The Daily Texan September 29, 2009 Issue

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Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900



Frittata makes for hearty single-serving meal

Texas receivers stepping up Tuesday, September 29, 2009





Budget cuts loom for math students Graduate students’ financial backing insecure due to budget adjustments By Lena Price Daily Texan Staff Due to a 10 percent decrease in the amount of funding in the mathematics department’s temporary instructor budget, the department will not be able to hire as many teaching or research assistants next year. In addition to next year’s cuts, Dan Knopf, mathematics graduate student adviser, warned seventhyear doctoral candidates at a meeting Thursday that they might lose their teaching assistant positions and their financial support if further budget cuts are implemented. “I had the meeting to address the very legitimate concerns of the Ph.D. students in this time of economic crisis,” Knopf said. “I wanted to tell them that we have every intention of continuing support, but especially for seventh-year students, that is not clear. We wanted to give people enough time to make other arrangements if it comes to this.” There are currently 79 teaching assistants in the math department, but it is unclear how much the number will decrease next year. All 124 of the mathematics doctoral candidates were offered five to six years of tuition reimbursement and health insurance upon acceptance to the University. Although the wording of the contracts has changed slightly over time, the financial assistance was guaranteed as long as progress was made toward the degree, barring a state financial crisis. “Anyone who has been paying attention to the

FUNDS continues on page 2

Restaurants go local for Round-Up week By Audrey White Daily Texan Staff The Texas Department of Agriculture, Farm Credit Bank of Texas and over 400 restaurants statewide are teaming up to celebrate local food in the GO TEXAN Restaurant Round-Up. Last year, the department offered a one-day event and, after its success, decided to expand the project. This year’s event, which began Monday and ends Friday, intends to showcase restaurants that use locally produced meat and produce and encourages patrons to take advantage of those offerings. “People are very interested in knowing where their food comes from. Any time you ship from county to county instead of across [the] country, you lower your carbon footprint and transportation costs,” said Texas Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples. “There’s something special in every part of Texas. Beef, shrimp, wines, produce — they can all be found from your neighbor. The event celebrates that unique buying and dining experience.” Local restaurants such as Changos Taqueria and Kerbey Lane Cafe are celebrating the week by offering special menu options and discounted pricing on Texas fare. “It’s important for us to be involved because it fits in with our philosophy,” said Allison Bright, marketing director for Kerby Lane. “It’s always been important at Kerbey Lane to give back to our community and provide good, local food at a reasonable price. Our chefs do seasonal menus because whatever is growing, that’s what we’re going to make.” In addition to showcasing local products, the event

EAT continues on page 6

Photos by Erik Reyna | Daily Texa

Above, Harry Ransom Center’s Head of Paper Conservation Stephanie Watkins cleans an old circus advertisement with a solution of water and calcium hydroxide. Old documents like this one are usually treated with solutions to remove acidity that deteriorate historical relics. Below, Ha Ransom Center book conservator Olivia Primanis prepares the Nuremberg Chronicle for preservation.ww

Center lauds detail, preserves past By Alex Geiser Daily Texan Staff In the back of a large room in the Harry Ransom Center, an old book dating back to the late 15th century lays open on a table under a microscope. Two small, powerful lights illuminate the flaky paint on the concentric circles representing a step in the creation of life. This copy of the Nuremberg Chronicle awaits preservation at the humanities research center on campus. An intern will soon consolidate the colors, thereby readhering the flakes to the aged pages. The Harry Ransom Center conserves its photography, paper and book collections through a variety of makes the main goal of conservators methods from minor repairs to pho- more functional than aesthetic. “What we’re doing is going to re-emulsion. The center is mainly used for research purposes, which through documentation, which is

basically recording the physical aspects of the book in minute detail and then noting the problems there are and what options there are to fix

them,” said UT graduate stu Evan Knight, a part-time volun in the conservation departme the Harry Ransom Center. A number of student vo teers and interns work at the ter; however, new students are currently accepted to the conse tion program due to a lack of f ing. Knight said the grant mo expired this year, and the prog is in a transitional period. Olivia Primanis, a book con vator who has been at the Ran Center for 19 years, said the ce maintains an approximate tem ature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit a relative humidity of 50 perce create a stable environment fo artifacts.

CENTER continues on page 2

Resolution asks Counci to eliminate death penal

Michael Baldon | Daily Texan Staff

Thomas Davis, commission member, listens as Scott Cobb presents a resolution to the moratorium on the death penalty in Texas.

By Bobby Longoria Daily Texan Staff The Austin Human Rights Commission unanimously passed a resolution for a moratorium on the death penalty Monday. The proposal will be sent to the City Council within a week. The resolution calls on the City Council “to pass a resolution recommending that the State of Texas enact a moratorium on executions and create a ‘Texas Capital Punishment Commission’ to study the administration of capital punishment in Texas and correct any injustices or unfair processes that are found in the administration of the death penalty.” The new resolution has gathered momentum in light of an independently produced August report, which the Tex-

as Forensic Science Commission will review Friday, that determined Cameron Todd Willingham, a Corsicana man convicted of arson and the murder of three children in 2004, was executed based on incorrect analysis of the crime scene. Commission member Delia Perez Meyer said if the moratorium passes in the City Council it will label Austin as a “no -death penalty city” — a step toward a statewide moratorium. Across the nation, 151 city councils have passed similar resolutions that support a suspension of the death penalty, and over 14 states in the nation have abolished the death penalty altogether. The human rights group was established by the City in 1967 to enforce the Civil Rights

Act, the Americans with ities Act and the Age D nation in Employment Texas leads the nati ecutions with 441 sin Since the death penalt instated in 1976, nine p death row in Texas h exonerated of murde tions and released w have been exonerated leased in the nation. The commission p similar resolution for a rium in 2005, but the C cil did not take it up fo eration at the time. “Whenever you someone who didn’t commit the crime for w are being executed, that

DEATH continues on p

Second Life facilitates interactive virtual educatio Michael Baldon | Daily Texan Staff

Juan Carbajal serves up a Cobb salad at Kerbey Lane

By Vidushi Shrimali Daily Texan Staff On Thursday, some classes in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders will have access for two semesters to a virtual clinic, anatomy models and an ice-

Second Life is a virtual reality world that college campuses have been exploring recently as an alternative educational tool. UT is one of over 200 members — including universities, museums and corporations — of the New Media Con-

has a “virtual island” on Second Life. The UT System has spent a total of $250,000 on virtual land in Second Life, and each system campus was allocated three 16-acre islands in the virtual program. UT already owned five, pushing its total

opment specialist in the of Instructional Innovation sessment, contacted James a speech, language and hea ences assistant professor a ern Michigan University. T plex 3-D models Zeigler de




Tuesday, September

State receives grant to update data system Dell Foundation funds improvements to student records maintenance By Lara Berendt Daily Texan Staff The Michael & Susan Dell Foundation committed $10 million to the creation of a Texas Student Data System which will give educators across the state timely access to students’ historical attendance, disciplinary and performance data. The Texas Education Agency plans to use the grant to update its current system, the Public Education Information Management System, by improving the collection and distribution of data for K-12 students and allowing more effi-

cient tracking of students as they move from one school or district to another, said agency spokeswoman DeEtta Culbertson. “This will give us a better snapshot of the student, their achievements and their records,� Culbertson said. The new system will use the wealth of data the agency already collects for financial and compliance reasons — such as ensuring enrollment fees are paid accurately and tracking dropout rates — and organize the system to make it more accessible to teachers, said Adam Jones, the agency’s deputy commissioner of finance and administration and chief operating officer. “We’re data-rich in Texas and have been for a long time,� Jones

FUNDS: Budget cuts

said. “The key here is that Texas needs to be more forward-thinking in putting actionable data out there to school districts, educators, parents and taxpayers.� Jones said though universities throughout the state will have access to student academic records through the data system, admission decisions will still be based on high school transcripts. Increased data aggregation and reporting should not cause public concern over issues of privacy, Jones said. All TEA data collection processes adhere to the strict regulations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, he said. “We’ve always been very cognizant of data security,� Jones said. The new system will not be implemented right away, said agen-

cy spokeswoman Debbie Ratcliffe. She said the agency will launch a pilot program a year from now in a limited number of school districts followed by full system implementation in all 1,031 districts within five or six years. The cost to construct the entire system is projected to be $50 to $60 million, Ratcliffe said. “The Dell grant is a great start for us, but we also plan to seek funding through the federal stimulus and stabilization funds that the president has made available, which we hope will pay for the rest of it,� Ratcliffe said. More efficient, dashboard-style organization of student data relating to standardized test scores, disciplinary actions, other classes a student is enrolled in, siblings enrolled

Food for thought

could reduce vital financial support From page 1 news for the last year would agree that we are in a financial crisis,� Knopf said. “So in that sense, I don’t think anything in that promise is being changed. We do sympathize with students who are worried about their financial security.� The budget cuts will primarily affect seventh-year doctoral candidates. “Historically the math department has been able to fund students through their seventh year, which is the maximum amount of support that the graduate school allows,� Knopf said. “But that was never guaranteed.� The money saved from reducing the temporary instructor budget will be used to hire new faculty within the College of Natural Sciences. All colleges within the University are undergoing budget reallocations to attract new faculty and implement targeted merit pay increases. “Every college has deficits,� said mathematics department Chairman Bill Beckner. “Roughly put, the College of Natural Sciences has certain deficits due to start-up costs for new faculty. Many of the experimentalists the college hires require labs to be built, and that adds additional expense.� The college hired about 20 new faculty members at the beginning of the school year, and


Erik Reyna | Daily Texan Staff

Windsor Park Elementary Assistant Principal Audrey Eden reads a book while waiting for friends at Enoteca Vespaio. Eden traveled from Corpus Christi to attend an educational conference in Austin.

