June 2019
Featuring Properties from Tanzania & Kenya
East Africa’s Ultimate Property Guide
Issue No 72 | ISSN 1821-7753
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ich in natural resources, Tanzania is sixth among the top ten fastest growing African economies. At least 32.6 percent of the country’s 59 million people live in urban areas, with a population growth rate of 3.11 percent and unusually high urbanisation rate of 5.22 percent per annum. The country has experienced impressive GDP growth rates over the past decade averaging almost seven percent per year. The strong and sustained economic growth, coupled with a fast-growing population (expected to more than double by the year 2050), have greatly contributed to the rapidly increasing demand in the housing sector. Housing demand has also been boosted by the country’s efforts to develop its mortgage markets,with the introduction of the Tanzania Mortgage Refinance Company in 2010 under the Central Bank’s Housing Finance Programme.This has had a tangible impact on the number of mortgage lenders in the market, increasing from three in 2009, to 28 by June 2016, and to 31 in April 2018. Furthermore, the average mortgage interest rate has fallen from 22 percent to approximately 15-19 percent. 10 | The Darproperty - June 2019
This newsletter gives a broad overview of housing and housing finance markets in Tanzania, drawing on the Tanzania profile in the Housing Finance in Africa Yearbook 2018 (9th Edition), which was launched at the AUHF Conference and AGM, in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire, in October 2018. This edition of the Yearbook covers 54 countries and five regions across the continent.
units coupled with a 200 000-unit annual demand with a projected cost of US$12 billion. Despite high demand for housing, supply remains constrained, with end-user financing also affected by high interest rates. Affordability remains a key concern in Tanzania.
There are a number of large-scale real estate development projects that continue to increase the supply of residential, industrial Tanzania’s mortgage market is among the and commercial real estate across Tanzania’s smallest in the East African region, despite the fact that the mortgage market recorded cities and towns. In line with the government’s decision to move its administrative functions an annual growth rate in mortgage loan to the capital city of Dodoma, projects such balances of six percent between March as the National Housing Corporation’s Iyumbu 2017 and March 2018. There are 31 Satellite Center project and Medeli Housing mortgage providers in the country, with the outstanding mortgage debt estimated at TZS project continue to increase the supply of 331.5 billion (USD 145 million) according to housing in the region. The Watumishi Housing Company (WHC) also, in continuation of the June 2018 Mortgage Market Update. its public-servants housing schemes and Positive developments in the mortgage market have been attributed to availability developments, embarked on the Watumishi Njedengwe Housing Estate project to build of long-term funding through the Tanzania 338 units in Njedengwe, Dodoma, in addition Mortgage Refinance Company (TMRC). to other mixed-use developments. However, Tanzania still suffers from a While such positive developments continue, shortage of affordable housing and Tanzania’s affordable housing supply good quality housing. The current housing and finance markets still remain largely deficit is estimated at three million housing
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>>10 untapped, posing a key investment opportunity. There are also opportunities for tracking, understanding, and monitoring housing needs and demand to guide the delivery of effective solutions. To close this gap, the government is designing a housing information centre to collect, store, and analyse Tanzania’s housing data and enable the forecasting of demand, supply and price levels in the country. The plans for the centre draw upon experiences from visits made to South Africa, Kenya and Singapore in May 2018 as well as consultations with CAHF, the TMRC and the Singaporean Housing and Development Board. It is hoped that when the Housing Information Centre becomes operational in 2019/20, it will serve to enhance transparency in housing transactions and contribute towards the realisation of the housing sector’s contribution to the Tanzanian economy.
