Moving on: supporting UNISON members facing redundancy

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Moving on Supporting UNISON members facing redundancy

Photograph: Jess Hurd/

Supporting UNISON members facing redundancy OVERVIEW When an organisation undertakes a redundancy programme, UNISON learning reps can run this course, or pick and choose activities from it, to help members put themselves in the best position to find new work that will meet their needs. In addition, these exercises and activities are also designed to help members develop the skills to enable them to take on new roles in their organisations after the kind of restructuring process which might be negotiated as an alternative to compulsory redundancies. ULRs can also set up, run and support informal learning activities that will equip members with the lobbying and campaigning skills to take part in the union’s Million Voices campaign, which is making the case at a national, regional and local community level for properly-funded, publiclyprovided local services.

Who’s the target audience? Anyone who is in the process of change, be that through redundancy, retirement or a change of career. Who can run the course? Anyone who has experience presentation skills and is used to speaking to a group of people eg, ULRs, union reps, lay tutors. What materials do you need? Paper and pens, flipchart and pens, photocopied job advertisements from newspapers/websites as indicated, sample forms as indicated. What sort of venue do you need? Any decent sized room set out in horseshoe style with tutor at the front alongside flipchart. This online publication is based on a pack produced by Ricky Hopkins for UNISON:

Module 1: Next steps looking for work A STEP BY STEP GUIDE

7 Finish the exercise by asking what participants have learned from the activity.

Exercise 1.1: Looking for a job Aim: focus and motivate the participants by raising awareness of the wide range of sources of information on job vacancies and their various advantages and disadvantages. Timing: approx. 60 minutes 1 Before participants arrive, draw up a three-column grid on a flipchart with the headings ‘Where to look’, ‘Advantages’ and ‘Disadvantages’. 2 When the participants have all arrived, spend five minutes introducing the exercise. Point out that the employment market may have changed considerably since they last looked for work and mention (without going into specifics) that there is a wide range of places where people can find out information on job opportunities. Explain that the object of the exercise is to develop a comprehensive list of places to go for information on job opportunities with their pluses and minuses. 3 Divide the room into pairs or groups of up to four people. Make sure everyone has some paper and a pen. 4 Explain that they have 20 minutes to think of all the different places they could look for information on job opportunities. 5 At the end of 20 minutes, bring everyone back together and invite each pair or small group to contribute an idea to the list you will be compiling on the flipchart. 6 When the list is complete, invite each pair or group to suggest one advantage and one disadvantage for every item on the list (there may be more than one). You should aim to end up with something like table 1 on the next page.

Exercise 1.2: understanding job adverts Aim: show participants the difference between a job description and a person specification and help them identify which elements of a person specification are essential and which desirable. Timing: approx. 30 minutes 1 This activity is best done in pairs, but can be done in small groups if the class is a large one and the facilitator is good at drawing out peoples skills. 2 Circulate photocopies of job adverts taken from recent newspapers/websites. 3 Explain the difference between a job description, which sets out the duties involved in a particular job, and a person specification, which sets out what qualifications and experience an employer needs someone to have to do the job. Explain the difference between what is ‘essential’ (things you must have) and what is ‘desirable’ (extra things they would like that would give someone an advantage over others who don’t have them). 4 Ensure that all pairs/groups have flipchart pens or pens and blank A4 paper. 5 Allow about 20 minutes for them to develop the list and give encouragement by moving around the groups supporting them with positive comments. 6 Ask each pair/group to share what they wrote for 3 (a)-(d). 7 Write the responses on the flipchart visible to the whole group.

Exercise 1.1: Table 1

Where to look



National newspapers

Wide coverage

Not local Requires basic literacy skills Cost of purchase

Local newspapers

Relevant to local area Easy to find

May not have wide variety of jobs Requires basic literacy skills

Specialist journals

Specific jobs Wide coverage

Not always available


Lots of information Job search functions

Too much information Requires basic literacy/IT skills

Shop windows

Local information

Infrequently updated

Jobcentre Plus

Staff expertise Benefits advice

Some ICT skills needed Impersonal


Wide range of jobs

Low pay Shift work No guarantees May cost to register

Word of mouth

Reliable information Massive source of jobs

People must know you’re looking for work

Module 2: Application forms Exercise 2.1: identifying your skills Aim: help participants identify all the skills they have acquired from all parts of their life – work, home, voluntary work and hobbies. Timing: approx. 15 minutes 1 This is a quick activity to get the participants to analyse what skills they have and how they are transferable from one part of their life (eg, home) to another (eg, work).

Exercise 2.2: positive speaking 1 Aim: show participants that how they say something is just as important as what they say. Timing: approx. 15 minutes 1 Ask the participants to briefly read and analyse the two statements and report back what they think are the key differences between them. 2 You are looking for positive and negative differences and additionally gender as 70 per cent of people consider the person in the description is female (because of the reference to childcare).

Exercise 2.3: positive speaking 2 Aim: show participants how they can translate negative statements about work into positive statements. Timing: approx. 15 minutes 1 Explain that it is important to write about yourself in a positive manner when applying for jobs and how by using certain words you can do this easily.

2 Suggested answers: (a) Given responsibility for some staff induction. (b) Organised stock control and purchase. (c) Versatile and experienced in all areas within the company. (d) Created the company’s filing system and organised staff training for its use. (e) Controlled and kept audited records of Playgroup accounts, including petty cash. I feel this experience directly relates to the tasks in your job description. (f) I was encouraged to take on the responsibility of my work unsupervised.

Exercise 2.4: preparing to fill in application forms Aim: show the participants how they can gather all the information they need before they start filling in an application form. Timing: approx. 30 minutes 1 Explain how it’s essential to get together all the information you’ll need before filling in an application form. Explain that the object of the exercise is to complete two key forms – one listing education and qualifications and the other listing work experience – so that participants will have all the key information they need before they put pen to paper. 2 Hand out the form headed ‘Education and qualifications’. Give participants about 15 minutes to complete it. 3 Hand out the form headed ‘Employment history’. Give participants about 15 minutes to complete it.

Exercise 2.5: filling in application forms

Exercise 2.6: Good and bad application forms

Aim: show participants some of the key elements involved in effectively completing application forms Timing: approx. 60 minutes

Aim: help participants sharpen their application form-filling by examining good and bad forms from the viewpoint of prospective employers Timing: approx. 30 minutes

1 Hand out the sample form headed ‘Application form’ along with the exercise handout. 2 Work through the four points on the handout first. Emphasise how important it is for participants to show they can follow instructions by looking out for any instructions in the form. If you use green or red ink and write in normal handwriting when it says use black ink and write in block capitals, you are likely to be rejected straight away because an employer will think you can’t follow instructions. More than one major employer has given this as the main reason for rejecting candidates at the short-listing stage. 3 Point out that participants can use the forms they completed in Exercise 6 to help them fill in the sections on education and employment. 4 You could (if you have time) invite participants to suggest some negative reasons for leaving a job to write on the flipchart and then ask for suggestions about positive alternatives. 5 Point out that while the sample form includes a section headed ‘Additional information’ other forms might have similar sections with more specific questions such as, ‘Please tell us about any experience you feel is relevant to the post/job’ or, ‘Please tell us what you see as the main challenges of the job’. Whichever it is, make sure that they answer what they have been asked. 6 Give participants about 30 minutes to complete their form. 7 Finish off the exercise by inviting participants to share their thoughts and feelings about filling in the form.

