1 minute read
Tenure attacks worry faculty
from The Reveille 3-23-23
by Reveille
BY OLIVER BUTCHER @OliverButcher73
Tenure in Louisiana has faced attacks from the state house, prompting concerns from some professors.
Academic tenure, which all but guarantees job security for professors that have completed certain educational and research criteria set by their respective college, is intended to allow professors to complete their research without fear of outside influences.
e way, two pak e way,” they parted the crowd like a wing through the wind.
“Oooh, I’m a pretty mother f-!” one man said as he threw his head back and laughed. “Two pak e way, two pak e way,” they stepped into the distance, “Two pack e way, two pak e way.”
Back at A.L. Davis Park, Flag Boy Sleepy of the Red Cheyenne waded into his heavy costume with the help of several hands. “It’s all about the Indians,” he said. “It’s the beauty of the culture and coming out, getting to meet everybody and checking out who’s pretty.” He looked into the distance as two
“The idea behind it historically has been that tenure is a way of ensuring that the ideas within the academy are protected from systems of power or influence so that people can think more freely about issues that may arise,” said Roy Heidelberg, a tenured associate professor in the E.J. Ourso College of Business.
Such a system is what has drawn the ire of Sen. Stewart Cathey Jr., R-Monroe, who is among many conservative politicians in Louisiana who believe the current academic tenure system has enshrined singular viewpoints among higher education faculty.
“Postsecondary students see CELEBRATION, page 4 see TENURE, page 4