VIRTUAL: UT hopes online

land investment will pay off From page 1 for his anatomy and physiology classes on Second Life are an attractive asset for UT students that could be brought to Austin through the virtual world. For two semesters, Zeigler will serve as UT’s first Virtual Visiting Scholar and a “guest lecturer� online. “Anatomy can be kind of boring and dull and not fun, and when I first heard of Second Life, I thought of a movie from my childhood called ‘Fantastic Voyage’, where this group of scientists are shrunken into microscopic size and enter the bloodstream of this diplomat to save his life,� Zeigler said. Jarmon said she is optimistic about the benefits UT students will gain from Zeigler’s models. “Looking at a picture in a book is one thing, but being able to walk through the mod-

el is a whole different experience,� she said. A virtual specialist helped Zeigler develop massive virtual ear and larynx models large enough for an avatar to explore. The program will also feature a 15-layer iceberg to demonstrate human sound perception. Students’ avatars are the size of ladybugs in proportion to the virtual ear, through which they can literally travel. Craig Champlin, chairman of the speech and communication disorders department, studies auditory perception and hopes to use the program to facilitate students’ understanding of the human body. “We really hope that this turns out to be something that turns into an extension of the actual classroom and laboratory,� Champlin said. “We hope we are able to expand our horizons in that regard. We will start modestly and see how it goes.�


This newspaper was written, edited and designed with pride by The Daily Texan and Texas Student Media.

Permanent Staff


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Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jillian Sheridan Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stephen Keller Associate Managing Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .David R. Henry, Ana McKenzie Associate Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeremy Burchard, Dan Treadway, David Muto, Lauren Winchester News Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sean Beherec Associate News Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Pierre Bertrand, Austen Sofhauser, Blair Watler Senior Reporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viviana Aldous, Bobby Longoria, Rachel Platis, Lena Price Enterprise Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andrew Kreighbaum Enterprise Reporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hudson Lockett Copy Desk Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Green Associate Copy Desk Chiefs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cristina Herrera, Nausheen Jivani, Matt Jones Design Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Thu Vo Assistant Design Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shatha Hussein Senior Designers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taylor Fausak, Lynda Gonzales, Olivia Hinton Photo Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May-Ying Lam Associate Photo Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bryant Haertlein, Peter Franklin, Caleb Miller Senior Photographers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Karina Jacques, Mary Kang,Tamir Kalifa, Peyton McGee, Sara Young Life&Arts Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leigh Patterson Associate Life&Arts Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brad Barry, Francisco Marin Jr. Senior Features Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Audrey Gale Campbell, Lisa HoLung, Ben Wermund Senior Entertainment Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Doty, Mary Lingwall, Robert Rich Senior DT Weekend Writer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amber Genuske Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Austin Talbert Senior Sports Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Will Anderson, Wes DeVoe, Blake Hurtik . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dan Hurwitz, Laken Litman, Michael Sherfield, Chris Tavarez Comics Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carolyn Calabrese Web Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Annika Erdman Associate Web Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Erik Reyna Multimedia Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juan Elizondo Associate Multimedia Editors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kara McKenzie, Rachel Schroeder Senior Videographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dane Hurt Editorial Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard Finnell

Issue Staff



conservators detail methods From page 1

five of them were teachers in the math department. Although the department hired about 25 percent of the new faculty, all five positions were replacements for teachers who retired, and the start-up costs were minimal, Beckner said. Because of the budget cuts, the math department will probably be unable to fill the positions of two faculty members planning on retiring this year, which could cause class sizes to increase. “But we do expect to be able to support our students for the rest of the school year,� Beckner said. Although support may continue, fifth-year doctoral candidate Sean Bowman changed his degree plan from seven to six years when he found out about the budget cuts. “There is a generalized anxiety among many of the mathematics graduate students that comes when less money is being put into a growing program,� Bowman said. “I changed my graduation plan because I’m worried that I won’t be able to find funding for my seventh year.� At the meeting, younger graduate students were assured that the department would find funding for their financial support. “I’m pretty optimistic,� said first-year doctoral candidate Sam Taylor. “They seemed to make it pretty clear that we probably don’t have anything to worry about.�

at the same school and attendance will aid teachers in understanding why certain students are having difficulty in school, said Megan Matthews, spokeswoman for the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation. Matthews said other states have various ongoing data projects but none quite as extensive as the anticipated new Texas system. When the existing 104 different data collection systems are streamlined, the results will engage educators across the state to define what information they need to best help students, she said. “The innovation in what Texas will do is in providing a timely and historical snapshot of a student,� Matthews said. “This will really put Texas at the forefront of data-driven decision making.�

Reporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Lara Berendt, Vidushi Shrimali, Audrey White, Alex Geiser Photographers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bruno Morlan, Shelley Neuman, Michael Baldon, Erik Reyna, Anne-Marie Huff Life & Arts Writers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Solomon Wang, Abby Johnston, Allistair Pinsoff, Layne Lynch, Gerald Rich Videographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blas Garcia Sports Writers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rishi Daulat Copy Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Megan Gottlieb, Claire Cardona, Vicky Ho, Amanda Hicks Wire Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dylan Clement Comics Artists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rachel Weiss, Gage Alvarez, Jermaine Affonsa, Michael Cormier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Miles Luna, Name Nguyen, Katie Smith, Amelia Giller Designers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tarrah Miller Web Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jordyn Davenport Columnists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joshua Avelar, Rebecca Counts


Director of Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jalah Goette Retail Advertising Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brad Corbett Account Executive/Broadcast Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carter Goss Campus/National Sales Consultant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joan Bowerman Assistant to Advertising Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.J. Salgado Student Advertising Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathryn Abbas Student Advertising Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ryan Ford Acct. Execs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lauren Aldana, Anupama Kulkarni, Ashley Walker, Natasha Moonka Taylor Blair, Tommy Daniels, Jordan Gentry, Meagan Gribbin, Jen Miller Classified Clerks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teresa Lai Special Editions, Editorial Adviser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elena Watts Web Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Danny Grover Special Editions, Student Editors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kira Taniguchi Graphic Designer Interns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Amanda Thomas Senior Graphic Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Felimon Hernandez

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Monday .............Wednesday, 12 p.m. Thursday.................Monday, 12 p.m.

The center conserves and preserves rather than restores — restoration involves recreating an artifact to make it appear much like its former self. Primanis said she simply mends and reapplies what is there. “We stabilize what is there for patrons more than fixing things to make them look good,� she said. Mary Baughman, another book conservator at the center, said an important aspect of her job is to keep the history of the piece intact. “If we make a drastic alteration to a book, that part of history is lost,� she said. As Baughman carefully lifts the discolored cover of a book from 1516, she gently tugs at a loose gathering of pages, the result of a break in the original threading. She plans to restitch the gathering back into the book, once again allowing it to be used for research purposes. Baughman pulls out a small jar of a homemade, precipitated wheat starch-based paste. “We are very particular about our paste,� she said while sliding a bookmark from a book on her shelf with the recipe on the back and the statement “Know your paste� on the front. In the adjacent room, Stephanie Watkins, head of paper conservation, stands over a tub of a slightly discolored solution of water and calcium hydroxide used to clean old papers. To Watkins’ right is the saturated poster she just pulled from the solution, drip-drying between two layers of non-woven polyester sheets laid on a Plexiglas board. The polyester enables her to lift the poster from the tub without the danger of tearing it. “The solution pulls out the acidity that deteriorates the paper,� she said. Down the hallway, head of photograph conservation Barbara Brown removes a long panoramic photograph of UT faculty taken before 1930 from its protective covering. She said when they received the picture, it was curled up and hardened to the point where stretching it would cause it to crumble. She said it was then placed in a humidifying chamber where the paper and emulsion absorbed enough moisture to loosen the photo’s fibers. An intern was then able to mend the photograph using thin Japanese tissue paper and paste. Brown said the intern spent between 30 and 40 hours on the process. The Nuremberg Chronicle, which awaits conservation, is one of at least three copies housed in the Harry Ransom Center. Once the flakes of color are readhered and minor flaws are corrected, this artifact of 15th century life will be sent to the Rubin Museum of Art next winter. breckenridge

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person is having their ri taken away by the stat as, and that is clearly a of that person’s human said Scott Cobb, preside Texas Moratorium Netw According to the m um proposal, the deat ty costs taxpayers an of $2.3 million for eac tion, and a further finan den is placed in settling filed by people who ar fully accused and then ed. The city and Travis settled two wrongful co lawsuits in 2003 filed ard Danziger and Chr Ochoa, both accused of ing Nancy DePriest in 2 total of $14 million. Both on death row for 12 yea being exonerated. “Our technology fo mining guilt is so flawe have no right in assessi alty that can’t be resci er,� said commission Tom Davis. “It costs ab times as much to carry ty all the way through e than it does to incarcera one for life.� Cobb said the Trav ty Commissioners Cou a moratorium in 2003, b not been passed by th ture. He said the mor network has worked commission for a statew atorium during legisla sions for the past 10 yea There will be a marc Capitol on Oct. 24 prote death penalty that will exonerated people as we der victims’ family mem do not support the death “I think the state that not having the death p also the state where th of life will improve,� C “That is the goal of a ju — no death penalty an body living up to their p


