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The Devil Strip is co-owned by more than 900 Akronites! To join, visit https://thedevilstrip.com/be-amember. Kenny Averiett is an enthusiastic person who uses his zeal to bring people together and encourage the community.


His main channel for this is within Akron’s DIY music scene, as a committee member for the PorchRokr festival and resident of the Oakdale House, where Kenny and his roommate, Adam, used to organize house shows.

“I love bringing people together. I think that’s probably my biggest passion –– escapism or giving people the outlet to escape,” he explains.

Even though he has moved around and traveled a lot, Kenny says the people he has gotten to know by being involved with events like Porchrokr is what keeps him in Highland Square. “I’ve gotten to meet a lot of people who own the properties in the neighborhood, just knocking on doors. The first four or five years or so, we were just doing a lot of footwork by meeting people and I got to meet a lot of the neighborhood people,” he explains.

Kenny also believes that Highland Square’s diverse population contributes to its eclectic atmosphere.

He also appreciates the way Akronites value collaboration, especially in the art and music scenes.

“There’s like five different music and art scenes and everyone gets along with each other. Everyone kind of intermingles and goes to each other’s events and plays at each other’s stuff, and other places like Cleveland and Columbus, from what I’m told, aren’t really like that... I think Akron just has that energy that has more collaborative effort across the city,” he says.

Kenny says he became a part of the co-op because of The Devil Strip’s efforts to cover subjects that traditional news may overlook.

“Watching The Devil Strip move in a certain direction and embrace parts of Akron that other publications or other media outlets have ignored for years and they’re making... a concentrated effort for that.”

The Queen of Pentacles

this nurturing energy. While we’re so busy taking care of the people In his free time, Kenny has been around us, it’s important to make sure we’re taking care of and learning guitar, piano, writing haikus, and raising his cat, who he says is investing in ourselves too. Spending “pretty cool.” time in nature and nurturing your connection to the earth can also help — Allyson Smith you find peace and contentment when it feels like we’re pressing play on a life we thought we might never return to again. Remember what it feels like to pause, reflect and move slowly as life picks up speed.

May Astrology

by Angie Agnoni

May the Fourth be with you as Mercury leaves the content sign of Taurus and rolls into agile

Gemini on this year’s Star Wars day.

Mercury will have an extended stay in this sign as it will shift retrograde at the end of the month bringing in disruptions in communication, travel and commerce.

As we enter May we are situated in the sign of Taurus. The qualities of Taurus are ruled by the planet Venus which is the planet of beauty and harmony. Taurus is the sign of the Bull which carries with it an emphasis on our values and the stubbornness which comes along with being a fixed earth sign. Taurus is determined to stand its ground but these days needs to be a bit more flexible with all the change which is occurring around us.

On May 11th we are graced with a Taurus New Moon which can be a cultivation time to the projects and plans we have put into motion — a time of reward to the fruits of your labor. As always, a new moon is a time to plant new seeds of intention in the two weeks following, but since the quality here is fertile ground it suggests a positive time to start your outdoor plant gardens for the year. With the inventive planet of Uranus, also located in Taurus, now is also an appropriate time to take a look at new technologies associated with money and artistic pursuits. Cryptocurrencies and NFT’s are two areas to explore. Another season of eclipses is upon us at the end of the month while we’re in the time of Gemini. Eclipses happen every six months and indicate shake-ups in our lives. On May 26th we have a full moon lunar eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius which can bring to us, by choice or happenstance, a bigger picture of truth somewhere in our lives. The veils have been thinning out in our society for sometime, but we have to remember to ask for what it is we seek and take an honest look at what it is we see. That’s the nature of Sagittarius.

Whatever is shown to us under this Full Moon Eclipse, we will have the time to process while Mercury is retrograde in Gemini from May 29th until June 22nd. It’s a time to go inward in thought to reexamine our lives and see it’s all a matter of choice.

