The Bismarck House in Bondi is the younger sibling of a pair of semi-detached dwellings developed by Bill Clifton and William Dangar, the partners of Robert Plumb Build. Andrew Burges Architects was engaged to design the house in response to the already proposed plans for the property next door. The brief for Bismarck House was a flexible home that could be used as a holiday rental or future city property if the clients moved out of Sydney. The design was to be experimental and original in nature, showcasing Robert Plumb’s building capacity, and the garden by William’s landscape company Dangar Barin Smith. The facade of the semi-detached house and the original front room were retained in the project, and adjoined by a contemporary concrete, glass, steel and metal mesh building. Recycled materials were used wherever possible, with all bricks from the demolished portion of the home recovered and cleaned on site. Andrew Burges’ design enlivens the public realm by orchestrating potential for social engagement between the more public areas of the house and the laneway running along the northern boundary.
“This home is a winner on its long street edgewhen you look closely there is much to enjoy. The power of an eccentric and beautiful garden is supported so well by the architecture.” – Rachel Nolan
Photography: Caitlin Mills / Tess Kelly / Christopher Frederick Jones / Dave Kulesza / Peter Bennetts / Dianna Snape / Kristoffer Paulsen / Derek Swalwell / Sharyn Cairns / Tom Ferguson / Katherine Lu / Rory Gardiner / Paul Hermes