The Daily Iowan - 07/15/11

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Iowa City leaders may seek to cut off 21-ordinance exemptions for restaurants with too many underage-drinking violations. PAGE 5

FRIDAY, JULY 15, 2011

DI to hold councilcandidate forum The Daily Iowan will host a forum for Iowa City City Council candidates at 6:30 p.m. July 20 in the IMU Illinois Room. The event is free and open to the public. Community members are encouraged to attend the debate and to bring questions for candidates. Those unable to attend can also submit questions prior to the debate. Prospective candidates who have not yet made a decision to run are also encouraged to participate. To get involved with the forum or submit a question email DI Editor Adam B Sullivan at

Bye-bye, Hubbard Officials: Underage calls down Officials say decrease in ambulance calls is promising, but others point out shift. By JULIANA FABIANO

Faint sign of debt compromise seen WASHINGTON — With time growing short and warnings more dire, the first, fragile signs emerged Thursday of a possible compromise to raise the nation’s debt limit and avert a potentially catastrophic default on Aug. 2. Under a plan discussed by the Senate’s top two leaders, President Obama would receive enhanced authority to raise the debt ceiling at the same time procedures would be set in motion that could lead to federal spending cuts. Word that Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and leader Mitch Republican McConnell of Kentucky were at work on the fallback plan came as Obama and congressional leaders held a fifth-straight day of debtcrisis talks at the White House. McConnell pronounced the session a good one. “We’re going to continue to discuss a way forward over the next couple of days and see what happens,” he said. — Associated Press ANTHONY BAUER/THE DAILY IOWAN

Clarification In the July 14 story “City may change 21-exemption,” by Chastity Dillard, The Daily Iowan called the Airliner and Sam’s Pizza two exempt downtown restaurants with the highest PAULA violations. In fact, those restaurants have two of the highes PAULA ratios. Additionally, Airliner’s PAULA ratio is below a proposed cutoff of 0.5.

Anthony Hubbard brings the ball up court during the first half of a Prime Time game on Tuesday in North Liberty. Hubbard, who has lead his team to the time of the league rankings, announced Thursday he would leave Iowa to play at a yet-to-be-determined school. PAGE 12

Locals fight obesity Adult Obesity Rates

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A local volleyball clinic takes place in the Mercer Aquatic Center on Thursday. Local leaders say they’re increasing youth fitness opportunities.






Mostly sunny, breezy.

Emergency responders have seen a decrease in the number of calls to downtown Iowa City since the 21ordinance took hold more than a year ago. But officials also say they’ve seen more calls earlier in the evening and away from downtown bars, something 21ordinance opponents say they predicted. “We usually get the transports for assaults or alcohol abuse from inside the bar, but this year, locations have been diverse from the downtown area,” said Fiona Johnson, field supervisor for the ambulance division. “I would say there has been a noticeable amount in the reductions from this area but underage drinking calls are still happening — just earlier in the evening.” On Wednesday, statistics released by the University of Iowa’s Dean of Students Office showed a 33 percent decrease in

National obesity levels are on the rise. And because Iowa has the 20th highest obesity rate in the United States, accord-

ing to a recent report conducted by Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, local officials and organizations are taking steps to ensure children remain active through

recreational and educational programs. “The study kind of ranks us and lets us know where we are on the trend,” said Doug Beardsley, the director of SEE OBESITY, 3

Iowa has the 20th highest obesity rate according to a 2011 report. 1. Mississippi 2. Alabama 3. West Virginia 4. Tennessee 5. Louisiana 6. Kentucky 7. Oklahoma 8. South Carolina 9. Arkansas 10. Michigan 11. Missouri 12. Texas 13. Ohio 14. North Carolina 15. Indiana 16. Kansas 17. [Tie] South Dakota and Georgia 19. Pennsylvania 20. Iowa 21. [Tie] Delaware and North Dakota 23. Illinois 24. Nebraska 25. Wisconsin Source:

emergency-room transports over the last 12 months. Matt Pfaltzgraf, a leader last year of the anti-21 campaign Yes to Entertaining Students Safely, said he believes the trips are occurring earlier in the evening in part because underage drinkers are arriving at the bars earlier. The current law denies patrons under the legal age to enter a bar after 10 p.m. Pfaltzgraf also said he thinks the number of emergency-room trips have gone down because underage drinkers are not receiving the same care at house parties they would at a bar. “Those 18-, 19-, and 20-year olds spend all their time avoiding police,” he said, noting that young drinkers don’t want to bring law enforcement to a party. “The numbers don’t indicate that students are behaving more responsibly, it is just being unnoticed at house parties SEE PARTNERSHIP, 8

IC police arrest 2nd slaying suspect Justin Marshall is being held at the Dallas County Jail in Texas awaiting extradition with a $1,000,000 bond. By BRIAN ALBERT

Iowa City police officers traveled to Texas in order to apprehend a second suspect in the October 2009 slaying of 64year-old landlord John Versypt. And though officials said they only send police out of state to apprehend a possible suspect in extreme cases, they stood by their decision Thursday. Working with area officers, Iowa City police said they apprehended Justin Alexander Marshall, 20, without incident at 2:15 a.m. Thursday in Lancaster, Texas. He is charged with first-degree murder, a Class A felony for which Marshall could serve a life sentence. SEE VERSYPT, 3

2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Friday, July 15, 2011

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The Daily Iowan Volume 143

Issue 29



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UI senior Josh Bucklin sits in the Old Capitol Town Center on July 9. Bucklin began volunteering with the Special Olympics in February.

Special kind of coaching

Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 E-mail: Subscription rates: Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 for summer se ssion, $50 for full year. Out of town: $40 for one semester, $80 for two semesters, $20 for summer session, $100 all year. Send address changes to: The Daily Iowan, 100 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-2004.

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TOP STORIES Most-read stories on from Thursday. 1. Partnership proposes changing 21-only food

The UI senior began helping with Special Olympics in February.



2. University overpays employees by $572,000

Justin Bucklin

3. Stats from UI Alchohol Harm Reduction Plan

Since UI senior Justin Bucklin happened to stop at the Mayor’s Youth Empowerment Program booth last August during a job fair, the 21-year-old has spent his days helping others gain independence. Through the Iowa City program, he assists patients who are deemed emotionally unstable and suffer from mental-health disabilities. “It’s really great to see someone the age of Justin and a student at the university become involved with people with disabilities,” said Carolina Warren-Collison, a service coordinator with the program. “It’s really something you don’t see too often with college students.” Thanks in large part to his involvement with the program, Bucklin became very active with the Special Olympics this past year. Bucklin, who began volunteering with the eastern Iowa agency in February, helps with sports such as soccer, track and field, and slow-pitch softball. “It’s one of those things that if you like or enjoy helping people out — it’s one thing that’s really satisfactory,” Bucklin said. He said at first he just drove the athletes to the events, but his amount of involvement quickly grew. “At first, I really … kind of sat and watched,” he said. “But as you see things happen, you see them enjoy it — you see other people

• Age: 21 • Hometown: Rolland, Iowa • Favorite sports team: Virginia Tech • Favorite athlete: Michael Vick • Favorite movie: The Dark Knight • Favorite restaurant: Buffalo Wild Wings

show decreases 4. Oglesby ready to shine for Hawkeye hoops 5. Should the Iowa City City Council expand PAULA-ratio restrictions?


Know someone we should shine a light on? E-mail us at : Catch up with others from our series at

enjoy it — you really want to get involved with it, and you really get something out of it.” Bucklin said he hopes his involvement with the Special Olympics will lead him into coaching. “Coaching is always something I’ve wanted to do,” he said. “I always took in a lot when I was playing [football] and when I couldn’t play because I was hurt — so I’d spread that information.” Close friend Jack Bruns said he believes Bucklin would make an excellent coach. “I think he would be great for it,” Bruns said. “He was an all-conference player and was really like a coach on the field for us and was someone we went to instead of the coaches because we trusted his judgment, his genius.” Bucklin said his goal is to coach in the high-school ranks, but he would not mind coaching even


UI senior Justin Bucklin plays basketball in the Campus Recreation & Wellness Center on Wednesday. Bucklin volunteers in Special Olympics and helps other people with disabilities through the Iowa City program. younger kids. He would like to coach the sports he knows best — softball, baseball, and basketball. For now, he is helping teach special athletes slowpitch softball and track and field. For slow-pitch, Bucklin said he stresses the basics. “Just doing the basics, like pop flies, ground balls, and how to hit,” he said.

