The DEMOCRAT Volume LXVII Issue No. IV

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The Independent Student Publication of The University of Nueva Caceres

March 2020 • June 2020 Vol. LXVII Issue IV





DOS: Kapamilya ka ba?

NEWS FEATURES 3 4 0 5 6 7 8 9 10

Study First Discover Civic Pride: An Imprint on Philippine history Fact Me Hard, Deep Truth Me Mental Health at ang Batas ng Viking Kumusta, Nihao Tamang Tama Lang The Future Ahead of Us Kakambal ng Pandemya


21 23

Isang Gabing Maingay


Now or Never & Huwad na Hukom Kaligtasan ng mga mamamahayag sa gitna ng pandemya


18 19 20

• Alumni, stakeholders extend help to stranded UNCeans. • UNCean Frontliners join flattening the curve. • Pag-unawa sa gitna ng dismaya Kanselasyon ng graduation, batid ngayong pandemya. • USG-UNC Election idaraos sa darating na pasukan, petsa hindi pa tiyak. • Kaligtasan ng mga mamamahayag sa gitna ng pandemya. • Paghahanda ng UNC kontra COVID, puspusan.

Editorial Board & Staff A.Y. 2020 - 2021


Editor-in-Chief John Paul Borito Associate Editor Norene Cantor Managing Editor Rex Garing News Editor Kenn Daniel Montecillo Features & Patrick Joseph Literary Editor Panambo Sports Editor Jessebel Nieva Arts Director Lester Isip Filipino Editor Charey Mae Alvarado


Brandon Jon De Los Santos


Guila Alarcio Joelyn Arlante Raymond Balote Rose Clavano Cyen Esclanda Ma. Zytuz Espiritu Neil Andrew Formalejo Jhezylle Faye Loria Rachelle Paja


TINGOG kan Unibersidad Obal




• Time out for sports events; UNC athletes express dismay • First in History: Sotto signs contract in NBA G League • Shaped by Sports: A Frontliner’s Heart • Takbo ng Karera ni Gido • Break Through a Hand


Christian Reganit Chellvin Mae Robles Daryl Sta. Cruz Trisha Bañas Maria Juvy Lea Violeta


• Uninvited Guests • A Mysterious Ordinary

TECHNICAL ADVISER Shirley A. Genio Mark Phillip Paderan

RED clue in quarantine blue


College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) Luzonwide Association of College Editors (LACE)


Right-Wing, Sports Palace University of Nueva Caceres J. Hernandez Ave., Naga City Philippines, 4400



Bicol Association of Student Campus Journalists (BASCAJ)




Mapagpalayang Gabi Sino ang makapagsasabi na minsan ay muling kakalampagin ng masa ang luma at maduming karakas na pilit isinubo sa kaisipan ng madla? Sino ang maghihinuhang minsan sa kabila ng apatyang kubli sa makabagong teknolohiya ay magsasabi pa ring sobra na ang sobra? Sino ang magtatangka na subukin ang sistema? Walang iba kundi tayo. Tayo pa rin ang sagot at ang pag-asa ng bayang inaalipusta.



FEATURE DEMOCRAT | 03 ought to have. We do not have a lot of choice, which makes it even harder to decide whether to prioritize the future or the present. Deciding between things that concern my life is my greatest weakness. It creates an overwhelming feeling that cannot be simply remedied by a medication bought from a nearby pharmacy. I find it burdening just to think about the consequences I would later face.

BY JHEZYLLE FAYE B. LORIA School: We’re going to conduct a survey regarding your internet access to know what we can do about this arising problem connected to the Enhanced Community Quarantine. We are hoping for your cooperation. Student 1: We don’t have access to a stable internet connection. Student 2: It is not our priority as of the moment. We have other things to attend to. We can’t have mobile internet all the time. School: Okay. Then, we are going to have online classes. The best survey conducted in history ever. *insert slow clap

Fighting between education and life are tough options to choose from because either side has its own unique way that dictates what we are going to be. The main problem is not just about the choice itself but also the other factors involved in the arena. We are in a battle that any wrong move creates a domino effect that ruins everything. “Still, education is more important.” Spare me this kind of reasoning. I am not in the mood to argue about what is important and what is not. We are battling against an invisible enemy that could infect or kill anyone any minute from now if we keep on making poor decisions. Yes, I cannot argue that education is essential, but for your information, life is not all about being educated but being alive as well, which I prefer more. But if you still keep pushing your side, suit yourself. You may wonder why I keep on negating the idea of online class and reasoning that it risks lives. Let me tell you the reasons. I am aware, I just don’t care

Why conduct a survey then if you’d still be going with your fixed “solution”? No offense meant, but aren’t surveys meant for reference for you to know w h a t the problem really is and what solution is appropriate?

Philippines ranked 103r​ d among 139 countries in terms of mobile internet speed and ranked 101s​t among 179 countries in terms of fixed line internet.

“Education is the key to success”

It is not top state secret for you to not be aware about this. You may not be aware of our current ranking, but you are aware how slow the internet is. Despite the developments made by the government, still it is not enough for us to reach the speed we are aiming for. More developed countries put a hold in their online classes despite having the capacity to do so. So what are we really trying to do here?

It can never be wrong. But the success awaiting in the future seemed hazy. What we are facing right now threatens the future we

Way to go!

Less accountability, less direct contact and huge dropout rate. Virtual learning has its downsides supported by social media platforms. O n l i n e class does not provide the kind of learning we experience during a regular class. The two parties often have


limited time to engage in every discussion. You cannot expect your professor to respond immediately in your queries when it is still time for snacks or lunch. This is also the opportunity for the student to have more idle time and to not care about the quality of his works at all. You may say that it just depends on each person’s capability, drive and mindset, but these don’t work all the time which could lead to dropout. Pornography and Cyberbullying In 2015, communications watchdog Ofcom found young people aged 16 to 24 spent more than 27 hours a week . These two beasts have been lurking on the internet even before this pandemic occurred and the statistics could even rise higher since people who are using the internet have increased. We don’t have many options to choose from for us to do while on community quarantine. It’s either we do household chores, eat, sleep, study or work. Or be a victim of these two? Yes! It is not far from reality my friend. Pornography and Cyberbullying, the modern twins, have already created a world that anyone are welcome to enter. When I say anyone, just anyone who is literate in the cyberworld, may it be the basic or advanced ones. Minors are not protected from these loops the internet has created, which makes them more vulnerable at this time. Curiosity and lack of parental guidance may lead to this dilemma which this online learning opens. Not all has the means There is an article that I have read about a Thai old woman who attempted to buy a phone for her grandson for his online classes. She wants to buy a phone worth 2,000 baht (62 dollars) but the store doesn’t have that kind of phone in that amount. You see, not everyone can afford to buy whatever the school requires. You cannot deny the fact that online class is a great idea but for those who belong from poor families, it is considered as a stiff stairway to climb on. They have to push harder to be able to learn which is through the internet. This pandemic may be giving us a blind future but in the end we must learn to look into the bright side even in darkest times. Learning may be important, but we must also know that there are far more important things for us to focus on. It is not just the safety that we are trying to have but the equality that this pandemic is trying to suppress. We are not born equal but we should also learn to be fair for us to deal with the real problem effectively. Yet still, we can’t escape from reality and push it back all the time whenever we want. Education is our reality right now. We still need to find a way to reach it despite the circumstances we are facing. Maybe, online learning is not the most ideal answer when questions and problems arise day by day. But one thing is for sure, we need to study first, before anything else, this problematic reality offers us.




f you ever find yourself lost in a jungle, survival experts suggest you S.T.O.P, that is stop, think, observe, and plan. The first step is to stop whatever you are doing. Seeing that you stopped by to read already counts as progress! Now, you are not alone in this expedition. Commission on Election (COMELEC) data presented about 18.5% of registered voters are from Gen Z. For most college students, it will be their first time voting for something as huge and pivotal for a developing country, such as the Philippines—to elect a competent President, Vice President, and so forth. National Election beckons young voters to enter the political terrain. You may find yourself falling into a stream of propaganda as campaign season exudes an atmosphere likened to a circus show. Public places flipped into jungles, teeming with alphas leading respective packs, competing on herding the most crowd. If one wanders in sporting innocence, one might fall right into the schemes of the mischievous Ringmaster. Ms. Ayra Ginica Eleazar Tortoles, an educator in Philippine Politics and Governance, shared her prognosis for the 2022 election. “We can expect to see familiar names in the list of candidates. It is not new. It is almost always the case in every election. There are also new ones being built up for the top elective posts. While some helping hands are genuine during this health crisis, others may be committed to improving their public image since it may give them a clearer chance of securing their desired post.” “Of course, there are other important factors for winning, but such strategy works during elections.” She also points out, “How the government handles this pandemic will impact the 2022 election and the power dynamics in the country.” Now that a few important contexts have been laid down, let’s move on to evaluate. Yes, the second step is to think! The status quo in making socio-political conversation among Gen Z is minimal due to misinformation or fake news, bubbling on the web. Such proves as another

challenge in making a sound judgment to Political Personalities. Despite this, Ronalyn Rovera, a Political Science student at UNC, took it upon herself to fulfill her civic duties. “I immediately set myself to be registered. I felt like it is my responsibility to exercise suffrage, now that I am at the right age to vote.” The common tips students, elders, and educators shared are to remain vigilant and conduct research. Much like before embarking on any adventure, evaluate the candidates to see which platform aligns with the change you want. Ronalyn admitted she is “not well-versed in politics,” but she strives to be aware of current happenings in the Government. The future is clouded with worries and thrills. For Ronalyn, she has a share of sentiments. “People

might be blinded again with the plausible promises that these candidates might offer.” Regardless, she informed she is excited to use her power to vote for whomever she thinks deemed worthy. Ms. Ayra encouraged, “Voting is a way of expressing our choice. Most young voters are tech-savvy, when we can spend generous time in many online leisure activities, why can’t we do the same in staying vigilant to those who are exercising our powers especially when our future is on the line?” This brings us to the next survival tip. Observe, you will not want to step on a camouflaged snake, will you? The campaign season will foreseeably has the same raucous menagerie of circus

acts relative to all the “drama, pakwela, kantahan, budots, hakot artista’’ elders describe as tactics to attract a crowd. It is an old record, and a student in CEA witnessed it during the 2016 polls “no to sikat, api, pasalipit 500.’’ He wished that voters will not get swayed by these in the future, advising not to jump on the bandwagon. The final survival tip before you turn back to your errands is plan, plan, and plan. It all boils down to competence, knowledge, and credibility. “Know the positions and their respective powers, scrutinize the candidate’s platforms, and be critical on how they stand on issues. Let’s not be easily swayed by their jokes and other publicity stunts. Discern the qualities of leaders we need, given the myriad of issues we have been facing,” Ms. Ayra advised. Ronalyn reckoned, “the candidate may be very knowledgeable but doesn’t have empathy for the people.” She stressed members in congress are vital. “Choose a statesman who can create laws that will surely benefit the people and not the greedy.” In the executive department, she told us to “choose whoever has the capability to implement the law properly,” may it be the President, Vice President, and so on. She added, “they must be law-abiding citizens even before they run for a position.” She pertained to dig the candidates’ history for any law violations. Then, decide based on your discoveries. “2022 brings hope for me.” She hoped elected leaders would prioritize the welfare of the people. Inculcating a Latin maxim, “Salus Populi Est Suprema Lex” derived as “The welfare of the People is the Supreme Law,” Ronalyn concluded. It may be daunting to be hustled into the political jungle, another journey in adulthood one must clear. But once you do, you can snap an ink selfie after exiting the precinct, of course. The immense satisfaction to have fulfilled an informed civic role, to have your voice reverberated amidst the chaos of jungle politics, is one that leaves an imprint on the Philippine History.




I am the wisest...for I know one thing, and that — is that I know nothing. (this for me is better) It is wisdom coming from one of the wellknown philosophers, Socrates. It is an efficient knowledge-out-sourcing technique, where you act like a fool and then ask a series of questions to expose the fallacies of others’ beliefs and then come up with a solid fact; the Socratic method. However, other people choose to take it literally. In this age of the internet, knowledge is accessed easily compared to the recent era where people manually take their time researching something. Well, because of this convenience, some people have become halfwit. Let us tackle some of these idiosyncrasies, especially in the middle of a pandemic where false information endangers lives as much as COVID-19 does. Take, for instance, the increasingly alarming number of poison control calls in America. People began using disinfectants for internal use to fight against the virus, either by ingesting bleach/ rubbing alcohol or injecting it directly in their bloodstream. Why is this happening? The president of the United States, Donald Trump, said so. Besides, it is on the internet, so why not? Have they already forgotten grade school lessons on basic scientific ideas? How about this Florida man named Brian Hitchens, who initially believed that COVID-19 is fake and the government is only trying something. A splash of cold water was thrown on his face as he woke up one morning, sick with the virus in an

ICU. It does not end there, however. People have become complacent in the wake of this pandemic because supposedly, banana, virgin coconut oil, garlic, or ginger is the cure to COVID-19. Again, it is on the internet, making rounds in several group chats, pages, and different social media platforms. Supposedly, some experts support this claim, although it is not clear what type of studies is done to prove this. Well, they may contain nutrients that may help improve the immunity of our body, but sorry to say this, no study has been done to support that claim. Thus, we should still be on guard and not be complacent. Humans have an innate curiosity in them, and it is easily picked, especially if it is relevant to our current status. For instance, there are different conspiracy theories about the origin of the virus. Let’s take a look at some of them. It is a fact that it originated in Wuhan, China. There is also a biological evidence that the virus naturally came from animals before being transferred to humans. This is what the conspiracy theorists say regarding this issue; it is artificially produced in the laboratory, purposely released to take down the world economy. It may be true, but let us leave at least a doubt in our minds that it is not. As the World Health Organization said, there is little knowledge about the virus. What we do know is it spread faster because the Chinese government concealed the facts about its status, forcing the world unprepared for its wake. The most outrageous conspiracy theory storming the internet is about a 5G tower transmitting the virus, accusing the government of trying to do something against the people. Some even analyzed that if it does not send the virus,

it at least weakens the immune system through its high frequency, which degrades human cells, contributing to the spread of the virus. First of all, it is a tower, and it allows signal transmissions. However, the virus does not travel at a frequency. Second, those high-frequency radiations do not degrade human cells. It only produces heat through radiation, using an infrared technology, which means it is not the same as X-Ray or Gamma Rays that can alter human genes and DNA. What happens after this conspiracy blow out? There are believers around the world, willing to break the protocol in an attempt to countermeasure the viral spread. Some protested the shutdown of the technology, just like what happened in London. 5G COVID-19 conspiracy theorists staged a group hug outside London’s Scotland Yard police HQ to protest “No house arrests” in the middle of this lockdown. Let’s hope that they did not catch the virus while outside. The consequence of spreading false information, especially amid a world crisis, worsens the situation as it instills fear and anxiety to the masses. Prevention is still better than cure. Wash your hands frequently, wear masks, and maintain social distancing. Listen to experts and validate the information you are about to share; it may save lives more than you think. Let us not underestimate the power of Socrates’ wisdom of being wise in knowing nothing, but not to the point of being ignorant. Learn to doubt and question anything you read as if you know nothing until you get to the hard facts you need.

