Student Government: Presidential campaigns meet for debate, p. 3
Softball: Tigers to travel for first SEC away series in S.C., p. 6
Reveille The Daily
Pro Day: Brockers improves after poor combine showing, p. 5 Friday, March 23, 2012 • Volume 116, Issue 116
Gingrich rallies supporters on campus Representatives speak for Paul and Santorum
Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich Gingrich, who wore a purple and gold drew more than 300 spectators to Dodson tie, said he “changes ties” but “doesn’t Auditorium on Thursday change his policies.” Kate Mabry evening at an event that During his 15-minute Staff Writer also included representaspeech, Gingrich focused on tives for Ron Paul’s and Rick Santorum’s energy policy and gas prices. campaigns. “Obama can’t buy enough ads to convince me that gas is cheap,” he said. “We do not want any American president to bow to a Saudi king.” Thursday’s forum and subsequent straw poll was hosted by the LSU College Republicans and sponsored by the Baton Rouge Tea Party to rally supporters behind Republican candidates before Saturday’s state primary. Tiffany Lemons, political science and history senior and vice president at the LSU College Republicans, said the group was asked by members of the Baton Rouge Tea Party to host a forum where presidential candidates and representatives could answer questions prior to the Louisiana primary. “Our organization jumped at the GINGRICH, see page 11
Watch a video of Gingrich’s speech at
Louisiana primary opens Saturday
Kate Mabry Staff Writer
photos by BRIANNA PACIORKA / The Daily Reveille
[Above] Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich sports a purple and gold tie while speaking Thursday in Dodson Auditorium. [Left] A Gingrich supporter shows off a campaign sign. See more photos at
Louisiana voters will finally have a chance to voice their support for Republican presidential candidates Saturday during the state’s primary election. With 46 delegates at stake, the candidates have had their eyes on the Pelican State in recent days. During an interview with New Orleans’ WWL-TV anchor Mike Hoss on Wednesday, Rick Santorum said he felt confident he will win Louisiana. “This is the last chance in a sense for the conservative area of the country to plant their flag,” Santorum said about Louisiana’s primary. “The delegate math is very, very imprecise right now. That’s why all this stuff about ‘Well, it’s over. It will take an act PRIMARY, see page 4
ELECTION WATCH: SG presidential campaigns
‘R.E.A.L. Campaign’ to fight budget cuts from inside Capitol
Both Hollins brothers work with legislators Danielle Kelley Staff Writer
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the fourth in a four-part series profiling the Student Government candidates. The articles will be printed in order according to presidential candidate’s last name. Twin brothers Joshua and Joseph Hollins of the “R.E.A.L. Campaign” hope to bring “Relevant, Experienced, Accessible Leadership” to the University if elected as Student Government president and vice president.
Communications studies junior Joshua is the SG director of external affairs and previously served on the University Court. General business junior Joseph, who has never been affiliated with SG, draws his experience from membership of multiple campus committees, including the Vice Chancellor’s Advisory Board for Student Life & Enrollment. “He asked me to [run] because of my experience in areas that he didn’t have,” Joseph said. “We felt as a team we could really represent the campus.” The brothers, who graduated from Baton Rouge Magnet High School, both work at the state Capitol and said relationships they formed there could help to battle budget cuts if elected.
Joshua is an intern at the Louisiana House of Representatives and Joseph is an aide for the Senate. “If I see a bill that could potentially get LSU money, I would go to the chancellor,” Joseph said. He said he has notified the chancellor of potential bills before. “In the past, I have been progressive in looking at ways combatting the budget cuts,” Joseph said, though he did not specify further. The R.E.A.L. Campaign is endorsed by state Rep. Patricia Smith and state Sen. Yvonne Dorsey, according to the twins. “They know we have a passion for our students,” Joshua said. “We will go and fight hard that they hear
AUSTIN BENNETT / The Daily Reveille
SG presidential candidate Joshua Hollins (right) and running mate Joseph Hollins R.E.A.L., see page 11 (left) discuss their ticket. Hear more at 8:20 a.m. and noon on 91.1 KLSU.
The Daily Reveille
Nation & World
page 2
Friday, March 23, 2012
Palace releases details of Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee
Kitten hitches hair-raising ride in van across Golden Gate bridge
Teacher dismissed after students allegedly had oral sex in class
LONDON (AP) — Glittering carriages. Gun salutes. Naval escorts. Buckingham Palace and the military have released details on the pomp and pageantry of the central weekend celebrating Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee, and it features much of what makes Britain so famous for state occasions. The King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery will perform a 60-gun salute, and the navy will dispatch several vessels, including one featuring a band of Royal Marines. Activists sign petition to protect bullfighting in Spain, overturn ban
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. (AP) — A kitten is safe despite taking an 85mile ride in a van’s engine compartment that included a trip across California’s Golden Gate Bridge. A Santa Cruz County Animal Shelter spokesman says the 8-month-old female feline was probably just looking for a warm place to sleep. The Santa Cruz Sentinel reports the van’s driver left from Marin County and spent the night in a Mill Valley parking lot before heading out Wednesday for Santa Cruz.
TALLULAH (AP) — Officials say a Tallulah Elementary School teacher has been fired after she was in the classroom while two third-graders allegedly had oral sex under a table. Madison Parish School Superintendent Lisa Wilmore tells The News-Star last week’s incident was investigated by the school’s principal. Wilmore concurred with the principal’s recommendation that the third-grade teacher be dismissed and the children counseled after a sexual incident reportedly occurred in class. The teachers were not identified. Explosion, fire spews gasoline, hazardous materials at plant
MADRID (AP) — Spanish premier Mariano Rajoy and Nobel literature laureate Mario Vargas Llosa are among 590,000 people who have signed a petition to Parliament urging bullfighting to be protected nationally and for a regional ban to be overturned. The presentation of the list Thursday came after lawmakers in the northeastern region of Catalonia banned bullfighting last year following a campaign by animal rights activists. The ban took effect Jan. 1. The prohibition triggered a nationwide debate.