Warren-Collison said Bucklin could definitely make a difference as a Special Olympics coach. “His motivation, his ability to communicate with people with disabilities — he’s just really great; he’s very motivated and very passionate,” Warren-Collison said. “I think he could do anything he wants in his field and succeed.”

University of Iowa Vice President for Human Resources

Sue Buckley has detailed several UI staff benefits for the upcoming year — most of them pertaining to retirement and wellness. The school will reinstate its 10 percent contribution deal toward TIAA-CREF retirement plans. Low state appropriations have pulled that number down to 8 percent over the last 18 months. The state Board of Regents also extended the UI’s phased retirement plan through 2017. The number of staff memberships to the Campus Recreation and Wellness Center has exceeded 3,000, a boost of more than 1,000 since January. As a result, a discounted membership pro-

gram will be made available, requiring faculty to complete a health assessment and use facilities at least 52 times per year. A collaboration of Iowa nutrition agencies will launch UChoose, a program that aims to increase health awareness for those choosing to eat on campus. Apple logos will appear on food items in UI outlets that meet established nutrition guidelines. And for those looking to brush up on computer skills, courses will be available to staff looking to increase knowledge of popular applications such as Access, Excel, and Word. — by Brian Albert

Woods, Ill., was charged Thursday with presence in a bar after hours. Amy Diehl , 22, Marion, was charged Thursday with OWI. K a r e n G e n s o n , 19, Wheeling, Ill., was charged Thursday with presence in a bar after hours. Eddy Ghumm, 30, Tipton, Iowa, was charged July 8 with violating a no-contact, domestic abuse protective order. Undrea Hatchett, 40, Coralville, was charged Wednesday with driving with a suspended/canceled license. M a r t a r i u s J u n i o u s , 20, 1111 was Blvd., Hollywood

charged Monday with noinjury child endangerment, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver. Paul Lathrop, 33, West Liberty, was charged Thursday with OWI. Timothy Lovett , 24, North English, Iowa, was charged Wednesday with OWI. Carl Martin , 24, 2433 Catskill Court, was charged Wednesday with public intoxication and possession of open alcohol container in public. Victor Morales, 20, 4840 Oakcrest Hill, was charged Wednesday with fifth-degree theft.

Thomas Sciano, 21, San Antonio, was Thursday with public intoxication. Devin Smith, 20, 1111 Hollywood Blvd., was charged Monday with no-injury child endangerment, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver. Jakari Smith, 19, Coralville, was charged Monday with possession of marijuana. D a r n e l l Y o u n g , 19, 1111 Hollywood Blvd., was charged Monday with possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver.

METRO Couple charged in meth operation A Kalona couple was arrested Wednesday for allegedly housing Roger Schropp, a man they reportedly knew was manufacturing methamphetamine, Johnson County sheriff’s deputies said. Scott Charles Carlson, 47, was charged with aiding and abetting, a Class B felony. Kathy Sue Carlson, 48, was charged with accessory to a felony, an aggravated misdemeanor. Reports said a narcotics search warrant was executed at the Carlson’s home, yielding evidence consistent with meth production.

Deputies said Scott Carlson later admitted to assisting and learning how to manufacture the drug from codefendant Schropp. He also reportedly admitted to purchasing pseudoephedrine, lithium batteries, camping fuel, salt, and cold packs for the purpose of making meth. Deputies said Kathy Carlson allowed Schropp to live in her shed, though she believed he was continuing to make meth. — by Brian Albert

UI annnounces staff benefits

BLOTTER Nelson Andino-Flores , 56, 216 Blackfoot Trail, was charged July 5 with first-degree burglary, second-degree harassment, and criminal trespass. Carina Bailey, 37, 1108 Marcy St., was charged Wednesday with possession of drug paraphernalia. Jasmine Bennett , 20, 2515 Bartelt Road Apt. 1A, was charged Wednesday with interference with official acts and disorderly conduct. Dalesha Burton , 18, 1111 Hollywood Blvd., was charged Monday with no-injury child endangerment. Megan Dennis , 20, Hawthorn

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The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Friday, July 15, 2011 - 3






Paul blasts raising debt ceiling Detectives Paul Batcheller and Mike Smithey of the Iowa City police drove to Texas on Wednesday to give Marshall an opportunity to speak with them. Sgt. Denise Brotherton, also of the department, said it is crucial to speak with a defendant as soon as possible, as people may give different reports the longer they are in custody. Marshall chose to remain silent. For Smithey, the advantages of personal contact outweigh the costs and time of traveling. “It’s easy to tell somebody ‘no’ over the phone,” Smithey said. “Sometimes a phone call is ideal, but in many cases, you benefit from meeting in person.” Brotherton said it’s atypical to send officers out of state, though it depends entirely on the severity of the case being investigated. “It’s great that we don’t see a lot of murders or other extremely serious crimes, but when they happen, we owe it to the victim to send officers out to investigate,” Brotherton said. “If there’s even a slight chance we could learn something from traveling, we will have people check into it.” Brotherton said the two officers drove to Texas but did not spend the night. Coralville Police Chief Barry Bedford said his department had nothing to do with Marshall’s capture,


Johnson County Public Health Department. “We’re getting more obese, and that’s further evidence that something needs to be addressed.” And though Iowa only ranks 46th in childhood obesity, experts said parents’ habits often trickle down to their children, causing mental, physical, and financial problems later in life. “[Childhood obesity] has effects that reach their entire life from their education to emotional well-being,” said Albert Lang, the communications manager for Trust for America’s Health. Experts said childhood obesity can be avoided through exercising, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and attending programs that encourage children to not lead a sedentary lifestyles — something Iowa City has begun to focus on in recent years. And while the Iowa City School District has tackled children’s eating habits through its Farm to School program — aimed at connecting students with local farmers to provide children with knowledge and experience with local, healthy food — the Robert A. Lee Recreation Center, 220 S. Gilbert St., is spearheading a new youth exercise project. The program is funded by an $18,000 grant from WellMark Blue Cross Blue Shield, said Chad Dyson, the superintendent of the Recreation Center. “The mission of the program is to help fight childhood obesity and get the kids active,” he said. The program is still in the planning stages, but Dyson said officials are excited


The body of John Versypt is pulled out of a apartment building in southeastern Iowa City on Oct. 8, 2009. Iowa City police said they apprehended Justin Alexander Marshall without incident at 2:15 a.m. Thursday in Lancaster, Texas. He is the second person charged with first-degree murder, a Class A felony, in the case.

Timeline Charles William Curtis Thompson is charged with the shooting death of 64year-old landlord John Versypt. • October 2009: Versypt is shot and killed at a Broadway apartment complex • February 2010: Thompson is charged with first-degree murder • March 2010: Thompson pleaded not guilty • Thursday: Police arrest a second suspect • September: Thompson’s trial set to begin Source: Online Court Documents

but he understands Iowa City police’s eagerness to travel and meet the defendant. “We’ve sent people to

about the new program, and he has seen an increase in childhood obesity during his time at the center. “Nationwide, [obesity is] probably the No. 1 health concern facing adolescents and kids these days,” he said. Children who are obese at a young age can face chronic disease, including diabetes and some cancers, Lang said. These issues can also affect one’s wallet, because health-care bills related to such illnesses can be expensive and, at times, some people with obesity may not be able to work. “[The obese] put [themselves] on the path to being dependent,” Lang said. Officials want to extend education initiatives to adults as well. One of the cluster hirings the University of Iowa announced last week is focused on research positions in obesity. And earlier this month, the Johnson County Public Health Department was selected as a host site for the AmeriCorps HealthCorps Project. And though the county has had an obesity task force for three years, Beardsley said, this project will supply officials with an individual who will help the center reduce obesity and other preventable diseases in an organized matter. “There is a lot going on,” Beardsley said, and the project will likely accelerate some of the ideas the center has had. “We’re trying to ensure there is a coordinated effort and we’re not falling over each other.” But, Beardsley said, programs such as these only work if people actually attend, and parents need to be educated on how to help fight childhood obesity because they play a big role in their children’s lives. “A lot of education efforts have to be on families’ eating habits,” he said. “The focus can’t be all on the child.”