NI Marie Juvy Lea Violeta


indi lahat ng digmaan ay nangyayari sa mundong ating ginagalawan. Minsan ito ay nagaganap sa ating isipan, paano ba naman, kamangha-mangha ang ating utak. Ito ay may timbang na tinatayang isa at kalahating kilo lamang, ngunit gumagamit ito nang 20% ng enerhiya sa ating katawan. Ang mga viking ay kilala bilang marahas na mandirigma at mananakop, ngunit ‘di lang iyon ang bumubuo sa grupo nila. Ang ilan ay mangangalakal, manggagalugad, at imigrante na namumuhay nang disente. Malamang nagtataka na kayo, ano ang kinalaman ng mga vikings sa mental illness? Ito na yung sinasabing stigma o mantsa sa isang grupo o komunidad. Sa BBC ay may inilunsad na social experiment, pinaguhit nila ang isang bata ng isang viking, at ang resulta nito ay imahe ng isang tao na may suot na helmet na may kaakibat na mga sungay. Ito ay maling kuro-kuro dahil ang mga sungay ay ginagamit ng mga vikings tuwing pyesta o pagpahayag ng mensahe. Sa isang diwa, ang stigma sa viking ay may pagkakapareho sa mantsa na nakapalibot sa mental illness, sila’y nakararanas ng diskriminasyon, mga mapangutyang maling persepsyon na nakatanim na sa pagtingin ng ating lipunan. Katha na ang tao na may karamdaman sa isip ay marahas at iba ang kilos. Kung tutuusin 3%-5% lamang ang may malalang kaso ng mental illness ang gumagawa ng violent acts. Ibig sabihin, ang karamihan ay karaniwang tao; estudyante, manggagawa at iba pa na may makatwirang pag-iisip at produktibong kasapi ng komunidad. Ang mental illness ay hindi bumubuo sa pagkatao ng isang indibidwal. Mula sa American Management Association (AMA), may ibinahagi silang prinsipyo na ginagamit sa pagpapaunlad ng kanilang negosyo. Ito ay ang viking law. Ang pinaka unang batas ng vikings ay “Be brave and aggressive.” Ang mga batas na ito ay maaaring gamitin sa anumang sitwasyon sa buhay, sa paghingi ng tawad sa pamamalengke o pagharap sa anumang laban sa buhay, kahit pa saloobin tulad ng nerbyos, depresyon, panic attack at iba pa, dapat maging mabuti ang pananaw sa buhay. “Attack one target at a time.” Kabilang sa unang batas. Alamin ang pinagmulan o trigger ng inyong karamdaman, siyasatin kung paano ito malalampasan. Ang pangunahing natural na gawin upang guminhawa kapag inaatake ng nerbyos ay ang paghinga ng malalim at pagbitaw nito nang mabagal. Makatutulong din kung makahahanap ng komportableng lugar para kumalma. Sa panic attack, mas mainam kapag may kasama, huwag na huwag sila pababayaan ng mag-isa. Ayon

sa mga taong may panic disorder, parang inaatake sa puso ang pakiramdam ng panic attack. Isipin mo, nanonood ka lang ng paborito mong teleserye at bigla ka na lang pagpapawisan sa buong bahagi ng katawan, labis na mababalisa, maninikip ang dibdib at lalamunan na tila ba ikamamatay na, kahit wala naman sa peligro ang buhay mo. Biglaang sumpong at mabilis humupa, ngunit nagdudulot ng dagdag na nerbyos sa posibilidad na “paano kung mangyari ulit?” Iyan ang kadalasang pag-aalala ng may panic disorder na nakasaad sa iba’t ibang artikulo. Ikalawang batas ay “Be prepared” na binigyang kahulugan ng A.M.A bilang “Find good battle comrades.” Kung napansin mo na may pinagdagdadaanan ang kakilala mo, inilahad ni Sarah, kasalukuyang nag-aaral ng sikolohiya sa UNC, “you should try talking to them” Ito ay napakaimportante lalong-lalo na sa panic attack. Sa kabila ng sobrang pagkabalisa, nakararanas din sila ng derealization. Nagbabago ang kanilang palibot palayo sa realidad, nagkakaroon din ng tunnel vision. Kailangan nila ng kaibigang may malasakit na mananatili sa tabi nila sa oras nang nakatatakot na karanasan. Ikatlong utos sa samahang viking. “Be a good merchant.” Pagyamanin ang kaalaman. Pinagtapat ni Sarah na para sa kanya, magiging mahirap ang pagtukoy ng senyas sa mental illness, lalo na kung hindi sapat ang ideya o impormasyon ng lipunan patungkol dito. “Being knowledgeable in our mental aspect will help us to understand those people who are suffering with mental illness,” dagdag pa niya. Ikaapat na batas. “Keep the camp in order.” Sa American Management Association, pinagbubuti na gumawa ng kasiya-siyang aktibidad para patibayin ang grupo nila. Kung nakaaapekto na sa pang-arawaraw na gawain ang nerbyos, biglang nawalan ng interes sa libangan, labis na malungkot at lumalayo ang loob, maaaring sintomas na ito ng depresyon. “Advice them to ask for professional help,” payo ng mag-aaral sa sikolohiya. Maghanap ng kausap upang maibahagi ang iyong nararamdaman, makatutulong ito para maunawaan ang kondisyon. Maaari ring magsulat ng talaarawan o lumikha ng sining, tula, musika at iba pa. Ang tsokolate, tsaa, at kape ay naglalaman ng seratonin na base sa mga pagsusuri ay nakatutulong sa paglaban ng depresyon. “Laughter is the best medicine.” Ang pagtawa ay nagpapakawala ng endorphin sa ating utak na nagpapababa ng stress hormones. “People prioritize their physical health more than their mental health.” Ito ang obserbasyon ni Sarah. Kaya dapat pangalagaan din ang mental health. Ika nga, may kasabihang “there is no health, without mental health.”


NI NEIL FORMALEJO “Ikaw at ako’y nasa iisang dagat, ang iyong pagmamahal aking kasama.” Kuha ito mula sa kantang “Iisa ang dagat” na sinulat ng ambassador ng embahada ng China sa Pilipinas na si Huang Xillian. Kinanta naman ng dalawang Chinese National, isang Filipino-Chinese na actor at i Camarines Sur Vice-Governor Imelda Papin. Ang kanta ay alay sa mga frontliners na Pinoy at Tsino na nagtutulungan at nagsasakripisyo upang labanan ang COVID-19. Ang awitin ay nakatanggap ng mga negatibong reaksyon at batikos mula sa mga netizens. Ito raw ay kalapastanganan sa ating bansa. Sa katunayan, ang music video nito sa YouTube ay mayroon ng 215k dislike at patuloy pa ito sa pagtaas. Kung maganda naman pala ang intensyon ng kanta, bakit ba ito ikinagalit ng marami? Hanggang ngayon kasi, mainit pa rin ang usaping panteritoryo sa West Philippine Sea sa pagitan ng China at Pilipinas. Balikan natin ang pinag-ugatan nito; matatandaang sa termino ni Pangulong Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III, kinasuhan ng Pilipinas ang China dahil sa mga insidente sa dagat at ang harassment nito sa mga Pilipinong mangingisda. Binasura ng arbitration court ang katuwiran ng China na nine-dash line. Kahit na mayroon ng pasya, patuloy pa rin ang China sa pagtayo ng mga imprastraktura, paglagay ng base militar at paggamit ng mga likas na yaman natin sa mga isla ng West Philippine Sea. Sa kasalukuyang pamamahala ni pangulong Rodrigo Duterte, bumuti na ang relasyon ng China at Pilipinas. Pangako ng ating pangulo na igigiit ang naipanalong kaso sa tamang panahon. Ngunit naging usap-usapan ang isa sa mga pagpupulong ng presidente ng China na si Xi Jing Ping at ng pangulong Duterte

kung saan nagkaroon ng kasunduan ang dalawa. Pinayagan ni Pangulong Duterte ang mga Chinese na makapangisda sa exclusive economic zone ng Pilipinas. Sabi ng mga eksperto, walang kapangyarihan ang ating pangulo na makipagkasundo lalo na’t kung ito ay labag sa ating soberanya. Kung titingnan natin ang mga pangyayaring iyon, para sa karamihan ‘di hamak na may nakakapanindig balahibong implikasyon ang kantang “Iisang dagat.”

Pinalala pa ito ng pagusbong ng Phillipines Offshore Gaming Operator (POGO). Ang POGO ay isang online gambling firm na sa Pilipinas ang operasyon pero galing sa ibang bansa ang kanilang mga parokyano. Dahil Chinese ang nasa likod ng operasyong ito, karamihan sa empleyado ay mga Chinese din kumpara sa bilang ng Pilipinong empleyado. Sa pag-usbong ng kalakarang ito, lumubo ang ilegal na mga Chinese immigrant at ang iba pang krimen tulad ng prostitusyon at kidnapping. Kaakibat nito ang pagputok ng “pastillas scheme” o ang pagbibigay ng suhol sa ibang opisyales na

natatanggap sa pamamagitan ng pag-abot ng pera na nakalagay sa bondpaper na nagmistulang ang matamis na panghimagas na pastillas. Nariyan din ang usaping hindi pagbayad ng buwis ng POGO, kung saan ito’y ikinagalit ng marami dahil nakahihiya naman sa mga lokal na negosyo na nagbabayad ng buwis. Ngunit dinepensahan pa rin ito ng Malacañang dahil ito raw ay nakatutulong sa ekonomiya ng bansa. Hanggang ngayong may pandemya na, patuloy pa rin sila sa operasyon. Pagkatapos ng panandaliang suspensyon ng kanilang operasyon, alintana na dapat ang mga establishemento at mga negosyo ay patuloy ang suspensyon upang masunod ang social distancing. Mismong gobyerno na ang pumayag sa kanila kahit ito’y hindi naman esensyal na negosyo. May rapid testing pang ginawa sa rehistradong empleyado ng POGO upang masigurong sila ay walang COVID-19 samantalang walang mass-testing na nangyayari. Nakakahiya naman sa mga lokal na pampilipinong negosyo na pinatitigil ang operasyon o sa pinakasukdulang pangyayari, ginagamitan ng dahas dahil labag daw ito sa protokol sa pagharap sa pandemya. Damang–dama talaga ng ating mga kababayan na hindi inuuna ang kanilang kapakanan, bagkus mas pinili pang unahin ang mga dayuhan. ‘Di na nakakagulat na nadismaya ang karamihan sa mga sunod-sunod na propaganda ng bansang China sa kung ano man ang balak nila sa ating bansa. Ngunit ang mas nakababahala pa ay baka mismong gobyerno na ang susulong nito. Siguraduhing mulat ang inyong mga mata dahil hindi lang ang ating mga sarili ang kailangan nating isalba sa sigalot na sakit, kundi ang soberanya ng Pilipinas.



(​Ang mga pangalang binanggit sa artikulong ito ay walang binatayang tunay na personalidad, bagkus ay pawang kathang-isip lamang.​) Ginising ako ng nakabibinging sigaw ng ​alarm clock ko. Maghahating-gabi na naman, ngunit nakasisilaw pa sa aking kwarto, parang araw sa tanghalingtapat. Pinatay ko ang maingay kong alarm clock.​ Ganyan dapat ginagawa sa maingay, sa istorbo, pinapatay. T*ngina. Naupo na lamang ako sa yamot ng aking buhay. Tuwing gigising ako, una kong naririnig ang away ng mga anak ko. Etong si Juan, laging umiiyak, laging galit sa kapatid niya. Sumbong sa akin ni Jude eh may pinapaborito raw ako, pero sabi naman sa akin nitong Juan ay hindi ako nakikinig sa kanya. Anak ng, akala mo naman nagkulang ako sa pag-aaruga sa kanya. Ano naman kaya nagawa niya para sa akin? Para sa pamilyang ito? Bigla kong naramdaman ang pagtulak ng hangin sa aking tiyan patungo sa lalamunan at naidighay ko ang maasim na tubang ininom ko, pampatulog. Naramdaman ko na lamang ang unti-unting pagsakit ng aking sintido. Napaubo akong bigla dahil sa lamig. Hay, eto na nga at tumatanda na ako. Sana lang ay hindi ako tamaan nitong bayrus na COVID-19. T*ngina kasi niyan hindi naman inaano. Siya nga pala, oras na para turuan ko ang mga bata kung paano patayin itong si COVID na hindi namin nakikita. Ang laki-laki pa naman ng bahay namin. Mamaya niyan nakakain na pala namin. Pero kawawa ‘yung mahina ang resistensya. Bahala sila diyan magkasakit. Inayos ko muna ang aking porma at uminom ng lambanog. Hoo! Ang sarap talaga habang tumatakbo ang likido sa lalamunan ko. Umikot naman ang aking pakiramdam at nasiyahan. Wala na naman akong pakialam, lalo’t may kumpareng lambanog na sasagot sa aking mga emosyon. Haharapin ko ang mga anak ko nang mabaho ang hininga, ngunit alam ko may paninindigan ang mga sasabihin ko. Panay yakap at halik sa akin si Jude; tahimik na nagmano naman sa akin si Juan. Ay ewan ko sa batang ito. “Ano ba ‘yan Juan, wala kang respeto kay Tatay. Ikaw kaya maging ama?!” matapang na sumbat ni Jude. Natawa naman ako sa kanyang sinabi at pinaupo sila sa aking harapan. Nahihilo ako dala nitong inumin ngunit nakatutuwa naman. Sinimulan ko na ang pagturo ko sa aking mga anak. Lutang na lutang ako, pero hindi—alam ko ang pinagsasasabi ko. Wala naman dapat ikatakot sa bayrus na ito. Walang-wala ‘yan kumpara sa Bubonic Plague at Spanish Flu. Pero ito, magkukulong kami rito sa bahay ng dalawang buwan. Ito rin ang payo ng mga eksperto at doktor, manatili sa ating mga tahanan. Wala naman akong problema rito, kaya lang nami-​miss ko itong pamilya ko sa Davao. Balang-araw eh, pagka-ayos na ang lahat dito, lilipad ako papunta roon. Naiiyak ako habang naaalala ko ang nakakapangulilang​ birthday ko rito. Pero ayos lang, nakatanggap naman ako ng daan-daang bilyong piso bilang regalo. Ano kaya magandang gawin dito? Bukod doon ay dapat araw-araw kaming maligo at maghugas ng kamay parati. Patago-tago pa ‘to mamamatay lang naman pala sa sabon. G*go talaga ‘yang bayrus na yan. Pagkatapos ko maghugas, sinasabi ko sa inyo sasapakin ko ‘yan ng malinis kong kamay!