1 Divide the participants into pairs and issue them with the completed application forms for this exercise. 2 Ask them to highlight what they think is good and what they think is bad and make a note of their reasons. 3 Introduce the shortlist form and show them how to fill it in. 4 Invite the pairs to discuss who should get the job and make a joint decision. 5 Back in the whole group, divide a flipchart page into two columns headed ‘Good’ and ‘Bad” and ask participants to contribute to the lists from the evaluation of the completed forms. 6 Invite the group to offer examples of what they have learnt from evaluating the forms from the viewpoint of a prospective employer.

Module 3: CVs and letters of application Exercise 3.1: Top tips for writing your CV Aim: share eight key points about CV writing with participants Timing: 15 minutes 1 This is a whole group exercise. 2 Take participants through points 1-8.

Exercise 3.2: Choosing your CV format Aim: introduce participants to the major CV formats Timing: approx. 30 minutes 1 Divide the group into pairs and introduce the object of the exercise: choosing your CV format. 2 Introduce the three main different approaches to writing CVs: • chronological • functional • targeted. 3 Take participants through the definition of a chronological CV on the handout. Explain how it works well if: • you want to emphasise your employment; • you want a general information based CV which can be used for any application; • you have never worked but have excellent qualifications, which can be listed in detail.

4 Move on to the functional CV which is useful if: • you have had a variety of unconnected jobs from which you have gained different kinds of experience, all of which are selling points to potential employers; • you have limited paid work experience, but have done voluntary work or worked in the home, which would be difficult to express in a chronological CV; • you have very general skill areas. 5 Move on to the targeted CV – which is for anyone who is applying for a particular job and wishes to emphasise specific skills that relate directly to that job. A targeted CV can be altered to relate to each job you apply for and will give an employer only the relevant information required for that particular job. This is useful if: • you have a great deal of experience in one particular field with a number of different employers; • you want to emphasise particular aspects of your work experience and qualifications, which relate to a particular job. 6 Issue participants with the sample CVs and ask them to read them all through to decide which format they fit. 7 Discuss their assessments and check that everyone has decided which approach they are going to follow on their individual CV.

Exercise 3.3: Writing your own personal profile

Exercise 3.4: Selling your skills (targeted and functional CVs)

Aim: Show participants how to construct a personal profile Timing: approx. 30 minutes

Aim: generate a comprehensive list of your skills Timing: approx. 30 minutes

1 Explain that a profile can be a useful way of flagging an interest and skills for a particular career on your CV, particularly if you have no relevant degree or work experience to give your CV focus. A profile is only part of a CV. Show this sample profile: A motivated, adaptable and responsible graduate seeking an entry-level position in public relations which will utilise the organisational and communication skills developed through my involvement with Kent Rag and promotional work during vacations. During my degree I successfully combined my studies with work and other commitments showing myself to be self-motivated, organised and capable of working under pressure. I have a clear, logical mind with a practical approach to problem solving and a drive to see things through to completion. I enjoy working on my own initiative or in a team. In short, I am reliable, trustworthy, hardworking and eager to learn and have a genuine interest in PR. 2 Invite participants to make a list of words which best describes them at work (eg, flexible, quick to learn). 3 Invite participants to make a list of specifics about their skills and experience. 4 Show them how to fit them together into a short paragraph which gives a “pen picture” of themselves.

1 If participants have already generated a list of their skills by doing Exercise 3, ask them to refer to the list and invite them to consider whether or not they now think it’s comprehensive. If they haven’t done Exercise 3, simply start this exercise at step 2. 2 Using the flipchart, show participants how to divide a sheet of paper into two columns headed ‘Tasks’ and ‘Skills’. 3 Give participants 15 minutes to list the major tasks involved in their most recent job and then translate each task into a particular skill. If participants have already done Exercise 5, translating negative statements about work into positive statements, point out that you’re asking them to do something similar: this time translating neutral phrases about work tasks into positive statements about work skills. 4 Once they’ve finished, invite participants to ask for help from the whole group with any ‘tasks’ they found difficult to translate into ‘skills’.

Exercise 3.5: Completing your CV

Exercise 3.6: Letters to sell your skills

Aim: use the material generated in previous exercises to complete a CV Timing: approx. 45 minutes

Aim: show participants how to write a good letter to sell their skills Timing: approx. 30 minutes

1 Hand out the sample CVs and take a few minutes to go through the notes accompanying each section 2 Make sure participants have to hand the profile they composed in Exercise 10, the list of skills generated in Exercise 11 and the ‘education and qualifications’ and ‘employment history’ forms they completed in Exercise 6. 3 Give them around 20 minutes to use all this material to complete their own CV. 4 Give participants another 10 minutes to compete the ‘Hobbies and interests’ and ‘Additional information’ sections.

1 Letters to sell your skills accompany application forms which don’t provide additional information or to go with your CV. A good covering letter will cover any problem areas and complex issues and explain them – thus making the CV more likely to be read. 2 Explain how they tell the reader why you want the job, why they should interview you, and that you are available. A good covering letter will make the impression that your CV is a good one, and that you are therefore an excellent candidate. It allows you the room to explain anything that isn't obvious or needs clarification. 3 Suggest that if the CV is a sales pitch for yourself, the covering letter is a sales pitch for the CV. The CV is a tool to get you an interview, and the covering letter a tool to get the CV noticed for the right reasons. Preparing a good, personalised covering letter takes time, but it is a worthwhile investment. 4 Hand out the sample letter from L. Matthews. 5 Invite participants to identify five key strengths in the letter. 6 Give participants 15 minutes to write a letter of their own to sell their skills

Exercise 3.7: Speculative letters Aim: show participants how to write a good speculative letter Timing: approx. 30 minutes 1 Explain how you can make speculative applications to employers in your field: it can be frustrating, with a relatively low response rate, but if you do find an employer with a vacancy, there will usually be less competition. The employer may also keep your CV on file until an appropriate job comes up. 2 It is important with speculative letters to give the impression that you are only writing to one particular company: this makes an employer think that you have singled them out as the one you want to work for. So do not address the letter to the Personnel Manager or Human Resources Manager; find out the name of the person and their correct job title by searching online or ringing the company directly. 3 Try to keep it to the point by only including the skills that the employer would be looking for. Remember you are also sending your CV, so the employer can find all the other information about you from that. 4 Give some really positive reasons why you would like to work for the company or employer. Remember that you are trying to show that you are worth being considered for a job. 5 Distribute copies of the covering letter from Jane Wilson. 6 Invite participants to identify five key strengths of the approach. 7 Give participants 15 minutes to write a speculative letter of their own.

Module 4: Job interviews Exercise 4.1: Be prepared Aim: help participants prepare before an interview Timing: approx. 15 minutes 1 Use the example of going on a holiday to refer to how we always make sure we have the essential items, money, luggage, passport, and tickets because planning is an essential part of enjoying an holiday: we should apply the same thinking when preparing for an interview. 2 Go through each of the three major questions and ask each pair or group to make a list up of what could go wrong in each case. 3 Invite each pair to develop an action plan for making sure that what could go wrong doesn’t happen. 4 Make sure participants consider these points under the heading ‘How will I get there?’ • Make sure you know where you have to be and how you will travel there. • If you can, do a trial run to see how long it will take. • Arrive in plenty of time. 5 Make sure participants consider these points under the heading ‘What will I wear?’ • Decide what you will wear well in advance. You need to look and feel good. Even if you know that every-one wears jeans to work there, don’t do it for the interview – put on something smarter. • Choose something suitable but comfortable. • Make sure your outfit is clean and it fits you. • Avoid very high heels if possible. • Have you got the shoe polish you need?