Indian spiritual guru and Sagittarian Osho said,“If you can grow in love, you will grow in awareness. If you grow in awareness, you will grow in love.” #chooselove

Angie Agnoni is owner/operator of Paradox Astrology, LLC she is also Vice President of Lake County Astrological Association (LCAA). To book a personal reading go to: www. calendly.com/angieagnoni

By Allyson Smith

This month, we’re being called to turn inward. Nurturing ourselves and mothering ourselves so that we can heal our wounds, move forward, and achieve what we set out to do. Self care and reflection can open huge doors this month as we start to open our own doors and venture out into the world safely for what feels like the first time.

The Queen of Pentacles encourages this nurturing energy. While we’re so busy taking care of the people around us, it’s important to make sure we’re taking care of and investing in ourselves too. Spending time in nature and nurturing your connection to the earth can also help you find peace and contentment when it feels like we’re pressing play on a life we thought we might never return to again. Remember what it feels like to pause, reflect and move slowly as life picks up speed.

The message from the Queen of Pentacles can be especially useful when we look at the warning of IX of Wands. With lingering uncertainty, it’s natural that our knee-jerk reactions may be to protect ourselves and swing a big stick at anything that threatens our peace of mind. Be careful to not be too hostile or cautious towards new things coming your way. You may let the opportunity of a lifetime slip away too easily. Fiercely protecting yourself is an absolutely normal and reasonable reaction to things you have experienced, but now it’s time to work towards healing.

IX of Cups shows us that when we take those steps to heal, a new world is opened up to us. A world of full cups, of joy, and of things we never thought possible. Take some time to rejoice in your achievements and anything that makes you happy. This card represents dreams coming true. Take this as a sign that what you are working towards is on its way. Love, joy and peace are not only attainable, but they also create the core of the human experience.

Gone Phishing

By John Nicholas

There are any number of unusual terms when it comes to cybersecurity and phishing is one of them.

Phishing is defined as a fraudulent attempt to obtain personally identifiable information (PII) such as usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, bank account numbers or other sensitive details by impersonating trustworthy sources using digital communication, which now may include your landline if you still have one. Those phone numbers that you don’t recognize are more than likely a phishing attempt.

Phishing’s most common forms include email spoofing, instant messaging and text messaging. In addition to impersonating a trusted source, most phishing creates a sense of urgency. The cybercriminal is hoping for you to react instantly without thinking. The goal is to direct you to enter personal information at a fake website that looks and feels like a legitimate site. In other cases, they are hoping that you will verbally give your personal information.

In addition to impersonation-based phishing, cybercriminals and nationstates such as Russia, China and Iran use fake news articles designed to provoke outrage, causing you to click a link without thinking. Once there, you can be infected with a virus such as ransomware or redirected to pages that will do the same.

In 2020, phishing was the most common attack performed by cybercriminals. The FBI reports twice as many incidents of phishing than any other type of computer crime. phishing scams. In fact, it has become a cliché or even a joke at this point. It has been around for over 20 years. This attack pretends to be from a member of a foreign monarchy asking the user to send a nominal amount of money with the promise of millions in return. Many have fallen prey to this attack.

But phishing scams are not a joke. In fact, they are dangerous and they come in many forms. They have become more sophisticated as technology has advanced.

Many Fortune 500 companies hire outside sources to work with their technical teams to conduct “Phishing Expeditions.” These are fake emails that are generated and sent to the employees of the company. If an employee responds to the email, they are given additional training for the first or second offense. Some security-focused companies will terminate an employee for multiple offenses because they pose a security threat.

What is your defense? Common sense, patience and thoughtfulness.

Begin with the knowledge that very few companies will email you out of the blue asking you to verify any personal information. If you receive an email, phone call, text or any other kind of digital communication requesting any personal information, be suspicious.

• Never click on the link in an email, text or message, even if you know the sender. They might have been hacked.

• Never give any personal information over the phone unless you called the company or it is a return phone call for a conversation you initiated. The Devil Strip | 37

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