Hit N. Viets with massive air raids Drip, drip The Dally 10"1." resident hard-hat speculated that scattered showers would be dripping into the Iowa City area tonight. For the daylight hours, he saw cloudy skies in the orting, with 60 degree mercury readings on tap. The lows tonight will be in the mld-40s. More rain for Thursday.
SAIGON (AP) - U.S. aircraft and warships struck in North and South Vietnam with the heaviest force in years Tuesday after mining ports in North Vietnam. A Hanoi broadcast said two U.S. destroyers were set afire by coastal artillery while they shelled the port of Haiphong. There was no confirmation of this from the U.S. Command in Saigon. President Nguyen Van Thieu went on national radio and televisioo to voice appreciation for President Nixoo's decision to try to cut off North Vietnam's war suppUes. He predicted South Vietnamese forces soon would win back territory lost in the enemy offemive that began March 30. Hundreds of U.S. warplanes and a naval task force struck anew at North Vietnam after the mining aimed at strangling Its supply lifelines. A similar campaign was under way in South
Vietnam. U.S. warplanes, destroyers and South Vietnamese artillery guns unleashed thousands of bombs and shells across a wide swath of North Vietnamese-held territory on both sides of Highway 1 above the threatened city of Hue in an III-hour saturation bombardment from the land, air and sea. Informants said U.S. planes were launching 700 to 800 strikes a day over wide areas of Indochina. including North and South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, with the bulk of the strikes in South Vietnam. Despite the awesomeness of the massed American firepower, there was no immediate indication that either the mining of North Vietnamese ports and continued bombardment of highways, rail lines and bridges would succeed in slopping the 24-day enemy offensive in the South or in reversing the gains Hanoi has made.
The U.S. Command said Navy planes from About three-fourths of North Vietnam's war three 7th Fleet carriers in the Gulf of Tonkin materiels are said to be provided by the Soviet mined the entrance to Haiphong and at least five Union, including tanks and artillery which are other ports and that the initial phases of the being heavily employed against the South Vietoperation had been successfully accomplished namese. Most of the equipment arrives by sea. without any American planes being lost. In a related development, Communist China The command refused to give further details claimed that two oC its merchant ships a t anchor on grounds it would provide valuable intelligence in North Vietnamese waters were "brazenly and information to the enemy. repeatedly attacked" by V.S. planes and The Navy in Washington issued a formal war- warships last weekend. ning to all shipping that the mine fields at the The statement, iSSued by the Foreign Ministry entrances of seven North Vietnamese ports in Peking said some Chinese crew members would be activated at 5 a.m. local time Thur- and Vietnamese civilians aboard the two ships sday. It said vessels sailing those waters after were wounded and both ships were seriously that "must do so at their own risk." damaged. At last report. there were 36 ships in Haiphong There was no immediate comment from the harbor, about triple the number before the North V.S. Command. Vietnamese offensive was launched. Nearly half A State Department spokesman in Washington of the ships are Russian. said: "We don't know anything about it."
Plans for a possible "Caravan to Washington" are being worked on by members of the student body executive. According to Sue Ross, of the Cooperative, people would take buses to Washington to protest the escalation of the Vietnam war. Participants would stop at towns along the way and march through the town "to show the solidarity of people against the war," Ms. Ross said. Endorsers of the caravan include Iowa Sen. Harold Hughes and UI Pres. Willard L. Boyd, Ms. Ross said. She said arrangements may be made to delay finals for partiCipants. Ms. Ross said student organizations in Minnesota and Illinois have expressed interest as well, although fmancing is currently the caravan's biggest problem now.
McGovern OMAHA, Neb. (AP) - South Dakota Sen. George McGovern added Nebraska to his list of primary election victories early Wednesday, turning back Minnesota's Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey in presidential balloting among Democrats In this normally conservative heartland state.
CHARLESTON, W. Va. (AP) - Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey defeated Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace Tuesday night in West Virginia's nonbinding Democratic primary, piling up a 2-1 lead in the state that wrecked his 1960 bid for the Presidency.
. Demo vote WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Democrats, meeting in caucus Tuesday, voted disapproval of President Nixon's mining North Vietnamese waters. As announced by Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfield of Montana, the caucus, by a 29-14, vote went QI'I record "as disapproving the escalation of the war in Vietnam as announced by the President May 8." The three-hour caucus decided also by unanimous 44-0 vote to proceed with the pending end-the-war proposal and to seek a Senate vote as soon as possible.
Summit sunk? WASHINGTON (AP) - With Moscow silent on the subject. the White House said Tuesday President Nixon hopes his tough sea quaralltine of North Vietnam will not derail his pl8llJ)ed Soviet summit talks. Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, the President's assistant for national security affairs, told a White House news conference Nixon realizes his attempt to block arms-carrying Russian ships from Haiphong and other Northern ports confronts Soviet leaders with "short-term difficulties." However, Kissinger said the chief executive still believes the two superpowers are on the verge of forging "a new era in East-West relations" that could be spurred by Nixon's planned May 22-29 visits to Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev.
I our Croll
KELLOGG, Idaho (AP) - At least two of more than 50 miners missing for a week after fire swept the Sunshine silver mine were found alive Tuesday by rescuers nearly a mile beneath the surface. The survivors said seven more of their coworkers were dead.
Reaction Critics called for President Nixon's impeachment Tuesday. denouncing his decision to mine North Vietnamese harbors as "reckless international lawlessness ... high crime ... utter madness ... flirtation with World War III." But others of high station in American life saw his action as evidence of .. a measured response . . . a bold move ... a courageous move .. _indefatigable courage." Talk of impeachment came from New York's militantly antiwar Democratic congresswoman, BeDa Abzug, who labeled Nixon's decision "high crime. ,I
More reaction ... r
Wednesday May 10, 1972 Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Still one thin dime
3,000 protest in streets .
By THE DAlLY IOWAN NEWS STAFF A slogan-chantlng crowd of anti-war demonstrators blocked intersections and marched peacefully through Iowa City for nearly four hours Tuesday night. But the protest ended with some violence which began after the majority of the demonstrators had dispersed. The mostly-student crowd, which grew to nearly 3,000 persons. was sharply different from a much smaller group which trashed downtown Iowa City last Thursday. The protestors blocked several intersections during the night and at least 26 persons were arrested for disorderly conduct. They were being held, without bail, at presstime. Although nearly 250 lawmen Iincluding Highway Patrolmen. local police. Coralville police and Johnson County Sheriff's deputies ) were on duty during the night in Iowa City, only mild confrontations occured. The crowd of protestors was one of the largest ever gathered for an anti-war demonstration at the VI . In anticipation of possible violent demonstrations in response to President Nixon's latest escalation of the Vietnam war, Gov. Robert D. Ray ordered the Emergency Operations Board into control of all local law enforcement at 1p.m. Tuesday. Contingents of three officers-one highway patrolman, a sheriff'S deputy and a local policeman-patroled near the Pentacrest throughout the afternoon. When the U[ anti-war rally began on the Pentacrest about 7:30 p.m.. some downtown merchants were seen boarding up windows that were not broken during Thursday's trashing. Throughout most of the night the anti-war demonstrators were peaceful but as the crowd dwindled about II p.m., those remaining moved to Clinton Street near the Pentacrest. The crowd regrouped at several intersections near the Pentacrest. There it lulled in inactivity under the watchful eyes of some 100 lawmen who were grouped on the Pentacrest itself. Finally , the crowd-numbering 300 and shouting "to the armory"-marched back to the Riverside Drive-Burlington Street intersection, where a late model pickup camper was in the middle of the street. and its driver helped the crowd pull off the truck's camper section onto the street. Then members of the crowd set the inside of the camper on fire, and the driver took off in the truck. A can of gasoline that was already inside the camper aided the blaze.
Minutes later, a brief rock-throwing spree was prompted by the arrest of a crowd member by two undercover officers. As the officers pulled the suspect to a nearby highway patrol car. it was pelted with rocks. Police said they were not sure if the camper was a stolen vehicle. Then the riot-equipped lawmen cleared the intersection and chased the crowd into the
H1llcrest-Rienow residence hall areas. Although the police were apparently authorized to use tear gas, none was employed. At Dally Iowan press time, only a shouting match was still in progress in the Hillcrest area and most of the lawmen were being bussed away. The protest began with about 1,000 persons gathered on the Pentacrest about 7:45. Afler a few speeches part of the demonstrators moved into the lowa-Clinton Street intersection and about 300 sat in the street for about five minutes. The crOWd, constantly chanting anti-war slogans like "fuck Nixon." "one. two. three. four . we don't want your fuckin ' war" and "peace now," then moved to the east side dormitories. As the size of the crowd swelled. it moved through downtown Iowa City on Dubuque Street. A rock was thrown through a window in Penney's, but several hundred persons shouted "no, no" and reportedly no more windows were broken. On Burlington Street. the demonstrators marched from Dubuque Street to the Riverside Drive (Highway 218) intersection. At least 3.000 protestors of Nixon's latest escalation of the war chanted as they walked along the street. Highway patroimen directed traUic to keep the road clear for the demonstrators. About 500 demonstrators sat in the intersection at about 9:45 p.m. Most of the protestors began to leave the intersection to move north on Highway 218 about 10, but when a contingent of lawmen was seen hea'ding toward the intersection from Grand Avenue, a large crowd agam sat <town. Highway Patrol Capt. Lyle H. Dickinson told the crowd that it had one minute to disperse but the protestors chanted "we're non¡violent" and some demanded that VI Pres. Willard L. Boyd come to the intersection. About 10: 15 an estimated 200 lawmen moved in to disperse the demostrators. who had just completed a chorus of the National Anthem. About 20 persons were arrested. a few resisted. and a small number were kicked and clubbed by lawmen. The demonstrators moved north along Riverside to Towa Avenue and were then forced easton Iowa toward the Pentacrest. Aout 700 protestors were present when lawmen opened the Iowa-Riverside intersection at 11 p.m. From there, the smaller crowd moved to Clinton Street near the Pentacrest. In another demonstration Tuesday night. abou~ 25 anti-war protestors were holding an all-night peace vigil at College Street Park. Planned anti-war activities today include the weekly silent peace vigil on the Pentacrest at noon, and one newly-formed Iowa City peace coalition is sponsoring another silent vigil at the Post Office at 6 a.m. Thursday. According to organizers, the vigil will be held in conjunction with the activation of the Haiphong harbor mines, and the group is asking all local churches to ring their bells at6 a.m. and 8 a.m. "to remind people what has happened ...
Meeting to settle student fee issue A special meeting of the University of Iowa Student Senate will be held Thursday night to determine final allocation of over $50,000 in student activity fees for next year . The senate failed to reach agreement on the allocations as presented Tuesday night by senate's budgeting committee because of disputes over the criteria used in allocating money to specific student organizations. According to Michael J. Pili, a Cooperative member, senate had tried to establish guidelines by which money should be allocated. However, Pill said that "special interest groups representing certain student organizations were trying to change those guidelines to serve their own interests."
Hauled away Iowa City Police Capt. Richard Lee drags away arrested when law enforcement officials disperone of Z4 persons arrested during a protest of sed demonstrators at the Intersection of BurliD,President Nixon's decision to mine North Viet- ton Street and Riverside Drive. namese harbors. The unidentified person was Photo by Hoyt E. Carrier II
To study racial tensions in Iowa City schools Confronted by angry blacks, the Iowa City School Board decided Tuesday to investigate alleged racial tensions in the local school system.
it finds in the case. offensive to blacks. School Board Pres. Phillip E. Walker, speaking for other black parents, charged that Cline said the board did not sanActing Supt. William C. ction racism at the schools and Bleeker 's investigation had that he was interested in Ann Fedderson, a board ignored all those involved in the developing minority group member, and Simon Waiker, a incident except Jagnow. He said studies in Iowa City schools. spokesman for a group of paren- Bleeker and the School Board Several members of the' ts of black students were had "written off" Jagnow's audience charged that Jagappointed to select an remarks as a poor joke without now's continued employment by investig,tion team that will considering the feelings of those Iowa City schools would Imply probe racial conflict at all Iowa offended. acceptance of his racial views. City schools. Walker questioned Jagnow's Cline said that while a person The formation of the selection intent by noting that the teacher with an administrative committee came after the made no immediate attempt to reprimand similar to Jagnow's board refused to directly con- apologize to offended students. would not be hired by the Iowa sider reopening the case of Later in the same school day, City School District, the board would not fire the instructor. Albert Jagnow, a Southeast Jagnow offered his views on a racial supremacy theory, At this point, the board Junior High School instructor refused to reopen the Jagnow who made racial comments to Walker said. The entire hearing process incident. Irate members of the his students. While not investigating Jag- was conducted by whites, audience called individual now's original remarks, the Walker said, charging that board members "strange" and committee will tum over to the board members could not be "a real trip ... B.lacks then named Iowa City School Board any new evidence objective in deciding what was
SChools at which they believe racism exists. After statements that blacks had lost faith in school officials, members of the audience called for an investigation of the racial situation at city schools. Debate centered around a new investigation of the Jagnow incident, with blacks claiming that no solution to broad problems could be attained until the board and blacks could agree on disposition of the Southeast controversy. Eugene Madison. University of Iowa associate professor of mathematics, said school officials had tried to sweep the Jagnow incident under the rug. He said the board was not qualified to judge whether racism exists in Iowa City schools. Both Bleeker and Cline had been quoted as saying that no racism existed at Southeast.
Page 2-The Daily Iowan-Iowa City, Iowa-Wed., May 10, 1972
Scheduling ban opposition fails
,,,,iIi Peaaelul sit-in at rearuiters
A peaceful, eight hour sit-in at the Iowa City Army Recruiting Station ended Tuesday about 5 p.m. when police officers told the group of 15 anti-war protestors to leave the offices or face arrest. The group had entered the offices at 328 South Clinton Street shortly after 9 a.m. Tuesday, carrying signs saying "Stop the ~ Killing" and was received cordially by two recruiting officers. However, one officer quizzed the group as they sat in the offices, "What do you think these sit-ins accomplish anyway?" '(; "What alternatives do we have left?" replied a member of the group. David Ranney, University of Iowa professor of urban and • regional planning, read a prepared statement by the group, which charged that President Nixon's Vietnam policy waS "moving us to the brink of World War III." : "There is no honor left in this war, just the interests of the corporate giants," he said. : During the stay, protestors engaged in an off-and~n dialogue · with the recruiters, while some read Bibles. • "We decided during the afternoon that we would leave when asked," said Frank Leone, a member oC the contingent in explaining the group's departure.
CORALVILLE - Petitions ~ith signatures of more persons {}lan voted in Coralville's last ~lection were given to Coralville Mayor Robert Rogers Tuesday night asking that he reinstate the pOlice chief he fired early last Friday morning. Former Mayor Clarence Wilson presented signatures "of at least 600 to 650 eligible registered voters" and also letters from school children supporting former Chief Wayne Winter. A statement from Rogers, released Tuesday, said he fired Wilson for " his insulting,
profane, unreasonable and insubordinate atttitude and statements to the mayor and councilmen that (Thursday) night. " The majority of the 90 persons at the Coralville council meeting said they were concerned about future law enforcement in Coralville. " People are here to ask questions about the firing and because we feel that the council has not been clear," one person said. "We do not feel that the firing was justified," Confusion has surrounded
'Chinese ships were U.S. targets' TOKYO· (AP) - American planes and warships "brazenly and repeatedly attacked" two Chinese merchant ships anchored in North Vietnamese waters last weekend, Peking claimed in a broadcast early Wednesday. The statement by Peking's Foreign Ministry said both ships were seriously damaged and some Chinese crew members and Vietnamese civilians aboard were wounded. A State Department spokes· man in Washington said : "We don't know anything about it." The Foreign Ministry statement said the incident "constitutes a grave provocation against the Chinese people." It added ; "The U.S. government must immediately stop its acts of provocation of attacking Chinese merchant ships and prevent the recurrence of similar incidents, Otherwise, it
must bear full responsibility for all the grave consequences arising therefrom." The broadcast by Peking's official New China News Agency said three U.S. warships fired "many shells" on the two vessels on the evening of May 6 and "many U.S. aircraft bombed and strafed" the ships at about noon the following day.
