make it easier to keep track of transactions on top of going cashless. However, some students have responded negatively to that switch, too. “I think that we might

lose business because a lot of people like to pay in cash or come and spend money and then get change to put in for their cars,” said UI sophomore Kenya Lewis, a Mayflower

convenience-store cashier. “People do that all the time. I don’t think it’ll make a difference with it being easier. I just feel like we’ll lose more money.” UI sophomore Victor

Valentin said many students prefer to use cash. “I understand that they want to get rid of cash and make it more efficient and quicker … but what if some of us don’t want

to use Hawk Dollars or charge it to our U-bill,“ he said. “Cash is usually a last resort, and I get that, but at the same time it also helps a lot of college students here.”

Capron said Ray had an immeasurable impact on her listeners and the number of people she touched throughout the years is “astounding.” He said Ray had an especially soft spot for the arts in Iowa City, and she had a passion to keep theater alive. Chuck Swanson, the executive director of Hancher Auditorium, said Ray was a “true pro.” “Dottie’s heart was in it,” Swanson said. “She

wanted to do the best job for the city, and she is going to be deeply missed.” Swanson said whenever Hancher had events to share, one of his first calls was always to Ray, because he knew her passion. The artists featured on the show always thought it was quite the experience, Swanson said. “How often do you go into the home of a radio star who offers you coffee and wants to hear about your life?” Swanson said.

Christina Patramanis, the marketing director for Riverside Theater, said Ray’s show has been an invaluable part to the community and essential to revitalizing the arts. “Dottie Ray knew the Iowa City arts community very well,” Patramanis said. “And she had a history with the guests, so she could ask them special questions that were in-depth and fun.” She said Riverside loved sharing upcoming events on

her show, and Ray showcased those events in a engaging way on her show, which helped spark public interest. “There is no one out there in the world that can do radio the way Dottie Ray does,” Swanson said. Swanson said her long-running radio career is a testament to how she captivated her audience. Capron said Ray wanted to make sure her usual guests and contacts would still be a big part of her show, and KX-

IC agreed they would be. “Although she won’t be on air anymore, we’re going to keep her spirit alive,” Capron said. In her final moments on KXIC, Ray wanted to make certain the station continued to serve Iowa City in the way she had. She said she wants KXIC to keep being the place where you can learn what’s going on in the community. “Go KXIC, and happy Tuesday,” Ray said, her final words on the radio.

lutely deplorable. We are trying to do something so impactful in our district … and then we shut down the people that are supposed to be supporting our district, and we are going to ask for money; this is ridiculous.” Although discussion on the attendance zones was postponed, many community members shared their

views on budget cuts. “In general, we just want to get back to sustainability and prediction so in the future we know how we’re going to staff and provide … for our students,” Shoultz said. During the meeting, the board members deliberated over maintaining efforts to gauge success

throughout the cuts. To do so, emphasis will be put on keeping track of participation rates, teacher approval, and teacher reassignments. “Let’s talk about how we can partner and move forward,” Lynch said. “I don’t like any of these cuts; there’s nothing good here.” But, he noted, the dis-

trict needs to move forward with maintaining a sustainable model. “There may be some challenges short-term, but I think it has to be done,” he said. Lynch said these cuts were proposed because a priority must be placed on classroom sizes. Swesey agreed, saying

she thinks many teachers, parents, and community members also value smaller class sizes in order to increase individual time and attention between students and teachers. “All of those things would be a beneficial, but I think class size is the most important thing right now,” she said.

al Programs, said most international students at the university hail from China, and she believes there will be a high demand for the programming. “Graduation is a thrilling moment in every student’s college experience, and the excitement isn’t limited to the student,” Kjaer said. “Parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, and friends are all anxious to share the happy day, but some live too far away to physically attend the ceremony.”

She said the stream will allow the university to increase the knowledge people in China have of the UI by showcasing the university’s strengths and opportunities available to successful graduates. “I think this is really important because it gives them the right idea of what American life is like at a college university,” Shen said. “… This is not only aimed at graduating seniors but promotes UI life to all UI international students.”

One UI student says this is a great opportunity for her parents to experience firsthand what life is like at the university. UI freshman Ye Yang said before her parents come to visit, they are nervous because they are not familiar with the campus’ culture. “My parents are not directly provided with what life is like here,” Yang said. “They know nothing about American schools or the

graduation celebration, and this can show them what the structure of graduation is like.” As the trial run, Kjaer said, she hopes this will become an annual event. She hopes the university will be able to do more narrative broadcasts in other languages in the future. UI freshman Wei Wei said this provides his parents an opportunity to feel

as if they are participating in a significant life event even though they are halfway across the world. “It feels like they are participating in my life, and they will know I gained some experience in a nice school,” Wei said. “From the ceremony, they will know I have become a strong man after four years, and they will know I am going to succeed.”

Opinions 4


DAILYIOWAN.COM WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 2014 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. — FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION



The death of iTunes Joe Lane

Last week, the most well-known brand in the world began closing a deal to purchase one of the fastest growing; Apple is close to purchasing Beats Electronics — maker of the ubiquitous headphones and operator of an up-andcoming music streaming service — for a whopping $3.2 billion. Should Apple’s purchase be completed, it would have an instantaneous effect in a few major ways; first, Apple would become one of the biggest players in the music-streaming industry (its recently released “iTunes Radio” failed to capture much attention) and, second, it would make Dr. Dre the wealthiest rapper in history — the first rap billionaire, no less. Something, however, is less obvious about the implications of this purchase: Apple admits it was wrong. When iTunes was released in 2001, it began a music revolution that, accompanied by the iPod, made Apple a titan in the music industry and changed the way that people around the world listened to and stored their music. The MP3 file format, which made it possible to have thousands of songs at your fingertips, was used by iTunes in making the largest online music database, from which millions of users could purchase music — legally — for the low price of 99 cents per song. And although Apple’s music prices have since risen and other players in the digital music world have entered the market (Amazon, Spotify, Pandora, Beats, and others), Apple’s iTunes has remained one of the most influential and well-known brands in the music world. When iTunes was introduced, Steve Jobs argued that as opposed to streaming music, purchasing mu-

