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Friday, October 16, 2009

LIFE&ARTS PAGE 12 Upcoming films provide reel fun

Serving the University of Texas at Austin community since 1900

FAST continues on page 2






Students to ‘go hungry for a day’ By Nehal Patel Daily Texan Staff A t p re c i s e l y 1 2 : 1 7 p . m . Thursday, about 10 members of UT’s Muslim Students Association stopped what they were doing and froze in place at the Main Mall. Called a “flash mob,” the act was supposed to pique passing students’ interests and call attention to the association’s upcoming Fast-A-Thon. “This was the first time we’ve tried a flash mob,” said Sabina Mohammed, business senior and MSA president. “It didn’t go quite as we expected, because we weren’t organized, but it did reach our ultimate goal of attracting attention.” The association will host their eighth annual Fast-A-Thon on Oct. 22 to raise awareness of poverty and solicit approximately $1 in donations per FastA-Thon pledge from local businesses. Donated money will be given to the Capital Area Food Bank of Texas. The food bank serves 21 counties in Texas and provided 13,883,116 meals in 2008, according to its Web site. “Last year, over 1,700 people pledged to fast, and we raised over $2,000,” Mohammed said. “Our goal this year is to have 2,000 pledges and raise at least $2,000.” Anyone can pledge to participate in the fast from sunrise to sunset, during which consumption of anything — including food, drinks and even cigarettes — is prohibited. Participants will break their fast together at 7 p.m. with food donated from local restaurants such as Dimassi’s, Kismet Cafe and Mellow Mushroom. “[MSA] chose to have the Fast-A-Thon at the end of October, after Ramadan, because the days are getting shorter, and it would be less strenuous on people who haven’t fasted before,” said Sarah Arabi-Katbi, astronomy sophomore and MSA publicity director.


Jordy Wagoner | Daily Texan Staff

UT students Omar Merchant, above, and Mohammed Rizvi speak with Zohaib Qadri during the Muslim Students Associations’ eighth annual Fast-A-Thon.

Changes threaten research funding By Viviana Aldous Daily Texan Staff A proposed amendment to a federal appropriations bill that would prohibit National Science Foundation funding for political science research is stirring discontent in the UT government department. Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., filed the amendment, which is now one of nearly 100 tacked on to the appropriations bill for the Department of Commerce and Department of Justice, on Oct. 7. The House of Representatives passed the appropriations package June 18. But the bill fell short Tuesday of the number of votes needed for closure, which would have ended debate on the bill in the Senate. The foundation supported UT political science research with $503,000 in grants last year. “How’s [political science] going to improve a situation with someone with a human condition or disease?” said Don Tatro, a spokesman for the senator. “Is it a priority to study election trends or to help people with chronic disease? This may be great stuff, but is it a priority role for the federal government at this time?” The grants to the government department fund the National Election Studies survey and a policy agendas project — an archive of information on national public issues over time and of all the bills and laws passed by Congress. In a statement, Coburn questioned the need to fund the NES, a survey based at the University of Michigan that analyzes trends of the American electorate. “The idea that every dollar given to NES funding is taken away from scientific research is misleading and contentious,” said government professor Daron Shaw, a member of the board of overseers for the studies. “It’s always better to study horrendous diseases than to what — fix potholes, go to Mars and so on. This is a false choice. The federal government does all sorts of things, even in the context of funding scientific research.” Gary Freeman, chairman of the government department, said that without funding from the

GRANTS continues on page 2

Texas ex talks politics to students Bailey Hutchison, as well as former Montana Republican Sen. Conrad Burns. “I wanted to really test myself and see if I could succeed

But, he was very active within several student organizations — including Texas Cowboys — and was the president of his fraternity. His advice to students was to join organizations and become active. He also said to set clear goals and that there are people here on campus that will help. Grades will not “He seemed like he motivatspecifically lead ed people,” said government freshman Charley Collins. you to a great job “You can be successful and or a bad job.” not necessarily with a 4.0.” Mackowiak also covered his — Matt position on the health care criMackowaik sis, the economy and PresiUT alumnus dent Obama’s pending decision on whether or not to send more troops to Afghanistan. “It almost looks exactly like in the highest level of poli- the Clinton years,” he said of the Obama administration. tics,” he said. Mackowiak said he graduat- “They have completely fored with pretty average grades. gotten about the economy. No one believes you can cover everyone, improve care and decrease cost [in health care]. I don’t think I would ever call the president a liar. However, you can say something that’s not true and not lie.” Mackowiak said he hopes Obama sends more troops to Afghanistan and rejects pressure from liberal Democrats to scale back the U.S. presence in the country. He ended his talk by giving advice to the undergraduates in attendance. “Grades will not specificalBruno Morlan | Daily Texan Staff ly lead you to a great job or a bad job,” Mackowiak said. College Republicans President Mike Garcia, left, shows an autographed picture of the organization’s “Republican of the Week” George W. Bush. POLITICS continues on page 2 By Hannah Jones Daily Texan Staff UT graduate Matt Mackowiak, who jumped into Republican politics full-time after graduating in 2003, told listeners Thursday night that the organizations they participate in will benefit them far more than their GPA when they leave the 40 Acres. Mackowiak spoke at a meeting of the College Republicans at Texas in Garrison Hall. Mackowiak is the founder of GOP political and corporate communications firm, Potomac Strategy Group, LLC. After graduating, Mackowiak worked in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, on the Bush-Cheney presidential campaign in Iowa, in planning events involving President Bush in 2005 and as a press secretary for Sen. Kay


Award honors fusion of art, diversity By Jordan Haeger Daily Texan Staff The UT Project on Conflict Resolution honored three Austin men, including the late Clifford Antone, for their work in bringing people of diverse backgrounds together through music and art. The men were honored Thursday night at Antone’s, a famous blues club. The Bridging Divides Award recognizes public figures who bridge divisions between people, said PCR’s director and founder Madeline Maxwell. Willie Nelson was the inspiration and first recipient of the award in 2007. This year’s winners are Antone, Harold McMillan and Cyril Neville. The PCR is a group that mediates disputes between students and other members of the UT community, as well as non-members of the University, said Chris Reid, a PCR member and history junior. The executive board of the PCR receives nominations for the award from the community. Maxwell said there is an extensive vetting process for each nominee. McMillan, an artist and musician, received the award for his work with the African-American Quality of Life Initiative. The program established East Austin as a Cultural Heritage District. “The thing I’m most concerned with is preserving and promoting African-American music — jazz, blues and gospel,” McMillan said. McMillan owns an art gallery on Fifth Street called New East Gallery. Greg Broseus, a photographer whose work has been featured in the gallery, said it promotes diversity within the art community. “I’m happy and proud and sur-

Maddie Crum | Daily Texan Staff

UT classics and Plan II professor Thomas Palaima accepts the 2009 Bridging Divides Award on behalf of the late Clifford Antone. prised [to win this award],” Mc- in good company.” Millan said. “My name is on the list Maxwell said Antone was with people I otherwise would not ANTONE continues on page 2 have included my name with. I’m




Friday, October 16, 2009

Classical caring

THE DAILY TEXAN Volume 110, Number 93 25 cents


club owner has created a legacy

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Mary Kang | Daily Texan Staff

UT students Rucha Bhatt, Seetha Kulandaisamy, Meghana Menon, and Ranjani Davalath practice Nritya Sangam at the Indian Nights on Thursday evening. The event was held at Clay Pit restaurant to benefit the Room to Read program which seeks to provide education for children in India.

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System addresses hospital issues

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Vicks scented tissues

Staffers aim to decrease missed appointments, improve transfer times By Jordan Haeger Daily Texan Staff Officials from the UT System health care community highlighted their successes Thursday in treating more patients and reducing missed doctor’s appointments and transfer times to special hospitals. The bottom line: The System looks to correct issues that impede effectiveness and safety in its six hospitals, which treat more than 5 million patients each year. More than 200 administrators and staffers met for the University of Texas System Clinical Safety and Effectiveness Inaugural Conference and Recognition Event at the Renaissance Austin Hotel downtown to share their efforts to increase hospital efficiency and hear na-

tional health care leaders discuss the nation’s most important areas for improvement in quality of treatment. Dr. Kenneth Shine, UT System executive vice chancellor for health affairs, said the conference is a way for the UT System to help improve the belowaverage health care quality for the state of Texas. For the past four years, the system has conducted instructional courses for health professionals to improve safety and effectiveness, Shine said. Everyone who participates in that research process develops presentations that were showcased at the conference. The M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Dermatology Clinic Department has streamlined its clinic operation by identifying why patients miss appointments and cutting down on that number, said Cindy Granot Segal, an M.D. Anderson quality improvement analyst. Most

of the patients said they missed appointments because they were not notified they had one. The clinic implemented a plan to have volunteers call and remind patients of appointments 48 hours before their scheduled visit. The change decreased the rate of missed appointments from more than 21 percent to 10 percent, Segal said. M.D. Anderson also freed up bed space for more patients by completing tasks like filling prescriptions and planning home health service issues before a patient is ready to be discharged. Often when a patient is ready to leave the hospital on a weekend, it is harder to coordinate these administrative tasks because of smaller staff numbers, said clinical pharmacist Maggie Lu. The Lyndon Baines Johnson General Hospital, part of the UT Health Science Center in Houston, is a Level Three Trauma Center that receives and

treats injuries on an emergency basis. The hospital does not have a neurosurgeon on staff and needed a more efficient way to transfer patients with head trauma to facilities that could treat them, said Dr. Emily Robinson. “We needed to develop a process to transfer patients within a window of time that wouldn’t have a detrimental outcome,� Robinson said. Robinson said she and other staff began talking to the staffers on the front lines in order to identify similar barriers to a fast and effective treatment. After increasing communication between LBJ, the transfer hospital and their staff, the average transfer time decreased from more than four hours to fewer than three hours, she said. The center reviews its performance in this area each month. “Our goal is to have Texas on the leading edge of health care quality,� Robinson said.

selected to receive the award for his interest in bridging diversity between whites and blacks through music. Classics and Plan II professor Tom Palaima spoke on Antone’s behalf, who died of a heart attack in 2006. Palaima said the blues club was the reason he moved to Austin in 1983. Toward the end of Antone’s life, he and Palaima became friends. Palaima said that he recalls sitting in on the classes Antone taught at UT where he would bring duffle bags of CDs and video tapes of musicians, new and old, to share with the class. “Sitting in on Cliff’s class was the smartest thing I ever did in my life, and I won a Genius Award,� said Palaima, who was awarded the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship in 1985. Neville was honored for the aid he has provided to Hurricane Katrina victims. Neville, a Katrina survivor himself, created Project Chumbo — from the melding of the words chili and gumbo — to bring people from New Orleans and Austin together through music. “Neville brought together the haves and the have-nots, blacks and whites and victims and rescuers,� Maxwell said. Three Austin bands performed to honor the award recipients. “This is what [Antone] gave to the city of Austin,� Palaima said, raising his arms to encompass the whole club. “The rich tradition of blues.�


says involvement trumps grades From page 1 “The GPA you have first semester will probably be about the same as your last semester.� Mikael Garcia, government senior and president of the organization, said that he would not have invited any other press secretary to speak at the meeting. “It was great to have him here,� Garcia said. “He’s so young, he graduated from UT and he is inspiring to students all over the University.�

GRANTS: Funding necessary to promote ‘health of the American political system’ From page 1 science foundation, it would be difficult to acquire funding from other sources, particularly private institutions. Shaw said that to make the

case for research funding, political scientists may have to do a better job defending the importance of understanding the democratic process. “The functioning of democracy is critical to our sense of our-


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selves and our abilities to diagnose the health of the American political system,� he said. “We are the foremost democracy in the world. Most nations are moving toward the American model, not vice versa. [NES funding] is a worthwhile investment, but I could certainly understand why not only people on the outside but even those in the social sciences might think otherwise.� Political science research should be funded because it is

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scientifically rigorous and is driven by theory, data and hypotheses, among other components, Freeman said. “I’m wondering how much [Coburn] knows about political science,� he said. “I’m not saying he doesn’t have a right to have an opinion or question the relevance of some of the projects the NSF funded, but this is a game that goes on quite a lot. In the past, you read where members of Congress are complaining be-

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cause the NSF is funding research that doesn’t appear obvious to a layman why it’s important, but it may have huge implications. I think you should leave these decisions to the professionals who understand these subjects.� Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, RTexas, proposed a similar measure in 2006. Hutchison’s office did not return calls by press time. The amendment would “better focus scarce basic research dollars on the important scientific endeavors that can expand our knowledge of true science and yield breakthroughs and discoveries that can improve the human condition,� according to Coburn’s Web site. “Political science affects peo-

ple’s lives,� said assistant government professor Zachary Elkins, who co-directs the Comparative Constitutions Project, which is funded by the foundation to understand the causes and consequences of constitutional choices. “We’re working to resolve conflicts between people within countries and also conflicts between countries, building institutions that bring multi-ethnic societies together,� he said. “All of these are just as important as some of the things that Senator Coburn mentions as some of the benefits of ‘real science.’ I don’t think he’s actually familiar with some of the direct impact that we have on people’s lives, unfortunately.�

FAST: Student organization

sheds light on poverty, needy From page 1 The dinner will feature a representative from Capital Area Food Bank of Texas to speak about hunger and poverty in Austin, a religious leader from a local mosque to speak about the importance of fasting and testimonials from participants who had never fasted before. More than 200 people had pledged to fast as of Thursday. “I decided to participate because I always support philanthropic events, especially food drives,� said Danny Korin, an economics and chemical engineering senior. “This fasting is for a purpose, and it’s hard for a reason. But if it was easy, it wouldn’t be worth as much.� Participants are strongly encouraged to eat a big meal and drink plenty of water before sunrise, Mohammed said.

“The point of fasting is to challenge and humble yourself,� she said. “It’s a purification process as well as a way to build bridges between different communities. But students need to be aware of their health limits, too, and should at least drink water if they begin to feel ill.� An estimated 15.2 percent of Travis County residents lived below the federal poverty level in 2006, according to the food bank’s Web site. The Travis County poverty rate was higher than the national rate of 13.3 percent, but lower than the Texas rate at 16.9 percent. “Our motto is ‘Go hungry for a day so someone else doesn’t have to,’� said Adil Mehdi, biochemistry and Islamic studies senior. “We think it’s important for people to experience how less fortunate people live.�

3 W/N

Wire Editor: Beth Waldman www.dailytexanonline.com



Friday, October 16, 2009


US father accused of stealing kids released in Japan

Gerald Herbert | Associated Press

President Barack Obama conducts a town hall meeting at the University of New Orleans on Thursday where he heard and responded to Gulf Coast residents’ concerns about the government’s involvement in restoring the area after Hurricane Katrina.

Obama defends recovery efforts By Eileen Sullivan The Associated Press NEW ORLEANS — President Barack Obama defended himself Thursday against complaints from residents of the Katrina-ravaged Gulf Coast who feel recovery help has not come soon enough from his administration. Making his first stop as president in the region devastated by Hurricane Katrina more than four years ago, Obama appeared at a town hall gathering to hear residents’ concerns in person. One man asked why federal damage reimbursements are coming so slowly and in amounts far less than needed. “I expected as much from the Bush administration, but why are we still being nickeled and dimed

in our recovery?� the man said. The president said that his administration is “working as hard as we can, as quickly as we can.� “I know since a lot of these problems have been going on since Katrina, people understandably feel impatient,� Obama said, addressing hundreds of people who won tickets in an Internet lottery to attend. “On the other hand, a lot of these things are not going to be fixed tomorrow.� The storm killed some 1,600 people in Louisiana and Mississippi, and damage has been estimated at roughly $40 billion. The damage is still starkly visible in New Orleans, in the blighted neighborhoods of creaky houses, boarded-up businesses, structure after structure awaiting demoli-

tion and critical recovery work not yet commenced. Katrina was a natural disaster that also turned into a political one for former President George W. Bush. His administration was widely criticized for a slow initial response to the crisis. Local officials complained that the recovery didn’t go much better later on, with the Bush administration often refusing to pay for work they felt should have qualified for federal aid. Obama, who once accused Bush of standing by “while a major American city drowns,� claimed progress since he entered the White House in January. He cited reconstruction projects that have moved forward after stalling due to disagreements

Gunmen, bombs kill 39 in Pakistan By Babar Dogar & Munir Ahmad The Associated Press LAHORE, Pakistan — Teams of gunmen launched coordinated attacks on three law enforcement facilities in Pakistan’s secondlargest city of Lahore, detonating car bombs in two cities near the Afghan border Thursday, killing 39 people in an escalating wave of anti-government violence. The assaults, aimed at scuttling a planned offensive into the Taliban heartland near Afghanistan, highlight Islamist militants’ ability to carry out sophisticated strikes on heavily fortified facilities and expose the failure of the intelligence agencies to adequately infiltrate the extremist cells. No group immediately claimed responsibility for the Lahore attacks, though suspicion fell on the Pakistani Taliban. The attacks Thursday also were the latest to underscore the growing threat to Punjab, of which Lahore is the capital. The Taliban are believed to have made inroads in the province, located next to India, and linked up with local insurgent outfits. President Asif Ali Zardari said the bloodshed that has engulfed the nation over the past two weeks would not deter the government from its mission to eliminate the violent extremists. “The enemy has started a guerrilla war,� Interior Minister Rehman Malik said. “The whole nation should be united against these handful of terrorists, and God willing we will defeat them.�

WORLD BRIEFLY Israel seeks support from UN allies on Gaza War crimes vote JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on members of the U.N.’s Human Rights Council to reject a resolution on Thursday endorsing a report accusing Israeli forces and their Palestinian opponents of war crimes during the fighting in Gaza last winter. The Geneva-based council is expected to vote Friday on a resolution that would ask the Security Council in New York to determine within six months whether both sides are carrying out credible investigations into alleged abuses

over whether the state or federal government would foot the bill, with officials working “around the clock to clean up red tape.� The Federal Emergency Management Agency said that of the 120 Louisiana reconstruction projects that were stuck at the beginning of Obama’s presidency, 76 have been resolved. This has sent more than $1.4 billion in additional federal aid to Louisiana. Obama said officials from his administration have made 35 trips to the Gulf Coast since March — and “not just to make appearances, but to listen and to learn and help you move forward.� The town hall took place after Obama stopped by a local school that he said was “doing much better� than four years ago.

By Mari Yamaguchi The Associated Press TOKYO — Japanese police released an American man held for 18 days on Thursday, pending an investigation into accusations he snatched his children from his ex-wife. The case is among a growing number of custody disputes in Japan that involve one foreign parent. Japanese law allows only one parent to be a guardian — almost always the mother — leaving many divorced fathers without access to their children until they are grown. While prosecutors have not pressed charges against Christopher Savoie, they haven’t yet dropped the case either, and an investigation is continuing, said police official Kiyonori Tanaka in the southern Japanese city of Yanagawa. They decided to release him on grounds that he was not a flight risk, he said. Savoie, 38, of Franklin, Tennessee, was arrested Sept. 28 after his Japanese ex-wife, Noriko, called police to say he grabbed their two children, ages 8 and 6, as she was walking them to school, forced them into a car and drove off. Savoie’s current wife, Amy, was awakened by a telephone call at her home in Franklin early Thursday and answered to hear her husband’s voice. She said the couple had only a few minutes to talk, and it isn’t yet clear when her husband would be coming home. In response to a request to interview her husband, Amy Savoie wrote in e-mails that he would not grant any interviews until he returns to America and

is back home in Tennessee. “He is a grieving father, first and foremost,� she wrote in anemail. “He has to get home and contend with the fact that he had to essentially ‘bury’ his children yesterday.� The Fukuoka District Prosecutors Office refused to comment on the Savoie case. But a suspect with a pending investigation is released on the condition he or she consents to undergo further questioning. No bail is involved in a pre-indictment release. Police said Christopher Savoie is not under surveillance. Wes Yoder, Amy Savoie’s publicist, said Christopher Savoie is being allowed to leave Japan. Prosecutors said Savoie has told them he regretted breaking Japanese law and promised them that he would never repeat the mistake, according to Kyodo News agency. Savoie also told prosecutors that he planned to resolve the custody dispute with his ex-wife through constructive dialogue, it reported. Savoie’s Japanese lawyer Tadashi Yoshino was not immediately available for comment. The family had lived in Japan from 2001 and 2008 and moved to the U.S. in 2008. The couple was divorced in Tennessee in January 2009, and Noriko Savoie was given primary custody. In August, she brought the children to Japan without telling her husband. U.S. court has since issued a warrant for her arrest. Police said that Noriko Savoie and her children are staying with her parents in Yanagawa, but have refused to talk to the media.

Start Your Career in Accounting.