KIRSTY WIGGLESWORTH / The Associated Press
Members of the military stand Wednesday during a media facility at Wellington Barracks in London, where details of the Jubilee were announced.
Locator chips in school uniforms keep track of students in Brazil SAO PAULO (AP) — Gradeschool students in a northeastern Brazilian city are using uniforms embedded with locator chips that help alert parents if they’re cutting classes, the city’s education secretary said Thursday. Twenty thousand students in 25 of Vitoria da Conquista’s 213 public schools started using Tshirts with chips earlier this week, secretary Coriolano Moraes said by telephone.
Executives leave Komen after Planned Parenthood controversy DALLAS (AP) — At least five high-ranking executives with the Susan G. Komen for the Cure breast cancer charity have resigned in the aftermath of the organization’s decision to eliminate its funding for Planned Parenthood. The departures include three officials from Komen’s Dallas headquarters, as well as CEOs of affiliate groups in Oregon and New York City. Although some of the executives cited personal reasons, the resignations suggest that Komen is still in turmoil, even after restoring the money.
GEISMAR (AP) — An explosion and fire at a chemical plant Thursday in southeastern Louisiana spewed three chemicals, including hazardous vinyl chloride, into the air, authorities said. No one was injured at the Westlake Vinyls plant in the Geismar community, an area that is home to a large number of chemical plants and refineries that dot the Mississippi River from Baton Rouge to New Orleans.
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LSU football coach Les Miles is surrounded by local media Thursday during LSU NFL Pro Day. Submit your photo of the day to
CORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS The Daily Reveille reported in the March 22 story “Sen. breaks parliamentary procedure” that Student Government’s resolution regarding the University’s attendance grading policy will urge Faculty Senate to reconsider its decision. The resolution will actually be forwarded to the Office of Academic Affairs, Provost Jack Hamilton, Dean of Students K.C. White and Faculty Senate President Kevin Cope.
The Daily Reveille (USPS 145-800) is written, edited and produced solely by students of Louisiana State University. The Daily Reveille is an independent entity within the Manship School of Mass Communication. A single issue of The Daily Reveille is free. To purchase additional copies for 25 cents, please contact the Office of Student Media in B-34 Hodges Hall. The Daily Reveille is published daily during the fall and spring semesters and semi-weekly during the summer semester, except during holidays and final exams. Second-class copies postage paid at Baton Rouge, La., 70803. Annual weekly mailed subscriptions are $125, semester weekly mailed subscriptions are $75. Non-mailed student rates are $4 each regular semester, $2 during the summer; one copy per person, additional copies 25 cents each. Postmaster: Send address changes to The Daily Reveille, B-39 Hodges Hall, LSU, Baton Rouge, La.,70803.
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The Daily Reveille
Friday, March 23, 2012
page 3
President, vice president candidates talk campus culture Danielle Kelley Staff Writer
More than 100 students gathered in the Live Oak Lounge on Thursday night to hear the Student Government presidential and vice presidential candidates discuss and debate issues like sustainability, first-year student concerns and budget cuts. The “Renew LSU,” “Be Heard,” “Your LSU” and “R.E.A.L. Campaign” candidates shook hands and kissed cheeks with one another before moderator Travis Cobb from Tiger TV and panel members launched into questions in preparation for next week’s general election. By the end of the night, the event’s Twitter hashtag “#LSUSGDebate” drew more than 300 tweets. The panel was comprised of representatives from Residential Life, Greek Life, Freshman Leadership Council, Campus Life and the SG Department of Sustainability. When asked how they could be approachable to first-year students, Renew LSU vice presidential candidate Madeleine Davis said she and her running mate would encourage first-year students to get involved. “Bat [Brunner] and I hope to break barriers and get freshmen more comfortable and make them want to get involved immediately ...
Candidates for Student Government president and vice president answer questions Thursday night about various topics like student involvement during the SG debate in the Student Union’s Live Oak Lounge. Elections are March 26 and 27.
just to know that it’s going to be for the benefit of them,” she said. Be Heard presidential candidate Taylor Cox mentioned his time as an orientation leader. “Through that experience I was able to meet over 6,000 incoming freshmen over the past two years. I learned from them,” he said. Your LSU presidential candidate Landon Hester suggested promoting SG’s and Freshman Leadership Council’s high school Flagship Showcase to get high school students excited about the University before attending their first classes. Hester said the University could “increase its freshman leadership” by reaching out to new students and showing them organizations that are available. The R.E.A.L. Campaign vice presidential candidate Joseph Hollins mentioned specific initiatives to
increase first-year student involvement. “We can get them involved in things like Adopt-A-School Day, to fix them up physically, but also fix them up on the inside,” he said. While the candidates presented their initiatives, they also underscored the feasibility of the programs they plan to implement. Your LSU vice presidential candidate Kristina Lagasse said her ticket’s initiatives are able to be implemented. “We knew how important it was to meet with administrators to validate the goals on our pushcard,” she said. Be Heard vice presidential candidate Carrie Hebert said her initiatives are equally realistic. “Where some initiatives are already in the works, we should continue to go through the process,” she
said. “All of our 26 initiatives are brand new, and we’ve checked with administration that they are all feasible.” In order to bridge the gap between Greek and non-Greek students, the R.E.A.L. Campaign presidential candidate Joshua Hollins noted his Greek Showcase initiative.
Each month, SG would highlight a fraternity or sorority and its philanthropy, he said. He would help the organization’s philanthropy “by funding them through [Programming, Support and Initiatives Fund] or going out and helping them.” Renew LSU presidential candidate Brunner suggested reworking the priority point system to bring Greeks and non-Greeks together. Priority points would be awarded to students who attend philanthropy events, according to Brunner. “We don’t want the Greek community to be a separate entity,” he said.
