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Student-run company delivers textbook deals straight to your doorstep

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THE DAILY TEXAN Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

Civic, budget challenges await city’s mayor-elect By Pierre Bertrand Daily Texan Staff Mayor-elect Lee Leffingwell will soon be forced to make decisions about trimming the city’s budget and reconnecting Austinites to city government. During the five-month campaign season, Leffingwell promised to make various changes within Austin’s government, including creating a citizenled advisory committee to the mayor and occasionally hosting the weekly City Council meetings away from City Hall. “For me, personally, although I think it’s important for the mayor to promote Austin, I also think its important to work with the council,” Leffingwell said. “That’s what I intend — to be more engaged locally and less engaged outside of Austin.” Under Leffingwell, Austinites may have more chances to participate in city politics. Throughout the year, citizens have criticized council members for not engaging the public enough in council decisions, which included the approval of a multimillion-dollar biomass plant in East Texas. Both Leffingwell and Councilman-elect Chris Riley promoted the idea of single-member districts. By having council members who represent citizens from specific geographic locations, Leffingwell said he hopes to see an increase in citizen engagement at City Hall as well as an increased sense of representation. “I have pledged, by the end of this year, to have a task force looking at a single-member charter amendment by 2011,” Leffingwell said. Riley said he and Leffingwell share consistent priorities but said he does not know how Leffingwell will affect the council. “I think it’s a little early to say how his tenure will differ from other mayors,” Riley said. “He will have to face many budget issues that might define how the city will address things in the next years.” Riley said Leffingwell’s proposed 2010 transportation bond election, designed to expand the city’s infrastructure, is the most questionable of Leffingwell’s campaign platform issues. If the city is not in a financial position to host the election, it will not be in the city’s best interest to have one. Mayor Will Wynn, whose term ends on June 20, said the greatest challenge facing the mayor-elect will reside in the city’s financial markets. “The economy will be the overarching issue,” Wynn said. The city will face the need to make more cuts in October, but the need for cost-saving measures in

CITY continues on page 6A

Tamir Kalifa | Daily Texan Staff

On his first day as mayor-elect, Lee Leffingwell spoke to The Daily Texan about his future plans.

Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900

Sounds of doubt as press hum fades

Photos by Andrew Rogers | Daily Texan Staff

Arnold Wiggins, foreman for Texas Student Media’s printing press since 2004, smiles at a co-worker in the pressroom. This issue of The Daily Texan is the last to be printed with the on-campus printing press, which was acquired in 1973.

As printing moves to Statesman, mixed feelings about Texan’s future, legacy By Ana McKenzie Daily Texan Staff Leah Finnegan thought the noise was coming from construction. It was a late night at the office and one of her first as editor-inchief of The Daily Texan. But construction at 2 a.m. didn’t make sense. It must have been coming from somewhere else — somewhere closer to where she sat, she thought. She realized the dull, repetitive mechanical hum was coming from the Texan’s printing press — one of the handful of remaining college presses in the United States. Almost a year later, the press punched out its last issue of The Daily Texan on Tuesday night. Af-

ter 36 years of operation, the press is up for sale, and future printing operations for the Texan — starting with the June 4 issue — will move to one of four presses owned by the Austin AmericanStatesman. Quietly sitting when not in use in the basement of the William Randolph Hearst Building, the Texan’s 50-by-8-foot printing press, separated by about 60 feet of hallway from the Texan newsroom, resembles a piece of outdated farm equipment. The Gross Urbanite press was purchased brand-new in 1973 for $222,000, or $1,080,606 adjusted for inflation. During the day, the machine sits Ruben Inostroza, who has worked with the printing press for 10 1/2 years, presses the “inch” button on the press, which allows for the insertion of a plate that will copy an image of the page onto the paper. PRINTING continues on page 7A

ON THE WEB: Video exploring the past, future of the Texan’s printing @ dailytexanonline.com

UT faculty remain silent about concealed carry By Mohini Madgavkar Daily Texan Staff UT faculty and staff voice has been absent from the legislative conversation on campus safety, as a push to allow concealed weapons on Texas college campuses moves to the Texas House floor this week. UT faculty and staff regularly testify on other higher education issues, such as tuition rates and automatic admissions, but none have testified on the issue of campus safety in state House

or Senate committee hearings. State employees, such as UT faculty and staff, are legally prevented from lobbying the Legislature, but the University and the UT System maintain a governmental-relations staff to inform legislators about administrative needs and priorities. UT spokesman Robert Meckel said UT faculty and staff are permitted to speak to the Legislature as long as they do so outside working hours and clarify that their opinions are not

Lack of resources exacerbates child prostitution in Texas By Avi Selk Daily Texan Staff In late April, two police officers staked out a North Austin house, hoping to arrest a man they suspect introduced an 11-year-old girl to her pimp. Austin Police Department Officer Gilbert Cardenas said that if more officers had been available to cover the house or if he and his partner hadn’t been distracted by drug dealers who kept mistaking them for clients, Joel Vega — or someone who looked similar — might not have slipped out the back door and disappeared. Since the APD issued warrants for Vega and Fernando Luna, the girl’s suspected pimp, on April 30, police have hit at least three


homes, checked out several false sightings and questioned the suspects’ relatives, neighbors and acquaintances — all to no avail. For several months in 2008, Luna allegedly rented the girl out to dozens of men in exchange for cash and drugs — the only case of child prostitution in Austin that Detective Tina Schaan, the investigator on the case, can remember. “It’s in every city across America — no matter how big or how small,” said FBI Agent Patrick Fransen. “If you have prostitution in your city, you have child prostitution.” Jeffrey McWhorter | Daily Texan Staff In early 2004, Fransen was still Martina Schaan, a detective with the Austin Police Department, working in the FBI’s violent crime investigates cases of child abuse, including a recent case of child prostitution that allegedly took place in North Austin. APD continues on page 5A

the University’s official position. “Members of the University community — faculty included — certainly are free to speak, voicing their personal opinions, which are not necessarily those of the University, on any topic in public meetings, to the news media and other forums,” Meckel said. U T l a w p ro f e s s o r S a n f o rd Levinson said the rules distinguishing lobbying and voicing personal opinions are unclear. Levinson is a renowned scholar on the consti-

tutionality of gun control and said he has never spoken publicly about concealed-carry legislation. “It’s just not clear what it means,” Levinson said. “We wouldn’t claim to be speaking for the University, but they’d ask us where we work, and we’d say we work at the University.” UT Police Chief Robert Dahlstrom expressed similar concerns about vague language of the rules.

GUNS continues on page 8A

Session nears end as bills, budget still up for debate By Erin Mulvaney Daily Texan Staff As the 81st state legislative session winds down, UT is waiting to see if a list of issues concerning the University will pass through a jumble of legislation jammed on the House and Senate floors. Many of these important issues may have to wait two years for another chance to see the floor. Others, however, could make their way to Gov. Rick Perry’s desk to be signed into law. Though the last day of the

legislative session is June 1, many deadlines in the House and Senate have already passed for certain measures. As of midnight Monday, no bills in the House can be placed on the House calendar, allowing the representatives time to debate and vote. UT President William Powers said the bills he supports are still alive, including those involving modifications to the top 10 percent rule, funding for the University from the 2010-11 biennial

BILLS continues on page 2A




Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

BILLS: University-related legislation awaits voting From page 1A budget and tuition flexibility regulations. “I think it’s been a constructive session,� Powers said. “We have made a lot of progress. They are finally working out the budget, and the top 10 debate is still to come. We are not at the point yet where we know what is going to happen.� Powers said he has been to the Capitol every day for the last month and that many lawmakers are receptive to his pleas on behalf of the University. “I think the House and the Senate have got a lot of work done, and we have had a lot of constructive conversations,� he said.

Top 10 percent Proposed changes to the top 10 percent rule have evoked strong emotions at UT and on the Senate floor. State Sen. Florence Shapiro, R-Plano, authored a bill that would cap automatic state university admissions at 60 percent of high school seniors who graduate in the top 10 percent of their classes. The bill passed through the Senate with 10 amendments and may be debated and voted on by the House. The top 10 rule was instated

to ensure diversity on state campuses, but increasing numbers of freshmen admitted under the rule — 80 percent at UT in 2008 — have led many UT officials to oppose the legislation. Officials, including Powers, have said projections show that by 2013, 100 percent of freshmen will be admitted under the rule. Minority groups, however, believe this legislation is the only way to ensure geographic and racial diversity on state campuses. Since the rule’s implementation in 1998, geographic diversity at state universities has increased from 90 to about 800 high schools represented.

Concealed carry A bill that would permit license holders to carry concealed handguns on state campuses made its way through Senate and House committees but is awaiting full Senate and House debate. The House will likely take up the vote this week. The bill has stirred uproar among supporters and opponents, notably from UT students, and is possibly the most contentious piece of legislation this session. With 77 co-sponsors, the bill will likely pass if it comes up for debate. In late April, UT students organized a walkout in protest of the

THE DAILY TEXAN Volume 109, Number 147 25 cents

Lynne Milburn, chairwoman of the Pride and Equity Fac“I think the House and the Senate have got ulty Staff Association’s Domestic a lot of work done, and we have had a lot of Partner Benefits Committee, said she was pleased that the bill went constructive conversations.� as far as it did. “This was the first time a bill — William Powers, like this was heard, and we have UT president a way to go,� Milburn said. “But I feel encouraged that we have Tuition increases throughout come this far.� bill and, along with state representatives, activists and the coun- the last few years incited UT offity constable, flooded the Capitol cials to demand change from the University funding state. The average tuition cost in steps in protest. The state’s 2010-2011 biennial Strong support for the legisla- the state is $4,500, but the legistion has come from members of lation would have capped tuition budget is the only piece of legislation that the lawmakers are reStudents for Concealed Carry on at $4,725. “This [bill] would provide fi- quired to pass, and UT officials Campus, which has been lobbying for the bill since the begin- nancial relief to college students wait with anticipation to see how and their families while recogniz- much funding the University will ning of the session. ing the shared responsibility of receive. Two different versions of the the Legislature and higher eduTuition cation institutions to keep college budget have passed through the UT officials pushed for chang- affordable and accessible without House and the Senate and are es in tuition throughout the ses- sacrificing excellence,� Zaffirini currently in a conference comsion, and lawmakers produced a told The Daily Texan. mittee, which will work out the stream of legislation in response. differences between the bills. AfA comprehensive tuition reguter the budget passes through lation bill passed through the Domestic partner benefits the conference committee, it will A bill that would extend health head to the governor’s desk to be Senate last week but died in the care benefits to the partners of signed into law. House. The bill, introduced by state gay, lesbian, bisexual and transThe Senate’s version of the Sen. Judith Zaffirini, D-Laredo, gender faculty and staff lost a budget appropriates $22.7 billion would cap increases in the total close 5-4 vote in committee and to higher education, while the academic cost of attending a Tex- will not make it to the House House’s appropriates $22.8 bilas public college at 5 percent per floor. lion to higher education. State Rep. Elliott Naishtat, Dyear. It was referred to the HighPowers said the budget bill is a er Education Committee in the Austin, authored the bill, which top priority for the University. House but was not placed on the had overwhelming support “We need adequate funding from UT faculty and staff. calendar. for the University,� Powers said.