6 Make sure participants consider these points under the heading ‘Do I know all I need to know about the job?’ • Find out all you can about the employer • Are they involved in any special projects? • What will the job involve? • Telephone the employer contact if you need more information. • Prepare for possible questions. • Don’t forget your person specification information.

Exercise 4.2: Making sure you always have something to say Aim: help participants think about what they might be asked in advance Timing: approx 30 minutes 1 Invite participants to make a list of five questions they might well be asked at an interview for a job they might be interested in applying for. 2 Give them five minutes each to write a one or two-sentence answer to each question.

Exercise 4.3: Listen carefully

Exercise 4.4: Preparing your answers

Aim: show participants how to structure their answer to a key question Timing: approx. 20 minutes 1 Divide the group into pairs: explain they will each get to role play the interviewer and the interviewee. 2 Explain that the aim of the exercise is to have an answer prepared to the standard interview question: “Give me an example of when you solved a problem which had a successful outcome”. 3 Explain how the answer should be broken into three parts: (a) setting the scene (b) describing the problem (c) describing the successful outcome 4 Explain that the interviewer should allocated one to five points to each part of the answer. 5 When the pairs have swapped and completed the exercise you could offer this 15-point example: “I was working on the tills in B&Q in December 2010 when a customer came in asking for an item that was out of stock. • I asked him specifically what he wanted the item for and sourced an alternative for him that was at a lower price than the original item. • I was thanked by him and he left a satisfied customer more likely to return in the future.” You should also point out obvious pitfalls eg, when the question asks when you solved a problem, you score no points if you answer with “We asked him what he wanted …”

Aim: help participants ensure their mind doesn’t go blank in an interview Timing: approx. 30 minutes 1 Divide the group into pairs and distribute copies of the exercise handout. Point out where the list of questions corresponds with any questions participants prepared for in Exercise 17. 2 Invite participants to alternate the roles of interviewer and interviewee and work their way through the list of questions, using the notes to guide their responses.

Exercise 4.5: Ten top tips for interviews Aim: convey how participants should conduct themselves in a job interview Timing: approx 15 minutes 1 Take participants through the ten tips.

Exercise 1.1 Where to look for information about job vacancies 1 Working in pairs (or a small group), make a list of all the ways you can think of to find out about job vacancies. 2 For each item in your list, make a note of its advantages and disadvantages. For example, national newspaper advertising covers a large area (advantage) but requires basic literacy skills to access (disadvantage). 3 Working with the facilitator, compile a comprehensive list of employment opportunities information on a flipchart. Include the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Exercise 1.2 Understanding job adverts 1 Look at one of the job adverts in the handouts. 2 Make a list of what duties and responsibilities you think would be included in the job description. 3 Draw up an outline possible person specification using the following four headings: (a) qualifications (certificates a successful applicant would be expected to have); (b) experience (experience of the particular type of work); (c) skills (including skills people may have developed outside work) (d) personal qualities. 4 Divide the entries into two lists: ‘essential’ and ‘desirable’.

Exercise 2.1 Identifying your skills 1 Divide a sheet of paper into five columns headed: • at home • at work • voluntary work • hobbies and interests • any others. 2 Think about all the skills you have in the different areas of your life, and list them under the heading which fits best. 3 What job skills did you identify that you did not develop at work?

Exercise 2.2 Positive speaking 1 1 Look at these two statements: (a) “Spent 10 years at home with the children and now I want a change.” (b) “Decided to take a 10 year-break from paid employment to support my children in their early years. Now they are independent the time is right for a new challenge.” 2 How do you think the two writers feel about what they have done for the past 10 years? 3 Why do you think this?

Exercise 2.3 Positive speaking 2 1 Look at this list of positive words: achieved assessed capable competent communicated consistent controlled co-ordinated

created designed developed directed economical effective efficient established

expanded guided implemented improved initiated knowledge managed monitored

organised participated positive productive resourceful responsible specialised successful

supervised trained varied versatile

2 Using words from the list, rewrite these statements in positive versions: (a) Was asked to show new staff how to do the work. (b) Had to keep an eye on what stock was needed and place new orders when we were running low. (c) The boss always asked me to fill in for people from other departments when they were short. (d) I had to sort out the filing system and then show others how to use it. (e) Used to do the books for the local playgroup. What you want is probably similar. (f) The boss would often leave me to work by myself all day. 3 What do you feel about the differences between the original statements and the rewritten versions?

Exercise 2.4 Preparing to fill in an application form 1 Fill in the form headed ‘Education and qualifications’. 2 Highlight any details you need to identify later. 3 Fill in the form headed ‘Employment history’. 4 Highlight any details you need to identify later.

Sample form Exercise 2.4 Education and qualifications Date





Sample form Exercise 2.4 Employment history Dates



Job title


Exercise 2.5 Completing a sample application form 1 Read through the whole of the sample application form. Make a mental note of any instructions. Does it ask for any or all sections to be completed in a particular colour? In block capitals? Does it want your employment history in chronological order (most recent last) or reverse chronological order (most recent first)? 2 Apart from the information in your ‘Education and qualifications’ and ‘Employment history’ forms you completed in Exercise 6, do you need to have any more information to hand before you start completing the form? Do you know your National Insurance number? 3 When you draft your reasons for leaving, remember to be positive, not negative. No employer is likely to want to interview someone who writes: ‘Didn’t get on with my boss’. Say something more positive, such as: ‘Wanted to gain wider experience.’ 4 Don’t leave ‘additional information’ blank: this space is a chance to sell yourself, so make sure you include all the experience and skills you have that relate to the job, including any gained from hobbies and voluntary work as well as previous work experience.

Sample form Exercise 2.5 Application for employment (1)


Please type or write your answers in BLACK ink and continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

Post applied for

Reference number



First names

Home telephone

Date of birth


Business telephone


Postcode SECONDARY AND HIGHER EDUCATION Dates (month/year) School, College or University

Examinations taken


Application for employment (2) TECHNICAL, PROFESSIONAL OR OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING Dates (month/year) School, Institute or Employer


Qualifications (if applicable)

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY in reverse chronological order, please Dates (month/year) Name and address of employer

Position held

Final salary and reason for leaving

Application for employment (3) EXPERIENCE Describe briefly the nature of your present position as well as any held previously that you consider relevant to this application.

Application for employment (4) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please use this space to give any information you feel is relevant but is not covered elsewhere.

REFEREES Name and address

Name and address



Are we able to approach your referees without contacting you first? Yes / No



Exercise 2.6 Good and bad application forms 1 Read through the four completed application forms and mark the areas that you think are good and bad with your reasons. 2 Use the shortlist form to make your formal evaluation. 3 Based on your evaluation of the forms, discuss with your workshop partner who should get the job and make a joint decision. 4 Based on evaluating the forms and making your decision, discuss what you have learnt that you could use the next time you fill in an application form of your own.

Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (1a) County Borough Counc n Assis Job Title: Administratio Shortlist Form P Number: E/03244/CD Criteria Scoring Guide


Does not meet criteria






scores can be used)

Hayley Hawkes



John Jenkins



Jayne Jones

Practical knowledge of IT systems Experience of office environment and ability to work in a team Familiarity with admin processes and systems Good organisational skills Ability to communicate clearly and effectively

1a 1

Marie Morgan

Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (1b) CONFIDENTIAL Please complete all sec

tions and write clearly


PERSONAL DETAILS (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) Marie First Name(s):

Morgan Surname: Home Address:

Postcode: Work:

: Telephone Nos: Home Email Address: : National Insurance No : Kin of xt Ne Address:




rsity School/College/Unive



ol ff Comprehensive Scho

Membership of Profes

sional Institutes, As

Training & Developme

sociations etc:

nt activity in last 2 yea


10 - ECDL Bridgend College – 20



Qualifications Obtained (inc. grades) ‘O’ Level Art – C CSE Mathematics - 1 Domestic Science – 3 English – 3 History - 3 Geography – 3

Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (1c) PRESENT EMPLOYME


Post held/Job title: employer: Names and address of

Period of notice: Date commenced: ÂŁ ary: Current annual basic sal car, fees etc) (eg ue val ate xim pro Other benefits and ap


Name of Employer


Dudley Engineering


Wirral Construction Ltd

1991-2000 1981-1986

Shoefayre LTd FineFare Ltd


Post Held

Reason for Leaving

Accounts Assistant


Admin/Accounts Asst

Moved house

Sales Assistant Cashier/Till work



Disagreement with new manager Pregnancy

Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (1d) SKILLS AND EXPERI


explain how they match erience to date, and to lities, and your work exp tion. abi lica and app ls r skil you r for you e (s) crib reason You are invited to des for. Please state the g lyin app are you t pos the requirements of the

Keen, en

and reliable, with go thusiastic, hardworking

od time keeping and go

od attendance record

velop new skills. and is very keen to de ts en nm viro en of iety well in a var of employment. Works An ponsibility as needed. n initiative, takes on res ow on as ll we as m Works well within a tea excellent communicato

r and time manager.

rrently attending an I.T have two children. Cu d an d rrie ma , ker mo I am a non-s and Accounts. tions in Book Keeping Collage. Have qualifica



. course at Bridgend

Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (1e) OUTSIDE INTEREST



Please give details employer)

approach for refe of two people we could

uld include your presen


Name: Designation: Address:

Name: Designation: Address:

Telephone: Email:

Telephone: Email: Note:

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Do you hold a full driv

ing licence?

ABILITY TO DRIVEown or have access to a vehicle YES/NO Do you



Please indicate you

er than English r ability in languages oth

Degree of fluency




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Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (2a) CONFIDENTIAL Please complete all sec

tions and write clearly


PERSONAL DETAILS (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) John First Name(s):

Jenkins Surname: Home Address:

Postcode: Work:

: Telephone Nos: Home Email Address: : National Insurance No : Kin of Next Address:




rsity School/College/Unive

1990 GCSE

sive Porthcawl Comprehen

Membership of Profes

sional Institutes, As

Training & Developme

sociations etc:

nt activity in last 2 yea




Qualifications Obtained (inc. grades) MATHS - C ENGLISH – E COMPUTERS – C P.E. – D HISTORY – D CHEMISTRY – F MUSIC – F GEOGRAPHY - E

Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (2b) PRESENT EMPLOYME Post held/Job title: employer: Names and address of



Period of notice: Date commenced: £ ary: Current annual basic sal car, fees etc) (eg ue val ate xim pro ap Other benefits and


Name of Employer



2007-08 2005-07 2000-05 1995-2000


Post Held

Reason for Leaving







Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (2c) SKILLS AND EXPERI


explain how they match erience to date, and to lities, and your work exp tion. abi lica and app ls r skil you r for you e (s) crib Please state the reason You are invited to des t you are applying for. pos the of nts me uire the req





















Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (2d) OUTSIDE INTEREST





REFERENCES ple we could approa give details of two peo

of these should inc ch for references (one

lude your present

Please employer)

Name: Designation: Address:

Name: Designation: Address:

Telephone: Email:

Telephone: Email: Note:

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Do you hold a full driv

ing licence?

ABILITY TO DRIVEown or have access to a vehicle YES/NO Do you


LANGUAGES Please ind

guages other than icate your ability in lan


Degree of fluency




ES ers CRIMINAL OFFENC Rehabilitation of Offend g for is covered by the

are NOT entitled post you are applyin 6. This means that you of the work involved, the Amendment Order 198 ted as ‘spent’. s) Because of the nature trea tion be cep ise (Ex erw and oth 5 ht Order 197 d over orders which mig bin or Act 1974 (Exceptions) s tion cau s, ion about convict to withhold information inal offence? YES/NO r in respect of a crim , caution or bind ove tion vic con a ed er. eiv lett Have you ever rec details in a covering Criminal Records YES, please provide full a Disclosure from the If you have answered be required to apply for will you l, sfu ces . suc is ployment Note: If your application essarily be a bar to em inal record will not nec Bureau. Having a crim


YES/NO Council? ……………. llor or employee of the ………………………… nci …… Cou a …… to …… ted rela …… : yee plo Are you /em illor unc Co the name of If YES, please give the WHERE DID YOU SE



canvassed, either is correct. I have not tion in this application rma tand that info ers the und I . dge tion wle lica t of my kno connection with this app in il I declare that to the bes missal, if unc dis Co to the le of liab cer me Member or offi ncil, g information renders directly or indirectly a viding false or misleadin be processed by the Cou pro to or tion tion lica rma app info this t in ed tain con tion withholding relevan rma info e my consent for the Act 1998. employed. I hereby giv of the Data Protection ance with the principles ord acc in d, uire req as Date: Signed:



Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (3a) CONFIDENTIAL Please complete all sec

tions and write clearly


PERSONAL DETAILS (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) Hayley First Name(s):

Hawkes Surname: ss: dre Home Ad

Postcode: Work:

: Telephone Nos: Home ss: Email Addre : National Insurance No Next of Kin: Address:




rsity School/College/Unive Port Talbot Comprehen

1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 2000 2003 2004

sive School

Swansea FE College

Membership of Profes

sional Institutes, As

Training & Developme

d (inc. Qualifications Obtaine grades) GCSE h Englis Language - C English Literature – D German – C Art – B Double Science – CD Welsh – D History – E n Technology - D atio orm Inf NVQ Business Admin

sociations etc:

nt activity in last 2 yea

First Aid at Work – 20



– 20 08; Customer Service

08; ECDL - 2010



sing III OCR RSA Text Proces sing II ces Pro OCR RSA Word

Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (3b) PRESENT EMPLOYME


FICER TRAINING ADMIN OF Post held/Job title: employer: Names and address of ff Llanwern Road, Cardi cy, en Ag g inin Cardiff Tra eks Period of notice: 4 we 2005 - present Date commenced: ary: ÂŁ 15,500 s etc) Current annual basic sal ximate value (eg car, fee pro ap Other benefits and


Name of Employer


Cross Hands Surgery

2001-2003 2000-2001

e Newport Health Centr e tat Es es Henry Jam Agents


Post Held Admin Officer/ Receptionist Administration Assistant Admin Assistant/ Trainee



Reason for Leaving Offer of a more challenging role with greater responsibility Offered a more responsible role Offered a better job with wider variety of experiences

Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (3c) SKILLS AND EXPERI


how to date, and to explain your work experience your application. r skills and abilities, and for you (s) e son crib rea des to the te ited You are inv for. Please sta post you are applying the requirements of the am

they match

confident position as I decided to apply for this ve ha I this on t ipti tha scr see de job . I can Having read through the cation to a high standard ople g required in the specifi the council and the pe fit ne be l wil d an ce en that I can fulfil everythin eri exp d an lls ski my to utilise position will allow me . ed olv inv a hough my position is as training organisation. Alt w a ho t for jus g t no rkin , wo job e, rol the ilar rything involved in eve rn I currently work in a sim lea d an d r’ de late lad packs, col ‘work up the icer I created delegate manager, I have had to d attendance on rs as Administration Off cke yea tra my d g an rin ns Du r. ctio ge tru na ins to be a ma okings, sent joining bo ate leg de red iste course material, reg on a daily basis. completion of courses mainly consist of: These days my duties g praisals and interviewin • Staff management: i.e. Conducting staff ap s, ue iss R n/H atio leg o Task de t may arise s/any other issues tha prospective employee • Quality Assurance d producing reports etings, minute taking an • Attending client me s ion ibit Excel ors at company exh • Assisting the Direct icators) using Microsoft Ind ce an rm rfo Pe y (Ke I’s KP ly nth • Produce mo ment rpoint • Client File Manage Word, Excel and Powe matting using Microsoft for ial • Course mater via l i.e. flights, trains, etc • Tutor Management: nt/Accommodation/Trave me ge na Ma s rie Dia ial/ o Course mater internet and phone. ary stock management tion • Sta l plies/budgetary contro o Checking stock sup ts al duties en dm en d am ks other than my norm • Website updates an ed to fulfil different tas ask a en of be rt pa ve ha ive I ect es eff rol ing an In my current and past challenges. I enjoy be m to ally undertaken these ible in order for the tea flex be to ed ne and have enthusiastic ers mb me m tea t tha d an rst de successful team and un tly. meet its goals consisten ns. I am s NVQ III in IT Applicatio currently working toward ctions I Se am t. d en an s nm ter viro pu en g com useful in a workin y I am confident using ver be to rnt ive lea ect ve k and Eff wledge I ha expert, Microsoft Outloo already finding the kno Microsoft Word & Excel are far so ted ple com have tion. Business Communica



Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (3d) to be able to converse rt of my jobs and I have pa key ector a en be ays has alw ff up to and including Dir Communication is and ing e variety people and sta sur wid a en h m, wit tea lly na my of sio fes ively with members ect and communicate pro eff ate d to nic ate mu leg com de I am able to ks that I have level on a daily basis. accurately carry out tas to le lt ab icu are diff y p the t kee to tha d ility that I am understood an tomers and have the ab dealing with difficult cus times. all at l na sio fes pro them. I am confident at d polite, understanding an situations calm by being adly aware of the part of my role. I am bro t an ort tiimp an tly ren lity is cur l Opportunities and an Maintaining confidentia Acts and embrace Equa tion tec Pro ta Da d an n Freedom of Informatio discrimination practice. my current and ively and accurately, as ect eff s ure ced pro d ing procedures to g to policies an the importance of follow I am familiar with workin te cia pre ap o als I . uired this g practice. previous roles have req d to standardise workin undertaken correctly an are ks tas t tha e sur en under pressure. ual who doesn’t panic ivid ind g kin thin arcle d m an I am a methodical, cal office junior to currently m my progress from an fro nt me mit myself com d an drive evant skills by applying I have evidence of good ough improving my rel thr this ne do ve rk. ha d being a manager an via the experience of wo oping my practical skills academically and devel and outside of the ationships, both inside rel od go s ha o wh n stworthy perso courages others. I am an honest and tru timistic person who en op d an nt fide con a I am working environment.


I enjoy going to the


reading and socialisin gym, running, walking,


Please give details employer)

(one of the approach for references of two people we could

se should include you

r present

Name: Designation: Address:

Name: Designation: Address:

Telephone: Email:

Telephone: Email: Note:


ncil taking up e no objection to the Cou assumed that you hav if be yer will plo it em y, t las trar or con , to the employer Unless you state here be from your present One reference should ly. ate edi imm ces referen unemployed)

Do you hold a full driv

ing licence?

ABILITY TO DRIVEown or have access to a vehicle YES/NO Do you




Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (3e) LANGUAGES

Please indicate

other than English your ability in languages

Degree of fluency




ES ers CRIMINAL OFFENC Rehabilitation of Offend g for is covered by the

NOT entitled post you are applyin s means that you are of the work involved, the ment Order 1986. Thi end as ‘spent’. Am ted s) Because of the nature trea tion be cep ise (Ex erw ht oth Order 1975 and over orders which mig d bin or Act 1974 (Exceptions) s tion cau s, about conviction to withhold information ence? YES/NO pect of a criminal off tion or bind over in res cau , tion vic con a ed er. Have you ever receiv details in a covering lett minal Records Disclosure from the Cri YES, please provide full If you have answered required to apply for a be will you l, sfu ces is suc ployment. Note: If your application essarily be a bar to em inal record will not nec Bureau. Having a crim


RE YES/NO ncil? ………. or employee of the Cou ………………………… llor nci Cou a to ted ………………………… : yee plo Are you rela /em illor unc name of the Co If YES, please give the WHERE DID YOU SE



, either t. I have not canvassed this application is correc in t tion tha d rma tan info ers the und I . t of my knowledge with this application I declare that to the bes Council in connection liable to dismissal, if Member or officer of the information renders me ncil, g din lea mis or directly or indirectly a e fals ing processed by the Cou vid be pro to or tion tion lica rma app withholding relevant info rmation contained in this info the for t sen con 8. my e Act 199 employed. I hereby giv of the Data Protection ance with the principles as required, in accord Date: Signed:



Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (4a) CONFIDENTIAL Please complete all sec

tions and write clearly


PERSONAL DETAILS (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) Jayne First Name(s):

Jones Surname: ss: dre Ad Home

Postcode: Work:

: Telephone Nos: Home ss: dre Ad Email : National Insurance No : Next of Kin Address:







Neath Comprehensive

1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987 1987


2000 2001 2005

Neath College

Membership of Profes

sional Institutes, As

Training & Developme

ECDL siness Admin Bu II Q NV NVQ III Business Admin

sociations etc:

nt activity in last 2 yea

rk – 200 Health & Safety at Wo

d (inc. Qualifications Obtaine grades) GCSE uage - C ng La h Englis English Literature – C Textiles – B Art – B Biology – D Maths – D -D Information Technology


8; Taking Minutes at Me

etings – 2008; Confid



ence at Work - 2009

Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (4b) PRESENT EMPLOYME


rtment of Art & Design Office Manager – Depa : title ob ld/J he Post employer: Names and address of ath Ne e, lleg Neath Co eks Period of notice: 4 we 2003 - present Date commenced: ary: £ 16,000 s etc) Current annual basic sal ximate value (eg car, fee pro ap Other benefits and

EMPLOYMENT HIST From/To 1990-2003

Post Held

Name of Employer Neath College


Admin Assistant



Reason for Leaving Promotion to more responsibility with the same employer.

Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (4c) SKILLS AND EXPERI


how to date, and to explain your work experience your application. r skills and abilities, and for you e (s) crib son des rea to the ited te You are inv for. Please sta post you are applying the requirements of the

