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hunter sansone
Through the dynamic and versatile characters he’s brought to life on screen, Hunter Sansone is quickly making a name for himself. We talked to the actor about his latest project, behind the scenes moments, and more!
Tell us about your new film, Safety! What
is it about the movie that drew you in and made you want to be involved?
Safety is a film for everyone. At its core, it’s a story about family. Yes, it has exciting action-packed football scenes, but it’s so much more than that. An inspiring true story that will be sure to tug at your heart strings. The first thing that drew me in is the obvious, the story. I read the entire script in one sitting and by the end, I was crying like a little boy. How could I not want to be a part of something that had such an emotional affect on me? Fair warning, have tissues prepped and ready!
What can you tell us about your role as Daniel and what viewers should be expecting from him?
Daniel is the ultimate ride or die. He is Ray’s roommate, teammate and best friend. Also, the first person that Ray confides in about his situation with his little brother. Daniel is by Ray’s side every step of the way while they secretly raise a boy on campus.
Any behind-the-scenes moments from filming that you can share with us?
Yes, the football game scenes that you see in the film were shot live during halftime of a real Clemson game in front of 80,000 screaming fans! No green screen. No second takes. One chance. A handful of plays. Seven minutes. The ultimate adrenaline rush.
How would you describe the vibe on set?
Family. The real Ray was on set with us and we all became very close. We all worked out together throughout the week. That onscreen brotherhood definitely carried over to behind the scenes.
What do you hope viewers take away from this film?
Hope. It’s been a tough year for everyone. I hope people walk away feeling motivated and excited for their potential in 2021. I know I sure as heck did.
Let’s talk Stargirl! What’s that experience/
fan reaction been like for you?
Stargirl is going to always have a very very special place in my heart. It was that big “first” for me. It was the job that ultimately changed it all for me. I have so much fun on set. How can you not when there is giant flying robot around? The fan reaction has been incredible. We have the best fans. I am grateful to every single one of them for their support, and I can not wait for them to see what we are cooking up for Season 2!
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned in 2020?
The importance of not taking the little things for granted. We all have sacrificed a lot this year. Time with our families, our normal dayto-day activities. I’ve really come to realize the gravity of a hug. A handshake. I cannot wait to be able to give a hug to someone again. These things have all taken on such a bigger meaning to me.
Any special message for fans/viewers?
Thank you all for your incredible support. It doesn’t go unnoticed. Grateful for every single one of you. - H