CONTACT US Main Telephone: (512) 471-4591 Editor: Leah Finnegan (512) 232-2212 editor@dailytexanonline.com Managing Editor: Vikram Swaruup (512) 232-2217 managingeditor@ dailytexanonline.com News Office: (512) 232-2207 news@dailytexanonline.com Web Office: (512) 471-8616 online@dailytexanonline.com Sports Office: (512) 232-2210 sports@dailytexanonline.com Life & Arts Office: (512) 232-2209 lifeandarts@dailytexanonline.com Photo Office: (512) 471-8618 photo@dailytexanonline.com Retail Advertising: (512) 471-1865 joanw@mail.utexas.edu Classified Advertising: (512) 471-5244 classifieds@dailytexanonline.com The Texan strives to present all information fairly, accurately and completely. If we have made an error, let us know about it. Call (512) 232-2217 or e-mail managingeditor@dailytexanonline.com.

COPYRIGHT Copyright 2009 Texas Student Media. All articles, photographs and graphics, both in the print and online editions, are the property of Texas Student Media and may not be reproduced or republished in part or in whole without written permission.





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Reporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melissa Pan, Ben Wermund Photographers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tamir Kalifa, Jeff McWhorter, Elizabeth Moskowitz Sports Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evan Knopp, Lena Price, Austin Ries Life&Arts Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Amber Genuske, Emily Macrander, John Meller Columnists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pavel Nitchovski Page Designers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olivia Hinton, Austen Sofhauser Sports/Life&Arts Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Molly Wahlberg Wire Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bethany Johnsen Copy Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ben Lankford, Alexis Mouledoux Comics Artists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nick Bachan, Alex Diamond, Ryohei Yatsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Josh Flanagan, Amelia Giller, Scott Miles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nam Nguyen, Monica Tseng Web Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blair Spansel


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The Daily Texan (USPS 146-440), a student newspaper at The University of Texas at Austin, is published by Texas Student Media, 2500 Whitis Ave., Austin, TX 78705. The Daily Texan is published daily except Saturday, Sunday, federal holidays and exam periods, plus the last Saturday in July. Periodical Postage Paid at Austin, TX 78710. News contributions will be accepted by telephone (471-4591) or at the editorial office (Texas Student Media Building 2.122). For local and national display advertising, call 471-1865. For classified display and national classified display advertising, call 471-1865. For classified word advertising, call 471-5244. Entire contents copyright 2009 Texas Student Media.

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Wire Editor: Bethany Johnsen www.dailytexanonline.com


Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra


NATION BRIEFLY Jury convicts man of plotting to assist al-Qaida recruitment NEW YORK — A jury convicted a Lebanese-born Swede on Tuesday of plotting to help al-Qaida recruit by trying to set up a weapons-training post in Oregon and distributing terrorist training manuals over the Internet. The verdict against Oussama Kassir capped a three-week trial that featured the testimony of a U.S.-born Muslim convert who said he tried to create the training camp on 360 acres in Bly, Ore., in 1999. The jury deliberated less than a day before returning a guilty verdict on all 12 charges.

Senate considers options for financing health care WASHINGTON — Senators are considering limiting — but not eliminating — the tax-free status of employer-provided health benefits to help pay for President Barack Obama’s plan to provide coverage to 50 million uninsured Americans. Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., said Tuesday that there are no easy options. Senators began grappling with how to finance guaranteed coverage, a cornerstone of Obama’s plan to overhaul the health care system. Independent experts put the costs at about $1.5 trillion over 10 years. Obama sees a world in which doctors and hospitals compete to offer quality service at lower costs, and the savings help cover the uninsured. Turning that vision into reality remains a challenge for the president and his backers because hard cash is required to cover upfront costs of expanding coverage.

Officials allow Wisconsin fire evacuees to go home COLUMBUS, Wis. — A fire at a chemical plant that triggered explosions and forced the evacuation of about 140 homes burned itself out Tuesday and residents were allowed to go home. The fire at a warehouse of the Columbus Chemical Industries plant erupted Monday night; firefighters decided to withdraw after explosions shook the building. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency determined that air and water outside the plant was safe after the fire. No workers were at the plant at the time and it’s not clear yet how the fire started. Compiled from Associated Press reports

Nashanuddin Khan | Associated Press

A man looks through the wreckage of a vehicle used by a suicide bomber following attacks on government buildings east of Kabul on Tuesday.

Afghanistan suicide bombers leave 20 dead By Jason Strazuiso The Associated Press KABUL — Eleven Taliban suicide bombers struck government buildings Tuesday in a bold, daylong assault in eastern Afghanistan, sparking running gunbattles with U.S. and Afghan forces that killed 20 people and wounded three Americans, officials said.

The battle in Khost, a border city that houses a major American base, came as the U.S. made leadership changes that demonstrate a clear break from Bush-era appointees, with President Barack Obama taking charge of an increasingly bloody eightyear war. New U.S. Ambassador

Karl Eikenberry, a former threestar general, presented his credentials to President Hamid Karzai in the capital. On Monday, the war’s top U.S. commander, Gen. David McKiernan, was replaced by Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who has

been a leader of special forces. Tuesday’s assault began around 10 a.m., when a suicide bomber in a burqa attacked the governor’s compound in Khost. That was followed by a suicide car bombing, said Wazir Pacha,

Healthy Vegetarian Cuisine with a Delicious Oriental Flair spring 2008

Voted UTmost vegetarian cuisine by Daily Texan readers

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spokesman for the police chief. Khost residents hid from explosions and gunbattles that lasted until 5 p.m. Twenty people were taken hostage. At least 11 insurgents and nine other people died, the Defense Ministry said.

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Legalese: Opinions expressed in The Daily Texan are those of the editor, the editorial board or the writer of the article. They are not necessarily those of the UT administration, the Board of Regents or the TSM board. All Texan editorials are written by the Editorial Board.

OPINION Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

A grateful

goodbye by leah finnegan | editor-in-chief

When I first moved to Austin, I had absolutely no idea what to do with myself. At a loss for alternatives one caustic August afternoon, I decided it was time to start going to the gym. A campus neophyte, I had no idea which of the myriad athletic centers listed in the UT directory was intended for use by a plebe like me. So I hedged my bets and trailed some tall women in burnt orange to what I assumed would be the appropriate facility. My instincts were correct. I followed their lead into an ornate hallway that opened up into a room full of gleaming elliptical trainers poised for a date with the recreational athlete. I was taken aback by the quality of the gym: plush carpet, portraits of the football team. It was also positively empty. I was beginning to like UT. I jogged my requisite seven minutes on the treadmill and did some light stretching. I was pumping a 2pound dumbell when a group of remarkably large men thundered into the room. They didn’t pay me any mind, so I continued on my weight circuit. Walking out of the gym, a cluster of large plastic tubs brimmed with ice water. More large men were sitting in them, this time sans clothes. My eyes darted around. I saw Longhorn regalia. I saw Ace bandages. I saw a football. I suddenly realized where I had been: the football players’ gym. I also realized that I probably should not have been there. That was three years ago. My subsequent time at UT — and at The Daily Texan — has followed a similar trajectory of strange and impulsive accidents. In the spring of 2007, I was drawn to the Texan by a craigslist ad calling for columnists. Broke and despondent, I figured earning $10 per week for writing whatever I wanted to was a worthy endeavor. But I knew one thing was certain: I was not a journalist. I had no desire to be a journalist. Life was a spectator sport, and I was the ultimate spectator. Writing for the Texan was to be a strictly temporary gig to earn some pocket money. But they say that once you enter the Texan, you never get out, and I exist as proof of this well-worn adage. My journalistic instincts were always there — following the tall women in burnt orange, ending up somewhere interesting and otherwise restricted — I just had never been incited to act upon them. The Texan gave me a reason to explore my curiosity about the University and a voice when I didn’t think I had one. I quickly gave up my gym habit and moved into the dingy basement of the CMC at the corner of 25th Street and Whitis Avenue, where hundreds of students quietly work into the early morning hours to create the Texan. It was on one of those ceaseless nights the other week that a few editors and I combed through editions of the paper from 1913, about 13 years after its inception. Everything was there: reports on technology (“Photography in color is shown,” May 21, 1913), sports stories (the Longhorns beat the Texas School for the Deaf 13-4 that spring) and the Firing Line. An April 5, 1913, story reported that Mrs. Phillip Snowden went before the U.S. House to report on the suffrage movement in Great Britain. And even then the Texan was fighting for its rights: With the paper only published on Wednesdays and Saturdays, the editors made repeated calls for an increased rate of publication to become the first college daily in the South. That feat was achieved in September 1913. Since then, The Daily Texan has been perhaps the most storied institution at the University, predating the Longhorn mascot, the use of “The Eyes of Texas” as UT’s official song and our current manifestation of Student Government. For more than 100 years, the Texan has consistently functioned as an independent mouthpiece and set of eyes for the student body. But mostly, it is a place for those who perceive themselves to be outsiders to exercise their ability to be critical and engaged citizens of the University. I am honored and humbled to have served at the head of the Texan for the last year. The press on this campus, as a nebulous vehicle free of agenda, is the true voice of and for students. I thank you, the reader, for participating in the conversation this year, and I hope it’s one that continues for centuries to come.

But I knew one thing was certain: I had no desire to be a journalist. Life was a spectator sport, and I was the ultimate spectator.

Finnegan is an American studies senior. Prior to becoming Texan editor in 2008, she was a columnist and an associate editor.