sic and building a library was an attractive feature for the music lovers of the 21st century. At the time, Jobs was right. Now, however, things have changed. Sweden-based streaming service Spotify, for example, is rapidly gaining popularity, as it is one of the first mainstream streaming services available that provides free legal music, albeit riddled with advertisements. Where Spotify proved its worth in the music market was by offering $9.99 per month premium service — which allows the user to hear her or his music free-of-advertisements on any device with or without an Internet connection; that last piece is the twist of the knife in the goliath that is Apple. Jobs’s argument was that streaming isn’t a valid option because it does not allow the listeners the opportunity to build (and subsequently show off) their immense music libraries — something that many listeners (Jobs argued) wanted to do. But with the features available from a premium subscription, Spotify users are not only able to develop truly impressive music libraries, but they are also able to do it at a much lower cost. I, despite being a self-proclaimed Apple and Steve Jobs fan boy, switched to Spotify before coming to school this past fall. With the potential purchase of Beats, Apple admits defeat; it says to people around the world that the great Steve Jobs was, in fact, wrong. However, I believe that the realization that Jobs could have been wrong about something is the greatest thing to happen to Apple since its founder’s death. When Jobs left Apple in 1985, the impact was immediate and obvious, simply because he left a company that was not prepared for life without him. Now, however, despite the initial drop in stock price after his death, it appears that Apple is ready for life without Jobs.

STAFF KRISTEN EAST Editor-in-Chief JORDYN REILAND Managing Editor ZACH TILLY Opinions Editor NICK HASSETT and MATTHEW BYRD Editorial Writers MICHAEL BEALL, JOE LANE, ASHLEY LEE, LC Graf, ADAM GROMOTKA, JON OVERTON, SRI PONNADA, BRIANNE RICHSON, and BARRETT SONN Columnists ERIC MOORE Cartoonist EDITORIALS reflect the majority opinion of the DI Editorial Board and not the opinion of the Publisher, Student Publications Inc.,or the University of Iowa. OPINIONS, COMMENTARIES, COLUMNS, and EDITORIAL CARTOONS reflect the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board.

EDITORIAL POLICY THE DAILY IOWAN is a multifaceted news-media organization that provides fair and accurate coverage of events and issues pertaining to the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Johnson County, and the state of Iowa. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR may be sent via email to (as text, not as attachments). Each letter must be signed and include an address and phone number for verification. Letters should not exceed 300 words. The DI will publish only one letter per author per month. Letters will be chosen for publication by the editors according to space considerations. No advertisements or mass mailings, please. GUEST OPINIONS that exceed 300 words in length must be arranged with the Opinions editor at least three days prior to the desired date of publication. Guest opinions are selected in accordance with word length, subject relevance, and space considerations. READER COMMENTS that may appear below were originally posted on in response to published material. They will be chosen for print publication when they are deemed to be well-written and to forward public discussion. They may be edited for length and style.

Prosecutor’s office needs change A

s any dedicated reader of the DI Opinions section has surely noted, the June 3 Johnson County county-attorney primary election (which, in this deeply Democratic county, essentially amounts to a regular election) has become something of a spirited referendum on the county’s policy toward marijuana use. On one end, there is incumbent County Attorney Janet Lyness, who has taken not insignificant steps to minimize the effects of Iowa’s draconian-marijuana prohibition laws with the Marijuana Diversion Program, which seeks to dismiss charges for possession of small amounts of marijuana. Lyness has gone on record saying that marijuana arrests are a “low priority” for her office and notes, rightly, that her diversion program is “probably one of the most liberal things we have in the state of Iowa.” Opposing her is John Zimmerman, a former Mennonite preacher and recent UI College of Law graduate who has promised to implement a truly radical vision of law enforcement if elected. Zimmerman has stated that he will end all prosecutions of marijuana-related offenses and public intoxication, arguing that enforcing the War on Drugs in Johnson County is not only an ineffective attitude toward a victimless crime but also a perpetuation of economic and racial inequalities in the legal system. As Zimmerman has pointed out, most of Johnson County’s (incarcerated and charged) drug offenders are poor, black, or both. A 2013 ACLU report ranked Iowa as worst in the nation for drug arrests disparity, with African Americans eight times more likely than whites to be arrested for a drug that they use at roughly the same rates (Johnson County was ranked as the third worst county in the state when it came to this racial disparity). While we certainly applaud Lyness’ attempts to

erase the rougher edges of the state’s marijuana policy, the fact remains that the current regime of marijuana prohibition is not only an abject failure but a truly destructive weapon that ruins the lives of an unconscionable number of Johnson County residents. As former DI archivist Caroline Dieterle pointed out in a recent letter to the editor, despite the diversion program’s dropping charges against low-level offenders, arrest records can still be used by employers to deny employment to those guilty of simple possession of marijuana. In the face of a profoundly detrimental policy, it is refreshing to see a candidate willing to break through the conservative mindset that defines the state political class’ point of view on this issue. This does not mean that there are not reservations about a Zimmerman vote. He is wildly inexperienced, having just recently graduated from law school, and there are overwrought but still valid concerns about Zimmerman’s ability to run an office with a budget of $3 million annually with absolutely no experience of running an institution this large. These reservations, however, do not outweigh the potential of a Zimmerman administration in the County Attorney’s Office. A total and abrupt end to prosecutions for marijuana offenses is the only responsible solution to the legal abomination that is marijuana prohibition, and Zimmerman is the only candidate willing to take the necessary steps to enact this goal. As such, we cautiously endorse John Zimmerman for county attorney and hope that his administration will be as promisingly radical as his campaign rhetoric. YOUR TURN Do you support John Zimmerman for county attorney? Weigh in at

