With the ACC in disarray, Terps have no bowl guarantees
Danny Boyle sets his colorful lens on India for Slumdog Millionaire
Economy may hinder funding plan Rosapepe pushes for higher education proposal to become law despite price tag concerns BY KEVIN ROBILLARD Senior staff writer
Maryland State Delegate Joseline PeñaMelnyk (right) addresses a small crowd of supporters during a rally advocating improvements to Route 1. ADAM FRIED/THE DIAMONDBACK
Officials lobby for Route 1 funding Money for redevelopment deferred by state in Oct.
State Sen. Jim Rosapepe (D-Anne Arundel and Prince George’s) last night told a panel studying state funding of higher education that its goals need to be made into law. “This proposal is a good proposal,” Rosapepe said of the proposal to increase state funding and financial aid while capping tuition increases. “But those goals
need to be written into state law.” But Rosapepe’s recommendation to the Commission to Develop the Maryland Model for Funding Higher Education, which could insulate the university’s funding from the ups and downs of the economy, appears unlikely to generate much support as the state faces a $1 billion budget deficit next year. “Mandates, right now, are one of our big problems,”
said Del. Norman Conway (D-Wicomico and Worcester), the chair of the House of Delegates’ Appropriations Committee and a member of the commission. “We do need to have flexibility.” The commission, informally called the Bohanan Commission after its chair, Del. John Bohanan (D-St. Mary’s), heard Rosapepe’s recommendations last night
Please See BOHANAN, Page 7
Del. John Bohanan (D-St. Mary’s) heard recommendations last night about a higher education funding model developed by the commission he chairs. JACLYN BOROWSKI/THE DIAMONDBACK
A BRIGHTER OUTLOOK Improved research facilities bring more positive outlook to annual bioscience event
Staff writer
Staff writer
More than a dozen residents, elected officials and students rallied outside the State Highway Administration’s district headquarters in Greenbelt yesterday morning to protest the department’s decision to defer Route 1 redevelopment funding. Officials have lobbied on behalf of the project for years, claiming it could improve the road’s safety, make the university more appealing and revitalize the downtown retail currently dominated by chain restaurants. Though officials thought the money was finally secured last year, it was yanked in October. A weak economy coupled with lowerthan-expected tax revenue prompted the state to trim its budget and defer $1.1 billion in transportation projects, including about $7 million in engineering and design funding for upgrades to the stretch of Route 1 between College Avenue and University Boulevard. Protesters stood outside the highway administration building yesterday, holding a banner that read “Rebuild Route 1 Now” and chanting as people arrived at a
Though guests at yesterday’s Bioscience Research and Technology Day marveled at the innovative and costly equipment filling the Bioscience Research Building, the state of research at the university was much grimmer just a year and a half ago. For years, university researchers have been plagued by leaking labs in H.J. Patterson Hall and other buildings, labs that were unable to maintain a proper atmosphere for experiments and equipment so dangerous that fires have broken out, killing one university employee. These conditions led to several scientists leaving the university. So when the Bioscience Research Building opened last year, scientists and administrators said it would be the beginning of a new chapter for the university’s science community. With the new technology and facilities, the research building is a great asset when recruiting faculty and students to join the university. More than a
Please See BIOSCIENCE, Page 3
Please See RALLY, Page 3
The modern science of Internet research
Univ. Career Center head leaves post
Harvard professor addresses future of the bioscience field during speech to about 700 students, faculty members BY CHRIS ECKARD For The Diamondback
BY MARISSA LANG Staff writer
University Career Center Director Javaune Adams-Gaston announced this week she will be leaving her position at the university to become the Vice President for Student Life at Ohio State University. Adams-Gaston, who in her 23 years at the university has also served as associate dean of undergraduate studies, assistant athletic director in the intercollegiate athletics department and a staff psychologist at the university Counseling Center, will be leaving in January. The university in the meantime is searching for someone to fill her position, but Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs Warren Kelley will take on the role in the interim. Though Adams-Gaston said she will miss Maryland, she is not nervous about the transition.
Please See DIRECTOR, Page 2
Hundreds of students pack a lecture hall at the Bioscience Research Building to listen to the lecture, "Darwin and the Future of Biology," by Edward Wilson, a professor from Harvard University. JAMES B. HALE/THE DIAMONDBACK
As the College of Chemical and Life Sciences celebrated its ninth annual Bioscience Research and Technology Review Day yesterday, Harvard University professor Edward Wilson attracted a crowd of about 700 students and faculty members to discuss
the future of the field. During his hour-long talk in the year-old Bioscience Research Building, Wilson emphasized the transformation in the field in the technical age, focusing primarily on the Internet as a tool to advance research and make information accessible to everyone.
Black leadership panel dissects race in current events BY DIANA ELBASHA Staff writer
The university chapter of the NAACP gathered last night for the group’s second annual State of Black Leadership Conference, to address the theme of “deconstructing barriers to unity.”