Mohammad Sajjad | Associated Press

Pakistaini police officers examine the wreckage of a car used in a bombing that hit a government building in Peshawar, Pakistan on Thursday. The wave of violence shut down daily life in Lahore. All government offices were ordered closed and the roads were nearly empty. The assaults began about 9 a.m. when a single gunman wearing civilian clothes and a suicide vest burst into the offices of the Federal Investigation Agency, the national law enforcement body, and began shooting, said Rana Sanaullah, the provincial law minister. He killed two men and four civilians and was killed by guards at the building before he could detonate his explosives, he said. Soon after, three or four gunmen raided a police training school on the outskirts of the city, killing 11 officers and recruits, before police killed all the attackers, Sanaullah said. The facility was the scene earlier this year of an

eight-hour militant standoff that left 12 dead. A third team then scaled the back wall of a police commando training center near the airport, Lahore police chief Pervez Rathore said. The attackers stood on the roof of a house, shooting at security forces and throwing grenades at them, said Lt. Gen. Shafqat Ahmad, the top military officer in Lahore. The four assailants were killed, along with a police officer and a civilian, Sanaullah said, adding that the gunmen in all three attacks carried dried fruit and apparently were preparing to dig in for a long siege. Sajjad Bhutta, a senior government official, said the attackers appeared to be both from the lawless tribal regions along the Afghan border and from Punjab.

or to refer the issue to the International Criminal Court in the Hague, Netherlands. “Israel’s only real crime is that it does not have an automatic majority in the U.N.,� Netanyahu said at a press conference. Netanyahu argues that the resolution, if adopted, would hamper Israel’s ability to defend itself and therefore discourage it from making possibly risky concessions for peace with the Palestinians.

reduce the risk of the material going to nuclear weapons, France’s Foreign Ministry said Thursday. Talks over the deal are to be at the heart of discussions during a meeting in Vienna on Monday between the United States, Russia, France, Iran and experts from the U.N. nuclear watchdog. The three world powers want an agreement to be reached during the meeting, said Christine Fages, a ministry spokeswoman, during an online briefing. Under the deal, Iran would send 1.2 tons of low-enriched uranium from its Nantaz facility to Russia before the end of the year, Fages said.

UN voices concern over Iran’s nuclear power, uranium stores PARIS — World powers want Iran to agree quickly to the export of low-enriched uranium to Russia for further enrichment as it would

Compiled from Associated Press Reports




4 Friday, October 16, 2009

Editor in Chief: Jillian Sheridan Phone: (512) 232-2212 E-mail: editor@dailytexanonline.com Associate Editors: Jeremy Burchard David Muto Dan Treadway Lauren Winchester




Who draws the blood? In September, a law went into effect that allows police officers to bypass warrants when requiring blood samples from suspected drunken drivers. During “no refusal weekends,” an officer can mandate a blood sample if the driver refuses a breath test and “has a history of offenses or if a serious injury or child passenger is involved.” The “no refusal” policy is implemented during holidays and celebrations when drunken driving is expected to increase, such as Halloween weekend. In a previous editorial we lamented that this new law creates a dangerous precedent that expands police power. While we still disapprove of warrantless mandatory blood draws, a new City Council draft resolution offers the faintest of safeguards for suspects who are forced to provide a sample of their blood. Councilman Bill Spelman’s resolution would forbid police officers from drawing blood to “protect the health and safety of officers and suspects.” Instead, the blood would be drawn by trained health professionals in a “public health setting,” according to the Austin American-Statesman. In Austin, professionals currently collect blood from suspects, but police officers across the state are being trained to draw blood from suspects, and Police Chief Art Acevedo has publicly discussed adopting this procedure. Allowing police officers to draw the blood of drunken driving suspects creates a number of problems, the most immediate of which concerns the invasiveness of the procedure. Few people are comfortable with a police officer sticking a needle into their veins, even if that officer has received training. Furthermore, the dynamics between an officer and suspect do not provide a hospitable environment for the procedure, especially when you factor alcohol into that mix. Tensions between the officer and suspect would undoubtedly be running high, and the suspect could potentially be uncooperative or even belligerent. If the suspect is hostile toward the police officer, attempting to draw blood would pose a safety issue for both parties. As Spelman noted in an Austin American-Statesman article, “People are going to respond very differently to someone who looks more like a doctor than someone who looks like a police officer.” It is not a police officer’s job to draw blood from a suspect — nor should it be. That responsibility should be left to phlebotomists and trained hospital staff. We would prefer a resolution that requires police officers to obtain warrants before mandating blood draws, but at least Spelman’s proposal aims to fix one of the law’s shortcomings. It is not a perfect solution, but we’ll take it. — Lauren Winchester for the editorial board

Great books alive and well at UT By Lorraine Pangle Daily Texan Guest Columnist Last winter, UT’s Program in Western Civilization and American Institutions was expanded into a new academic center under new leadership with a new name, the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Study of Core Texts and Ideas. Because that transition generated controversy around the country that continues to reverberate nearly a year later, including absurd claims about the demise of the great books at UT that have recently been repeated in an opinion column in this newspaper, we would like to explain to the campus community who we are and how we have and have not changed. The Jefferson Center is an interdisciplinary center whose mission is to educate citizens and leaders for thoughtful lives of freedom through the study of great texts that reflect deeply on human nature and on the challenges of conducting our individual and collective lives ethically and rationally. In the spirit of Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence, the founder of the University of Virginia and a book-lover whose extraordinary library became the kernel of the Library of Congress, our premise is that the best education for liberty is one in which students engage in a direct, respectful but probing and critical study of original works that have shaped human thought and history. The Program in Western Civilization and American Institutions was an embryonic interdisciplinary program that seems to have meant many things to many people. Was its mission to offer survey courses in history and American government? Was it to celebrate the accomplishments of the West and provide a narrative about the place of America in western history? Was it to promote conservative ideas on a too-liberal campus? Or was it to teach the great books and the revolutionary ideas that they contain in a pluralistic spirit, and if so, why did it limit itself to books from the West? When government professor Thomas Pangle and I stepped in as acting director and associate director, respectively, in December 2008, clarifying the scope and mission of the program was thus a high priority. Our answer, conveyed in part through a more informative name, and joined by a unanimous steering committee and a very supportive dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Randy Diehl, has

LEGALESE Opinions expressed in The Daily Texan are not necessarily those of the UT administration, the Board of Regents or the Texas Student Media Board of Operating Trustees. All Texan editorials are written by the editorial board, which is listed in the top right corner of this page.

been this: Core Texts and Ideas is a program in the great books and other seminal texts; our emphasis is on major works of the West that have profoundly shaped the world we live in, but we welcome courses that bring these into dialogue with great Eastern works as well; we actively seek to include both readings and faculty from all points of view; our aim is to let the works speak for themselves and let students explore for themselves the debates that rage between them. On our Web site we provide not a fixed canon but a definition of core texts. These are major works in all fields, distinguished both by their depth of insight or creative originality and by their influence on subsequent thought or history. Fixed canons give the comfort of certainty but also the danger of rigidity and thoughtless deference to the authority of tradition. We offer instead a forum for rational conversation and mutual enlightenment about which works are most worthy of students’ and our own limited time and energies. When we took over in December, the program offered a number of courses in the great books and a loosely structured six-course concentration. In draft form it had a proposed six-course certificate program that would require students to take (in any order) courses on basic religious texts, great works from ancient Greece, the history of political philosophy and America’s constitutional principles, as well as two great books electives. Together with Dean Diehl, we have been working to implement precisely that program for the 2010 catalogue. In addition, we are assembling a growing list of great books courses that already exist in many departments, encouraging the modification and creation of others, and thus offering students a new path through UT’s core curriculum organized around the study of great books. The program in Core Texts and Ideas is indeed conservative in the one sense that we read old books and take them very seriously. But the great books are all revolutionary books. They offer as many questions as answers. They certainly do not tell a unified story. If the proper mission of a great books program is not to offer a single narrative or perspective but to help students learn to question and think more deeply for themselves, that program is alive and well at Texas. Pangle is an associate professor of government and co-director of the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Study of Core Texts and Ideas.


Have someting to say? Say it in print, and to the entire campus community. The Daily Texan Editorial Board welcomes submissions for guest columns. Columns must be between 500 and 700 words. Send columns to editor@dailytexanonline.com. The Texan reserves the right to edit all columns for clarity, brevity and liability.

UT vs. OU

By Daniel Earnest Daily Texan Columnist

Because many of you will be sojourning to Dallas this weekend to participate in this year’s installment of the Red River Rivalry, I thought it would be appropriate to compare Texas and Oklahoma on a higher, more intellectual level than on the basis of a stupid football game. To pay our northern neighbors the respect they deserve, I feel it necessary to disclose that I am weighing the two parties in the most unbiased way possible. So which state and university is actually better? Let’s take a look at three important categories that I think are the most important when trying to crown a champion. First, let’s consider the history of each state’s formation. In the early 1800s, people flocked to Texas from all over the United States and other countries, seeking opportunity and a fresh beginning — a rebirth, if you will. This reincarnation was fortified when many Texans bravely fought tyranny and oppression in a war for independence from Mexico, after which Texas subsisted as its own nation, governing itself for several years before gracing the United States with its annexation. Oklahoma, on the other hand, has a heritage of thievery and cheating. “Sooners,” as they were called, are those who jumped the gun and rushed the land prior to the allocated start date. Pretty heroic, huh? The funny thing is, people in Oklahoma are actually quite satisfied with the fraudulent expeditions, and our rival school proudly nicknamed itself after these con artists. Edge: Texas Next, let’s take a look at education. Maybe Oklahoma will surprise us. According to U.S. News & World Report, the University of Texas at Austin is ranked 47th among national universities in the Unites States. It boasts the sixth-best undergraduate business program, the 10th-best graduate engineering program and the 15th-best law school. Within the business school, the accounting program has been ranked No. 1 for several years running now, ahead of such prestigious schools as Wharton at the University of Pennsylvania and Booth at the University of Chicago. Texas is also perennially ranked in the top 10 U.S. public universities.

In contrast, the University of Oklahoma ranks 102nd nationally by the same ranking system. Additionally, students at OU do not go to class, and it has been proven that they do not brush their teeth either. In fact, if you huddle all 22 starters of the OU football team in a circle, you might be lucky enough to assemble one complete set of teeth. Further, to lighten the cerebral burden on the student body and alumni at OU, their fight song was chosen because it contains only two words, “boomer” and “sooner.” Again, why do they take so much pride in poor ethics and dishonesty? Edge: Texas Finally, let’s take a look at each school’s mascot — an everinteresting angle in determining supremacy. Bevo, UT’s mascot, is fierce and as majestic as a steer can be. He weighs literally one ton and possesses a magnificent set of horns that stretches nearly six feet across. Yet his imposing figure does not scare the ladies away. In actuality, Bevo is a ladies’ man. Don’t believe me? Take a look at the heifers’ longing eyes as they beg Bevo not to leave them again in the promotional video featuring the burly longhorn and Silver Spurs at the football games. When at the games, Bevo might not seem like himself, but that’s just because he has to be sedated a little bit to ensure that he will not charge and kill one of the opposing team’s players. Oklahoma’s mascot is a miniature pony. While that alone is enough to doom Oklahoma to its third and final strike, the cute little pony pulls a covered wagon. I mean, “The Oregon Trail” was a sweet game, but when I turned 9, I realized that covered wagons are not really that exciting. Plus, I always hated when my brother or sister would starve to death. I guess people from Oklahoma just get excited about different things and have unusual tastes. After all, they do consider an abandoned, brokendown car in the front yard to be landscaping. Edge: Texas The scales of superiority seem to be heavily tipped in one direction — even when viewed with the most fair and impartial set of eyes. To sum it up, it’s Friday, and no matter what time it is, OU still sucks! Earnest is a finance senior.

