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The Dental Technician Magazine and Dental Technicians Great Britain Facebook Group
From all of The Dental Technician Magazine
Here we have a look at some of the insightful posts being shared on to Dental Technicians Great Britain Facebook group by some of its members during September.
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By Nicki Rowland
In this article, Nicki Rowland, ex practice owner, Director of Practices Made Perfect and co-owner of The Exceptional Leadership Academy, explores why your company’s culture is key to the success of your business.
Be Like a Tree I love this Malay proverb... ‘A tree with strong roots laughs at storms’. These words have never been more relevant than in the wake of Covid-19. Businesses that have pivoted at pace and engaged their teams in change day by day, week by week, are the ones that are surviving. Those that have not are potentially facing their demise. Why are some businesses surviving and others not? Well, my belief is that it is down to company culture. The culture of your business is like the roots of a tree. If roots are shallow then the slightest of winds will uproot the tree. If roots are firm and deeply entrenched, the tree will withstand the ferocity of a hurricane. The tree may take a battering but it will still be standing when the storm subsides. In the same way, your company culture needs to be founded on a deeply-rooted purpose and values. The stronger your team’s ‘buy-in’ to the ethos of your organisation, the firmer your foundations will be. When adversity hits, your business will be sustainable as it is set on a bedrock of integrity and intent. Much like the tree, you may lose leaves and break a few branches during the turbulence, but when the sun comes out you can revive, restore and rebuild.
Cultivating Culture Cultivating culture is a fundamental leadership skill. It is more important than ever during the Covid-19 crisis for the retention of jobs and the survival of our businesses. But why is company culture so vital? Well, there are many benefits but I am going to pick out the 5 that are so crucial in our current climate:-
1. Recruiting the best people - speak to any HR person and they will advocate that a strong company culture is the best way to attract potential employees. A strong culture gives you a competitive edge. People want to work for an organisation that has a good reputation and that previous employees speak highly of. Potential applicants are looking for a company that they can make their ‘home’ rather than a job that is just another ‘stepping stone’. The recruitment process can also be very costly so recruiting the right people and retaining them in your business is a financially ‘savvy’ move.
2. Staff loyalty - a positive company culture also nurtures staff loyalty. When people feel they belong and are treated well, they enjoy going to work and feel a sense of ownership. More than ever, we need to invest in our people and help them achieve their potential. Recognising the importance of investing precious time and energy in supporting the growth of your team is key to business success. Identify the potential in others, create opportunities for them to grow and empower them to succeed and your business will see the results. I remember hearing someone say “You don’t build a business, you build people, and then people will build your business for you”.
3. Collaboration - team members are much more likely to work cohesively within a positive company culture. This is because positivity facilitates social interaction, teamwork and open and honest communication. As a leader, you do not need to be ‘The Oracle’. Looking to your team to support you in finding solutions is the best policy and encourages collaboration. The human default is for leaders to clamp down on the information shared in the business in the hope of minimising mistakes. However, this can backfire and create a culture of low trust and resentment. For our businesses to thrive, we need to learn how to generate team commitment through open communication. When team members work collaboratively it indicates that they are like-minded and hold similar beliefs and ethical values.
4. Work performance - After surveying over 20,000 workers around the world and analysing 50 major companies, Harvard University came up with one conclusion – ‘Why we work determines how well we work.’ One 2013 study illustrates this point very well. They took two groups of workers that were asked to examine medical images. One group was told that the images contained cancer cells. This group spent more time on the task and executed better quality work than the control group who were not given any context for their assignment. Conveying the importance and rationale of your business’s purpose helps your team to feel that their work has meaning. Your company's cultural purpose, values and mission statement play a much more powerful role than you think. Reinforcing cultural values that resonate with your team members on a personal level directly impacts on their motivation levels and energises them to perform better in the workplace.
5. Less stress - Company culture is one of the prevailing causes of stress, according to almost half of senior HR professionals surveyed in an influential poll carried out by insurer, MetLife. They report that 45 per cent of HR professionals believed their organisational culture caused stress and mental health issues. However, they also stated that a ‘caring and inclusive’ culture boosted employees’ health, morale and work performance generally. At this time, which has been particularly stressful for the majority of people, a calm and harmonious workplace is what we all need.
Grow and Flourish The most important thing to deliberate is how to agree and define the core values of your business. It is these values that are the ‘roots of the tree’ that anchor it to the ground particularly in times of adversity. Every tree is unique and so is every business. Strong core values, properly defined, allow a company to create alignment within its team but also stand out from its competition. It is also about defining your business’s purpose, that is, why you do what you do. It is the passion around the ‘why’ that your people will connect with and motivate them to come to work enthused and excited. The ‘why’ should be at the core of your business like the trunk is the mainstay of a tree. If your company’s values and purpose are solidly rooted, your company will grow, flourish and withstand the greatest of storms.
I hope you have all enjoyed reading this leadership article. If there is anything I can help you with…… personal coaching, remote training or just a quick word of advice, I’m happy to help. Contact me on info@pmp-consulting.co.uk