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recover evidence and dig things up,” he said. “In a major investigation like a murder, you’ve got to do whatever it takes.” Police found Versypt in the hallway of his apartment building, 1958 Broadway St., with a gun next to his body in the fall of 2009. An autopsy confirmed he died of a gunshot wound to the head and that the bullets recovered from the scene were fired from the weapon found at the scene. The first suspect, Charles William Curtis Thompson, was arrested and charged with firstdegree murder in February 2010. Reports said witnesses claimed Thompson was twice seen wielding the same weapon found at the crime scene and that he was wearing clothing in line with the description of

a person who fled the area. His garments were later forensically examined, revealing gunshot residue. Further investigation alleges that Marshall was in the same hallway shortly before Versypt arrived. Witnesses said they heard a “pop” sound, followed by Marshall knocking a door and whispering to be let in. Officers said an analysis of Marshall’s clothing also tested positive for components that make up gunshot residue and that he had attempted to have three people provide him with an alibi for the time of the murder. Thompson pleaded not guilty to the charge in March 2010; his trial is scheduled for Sept. 19. No dates have been set regarding Marshall.

AUSTIN, Texas — Republican presidential-nomination hopeful Ron Paul is using his first campaign television ad to promote his longtime opposition to raising the federal debt limit. In the ad released Thursday and set to run in early primary states, the Texas congressman criticizes both Republicans and Democrats for striking deals in the past and says Congress should not compromise this time. Paul also notes that he always has voted against raising the federal limit on borrowing. “In the ’80s, they did it to [Ronald] Reagan, a debt-ceiling compromise, Democrats promising spending cuts, but delivering only tax hikes,” the ad says. “The ’90s brought more compromises, more broken promises, and more new taxes. … Will our party’s leaders repeat the mistakes of the past?” President Obama has said that if a deal to raise the debt ceiling is not passed by Aug. 2, the U.S. government could default on its loans, creating a financial crisis. Paul and some conservative Republican members of Congress reject that conclusion and have insisted on spending cuts. Negotiations are ongoing between Obama and Republican leaders in the House and Senate over a compromise that would ensure the debt ceiling is increased. — Associated Press

Romney bemoans, then brags about N.H. economy PORTSMOUTH, N.H. — Is New Hampshire’s economy thriving or hanging on by a thread? Republican presidential-nomi-

nation hopeful Mitt Romney suggested both Thursday in his latest trip to the first-in-thenation primary state. The former Massachusetts governor’s campaign released an online video Thursday morning intended to show that President Obama’s policies have hurt New Hampshire’s small businesses. The video featured former Republican state Rep. Packy Campbell describing how he recently filed for personal bankruptcy and has struggled to keep his real-estate business afloat. “This sector is hit so hard because of all the job losses and because people can’t afford their houses,” Campbell says in the video. “Unemployment is still over 9 percent. I don’t see the economy as getting better,” “It breaks your heart to know there were 35 people working in this building,” Romney said when visiting the office Thursday afternoon. He spoke of a “cycle of decline” in the local economy, and said it was a “tragedy” for those who lost their jobs. But while New Hampshire has 9,600 fewer jobs now than it did when Obama took office, its unemployment rate — 4.8 percent — is the third-lowest in the country, and Romney highlighted that Thursday afternoon in a speech to the Portsmouth Rotary club. He described driving through Manchester and seeing the old textile mills that now house high-tech companies. “New Hampshire adopted pro-growth ideas that allowed New Hampshire to now become a hotbed of entrepreneurship and innovation and creativity — and by the way, have a lower unemployment rate than the nation as a whole,” he said. — Associated Press

4 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Friday, July 15, 2011



Read today’s column, and e-mail us at:

Something borrowed, Recent regents’ shakeup a something clear silencing of dissent Newt ADAM B SULLIVAN Editor • EMILY BUSSE Managing Editor • SHAY O’REILLY Opinions Editor • HAYLEY BRUCE Metro Editor TAYLOR CASEY, MATT HEINZE, EMILY INMAN, KIRSTEN JACOBSEN, WILL MATTESSICH Editorial writers

EDITORIALS reflect the majority opinion of the DI Editorial Board and not the opinion of the Publisher, Student Publications Inc., or the University of Iowa. GUEST OPINIONS, COMMENTARIES, and COLUMNS reflect the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the Editorial Board.


With the resignation from their leadership positions of state Board of Regents’ President David Miles and President Pro Tem Jack Evans, it’s going to be much easier to slash funds for Iowa’s public universities. Gov. Terry Branstad asked the two regents to quit their positions in May, citing disagreements over the appropriate role of the regents. It was a move to oust political adversaries and promote ideological peers, ignoring the benefits of dedicated advocacy positions and undermining the purported independence of the regents. “We need to take the board in a different direction,” Branstad spokesman Tim Albrecht told the DI Editorial Board on Wednesday. “David Miles had an antagonistic relationship with Republican legislators in the Iowa House.” Miles and Evans acquiesced this week, resigning their positions (they are staying on the board until the end of their terms in 2013). In his resignation letter, Miles cited concerns that tussles with the Legislature were distracting from the mission of the regents. As the regents’ executives, they have indeed had an adversarial relationship with the Legislature in the past year. As Branstad and his GOP colleagues in the Legislature continued to cut the budget for Iowa higher education, Miles grew into a staunch defender of schools. He wrote guest opinions for Iowa newspapers and repeatedly invited students to lobby on behalf of their universities. Branstad’s suggested replacements, confirmed by the regents Tuesday, are unlikely to oppose his budget proposals.President Craig Lang and President Pro Tem Bruce Rastetter are both supporters of Branstad, and they are likely to play an obsequious role to the GOP executive and legislators. Lang and Rastetter have repeatedly told the press that they would like a “better relationship” with the Legislature and want to “change the tone.” In practice, this amounts to an abdication of the most important responsibility of the regents: advocating for the students and universities that make Iowa great. Regents are meant to do more than meekly accept policies from the state government. Their primary goal should be governing and supporting the regent institutions — which means informing the Legislature if its actions run counter to the well-being of the institutions. Although collaboration with legislators is essential, regents should not be required to be complicit in damaging policies. This quiescence removes a check on legislative proposals that could otherwise do grievous harm to the future of Iowa’s education. With the new leadership, Branstad may no longer face disagreement from the regents. Rastetter was nominated by the governor earlier this year, and he was the only one of Branstad’s three nominees not to vocally oppose state budget cuts. Lang was one of only two regents to vote against naming an Iowa State University institute after Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin, a process Branstad wanted delayed. Lang and Rastetter, both Republicans, also have a history of political relationships with Branstad. Rastetter was the top donor to Branstad’s 2010 campaign, giving more than $100,000. Lang has his own

New Regents’ Executives

Craig Lang • Personal donation to Branstad: $500 • Iowa Farm Bureau donations to Branstad: $40,000 • One of two regents to vote against Harkin Institute naming • Experience in education administration: none Bruce Rastetter • Personal donation to Branstad:$100,000-plus • Branstad’s largest campaign donor • Only Branstad 2011 appointee not to protest education spending cuts • Experience in education administration: none Source: Financial Disclosure Reports, state Board of Regents website

financial ties to the governor. He personally donated $500 to the Branstad campaign, and the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation — which Lang helms — donated more than $40,000. After Branstad’s election, the Farm Bureau lauded the governor’s proposal for massive cuts to property taxes, a measure that will require cuts in other areas of the budget — including education. Neither Lang nor Rastetter have any experience in education administration, although they both have extensive experience in the business world. Both, too, have connections to agribusiness; Albrecht highlighted these connections and their relevance to the ongoing search for ISU’s new president, raising questions about the continued mingling of corporate interests with higher education. Still, the mere fact that Rastetter and Lang donated to the governor does not delegitimize their new positions, and neither do their political leanings. The board comprises partisans — though its rules forbid the appointment of more than five regents of any one party — and Regent Robert Downer told The Daily Iowan that appointing donors to the regents is the norm. But the context of this leadership change does call their positions into question. The state is in a very difficult fiscal environment. All interests across the state need to be represented to ensure the fairness of budget changes. Democracy by nature is a turbulent state of pluralistic dialogue. Specific advocates and shepherds of higher education (the ostensible goal of the regents) deserve a place at the table, regardless of petty feuds with the dominant party. The removal of Miles and Evans contradicts this ideal and undermines the independence of the regents. Too much political interference and the regents become a quiescent body, depriving the state of a voice for long-term educational success. Branstad’s unprecedented level of involvement in the Board of Regents is appalling. If he truly has the best interests of Iowa and its future in mind, he needs to end his efforts to stifle dissent in the discussion about education. Your turn. Did Gov. Terry Branstad overstep his role in forcing the resignation of Regent President David Miles? Weigh in at

Letters LETTERS TO THE EDITOR may be sent via e-mail to (as text, not as attachment). Each letter must be signed and include an address and phone number for verification. Letters should not exceed 300 words. The DI reserves the right to edit for length and clarity. The DI will publish only one letter per author per month. Letters will be chosen for publication by the editors according to space considerations. No advertisements or mass mailings, please. GUEST OPINIONS that exceed 300 words in length must be arranged with the Opinions editor at least three days prior to the desired date of publication. Guest opinions are selected in accordance with word length, subject relevance, and space considerations. READER COMMENTS that may appear below were originally posted on in response to published material. They will be chosen for print publication when they are deemed to be well-written and to forward public discussion. They may be edited for length and style.