Winter's firing. First reports now? I don't know." A man at the meeting asked said he was relieved of his command for taking the Coralville Rogers if he knew where the auxiliary unit into Iowa City Coralville force was at that Thursday night to aid other time, ahout8 :5O p.m. Rogers said, "Possibly in lawmen in controlling a window smashing crOWd. But Rogers Iowa City ." The man retorted , "You says he fired Winter for returshould know where your police ning to Coral ville. Rogers says he was not are. If not, your new chief has notified by Winter at any time misinformed you and that's why about the decision to take you fired Winter." Following similar discussion, lawmen into [owa City. Rogers ' statement said he Rogers abruptly asked for a called the Johnson County motion for adjomment and the Sheriff's Department to varify meeting ended. Rogers reportedly said he reports that the Coralville men were in Iowa City. "Later," the would no t reinstate Winter statement continues. "I was unless directed to do so by a called by Chief Winter who was court order. highly agitated and who insisted he was coming out to Coralville right away. I protested his l ~ ving his post in Iowa City. He made a profane ~uggestion as to what we could do with his job and hung up the phone." The mayor allowed a short discussion of the firing , but directed councilmen not to reply to statements from the audience. Former Mayor Wilson said, " I apPOinted him (Winters) and I've never had a bit of trouble with him. Why is this happening
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Nixon decision draws reactions from candidates
650 Coralville residents pack fired police chief ,",
is a "dose of prevention of large " more consistent with the year term, Prof. George W. Forell gatherings from which van- Board of Regents' rules." disagreed with the recommeodalism might be spawned." The regents' rules state that a Prof. Michael J. Brody said question-and·answer session is dation, saying that trips athletic the restriction on campus mandatory for controversial board members are able to gatherings will have a "chilling speakers invited by student make with sports teams are a effect on free assembly" and associations but not for those "fringe benefit" that is .n afforded to other members Ii moved that the senate should invited by faculty. senate committees. "go on record as being in opposition to the policy enun- Brody's motion was defeated, Prof. N. William Hines said ciated by Boyd in regard to out- although the senate deferreu that the trips are often any action on the whole report door gatherings." begrudged by board members, Philip G. Hubbard, vice until its next meeting. and that Moyers has "made an provost for academic affairs, In other business the senate effort to democratize athletic said the decision to ban campus control" as well as to provide gatherings was made in conjun- discussed a recommendation by knowledge about athletic ction with the student body the Committee on Committees affairs to the faculty. that Prof. Jack Moyers should exec uti ve Friday night. A motion to stop Moyer's After Assoc. Prof. Robert A. retain his position as chairman of the Board in Control of reappointment to the commit· Corrigan expressed his hope Athletics for an additional six tee was defeated. that the senate would support Boyd because of his "difficult position," the senate rejected Brody's motion. The senate voted to take action at its next meeting on a study of the cancelled lecture of Harvard Prof. RichardJ. Herrnstein after some dispute arose over the report's content. Brody moved that a section of the report which recommends inviting a "controversial" The announcement Monday speaker to participate in a night of President Nixon's properly conducted public decision to mine North Viet- forum or debate should be made namese harbors brought forth comment from two local ~-.Congressional candidates Tuesday, both of whom agreed that the move represents a certain amount of risk for the U.S. First District Rep, Fred. R. Schwengel said the escalation of the war makes "the risk of direct confrontation with Russia and China a real threat for the first time in the war." "Given the rather poor and $1 off each $5.00 and up purchase shoddy performance of the Tell 'Em George Sent You And Get A Good Deal! South Vietnamese army," one can not help "but wonder if CUSTOM WORK DONE Vietnam is worth this sort of confrontation," Schwengel said. 2nd Floor Morrison Bldg., 203% E. Washington Edward Mezvinsky , can(Door Between Hagen's & Malcolm's) didate for the Democratic nomination for Congress in the Fir st District. said "in his ()pen Mon. thru Sat. 11 a.m.-S p.m. desperate search for his kind of peace, Nixon has moved us to the brink of nuclear war ... " The vast majority of Americans who know Vietnam is not worth such a risk" must now "band together to express their outrage at Nixon's action," he said. A motion to go on record in OPPOSition of Pres. Willard L. Boyd's directive to no longer schedule outdoor activities on the University of Iowa campus was defeated Tuesday night by the Faculty Senate. Th e discussion centered around Boyd's memo to Facilities Planning Director Richard F. Gibson directing that no outdoor events be scheduled on campus between 1:30 p.m. and 8 a,m. Assoc. Prof. Dee W. Norton said this was a "casual" use of banning activities on campus and that Boyd should hold back on such orders unless an emergency situation is declared by the Emergency Operations Board (EOB). Provost Ray L. HeHner responded by saying the order
Jefferson Bldg.
21 S. Dubuque in Downtown Iowa City Phone 351·2908
D Bach: Violin Concerto in Am; Concerto for 2 Violins in Om; Concerto for Oboe and Violin in Om- Grumieu./ Toyodl/Holliler/New Phil./ de Wlarl D Bach : Suites Nos. I & 4 - Enllish Chamber Orth./ Leppard o Barlok: Violin Concerto No.2; Rhapsody No. ISzerynl/concer18ebouw / Haltrnk D Bartok: Mikrokosmos: Out of Doors Suite ;Sonatin. - Bishop D Beelhoven: Symphony No.3;"Coriol.n' OvertureBBC Symphony /Onis D Beethoven: Pilno Concerlo No. I_BishoP/BBC Symphony /DlYis D Beethoven: Pilno Concerto No. 5- BishOll/ LSO/Davis D Beethoven: Triple Concelto- S1eryna/SllrkerI Arr.u/New Philharmonil/ Inbel D Beethoven: Violin Concerto- Grwmilul/ New Philhl""oni./Gallill. D Blrlio1: Symphonie flnllstique- LSD/D.vis D Bellioz: Te OeumTIllilvini/LSO & Chorus/ Davis D Berlioz: Romeo .t Juliene - Kern, Tear. Shilley'Qullk/ LSO & Chorus/Divis (2·ltcord set) D Berlioz: Requiem- Dowd/ LSD & Chorus/D.vis (2·r.cord sel)
D Berlioz: Les TroyensVeasey IVickers/Lindholm/ Glossop/Royal Opera House Cholus & Orth./Olvis (5·record sel) D Borodin:StmPhOny No.2; Rimsky·Korsa ov: Tsar Sailln Suite- NII'I Paris Opera Orch./Benzi o Brahms: Symphony No.3; Trllic OvertureConcer18ebouw /Hailin k D Bruckner:Symphony No.4 - Concer18ebouw /Hlilin k D Chopin : Piano Concerlo No. I- Arrau/London Phil./ Inbll D Gershwin: Concel1o in f ; RhapSOdy In Blue: "IGol Rhythm' Var.- HIIS/Monll Carlo Opera Orth./de Waart D Griel: Piano Concerto; SchulTl.1nn: Piano ConcertoBlshop/BBC Symphony/ D.vls D Holst:The PI,ne\!London Phil./H.itink D Lint: Pllno Conceltos I & 2- Richler/LSO/ Kondrashln D M.hler: S~mphony No .• - Cot,ubls/F,nnil./Cothran/ Pre, /Concer\tebouw /H.itin k (2·record set) D M.hler: Symphony' No.9 - Concerta.bouw /Hillink (2·record Itt) D Mozart: SymphonieS 1'10$. 25.29 & 32- LSO/Davis D MOlllt: The Marrl... of Fi~"o - Freni/NorlTl.1n/ Wlxell/G.OlIlolli/Minton/ BBC S(.mPho1 & Chorus/ Divis 4'I8COI Itt) D Music from the Time of Bo«acclo's "O.cameron"Musica R.ltlVlta/BecklH
D Music from the Tim. of ChristOllher ColumbusMusic. ReselVllI/Blcken o Music from the Court of Bu rlundy -Musica ReselVllIl Becken D Optra Ariu by Verdi. Rossini & Bellini_ Oeutekom/Monle Clrto Operl Orth./Flanci D Pallnini: Violin Concelto No. 3- SzerynIlLSO/Gibson D Poulenc: SonlsSoUZI)' /Blldwin D Purcell: Dido & AenmVeasey /Donath /Shirleli Quirk/Academy of Sl Irtin· in·lhe·fields/Davis D Ravel: Bolero; La V.lse; M. Mere I'Oye-LSO/ Monleul D Saint·Sllns: Piano Concerto No.4; Lim: Totenllntz; Hun,lIian Fanllsi.- C.mpinelill Mont. Cillo Opera Orch./ ClCClto D SthUlTI.1nn: Carnival; Flnlls"Op.17- Arr.u D Shost.k~lch : s,m&ho"Y "o.12-Gewandhlus rct1./ Durj.n D Sibellus:Symt:ony No.2-Concell&t uw/Snl D Tthaikovsky: Swan uk.: Hi,hlich\S- LSO/MonIeUl a Verdi ; I LomblrdlOeutekom/Domln~r. Rlimondl!ROJ,1 P I. Orch./ Gardelli ( ·recold set) D Vivaldi :The four Snsons- I Musia D Webeln': Complete Music for Sirin, ~UlrIIIQUIl\etto I li,no
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The Dally lowalt-lowa City, Iowa-Wid., tMy 10, 1972-P-ve 3
WASHING TON (AP ) Roughly 1.5 million Americans of high·school age and 700,000
;ll;on :~~~~~:!'~~!:;~: " " m 1 S J " •5 high schoolers tried heroin
rge W. Forell the recommeo. trips athletic are able to teams are a that is ~
Hines said are often members
"made .,; athletic provide athletic
ernmentsurveylndlcates. This is 6 per cent of all young people aged 12 through 17, and 0.5 per cent of adults 18 and over. The findings, released Tues· day by the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, also indicate: -9.3 million Americans have tried hashish: 10 per cent of young people and 5 per cent of adults. -4.7 million have tried LSD, peyote or mescal.in, 8 per cent of young people and 2 per cent of adults.
-2.6 million have tried ~ caine, 5 per cent of young people and 1per cent of adults. -3.7 million have tried meth· amphetamines, or "speed," for nonmedical purposes. This is 8 per cent of young people and 2 per cent of adults. The findings are based on a survey of 3,186 Americans con· ducted for the commission last September and October by Response Analysis Corp. of Prin· ceton,N.J . The commission said it believes the survey to be the most comprehensive look ever taken at drug use in the United States. Earlier this year the commission released findings from the same survey which showed that 24 miIJion Americans have tried
marijuana at least once, and 8.3 million continue to use it. This is 14 per cent of young people and 15 per cent of adults. Tuesday's fmdings were the first to deal with use of other drugs. The commission said the star· t1ing findings on heroin use by the young indicate a total of 1,467,840 young Americans have tried the drug. One-half of one per cent of the adults 18 and over reported trying heroin, indicating 687,040 have tried it nationwide. The commission said it has no information on how many per. sons who try heroin or other drugs continue to use them. Government estimates of the total number of regular heroin
users in the nation range from 300,000 to 700,000. But commission chairman Raymond P. Shafer, in a statement accompanying Tuesday's findings, said flatly, "Nobody knows how many addicts there are in this country." Shafer said the survey may actually underestimate the number of persons who have tried heroin or other drugs. This is because the sample included only persons with fixed homes, and may have missed a large number of drug users in jails, in hospitals or roaming the streets. " It is clear that we are a drug-taking society," said Sha· fer, "and this includes the recreational use of drugs as well."
Somethin' Special
Pickets protest Farm Bureau • • • activities
Early morning briefing l
Col. Gerald T. Carlson, center, discusses positions on an indochina map with Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird, left, lad Adm. Thomas H. Moorer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs 01 Staff, during an early mornIng brf.efing Monday In Laird's
Pentagon olllee. Portrait at the left i8 of' former Defense Secretary James M. ForreltaI. AP Photo Copyrlgbt 1972 TIle New York Tlmes
10,1D) Students Elect 10 Representatives TODAY!
Man files suit to finish building tor. In a sui t filed Monday against the council and building inspector C. Bruce Hamilton, Thomas L. Blakley also asks the court to void city actions which have prevented him from finishing a building on land he owns at 202 Kirkwood Avenue. Blakley says in the suit that the city issued him a building permit June 30, but Hamilton ordered a halt to construction
Nov. 8 because Blakley had not oblained a permit from the Iowa Naturalltesources Council (lNRC) . The INRC permit was needed because Blakley's building is within an area which the INRC has designated as the flood plaln limits of Ralston Creek. A 1968 city ordinance prohibits the city engineering department from issuing building permits for flood plain locations without INRC permission. Blakley contends in his suit that the city order was illegal because city zoning ordinances do not contain the flood plain
Small: Ray should ground planes again State Rep. Arthur Small, bee n destroyed by guard ]).Iowa City, said Tuesday night crashes. Small , a sharp critic of the that he thinks Gov. Robert Ray Vietnam war, said the basic ought to ground the state's purpose of the action would be National Guard planes. to keep the Guard planes groun· "If we can ground planes for ded "until Nixon grounds his one house, we can ground them planes in Indochina." for the thousands of Vietnamese "Maybe this wUl start a trend houses other planes have among states, " he suggested dest royed," Small told a during a discussion of potential meeting of a local peace anti-war strategy. coalition. 1
Ray recently groun<le<110wa's National Guard planes over a dispute with federal officials' refusal to pay two families damages after their homes had
Student falls, sues state
A University of Iowa student who was injured three years ago in a fall on the steps west of the Old Capitol is suing the state ~ Iowa for $25,000.
John E. &annell, 11 East Washington SU'eet, claims that the university, as a state agen· cy, was negligent and failed to provide safe steps. Scannell says he injured his ? left elbow wh~n he slipped and fell on icy steps. He says he has suffered permanent loss of , movement in his left arm.
In April the slate Appeal Board denied payment of the damage claim he rued with the state comptroller in February, 1971 , he says. In the suit, filed last week, Scannell asks the Johnson Coun· ty District Court to award him t2S,OOO and interest on that rnooey. beginning the date of his fal\.
restrictions, and that Hamilton misused a city building code provision in ordering the construction halt. The flood plains "were only tentatively set down. not scientifically conclusive, not legally described, known only to city officials, and arbitrarily applied," Blakley says. He says he has been deprived of his due process and equal protection rights guaranteed by the Constitution, and asks for the judicial review, an injunction to keep the city from continuing its construction ban and a declaration that Hamilton's and the council's actions are null and void.
6 p.m. to 10 p.m. at
ELECTION TODAYI Liberal Arts Student Association
Dave Albrecht .. .. ............. . .. _
John Harding . .. ........ .... . ..... _ \
Tlm Hirt .. . .. ..... .. . .... .. ....... _ Kate Aspengren ............... .. . . _ Steve C. Bishop ................... _
Dennis Ryan ...... . ........... . ... _
Jim Chalupsky ... . .. .. ... '" .. , ... _
Da ve Cook . .. . .. .. . .. . . ... ........ _ _
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Charging that Farm Bureau leaders are "illegally using the vast wealth and power of their organization to crush union organizing among migrant workers," about 15 members and sympathizers of the United Farm Workers (UFW) union picketed Johnson County's Farm Bureau offices in Coralville Tuesday. According to organizers, the pickets are the start of a nationwide UFW publicity campaign against the Farm Bureau which the UFW says has "bought legislation" in Idaho and Kansas designed to curb UFW organizing, striking and consumer boycotts. "They're proposing legislation like that in 15 key agricultural states," UFW member Jim Conway said. "And we expect they 'll introduce similar legislation here, too ... According to Conway, the Farm Bureau has "quadrupled" Its lobbying funds in what he termed eCCorts to further the bureau's role as "a professional strikebreaker ." The UFW was recently recognized by the AFL-ClO as a legitimate farm workers' union after several years of organizing by persons including mJgrant leader Caesar Chavez. Now Conway says the UFW is demanding a congressional investigation of the Farm Bureau activities, including a review of its tax-exempt status. Local Farm Bureau employes declined comment on the picketing, saying a bureau official would not be in town until Thursday.
Asks review of city's action
By PAUL DAVIES Daily Iowan Staff Writer An Iowa City man is asking the Johnson County District Court to review actions of the City Council and a city building inspec-
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10 a.m .-6 p.m .
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1972 HAWKEYES have arrivedl (Pa•• the word)
Pick Up Your Copy Wed., Thurs., Fri. - May 10, 11, 12 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Room 2 • East Hall Annex You mUlt have your I.D. to pick up your bookl
••• • _
Jim K eeling ...... .. ..... . ... . . . .. _
a1A~:~LH~~:E.~ Ya~~.~I
Tom Murphy .. . .. . .. . .. . .......... _
*~ * ~
Ken Anderson . ... .. .. ... .......... _ _ Mike Eubanks ...... .. . ... ....... . _
David Oman . _.. .. .. " ........ . . .. _ KenMay ..... _... . ........... . _... _
Greg Schmidt . .... . ........•... . .. _
* Polling Places and Times~, Donna Little .. .. . .. .............. .. _
*SchaeHer Hall (Fint Floor)
~ Union - '·5
'·5 ~ ~
~ Hillcre.t - 11·7
Burge - 11·7
* ~.
-----------------J*( VOTING OPEN TO ALL
Page4-Tht Daly Iowan-Iowa CltY,low1a-·wea., May 10, 1972
Ii. ,,::
IJlllIliM,~ "'"'' Editor'S Note: Constable's Corner's Ricbard Bartel served as the Chairman of JohnsoD County's Democratic Platform Committee and as Secretary of the 1st DIstrict Platform Committee In this year's Democratic COIIventlOllI. He also attended maay state platform meetings alan observer. Today's article Is the first of a three-part series of a newt analYSis of the Political Platform Process. Political party platforms seem to be a mystery to the general public. What is a platform? Where does it come from? What Is its significance? Legislators evidently are as uncertain about the significance of the platform as the general public-for example. one John· son County legislator called the platform proceedings "an exercise in futility ;" another said, "A lot of time and money is wasted on the platform ;" and a third hard-working legislator's name appears on the prestigious platform even though he was conspicuously absent from the grueling work-sessions which stream-lined the platform into a hopefully representative composite of the needs and Interests of the Democrats of Iowa. There seems to be two general approaches to defining the platform objectives. One argument presented frequently in platform proceedings is that a platform Is to be written to elect candidates to office. It has been said that if certain items appear in the platform. the party's candidates would lose the upcoming election. In contrast, State Senator Minnette Doderer stated that the people should write the platform-not the public officers. "Legislators will bail themselves out of a platform to win an election if they need to." assured Ms. Doderer at the 1972 Democratic State Convention. U.S. Senator, Harold Hughes. stated that he could not support a platform plank if he. in conscience, could not agree with it. There is a serious connict between writing a platform for candidates to win an election and a platform being the expression of needs and interests of the people to be observed by the candidates.