Sunod eh ‘wag lang matigas ang ulo. ‘Wag t*nga. ‘Pag sinabi kong bawal, bawal. Ang batas ay ang batas. T*ngina ng mga NPA na ‘yan! Sila itong matitigas ulo! Nag-r​ecruit p​a ng mga kaalyado nilang nag-​donate.​ T*ngina hindi ninyo ako maloloko! Bigyan ng dalawang milyon ang makadadala sa akin ng tsip nila. Anak ng, ‘wag ‘tong mga anak ko! Isa pa, b*bo lang magtitipon-tipon sa ganitong panahon. Ang batas ay batas! ‘Yong mga nagpamigay diyan ng r​elief, ​‘pag marami ‘yan ‘wag niyong palampasin. Ang bawal ay bawal. PERO, bukod sa mga mahal ko siyempre hehehe. Itong sinasaludo at nirerespeto kong tito ninyong pulis, hindi niya kasalanan na haranahin siya. Ano naman ang ​party ​roon, mañanita ‘yon. Malamang maraming pulis kasi espesyal na araw niya iyon. At malamang hahah, bakit sinasabi niyong dapat may mask, eh may pagkain doon. Alangan namang kumain silang suot-suot ‘yon, subukan ninyo nga. At wala rin akong kinalaman at pakialam doon kay mamita ninyong Mocha, magtipon siya ng tao hangga’t gusto niya. Sa inyo lang ako may pakialam kaya sa inyo lang ako mangingialam! Teka nga at inaantok na ako. Patuloy akong nagtitiwala sa aking sarili, at etong si Jude, tuwang-tuwa naman. “Nako! Sumunod na lang tayo! Dabest ka talaga ‘tay! ” Nakakapagod at nakababagot na rin magleksyon tungkol sa paglaban sa kalabang hindi mo makita at hindi mo alam ang gusto. ‘Pag ako talaga napikon niyan eh iihian ko ‘yang bayrus na ‘yan! G*gong ‘yan, inaano ka ba namin? Huling payo ko na sa aking mga anak ang pag-iwas sa panonood ng mga balita dyan sa istasyong ‘yan. Maselan ang katotohanan, at hindi nila dapat malaman ang katotohanan. Ako lang dapat paniwalaan nila, dahil ako ang Tatay at nasa iisang tahanan kami. T*ngina lumabas ang isa dyan at patay kaming lahat. Hay, pagod na ako kakaulit-ulit nitong patakaran. Pagod na pagod na ako! Dalawang buwan lang naman tayo magkukulong kaya ‘wag matigas ang ulo. Pagkatapos nito, wala na ‘yan, mga anak. At para sigurado tayo, tandaan ninyo ‘pag dinalaw kayo ni Kamatayan; sabihin ninyo “P*t*ngina! ‘Wag ngayon may hinihintay pa kaming bakuna!” Wala na kaming magagawa rito masyado kundi ang protektahan ang aming mga sarili. Eh paano, baka magtampo at umiyak kasi ang BFF kong si Ping kung hindi ko pinapasok mga anak niya rito sa amin. Aba, ‘wag naman gano’n. Mas matutuwa pa akong makita ‘tong si Juan umiiyak. Haha, kawawa naman. Ngayon iiyak-iyakan ako ng mass testing mass testing. Gusto pa ng mass promotion. Anong mass mass, ‘wag ninyo hingin sa akin ‘yan, hindi ako pari. Na-sermonan tuloy kayo ni Harry. Noong una kasi ay binalaan ko na kayo tungkol sa bayrus na ito. Tingnan mo tayo ngayon, kawawa. Tapos pinapalayas pa ako rito, eh ano namang ginawa ko? ‘Di ba wala naman? Patugtugin n’yo na yan kanta nang marining ng lahat kung ano ang nadarama ko ngayon. “‘Tay, ​you look so overworked​. Hindi ka man naa-​appreciate ni Juan, alam ko naman ang mga sakripisyong ginagawa ninyo para sa amin,” hinagkan ako ni Jude habang malumanay na sinabi ang gusto kong marinig. Salamat, anak. Makauwi na nga sa Davao at nang makapagpahinga.



the future ahead of us

BY Chellvin Robles

“By day the banished sun circles the earth like a grieving mother with a lamp.” - Cormac McCarthy She was beautiful. Her luxuriant green hair made people turn their heads. When you look into her blue eyes, you will know her deepest yet beautiful secrets. She wore decent clothes to protect her body from any harm. She was friendly, kind, and she gave people what they needed because she trusted them, but one day, she was betrayed by those people. She was left nearly naked and barely breathing. “Okay, that’s all,” the woman said and started to pack her things. That’s all? She has got to be kidding me. There is no way she will leave me here curious. “Wait, miss! What happened to that lady?” I asked her. “Oh dear, just look around, and you will find the answer,” she said then started to walk away. I was watching her until she vanished from nowhere. My eyebrows furrowed and I tried to look around like the woman said, but yeah, I realized how pathetic I am for doing that. So, I just shrugged my shoulders and went back to my office. Everything was fine until my boss called me through the intercom. “Ms. Crispy Pata, go to my office now!” My friends started to laugh out loud, but I just ignored them. As I opened the door, I immediately corrected my boss. “Excuse me, sir, it's Cristy P. Ata, not Crispy Pata,” I said as I looked at him, but he was busy fiddling on his laptop before he spoke. “Tomorrow, you and your team will go to this place to check its condition,” then he handed me

the papers. “Okay, sir,” then I silently exited from his office. By the way, I am an environmentalist, an environmental scientist, to be exact. Our job description is to determine the solutions and identify issues that minimize the impact of humans on earth. We also write technical proposals and give presentations to policymakers based on our research. The next morning, we were all ready. We rode on the small bus provided by our company. I chose to sit next to the window. I love to see the scenery outside before the bus stops. I checked my phone to see if we were already in the right place. Unfortunately, there was no signal. So we decided to get off the bus to scan the area. When we stepped outside, we felt hot like we were slowly burning alive. There were no trees around—all I could see were tall buildings and factories emitting thick dark smoke, cars, and people walking while holding gadgets that were far way different from what we have. As we walked through, we saw rivers that were already dry and canals full of garbage. I felt suffocated. The place was small, but densely populated. I did not know this place existed. It was like we were already in the future, like 50 to 80 years from now. We continued to explore the area until a familiar woman stopped in front of me and looked directly into my eyes. “You asked me what happened to the lady, right? Here she is now. Open your eyes,” she said. “What do you mean?” I asked, and she smacked my head. | |

“You’re so slow! I thought you’re an environmentalist. Tsk. That lady I am referring to is our Mother Earth!” Did I hear it right? The beautiful lady is our Mother Earth? Color me surprised -- just wow. “We live in the future. What you saw a while ago are the results of recklessness and covetousness of the people in the past and present. Illegal mining, deforestation, overpopulation, illegal fishing, pollution, global warming, and climate change. Mother Earth is slowly dying because of exhaustion. She can't provide the growing needs of the world anymore. But before our mother earth perishes, we humans will go first," she told us. She added that our boss is her brother. It was all their plan. They just wanted to warn us. But as an environmentalist, and as a human with a bare chance of survival without using harmful stuff, I know it's not surprising to see how she looks like now. I did not know how they could interact with us, people in the present. There was a big question mark in my head. However, because of her information, my team and I felt more motivated to do our job righteously. A realization hit us, to survive the earth with humans, we should start to care even in our simplest ways. Follow the Rs, reduce, reuse, and recycle. Volunteer in community cleanups. Educate people about the environment. Conserve water. Plant trees. Use a bike instead of a car. With these, we can help to replenish the earth so that we can relive her beauty and abundance. "What's the use of a fine house if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on." - Henry David Thoreau



Hinahanap-hanap ng katawan ang nakasanayan. Sabi nga nila, masarap ang bawal. Kaya naman 'pag ang sugat makati, kakamutin pa rin hanggang sa hindi na namamalayan na lumalala, lumalaki at maaaring magkaroon na ng impeksyon. Higit tatlong buwan na magmula nang i-lockdown ang buong Luzon dahil sa banta ng COVID-19. Dahil sa pagbilis at pagdami ng kaso nito, minabuti ng gobyerno na manatili muna tayo sa ating mga tahanan para na rin sa ating kaligtasan. Bunga nito, marami ang mga naantala katulad na lamang nating mga estudyante, jeepney at tricycle drivers, mga nagtatrabaho sa mall, mga propesyunal at marami pang iba. Sa pagkawala ng mga hanapbuhay ng mga tao, naghanda ang gobyerno ng bilyon-bilyong pondo upang matulungan ang mga pamilyang naapektuhan ng lockdown at maiwasan din ang paglalabas ng bahay. Ngunit dahil likas na matigas ang ulo nating mga Pilipino, hindi pa rin mapigilan gawin ang mga bagay na hindi naman dapat inuuna sa panahon ng krisis. Tulad na lamang ng sumusunod na tala. Kamakailan lamang nang ibalita sa 24 oras ang babaeng ginabi ng uwi dahil nagpa-rebond gamit ang nakuhang ayuda mula sa gobyerno. Ang mga mahilig magsabong ay hindi na napigilan ang sarili kahit na naka-quarantine. Biruin mo, pati si kagawad kasangkot! Ang mga chismosa ay todo pa rin sa pamamalita sa labas ng bahay. Basta ba hindi pa naririnig ang tunog ng megaphone ng kagawad o militar na umiikot ay hindi sila titigil sa katatalak. Cheers! Kahit na may liquor ban, tuloy pa rin. Hay! Lakas ng mga tama niyo. Walang laban si Pacquiao kaya naman may nagpaboksing sa Tondo, Manila kahit na nakaECQ. Gumawa ng journal, blog o tula Maaaring itala rin natin ang mga pangyayari o mga ginagawa habang nasa loob ng ating mga bahay, o ‘di kaya ay mga karanasan o mga bagay-bagay na napapansin sa kapaligiran. Ang taon din na ito ay hindi malilimutan dahil sa mga dinulot na kapinsalaan sa mga tao. Napakagandang isulat sapagkat ito ay pwedeng maiukit sa ating kasaysayan. Manood ng mga pelikula, variety shows at series Maraming nagkalat ngayon sa social media ng mga link ng iba’t ibang palabas mapa-horror, comedy at romance. Mga Korean drama na kinahuhumalingan ng karamihan katulad ng "Crash Landing On You," "Romantic Doctors" at "Kingdom." Mayroon din variety shows na hatid ay katatawanan katulad ng "2 days and 1 night," "Knowing brothers" at "Running Man". Pwede rin naman na balikan sa youtube ang mga palabas ng ABS-CBN na "Its Showtime," "Gandang Gabi Vice" at "Banana Sundae." Sa mga anime lover na nakatengga lang ang mga anime, go, go, go na! Mag-reflect sa sarili Sa panahon na ito mabuti rin na kilalanin nating maigi ang ating mga sarili. Kung ano ang gusto at ayaw natin. Kung pa’no natin mapapangalagaan ang ating mga sarili. Dskubrehin at hasain ang mga talento at isipin kung pa'no natin mapapabubuti ang sarili upang maging handa sa bawat hamon na ating kinakaharap at haharapin pa lamang. Quality time sa pamilya Marahil dati ay bibihira tayong mga kabataan na makipagusap sa ating mga kapamilya dahil sa abala sa pag-aaral o kaya sa trabaho at hindi nagkakasumpungan sa loob ng bahay. Ito na ang pagkakataon upang maging bukas ulit ang ating komunikasyon sa bawat miyembro ng ating pamilya.

“Sa classroom may batas” aba’y inatupag ang pangbabash at paglagay ng beat sa viral video ni Kim Chiu. May mga bagay dapat na mas pagtuunan ng pansin at mga batas na dapat na sundin ngayong quarantine. Bago ang sakit na ito kaya wala pang gamot na nadidiskubre upang masugpo ito. Ang mabisang gawin, hangga’t maaari, ay umiwas. Kaya naman narito ang ilan sa mga pwedeng gawin upang maiwasan hanap-hanapin ang nakasanayan. Paggamit ng Tiktok Sino nga ba naman ang hindi ma-eenganyo sa mobile app na ito? Bago pa man din magsimula ang quarantine ay nauuso na ang app dahil sa mga nakaaaliw na features nito. Mapapasabak ka sa sayawang “Renegade, renegade”, “ay Barbie sabi ko na! sabi ko na Barbie”, “ I know how to make the girls go crazy when you treat her like your number 1 baby.” Sa lip-syncing at aktingan “ Ba’t mo nilulon yung pakwan?” “hindi konnn pinilulon” “Eh ano?” “waaaahhh gusto ko ng magpa-doctor!” Mapabata man o matanda ay pwedeng gumamit nito . Pero paalala naman, hindi porke’t gagamit ka na nito eh gagamitin mo na rin ‘yong invisible at maghuhubad. Delikado ‘yun! Mag-ehersisyo Ito na ang panahon upang ma-achieve natin ang gusto natin na body goals, pero pa’no nga ba? Simple lang, pwede nang mag-download ng exercise application sa ating mga selpon o ‘di na man kaya ay mag-download ng mga zumba videos sa YouTube. Huwag kalimutang i-connect sa TV upang makasabay rin natin ang ating mga kasama sa bahay. Magandang pakikipag-bonding ito at mapapanatili pang malusog ang katawan ninyo. Magbasa ng mga libro Kung hindi pa natin natatapos o nasisimulan ang librong nabili sa booksale dahil abala pa sa mga gawain sa eskwelahan, pagkakataon na ito para makatakas sa reyalidad ng mundo sa sandaling panahon at malunod sa imahinasyon ng bawat kwentong isinasalaysay ng libro. Matututo rin tayo ng mga bagong salita, madadagdagan ang mga kaalaman at mapapaunlad ang bokabularyo.