Volume 110, Numbe 25 cents

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Dr. Henry, juvenile delin

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r 29, 2009

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Wire Editor: Dylan Clement

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Storm sinks Philippine islands, 240 people dea

food and water, mixin formula for his 2-year-o with the falling rain. “We thought it was th us,” Aquino said. Among those strande floodwaters was young Christine Reyes, who cued by movie and TV h Richard Gutierrez from top of her home near Ma she made a frantic call fo a local TV network with bile phone. Gutierrez, a close fri Reyes’ co-star in an up movie, borrowed an arm boat and ferried Reyes, h er and two young chi safety. “I thought it was ou but I did not lose hope said, thanking Gutierrez. Rescuers pulled a mu tered body of a woman swollen Marikina river About eight hours late found three more bodies brownish waters. President Gloria M gal Arroyo has said Kets the flooding were “an event” that “strained our capabilities to the li ultimately did not break The United States nated $100,000 and d a military helicopter a rubber boats manned b Mike Alquinto | Associated Press 20 American soldiers f Soldiers load bags of relief goods into a military truck for distribution to flood victims on Monday at the armed forces headquarters in suburban country’s south, where t been providing counte Quezon City, north of Manila, Philippines. ism training. The United situation is there,” Teodoro told a and reported huge numbers of calamity” in metropolitan Manila churches and other evacuation Children’s Fund and th Food Program have also news conference. “We cannot wait villagers without drinking water, and 25 storm-hit provinces, al- shelters, officials said. for that to happen.” food and power. lowing officials to use emergency Resident Jeff Aquino said flood- food and other aid. Activists, meanwhile, The extent of devastation In Manila’s suburban Mariki- funds for relief and rescue. waters rose to his home’s third to the deadly flooding a became clearer Monday as na city, a sofa hung from electric The homes of nearly half a floor at the height of the storm. TV networks broadcast imag- wires. million people were inundatAquino, his wife, three young ample of the dangers o es of mud-covered communiSince the storm struck, the gov- ed. Some 115,000 of them were children and two nephews spent w a r m i n g a t U . N . ties, cars upended on city streets ernment has declared a “state of brought to about 200 schools, that night on their roof without negotiations in Bangkok.

Interim president surrenders ground

By Mark Stevenson The Associated Press TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — The coup-installed president of Honduras backed down Monday from an escalating standoff with protesters and suggested he would restore civil liberties and reopen dissident television and radio stations by the end of om the week. Riot police ringed supporters of ousted President Manuel Zelaya who gathered for a large-scale protest march, setting off a daylong standoff. The government of interim President Roberto Micheletti declared the march illegal, sent soldiers to silence dissident broadcasters, and suspended civom il liberties for 45 days. But in a sudden reversal, Micheletti said Monday afternoon that he wanted to “ask the Honduran people for forgiveness” for the measures and said he would lift them in accordance with demands from the same Congress that installed him after a June 28 coup. He said he would ent all infor-discuss lifting the measures d complete-with court officials “as soon as let us know 17 or e-mailpossible,” adding: “By the end of this week we’ll have this resolved.” He also repeated his pledge not to attack the Brazilian Embassy, where Zelaya has been holed up tudent with 60 supporters since sneakgraphs ing back into the country on Sept. print and 21. He even sent “a big hug” to roperty Brazil’s president, a day after nd may giving him a 10-day ultimatum ublished to expel Zelaya or move him to ut written Brazil. His government also said it would welcome an advance team from the Organization of American States into the HER country starting Friday, after expelling four members of a Low similar team Sunday, and said an OAS commission of foreign ministers could visit Oct. 7. The increasingly authoritarian nquent measures by the government had prompted international condemnation, though the U.S. representative to the OAS also had harsh words for Zelaya, calling his return to Honduras “irresponsible and foolish.” The Micheletti government says Zelaya supporters are planning a violent insurrection. “Some radio stations, some television stations, were calling for violence, for guerrilla war, and that had us in the government su-


Tuesday, September


ight to life te of TexBy Teresa Cerojano violation The Associated Press n rights,” MANILA, Philippines — dent of theRescuers pulled more bodies work. from swollen rivers Monday as moratori-residents started to dig their th penal-homes out from under layers of n averagemud after flooding left 240 people ch execu-dead in the Philippine capital and ncial bur-surrounding towns. g lawsuits The National Disaster Core wrong-ordinating Council said Tuesexonerat-day the homes of nearly 1.9 s Countymillion people in the capionvictiontal and surrounding areas were by Rich-inundated, with nearly 380,000 ristopherpeople brought to schools, f murder-churches and other evacuation 2008, for acenters. h men sat Overwhelmed officials called ars beforefor international help, cautioning that they may not have sufficient or deter-resources to withstand another ed that westorm that forecasters said was ing a pen-brewing east of the island nation inded lat-and could hit as early as Friday. member Authorities expected the bout threedeath toll from Tropical Storm y a penal-Ketsana, which scythed across the executionnorthern Philippines on Saturday, ate some-to rise as rescuers penetrate villages blocked off by floating cars and vis Coun-other debris. The storm dumped urt passedmore than a month’s worth of rain but it hasin just 12 hours, fueling the worst he legisla-flooding to hit the country in more ratoriumthan 40 years. with the Troops, police and volunteers wide mor-have already rescued more than ative ses-12,359 people, but unconfirmed ars. reports of more deaths abound, ch on theDefense Secretary Gilbert Teodoro esting thesaid. consist of He told a news conference that ell as mur-help from foreign governments mbers whowill ensure that the Philippine h penalty. government can continue its ret ends uplief work. penalty is “We are trying our level best he qualityto provide basic necessities, but Cobb said.the potential for a more serious ust society nd everypotential.”



Rodrigo Abd | Associated Press

Soldiers and police officers stand guard outside Globo radio station after its closure in the capitol city Monday. The interim government’s measures permit authorities to temporarily close news media outlets. little bloodshed — the government says three people have been killed since the coup, while protesters put the number at 10. Protest leader Juan Barahona said that could change. “This mass movement is peaceful, but to the extent they repress us, fence us in and make this method useless, we have to find some other form of struggle,” he said. Micheletti made clear that even if the emergency measures are lifted, “that doesn’t mean the police are going back to barracks.” Monday’s march drew hundreds of people, many of whom covered their mouths with tape to protest government censorship. Protest leaders insisted that thousands more were trying to join but were stopped from leaving poorer neighborhoods or from traveling from the countryside. “There is brutal repression against the people,” Zelaya told The Associated Press in a telephone interview Monday. He later addressed the U.N. General Assembly by cellular phone, urging the world body to adopt a “firm position” against

The emergency decree issued Sunday bans unauthorized gatherings and lets police arrest people without warrants, rights guaranteed in the Honduran Constitution. It also allows authorities to shut down news media for “statements that attack peace and the public order, or which offend the human dignity of public officials, or attack the law.” In the late afternoon, police allowed the protesters to board buses and leave. Government soldiers raided the offices of Radio Globo and the television station Channel 36, both critics of the Micheletti government, and silenced both. Afterward, the TV station broadcasted only a test pattern. Radio Globo employees scrambled out of an emergency exit to escape the raid that involved as many as 200 soldiers. “They took away all the equipment,” said owner Alejandro Villatoro. “This is the death of the station.” Two journalists covering the raid for Mexico’s Televisa and Guatemala’s Guatevision were beaten by security forces, who

the OAS, Jorge Skinner. He asked the InterAmerican Human Rights Commission to intervene. U.S. State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley condemned the expulsion. “I think it’s time for the de facto regime to put down the shovel,” he said. “With every action they keep on making the hole deeper.” Lew Amselem, the U.S. representative to the OAS, also condemned the expulsion as “deplorable and foolish.” But he had equally harsh words for Zelaya. He said returning without an agreement “serves neither the interests of the Honduran people nor those seeking the peaceful reestablishment of the democratic order in Honduras.” Analysts called the shift a sign that the Micheletti government is feeling increasingly threatened. “It certainly shows that they’re worried that Zelaya might be able to disrupt the government,” said Heather Berkman, a Honduras expert with the New York-based Eurasia Group. “Zelaya’s only recourse really is to mobilize people on the streets. I’m sure that Micheletti and the government know that and they’re go-

Religious associatio come upon hard tim By Rachel Zoll The Associated Press NEW YORK — Organized religion was already in trouble before the fall of 2008. Denominations were stagnating or shrinking, and congregations across faith groups were fretting about their finances. The Great Recession made things worse. It has further drained the financial resources of many congregations, seminaries and religious day schools. Some congregations have disappeared and schools have been closed. Religion has a long history of drawing hope out of suffering, but there’s little good news emerging from the recession. Long after the economy improves, the changes made today will have a profound effect on how people practice their faith, where they turn for help in times of stress and how they pass their beliefs to their children. “In 2010, I think we’re going to see 10 or 15 percent of congregations saying they’re in serious financial trouble,” says David Roozen, a lead researcher for the Faith Communities Today multi-faith survey, which measures congregational health annually. “With around 320,000 or 350,000 congregations, that’s a hell of a lot of them.” The news isn’t uniformly bad. Communities in some areas are still moving ahead with plans for new congregations, schools and ministries, religious leaders say. And many congregations say they found a renewed sense of purpose helping their suffering neighbors. Houses of

worship became center port for the unemplo RockHarbor church i Mesa, Calif., members re so generously to word o get deficit that the chur the fiscal year with a su “We’re all a little dum ed,” says Bryan Wilkins, t business director. “We w ing lots of stories abou being laid off, strugglin cially and losing homes ly amazing.” In the Great Depress of the bigger impacts loss of Jewish religious which are key to contin faith from one generati next. Jonathan Sarna, a University historian an of “American Judaism enrollment in Jewish plummeted in som and many young Jew period didn’t have a c study their religion. Today, some parent longer afford the thou dollars in tuition it cost a child to a religious da Church officials fear thes won’t re-enroll their kids finances improve. Enrollment in one gro Jewish community day is down by about 7 per academic year, accor Marc Kramer, executiv tor of RAVSAK, a net the schools. A few sch as many as 30 percent students. Many of t dreds of other Jew schools, which are a with Reform, Conserva Orthodox movements, a a financial crunch.