Editor in Chief: Leah Finnegan Associate Editors: Audrey Campbell, Josh Haney, Jillian Sheridan, Abby Terrell, Mary Tuma

Andrew Rogers | Daily Texan Staff


Texan editor paid more than some in Big 12, SG president May 2009. The Oklahoma Daily editor does not receive a scholarship. “I don’t think that’s unreasonable,� said JJ Hermes, the Texan’s 2006-2007 editor-in-chief. “The editor and managing editor are producing a professional product. Students don’t want to see these people get paid out the ying-yang, but they should get compensated.� Hermes said the higher pay could be attributable to a higher circulation. The Texan prints about 15,000 newspapers per day during the fall and spring semesters, while The Iowa State Daily, The Daily Toreador and The Oklahoma Daily print about 12,500, 12,000 and 11,000, respectively. The Texan editor receives more money per year than UT’s student body president, who earns $12,040

Editor’s note: This is the last in a three-part series about pay for elected students. By Amy Bingham Daily Texan Staff The pay of The Daily Texan editor-in-chief ranks high compared to some Big 12 Conference schools, following the trend of UT’s other elected student officers. At $18,000 per year, the Texan’s editor earns about $2,000 more than the Iowa State Daily editor, $5,000 more than Texas Tech University’s Daily Toreador editor and $11,000 more than The Oklahoma Daily editor. The editors’ compensation consists of both tuition assistance and stipends, with the Texan’s editor receiving a $7,200 scholarship and a $10,800 stipend from May 2008 to

From page 1A units in Houston, investigating extortions, kidnappings and several cases involving adult prostitution. “The more I looked into it, being in the field I was in, I started thinking some of them might be kids,� he said of the prostitutes. Now Fransen is part of an FBI task force fighting child prostitution in Houston, one of 24 the agency has created across the United States since 2003. The program has recovered 31 child prostitutes in Houston this year alone and located hundreds across the U.S. since 2003. “That’s good but it’s barely a drop in the bucket,� said Steven Wagner, who directed the human trafficking program at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services between 2003 and 2006. The program Wagner oversaw receives $10 million in annual funding to assist an estimated 20,000 people, many of whom are child prostitutes, trafficked into the U.S. But Wagner said no similar program exists to assist American children prostituted within their own country — who outnumber international victims by a factor of 10 or more. “There’s still a disbelief that this is a problem in the United States,� said Richard Estes, a professor of social work at the University of Pennsylvania. “We still want to think it’s Mexico or Thailand or the Phillipines. We don’t want to think American kids are engaged in prostitution.� In 2001, Estes published the only extensive study of U.S. child prostitution so far conducted. His team spent more than two years interviewing nearly 1,000 victims, social workers, law enforcement agencies and

pimps in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The study concluded that about 200,000 U.S. children — boys, girls and transgender people from every ethnic and economic background — are at risk of being prostituted each year. The FBI estimates that the average victim begins service at age 12. “Ninety percent of all the kids we identified are American nationals,� Estes said. “They’re kids who run away.� Advocates for the victims of child prostitution have tried for decades to convince authorities that funding and forethought are needed to combat the problem. Only a handful of programs across the country specifically cater to U.S. children rescued from the sex trade. “They don’t want to go back home,� said Maria Trujillo, who directs the Houston Rescue and Restore Coalition, which trains police and social workers to identify and rehabilitate child prostitutes who fall into their custody. “They’re looking for love, attention and affection. That’s what they’re running toward.� The program helps police and juvenile probation officers distinguish child prostitutes — who often look older than their age — from the older crowd by looking for such red flags as overly rehearsed stories and tattoos — even cattle brands — their pimps sometimes use to mark them. The training is voluntary, but Trujillo said she hopes that might change soon. A bill under consideration in the Texas Legislature, authored by state Sen. Leticia Van de Putte, D-San Antonio, would create a task force to study how law enforcement and state service agencies can better combat child prostitution in Texas and mandate that every incoming law enforcement officer be trained to identify victims.

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per year. The Student Government president is paid entirely by student fees. The majority of the Texan’s $2.5 million budget came from advertising revenue in 2008 and 2009, while student fees paid for 13 percent of the Texan’s total budget. Wages for the newspaper’s student employees account for 12.5 percent of its budget costs. Texas Student Media Director Kathy Lawrence said the editor earns a higher salary than other elected positions at UT because he or she is in charge of a multimillion-dollar enterprise. “[The editor-in-chief] is not just a student office — it’s a business leader within the University that has to generate significant revenue to keep going,� Lawrence said.

The University of Oklahoma’s Oklahoma Daily is funded entirely by student fees, but the Iowa State Daily does not receive any money from such fees. Of the four student newspapers mentioned, only the Texan editor is elected. The other editorsin-chief are chosen through an interview process by their respective media boards, which are composed of about a dozen students and faculty members. Amid an industry crisis that is causing professional newspapers across the country to file for bankruptcy, student publications are also grappling with budget deficits. Merry Tillman, the assistant director for business at Texas Student Media, said cutting student salaries and scholarships is not the

answer to easing money woes. “If we can find other places to cut and not impact our students, we will avoid [decreasing their stipends],� Tillman said. Zack Thompson, the Iowa State Daily’s incoming editor-in-chief, said the newspaper’s budget was cut by 20 percent in January. Student salaries were not affected, but Thompson said he may have to explore the option if summer revenues do not meet their projected amounts. He said the newspaper has had students who could not run for editor because of financial reasons. “150 per week? A lot of people can’t live on that,� Thompson said. Thompson said he was often in the office from 9 a.m. until 2 a.m., leaving only to attend classes.

Claire Harlin, the Texan’s 20072008 editor, said she picked up two or three weekend shifts at a Sixth Street restaurant while she was in office just to make ends meet. Harlin said that during a slow week, she would put in around 40 hours at the Texan but that there were many times when she worked up to 80 hours per week writing editorials, speaking with concerned readers and constructing the Opinion page. “It’s a full-time job,� Harlin said. “The Texan editor has just as many expectations as any editor of another paper, like the [Austin American-Statesman] or the [Houston] Chronicle. They’re held to the same standards and have just as loyal of an audience to uphold those standards to.�

APD: Study says 200K kids are at risk of prostitution

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Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

Better Scores. Better Schools

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But the bill would not address what experts say is a total lack of facilities in Texas and almost every other state to properly care for rescued children. Currently, police in Texas can only remove victims from the street by arresting them or placing them in shelters, where staff members are not trained to handle victims of child prostitution. Many children simply run away from these shelters after a few days and return to their pimps — sometimes with new recruits. Lois Lee runs Children of the Night, a 24-bed shelter near Los Angeles that has rescued more than 10,000 children from prostitution for 30 years. She said the program is the largest of only three in the U.S. designed specifically to rescue and rehabilitate children from prostitution, and many experts consider it a model for the kind of long-term care facilities children need to get off the street. With 25 full-time employees and about 150 volunteers, the program provides rescued children with food, shelter, medical care, counseling and education for as long as they need — sometimes several years. Many children have completed high school, and several have gone to college while in the program, Lee said. “We’re in the business of raising kids,� she said. But such programs are extremely rare and very expensive. Lee said Children of the Night failed last year to raise $400,000 of the $2 million in private funds it depends on annually and must now “do what it can to survive.�

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Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

Graduate students each awarded $20K for disaster studies By Ben Wermund Daily Texan Staff Studying the traumatic effects of hurricanes Ike and Katrina on coastal communities in Texas has garnered two UT graduate students recognition from the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health. On Monday, Jerry Lord, an anthropology graduate student, and Megan Reid, a sociology graduate student, were each awarded the foundation’s $20,000 Harry Moore Fellowships, which are given annually to students in Moore’s line of research — disaster studies. Merrell Foote, a Hogg Foundation spokeswoman, said the two were perfect for the award because their research is so closely related to Moore’s. “The area they are working in was perfectly aligned with the work Dr. Moore carried out,” she said. “It’s supposed to be aligned with his area of interest, and he was particularly interested in Texas tornadoes and hurricanes.” Lord, who had originally intended to conduct his doctor-

al studies on the way people in coastal towns viewed hurricane risk, was living in Galveston when Hurricane Ike hit. “Around September, Ike rolled into town, and my project changed pretty quickly,” Lord said. Evacuated to Austin, Lord found Moore’s research archives on Hurricane Carla and reformatted his research goals to look at disaster recovery in the area. Reid’s research has focused on the hardships that federal disaster-relief policies have created for poor and minority hurricane evacuees and is based largely on two years of interviews with Hurricane Katrina evacuees in Austin. Foote said the work the two are doing will help identify problems such as long-lasting trauma experienced by those living in areas devastated by natural disasters. “The Hogg Foundation was created to help improve the mental health of people in Texas, and we see this as just one of the ways in which we will carry out that mission,” she said.

CITY: Austin to face further budget cuts From page 1A the city’s budget will depend almost entirely on the state of the city’s economy, Wynn said. Leffingwell proposes making structural changes within city departments to generate needed funds as a response to economic and budgetary hardships. He said he intends to mirror the city’s reactions to past economic crises by making permanent changes within some city departments, but admitted he did not know what forms of restructuring would take place.


He said he does not want to cut from public safety and social service departments. The city combined departments in the past and recently enacted a hiring freeze to save funds. Leffingwell said he would most likely extend the hiring freeze when he takes the office. Leffingwell said the city budget was cut by $45 million last year. “We basically cut out all the fat, or at least a good portion of it,” Leffingwell said. “We are now going to be talking about cutting into the muscle.”

Nancy Rosenthal | Daily Texan Staff

Graduate student Jorge Alvarez, the student leader of an aerospace research project, demonstrates attaching a wing to a model of a nextgeneration Small Unmanned Air System in the W. R. Woolrich Laboratories on Monday. The results of their research will be considered for rapid prototype development and flight testing.

Engineering students revamp aircraft By Melissa Pan Daily Texan Staff While studying for finals, a group of aerospace engineering students has helped redesign a surveillance aircraft for defense contractor Raytheon. “I have learned everything that’s involved in studying aircraft and software programs as well,” said Krystal Stewart, a member of the research team and an aerospace engineering senior. “Unmanned aircraft are complex.” Named Killer Bee, Raytheon’s small unmanned air system is used for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. The Killer Bee, with its 10-foot wingspan, carries a small sensor for surveillance operations. In October 2008, Raytheon ap-

proached Armand Chaput, a UT aerospace and mechanical engineering adjunct professor, to find a way to increase the time aloft for the aircraft. “UT-Austin and Raytheon have a lot to gain from working together,” said Ryan Hartman, Raytheon’s director of unmanned systems, in an e-mail. “UT students have the opportunity to work on real-world problems and gain insight into how companies like Raytheon operate.” Because of the short notice, Chaput informally selected four students in early February. The team began research in mid-February and will wrap up its work with a presentation for Raytheon later this month. “Students can learn a lot be-

cause they can work with small unmanned air systems in a small room,” Chaput said. “It’s a nicesized project for a university.” At weekly meetings, Chaput assigns a task to each member. Each individual uses different software programs to lay out the design of the plane. “We try to work together and communicate because we find it more difficult to work alone,” Stewart said. Because the team works with a company trade secret, Raytheon communicates back and forth with Chaput via encrypted e-mails. Aerospace engineering senior Charles Gilbreath helps with data acquisition and three-dimensional modeling for the research team.

“The military wants to do away with manned aircraft,” Gilbert said. “While surveillance is becoming increasingly unmanned with satellites, other areas will use unmanned aircraft in the future, too.” Raytheon is entering its Killer Bee design proposal in a competition sponsored by the U.S. Navy on May 19. “Regardless of the outcome, this technology will be used to develop a whole line of unmanned aircraft for Raytheon,” said Michael Nachshen, a Raytheon Missile Systems spokesman. Chaput said he hopes that through projects like one, aerospace engineering can offer something more for students than other engineering fields can.

The Daily Texan and Texas Student Media ish to salute the hard work and dedication of our press and mailroom staff throughout the years

The TSM press will shut down effective May 15, and printing will be outsourced to the Austin American-Statesman.