they match

istrative experience in the admin individual with 20 years and g ing sin nd pri ter ma en de d s an iou d been gained in var I am a self-motivate ve ha ces en eri exp e extensiv and education field. My nments. viro en rk wo g gin llen cha lude responsibilities that inc nment. I have various viro ations en nic sy mu bu y com l ver t ba bu all rses using both ver cou g I currently work in a sm inin tra out up gh ou ting thr set phone queries course needs, dealing with lecturers d deal with various tele an s line ad de t tigh y to ver and IT systems. I work y. da the ntify tion to detail, I can ide and pay particular atten ask rk to wo aid my afr to t no ach am pro d ap an al when appropriate ure I have a very methodic ced pro t ter rec pu cor se. I am com implement the manding situations ari problems quickly and help if any difficult or de for use email everyday o ers als I mb ns. me m atio tea plic one of my Office software ap oft ros Mic all student enrolment h wit the t ten I also regularly use literate and compe ts. en intm po ap in inta my work. dar to ma and the Outlook calen d course information for – to look up student an ive ntL de Stu – ase datab ly, n, make decisions quick minimum of supervisio the h wit sy rk bu a wo in d ly an ive ve iati rk effect I am able to use own init e reasons for them. I wo g e responsibility and giv e well while undertakin cop to me ws allo is Th whilst being able to tak lls. ski al lt tion icu isa diff d an an org ellent manding office as I possess exc my own initiative in de e time, I am able to use sam the at ks tas re. s iou ssu var der pre calm whilst working un situations and remain in the future, I am uld help me progress wo ich wh g inin tra ke ger to underta willing to learn and am I am very keen and ea istration. I am always min Ad ess sin icism. I can Bu in C an HN board constructive crit currently undertaking am also able to take on I I undertake. t ns. tha stio k ge tas sug ry d eve an achieve 100% in open to new ideas to g ivin str ays alw ts, and targe work to set deadlines are looking for. I es in all areas that you iliti ab ven pro d will ve ha I t application tha ieve any targets set, an You can see from my d determination to ach an ve y dri full the d h an r wit r ise ato nic organ am a confident commu ovative and an energetic bility. I am creative, inn n. ctio happily accept responsi isfa complete customer sat understand the need for ted individual with a le and extremely commit iab rel , ible flex le, tab very adap and a keen worker. To summarise, I am a me being enthusiastic in ults res ich wh n, atio high level of self-motiv


Swimming, playin

ng g the piano, salsa danci




Sample forms Exercise 2.6 (4d) REFERENCES

Please give employer)

could approach for details of two people we

references (one of the

r present

Name: Designation: Address:

Name: Designation: Address:

Telephone: Email:

Telephone: Email: Note:

se should include you

Council taking up have no objection to the will be assumed that you ployer if it em y, t las trar or con , yer the plo to e em t Unless you state her uld be from your presen ly. One reference sho references immediate unemployed)

Do you hold a full driv

ing licence?

ABILITY TO DRIVEown or have access to a vehicle YES/NO Do you



Please indicate

other than English your ability in languages

Degree of fluency




ES ers CRIMINAL OFFENC Rehabilitation of Offend g for is covered by the

NOT entitled post you are applyin s means that you are of the work involved, the ment Order 1986. Thi end as ‘spent’. Am ted s) Because of the nature trea tion be cep ise (Ex erw Order 1975 and r orders which might oth ove d bin or Act 1974 (Exceptions) s tion cau about convictions, to withhold information ence? YES/NO pect of a criminal off tion or bind over in res cau , tion vic con a ed er. Have you ever receiv al Records details in a covering lett closure from the Crimin YES, please provide full uired to apply for a Dis If you have answered req be will you l, sfu is succes ployment. Note: If your application essarily be a bar to em inal record will not nec Bureau. Having a crim


RE YES/NO uncil? ………. or employee of the Co ………………………… llor nci Cou a to ted ………………………… : yee plo Are you rela /em illor unc Co the of e nam the If YES, please give WHERE DID YOU SE



, either t. I have not canvassed this application is correc in t tion tha d rma tan info ers the und I t of my knowledge with this application. I declare that to the bes Council in connection le to dismissal, if Member or officer of the rmation renders me liab l, info g din lea mis or directly or indirectly a e fals cessed by the Counci ing pro vid be pro to or tion tion lica rma app withholding relevant info rmation contained in this info the for t sen con e my Act 1998. employed. I hereby giv of the Data Protection ance with the principles as required, in accord Date: Signed:



Exercise 3.1 Top tips for writing your CV 1 Your CV is an essential marketing tool to promote yourself to prospective employers. It’s a brief document that tells an employer about you, your experience, skills and qualifications. CV stands for ‘curriculum vitae’, which literally means ‘the course of one’s life’ in Latin. 2 Keep it to two sides of typed A4 size paper if you can. (But don’t miss off important information to do this. If you have to use a third page then do so, but try to avoid any more than that. An employer doesn’t have time to wade through a novel to find out about you.) 3 The layout should be clear and easy to follow, using headings to separate the different sections of information. 4 It should be typed. You could do this yourself or ask a friend. If this is not possible, then there are agencies that will produce one for you. If you type it yourself, make sure there are no typing mistakes in it. 5 Make sure you don’t miss out important skills and experience and be as positive as you can, but don’t lie: you will only be found out, if not at the interview, then once you have started your new job, and you then risk being fired – and you don't want that on your next CV. You don't need to lie to make yourself look as good as possible. 6 Keep your CV up-to-date and don’t leave any gaps of time. Sending one that is out of date means that you will have missed off skills gained since you last wrote it, and leaving time gaps will mean an employer doesn’t have a full picture of what you have been doing. 7 You should have a general CV, but you can change it around to suit a particular job. For example, if you have had lots of different types of jobs, you may want to include more details about those that were most relevant to the job you are applying for, and cut out bits where a job was not similar. 8 Remember to keep one copy yourself as a ‘master’. Make photocopies to send to employers. After all, you don’t want to have to re-write it every time you apply for a job.

Exercise 3.2 Choosing your CV format Use a chronological CV – a list of your experience and education – when: • you want to emphasise your employment; • you want a general information-based CV that can be used for any application; • you have never worked but have excellent qualifications, which can be listed in detail. Use a functional CV to list your various skills and experience when: • you have had a variety of unconnected jobs from which you have gained different kinds of experience, all of which are selling points to potential employers; • you have limited paid work experience, but have done voluntary work or worked in the home, which would be difficult to express in a chronological CV; • you have very general skill areas. Use a targeted CV to emphasise specific skills that directly relate to a job you’re applying for. A targeted CV can be altered to relate to each job you apply for and will give an employer only the relevant information required for that particular job. This is useful if: • you have a great deal of experience in one particular field with a number of different employers; • you want to emphasise particular aspects of your work experience and qualifications, which relate to a particular job. 1 Read through each of the sample CVs. 2 Decide which is chronological, which is functional and which is targeted, and make a note of your reasons. 3 Decide which format would best suit you and your employment circumstances.

Sample CV Exercise 3.2 Top tips for writing your CV CURRICULUM VITAE James Joyce ton 74 Marlowe Road, Ox A 1P 2 OX Moorshire Tel: 01298 385776 Mobile: 07707 123456 General skills and work colleagues effectively with the public • Able to communicate environment der pressure in a busy • Capable of working un • Computer-literate own initiative independently and on • Proven ability to work • Diplomacy Specific skills • Effective selling skills stic furniture trade ct knowledge of dome • Comprehensive produ stock-control systems • Experienced in retail dit/debit cards ling and processing cre • Efficient at cash hand Achievements ved 2005) Driving License (achie s with present • European Computer sales on three occasion ing nd tsta ou for ard Aw nth • Employee of the Mo d to create a sustained employer 2003, which has helpe in r floo p sho of t ou • Redesigned lay increase in sales Employment 1999 to present: 1994 – 1999: 1988 – 1994: 1983 – 1988: Education 1976 – 1982 1982 – 1983

rs, Oxton ms & Co, furniture retaile Sales assistant, Willia alford Ch , rs Furniture Store Ltd Sales assistant, Parke rd alfo Electronics Ltd, Ch Delivery driver, Sparks alford rʼs Building Supplies, Ch lye General assistant, Hil hool, 3 O levels Chalford Grammar Sc ompleted) business studies (part-c Chalford College, ONC

ence working Personal , with ten yearsʼ experi yee plo em s tiou en sci I am a reliable and con ible and willing to train. line sales role. I am flex d water sports. successfully in a frontand enjoy travelling an m, tea iz qu al loc a of I am a member nce. I hold a clean driving lice pplied on request.

