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Welcome from the editor
From the Editor
Matt Everatt F.O.T.A
As we move into Autumn and the leaves are well and truly exfoliating I can’t help but feel we are moving into a new season in regards to us as Dental Technicians. I wrote an article in August 2021 on the decline in numbers of Dental Technicians. There have been several discussions on the very subject on various social media platforms with some very closely linked discussions about NHS pricings and the lack of access to training for apprentice/ trainee technicians. My follow up article in this months edition discusses some of these problems and poses some questions for us all to consider.
We have had some news from the Kingsholm group regarding the illegal practice of unregistered MHRA labs, clinics and hospital producing custom made devices. The group received a response from the GDC, The Dental Technician Magazine hope to share this information once all of the responses have been collated.
As your editor I would like to invite fellow readers to send in any Technical Articles that may be interesting to our readers. I am also looking for budding writers to get involved in some of the features we have running. I am delighted to have been sent an article from a newly qualified Dental Technician, Kelsie Hacking. Kelsie has written a nice piece about life in general and how she has really enjoyed the last few years in the Dental Profession.
I do hope you enjoy this months magazine, I hope October is kind to you all and that some of you will be able to get away at half term to sunnier climbs before the winter really hits us in November.
Best Wishes Matt Everatt FOTA