Ease of doing business: Tanzania ranks 144 out of 189 countries in terms of the ease of doing business according to the World Bank Doing Business Indicators. In terms of ease of registering property, Tanzania is ranked 146th. Regionally, however, Tanzania is below par: it takes eight procedures to register property which is more than the SADC regional average of six procedures. It takes 67 days to register property in Tanzania which is above the regional average of 53.9 days. Cost of registering property: The cost to register property in Tanzania is 5.2 percent of the property value which is lower than the regional average of 7.6 percent. Land availability: The lack of land titles remains a fundamental problem in Tanzania as land rights need to be registered before they can be mortgaged. According to the 2018/19 Ministry of Land budget speech, 12 | The Darproperty - June 2019
the ministry had released a total of 41 179 title deeds by May 2018 out of the target to release 400 000 title deeds and 3 000 unit titles in year 2017/18. Inflation: Inflation rates have shown a declining trend in the first five months of 2018, with the rate dropping from 3.8 percent in April to 3.6 percent in the month of May mainly due to the decrease in the price of food, non-alcoholic beverages and clothing and footwear. Cost of cement: The cost of a 50kg bag of cement was estimated at US$ 6.38. This is well above the continental average of US$10. Mortgage market: Mortgages as a percentage of GDP stands at 0.46 percent, while the number of mortgages is 4 061 as of June 2018, as reported by TMRC and The Bank of Tanzania’s Mortgage Market Update.
House costs: The price of the cheapest newly built house recorded by CAHF was US$ 17 034 in 2018, compared to US$ 17 875 in 2017.
HOUSING AFFORDABILITY For the majority of Tanzanians, mortgage finance is not an option. The graph below shows the annual income profile for rural and urban households, using 2018 CAHF survey inputs and C-GIDD (Canback Global Income Distribution) 2018 income data for Tanzania (reflected in Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) dollars - 1 PPP$ = 708.4 Tanzanian shillings). The national average annual urban household income in 2017 was PPP$ 11 191, far below PPP$ 40 239 which was the average annual household income needed to purchase the cheapest newly built house by a formal developer in 2017.
The price of the cheapest newly built house recorded by CAHF was US$ 17 034 in 2018, compared to US$ 17 875 in 2017. According to the Integrated Labour Force Survey of 2014, as carried out by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the working age population in 2014 comprised of 25.8 million people of which 86.7 percent were economically active, mostly in rural areas. In addition, according to the 2015 Formal Sector Employment and Earnings Survey by the NBS, the total number of employees in the formal sector in Tanzania mainland increased to 2.3 million in 2015 from 2.1 million in 2014. The survey also revealed that in 2015, 24.7 percent of employees earned monthly wages from TZS 300 001 (US$132) to TZS 500 000 (US$220), with only four percent of employees earning monthly wages above TZS 1.5 million (US$660). Tanzania’s workforce is expected to grow to 40 million workers who will need productive jobs by 2030. The share of the population employed in emerging sectors is expected to increase to 22 percent whereas the average income per worker is expected to only increase to US$1 900 by 2030. With almost 66 percent of paid employees earning a mean monthly income of less than TZS 500 000 (US$220), the average mortgage size of TZS 114 million (US$51 454.07) is high, indicating that most clients are high income earners with the majority of households financing their housing through cash sourced from household savings, microcredit loans and personal loans. A number of NGOs cater to the lower income market segments, but their reach is insufficient to meet the scale of demand. According to a 2018 Cost of Living study by Numbeo, a Dar es Salaam resident pays the largest chunk of his/her earnings (31.1 percent) on house rents than on any other basic commodity that is needed to survive. The study also states that at least 27.6 percent of an average Tanzanian’s earnings are spent on rent – leaving the remaining 72.4 percent for other basic needs. The minimum plot size for residential property in urban areas is 400m2. Prices quoted for two to three-bedroom houses (60121m2) constructed for civil servants under Watumishi Housing Company’s countrywide project (first phase) ranged between TZS 38 million (US$16 705) and TZS 109 million (US$47 960) VAT exclusive.
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PROPERTY MARKETS In 2018, Tanzania showed a significant drop in global ratings, namely the World Bank’s ‘ease of doing business’ and the ‘ease of registering property’. Moreover, only 15 percent of Tanzania’s total land surface is surveyed for various land uses and only three percent of adult Tanzanians have a title deed.
analyses of the landscape of investment in Tanzania, offering useful data on existing DFI investors, the types of investments used and the specific investment environments that they operate in.