When a platform Is not derived from expressions of the people, then the science of writing platforms to win elections should be perfected by professionals. Perhaps all thllt is wrong with our present political process and present governmental system comes from this process because platforms have been written to appeal to an apathetic and unknowledgable voting public. However, the public is no longer apathetic and unknowledgable. With a few public figures being assassinated, violent social unrest, and a prolonged war awakening millions of young people to a social awareness. the political process will no longer be the same. Rising taxes. in· flation and social injustice are infuriating the general public against an increasingly inhumane big brother government. People are beginning to demand and ex· pect more than what they have been reeei ving from public officers. This year, it is evident that people are not satisfied with the fruits of their government's labor. The Democratic platform was opened up toand theatgeneral public at the precinct caucus public hearings. As a result. several state legislators have stated the platform is too liberal. One legislator even claimed he would have to change his party affiliation in order to be reelected . If the legislator believes that the platform is not representative of the people. then he has grounds for fear. The disturbing question is. "Why is the legislator so insecure with the platform?" Is it because he Is accustomed to a very limited platform process carefully written to reelect him in his district? Political Platform Process continues tomorrow.
Tom Walsh ... .. .... .. . .......... ..... . . . Edltor Randy Evans ..... ..... .. . ... . . .... News Editor Larry Hltt .................... Unlversltv Editor Kevin McCormally .......... City County Editor Tim yeager .... ... . ...... Editorial Page Editor Keith Gillett .. . . ............ . ..... Sports Editor Bernie OWens . . .... ... . .. .... ssoc. Sports Editor JOhn Tl!mpler .... ... " . . ....... . FHture Editor Hoyt E. Carrier II .......... Chlef Photographer Gjlry Drake . . ... .... . .. .. ... .. . ; .. Art Director Mkh ..1 Kane ....... . .... Assoc. FHture Editor ....,"'" IIy St"*nt PuIIIluUons. Inc .• c_kltlOll, CIIIItr. lowl CItv. lowl SI240 dilly e.cept Sltu""'YI. SundeYi. Holiday.; Upl "''''y•• dly. Ifttl' ....1 HolidlYI Ind dlV' 01 ellU
matter It tile post office It lowl CItv uncItr tile AlII of C",I'OII of MIIrc.. 2. 1m.
'r.1I ,. HnII. PublI...... Jolin L. HuffmaII. Advlf'tlslng Dlne.r Jerry .......ltall AdWrtJs/IIt MMetIr JIIM. Conlin. Clrcul.tIon M.n...,.
lo..,..a::::;§~::::~::~:::::::::::?::::::; ',...., '........................."..............
The Dallv Iowan Is written and edited bV students of The University of Iowa. Opinions ex· pressed In lhe edItorial columns of the Piper If. those of tho writers.
TIlt Auoclilid Prns Is entlt~ to the ex· cluslv. use for republication all local as well as all AP news and dlspelCheS.
S41Mcr.............: By carrier In Iowa Cltv, SIS per y.ar In advance; six months. $8; thrH month., $4.SO. All mall subscriptions, 120 per yoar; SiX months. S12; three months. $6.50. 01.1 337-41.1 from noon to mIdnight to report news Items and announcements In The Dallv Iowan . Editorial offIces Irt In the CommunIcations Center.
Dial 35U2a If you do not recel"e your Piper by 7:30 a.m. E"",tffortwlll be mllde to correct lilt error wIth the next Issue. Circulation office hours art ':30 to " a.m. Monday through Frld.IV·
The next day Winnie and I, leaving my two roommates in New York's East Village trying to off 169 tabs of orange barrel sunshine laid on them by a stoned, tripping dude in Central Park, took the subway to the George Washington Bridge, stuck our thumbs out, got picked up by the Delaware Highway Patrol, released by the Delaware Highway Patrol, and arrived nine hours later at the Free Medical Clinic, Georgetown, Washington, D.C. For the first week we stayed with Lee and Michael Lally. Mike is an MFA graduate of the Writer's Workshop who ran from Sheriff of Johnson County in 1968 on the Peace and Freedom ticket; he now teaches at Trinity College here, and Lee is deeply involved with the Feminist Movement.
I In bO
We also saw the Disappearing Prof., Howard Ehrlich and Carole. Carole is teaching Women's Studies at the University of Maryland, Baltimore Campus; Howard has finished two books, soon to be published, is teaching a course in Anarchism at Johns Hopkins Free University, and hosts a radical radio show called Great Atlantic Radio Conspiracy. Also saw Lynn Schlitt, class of '70, who is now a freshman law student at Georgetown Law School. They all send greetings to their brothers and sisters in Iowa City. Next chapter : Demonstration
. .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -....
I am writing this letter to The Daily Iowan because of the
316 S. Dodse Apt. 11
01 BalJylon
And burning gasoline can not be extinguished with water in any large number of people that I real emergency. If the building saw running to a fire last that burned Thursday night had Thursday night. This is a contained one cheap gallon can favorite pastime of city dwel- and one blitz can full of lers, chasing fire trucks. I'm gasoline, here's what would warning everyone of you that have happened. First, the galthis practice should cease. lon can of gasoline would have Many people have been killed burst, filling the building with Richard Bartel Is CWTelltly 8 canstanding around watching a intensely hot flame. For a few didate for loe" public office. Other seconds, the blitz can would fire. candidates are bwlted to aubmlt their have withstood the flame, In a fire, it is usually the case views. that nobody knows just what is building up pressure like a burning. Shortly after World steam boiler. When the blitz War II, a large crowd of people can ruptured, the superheated r:?T:~~;;~,;;~:-::;;;r;-:;:~::r:::6-::.i~:::;Z2~~~~ gathered in Texas City to watch gasoline would have atomized a fire on the docks. It turned out into the fire, burning explothat what was burning was 2250 sively. The explosion would tons of explosive . The have shattered the walls of the ammonium nitrate fertilizer building and spread a fireball detonated in a Hiroshima-size outward over the crowd . Explosions also result when blast that killed firefighters and fires consume aerosol cans. spectators alike. "It can't happen here." Aerosol hair sprays and insecThat's what they all say. But in ticides contain flammable li... a majority of buildings there is quids . Machine shops contain some kind of explosion hazard. cylinders of pure oxygen comOne of the least respected of pressed to 2000 pounds per these is gasoline. People have square inch, and cylinders of smoked around gasoline time LP gas or acetylene. So do not after time without coming to deceive yourself that the fire grief. But if conditions are you are watching cannot To Campus Crusade and other Christian war. Therefore, we right, violent explosions occur. explode. campus Christian groups : Glen L. Jackson must act to end this war in the I have read with mixed fastest and most effective emotions the activities of your manner. complex at a meeting of tenants To the editor: groups this past week on camWriting your congressmen on May 1, 1972, it has been Some conflict has arisen over pUS. As president of one Chrisand senators has not ended the pointed out that no formal an article published in The tian Fellowship, I share some of bombings or the killings. complaint has ever been regison Thursday, May Daily Iowan the same beliefs and values as Neither will isolated demontered to the Broadmoor man4, 1972 with reference to a you do. strations. agement and, according to the meeting of tenants with the You can carry out your management, had any commanagement of Broadmoor However, I part company "witnessing" at the same time plaints been received they Apartments, formerly Country with you when you say: "We and afterwords, but it is imporwould have been dealt with Club Place of Iowa City. knew in May the radicals might tant to end this war now, not 10 immediately. The management In that article, it was incortry to come on with their thing years from now. Your actions reports that the Apartments at rectly reported that the list of again, " and then try to counter will hinder this if you stay aloof Broadmoor are, at regular demands presented by the tenthis move and detract from the ants to the management intervals, sprayed by a profesmessage of the student demon- of the war issue and concenincluded mention of cock- sional exterminator and whenstrations. I cannot and will not trate purely on the "Christian message." roaches in the apartments. The ever complaints are received _ believe that you as Christian I speak only as one individual about bugs a special call is Daily Iowan printed a correcindividuals and groups, can sit and not for Inter-Varsity as a made to have the particular tion of that statement on Friby and condone any war, let whole. I only pointed out my day, May 4, 1972 but that dwelling exterminated. alone such an immoral and The staff of the Protective correction did not satisfy the unjust one as we are fighting position to stress the fact that there are Christians involved in Association of Tenants must, Broadmoor management. now. This letter, therefore, may be therefore, apologize to the manYour actions this week have the anti -war movement. Please considered a formal apology on agement of the Broadmoor been good in the message you don't condemn all those in the the part of the Protective Apartments for any incorrect have tried to spread: that demonstrations as radicals; but join in the show and world Association of Tenants to the statements that may have in"Jesus is not just another that Christians can be involved management and owners of advertently been made about religion." However, I challenge in stopping immoral actions Broadmoor Apartments. Al- the existence of cockroaches in you to think more deeply and to and that they do care about though there was mention of a the complex. To our knowledge, take one more step. Realize what is happening to thousands cockroach problem in at least there are no cockroaches at that this is not a Christian of innocent people. one of the apartments in that Broadmoor Apartments. world, that this is not a ChrisCraig Willer tian nation, and that this is not a
""Innlly VIUlIon. EnteNd n second
.Political platlorlll process
~ili~li"""e ~~& U
I, 5
Messa.es 'rolll the
I :111'111""",,-,1-
Robert T. Handy
Freaked out by the Jesus freaks Screaming at my fears: Getting me (!!) to pitch a rock For God . to expiate my guilt. Whipping up the crowd Turning my friends on: Turning them on me(for fear I join them). Marching for the .Lord-going to see the fire Right in Iowa Cit)'! Thirty-nine stores-banks-electrical plantRevolution! Revolution! (revolution? ) The world be damnedI'll be saved. Ray sends in some "troops": (after the police are through, we'll head for Barbara'S for some dope and beer) Hurrah Jesus! Leslie Gardner
To the editor: In recent issues The Daily Iowan has editorialized against "tyranny" and the "oppression of students" and in favor of "power to the people." Yet in the April 27th issue Dave Helland rants against a proposal to permit students to choose where to spend theIr activity fee. because such a change would end the tyranny of the Daily Iowan over students who would prefer either to share its subscription price with roommates and neighbors or not to refuse to give any money to the D.I. because they feel that their interests would be better served by supporting other extracurricular programs. Normally. it would be sufficient to permit such hypocrisy by sloganeers who do not practice what they preach to speak for itself. However. since Mr. Helland has chosen to cloud his hypocrisy with nonsequitours and misinformation, we will try to clear the air. The first obstacle to analysis of Mr. Helland's diatribe is his rhetoric about net· work television. He argues that ending the involuntary funding of the D.I . would force it to "appeaJ to a mass audience" as does network television. No analogy is perfect. but it seems to me that the Daily Iowan is already analogous to network television in ways in which Mr. Heliand has convenien· tly ignored. Just as network television is more susceptible to the influence of its advertisers than its viewers. the Daily Iowan is more vulnerable to the opinions of its advertisers than the wishes of its involuntary student audience. Advertisers can withdraw their financial support from the Daily Iowan. as they have done in the past. while students must continue to pay regardless of whether The Daily Iowan serves what they perceive to be their self interest. As we noted. the analogy is not exact. Indeed. there is no parallel in the outside world for a newspaper which is supported by both a tax and commercial advertising. Other newspapers and commercial broad· casters receive no tax subsidy, while public broadcasting is free of commercial advertisin~ . Someone who is less sloppy with his analogies than Mr. Helland might suggest that the Daily Iowan should give up its advertising revenue if it wants to
avoid degrading itself by catering to the "mass audience" which its advertisers want to reach. But not Mr. Helland. He wants to have his cake and eat it too. He wa:lts the independence provided by a tax on students (which they never voted to impose upon themselves) and the revenue provided by advertisers eager to reach that "mass audience" which Mr. Helland despises but nevertheless wishes to hold captive. He is afraid of being influenced by that "mass audience" out there which listens to KIOA and watches Star Trek, Ali in the Family, and the network newscasts and reads the sports page in the Des Moines Register. Members of that "mass audience" might want the D.I . to publish Pogo or Peanuts. They might even prefer carefully wrought editorial analysis to the sloppy thinking personified by Mr. Helland. But who cares what they want? After all, they are only paying the money which the Daily Iowan wants to keep rolling in. Mr. Helland would prefer to be able to ignore the interests of his "mall audience" while forcing it to continue 10 subsidize his platform tor "alternative viewpoints about the university." The truth is that Mr. Helland's real COlI' cern is not keeping the Daily Iowan free from control of the journalism department or the university but rather free from accountability to that unwashed "mass audience" of students out there. If "aUe.· pUng to appeal to a mass audience" I. beneath the dignity of the D.I., why IheUI It insist on forcing that "mass audience"" give" money? Of course, as Mr. Helland makes clear. the answer is that the "mass audience" of students lacks the good sense to know how best to spend the $4.00 per year per student which the DJ. presently receives. Students in that "ma.1 auclielee" may have foupt in VletDam, be qualified to vole and sign contracts, bold. degree or two, or be married and have a family budget of several thousand dollan per year. but fatherly Dave Helland~. better than they how their ,4.00 can be pit to Its best tlltracurricular use. Garry DeLoss of ISPIRG Alan Stowen orISSA
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The D.i1y Iowan-Iowa City, Iowa-Wed., May 10, 1972-Page 5
Sound waves examine babies still in womb
Cash for Yoor Used Textbooks!
EdHor'. Note: 'I1lit II the IftlIIId 01 two artlclet 011 edlograpby, the use 0I1OWId wavet In medical cU.gDOIII.
May 16
One young motber-to-be viewed a picture or an echo tracing showing the ouUine of her unborn baby's head and body and exclaimed happily, "Now I havepliotographic proof for the reason I've been putting on 90 much weight !" That particular expectant mother at University of Iowa Hosptials didn't need confmnation, but sometimes physicians need certain facts about the unborn baby's position in the uterus. Tbese facts may be difficult to obtain except with echograpby, a technique that is growing in importance in
bgb ,1
medical diagnosis.
Sound waves emitted by an ultrasound transducer or "sound probe" pass through the body and reClect back to be recorded and screened on what looks like a small TV tube. When the sound waves pass through the amniotic Cluid, few echoes return. When waves pass into denser material such as the baby's body, the rate of echoes increases and results in an outline on the screen. In examining a pregnant woman, an ultrasound scanning device with a "memoryscope" is used to hold sound reflections on the screen_This procedure gives the physician a cross-6eCtion view of the uterus. A young woman in late pregnancy begins bemorrhaging. Her concerned obstetrician asks Dr. Steven ca.rnell, professor of radiology, for an echogram to determine if the bleeding is caused by a placenta placed too low in the uterus. With an echogram, the location is found to be safely on the side of the uterus. "An X-ray would not show what you want to see, because the softtissues caMot be distinguished from one another. But with ultrasound, we can determine the position of the baby, the location of the placenta and can even tell the size of the ba b ' h d ys ea . " Knpwing the size of the baby's head, we can figure out how much the baby weighs. This can be very important if the mother's condition calIs for prompt delivery. The doctor will want to know if the baby is large enough not to be 'premature' (less than five pounds ) before he delivers the
May 27
Dancer Rudolph Nureyev, and dance from the Ukraine, the American Black heritage and Canada will provide an international flavor to the Dance Series scheduled for the opening season at University of Iowa's Hancher Auditorium.
American tour, will appear on Oct. 4 and 5. The Alvin Alley American Dance Theater will present two performances, on Feb. 12 and 14, 1973_ Tha National Ballet of canada will appear at four per(ormances, three evening shows a t 8 p.m. an d a 3 p.m. The Dukla Urkainian Dance matinee. Nureyev will appear Company, on its first North in each of the evening perfor-
mances, Including "Sleeping Bea uty " March 23. " La Sylphide" March 24 and "Swan Lake" March 25. The matinee performance of "Swan Lake" will be presented March 25 Season tickets and ticket information on the Dance Series, as well as the Broadway and Concert Series events. are available at the University Box
Office, Iowa Memorial Union, and from the Ha ncher Auditorium Box Office. Hours at the University box office are II a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Sing le tickets for each individual event will be available a few weeks prior to each event, with the dates to be announced this fall .