Makipagkwentuhan, makipaglaro sa ating mga kapatid o pinsan, sabay-sabay kumain at tumulong sa ating mga magulang. Sa simpleng paraan na ito ay mas lalong nagiging matatag ang pagsasamahan ng magkakapamilya. Lalo’t sa panahon ng krisis, suporta ang kailangan ng bawat isa. Palakasin ang pananalig sa Diyos Sa kinakaharap natin na krisis ngayon, mabuting magnilaynilay. Pagsisihan ang mga nagawang kasalanan. Manalangin, magtiwala at manalig tayo sa Kanya sapagkat Siya ang magpapalakas pa ng ating mga loob upang patuloy na labanan at puksain ang sakit na COVID-19. Ang mga simpleng gawain na ito ay mga coping mechanisms upang maibaling ang pangamba na nararamdaman sa panahon ngayon. Magsisilbi rin itong paalala na kahit nasa loob lamang tayo ng ating bahay ay pwede tayong maging produktibo at maging positibo. Ang sugat na gustong kamutin dahil sa makati ay magbibigay lamang ng panandaliang saya, subalit ‘pag naimpeksyon na ay mas malalang perwisyo ang dala. Kaya hangga’t maaari ay sumunod at unahin ang mga kailangan unahin upang makaligtas at makaiwas sa COVID-19.



Nagbabarasa baya talaga kamo mga beh? Baka ining page sana man ang inaaratupag nindo. Charing lang!

Marahay na aga/udto/banggi saindong mga masugid na fans na parabasa! 'Di baaa sabi ko sa inyo babalik ako yieeee, o 'yan instant kilig para saindong mga mayong love-life. Chz! Mantang kita naghahalat na magkahirilingan, magkadarangugan, asin magkalat nin peg-ebeg sa air, araantabay muna kita sa satuyang mga screen. An maogma kayan, dawa ano pwede tang gibuhon. Arog na lang kan pagbasa nin lessons o mensahe ni ma'am/ser, pagcheck nin grades sa portal, pagdalan nin barita, K-drama/anime/ hollywood series (o kaya mga BL hshshshs), hanggang sa pagsabi kang namamati mo sa krass mo. Tandaan mo lang beh na naka-lockdown kita kaya panay an boredom mag-epal so siguraduhon mo kun padaba talaga nindo an kada saro. Char! Bukod pa diyan, dakol man baga giraray nasasagap an saindong lingkod nin mga hanash sa laog kan satuyang yunibersiti. Pano kaya mga dear, magpoon kaidtong masuspinde an klase dara kan helang na iyan, nagsuruhayan kita asin narealize ta na dai gabos igwa kun ano an igwa kita. Pagkaarabot-abot ta sa satuyang mga home sweet home habang nagmamantinir nin good health, dai man giraray nagpundo an stress. Si ma'am/ser man na istriktohon sa face-to-face classes, iyo man giraray kan online class. Taray, consistent! Chika sako kan kumare ko, dai man daa kani pinalampas su mga mayong internet. Kasalan pa daa 'pag dai nag-atendir sa subject niya. Ay, beri wrong man po baga. Toz may dapat pa daang ipasang research before the end of the sem. Iyo beh, research! From intro down to conclusion with RRL! Ayy kaloka! Kaheraki man po an saimong mga eschudents, bako lang man po yan an inaatupag ta ngunyan. Bako man po gabos may wi-fi o data o dawa selpon/lappy na gagamiton. #EveryoneMakesIt po dapat, sabi ngani kayan ni yoensi. Good thing ta very liberating man ining satong admin, kaya beh, sa tuwing mamamati mo na inaabuso ka kan prof nindo asin binubugbog sa requirements na dai kayang ipasa on the said date, ‘wag mahihiyang magtanong at magsabi kay ma’am at sor! Neber ‘yan pagiging makabanas na type nin reklamador kundi nangangapudan ka for fair treatment. Arog kan pag-raise nindo nin concern sa twittor kaining pagkamahal-mahal na misc fees sa summer. Ay GG talaga akala mo man makakapa-aircon pa kita sa library asin makakapacheck-up nin cavity sa ngipon. Pero aminon ta man mga repapips, dawa namumuro na sato an belabed yunibersiti ta sa stress sa life, may mga nagkakapirang bagay man na nami-miss ta. May mga kanya-kanya kitang istorya sa laog asin outskirts kan pangga tang obal. Yieeeee aminin! Pag-ulayan ta ngunyan mga mumsh an dikit sa mga spots na puno ng kwentong nagmundag kan satuyang college life ta nganing mapahingaluan an satong brain cells sa kakaisip kan mga hanash. Ice Skating Rink-- este Library Sisay an dai nakaka-miss kan makarunot-tulang na lipot digdi? Pagkatapos ta manruluya kakabukas kan pinto kani (lalo na duman sa 3x!t) may pa-welcome effect dear, nagsisitirindugan an mga balahibo dahil ki erkon. Lalo na kapag dakol kaipuhan ipasa na kaipuhan ang internet, ang maghapong pagtambay igdi garo ka man sana grahams ta tig-


overfreeze sa sobrang lipot. Sabay luwas pa nin library taz sasabaton nin malanit sa kublit na init. Kalintura ang abot mo noy! Hahaha! Baka kadakol nang nabubuong labstori digdi ta cuddle temperature daa sus! Mapoon sa pagpasurusubling jacket tapos araatyan makugusan na. Char! Kathang-isip lang ito mars pero dai ta arammmm. Hmmm. Yaon man digdi itong mga nagpapalipas-oras lang, sinusulit an 1.5 hours na break. It’s either tusmag ‘yan o tigdadalan maggibong plates an krass niyang arki isows! An iba man tigsusulit man daa su bayad ninda sa internet fee na tumataginting na 1000 kyaw sa paagi ning pagdownload kan kdrama o netflix series na Blackmirror. Kaloka go lang girl suliton ta ni. Ma-confess man ako saindo mga beh na clumsy man akes. Kawasa abaa nang halnas dyan sa may bandang h@gd@n. Maray na lang ta kapalmuks ako kaya chin up man giraray akembang habang pabalik sa printing section. Speaking of, blockbuster talaga digdi beh kada oras na nagmamadali ka. Yaon man digdi si mga rude customers ata na stress na stress na si ma’am na new fes. Kapit lang po!

MukBam’s Kun nagtataka kamo kun ano an komposisyon kan sakuyang hawak, 70% pinagkarasya dyan an tubig, kagayunan, ka-sexy-han, katalinuhan asin pusong mamon, toz 30% kani chicken nuggets kan Bam-bam’s. Ini lang kaya an pinaka-convenient way para mabasog nin dai

bet kan kadaklan magturukaw asin maghirigda sa irarom kan monumento. Malinig man kaya digdi beh, asin natatanaw pa an covered courts kun sain nagte-training an mga varsity eheheheh. Pero sana lang kuta dai iwalat an patos kan Cracklings duman, plez lang. Nakakatuog nin bangs, mawalat-walat wara man palan laman. Lolo Brown oh! 7Eleven, Ang Pambansang Tagpuan Ini an lugar na nakaka-witness kan pagbar-down kan saimong pasensya. Very accessible man kaya ini si 7Eleven sa yoensi kaya ini an safest na eyebol place 'pag dai makakalaog campus ta wiz bet ni tagabantay sa gate an OOTD. One day mga dear kan nagsarabay an ganap kan mga peeps, nagtiripon digdi su mga early bird sa kada grupo. Bako man sinda dear magkakaibanan sa parehong ganap ta dai man nagtitirinuhan pero pararehas sinda nagwe-weight (iyo baga ta magabat!) kan mga VIP nindang groupmates. Anyway nakaka-miss man digdi maghalat tos maglamon nin pasensya. Masupog man pati magpara-stay sa laog kaya nagpaparapaypay na sana an iba sa luwas ta nangisnit na. Pero mas masupog man baga an magparapahalat sa iba, ano po? Patience is a virtue but respect to other’s time is a virtuer. Choz! Su iba dyan dikit na kendeng na lang man poon sa harong sinasarong-oras pa. To the responsible people, I suggest na sumarakat muna kamo sa GIP ta nganing dai mangalay. Kaya si pirming OTW dyan i-spell out and i-specify man tabi nindo. Maherak man kamo! Sabi kaya 7AM daa ang call time para 8AM yaraon na gabos. Kaloka 9AM na nganga man sana! 'Wag ganon. Po? Potlongan sa may Gate 1 Kun sa urulayang sulit na kakanan man sa luwas, ta aram ko man na gabos kita nagtitiripid makapaload lang pang-pesbuk, digdi an tambayan kan satoyang barkada. Dae lamang kita mag 1 2 3 ta nakakasupog maapod ika na dae pa nabayad. Paalala lang man ta masakit na. Ini na garo an pinakasulit-sulit na kakanan sa tahaw kan siyudad ning Naga, iyo ta dae man talaga ako nagpaparalibot sa siyudad heheheh. Pasensyahan na nindo si manay nindo ta dae talaga ni nagpaparaladag, NBS lang garo pinakasuki kaning dumanan. Kun naghahanap ka man nin kakanan na bukas pa kada mauli ka after night class baka maswertehan mo pa ining bukas ta kahurihan baga ning magsara. Sa presyong trenta may maluto asin panira ka na! May ketchup asin tubig pa! Sain ka pa! Kun dae mo pa natatry igdi, pagkatapos kan krisis na ni siguraduhon mong makaigdi lalo na kun naghahanap ka nin mainit-init pang maluto.

nagluluwas sa campus. Apwera kaya sa masiram na combi kan nuggets and mustard, swak lang sa bulsa an pricing. An dai ko lang talaga malilingawan ituyong nagwalk-out ako (taraayy ni manay) sa makasunog-kilay na subject para magkakan digdi, ay ta bardet man palan si madir ta binadag sa counter si singko kong sukli! Malutungon pati an sawnd epeks ateng! Attitude ka po? Bukas naman po sana ang aking palad pero bakit gano’n? Huhubels. Digdi man dakol akong chismis na nasasagap pero mayo na man kita duman pakiaram. An sakuya lang mainot an dapat mainot na tawan ta herak man ‘to, haluyon na kahahalat maluto an nuggets tapos iinuton lang palan tong heartthrob na kakaabot lang. Harhar. Oh ngunyan na new normal na makanuod maghalat sa pila. Before you learn to fall in love, you must learn to fall in line first. Riiiiight. Photoshoot Spot -- Founder’s Monument May mga ibang UNCeano/UNCeana na an DP background si Lolo Brown. Dai ta man kaya made-deny na purrfect spot talaga ini for your photoshoots. I’m sure bukod sa pictures and laughters, may mga na-share na man kita kay Lolo Brown na mga chika asin chizmiz na ike-keep lang daa ni besty. Bukod sa piksyur piksyur portion nindong frennies, nagigin tambayan na man ini kan eschudents of all levels. Basta beh dai na nakakapaso an init, ayy bet na

Iyan na muna mars an satuyang ibalik, baka kaya beri nostalgic na an gabos, ika na bahala mag-recall kan iba hehehe. Sa oras na pwede ta na ulit mahiling an yunibersiti, don’t forget na 6 feet apart na kita. O ‘di ba love story na love story ang dating. Kaya okay lang ‘yan malay mo magka-jowa ka palan kakadistansya hahahahur! Bago ako magbabye na naman, gusto ko munang ipaabot an sakuyang nag-uuruulaptik asin mabarabagsik na Congratulations to the Class of 2020! Akalain mo kasi ‘yon, both 2019 and 2020 are harsh huhuhu! Ma-next page na naman kamo sa book of life, kaya isang masigabong goodluck sainyo! Don’t worry mga ate at kuya, dai man kamo nakapagmartsa ngunyan asin dai naka-express nin feels sa batchmates nindo, at least po safe kamong ma-step up sa layf. Punyenimas kayang bayrus ‘yan padapang ko ‘yan ki Quiboloy olmayti nganing ma stahpp ka dyan, Char! Tunay po kayong ‘Di Matinag! Hanggang digdi na muna an pag-iribanan ta ngunyan na sem. Nangangapudan na naman an masunod na sem para pumakaray kita! Chz lang beeeh. Keep safe saindo mga bebekel, ta nganing may mababalikan pa ako. ‘Til the next issue mwaps!



