What to know about South Dakota hunting license and season information Here’s a list of what hunters need to know ahead of the hunting seasons in the Mitchell area. Hunting season dates P hea sa nt esident onl ct tatewide ct to an
*Future opening dates: The pheasant season traditionally opens on the third Saturday in October, which is Oct. 19 in 2024 and Oct. 18 in 2025. hooting hours am entral time to sunset or the entire season entral time is used or o ening shooting hours statewide P ra irie chick en/g rouse e t to an , D uck s ow lains north one e t to ec
ow lains middle one e t to ec ow lains south one ct to an , igh lains ct to an ,
D eer entored rentice e t to an , rcher e t to an , ast i er o to ec ec antlerless onl in ecember est i er o ec antlerless onl in ecember lac ills o u leloader ec to an (Mentored hunting is available for South Dakota residents only, and hunter safety practices are required for individuals ages 1216 who are not participating in a
Places to buy hunting licenses in Mitchell
Cost for licenses
mentored hunt.) A nt el op e rcher ct to ct irearms e t to ct Fa l l t urk ey o to an , *For those seasons not listed here, see the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department website at gfp. sd.gov.
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mall game
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tate migrator bird certi cation
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*Habitat Stamps are required for most hunting, fishing and trapping in South Dakota. License holders can purchase one-time, good for the entire license year. Purchase is not required for one-day licenses, any youth license, private shooting preserve licenses or landowner hunting licenses.
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