Iowa prisons remain unjust This is a quote from an article printed in The Black Commentator, a weekly e-magazine, about incarceration in Iowa in 2005: “The crime-control industries in Wisconsin and Iowa seem to

have learned to make the most efficient use of the preferred human material available to them, locking up the few black inhabitants of those states at a rate 11.6 times higher than whites." Not much has changed in 2011. If there was truly justice in the justice system, we would

not have overcrowded, understaffed prisons. Margo Jones UI parent

Looking for a guardian angel My husband disappeared from our home in Muscatine on July 4. I did everything I knew of to

locate him. On July 8, he showed up at the UIHC emergency room in a taxi cab. Someone had found him, realized he needed help, and put him in the taxi. Please, if you are this wonderful person, contact me at I really need to thank you. Connie Peavey Muscatine

Editorial Cartoon


Newt Gingrich is a proud Christian and an avid advocate of traditional, Christian, heterosexual marriage. He’s spoken at Christian gatherings and has written several Christianleaning books. So why has he refused to sign the Marriage Vow developed by the Family Leader? The pledge reads, “I, the undersigned, do hereby solemnly vow to honor and to cherish, to defend and to uphold, the Institution of Marriage as only between one man and one woman. I vow to do so through my: [No. 1] Personal fidelity to my spouse.” “Eesh,” Newt Gingrich might say to himself. “That’s a deal-breaker right there.” Unlike fellow Republican candidate Gary Johnson, who opposes the Marriage Vow because it’s homophobic, dehumanizing, intolerant, heartless, and downright discriminatory in nearly every imaginable fashion, Newt Gingrich can’t quite get himself to sign it because it would be hypocritical. He has been married three times and cheated on two of his wives. So what Newt needs is a compromise. His staff is trying to work with the Family Leader to develop a document he is comfortable signing. Let’s help them out, shall we? The only rule: By signing the document, Newt should not be acting hypocritically — factual correctness within the document is not a factor. All right — first sentence: “Faithful monogamy is at the very heart of a designed and purposeful order.” Let’s change that to “Faithful monogamy has been a part of orders.” Moving on. “Enduring marital fidelity between one man and one,” ahem, “up to three women (a conservative estimate even by conservative standards) protects innocent children, vulnerable women,” – Whoa! Those two words need to go – “the rights of fathers …” Enduring marital fidelity can attract and seduce vulnerable women. Especially ones who are 23 years younger than you. While you’re acting as a leader in the investigation of President Clinton’s alleged affairs. Yeah Newt, yeah!

Now onto the actual vow, where the tire hits the pavement, where the sand meets the ocean, or, in Newt’s case, where the – never mind. Hmm. “Personal fidelity to my spouse.” Does that really have to be first? Fine, fine. We can work with that. There just needs to be some footnotes, preferably in the smallest font and in the darkest corner of the declaration. Footnote No. 1: Unless said spouse has cancer. Footnote No. 2: Unless an opportunity arises in which one has somehow managed to lay a woman 23 years one’s junior, because that’s pretty unprecedented. Footnote No. 3: Unless one’s infidelity was driven by one’s passion for the country. Yeah. Newt has claimed that his unfaithfulness to his second wife was because of a massive hard-on for America. Don’t we all, though? Anthony Weiner might have gotten a free pass had he messaged his naughty pictures to Old Glory’s Twitter page. (But America wasn’t following him and you can only direct-tweet people following you! That’s why he had to send it to young women — the same way Newt would’ve been arrested had he dropped his trousers at the foot of the Lincoln memorial.) Moving on. “Rejection of Sharia Islam and all other antiwoman, anti-human rights forms of totalitarian control.” Yeah, like the elimination of Planned Parenthood! Wait — let’s just get rid of that line. “Fierce defense of the Amendment’s First rights of Religious Liberty and Freedom of Speech, especially against the intolerance of any who would undermine law-abiding American citizens and institutions of faith and conscience for their adherence to, and defense of, faithful heterosexual monogamy.” Let’s change that to, “Fierce defense of American Christian heterosexuality.” There — much shorter and not all contradictory and stuff. See Newt? You just need to find that perfect balance of Christianity, honesty, and self-awareness. Wait a minute. That doesn’t need “balance” at all. That should just be. And if you truly want to “Christian” epitomize values, you should dismiss this “Vow” entirely and reinvent your political platform yet again — by stressing the importance of tolerance and understanding of others. for more news


The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Friday, July 15, 2011 - 5

New nation emerges amid joy, concern The world’s newest country, South Sudan, was created July 9. By ZACHARY POUND

Following a shaky sixyear peace agreement, the birth of the Republic of South Sudan is in the final stage in the hopes of ending decades of war. And for University of Iowa student Grace Nyoma, the separation is a welcome change. “This is the best thing that could of happened for Sudan,” she said. A native of Juba, the capital of the newly formed nation, Nyoma said she had family in the country and that they also were happy with the secession of the south. “In a short period of time the world will see how the decision to split the two countries was a smart one and that Southern Sudan will play a large part in world affairs,” Nyoma said. The new country of 8 million people was admitted as the 193rd member of the United Nations, the Associated Press has reported. Yet disputes still fly over the control of border towns.

Brian Lai, a UI politicalscience associate professor, said there is still opposition to the southern secession. “The relationship is going to be tense,” Lai said. “Areas along the border still experience conflict between the Sudanese government and anti-government groups.” In addition, South Sudan controls most of the country’s oil. But it has no means of shipping it other than through Northern Sudan, Lai said. Yet, Nyoma said, it is impossible for the two countries to be united because of the large tribal diversity in the south and the government in the north being mostly Islamic. Lai said it will likely take time for Sudan to become a stabilized country because it is currently very poor, does not have much infrastructure, and has experienced an extended period of conflict. Yet these small conflicts are minuscule when compared with the 22-year

Conflict in Sudan Timeline: • 1956: Sudan achieves independence from British and Egyptian control. • 1989: Military coup leads to Omar al-Bashir becoming president • 2004: The U.S. declares the killings in the region Darfur to be genocide. • 2005: An autonomous government is formed in the south. • 2011: South Sudan becomes a country. Source:

civil war that left 2 million people dead and millions more displaced, some said. The Darfur conflict, pitting western against the rebels Sudanese government, led to what the U.S. declared as a genocide of millions. And the change is not likely to alter relations with the U.S., Lai said. “The U.S. has supported Southern Sudan for years, stretching from aid during the Clinton years to Bush desig-


A member of the delegation of the Republic of South Sudan shows his enthusiasm during his country’s flag raising ceremonies at the U.N. headquarters on Thursday. nating a special envoy to the peace negotiations,” Lai said. “The U.S. will likely provide humanitarian and development aid to the new state.”

Lyombe Eko, a UI journalism associate professor, previously told The Daily Iowan that the peace will depend on the actions of the

Sudanese government. “If the government does not respect the referendum, then war will start again,” he said.

2 councilors back PAULA ratio-exemption tie Last year, state officials declared Iowa City’s PAULA ratio to be flawed. By CHASTITY DILLARD

Two city councilors on Thursday said they were in favor of examining exemption regulations for restaurants under the 21-ordinance. In conversations with The Daily Iowan Thursday, Councilors Connie Champion and Mike

Wright indicated they thought tying PAULAs to the food-based exemptions is a good idea. “We get reports that show PAULAs are going up and up,” Wright said. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the trends.” As of now, restaurants serving alcohol may apply for an exemption to the 21-only law if their food revenue is 50 percent or greater of overall revenue. Councilors may review whether restaurants that serve alcohol to underage drinkers would lose their exemption status.

