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Allegra Edwards
Starring on Amazon Prime’s Sci-Fi comedy, Upload, Allegra Edwards shines as Ingrid Kannerman. We talked to the actress about her role, behind-the-scenes moments, and more!
Let’s talk Upload! What is it about the show
that drew you in and made you want to be involved?
I finished the script for the pilot episode so quickly. I remember thinking it was incredibly clever without being heavy-handed, and that the dialogue was funny and yet still so authentic and real. Anytime I read a script and I can’t put it down, I know it’s a good sign.
Any memorable behind the scenes moments from filming that you can share with us?
I wear a special wig in one of the episodes, and it was a real hit with the cast and the crew. It kept showing up on other people’s heads. That wig looks great on everybody, from Andy Allo to our 1st A.D. Caroline. I guarantee, you’ll know it when you see it. Also, the very last scene I shot was one in which I am seated…on a toilet. Again, you’ll know it when you see it.
What can you tell us about your role as Ingrid? What should viewers expect from her?
Most people probably wouldn’t want to spend more than five minutes with an Ingrid. She is strong-willed, image-focused, determined, and self-centered. But! Ingrid is a slow burn. Stick with her. I guarantee you, she will surprise you as the season progresses.
How would you describe the vibe on the
Upload set? The vibe on set was playful, positive, and collaborative. I felt supported and inspired by my fellow cast mates, and especially our creator/showrunner Greg Daniels. From jump, we were invited to visit the writers room to discuss our thoughts on our characters and what we’d been daydreaming about them. What a rare gift, to be able to contribute to the creation of your character! I was both humbled and empowered by the invitation to share my thoughts. My fellow cast mates were the perfect balance of playful and professional, which is the way I’d like to approach every job opportunity from here on out: the more prepared you are, the more flexibility you will have to explore when it comes time to shoot.
When you’re not busy on a set, what are you usually up to?
You can often find me at a play, or a concert, or an improv show. I love live performance. I’ve also been writing a lot more recently! I’m currently developing a sketch show concept with my writing partner, Elyse Brandau.
When you think of your ultimate dream role, what comes to mind?
Any role in a Bridesmaids sequel. Or, a historical costume dramedy, like The Favourite or The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
During these unprecedented times, how are you dealing with staying sane at home?
I think it presents an irreplaceable exercise in practicing presence and patience. I keep reflecting on the word “essential,” and what that word means as it pertains to how I get through day to day disappointments and unease. I am being gentler to myself, and finding small ways to control the things I can, then releasing the rest.
Any special message for fans?
To everything, there is a season. This season will pass. In the meantime, perhaps our show will provide a welcome distraction and provide some food for thought along the way. I can’t wait to hear what you think!