Letters to the editor Vote for Lyness and experience The outcome of the upcoming primary for county attorney could totally change the way our justice system works in this county. John Zimmerman says he will no longer prosecute possession of marijuana or public-intoxication charges. If Zimmerman wants the law changed, he should run for a state office that has the power to change those laws. Our present county attorney, Janet Lyness, is trying very hard to give individuals an opportunity to avoid long-lasting repercussions from charges of this nature, but she is also following the laws of the state, which is something she took an oath to do when she took

office. County attorneys are given a certain amount of discretion regarding what charges they can file and to what degree they will pursue them. Good discretion in these areas can only come from years of experience, something Lyness has and Zimmerman doesn’t. It is unbelievable but true that Zimmerman is running for county attorney having never practiced as an attorney. Please get out and vote in the primary election on June 3, and think about whom you are voting for: a person who has spent more than 24 years practicing law and eight years running a County Attorney’s Office, or someone with no experience who is promising not to enforce the laws of Iowa.

Mary Nehring

Vote for Rettig I urge you to strongly consider supporting Janelle Rettig for re-election as Johnson County supervisor in the June 3 primary. No one is a more conscientious public servant than Janelle, who goes the extra mile to be inclusive, honest, and wise as she strives to make the best decisions for Johnson County as a whole. She is both a listener and an activist for all of her constituents. She is personable, intelligent, open, and inclusive to a rare degree for any person with public influence and decision-making power. Her ways of being, and of conducting business, are enviable. Janelle has my vote for Johnson County supervisor, hands down. She represents my causes (trails, recreation, the environment, strong fiscal

management, and commitment to human services), and she represents all of our people of Johnson County. I hope you will join me in voting for Janelle Rettig on or before June 3.

Faye Thompson

I support Janelle Rettig for Johnson County supervisor in the June 3 primary. Janelle is compassionate, smart, and principled. And she listens. It is a combination that makes for a very effective county supervisor. And what a great track record — whether the issues are human services, the environment or the budget, you can count on Janelle to do her homework and make thoroughly considered decisions. I hope you will join me in voting to keep her voice on the Board of Supervisors.

Jody Hovland


Commencement goes global Commencement is going global. This weekend, thousands of Iowa Hawkeyes will walk across the stage, shake hands with campus leaders, and be recognized for their achievement in earning a University of Iowa degree. Among our graduates will be hundreds of students from other countries, those who have brought a welcome and necessary international perspective to our campus. The Hawkeye family is growing internationally. So that everyone’s family and friends can be part of the celebration of such a significant life achievement no matter where they may be, this spring we’re streaming all our commencement ceremonies live on the web to reach people around the world. For most students, a college education is

a team effort. Many people — loved ones, colleagues, friends — make it possible for our students to accomplish their higher education goals through intellectual, moral, emotional, and financial support. Commencement is a celebration for all the people who have made graduation possible for our students, and with the wonders of modern technology, we can now include even those team members who live thousands of miles away. As globalization accelerates, we have no choice but to enhance our international ties and extend our educational reach. But even more importantly, at Iowa, we embrace international education as a choice — as both a public good and as an exciting intellectual challenge. On campus, we believe it is important to encourage our

students to study the languages, cultures, and histories of other peoples around the world. We also believe it is important for students to learn in diverse environments, interacting with people, cultures, and ideas that are different from their own. That is why we are so pleased and proud that our international student population is at record levels. To be a Hawkeye means to be globally aware, and that means we value and support all of our students, no matter what part of the world they come from. In addition to commencement’s live web streaming, we’re also connecting with Hawkeyes everywhere on social media — not just well-known platforms such as Facebook but also such networks as WeChat, which has a big following world-

wide. And we want to keep expanding our international reach. Given our growing connections to China in particular, we’re also piloting a project to stream the Tippie College of Business commencement with Chinese-language translation. I’m thrilled with this opportunity to share Iowa excellence worldwide and to help our international students’ families and friends experience the joy and pride of commencement in real time. Whether you’re from Sioux City or Mexico City, Chicago or Shanghai, or Madrid, Iowa, or Madrid, Spain, you are all equally Iowa Hawkeyes. Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for continued success no matter where you and your talents end upon the globe. Sally Mason UI president

For more news, visit




Somewhere over the rainbow at the UI

A University of Iowa event celebrates the achievements of graduating LGBTQ students. By Kaitlin DeWulf

“I know that the path through higher education is not always easy,” she said. “Those of us who find After four years of hard ourselves on the margins of work, the odyssey is finally the mainstream … know over for one LGBTQ student. to expect those challenges. “It feels amazing,” In an age of partisan pettiPreston Keith said. “Beness, anyone who disagrees ing done with school and with you may attack you.” going onto this next jourThe event featured sevney … it’s just surreal.” eral speakers, including a Keith was recognized keynote speech from UI Asalong with 18 other Unisistant Professor Katie Imversity of Iowa LGBTQ borek, the codirector of the students at the Rainbow LGBTQ clinic Graduation the Iowa on Tues'I know that the path through higher education is not at River Landday. The ing. Imboprogram always easy. Those of us who find ourselves on the rek said she celebrates margins of the mainstream…know to expect those experienced the accomof these plishments challenges. In an age of partisan pettiness, anyone who some challenges of these UI herself when students. disagrees with you may attack you.' she started UI Chief — Georgina Dodge, UI Chief Diversity Officer college. Diversi“I really ty Officer Georgina Dodge said the a safe and inclusive place, think back to this really, reevent helps define com- we still have a lot of work ally scared 18-year-old who munity for those students. to do. Some of the gradua- started college,” she said. “I “This is really special; tions may be looked at as was … going through this time where I had no idea this is a particular com- noninclusive.” Dodge said the accom- what the heck was going on. ing together that holds a great amount of mean- plishment is especially im- My world was spinning.” When she moved to Iowa ing,” said. “Community pressive because LGBTQ does not just refer to your students may experience City, Imborek said, she was identities but to a culture even more challenges than surprised with how accepting the community was. other students. of acceptance.”