References can be su

Sample CV Exercise 3.2 Top tips for writing your CV E



RSHIRE LE10 , HINCKLEY, LEICESTE 165 COVENTRY ROAD 430 043 747 bile:07 Tel: 01455 635791 Mo com ail. otm @h ane Email: frannyl



1997 – 2010

Davenport Knitwear plc

Multi-skilled Operative department. us operations in make-up • Competent in numero figures. tion duc pro of n atio ument • Keeping accurate doc edule. • Working to tight sch e. ritis prio to ility Ab • tidy work area. • Maintain a clean and . ort faults to QC supervisor • Check quality and rep Early Works Experience • Retail assistant. nt. • Bar/Catering assista r hie • Cas • Office junior. • Housewife/Mother istmas functions.

and Chr ng fund raising projects ls gained through arrangi Good organisational skil . PC e hom e rnet and e-mail. Hav PC literate including Inte ion work. ept rec of nce erie exp Past phone. h face-to-face and by tele bot ls skil Customer service s. ord rec and s ure ced pro , Precise attention to details deadlines. umes of work and meet Ability to handle large vol n new skills. lear to ling wil r rke wo Punctual and motivated

SKILLS • • • • • • •

& Excel logy using Word, Access racy & Information Techno Integration Lite & er put phs Gra Com – el, Exc AIT , • OCR CL y using Word, Access log hno Tec ss ine Bus ted • OCR IBTII – Integra cessing t Processing & Word Pro • OCR Level 1 – Tex Processing & Mail Merge rd Wo , sing ces Pro t Tex cessing • OCR Level 2 – t Processing & Word Pro rtly taking exams in Tex • OCR Level 3 – Sho al and io transcription plus medic taking also includes aud tly ren cur am I rse cou e Colleg on. legal document presentati



13 August 1950 D.O.B. Married tus: Marital Sta clean driving licence Car owner, holder of full

STS HOBBIES AND INTEREattending motorcycle racing. ing and

Reading, theatre, garden

Sample CV Exercise 3.2 Top tips for writing your CV CURRICULUM VITAE NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE NO: DATE OF BIRTH:

Martha James rd, Nottingham, NG6 4BH 22 Greenock Way, Basfo 0115 933 6699 22nd October 1968

PROFILE ation technology and possesses excellent inform o wh l ua ivid ind ted tiva effective A highly mo a business environment. An in ply ap to n kee is she colleagues or clerical skills which le whether management, op pe all to ate rel to le ab communicator who is with problems quickly and adaptable and able to deal hly Hig c. bli pu the of ers g where appropriate. memb g to undertake further trainin llin Wi re. ssu pre r de un ilst efficiently wh QUALIFICATIONS 1995 – 1996

1980 – 1985

ttingham Basford Hall College, No tration NVQ III Business Adminis cessing Pro rd Wo RSA 1 Typing and sive, Nottingham en Ernest Holmes Compreh ge B, English Literature B, “O” Level: English Langua Maths C, Geography C

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Oxfam 1995 – Present Volunteer ministration, fundraising Duties include general ad rs, Nottingham Barrat & James Solicito 1985 – 1987 Office Junior nistration all aspects of office admi Duties included learning h nt, e.g. filing, dealing wit in a busy legal environme n duties etc. tio ep rec , post, typing ng uti trib dis e, nc de on sp corre INTERESTS:

, and pub quizzes.

ng Reading, gardening, walki

PERSONAL DETAILS n transport Full, clean licence with ow Driving: Available upon request References:

Exercise 3.3 Writing your own personal profile 1 Your ‘personal profile’ should be the first thing an employer reads after your name and address. It gives you the chance to instantly impress an employer and encourages them to read on. 2 Make a list of words which you think best describes you at work (eg, flexible, quick to learn). 3 Make a list of specifics about your skills and experience. 4 Fit them together into a short paragraph which gives a “pen picture” of yourself.

Exercise 3.4 Selling your skills (targeted and functional CVs) 1 Find the Employment History form you completed in Exercise 6. 2 Divide a blank piece of paper into two columns, and head the first ‘Tasks’ and the second ‘Skills’. 3 Starting with your most recent employment first, make a list of all the major tasks you regularly performed at work (eg, ‘Sorted out the filing system and showed people how to use it’). 4 Take each major task and come up with a phrase that shows the skill it involved (eg, ‘Created the company’s filing system and organised staff training for its use’). Refer to the list of positive words in Exercise 5: they’ll come in handy here as well. 5 Repeat until you have covered all your employment history. 6 You can repeat the exercise for voluntary work and home life.

Exercise 3.5 Completing your CV 1 Look through the sample CV and read all the notes attached to each section. 2 Start by filling in your personal details. 3 Use the profile you developed in Exercise 10 to fill in the Profile section. 4 Use the Skills list developed in Exercise 11 to complete the Skills and experience section. 5 Use the Education and qualifications list from Exercise 6 to complete the ‘Education and qualifications’ section. 6 Use the Employment history from Exercise 6 to complete the ‘Employment history’ section. 7 Make a list of any interests that show you have personal qualities an employer would be looking for (eg, including team sports you take part in shows you are a ‘team player’). 8 Finally complete the additional information you will be including in your CV.

Sample CV Exercise 3.5 Completing your CV



Telephone number 1




• • • • •




Dates employed


Job title


Job title


Job title


Job title



Dates employed Duties

Dates employed Duties

Dates employed Duties

EDUCATION Dates attended

School /College/University







Where achieved






• • • • ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Date of birth


Driving license


Access to car Marital status




Sample CV notes Profile Your “personal profile” should be the first thing an employer reads after your name and address: it gives you the chance to instantly impress an employer and encourages them to read on. 2 Skills If you are doing a functional or targeted CV, think back to any job you have done or things which you may do in your spare time or for which you do not get paid, and list the activities which you perform. For example: “Maintaining computerised and manual record systems” or “Responsible for entertaining and motivating young children” 3 Employment history Always list your employment history with the most recent first 4 Education and qualifications Always list your education and qualifications with the most recent first. You only need go back as far as secondary school: an employer doesn’t need to know your primary school or nursery education. You should list the qualifications, which you have passed the grades if they are good passes. If the grades are not high, but are relevant to the job you are applying for, you can either simply list the subjects you passed or put down the grades if relevant. If you left school several years ago and have gained a great deal of work experience since then or other qualifications, you may wish to omit your secondary schooling. An employer will be less interested in what you did at school 10 years ago than in your relevant experience and qualifications for the job. Any relevant qualifications gained since leaving school should also be listed, as should short vocational courses that relate to your chosen job. 5 Hobbies/interests Listing your hobbies and interests will give an employer an insight into your personality. For example, if you play football you would be recognised as a team player or, if you enjoy reading, you would be seen as a studious person who is happy getting on with things alone. However, be careful what you list: if you are a keen rock climber, prospective employers could worry you will be away from work with a broken leg for six months! 1

Date of Birth This can go at the beginning of your CV or at the end. Alternatively you don’t need to put it on at all if you are concerned that your age will be against you – although an employer may be able to work our your age from your employment history anyway. 7 Mobility If you have a full driving licence, please say so – you may be required to drive company transport as part of your job. If you own a car or can get access to a car it’s useful to state this as it shows you will be able to get to work even if your employers are in a remote area. You can state that you have a ‘clean’ driving licence, but beware – you may get stopped for speeding and get three points on your licence, which means you will have to amend your CV! 8 Marital status An employer doesn’t need to know this, although it can be useful for some jobs. For example, if you are applying for a job as a sales rep which entails travelling around the country, an employer may prefer you to be single. Alternatively stating that you are married with two children will suggest to an employer that you will offer stability and reliability to a job. But beware: putting your marital status can be an equal opportunities issue – an employer may assume that a woman with children will be less reliable than a single woman, simply because of her childcare responsibilities. 9 References You can name your referees on your CV. A potential employer will expect your current or last employer to provide you with a reference, although if this is not possible they may accept character references. College or school references are also acceptable. You can simply state that “references are available upon request” – that way you can either supply an employer with written references which you may already have or give them details of your chosen referees. The onus is then upon the employer to contact your referees and you don’t have to worry about your current employer being contacted without your permission. 6

Exercise 3.6 Letters to sell your skills 1 Look at the covering letter from L. Matthews. 2 Identify five key strengths of the approach. 3 Now write your own letter to sell your skills.