Protection from the homeless By Dave Player Daily Texan Columnist They’re back. The yearly crop of transients has begun to make its way to the welcoming winter quarters of Austin, a prime locale for drifters due in part to an eccentric “Keep Austin Weird” atmosphere and lax panhandling laws compared to other major metropolitan areas. The Drag, the section of Guadalupe Street adjacent to campus, often hosts several parties of beggars who are informally, and some would say disparagingly, known as “Drag rats.” A distinct subgroup of younger individuals seems to exist among the Guadalupe transients — often heavily tattooed or pierced and equipped with stuffed backpacks or canine companions, representing an “alternative” culture with an emphasis on loitering. According to an April 2009 article in entertainment newspaper The A.V. Club: Austin, “Drag rats” are migratory, spending summers in the temperate Pacific Northwest before traveling to Austin for the warmer winter months. For many students, panhandlers’ insistent pestering is simply a daily annoyance, but for others their behavior can be disruptive or even threatening. There is often ambiguity as to what types of panhandling are legally allowed and protected as a constitutional right. In a March 2009 Daily Texan article, APD officer David Knutson said, “Our hands are tied to a large degree, because anybody has the right to stand

in public areas.” In the past, the American Civil Liberties Union and other civil liberty groups have worked to overturn laws against panhandling by citing constitutional issues. But aggressive panhandling, especially the type common on the Drag, is not a civil-liberties issue. It is a matter of personal safety and public health. All pedestrians, should have the right to walk down the sidewalk without being subjected to verbal harassment such as cat calls, insults and offensive language. While reports of such behavior are usually anecdotal and may not be representative of panhandler behavior, there have been enough upset citizens and resulting complaints to warrant the City Council to make repeated attempts to ban such activities. As the law stands now, “aggressive panhandling” is prohibited. That term can be applied to a broad range of activities including physical contact with a pedestrian; inhibiting the path of a pedestrian; or soliciting within 25 feet of an ATM, crosswalk or outdoor patio. That makes any panhandling illegal on the majority of the Drag, regardless of the conduct of the perpetrator. There are also deeper social implications to supporting panhandling, especially on Guadalupe. Last March, student volunteers conducting a clean-up effort on the Drag uncovered syringes amid trash left behind by transients. Claims of drug use, specifically heroin — which is highly addictive and is correlated with increased levels of poverty and

crime — have frequently been tied to the younger generation of panhandlers. Homeless advocacy groups make a point to advise citizens not to give money to panhandlers, warning that the money will often go toward the purchase of drugs or alcohol rather than food or shelter. On its Web site, the Downtown Austin Alliance explains that “through Austin’s social service network a person can get three meals every day, nighttime shelter, clothing, treatment and other services.” Individuals genuinely interested in alleviating homelessness should volunteer their time or money through responsible area programs (the alliance offers a list of such programs on its Web site). Giving money to aggressive panhandlers facilitates an unhealthy lifestyle, encourages illegal and predatory behavior and invites a dangerous element to the UT neighborhood. If you feel that someone is aggressively panhandling or approaching you in a manner that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, you should call 911 and give a description of the individual’s actions, location and appearance. If you are on the eastern side of Guadalupe Street or elsewhere on campus, you can contact UTPD at (512) 471-4441. Panhandlers will operate against the law unless Austinites take a stand against their aggressive practices. Keeping Austin weird doesn’t mean we can’t also keep Austin safe. Player is a Plan II junior.




Friday, October 16, 2009

Small businesses, entrepreneurs thrive in Austin By Shabab Siddiqui Daily Texan Staff If the The Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce copied the McCombs School of Business theme and started printing “Austin Means Business” Tshirts, there wouldn’t be much room for objection. Austin is the eighth best big city in the nation to launch a small business, according to a study published by CNNMoney.com and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation in the November edition of Fortune: Small Business. “Entrepreneurial ventures and small businesses have thrived in Austin, which has a number of angel investment groups that focus on startup businesses,” said Dinah Eng, a columnist who wrote about Austin on behalf of the study. “The state capital, like the rest of Texas, is known for its business-friendly tax structure — no state personal income tax, no corporate income tax — and support for business development, particularly in the technology sector.” Some of the factors the study considered are population, percapita income, business tax climate, college-educated workers, small business population and local lenders. Mike Rollins, president of the Austin chamber, said a culture of innovation and education contributes to the city’s hospitality to small businesses. “There is [also] a lot of high-education attainment which lends itself to a culture of ideas,” he said. “The general assumption is that well-educated people want to be in control of their economic future. They’re the ones that migrate toward starting a business.” Rollins said that compared to most other large cities, Austin has relatively few large-scale corporate headquarters, which works to entice people to stay here and develop their own businesses. Leon Chen, UT alum and cofounder of Tiff’s Treats, said the city’s atmosphere accommodated his business endeavor.

Mary Kang | Daily Texan Staff

Jennifer and Finn Richmond, 6, wait in line to order ice cream Thursday afternoon at Amy’s Ice Cream, located on 35th and Guadalupe streets. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought to myself that Austin was the perfect and probably only place we could have started this business and have had the success we have had,” he said. “I believe that Austin is a very forward-thinking city whose people are not afraid to be the first to try something new.” Chen said the progressive peo-

ple attracted to Austin by the University are a major factor in the success of local small businesses. “[Tiffany Taylor, co-founder] and I owe every bit of success to the University, as they were our first corporate client back in 1999, taking a chance on two sophomores and ordering big orders from us.” Chen said. “Without the University’s re-

Youths tend to drive aggressively By Viviana Aldous Daily Texan Staff Analysis by UT researchers of more than 2,300 vehicle crashes on U.S. roadways suggests that drivers between the ages of 16 and 20 are more likely to drive aggressively. From January through September, civil engineering professor Chandra Bhat and civil engineering graduate students Rajesh Paleti and Naveen Eluru analyzed data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The crashes analyzed occurred between January 2005 and December 2007 and involved a collision of some kind, either between two cars or a car and a stationary object. “We processed this data and used it to answer the questions: who participates in aggressive acts and how is injury severity influenced because of participation in aggressive acts,” Paleti said. Aggressive driving behavior includes speeding, tailgating, frequent lane changing, cutting others off, obscene gestures and ignoring traffic control devices, Bhat said. The probability of a man driving aggressively is about 55 percent higher than the probability of a woman driving aggressively, according to the analysis. Those in the age group of 21 to 65 years are about twice as likely to drive aggressively than those over age 65, whereas individuals ages 18 to 20 are about three times

Mary Kang | Daily Texan Staff

Cars drive at the intersection of 29th and Guadalupe streets on Thursday night. Analysis by UT researchers suggests that drivers between the ages of 16 and 20 are more likely to drive aggressively. more likely and those ages 16 to 17 are more than four times as likely to do so. The results indicate that drivers who do not wear seat belts or who drive pick-up trucks and SUVs are more likely to drive aggressively. Aggression aside, Bhat said younger drivers generally sustain less severe injuries than drivers older than 65 because of their better health and flexibility. “The older you get, the less aggressive you get,” he said. “But the older you get, [without considering aggression] the more likely you are to get severe injuries from accidents.” When young drivers have young passengers, regardless of

Step outside Left to right, Janessa, Joseph and Sravan Kumpati leave Domino’s Pizza for a walk on Guadalupe Street on Thursday evening.

Sara Young Daily Texan Staff

how many, the drivers tend to exhibit more aggressive driving behaviors, often to show off, Bhat said. But traveling with a single young passenger poses the greatest risk of high crash-related injury severity for 16- and 17-year-old drivers, the data suggests. “Our hypothesis is that if you have just one young passenger, there’s a lot of distraction,” Bhat said. “With this distraction you might not see a crash developing, and you may not be able to take evasive maneuvers to reduce the effect of the crash. If you have two young passengers, the distraction level goes down possibly because the two are keeping each other occupied.”

sources and support, we probably would not have been able to succeed as easily.” The study cited transportation within the city — and between Austin and other cities — as the primary drawbacks. Rollins said he believes air travel choices will increase as the population grows, but issues of traffic congestion have to be

addressed immediately. “Our situation is a result of people not looking ahead 20 years ago,” he said. “Hopefully, the community leaders of today will make the hard decisions that they won’t necessarily see the results of right away.” Chen said he believes that some state and federal legislation hinders the growth of small

businesses, but he wouldn’t trade the city for anything. “No matter what roadblocks or difficulties we endured while growing, we always knew we were on the right track because of the enormous amount of support from people,” Chen said. “As far as a place to launch a new business, you can’t beat the atmosphere and support of Austin.”

6 S/L



Friday, October 16, 2009

Annual health fair keeps students informed, fit College of Education student V. Fiase contributes to the pharmacy school’s health fair Thursday by presenting birth control options to interested students.

By Shabab Siddiqui Daily Texan Staff Blood and sweat had to be spilled. Pharmacy students conducted a series of free tests Thursday afternoon in front of Gregory Gym Plaza, including blood glucose, cholesterol, body mass index and body fat percentage. Other pharmacy organizations manned booths to provide awareness for breast cancer, antibiotics, asthma and heartburn as part of the Pharmacy Council’s annual health fair. The event is one of many for pharmacy students during the council’s celebration of Pharmacy Month. “We hold this event in order to show the students what pharmacists can do for them,� said Angharad Webb, co-chairwoman of the council’s Pharmacy Month committee. “We’re just targeting kids walking by.� Students from the School of Nursing conducted blood pressure tests. Laura Porter, vice president of the Pharmacy Council, said that this was the first time that the event incorporated nursing students. While many of the health tests are often reserved for the elderly, Webb said the tests are very perti-

Maddie Crum Daily Texan Staff

nent to college students. “You can never have [these] tested too early,� she said. “Especially with the rise of diabetes. It’s always good to know your vital signs.� The event was also prompted by legislation pending in Congress. “With the health care reform, we’ve seen a greater demand to prove our value to the community and our patients,� said pharmacy senior April Ledesma. “We found that a lot of patients wanted more interaction with their physicians, nurses and pharmacists, so we decided to put ourselves out there. It’s about adapting to the changing demands that society has for us.� Biology freshman Alex Limas said he stopped by on his way to calculus class to get his glucose and cholesterol levels checked. He said he believes the event has major benefits for all students. “I guess in our society, especially in Texas, obesity rates are getting higher, which means cholesterol and diabetes are getting higher, too,� Limas said. “It’s just to promote health care. It’s free and students can find out if they have anything wrong before it becomes too serious.�

City honors residents Mayor presents awards for fine arts, Council designates special events

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Bruno Morlan | Daily Texan Staff

Mayor Lee Leffingwell hands out certificates of appreciation to Partners in the Arts Award winners at Thursday’s City Council meeting.