Walang ipinanganak pero may nabuhay. Marahil akala ng karamihan ay isang ordinaryong araw lamang. Maging ako ay gano’n na lamang din ang kakat’wang pananaw. Sino ba naman kasing mag-aakalang pwede naman pala. Tila nalunod na kasi sa kamalayang patuloy nating nilulunok na ganito ang sistema ng Pilipinas. Ang kabisadong karumihan at kasarinlan—patuloy na nahuhulog ang karamihan. Ngunit, aba, kaya palang walisin ang alikabok kahit na may kahirapan. Ewan, siguro’y napagod na rin sa mga kasinungalingang naririnig pero minsang pinaniwalaan. Ang alin? Mahabag ka, napakarami kung ito’y sasambitin. Unang-una na riyan ang panahon ng eleksiyon. Nagmistulang sirko ang mga kalsada; kaliwa’t kanan ang pagpapa-ingay ng mabuting hangarin daw nila. Pero noong kailangan mo sila, nasaan na nga ba? Ayon, hanggang ngayon ay nagpapatawa pa rin, pinaninindigan ang pagkapayaso nila. Kakatawa naman pala talaga, noong araw na iyon abot-kamay lang nating nahahawakan at nakikilatis, nakangiti pa ngang labis, pero pagkatapos din ng eleksiyon, naglaho na ang kanilang presensya. Pero sige na nga, may ilan naman na totoo sa serbisyo nila. Pero kung matamaan sila, edi sapul. O, saan pa ba kayo naniwala? Sasamahan kayo sa pagtanda? Bakit espesyal ka ba? Nakikita lang naman nila ang halaga natin kapag kailangan nila ‘yong boto natin. Napupuntahan pa nga ang kasuloksulokan ng bundok para sa titi—este sa botong yan. ‘Di ninyo alam pagkatapos makipagkamay sa inyo ng mga ‘yan, todo-alkohol at pabango ‘yan. Diyan naman kasi talaga sila magaling, ang maghugas ng kamalian at pabanguhin ang pangalan hanggang sa sila’y magmukhang mapagkakatiwalaan. Pero sige na nga uli, baka magalit ka eh, oo na, may ilang tapat naman sa serbisyo. Pero mabalik tayo sa araw na iyon. Ano nga bang mayroon doon? Malay ko rin kasi eh. Basta ang alam ko, ‘yon ang araw na ang bigat na ng pasanin ng Pinas. Sa sobrang bigat nga , pati mga panatiko—mga sunod-sunoran ng gobyerno ‘di na kayang buhatin ang kanilang mga idolo. Nagkagulo tuloy sila sa kanilang kulto. Sila na mismo ang nagbatuhan ng kung ano-ano at inatake ang kapwa nila panatiko. Nagmurahan, nasabihan ng balimbing, ngunit sa mulat na taumbayan, tinanggap sila nang may sapak na katotohanan. Maganda naman pala, may mga namulat sa baluktot na kamundohan. Ito nga rin pala ‘yong araw na lumalala na ‘yong pagkalat ng bayrus. Kaya ayun, mismong nakaupo sa gobyerno nagkagulo. Sila ang nagbibigay ng dapat gawin, pero mismong sila rin ang lumabag dito. Pero syempre, sabi nga nila, hugasan mo ang iyong kamay para makaiwas ka sa bayrus, pero ‘yong bersiyon nila, hugasan ang kanilang pagkakamali para makaiwas sa batas. Mayroon ngang bago ngayon, araw ba ‘yon ng kapanganakan? Oo ata eh. Bawal daw ang pagtitipontipon pero baka ‘di sila kabilang sa batas na ito. At ang nakalulungkot na katotohanang may mga ilang pinagtanggol pa nga ito, parang tanga ‘no? Marahil akala nga ng karamiha’y isang ordinaryong araw lamang. Kung sa tingin mo’y hindi, dapat mong ikagalak ‘pagkat isa kang natatanging nilalang. Katulad mong alam kong isa sa mga nagbunyi at nagkaroon ng maliit na ngiti’t pag-asa. Dahil ang araw na iyon ang isang gabing boses ng bayan ay nagka-isa. Hindi natakot punahin ang pagkakamali ng gobyernong namimihasa. Tila bang ang impit na tinig ay unti-unting umaalsa. Ito nga ang kapangyarihan ng masa. ‘Wag kang matakot, hindi ka nag-iisa. Mag-ingay ka pa at awitan ang mga nagbibingi-bingihan. Dapat nilang marinig ang mapait na katotohanan upang matamasa ang matamis na kahihinatnan Noong araw na iyon, nagkaroon nang mas mabuting saysay ang mga online na plataporma. Ang facebook at twitter, sobrang ingay nila. Nagkalat ang mga natatanging hinaing na kaysarap pakinggan. Ang bukod tanging reklamo na tanggap sa kalooban. Ang mga babasahing kay haba pero sulit hanggang kadulo-dulohan. Ah, mga reklamador ng lipunan, tagatama sa maling pangangatwiran. Tandaan mo ito, ang mali ay mananatiling mali hanggat walang tumatayo para ito’y itama. Ngunit kahit



ginagawa ito ng karamihan, hindi ito nangangahulugang ito ay makatwiran. Itigil na ang ganitong konteksto. I s a n g malaking panalo ito sa mga taong hindi natatapos ang pakikipaglaban. Tulad ng mga dyornong tauspusong nakikibaka sa lipunan. Mga manunulat ng katotohanan. Ang mga brodkaster na nagbibigay boses ng nasa laylayan. Mga pluma ng mga kritikong buong tapang kung ito’y ilapat. Sa araw na ito, bagamat magulo, walang talo sa piling ng mga kagaya mo. Marahil isang normal na araw nga lamang ito sa karamihan. Ordinaryo na kung saan bulok pa rin ang sistema ng pamahalaan. Pero matapos ang araw na iyon, nagkaroon ng konting aksiyon ang mga nasa itaas. Narinig nila ang hinaing ninyo, pero sadyang mabagal gumalaw ang mga ito. Ah, wala nga pala talaga silang maayos na programa lalo na sa bayrus na ito. Ewan kung paano nila natitiis ang kalagayan ng bansang ito. Noong gabing iyon, walang ipinanganak pero may nabuhay. Walang batang pinaiyak pero narinig ng buong bansa, maging ng mundo, kung paano sumigaw at nagbigay ng ingay ang iyak ng mamamayan. Nabuhay ang dugo ng mga Pilipino. Nagising ang ilang mga panatiko at naituwid ang kanilang minsang baluktot na dahilan. Siguro’y dito uusbong ang makabagong aktibismo. Nawa’y patuloy na umusbong ang mga gwardiya ng kasinungalingan. Mga sandata sa bansang demokratiko, kailangan namin ang boses niyo. Magsulat. Magmulat. Manindigan.


Now or Never


The 2020 pandemic had already killed countless people, not to mention the economy is no exception. How the Philippine government handles it unravels the rotten oppressive system, thus there’s no denying that dissent is a timeless duty citizens must do.

Huwad Na Hukom


Tila yata unti-unti nang gumugunaw ang mundo. Malapit na ba ang sinasabing may maghuhukom hindi umano? Sino nga ba ang maliligtas? Ikaw kaya na naniniwala sa santo, o ikaw na sumasamba sa tupa? O baka naman ikaw na yumuyuko at nagpepenitensya? Baka naman ikaw na nagbibigay ng abuloy o buwis, ikaw na lingguhang dumadalaw sa istruktura na puno ng simbolo ng pinagyayabang mong pananampalataya. Ngunit ang mahalagang tanong na kaya mong sagutin, nais mo bang maligtas?

Sa wari ko ay wala sa inyo ang maliligtas sa paghuhukom na ito. Higit lalo kung ikaw ay ordinaryong mamamayan na nakikipagtagisan din lamang sa kahirapan. Sa paghuhukom na ito, pera ang labanan. Ang kalampag sa hustisya ay walang tunog sa bahay na yari sa pera, karangyaan, at kasikatan. Kung hindi naman pera ay kapit. Konting sipsip at tiyak na ikaw ay ililigtas sa paghuhukom.


n June 2, six jeepney drivers rallied to ask permission to resume their operations due to lockdown preventing commutes. As it shows, they are one of those who went jobless because of the indefinite restrictions. Progressive groups such as CEGP, Anakbayan, and KPL supported the call to prioritize commuters -especially because many who have to go back to work don’t have any means of transport left. People tried to amplify practical solutions for the government to consider through bringing them on the streets, gathering those who share the same sentiments to yell a louder cry towards the authorities. But their arrests showed how unjust law enforcement is. These “quarantine violators” who were trying to make a living were being urged to bail -- a band aid on the forehead trying to cover a wound on the cheek. It was on the 122nd Philippine Independence Day that hundreds of oppositions from across the country marched on the streets. In particular, these activists heed their call to junk the controversial Anti-terrorism Bill, and extended the urge to conduct the long-awaited mass testing. It is quite disturbing how the palace refused to listen to the people, how Spokesman Harry Roque debunked mass testing as an effective means to flatten the curve. And activists did not

Sapagkat sa paghuhukom na ito, kamay na bakal ang magdidikta. Noong Marso ay naging tampok na usapin ang paglabag ni Senator Kiko Pimentel sa quarantine protocol. Lubos na pinanigan ito ng pamahalaan gamit ang hindi mabilang na “compassion” na binigay sa senador. Bugso ng damdamin man o tawag ng pagiging ama ay malinaw na nilabag ng senador ang batas. Ngunit dahil sa compassion na pilit inilalatag ay hanggang ngayon hindi pa nasasakdal ang senador. Sa karaniwang taong tulad ni Elmer Cordero ay milagro na lamang ang salitang compassion. Ang 72 anyos na jeepney driver ay kabilang sa anim na hinuli dahil sa paglabag ng general community guidelines (GCQ). Ngunit ito ay taliwas sa pahayag ng Piston na sumunod ang mga drayber sa social distancing at sa pagsusuot ng facemask. Ang compassion bang ibinigay kay Pimentel ay naubos na? Hindi ba ito nararapat sa ordinaryong Pilipinong ipinaglalaban ang kaniyang karapatan na magkapagtrabaho? Kung mismong ang pamahalaan ang nagbibigay direktiba na itigil ang pamamasada kahit pa walang sapat na ayuda na ibinibigay sa mga drayber na ito, mali ba ang pagpukaw ng nakaratay na sistema? Hindi ito ang mali. Ang mali ay ang pagliban ng solusyon sa problema na kung saan buhay ng tao ang nakasalalay. O kakalimutan na lang din ba natin ang hindi pag-aresto kay Imelda Marcos na pinatawan ng hatol na guilty sa kasong graft? Iginiit ng polisiya na siya ay matanda na para makulong. Hindi ba’t si tatay Elmer ay may edad na rin? Ngunit walang pakundangan ay agad na ikinulong kahit wala pa mang hatol ang hukom. Literal na pinalalaya ang tunay na magnanakaw habang pilit na

15 | DEMOCRAT OPINION simply remain disturbed, they push Filipinos have long been those in power to take action. suffering since the lockdown -- the For years, activism had erosion of the economy and the stopped potential threats and band-aid solutions of the Duterte brought us back to democracy, administration to address the proving itself worthy to be practiced health crisis. If the second thought under any circumstance, even in a of critics left them staying at home, pandemic. it might be later than later before If a police general can celebrate jeepney drivers get back on the The very his birthday with dozens of visitors, road, before health workers get without even assessing the risk, not better working conditions, and moment even law enforcers have the power before the Philippines finishes off to defy street protests that are the pandemic. authorities conscious about health protocols. It is a hustle than usual to silence But it must not be too protest on the streets while a virus overlooked. Street protesters lurks around. But if one’s goal to us is the should not be threatened by do so is to actually and practically arrest of law enforcers, not solely it, it’s ironic not to be socially crucial time vanish because they themselves had lost responsible and conscious about credibility, but because what they the health protocols. we make do is a constitutional right. It is a hustle than usual, but our voices A pandemic is feared and more work is to be done once people are urged to protect health people in power completely take louder. workers through completely getting advantage of their powers, not to away with risks. A high-ranking mention during this health crisis. police official told critics to “think twice” The very moment authorities silence us is before holding the protest on June 12, but try the crucial time we make our voices louder. to project what had happened if indeed they Volume matters, and time also does. It is thought twice. now or never.

man sumunod sila sa quarantine kinukulong ang siyang ninakawan protocol ay wala rin. Pangalanan ng karapatan at kabuhayan. man na “Mananita” ang mga Saang anggulo man tingnan ay rally na ito ay wala rin. Kahit pa may mali sa sistema. man alam mo ang batas ay wala Ang patuloy na mga rin. Patuloy pa rin ang pagbusal protestang ginaganap kahit Sapagkat sa sa mga boses na humihiyaw pa man nasa gitna ang bansa ng pantay na karapatan at ng pandemya ay higit na paghuhukom makabuluhang pagbabago. patunay sa sistemang niluma Ang bilang ng mga na ng panahon ng katiwalian at na ito, ganitong tagpo kung saan inkompetensiya. Ngunit tila ba ang paghuhukom ay tila may binulag na ng kapangyarihan ang kamay na pinapanigan lamang ay hindi mga inaasahang magtataguyod bakal ang matatapos. Patuloy itong ihahatid ng batas. Sa bawat mapayapang ng kamay na bakal. Gamit ang protestang isinusulong ng mga magdidikta. mga lubid na nakatali sa bawat mamamayang naghahangad ng daliri, kikilos ang kaniyang lupon pagbabago ay para bang agaran upang maghasik ng hindi patas ng nakaabang ang mga pulis na hustisya. Ano man ang iyong upang dispatsahin sila. pinaniniwalaan, kung hindi sapat Ito ay ang mga nakauniporme na binabalot din ng hindi mabilang na ang iyong kapangyarihan ay hindi ka maliligtas sa kontrobersya. Ang kaliwaang pagpatay, paghuhukom niya. Ngunit mga kapanalig, hindi pa ito ang pagtatanim ng ebidensya, at hindi makatwirang pag-aaresto ay ilan lamang sa mga isyung ito. katapusan. Katulad ng anumang bakal, sa init Halimbawa na lamang ang pagkakaroon ng na dulot ng patuloy nating pagkalampag ay “Mananita” ni PNP Chief Debold Sinas. Ito ay matutunaw rin ang kamay na bakal. Sa patuloy muling pagbalandra ng paghuhukom na naaayon na pagyuko natin sa batas at pagsamba sa lamang sa iilan. Sa kaniyang kaarawan ay kumalat katotohanan, sa pagbibigay ng abuloy sa mga ang mga litratong kuha na nagpapakita ng mga tunay na nangangailagan, at pagdalaw sa pulis na hindi sumunod sa health protocol na istrukturang binubuo ng makataong prinsipyo at inaasahan mula sa kanila. Ngunit dahil sa kapit moralidad, ang bayang ito ay muling maliligtas sa sa kamay na bakal ay muli’t muling naabswelto si huwad at hindi patas na paghuhukom. Sinas sa paglabag na ipinangalandakan sa buong bansa. Paano naman ang mga protesta na pilit nilang tinitigil? Ang pag-aresto sa mga aktibista ng mga pulis na ito ay walang tigil. Kahit pa

Kaligtasan ng mga mamamahayag sa gitna ng pandemya NI BERLINETH NYMIA MONTES MULA SA 20

Firearms and Explosives. Si Frenchie rin ay matagal ng nakakatanggap ng death threats dahil sa pagsulat nito tungkol sa ilegal na patayang nagaganap sa komunidad ng Tacloban at hanggang sa ngayon ay hindi pa ito napapalaya. PANGGIGIPIT—Naging matunog din ang pangalan ni Joshua Molo, Punong-Patnugot ng UE Dawn dahil binantaan itong kakasuhan ng “Online Libel” at sapilitan itong pinagawa ng “public apology” ng mga dating guro na kaniyang nakasagutan matapos nitong magbigay ng kritikal na komento sa mga naging hakbangin ng gobyerno nasyonal sa pagsugpo sa COVID-19 noong ikaanim ng Abril. PAGBUSAL SA MEDYA— Naging maingay din ang usapin tungkol sa pagpataw ng National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) ng Cease and Desist Order sa ABS-CBN na isa sa daluyan ng lehitimong balita at impormasyon lalo na sa gitna ng pandemya noong ikalima ng Mayo na naging dahilan sa pagsara nito. Matapos ng pagpasasara sa ABSCBN ay pinagbawalan at hinarang ang ilan sa mga mamamahayag nito na pumasok sa mga checkpoint at isagawa ang trabaho. BANTA SA BUHAY AT KALIGTASAN— Napabalita rin ang pagbaril na naging resulta sa pagkamatay ni Cornelio Pepino, isang reporter ng 93.7 Energy FM sa Dumaguete City noong ikalima ng Mayo habang dalawang araw matapos ang pagpatay kay Pepino ay nakatanggap naman ng banta (death threats) ang kasamahan nito na si Roy August Bustillo, anchor at reporter ng Power 91 dyGB FM at isa ring correspondent ng CNN Philippines. Ayon kay Bustillo ay nakatatanggap siya ng death threats sa tuwing mababalita sila ng mga pag-aresto na kaugnay sa droga. INTIMIDASYON SA MGA MAMAMAHAYAG—Naging usapin din ang pagpapahiya ni Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque kay Tricia Terrada, isang mamamahayag ng CNN Philippines sa virtual press briefing na ginanap noong ika-19 ng Mayo. Pinagalitan ni Roque si Terrada dahil nagdulot umano ng kaguluhan sa mga social media site partikular na sa twitter ang balita ng CNN tungkol sa pagatang ng gobyerno sa pribadong sektor ang pagsasagawa ng Mass Testing na matatandaang ipinangakong isasagawa ng gobyerno sa ika-14 ng Abril.