Contact Danielle Kelley at
LSU, L’Auberge announce partnership Emily Herrington Staff Writer
Chancellor Michael Martin called Thursday a win for the University. He was referring to the newly announced partnership between the LSU Rural Life Museum and Baton Rouge’s L’Auberge Casino and Hotel that will result in preserving artifacts found on the former Chatsworth and Longwood plantations. Martin said it expands his plans to establish strong public and private partnerships at the University. “It’s another one of those models we can point to when we’re looking for other opportunities, and we can say, ‘Here’s how it works, here’s how it can work when a great university and a great private sector come together and make something special,’” Martin said. L’Auberge is a casino and hotel occupying 575 acres stretching from River Road to Nicholson Drive slated to open this summer. The land was formerly the site of a Native American village and then Chatsworth Plantation. L’Auberge will pay the Rural Life Museum $1.3 million to oversee the excavation of artifacts found on the casino’s River Road property, which will then be analyzed and displayed in the museum. David Floyd, director of the Rural Life Museum, said he’s excited about the two-year project because it allows the museum to “help preserve another important site.” Mickey Parenton, L’Auberge
vice president and general manager, said the company is looking forward to developing a relationship with the University. L’Auberge approached the museum with the project idea, and Floyd said he applauds the company for doing so. “We’re preserving artifacts that would’ve been covered in concrete,” he said. “It is our hope that we’ll take many of these artifacts and put on yearly exhibitions at this museum to ensure that not only visitors, but students who come here … will also understand their historic past and how important that piece of River Road is.” Floyd said he expects to find items that were used for processing sugarcane, as well as several personal items from people who lived and
worked on the plantation. “It gives us a better picture of who worked on the plantation,” Floyd said, adding that some Baton Rouge residents still have family ties to past plantation workers. Contact Emily Herrington at
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page 4
The Daily Reveille
Friday, March 23, 2012
Walkability audit assesses condition of Nicholson, downtown Shannon Roberts Contributing Writer
Community members and University faculty conducted a walkability audit Thursday afternoon around the Nicholson and downtown Baton Rouge areas to discuss safety issues and possible solutions for sidewalks and neighborhoods. A walkability audit is a formal evaluation of an area using tools and notes to suggest improvement, assistant kinesiology professor Birgitta Baker said. The audit conducted by the University was less formal, but it involved participants rating the areas they walked through, discussing why they feel the area deserves that rating and suggesting ideas to better the
PRIMARY, from page 1
of God’ — all this stuff that the Romney campaign floats out, it’s just rhetoric.” Rasmussen Reports released Thursday the results of a telephone survey, which was conducted Wednesday, of 750 likely GOP primary voters in Louisiana. The survey recorded 43-percent support for Santorum, while Mitt Romney held 31 percent. Coming in third was Newt Gingrich with 16 percent, while Ron Paul trailed
sidewalks, neighborhoods and transportation. Members of the University and surrounding communities were concerned about possible redevelopments along the Nicholson Corridor, Baker said. “We really feel like this is an issue that’s really relevant right now,” Baker said. A group of participants boarded a bus from Tiger Stadium, making a route that included the corner of Nicholson and Azalea, University Terrace Elementary School and downtown near Third Street. The group was led by national public health, planning and transportation consultant Mark Fenton, who asked the group to think of ratings from zero to 10 for the sidewalks and neighborhoods they
walked through. After walking through the Nicholson area to the elementary school, Fenton asked for responses as to why they ranked the neighborhood as low as a zero. Answers ranged from overgrown grass in the sidewalks to trash cans sitting in the middle of the sidewalk and even missing chunks of concrete. Participants said they felt downtown Baton Rouge was more pedestrian-friendly because of the amount of sidewalks, outdoor seating, green space and slower vehicles. Baker said she hopes the walk will spark public interest and inspire people to think about solutions, especially University students. “Students can be a very
powerful voice for change,” Baker said. Fenton spoke in a lecture concerning the lack of physical activity among Americans in the Holliday Forum on Thursday evening. Fenton said only 20 percent of Americans meet the requirement of exercising 30 minutes daily, and this lack of physical activity is supported by a lack of destinations within walking, biking and public transit distances. He said those who use public transit systems walk at least 19 minutes compared to those who drive to their destinations. “The 21st century communities that are thriving right now … have transit systems that they are dedicated to,” Fenton said. “The 21st century cities have 21st
century transit systems.” LSU Police Department spokesman Capt. Cory Lalonde said there are no predictors as to times of the year when accidents between vehicles and bicycles or pedestrians are likely to occur. He named the Nicholson Extension near Patrick F. Taylor Hall, South Campus Drive near the ceramics shops and the Highland and Dalrymple areas as chief areas where accidents are most likely to occur. “For 2012, we have worked a total of 105 traffic crashes,” Lalonde said. “Of that 105, four of them were involving pedestrians, and one was involving a bicycle.”
with 5 percent. Following Santorum’s wins in the Alabama and Mississippi primaries, some students predict he will take Louisiana, as well. Biology sophomore Seth McVea said he agrees with Santorum’s policies. Though McVea said Romney also has a chance to win the state, he thinks Louisiana voters will favor Santorum’s conservative stance. “Romney’s conservative, but not like Santorum is,” he said. “It’s
hard for Romney to stand for conservative beliefs when he’s that wealthy.” After viewing recent polls, Nick George, biology sophomore, said he also thinks Santorum will win Louisiana, but he’ll be supporting Romney. “Out of the choice, [Romney] is the best,” he said. “He has better policies and better plans compared to the other GOP candidates.” While Gingrich has lagged behind in past primaries, George said Gingrich may have a better
chance at winning Louisiana than Romney. “He’s from the South, and more people may be able to relate with him,” he said. “The South is also really conservative Christian, and because Romney is Mormon, he may not have Louisiana’s support.” But McVea said Gingrich’s personal life, especially his divorces, may dissuade Louisiana voters from supporting him. “Louisiana has strong morals and family values,” McVea said.
“That stuff may not fly in Louisiana.” But some Louisiana voters find themselves on the fence. Alex Bossetta, business administration sophomore, said she plans to vote in the primary, but she is still undecided. “I think Romney will win Louisiana, but I still don’t know who I’m voting for,” she said.
