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Dakotafest Returns 2019
from Dakotafest 2019
Dakotafest returns with big plans for 2019 showSwine center, food drive are among new parts of annual event
By Marcus Traxler The Daily Republic
Dakotafest is back again in2019, with plans for anotherbig show in Mitchell.
The show will take placeAug. 20-22 at the SchlaffmanFarm on the southeast edge ofMitchell, with about 500 companiesand vendors signed upfor the show, event organizerssaid. They will be on hand toconnect farmers and rancherswith industry professionals andexperts showing off the newestproducts and technology for onthe farm and in the field.
Show tickets are $7 in advanceand $10 at the gate. Attendeesages 17 and under are admittedfree. The show runs from 9 a.m.to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 20and Wednesday, Aug. 21, whileThursday, Aug. 22 hours are 9a.m. to 4 p.m. IdeaAg Group,which manages the show, callsit the largest farm show in theDakotas. Once again, the show-- which first started in 1996 -- will include demonstrations includingdrive and rides with equipment, livestock handling demonstrations, educationaldisplays and discussions, vendor booths and seed plots.
New this year is a Swine Education Building, which will have daily discussionsabout some of the key current issues in the swine industry. At 11a.m. daily, Sioux Nation Ag Center experts will speak about the threat of theAfrican Swine Fever, while a discussion will be held at 11:15 a.m. on hoofhealth and loose sow housing. At 11:30 a.m. daily, tips for keeping foreignanimal disease out of feed ingredients in the United States will be a topic ofconversation. The building is sponsored by Sioux Nation Ag Center, whichwill have its veterinarians on hand to discuss the latest animal health issues.
One other notable partnership this year involves Legend Seeds, which isinviting show attendees to bring and donate non-perishable food items toits Dakotafest booth in Seed Row No. 19. Donations to the “Farming to FightHunger” campaign will benefit the Mitchell Food Pantry.
Other notable items on the schedule of events includes an 11 a.m. Tuesday event with South Dakota State University Extension, which will host a discussion on agri-tourism at its booth (No. 600), with representatives from the South Dakota Department of Tourism. At 2 p.m. Tuesday, the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks will host a panel discussion on incorporating conservation practices to maximize farm and ranch profitability.
At 10 a.m. on Wednesday, there will be a forum discussing hemp in South Dakota, which was turned back by Gov. Kristi Noem in March after a proposal passed both branches of the South Dakota Legislature. The annual Dakotafest Women’s Brunch will also take place at 10 a.m. Wednesday at the Highland Conference Center. At 1 p.m. Wednesday, a discussion will be had regarding tariffs affecting the agriculture industry. Both the hemp and tariff discussions will be at the Dakotafest Education Building. A pedal pull will be held daily at 1 p.m. at the Rural Lifestyle Pavillion.