David Zentz | Asso



Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Editor in Chief: Jillian Sheridan Phone: (512) 232-2212 E-mail: editor@dailytexanonline Associate Editors: Jeremy Burc David Muto Dan Treadw Lauren Winc



Budget cuts sink to a new low

Specifics detailing UT’s approach to trimming fat during the current budget squeeze are emerging nearly every week. Following recent news that the College of Liberal Arts will be taking steps to cut graduate admissions in accordance with President William Powers’ initiative to prioritize recruitment of top faculty and graduate students, the College of Natural Science’s Department of Mathematics is the latest to hint at a restructuring of graduate study. As with many of the budget details that have surfaced this fall, some of the news is potentially concerning for certain sectors of students. The Daily Texan reported today that the math department may move to pull teaching positions and scholarships from seventh-year Ph.D. students if further cuts — stemming from a 10-percent decrease in departmental funding — are called for. The math department has in the past contractually guaranteed five to six years of financial assistance to doctoral students, and while seventh-year students are not promised aid, funding has allowed the department to assure them assistance. A policy in place, though, exempts the University from fulfilling such contracts when the state is undergoing a budget crisis — and depending on budget outlooks, seventh-year students will take those hits. These seventh-year students are not what many would deem “average” college students: They are older, likely with greater financial burdens and, perhaps, with families of their own. Revoking their financial assistance will significantly handicap their efforts to complete a lengthy academic endeavor — the very sort of education the University should be lauding and touting in its attempts to recruit top graduate students. Admittedly, those affected will be few, but the proposition is disconcerting. During his State of the University address on Sept. 17, Powers asserted that, in a time of financial unease, the University “can try simply to balance the budget and tread water, or we can make the necessary hard choices and move ahead.” In this instance, the Department of Mathematics must consider whether this step, meant to move the department “ahead” is actually a step backward. While the University is entitled to reprioritize graduate departments as it sees fit, departmental administration should weigh the human effects of restructuring before tacking too closely to a vague phrase — “move ahead” — that encourages brash decision-making. With the budget essentially flat, perhaps treading water is, in some cases, temporarily acceptable. — David Muto for the editorial board

UTA should not ban smoking on campus up. The university isn’t interested in protecting its students and employees from secondhand smoke as much as preventing UT Arlington is the latest government students and staff from smoking at all. UT entity ready to stop you from lighting up Arlington wants to control the behavior of that cigarette. The university is considering its students and staff. banning smoking on campus. Even those of us who want to breath A recent New York Times article reports smoke-free air can admit that a line should that New York City and the state of Cal- be drawn somewhere. Adult smokers ifornia are considering a smoking ban in should have the right to light up in placall areas of city parks, ostensibly to protect es where their actions don’t cause substanpeople from secondhand smoke. But some tial and direct harm to others — like outsupporters justify the ban because chil- side on a university campus, where even dren shouldn’t have to New York City’s flimsy see people lighting up. justification of protectLos Angeles and Chicaing children from seego have already passed ing someone smoke can’t such a ban. hold water. But stopping an UT Arlington’s ban I like to breathe smokewould be one of the most free air as much as anyone adult from doing extensive nonsmoking else. From being an asthsomething that bans in the country, acmatic child, I have a spedirectly harms cording to the Fort Worth cial appreciation for the Star-Telegram. Smoking health concerns caused no one but the would be banned in all by being trapped in a actor in the name areas of campus, includroom full of smoke. There ing previously designatis sense to banning smokof a “healthy ed smoking areas. Even ing in University buildworkplace” is smoking in a privatelyings and requesting that owned vehicle parked Jester residents light up ... a dangerous on campus would in the designated smokprecedent. be outlawed. ing areas rather than the After banning smokwhole courtyard. ing indoors and banishBut stopping an adult ing outdoor smokers to from doing something designated smoking arthat directly harms no eas, haven’t we done enough to discourage one but the actor in the name of “a healthy people from smoking? workplace” is a new low and a dangerous According to the Houston Chronicle, UT precedent. State and local governments Arlington claims that the goal of the ban should give up their crusade to prevent is to promote a “healthy workplace.” But adults from hurting themselves. where are the studies linking smoking in Educational establishments like UT Arthe most well-ventilated place available — lington should focus on teaching students outside — to secondhand harm? And the to make their own choices rather than dicChronicle reports that the university plans tating those choices. to ban all tobacco use, not just smoking. UT Arlington’s justification doesn’t hold Counts is a plan II honors, business honors and history senior By Rebecca Counts Daily Texan Columnist



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UT’s fundraising faux pa

Aesthetics are important for prospective s college decision process’ and current studen riences, but not compared to other aspects In the struggle with economic turmoil, colleges University has already singled out amid the and universities across the country have dealt with crisis. According to reports by The Daily Te painful budget cuts and amended agendas. UT is in McCombs School of Business announced las no way exempt from this struggle, as President Wil- budget-induced 5 percent reduction in staff p liam Powers announced unpopular budget cuts in eliminating as many as 15 important position his State of the University address earlier this month. tial to the daily grind of running the school The financial situation in which the University finds instructor positions will also be cut in the C itself makes private donations a more important re- Liberal Arts. source than it has ever been. Yet, private donors are The Cockrell School of Engineering has m being tapped for endeavors not worthy of their mon- to its Informational Technology Group and C ey or attention. sisting Center in light of budget constraints There is a full-fledged effort by the University to In a field of study so dependent on modern t change the entire look of the part of Speedway Street gy, and with students needing guidance in fa that stretches from Martin Luther shaky job market, it is sa King Boulevard to Dean Keeton these entities suffer. Street. The plan would essentialPossibly the most impo ly cut off automobile traffic on the fect of the budget crisis is street and turn it into a giant walkcision for the University t way, in addition to creating an exscholarship program for Aesthetics are tensive landscaping change and al Merit Scholars. High important for lighting addition. The goal of the ing students from across t project is to make Speedway Street, and even the country, will ... students’ along with the East Mall, as aesthetmore thing to write on th experiences, but ically pleasing and congregationtive side of their “pros an friendly as the West Mall. list when deciding upon e not compared to However, such a plan is more of at UT. other aspects that a luxury than a necessity, or perThe University has insis haps even a hindrance. Automothese budget cuts are essen the University has bile traffic on Speedway Street is a are not ideal. The econo already singled out non-issue. There is no traffic entersis seems to be bad enou amid the budget ing from Martin Luther King Boufect important services to levard since that entrance is cut off dent body and significant p crisis. right before the parking area for the for the functionality of the Perry Casteñada Library for most of Yet, fundraising efforts ha the day. The meters in front of Gregdirected toward more th ory Gym, though they allot very litmillion just to make a part tle parking time, are still regularly pus look nicer. The only t occupied. Only authorized vehicles coming from 21st pecially aesthetically disturbing about the a Street are allowed to enter the area in front of Welch the construction for the new Student Activit Hall, an area which is always occupied with parked ter and Experimental Science Building, w faculty cars. There exists a pleasant balance of utili- time, will end and what little problem ther ty for drivers and a small flow of traffic on Speedway be solved. Street that need not to be disturbed. It is the perfect Big donors with deep pockets are a big rea uncrowded, yet much-needed street. UT is the great institution that it is today. Re According to UT’s Web site, plans to renovate state funds and skyrocketing tuition rates alon Speedway Street and the East Mall into a more pe- not suffice. What these donors do with their m destrian-friendly area have been a priority for more their personal business, but when it comes than 10 years. However, 10 years ago nobody predict- the University asks for, the general scholars ed the financial choke hold UT finds itself in today. and functionality of the schools are far mor Nobody envisioned the types of sacrifices that have tant causes than new cobble stones on Speed been made. The situation the University faces now Avelar is a government senior calls for a change in priorities. By Joshua Avelar Daily Texan Columnist



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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Nine-week course aids UT students with stress relief By Lara Berendt Daily Texan Staff UT students met in the Counseling and Mental Health Center on Monday afternoon to enroll in “Optimizing Your Potential,” a nine-week class aimed at helping students combat stress through meditation. Staff psychologist Mary Vance and Cary Tucker, Integrated Health Program director, have taught the course for six years and anticipate an enrollment of about 20 students this semester. The instructors met with students on an individual basis to determine whether the class was a good fit for them. Students in the course will learn the technique of mindfulness, or paying close attention to experiences in the present moment without judging them, Tucker said. She said that stress is often caused by wanting things to be different and that being more present in everyday activities allows students to have a different relationship with what’s happening in their lives. Instruction in meditation, both while seated and lying down, and the practice of yoga are formal techniques to assist students in being present in day-to-day life. Vance said stress reduction

students’ nts’ expes that the e budget exan, the st week a positions, ns essenl. Several College of

techniques are crucial in a society of multitaskers, and trying to juggle too many things is a recipe for stress. “As we can become simpler and our focus becomes involved with fewer things, all of the business in our mind begins to quiet down,” Vance said. Students who have taken the course in past years have given the instructors very positive feedback, Tucker said. Those who enroll in the class are often depressed and highly self-critical, but the techniques they learn help them to shift their patterns of thinking, feel more compassion toward themselves and treat themselves more gently, Tucker said. The course also features a halfday silent retreat and the use of alternate communication skills such as humor and free-flowing writing as additional approaches to reducing stress, Vance said. Former students were so satisfied with the results of the meditation techniques that they asked to form an outside meditation group as an offshoot of the course. “Students, even a year later, have said it’s continuing to help because it’s a different way of being in your life,” Tucker said. For more information about the class, visit

Pipes and music

made cuts Career Ass as well. technoloacing the ad to see

ortant afMichael Baldon | Daily Texan Staff s the deJoshua Torres plays a friend’s travel guitar in the window of Pipes to end its Plus on Guadalupe Street. Joshua is a local Austinite and glass Nationblower in the shop above the hookah bar. h-achievthe state, have one he negand cons” enrolling

Anne-Marie Huff | Daily

Civil engineering sophomore Estella Cota packs clothes for the Campus Environmental Center’s Trash to Treasure sale which will be hel 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the patio of the Flawn Academic Center. It is the first major event of the year for the environmental center.