HOUSING INVESTMENT LANDSCAPE IN TANZANIA A key barrier to growth in the housing finance sector however remains a chronic lack of data on the breadth and character of financial infrastructure investment, particularly in the housing sector. To address this gap, CAHF has undertaken a series of regional and country reports to study the housing investment landscape across Africa. The report on the Housing Investment Landscape in Tanzania is part of the broader landscape of investment series undertaken for the East African Community. The project undertook in-depth data collection and
Tanzania has also attracted funding from 18 international institutional investors, with China (through EXIM Bank) being the largest investor. In the period from 2000-2017, of the total US$ 14.2 billion invested in the country by DFIs, US$ 820 million was committed to activities that have a direct impact on the housing and housing finance sector in Tanzania. This represented 9 percent of total DFI assets in the country. The biggest contributions came from China’s Exim Bank and the World Bank which committed US$ 200 and US$ 100 million to the sector in that period respectively. The main investment tools used by DFIs were loans (lines of credit),
Tanzania’s long-term investment landscape constitutes both local and foreign investors, with the Tanzania Mortgage Refinance Company and the pension sectors as the The Ministry of Land reported that the current system of documenting land issues will leading local sources of long-term finance. A be changed from an analogue system to an critical contribution from the pensions sector has been through the Watumishi Housing Integrated Land Management Information Company – Real Estate Investment Trust System which will facilitate the issuance of electronic title deeds. The Tanzanian context (WHC-REIT). The WHC-REIT received a total thus displays discrepancies between rights of of TZS 68 billion (US$30.4 million) as initial occupancy which are found in law and policy, capital from seven public-sector pension funds and expects funding to be increased to and what takes place in practice. TZS358 billion (US$160 million) by 2020.
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and these proliferated as they are fixated on generating profit from investments. One of the key emerging issues relating to Tanzania’s long-term investment landscape in housing is the inadequacy of the selected investment vehicles to enhance increased lending to the underserved and more populous low and middle income segments of the population. Over 90 percent of long-term investment is in the form of lines of credit to commercial banks which intend to extend their mortgage portfolios. Long and short term lending is however pegged on the performance of key macroeconomic parameters, including the persistently volatile inflation and exchange rates which have increased the costs of credit. Challenges facing the housing finance sector however reach beyond access to funding. Lenders still have limited capacity for underwriting varied types of income (particularly modest income earners), and for designing affordable housing finance products. Lenders also have limited ability to initiate sustainable working relations/ partnerships with microfinance institutions and SACCOs as a way to reach out to these excluded segments of the population.
home is usually the single largest investment that a person makes. Most buyers end up spending lots of time and energy either searching for or designing “the perfect home” before signing any contracts. Location, price, market trends, property taxes, homeowners association fees and the condition of the property are factored into the house hunt. Also, each buyer typically has a wish list that includes specific needs (the things the buyer absolutely has to have) and wants (the features the buyer would like but could do without if necessary). While the home-buying process involves a number of important choices, one of the very first decisions buyers need to make is whether to shop for an existing home or build a new one. Each path has its advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a look at both sides. Buying an Existing Home There are two primary advantages to buying an existing home: convenience and cost. Once you are pre-approved by your lender, you can shop around, pick out a home and make an offer. (For more, see: Pre-qualified versus pre-approved: What’s the difference?). A qualified real estate agent can streamline the process by helping you find appropriate properties, guiding you through negotiations 16 | The Darproperty - June 2019
and assisting with the paperwork. Once your offer is accepted, you may be able to close and move in within a month or two. Even though the process involves numerous steps – such as financing, viewing homes, making offers, home inspections and closing – the convenience of being able to move in right away is compelling enough for many people to choose an existing home over a build. This may be especially true for buyers on a tight schedule, such as those relocating for a new job or whose children will be starting at a new school. Then there’s cost. In many (but not all) cases it’s cheaper to buy an existing home, according to data compiled by the National Association of Home Builders. Once you’ve found a prospective, existing home, use a mortgage calculator to get a better estimate of the total cost of purchasing that home based on today’s interest rates. Depending on your target real estate market, prices for existing homes may still be quite favorable in the aftermath of the financial crisis and housing bust that significantly lowered real estate prices across the nation Convenience versus Customization Another reason an existing home may be a better option is if you would like to be in a particular established neighborhood – near
work, school, friends and/or family. Odds are, too, that the home will have mature landscaping, so you won’t have to worry about starting a lawn, planting shrubs and waiting for trees to grow. And if you want to live close to town, your best bet will be an existing home since most, if not all of the land, will have already been built upon. On the flip side, the biggest disadvantage of buying an existing home may be that you won’t get exactly what you want. You may not be in love with the floor plan and may wish that half bath on the first floor was a full bath or that there was another bedroom on the main floor. Older homes, in particular, may be functionally obsolete, no longer meeting the needs of most buyers. For example, an otherwise beautiful four-bedroom house may only have one bathroom, or the kitchen may be too small with no room for expansion. Unless you find an existing home that has exactly what you want and is in perfect condition, you will have to spend additional money on remodeling, repairs, decorating and/or landscaping. These additional expenses should be factored into the overall price, especially when choosing among various properties or comparing the cost to building your own house.