RED clue in quarantine blue

The university’s adaptive response when caught by the pandemic lockdown in the tail of its academic year, with a pending semester yet to cap, worked well in favor of the majority. Resilient Education Delivery (RED) was UNC’s response to the needs of learners, which classified them based on their access to the internet. Enrichment sessions were provided to students with stable access, allowing learners to comply within dates agreed by professors and them. On the other hand, learners with no internet access will receive an initial grade of IP (In progress), which can be settled into a numerical grade through a lenient schedule bounded with longer dates for deadlines. Education is a basic human right for all, and everyone needs access to such. The efficiency of the program covered the majority of students, from those with little to no internet connection to students with 24/7 stable connections. The program recognized the precedence of students, scraping off the albatross around their neck in weighing down education versus risking health. Both learning and health care were bestowed at the same time, neglecting to compromise one over the other. Given the current situation, the RED plan assured equal opportunities for students. For those with limited access to the internet, ample time will be allocated for them to transmute their IP rate to a numeric grade.


This pandemic continues to challenge our Even for students with a stable internet connection, particularly in this time where people educational system. Most schools and universities are advised to strictly stay at home, a bounty were closed just in time when they were about amount of time can be utilized in engaging towards to conclude their academic year. Instead of flexible learning methods given the availability of demanding an end to the semester and mass promotion, demanding universities to be adaptive resources. and to have flexible learning Aside from an even-handed accessible to all seems to be the chance to learn, students were better way. guaranteed to continuously With UNC’s RED ways in these comprehend essential topics gray days, they have anticipated necessary for their courses and future professions. Reducing the risk Education the forces of change and have explored possibilities with intent of a student leaving the university is a basic and purpose. It has proven how half-baked and lacking a full understanding of the complete core human right dynamic and creative they were to everyone will make it. in their fundamental subjects. for all, and makeThesurechallenge now falls upon The Association of Local Colleges and Universities (ALCU) and the everyone assessing how well the RED ways provided the students with both the ALCU Commission on Accreditation needs access skills and learning essential to their said academic integrity should be preserved in all courses. They to such. dream professions. While UNC has found a feasible adaptive learning emphasized board based programs and OJT (on-the-job training), where quality and environment, the adapting motion shouldn't just content cannot be compromised. As based on this be boxed on learning modalities. The university released joint advisory, RED balanced the need to must see families were also damaged financially. equip students with the necessary tools in their RED ways should not only be adaptable but also affordable. If not, realizing that everyone makes it professions. will remain yet a dream for many.


indi na gano’n kaganda ang umaga ‘pagkat wala nang maririnig na, “Umagang Kay Ganda!” na siya ring tanging daan upang maging mulat sa mga nangyayari dahil sa hatid nitong mga balita. Hindi na magagawang manood at subukang sumaya o kaya’y panoorin ang mga nagpapasaya dahil hindi na magagawang makisabay sa sigaw na, “What’s up madlang people?!” At hindi na masusubaybayan ang mga nagbabagang balita ni Kabayan para sa ating bayan hatid ng TV Patrol; wala na rin ang inaabangang aksiyon ni Cardo.

manood at gumamit ng internet sa pagkuha ng katotohanan ay nalilito, paaano pa kaya ang mga simpleng mamamayang tanging gamit ay radyo at ang antenang nakadungaw sa bintana? Problemang lumala dahil sa solusyong iniiwasan. Violated [L]daw “Wala kaming nilabag na batas.” Ito ang hinaing ng ABS-CBN matapos maghain ng quo warranto petition sa Korte Suprema si Solicitor General Jose Calida na iginigiit na dapat nang isara ang naturang network matapos umanong lumabag ito sa batas.

“Paano na nga ba?” Siguro ito na lang ang tanong ng hindi lang isa ngunit ng lahat ng mga Pilipinong walang ibang channel kundi ang dos. isa sila sa lubos na naapektuhan sa desisyong ito, lalo pa’t nasa kalagitnaan tayo ng pandemya. Problema nino?

Kung ang karaniwang taong may kakayanang

Pinaliwanag naman ni Philippine Cable and Telecommunications Association Inc. (PCTA) President Ronaldo Manlapig noong May 7, 2020 sa ANC na ang isang prangkisa ay kayang magdala ng maraming channel. “Hindi natin kailangan na magkaroon ng isang franchise bawat channel. Ang prangkisa ng isang broadcasting company katulad ng ABS-CBN, nakalagay na doon ‘yung frequency.” Dagdag pa niya, mabuti umano ito ‘pagkat binibigyan ang publiko ng pamimilian at mas maayos na programa. Sabi nga ni Kim Chui, ‘pag nag-comply ka sa law, pwede ka nang lumabas. Ngunit, imbis na palabasin tuluyang sinaraduhan ng gobyerno ang ABS-CBN.

Noong ika-30 ng Marso taong 1995, pinirmahan ni dating Pangulong Fidel Ramos ang RA 7966 na naglalayong bigyan ng 25-taong prangkisa ang ABS-CBN epektibo noong ika-4 ng Mayo taong nabanggit. Kung susumahin, nakatanda ngayon ding Mayo 4, 2020 magtatapos ang kanilang prangkisa. Ngunit, lingid sa kaalaman ng karamihan, noong ika-11 ng Septymebre, 2014 ipinasa ni Isabela Representative Giorgidi Aggabao ang House Bill 4997 upang maipagpatuloy pa ang prangkisa ng ABS-CBN kahit na anim na taon pa bago sumapit ang taong 2020 ngunit hindi ito naaprobahan. Nagpatuloy naman ang pagsumite ang iba’t ibang persona ng mga house bills sa kongreso upang matugunan ang nasabing prangkisa; umabot pa sa 15 house bills ang naipasa nila ngunit ni-isa rito ay hindi inaprubahan ng kongreso. Bunsod nito, marami ang nabahala kung bakit hindi ito ginagalaw. Ayon kay Speaker of the House Rep. Alan Peter Cayetano wala umano sa listahan o prayoridad ng mababang hukuman ang ABS-CBN franchise. Matatandaang si Cayetano ang kasama sa pagtakbo ng pangulo noong eleksyon; siya rin ang nagpatigil ng pag-ere ng mga komersiyal laban kay Pangulong Duterte noong Mayo 6, 2016 na ipinalabas sa ABS-CBN. Naglabas din ng saloobin si Pangulong Duterte hingil sa isyung ito noong ika-8 ng Nobyembre, 2018 at tahasang sinabing hindi niya papayagan ang pagpapatuloy ng prangkisa ng ABS-CBN. Dagdag pa rito, sisiguraduhin umano niya na hindi na makakakuha ng prangkisa ang nasabing network ngayong taon.

franchise rules at mariing pinapatay daw nito ang cable industry dahil sa pagbebenta ng TVplus digital box. Sinabi rin niyang dinagdagan ng kompanya ng iba pang channel ang kanilang prangkisa na dapat ay isang prangkisa sa isang channel. Ito rin ang dahilan kung bakit ‘di pinayagan ng korte ang kanilang unang House Bill noong 2014.

Ano Na? Ngayon, sa tagal ng pagsusumikap na galawin ang kanilang house bills, siguro’y nailagay na sa prayoridad ang kompanya ‘pagkat tinatalakay na sa kamara ang kanilang prangkisa. Nakatakdang magkakaroon ng hearing patungkol sa kanilang prangkisa sa May 26, 2020. Inaasahan naman ni House Speaker Cayetano na hindi na ito umabot pa ng Hulyo at mangyaring magkaroon na ng desisyon sa Agosto pagkatapos ng SONA (State of the Nation Address) ng Pangulo.

Ani Calida, ilegal umano ang Kapamilya Box Office (KBO) na humihingi ng bayad sa mga panonoorin o ang pay-per-view nang walang tamang permiso galing sa Natrional Telecommunication (NTC). Depensa naman ng ABS-CBN, mismong NTC ang nagbigay ng permiso at pinayagan ang ABS-CBN kanilang payper-view. Ayon din sa NTC, base sa Public Service Law dalawang daang piso (200) lamang ang kailangang bayaran ng kompanya kung mayroon ngang nangyaring paglabag. Ukol naman sa kinikita ng ABS-CBN sa produktong ito, base sa sinabi ni Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra, hindi limitado ang kanilang kita sa mga komersiyal lamang dahil pasok ito sa Conditional Access (CA) o Conditional Access System (CAS). Pahayag din ni Senator Ralph Recto, “...I don’t think that these warrants ay death penalty o capital punishment na papatayin natin ‘yung kompanya,” Bukod pa kay SolGen. Calida, ang The Federation of International Cable TV Associates of the Philippines (FICTAP) ay tutol din sa pag-renew ng prangkisa ng ABS-CBN. Ayon kay FICTAP president Estrillita Juliano Tamano, ilang beses lumabag ang network sa

Mag-iilang linggo na rin simula ng pagkasara ng ABS-CBN. Ngunit hindi pa rin tumigil sa pamamahayag ang broadcasting network; sa pamamagitan ng internet access at social media ay nagagawa pa rin nilang manindigan at magmulat. Mag-iilang linggo na rin ngunit hindi pa rin sanay na walang nagbibigay ingay sa aking munting tahanan. Maganda pa naman sana ‘yong mga aral ni Santino. Tiyak bagay na bagay ito sa mga bata lalo pa’t nasa gitna tayo ng pandemya. Nakikibalita na lang pala kami sa aming kapitbahay kung anong nangyayari sa paligid. Baka kasi mamaya nasa lugar na pala namin ‘yong bayrus. Ilang linggo pa kaya ang hihintayin? Baka kasi umabot din ng anim na taon bago kibuin. Sana nama’y hindi. Pamilya naman tayo ‘di ba?


Alumni, stakeholders extend help to stranded UNCeans By DARYL STA. CRUZ

Amidst the risk of the pandemic, the UNC alumni and stakeholders concluded a donation drive to aid stranded students and employees impacted by the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) in Naga City.

The UNC General Alumni Association (UNCGAA) spearheaded the donation joined by the School of Graduate Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, NSTP Classes (under Prof. Ruby Bandola), employees, Parent-Teachers Council and the whole UNC community. Donation drive raised a total of P111,701, which proceeded in purchase of basic necessities. The goods reached 80 students and employees caught by ECQ in the city, which were identified through an online survey published by the University Marketing Office. The recipients expressed gratitude to the organizers and the door-to-door volunteers for the distribution of relief

goods. Mathew Montevirgen appreciated UNC community’s helping hand specially in time of crisis. “The donation given by our generous Alumni really helped us. We would like to thank them for the support. No one will be left behind not only academically but also in the crisis we are going through,” Mathew uttered. “In the future, I would also love to lend a hand to help my fellow UNCean. I believe that this act of kindness and generosity would greatly impact the lives of students and that they may do the same thing in the future.” he added. “Na-stranded po kami ng sister ko and I was so happy na nabigyan ako ng

Mission Accomplished. Recipients of UNC’s donation drive flash their grateful smiles upon receiving a package of help amidst the looming threat of the pandemic in March. Words by John Paul Borito. Photo from UNC Facebook Page

food supply napakalaking tulong po iyon para sa amin. Thank you so much UNC for the food supply we had received, super thankful po ako at naka-recieve po ako ng food supply. And yes, I would love to help students and people who are in need po in the future,” Tracy Marie Oya from College of Education shared. Gezelica Pabia, AB Political Science student, admired the University’s initiative in providing aid. “It helped a lot like real lot coz it’s still locked down when i got it, there’s no means of going out to buy stuff not even a food” she stated. The pack included basic essentials, like food, grocey items, toiletries , and also Php100 worth of load.