Cain: Mosque abuses freedom By ERIK SCHELZIG Associated Press

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — Republican presidentialnomination candidate Herman Cain opposes a planned Tennessee mosque that has been the subject of protests and legal challenges. Cain didn’t bring up the controversial facility in a campaign rally on Thursday, but he told reporters afterward that he’s concerned about the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro. “It is an infringement and an abuse of our freedom of religion,” he said. “And I don’t agree with what’s happening, because this isn’t an innocent mosque.” The new mosque has been the subject of protests and counterprotests in the city approximately 35 miles southeast of Nashville. A county judge ruled in May that the mosque construction does not harm the residents who sued to try to stop it, but he allowed them to move forward on claims the county violated an open-meetings law in approving it. Opponents have used the hearings to argue that the mosque is part of a plot to expand Islamic extremism in the U.S.Cain appeared to agree. “It is another example of why I believe in American laws and American courts,” Cain said.“This is just another way to try to gradually sneak shariah into our laws, and I absolutely object to that.” Shariah is a set of core principles that most Muslims recognize and a series of rulings from religious scholars. It covers many areas of life, and different sects have different versions and interpretations of the code. Cain previously stirred controversy by saying that he would not want a Mus-

lim bent on killing Americans in his administration. Stephen Fotopulos, the executive director of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, called Cain’s statements about the mosque ill-informed. “The vast majority of Tennesseans believe strongly in our country’s founding principles of religious freedom and support the rights of all Murfreesboro residents to practice their faith without interrogation or persecution,” Fotopulos said in a statement. Cain, the former chief executive of Godfather’s Pizza, spent much of the day making talk radio appearances, and his event in Murfreesboro drew hundreds to the courthouse square. Police diverted traffic to protect dozens who spilled out into the street. Bill Ruark of Tyler, Texas, said he decided to attend the rally after hearing Cain on the radio earlier in the day in Nashville, where Ruark’s son is recording a country music video. “He wants to define who are our enemies right now and who are our allies,” he said. “Morally, he’s not afraid to say he’s a Christian. He’s not trying to force it down people’s throats, and I appreciate that. And he’s not afraid to say who he is.” Donah Hall, a postal worker in Murfreesboro, said she was impressed by Cain but isn’t sure about his electoral prospects. “I’m just learning about him, and I was very pleased,” she said. “I’m not sure come six months or nine months from now who I’ll support. “But it will definitely be a Republican, and not Barack Hussein Obama,” Hall said. “I think he has just about broke our country up.”

This is a departure from last year’s use of the PAULA ratio, which the city employed to deny liquor-licenses renewals if the ratio was greater than one per police visit. The Iowa Alcohol Beverages Division in July 2010 reversed the City Council’s decision to deny liquorlicense renewals based on the PAULA ratio, saying that did not comply with state law. “That was a different problem,” Champion said. “The state controls liquor licenses; we control [bar owners’] exemptions only.” Last summer’s battle

began when City Council denied 3rd Base, formerly known as the Field House, its liquor licensee. After the bar appealed to the state, Administrative Law Judge Margaret LaMarche ruled against the council. The council appealed to Alcohol Beverages Division Administrator Stephen Larson, who affirmed the judge’s decision. “It wasn’t that the case of the PAULA ratio was illegal,” said Tonya Dusold, Iowa Alcohol Beverage Division communications director. Under Iowa Code, the City Council had failed to

show the licensee knowingly allowed the illegal activity and failed to take reasonable care against underage drinking, she said. “They are completely individual of each other,” Dusold said. “As we go forward, if the city denies a renewal based on recommendations, each one will be considered on a case-bycase basis.” And the PAULA ratio regulation is nothing new. The entertainment-venue exemption allows minors to attend live music shows as long as the bar maintains a PAULA ratio of less than .50 over 10 bar checks.

“It’s a very simple thing to monitor,” Champion said. Councilors won’t discuss the recommendations until their meeting Aug. 2, assuming the Partnership for Alcohol Safety hands in its proposal. And in the meantime, restaurants and bar owners said they might decide to re-evaluate their business plans. “I’m considering going to 21-only as well,” said Terry French, the owner of Sam’s Pizza, 441 S. Gilbert St. “Just because I don’t want to be the one with the target on my back.”

6 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Friday, July 15, 2011

the ledge

Daily Break


This column reflects the opinion of the author and not the DI Editorial Board, the Publisher, Student Publications Inc., or the University of Iowa.

Academe, n.: An ancient school where morality and philosophy were taught. Academy, n.: A modern school where football is taught.

Core Fitness

— Ambrose Bierce


Rejected Book Titles: • A is for Adultery • Raisins of Vengeance • Sophie’s Really Tough Decision


Revival sales associate Hannah Rohret (right) talks to Amanda Seaquist while selling items outside the store on Thursday as part of sidewalk sales. Rohret said Revival tends to get busy during the summer with many participants of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop stopping by.

• Fighting … and Not So Much Fighting • The Postman Never Just Rings Once

• Looking for that Russian Sub

• Dinosaurland • Lungs of Darkness • Shark! • Big Freakin’ Whale • The Little Person From the Shire Who Could • The Literate Spider • The Shortstop in the Wheat • Weekly Visits with an Old Guy Who’s About to Die • David (Not the Magician) Copperfield • Women Are Out There, Men are Farther Out There • The Rat-Fink Heart • My Haunted Car Brakes for Nobody • Harry Potter and the OH JUST GET TO THE POINT ALREADY — Brian Tanner likes to reed. Think you’re pretty funny? Prove it. The Daily Iowan is looking for Ledge writers. You can submit a Ledge at If we think it’s good, we’ll run it — and maybe contact you for more.

UITV schedule 12:15 p.m. UI Symphony Orchestra Concert, Brahms, Chopin, guest Uriel Tsachor, April 21, 2010 1:45 UI Symphony Orchestra Concert, Arturo Márquez, Maurice Ravel, Johannes Brahms, featuring Wolfgang David, Sept. 21, 2010 3 UI Symphony Orchestra Concert, Guest Pianist Uriel Tsachor, Oct. 20, 2010 4:15 UI Symphony Orchestra Concert, Borodin, Glinka, Shostakovich, William LaRue Jones Conducts, Feb. 16 5:45 UI Symphony Orchestra Concert, Gus-

• Hot Enough to Burn a Book!

• The Old Guy That Went Fishing



Friday, July 15, 2011 — by Eugenia Last

ARIES March 21-April 19 You have a lot to think about. A professional opportunity will be a direct result of a choice you make about your living arrangements, so check out all your options. Be clear about everything you do, and don’t settle for less. TAURUS April 20-May 20 Don’t ignore someone who is trying to get your attention. You may not want what’s being offered, but the information you accumulate and the people you meet will be important at some point. GEMINI May 21-June 20 Push yourself when it comes to finding a way to supplement your income. A personal relationship is likely to restrict your freedom to excel. CANCER June 21-July 22 Get involved with groups with which you have something in common. You have to be careful not to give in to demands being made by older or younger individuals in your life. Don’t let the little things bother you. LEO July 23-Aug. 22 Overextending and overreacting will have to be controlled if you want to get ahead. You don’t want to send the wrong message. Follow through with any promise you make. Pay back any favor you owe as quickly as possible. VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 Begin conversations that will allow you to explore avenues you might want to venture down at some point. Love is in the stars, and any involvement that encourages socializing will help your personal and romantic life. LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Keep your thoughts to yourself. Avoid any sort of aggressive behavior that has the potential to make you look bad. You must not let a personal problem interfere with your productivity or your professional status. SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 Take advantage of any chance you get to travel or experience different lifestyles. It’s time to expand your mind. Take on any challenge that comes your way with enthusiasm, and you will be successful. SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 Don’t restrict what you can and cannot do financially. An unusual conversation will encourage you to make domestic changes that will better support your goals. Don’t let something you have done in the past stand in your way now. CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 You will become indecisive if you listen to what everyone else thinks you should do. Make it clear that your actions must be based on how you feel and what you believe works best for you. Someone from your past will have an effect on you. Consider any ulterior motives that might be involved. AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 Don’t let emotional matters stop you from making a good financial or professional decision. You may end up being caught in formalities that appear to be a waste of time. PISCES Feb. 19-March 20 Getting involved in a group that offers a unique way of doing things will help you grow personally. Revisit old goals, and decide if they are still important to you. Socializing will enhance your love life.