Building a Home Building a new home doesn’t offer the same convenience as buying an existing house. Not only do you have to find the land, which may not be in an existing neighborhood, you also have to factor in the time to find an architect or builder, and choose every element of the new structure. Joining an existing development can streamline the process, though it may limit your degree of choice. You also need to worry about systems, such as whether the land gives you access to municipal water and sewage, or requires a well and septic system, along with any environmental and other permits. The big advantage is you are much more likely to get exactly what you want. For many, this factor alone is enough to choose to build over buying, but there are other advantages too. “A new home is more efficient, especially with the new energy codes including better HVAC [heating, ventilation, and cooling], insulation and air filtration standards,” says Guy Burtt, principal with Riverstone Development Group, Inc., a full-service, licensed general contractor and construction manager engaged in commercial, residential and renovation construction projects. Better efficiency is good for the environment and can save you money on your utility bills each month.
Time and Money The biggest drawbacks to building a house tend to be the higher costs and longer timeframe, both of which can increase throughout the home-building process. That said, you can limit the risk that your house will go over budget or take longer than you expected by working with a reputable builder and having a good contract in place. “Have your potential builder provide references and then check their past homeowner references,” says Burtt. To avoid unexpected price increases, “try to use a lump-sum contract, instead of a cost-plus contract.” A lump-sum contract specifies a fixed price for construction, putting the risk of cost overruns on the builder instead of the buyer. In addition, your contractor should work with you to help you reduce costs. “Your builder should provide a list of cost-saving items, if requested,” says Burtt. Substituting different materials and fixtures can save thousands of dollars, so if costs are a concern, ask ahead of time if there’s a cheaper alternative. And keep in mind that anything out of the ordinary is going to cost more. “Custom colors and ornate shapes of materials are certain ways to go over budget,” says Burtt.
Another perk? A new house may literally be better for you. “A new home is less likely to have the health concerns or toxic materials of an older home – things such as asbestos, lead paint, mold, etc.,” says Burtt. And it can be built with certain materials making it better for the environment. “Green appliances/Energy Star rated appliances, and more efficient toilets, plumbing fixtures, and electrical fixtures allow you to build “green” for a more sustainable home in the long run. And you have the option to install, sleeve and/or wire for future technology upgrades, such as home automation and solar,” says Burtt.
(If you’re buying a builder home, be sure that everything you need is included. For details on what to put on your checklist, see New Construction’s Hidden Costs Can Burn Buyers.) To control the timeframe, “try to have a contract that includes a construction time duration,” says Burtt. “Avoid the open-ended deadlines, and have a game plan and schedule.” If you are out of state, you’ll want to make sure your builder keeps you up to date with the progress. “Ask if the builder will provide progress photos on a regular basis, and determine who will be your main point of contact throughout the process,” says Burtt.
Even though the upfront costs of building can be higher, it may be easier to recoup your investment. “You can have more significant profits with the resale of your new home. A newer home is typically more appealing than an older home to most people,” Burtt says. In addition, a new home will require fewer repairs and less maintenance, which can save both money and time. And, as Burtt points out, you’ll have a warranty with a new home, so even if something does go wrong, you may still be covered. Money and features aside, building a house can lead to a level of satisfaction that you can’t achieve through buying an existing home. “There is a definite feeling of an emotional connection to living in a new home that you have created,” says Burtt. “The new-home smell, no one else has stepped foot (or pets) on your carpet. This is your creation that matches your style and personality, that you created from scratch.”
