The Visionary Entrepreneur's Success Mandate | DBS Magazine | How to Overcome Challenges

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THE VISIONARY SUCCESS MANDATE This Magazine is designed to turn ordinary people into world renowned successful Entrepreneurs. We do that by helping visionary Entrepreneurs craft their life experiences and abilities into big brands that deliver messages which the world is searching for. We also train individuals to build their own platforms through online branding, marketing and story-telling. Our mission is to help 1 million visionary entrepreneurs turn their ordinary experiences into exclusively lucrative businesses that are irresistible for the world to ignore. If you feel you have an experience or ability that you want to craft into a robust and big brand please contact us and we will help you create a business brand that's unique to you. Contact us at: Destiny Business Suite 32 Rothwell Road, Dagenham, Essex RM9 4JB, United Kingdom.


Our Services Destiny Business Suite is the place to take your ideas to the next level. If you have a business that’s grounded or have an idea you want to turn into a profitable business, we have the ideal platform for you. We turn people's natural abilities, past experiences and simple business ideas into great and successful visionary superstar businesses. Right now DBS is looking for individuals with amazing stories and awesome business ideas to promote and feature in our magazine and on our upcoming TV channel. DBS Magazine is available online and in print for purchase. When you’re featured in DBS Magazine you’ll get an exclusive full colour feature. You will also receive superb social media marketing and a guest appearance on the TV Show. Currently our online and digital magazines get 1,000s of hits and the DBS TV show is predicted to have 1 million viewers in the next 5 years. We also have 6,000 people on our rapidly growing mailing list! If you’re ready to give your ideas and business a chance, LET US SUPPORT YOU! From helping craft your ideas from scratch to gaining a massive online presence attracting loads of followers, we will guide you along the way to develop a strong and reliable market base for your products. WE’RE READY TO WORK WITH YOU! If you want more assistance in developing your business ideas, browse through our website at:


This is a great opportunity to turn your ideas, life stories and abilities into a lucrative business. You might already have a business, a program or have written a book that you’re looking to gain exposure for and drive traffic to your website or social media that could translate into paying clients and customers? Destiny Business Suite Magazine is not only an inspirational publication that highlights the accomplishments of visionary Entrepreneurs. We also offer publicity and marketing services to help increase your business success.

We cannot have the winning awards unless we have outstanding achievements amongst us. Right now, DBS is looking for extraordinary people with amazing stories and awesome businesses to promote and feature in our magazine and on our TV channel. Our goal is to help 1 million visionary entrepreneurs take their ideas out of the ordinary into the real world of success. And that can only happen when you take real steps towards making an authentic difference to the world.

DBS has a calculated program for those with a great desire to make a difference to the planet but cannot figure a better way to express their message. The program for excellency will help you craft your story into an exclusive business that’s irresistible. We will help you build your business step by step, turning your ideas into stories sharable on different platforms. You will also be able to let the entrepreneur in you emerge. And that will enable you to live a meaningful and fulfilled life.










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The Experience that COUNTS


Jobs are a great distractor and a trap that stops most people from discovering their purpose. Yet it is the divine purpose that brands one to live a fulfilled life. Most people are too comfortable as full time employees and completely neglect their calling yet real fulfilment can be found outside the job scenario. 25




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all of us at Destiny Business Suite

IT IS ONE THING TO BUILD A LUCTATIVE BUSINESS & ANOTHER TO EFFECTIVELY GET YOUR BUSINESS TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE TO BUY. If you’re looking to increase your followers or drive traffic to your website, this is a great way to go. You can give away your own products for a prize or purchase an attention-getting product or gift card. After the contest is over, contest host will be given the contact info to mail out the prize to the winner of the product. The prize must be mailed within 5 days. Remember, the more valuable or exciting your prize is, the more people will enter to win it. And because of that, more people will learn about your business or products. Prize must be valued at $29 minimum. Submit your product details and promotion article and a £25 administration fee

Contact Us Destiny Business suite 32 Rothwell Road Dagenham UK RM9 4JB 32


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