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Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

Andrew Rogers | Daily Texan Staff

Press operator Angie Lombrano watches over papers traveling on a conveyor belt as part of a machine that puts inserts, such as advertisements, into the newspapers before they are bundled for delivery.

PRINTING: In move to economize, modernize, some see a loss From page 1A

under a stream of light that flows in from the basement windows, spotlighting its ink-stained parts. But at about midnight every Sunday through Thursday, the unmarked knobs and giant spools, held together by tan steel, come alive as a giant roll of blank printing paper circulates from one end to the other. After only a few seconds, the flat paper emerges from the other end as a colorful, neatly folded edition of the next day’s paper. “I went in and saw it run. … I saw newspaper flying through the air and saw it doing its dance,” Finnegan said. “Watching the newspapers multiplying into the thousands and getting folded up and ready for the morning — it’s amazing. You can feel the process happening.” In October, Finnegan and thenManaging Editor Adrienne Lee heard of the Texas Student Media Board of Operating Trustees’ plan to sell the press. Finnegan said TSM Director Kathy Lawrence and clinical journalism professor Wanda Cash approached the two with the decision. A general downturn in advertising revenue and plans to remodel the William Randolph Hearst Building’s basement infrastructure led TSM — which also includes the Cactus Yearbook, KVRX, Texas Student Television and the Texas Travesty — to sell the press in March, Lawrence said. TSM Assistant Director Frank Serpas said he took labor and material costs into consideration and compared benefits with cost to determine that outsourcing would be absolutely necessary in about three years. Serpas estimates that by moving printing operations

to the Statesman, TSM will lose $13,100 of its $3 million budget in fiscal year 2009 but gain $30,944 by fiscal year 2012. No one has bid on the press, Lawrence said. “I was floored; it just came out of the blue,” Finnegan said. “It seemed very sudden and rushed and seemed like a final decision even before any students had talked about it.” Lawrence said that because TSM board meetings are open to the public, students could have learned of the decision early on. Cash, Finnegan and Lawrence then met with an agent who could put the press on the market. “There was literally no time to process the loss,” Finnegan said. That’s when Finnegan began receiving the complaints — dozens of e-mails and phone calls from and conversations with Texan staff and alumni who were concerned that selling the press would affect the paper’s integrity, as only a handful of other college newspapers, including Eastern Illinois and Purdue universities, can boast their own printing presses. Much of the outcry stemmed from the fact that the five TSM employees who run the printing press would lose their jobs. “I realized that this was not only an issue about upholding the Texan’s integrity and uniqueness, but it was a humanitarian issue as well,” Finnegan said. Arnold Wiggins, the Texan’s 55-year-old press foreman, and his team of four tend to the press for about six hours every night, ensuring that every part of the machine runs smoothly. Wiggins jumps into its rafters, barely turns one of the many unmarked knobs and jogs to the end of the press to grab a folded copy, checking for

Andrew Rogers | Daily Texan Staff

Press foreman Arnold Wiggins and Angie Lombrano look over negatives on a light table before they are made into plates that will be placed on the press to print an edition of the Texan. perfect color saturation and text alignment. Wiggins and his crew continue this process until about 3 a.m. when all 18,000 copies have been printed. Wiggins, who has worked at the Texan for five years, will begin his new job as a dayside crew operator at the Killeen Daily Herald in the fall. Some of the other pressmen have jobs or interviews lined up at other newspapers, but most have yet to find employment. “I’m just worried about them,” Wiggins said as he took a quick break Thursday night. “We all thought we’d be here for forever, but I guess the times are changing.”

A ‘fast-growing age’ “In all, the new revised version of The Daily Texan you now have in your hands is a sign of the times. And that sign is the fastgrowing age of computers.” This is Texan staffer Steven

Andrew Rogers | Daily Texan Staff

Pressman Jeremy Kempf, son of Angie Lombrano, who also works at the press, watches as Arnold Wiggins, left, loads paper into a machine that inserts advertisements into The Daily Texan.

Renfrow’s concluding paragraph in an article he published in 1973 about the adoption of the current press. The Texan has published on three machines since its inception in 1900, and each machine has ushered in eras of technological advancement. Art Rinn, who worked at the Texan from 1957 to 1993 as a printing press apprentice and, eventually, a production superintendent, was there the day the old hottype print was sold and the current letter-press machine was implemented. “I remember the first night we tried to put out a paper,” Rinn said. “Well we did put out a paper but it took us a long time … ’cause we didn’t have much experience. I don’t think we went to press until 7 a.m. that day.” Rinn said that while the hottype print was cheaper to operate than the letter-press machine the Texan used for the next 36 years because it required less manpower, production quality was lower. The new press offered more color capabilities and a much faster printing speed. Peter Franklin, the Texan’s current photo editor, says he is concerned about the quality of the Texan’s printing at the Statesman. Franklin sat in the Texan’s photo office and carefully inspected a copy of the Statesman to illustrate the differences between the two newspapers. Because the Texan’s press uses more ink, the paper’s headlines are a bolder black, and the color photos have more contrast and saturation, Franklin said. And because the Statesman prints on thinner paper, more wrinkles appear, he said as he traced his finger across the front page of Tuesday’s edition. “The photos printed on the Texan’s press represent what the photographer saw better … because the pictures look more real,” he said. Stephen Keller, the Texan’s in-

Andrew Rogers | Daily Texan Staff

With the press running behind him, Arnold Wiggins checks for printing press errors in the April 17 issue of The Daily Texan. coming managing editor for the summer and fall semesters, sees the sale as an opportunity for the Texan to further develop its online presence. “It’s a pretty scary time in the industry,” Keller said. “But I also see it as an opportunity for innovation and an opportunity to roll the dice.” As managing editor, Keller plans to increase the paper’s blogging and social networking efforts and publish more up-to-date information, such as breaking news, and video reports online.

The transition Computers and other high-tech equipment manage all four of the Statesman’s presses, which sit in a warehouse about 15 times the size of the Texan’s. The press that will publish the Texan is similar in make but about 22 times larger than the Texan’s press. Kit Yearty, the Statesman’s director of production, says printing the Texan will not alter the Statesman’s nightly schedule. In April, the press on average printed 165,000 copies of the Statesman every day, enough copies of The New York Times for Austin and San Antonio and many surrounding community newspapers. The Statesman’s press can publish about 35,000 copies of a newspaper in one hour, compared to the Texan’s 16,000, meaning the

Statesman can begin printing the Texan at 3 a.m. and still meet a 4 a.m. deadline. More stringent deadlines were imposed at the Texan this semester, and certain steps — such as viewing pages on negative film to check for errors before printing them onto metal plates — were phased out to prepare for the transition, Keller said. Yearty said the Statesman is willing to work with the Texan’s needs. If a Texan staffer finds a mistake, a phone call to the Statesman would stop the printing process and allow staffers to make changes, he said. “[The Texan’s] in the same boat that we are in,” Yearty said. “Our newsroom gets extra time sometimes. We work with them, and we’ll do the same with [the Texan].” Ronnie Hampton, the Statesman’s night pressroom supervisor, recently limited his caffeine intake to one cup of coffee a night. Hampton will soon field calls from Texan staffers if they need to make changes or foresee the need for an extended deadline. When asked if he was ready for those phone calls, Hampton smiled and inserted a quarter into a coffee machine that stands just outside the Statesman’s massive pressroom. “That just makes things exciting,” he said. “And we need a little excitement around here.”




UT strives to balance sex-based inequities despite tight budget By Mohini Madgavkar Daily Texan Staff Since the Gender Equity Task Force report was released three months ago, UT has found some success in addressing sex-based inequities, but progress remains limited. Though the final report was released in February, the initial findings have been public since October. The report found several imbalances in gender equity, including that tenured male professors make an average of $9,028 a year more than their female counterparts and that only 19 percent of full professors at UT are female. UT President William Powers committed to addressing the problem at a faculty council meeting in February. “What we can’t do, which is often endemic, is to say we can only pursue stuff like this when we get new money,� Powers said at the meeting. “Under these economic circumstances, we can make significant budget commitments to these projects.� Reforms have so far concentrated on promoting female faculty at UT — at least four female faculty members have been appointed to administrative positions. Government professor Gretchen Ritter, coauthor of the report, has been appointed vice provost and will help oversee gender-based reforms. Ritter said the University had also retained outside consultants to assist faculty spouses with finding careers in Austin — a move she said would help recruit female faculty members with families. Most of the report’s proposals — increasing pay equity, hiring and promoting more female faculty members, developing a comprehensive plan for gender reforms and mentoring and retaining female faculty members — have yet to be implemented. Executive Vice President and

Provost Steven Leslie said the University is committed to gender equity but that most reforms would take anywhere from months to a year to be realized. “This is a longer-term project,� Leslie said. “It is a process, and it will require funding to hire additional personnel to develop the system and to put it all in place.� Powers said some reforms, including budgetary and hiring changes, could take place immediately and would be worked into next year’s budget. The final budget will be released this summer after the Legislature finalizes its appropriations. Leslie said future reforms would depend on legislative funding and more detailed data on the state of gender inequity at UT. “We’re really waiting until we find out more from the legislative session in terms of what’s going to happen with state support to the campus,� Leslie said. “After we know that, then we’ll deal with some of the more near-term recommendations from the task force having to do with salary equities and compensation-related issues.� Vice Provost Judith Langlois is heading a project cataloging the state of gender inequity in each of UT’s academic units. Leslie said that without accurate data on the current state of gender inequity, reforms could not correct sexbased disparities completely. Some faculty members, however, are skeptical about the delay. “Six months have passed since the new report was released, and no specific plan has been proposed to address these discrepancies,� said molecular biology professor Jaquelin Dudley. “UT Austin’s response to gender inequity is to appoint a few women to administrative positions and to delay implementation of a policy that will enforce equal treatment of all male and female faculty.�

Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

Chavez memorialized

Elizabeth Moskowitz | Daily Texan Staff

City Councilman Raul Alvarez, far right, and other Austinites gathered at the Terrazas Branch of the Austin Public Library for the Cesar E. Chavez Memorial Project on Tuesday evening. The celebration commemorated a new public art installment titled “A Beacon of Hope.�

GUNS: Some believe testifying proves difficult for professors From page 1A “I know a lot of my employees have views on both sides of [concealed carry], but I don’t think any of them would feel they could just give their name and their opinion, because how do you differentiate from being a [state] employee?� Dahlstrom said. “If I just said, ‘I’m taking a personal hour, and right now I’m not the chief of police of the University,’ I just don’t think that would work because I’d still be quoted as Robert Dahlstrom, chief of police, UT-Austin.� Molecular biology graduate student John Woods said faculty, staff and even administrators

voiced their opposition to the legislation in private conversations with him but were reluctant to speak publicly on the issue. While University officials have not spoken publicly on the issue within the Legislature, UT System Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa expressed his opposition to concealed weapons on campus to the Austin AmericanStatesman on Tuesday. Associated Communication Studies professor Dana Cloud said the restriction on testifying within working hours does not inhibit faculty from voicing their opinions but could have a chilling effect on staff expression. “Faculty have flexible working

hours,� Cloud said. “We all work more than 40 hours a week, but those include nights and weekends. For staff this is a real issue. I’ve only been with staff members who did go to the Legislature, but they probably managed to take some personal leave time or unpaid time to do it.� Dana Duncan, a social work graduate student who said she opposes concealed carry on campus, said the lack of faculty and staff voice on the matter has made it difficult for the Legislature to truly understand the issue. “It’s difficult when we’re shouldering a lot of people’s voices,� Duncan said. “We’re having to speak for a lot of people who are

unable to speak for themselves.� Levinson said faculty and staff have stayed away from the Legislature simply because they don’t believe their opinions will be valued. “I also figured that the Legislature couldn’t care less what the anybody in the University of Texas community thinks,� Levinson said. “It’s like throwing the message into the ocean with regard to trying to persuade a legislator who supports this bill that it’s a lousy idea. Surely they’ve heard people say that already and they’re still pushing forward, and having one more faculty member speak against it isn’t going to change anything.�

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Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

Sports Editor: David R. Henry E-mail: sports@dailytexanonline.com Phone: (512) 232-2210 www.dailytexanonline.com


Eyes of Texas on Omaha

Texas sports over summer break

Classes may be out, but the Longhorns will still be in action in multiple sports. Here is the remaining schedule for Texas sports during the summer, including postseason play.