UNCean Frontliners join flattening curve By RACHELLE PAJA

With the total cases nearing 100, 000, health workers around the country, including UNCean graduates, assembled to serve as frontliners against the COVID-19 pandemic. Serving as primary defenses, frontliners like FO1 Chuck Baduya, BS Information Technology graduate from class of 2015, now Fire Officer 1 of San Fernando Fire Station Bureau of Fire Protection and member of the Special Rescue Unit, face risk of exposure as they

are tasked to decontaminate facilities and borders. “Despite the danger of our job we are doing every day, it is still an honor to serve the people especially in times like this.” (Bagama’t delikado ang aming ginagampanang trabaho sa araw-araw, isa itong karangalan, ang maglingkod sa pamayanan lalo sa ganitong panahon.), FO1 Baduya shared. FO1 Baduya added he is thankful for the support of people for the frontliners. People, giving them inspiration to continue the battle against the virus. Meanwhile, Dr. Jordan R. Chavez IV stated “it is an inherent responsibility of a Doctor to be a frontliner. The Hippocratic Oath already defined our role in any health emergency and condition that is, to help first before self.” Dr. Chavez IV, is a graduate of BS Biology class of 1993. He is now a Medical Specialist II at Bicol Region General

Hospital and Geriatric Medical Center in San Pedro Cabusao, a Pediatric ER Physician at NICC Doctors Hospital Inc. Naga City and owns a Private Clinic. “We appreciate the respect but not necessary.” Dr. Chavez said he is thankful for all the people who salute them and those “thank you’s” are already enough to serve despite the risks. He highlighted that the ones who must be appreciated more are the frontliners without enough protection in fighting against this pandemic. “Pero mas saluduhan po ninyo ang mga taong hindi protektado ng PPE at naiinitan, dahil sila po ang mas at risk sa pandemyang ito,” he said. As their commitment to their job continues, they continue to remind the public, “Please stay at home and stay safe.”


A Trip Down Memory Lane. Shown here are photographs of the previous university graduation rites as this year’s event take a pause due to COVID-19 threats. Words by John Paul Borito. Photo from UNC Facebook Page.


Pag-unawa sa gitna ng dismaya

Pagkaantala ng graduation, batid ngayong pandemya NI TRISHA BAÑAS

Dahil sa banta ng COVID-19, ikinalungkot man ay batid ng mga magsisipagtapos ng UNC ang pagsuspinde ng kanilang graduation ceremonies na dapat ay gaganapin noong ika-7 ng Mayo. Ikinalungkot ni Mark Estevan Calangui, AB Psychology, na hindi muna siya makakamartsa para kunin ang kanyang diploma. “What makes me sad is the fact that my parents and relatives are expecting me to go up on stage to receive my diploma because they spent and had a hard time working for my tuition fees,” sabi niya. “But for me as an irregular student, what matters most is I finished my degree and as long as I will be able to receive my diploma and transcript,” dagdag pa niya. Nauunawaan naman ni Diana Rose Seton, BS Civil Engineering, na kalusugan ang dapat na prayoridad sa ganitong mga panahon, aniya, “Okay lang naman para sa safety ng lahat pero nakakalungkot pa rin dahil ni[lo]-look forward namin ‘to since day 1, but after all, it is the safety that really matters.” Pagbabahagi naman ni Riza Mae Pardiñas, BS Architecture, “okay lang naman since postponed lang naman ang graduation rites and not cancelled at makakapag-apply pa rin naman kami ng apprenticeship/work kahit postponed ito.” Narito ang inaasahang bilang ng mga magsisipagtapos sa bawat departamento, AS-24, CJ-17, CS-76, BA-217, EA-268, ED107, NR-25, LAW-66, GS-40. Planong ganapin ng unibersidad ang graduation rites bago matapos ang taon o sa darating na Hulyo sa susunod na taon kung saan inaasahang wala ng gaanong banta ng nasabing pandemya.

USG-UNC Election idaraos sa darating na pasukan, petsa hindi pa tiyak


Tuloy ang UNCUSG Election na pinaplanong idaos sa unang semestre ng taong 2021-2022, ito ay matapos masuspende bunsod ng pagkakansela ng klase dahil sa banta ng COVID-19 pandemic. Matatandaang dalawang beses pinalawig ng komisyon ang pagsumite ng Certificate of Candidacy (COC) sa mga nagpakita ng interes na tumakbo sa nasabing halalan na nagdulot ng pagkaantala ng eleksyon. Ayon kay Election Commissioner Brian Florendo, hindi pa tiyak ang petsa kung kailan idaraos ang naturang eleksyon dahil una sa kanilang prayoridad ang kaligtasan at kalusugan ng mga estudyante. Bago pa man isailalim ang buong bansa sa Enhance Community Quarantine buhat ng

IDENTIFY THE LEAD. On February 21, 2020, UNC SEC Secretary General Ysabelle Abetchula accepts the accomplished Certificates of Candidacy (COC) from interested party. Words by Rex Garing and Photo from UNC Student Election Commission

COVID-19 ay nagkaroon ng “off-therecord discussion” ang SEC kasama ang Acting President ng University Student Government (USG) na si Renault Domingo at Kim Francia Bigay, Director for Student Affairs. Dahil sa hindi inaasahang mga pagbabago sa Calendar of Activities ng unibersidad ay nagpadesisyunan sa pagpupulong na bigyan ng kapangyarihan ang SEC na baguhin ang petsa ng eleksyon sa pamamagitan ng isang memorandum mula kay Domingo. Ang nasabing memorandum ay inasahang matatanggap ng SEC noon pang Pebrero subalit

hanggang sa ngayon ay hindi pa nila ito natatanggap ayon kay Florendo. Kabilang sa mga nagsumite ng Certificates of Candidacy (COC) sina Marie Angella Averilla na kumakandidato bilang Presidente at si Art Jun Sumalindog bilang BisePresidente ng USG na parehong Independyente. Ayon kay Averilla at Sumalinog na ngayon ay magkasunod na tumatayo bilang appointed interim President at Vice President, naghihintay lamang sila ng anunsyo mula sa SEC kung kailan ulit papayagang mangampanya at kung kailan magaganap ang napipintong eleksyon.


Kaligtasan ng mga mamamahayag sa gitna ng pandemya NI BERLINETH NYMIA MONTES

Noong Enero, naitala ang unang kaso ng COVID-19 sa bansa at buwan ng Marso naman ng nagsimula ang lockdown o mas kilala sa tawag na Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ).

Buhat ng patuloy na pagharap sa pandemya, nagigipit sa mahirap na sitwasyon ang mga mamamahayag sa paghatid ng kanilang balita sa sambayanan. Kagaya ng mga tipikal na manggagawang Pilipino, ang ilan sa kanila ay kinailangang sumailalim sa “work-from-home” set-up na ayon kay Bea (hindi tunay na pangalan at limang taon ng nagtatrabaho

sa isang local broadsheet), hindi ito epektibo dahil hindi lahat ng trabaho ng isang mamamahayag ay kayang tapusin sa ganoong sistema ng makapanayam ito ng Rappler. Tulad din ng medical frontliners ay namroblema rin ang mga ito sa transportasyo. Higit sa lahat ay hindi rin maiaalis ang pangamba na dulot ng nakamamatay na pandemya.. Ang mga ito ay iilan lamang

Paghahanda ng UNC kontra COVID, puspusan NI LEMMUEL PANCHA

Kasabay ng pagputok ng pandemya sa bansa ay ang agarang aksyong isinagawa ng pamunuan ng UNC laban sa banta ng Novel Corona virus (COVID-19), at ang patuloy na paghahanda para sa napipintong pagbubukas ng klase ng mga estudyante. Inilabas ang Memorandum no. 2020-06 nitong nakaraang ika-13 ng Marso taong 2020, kung saan nakasaad ang pagkansela ng klase sa buong antas ng institusiyon na naging epektibo nitong Marso 16, 2020. Ayon kay Vice President for Administration na si Leon B. Palmiano, IV “patuloy pa rin ang pagbibigay ng mga alternatibong pamamaraan sa mga estudyante ng UNC tulad ng Online classes upang maabot ang mga pangangailangan at matuto rin ang mga ito kahit naka home quarantine habang nakataas

pa sa Enhanced Community Quarantine ang Lungsod ng Naga.” Dagdag pa nito, ang mga teaching personnel o faculty members ay inatasang magtrabaho na lamang sa loob ng bahay gamit ang internet. Dito nila isasagawa ang mga lesson plans at pagbibigay ng mga learning materials na makatutulong sa mga mag-aaral kahit walang isinasagawang face-toface classes na siyang naging tugon ng unibersidad para sa nalalabing mga araw bago ang katapusan ng semestre na tinawag nilang Resillient Education Delivery programs o RED. Ngunit Marso 18, 2020, inihayag ni University President na si Dr. Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya ang pagkansela ng nasabing RED upang mas pagtuunan ng pansin ang kalusugan ng mga estudyante, maging ang faculty members. Nangagahulugan na ang lahat ng online distance learning programs ay pansamantalang inihinto upang bigyang importansya ang kaligtasan ng lahat ng nasasakupan ng insitusiyon. Sa pagpapalawig ng mga araw ng

community quarantine ay inihayag naman ni President Lauraya ang araw ng pagtatapos ng ikalawang semestre ng klase sa unibersidad. Sa ika-7 ng Mayo ang inaaasahang tapos ng klase ng mga estudyante sa kolehiyo S/Y 2019-2020. Dagdag pa ng pangulo ng unibersidad, hindi umano bibigyan ng bagsak na marka ang mga estudyanteng hindi nakasunod sa anumang takdang-gawain nitong nakaraang RED programs dahil sa walang sapat na suplay ng kagamitan at walang mabilis na internet connection sa kani-kanilang mga tahanan. Ito ay alinsunod sa inilabas na patnubay ni Pres. Lauraya na kung saan bibigyan ang mga ito ng pagkakataon na makapagpasa sa darating na buwan ng Agosto upang mabuo ang kanilang mga kulang na gawain sa mga asignatura at matanggap ang numerical grade sa nagdaang semestre. Makatatanggap naman ang mga Unceano ng refund sa ilang bahagi ng tuition fees na hindi nagamit o napakinabangan

Lives on Slippery Slope. Employees of ABSCBN hold protests in hopes of a franchise renewal yet denied by the Congress, branding it the end of an oligarch.

sa araw-araw na pasanin ng mga mamamahayag. Ngunit hindi lamang ito ang nagpapahirap sa kanila kundi ang mga sumusunod din. RED-TAGGING—Matatandaang ika-17 ng Pebrero ng mapabalitang pwersahang ikinulong si Frenchie Mae Cumpio, Executive Director ng Alternative Media Outfit na Eastern Vista sa kasong Illegal Possession of PATULOY SA 15

ng mga estudyante dahil sa Covid 19. Gaya ng 20% refund sa energy fee at maging sa internet fee, at 10% naman sa library fee nitong nagdaang ikalawang semestre SY 2019-2020. Habang patuloy na umiiral ang COVID-19 sa bansa ay umaarangkada naman ang paghahanda ng UNC sa darating na S/Y 2020-2021. Matatandaan na nagpulong ang ilan sa mga opisyal ng unibersidad at mga lider-estudyante kasama na rin ang ibang mga magulang na sakop ng institusiyon nitong nakaraang sabado, ika-23 ng Mayo taong 2020 upang pag usapan at talakayin ang mas mainam na paraan o hakbang na gagawin para sa mga estudyante ng UNC habang patuloy ang pandemyang nararanasan sa bansa.






Roar on Pause. Caged by the pandemic, Joshua Villafor, along with the rest of the university athletes, will hold their greyhound roar for a while as sporting events are cancelled in view of COVID-19 precautions. Words by John Paul Borito. Photo by Johnell Cabusas

Time out for sports events; UNC athletes express dismay By KENN DANIEL MONTECILLO

The pandemic postponed almost everything, which saddened UNCean athletes as various sport events and competitions around Bicol were no exception. Mariz Margelino from the UNC Volleyball team felt disheartened as she shared, “Last March, one day before the PRISAA, we were done with everything and all of a sudden it turned out to be nothing”. This was after the released statement of PRISAA on the postponement of its various sports competitions, including Mariz’ sport. From the UNC Basketball team, KD Alano completely sympathized with the declaration since according to him, most gestures inside the court may violate the imposed health protocols. “[If] it gets crowded, it will make every situation more dangerous and it will pose threat to the spread of the infectious disease,” he said on the close contact of players and coaches when discussing things. However, Sheldon Versoza from the same team spotted a silver lining amidst the pandemic, “I take it as a test of faith and opportunity to divert my focus and be able to discover a better version of me.” Even though it saddens him to be temporarily disconnected with sport, Sheldon firmly believed this too shall pass and can be his avenue to be a better person and a student-athlete. More so, as health experts warn

safety should never be compromised in this pandemic, Bernard Reyta, a chess player of UNC considered these cancellations a proper intervention to do. “The sports events may have been temporarily halted but our love with the sports grows even more. With this, I’m more than eager to go back

and play in the near future,” Bernard shared On the other hand, Alta Gelan Kaine Gados of UNC Taekwondo initiated to perform routines in keeping her built. “And since we are in quarantine, important pa din na ma sustain itong routine na tig gigibo sa training

dawa nasa harong by sticking to your objectives. Para anytime na cocondition pa din an body and mind,” she added. In these gray days, the UNC community should wait for the loudest roar of the UNCaged Greyhounds as they return to court, just in time when this pandemic ends.

First in history: Sotto signs contract in NBA G League Almost Peaking. Kai Zachary Sotto becomes the First Pure Blooded Filipino Basketball Player as he joins in the 2020-2021 season of the NBA’s official minor league basketball organization, NBA G League, his first steps to becomming an NBA player. Words by John Paul Borito and Photo from Fiba Basketball


Looking forward to be the next in line, Kai Zachary Sotto became the ‘First Pure Blooded Filipino Basketball Player’ after he officially signed the contract for the 2020-2021 season of the NBA’s official minor league basketball organization, NBA G League.