In addition, to save both money and time, maintain good communication with your builder and make sure you are happy with the design/specs before the build begins. It’s not good for you or your builder if you change your mind about the color of the granite countertops after they’ve already been installed. The Bottom Line Even if you start off your home search set on finding the perfect existing property, you may end up deciding to build to get exactly what you want. Conversely, you may plan on building and later decide an existing home is a better fit. In either case, working with a qualified and experienced professional – whether that’s a real estate agent or a general contractor – can help ensure the process goes as smoothly as possible
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18 | The Darproperty - June 2019
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Mikocheni Plaza made by Plaza Investment Company Limited is located at Mikocheni, Warioba area, facing the main road of Mwai Kibaki entailed to serve both international and local population by making sure all the essential requirements has been attained in one buiding.
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The New Mikocheni Plaza hopping experience in the large cities like Dar es Salaam has become questions for some reasons. Traffic congestion, parking challenge and timing has been played as an obstacle for some shopping centers in dare s salaam. Mikocheni Plaza made by Plaza Investment Company Limited is located at Mikocheni, warioba area, facing the main road of Mwai Kibaki entailed to serve both international and local population by making sure all the essential requirements has been attained in one buiding. The total of 2,100 Sqm leasable area tend to have the combination of different spaces to cater several activities including supermarkets, financial outlets, telecommunication shops, beauty and cosmetics shops, restaurants, cafeterias, coffee shops, brandy clothing stores, elegant offices, health and fitness centers. Shop simply, live simply as our slogan entails to indicate how simply the shoppers and visitors will easy enjoy the stores accessibility form both sides of the building for there are unique features as designed by the competent architects which assures the simplification of the shopping process in our stores.
Cleaning and changing room in order to avoid inconveniences with the clients and visitors, Mikocheni Plaza created a special room for the cleaners and building staffs responsible for the cleaning and maintenances services. Privacy mikocheni plaza is also allows its clientele who need the space for different activities to have an opportunity to create their own desired features such as private washroom, although this is allowed to the only early booking clients. Not only that but also there are special waste and clean water pipe connections which allows the clients to have an ability to create their own private kitchen, hand wash basin (sink) and other related features. the competent cleaning company is one of our priorities, to ensure the neat and clean environment is always maintained
The Art of Dar Es Salaam
highly maximum security for the visitors. CCTV cameras Mikocheni Plaza guest to ensure the security of the people and their properties by making of the surveillance cameras within the shopping mall compounds which entails to have the recognition of the visitors by monitoring their movements within the building. Generator presence of very powerful generator give us confidence to welcome people in to work with us, in making sure that power cut will not be a problem in our building there will be a very powerful standby generator made to serve all the stores available in the building. Reserve water tank absence of water in our building is one of the impossible scenarios, for there is 40,000 liter reserve water tank together with Dawasco water that will tackle all water issues in the building.
Mikocheni Plaza has fully committed to ensure the clients and shoppers are having an easy accessibility from almost all the angles of the city, for there are only 3km distance from Morocco junction, 2.6km from Msasani area, 3.4km from Oysterbay, 2.17 Km from Millenium towers, 2Km from Mwenge, 1.8 Km from Kawe roundabout and 2.9 Km from Tanesco headquarters. Speaking of building features, there are several features attached to the building which includes the following; Stair cases the presence of double stairs on both sides of the building which are front and back area respectively , allows the movement to upper floor and ground floor at once without causing any congestion during acquiring services in the building, for there are stairs purposely made for the one going up and the other for the one going down, speaking of the disabled the so made stairs have been made in a very low ratio that would allow the disabled people to enjoy the shopping experiences as well. Restrooms initially there are total of six (6) toilets and three (3) urinals for the ground and first floor as well which made total of twelve (12) toilets and six (6) urinals for both ground and first floor whereby the women will have six (6) toilets and men will have six (6) toilets and six (6)urinals in total. 22 | The Darproperty - June 2019
Recreation for we care for the children, Mikocheni Plaza has created a special kids play area which will allow kids to play while their parents proceed with other activities in the shopping area. In this playground there will be sliding games, jumping games, swinger, toys etc Outdoor cafeteria not all the time people prefer to go for indoor cafeterias by considering that Mikocheni Plaza has created a special place for the outdoor sitting area which be served by one of the indoor cafeterias whereby there will be a special indoor kitchen which serve the outdoor sitting area. When we differentiate Mikocheni Plaza from other shopping mall don’t forget to mention the following unique facilities; Reliable Car Parking Area there is enough car parking area which would allow the parking of up to 200 cars at once, of which there will be special pass for entrance and exit off the shopping mall so as to ensure
Cleaning the competent cleaning company is one of our priorities, to ensure the neat and clean environment is always maintained. Security Mikocheni plaza has intended to employ the mostly competent security company which will be responsible for both indoor and outdoor safety. Maintenance positive maintenance response is all we priotise so that to make sure every facilities and amenities available in the building are kept into its good and usable condition, for we have team of the technicians reliable for Air conditions, electricity, plumbing issues and carpentry. Management Mikocheni Plaza appears to have a very co-operative management team that will be attentive with highly profession in solving and respond to every clients and visitors need.