Baseball Event



vs. Alabama A&M (DH)

UFCU Disch-Falk Field

May 16

Big 12 championship

Oklahoma City, Okla. (AT&T Bricktown Ballpark)

May 20 - 24

NCAA regionals


May 29 - June 1

NCAA super regionals


June 5 - 8

College World Series

Omaha, Neb. (Omaha’s Johnny Rosenblatt Stadium)

June 13 - 24




vs. Chattanoga (NCAA regionals)

Tuscaloosa, Ala. (Alabama Softball Complex)

May 15 - 17

NCAA super regionals


May 21 - 24

College World Series

Oklahoma City, Okla. (ASA Hall of Fame Stadium)

May 28 - June 3




vs. Tennessee (NCAA Round of 16)

College Station (Mitchell Tennis Center)


NCAA quarterfinals, semis and championship

College Station (Mitchell Tennis Center)





NCAA regionals

University of Texas Golf Club


NCAA championship

Toledo, Ohio (Inverness Club)

May 26-30




NCAA championship

Owings Mills, Md. (Caves Valley Golf Club)

Tuesday-May 22


Men’s tennis

Men’s golf Jeffrey McWhorter | Daily Texan Staff

Texas pitcher Riley Boening celebrates with teammates after a victory over Oral Roberts on April 1. The Longhorns still have plenty of baseball to play this season but are feeling confident they can find themselves in the College World Series. Before they can make plans for Omaha, they first must finish the Big 12 tournament next weekend.

Big 12 tournament still to come, but World Series hopes high for Horns By Laken Litman Daily Texan Staff The Longhorns want nothing more than to win the College World Series. Though the team still has yet to play in the Big 12 championships, its dreams are set in Omaha, Neb. “Our season is just beginning,” said head coach Augie Garrido. After last weekend’s series win over No. 16 Texas A&M and No. 15 Oklahoma’s series loss to Oklahoma State, sixth-

next two games this weekend, and we gotta put on a good show in Oklahoma “We can make it to Omaha, without a doubt. City. But I feel if we can keep We probably have the best pitching staff improving on what we’ve in the country, and our hitting is coming built this season, we have a good shot at [the College around.” World Series].” — Travis Tucker, The Longhorns’ season has been filled with mostly ups and Texas second baseman only a few downs. They had an impressive 14-3 run to start off the year — the best starting ranked Texas (36-12-1, 17-9- Oklahoma City on May 20-24. record the team has held since 1 Big 12) has clinched the top “We gotta keep winning,” 2005, the year they won the spot in the conference heading said senior pitcher Austin into the Big 12 tournament in Wood. “We gotta win the BASEBALL continues on page 2B


Women’s golf Men’s & women’s track Event



Big 12 outdoor championships

Lubbock (Bob Fuller Sport Complex)


NCAA regionals

Norman, Okla. (John Jacobs Track & Field)

May 29-30

NCAA championship

Fayetteville, Ark. (John McDonnell Field)

June 10-13




NCAA regionals

Oak Ridge, Tenn. (Melton Hill Lake)


NCAA championship

Camden, N.J. (Cooper River)

May 29-31



Horns’ up-and-down season on line against Vols

Sara Young | Daily Texan Staff

Texas distance runner Larkin Geyer outruns a Baylor runner at this season’s Texas Relays.

Young Texas squad heading into Big 12 tourney with poise By Chris Tavarez Daily Texan Staff The end is in sight. The women’s track team only has a handful of meets left in its season, starting with the Big 12 outdoor championships, which begin tomorrow in Lubbock. With the final chapter of the 2009 season about to be written, head coach Beverly Kearney will remember one thing about this team. “Heart,” Kearney said. “If there’s one thing that I’ll think of, it’s the heart that my team has shown in spite of their inexperience, in spite of the challenges that they’ve faced. At the end, they’ve always shown a lot of heart, and they’ve run from their heart.” Coaching a team made up of 23 freshmen, inexperience was something Kearney had to deal with on a daily basis. Fortunately for Kearney, she has more than 20 years of coaching experience to counter all that youth. It was her experience that helped transform what was a group of wide-eyed freshmen entering their first Big 12 indoor meet into a team of

TRACK continues on page 3B

By Evan Knopp Daily Texan Staff Ranked No. 2 at the beginning of the season, Texas had high hopes heading into team competition. Despite going into Thursday’s round of 16 in the NCAA tournament against Tennessee ranked No. 12, the men’s tennis team’s optimism remains just as high. Due to their run to the national championship match last year, the Horns ranked behind only Ohio State to kick off this season and at the beginning of ITA rankings. The Horns then bulldozed through the first month of the season with a 7-0 record — including wins over No. 15 Texas A&M and No. 16 Florida State. One of the high points of the season was the thrashing they gave the Aggies in Houston on Feb. 6. Texas then ran into some trouble at the ITA Indoor Championships. After soundly defeating Michigan in the first round, the team ran into No. 9 Stanford, which handed the Horns their first loss of the season. Texas took the doubles point over the Cardinals, but only Ed Corrie and Josh Zavala managed to tally victories on

the singles side. Facing USC in a consolation match, Texas completely broke down. Ed Corrie again won his singles match, but the rest of the team was unable to get a win before USC put the decisive fourth point on the board. Kellen Damico started to struggle at the No. 2 spot, and the lineup juggling in the doubles competition didn’t work. “The last two matches showed us we have a lot of work to do,” said head coach Michael Center after the tournament. “We’ve got to get a lot better.” Texas then went into a stretch of relatively easy nonconference opponents where the score was never closer than 5-2. They carried this five-match winning streak into a face-off against top-ranked Virginia in Austin. Texas’ Olivier Sajous was on his game and was able to break serve and take his third set 6-3 to force the match to be decided by doubles play after Virginia jumped to an early lead. Head coach Michael Center would later say it was Sajous’ best match of the year, but Virginia would eventually squeak out a 9-7 win.

Jacqueline Gilles | Daily Texan Staff

Texas’ Jon Wiegand returns a ball against Texas A&M-Corpus Christi on April 9. Texas will face Tennessee on Thursday in the NCAA round of 16. The Horns then won their next three matches, including a trip to Oklahoma where they defeated both OU and Oklahoma State. The match against the Cowboys had to be relocated indoors, where the Horns

hadn’t performed well this season. This time around, the middle of the lineup, including Sajous once again, came through and pulled Texas to a

TENNIS continues on page 2B


Horns work on ‘managing the moment’ as they head to Tuscaloosa

Tamir Kalifa | Daily Texan Staff

Texas infielder Kelly Malone fields a ground ball and throws to first baseman Desiree Williams against Iowa State on April 6.

By Lena Price Daily Texan Staff Clustered around a TV inside an office at Red and Charline McCombs Field, Texas watched on Sunday night as ESPNU announced the names of the 64 teams that will compete in the NCAA tournament. When Texas’ name appeared on the screen, the team was a little surprised to see where it ended up. “Everybody was fired up to know where we’re going and who we’re playing, even though we were kind of expecting to host,” said junior designated player Loryn Johnson. The No. 2 seeded Longhorns (38-18) will head to Tuscaloosa, Ala., and take on the Chattanooga (30-22) in the first round of regionals. Texas is one of four teams to compete in the double-elimi-

nation-style Tuscaloosa Regional. Head coach Connie Clark said that at this point in the postseason, it will be good to compete against fresh teams. “We’re just excited to not see another conference team this weekend,” Clark said. “They know us really well. I feel good about us doing our homework, and we got some good scouting information together on the three teams that we may see this weekend.” The team lost to conference rival Oklahoma in the semifinal round of the Big 12 tournament last weekend, but Johnson said the score didn’t reflect how the team played. “It’s a new season for everybody,” Johnson said. “Who’s hot right now

SOFTBALL continues on page 3B





Inaugural Big 12 champs headed to NCAA tourney

By Austin Ries Daily Texan Staff Bathed in an illustrious glow of burnt orange and silhouetted against the half-lit spring sky, the Tower summed up the Texas Rowing team’s season so far as the team posed for pictures and celebrated the first-ever rowing Big 12 championship. Now it just needs the success to continue. The Horns began the spring season with the eighth annual Fighting Nutria head race against Texas Crew and the Austin Rowing Club. On a cold Valentine’s Day, Texas excelled in the Nutria, taking first and second place and reclaiming the beloved trophy. The Longhorns then competed in the Heart of Texas Regatta at Lady Bird Lake in Austin, where they grabbed five first-place finishes in the open-8, novice-8, open-2, open-4 and novice-4. “This is a great group of girls,� said head coach Carie Graves. “There is spirit, there is camaraderie and there is working together. They just get it.� The Horns stayed in Austin over spring break and competed in the Longhorn Invitational against teams from Iowa, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Kansas State, Central Florida and Duke. Texas finished the three-day race with four victories in preparation for its first Big 12 matchup against Kansas. At Kansas, Texas finished with four victories out of the six races on the Kansas River, where Graves felt the team really showed how much speed it really had. The Horns participated in some mid-season excitement when they christened their varsity-eight-person rowing boat, naming it the Jody Conradt in honor of the for-

mer women’s basketball coach’s dedication to women’s athletics, especially her actions as athletic director in 1997, when she added rowing as an official varsity sport. “She has been an amazing role model for so many, not just in Texas but across the country,� Graves said. “She was an easy choice.�

“This is a great group of girls. There is spirit, there is camaraderie, and there is working together. They just get it.� — Carie Graves, Texas head coach Unfortunately, the excitement of the ceremony did not follow Texas to the Lake Natoma Invitational in Sacramento, Calif., where they ended with a secondplace finish in the third group of the race. Though disappointing, it was soon forgotten after Texas defeated Kansas, Kansas State and Oklahoma for the inaugural Big 12 championship after winning the Big 12 invitational seven years in a row. This Saturday and Sunday, Texas will travel to Oak Ridge, Tenn., for the NCAA South/Central Regionals, where they will compete for a chance to travel to Camden, N.J., for the NCAA rowing national championships in two weeks. “They have to own it and hopefully row at a level where they leave nothing untouched and no place in their mind unexamined,� Graves said.

Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

BASEBALL: Rice losses sparked droughts From page 1B College World Series. It wasn’t until the season’s first matchup with Rice that things started to take a turn for what then seemed to be the downfall. Following the Rice loss, the Longhorns were swept by Kansas in Lawrence, Kan., and endured a four-game losing streak. But because the team’s attitude has done a complete 180 from its past four seasons, Texas has hopped back into the driver’s seat. Between the first and second Rice matchups, there was a lot of buzz about the Longhorns’ pitching staff. A force to be reckoned with, the Texas bullpen has found its place among the best in the nation, currently boasting the lowest ERA in the country with 2.66. “We can make it to Omaha, without a doubt,� said second baseman Travis Tucker. “We probably have the best pitching staff in the country, and our hitting is coming around. We’re going to be a tough team to beat.� After the second game against Rice, the Horns faced a situation similar to the first time the teams met. Texas lost to Rice and then proceeded to lose its conference series against a different Kansas team: Kansas State. Since falling to the Wildcats, the Horns have only lost one game — last weekend against the Aggies. Now the Longhorns are holding their heads high and have all the confidence in the world that they have become the team to beat in the postseason. “I think we put ourselves in the best position we can be in at this time, despite what happened against Kansas State and Kansas,� Garrido said. “I feel like we’re in a pretty good position to be in the top eight [nationally] and to get a regional, and I think we’ve got a real good shot at the cham-

Maxx Scholten | Daily Texan Staff

Texas infielder Brandon Loy catches a ball late to miss a Kansas State runner during an April weekend series. pionship. All in all, the team has gotten better as the year has gone on, and it was again pitching and defense. That’s how we started it and that’s how we ended it.� Even after playing 49 games, the Longhorns’ season is far

Charlie Moczygemba “Love Doctor,� Jared Barker “Silent Thunder,� Derek Diaz Deleon “Phat Diaz� and Chelsea Anaya “LA It Girl� will be moving on to the real world. From Chelsea’s competitiveness to Derek’s DJing, the office will never be the same. Charlie, you taught us not only how to pick up clients, but to pick up chicks (and guys). Jared, we never knew what you were doing over there, but your quotas showed the truth. To all of you, your influence spread far beyond the office. You will be greatly missed and difficult to replace.

from over. If all goes according to plan, the season could last up until the championship game of the College World Series, which would be in the last week of June. “We just have to keep on working hard, and I’ll keep

on showing the guys that hard work does pay off, and the determination that we have to win and go as far as we can is there,� Tucker said. “We just need to keep it going and not get discouraged. Anything can happen.�

TENNIS: Loss to Baylor low point

for Longhorns in long season From page 1B 5-2 victory. Up next for Texas was a match against hated rival, seventh-ranked Baylor. Home court didn’t prove to be much of an advantage for Texas as Baylor’s fans got louder and louder throughout the night with each Bear’s victory. While the 7-0 stomping of A&M might have been one of the high points of the season for Texas, the 6-1 defeat at the hands of Baylor on April 2 was definitely the low point. The only victory came from Damico, who turned his season around to play top-notch tennis once again. “Losing to Baylor is the worst thing you can do as a Texas tennis team,� said Damico while the Baylor team celebrated only 20 feet away. Less than a month later, Texas would get a rematch against the Bears in the Big 12 championship. Baylor again took the doubles point from Texas to take the early lead, but the Longhorns didn’t roll over when it came to singles play. Damico continued his winning streak by taking down Dominik Mueller 6-2, 6-1 to tie the score at one. Baylor then gained quick victories at third and fourth singles to go up 3-1 and put the Horns on the brink of defeat. Kutrovsky

came up big in his No. 1 singles match, winning his second-set tiebreaker 7-1 and beating a top 20 player in Denes Lukacs. Next up was Kane-West who tied up the match 3-3 with outstanding play after losing the first set. Tied 3-3, the only match left on the court belonged to Corrie, who had won five games in row to come back from being down 5-2 in the first set. Now, holding a 4-2 lead in the third set, the championship was only a few held serves away. Baylor’s Jordan Rux quickly put an end to that hope by breaking Corrie’s serve and holding his own to tie it up 4-4. Rux then broke Corrie’s serve once again to go up 5-4 and then won the match on a ball that clipped the net and fell to the ground — an unlucky finish to a hard-fought match. Center and the team may have been disappointed, but they knew they were in a good position to make noise at the upcoming NCAA championships. “We made some big strides as a team,� Center said. “We’re definitely playing our best tennis.� Currently, No. 12 Longhorns are sitting in the round of 16 of the NCAA championships after easily defeating Sacred Heard and Washington in the first two rounds 4-0. They face No. 5 Tennessee on Thursday at 9 a.m. in College Station.

NCAA Men’s Tennis Championship Mitchell Tennis Center — College Station

Round of 16 May 14 1



Florida St.













Quarterfinals May 16

Semifinal May 18

Championship May 19




Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

SOFTBALL: Tresselt, Schroeder adding support from bullpen From page 1B will win. I think the sparks are back for us, and that’s exciting.� The team has been hot and cold throughout the season, but ended on a freezing note with a nationally televised loss to Texas A&M. To come back and make progress in regionals, Clark said the team has to focus on “managing the moment.� “It’s amazing how easy that sounds to do,� she said. “But when you want to do things well, you tend to think three pitches ahead or two behind. If we take it pitch by pitch and if we’re aggressive, good things will happen with this ball club.�

It’s not just the batters who have to take things pitch-bypitch. Because the team could potentially play five games in three days, all three of Texas’ pitchers will probably be utilized over the weekend. “No doubt Barnhill is leading the way,� Clark said. “But we were able to get [juniors] Erin [Tresselt] and Torrey [Schroeder] some work and hone in on what they need to bring to the table in postseason.� Clark said the team can’t plan on traveling to super regionals next weekend because it needs to stay entirely focused on Chattanooga. “We’re as ready as we can be right now,� Clark said.

NCAA softball tournament— Tuscaloosa Regional Alabama Softball Complex — Tuscaloosa, Ala. GAME 1

Friday 3:30 p.m.

Texas Chattanooga GAME 6


Saturday 1:30 p.m.

Sunday 1:30 p.m.

Winner game 3 Winner game 5

Winner game 1 Winner game 2



Friday 3:30 p.m.

Saturday 6:30 p.m.

Mississippi Valley

Loser game 3


Winner game 4 GAME 4

Saturday 4 p.m.

A Texas runner clears a hurdle during the Texas Twilight meet on April 19.

GAME 7 (if necessary) Sunday 4 p.m.

Loser game 1

Winner game 6

Loser game 2

Loser game 6

Jacqueline Gilles | Daily Texan Staff

Texas outfielder Tallie Thrasher stands on base during an April 30 doubleheader against UTSA. Thrasher and the Longhorns will travel to Tuscaloosa, Ala., this weekend

TRACK: Texas still behind

Hooker despite struggles From page 1B

Paul Chouy Daily Texan Staff

battle-tested veterans that are entering this weekend’s Big 12 meet with their eyes on the prize — not the elite competition. “[They are] a lot more confident in what they can do, as opposed to worrying about the statistics of everybody that they face,� Kearney said. “They’re more focused. They have a focused stare as opposed to a wide-eyed stare.� With that focus, Kearney is expecting a much better performance in Lubbock, as opposed to the disappointing fifth-place finish the team saw in College Station at the Big 12 indoor meet. “They’re ready for the challenge,� she said. “They’re still young — you never know what’s gonna happen, but they’re more prepared for the challenges than they were [for the] indoor [meet].� Kearney said she hopes that preparedness will mean a Big 12 title. But when it comes to a NCAA championship, Kearney will need help from more than just her freshmen — she’ll need two-time NCAA outdoor champion Destinee Hooker to return to her winning ways. After winning two outdoor gold medals in her freshman and

sophomore seasons, Hooker took last year off to train with the U.S. volleyball team. She came back to the track with a strong performance, winning the NCAA indoor title for the first time in her career.

“They’re more focused. They have a focused stare as opposed to a wide-eyed stare.� — Beverly Kearny, Texas head coach But since then, Hooker has been on a downhill slide. While she still has the top jump in the nation, at the Drake Relays, the last meet she competed in, she failed to clear opening height, and all season she hasn’t been able to clear 6 feet 4 inches. Despite this trend, Kearney has faith that the nation’s best high jumper will still prevail. “Destinee’s a great competitor,� Kearney said. “If she makes a mistake, she isn’t gonna make the same mistake twice.�

SPORTS BRIEFLY Woman indicted for trying to extort Louisville’s Pitino LOUISVILLE, Ky. — The estranged wife of a longtime aide to Rick Pitino was indicted Tuesday on federal charges of trying to extort money from the Louisville men’s basketball coach and lying to the FBI. Karen Cunagin Sypher, 49, faces a combined maximum penalty of seven years in prison and a $500,000 fine if convicted of the two charges, federal authorities said. Sypher is the estranged wife of Louisville equipment manager Tim Sypher. Karen Sypher’s attorney, Thomas Clay, said she would plead not guilty during her arraignment Wednesday. The case became public last month when Pitino released a statement saying someone had tried to extort him. Pitino said he reported it to the FBI, and Karen Sypher surrendered to authorities a few days later when she was named in a criminal complaint. The complaint said Tim Sypher brought Pitino a written list of demands from his wife, including college tuition for her children, two cars, her house paid off and $3,000 per month. The demands later escalated to $10 million instead. Authorities have not said what sort of information Karen Sypher might have been trying to use to extort Pitino. — The Associated Press




Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

a season at the ballpark photos by

Jeffrey McWhorter The Texan highlights a few of its favorite pictures from the season

Sophomore pitcher Stayton Thomas warms up in foul territory during a Texas State pitching change on April 28. Thomas pitched five solid relief innings, holding the Bobcats to two runs.

Bradley Benton, 5, reacts to a play during an April 14 game against Texas A&M-Corpus Christi.

Above, Sophomore infielder Travis Tucker slides into home as the umpire calls him safe during a March 1 game against Penn State. The Horns defeated the Nittany Lions, riding Brandon Workman’s no-hit effort. Right, Freshman infielder Jordan Etier takes flight to avoid a ground ball during the Longhorns’ 12-2 victory over Texas State on April 28. The Horns’ 12 runs were a single-game season high.