Contact Shannon Roberts at
Contact Kate Mabry at
Friday, March 23, 2012
NFL Eyes
page 5
Tigers stay busy at crowded practice
on the
Chris Abshire Sports Writer
A select few pro football hopefuls from the 2011 LSU squad strutted their stuff for NFL officials at the league’s combine in February. Some impressed, such as defensive back Ron Brooks with his 4.37-second 40-yard dash, while some floundered, particularly defensive tackle Michael Brockers, who came in overweight. On Thursday, several NFL head coaches and dozens of scouts descended on Baton Rouge to watch the prospects attempt to improve their stock at LSU’s Pro Day. Brockers took advantage of his second chance, shedding six pounds from his bloated combine measure to weigh in at 316. The lighter frame allowed him to shave two-tenths off his 40-yard dash to a 5.15 and add 3.5 inches to his vertical leap for a 30-inch jump. The Houston native attributed nerves to the poor showing that called a “combine dud,” and said working with former LSU and current Buffalo Bills defensive lineman Kyle Williams helped him
The LSU football team runs a notoriously tight ship, but Thursday evening’s practice was considerably more crowded than usual. With several scouts sticking around after Pro Day festivities and approximately 100 high school coaches in attendance as this weekend’s coaching clinic kicked off, the sidelines were packed with past and future talent evaluators. The Tigers barely noticed, as LSU coach Les Miles ran the players through the usual gamut of position drills and conditioning exercises with a keen focus on blocking hand position and defensive tackling form. Though the sidelines were packed, the roster was relatively light, as several LSU players were conspicuously absent from practice. Junior running back Michael Ford, junior safety Craig Loston, senior center P.J. Lonergan, sophomore rusher Terrence Magee and junior linebacker Tahj Jones all missed Thursday’s session. Miles said earlier this week that no Tigers have significant injuries, though Ford has either missed practice or worn a green nocontact jersey at all practices so far this spring.
PRO DAY, see page 7
PRACTICE, see page 7
NFL hopefuls shine at Pro Day
Alex Cassara
Sports Contributor
photos by MARIAH POSTLETHWAITE / The Daily Reveille
[Bottom left] Wide receiver Rueben Randle runs the 40-yard dash, and [top right] quarterback Jarrett Lee warms up for NFL Pro Day on Thursday in the Indoor Practice Facility.
LSU heads to Auburn for SEC play Hunter Paniagua Sports Writer
The Boston Red Sox may have The Green Monster at Fenway Park, but Auburn has an imposing turf-colored monstrosity of its own. The left-field wall at Plainsman Park measures 30 feet — seven feet shorter than the wall in Fenway and three times as high as the wall in Alex Box Stadium. That unique stadium feature could create problems when No. 11 LSU (17-4) travels to face Auburn (138) this weekend. Junior first baseman Mason Katz, who started twice in left field at Auburn in 2010, has experience with the strange bounces the ball can take. “We worked on that for about an hour and a half during my freshman year,” Katz said. “And
the very first batter hit it off the wall and I messed it up. I’m sure [LSU] coach [Paul Mainieri] is really going to emphasize that.” The question of who stands in front of the 30-foot wall tonight is still an issue for Mainieri. Five different players have started in left field this season, with freshman Jared Foster seeing the majority of the playing time, but recent struggles at the plate have opened the door for others to step in. But Mainieri said he will decide who starts based on offensive ability, not defensive. “I’m not going to let the wall affect who we play in left field,” Mainieri said. “But I may make some changes. I’m not 100 percent sure what I’m going to do yet, but hopefully we can get used to the uniqueness of their ball park.” The characteristics of the stadium aren’t the only thing that
makes Auburn stand out. The team has stolen 57 bases this season. In comparison, LSU has only attempted 23 steals. “It’s kind of scary when you look at their stats,” Mainieri said. “I don’t know how they’ve done that. But just because a guy steals a base, it doesn’t mean he’s going to score.” Sophomore catcher Ty Ross has caught eight of the 11 runners that have attempted to steal on him this season. Ross said he gets help catching runners from sophomore pitcher Kevin Gausman, who said Auburn’s aggression on the base paths has been a point of emphasis during practice. “I just try to be as fast as I can to the plate,” Gausman said. “The big thing is mixing up your looks. Every once in a while, if you mix AUBURN, see page 7
TAYLOR BALKOM / The Daily Reveille
LSU freshman hurler Cody Glenn prepares to pitch Tuesday during the Tigers’ 15-5 victory against Southern at Alex Box Stadium.
The Daily Reveille
page 6
Friday, March 23, 2012
Tigers head to South Carolina for first SEC road test Albert Burford Sports Contributor
The LSU softball team is hoping this weekend will bring more of its recent good fortunes. After a rocky pre-conference schedule handed LSU seven losses, the Tigers have found their groove as they roll into their first Southeastern Conference road trip of the season. LSU (20-8, 4-1 SEC) visits South Carolina (19-13, 2-6 SEC) this weekend to face the season’s first SEC East Division opponent. LSU has won 10 of its last 11 games, including a victory over No. 20 Auburn and a sweep of SEC West Division rival Mississippi State. The Tigers also pulled out a 2-1 win Tuesday against a Georgia
Benjamin Oliver Hicks / The Daily Reveille
LSU sophomore infielder Dylan Supak throws the ball to first base March 18 during the Tigers’ 4-0 victory against Mississippi State at Tiger Park.