today’s events

Want to see your super special event appear here? Simply submit the details at:

• Free Fridays, 5:35 a.m., Jazzercise Iowa City Fitness Center, 1014 S. Gilbert • Biochemistry Doctoral Seminar, Thesis Defense Presentations, Shun (Steve) Zhu, 9 a.m., 2117 Medical Education & Research Facility • Tot Time, 9 a.m., Scanlon Gymnasium, 2701 Bradford Drive • Summer Playgrounds, 9:30 a.m., Creekside Park, Fairmeadows Park, Willow Creek Park • English Conversation Group, 10 a.m., Iowa City Public Library, 123 S. Linn • Knitting Nurse, 10 a.m., Home Ec Workshop, 207 N. Linn • Book Babies, 10:30 a.m., Iowa City Public Library • Stories in the Park, 10:30 a.m., Mercer Park, 2701 Bradford • Iowa Summer Writing Festival Eleventh Hour, Faculty Reading, 11 a.m., 101 Biology Building East • Camp Euforia, noon, 5335 Utah Ave. S.E., Lone Tree • Summer Playgrounds, 1 p.m., Wetherby Park • Teen Tech Zone, 1 p.m., Iowa City Public Library • Overdrive eBook and eAudio, 4 p.m., Iowa City Public Library • Fun in the Sun, 5 p.m., DJ

Rinner Goldsmith, 207 E. Washington • Jazz After Five, 5 p.m., Mill,120 E. Burlington • Friday Night Concert Series, Burlington Street Bluegrass Band, 6:30 p.m., Pedestrian Mall Fountain • Iowa City Book Festival Dinner, SOLD OUT, 7 p.m., Main Library South Patio • Pony Bead 101, 7 p.m., Home Ec Workshop • Soldier ’s Daughter , Dreamwell Theatre, 7 p.m., Country Camp Farm, 3418 Osage • Bill Cunningham New York, 8 p.m., Bijou • Jesús Ángels García’s badbadbad, 8 p.m., Public Space One, 129 E. Washington • Intimate at the Englert, Jolie Holland, 8 p.m., Englert Theatre, 221 E. Washington • Iowa Summer Rep, Lost in Yonkers, 8 p.m., Theatre Building Mabie Theatre • Sean Boarini, 8:30 p.m., Gilbert Street Piano Lounge, 347 S. Gilbert • Chris Ford’s Going Away Party, with Burnout, Petit Mal, Miracles of God, & Lipstick Homicide, 9 p.m., Mill • Delicate Steve, 9 p.m., Gabe’s, 330 E. Washington • Despicable Me, Park It at the Movies, 9 p.m., S.T. Morrison Park, Coralville

Campus channel 4, cable channel 17

tav Mahler, conducted by William LaRue Jones, March 30 7:15 UI Symphony Orchestra Concert, Beethoven No. 8, Op. 93, Liszt’s “Les Préludes,” “Fantasia on Ruins of Athens,” and “Totentanz,” featuring Ksenia Nosikova. April 21 8:30 WorldCanvass, UI International Programs and Joan Kjaer, Images of the American West, December 2010 10:30 Dance Performances, Graduate Thesis Concert, April 8, 2010

News for more news

The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Friday, July 15, 2011 - 7


Actors perform a scene from Soldier’s Daughter at Country Camp Farm on Wednesday. Throughout the play, the audience follows the actors throughout the farm to hear the story of a young girl whose father returns home from Afghanistan.


Jacqui Kalin attempts a shot during a Game Time League game in North Liberty on Wednesday.


Dale Hankins (left) and Brad Ford (right) share breakfast at Ditto’s Family Restaurant in Stanwood, Iowa, on Sunday. Hankins and Ford generally eat breakfast at convenience stores, chatting with any locals who happen to be there.


Program Director Bob Stewart works at KCCK radio on Tuesday. Stewart has worked at the jazz station for 11 years.


GOP presidential-nomination candidate Newt Gingrich speaks to the press preceding his speech in the IMU on Monday. The speech was part of a series organized by the Family Leader to have Republican candidates address social issues.

Vietnam War veteran Eldon Miller (right) plays golf with the assistance of Mike Hull at Finkbine on Monday. Miller’s sight was impaired during the war, so he joined the Golf For Injured Veterans Everywhere Foundation, an organization provides free golf clubs to disabled veterans and their families.

8 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Friday, July 15, 2011

PARTNERSHIP CONTINUED FROM 1 because no one wants an underage-drinking fine.” Pfaltzgraf said that when ambulance calls are received from downtown, they are usually made by sober Samaritans. But when surrounded by only underage drinkers, no one is willing to call for help. Steve Spenler, the director of Ambulance Service, said that while the division does not track student ambulance trips, the level of responses to downtown has decreased in recent months. “We are dealing with fewer alcohol related calls to downtown than previous years,” he said. “I cannot say specifically that the 21ordinance contributed, but

I can only infer based on our level of responses to downtown.” UI officials noted the 33 percent decrease in emergency-room trips following a meeting of the Partnership for Alcohol Safety. While neither Spenler nor UI officials were able to specify from where the calls took place, the Ambulance Service explained the calls from the downtown area occurred earlier in the night. Kelly Bender, UI coordinator of Campus and Community Alcohol Harm Reduction Initiatives, said she recognizes the general consensus of student drinking habits moving earlier in the night, and the Alcohol Harm Reduction Committee wants to continue looking at strategies to prevent this. “We are aware students have changed drinking habits, but we would like to put some things in place in

News for more news

Members of the Partnership for Alcohol Safety: • Thomas Rocklin, cochairman • Mayor Matt Hayek, cochairman • Kelly Bender, committee liaison • Charles Green, assistant vice president for UI police • Leah Cohen, owner of BoJames Source: Partnership for Alcohol Safety

terms of downtown businesses,” she said. “This is a new plan, and we know things are going to shift so we have to adjust to what’s happening now.” The Alcohol Harm Reduction Committee is still encouraged by the numbers relating to emergency-room trips. She noted that the UI has a responsible alcohol protocol and will continue to inform students of the dangers


This November 2009 file photo shows paramedics outside Clinton Street bars around 2 a.m. Statistics released by the University of Iowa’s Dean of Students Office Wednesday show a 33 percent decrease in the number of emergency-room transports in the last 12 months. related to drinking. “We want to encourage students to look at our programs that address helping

each other instead of just reducing the amount of people drinking,” Bender said. “We want students to

be looking out for each other and be the person to say, ‘Hey, why don’t you cut back?’ ” for more sports


The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Friday, July 15, 2011 - 9


Kach, Kalin, Wescott lead top team By SAM ODEYEMI

The Game Time League season has wrapped up, and The Daily Iowan has analyzed all the action to produce its final regularseason rankings.