The inclusion of the “Philippines’ First Native Born NBA Player” in the NBA G League was announced by the program president, Shareef Abdur-Rahim last May 13, 2020. According to him, Sotto would kick off his professional pathway program instead of playing in college. As being the latest prospect to skip college in joining NBA, Sotto was highly recognized as the first ever Jr. NBA Philippines graduate to join G League. This 7’2 Filipino sensation started his journey in playing basketball when he was in elementary at Saint Francis of Assisi College in Las Piñas. He excelled in the field

after he enrolled on April 2016 at Ateneo de Manila High School in Quezon City. As he joined the junior basketball program of the school, the Blue Eaglets eventually earned the UAAP Juniors MVP. He was honored with the average of 17 pts, 13 rebs, and 6.3 blks per game in 3 games. With his early progressive play performances, Sotto has represented his country in several international junior tournaments. He was one of the Philippine basketball players who represented the country in 2016 FIBA Under-16 Asian Championship in Foshan, China wherein he led his team to fourth place. He also joined the 2018-2019 FIBA Under 17 and 19 World Cup as placers. For the opening of the NBA G League season, first, the G League teams will be holding open tryouts to search for the talent of players. These players will be added to their rosters. In accordance with the 2019-2020 NBA G League Season, only 15 teams can compete and each player who signed his contract will earn $125,000 for the five month league. Sotto will be teaming up with the three consensus five-star recruits: Jalen Green (SG), Isaiah Todd (PF), and Daishen Nix(PG). These three players are one of the bests in their respective positions from their class in the current year and they are still waiting for the perfect small forward to complete the five positions in their team, including Kai Sotto for the center position.

romeo gido 4x400m Relay

Mary Ann Gnotob Naag Women’s Volleyball

Minnie de Ramos Cadag Table Tennis

image source: Facebook | Rappler


Shaped by Sports: A Frontliner’s Heart BY Joelyn Arlante Given that volleyball has become a well-played recreation or competition in the field of sports, it is beyond any doubt that people know who Dawn Macandili, Janel Maraguinot or Cherry Rondina are. Those individuals had been through an outstanding array in their sporting careers. However, volleyball does not merely frame players based on their prominence in the field. Mary Ann Gnotob Naag, 24, a local from Camalig, Albay attested this claim as she boldly got held of her fiery passion towards her sport, volleyball. Naag first paved her path when she qualified to join Team Albay during Palarong Bicol 2013 held at Virac, Catanduanes where they represented their alma mater, Cotmon National High School. Because of her potential to play the sport efficiently, she received an offer to join the UNC Greyhound Volleyball Team. Time flew up under her supremacy, Naag became the Team Captain of the group and completed her degree being a university athlete. However, behind these victories were the times she stumbled, tripped, and plummeted down venturing her strong intent to graduate. Despite some deficiencies in the team, misunderstanding and disagreements, Naag quoted that an effective team captain shall be disciplined to carry out the responsibility. In her playing years, she represented the university in various competitions, such as Bicol Universities and Colleges Athletics League (BUCAL) Season 3 where they ranked 1st runner up. They then qualified as Quarter Finalists during the Private Schools Athletic Association (PRISAA) National Category at Davao City. “[Malapit na sana] kaso hanggang doon lang. Pero laking tuwa na ‘yon ng coach namin kasi sa tinagal tagal ng taon, 2019 ulit nakapasok ng Quarter Finals ang Bicol,” Naag proudly shared. The person who taught her to stand up after every fall was not herself alone. Behind her fortress was the support and encouragement of the person who served as her second father for six (6) long years, Coach Elias Solis Jr. “Ang pinakaimportanteng role ni Coach Solis ay yung ini-encourage niyang ma - build up ang kakayahan ng bawat isa sa amin. Supportive at may tiwala siya sa mga player niya,” she added. Presently, the former team captain is now a frontliner, fighting against the proliferation of the contagious COVID-19 disease. With her degree in BSBA-Financial Management, she works as an Administrative Aide III at the Bicol Center for Health Development, Department of Health, Daraga Albay. She intend to deliver her tough duty in hopes of helping those in need. “Hindi siya madali para sa akin kasi nag-ti-take kami ng risk para makatulong sa bayan o sa kapwa. Pero masaya pa rin sa pakiramdam kasi nakakatulong [kami].”

Takbo ng Karera ni Gido NI Charey Mae Alvarado Tahimik at mahiyain kung ituring ng kanyang mga kasamahan ang isang mananakbong tubong Sorsogon na si Romeo Gido. Siya ay naging miyembro ng bantog na Bicol Express, ang pambansang 4x400m relay team na lumampas sa record ng Asian Games. Si Gido ay ang pangalawang runner sa fabled 4x400m relay squad na binubuo nina Marlon Pagalilauan, Honesto Larce, at Isidro del Prado. Kahanga-hangang nalampasan ng quartet sa record na 3: 06.58 sa Asian Games ang dating record ng Japan na 3: 06.75 taong 1985. Unang napansin ang galing ni Gido taong 1983 sa National Open nang nakuha niya ang ikalawang pwesto sa 800m. Nakita ng mga coach ang kanyang mahusay na pagtakbo para sa 4x400m relay team ng Navy, at agad dinala sa pambansang koponan. Sa edad na 24, unang nakapaglaro si Gido sa SEA Games noong 1985. Kasali ng marami pang ibang mas malalakas na runner, nakagugulat at nakamamangha na kwalipikado siya bilang pinakamabilis mula sa heats na 48.05. Sa finals, nakuha ni Gido ang pilak sa oras na 47.50 kung saan naiuwi naman ni Mohamed Nordin Jardi (Malaysian) ang ginto sa oras na 47.18. Taong 1987 naman nang lumipat si Gido sa 800m competition ng SEA Games at nakuha ang ikatlong parangal sa oras na sa 1: 52.16. Sa taong 1988, nasungkit niya ang ikalawang pwesto sa ASEAN Cup Clocking sa oras na 47.57. Sa sumunod na taon nakuha niya naman ang ikaapat na medalya sa SEA Games at ng taong din 'yun, ang kanyang teammate na si Isidro Del Prado ang nagkampeon. Pagkatapos ng kanyang makulay na karera, si Romeo Gido ay naging isang national coach. Kabilang sa kanyang maraming mga parangal ay ang National 800m Record Holder at SEA Games Middle Distance Champion na si John Lozada at SEA Games 800m silver medalist, Midel Dique. Kalaunan, si Gido na isa nang retiradong sarhento ng Navy master ay natagpuang walang malay matapos siyang atakihin ng stroke at tuluyan nang binawian ng buhay ika-9 ng Marso sa edad na 57. Inalala ng kanyang mga kaibigan at kasamahan kung paano nagsikap at nagtagumpay ang atletang Sorsogeño. Malayo ang tinakbo ng karera ni Romeo Gido. Mula sa pagiging simpleng runner ay nahanay si Gido sa pinakamagagaling na manlalaro. Matapos mag-uwi nang maraming premyo mula sa loob at labas ng bansa , pinagpatuloy niya ang pagmamahal sa palakasan bilang isang national coach. Hindi maikakailang siya ay nagbigay karangalan sa lahat ng mga Bikolano. Ang ambag niya sa bansa ay hindi masusukat sa lakas ng hiyawan sapagkat higit doon, siya ay isang inspirasyon sa mga manlalarong tulad niya ay nangangarap ding magtagumpay. din sa anumang larangan. Tunay ngang siya ay maituturing na leyendang lokal.

Break Through a Hand BY Ma. Zytuz Espiritu In the world of critics and perfectionists, A 35-yearold woman from Caranan, Pasacao, Camarines Sur, Minnie de Ramos Cadag, have proven that physical disability is not a hindrance in achieving once passion as she represented UNC Greyhounds and the Philippines in a World Class Table Tennis Sports Competitions. Cadag was a high school and college UNC graduate with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Economics (October 23, 2004) and Marketing (October 22, 2005). She received Special Recognition Award being a university varsity player. In the same University, she took up her Methods of Teaching and passed the Civil Service Professional Exam last October 2016. She was notably profiled as a one-armed paddler during the 8th ASEAN Paragames, silver and bronze at Singapore. She also claims various achievements in

her sports journey and bagged different titles, such as POC-PSC National Games Gold Medalist,Table Tennis in Bulacan, 4th Taichung Table Tennis Open for 2017 Silver Medalist in Taiwan, 8th ASEAN Paragames, Silver and Bronze Medalist in Table Tennis at Singapore, 6th ASEAN Paragames Gold and Bronze medalist in Indonesia, among other recognitions. Locally, she championed Table Tennis Regional PRISAA-Legazpi City and in UNC ABBS Quiz Bowl. She also participated in National PRISAA wherein she mailed 1 bronze medal in Women's Doubles category at Zamboanga City. With her exemplar sports career, she also notched various Special Awards, such as Special Recognition Award-Camarines Sur Institute of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (CASIFMAS), May-Ylauod Outstanding Women, Outstanding Youth at Caranan, Pasacao Camarines Sur, Special Recognition Award in UNC, Special Recognition Award from Senate of the Philippines, and Special Recognition AwardPangasinan. "Actually sports, specifically Table Tennis really helps me a lot to my health and personality. In playing this sport, I made more friends, learned time management, improved my self-esteem, makes my body healthy, built my confidence, and makes me happy and relax. As a member of Philippine Para-Table Tennis Team, it helps me a lot, and not only me but also my family in terms of Financial aspects," Cadag shared. "I've been also to many countries for free," she added. On the other side, how challenging yet amusing it was to think how she sequenced the story behind being a one-armed table tennis paddler. It was an accident when she was six. Her uncle’s maid ask her help in grinding meat. When it was done, she forgot to pull the plug out and it accidentally switched the meat grinder on while she was removing the remaining meat. She kiddingly said the meat was not enough so she added her hand. Despite her disability, she was introduced in sports when she was in fourth grade. She was asked by an elementary coach, Mr. Virgilio Repaso while she was watching a certain play that time. "Dahil sa bibo at mahilig din talaga ako sa sports pumayag ako. That starts it all," Cadag uttered. With their help, including coach Hermoso Placedes, she was developed as an athlete. Regardless of a fruitful success, she remains munificent in helping others as she involved herself in some voluntary works in non-government and civic association/organization(s). She have been in Philipine Sports Commision-Athlete, Philippine Sports Association for Differently Abled Person (PHILSPADA), Philippine Table Tennis Association for Differently Abled (PHILTTADA), Association of Concerned Employees (ACE)- TESDA and Metro Naga Table Tennis Association (MENATTA). Minnie de Ramos-Cadag today is not just a table tennis ranker but also a wife and supermom of two kids and works as Treasury Staff at Puregold Products Phils. Inc. since October 14, 2015. She is a Casual Employee of TESDA-CASIFMAS, which offers scholarships, daily allowances, free instructional materials and training uniform for students without a Bachelor's Degree. She is also a current member of the Philippine Para Table Tennis Team. Cadag shows full support to those who dream to be a sports enthusiast. She said they (young athletes) must focus on the sport that they really want and love. They must ignore the distractions caused by others , and rather focus on training, competing, and continuing to improve. Above all, she reminded athletes to always be faithful and include prayers in whatever they do.

Another day arrived, waiting for someone to knock Knock on my door, welcome it and in my bed I tuck I wonder who that famous guests could be Or what they do or they can do for me Maybe, I hope it may bring me then a luck What food can I offer to that guests of mine? If in myself I am not sure what to dine Will it be here when the clock strikes nine? Or could it be when the sun finally shine? Whatever then, I’ll just wait for that day to come But then, it was nothing what I expected before Though it was just one of the pair who knocked on my door It hit me quickly, wherein a pang of pain felt into my core Sounds won’t come out for me to cry, nor can’t a moan try to pry Just in my head I’ll go for a sigh My limbs are weak and my stomach aches Bones may break but there’s a money I have to make I was not born with money and was born to make some But then the other guest is just outside the door It thwarted me and said “Go out and you’ll surely die”


t shakily watched and gave everyone a bothered shudder. It was an eye everybody could see through. All the days, it only saw the kinds of smiles—candid, forced, but beautiful—today was different. It was full of emotions no one understood how it felt, no one knew how to look like. It was a second of tremor for both feeling and reason. It was seeing horror and premiering truth; as it vaguely registered a figure in the green camouflage outfit, posing awkwardly, extending his arms forward and aiming a gun at someone everybody thinks is ordinary. Thereafter, it keenly observed the man in white, his back turned towards them, arms spread wide, with something slinging across his torso. It heard the things it had never heard before— screams with different pitches, all desperate to be heard. And closely enough, they had been heard. It was never steady the entire time, but it was loud and clear. Just like how it sighted the excitement of “ordinary” children in the grubby floodwater; how it witnessed the first toothless grin of a new-born; how it made the ordinary speak its appeal. Everyone at that moment was also ordinary. But beyond that, everyone was at their shadows’ peak. Nobody could read minds, neither could they know what was next. And that bothered them. The sun shone down the scene—and made it seem crystal clear, that accompanied the scattered sound waves. It was never going to understand what the people were telling the other, how many voices were crying for help, how many were attacking. But surely, just as it always did, it would make other eyes and ears judge. It produced the gazillion differences in the minds of others. It had always been. Men in the same uniforms had diverse ideals. There were yeses and nos and in-betweens. The


It was an event that befall in the bleak month of December The origin traces back from the east It strike stealthily more than anyone could remember Its pace it was taking was excruciatingly slow It just roamed in circles not even a sound’s allowed Whilst the folks and babes are forbidden To stride along the roads and watch the sun sinkin’ Feel the glare of the summer’s ray as it touches their skin Gone are their busy days until this curve straightens Still their belly will soon be sunken For there ain’t no money or penny in their purse Not even a dime to save some sour lime Just to keep their soul from an untimely dying curse From these two uninvited guests trying to get into their house Intertwined together Mr. Poverty N’ Starvation and Mr. Covid D. Nineteen They’re just waiting and staying outside your door Patiently watching over you Like a lady’s beau waiting in their rendezvous Not wanting to break their vow To see you die or see you starve.

man in the white shirt, on the other hand, was hard to fathom—was he drunk? Was he acting like he is in an action movie? Was he plotting something? Nobody caught that fact. Not even “it”. The pressure of despair was rising as he turned towards his confronters. He relaxed his figure on the pieces of metal in front of him. Only then he decided to be braver, only then he was in greater danger. Meanwhile, the man pointing the gun was threatening the threat he was seeing. Cautiously, he batted an eye on the “threat” and his defendants. Safely, he let loose. One eerie and deafening scream of the straightforward bullet was enough to shake its view but enough to catch the pitying sight of the already vulnerable victim. One bullet was enough, but not for the hitman. The other bullet sent the victim straight to where he did not want to be in. The sunny day packed with noise was too much for an ordinary day. Who knows the hitman could be tired of the dissonance seconds after pulling the trigger. It was such a familiar thing to do. It was a prominent Filipino value. He was alert. As it was paying attention to the victim whose wounds were hardly seen, he voluntarily got hold of his only property at that point, and set it free for the people to see. It got a glimpse of the sling bag—a small one, enough to fit in his IDs, passes, and bottled water—lying innocently on the ground. Nobody could do anything but wish for an alternate ending. Now, many would salute the killer, while beneath them are relentless cries for justice against a mysterious ordinary. It could have caught the whole thing to turn these things around. It could have invalidated the justifications of his action. It could have served justice right there. But its master commanded it to stop recording.

March 2020 • June 2020 Vol. LXVII Issue IV

Uninvited Guests

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