Sample letter Exercise 3.6 Letters to sell your skills 44 Saxon Drive Tamworth B77 4JJ Tel: 01789 711296 12 November 2010 Mrs D Franks ger Human Resources Mana Ellis Manufacturing 31 – 33 Andrew Road Walsall WS3 7GN Dear Mrs Franks Office Manager lls and rriculum Vitae that my ski Cu d se clo en the m fro e sition, You will se uirements of the above po req the tch ma ly se clo s Qualification 04. In particular may I es, dated 9 November 20 as advertised in The Tim application. I have: lowing in support of my fol the to n tio en att ur yo draw sy contracts office, five years managing a bu t las the er ov e nc rie pe ects of • Extensive ex me 30 staff covering all asp so for e ibl ns po res ing be supervising and nt. and day to day manageme administration, purchasing nister customer contracts mi ad to tem sys ed ris ute mp co w • Initiated the use of a ne use. its in ers oth inspire and trained tion skills enabling me to ica un mm co d an l na rso ndards of • Excellent inter-pe ieve and maintain high sta ach to rs de lea m tea d members of staff an work.

near future in nity of meeting you in the rtu po op the to rd wa for I very much look office manager. application for the post of my ss cu dis r the fur to er ord Yours sincerely

L. Matthews

Exercise 3.7 Speculative letters 1 Look at the covering letter from Jane Wilson. 2 Identify five key strengths of the approach. 3 Now write a speculative letter of your own.

Sample letter Exercise 3.7 Speculative letters 56 Springfield Road Hilltop West Bromwich B66 3YL Tel: 0121 588 4771 Mrs B Norton Manager Fletchers Ltd 50 Farcroft Road Oldbury B66 7RT Dear Mrs Norton

w u have any vacancies, no portunity to enquire if yo op s thi e is tak ae to Vit m like ulu uld I wo My Curric skills may be of benefit. my ere wh , ure fut ar ne or in the ration. enclosed for your conside g/despatch environment, 14 years in a warehousin for ng rki wo ed joy en g Havin king to re-organising e ranging from order pic nc rie pe ex ble lua va d ine rate and literate I have ga communicator, I am nume e tiv ec eff an ing Be s. store system ength. of physical and mental str and possess a high level of positions and ve developed in a variety ha I lls ski the t tha nt de to your company. I am confi orthy would be an asset stw tru d an le xib fle le, iab any openings my being rel ur convenience to discuss yo at y, nit rtu po op the I would welcome you might have. I look forward to receiving Yours sincerely

Jane Wilson

your early reply.

Exercise 4.1 Be prepared You’ve been invited to a job interview. 1 How will I get there? What could go wrong? 2 What will I wear? What could go wrong? 3 Do I know everything I need to know about the job? What else could I do?

Exercise 4.2 Making sure you always have something to say 1 Make a list of five questions that you might be asked at an interview you might go to that are important and sensible: think about the information contained in your person specification to guide you. 2 Write each question at the top of a piece of paper and think of a good one or two-sentence answer to each one.

Exercise 4.3 Listen carefully 1 Working in pairs, decide who will role play the interviewer and who the interviewee. 2 The interviewer should ask the following question: “Give me an example of when you solved a problem which had a successful outcome”. This is a common question in many interviews, and one which bears a great deal of importance. 3 The interviewee should break their answer into three parts: (a) setting the scene (b) describing the problem (c) describing the successful outcome 4 The interviewer should allocate each section a score from one to five points. • Did the interviewee communicate all the important elements of the scene-setting part? Were you unclear about what happened, when and where? • Did the interviewee accurately describe the problem? • Did the interviewee communicate precisely how they successfully solved the problem? 5 Swap roles and repeat the exercise.

Exercise 4.4 Preparing for common interview questions Q1







Q8 Q9

Q10 Q11

Tell me about yourself … This is usually the opening question and, as first impressions are key, one of the most important. Keep your answer to under five minutes, beginning with your current role and what you may have achieved. Why do you want this job? Try to answer positively – as if you see this job as an opportunity to use your skills in a new environment … or to try something different. What are your strengths? Ensure that these are relevant to the job. Try and relate your strengths back to the job spec and give examples of why you're strong in these areas. What are your weaknesses? These should be positive weaknesses. Perhaps you have a tendency to work too hard or are a perfectionist. What's been your most significant success at work? This is about your personal achievements and contribution. Interviewers aren't interested in the great team you work with. If you have limited work experience, you could talk about achievements outside work. But relate them to the job you are applying for. What is the biggest mistake you ever made? We all have one, but what's important is how you dealt with your biggest mistake and what you learnt from the experience. What is the greatest challenge you have ever faced? Keep it relevant to the job and be positive. Again, interviewers want to know how you met the challenge and what you might do differently, with the wisdom of hindsight, in a similar situation. How do you cope with difficult colleagues? It's all about trying to understand a situation from someone else's perspective -- that's team work. You've changed jobs three times in the past five years, why should I think you are more serious about this one? Great opportunities came your way and you would have been foolish to turn them down. Or, you took a job to achieve a particular goal and, having succeeded sooner than you expected, it was time to move on. What do you do outside of work? You want to appear active but not so busy that you could not get to work on time or stay late occasionally. Do you have any questions? You will also be given an opportunity to ask questions of your own. Think about anything you want to know before you go. Some of your questions may be answered in the course of the interview: if so, make sure you inform the panel that you have prepared for the interview by saying something like: “I had prepared a list of questions earlier but you have answered them all during the course of the interview”.

Exercise 4.5 Ten tips for interviews 1 Start smiling before you get there – you don’t know who might notice you complaining in the car park or putting out a cigarette in the flower pot. 2 You may be interviewed by more than one person. Make sure you look and smile at all of them. 3 Wait until they ask you to sit down. 4 Sit comfortably in the chair but don’t slouch. (This can look as if you’re bored or don’t care). 5 Avoid any habits like playing with your hair or tapping your foot as these can be distracting. 6 Remain formal and polite – it helps concentration as well as giving a good impression. Speak slowly and loudly enough to be heard clearly. Look at the person who has asked you the question, but don’t forget to glance round at the others occasionally. 7 If you do not completely understand any of the questions, say so – don’t waffle. 8 Towards the end, you will be asked if you have any questions. Usually, they will also ask if there is anything further you wish to say. If they don’t ask and you know there are things you haven’t had the chance to tell them, say something like, “May I just mention one or two things?” Then, make them brief. 9 When the interview is over, collect your things together and leave with a smile for everyone, saying “Goodbye and thank you”, however badly you think it has gone. You may be surprised. Don’t blow it now! 10 Wait until you are well away from the place before you breathe a sigh of relief, or whatever else you do to unwind.

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