Roy Salcedo, the coordinator of the UI Multicultural Program at the Center for Student Involvement and Leadership, said the event is important because it gives those students an opportunity to be recognized freely. “I think it’s important to have a safe space to celebrate that,” he said. “Although the University of Iowa may be looked at as

Friends and family take photos of the graduates after the Rainbow Graduation in the Old Capitol Senate Chamber on Tuesday. The event is a celebration honoring those LBTQ students and their allies graduating this year. (The Daily Iowan/Alyssa Hitchcock) “We came to Iowa City, and I saw people walking down the street holding hands,” she said. “I thought, oh my goodness, this could actually be us, this could be me.” Keith said he has also always felt supported by the UI community. “There is a community here who supports you no matter what,” he said. “I think that there are a lot of resources here … that a lot of universities don’t have.” One of these resources is the LGBT Resource Center, where Keith works. “A part of my role is to connect students with resources throughout Iowa City,” he said. “[The center] allow[s] for them to

get not only reassurance but reaffirmation.” Keith will continue to work at the center and will become a full-time staff member now he has graduated, he said. The community kept him at the university, as did unfinished work. “I think the community that I’ve built here, and just the people that I’ve met, are going to stick with me,” he said. “Being able to continue that work … is going to be something that’s really important to me.” Salcedo agreed there is still work to do. “We do have LGBT students here, and unfortunately some students are not comfortable coming

out,” he said. “Until that changes, the university needs to continue to look at that and say what can we do to make sure that doesn’t happen, ever."

Rainbow Graduation LGBTQ graduates of the University of Iowa were recognized at the Rainbow Graduation. The number of graduates honored in the past years: • 2012: 17 graduates • 2013: 25 graduates • 2014: 19 graduates Source: Daily Iowan Archives




Daily Break

the ledge This column reflects the opinion of the author and not the DI Editorial Board, the Publisher, Student Publications Inc., or the University of Iowa.

The “Are you my last roommate?” Quiz: • Will you thaw ground deer meat on the kitchen counter? On a paper towel? For three days? • Will you then put the bloody deer meat into the fridge, allowing the bloody deer meat to make a congealed pool in the crisper drawer in addition to the congealed pool that has now affixed the paper towel to the counter? • Will you then let the bloody deer meat set so long in the fridge that it becomes rancid? • Will you refuse to throw out the rancid deer meat, and will you get mad at me when I finally do? • Will you do the above things on a bimonthly basis for roughly a year? • Will you routinely get up on Fridays before your alarm goes off, dress, lock your bedroom door, and leave the house for the entire weekend while your alarm ceaselessly buzzes and rings until you finally come home? • When you meet my father, will you imply to him that his son is “probably a fag?” • Do you think that breaking the window in your bedroom is an acceptable substitute for buying a fan in the summer? • Will you demand I pay to fix your broken window in the winter because you are “too cold” and I am “the landlord?” • Why are you such an asshole? Really? Were you bullied in grade school? Well, good.

Andrew R. Juhl will never clean another fridge.

today’s events • Work by M.F.A. students in the School of Art and Art History, all day, Art Building West Levitt Gallery • Art and Life in Africa, 9 a.m., IMU Black Box Theater • UI Pain Research Program, 9 a.m., 2117 Medical Education & Research Facility • Special Seminar, “Drug Target Identification Using Mouse Knockouts and Making a Billion Small Molecules to Screen Against Them,”Bill Paradee, 10 a.m., 1117 Medical Education and Research Facility • Diabetes and Obesity Talks: Health Science Poster Trainees, noon, 1289 Carver Biomedical Research Building • Inorganic Chemistry Seminar, “Cultivating a Crystal Garden: Synthetic and Spectroscopic Studies in Controlling MOF Structure,” Colin Weeks, 12:30 p.m., W323 Chemistry Building • Staff Council Meeting, 2:30 p.m., 2520D University Capitol Center

• 20th-Annual Latino/a Graduation Reception, 3 p.m., Old Capitol Senate Chamber • 21st Century Books, Gary Frost, 6 p.m., Main Library Special Collections Reading Room • Alive & Well, Huntington disease documentary screening, 7 p.m., IMU Iowa Theater • Regina Band Concert, 7 p.m., Coralville Center for the Performing Arts, 1301 Fifth St. • Spoken Word, 7 p.m., Uptown Bill’s, 730 S. Dubuque

submit an event Want to see your special event appear here? Simply submit the details at:

8-9 a.m. Morning Drive Noon-2 p.m. Sports Block 5 p.m. KRUI News 6-7 p.m. Iowa Comedy 7-8 p.m. Abby and Ian’s Show 10 p.m.-Midnight Into the Void