~~;;l;~l;l~ ~;~ l ~l~ ~l~l~l~ljl[ljl[ljljljlj j j jlj j :lj jl:l:j@jl@jj@jljlmjj~jjljl j ;jtj l:jjHljj j;j ljjjjl@:j@:J~'ljj jjjtlj::jHj=jj j j:j jlj :jijj !i:jlI!:!r!i=jfi!:ijijt;:t): ;J.~j j::j:l:i:!;:j:j:!:=!:l:l:l::l:l:!i·::;~mi;ijr!j:l!j=jl!l;[i:l;lj;ji=~! !i~j:-;::::=L=ib=er=a'=A=rts=::;-:;::::=LlB=ER=AL=A=RT=S:::::;
Changes likely in post-Hoover FBI
WASHINGTON (AP) Presi den t Nixo n 's disclaimer to the contrary, change will come to the Federal Bur e au of Investigation, in style at first and in substance later. L. Patrick Gray III, the acting director named after the death of J. Edgar Hoover last week, said shortly after taking office he didn't consider himself an interim or caretaker director. Gray said he wouldn't c h a n ge a nyt hing immediately but indicated some would be necessary. He said he plans to make the agency more receptive to changes and fresh ideas from within and plans to open the FBI to greater public scrutiny than it was subject to under Hoover, who ruled the agency with an iron hand for nearly half a centill)' . '
In his eulogy of Hoover Wedn esday, Nixon said : "There is a belief that a changing of the guard will also mean a changing of the rules. With J . Edgar Hoover that will not happen. "The FBI wlli carryon in the future, true to its finest trad i tions in the past. .. Hoover built the Bureau totally on principle, not on personality. He built well. He built to last. "
criticism unmatched in its 64-year-old, fa bled history. Hoover took over the yo un g Bureau of Investigation in 1924, swept out the boodlers and blackmailers of the Harding era and gradually remade the agency in his own image-taut, fit, straight, narrow and devoted to duty. But time and age at the top dulled its creativity and blunted the initiative down the line. In the beginning, Hoover and his bureau got results. The FBI rounded up gangsters in the 1930s. It made the crime of kidnapping a rarity. Il a r rested German saboteurs within days after their submarines landed on the AUanUc Coast. The 8,631 FBI agents are well-educated, well-trained and well-paid. Agents start at $12,151 per year and within eight are making at leas t $18,737 per year. Seasoned hands average $21,000 to $23,000. CritiCism of the agency began in the postwar era-first the cold war, later the volatile b1ack and New Lef t ac tivism of th e 1960s-which thrust the FBI
ever deeper into domestic Intelligence gathering. Under Hoover, the bureau was slow to move in the areas of civil rights and organized crime; it has never really opened the ranks of its agents to minority races ; it suppressed independence in its agents ; its surveillance of civilian dissidents is often unwarranted and, 10 some cases , downright Bi g Brotherly. Justice Department veterans who have to work with the bureau freely admit, off the record, the FBI had to be dragged into investigating CIvil rights and organized crime cases. The bureau's track record on organized crime has improved since the mid-I96Os. Prior to that time, according to former Atty. Gen. Ramsey Clark in his book, the FBI was preoccupied with chasing Communists. Today, only a little more than 100 of the 8,600 special agents are members of a minority group. A suit against Hoover, filed in 1971 by a former FBI agent who claimed he was black-balled for saying the
There is little doubt that Hoover molded the FBI into what Nixon called "the finest law enforcement agency on the earth, the invincible and incorruptible defender of every American's precious right to be free from fear ." In his latter years , however, Hoover also caused the bureau to be subject of
"He still refuses to go... ??"
Mother's Day . •.
give an FTD Surprise in our exclusive, hand-painted Italian water. Choose either a beautiful arrangement of fresh or a delightful green planter accented with fresh ftowers. The watering pitcher can be re-used as a container for fresh ftowers or re.planted with rrteDi Mom chooses. We can send your Mom -''''·"cr.... an FTD Sweet Surprise almost anywhere in the country. Just ,ive us a call or stop in. And order it early to arrive early.
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Student Association
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Department of East Asian
and Literatures
bureau and its director had shortcomings, provided a rare peek at personnel problems in the FBI. When his fellow agents in New York dug out of the wastebasket a letter he had written but nol sent, said former agent Jack Shaw, he was ordered transferred to Butte , Mont . When he refused the transfer, Shaw said, Hoover accepted his resignation " with prejudice "-a designation he says has kept him from finding other law enforcement wqrk. T~e suit \Vas setU~ Ol.\t of court. With the death of Hoover, Nixon moved quickly to neutralize the potential power of the top FBI personnel who were jockeying for the opportunity to succeed the director. He installed Gray , assistant attorney general in charge of the civil division, as acting director to assert the firm control of the Justice Department and the White House over the powerful and restive bureacracy. Justice Department officials have made it clear that there will be a searching review of whether the FBI's enormous resources should be redirected. Though only the acting director, Gray knows he has the job at least until Nov. 7, the day of the preSidential election. If Nixon is successful , there is a possibility he will name Gray the permanent director. At any rate, Gray, who spent 20 years as a Navy officer, has made it clear that, in his words, he will run the FBI with a clear difference in manner and style from that used by Hoover.
How sweet it is! 17 inches (measured diagonally) of sharp, true-to-life color made possible by SONY TRINITRON's one BIG gun system. The all solid-state KV-1710 is packed with features like Pushbutton Automatic Color and Fine Tuning Control, instant picture and sound, lighted dial indicators. Sharper corners on the 17-inch screen plus a .front-mounted speaker make the SONY KV-171 0 a real joy to use. Contemporary walnut grain finished cabinet with gleaming brushed chrome, SONYe Phone 337·9663
Washington and Dubuque
MTK·1710 "Stop In today .... SHlhe Trlnltron Tulle for yourself"
338·7677 ............
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Page 6-The Dally Iowan-Iowa City, Iowa-Wid., May 10, 1972
'Everybody dumps
on Iowa'
Meet Max Hawkins, your owp lobbyist
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Boats on the Mississippi River have to wait until they get into the Iowa half of the stream to empty their marine toilets, the Wisconsin attorney general has ruled. Iowa Atty. Gen. Richard Turner received notice of the ruling Tuesday in the form of a newspaper clipping, sent to Turner by Wisconsin Atty. Gen. Robert Warren. "I hope this doesn't muddy the waters of Iowa too much," said Warren in a note to Turner. The opinion issued by Warren in April said Wisconsin law prohibits dumping of marine toi· lets in the state's inland waters and also defines the Mississippi River as inland waters. The opinion said that Minnesota has a law similar to that of Wisconsin, the ban on dumping marine toilets applies across the full width of the MiSSissippi between Wisconsin and Minnesota.
The University of Iowa has a lobbyist at the Iowa Legislature although the university prefers to call him the Director of State Relations. Max S. Hawkins, who represents all of the regent's institutions a.nd operates out of an office in Jessup Hall, conducts an informal liaison between the state schools and the legislature. His salary is financed by the U1 Alumni Association. U1 Vice-Provost George Chambers said that all support for Hawkins' activities is paid for through alumni dues and occasional gifts. He added that "no state money and no U1 Foundation money can be or ever has been used for public relations and informational purposes." Joseph W. Meyer, executive director of Alumni Records Information, said that the total travel and living expenses related to Hawkins' work in state relations comes to about $6,000 a year, most of which is incurred during legislative sessions. He said that Hawkins also attends major functions throughout the state whenever large numbers of officials get together. Hawkins said that he spends 75 per cent of his time explaining univerSity or high education matters to legislators . Hawkins said he provides information to protect the Regents as well as the schools from 'rash action' by the legislature. . Chambers noted that the informational process 15 necessary because the university doesn't have m~~ey to bring legislators to campus and ~ake ~em ~ami1iar with university problems (especIally fmanclaJ problems) .
But since Iowa lacks a similar law, Warren said, Wisconsin boats may dump their marine toilets in the Iowa half of the MiSSiSSippi south of the Minnesota border. "Everybody dumps on Iowa," commented Turner sadly.
English no fun for Chinese TOKYO (AP)-China has stepped up the study of foreign languages, particularly English, as it turns its face more toward the outside world. Chinese publications say the learning process reaches down to primary schools where children of 7 and 8 are struggling with the intricacies of the English language. In one commune primary school in Shanghai pupils have in nine months mastered the pronunciation of more than 60 commonly used words and learned to sing 10 songs, among them "The East is Red" and "The I nternationale." The school had to overcome objections before beginning the course last May. One was that since some of the youngsters were changing teeth, they could not easily pronounce English sibilants. The school decided that Chinese children could do it if foreign children could.
Emphasis in the first year was on listening and speaking without learning the alphabet or spelling. These studies were paralleled by classes in Chinese romanization. Written English came later. to avoid confusion. Some teachers hang a map of the world on the wall and explain the international situation while teaching students to say in English, "People of the world unite to overthrow imperialism. " Pedicab workers, many of whom have picked up languages through contacts with visiting foreigners , are on the teaching staffs. Peking's Kuang-ming daily tells of 258 foreign-language teachers in the Puo Chu ward of Shanghai. Many are of low professional standard, but they are getting short-term training. In carrying out its program, the ward had to combat the widespread feeling that foreign languages were useless and for
specialists. English appears to be the most popular language, but others are being tallght. Though the program dates in some schools to 1969, the start of "Ping Pong diplomacy" in April 1971 and last February 's visit by President Nixon apparently have given it impetus.
Fine arts page Friday
THE CRISIS CENTE R Somebody cares. Every day 2 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Smith Family, 9 NBC Mystery Movie, 6,7 This Week, 2
News, 2,4,6,7 Star Trek, 9 Government Story, 12
Comment, 6
News, 2,4,6,7,9 Guitar, Guitar, 12
6:30 Medical Center, 2,4 I Dream of Jeannie, 2 Marty Feldman Comedy Gilligan's Island, 4 Machine, 9 Emergency!, 6 Vibrations, 12 Dragnet, 7 8:30 Class Meetings and Schools Persuaders!, 9 Without Failure, 12 9:00 7:00 Mannix,2,4 Carol Burnett, 2,4 Night Gallery, 6,7 Courtship of Eddie's Father, 9 The Session, 12 AdanH2,7 9:30 APublic Affair-Election '72, This is Your Life, 9 12 Self-Defense for Women, 12
Movie: "Eye of the Devil" 2,. Johnny Carson, 6,7 Movie: ''Tonight We Sing", 9 Forsyte Saga, 12 11:30
Course of Our Times, 12 12:00
David Frost, 7 Dick Cavett, 9 12:25
Last Word, 2
Have a
The Slaves by leroi Jones ~nd
The Chairs
by Eugene lone.eo 8:00 P.M.
Weds. & Thurs., May 10· 11 New Ballroom, IMU
Across tom Pentacrest Hwy. &W, CAvilIe
SOc Adm/sslon Tickets at IMU Box Offlc. Sponsored by U.P.S.
AWARD WINNER aast Forelan Rim
CONSCIOUSNESS ABORTION A discussion on consciousContributions to the Women's ness-raisirlg will be held tonight Center Abortioll Loan Fu L:,t7 :3Oatthe Women's Center, 3 may be made today in the Uni ']!;ast Market Street. Goldfeather Lobby from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. McGOVERN Students for McGovern will meet tonight at 7 in the Union Michigan State Room . LATIN TEST The Latin Achievement Tests for undergraduates (12 hour and 8 hour requirement) will be given by the Classics Department on Saturday, May 13, at 1:00 p.m. in 113 SH. Anyone wish ing to take one of these examinations should sign up in the Classics Office. 112 gH KAFFEKLATCH Kaffeeklatch at the Women's Gym today from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. for every staff and faculty woman who likes to talk about all the things that concern us all. All women welcome. FREEDOM MARCH Interested Freedom Marchers are invited to come to a meeting tonight at Center East. The recent march will be discussed and future events will be planned. ARH Associated Residence Halls (ARH) will meet tonight at 7 in the Main Lounge at Hillcrest. Majority rights will be discus· sed. Everyone is invited.
May well be the loveliest film of the year. -Ho Jl ~
A'pm. Sa,ulday R,·YK·.
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"The movie lights up the skyl AN ARTISTIC TRIUMPHI"-oone Shallt , NBC·TV "A DAZZLING MUSICAL FILMI" -JudIth erlat , NBC·TV ( Todoy Show)
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IILlza Minneill-A Star Is Boml"
Starring Dominiqut Sindl, Lino Capolicchio, ':It/mul Be,S'! '
-N._W"" Magazine
SHOWS AT 1:35·3:33·5:31 7:29·9:27
For Mother's Day ...
I 1
'CACTUS FLOWER' Tickets are now available (~ weekdays at the City Recreation Center, or by mail) for Iowa City Community Theatre's comedy, "Cactus Flower. " The play will run at 8 p.m. May IG-13 and May 17-20, and at a 2 p.m. matinee Sunday, May 14. For more information phone 3380443. POTLUCK An all gay women's potluck supper will be held tonight at 6 at the Women's Center . Bring 'your own eating utensils and a covered dish to share if possible, I
~:~p~~~~~~~;f.$1;m~~~1;~~~~m;~:1;~~~li :~.:.:.
~ \~\
r. • •
I ~ While the caDdidates battle
it all out, here's 8IIOtIrer president
question. What presldeat(s) have served Ia the U.S. Hollie of Representatives after servlJII Ia the WlIlte House? Turn to the pel"!JOll8ls for the answer.
eLASS of '74
Surprise Mom more-send it earlyl
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Flowers &Gifts 124 E. Coli... 351·1400 337·3153
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lOhc..,." .. _
ReneeTaylor 'Joseph Bologna •
In aWylde Films production
Made For Each Other Directed by Rooen B. Bean.Written by Renee Taylor and Joseph Bologna Color by DeLuxe' 1<mI1iMi!!"'..li Ijaf.:;":.,:====-I
&1_ alPS"
• The DaUy 10wa~lowa City, low,-Wed" May 10, 1972-P. 7
ITelegripe' aids consumers r [
Due to oncoming finals and a back 101 of questions, SURVIVAL UNE will terminate Its telepbone service, but continue to receive written Inquiries. The address Is SURVIVAL UNE, 201 Communication's Center, University of Iowa.
By Dews Mabr Assuming that the world doesn't run off the road and assuming that the men in the Smokey Bear hats will let you leave town, and assuming that you don't believe in deferred gratification-you might want to go to a rock concert. This will be the last column until next year; if you would like to replace me drop in to the DI or send a note to Steve Baker. Peoria, Illinois, Bradley U. Fleetwood Mac, May 13, The Barn. Outdoor Rock Festival, Dave Mason, Nitty Gritty, Linda Ron· stadt, Black Oak Arkansas, Pure Prarie League, Others, May 28, LOVE Inc., 637 West Main. St, Louis Jeff Beck, 7:30 p.m., May 20, Goldie Ticket Office, 812 Olive, KielAud. Dave Mason, June 1, Black Oak Arkansas, Sl. Louis Stereo selling tickets, Kiel Aud. Rolling Stones, July 9, tickets $5.5t)..6.6.5O, refuse to divulge any other info., Kiel Aud. Minneapolis-St. Paul Rolling Stones, no mail orders, tickets on sale 8 a.m., May 24, concert June 18, limit of 4 tickets per person, Metropolitan Sports Center Arena, capacity 15,000, one show, tickets $6.50. Jethro Tull, June 9, Mel. Sport Center, tickets $4.5()"5.50-6.5O, write 7901 Cedar Avenue South, Minneapolis, 52240 zip, phone 1-612-8544411, tickets still available. Mark-Almond, 8 p,m., May 21, Guthrie Theatre, Walker Art Center, tickets $3.5()..4.50-S.SO, phone 377·2224. Dave Mason, 7:30 p.m.. May 27, St. Paul Civic Center Theatre, phone 224·7361 . Jeff Beck & TranqUility, 7:30 p.m ., Minneapolis Armory. tickets $4.50 advance, $5.SO at door, May 14. Southern Illinois u., Edwardsville Elton John, 8:30p.m., May 12, tickets $3 advance, $4 at door. Davenport Johnny Cash, 7 & 9:30 p.h'I .. May 27, Masonic Temple Aud .. tickets $4.5()"5.so.o.SO, PO Box 3627, zip·52808. Chicago Plenty of tickets remain for aI/ the below. Quincy Jones & Danny Hathaway, 7:30 & 11 :00 p.m" May 28, Arie Crown, tickets $4.S()"S.SO-6.SO. It's A Beautiful Day, today, with Taj Mahal. Genya Ravan, Aud. Theatre, 7:30p.m. , Tickets $3.50-6.60. Cannonball Adderley, May 26·28 . Alice's Revisited, not covered by Tickertron. Stoney Edwards, May 19, Great Lakes Naval. Cheech & Ch 0 n g , re-scheduled, August 20, Arie Crown,
[ r
Tbe Operation Oatmeal Controversy raises several questions regarding tbe poIkJes of thI. UDlvenity's dining service. BasicaUy, why shouldn't students paying board for %or 3 meal. dally feel free to donate meals to people not on board plans as they see fit? The university has billed Oatmeal participants 90 cents (the gue.t meal ticket charge for breakfast) each for food which is already paid for. This seems unjust. Here is a related question. The Dining Service has declared Operation Oatmeal Illegal, suggesting tbat Currierites buy guest meal tickets in order to follow through with their program. Yet, according to the present board rates, the amount you save for not contracting for breakfast ($12 per semester j about 11 cents per meall or lunch ($21 per semester or 21 cents per meal) doesn't begin to cover the price of guest meal tickets (90 cents, breakfast; $1.25, lunch; $1.8J, dinner). In short, It reaUr doesn't pay to choose partial board over full board, because the amount apportioned out of our room and board fee to the Dining Service Is heavily weighted toward dinner, the one meal for which dorm residents are required to contract. Why isn't the breakdown of board plan charges In proportion to tbe rates set for meal tickets?-C,A. Here is your answer, as explained to SURVIVAL LINE by George Droll, director of food services. It all has to do with the financial com· plexities of feeding the multitude. Under the circumstances, the price of board is a minor miracle, made possible not by divine intervention or waves of a magic wand, but rather, through feats of food budgeting on large·scale. One factor that allows the Dining Service to buy less and charge less is the "predictable phenomenon of absenteeism," based on the premise that the average person on a board plan tends to miss a certain number of meals. Taking this factor into account, the Dining Service is able to buy food according to projected turnout instead of maximum turn-out, which ultimately resulls in lower board rates. So, it's granted that your board plan entitles you to the specified number of meals and some people actually turn out for every last one. (This is also taken into account.) The benefits of "predictable absenteeism" will not bear up is significant numbers of people are smuggled into the cafeteria or if appreciable quantities of food are spirited out. It may seem cold·blooded, but if the Dining Services allowed Oatmeal to operate on your ter· ms, repercussions would be felt in board rates of the future. A program such as Oatmeal has obvious potential for expansion, (due to the universal love of children); so it if were allowed to run rampant, the difference in " predictable absenteeism" could be enormous. The breakdown of board plan income is also governed by the "predictable absenteeism" fac· tor (together with the fact that dinner is a higher priced meal than lunch or breakfast. The rate of absenteeism is consistently lower at dinner than at the other two meals, so they save less money. The reason why they are able to make the three meal plan more profitable than the two-meal plan is because those on full·board miss meals at a higher rate than partial boarders. , The breakdown of board plan income caMot be comparable to the prices aSSigned to guest meal tickets, because the two are based on a completely different rationale. For instance, the "predictable absenteeism" factor plays no part at all in guest meal rates. Dormitory board plans, like season tickets and bus tours, are package deals. Doing things on an indivicual basis may suit you better, but it won't save you money.