Tech team that has recorded victories against No. 8 Arizona, No. 20 Nebraska, No. 4 Oklahoma and No. 8 Georgia. “They were higher than us in
the polls, and we weren’t expected to win this game,� said senior pitcher Brittany Mack. “Obviously, we’ve got our spirits up for now. We just need to make sure we carry
that on to this weekend.� Mack said the Tigers refocused after their slow start to the season. “We had a tough first couple of weeks against some really good ranked teams, but we make sure that from now on, no matter who we face, we don’t let that bother us because we know we’re a very good team,� she said. “We just have to keep everything to ourselves — keep everything within us and know what we can handle.� On a team with five freshmen — many of whom see regular playing time — senior first baseman Heidi Pizer said this weekend’s road trip should be more fun than intimidating. “Traveling always brings a little bit of anxiety, but I think it’s a little different now because we have a lot of young kids,� Pizer
said. “They’ve never been there before, so the anxiety has really turned into excitement.� Despite the enthusiasm, LSU coach Beth Torina said the team wouldn’t treat this weekend differently than any other SEC weekend. “Every team in the SEC is quality,� Torina said. “Any time we can win three games in a weekend is huge, so of course we’re setting out to get three wins just like every weekend on our schedule.� LSU has been without senior infielder Juliana Santos, senior outfielder Katie Guillory, sophomore infielder Allison Falcon and sophomore outfielder Simone Heyward at various points throughout the season due to injuries. Contact Albert Burford at
LSU riding high going into SEC Championship Rowan Kavner
Sports Contibutor
The No. 8 LSU gymnastics team is peaking at the right moment. The Tigers tied their season high in Friday’s home finale with a 196.85, and they will attempt to use that momentum entering Saturday’s Southeastern Conference Championship in Duluth, Ga. Although LSU won’t get the home benefit of the PMAC, the Tigers shouldn’t regress much, if at all. The only other meet in which the Tigers reached a 196.85 was on the road at current-No. 1 Florida. “Everything throughout the
season has prepared us for these postseason meets,� said LSU senior Ashley Lee. “Ending like we did really just shows how close we are and how much we really are pulling for each other.� Lee’s home finale against West Virginia was especially memorable, as she was the only senior on the squad for Senior Night. She said she didn’t want to draw a lot of attention, but she couldn’t ignore how special that moment was. Even with the pressure of being the only senior, Lee delivered a 9.85 on vault and a 9.80 on floor. “Everything from how we did as a team, how we did together — I
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feel like I did well on vault and floor. It was an emotional night,� Lee said. “It was everything I’d hoped for.� LSU finished with at least a 49.00 in each event for the first time since the Feb. 10 meet against Florida. The Tigers posted at least a 49.20 in each event Friday except for beam, where they scored a 49.10. LSU coach D-D Breaux said she hoped the Tigers could pull out their first team score of 197.00 in the regular season finale, but Lee said the team is capable of achieving the feat in the SEC Championship. “A 49.25 on each event, that’s so attainable,� Lee said. “We’re right there, we’re so close. Just
being consistent on every event like we did will help us improve and will let us see the team score we want to see. We’re getting more consistent, and I think we’re going to do big things this postseason.� Sophomore Sarie Morrison continued her scorching pace on bars, posting her third consecutive 9.90 in leading the Tigers to a 49.225 on March 16 — their highest score in any event in the meet. She said she feels like the team can count on her every time she steps up to anchor. “This is probably the most confident I’ve been in a while on bars,� Morrison said. “I’ve kind of gotten to take a step back and look at things
from a different perspective.� Morrison has only participated on bars since undergoing surgery on her ankle early in the season. She said she’ll continue to work solely on that event this postseason and prepare for a larger array of work next year. “I’m really motivated to getting everything back this summer and be in the all-around next year,� she said. Until then, she will continue to focus and perfect her one event.
Contact Rowan Kavner at
Friday, March 23, 2012 PRACTICE, from page 5
DEFENSIVE LINE ADJUSTING Mere hours after former defensive tackle Michael Brockers solidified his top-20 draft status at Pro Day, the current LSU defensive line continued its quest to adjust without him. Junior defensive end Sam Montgomery said sophomore tackle Ego Ferguson has been spring’s breakout candidate to fill Brockers’ hefty cleats. “Ego’s coming off the ball so quickly,” Montgomery said. “He can be just as good, maybe better than Brockers. His speed is tough to contain.” Montgomery said next
season’s line could be even better than 2011’s decorated unit. “It’s fair to expect better,” he said. “Before Brockers, there was [Drake] Nevis. It’s a long line here, and there’s the young talent to do it. We have too much speed and depth not to continue rotating nine, 10 guys in there.” OFFSEASON HANDOFFS A PRIORITY LSU running backs have rarely taken handoffs from a quarterback other than Jordan Jefferson or Jarrett Lee during the last four seasons. The backfield unit worked extensively on handoffs and ball-security drills Thursday,
The Daily Reveille getting familiar with junior quarterback Zach Mettenberger’s exchanges. “Fall isn’t the time to find that comfort zone,” said junior running back Spencer Ware. “[Zach] needs to be on our level, so we’re not figuring his style out in games.” Ware said Mettenberger’s lanky 6-foot-5 stature has been an important adjustment in the handoff process. “We can’t go through the hole standing up,” he said. “That’s why we do those drills in the spring, so it’s automatic.” Contact Chris Abshire at
AUBURN, from page 5
in a long hold, that can really screw up a runner and make them think twice about running.” Auburn is riding high after taking two of three games on the road against then-No. 12 Ole Miss to open Southeastern Conference play. Auburn shut out South Alabama in a mid-week game before hosting LSU. The series marks the first time LSU will hit the road on the weekend this year. The Tigers won their only two road-tilts of the season against McNeese State and Tulane. “I love hitting the road,” Guasman said. “We get treated like kings. You wake up, you get
PRO DAY, from page 5
put on a more inspired performance. “I feel like today was a good day for me,” Brockers said. “I didn’t do too well in the combine and now I’ve opened some eyes. ... This is my environment out here, and I think I wowed some coaches.” Brooks decided not to run after posting the second-highest 40 time for a defensive back at the combine, but fellow cornerback Morris Claiborne said he had something to prove. Many experts project Claiborne to be a top-5 pick, but he ran a disappointing 4.50-second 40-yard dash at the combine. He responded on Thursday by clocking in at 4.39 seconds, a vast improvement. “I really just went back and worked on my start and tried to stay relaxed,” Claiborne said. “If you go back and look at the tape, you can tell how tight I was, running looking like a devil ’cause my face was
TAYLOR BALKOM / The Daily Reveille
LSU senior infielder Tyler Hanover hits a foul ball Tuesday during LSU’s 15-5 victory against Southern at Alex Box Stadium.
breakfast, then you get to go back to sleep and wake up for lunch. It’s pretty much just eating and sleeping and playing baseball.