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By Hannah Jones Daily Texan Staff A variety of recognitions were given to citizens at the City Council meeting on Thursday evening — including proclamations designating special events for Austin and certificates of appreciation. T h e p re s e n t a t i o n b e g a n with live music performed by Eleisha Eagle, alternative piano-rock singer/songwriter, as she sang her song “Neither Here Nor There.� Eagle was the first to be recognized for raising more than $90,000 for charity. Mayor Lee Leffingwell presented Partners in the Arts awards to residents for their efforts in helping to preserve the arts and humanities throughout the city. Judith Rhedin, assistant director of Texas Performing Arts in the College of Fine Arts, was recognized for her collaboration with the George Washington Carver Museum & Cultural Center and work with connecting the University and community. “I feel honored to be recognized by the Carver Museum and the city of Austin,� Rhedin said.

Elizabeth Garber, information studies graduate student and archives assistant, accepted the designation of Archives Week for Oct. 26 to Oct. 31 from Councilman Chris Riley. Garber said this will be the 10th year that the student chapter of the Society of American Archivists participates in Archives Week. Other proclamations were made for the seventh anniversary celebration of Disability Mentoring Day on Oct. 21. Austin Community College student Anthony Hood, disability mentoring day participant, will shadow law enforcement from the Austin Independent School District Police Department. “He wants to broaden his interests,� said Gina Matizzi-Fuller, Hood’s employment consultant. “He really wants to ride in a police car.� Councilwoman Laura Morrison received a certificate of participation for the upcoming mentoring day and will allow a student to follow her throughout the entire day. Proclamations were also presented for Texas Native Plant Week, Barkitecture Day and Austin Red Week, the latter of which helps raise awareness of AIDS-related issues. “It’s indicative how much amazing passion and effort we have serving the community,� Morrison said.


Activation fee/line: $35. IMPORTANT CONSUMER INFORMATION: 7%-(&6 62 75620(4 *06 $1' $//,1* /$1 (8,&( &$3$%,/,6,(5 '' / &+$4*(5 &21',6,215 $33/: ))(45 &28(4$*( 8$4:,1* %: 5(48,&( 126 $8$,/$%/( (8(4:9+(4( (6924. '(6$,/5 &28(4$*( 0$35 $6 8(4,;219,4(/(55 &20 +$352': $1' 6+( +$352': /2*2 $4( 64$'(0$4.5 $1' 4(*,56(4(' 64$'(0$4.5 2) ($/ (6924.5 1& (64,5= > < (64,5 2/',1* $0( (&+12/2*: > /(&6421,& 465 1& $1' 6+( /2*2 $4( 64$'(0$4.5 24 4(*,56(4(' 64$'(0$4.5 2) /(&6421,& 465 1& ,1 6+( $1' 24 26+(4 &27164,(5 4( #27 0$46(4 +$1 $ 6+ 4$'(4 ? $1' > 1& // ,*+65 (5(48(' // &203$1: 1$0(5 64$'(0$4.5 /2*25 $1' &23:4,*+65 126 6+( 3423(46: 2) !(4,;21 ",4(/(55 $4( 6+( 3423(46: 2) 6+(,4 4(53(&6,8( 291(45 // ,*+65 (5(48(' > !(4,;21 ",4(/(55



Sports Editor: Austin Talbert E-mail: sports@dailytexanonline.com Phone: (512) 232-2210 www.dailytexanonline.com


Friday, October 16, 2009


Weekend Previews FOOTBALL

SATURDAY: No. 20 Oklahoma vs. No. 3 Texas

WHERE: Dallas WHEN: 11 a.m. ON AIR: ABC


SATURDAY: No. 2 Texas @ Texas Tech

WHERE: Lubbock WHEN: 6:30 p.m.



vs. Texas, Texas @ Iowa State

WHERE: Mike Myers Stadium,

Ames, Iowa WHEN: 7 p.m., 1 p.m.



Intercollegiate Championships WHERE: Palo Alto, Calif. WHEN: All day


SATURDAY: ISU Pre-Nationals Invitational

WHERE: Terre Haute, Ind. WHEN: 8:45 a.m.

Sara Young | Daily Texan file photo

The Oklahoma Sooners are next up for Jordan Shipley, who is shown trying to avoid a tackle in the Longhorns’ 59-20 win in their season opener against Louisiana-Monroe.

Shipley’s mind avoiding Heisman talk By Blake Hurtik Daily Texan Staff Think Jordan Shipley’s Heisman Trophy campaign began after his 11-catch, 147-yard and two-touchdown performance against Colorado last week? Think again, and think back to this time one year ago. Shipley, who realistically is a long shot for the award, broke out onto the national scene with his play in the 2008 Red River Rivalry. His series-record 96-yard kick return touchdown redirected the game’s momentum, and his 37yard, fourth-quarter catch set up Texas at the Oklahoma 1-yard line for the go-ahead score. Needless to say, showing up big against the Sooners can go a long way in making a national impression. And if the third-ranked Longhorns (5-0) end up on top Saturday at the AT&T Cotton Bowl Classic, Shipley will almost certainly have had a large hand in it. The sixth-year senior has emerged as Texas’ biggest game-changing player. He’s continued to grow as a receiv-

er and quarterback Colt McCoy’s favorite target, so much so that he’s on pace to become the second player in school history with 100 catches in a season. Not that he cares, though. “I don’t care as far as numbers or anything like that,” said Shipley, who has 47 catches, 583 yards and three touchdowns. “All I want to catch is however many it takes for our team to be successful. I just want to catch it every time they throw it to me. That’s my goal.” When pressed about being one of the best return men in the country (he has two punt return touchdowns already this season), he deflects praise onto his blockers. He has taken the same attitude when fielding questions about his newfound, almost grassroots, Heisman candidacy. “I really haven’t thought about it much. It can be a distraction if you let it become a distraction,” Shipley said. “I don’t think you’ll see me striking the Heisman pose.” If there’s a Texas player who truly embodies the humble,


Weekend’s crucial games will make or break season By Sameer Bhuchar Daily Texan Staff The Longhorns (6-6-2; 2-1-2 Big 12) will be playing catch-up to gain ground in the conference standings this weekend as they take on Big 12 conference foes Nebraska and Iowa State. Tonight’s home game against Nebraska will be a test for the Longhorns as the Cornhuskers (82-4; 2-1-2 Big 12) boast the same Big 12 record as Texas. The two teams are seemingly identical on paper in conference play. But Texas will try to make the most of its home-field advantage as Nebraska has yet to win a conference game on the road. Coach Petrucelli said the toughest part about this game will be

matching Nebraska’s intensity. “They play so hard. They have always played with intensity, and they just simply make it tough on you to move the ball around,” he said. On the road last week, the Longhorns lost to Oklahoma State because of a deflected clearance from the UT backline in the 62nd minute. The loss gave Texas its first defeat this season in the Big 12 and pushed the team down further in the Big 12 standings. As Coach Petrucelli has acknowledged many times, winning games on the road is extremely difficult. Accordingly, winning Sun-

SOCCER continues on page 8

Bruno Morlan | Daily Texan Staff

Texas will try to rebound from last week’s loss against Oklahoma State when it takes on Nebraska at home and Iowa State in Ames.

hardworking attitude that coaches want the Longhorns to have, it’s Shipley. He hasn’t even mentioned the Heisman around roommate/best bud McCoy. The main reason Shipley has such a gracious outlook is because he knows what it’s like to not be able to play. He spent his first two years frustrated with season-ending injuries after riding a wave of hype and potential — he set every major high school receiving record — into his college career. The time on the sidelines taught him a valuable lesson. “It’s always been a challenge for me not to do too much,” Shipley said. “A lot of times, doing extra is what’s made me who I am, but there are times when you’ve got injuries. You’ve got to know the time to back off and let things heal. That was definitely a struggle for me the first couple of years here.” Now in his sixth year after receiving a medical hardship

SHIPLEY continues on page 8


Longhorns strive for perfect record

Bruno Morlan | Daily Texan Staff

The second-ranked Longhorns head to Lubbock, where they will attempt to stay undefeated against the Red Raiders on Saturday.

By Jordan Godwin Daily Texan Staff Everyone knows what happens when the going gets tough, but what about when the going gets easy? In the beginning of the season, head coach Jerritt Elliott played Leonidas, braving his team through challenging battles against dangerous foes. Eight of their first nine victories were hard-earned over ranked opponents. They actually lost sets in three of their first four matches. “I mean, we could schedule easier preseason matches, but we want to be able to challenge our players,” Elliott said. “It’s more about ourselves and our standards that we’re

VOLLEYBALL continues on page 8


Win streak on the line in Indiana for Horns By Ryan Betori Daily Texan Staff Contrary to popular belief, Texas football isn’t the only team putting its livelihood on the line Saturday. The women’s cross-country team travels to Terre Haute, Ind., this weekend to compete in the ISU Pre-Nationals Invitational, a 6K meet that head coach Steve Sisson described as “the biggest we’ve had in the past five years.” The team, undefeated in all three meets it has competed in this year, hopes to translate this success into national recognition. Although the team hopes to place well, a solid finish after Saturday’s competition isn’t the only thing the Longhorns look to accomplish. “The results won’t be critical. The reason we’re going to this meet is because we need to consider this team to be on a national stage,” Sisson said. If the Horns compete well this weekend, they will have a chance to do just that. The invitational is one of the country’s most prominent meets, and it will host 78 of the country’s top teams, many of which are nationally ranked. “The competition we’ve been facing hasn’t been as stiff as what we’re about to go up against,” Sisson said. “These are great teams.”