Wednesday, May 14, 2014 by Eugenia Last

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Moderation will be required to avoid mishaps. You can say “no” once in a while and still maintain your status quo. Don’t let an argument drive a wedge between you and someone you love. Compromise more, and criticize less. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Show everyone what you have to offer. Dependability and determination are your strengths and can carry you to and beyond your destination. Explore new possibilities, and stabilize important partnerships. Deal with red tape concisely, and avoid being red-flagged. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Assisting people is fine, but do so for the right reason. Having motives behind your do-good attitude will backfire if you aren’t honest and upfront about what you are hoping to get in return. Love is in the stars. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Live a little. Participate in networking events or social activities. You’ll discover someone you have a lot in common with and share some interesting ideas and plans that will help you reach your personal or professional objectives. Strive for equality. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Engage in conversations that will bring you knowledge or information that can help you make a good decision and an appropriate move. Don’t let hype or trends cost you or lead you into an excessive situation. Channel your energy into romance. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Short trips, attending an exhibit, or networking with colleagues will all lead to valuable information and the courage to make some positive changes to the way you live. Someone respected in your community will offer expert advice. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Don’t succumb to demands or forceful action at home or at work. Stand up for your beliefs, but be prepared to make changes as a result of your actions. Weed out what isn’t working in your life, and make your move. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Check out different lifestyles, beliefs, and organizations. Expanding your interests will bring you in touch with someone you click with creatively. Do something unusual to your home that will add to your pleasure and attract unusual visitors. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You’ll have to dig deep if you want to get all the information you need to make a good decision. Take the initiative, and make domestic changes that will improve your life and your relationships, but don’t overspend. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Offer a helping hand or well-thought-out suggestion, but step back if someone wants you to pay for or do the work on her or his behalf. Strive for equality in all your dealings. Don’t take on a losing battle. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Listen carefully, and make decisions based on the information you discover. A money deal looks good, and a gift, loan, or offering is heading in your direction. Love is highlighted, and a promise can be made, along with a positive domestic change. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Look over documents and important personal papers. Present your plans to someone who is in a position to help you. A new venture looks promising and may open the door to some fascinating connections. Expand your outlook and your interests.

When you want to fool the world, tell the truth. —Otto von Bismarck




Blackhawks top Wild to take series Associated Press

ST. PAUL, Minn. — Patrick Kane scored on a backhand at 9:40 of overtime to lift the Chicago Blackhawks to a 2-1 victory over the Minnesota Wild in Game 6 to clinch their second-round Western Conference series on Tuesday night. Kris Versteeg scored at 1:58 of the first, and Corey Crawford came up with tough save after tough save among his 34 stops for the Blackhawks, who advanced to the Western Conference finals to meet either Anaheim or Los Angeles. Anaheim leads that series 3-2; Game 6 is tonight in Los Angeles. Erik Haula scored, and Ilya Bryzgalov stopped 25 shots for the Wild, who pushed a frenetic pace for much of the night but missed prime chances to score. They paid for it in the extra period, when a simple dump-in by Brent Seabrook took an unusual bounce back toward the slot. The puck slid past Peter Regin but not Kane, who deked once and flipped it into the net. Booed as they left the ice after the first period at home in Game 5, the defending Stanley Cup champions Blackhawks rebounded. Since 2009, the first postseason appearance for Kane and co-star Jonathan Toews, the Blackhawks are 14-0 in Games

5 and 6 of playoff series that were tied after Game 4. They’re also 122 in games with a chance to win a series, including 6-1 on the road. The Blackhawks’ stifling penalty kill unit, continuing to give the Wild no space to shoot, fended off two more power plays in the third period to drop the Wild to 2 for 20 in the series. The Wild kept up the pressure on Crawford they created in the middle of the game, but whether it was the goalie’s pads, blocker or a crossbar in the way, the pucks didn’t go in. Wild coach Mike Yeo joked in the morning his team’s “survival instincts” have been better than its “killer instincts.” By not getting more shots past Crawford that’s about the way this game went for them in their first home loss of the postseason. The Blackhawks scored first in six of their previous 11 games in these playoffs and won each time, their only victory without taking the first lead coming in Game 5 against the Wild. Versteeg put them right back in control just 1:58 in, when he outmuscled Keith Ballard for possession in the corner and flipped an bad-angle shot that bounced awkwardly among the bodies around the crease, hit the back of Clayton Ston-

Chicago Blackhawk right wing Patrick Kane (88) and Minnesota Wild left wing Erik Haula (56) chase the puck during the second period of Game 6 in St. Paul, Minn., Tuesday. (Associated Press/Ann Heisenfelt) er’s leg, and skidded past Bryzgalov. Versteeg’s ice time has dwindled, and he’s been scratched three times this postseason, but he produced a big one on his 28th birthday. The Wild got their break — or, rather, breakaway — soon after the first intermission when Haula sped to snag a pass by Matt Cooke that banked perfectly off the boards. Barely but deftly staying ahead of Johnny Oduya’s diving attempt to stop him, Haula snapped the puck past Crawford’s glove to tie the game and ignite another round of derisive chants of the goalie’s last name that began even before the opening faceoff.

Haula’s emergence this spring has been a boon for the Wild, who gave their 2009 seventh-round draft pick three stints in the AHL this season before making him a permanent fixture in the lineup. He tied Zach Parise and Mikael Granlund for the team lead in the playoffs with four goals. Each side brought an aggressive game plan, with defensemen pinching down often and all kinds of rushes developing both ways. Particularly in that breathless penalty-free second period that had the home team buzzing so much that Blackhawks coach Joel Quenneville used his timeout. Crawford made two saves apiece on a pair

Rangers cap comeback, take series Associated Press

PITTSBURGH — New York Rangers coach Alain Vigneault had trouble finding the words to describe goaltender Henrik Lundqvist. “He’s OK,” Vigneault said finally with a small shake of his head. Except that is, in Game 7s. In Game 7s, Lundqvist is unbeatable. And so are the Rangers. Frustrating Sidney Crosby and the reeling Pittsburgh Penguins one final time, Lundqvist made 35 saves to lift New York to a 2-1 win on Tuesday night and give his resilient team an unlikely spot in the Eastern Conference finals. “I was so tired at the end,” Lundqvist said after setting an NHL record with his fifth-straight Game 7 triumph. “But it was just a great feeling when you know it’s a done deal and we did it.” Brian Boyle and Brad Richards scored for New York, which rallied from a 3-1 series deficit for the first time in the franchise’s 88-year history. The Rangers did it behind Lundqvist, who stopped 102 of the final 105 shots he faced over the final three games as New York advanced to the conference finals for the second time in three years. The three-time All-Star is 10-2 when facing elimination. He was at his best during a mad scramble in front of the Rangers’ net with just over five minutes left, when he turned aside three shots from three different angles in a matter of seconds to preserve a 1-goal lead. “He was OK with guys being on top of him as long as we didn’t take penalties,” New York defen-