The three things that I love.”
all wound up.” Claiborne also revealed that he chose not to partake in the bench press because of a torn wrist ligament sustained against Alabama on Nov. 5. He’s scheduled to have surgery today. Minnesota Vikings coach Leslie Frazier, whose team holds the third pick of the draft, was on hand Thursday to watch Claiborne, who said the two exchanged niceties after his workout. Other NFL coaches present were Rex Ryan of the New York Jets and Mike Tomlin of the Pittsburgh Steelers, both of whom were front and center for Brockers’ drills. Other players who improved their 40 times were linebacker Ryan Baker, from a 4.88 to a 4.61, and receiver Rueben Randle, from a 4.55 to a 4.42. Randle also looked especially fluid in his route running. The wideout said he worked on his speed and his routes leading up to Pro Day to ensure he’s a bonafide, rather than borderline,
first-round pick. “As a kid you always want to be a first-round draft pick,” Randle said. “If that happens for me, it’ll be pretty exciting.” Safety Brandon Taylor said he was confident in his stock after the combine, where he ran a fasterthan-expected 4.58, and also said he was happy with the 16 bench press reps he put up on Thursday. “I just wanted to show I had clean feet and not drop balls,” Taylor said. “When you’re dropping balls, you’re losing money.” Taylor said he has workouts lined up with Kansas City, Miami and the New York Jets. After impressing at the combine, oft-maligned quarterback Jordan Jefferson decided to forgo most measured drills. He displayed good arm strength in his delivery and missed a minimal amount of his targets.
Contact Hunter Paniagua at
Contact Alex Cassara at
page 7
“A man who stops advertising to save money, is like a man who stops the clock to save time.”
-Henry Ford
We can help. 225-578-6090
The Daily Reveille
page 8
Friday, March 23, 2012
Polling the Pelican State
Louisiana Primary Poll Results
Santorum needs La. primary for rebound after losing to Romney in Illinois FOR THINKERS ONLY MATTHEW WESTFALL Columnist Is it over yet? And no, I’m not talking about Roger Goodell’s war against the New Orleans Saints – though that question will undoubtedly be asked by Saints fans every day for the next year. I’m talking about the Republican race for the 2012 presidential nomination. With more than 30 states and territories in the rearview mirror, all eyes now turn to Saturday’s Louisiana primary. Unlike recent years, the Pelican State’s primary actually carries significance, with former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum carrying enough support in the state to bounce back after a disappointing loss in Illinois on Tuesday. It’s been a long and winding road for the candidates, with many awful jokes, fumbles and stumbles along the way. They’ve taunted, battled and bickered across the country and through amber waves of grain, or corn, as former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney would say in a kneeslapping manner. Romney hasn’t fared well in the South this primary season, aside from Florida, but with his win in Illinois on Tuesday, many are calling his front-runner status decisive enough to grab the nomination. Thus far, it’s been Santorum and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich who have looted the South in search of delegates. Louisiana’s primary won’t be any different, as Romney has barely competed in the state. Santorum has campaigned throughout the Gulf region, promising to deliver more jobs by easing the permitting process for oil and gas drilling. Gingrich has been on the campaign trail throughout the state as well, reiterating his pledge to see gas prices fall to at least $2.50 under his leadership, mostly by opening drilling across the country and utilizing new
technologies and untapped wells. The GOP race has been so tight this cycle that Louisiana might have a role to play for once. “I can’t remember another presidential nominating process in the last 20 years where Louisiana has had as much relevance as we do this year,” Jason Dore, state GOP executive director, told The Times-Picayune. Louisiana’s primaries have historically fallen after the nominations were settled or they’ve been overlooked as an insignificant part of the nominating process. Louisiana Republicans last created an impact in 1996, when the state GOP pushed its caucuses up to Feb. 6 in what many commentators thought was a strategy to provide early momentum for Texas Sen. Phil Gramm. For Democrats, Louisiana hasn’t been a major primary campaign stop since 1984, when Jesse Jackson, Gary Hart and Walter Mondale stumped in the state. Many thought the state would be hotly contested in the 2008 Democratic primary, but Barack Obama went on to beat former New York Sen. Hillary Clinton by almost 85,000 votes. The favorite to win — and my personal pick — is Santorum, who will likely play well with Southern voters, as he did in Alabama and Mississippi. The state is heavily populated with the evangelicals and social conservatives that connect with Santorum, who are also sufficiently committed to vote — even in a low-turnout election. Louisiana spells trouble for Romney, even after a big win in Illinois on Tuesday, as he’s failed to gain the support of the ultraconservative voters within the Republican base. Romney has largely ignored Louisiana, not spending money on TV ads the way he has in other states — a sign of how little confidence his team has in victory here. Although favored, Santorum still faces a potential challenge from the Southerner Gingrich and his pitch for low gas prices, which has resonated with voters
The Daily Reveille Editorial Board
Matthew Jacobs Chris Branch Ryan Buxton Bryan Stewart Andrea Gallo Clayton Crockett
Editor-in-Chief Associate Managing Editor Associate Managing Editor Managing Editor, External Media News Editor Opinion Editor
Rick Santorum
25.3% Mitt Romney
Newt Gingrich
Source: Real Clear Politics
Ron Paul
5 05
10 10
15 15
20 20
25 25
35 35
30 30
Which song do you most want Ludacris to perform at Groovin’ on the Grounds? 11% 19% 10% 8% 9%
“Rollout” in the oil-rich state. After Louisiana, the race moves northward, leaving Santorum and Gingrich fewer opportunities to show strength against Romney. A win in Louisiana is essential for the Santorum campaign to stay afloat and regain any ground in the delegate count against Romney. But with the top super PACs supporting Santorum and Gingrich appearing to be low on
ROLAND PARKER / The Daily Reveille
funds, it will be interesting to see how much further each will march in his quest for the White House. Matthew Westfall is a 23-yearold mass communication senior from Winchester, Va. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_mwestfall.