Summit highlights sustainabilit Environmental center seeks student opinion on Climate Action Plan By Alex Geiser Daily Texan Staff Members of the Campus Environmental Center are urging UT students to turn out at the Earth Summit today and provide their input for the new campus sustainability plan. The Climate Action Plan, which will be the first of its kind at UT, will comprise ways to make the campus more energy efficient. The plan is a write-up on how to reduce emissions based on the Greenhouse Gas Inventory, which identified the University operations responsible for the most emissions on campus. The center is a Student Government agency working for a more sustainable system at the University. The organization works on

Ethnic studies wrestles conformity

By Vidushi Shrimali sted that Daily Texan Staff ntial and Ethnic studies is a relatively omic cri-new discipline in U.S. universigh to ef-ties, but as the field expands, some o the stu-programs are facing increasing acpositionsademic challenges. e schools. The subject was the topic of ave beendiscussion at a roundtable Monhan $100day, which commemorated the t of cam-41st anniversary of San Francisthing es-co State University‘s 1968 strikes. area is allThe protests were staged by stuties Cen-dents demanding better reprewhich, insentation of African-Americans, re is willAsian-Americans and other mi-

norities on campus. ason why For months, the nation was elying oncaught in a racial limbo as they ne wouldwatched police officers beat stumoney isdents and faculty who were pros to whattesting for better representation. ship fundCollege campuses across the nare impor-tion mimicked the strikes in the dway. 1960s and 1970s, and 40 years later, it led to the establishment of ethnic studies programs and centers across the United States. UT formed centers for African and African American, Asian American and Mexican American studies, in 1969, 1970 and 2000 respectively, in response to the national strikes. “The strike started ethnic discussions at colleges across the nation; it created a sea of change in the American academy,” said Lok Siu, discussion moderator and UT associate professor of anthropology. Gordon Chang, who is one of the founding members of the Asian American Studies Program at Stanford University, traced the history of Asian American studies. While acknowledging the wide steps ethnic studies have made in the past four decades, Chang warned of a weakness that has resulted from what he called the institutionalization of ethnic studies. “We are victims of our success, now part of the power structure that students railed against 40 years ago,” Chang said. “Faculty are under enormous pressure to conform to established criteria.” Madeline Hsu, UT associate professor and director for the Cen-

Karina Jacques | Daily Texan Staff

Gordon Chang, a professor at Stanford University, discusses the strengths and weaknesses of Asian-American Studies on Monday. a larger profile on campus. “We don’t think much of Asians in the South, but in places in Texas, there is part of the Asian American study we can explore,” Hsu said. “I want to build a program institutionally different from others.” Domino Perez, acting director for the Center for Mexican American Studies, emphasized the need to meet students’ expectations of ethnic studies programs. “Ethnic studies was born in this great time of struggle and strife, but I find today, for students, we

Associate anthropology professor Shannon Speed spoke of her concerns regarding the misrepresentation of Native Americans on campus. Making up about 1 percent of the entire student population, Speed said Native Americans are incorrectly counted as Latino simply because they came to the United States from Mexico. Speed hopes to have a program and center for Native American studies in the future, hoping “the University will see the need to do the important and necessary out-

projects and campaigns to educate the UT community in an effort to bring about positive environmental change. The Earth Summit will follow the environmental center’s third annual Trash to Treasure cloth-

left over from the Trash to Treasure sale the group held before the start of the fall semester. The remainder of the clothes after today’s event will be donated to Austin State Hospital. Karen Blaney, adviser to the en-

to follow up on UT’s sus ty,” she said. “It’s good to sale right on campus whe are occurring.” The Earth Summit wil from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in concerning UT’s potentia Action Plan. Jim Walker, UT’s direct tainability, will discuss and offer ways for the UT nity to get involved. Stud We do this to see where the student body stands, Sustainable Campus will discussion and facilitate educate them and get new innovative ideas from interaction. people about how we can reduce emissions.” Drucilla Tigner, gov and communications stu — Drucilla Tigner, Campus Environmental nior and co-director of t Center co-director said the audience is encou speak up and voice their as their input will be use shape the plan. ing sale, which will be held from vironmental center, said the cloth“We do this to see wher 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the patio of ing sale is an effort to bring pub- dent body stands, educ the Flawn Academic Center, and licity to the organization’s efforts. and get new innovati each article of clothing will be “It’s their first major event of from people about how w priced at $1. The clothing sold is the year to get students together duce emissions,” Tigner s


6 S/L



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Tuesday, September

EAT: Texas fare supports food bank portion of the proceeds to their local food bank, and food banks in also helps restaurants and patrons this current economy are playing a bigger role.� give back to their communities. Camunez said she is optimis“By participating in the GO TEXAN Restaurant Round-Up, tic about the fundraising opyou not only have the opportu- portunities the round-up presnity to demonstrate Texan pride, ents. Last year, the organization but you get to be a good neigh- raised $1,000 through the event. bor. That’s what being a Texan However, because Farm Credit is all about,� said Kelly Camu- Bank of Texas is serving as a prenez, community events manag- senting sponsor and more reser at Capital Area Food Bank of taurants are involved, it expects Texas. “Many of the participat- this year’s event to provide even ing restaurants are contributing a greater resources, which Camu-

From page 1


nez said is especially necessary this fall. “We’re seeing an increased need for food assistance, so now it is more important than ever that our community support events that help nourish our hungry neighbors,� Camunez said in an e-mail. “And when you support the food banks through sharing a meal at one of the GO TEXAN participating restaurants, you’re also reminded of those who may not have a meal to share.� With four days left in the GO

TEXAN Restaurant Ro there are several opportu hungry Austinites to su cal restaurants and foo whether by simply eatin of the participating resta attending the Chef Show Wednesday. “We’re excited that port Texas farms and r we support the local eco dining in local restaurant support local food banks said. “It’s a triple win fo [who] participates.�

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r 29, 2009 Sports Editor: Austin Talbert E-mail: Phone: (512) 232-2210


Tuesday, September


ound-Up, unities forNCAA upport lood banks, ng at one aurants or wdown on


Griffin’s injury a big blow to Bears’ dreams of a bowl

we supranchers, onomy by ts and we s,” Staples or anyone



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By Will Anderson Daily Texan Staff An MRI revealed Sunday that Baylor quarterback Robert Griffin suffered an isolated tear in his right ACL in the Bears’ 68-13 win over Northwestern State last week. He will miss the rest of the season. “What we’ll do is move forward as a team,” said Baylor head coach Art Briles Monday. “Our image may change a little bit, but the determination won’t.” Griffin went down on the first drive of the game when he was tackled, and his knee bent awkwardly under his body on a nogain, fourth-down play. Northwestern State got the ball and drove for a touchdown, during which time Griffin was having his knee taped on the sideline. Griffin returned for Baylor and played the rest of the first half before leaving at the break. After the game, Briles said he was concerned about his quarterback but that he was encouraged by Griffin finishing out the half. Griffin, who was also at the post-game press conference, said he wasn’t concerned. “I played on it, so I should be able to play on it again,” Griffin said. Griffin finished Saturday with 226 yards passing and three touchdowns. He was replaced by backup Blake Szymanski, who also injured his throwing shoulder when he was tackled in the second half. Szymanski is listed as day-to-day.

If he cannot play this week versus Kent State, Briles said true freshman Nick Florence would start. “We really are not sure whether he’s going to be able to play or not this weekend,” Briles said of Szymanski. The Bears also lost senior defensive back Mikail Baker for the season to a knee injury. An MRI revealed an ACL tear and tears to his medial and lateral meniscus after he went down on Saturday.

Running Up Short Despite losing 29-28 to No. 12 Houston, there was one bright spot for Texas Tech Saturday night: the running game, as three backs combined for 191 yards and effectively tripled the Red Raiders’ rushing total for the year. Coming into the contest, Tech was averaging 28.7 yards rushing per game. “There’s always the run in the gameplan, and then the defense is going to decide to give you one thing or the other, and then I thought Baron [Batch] ran the ball really well,” said Tech coach Mike Leach. “I thought our line played well.” Tech also scored four rushing touchdowns in the game after putting in only three in the first three weeks. In another trip-up for the Red Raiders, offensive lineman and preseason All-American

BIG 12 continues on page 9


May-Ying Lam | Daily Texan

Senior receiver Jordan Shipley runs the ball against UTEP. Shipley led all receivers with 122 yards on 10 receptions.

Rod Aydelotte | Associated Press

Baylor sophomore quarterback Robert Griffin is examined after sustaining a torn ACL in his right knee on Saturday.


