Celebrate the Season with Fiberglass Displays
Polar Bear Juggling
Snowman with Scarf, Santa Hat and Broom
Jangles the Elf Sitting
Jangles the Elf Playing with Lights
Snowman with Snow Shovel
Polar Bear with Wreath
Jangles the Elf On Snowman
Jangles the Elf Laughing
Santa's Crawling Elf, Green
Jangles the Elf Crawling
Gold and Silver Toy Soldier with Drum Major's Mace
55-24019-118-GS-FND 75”
Green & White Toy Soldier with Drum Major’s Mace
55-24019-118-FND 75”
Red and White Toy Soldier with Drum Major's Mace
Half Toy Soldier with Jewels
Red and Green Toy Soldier with Gold Trumpet
Green and Red Nutcracker with Pole Axe
55-24017-118-FND 75”
Red and Yellow Nutcracker
55-24016-118-FND 75”
Santa Claus
58-2505-0020 6.4’
Christmas Deer Laying Down
Toy Soldier with Jewels
Mary 55-5000-M 26.5”
Lamb 55-5000-L 11.5”
Angel 55-5000-A 44.5”
Full Life Size Nativity available in White
Gabriel with Lamb 55-5000-G-FND
Joseph 55-5000-J 40.5”
Donkey 55-5000-D 17.25”
Baby Jesus 55-5000-BJ 11.5”
King Balthazar 55-5000-KB 40.5”
King Gaspar 55-5000-KG
King Melchior 55-5000-KM 30”
Ox 55-5000-OX 16.5”