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Entering August during the Zodiacal time of Leo. It’s the hottest time of the year in the northern hemisphere and why our ancients associated Leo with the energy of the sun. And like the sun, Leos love to glow. Rewatch the movie, “Little Miss Sunshine” and you’ll get the idea.


This year’s Leo new moon takes place on Aug. 8 and is aligned with a powerful annual cosmic occurrence called Lion’s Gate, which is a bit of a new-agey holiday where the fixed star Sirius aligns beside Orion's Belt and the pyramids of Egypt. It is said to bestow many spiritual blessings that accelerate personal transformation, cleanse negativity and enhance love. Leo is the sign of the brave-hearted, so take a chance and express what’s in your heart. Legendary Leo, Bert Lahr, famously as the Cowardly Lion in MGM’s “Wizard of Oz” would remind us, “laughter is never too far away from tears.” So have fun and play some, even if you’re feeling sad. On Aug. 16, Venus leaves the particular sign of Virgo and moves into the romantic sign of Libra. Another indication of love is currently in the air. Be sure to look for it if that’s what your little heart desires.

On Aug. 19, there’s a 2021 climax when the great awakener planet, Uranus, will station retrograde and shift backward until Jan. 18. The day a planet stations (either backward or forward), the energy it bestows intensifies, so pay attention to how your life alters around these times. You might get that ah-ha moment you have been waiting on to come in like a flash of lightning.

On Aug. 22 two things happen: First, we’ll have our second full moon in a row take place in the sign of Aquarius. Two, the sun moves into the sign of Virgo. The way I see this playing out is after a few weeks of the Leo and peak heat of the sun’s energy swirling around, something gets real laser-focused in your life.



The month of August is bringing introspection, union and fresh starts. A general sense of positivity, newness and a willingness to embrace change allows us to explore avenues we have never taken and achieve balance with those around us. Perhaps new adventures will occur and we can bring new friends along with us to find us new perspectives.

Our first card, The Hermit, encourages us to indulge in soulsearching and reflection. Where do you want to go? Who do you want to be? While being a hermit implies loneliness and isolation, this month is encouraging you to get to know yourself, the new you that is beginning to emerge. You have the option to be whoever you want to be.

Who is this new person that you’re bringing to the table? Allow them to flourish and grow. It’s OK to be the center of attention sometimes.

With the influence of the II of Cups, we’re being asked to balance this self-reflection and self-focus with connecting with those around us. Now is the time to build bridges, break bread, and find common ground with the people around us. shell and make new friends. There is always room for more people at the table.

Partnerships have the opportunity to become stronger, whether they are in the workplace, friendships, or romantic relationships. Take the opportunity to network and make new connections, wherever you can. You never know what doors may open.

Echoing that sentiment is The Fool. The Fool isn’t called this because he is silly or unwise, but because he is venturing into the unknown without fear. He represents innocence and a sense of freedom. Allow yourself to experience the unknown this month. Let go of the need for control, the tendency to say no, and simply experience what life brings to you. Entertain new beginnings, new friends, and new adventures.

The opportunities are endless once you open yourself up to them. This card drives home the messages The Hermit and II of Cups are bringing us this month. The theme of August is “new.” Allow yourself to experience it.

Tarot cards: These cards are from the Rust Belt Arcana tarot deck, released in 2018 by Belt Publishing. Each card in the deck features a creature from Northeast Ohio, illustrated by David Wilson.

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