Texas Student Media has temporarily moved across Guadalupe St. to

Walter Webb Hall - 2nd Floor Call 512-471-1865 405 W.25th


Shows to see to not miss out this summer BU 4UVCC T +VOF UP 4QPPO isn’t playing just for drink tickets anymore. Tickets for any of the Stubb’s dates cost around /PU UP TBZ UIFZ SF OPU XPSUI it (they are), but don’t you wish you had known about Spoon CBDL JO We can’t go back in time, but we can keep the problem from happening again. This summer, instead of mulling around in the neighborhoods you know best, try venturing downtown or over on the East Side for some cheap live music from bands that are

By Mary Lingwall Daily Texan Staff A decade ago, Spoon was just another indie Austin band — playing shows for the drink tickets, giving albums to fans for next to nothing and, most importantly, tirelessly working to master its unique sound. Now, Spoon is a nationally known act recognized in entertainment news sources such as Pitchfork and SPIN magazine, feature films and at the tops of Billboard charts. Making a triumphant return to Austin this summer for three dates

doing original work. I know the dilemma — choosing to go to a show on a Friday night instead of a party where you know you’re going to have fun can be a pretty tough choice. Too often, bands can be hit or miss, and sometimes they are just plain bad. No one wants to spend two hours listening to bad music, so here’s a little preview of Austin music to catch this summer. Take a peek at of some of the best little bands in Austin while you can, because they just might be the next Spoon.




Since The Austin Chronicle crowned it the “Best New #BOEu JO +BOVBSZ .BNNPUI Grinder has gained recognition throughout Texas as the best new act in metal music. Defined by shredding guitars and vocals that sound like battling demons in the underworld, Mammoth Grinder takes the classic ingredients of hardcore and makes music that can instantly be recognized as its own.

“Smart is the new gangster,� according to Austin rapper/ singer Zeale’s MySpace page. And Zeale’s music proves his mantra — he fashions new music that brings listeners in by featuring familiar aesthetic choices. But upon closer inspection, it becomes obvious that what Zeale is doing is also full of new and surprising combinations.

Austin’s No Mas Bodas is experimental in the most extreme sense of the word. This trio combines electronic beats and buzzes with haunting female vocals, orchestral wind instruments, a violin, cello, saxophone and the darling twinklings of a xylophone. If the ladies of No Mas Bodas manage to not freak you out first, they will enchant you with their gothic eeriness and anachronistic musical combinations.

Recommended show: r +VOF BU -VDLZ -PVOHF ;FBMF

Recommended show: r +VOF BU 3FE .BNNPUI Grinder

Folk and minimalist rock

The majority of indie music resides in this genre, so the deluge of information can often make it particularly difficult to choose which bands to see. But the recent releases from Literature, Wine and Revolution and The Sour Notes set them apart from the masses. Literature embellishes pop tunes with lo-fi, garage-rock qualities, while The Sour Notes create full-bodied pop with the craftsmanship of folk music and the catchiness of The Beatles’ “A Hard Day’s Night� era. Wine and Revolution’s take on the pop sound is a little different. By incorporating aesthetics from rockabilly and post-punk music, the band’s pop offerings have sturdy backbeats and vocal variation that can keep your attention piqued and your feet moving.

Whether it’s due to our city’s laid-back hippy credo or the plethora of organic-foodserving establishments, Austin is an underground haven for folk rockers, and I am very thankful.“Folk rockers� is a strange term, but if you listen to local band Brazos for even a minute, you’ll understand exactly what I’m saying. Acoustic guitars, wailing vocals and electric guitar vibration or Radiohead-like keyboard detailing — these are the facets that embellish Austin folk. Other notable Austin folk groups include Some Say Leland, the Sea Legs, Sunset and TV Torso (only because TV Torso, with its folk-inspired music made with electronic devices, can’t really fit into any genre).

Recommended shows: r +VOF BU &NP T 4VOTFU XJUI Wild Moccasins and The Sour Notes r +VOF BU #FBVUZ #BS 8JOF and Revolution with Yellow Fever, Screaming Females and Follow that Bird!



planning, travel can come cheap From page 8B will give you something worthwhile to do while not in school, and it will look good on your resume in the future. And unlike paid jobs, which can be hard to snag, worthy causes are always seeking volunteers. If you don’t know where to begin, look through the postings under Volunteer Opportunities at idealist.org. A simple search for opportunities in Austin yielded 84 results. Travel wisely. If you’re traveling this summer, careful planning can make a big difference in cost. If traveling abroad, exchange your currency at a bank in the U.S. for the best rate. If applicable, try to pack snacks and even meals in advance so you don’t get stuck dishing out all your cash at overpriced tourist-trap restaurants. Above all, do your research. The New York Times’ Frugal Traveler blog at frugaltraveler.blogs.nytimes.com “uncovers affordable hotels, cheap eats and other budget tips� for locations from Portland to Paris.


Recommended shows: r 'SJEBZ BU .PIBXL -PYTMZ &1 Release Party with Oh No Oh My, TV Torso (ex-Sound Team), The Corto Maltese, Booher and the Turkeyz r +VOF BU 4UVCC T *OTJEF 5IF Blue Hit with Some Say Leland




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Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

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DT WEEKEND EVERY THURSDAY to get all your weekly Austin entertainment news.




2 4 9

Yesterday’s solution


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1 8 2 5 7 2 6 8 3 4 5 2 6 8 7 3 1 2 6 7 8 6 7 4 9 7 5

8 2 6 5 9 3 7 4 1

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2 8 3 9 6 7 1 5 4

4 9 5 3 2 1 8 6 7

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6 3 9 2 7 5 4 1 8

The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Release Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 Venetian who explored for England in the 15th century 6 Paints gently 10 Mattress filler during a recession, maybe 14 Last Oldsmobile car 15 Palindromic magazine name 16 “A pity� 17 Tailless Old World mammal 18 Land of the descendants of 67-Across 19 “Step right up!� 20 An Olympic swimmer needs a big one 23 50+ org. 24 Royal family 28 Less than 1% 31 It may be over a window 35 Tricks 37 Not so common 38 The Greatest

39 Son of, in Arab names 40 Akihito’s wife, e.g. 42 Rebelling Turner 43 ___ pooped to pop 44 Shire of “Rocky� 45 Treaty signing 47 Sound practical judgment 50 After 2004, the only way to buy a 14-Across 51 Slander 52 Modern way to put out an album 54 Fateful event for the Titanic 61 Diamond group 64 Runner in Pamplona 65 Like spoken n’s 66 It turns a hundred into a thousand 67 Jacob’s twin 68 Makes like the Cheshire Cat














69 Element that can precede the starts of 20-, 31, 47- and 54Across 70 Where the crew chows down 71 “Poor Richard’s Almanack� bit Down 1 Give a ring 2 Baseball’s Felipe or Jesus 3 Capital of Switzerland 4 Art form that commonly depicts a swan 5 Puccini opera 6 Group with the 1968 hit “Hush� 7 2006 Emmy winner for “The West Wing� 8 Congressional Black Caucus, e.g. 9 Rest stop sight 10 Echo location 11 Stout, e.g. 12 “Harlem Nocturne� instrument 13 1940s-’50s White House inits. 21 Part of a circle 22 Common companion of a dry throat 25 Astronomical discovery of 1781 26 Grief relief 27 Ready to be typeset 28 Paul Revere and others 29 Big bang 30 Turn a deaf ear to









No. 0408 9














31 36
















42 45


















46 50












Puzzle by Joey Weissbrot

32 ___ to go 33 Spying against one’s own country, say 34 He ran to succeed 13Down: Abbr. 36 Et ___ 41 More, on Mallorca 46 Author Kipling

48 Biblical strongman 49 Part of S.A.S.E.: Abbr. 53 Line dance 55 Hot pair 56 A teaspoonful, maybe 57 Reconstruction and the Roaring Twenties

58 Indian’s home 59 Club familiars 60 End of a warning 61 Gun produced by Israel Military Industries 62 La MÊditerranÊe, e.g. 63 Whiz

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Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra




Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

IN STORES THIS SUMMER During the semester it’s easy to lose track of what’s going on in the music world. Now that summer’s started, it’s time to stop slacking. Over the next few weeks, keep your eyes peeled for these upcoming releases we think look interesting.

Franz Ferdinand Blood — Tonight remix (June 1)

Iggy Pop Preliminaries (May 19) Iggy Pop is a punk god, known for selfmutilating on stage and inspiring decades of rock ‘n’ rollers. Preliminaires is supposedly a French jazz album inspired by Louis Armstrong, Jelly Roll Morton and a French novel called “La Possibilite d’une ile.� I don’t think many people really know what to expect, but if the first single “King of the Dogs� is any indicator, it’s going to be awesome. This is definitely one to look out for. — JM

Franz Ferdinand is a Scottish indie-rock band named after the Austrian archduke whose assassination started World War I in 1914. The band is most famous for its ubiquitous 2004 hit “Take Me Out� and dozens of songs in TV ads. Tonight, Franz Ferdinand’s third full-length album, was released on Jan. 26. Now the band is reissuing the album with Blood, a bonus disc featuring Dub versions of nine of the tracks on Tonight. Dub is a mostly instrumental subgenre of reggae featuring slow, steady beats and a prominent use of echo, reverb and other studio effects. Will the two mix effectively? It has yet to be determined, but I’m skeptical. — John Meller

B BOOKS: Company has expanded services

Spring 200

From page 8B by taking the spring off, devoting all his time to the company. “Right now, with buybacks, I’m spending about 18 hours a day with the company,� North said. “Over the past two weeks, I’ve been working at least 14 hours a day, every day. When we get an order we oftentimes have to price books we don’t have in the system. It becomes time-consuming. I would not have made it through school this semester.� Sensing a need for a larger staff,

North and his business partners Brad North and Jaclyn Mazar decided to hire students to help with book pick-up and promotion. The entire operation runs with just seven people out of a nondescript office off North Lamar. “We don’t have a storefront, and that could be seen as a weakness,� Scott North said. “I like to think that we move along with all the student packs. We try to get into people’s everyday lives. We understand where students are coming from and that even going to the bookstore can be a hassle.