“Move Bitch” “Stand Up” “Get Back” “Money Maker” “Welcome to Atlanta” Total votes: 105
Contact Matthew Westfall at
Editorial Policies & Procedures
The Daily Reveille (USPS 145-800) is written, edited and produced solely by students of Louisiana State University. The Daily Reveille is an independent entity within the Manship School of Mass Communication. Signed opinions are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the editor, paper or University. Letters submitted for publication should be sent via e-mail to or delivered to B-26 Hodges Hall. They must be 400 words or less. Letters must have a contact phone number so the opinion editor can verify the author. The phone number won’t be printed. The Daily Reveille reserves the right to edit letters and guest columns for space consideration without changing the original intent. The Daily Reveille also reserves the right to reject any letter without notification of the author. Writers must include their full names and phone numbers. The Daily Reveille’s editor-in-chief, hired every semester by the Louisiana State University Media Board, has final authority on all editorial decisions.
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Quote of the Day
“I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money; I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money.”
Rick Santorum former Pennsylvania senator May 10, 1958 - present
The Daily Reveille
Friday, March 23, 2012
page 9
Students don’t use help of grad student teaching assistants NEVER EMPTY THOUGHTS Marie-Therese Yokum Columnist On any given syllabus on campus, you’re likely to find two things below the teacher’s name: office hours and the contact information for your teaching assistant. Of the 50 students around campus who spoke to me about TAs, only half said they had one, and a shamefully high number of those admitted that they had never considered using them for help. “I’ve had some helpful ones, while some knew nothing” anthropology sophomore Cameron Warren said. “I had a hot TA, and that was fun.” Some students were more hostile. “I hated one TA I had because he made a f---ed up test,” public relations sophomore Bria Turner said. Teaching assistants are usually graduate students with assistantship positions, and their tasks can be anything from answering e-mails to teaching lessons and grading exams. But many students wonder if TAs should be given power in the classroom, which could potentially affect a student’s grade, especially when that person isn’t the teacher. From the mixed responses I received about them, teaching
As usual, the Opinion section of our website has been absolutely buzzing with reader comments. Check it out today, and let your voice be heard. In response to Chris Grillot’s column, “Gov. Jindal nears dictator status as he ignores his constituents’ complaints,” readers had this to say: “Teachers and politicians agree there are problems in education and areas to make improvements. If we could all use our time and resources together instead of against each other, the students would come out way ahead. Both can get most of what they want without all the ill feelings. The governor is just going to be met with resistance as it stands now. Louisiana folks are known for not taking a lot of BS off anyone. They are right for standing up to the latest legislation.” - Green Goat In response to Andrew Shockey’s column, “Obamacare protects consumers from insurance companies, needs to go further,” readers had this to say: “If the costs of their care were spread out over the rest of the population, costs would become much
assistants can be helpful, confusing and at times subjective. “There is a lack of communication between teacher and TA. I don’t see enough consistency with grading,” chemical engineering sophomore Tamara Trotter said. Because TAs don’t hold the title of professor for the course, their authority and knowledge is usually not taken seriously. Yet if your qualified professor feels he or she is are adequate, you should, too. “Although proven helpful, sometimes I can’t understand them,” Warren explained. For some reason, students fail to comprehend that TAs are students, too. They have lives outside of assisting courses they aren’t enrolled in. This means they aren’t always waiting behind a computer to respond to your questions about the homework that is due in 45 minutes. “I have coursework, I have exams and I have to write papers,” accounting graduate teaching assistant Robert Hogan said. Hogan said the main task of a TA is to help students more easily understand the course material. They usually are able to explain concepts in a different way and more than likely host review or tutoring sessions weekly. “I’m more comfortable with the TA. They’re more relatable than professors,” sports administration sophomore Carter Sapp said. Students don’t use TAs nearly
more manageable as younger citizens provide less drain on health care funds while contributing more. The problem is the same group of individuals will be paying for insurance as are now and you will provide insurance for everyone with no additional revenue. Do you really think that someone whom has no insurance and gets treated for free is going to pay $750 for insurance with no more benefits?” - Anonymous In response to Phil Sweeney’s column, “The cure for panhandling: Don’t give change to homeless,” readers had this to say: “The real reason anyone objects to these people is that you don’t want to give. Anyone who can’t spare a little should just say no. It might do your self esteem some good. On the other hand, it feels better to give than to say no. If you give and feel bad because you feel like you have been had then you are missing the point. I believe all good deeds are repaid. If you don’t have that kind of faith, then your world is probably a depressing place to live.” - Anonymous Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at
as often as they could, Hogan said. I agree with his explanation that students have the responsibility to make the effort to get assistance. “I am incredibly underutilized for a TA that is available five hours a week and about 60 each semester,” Hogan said. They can’t ensure that you’ll get an A in the class just from visiting their hours, but using the free resources from someone who is more than qualified in the material sounds like a step in the right direction. “Our TAs do everything from
grading to setting up lab experiments. They’re laid back and expect us to do our jobs,” chemistry senior Kevin Willis said. Business senior Joe Logan says it best: “TAs are useful if used correctly. They are not always effective or necessary for every class because there are instances where the professor should be making the final decision.” At the end of the day, we may not like their position or how they teach, but they have proven helpful with explaining concepts in a different way than teachers. So seek
them out as soon as your grades start crying for it, but remember the professor possesses the general authority in the class. Marie-Therese Yokum is a 19-year-old mass communication and finance sophomore from Lafayette. Follow her on Twitter @TDR_myokum.
