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Texas safety and do what we do normally,” Josh said. “He said, ‘We’re Sterns, Caden Sterns and you know how we get down.’” The Sterns brothers answered shares college the call. Josh and Jerreth combined for 339 receiving yards. football bond Jerreth, a junior wide receiver, with his brothers. scored one touchdown. Josh scored two. Texas Tech was a 42-point By Myah Taylor @t_myah favorite heading into the game, but the Red Raiders won by just two — in their home stadium. f the Longhorns played Houston Baptist, Josh Sterns Houston Baptist put up 33 points. “(Caden) always tells me and Jerreth, ‘Even if they’re sleeping on you, don’t worry about it. Besaid he’d get cause you know what you’re capaopen on his big ble of. You know your ability, so brother Caden, Texas’ All-Amerdon’t let the haters or the people ican safety. The freshman wide sleeping on you bring you down receiver’s confidence might come and stop you from being who you from playing backyard football are and being the best you can with four older brothers who be,’” Josh said. copyrighthoustonbaptistathletics, and reproduced withpermission were all three times his size. Josh Josh caught his second said they made him better. touchdown pass before Jerreth State and is a former Kansas City find ways to make plays. Then, just get to trade knowledge that
These days, he just listens to did that night. The elder Stern Chief. Jerreth said Jordan helped there’s his leadership. we have with one another too, their advice. Ahead of Houston said seeing his little brother pave the way for all the siblings on “It’s honestly amazing, but so it’s pretty cool.” Baptists’ game against Texas thrive at the Division I level so the football field. He said Caden is he’s just showing the world what If Caden’s brothers played Tech on Sept. 12, junior Caden’s early and being able to call him making just as large of an impact we already knew: that he’s the with him at Texas like he wishes, message to Josh and Jerreth, his a teammate “is such a blessing.” at Texas. best safety in college football,” they’d get another shot at Texas other brother who also plays for Jordan, the oldest Stern brothWhat makes Caden so great, Jerreth said. Tech with the Longhorns, who the Huskies, was simple. er between Caden, Josh and Jerreth said, is his ability to alThe two are the same age, but Josh said will definitely win the
“He just told us to go out there Jerreth, played at Oklahoma ways be around the football and Jerreth still welcomes advice game on Saturday. from his Longhorn brother. The brothers support each He said Caden gave him other, but competition between the lowdown on Texas Tech’s them has always been a battle defensive backs ahead of the game. “He is really like a wise dude for our age, and he does drop knowledge to me just giving me little tips, like how to run my routes and how to get open because in the game he would have to “ He said, ‘We’re Sterns, and you know how we get down.’” guard me,” Jerreth said. Caden said he wishes his brothers could have left JOSH STERNS Lubbock with a win, but he’s houstonbaptistfreshmanwide receiver proud of them nevertheless. He said he learned from Josh and over who truly won, Jerreth said. Jerreth that Texas Tech’s defense The debate may never be setisn’t very good, though it won’t tled. Would Jerreth beat Caden affect him much as a safety. on a play? He’d rather keep his “(It’s) cool seeing my broththoughts to himself. ers reach their dream of play“I’m not going to say,” Jering DI football and then doing reth said. “We won’t speak what they did,” Caden said in on that. It would be a good copyrighthoustonbaptistathletics, and reproduced withpermission a Tuesday teleconference. “We matchup though.”