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Call: 338·8823
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DINING - DELIVERY - CARRYOUT 830 1st Ave. E. 1/2 block
Water '.
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May 14
8 p.m. -1 :30a.m.
8 p.m, - 1:30 a,m,
. Saturday
8 p.m. -1 :30a,m.
8 p.m. -12:30a,m.
O~Aflowers, 127 S. Dubuque
Phone 351-4034
Bad clay to cook?
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Great day to
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Jean"'" Godard'.
TWO OR THREE THI.NGS I KNOW ABOUT HER This film is G9dard's most incisive essay on the Quality of life in French society. A housewife takes up prostitution on a daily but strictly amateur basis to make ends meet. The woman as object in the consumer society are subject to a political analysis, III Godard's own terms, the first film to mark a departure from his "bourgeois show business periOd." " ... one of Godard's best." -Stanley Kauffman -The New Republic
Daily till 9 p.m. OPEN 1 p.m. Daily
Come On In and Milt Max and Ralph Neppell
Remember Mom
Iowa City's Newest Barl
*Basic Rate
5 ecial on Old Mil
North of Towncrest Shopping Center Phone 338 - 7801 4 ·12:30 a.m . Sun - Thurs 4 -2:30 a .m. Fri & Sat
after 8:30p.m.
Schaeffer Hall , , , 9-5 Union . . . . , , . , 9-5 Hillcrest ...... 11-7 B.rge ...... _11-7
Fine arts page • comlng
George's Gourmet
R,T, from Chicago to:
Zurich or Gelleva -
LASA Polling Places
Info above concerts or to buy Mail order tickets, Good Karma Productions, 4218 Main Street, Missouri , 64111, phone l..c1I&.531·3857. University of illinois, Champaign Elton John, Davey Johnstone, Dee Murray, Nigel Olsson & Dillards, 8 p.m., May 10, Assembly Hall, tickets $4, 4.50-5. 10waClty Benefit Concert for Free Medical Clinic, 7 p.m.. May 14, Ace Entertainment Center and Beer Garden, 10 groups. Rochester, Minn. Todd Rudgren, 7 and 11 :30 p.m., May 23, Mayo Civic Aud., phone 1·507-288-8475 tickets $2.SO general admission, $3.SO at door. Rolling Stones, I have the com· plete itiner:lry for their cross-country tour, there will be no mail order tickets; however, they play the 24, 25, and 26 of July in Madison Square Garden. The Garden ticket center uses a teletype service which connects with D.C. and other Eastern cities; this will probably be the only way to stay out of long, long Jines. The Stones will play Chicago June 19 and 20 and tickets go on sale May 20. The International Amphitheatre will hold the concert-phone Ticketron for details,
products' but not specifically what went wrong. Where did it happen? Where did you buy it?" What resulted from the research is the Telagripe which folds to form its own red and white envelope with the notation, on the outside that it contains a complaint. Some parts of the one-page form can just be checked off and others ask the complainant to complete sentences such as, "This is what I , want done." 11lere is a blank where the con· sumerfills in, " I want a reply in -days." Two carbon sheets, included in the kit, , allow for a second copy to be sent if no immediate reply is received and a third copy which can be sent to another person, if the first source fails.' In the manual the authors advise: Don't delay your complaint. Go to the president of the company. It's easier for a letter to trickle I down than rise up. Don't get too emotional. Initially the authors tried the Telagripes on their own problems. Perraudin sent one to the president of a company complaining that styrofoam cups he purchased were ripped. Perraudin said he knew he had a good form when a few weeks later a case of 480 cups arrived with a letter from the manufacturer, who said the Telagripe had enabled him to locate a flaw in the production machinery. Last fall a 3()..day test market at newsstands resulted in the sale of 25,000 kits, the authors report. This summer they go on sale at stationery counters for '1.29.
With purchase at George's Gourmet. ..... with any Pizza, SpaghettI, Fish, Chicken, Rib, Steak Dinner or Gourmet Sandwich.
German Airlines
Mahivishnu Orchestra, May 21, Aud. Theatre. Earl ' Fatha' Hines, through May 14, London House. Dick Gregory, through May 14, Mister Kelly's, 1028 N. Rush, with Bonnie Koloc, Dave Mason. May 26, Aud. Theatre. Isaac Hayes, July 2& 3, Arie. Uriah Heep, John Baldry, July 22, Aud. Theatre. Buddy Miles, June 11, 7:30 p.m., Arie Crown. Spi rit·Chase·Blue Oyster Cult, May 15, 8 p.m., May 15. J . Geils Band & Edgar Win· ter, May 'J:1, Arie Crown. Super Soul Review, Tyrone Davis, Stylistics, Persuaders. Detroit Emeralds, 8 & 10:30 p.m .. May 20 , tickets $3.5().4 .5()..5 .5().6.so. INFO Chicago concerts or tickets, phone 1·312-329-1300 or 1·312-842·5387, to buy write Ticketron Agency, 300 North State, 35 cents charge per ticket. Leon Russell, July 11 & 12, Aud. Theatre. Moline, lIJinois Quicksilver Messenger Service-2 hrs., Spirit-t hr .. Chuck Berry· I hr., Trapeze-I hr., 7 p.m ., May 11 , Wharton Fieldhouse, tickets $4.5()..5.SO, advance at Elysian Fields, $5,6 at gate. Waterloo, Iowa Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, 8 p.m., McElroy Aud .. P.O. Box 622, 50704, tickets $3.SO advance, $4 at door. Milwaukee Jeff Beck, May 10, Milwaukee Aud. John Sebastian, Bonnie Koloc , 8 p.m., May 19 , Milwaukee Performing Arts Center, write Concert Midwest, Box 1776, phone 1-114-9624841, tickets $4·5-5.511. Jethro Tull. June 6, Milwaukee Arena tickets $4 . 50-5·5 . 50. phone 1-414-962-4841, write Mi. Arena, 500 Kilbourn Ave. for tickets. University of Wisconsin, Madison Elton John, 8 p.m.. May 14, U.W Fieldhouse, tickets $3-4-5. Kansas City Rolling Stones, June 22, Municipal Aud., tickets $6.SO, No mail order tickets anywhere, 4 tickets per person, refused to divulge sale date. Jethro Tull, June 15, tickets nearly sold-out$4.5()..5.SO.
thru Saturday Special! I
for the Daily low...
By ne Associated Press Consumers unhappy over faulty merchandise can now channel their rage and frustration into a Telagripe. The new H-item forms and a manual on how to complain effectively and rationally rome in a special magazine-format kit designed by two W1employed Boston businessmen. George Perraudin said the inspiration came easily last year after he spent an hour and a ~ trying to complain by telephone to an Insurance company. "I kept getting a recorded message" recalled Perraudin. "Finally I had to call the state government and get the name of an employe in the company to call. I had my answer in 10 seconds. By this time my adrenalin was goin up and I said, 'Why doesn't someone try to help the average consumer complain?' .. Perraudin called Bernard Triber, a colleague from a now defunct aerosol disinfectant company, and they went to work inter· viewing 100 men and women in the streets. Almost without exception, those inter· viewed said they had something to complain about but weren't sure what to say, how to say it or to whom to say it. Many felt that no one would listen. Interviews with businessmen showed the frustration was mutual . "What they were getting were long-winded letters that said nothing," said Triber, "They said, 'I hate you. I'm not going to buy your
gallery ·'117
116nois Room 7 & 9 P.M. Wed-Thune
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Can You Top This? -RE~ORD1958 I hour 56 minutes! We're lulroducing 32 blends 01 "SMOKERS COVE " lamily 01 fine tobacco. Sample some soon. The Smokers Co\'e repre· IefttatJve will be at the contest to answer all vour questiolL~ about tobacco and pipe smoking. . Stop in 800n to registel'. For further details and prize list visit . . .
Pipes - Tobacco & Gift Shop
S South Dubuque
. j
Page 8-The Dally Iowan-Iowa Cltv, IOWl-Wed., Mly 10, 1972
Wage. controls would be messy for pro spotts WASHINGTON (AP) -Placing professional atWetes under wage controls " would result in a messy situation," Marvin Miller told the Pay Board Tuesday. Miller, executive director of the Major League Baseball P I aye r s ' Association, was joined in the attack against a proposal to restrict pro athletes to a 5.5 per cent wage increase by heads of pro basketball and pro football players' groups and by a representative of the National Football League club owners. Ed Garvey, executive director, National Football League Players' Association, also represented hockey players at the public h.earing. "Any lid on salary increases could destroy the fledging World Hockey Association," Garvey said. Because of an athlete's short career, averaging 4.5 to 6 years, Garvey said. "any control on his salary is magnified. "One can understand a 5,5 per cent limitation since the average non-athlete career is 25 years, " the NFLPA executive
Baseball standings NATIONAL LEAGUE East W L Pet. GB New York 12 6 .667 Philadelphia 13 7 .650 Montreal 12 7 .632 Ih Pittsburgh 9 10 .474 31h Chicago 9 11 ,450 4 St. Louis 9 11 .450 4 West Houston 12 7 .632 Los Angeles 13 8 .619 San Diego 9 12 .429 4 Cincinnati a 12 .400 41k Atlanta 8 14 .364 51k San Francisco 7 16 ,304 7 Tuesday's Results Montreal 7, San Francisco 1. St. Louis 2, Houston 1. Pittsburgh 5. Atlanta 2. Chicago 7. Cincinnati 1. San Diego at Philadelphia, rain, Los Angeles at New York. rain. Wednesday's Games San Francisco (McDowell 40) at Montreal (Stoneman 3-2) , N Los Angeles (Singer 2-2) at New York (McAndrew 1-0), N Houston (Reuss 2·1) at St. Louis (Gibson 0-4) , N Pittsburgh (Johnson 0-1) at Atlanta (Niekro 3-3) , N Chicago (Pappas 2·2) at Cincinnati (Nolan 3-0) San Diego (Kirby 2-1) at Philadelphia (Fryman 1-0) , N AMERICAN LEAGUE East W L Pct. GB Detroit 11 6 .647 Cleveland 11 7 .611 Ik Baltimore 10 7 .588 1 New York 6 12 .333 51h Boston 4 10 .286 51h Milwaukee 4 10 .286 51h West 13 Minnesota Oakland 10 Chicago 9 Texas 8 7 California Kansas City 8
4 .765 4 .714 Ph 9 ,500 41k 10 ,444 51h l 10 ,412 6 12 ,400 61k
Tuesday's Results Minnesota 4. New York 2. Detroit 5, Chicago 2. Cleveland 2, Kansas City 1. 2-Milwaukee at Oakland, night. Boston at California, night. Texas at Baltimore, rain. Wednesday's Games Milwaukee (Brett 1·2) atOakland (Hunter 2-1), N New York (Keklch 2-1) at Minnesota (Perry 2-1), N Detroit (Timmerman 2·2) at Chicago (Bradley 2-1) Kansas City (Hedlund 0-2) at Cleveland (Perry 4-2) Texas (Broberg 2-1) at Baltimore (McNally 3-1), N Boston (patin 0-3) at California (Ryan 2-2), N
LASA Polling Places Hall . . 9-5 Uniol ...... . 9-5 11-7 Hillcrest. Birge .. 11-7 Sc~aeffer
director said. "But a pro athlete's career is only one-fourth or one-fifth /IS long, and any control on his salary is magnified four or five times. " John Thompson, executive director of the NFL Management Council, echoed most of the player complaints against the proposal, but stopped short of asking for complete exemption. He said his group favors flexibility, "Players do need relief" from wage controls, "in our opinion." Thompson said. Also testifying was Joseph Dey of the Professional Golfers Association, The proposal to place pro athletes under wage controls was submitted by Robert Bassett when he was a business member of the Pay Board. Bassett, who Jeft the board when it was reorganized, proposed that boxers, golfers, auto racers, tennis players, jockeys and other pro athletes whose earnings are determined "by individual winning or losing .. , or by a percentage of the 'gate'" be exempted from the wage guidelines, But. he placed under the 5.5 per cent guidelines pro baseball, football, basketball and hockey players. A staff paper prepared by the Office of Economic Policy and Case Analysis sided with the players' representatives. " Pub-
MARGATE. N.J . (AP) Yancey Durham, manager of world heavyweight champion Joe Frazier, says there isn't going to be a return fight with Muhammad Ali this year, "Never mind what Jack Kent Cooke Of anybody else says, there isn't going to be a return this year," Durham i.nsisted at the champ's training camp here. Cooke, owner of basketball'S Los Angeles Lakers and hockey's Los Angeles Kings, promoted the first Frazier-Ali fight and has an option for the rematch. He wants to hold it in tne Forum, which he owns, in Inglewood, Calif. "Even before the first fight I had it in mind that if there would be a rematch, it wouldn't be held until 1973," said Durham, Frazier is training for his May 25 defense against Ron Stander in Omaha, Neb. The champion has pledged half his share of the purse to the Yancey Durham Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation. Durham is giving his entire 15 per cent and the promotion is contributing 10 per cent to the cause. D u r ham confirmed that Cooke has a two-year option to pro mot e the Frazier-Ali rematch, but said, "there are two or three things in the contract I think I can use to break it-I'd have to go to the courts on that." Durham said he has not ruled out Madlson Square Garden as the site of the next Frazier-Ali bout. despite the fact that the New York State income tax took a big chunk out of the fighters' $2.5 million purses for the March 8. 1971 fighH1early $350,000 each. "I talked with the governor (Gov. Nelson Rockefeller of New York) about it (the tax) six months ago nile told me he'd try to do something for us. If he does, we might fighl in New York, but the Astrodome and the new 2O,IJOO.seat hall they're buildlng in Atlanta might also be the place."
Open 6 days a week.
404 HI",lalld Clurt
aUTO I.. IU"'NCI ...lin, io, .In,lt ",on un,", 2 r"uctd .dult reI" for tln,lo ,Irlt . 01,. ",0.. 1...
"'0,"_ Iwn," ." ,"ebU. hom"
a' ..... , ..... , " .... rt., Insur.nce In .. nl" ..... IIln'., "o'.reycl. ',...urinci .
Coralville and
Member F,OJ.C,
nI-24S.; Mm., 3'7-3'"
MObil. H_
Motoreyel. Auto (.1..
10'" LIlt ...... yeu
W....'n and Din,. "-ott; levi Jeanl and Jacketl; Shirts; Su.d. and Wint., Jock....
All kin • •f Iho. onel PUrM
,.,.,.1, onel elyln, DI.I 337·""
,,. s.utft (IInltt!
co. II• • •'111
' " M.ld.n L ....
- In ttl. 10m. locati.n -
TEPEE EMPTY? RENT PURNITURE Davenport, chairs, dinettes, dresser, beds, all accessories for summer occupancy or fall reservations. TEPEE RENTALS & SALES Call 337-5977
Limited Offer Two Week's free Tria)
220 10th Street East-Coralvllle
lic opinion often both the r short span offorgets the athletes' careers and their relatively low average salary," the staff paper said . "It concentrates instead on the high compensation offered the stars. considering these salaries to be representative of the industry as a whole."
Durham: No '72 Ali fight
Open your instant inle~esl checking account today.
" • • • CY
r"'.'" '0'
CHRISTUS HOUSE COMMUNITY Ecumenical Living Experience is taking applications for the summer and fall. Call 338·7868 for more Information or stop by 124 E. Church Street
700 S. Dubuque 351-0038
Immediately available in a number of departments at Sears
MOVING??? Need boxes, lape, packing paper, fiber or steel barrels? Come to CITY CARTON COMPANY 919 South Clinton St. or call 338·5691 or 337-2170 Hours : 8 a.m. t05 p.m., weekdays Saturday, 8 a.m. to 12 noon
SALES-CLE RI CAL-WAR E HOUSE to work day~venings-weekends up to 30 hours per week, excellent starting pay and working conditions. Apply in person, Personnel Office, Monday through Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., 1600 Sycamore, The Mall Shopping Center. An Equal Opportunity Employer
May Grads
WANTED tMMEDIATEL Y At least two brlghl anCl am· bltlous sales people, experlen· ce preferr ed , but not necessary, must be competent, able 10 communicate with others, serious about doing a iOb well . Compensation Is direct commissions between 10 perce nt and 20 percent of sales plus expenses. This Is a chance to grow with 8 new, local firm . Apply In person to FrancIs Hamlt, Pegasus, Inc. 203'12 E, Washington .
Buy A
~ ® Design for You
Special FiaaDee Plan for You. Ask Us.