New York Ranger goalie Henrik Lundqvist (30) leaps as time expires in Game 7 of a NHL playoff series against the Penguins in Pittsburgh on Tuesday. The Rangers won, 2-1, to advance to the conference finals. (Associated Press) seman Ryan McDonagh said. “He fought through screens, fought for loose pucks. He was incredible.” The Rangers will play the winner of the Bruins-Canadiens series in the conference finals. That series is tied 3-3; Game 7 is tonight in Boston. Jussi Jokinen scored his team-high seventh goal of the postseason for the Penguins. Marc-Andre Fleury made 18 saves for the Penguins, who outshot New York 36-20, but were outscored 10-3 over the final three games. Pittsburgh fell to 2-7 all time at home in Game 7s, including three such losses in the past five seasons. This one might have been the most painful for the core of Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, and coach Dan Bylsma, which seemed pointed toward a dynasty after winning the 2009 Stanley Cup. Crosby, who led the league in scoring and is

an MVP finalist, managed just 1 goal in 13 playoffs games. Just as importantly, five springs have now come and gone without Pittsburgh getting a Cup to bookend the one they hoisted that giddy night in Detroit and changes could be on the way. The Penguins are just 4-5 in playoff series over the past five seasons, with each loss coming to lower-seeded teams. Not exactly the expected outcome for a roster scattered with top-end talent that hasn’t met expectations. While Bylsma declined to take the wide-angle view, his captain understood the dressing room could have a very different look next fall. “I think there’s always questions,” Crosby said. “When expectations are high and you don’t win that’s normal. I’m sure there will be a lot of questions.”

There are none at the moment for the Rangers, who seem to thrive when their season boils down to three periods of hockey. Faced with their fifth Game 7 in the past three years, they did what they always do and took control early. Boyle quieted a raucous crowd 5:25 into the game at the end of a pretty breakout. Derek Dorsett hit Boyle streaking across the Pittsburgh blue line and Boyle tapped it between his legs to Dominic Moore, who waited a split second before sending it back to Boyle. The veteran forward’s shot went between Fleury’s legs for his second goal of the postseason. The Penguins responded by briefly taking over the game, their momentum cresting 4:15 into the second period when Jokinen pounded home a rebound off an Olli Maatta shot to tie the game.

of breakaways by Justin Fontaine. Jason Pominville had a wide-open rebound try knocked aside at the last second. Cody McCormick tried a spin move to fend off Duncan Keith and nearly got the puck past Crawford, who used his left pad to stop it. Not to be outdone in that stretch, Bryzgalov calmly thwarted a breakaway by Patrick Sharp. The Wild put Ballard back on their third pair on defense, replacing Nate Prosser, after he missed Game 5 in a potential concussion precaution. Ballard was knocked hard into the boards, drawing a boarding penalty on Brandon Bollig that also got the Blackhawks left wing a two-game suspension.




Cafone’s greatness overlooked this season Iowa field hockey player Natalie Cafone only received one vote for the DI’s Female Athlete of the Year.

Danny Payne

I was the only one on our DI print sports staff to go with Natalie Cafone over Sam Logic for Female Athlete of the Year. That’s a bit crazy. I’m not saying Cafone should’ve won, but on no planet should not have been a loner — Cafone’s season merited her more than a one vote. The Iowa women’s basketball and field hockey teams both made appearances in their respective Big Ten Tournament title games after somewhat surprising runs through the tourneys. Both Cafone and Logic were large parts of each streak. Cafone was clutch as can be in the conference tourney, assisting on the only goal in Iowa’s 1-0 win over Michigan, a team

football Continued from 10 The guy can compete. And he will certainly produce. Payne: Buy. Fiedorowicz is a scary dude. Say he puts on a few pounds and gets a few seam routes from whoever is going to be manning the Houston offense and you have an above-average tight end. He’ll have to battle to see the field with Garret Graham and Ryan Griffin listed on the Texans’ depth chart right now, but they wouldn’t have spent a third-round pick on a thirdstring tight end (I hope). Like most Hawkeyes, Fiedorowicz won’t blow anyone away, but he’ll have a nice career under his belt when he retires. Buy or sell. Iowa will have more play-

it lost to in the regular season. The sophomore hit the back of the net twice in the Hawkeyes’ semifinal win over Penn State, including an overtime winner to beat yet another team Iowa lost to earlier in the season. Cafone then scored one more goal in the championship game before Iowa blew a 2-goal halftime lead to Michigan State. Logic averaged 8 points and assists to go along Cafone with 6 1/2 sophomore boards in the four games Iowa played in the Big Ten Tournament. Head coach Lisa Bluder’s squad was 2-2 in the regular season against teams it played in the tourney. Both teams wouldn’t have finished where they did if it weren’t for these two, but Cafone played her best hockey of the season on the biggest stage Iowa

ers drafted or signed in 2015 then it did this year. Bolander: Buy. Easy choice here, buy. So far Iowa has had 10 guys offered a chance to compete for a job in the National Football League. Of those players, three make teams for sure (see Fiedorowicz, Kirksey, Hitchens), four have a chance (Morris, Kreiter, Van Sloten, Boffeli), and three more than likely won’t make it out of rookie minicamps (B.J. Lowery, Don Shumpert, Tanner Miller). Next year, Iowa has Carl Davis and Brandon Scherff, who could both crack the first round as experienced difference makers, and several other Hawkeyes on both the defensive and offensive lines can make an NFL roster as well. Not to mention that a number of other Black and Gold skill-position players will pursue an opportunity in the league.