Man U finds itself back on top of EPL standings

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By Rishi Daulat Daily Texan Staff

English Premier League Manchester United can thank Wigan Athletic for the Red Devils’ return to a familiar spot on the Premiere League table: first place. In one of the biggest shocks of the season thus far, Wigan upset a seemingly invincible and previously unbeaten Chelsea squad, 3-1. Wigan struck first on Titus Bramble’s wide-open header in the 16th minute. Ivory Coast international Didier Drogba leveled the game when with his 100th career goal for the Blues. Later, in the 53rd, Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech tripped up Wigan striker Hugo Rodalle-

ga in the penalty box, leading to a Wigan penalty kick and a red card for Cech. Rodallega easily converted the penalty past the new Blues’ keeper, Henrique Hilario, to put the home side up 2-1. Last week, Chelsea looked as if they were headed toward a draw against Stoke City until Malouda put in a stoppage time winner, yet there would be no last-minute magic for Chelsea in this match as Paul Scharner added a late goal to cement the victory for Wigan Athletic. Chelsea’s loss, coupled with United’s 2-0 win at Stoke City, means that the two familiar foes are now tied for the Premiere League

EURO continues on page 9


UT running game established By Michael Sherfield Daily Texan Staff For the first time all season, a running back stood atop the Texas depth chart with no asterisks and no “or” beside his name. Tre’ Newton, on coming off two big performances against Wyoming and Texas Tech, was the long-awaited committee of one. Then Saturday rolled around. With two huge runs that combined for more than 80 yards and a touchdown, Vondrell McGee, the original starter when the

season opened a month ago, reinserted himself in the conversation. He finished with 104 yards on eight carries, Texas’ first 100yard rusher all season. He was joined with impressive performances from Cody Johnson, whose only carry went for an 18-yard touchdown, and Fozzy Whittaker. The promising sophomore took his first carry of the season for a touchdown, only to see it nullified by a holding penalty. He responded with four carries for 38 yards

W Guadalupe St

Scott Heppell | Associated Press

TEXAS continues on page 9

Despite loss of Tebow, Florida remains at No. 2 sp Top three stay unchanged while the rest of the Top 10 gets shuffled around

college football and hair style expert, it is impossible for me to decide which was worse: the protection the Rebels’ offensive line gave Snead or the chili-bowl hair By Austin Talbert cut that had Jevan looking, and Daily Texan Staff playing, like a 10-year-old. Beware the Top 10. The other teams, including MiWe are but four weeks into this ami, Penn State and California, season and already we have seen can’t blame their hair. Though 10, use all of your fingers and the few hairs Joe Paterno has left count them, teams lose while would already be gone if his Nitranked in the top 10 of the Asso- tany Lions had to face Iowa evciate Press poll. ery week. As a result of the insanity, inSo begrudgingly, here is this stead of begging for votes, coach- week’s top 10, which will no es are going to start begging poll- doubt face yet another reconstrucsters not to vote for them while tive surgery come next week. burying their teams deep on their Texas own ballots. While the whole early seaColt McCoy and the Longson has been tough for the tophorns finally executed like a ranked teams — who have the No. 1 team, as Will Muschamp’s fesame survival rate as one of rocious defense strip-mined UTEP. Lindsay Lohan’s cars — this past The Miners managed a measly weekend was a real doozy, as 53 yards of total offense, but more four top tenners fell as fast as Lo- importantly for Texas, the Longhan’s career. horns kept forcing turnovers, stealOle Miss’ sub-par showing ing the ball five times. on Thursday set the ugly tone Florida for the high ranked teams. I am betting Rebel fans would have Tim Tebow did his best rather watched “I Know Who Colt McCoy impression, Killed Me.” and one week after McCoy led his Poor Jevan Snead couldn’t get team to a conference win while



“It’s hard. Everyone t gets a chance to get in th does their thing,” McGee s of the competition. The Longhorns have b looking for a feature runner more than a year, a battle went on through training ca where McGee was named starter. But after being slowed an ankle injury for two we he saw his carries cut sharpl Newton shined.




and a score. Jeremy Hills also ran for 68 yards on three carries in the fourth quarter, but fumbled twice, on the same play. “It’s a good problem to have,” said offensive coordinator Greg Davis. “I’m encouraged by how we ran the ball in the second half.” After a poor start from Newton in the first half, the Texas stable of runners galloped for 244 yards in the second half, en route to 303 rushing yards.

Rich Glickstein | Asso

TCU’s Antoine Hicks, left, pulls down the winning touchdown of Clemson’s Byron Maxwell during the fourth quarter at Mem Stadium. well, leaving the game and spending the night in a Kentucky hospital after suffering a concussion. The stat of the game: Tebow threw up more times (3) than total yards Kentucky had in the first quarter (1) after which the Gators had a 31-0 lead.


but his towering presenc enough to dissect the A defense, who allowed kansas quarterback to o plete 12 of his 35 passes. ban and company, who ue to impress, head to K next week and hope their back doesn’t end up ferti Wildcat’s field too.




Tuesday, September

May-Ying Lam | Daily Texan St

Freshman fullback Jamison Berryhill tries to break free from a UTEP defender’s tackle late in the game during Texas’ 64-7 win over the Miners on Saturday. The game closed out Texas’ non-conference sche ule, and the team will take the week off before resuming play at home against Colorado on Oct. 10.

Texas Fight

As the Longhorns enter their bye week at a perfect 4-0, The Daily Texan closes the first month of the college football season by taking an illustrative look at some of the highlights from Texas’ first three home games. — Chris Tavarez

Eric Ou | Daily Texan Staff

Above, sophomore wide receiver Dan Buckner celebrates one of his two touchdowns against UTEP. Right, senior receiver Jordan Shipley runs the ball after a reception as junior receiver John Chiles blocks a ULM defender.

Caleb Miller | Daily Texan St

Sara Young | Daily Texan Staff

Eric Ou | Daily Texan S

Top, Texas defenders Aaron Williams, Earl Thomas and Emmanuel Ac



r 29, 2009 Tuesday, September 29, 2009






BIG 12: Kansas’ biggest riv

may be right on KU camp From page 7 Brandon Carter was suspended indefinitely and stripped of his captaincy on Sunday by Leach. Leach also took this opportunity to ban Twitter from all his players after it was reported by the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal that linebacker Marlon Williams apparently sent out a message asking why he was still in a meeting room if “the head coach can’t even be on time.� Tech usually has a meeting on Sunday morning and a light practice Sunday evenings. Williams’ message has since been deleted and Carter, who posted on the Web site after the game that he was disappointed with the Red Raiders’ season, no longer has a Twitter page.

Internal Affairs

May-Ying Lam | Daily Texan Staff

Junior running back Vondrell McGee runs the ball against UTEP . McGee had Texas’ first 100 yard game of the season as he rushed for 104 yards in Texas’ 64-7 rout of the Miners on Saturday.

TEXAS: Buckner’s TDs prove his worth

omore over a defender’s head for a touchdown. “[Buckner] made some JermiThe weekend leaves Texas in the same position it started, with plen- chael Finley-type plays with onety of able bodies but no clear No. 1. handed catches down the middle,� Texas head coach Mack Brown Single-handedly said after practice one day during Coaches have been telling us the preseason. “He doesn’t have about it all season. He does it all good hands, he has great hands.� the time in practice, they say. SatBuckner’s catching ability has urday finally saw the unveiling of been noticed by more than just the Dan Buckner’s great hands, cul- coaches. Despite starting just his minating in a sensational one- fourth game on a veteran receiving handed catch by the lanky soph- corps, Buckner is second on the

From page 7

day, month day, 2008 EURO: Summer trades are paying off

From page 7







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pleting just over 70 percent of TCU his passes this year has someWhile BYU, anoth- thing right. And in the ultraBoise State er Mountain West team, weak Big East, look for CincinThe Broncos ran over was getting all of the early atten- nati to roll to another title. Bowling Green, but more tion, the Horned Frogs have siIowa importantly their season-open- lently sneaked their way past two I have to give the ing win over Oregon is looking ACC teams on the road. While Hawkeyes credit for rollstronger as the Ducks quacked they may be ultimately competing with Boise State for an at- ing into Happy Valley and the past Cal. large BCS berth, if TCU can run “white-out� and dropping Penn Houston the table in the Mountain West, State. After the Nittany Lions The Cougars are on their strength of schedule will took a 10-0 lead in first quarter the prowl for another crush the Broncos’. and looked as if they were on Big 12 victim, already dropping their way to destroying Iowa, Cincinnati Oklahoma State and now Texthe Hawkeyes responded with The Bearcats moved 21 unanswered points. as Tech. past Fresno State to beThough they should lose Kansas points for their weak rushing come an ultra-quiet 4-0 this season. While the chili in CincinnaSo far, the only probof the field after their win over lems the Jayhawks are Tech, at home, while they were ti may be backward — there is ranked and the Red Raiders no room for spaghetti in a bowl having this season are with their of red — Tony Pike, who is com- fellow Jayhawks on the basketball weren’t.

From page 7

ItalianContact Serie A Joan at 512-232-2229 or email

In contrast to the other renowned leagues, the top of the taUnion of European Football ble is not headed by an odds-on Assocations favorite. Sampdoria has startled Defending UEFA champions everybody in Italian Serie A, inBarcelona and Real Madrid have cluding maybe even themselves, both continued their torrid starts as they are in sole possession of to the season. Both teams have the first place. The club has earned 15 maximum 15 points from their first points from six games, and is one five games, and there is little doubt point ahead of powerhouse Juthat one of them will take the La ventus. This weekend, SampdorLiga crown. ia proved their start hasn’t been Summer signings have been pay- a complete fluke – the top-ranked ing off for both teams. Zlatan Ibra- team beat Inter Milan, the defendhimovic’s became the first player to ing Italian champions, 1-0.

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The Wo survived from Indiana, and while pretty— I am talking ab Forcier, who made per worst decision I have e a college quarterback m led to a defensive linem ing off a lob pass — it w And for all the talk abo State and Penn State pr it looks like the show two weeks when the Wo head to Iowa will be a m ger game than expecte Big Ten.

ADVERTISING TERMS There are no refunds or credits. In the event of e advertisement, notice must be given by 10 am the first day of publication lishers are responsible for only ONE incorrect insertion. In consideration Texan’s acceptance of advertising copy for publication, the agency and t will indemnify and save harmless, Texas Student Media and its officers, e agents against all loss, liability, damage and expense of whatsoever nature the copying, printing or publishing of its advertisement including without l sonable attorney’s fees resulting from claims of suits for libel, violation of ri plagiarism and copyright and trademark infringement. All ad copy must be the newspaper which reserves the right to request changes, reject or prope ad. The advertiser, and not the newspaper, is responsible for the truthful c ad. Advertising is also subject to credit approval.