Contact Marie-Therese Yokum at
cartoon courtesy of KING FEATURES SYNDICATE
LSU should not force modesty through dress code
In response to the March 22 letter to the editor, “LSU needs a dress code to teach students selfrespect”: In the March 22 edition of The Daily Reveille, there was a call for LSU to implement a dress code for all students on campus. The issues addressed in the letter were the self-respect of “inappropriately” dressed students, the discomfort of others, the simplicity of implementation and the lack of social norms to which some students are exposed. This is not only an immoral solution to the problem; it is also a solution that doesn’t actually solve the problem. While I agree that modesty is something to which people should aspire and a trait that is highly beneficial in a professional setting, it is not something to be forced. There is the old saying that you cannot legislate morality, and while LSU has the right to enforce a dress code by making breakers of such a code trespassers, creating said code will not “teach [LSU]
students the value of dressing appropriately.” People have their values as conclusions based on their beliefs and, as you said, some people hold different beliefs than you. It is not your job to change those beliefs by force. I can’t figure out why it would be your business how others dress. If someone doesn’t care what they look like to others, who are you to force them to live up to your standard? If someone wants to advertise themselves as promiscuous, why is it up to you to regulate that? And who are you to say that is what they are doing? Perhaps they feel comfortable in that clothing or it expresses how proud they are of what they look like. Perhaps, contrary to your assumption, their revealing clothing is how they express their self-respect. I don’t have to agree or disagree with those possibilities to support their validity, and because there are so many possible beliefs about personal composure, your particular view should not be forced on others. Your only possible defense of your ideology is that it might offend others. Being offended is a product of things having to do with you, not with other people. You are offended by others’ actions because you believe them to be wrong or disgusting despite others’ beliefs. Perhaps if
Rick Santorum has his way, we will all be forced to conform to the Judeo-Christian form of obscenity restrictions on the penalty of stoning, but until then, we thrive on the values of personal liberty and personal responsibility. The price of liberty is responsibility, and that is how people will find that one action is better than another — dealing with natural consequences. Imposing your will to alter behaviors that will naturally either thrive or die out is a selfish and — in your words — “egocentric ‘my opinion comes first’ mentality.” LSU should continue a policy of liberty in dress. If the problem is really unbearable to you, I encourage you to begin an advocacy campaign to educate young women about what you believe are the benefits of proper dress and address what you believe to be the root causes of the phenomenon. Do not, however, simply say that the LSU faculty and staff, who already have enough work on their hands, should be charged with being the fashion police on your behalf. Alex Braud Political science junior Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at
The Daily Reveille
page 10
HOSTESS Gino’s Restaurant is seeking hostesses for evening shifts. This is a part-time position. Please call for an appt or email your resume to 225.927.7156 PART TIME RECEPTIONIST NEEDED for Medical Clinic in the Downtown area. Must be available for afternoon hours.
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Friday, March 23, 2012
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YOU ARE LOVED “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world NOT to
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Friday, March 23, 2012 R.E.A.L., from page 1
the student voices.” Joshua said budget cuts are inevitable at this point, but his priority is students’ education. “When we have to crunch the numbers and unfortunately … programs have to be cut, our main goal is that our students be properly served and get that education,” Joshua said. “In the same breath, we
GINGRICH, from page 1
opportunity to bring presidential candidates to LSU’s campus because we felt there was no better place to represent Louisiana on a national level than it’s flagship institution,” she said. The College Republicans worked with Campus Life, the LSU Police Department, the BRTP and campaign representatives to ensure the event was safe and unbiased, Lemons said. “[The forum] is especially significant since we have four potential Republican candidates and usually by this late in the game, Louisiana doesn’t see this much attention because a clear nominee is typically decided,” Lemons said. Mitt Romney was the only candidate who was not represented at the forum. Mark Holmes, treasurer of the Baton Rouge Tea Party, said he was disappointed that Romney did not send a representative to the forum. “You think with all the people who work in his campaign that he could find one person to come to LSU,” he said. “It doesn’t bode well for people at LSU who wanted to hear what his camp had to say.” Gingrich’s speech also found the candidate boasting that he can be the one to beat Obama in the fall. “My No. 1 qualification is that I’m not Barack Obama,” he said. But not all in attendance agreed with that message. Alex Velasquez, Ron Paul representative, said Paul would be the best candidate for president based on his commitment to the constitution. “We are battling together against the current administration,” he said. “Paul never voted to raise taxes, never voted for an unbalanced budget, and never voted to raise congressional pay. Paul is the only candidate that is consistent and that you can trust.” Mike Bayham, representative for Rick Santorum, said Republicans need to get behind a conservative who can win, and if Santorum were to win the presidency, his first priority would be to repeal Obamacare. “We can’t afford to have the conservative vote split anymore,” he said. “Santorum has a track record of a consistent conservative.” Bayham also said Louisiana voters feel a connection to Santorum’s authenticity. “They see that he’s not pretentious and that he has the same struggles as many average Americans,” he said. Contact Kate Mabry at
have to make sure our institution maintains the prestige as a top-tier institution.” The brothers would like to bring back minority recruitment by collecting funds from alumni. If elected, the twins plan to continue current SG president Cody Wells’ Budget Crisis Taskforce, which includes Joshua as a member. “Legislators don’t really know what you feel if you’re not there,”
The Daily Reveille Joseph said. “You got to sell to the legislators the future of LSU.” The candidates said they would talk to students more than current SG president Cody Wells and vice president Kathleen Bordelon do. “We can take one more step up … in being more accessible to the students,” Joshua said. Joseph said he and his brother could bring the University together better than the “Together LSU”
page 11 ticket has. “Cody and Kathleen did a pretty good job … but I feel like it can be better,” he said. “LSU can be more together.” The twins said they promise to speak with students at all times, not just during campaign season. “We’re really telling the organizations, if elected, this is not the last time you will see us,” Joseph said.
Some steps the brothers would like to take include creating better housing for international students, implementing a first ticket forgiveness policy for illegally parked cars on campus and lowering the prices of concessions for students with Tiger Cards. Contact Danielle Kelley at
The Daily Reveille
page 12
Friday, March 23, 2012
e m o s Score uff t s e e r f
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