Volkswagen Iowa City Inc. 354·2550
IMPORTANT NOTICE Please Read-Win FREE-FREE-FREE Win Invitation and All Expense Paid Trip to Inauguration and Inaugural Ball in January-Send dollar for ' registration to: . W A .S H I N G TON WEEKENDS COR .. PORATIONS POST OF., FICE BOX 876-S0UTHPORT, NORTH CAROLINA 28461
HOUSE FOR RENT Split foyer overlooking Coralville Lake in North Liberty. Three bedrooms, extra large kitchen, fully carpeted, sundeck, builtins, air conditioning, basement and garage. $245 monthly. After 626-2847.
I LEARN TO DIVE, and visit the excltlll9 world under water. B.slc Scuba course, starting May24, Phone 351-3663, evenings
GARAGE SALE 1929 Friendship Friday evening, May 12 and all day Saturday Furniture, appliances, etc.
Per•••al. TRIVIA-Qnly John Quincy Ada ms ever served as a representative to the House among the presidents. He put In 17 years there after vacating the White House for Andrew Jackson In 1829. VOLUNTEER to held COOd (noon cookouts)' garden organically and build rammed earth house In wOOds. Walter Gormly, Box 172, Mt. Vernon, Phone 895·8520, 5·12 CMD announces Its approval . Bill, Sherri-njoicel 5·10 GAY WOMEN-Call 351·4582, ask for Gerl. 5-23 TRAVELING companion In Eur· ope this summer. 354-2722 after 6 p,m. 5-11
Help Want.d In accordance with Ihe proviSions of Chapler I of lhe Iowa Civil Rights Comm i ssion's ruling on sex Cllscr lmlnallon In adverllslng, Ihe advertising departmenl of the Dally Iowan will require advertisers In Ihe Help Wanled section to file an affidavil to tile CommiSSion, If, in our op i nion , such advertising could possibly violat e Ihe Commission's ruling . All advertising that directly or indirectly eXCludes persons from apply ing for a position on the basis of sex wi" fall into Ihls category . ON E of the top thirteen corpora · tions In the U.S. will be giving a free aptitude test to determine your sales potential. If you qualify and are hired we will pay you $800 to $1,000 per month during our three year training period. Phone 351 ·4868, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p,m. 5·16 CAT sliter for summer, your home. Will pay. Call 338·7222. 5·1\ COUPLE to work year around in motel starting June 1. Man may be student, No pets, ch i ldren or furniture. Call 337-9207. 5·16 CALLIGRAPH 1ST for wedding book and to copy Greek phrase. 338·3732. 5-12 WANTED-Part time bookkee· per. Call 354 · 1~. 6·27 DORMITORY carriers needed for fall Of 1972, Must be a dormitory resident . Excellent earnings. Des MOines Register. phone 338-1750 before 5:30 p.m . 5·15 SUMMER Jobs Interview, Wisconsin Room, Student Union, 6:00-8:30, Tuesday and Wednesday . 5.10 ADULT carrier, close in reslden· tlal . No transportation needed, must be available for one year. 337·2289 . 5·12 SECURITY guards - night work available, must have clean police record, Phone 326.6461 Daven· port, Iowa. 5-11 ADD extra $SO to 5100 monthly to your income part time. For appointment. 338·5977. 5·15 WANTED College iunior or senior, ten to twenty hOurs pel' week . Salary $150 to 5300 per month to learn insurance busi. ness . Career opportunity for student after graduation . send details of personal data to James E . Luhrs, CLU, 307 ProfeSSional Park Bulldlll9, Cedar Rapids, Iowa . 5·29
SUMMER IN EUROPE only $2101 Call 10" free (800)225·2531 tree travel planner! If Unl·travel Corporation
RESUMES PRINTED 100 copies, $4 You provide camera ready copy COURIER PUBLISHING CO 108 second Avenue, Coralville
6 p.·m., call PEGASUS, INC.
SALES POSITIONS With a Presentanda Futurel Three persons-excepllonal opportunity to average over $200 per week In commissions. To Qualify, yOU must have car . Good educational and charac· ter background. Bondable. Must be aggreSSive, alert, highly soc lable, ambitious and responsible . If you are selected, YOUR FUTURE ISSECUREI You will be given a complete Iwo weeks sales training program In Chicago, expenses paid .. . then be guaranteed a minimum of S100 per month to start, while being trained In the field. Our salesmen are given every opportunity fOf ad· vancement to key mana!1ement positions, INTERVIEWING IN MOLINE 5·15- t6 THIS PHONE CALL CAN CHANGE YOUR LI FE Call collect tor appointment
now 3S1 ·275-5868 MR. PAUL
The Photography p..,1t
Call 338-6969
.b'Jlli. CALL ROSS CASTER, 351-6619
TRACTOR TRAILER TRAINEES NEEDED, Call 309·788.7421. AIKIDO lessons, sell Dial 338·2-493,
defense. 5·26
TRAVELING? STAY OVER· NIGHT FREEl Stuck .t home? Meet travellll9 people. elCchange privileges with members In U.S. and Canada. Write : University Tr.velers Club, Box 9147, Berkeley, CA, 94709.
One to Three Days ...... zoe. Word Five Days ..... ,.23c. Word Ten Days ........ 29Ci Word One Month ...... 55c a Word
Minimum Ad 10 Words Sorry, no refunds.
c f
Phone 353·6201
f d ~
3 PRIVATE Swlmmlll9 Instruc· tion: Red Cross Instructor, three years experience, all ages . Rates arranged. Barbara Davis, 338· 6117 . 5-15
Apt.o f.r ••• t DISCOUNT-Sublet one bedroom June, July, may extend. POOl, air conditioned, 338·0876, 5·23 ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment Westhampton Village to sublet. 337·700c. 5-16 DEAL-Sublease, fall option, new, clean, unfurnished one bed· room. $155. Can dicker. 354-2035, 5·26 SU BLET June, fall optlon-targe one bedroom, air conditioned, pool, bus line, laundry, pets 5·16 allowed. S134, 351 -1628. SUMMER sublet-fll option, fur nished, carpeted, two bedroom, parking, utilities paid. $\65. 351· 3779 or Seibert, Box 908, Iowa City. 5·23 SUMMER sublease-Two room efficiency , $100 monthly. Dial 338·2375. 5·16 TWO bedroom furnished to lease. 3"" South Dubuque, Apartment 3. 354·2299. 5·16 SPECIAL deal- Regular $155 apartment, $125 ")onthly for sum· mer, new, unfurnished, a'r condi. tioned. Six blocks from Penta· crest . 338-5343. 5·16 SUMMER bargain, newer, large, two bedroom, carpeted, air, laundry. 337·7818. 6·27 NEW, furnished efficiency, carpeted, air, laundry faCilities. Close 5·23 In . 337-7818. FURNISHED apartment to sublet for summer . Very close in. Only $85. 338·2686. 5·16 SUMMER, lall optIon, downtown tor two. $)35. June 5. 354·)9J1 . 5·16 REDUCED from $175 to $215, summer sublet, furnished one bedroom, excellent air conditionIng , 338·5102. 5·16 SUMMER sublet-Girls, furnished, two bedroom, parking available, close to campus, air conditioned . S160 monthly 3375541 5-16 SUMMER sublet-G i rls, fur nished, two bedroom, parking available, close to campus, air conditioned , $160 monthly, 337· 5541 . 5·16 SUMMER sublet-Two bedroom Laj(eslde Townhouse, unfur, nlshed, air conditioned, bus line. $155 a month . Evenings, 338·.0J543. 5·23
Apt.o f.r ••i..
(C •• 't) SUMMER school sublet - June I ·August 1, $110. Three blocks from campus, one bedroom furn. 5-15 ished. 353·1611. NEW, one . bedroom iurnlshed. air, Coralville, $100. 351·0738 after 5 p.m . 5-15 BIG windows with view of Iowa City; furnished, one bedroom, roomy, $150. June 1. 354·2100. 5·22 FURNISHED, luxury efficiency - Summer sublease, fall option, Bus, air . 338·9930. 5-22 SUBLEASE summer - Two bed· room, air conditioned, ~oralville, $155. Dial 354·1196. 5·22 SPACIOUS, one bedroom, furn· ished, air conditioned, carpeted, 5·15 Rent negotiable. 353·0310, TWO bedroom apartment - Sub· let, optional fali. Kilchen, utllilies Included, $140. 338·4439. 720 N. Dubuque. 5·15 SEXY one bedroom, furnished, air conditioned, $150. 338·~S6, evenings. 5·22 SUBLEASE - New, one bed· room, air conditioned, furnished, close in, $135. 702 E. Washington, 351 -9595, 5·22 AVAILABLE June 1 - Summer sublet, fall option . Two bedroom, unfurnished, central air, l'h baths, large kitchen, living room. balcony. Reduced rent. 351-8837. evenings . 5· 22 ONE bedroom. summer and.or fall . 615 Woodside Drive (near University HOspitals), 331.1371, nights. 5·22 ONE bedroom furn ished apart· ment, utilities furnished, SIlO. 33'/,·49'l1 .
FlI\\..\.. aMsummer - tlo\&M\~rll problems , Two bedrooms, bar, furnished , air cond itioned, prlva · cy, 680 spacious feet, Coralville, $160. 337·9007 . 5·15 DOWNTOWN, furnished, air con· ditloned apartment, $100, Sum· mer, fall option. 337-2422. 5·15 SUMMER SUblet, one bedroom. Carpeted , furnished , carport. Quiet neighborhood , one block from Law School. 119 River Street. 338·9989, 5·15 APARTMENT - Bus line. beauti· ful one bedroom, air conditioned, furnished . Cheap . 354·1078. 5-22 SUMMER sublet, two bedroom furnished , air conditioned, fully carpeted , Screened In front porch, garage. Free utilities, laundry. One block from Law School. 125 River Street. 337·9052; 351·55145·15
LARGE, furnished, six room, two bedroom downtown for three or four . Summer $180 monthly, fall option. 354·2970. 5-16
SUMMER sublet - two bedroom furnished, air conditioned, S. Dodge. 354.1338. 5-11
SUMMER-Fall option, fur nished, one bedroom, air condi · tioned, parking, bus route. Only $120. 354·1068, 5·16
SUMMER sublease - two bed· room, air conditioned, swimming pool, furnished, Coralville, bus. Rent negotiable, 351·0227. 5·18
SUMMER sublet, fall option, one bedroom, unfurnished, close In, 351·7657. 5-23
SUMMER sublet - June '00 July, fall opllon. Two bedroom furnished , aIr cond\l\oTltQ, \a\f(\· dry and bus Une. S180. 35,j·27%,
SUBLET summer-fall option. Large efficiency, fUrnlShed'k air conditioned, water paid, par ing, bus, laundry, Big enough for two . 354·2350, evenings, • 5·16 SUMMER sublet, fall optional. large two bedroom furnished, air, laundry, parking, close. 338·2460. 5-23 SUBLEASE-Fall option, close to campus, one bedroom furnished for two-three girls. ~ · 1912. 5·16 WORTH checking! Furnished, one bedroom, kltchennette, full bath, carpeted, central air, off street parking . Bus stop at front door. Summer-fall option , 354· 2022. 5-23 AVAILABLE Immediately-Furnished one bedroom, carpeted, walking distance, 338·1357; 3512298. 6-23 SEPTEMBER leasill9, nine or twelve months Furnished apartment for four men . Utililles Included, Off street parking . 3377880 between 9 a,m. and 6 p.m.; 338·8806 between 7 p.m.·9 p.m. 5·11 NEAR hospital, 47 Valley Avenue - Two bedroom for summer or one year, available June 1. 3511386, 5·22 SUBLEASING- New, fall option, bedtoom furnished. Dish. washer, air conditioning, near hospitals. Cheap, 351 ·0307. 5-22
FURNISHED basement apartment, close in. Also sublease apartment for summer, 338-5396. 5·15 SUBLEASING new, one bedroom . furnished. Air, television, pool 5·22 table, Cheap. 354·1370. FREE beer I Now that we have
AUTHORIZED FIAT Sales, Service and Parts Town's Edge Tovota-Flat East end of Marion on Hwy. 151 Call 337-4851
0ur attention: Summer SUblet, r.urnished apartment for two. Two
blocks from campus. Call 35319:17, 5·15
ON E bedroom apartment, unfum· ished, close to Hospital, alr,condl· tloned . Wi II bargain on rent. 351 ·6329. 5·18 SUMMER sublet - June and July, seven rooms, second floor of house. Furnished, ~ililies paid, close to campus . Rent cheap and negotiable, 354·2796. 5·11 SUBLET - Summer, furnished, bus, laundry, 2'h rooms . SI00 monthly. 354-1855. 5·18
SUMMER sublet - Fall option. Luxury apartment, close in, air conditioned, parking facilities. one bedroom furnished. 338·8928. 5-18
GREATlocalion-Twobedroom, furnished, air conditioned apart· ment, Summer sublet with fall option. Call 351 ·6445. 5·12
SUMMER - Huge two ~room, furnished, close In. Rent negolla. ble. 351 ·3445; 351·0035. S-19
SUBLEASE - June I·July 31, three room furnished apartment. two blocks from campus , Steel tor S110, Call 338-6923, s.6 p.m, 5-12 SUMMER sublet - New, furnls/!· ed, air conditioning, disposal, buS route, Coralville. 337-4861. 5-19 SUMMER - Furnished. air con· dltloned, two blocks from Currier, fall option. 354-2343, S-19 SUMMER - Two blocks from Campus, 5130 ~thly plus utllil. les. Married or two singles. Four large rooms, carpeted, air condl· tioned. 354-2064 . S-11 SUBLEASE - Fall option, two bedroom unfurnished, air. buS, S150. 3~·1965 , S-12
SUMMER sublet - One bedroom, furnished, garage, near hospital. 5112, 351.6A31. 5·22
UNIVERSITY Of Chicago - 61'1 rooms, furnished, washer, $197, Mid June·September. 351·2725, Sherry. 5-12
SUMMI!R sublet Two bedroom , air conditioning, swimming POOl, on bus line. 338·1955. 5-15
SUMME R sublease - Fall option, Modern, one bedroom, unfurnlsh· ed, air condilloned, pool, carpet. $120. 354·2278. . 5-19
DOWNTOWN studio apartment, subillt tor summer, three months, furnished, $100 monthly. Phone 338·0858 after 3 p.m. 5·22
IIG dlscountl One bedroom, furn. iShed, air, on bus line, very big. call 351·0315. 5.11
THREE girls need roommate, summer. Luxurious apartment, rent flexible , 337-7173, 5·11
SUMMER sublet-two bedroom, furnished, aircondllioned, dish· washer, laundry, parking, IO\t girls. $5S month, close. 3Jl.3a. 5-17
Apt•• f.r •••t
Apt•• f.r ••• t
Apt •• f.r ••• t
(C•• 't)
"~t r""m unt'u.., I.I,""" ' Modern, .. Coral · "n;.. h ...... t affer. 337· 5.12
FU RNISHEDone bedroom apart. WARM weather sublet - two ment for rent, utilities paid . Dial bedroom furnished , walking dls t· 338·88JJ. 5·19 ence, $120. 338·CW08. 5·11 AVAILABLE June - One bed· YOU will receive a free home room furnished Coralville apart· cooked spaghetti and wine dinner for ment, SIlO. Air conditioned , pool. four, If you sublet our two bedroom 338·0«9, evenings. 5·15 furnished apartment. Air con· dltloned , off street parking . Available June 1 at $160. can 331 ..37$4. 5-J
[ I
SUBLET-Summer. two room , air, near campus. monthly. 354·1479.
See our new 1 & 2 bedroom units un.
CLOSE to downtown - 8rand _ , large, deluxe, two bedroom furniShed apartments. Five In locations. 338·9922 or 351
der completion, 900 West Benton Model & Office open
I f
___-:-:-=::---,-~==-- FAST, experienced, reasonable. CEO rent - Summer sub· Dissertations, term papers. Eng· two bedroom, unfurnished, IIsh, foreign languages. 338-6509. apartment . $lSO . 6-13 ~~~_ _ _ _ _ _ _..:5~ . 1I· ELECTRIC typing - All types, SUMME R su bl e t - FilII option . thirteen year'sexPl!rlence . Phone Two bedroom, close. $170. Olat 337.38A3 6.9 337·2764. 5· 1 1 ' EL CT SUBLEAStNG - One bedroom ERIC - Fast. accurate, unfurn ished , air conditioned, experienced, reasonable. Call laundry, near University Hosplt. Jane Snow. 338·6472. 6·8 al. 337·3573. 5·11 TYPING-Theses, term papers, etc. IBM electric, carbon ribbon . 6-7 - June 338·8075. SUMMER school sublet
~.::?nlsJhU~; ~r;:' ~~klng,
ELECTRICnewmachlne -Thes. es,short papers, etc. Fast reason· able. 338·3116. 5·30 11M Executive with carbon rib. bon Term papers Plus editing 338 7209 526 '. .
blocks from campus fets lowed. $165. Call 338.2;' .
SUMMER sublet, fall opllon . bedroom. unfurnished, air, king, laundry, bus, carpet. 6206 after 9:30 p.m.