1. Monica’s/Bob’s Your Uncle (4-0) Monica’s convincingly beat Cullen/Falbo on Wednesday to wrap up the regular season as the No. 1 overall seed. The outstanding trio of Kachine Alexander, Jacqui Kalin, and MacKenzie Wescott averaged a combined 38.1 points per game during the regular season, and the team should fare well in the postseason as long as

all three of them contribute. The team averaged 95.8 points per game while holding its opponents to 64.8 points per game, a gap big enough to perfectly exemplify Monica’s Game Time dominance. Last Week: No. 1

has only two players who have scored at least 10 points in a game — Mackenzie Reed and Mary Halverson each got to double-digits on one occasion. Last Week: No. 2

2. Cullen/Falbos (3-1)

Kamille Wahlin, the league’s No. 1 draft pick, scored 22.3 points per game in the regular season but didn’t have much support. Kalli Hansen and Bethany Doolittle are averaging 8.5 and 14.8 points per game, respectively, but outside of those three, there is no consistent scoring. That will hurt Vinton in the playoffs. Last Week: No. 4

Cullen suffered its only loss at the hand of Monica’s, when Iowa forward Kelly Krei managed just 8 points on 3-of-10 shooting. The trio of Krei, K.K. Armstrong, and Melissa Dixon is averaging 30.5 points per game, and the team needs more contributions from its other players. Outside of Krei, Armstrong, and Dixon, Cullen

3. Vinton/McCurry’s (2-2)

4. Coralville Hy-Vee (2-2) Incoming Iowa freshmen Samantha Logic (19.8 points per game) and Virginia Johnson (20.3 points) form one of the best onetwo punches in the league, but they don’t have a third option on the team. That spells trouble if Logic or Johnson has an off-night. Hy-Vee had won twostraight before dropping Wednesday’s game, when the team gave up 79 points — the most all season. Last Week: No. 3

5. Pelling/Culver’s (1-3) The team won its first game on Wednesday to snap a three-game losing streak. After giving up 83

points per game, the defense saved its best for last and held Hy-Vee to just 67 points. Morgan Johnson is averaging almost 20 points per game, but the team doesn’t have a consistent second scorer. Johnson will need some players to step up, or the postseason will be very short. Last Week: No. 5

6. Two Rivers/Coach’s Corner (0-4) Jaime Printy missed her fourth-straight game with a wrist injury on Wednesday, and the team continued to suffer mightily because of her absence. Two Rivers had several players miss games

throughout the season, and that clearly hurt the team’s chemistry. The squad lacks a true go-to player, and can’t close out games. Expect it to lose in the first round of the playoffs on July 20. Last Week: No. 6

Player of the Week: Morgan Johnson Morgan Johnson has been a steady presence all season long for one of Game Time’s worst teams. She scored 20 points and pulled down 9 rebounds to lead Pelling to its first win of the season. Pelling’s chances at advancing past the first round of the playoffs rest on Johnson’s shoulders.

10 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Friday, July 15, 2011

Sports FISHING CONTINUED FROM 12 One popular fishing spot can be found where Highway 6 crosses the Iowa River, the site of a small inlet that water from the river can enter. Also located there is an outlet pipe from the Iowa City Wastewater Division, and some people sit on the concrete above the pipe while fishing. Paul Stewart, who has fished that area for 52



Anthony Hubbard goes up for a lay-up during the second half of a Prime Time League game on June 26. Hubbard, who transferred from a Maryland community college to play for the Hawkeyes, will transfer again without playing a game for the Black and Gold.

HUBBARD CONTINUED FROM 12 with [the Hawkeyes]” when the signing was announced in the spring. The second-year-coach had different things to say on Thursday. “We’re disappointed,” he said in a release. “We invested a substantial amount of time and energy in the recruitment of Anthony. The positive is that we learn today of Anthony’s decision, versus learning of it in August or September.” Hubbard’s recruiting process required more time and energy than normal because of the talented player’s checkered past. Hubbard spent almost four years in prison as a teenager after he pleaded guilty to taking part in a robbery when he was 18. As a result of Hubbard’s history, McCaffery and Athletics Director Gary Barta held a press conference last month to introduce the player to the Iowa media. Barta detailed the recruitment process and said Hubbard was introduced to many more university officials than the average recruit — including a mem-

ber of UI President Sally Mason’s staff. “I’m disappointed for Fran, our staff, and the other staff on campus who were involved from the start on what was clearly a unique recruiting process,” Barta said in a release. “It’s unfortunate it hasn’t worked out as we had hoped. We, of course, wish Anthony the very best.” Barta said the university has released Hubbard from his commitment with no restrictions or conditions, so he can transfer to the institution of his choosing. He is eligible to play two seasons at an NCAA Division-I school. It remains unclear whether Hubbard will continue to play in the Prime Time League this summer. He led his squad to a league-best 5-2 record and quickly became a fan favorite at the North Liberty Community Center. He told The Daily Iowan as recently as Tuesday that he was committed to bringing the Hawkeyes a Big Ten championship and berth in the NCAA Tournament. DI reporter Kyle Hughes contributed to this article.

he was working. “He started talking to me and asked me about my background and what I wanted to do with my future,” Unkrich said. “I said, ‘I’d love to work in basketball.’ Then [the opportunity to scout for the Pacers] popped up, and it was a no-brainer.” Interviews with Isiah Thomas, Donnie Walsh, and other Pacer officials resulted in Unkrich working 16-hour days as an advance scout. He responsibilities included putting together scouting reports of teams the Pacers were going to play. Although he wasn’t always able to travel to away games, Unkrich said, he and the other scouts received film and then build reports of opposing team’s offensive plays, player tendencies, and anything else that could give a Indiana players an advantage. “You know who [in the league] has no discipline,” he said. “If a young guy comes into the league and can just jump out of the gym, but any pump fake gets him up in the air, you definitely write that on the scouting report.” Unkrich described his position as a “paid internship,” and he signed a oneyear contract with the Pacer organization. At the end of that year, his contract was not renewed. Once he moved on to the college game, his attention shifted more to individual players’ potential careers. He covered games and players in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, and Wisconsin. While Unkrich said it

Eustice to S. Dakota St. Former Iowa wrestler Ty Eustice joined South Dakota State as an assistant coach last week. By SAM ODEYEMI

Former Hawkeye AllAmerican wrestler Ty Eustice was hired as an assistant coach at South Dakota State last week. The move will be the first time Eustice, a native of Blue Earth, Minn., will coach at the Eustice Division-I level,although South Dakota he coached State assistant at lower-level wrestling coach schools after graduating from Iowa. “[South Dakota State is somewhere] I can really nest in personally,” he said. “I can really focus in on the athletes and how I can help them build the program.” He said he expects the biggest adjustment to his prodigies’ level of commitment and intensity. “Kids who go to the Division-I level … understand it’s a lifestyle, the way they live every day,” he said. “It’s a year-round thing. I’m excited to work with guys that want to make that commitment.”

Eustice, 28, was a standout at Iowa from 20012006. He compiled a 111-26 record with the Hawkeyes, including a 28-3 mark as a senior, and was named an All-American his junior and senior years. Eustice placed third at 149 pounds at the Big Ten championships his junior and senior seasons, and he finished second in the country at the NCAA championships in the 2005-06 campaign. Eustice said he hopes the success he had at Iowa will translate to how he helps run the Jackrabbits’ program. “Coming from a premier wrestling program at Iowa, I just want to show these guys the right way to do things,” he said. South Dakota State head coach Jason Liles said he was excited to bring a wrestler with as bright an education as Eustice’s to his program. “We’re a bringing a guy who has proven [to be] successful at this level as an athlete,” Liles said. “He has a proven track record as a coach.” That record includes a two-year stint as the head coach at Iowa Lakes Community College in

Estherville, where he produced a two-time national champion and six AllAmericans. Prior to his time with the Lakers, he was an assistant coach for one year at Division-III Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, and for two years at Division-II Minnesota State-Mankato. Eustice’s wrestling education began at an early age. His father, Jack, was the principal and head wrestling coach at Blue Earth High. His older brother, Luke, also wrestled for the Hawkeyes and is now Iowa’s director of wrestling operations. “Ty has had some great mentors in his life, starting with his father,” Liles said. Another mentor was current Iowa head coach Tom Brands, who was an assistant with the Black and Gold through Eustice’s sophomore season. “Ty Eustice is a fine young coach [who] belongs in Division-I,” Brands wrote in an email to The Daily Iowan. “South Dakota State will feel his energy immediately. From a personal standpoint, I am fired up to watch him grow as a wrestling mentor and coach.”