CROSS COUNTRY continues on page 8


Anticipation builds as team revisits familiar territory By Shabab Siddiqui Daily Texan Staff For the four freshmen on the Longhorn roster, this weekend’s Stanford Intercollegiate Championships will mean more than just golf. A trip to the Stanford Hall of Fame will likely confirm the legend of Coach Martha Richards’ infamous perm mullet. “It was the end of the 1980s,” Richards said. “They’ve been begging to see a picture of it for the longest time.” The Longhorns tee off in Palo Alto, Calif., at Richards’ alma mater today for the three-day, 54-hole tournament. Richards said while the course is fairly difficult, it is also the course she knows better than any other. “It’s a course that’s a lot of fun for me to coach on,” she said. “There are a lot of little nuances that it helps to know.” Senior Shannon Fish will make her first appearance in team play

this year, taking the place of freshman Desiree Dubreuil in the five-person lineup. Fish was the top scorer for the Longhorns at Stanford last year with a 3-overpar 216. “It’s nice to go somewhere you’re familiar with,” Fish said. “It takes the anxiety of being somewhere that’s not home. It’s a really tough course, but you can’t really expect much less of a collegiate turf.” Sophomore Nicole Vandermade also makes a return to the Stanford turf after finishing with a 4-overpar 217 in last year’s tournament. Vandermade said she feels better coming into this tournament. “I’ve done pretty well so far,” Vandermade said. “The scores haven’t been as low as they could’ve been, but I’ve talked to Coach about it and worked on it. I’m excited. A couple of the holes bit me last year, so I’m looking forward to getting them back.”

Kristen Walla tees off Saturday during an 18-hole stroke play event against Texas State at the University of Texas Golf Club. Senior Shannon Fish will see her first action of the season in Palo Alto where the Longhorns will have a slight advantage as they head to a course that head coach Martha Richards is very familiar with. Jon Huang Daily Texan file photo




Friday, October 16, 2009


Horns look to improve in Waco

By Alexandra Carreno Daily Texan Staff While the Longhorns did not fare as well as they might have liked at the Riviera/ITA Women’s All-American Championships last week in Los Angeles, they continue to look forward to a successful season as they head to Waco for the Wilson/ITA Texas Regional Championships. “It’s been kind of a tough week for them, and they’ve had to catch up on their academics,� said head coach Patty Fendick-McCain. “They’re really excited to head over to Waco for the ITA Regionals.� Tournament play will be at the Baylor Tennis Center today and continues through Oct. 20. The qualifying matches will be played today, and both main draw singles and doubles events will begin Saturday. The squad’s fall schedule has already included trips to Las Vegas and California with the Longhorns having triumphant bouts in each tournament. Last week’s tournament was thought to be one of the team’s most difficult events this fall. Senior Vanja Corovic and freshman Aeriel Ellis fought hard to make it through to the consolation singles round of 16 in the tournament. Neither, however, could keep the threat of elimination at bay. “Both are very talented players, but a lot of it comes down to being

Paul Chouy | Daily Texan file photo

After a disappointing finish at the Riviera/ITA Women’s All-American Championships last week, the Longhorns look to rebound in Waco this weekend for the Wilson/ITA Texas Regional Championships. disciplined on the court,� FendickMcCain said. “They did that very well at the All-American.� Ellis handed Auburn’s 10thranked Fani Chifchieva a loss but was soon defeated in straight sets 6-3 and 6-0 by Fresno State’s Anastasia Petukhova. Meanwhile, Corovic also suffered a loss against

Josipa Bek of Clemson 6-2 and 6-1. Upon returning to Austin, these two players wasted no time in preparing for this weekend’s tournament. “Vanja worked on a few things this week in practice,� Fendick-McCain said. “Now she’s ready to go out and do it again and capitalize

on a few good days of practice.� Slated for Friday, qualifying draw matches will be played by No. 9 seed Maya Zein-El-Abdin and Julia Wiegand, both sophomores. Main draw matches will begin Saturday for those team members who bypass the qualifying draw.

SHIPLEY: Return specialist earns long-overdue recognition From page 7 waiver, Shipley has gone from being a victim of multiple injuries to one of the most durable Longhorns. Unlike most receivers, he plays almost every first-team offensive snap and doesn’t slack on route-running and blocking assignments late in games. “You think of receivers as being

gazelles that can run all day. But many of them, when they get into 60 snaps, they begin to drop off,� said Texas offensive coordinator Greg Davis. He could be trying to make up for lost time, or maybe he simply doesn’t know any other way to play. In high school, he never left the field. “I was kicking extra points, field

goals and kicking off, and running back punts and kicks. So I’m used to being on the field a bunch, and I think that kind of helps with being in shape,� Shipley said. And now it’s helping him get the national attention that Texas head coach Mack Brown felt he never got but always deserved. “I don’t think there’s any question that Jordan Shipley’s

underrated. He’s the same guy every day. He’s got the same attitude every day,� Brown said. “I don’t think that Jordan is appreciated like he should be outside of our team. Our team and our staff know how valuable he is to us.� With another strong Red River Rivalry performance Saturday, most of America will, too.

CROSS COUNTRY: Texas tries

to gain national reputation From page 7 With this great competition also comes a great opportunity for Texas. The team, which placed fourth at last year’s Big 12 Championship, looks to make the jump from local dominance to national prominence. Saturday’s meet will be a defining one for the Longhorns, but the team feels it is ready to take the leap. “We have to go into this meet knowing that we’re supposed to be there,� said senior Betzy Jimenez. “It’s just a matter of breaking through the surface and showing everybody else.� Trying to break this surface will be seniors Jimenez, Lauren Salisbury, Asia Myrland, junior Allison Mendez, sophomores Mia Behm, Anne Jones, Ginny Simon and freshman Melissa Mahoney. All eight of these runners will have to make a solid showing for the team to be successful Saturday. This is nothing new for the Texas, who has relied on a well-balanced attack all year. “At this meet, everyone needs to run well,� Sisson said. “The critical person is every single person.�

Such an approach seems to fall in line with the team’s hard-working attitude. “University of Texas women’s cross-country is definitely blue collar,� Sisson said. “These are kids doing it because they love it. They’re student athletes doing this in the same context of everyone else at UT. “ In addition to bringing the Texas women’s cross-country team into the national spotlight, these student athletes will also look at Saturday’s meet as a sign of things to come. The ISU Pre-Nationals Invitational will take place on the same course as the 2009 National Championship, a meet that is never far from the Longhorns’ minds. “This is the first year we have a really good chance of going to Nationals, and this weekend will give us a feel for the other people out there,� said junior Allison Mendez. If all goes according to plan, the Longhorns also hope to give the competition a feel for how competitive they can be. The team hopes to send a message Saturday, a declaration that Texas women’s cross-country can run with the best of them.

VOLLEYBALL: Horns ready for Tech From page 7 trying to reach to improve.� Since then, they’ve swept in seven of their last eight matches and proven that they’re at least the second-best team in the country. At 13-0, Texas is only halfway to the best start in school history. The 1990 team opened the season 26-0 before losing to Nebraska in November. That loss became the start of a terrible finish as the Longhorns dropped four of their last nine and fizzled in the playoffs. In 2004, Texas started 16-0 before losing to Texas A&M. Texas’ match in Lubbock tomorrow will be the five-year anniversary of that loss. After starting 16-0, the 2004 team finished 10-5 and lost in the Sweet 16. The 2009 team has bigger ambitions. To win the school’s first national championship since 1988, the Longhorns can’t afford to act leisurely. They’ve beaten eight of their 10 Big 12 opponents and face winless Texas Tech and mediocre Missouri to run the table of the first round. Then they’ll have to turn around and do it again. Tomorrow’s match against Tex-

as Tech should serve as a symbol of how Texas handles easiness. Tech is dead last in five of seven statistical categories, and they’ve won just one of 22 sets in conference play — they squeaked one set out of fellow bottom-barrel team Colorado before the Buffaloes won their first conference match of the season. With this less challenging stretch of the season, the players often remind themselves of one of their team mottoes, “Disease of ease.� “It’s basically being complacent in what you’re doing,� said middle blocker Rachael Adams. “It’s like saying we’re not good enough, and we can always get better and find something to improve.� And Elliott has constantly emphasized that standard to his team. “It’s way too easy to get comfortable with where you’re at,� Elliott said. “This is the toughest part of the season because the freshness has worn off, and the tournament’s still a ways away. But it’s also a stretch where we can improve and gain on the other teams.�

SOCCER: Wins necessary for Texas From page 7 day’s game against the Cyclones (6-5-4; 1-4-0 Big 12) will prove to be difficult as the Longhorns must play under the unusual conditions of Ames, Iowa. “The grass on their field is really long, and its something we aren’t used to. The game, as a result, is much slower than we are used to,� Petrucelli said. “It’s going to be much colder there than it is here, too, but the weather won’t play a factor unless we let it. It is just something we will have to tune out.� The Longhorns sit in sixth place in the Big 12 Conference standings

with eight points. They are seven points away from conference leaders, Colorado. Coach Petrucelli is wary of saying that there is an immense amount of pressure on the team, but he will admit one thing: He does not want to lose. “Where we sit right now, we still have a chance to win the league, but we can’t do it unless we go out and win. I don’t know if it is necessarily pressure,� he said. “You know, we can call it what we like, but there is no doubt that if we want to win the championship, we are going to have to go out and win every game.� Tonight’s game is at 7 p.m. at Mike A. Myers Track and Soccer Stadium.