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REAL ESTATE The ABCs of REAL ESTATE MARKET Equity Building up the gradual increase in a mortgagor’s EQUITY in a property caused by AMORTIZATION of loan principal. Example: Echols bought a home for $50,000 cash plus a mortgage loan of $250,000, the total cost being $300,000. After 5 years, Echols had amortized the outstanding principal of the loan down to $210,000. Assuming the home was still worth at least $300,000, Echols now has an additional $40,000 in equity because of equity building through mortgage reduction. Declining Balance Depreciation a method of DEPRECIATION, often used for income tax purpose, whereby a rate is applied to the remaining balance to derive the depreciation deduction. Compare with ACCELETARED DEPRECIATION. Interim Financing a loan, including a Construction loan, used when the property owner is unable or unwilling to arrange permanent financial. Generally arranged for less than 3 years, used to gain time for financial or market conditions to improve. Example: Monroe developed an office building but, in the expectation of falling ITEREST RATES, does not wish to use permanent financing at this time. He arranges a 2- years interim loan, during which time he seeks favorable permanent financing. Panic Selling widespread urgent dumping of property on the market in anticipation of a drastic reduction in property value. Most often the impetus of such selling is a perceived detrimental change in neighborhood conditions. Example: When a registered sex offender moved into the neighborhood, an initial wave of panic selling lowered home prices by 25%. Partially Amortized Loan one that requires some payments towards PRINCI PAL but does not fully retire the DEBT, thereby requiring a BALLOON PAYMENT. Example: A 30 – years AMORTIZATION SCHUDULE is provided for loan that balloons in 10 years. Originally $100,000 of principal at 8% interest, this partially amortized loan balance will be reduced to $87,724 when it matures in 10 years.
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enya Real Estate Agents are set to face a new test soon as the government through a new bill presented at the Attorney General Office plans to rolls out a crackdown on more than 40,000 agents operating in the country. According to the Estate Agents Registration Board (EARB), the property industry in the country has only 402 licensed individuals allowed to run real estate agencies, the rest have been branded as fraudsters. Amendment bill The amendment bill suggests that “No individual will be allowed to transact business in order to receive commission, rewards or payments if they are not licenced by EARB”. Moreover the bill directs
that no individual will be allowed to use phrases like ‘property manager’, ‘real estate agent’, ‘realtor’, ‘land agent’, ‘land broker’, ‘leasing agent’, ‘letting agent’, ‘estate agent’ without a valid license. The act will also require agents to have completed their O’ levels with a KCSE certificate accompanied by at least a real estate certificate in any related field approved by EARB. In addition one must have 1 year of experience working for a registered real estate agency, be a member of a professional body recognized by the board and fulfill all requirements on Chapter six of the Kenya constitution. EARB chairperson Nelly Mbugua said that the law seeks to restore order and boost