years, said he isn’t concerned about the water quality. Stewart — who usually doesn’t keep the fish he catches — said that as long as there’s moving water, he doesn’t see a problem with potentially harmful substances from the wastewater pipe. “I haven’t got four arms and three eyes yet, so I think it’s OK,” he said. Steve Julius, the senior operator at the Iowa City Wastewater Division, said he knows anglers are common up and down the Iowa River. He said anything coming from the outlet

may sound funny to fans who think defense is an afterthought in the NBA, he said a player’s defensive ability — and specifically whether a player can defend numerous positions — goes a long way in evaluating his prospects as a professional. Though scouting was an experience, enjoyable Unkrich said he knew during his first year with the Pacers that he “wanted more in life than just basketball.” Now, he spends most of his days on the family farm in Swedesburg with his father, Stan, and brother Tyson. Several of his current Game Time players had high praise for the fourthyear Game Time coach. Kachine Alexander, a former Iowa player, described him as “a player’s coach.” Jacqui Kalin, who will be a fifth-year senior at Northern Iowa this fall, is playing for Unkrich for the second-straight summer in Game Time. The Panther guard said she learns something new from Unkrich’s feedback every night out on the floor, including “things I’ve never thought of before.” She said she often finds herself looking over to the bench during dead-ball situations or when dribbling the ball up the court after a made basket for his coaching. “It’s really just the little things,” she said. “It’s not something that is blatant or obvious to an average fan, but he’s constantly putting little things in my ear … that can make a difference in a game.” for more sports

pipe is perfectly safe and that none of the fluid exiting the pipe — a substance called effluent in the wastewater business — poses a threat to the fish or fishermen near the Highway 6 spot. “The treated effluent is meeting all the permit requirements for that flow,” Julius said. “When compared [with the river], it’s probably cleaner than the actual river itself.” Concerns about the quality of the water aside, many of the fishing fans said they agree it’s a great activity that’s easy to learn

and hard to master. Several people said the skills they use while fishing transfer to other aspects of their lives. “Patience, attitude — there’s a lot that goes into fishing, for food or for sport,” Stewart said. “It’s a great stress reliever.” Bender agreed, noting that a good amount of the enjoyment for him comes from its difficulty. “There’s a little thing with a pea-sized brain, and it fools you half the time,” he said. “It’s a challenge.”



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The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Friday, July 15, 2011 - 11

CROSS PARK APARTMENTS Two bedroom, two bath, dishwasher, microwave, on-site laundry, central air, entry door system, some with deck or patio, on city busline. $600-$630. SouthGate (319)339-9320 DAILY IOWAN CLASSIFIEDS (319)335-5784, (319)335-5785 e-mail: KEOKUK STREET APARTMENTS Large two bedroom, two bath units with dishwasher, microwave, central air, on-site laundry, on city busline. $670- $700. SouthGate (319)339-9320

GAME TIME LEAGUE Kachine Alexander highlights the final edition of the Game Time League regularseason rankings. 9


Hubbard says he’ll transfer Hubbard, citing a desire to be closer to home, leaves the Iowa basketball team only three months after signing. By SETH ROBERTS

Anthony Hubbard won’t wear an Iowa basketball jersey next season after all. The 6-5 wing from Woodbridge, Va., will transfer to another institution, the Iowa Athletics Department announced on Thursday afternoon. A release said Hubbard, who transferred to Iowa in the spring, would like to be closer to home.

“I truly appreciate the tremendous opportunity coach [Fran] McCaffery, the basketball staff, and everyone at the University of Iowa provided me,” Hubbard said in a release. “The community and the school and the people were fantastic. However, at this time, I plan to work with my junior-college coach and family to select another school.” Hubbard recently changed his cell-phone number; he

couldn’t be reached for further comment. The 26-year-old, who was a junior-college All-American at Frederick (Md.) Community College last season, signed on to play with coach Fran McCaffery and the Hawkeyes in April. He averaged 21 points, 11 rebounds, and 4.5 assists per game at Frederick, and McCaffery said Hubbard had “the character necessary to make a great impact SEE HUBBARD, 10

NCAA puts Georgia Tech on probation


Luke Tinnian fishes for catfish at a spot below the Highway 6 bridge along the Iowa River on Wednesday. Tinnian used nightcrawlers as bait.

Hooked on a summer pastime Some Iowa City fishermen are concerned about the safety of fishing in the Iowa River. By CONRAD SWANSON

The Iowa City summer is filled with kids going to various camps, waves of incoming university students, and groups of people both young and old relaxing outside in the sticky heat. One interest group says it’s even more relaxed than the rest, though. Anglers can be found casting their lines at the Coralville Reservoir, along the Iowa River, and in all sorts of creeks, streams, and ponds. Lloyd Bender, a salesman in the fishing

department at Fin & Feather, 125 Highway 1 W., said he sees a diverse range of people who fish. “I see people fishing from little kids on up,” he said. “It’s fun for everybody.” Bender is primarily a lake fisherman, and he recently returned from a fishing trip in Minnesota. While in Iowa City, he fishes at Lake Macbride and a few other locations, but he tends to avoid the Iowa River because of concerns about the water’s cleanliness. He said his reason is that harmful elements in a fish’s habitat can be stored in the animal’s fat. He said it might be OK to eat walleyes

caught in the Iowa River because the species isn’t particularly fatty, but an Iowa River catfish may not be the healthiest thing to consume on a regular basis. Bender may have a valid point. Iowa has ranked as low as 47th out of the 50 states in per capita spending on soil conservation and water quality, Iowa’s Water & Land Conservancy Executive Director Mark Langgin told The Daily Iowan in 2010. Not everyone is as concerned about the Iowa River’s water quality, though. SEE FISHING, 10

A wizard inside the hoops game Brendan Unkrich scouted professional and college basketball players before coming to the Game Time League. By BEN SCHUFF

Brendan Unkrich knows good basketball when he sees it. It’s one of the reasons the head coach of Monica’s/Bob’s Your Uncle has guided his Game Time League team to an undefeated 4-0 season. Although the 32-year-old said coaching in Game Time isn’t so much Xs and Os as it is knowing who plays well together and how to motivate players, his background as a former professional basketball scout provides him with extensive knowledge of the game.

Unkrich spent the 200203 season with the Indiana Pacers as an advance scout, then spent four years (2005-2009) scouting college players in the Midwest for Marty Blake & Associates. “Scouting [is] seeing the future, in a way,” the Swedesburg, Iowa, native said. “If it’s advance scouting — where you’re scouting a future opponent — you’re trying to scout what they’re going to do [in a game]. When you’re a college scout, you’re trying to project a player’s highest level he can play at.” After helping the Iowa State women’s team pre-


Coach Brendan Unkrich talks to his team during a time-out in a Game Time League game on June 22 in North Liberty. pare for its opponents by playing on the Cyclone’s practice team during his

time in college, Unkrich said, a Pacer trainer approached him during a

basketball camp at which SEE UNKRICH, 10

Georgia Tech was put on four years of probation on Thursday for violations by the Yellow Jackets’ football and men’s basketball programs. The NCAA vacated the football team’s final three games of the 2009 season, including the Yellow Jackets’ loss to Iowa in the Orange Bowl. The team will not lose scholarships or postseason eligibility. A report filed by the NCAA said Georgia Tech was informed on November 2009 an athlete may have jeopardized his eligibility by accepting improper benefits. The athlete was allowed to play in the final three games of the season — a regular-season game, the ACC championship game, and the Orange Bowl. The athlete, who remains officially unidentified, was eventually found guilty of accepting $312 worth of clothing, a gift considered an impermissible benefit. According to the NCAA, the problem was compounded by university officials’ refusal to cooperate with the investigation. “Georgia Tech officials disobeyed explicit instructions from the enforcement staff to protect the integrity of the investigation,” the NCAA said in its report. “The institution compromised the investigation when it shared with a student-athlete … information relating to potential violations about which he was to be questioned by the enforcement staff in a future interview.” The university must clear its records of the three games (only one of which, the ACC championship, resulted in a Georgia Tech win), and the individual records of the athlete in question will be vacated as well. Georgia Tech was also fined $100,000. — by Seth Roberts

34 Hawks earn academic honors The Big Ten honored 34 Hawkeyes with its Distinguished Scholar Award on Thursday, according to a release. The award is given to athletes who earn a minimum gradepoint average of 3.7 or higher in a given academic year. Eligible athletes must be a letterwinner and in at least their second academic year at their institution. Of the 34 Hawkeyes to receive the honor, 10 earned 4.0 GPAs in the 2010-11 year: crosscountry’s Sam Bailin, women’s golfer Gigi DiGrazia, rowers Anna Kolden, Haylie Miller, and Allison Robinson, soccer player Jade Grimm, swimmers Anna Flessner and Sarah Galvin, and distance runners Kelsey Hart and Hannah Roeder. The women’s track team had the most representatives on the list with six. The tracksters were followed by the soccer and rowing teams, which each have five athletes on the list. The field hockey, women’s gymnastics, and women’s swimming and diving teams each contributed three names. A complete list can at be found As an institution, Iowa tied with Wisconsin for the fewest representatives in the Big Ten. Michigan State and Minnesota each had 68 athletes on the list to lead the conference. — by Seth Roberts

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