competed in. Logic was good but didn’t take it to another level like Cafone. Moving along to honors and awards — these alone shouldn’t have warranted a severe case of “everybody look at Danny funny when we vote on these awards.” Logic took home All-American honorable mentions from the AP and Women’s Basketball Coaches Association in addition to an All-Region honor and numerous Big Ten Player of the Week awards. All of that on top of first team All-Big Ten and Big Ten All-Tournament team. She also became Iowa’s all-time assist leader. Impressive? Not a doubt. But don’t overlook the challenger. Cafone led the nation in points per game with 2.48, was named a National Field Hockey Coaches’ Association second-teamAll American, was named All-Region, and was named Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week on Sept. 24, 2013. Just like Logic, she was named first-team All-con-

Iowa won 27 games, the most under coach Lisa Bluder and the second most in program history. Despite not having a bye in the first round, they advanced to the Big Ten Tournament championship game, falling just 7 points shy of capturing a Big Ten title, and they became one of 14 teams to advance to a seventh-straight NCAA Tournament appearance. So even when Iowa’s season abruptly ended with a 30-point home loss to Louisville in the second round of the tournament, Logic could still point to what the team had accomplished.

“I think we did a good job during the season, realizing how special our team is, and was,” she said. “… It’s going to be special for the rest of our lives.” Not all, but a lot of this success was because of Logic. Bluder put the offense in her hands, and Logic didn’t let her down. The bond and trust between Bluder and Logic was evident from Day 1. “I trust Sam doing just about anything,” Bluder said on Nov. 6. “If I needed my oil changed, I’d trust Sam, and I’ve never seen her do anything like that.” Logic led the offense that led the Big Ten in scoring, field-goal percentage, and — a huge emphasis in Bluder’s offense over the years — assists. All of which

ference and made the AllBig Ten Tournament team. And for what it’s worth, Iowa named Cafone its Female Athlete of the Year. That’s a lot of hardware for both women, not just one. Yes, the stage for women’s

basketball is larger than it is for field hockey. Yes, the Iowa women’s basketball team made the NCAA Tournament and field hockey did not. Those are two factors that are important and that should be taken into account when deciding which athlete

should have won this award. Logic took her team further than Cafone took hers, and that might be the biggest indicator of success. But again, on no planet does someone who had the season she did deserve only one stinkin’ vote.

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Iowa tight end C.J. Fiedorowicz runs after catching a pass against Michigan State in Kinnick Stadium on Oct. 5, 2013. Fiedorowicz caught three passes to extend his streak of consecutive games with at least one reception to 24, but the Spartans spoiled Homecoming, 26-14. (The Daily Iowan/Tessa Hursh) Payne: Sell. I’m going with Bolander on Davis and Scherff, particularly the latter, but after that, it’s up in the air. I’m looking through the roster to find four more and these are the names that jump out at me: Mark Weisman, Kevonte Martin-Manley, Quinton Alston, Ray Hamilton, Louis Trinca-Pasat, Mike Hardy. I’m

Iowa guard Samantha Logic drives past Syracuse center Shakeya Leary for a basket in Carver-Hawkeye on Dec. 5, 2013. The Hawkeyes held off the Orange, 97-91. (The Daily Iowan/Margaret Kispert)

logic Continued from 10

Iowa forward Natalie Cafone steals the ball against Indiana at Grant Field on Oct. 11, 2013. The Hawkeyes defeated the Hoosiers, 5-1. (The Daily Iowan/Joshua Housing)

made this not just one of the most successful Iowa teams in recent memory but one of the most entertaining. “I played with a great group of girls, great coaching staff,” senior Theairra Taylor said following her final game in a Hawkeye uniform. “… This is one of my favorite seasons being here as a Hawkeye.” In the upcoming season, Taylor will be the only player not returning. While that loss is huge, Iowa is bringing in a recruiting class that ranks among the best in the Big Ten. But in the end, as it did this season, much of Iowa’s success will hinge on what Logic can do. Which, if she proved anything this season, is a whole lot.

missing people, I know, but I have a word count. I’m not sold on anyone right now; this year is a huge indicator. Weisman will have to be a fullback to play in the league, Martin-Manley needs a breakout year, Alston needs to live up to the hype. Generally, a lot of things have to go their way.






Big Ten announces kickoff times for 3 Hawk games

What gives? How is Natalie Cafone not the Daily Iowan Female Athlete of the Year? Page 8. DAILYIOWAN.COM

For up-to-date coverage of Hawkeye sports, follow us on twitter at @DI_Sports_Desk

year-end awards

The Logic of it all

The official starting times for three Iowa football games have been released by the Big Ten for the 2014 season. Iowa’s Oct. 11 Homecoming game against Indiana and road games against Purdue (Sept. 27) and Maryland (Oct.18) will kick off at 11 a.m. The Hawkeyes’ first-ever trip to College Park, Md., will also start at 11 a.m. Full television schedules and starting times for the other games have yet to be released. — by Joshua Bolander

The Hawkeyes await the Michigan State play in Kinnick Stadium during Homecoming on Oct. 5, 2013. The Spartans defeated the Hawkeyes, 26-14. (The Daily Iowan/Alyssa Hitchcock)

Late homer lifts Twins MINNEAPOLIS — Chris Parmelee hit a game-ending homer in the ninth inning, and the Minnesota Twins overcame David Ortiz’s big night to beat the Boston Red Sox, 8-6, on Tuesday. Ortiz went 4-for-5 with 2 homers and 4 RBIs, but it wasn’t enough. Kurt Suzuki singled with two outs off reliever Andrew Miller (1-1) before Parmelee lined an 0-1 pitch into the rightfield seats for his first 2 RBIs of the season. Eduardo Nunez homered, and Brian Dozier had 2 RBIs in a five-run second for Minnesota. Ortiz hit solo homers in the first and fourth, and he is tied with Jim Rice on the Red Sox list with 382. It was the 42nd multi-homer game for Big Papi, who began his career with the Twins. Ortiz added an RBI single in the sixth and another one in the seventh that made it 6-5. Glen Perkins (1-0) pitched the ninth, striking out Ortiz and Mike Napoli to strand Shane Victorino at first base. Boston scored three times in the seventh and tied the score at 6 after reliever Matt Guerrier walked pinch-hitter Jonny Gomes with the bases loaded. Caleb Thielbar came on to strike out former Twins catcher A.J. Pierzynski with the bases loaded to stop the rally. Leading 6-3, Minnesota left the bases loaded in the sixth. It also stranded runners on second and third in the third and fifth. Red Sox starter Jake Peavy allowed 6 runs on nine hits in 4.1 innings and failed to complete at least five innings for the first time in 18 starts with Boston. Ricky Nolasco allowed 3 runs and struck out 6 in six innings for the Twins. Joe Mauer and Suzuki each had an RBI single. — Associated Press