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During Saturday’s w Kent State, receiver Brand became the first Wildcat history to return two kic touchdowns in a single g first came directly after a K touchdown and broke a when Banks split the Gold coverage and ran 91 yard score with just over two m go in the opening quarter started the second half w yard return for a touchdow “It’s a little early yet, but be very difficult not to se as one of the more prom turn guys we’ve had,� s coach Bill Snyder. Banks earned the Big cial Teams Player of the W ors for his efforts, the fir Wildcat has been recogn season. Texas safety Earl was named the Defensive the Week for his two-inte performance against UTE Missouri’s Danario Alexa Iowa State’s Alexander shared the offensive award

C TOP: Houston climbs into top five with win over Te


lead. Liverpool is SEthird and conRTIin E T form V tinued their recent impressive D A UDENofNHull T S with a 6-1 beat down ! City R OU place TIO ZATottenham whileYfourth and I N A ORGArsenal both came out fifth place on top against Burnley and Fulham, respectively.

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while registering six catches for 71 yards. “I didn’t know it was one-handed,� Buckner said. “Colt put the ball in a place where I could make a play.� As for the recognition and attention from fans and opposing defenses alike that could come from putting up big numbers and big catches? “I don’t want the extra attention,� Buckner said with a smile. 1 “I’m good.�

Two for K-State



score in his first five league games for Barca. The celebrated Cristiano Ronaldo has been absolutely on point for Real Madrid as well through six total matches, the Portuguese winger has already recorded seven goals.


team in catches and yards, with 23 receptions for 294 yards, while leading with four touchdowns. He is quickly becoming one of Colt McCoy’s favorite weapons. “He made that look really pretty, didn’t he?� McCoy said about Buckner’s catch. “Dan matched up on a linebacker is always a mismatch.� He finished with two touchdowns for the day, the other coming off a 36-yard catch and run down the middle of the field,

Last week members of the Kansas football and basketball teams engaged in a series of fights on campus, the University Daily Kansan reported. Students were said to have seen Dezmon Briscoe, junior cornerback Chris Harris and others scuffle with a number of basketball players Wednesday morning outside of a residence hall. A similar incident also took place the night before. Although many students who witnessed the fight asked not to be identified, multiple sources confirmed that there had been an altercation between two large groups of players on Wednesday morning, and campus police questioned athletes on both teams. Representatives from the two squads released a collective statement after the fight. “Now we want everyone to know that we have met and talked it out. We realize we’re all Jayhawks,� the statement said. “We’re proud of what both teams have accomplished. We appreciate the support these teams give each other. We’ll be in the stands rooting for

each other like we always “We’re college studen young people, [and] we’ ing to make mistakes, said. “Everybody’s coo thing’s done.� Harris was one of two player questioned by pol wake of the fights. Senior quarterback To ing put the final nail in t after Saturday’s 38-28 vic Southern Mississippi. “It’s over with, it’s don ing said. “I don’t think w talk about it any more.� No statement has been possibly punishing the p volved, but Kansas ath rector Lew Perkins said that it was, “the most co ed thing I’ve ever dealt whole life.�



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Tuesday, September

11 ENT


r 29, 2009 Tuesday, September 29, 2009

MUSIC: Brothers team up

for major label folk debut From page 12 Peter Gabriel and New Order. Paul Simon and David Byrne went to Africa in the ‘80s and came back with weirder, denser and more complex songs filled with polyrhythm and unorthodox instrumentation. Now we turn to African artists like The Very Best’s Esau Mwamwaya for a simpler, soulful pop song that harkens back to Motown and The Beach Boys. The Warm Heart of Africa won’t be labeled exotic merely due to niceties but because it’s more in tune with what makes a good pop song then most modern American albums. — Allistair Pinsof

Avett Brothers I and Love and You The music world has seen many successful sibling duos. Richard and Karen Carpenter, Tegan and Sara Quin and even quasi-brother and sister Jack and Meg White have put all their familial squabbles aside to master their individual genres. With the duo’s first release on a major label, the Avett Brothers have cemented their position as folk’s golden children. I and Love and You is a stunning, diverse collection of piano ballads, bluegrass freak-outs and bright folk-rock.

Seth and Scott Avett, aided by upright bassist Bob Crawford, have made the dreaded switch from indie to major label seamlessly, without the watered-down feeling that many bands take on with a “corporate sellout.” The Avetts voice the plight of the common man in an elegant syntax akin to musician-poets of the ‘60s and ‘70s. But rather than the political generalizations of their folk forefathers, the Avetts write about the quiet, relatable realizations that everyone has. Perhaps the most impressive aspect of I and Love and You is the organic feel that they bring to both the heart-wrenching slow songs and the bouncy folk-pop that the album vacillates between. Each level receives the same amount of attention and care. The title track “I and Love and You,” an understated beginning to the album, is just as natural as “Kick Drum Heart,” an energetic homage to twee-pop that draws lightly on the Avett’s punk roots. “The Perfect Space” interweaves the two opposites; what begins as a creeping, string-laced song breaks into a danceable piano frenzy in the selfproclaimed “part-two.” I and Love and You is a beautifully crafted album, both lyrically and musically. It is the rare kind of album that gives an immediate sense of nostalgia and familiar warmth that makes you part of the family. — Abbey Johnson


Vendor offers alternative hot do

Curbside stand provides students with new take on ordinary frankfurter By Solomon Wang Daily Texan Staff Upon first look, the unique gastronomic experience that is Rigo’s Madness appears to be yet another hot dog cart on the Drag. Giving a double take, many are surprised to find that this push cart boasts intriguing goodies such as caramelized onions, roasted red peppers and many more, all prepared in hot dog fashion. Rodrigo Jaramillo, the man behind the Madness, concocted these dogs from childhood inspirations and his culinary background. Coming to Austin from Chicago just three months ago, Jaramillo has brought with him experience from working with some of the higher-end restaurants in the Windy City. Jaramillo’s culinary background is clear in his assortment of unique ingredients packed into his hot dog offerings. The ingredients are packed into a mere two-item menu: the “Austin Style Dog,” a meat-lover ’s dog, and “The Eggplant Dog,” a vegan option. Containing a conglomerate of toppings, “The Austin Style” Dog yields a Vienna all-beef dog topped with mashed potatoes, hickory smoked bacon, caramelized onions, green Tabasco sauce, buttered corn and roasted red peppers atop a simple Mrs. Baird’s bun. Though paying tribute to a classic hot dog bun, Rigo’s could perhaps find a heartier choice to stuff the artery-clogging goodness with. Nonetheless, you can’t go wrong with meat and potatoes, especially on some white bread smothered in other taste boosters. The “Austin Style” is very messy, but it’s what you’d expect: a maddening few bites of greasy, flavorful, salty goodness. For environmentally-friendly diners or those looking for lighter fare, “The Eggplant Dog” ac-

French leaders defend filmmaker By Angela Doland The Associated Press PARIS — Was Roman Polanski “thrown to the lions because of ancient history?” That’s what the French culture minister says — though not everyone in France agrees. The French government has rushed to the filmmaker’s defense since he was arrested this weekend in Switzerland on a U.S. warrant in connection with his guilty plea to having having sex with a 13-year-old girl in 1977. Government ministers and France’s cultural world have lauded Polanski as a great artist, a family man and a survivor of countless hardships who deserves peace at age 76. In Paris, Polanski is not a fugitive wanted for a sex crime, but rather a revered artist and public figure who has never had much reason to hide. While Polanski would have risked arrest to attend the 2003 Academy Awards in Los Angeles — where he was named best director for “The Pianist” — he is free to climb the red carpet at ev-

ery Cannes Film Festival. Actor Harrison Ford eventually delivered the golden Oscar statuette to Polanski at another French film festival in the Normandy beach town of Deauville. Polanski, who has dual French and Polish nationality, has long been protected by France’s refusal to extradite its citizens. France’s indulgence toward artists has played into sympathy for him among the country’s elites, as has the French distaste for peering into public figures’ private lives. Few, if any, prominent figures came out publicly against Polanski, but there were signs that many ordinary French people disagreed with the government’s position. Many newspaper readers responded with angry comments on the newspapers’ Web sites lashing out at France’s government and cultural leaders. One comment in Le Figaro read: “Our so-called intelligentsia lacks modesty, restraint and impartiality when one of its own has behaved badly.” Polanski has lived in France

since he fled the United States in 1978, after pleading guilty to one count of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor but before being formally sentenced. His early life was marked by tragedy — his mother died at Auschwitz during the Holocaust, and his second wife, actress Sharon Tate, was murdered in 1969 by followers of Charles Manson. She was eight months pregnant. While French Cabinet ministers are generally cautious about commenting on the legal affairs of other countries, saying they don’t want to interfere, they have been astonishingly outspoken on behalf of Polanski, who could be extradited to the United States. Both French Culture Minister Frederic Mitterrand and Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner stressed Polanski’s artistic gifts in their defense of him. Polanski’s victim, Samantha Geimer, who identified herself publicly years ago, has joined in Polanski’s bid for dismissal, saying she wants the case to be over. She sued Polanski and reached an undisclosed settlement.


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Rodrig Jaramil owner Madne prepar “Eggpl for Mia Pruett, adverti senior. hot dog offers a of two includi “Austin Dog.”

Michael Daily Tex

tually offers an even more interesting combination of ingredients: roasted eggplant stuffed with mushroom hash, caramelized onions, scallions, cashews, roasted red peppers and mustard. Texture is key as the creaminess of the onions, peppers and eggplant contrast with the crunch of the scallions and cashews. Disappointingly, this vegan option is overwhelmed with

saltiness galore. The eggplant is oddly reminiscent of a tamale, though soggy and stuffed with ground mushroom. Offering a limited menu with fresh ingredients allows Rigo’s to concentrate on what is important: quality. Though the hot dogs are a convenient grab-and-go on the way to class, both are a bit steep in price at $3.50 each. For some students, $3.50 for street food

may not seem that rea but Rigo’s offers an inter ternative to a bagel or su Rodrigo’s Madness is 2310 Guadalupe St., righ of Swirll Yogurt Shop. by the University Co-op ing across from West Cam can’t miss the cart’s brigh white umbrella. The car Monday through Friday permitting) from 12 p.m.




Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Life&Arts Editor: Leigh Patterso E-mail: lifeandarts@dailytexanon Phone: (512) 232-2209



Zombie fans anticipate film release Cookbooks

make it eas to brush up on chef skil

By Layne Lynch Daily Texan Staff As said by the great character Gusteau in ie “Ratatouille,” “Anyone can cook,” but, didn’t mention is that instructional literatu solutely necessary. The best way to learn to cook is to stud books house a wealth of knowledge. They every language, from every country and are ridden with splatter marks and have p ing out of their spines. Here are five cookb would be of use to anyone — especially co dents trying to up their culinary repertoire.

“How To Cook Everything” by Mark Bittm

Bruno Morlan | Daily Texan Staff

Brandon “Chippy” Barnett poses for pictures outside the “Zombieland” premier at the Paramount on Friday. Barnett was one of many zombies who was hired to be present at the Austin premier by Arlington-based company Zombie Manor.

Texas Union committee offers free advanced screening to students By Gerald Rich Daily Texan Staff UT zombie fans rejoice; while most will have to pay to see “Zombieland” on Oct. 2, the Student Events Center Film Committee will host a free advanced screening tonight at 7:30 p.m. There’s even going to be a zombie costume contest. The film features an odd cast including Woody Harrelson (“No Country For Old Men”), Jesse Eisenberg (“The Squid and the Whale”), Abigail Breslin (“Lit-

tle Miss Sunshine”) and Emma Stone (“Superbad”) as some of the last survivors of a zombie plague. They battle zombies across the country, eventually taking shelter in an old amusement park. Hardcore zombie fans looking for great zombie action should not be disappointed. “Our zombies are ferocious, infected people that move erratically,” the casting director told MTV’s Movie Blog. “They are diseased, as opposed to undead. These are not the lumbering walking dead of

Romero’s zombie movies, but instead the super jacked up ‘28 Days Later’ / ‘Dawn of the Dead’ zombies. They are scary and gnarly and gross.” Fantastic Fest hosted the world premiere of the film this past Friday to a throng of attendees dressed as zombies to positive reviews. Although some may scratch their head as to why adorable Breslin is teaming-up with tough guy Harrelson, the diverse cast seems to be the best part. “[The characters] are a puzzle

that doesn’t fit together, but they still work,” said undeclared sophomore Ryan Sanchez, who saw the movie Friday. “The movie’s on the same plane as ‘Shaun of the Dead,’” Sanchez said. “There’s still some terror aspects to it, [but] you’re not afraid for your life.” Overall, the film promises to be a big hit for relatively no-name director Ruben Fleischer, whose most notable credit is directing a couple episodes of “Jimmy Kimmel Live.”

Tasty Tuesdays

spinach and ham frittata Ingredients 4 eggs 1 cup uncooked spinach ¼ cup diced onions ½ cup diced ham ½ tsp salt ¼ tsp black pepper Olive oil for cooking

Shelley Neuman | Daily Texan Staff

Frittatas are a simple dish that can serve as a snack or entire meal and are easy to customize to your particular tastes.

Directions r Sauté spinach, onions and ham in non-stick pan with olive oil for a few minutes. r Mix salt and pepper into eggs , pour eggs into pan. r Cover pan and cook for 10-15 minutes, checking occasionally to mak e sure bottom isn’t burnt. Flip if desired. Serve warm. Serves four.

Quick frittata recipe serves as fast food alternative

By Lisa Holung Daily Texan Columnist One of my weekend rituals is to sift through cookbooks, magazines and cooking blogs to find a dish that will inspire me to give up takeout and actually cook a meal. But many many recipes are made for more than just one. As a student who mainly cooks for her-

self, I am left wishing there was something of a more personal size to make. Instead of going out and buying large quantities of ingredients for my single serving dinners, I try to whip something up from what I have left in the refrigerator. This frittata recipe is an example of one of those spur-of-themoment creations.

Frittatas are traditionally thicker and more quiche-like in appearance, but this recipe shrinks the portion size and satisfies that quick craving for food with a breakfast feel. It’s a three-step process, which simplifies things when you’re in a rush. Throw some ingredients in a pan, pour in some eggs and wait 10-15 minutes.

Voila, you’re finished. One of my favorite things to do with this glorified omelet is to cut it up into slices and dip it in ketchup. You could also put pieces of it in a sandwich or eat it as is. Either way, find a tasty version that fits you, and enjoy not having to eat the same thing for four days straight.

1 2 3 4 5

Clocking in at over 1,000 pages, count ple have told me that this is their cooking b convenience of easy recipes helps a reade stand the roots of basic cooking that buil confidence to move on to trickier recipes. T York Times food writer Mark Bittman has of knowledge of every type of world cui those who are devout vegetarians, Bittman cently released a version of the book called Cook Everything Vegetarian.” In both of th his helpful tips like “12 Must-Have Kitche “Frosting a Cake,” “Grinding Your Own Sp many others help turn a college student int

“Barefoot Contessa at Home” by Ina Gart

Behold: Food Network’s own Barefoot sa, the entertainer who lives in the Hamp at times comes off a tiny bit pretentious. H there is no denying the lady can cook. Eas like buttermilk mashed potatoes, blue chee ers and “omelets for two” are what make t book so viable. However, buy this book with — cooking a decadent meal like this is gr once-a-week date night, but relying on Gart night would pack on more than the “Fresh One of her cakes has four sticks of butter in and cake combined.

“Rosa’s New Mexican Table” by Roberto Santibañez

Santibañez’s cookbook is a useful overvie ery dish in Mexican cuisine. He honors read recipes that they may not have considered at home, such as flour and corn tortillas. de gallo and guacamole recipes are deliciou ner-party appetizers, and the margarita s elaborate, and everything is easy to make. downside is the attainment of some ing things like banana leaves are not easy to fin any market.

Weight Watchers cookbooks

Even if the reader isn’t on Weight Watc recipes within the pages of the company’s co are a great way to keep the pounds from pa And though they’re a rather embarrassing to a bookshelf, the books allow for a chang style while still eating good food. The only d is that some of the recipes are hit or miss. N thing written is necessarily absolutely div “healthy” doesn’t always translate to “delic

Crock-Pot cookbooks

Even though Crock-Pots are touted as be and quick, these are really exaggerations. Cr take sometimes eight to 12 hours to cook but for college students that shouldn’t be a Stick all the ingredients in a pot, turn it on turn from studying and dinner is served. Pot is a great investment, with many stores get and Walmart selling some for as low as


Alice in Chains Black Gives Way to Blue Blink-182 did it. Creed did it. Limp Bizkit did it. The list of popular ‘90s bands reuniting is growing exponentially by the day, so what’s one more? The most recent group to jump on the bandwagon is ultra-successful grunge act Alice in Chains, who release Black Gives Way to Blue today. The reunion is one that many have expressed concern about, due to the lack of founding member Layne Staley, who died in 2002. Although an integral reason the band became successful in the first place, his absence from the group’s newest album is barely noticeable, thanks to the fact that his replacement, William DuVall sings almost exactly like Staley. The things that made Alice in Chains so popular when they first hit the scene were the combination of

of grit and distorted to the extreme. Staley’s intense lyrics dealing with depression and addiction made the outfit an R-rated band for sure, and an adult alternative for the teenagers falling over themselves for Nirvana. Unfortunately, the band has done nothing to update or change that style for Black Gives Way to Blue. The original members, as well as DuVall, know exactly where the band’s wheelhouse has been for ages and don’t consider it prudent to make any alterations. The guitars still chug along with efficiency, DuVall now harmonizes with Cantrell, and once every few songs the electrics get unplugged in favor of acoustic instrumentation. The same things that made the band worthwhile in the early ‘90s are still here, including memorably heavy guitar lines like those found on “All Secrets Known” and “Check My Brain,” but those riffs also follow the blueprint of every other Alice

but it’s not for lack of trying. It’s clear the band wants to recreate the success those songs created, but without evolution, without progress, it’s an impossible feat. — Robert Rich

The Very Best The Warm Heart of Africa Like Afrikan Boy and M.I.A. before, The Very Best have built a fanbase off of an Internet mixtape. After writing some tracks together, Radioclit, a production duo from Europe, collaborated with young Milawi pop singer Esau Mwamwaya to form The Very Best. The group’s debut mixtape was built on the back of pop and R&B hits with minimal production touches and lots of vocal reimagining. It’s interesting to see how the group carries on without that backbone of established pop songs, but anyone who’s heard “Dinosaurs on the Ark” can attest that

Many months later, The Very Best has arrived with 12 new tracks and one cover. Depending on how you felt about the group’s initial mixtape, it’s hard to consider The Warm Heart of Africa a disappointment. The album starts with the gorgeous “Yalira,” which blends synth-bass, multi-vocal harmonies, wistful vocal samples and tribal drums in its opening minute alone. “Chalo” carries a sleepy party vibe with a flurry of gleeful synths that sound as if they’re taken from an ‘80s TV show theme. The title track makes for an early album highlight thanks to the pitch perfect duo of Esau and Ezra Koenig. The rest of the tracklist isn’t as strong, but it still manages to cover more ground then you’d expect from such a distinct sounding record. “Mfumu” is especially noteworthy, thanks to Radioclit giving Esau a sandbox to play in that is equal parts

Illustration by Thu Vo | Daily Texan Staff

Collaboration brings African vibe to American pop music

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