Since our company comes to you, we’re able to advertise the exact same way: door-to-door.� In addition to delivering textbooks to customers’ doorsteps, the company also offer the option of renting textbooks for the entire year. For $339, a student can rent textbooks up to $1,000 in value and return them at the end of each semester. “Every now and then we’ll get an ecstatic customer,� North said. “I know I saved them money and made it easier for them to get what they needed for their classes.�

HUMP: Underwater sex a break from the heat From page 8B infection and should seriously consider getting tested. Taking a hiatus from the creature comforts of city life this summer? Well, there’s one comfort you can’t leave without: Plan B. If you’re going away on a trip somewhere where a pharmacy will be hard to find and your sexual plans are up in the air, it’s best to take some with you. Under-the-sea adventures call for silicone lube. Let’s face it — it’s going to be hot and humid until October, so we might as well figure out a sure-fire way to get raunchy

2 3

without having to get overheated. Solution: underwater sex. Ironically, when engaging in underwater naughtiness, it’s a lot easier to lose vaginal wetness, and sex can get a bit uncomfortable due to a drying effect of water on your intimate areas. Using silicone-based lubes keeps everything slick. Waterbased lubes (including spit) will get lost in whatever body of water you’re polluting with your partner. Silicone lube is compatible with latex and polyurethane condoms and is safe to use for any form of penetrative sex. Do what you want. Now that you’ve got health and safety issues


in order, you can concentrate on something a little more fun. Take into consideration everything summer really means, including being free from strenuous responsibilities and sometimes being carried away from your typical peer group (studying abroad, for example). Imagine the possibilities. Perhaps you’ve been questioning your orientation, or maybe you really want to try a threesome. Maybe you want to be single and just see what comes along this summer. When an opportunity arises that you would be normally are too responsible or self-conscious to cash in on, maybe this time you should capitalize on it.

BUZZ: Band has enjoyed revisiting old tunes From page 8B

Iron and Wine Around the Well (May 19)

Patrick Wolf The Bachelor (June 2) Patrick Wolf’s upcoming release, The Bachelor, takes a drastic turn after his borderlinemanic 2007 release, The Magic Position. The Bachelor was originally part of a two-disk release, Battle, but because of a positive shift in his worldview mid-creation, the second disk, The Conqueror, is set to release in 2010, as to not overload the listener with contrasting emotions. Wolf’s deep growl is fitting for the grave tone the album takes with sorrowful string instruments and heavy piano accompaniment. The title track begins with English folk musician Eliza Carthy playing a fiddle solo that erupts into a mash of shouts and piano. Carthy’s smoky voice complements Wolf’s startling vocal capabilities on their cynical duet about a poor bachelor who will never marry. The album is not without a few of Wolf’s characteristic melodramatic songs that sound as if they were straight off Broadway. “The Sun Is Often Outâ€? begins with Wolf singing soprano over a powerful mix of string instruments. Wolf ends the mournful song asking, “Is your work of art so heavy that it can not let you live?â€? after chanting with a chorus the few verses. With that said, Wolf’s impeccable talents and versatility cannot be ignored. The end track, “The Messenger,â€? takes a surprising turn for the positive, perhaps foreshadowing The Conqueror, as he ends the album singing, “I won’t fear what tomorrow may take ‌ let only the love lead the way and start my traveling now.â€? — AG

Iron and Wine singer Samuel Beam’s full beard may reveal maturity of years but certainly not his development as a musician. The band’s upcoming release, Around the Well, is a two-disk compilation of previously unreleased tracks. Full of banjos, guitar and Bean’s soothing voice, listening to each song feels like listening to the same track on a loop. The beginning guitar strum of the popularized cover of Postal Service’s “Such Great Heights� is repeated in Around the Well tracks “Sacred Vision� and “Homeward These Shoes� almost exactly. From the repetitive guitar riff to the way Beam coos his nature-inspired lyrics, the second track, “Morning,� recalls “Love and Some Versus� from 2004’s Our Endless Summer Days. Fortunately, the album gets more interesting near the end of the second disk. The last six songs on the album are by far the most compelling, with more depth than just the plucking of a banjo. “Serpent Charmer� has the hypnotic cultural sound the title evokes. A handheld drum beats while a sitar-like instrument sighs under Bean’s chanting. The second to last track, “Arms Of A Thief,� begins with a guitar riff that sounds as if it were being played on a warped record. Despite this glimmer of hope, the album regresses back to its redundancy in the end track, “The Trapeze Swinger.� As a whole, Around the Well, though pleasant to listen to, is nothing new. Listeners are better off reminiscing with one of the band’s older albums, when their music seemed somewhat original. — Amber Genuske

time. The problem is that I don’t spend a whole lot of time listening to my own records, believe it or not, so I’m not a real good judge of those sorts of things. DT: Lots of bands are revisiting their old, classic records live, especially with the popularity of the All Tomorrow’s Parties festivals. What do you make of this?

BO: It was fun for us, and I’d imagine it was, and is, fun for those bands as well. As a fan I would dig it, although I’ve never actually witnessed a band do this. Maybe I should go to more live shows? DT: Do you have any advice for bands who want stay together for 25 years? BO: Staying off of heroin is always good advice, and being strung out on anything is rare-

ly a career move. Try to make interesting music. Don’t screw your bandmates’ wives or girlfriends. Don’t screw your bandmates. Don’t forget to play a lot live. Remain constant. Don’t take long breaks and try to have a “plan.� And most importantly of all ... be nice to your mom, because as a musician you never know when you will have to move back in with her.

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amp ’09






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Spring 2009 — Exam Week Extra

Life&Arts Editor: Ana McKenzie E-mail: lifeandarts@dailytexanonline.com Phone: (512) 232-2209 www.dailytexanonline.com


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Textbook bargains just a phone call away


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Mary Li


School’s out, but safe sex should never go on hiatus Sleeping ‘til the crack of 2 p.m., lounging poolside without a care in the world and completely losing your mind (and your dignity) from when the sun goes down until the wee hours of the morning: This is what college summers are for. But amid your enjoyment of the next few months, there are a few points you may want to take into serious consideration before you mentally check out. Despite rampant moral and intellectual irresponsibility, stay sexually responsible this summer. Below is a list of things to take into consideration before you embark on a wet, hot summer. You can’t see chlamydia, and oftentimes you can’t feel it, either. Chlamydia infections are often asymptomatic, which means that without proper testing people could go a very long time without figuring out from symptoms alone that they’ve contracted it. Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted infection among UT students. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that only about 9.2 percent of college students have chlamydia, the numbers are probably much higher. It’s nearly impossible to gather accurate information because of the lack of voluntary testing on the part of college students. Many students do not perceive their risk for chlamydia, but anyone who has participated in any oral or vaginal sex is at risk for an


Bryant Haertlein | Daily Texan Staff

West Campus Books employee Jared Apilado leaves a student’s apartment on West 26th Street after completing a textbook buyback transaction on Tuesday evening. It was Apilado’s first day following a scheduled route of textbook pickups for the company, founded by fellow UT student Scott North.

West Campus Books, headed by UT senior, offers alternative to University Co-op prices By Emily Macrander Daily Texan Staff Around 4 p.m., electrical engineering sophomore Will Jones’ phone rings. West Campus Books co-owner and engineering senior Scott North is calling to tell him that his textbooks are going to be picked up in 15 minutes. Jones waits, studying for his exams in his West Campus apartment until the doorbell rings. North takes Jones’ stack

of textbooks, gives him cash and leaves. “It was so convenient,� Jones said. “I didn’t have to do anything but wait.� West Campus Books opened its doors in last summer and began selling textbooks to students last fall, with a goal of serving the entire University community and delivering to most neighborhoods in the surrounding areas. “It started off really simple,�

North said. “I saw students overpaying for their books — books that I knew were worth less than what they were spending. They were buying them from what they saw as the only option out there, the University Co-op.� North offered students an alternative: If they would provide their class schedules, he would hunt out the best price on the Internet, buy the books and sell them at a cost in be-

tween the online price and the bookstore’s price. His mother, Beth North, created the Web site for the company. Initially, North’s customers were mostly just friends. However, business quickly picked up after he began posting fliers around different apartment complexes and student organizations. Suddenly, North’s pet project had developed into an entrepreneurial pursuit. Additional-

ly, he began offering students the option of selling back textbooks to the company, which picks them up from apartments around the campus area. “It was definitely overwhelming,� North said. Trying to balance school and managing a growing business quickly became too time-consuming. North decided to delay graduation by a semester

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3 tips for living frugally over the summer By Mia Avramescu Daily Texan Staff Summer is traditionally a time of decadence. Without the constraints of classes and school-year responsibilities, it’s easy to lose all sense of structure and self-discipline.

But 100 days of fast food and glasses and short shorts and head margaritas will burn through to Barton Springs, consider these whatever money you saved with- three tips for a frugal summer: out you even realizing it, especialGet a job. This seems obly if you add in factors like vacavious. But even if you’re tions and summer joblessness. not in a position in which So before you don your sunyou need to make money, getting a job can help you avoid falling into a downward spiral of frivolous spending and debauchery, simply by giving you something to do. It may be too late to apply for a dream internship or a high-paying, career-track job, but there are still opportunities to add structure to your summer and money to your bank account. Start your search at UT’s Office of Student Financial



Service’s job bank at www.hirealong horn.org. If you don’t find what you’re looking for there, you can turn to the old job-search standby, craigslist (www.craigslist.org). Craigslist is especially helpful if you’re looking for babysitting jobs, but you have to know where to look; parents seeking summer sitters seem to be unable to agree on what section of craigslist their posts should fall under. Look in “child care,� “education� and “gigs� to start. Volunteer. Though it won’t put any money in your pockets, a steady volunteering schedule


PRUDENT continues on page 5B





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Photo courtesy of The Melvins

The Melvins of Aberdeen, Wash., bring their “Silver Anniversary� tour to Emo’s on May 20.

Latest tour marks Melvins’ 25th year jammin’ together By Andy O’Connor Daily Texan Staff When you’ve been around as long as The Melvins of Aberdeen, Wash., how do you celebrate? By not only playing your breakout album Houdini live in its entirety, but also bringing back your old drummer, Mike Dillard, for jamming songs from your formative years. In the band’s tour dubbed “Silver Anniversary,� The Melvins will bring the concert series to Emo’s on May 20. The Melvins’ Sideshow Bob-coiffed guitarist and singer Buzz Osbourne spoke with The Daily Texan about bringing Dillard back, tips on longevity and the Creed reunion, er, I mean “rebirth.� Daily Texan: What was the inspiration for playing Houdini in its entirety? Buzz Osbourne: Well, the All Tomorrow’s Parties (a concert agency based out of the U..K, specializing in indie music) people wanted us to play it for their “Don’t Look Back� series, and we agreed to it. I don’t know what record I would have picked for us to do if it would have been

up to me. At the time we didn’t have a bass player, and we were yet to play with the Big Business guys, so we asked my old buddy from Fantomas, Trevor Dunn, if he would do it, and he agreed. This time, around the Big Business guys are on their own tour, and we asked Trevor if he would fill in yet again. ‌ And he agreed ‌ again. DT: How did you get Mike Dillard back into the fold? BO: A few years ago we put out a record called Mangled Demos From 1983, which had our first drummer Mike Dillard playing on it. I got the crazy idea that we should do some shows with [current drummer Dale] Crover playing bass and Dillard back behind the kit. We decided to do the songs from then as we did them in 1983 and not try to jazz them up at all. So far, so good. It’s really fun to play those songs now. DT: In your opinion, how has Houdini held up? BO: I like it just fine. I think all of our records hold up over

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