public confidence in real estate agencies amid cases of cons. “These amendments are meant to streamline the real estate industry in Kenya to make sure only professionals are allowed to operate”, said Ms Mbugua. Individuals found operating as real estate agents without valid licenses will be fined US $10000 up from the current US $200 and they will not be entitled for payments on services offered. The current law only requires Kenyans to be of good character to be able to operate. By Linus Kemboi Courtesy of CR-online
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Get your very OWN 4 bedroom Duplex home on the prestigious Regent street, Mikocheni for the LOWEST market rate ever! Call now: 0757 768 578 0715 510 610 The Darproperty - June 2019 | 35 The Darproperty - August 2015 | 35
Real Estate Agents Directory in Tanzania DAR ES SALAAM
ABLA ESTATE DEVELOPERS & AGENCY CO.LTD Mikocheni Opposite Shoppers Plaza P.O BOX 3810, Dar es Salaam Tel +255 22 2772506 E-mail: AUSTIN PROPERTIES LIMITED Mwai kibaki rd P.O. Box 19021 DSM +255 715 686 051 CHINESE PROPERTY AGENT TRANSLATOR Msasani Road, Masaki English Chinese Translator Dealing with your chinese client sms 0756 50 11 37
GIMCO ESTATE AGENCY LTD Samora Ave, NIC Investment Hse, P.O BOX 8382 Dar es salaam Tel +255 22 2120988 Mob +255-784 900041
NEW DAY PROPERTY AGENCY COMPANY Mwinyijuma Road - Kinondoni, Room no.84, UVCC Complex +255 753 645 434, +255 717 035 552 +255 767 575 758 raymond samson Laizer
36 The DarProperty August 2014
MY BEACH Old Bagamoyo Rd. opp Yuasa auto impex P.O BOX 105200. Dar es Salaam Tel; +255 22 2701710 NIKUZE REAL ESTATE AGENCY Morogoro Road P.O Box 10032 Dar Es Salaam Tel: +255 789/754/715/ 363 800 Email: PHOTO & CO.ESTATE Kahama Road/Msasani peninsula P.O BOX 105121 Dar es Salaam. 0786 962 444 Email; PROPERTY CONSULTANCY & SERVICES LTD 2nd Floor Kevin House - Samora Avenue P.O BOX.7152 - Dar Es Salaam +255 22 2120402, +255 713 690 220 PRESTIGE PROPERTIES Phone: +255-713-764-447/ 0767471293 Tel:+255-22-266-4373
GOLDBERG COMPANY LTD Real Estate & Mining Trade P.O. Box 22159 Dar es Salaam Old Bagamoyo Rd, Mikocheni B, 0715 270 517 / 0754 270 517 www.
KEY REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS Regent Chwaku North Ursino Tel: +255 22 2701674 0715 053 803, 0786 053 803, 0754 28 46 84
TANGANYIKA ESTATE AGENTS Sea Cliff Village (next to Sea Cliff Hotel) Plot 532, Toure Drive +255 742 074 262 TRELD COMPANY LTD P.O BOX 7656 Dar es Salaam Location Msasani Peninsular off toure drive +255 732 222 888, +255 716 777 999
Shanti House, Plot 58 Block E Sokoine Road P. O. Box 249 Arusha, Tanzania. +255 754 337 899 / +255 786 337 899 HOMES & PROPERTY AGENCIES LTD Land Surveyors & Property Managers P. O.Box 10079 Arusha Boma Rd. Arusha 0787 805566 TANGANYIKA ESTATE AGENTS
Shoprite Complex, +255 785 984 467 ZIPO HOMES
Rivergardens Business Park, Rm 4 P.O Box 20 Usa River, Arusha +255 787 474 580/+ 255 754 320 513
MWANZA MWANZAESTATE +255 714 245 779
ZANZIBAR Zanzibar - Tel: +255 774 44 19 07 Hotel Marine - Malindi Zanzibar
+255 756 960 960, +255 714 444 250, +255 752 444 606. ARUSHA +255 653 005 530, MWANZA +255 653 005 535, INFO@TZREALESTATE.CO.TZ TZREALESTATE.CO.TZ
ENHANCE YOUR VISIBILTY & CREDIBILITY GET LISTED HERE WITH YOUR LOGO Tshs. 48,500/= Monthly / Tshs. 500,000/= Annually +255 784 23 89 62, 0688 75 18 68 |
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This is registered by2019 the government of United Republic of Tanzania under the newspaper Act no. 3 of 1976 and the Postmaster General. Registration No. 00005562 38 magazine | The Darproperty - June
The Darproperty - June 2019 | 39 The Darproperty - August 2015 | 39
40 | The Darproperty - June 2019