·• 9 5 30 d al Y • : or
PhoneD. 1175
ALL UNDER ONE ROOF Furnished Single suites and mar· FURNISHED one bedroom r led arartments. All utlllll.es paid conditioned, five blocks to PLent. ~~~r ~re' G~:~g~,nda~~~~: acrest. New building. 353. I;~j st\!dy room . Snack bar and gro· · levenlna:s. cery mart. Indoor parking avail· AVAILABLE now-N two bed able, plngpong and pool lables. b ew . la~ndry rooms on each floor . Now room, near us. qu iet location, no accereting summer and fall leases. pets. 683·2«5. 5·26
!:::rtem~~~~s sf{~m ~elm:~~~ ~Eh~X~'
t'fd room ,
• I.c. f.r S •••
(C •• 't)
(C •• 't)
SUMMER sublet - FurniShed, two bedroo~ bathroom, air conditioned, on bus route. Avail · able June 1. 354·2514. 6·13
5·25 - - - - - - - - - - : . . . : .typewrlterIrTWlnuscrlpt5, ,.tt,rs, term
typing , carbon rib. experienced. Dial 5.23
~::i~. ~~~O ~ay ~~~~weqU~ fi~~:', ~:~als, 'S~:5. ~~~~'.verSlty ~~
LeChateau . One bedroom , 5·15 DOWNTOWN . large. furnished lunturn iOlhM apartment . 331·99~7 apartment. summer only , 5160. 5·1 3532334 or 3532325. 6 13IS;~'~-"~M-IE:"':J-t,---0;-';-bed -r-OO-m -,-f-ur . WISTWOOD - WESTSIDE Irc~nditloned-fall op. FURNISHED, two bedroom, air 1015 o.lIc,"", SInet 1907. 338·5363. 5-17 conditioned, close to hospitalS and CORONET campus. three·four people. 354· "UMME R sublel Fal b d 12637. 5·30 I,. a ....dW,Y·Ntxt to KIMrt wo e room . c ase . UItr,t •• wy, efflclellc:ItI, _ SUBLEASE new. one bedroom , 1377764. 1ItdfMrn, two bedroom and ,ir conditioned. furnished , close SPACIOUS apartment with n, $155. 351 ·9595. 6·1 ;anality for three or four IlIr.. bedrllNll, illites Ind
IBM Executive - Carbon ribbon,
1~~:. a3n~.~N.t papers. Exper·
half sheltles, seven weeks. affectionate. 'phone 3SA· 1161. 5·16 FOR SALE - Black female Persl . pv,·nl.IC,.lan cat, one year Old. Lovable. After 5 p.m . call. 351 ·7583. 5·16 ------FREE puppies- Three Siberian Notlrl\l,mlHusky Labrador mix. 353·5121, leave message. 5·16 PROFESSIONAL dog grooming Puppies kittens tropical fish pet supplies. Brenneman seed Store, 401 S. Gilbert. 338.8501. 6-23
FOR sublease June 1 IUKury two bedroom IIpartmelll, Ic",nrlltln.,"" $200 monthly. Phone 337·1962. S·U
AKC reg istered DOberman Pin. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ scher PUDDles. Bred for excellent temperament, quality and Inteili . gence.338·3411 . 5·18
New, Luxurioul On. B.droom and Efficiencies CIOII
------'---::..,;..~~........-4-!~!~. ~
SUMMER sublet - One ~room furnished apartment, air condl lIoned, Coralville, one year old S145 monthly . Call 338.5590, day time ; 354·2608 at night . 5·11 _ SUMMER sublet - Fall oplion, one bedroom, unfurnlsh. parking . 354·2831 . 5·12
From $120
CLOSE to campus - J rental only, new two furnished . 338·9922 or
fluffy kittens lOOking for a Ca.n you help? 338·8544. 6-22
=~:~ ~~~h
....... H••••
MEN-Singles, close to U Hospl. tals Dial 353.5268 ' 338.8tl59 5.10 1.45 - Furnished. bedroom plus . • . study, close to bus line. $800. 338 1728 515 MEN - Two dou!>les completely . . • remOdeled with kitchen. Prefer Gradstuoentsandtwelvemonth's LOW cost Insurance for SHARPE 660 headphones, two lease. 337·5652. 6-12 mobile home - The finest monlhs. Make offer. Call 354·1426 tlon of rates and coverages anytime. 5.11 MEN- Singles tor summer or fall . able deSigned especially for you. 338·6430 atler 5 p.m . or 337.71~1 IrvinPfablnsurance,call351 ..7333 KALONA Kountry Kreatlons - anytime. 68 anytime. 6·22 The place with the handmad~S9 - - 24 • I t I .... bl hed I Kalona , Iowa . . MALES - Singles, doubles. dup· • camp e e y r".ur s ,n ce lex. some kitchens . West of Chem . for single or couple. Best offer. FOR SALE - Portable refrlgera· 1st 3372,n5 530 351 5989 5 18 tor , sl)( months Old . E)(cellent ry. . ..... . .' . . working order. Wood grain finish, SINGLE room for women, cook. 1961 RICHMOND 12)(SO. arlcondl . temperature conlrol , Ice cube Ing privileges, parking space. lIoned, carpeted, skirted, fur . capacl.!X. No defrost. 580. Call Dial 337.7819. 5.24 nlShed . 626.291)4 weekday even . Steve Iller at 338·7535. 5·2A Ings. 5·17 SUMMER special, rooms with THE NUT SHELL, 331 S. Gilbert. cooking, SSO. Black's Gaslight PARKWOOD IOx56-al r, very, Old fashioned friendly atmos· Village. 5·17 very nicely furniShed , many ex · phere, quality handmade mer· Iras. Come see II! 351 ·5565. 5·11 chandlse at low prices. FantaStic EXTRA nice, private singles and dresses and smocks arriving dally doubles, kitchen facilities, sum . 10x50 TravelhOme, two bedroom , - stop In . Atso, repairs, altera· mer or fall. 337 .9786; 338.1413. carpeted. Forest View. Evenings. tlons, custom sewing . 5·22 6-15 338·5968. 5-1 6 NEW radio and television tubes. ROOMS for girls, ."""",,., BelowInRetail tost. Will also fall, close In, cooking ''''~ilJt~:~90~ tubes your set. Call338-0157. 3~7.
MICROFICHE Readers DASA PMR·SO, 589 .SO. Demonstration GERMAN Shepherd Champion available. Pegasus, Inc. 338.6969. Pups AKC - Shots, wormed. 5·19 black·tan . 351 ·5927 . 5·15 WEST Highland While Terrlers Five puppies ; beautiful mark· Ings. reglstered . 338·8700. 5·12
TWO bed room Iuxuryapar t for summ~r sublease - No dam age deposit. Your August rent wll,srno<:kS. be paid by us. Three months comfortable living for the price two. Call 337 ·7962. 6·11 HAND tailored hemline altera. tlons. Lady's garments only. ELMWOOD Terrace-Two bed· Phone 338·1]47. 6·15 room furnished apartment. S02 5thstreet, Coralville. No children WASHING - Albert A. or pets. 338.5905 or 351·5714. WINDOW Ehl . Dial 64.4-2329. 6.15 5·26 WE repair all makes of TVs stereos, rad ios and tape Play"r; Helble and Rocca Electronics 307 E. Court St., Phone 351 .0250. '5.29
SUBLEASE - Fall option >edrom, unfurnished, air 'Ioned, bus, west side, 156-2972 before 3:30 p .m .. :>ave Curtis; 338·4560 after 4
------------~ ~~~~~~~
•••••• t. W.nt.d
Aut•• ·D.III•• tlc
FOR sale - Small apartment at 228 S. Summit, $A,SOO. 331.. 2841. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.:5.:.:: 15IF.tEIlICH Spanish tutoring by '::.e....rt_If_Ied ____._O_'._I_33_7_-992_4_._5-_12 CUSTOM SEWING, bridal gowns. Call 626.2S40. S.U
1968 CBlSO. Good condition. After 5 p.m .. 338·7991 , ask for Anson. 5·10 1971 YAMAHA 200cc . 'ow mile. eage, must sell . 338.546;, days; after 5 p m 3373361 510 . .. .. . 19" Honda 350 Scrambler. 7,600 miles. S4OO. 338·0436 after 10 P5~ci .
:rs~.~~~288g: J:~BU~:~~ ~~~~: ment 2.
1971 Honda 450cc Scrambler. Clean, low miles, dynamite condl. lion 337 2165 511 . . . .. 1971 Honda 175cc Scrambler, per. feet condition, $A65, or offer. 354.2653. 6-12
•••lc.1 M I•• tru ••• t •
CLASSICAL Guitar with case. S70 or any rational affer . 353·1926. 5·11 MUST sacrifice - RlckenbaCker electric bass. beautiful condition make offer . 354·2265 . 5.12 TR UMPET - Conn Victor mOdel. Case, mutes, very good Condition. 1·628·4419. 5.15'
Aut•• ••• r._.n. Sp.rt. 1961 BMW 16OO-low mileage. $1,100. Dial 338·3781 . 5·23 1961 Corvette, $1 ,200 or best offer. 1963 cadillac, Ablgrlde, $800. 337. 3382. 5.22
1966 American lOx50-Furnlshed . 1966 Austin Healey 3000 Mk III, - - - - - - - - - - - air conditioned, carpeted, skirted . green, gOOd condition. 338·5324 FEMALE summer. Share furn . Bon Alre. 3SHIOA2. 6·12 after 6 p.m. 5·15 Ished. air cQndit ioned, one bed· room . Close In . S15. 354.1846.5.19 1lI4S trailer with IOx20 bedroom MERCEDES 1962 for parts . IInne)(. Air condltoned . Forest 5 p.m. dial 683·U74 . 5·10 FEMALE roommate - summer, View. 338·7080. 5·8 12A Spyder-Clean, low new air conditioned apartment. Own room. 338·1336. 5·19 1965 Rollohome lOx55 - FurnISh· lmill ...,D.. $2,000. Weekdays, )54. 5·11 CLOSE In-Two story ed, carpeted, air conditioned. summer sublel. 353·0291 ; or two female roommates , ava ilable May 26. 338·9091 . 5·30 ~."J'''r'n.... to campus, summer with fall ----------. 337·2733. 5·11 SUMMER sublet- Three room, on bus route, $115. IOUS male Grad. seeks ano· 354-1292 . to share two bedroom apart. summer or longer. 351-6317 60 EPB. 5·10 1961 - Twelve wide, three bed· FURNISHED, five bedroom VW Bus Campmoblle. Low room, 1112 baths, skirted, shed . close in. available June 1. over one year on warranty. 5 male Grad seeks ano· Johnson's Mobile Home Park after 5 p.m. 5·15 and radio. Like new. share two bedroom apart· Number 56. 351-oooe . 337·S077 . 5·17 Summer sublet, avalla. summer or longer . I. Four bedroom, four or Room 60 EPB . 5·10 " " Frontier two bedroom IOx55. Furnished, air, Shed, washer, 1970 ODeI GT Sports. 351 ·2958, miles, matelv seven mill ' utes from campus). Remodeled . IFE:MJALIE- -IN.odel'n conell· ~ted . Call after 5 p.m .• 351 · 5:30.7::10 p.m. or 763 PRC day· summer . 5·15 time. 6-20 Pets. $225. 338·3092 or 354.1565, 5·17 evenings. 5-15
RIDE or riders needed, Wash ing·
H ••••••
n lv"'r~itvl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ton D.C. Call Pam, 338 ·~763; 353·
4-WA .
Low fates. Call 351 ·6619, anytime. 5·25 1971 BSA SOO Victor excellent condition S8SO or best offer 351 .2385 . ' 5.12
1965 IOxSO two bedroom , June 1 TRUMPET- Conn, case. mute. . $3,000. Bon Alre . 351· GOOd conditiOn. 575. Dial 353·2592. 5·15 5.. 16
FEMALE-share three be(lroom house, own room, bus. COMPLETELY furnished - Air MALI BU-Immaculate 350 3943; 351 ·5987 evenings. conditioned Irailer, 10XA2. Finane· mechanically pertect, Ing available . 351 ·0310 pr 33HI88, two ·~C·"-:_"'.~. warranty . Reasona· ONE- two ask for Ralph . 6-15 air CARRIE Ann Grooming Salon5·12 ment, one May special, Schnauzers, $7 .SO. Air 1965 Skyline IOx55 Trees, open 351 ·5341 6·14 view, furnished, air, washer, pat· io, awning, shed . Well cared for . SUMMER-Three males, 351 ·1312 . 5·11 bedroom partly furnished , monthly. 354·18604, ask for 12x50, BOn Alre, NO . 9A . Air conditioner. washer . Available Supreme 5·11 ~ar·o!~,p!,!!.o<:lCI condition, - - - - - - - - - - - June . Good buyl 351·9264 . after 4:30 WANTED-Four students In ___________ 5-_12 ~~h~~u3~~·.9~~~1 Kev in, 354· EXCELLENT condition-Park ~~~;:;;;;:;;::::::-:;:;:;::::;: Estate IOx55, air conditioned, Bon ROOMMATE- Woman, Alre. 338·177.. 5· 10 share one bedroom apartment. SSO. Three 10xS+-Two bedroom, pullout liv· from Pentacrest. 351 .0576. Ing room, very clean, Immediate - - - - - - - - - - - ~sesslon . Furnished, close to us. 338·6402. 5·10
SUMMER-Fall option. room. furnished , air rno,rl;tlnnPli. bus, reduced rent. 354·1 SUBLET - Spacious, one room apartment, downtown, SUMMER sublease - One bed· June·Augcst. 354·1299. room. furnished, air conditioned apartment across from Burge . SUBLET summer - Fall option. Call 35~·2~82 . 5·11 one bedroom. Coralvllle,1 parking . bus. Onl y 5·11 SUBLET summer- Furnished. new apartment for two or three girls, one block fro m Currier. SUM.MER sublet - June 1, air 354·2920. 5.10 cond,tloned, one bedroom , furn · Ished . TV, laundrv, bus, Coral . REDUCED rent- Summer sub. ville. 354·2432, even ings ; 338·5590, lease. Two bedroom, furnished , days. 5·18 air conditioned . 316 S. Dodge. SI65. 1454 SUMMER option - free One furniture. bedroom, _ _354·2374 _ _ _or _354· __ _._ _5·10 _ air, unfurnished, SUMMER sublet _ F n'shed SI21.SO. 338·5590 ; Joanne, 356.. 1247. . . . . ur , 5.18 effrclenc~ , air conditioned, j!:~~ or two. S125 SUMMER sublease _ Fall option . Two bedroom apartment Hospital. 338·6354. 5.. · hed O N E bed . rO<!m un f urms. ,c/1r· pet , air, qUiet, fall option. Dial 354·1427. 5·1
BOSEmonths SOl stereo ohm, FALL-Double rooms,' "1dlerarll.1 HONDA 350CC, one month nine use,speakers, excellent 4sound u, ",.. r .","u, must sacrifice. Dial 353..0881. and cabinetry. 351.1\19. 5.16 duate girls, kitchen 337·7631 after 3 p .m. 5-16 TWO Dynaco A 25, SCA 35, sony HONDAS - New 1912 models. 350; 351-044, S2S0. 5-23 MALE - Available May 15, kitchen prlvllegl'l. 351 .1692 after SERIOUS CBSCO now 51298. New 350 Honelas $699. New 115 Hondas $589. New MICROSCOPE-Meets medical 6;30 p.m .; IInytime weekends. 5- 15 student summer. . 354-1266. CT70K now $289. New l50K now and dental school requirements. 5-22 S2SS. No extra charges. Ncr ' R. COOk, 337·3157. 5·23 FEMALE - Three blockS from Pentacrest, kitchen privileges, aff wailing. Dally WVlCe. Stark's FURNITURE , draper ies. POrta· street parking. $.AS monthly. 337· FEMALE - Summer, own bed. Sport Shop. Prairie du Chien, 9886 after 6 p.m. 5-15 room , good location, SSS. call Wisconsin. PhOne: 326-2331. 5.17" ble bra ller ·oven, mlscellane .. 337 ·9335 ; 354·2900. 5·10 aus. call evenings, 351 ·~9. 5·12 WOMEN students, singles and DAWNING t bed 521 As doubles, for summer and fail . CHARMING hOme on E . Burling . ndwaOer, AS'ft'S sor· Kitchen. laundry, parking, walk· ton - Spacious, three.bedroom , a cars. er p·ri; Ing distance. Discount rlltes air conditioned llpartment 10 summer. 351 .7865 litter 5p.m . 5- share with two grad women. Fall option. $60. Call Kit, 351 .7636; ES and doubles , summer· 353·3226. 5-22 "" - 350 Honda Scrambler . - - - - - - - - - - - I;:;:;_·.,~\·· In, kitchen privileges. Good machine. Dial 353·1215.5-12 ~~ftrcJ.~s~l·:Jt:a~':W' g~ 6-23 ~~~ryorap'::mf:,~a:~ ~~~~a:..~ BSA 6SOcc Lightning. new, . er 4.30 summer possibly fal l. Close In. 351 ·7825 1,700 miles. 11.145. 331·9483, even. p.m. 5·15 laundry after 5:30 p.m . 5.15 Ings . 5-12 USED vacuums, $10 and .u P' $60. call Guarllnteed . Dial 331·9060. .,..2,6 p.m . 351.9595. 5.. 18 SUMMER Female, large " " Harley Davidson, $600, good . house, own room, yard, parking. Call 337·2772 after 5 p.m. 5·19 FIVE.year-old Frigidaire deluxe ROOMS, large. friendly house, 337·5516. 5·22 refrlgerator.freezer; Binocular furnished full . SSO up. 630 Bowery. 1910 Honda 350CL Scrambler. m icroscope. 338.7788. 5.15 338·1208. 5. 10 ROOMMATE for summjlr with Excellent, 4,000 miles. 338 · 2~93 two other girls, swlnlmlng, air after 6 p.m. Also helmet and ROOM for rent for conditioning. bus. Counlrl( Club leather . ~~~:~~~~ ~=f~~ve~m~~ ~~~mOn~k~nJ rPoo'rlmVil. ,~~~, ..alr Apartmenls. 354-2232. 5·22 l-'71-H-ond --a-~--C-B-.-E-x-ce-I-'en -t Advents, $200. 351 ·5200. 5·19 FEMALE-Summer only-share condition . Dial 353·1285. 5·11 new furn ished apartment close 10 speed b icycles - Peugeot, MEN - Doubles, single. . 0 • • 10 Honda CB 450, extras. Call Labonne, more. Quality, low prlc. or fall . One block to <;lIrnplI5" ,n . SSS. 338·511 . "" 331 .~268 evenings. 5·18 es. 353-454C; 354.. 10«. 5·18 showers. Inquire Room 1911 Honda CLlOO Includes hel · mel. 1,400 miles. $3SO. Dial 351 . WOODEN table, chairs, SIS,' 7 3189. 5·11 davenport, S12; beds, SID. Janet, 338'srs9 or 338·01995 for 351-8319. 5.10 men. ECONOMICAL student liv ing HUGE Ine)( slve rooms-some 10x50 Schult, two bedrooms, furn . 1971 SOO Suzuki, mint condition, 1,000 BTU air conditioner, 575. fantastic ~town locatlon- Ished, washer. dryer , air condl . low mileage. Dial 331·.u.l. 5-16 Dial 351 .. 7954. 5·16 cooking fac ilities. 33a.o~10 5.10 ~'l~~r. Excellent condition. ~~2 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE _
BINOCULAR microscope for NEW IBM Selectric _ carbon sale Call evenings 331.5348. 5.10 Ity t ' , ribbon. former Un IlIers secre · ary . Phone 338.8996 . 5·17 TWO KLH.6 speakers, one year old. make an offer . 338·2198 . 5·12
URNISHED efficiency- sub · Summer only . SSOeach . 353 fall lease option, 1532839 evenings .