9041 Research Blvd., Suite 240 (Austin) Hwy 183 @ Burnet Rd., above Black-Eyed Pea

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Garth Brooks ends retirement, signs on for Vegas show

Jordy Wagoner | Daily Texan Staff

At an annual event hosted by the Austin Empty Bowl Project on the Sunday before Thanksgiving, attendees help raise money for the nonprofit organization by purchasing donated, decorated bowls “as a reminder of those whose bowls are empty.�

Project relieves Texans’ hunger Local organizations unite to combat malnutrition, fund children’s program

various area schools and rec- every day. kids,� said Kris Asthalter, a reation centers and provide The Austin Empty Bowl pottery instructor at ClayWays 25,000 meals to more than Project was founded in 1997 by Pottery Studio and Gallery. All 2,800 children per month. Kit Adams, the owner of Clay- proceeds made by the organiThe Kids Cafe program also Ways Pottery Studio and Gal- zation go directly to funding serves to raise awareness about lery. To date, it has raised more Kids Cafes in Central Texas. By Kate Ergenbright the issue of childhood hunger than $350,000 for the Kids Cafe “The Austin Empty Bowl 1 Daily Texan Staff and inadequate nutrition in program. Project gives the Austin comFor those of us lucky enough the Central Texas area. Every year on the Sunday munity the opportunity to to afford three hot meals a day, According to the food bank’s before Thanksgiving, the Aus- make a difference by going going without supper may out and having fun,� Asthalday, month day,abstract 2008 LASSIFIEDS seem like an concept ter said. “The project is good or a problem for someone else because it educates other peoto deal with. ple about what’s going on in But this abstraction is a their very own city that they harsh reality for many Austin E We’re hoping that people realize there are people in might not have any inkling of. S I T residents.VIn ERthe Central T TexWe’re hoping that people realD N E A Austin that don’t have enough to eat.� D as area, children particU are hit T S ! ize there are people in Austin N R O U byIZthe ularlyYO hard ATIdetrimental that don’t have enough to eat. N A — Kris Asthalter, pottery instructor healthOR effects G of poverty and A lot of people think it’s somepoor nutrition. thing that happens in other The Whole Foods Market locountries only.� cation downtown will sponMore information about the sor an event Saturday in which Web site, “While the child pov- tin Empty Bowl Project hosts event can be accessed at austinp a r t i c i p a n t s w i l l d e c o r a t e erty rate in Central Texas is an event in which participants foodbank.org/aebp. bowls for the Austin Empty 23.2 percent, for the CAFB ser- purchase donated and decoBowl Project. The project aims vice area, 35 percent of the rated bowls “as a reminder of WHAT: Bowl-decorating event to provide funds for the Kids household members receiv- those whose bowls are empCafe program, which is a part- ing food are children.� The ty.� WHERE: Whole Foods nership between the Capital site also states that nearly one Local restaurants supply Area Food Bank of Texas and in five adults and one in four bread and soup for the event, Market, 525 N. Lamar Blvd. existing afterschool programs children in Texas have difficul- and musicians donate their WHEN: Saturday, Oct. 17, 10 that provides for children in ty meeting nutritional needs. time to provide entertainment a.m. – Noon need of hot, nutritious meals, According to the food bank, for the afternoon. free tutoring and a safe, super- 41,000 children under the age “The money that one bowl PRICE: $5 per bowl vised environment. of 18 in Travis County are con- brings in — $15 — can proKids Cafes are located at fronted with food insecurity vide $45 worth of food for the




By Chris Talbott The Associated Press LAS VEGAS — The e-mail from Garth Brooks was so special, Steve Wynn printed it out and framed it. The note from the country superstar, in retirement for nearly a decade, asked the owner of the Wynn Las Vegas resort if he could test out the relatively intimate Encore theater — just him and his guitar. What’s more, Wynn was asked to invite a handful of his closest friends for the private show. The note may have been special, but the performance was “magical.� It took a while, but Wynn finally landed country music’s biggest name in a partnership that will put Brooks in the Encore 15 weeks a year, perhaps for the next five years, beginning Dec. 11. “I told him he couldn’t afford me,� Brooks said. “I was wrong. Wow.� Wynn sealed the deal with a jet that will allow the entertainer maximum time at home with his three teenage daughters. Brooks can hop on the plane and play gigs Friday, Saturday and Sunday, then return home in time to take his kids to school like usual Monday mornings. “Every argument we ever had about why we shouldn’t do this, he had an answer to,� Brooks said. He got a simple answer when he asked: What happens if things don’t work out? Wynn told him, “You quit.�

Brooks said there will be no script for the show, which will be about 90 minutes. He plans to play solo with his acoustic guitar, but he could invite others to join him and didn’t rule out wife Trisha Yearwood taking the stage with him occasionally. He will play some of his own music, but also offer fans interpretations of his favorite artists, such as Merle Haggard, Elton John, George Strait and Simon & Garfunkel. Brooks, 47, started the day in Nashville where he told reporters he was coming out of the retirement he announced in 2000. Brooks wanted to spend more time with his children, and has accomplished that goal. He said every member of his family signed off on the deal. The girls range in age from 13 to 17 and weren’t exactly upset that dad might be getting out from under foot some of the time, he said. Yearwood also signed off on the plan, as did his ex-wife, Sandy Mahl. “I don’t have any trepidation because I’ve cleared it with the most important people,� Brooks said. It was clear Brooks was excited about the opportunity to play on a regular basis and reconnect with the fans who have helped him sell more than 128 million albums in a stellar career that started in the late ‘80s and transformed country music. “When a man can do what Garth does,� Wynn said, “it’s almost a crime against nature for him not to do that.�

Weekly Rates: $100 – Large $50 – Medium $25 – Small

Contact Joan at 512-232-2229 or email joanw@mail.utexas.edu


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Country music star Garth Brooks mimics a fiddle player as he answers questions at a news conference in Nashville, Tenn., Thursday. Brooks announced the end of his retirement and discussed his future plans.

Mark Humphrey Associated Press

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Friday, October 16, 2009

11 ENT



Friday, October 16, 2009

Dancer gets back in the zone with her own studio By Robert Rich Elizabeth Walter comes from a long line of dancers. Born in Austin, she moved to Northern California, trained for the Moscow International Ballet Competition and visited the homes of some of the most talented Russian ballet dancers of the day. A bachelor’s degree in psychology from UT put her on the fast track to a professional business career, but the tech bust of 2000 ruined that plan, leaving Walter with many part-time gigs but nothing to fill the gaps. Then she opened The Dance Zone, the unobtrusive dance studio tucked away in West Campus. And, as she says, the rest is history. There is a long tradition of dancers in my family. My grandmother taught ballroom dance in the Crystal Ballroom at The Driskill [Hotel] when she was only 16 years old. She was also a classical pianist, so she would play and I would flit around the

room doing what she’d taught me combined with improvisation. It was then that I decided I wanted to take classes. After moving back to Austin in the late ‘80s, I got interested in what would later become known as hip-hop while dating a break-dancer. The story is a lot like “Save the Last Dance,” “Step Up,” etc. Our choreographer was a visionary. She combined all genres to create fresh and innovative routines. My favorite piece my boyfriend and I did to “Baby” by Prince. He was a break-dancer in street clothes, and I was a ballerina in a tutu and pointe shoes, and we each danced our styles in this cutting-edge pas de deux. There was a little comedy and some incredible lifts, and it was something no else was doing at that time. I wish I had it on videotape. I moved to [Los Angeles] in 1989 and was assisting a very accomplished teacher and professional dancer, André Paradis, when I had my knee injury. It required ACL reconstruction and removal of my lateral meniscus.

SERIOUS: Engaging story

offers intriguing ending From page 12 film takes place in the bland landscape of suburbia, where only the ticky-tacky houses of the neighborhood are picturesque. But the Coens make use of this setting and are able to extract beautiful images from it. Every shot is a picture worthy to be framed and put on someone’s mantle. The performances in the film offer many pleasant surprises, especially from Richard Kind as Larry’s unstable brother, Arthur. You might remember Kind from his smaller roles in some recent films such as “For Your Consideration.” He is the type of actor whom you see in numerous films but can never quite identify. In “A Serious Man,” he steps away from his usual comedy routine to venture into more dramatic territory. Similarly, Stuhlbarg, as our protagonist, handles Larry’s complex masculine/religious struggle very

ENTERTAINMENT BRIEFLY ‘Balloon boy’ no stranger to media exposure, public eye NEW YORK — The family of a 6-year-old boy who set off a nationally televised scramble when he was thought to be in a balloon over Colorado has been featured twice in the ABC show “Wife Swap.” Authorities said Falcon, the son of Richard and Mayumi Heene of Fort Collins, Colo., was safe at home where he had been hiding the whole time. Falcon’s family was last on “Wife Swap” in March, favorites of the audience who had voted to have them featured again on the show’s 100th episode. In “Wife Swap,” two mothers trade places for a few weeks. Producers try to match families with wildly different attitudes and lifestyles to see if sparks fly.

Lindsay Lohan faces future court date for unknown reason LOS ANGELES — Lindsay Lohan has another date with a judge. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel has ordered the “Mean Girls” star to appear in a Beverly Hills, Calif., courtroom Friday morning. The 23-year-old actress was placed on three years of probation in 2007 after she pleaded guilty to two counts of being under the influence of cocaine, and no contest to two counts of drunken driving and one count of reckless driving. It is unclear why Lohan has been ordered to appear. The judge’s order was made during a routine progress report hearing on Wednesday. Court records show that no warrant has been issued, and they do not reflect a probation violation has occurred. E-mails to Lohan’s publicist and attorney were not immediately returned Thursday. Lohan’s probation has not been without incident. Since January, the actress has escaped further punishment twice after her substance abuse treatment program notified the court she had violated the rules. Compiled from Associated Press reports

well. He never delves into what could easily be melodrama, instead lending a touch of comedy to his role during Larry’s lowest points in the film. What might otherwise be terribly sad is actually pretty hilarious, granting the audience a brief respite in his otherwise tragic situations. This film’s story is by no means groundbreaking, but what makes it so special is the context in which it is situated and the visual and narrative elements employed. Moreover, the ending of the film is exhilarating yet haunting, something that will leave you excited and terrified long after the film is done, which prompts an interesting discussion about the storytelling and its purpose (if there is one). This is self-reflexivity at its most prominent. So far, “A Serious Man” is one of this fall’s best films.

Meanwhile, André was performing with Prince at the [GRAMMY Awards] — the famous buttless pants performance. The Dance Zone is the only all-adult studio in Austin, and until recently, we were the only studio to offer breaking. We’re known for our laid-back attitude and positive vibe. I’m not sure why so many UT students still don’t know we’re right here in The Castilian dorm after almost seven years. I prefer to choreograph and dance jazz because of the diversity of it. I can be powerful and acrobatic, or hot and sultry. You may not know that The Dance Zone hosted the Austin auditions for MTV’s “America’s Best Dance Crew” last October. The producer felt we were the best fit based on our cuttingedge urban classes, all adult/college market and awesome UT dorm location. I think it’s important to think about what shows [like “So You Think You Can Dance”] are saying about and doing to our dance culture. The bar has been forever raised. Dancers in

On arrival, the tables turn. Max is no longer the only wild thing but one of many. And after he is made the leader, he quickly learns about the hardship that comes with responsibility. Aside from crafting a unique and difficult story, Jonze has created a strikingly beautiful film

that manages to feel simultaneously dreamlike and tangible. Because of this perfect balance, the monsters, themselves wonderfully balanced puppet and computer-generated creations, seamlessly inhabit the live-action world, allowing them to seem awesomely real and relatable. “Where the Wild Things Are” is not a film for every-

one. I expect many will be disappointed. But Jonze has created an original film that genuinely attempts to understand childhood without the easy answers. It’s surprisingly difficult but worth the trip if you’re willing to take it.

contribute to film’s overall problems Both Butler and Foxx deliver awful performances. Butler ’s performance is more bizarre than anything, playing a revenge-crazed widower as cocky and even a little drunk. Foxx’s performance couldn’t be

more by the book, bringing almost nothing to the role but a face and name. The supporting cast turns in similarly uninspired performances with the exception of Viola Davis, who gives potency to what could have easily been a very forgettable role.


promotes cause with smokeout From page 12 More information at newbelgium.com/tour-de-fat.