SCOREBOARD NBA Washington 102, Indiana 79 Oklahoma City 105, Los Angeles 104 NHL New York 2, Pittsburgh 1 Chicago 2, Minnesota 1 (OT) MLB Detroit 4, Baltimore 1 NY Mets 12, NY Yankees 7 LA Angels 4, Philadelphia 3 Toronto 5, Cleveland 4 San Diego 2, Cincinnati 1 Kansas City 5, Colorado 1 Milwaukee 5, Pittsburgh 2 Minnesota 8,Boston 6 Houston 8, Texas 0 St. Louis 4, Chi. Cubs 3 Arizona 3, Washington 1 Oakland 11, Chi. White Sox 0 Tampa Bay 2, Seattle 1 LA Dodgers 7, Miami 1 Atlanta 5, San Francisco 0 Soccer Germany 0, Poland 0

WHAT TO WATCH NBA Playoffs Game 5: Brooklyn vs. Miami, 6 p.m., TNT Game 5: Portland vs. San Antonio 8:30 p.m., TNT NHL Playoffs Game 7: Boston vs. Montréal, 6 p.m., NBCSN Game 6: Anaheim vs. Los Angeles, 8:30., NBCSN

Iowa guard Samantha Logic looks for an open teammate during the Penn State game in Carver-Hawkeye Arena on Jan. 5, 2013. Penn State defeated Iowa, 87-71. (The Daily Iowan/Callie Mitchell)

Sam Logic became the face of the Hawkeyes in 2013-14, and she’ll be it again next season. By Jacob Sheyko

There came a point during the Iowa women’s basketball season — toward the tail end of it — when the tweets and comments started showing up. At the time, the Iowa men’s basketball team was in a free fall, and the women were playing the best they had all season. What the comments and tweets were calling for was for someone on the men’s team to act like Sam Logic. What exactly did this mean? Using Logic’s junior season as an example, one can assume it means someone who makes everyone around her better, someone who comes up with a basket whenever her team needs one — a floor general.

That’s what Logic was to the 2013-14 Iowa women’s basketball team. Without her at the point, the Hawkeyes wouldn’t have been what they were. And what they were

could win a Big Ten championship; we still do. Mentally, you go into every game wanting and knowing you can win.” Reading Logic’s honors from her junior season is more like reading a short story. The list goes on and on. Honorable mention AP All-American, first team All-Big Ten, Big Ten All-Tournament Team, more than 1,000 career points, Iowa’s all-time leader in assists. And that’s just the beginning. But Logic has never been about the individual accolades. Ask her about them, and she’ll deflect the question, instead focusing on something positive about her team. And last season, she had a lot to point to.

‘ … Personally, we always thought we could win a Big Ten championship; we still do. Mentally, you go into every game wanting and knowing you can win.’ — Sam Logic, junior was one of the most successful teams in program history. “We knew what we could do from the beginning,” Logic said. “ … Personally, we always thought we

See logic, 8

buy or sell: NFL Rookie edition

How will Hawk NFL rookies fare? By Danny Payne and Joshua Bolander

Buy or Sell: Iowa will have at least five rookies on NFL rosters come the first week of the NFL season. Bolander: Sell. Every year, nearly half the first round of NFL draft picks enter the league as bigfat busts, just waiting to be exposed by the sheer speed and complexity of the NFL game. If I were to “buy” this statement, one would have to persuade me that more than half of Iowa’s rookie class will make NFL teams — and that won’t happen. There are currently 24 Hawkeyes on NFL rosters, not including this year’s crop of Iowa rookies. Of those, at least five will be fighting to stay in the league. No way Iowa has five rookies on rosters come Week One; it’s just not happening. Payne: Buy. Barring injury, Christian Kirksey, C.J. Fiedorowicz, and Anthony Hitchens are virtual locks to make their respective rosters. They’re all competitors and versatile enough to find a spot. I think James Morris

Iowa tight end C.J. Fiedorowicz sprints into the end zone for an overtime touchdown in Kinnick Stadium on Oct. 26, 2013. Fiedorowicz had 26 receiving yards during the game, and Iowa defeated Northwestern, 17-10. (The Daily Iowan/File Photo) makes the Patriots based solely on his brain, Brett Van Sloten is one of three offensive tackles currently on Baltimore’s active roster. Conor Boffeli and Casey Kreiter could find ways to make teams, too. Don’t count out B.J. Lowery to find his way onto a roster, either. There are

enough Iowa guys on the market to find five. Buy or Sell. Houston Texans’ third-round pick C.J. Fiedorowicz will make the biggest impact of any Iowa rookie in its 2014 class. Bolander: Sell. Call me crazy, but I think Kirksey

ends up being Iowa’s most productive rookie in 201415. Other than LSU second-year man Barkevious Mingo and established linebackers Karlos Dansby and Paul Kruger, no other Browns linebacker had more than 20 tackles in 2013. Think about that: Tank

Carder, Zac Diles, Darius Eubanks, Quentin Groves, Brandon Magee, Eric Martin, and Jaball Sheard all failed to reach an Andrew Jackson in tackles last season. That is Kirksey’s competition during camp. See football, 8

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