• • • • • lIit, • Cyc ••• • • • t ... (C•• 't)
finders reward-Responsible desires house, fown or five rooms or more. 5-16
rwo bedroom house to sublet WANTED - Baby sitter In my fireplace. garage, $145, semlfur. home, half days . Dial 337·9161 . ~ l stJed. Available June 5. 351~S 5·15 ttt.. 6 p.m. 5-11
• E·Two mllies 10 share furniSh . air conditioned Coronet Apart. LICENSED day care nursery, SUMMER only - Two bedroom . $120 per person for entire three to five year aids . Fenced furnished home. Coralville . Gar. I...m " , -. 338-6303 lifter 6 p.m . y.ard , playroom , scheduled acllv i· den, yard. 351 ·ll4A3. 5-11 5·12 ties . Longfellow area . 354·2658 . I~ounlry.. 5·15 THREE bedroom unfurnished EMALE roommates to share hOuse, lease·sublease . Air conell. k three bedroom Town· FRIENDSHtP OilY care Center tloned, pels. 351.2032. . So10 . -···· ..--summer. $60 per person. - Summer.fall openings, full·half conditioning. 351 ·7636. 5-11 RAN campus Ministry lime. Loving. learning environ .. SUMMER sublet-Three bed. house for ten. call 338ment. 353·6033. 5·19 room 'furnlshed hOuse, easy walk. MALE, summer, share two bed · 5-11 ' Ing dlstllnce. 90A Iowa Avenue . room furnished, air conditioned, WILL baby sit, my home. experl. 354.1624. 5.17 bus route, near Shopping. Call ----------------~ R prOfessional stUdents need enced, west side. Dial 338·7406. Jon, 354·2586 5·11 for fall. call 338-4347 or 5·1. LARGE house for summer sublet, • _..........::::. 517 - - - - - - - - - - - option for fall . Easll~ ' hOuse six MALE for summer or on, share _ _ _ _ _ _ We ILLsltfulI·part time. West side. people . 338·7615 evenings . nice apartment, air conditioned, West Hlgh·Roosevelt.. Headstart.. one block from Pentacrest, no Horn.Hospital). 337-3411 . . 5·10 FURNISHED two bedroom hOuse smokers preferred. 351 ·0898. 5·22 - Summer sublet at SilO. fall option at $)65, utilities extr•. , 351·7954, 703 lsI Ave., Coralville. 1....a.t.M..o,t
Up • •• f.r ••• t - - - - - - - - -
TWO bedroom furnished with garage. 614 4th Avenue, Coralvil le. 338.5905. 6.2] TWO bedroom-$220 for summer session. Women only. 351 .1644. 5.16
DUPLEX-June l three bedroom furnished, corl< l·......·.nr,. close. 338.0854.
t. .._
wanted-If good sh.pe, price . call 353·0882. 5-23 -and mowing lawns. Call OOOD used Infant pack carrier. 338·7177. Ed and Ed. PhOne 351...060. 6·20 5·19 .
'ar•• f.r ••• t sublease - Close by, '''':~l~:';~~! maximum three peo.l~ T~mtlOUse . ·1109. s·n
, •• t . . . . . . . .d REWARD-for brushed ·gold, man's wedding bane!. LOst in Field House. call 338·9831 . 5.. 16 NORWEGIAN Elkhound lost two months ago Name, "Odin ." Ir· teg . Rew.rd . 338·4439 5-15. LOST - Gold colored lady's watch (Elgin) with black bind between Macbride and Physics Research Center a couple weeks sentlmentll vllue. Reward 351 ·3935. 5-11 - Eight month old kitten. gray.black striped, White
Ind mouth, t.n lI0II. It, ..
South Clpltol .
.rQ. 351 ..
_ _ _ - LU
I Page1~T"e
Dally 10wa~lowa City, Iowa-Wed., May 10, 1972
Ranger rally downs Boston BOSTON (AP) - Shifty Bobby Rousseau, scoreless in his last 22 games against Boston, connected for a pair of third period goals Tuesday night and rallied the New York Rangers to a 3-2 victory in the fifth game of their National Hockey League Stanley Cup championship series against the Bruins.
through the pads of goalie Ed Johnston, who played another brilliant game in the Boston nets. With the score tied both teams had excellent opportunities but Johnston and New York goalie Gilles Villemure stood off the threats . Then , at 12 :45, Rousseau struck again.
The Bruins lifted Johnston The victory left the Rangers trailing the best-of-seven series with 63 seconds remaining, but 3-2, with game six scheduled for Villemure held off the assault. Thursday night in New York. If a seventh game is required,
it will be played Sunday afternoon in Boston. With the treasured Stanley Cup waiting to be presented, the Bruins carried a 2-1 lead into the \final 20 minutes as they tried for the clincher on their home ice. But the Rangers, who skated 89 seconds near the end of the second period with two men in the penalty box, would not be denied. Rousseau tied the score at 2:56 when his shot dribbled
Correction The Iowa Soccer Club will face Des MOines Sunday, May 21 at the Hawkeye Apartment Field. The contest may well decide the championship of the Upper Mississippi Soccer Alliance. it was incorrectly reported in Tuesday's Daily Iowan that the game \Vas to be played this Saturday.
2nd star tilt set for cagers NEW YORK (AP)-These:. ond all-star game betwM players from the American IIId National Basketball AssocaIiaI will be held at the Nassau CMi- 1 seum at Uniondale, N.Y., 'Mu. sday night May 25, it .M announced Tuesdav.
Boston struck for the game's opening goal with less than four minutes gone in the first period when Wayne Cashman connected from close in.
The game, scheduled to swt at 7:30 p.m. EDT and to ~ televised by more than 200 stations throughout the cowrtry, b being presented by the ABA· NBA player associations. P1Jy. ers In both leagues voted fer the all-stars. The NBA won last year'. an. star game at the Houstoo As. t
New York tied the game when defenseman Dale Rolfe con v e r ted Walt Tkaczuk's rebound at 13:45. But less than three minutes later the Bruins had the lead again on Ken Hodge's power play goal.
Delta Sigma Delta, DU dominate 1M track meet Intramural league champions met Tuesday in the all-university outdoor track meet held on the track near the Recreation Building. Delta Sigma Delta and Delta Upsilon dominated the meet having winners in three and two events, respectively. The individual champs that were crowned included a double winner from the professional fraternity diviSion, Mike Kitchell of Phi Rho Sigma, who won the mile run with a time of 4:43.0, and the 440 yard dash in 53.0. The 880 yard relay had a strong field this yel\r, with last year's champs, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Delta Upsilon, and a group of engineering professors who continue to surprise everyone. Delta Upsilon won the event by setting a newall-university record of 1:35.0, one second
faster than their qualifying time on Thursday. Individual all-university champions include : Football throw : Warren Peiffer, Hillcrest (Mott), 176-41,2. High Jump : Stan Williamson, Delta Sigma Delta, 6-0. Long Jump: Jack Burrow, Delta Sigma Delta, 19-9. Shot put: Bill Bever, Delta Sigma Delta, 47'(). 100 yard dash : Mark Urchek, Hillcrest, (Mott), :10.5. 60 yard high hurdles: Kent Rinaberger, Delta Tau Delta,
Daily Iowan Sports Writer Steve Dickinson responds to a challenge. During the past Hawkeye tennis season, Dickin· son, a freshman. has been in the spotlight on an unpredictable and injury-ridden team, .. I kno\V that I am inexperienced in Big Ten competition," Steve said, "but I am not bothered by the pressure that surrounds starling for Iowa." Dickinson has indeed met the
challenge of the varsity role. and has compiled an admirable record in Big Ten competition. finishing 7-2 in singles action. and 1~5 in doubles play. Iowa Coach John Winnie expresses praise for his star from Sterling, Ill., and adds : "His record in high school speaks for itself, (Dickinson was 16-1 in his senior year. number one in the Illinois state singles competition his junior year, and reached the
Wayne Cashman (No. 12, right> of the Boston Bruins moves in take puck from teammate Ken Hodge (No.8, left) to score Boston" first goal against New York in Tuesday night's fifth Stanley Cup playoff game in Boston. Rod Seiling of the Rangers to
went sprawling trying to stop the pass from Hodge to Cashman. Ranger goalie is GlIIes Villemure (No. 30). New York rallied to win 3-2.
sweep top spots in Hawkeye Invitational
Mile Run : Mike Kitchell, Phi Rho Sigma. 4:43.0. 120 yard low hurdles : Harris Silver, Recs, :14.6. 440 yard dash : Mike Kitchell, Phi Rho Sigma, :53.0. 440 yard relay: Delta Upsilon, :45.5. 880 yard relay; Delta Upsilon, 1:35.0.
Iowa's top two golf teams outscored 19 other Iowa college Squads Tuesday at South Finkbine to win the Hawkeye invitational for the third straight year. Soggy ground from weekend rains that lasted through Monday cut the scheduled 36-hole
semi-finals in doubles play his senior year) , and in the summer time he has performed well in several tournaments, such as the Western Junior, where he had to meet George Hardy, (a nationally-ranked prep star), and played a good match before bowing." Dickinson seems to like playing in the top positions, and has proved over and over his ability when Coach Winnie has had to shift him in a variety of
meetto 18. However'that didn't slow down the NO. 1 Hawkeye team which captured the title with a 298. Iowa's NO. 2 foursome grabbed second with a 309, edging Iowa State which finished at 310. Upper Iowa was fourth at 316 and Loras was filth with 325.
the same opinion of Dickinson's play. "Steve has a very sound game. Most players that are tall are prone to problems, but Steve is very well coordinated. He's definitely one of the best freshman players in the Big Ten, and has proved it over and over."
spots on the team this season. Depending on the strength of the squad, Steve has been playing in the number one through number six position. When the entire team is healthy, he is at number six, but this has not taken away from his ability to pull through in the clutch . He reacts well to pressure." In two of the toughest mat<;hes of the season, Dickinson has performed well in the starting role. "He faced Jerry Karzen of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and stayed with him (Karzen), before losing in the tie-breaker set, (6-4,7-6,6-4) . Then he faced Mike Riley of Notre Dame, and again played well before that tie-breaker set ended the match, (6-3,4-6,7-6)." Dickinson said that despite those two losses he thought that they were his best matches of the season. '" really played well at Michigan, and learned to adjust to the wooden floor," he said. "With Riley of Notre Dame, the match could have gone either way in the tie-breaker." "It hasn't bothered him in any position I placed· him," Winnie said, "when he moved up from number six, he has played very well." Dickinson has not remained in the number six position all season, due to his flne play, but is currently in the number six slot, going into the Big Ten ChampiOnships May 12-14 at Madison, Wis. (because the former injured players have returned.) Tennis has come naturally for this six foot, ISO pound freshman, who said that "I never had any lessons, and just played in tournaments, where there Is the best competition; read about the sport, and watched top players on television, and at meets." "I playa lot in the swnmer," Steve said, "I feel, however, that I play the·best in the fall." Winnie has expressed much
Steve started playing tennis when he was ten years old, and entered his first tournament when he was 15. Dickinson lettered three years in tennis, and one in basketball in high school. '" gave up basketball my sophomore year, as I began to take tennis seriously. 1even had thoughts of golf but now I'm glad I didn't folIow through." Tennis is obviously in the blood of the Dickinson family, where Steve's mother has taken up the family pastime and business of stringing tennis rackets while her son is away at school. "We make a lot of money from the business, and it is my hobby." Winnie feels that the strongest part of Steve's game is his serve, which has leveled many opponents over the season. Steve feels much the same way, and adds: "My backhand is actually stronger than my forehand, and I must constantly work to improve this area as well as returning serves." Dickinson has continued to improve all season, and looks to the Iowa tennis team as making a strong showing in the Big Ten meet. Iowa is ranked fourth with 40 points in the conference. "We should put up a good fight, despite the fact that Michigan is favored to take the title," Dickinson said, "and if the team is back together at the time, it will be quite a battle." Iowa has moved up the ladder this season on the tennis court, and due to the aid of players like Steve Dickinson, the going has been somewhat smoother despite the injuries.
Liberal Arts
Liberal Art.
Student Association
Student Association
SAMPLE BALLOl Freshman Steve Dickinson poised for action
DIAPER SERVICE (5 Doz. per Week) -S12 PER MONTHFree pickup & dtlivtry twice a week. Everything is furnished: Diapers, C0l!. talners, deodorallts. NEW PROCESS Phone 337·9666
Hodge-Cashman goal trick
Steve Dickinson responds to Hawkeye tennis challenge By BOB DENNEY
See Page 3
Brad Post, Lonnie Nielsen and Bob Dowd paced the Iowa scoring. Post, a sophomore, tied Rick Forsman of Upper Iowa (or medalist honors with a one-over-par 73. Nielsen, playing with the No. 1 team, posted a 74 while Dowd, a team member, also had a 74. Joe Heinz and Ron Kelly rounded out the No. 1 team scoring with a 75 and 76 respectively. Chris Larsen the fifth member of the top unit had an 81. The finishes of Heinz and Kelly gave the Hawkeyes five of the top seven individual placings. Besides Dowd's 74, second team totals included a 76 by Jerry Johnson, a 79 by Steve Vorheis, an BO by Dave Hilgenberg and an 81 by Jay Boros.
OHlCI " ,
In tram urals Beta Theta Pi 9, Delta Tau Delta 5. Phi Kappa Psi 11, Sigma Pi 5. Beta Theta PI 5, Sigma Chi 2. Phi Theta 20, Tro\V Bridge O. Pi Kappa Alpha 13, Delta Chi 8. Pi Kappa Alpha 7, Phi Kappa Psi6. Rlenow-II-8 7, Rienow-II-2 2. Sigma Chi 4, Delta Upsilon 2. Free Wash 11 , Fourth Basement 6. Lumpy's-Lovers 23, Lions 6.
Mllcolm JtwtItrs "SeIling Quilty
Witches for Over Half a Century."
205 E. Wash.
MAY 24 Please return or renew all books before this date. Graduate renewals are now being processed at the Circulation Information Desk.
~/""""~/~"/,/"4 1 THE WAILING WAll ~ I
S ~
In finishing third Iowa State was paced by Kim McKeown's A GENEROUS SELECTiON OF FAMOUS 76. Jim Fetzer added a 75 to lABEL JEAN FLARES NOVELTY Forsman 's 73 to lift Upper Iowa into fourth place. Filth place ~ FABRICS, PATTERNS AND MODELS, IN- ~ Loras was paced by Vern ~ ClUDING SOME OF OUR MISTAKES! ~ ~ ORIGINAlLY8.00to15.00. NOW~ Welp's 77. Other team scores included: Dubuque 326, Central 326, St. ~ ~ Ambrose 328, Wartburg 328, Luther 331, Simpson 333, Northwestern 333, William Penn 335, Grinnell 338, Buena Vista 338, DOWNTOWN LOCATION ONLY Cornell 343, North Iowa 347, Westmar 347, Parsons 347, Coe 351, Iowa Wesleyan 372.
l I
S BREMERS S S S ~-'-'/'/'//'/'/'/'/'''/'''''Al NOTICE TO
~gmbu~ RIDER
FINAL DAY OF CAMPUS BUS SERVICE WILL BE MONDAY MAY 15th (LAST DAY OF CLASSES) The Cambus Committee would like to thank all riders for their cooperation in making the bus service an outstanding success. Approximately 500,008 riders took advantage of the bus service. We need your support to continue service next year, so please sign one of tilt bus petitions circulating on campus or stop at the student senate office.
" w,
Ete~eJ& florist GREENHOUSE
410 KmlDl 8-9 Dai~ 8-1 Si. 9-5 Sun. 14 S. I*qIe 8-9 II. .8-5 • •