Witness Texas NORML’s Sixth Street Smokeout

CITIZEN: ‘Awful performances’ of cast From page 12

Friday, Octo

this new generation who want to make it had better be prepared for everything. Several dancers I know have auditioned [for the show] and attended clinics regularly. I was surprised but not sorry to hear that it’s no different behind the scenes than any other reality show. There are a lot more big egos and harsh comments than we see on TV. It’s often not the best dancer that makes it, and that can be quite disenchanting to someone who’s new to the competitive side of the business. Dance is one of our most fundamental vehicles of self-expression. It requires no tools or lessons and knows no boundaries. Dance is beauty, power, fitness, health, hard work, fun, camaraderie. Mention this article and get a free first dance Courtesy of Ron Parks Photography lesson from Walter. Elizabeth Walter, owner of The Dance Zone, talks to The Daily Texan about break-dancing, Prince and her tucked-away West Campus dance studio.

WILD: Director finds harmony, balance From page 12


It’s violent. It’s tense. It’s sometimes exciting. It’s atrociously sophomoric. And if that’s what you’re looking for, then “Law Abiding Citizen” has got it.

The Sixth Street Smokeout dubs itself an “institution” for the city and for the Texas chapter of The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws. And at this year’s smokeout, the group will forward its cause in a very Austin way with live music, vendor booths from head shops, pizza from Mellow Mushroom and a light show. All proceeds benefit N O R M L’ s e v e r- e n d u r i n g plight to legalize marijuana. More information at texasnorml.org.

MTV hosts Latin American music awards show

Matt Sayles | Associated Press

Residente of Calle 13 hosts Los Premios MTV 2009 on Thursday, Oct. 15 at the Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City, Calif.

By Raquel Maria Dillon The Associated Press UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif. — MTV rolled out its raucous red carpet to honor the best of the year’s pop, rock and reggaeton from Latin America with its eighth annual Los Premios MTV awards in Los Angeles on Thursday. Calle 13’s Rene Perez was scheduled to host the show, along with Canadian-Portuguese singer Nelly Furtado. The Puerto Rican reggaeton duo, Wisin y Yandel, lead with six nominations, with Mexican pop diva Paulina Rubio nominated in five categories. Mexico City’s alt-psychedelic band Zoe and Lady Gaga, a New York City dance artist famous for her glam rock look, are each nominated for four “lenguas,” the pink tongue-

shaped statue inspired by Kiss’ Gene Simmons. The show will also feature performances by 50 Cent, The Backstreet Boys, Shakira, Mexican signer-songwriter Ximena Sarinana, Spanish balladeer Alejandro Sanz and Colombian soap star turned vallenato singer Car-

los Vives. For the first time, the awards show kicked off in different cities — Mexico City, Bogota and Buenos Aires, Argentina — where six regional awards were presented. Parts of those events will be broadcast at the Los Angeles gala.




Friday, October 16, 2009

Life&Arts Editor: Leigh Patterson E-mail: lifeandarts@dailytexanonline.com Phone: (512) 232-2209 www.dailytexanonline.com



Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures

Courtesy of Mike Zoss Productions

Courtesy of Evil Twins Productions

Not-so-serious film examines complications of everyday life while blending tragedy, comedy

‘Wild Things’ offers poignant insight into visceral emotion, fails to advance its slow-paced story

Despite storytelling merits, ‘Citizen’ flounders in attempt to teach lessons about vigilante justice

By Javier Sanchez Daily Texan Staff The best movies are those that make you think. The Coen brothers are well-known for their cinematic skills and tragicomic narratives, usually taking wildly offbeat characters and placing them in unpleasant situations. But their scope is broad, and their talent is revered. The film “No Country For Old Men” demonstrated the magnitude of the brothers’ filmmaking, producing one of their most sympathetic characters in Sheriff Bell and one of the most recent memorable villains in Anton Chigurh. But the brothers’ scope is narrowed in “A Serious Man” — and to their advantage. Much of the film revolves around Jewish culture and how masculinity, family and everyday problems encircle and operate within it. The film centers around Larry Gopnik (Michael Stuhlbarg), a Jewish physics professor on his way to achieving tenure. Larry is dealt many a bad hand when a series of unfortunate events befalls this sheepish but ultimately kind man. He tries to maintain his sense of moral responsibility as his wife leaves him for a grotesque, overbearing family friend, a disgruntled student jeopardizes his tenure and his live-in brother suffers from bouts of mental illness. A tall order, no doubt, but what is fascinating about this film is the passivity of the protagonist. Here, events happen to him; he rarely takes any sort of initiative. We accompany Larry in his strife and his attempts to combat it. He visits numerous rabbis in his attempts to get back on the right path, but his efforts are fruitless. This forces him to question the actual effectiveness of his religion and further complicates his existential quest for stasis. So what is the point of partaking in an unpleasant narrative that is terribly bleak up to its last frame? First of all, it is augmented by a strong visual style. Much of the

By Robert Doty Daily Texan Staff “Where the Wild Things Are” is not a film made for children. It is a film for adults about children, about a boy’s anger and his growth through that anger. But before going further, I must first say that I am not claiming that children will dislike the film — only that it wasn’t made for them. I expect they will relish the wild rumpus while the film’s subtlety leaves them cold. Here is where the film will also disappoint many adult viewers. There is no good and bad, no grail to recover, no big cathartic scenes: just soft, emotionally charged but vague changes in Max and his relationship to the world of the wild things. To adapt the 10-sentence children’s book that’s more parable than story, Spike Jonze, director and co-writer, and Dave Eggers, co-writer, chose to create an understated examination of childhood emotions instead of creating a hard plot. But without something to drive the story forward, the film takes a much slower pace and forces the audience to critically analyze the film instead of simply going along for the ride. The film opens with Max (Max Records) in the real world, the world where he is the wild thing. In these first scenes, Jonze and Eggers have perfectly captured the volatility of childhood. Max’s moods ricochet between ecstasy, terror and pain so quickly that other characters fail to understand what has even happened. He throws tantrums and cries for reasons only the audience can see. These scenes represent the best filmmaking in the movie and are some of the most important since they quietly familiarize us with a part of ourselves we haven’t indulged in years. So when Max tears out of his house and travels to the land of the wild things, we understand.

By Robert Doty Daily Texan Staff “Law Abiding Citizen” wants to say something about justice, but all it can do is grunt. After Clyde Shelton’s (Gerard Butler) wife and daughter are ruthlessly murdered, Nick Rice (Jamie Foxx), an ambitious Philadelphia district attorney, cuts a deal with one of the murderers, claiming that “some justice is better than no justice at all.” Clyde begs Nick not to give up on the case, but Nick, keeping an eye on his conviction rate, lets one murderer walk free while the other heads to death row. For years, Nick hears nothing of Clyde until the condemned murderer from Clyde’s case receives the wrong injections and dies an extremely cruel death. After the officials apprehend Clyde, he reveals his plan to kill everyone involved with the other murderer’s exoneration. However, this occurs after he spouts out a rambling trail of nonsense about teaching everyone a lesson about justice. These two points represent the primary strength and weakness of the film. When the film sticks to its thriller roots, it remains concise and tense, if not entirely believable. Clyde acts erratically but never irrationally, and the filmmakers place red herrings throughout the film without overselling or underselling any of them. Granted, there are some bizarrely unnecessary turns and the big reveal is weak and a little boring, but it’s not out of touch with the reality of the film. On the other hand, the film’s philosophizing about justice is unbearable. Clyde intends, as he states regularly throughout the film, to teach Nick a lesson. But what lesson is there to learn? That Nick should not cut deals with murderers? That he shouldn’t have cared about his conviction rate? Both are good lessons. But for all the talk about teaching, no one learns anything.

SERIOUS continues on page 11

WILD continues on page 11

CITIZEN continues on page 11

Austin’s activities await those coping with Dallas blues Action-packed weekend provides alternatives to Red River Rivalry By the Life & Arts staff

See “Evil Dead: The Musical”

May-Ying Lam | Daily Texan file photo

Musicians and dancers of the March Fourth Marching Band performs at Tour de Fat in 2007.

The premise: College kids. Woods. Abandoned cabins. Let the cult classic ensue. Based on the 1980s film franchise, “Evil Dead: The Musical” is exactly what you think it is. Mashing together the plot of the three movies, actors sing and dance to songs based on the films while dousing everyone — audience included — in lots and lots of fake blood. Salvage Vanguard Theater, which is hosting Austin’s production of the show through Oct. 31, offers audience upgrades to a “Splatter Zone” (no, really) for just $5 more. The upgrade in-

cludes a rain poncho. “Evil Dead: The Musical” plays at Salvage Vanguard Theater on Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 5 p.m. More information at salvagevanguard.org.

Shop the downtown farmer’s market at Republic Square On Saturdays starting at 8 a.m., local vendors set up shop at Republic Square at Fourth and Guadalupe streets (think ACL shuttle stop headquarters). Show your Austin pride by purchasing some of the city’s freshest offerings, handpicked by local farmers. With the fall season officially upon us, in-season offerings include peppers, green beans and butternut and acorn squash. For a fun Saturday, plan a

produce-filled menu for an impromptu dinner party and head downtown, eco-friendly tote in hand. More information at austinfarmersmarket.org.

Listen to Vivian Girls play a free in-store show at Waterloo Vivian Girls, one of our favorite up-and-comers (check out yesterday’s DT Weekend for an interview with the band), blew up this year’s SXSW in Austin, playing multiple shows every single day of the festival. The Brooklyn-based trio will be back in town playing tracks off its September release, Everything Goes Wrong, Friday at 5 p.m. at Waterloo Records and Video. Better yet, it’s free. Make sure you show up early, though, because Waterloo caps

admittance if too many people pack the North Lamar Boulevard record store. More information at waterloorecords.com.

Participate in the Tour de Fat In its annual event, the Tour de Fat — a bicycle crusade extolling the virtues of bikes as well as a lot of alcohol — will make its way through Austin on Saturday at Fiesta Gardens. Sponsored by New Belgium Brewing Company, the maker of Fat Tire Amber Ale, the event couples bike pride (the bike parade starts at 10 a.m.) with carhating anarchy (“Carpocalypse Now” vehicle funeral processions precede “Car-for-Bike” vehicle-surrendering trades).

AUSTIN continues on page 11

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