With a historic presidential election still on people’s minds, the forum focused heavily on the success of President-elect Barack Obama (D) and the victory’s racial significance — his being black, the group said, should not be the main reason people are excited about
NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 OPINION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
his victory. The group came to a consensus that although having a black president is a turning point, it does not mark an end to the problems faced by racial minorities in society. Such issues were discussed in a dialogue among an eight-member panel comFEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 CLASSIFIED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
prised of culturally and politically diverse individuals from various walks of life. “The diversity of the panel was very good this year when it came to opinions. The conversation was better because we gave students the chance to ask questions. Last year we didn’t have time,”
DIVERSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . .8 SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People chapter president Wanika Fisher said. The NAACP-hosted event was also sponsored by 14 university groups. “It is important to have
Please See PANEL , Page 7
WE WANT YOU Story ideas? News tips? E-mail them to The Diamondback at MONDAY | NEWSMAKERS
Football Luncheon Roundup Jeff Newman Ralph Friedgen’s weekly press conference began on a glum note, when he briefly addressed the weekend arrest of linebacker Rick Costa, who has been charged with one count of first-degree assault and two counts of second-degree assault after allegedly punching two bouncers at Cornerstone Grill and Loft and a police officer who tried to intervene, as first reported by The Washington Times.
Department of Dance MFA candidates present an amalgam of works from their repertoire, 8 p.m., Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center Dance Theatre
Tim Gunn’s lecture, "Tim Gunn's Guide to Transitioning Your Style," will focus on changing your wardrobe from college to the professional world, 7 p.m., Stamp Student Union Grand Ballroom
‘She’s extraordinarily well qualified for it’ DIRECTOR, from Page 1 “I’m very excited about the opportunity,” Adams-Gaston said. “But I love the people [at the university]. Across the board from students to faculty, that’s what I’ll miss the most.” At Ohio State, Adams-Gaston will succeed Richard Hollingsworth, who has been at Ohio State for 35 years and has held that position since 2006. In her new role, Adams-Gaston will oversee an office of more than 5,000 employees, including 4,000 part-time student employees and an annual budget of $176 million, according to an Ohio State press release.
“[The Career Center] has been able to help students get a jump start on the career development process much earlier in their experience at the university.” Javaune Adams-Gaston University Career Center Director
University administrators said they are confident in Adams-Gas-
ton’s ability to take on such an important role at Ohio State. “She’s extraordinarily well qualified for it,” Vice President of Student Affairs Linda Clement said. “Javaune understands how comprehensive higher education works. She’s worked at a number of different areas at the university.” Clement said that in AdamsGaston’s absence, the university is now instating a nationwide search for a new director of the Career Center. “We have an excellent Career Center,” Kelley said. “My job will be to settle any uncertainty they may have about the university’s
commitment to them.” Adams-Gaston said she hopes that commitment will continue to grow after it has increased over the past two decades. “[The Career Center] has been able to help students get a jump start on the career development process much earlier in their experience at the university,” AdamsGaston said. “I think the other piece of the President’s Promise is to help students understand the resources and the meaning of those experiences, and that’s what [the Career Center] will continue to do.”
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Building’s design allows more collaboration BIOSCIENCE, from Page 1 dozen new professors have joined the chemical life and sciences college since the Biosciences Research Building opened, some enticed by the promise of being able to work in the building’s advanced facilities, said Associate Director of the Maryland Pathogen Research Institute Debra Weinstein. The building was designed with specialized instruments capable of measuring the electrical reactions of cells to different solutions, scanning brains and more and includes a $2.5 million biosafety lab. These features are attractive to scientists who usually cannot afford such in-
struments but know they can come work at the university and be granted access to them, Weinstein said. Richard Payne, professor and chairman of the biology department, also said the new building and its resources help attract new faculty. “In addition to the people we moved in a year ago, our department alone attracted another two faculty members,” Payne said. “People want to work there. For one faculty member, I offered him twice as much space in the old building, but he really wanted to be in the new building even if he had to have a smaller lab.” Aside from the new technologies,
the best aspect of the building is the atmosphere, Weinstein and Payne said. They both credit the building’s design, with large, open floors, columns 50 feet tall and interconnected labs, for allowing more collaborative work between scientists. “It is hard to get people from around campus to get together,” Weinstein said. “People are busy with teaching schedules and their own research projects, but because of the great location of the building and the great conference facilities, we have really made great headway in being able to bring people together and to talk about forming collaborations.” While researchers had mostly
positive things to say about the labs, there were a few complaints. Weinstein said there are a few pieces of equipment she hopes the university can get soon, while Payne noted that while the building has labs for experimental research, it needs more computer rooms for theoreticians. “I think there should be more office space and space for research activities that don’t require laboratory benches — more for computing, for research that is done [by computer simulation] so that we can have theoreticians on one side and experimentalists on another,” Payne said.
Student Government Association President Jonathan Sachs and the rest of the organization support the Campus Drive alignment plan for the Purple Line. MATTHEW CREGER/THE DIAMONDBACK
Summit to boost interest in Purple Line pared for the Federal Transit Administration. Porcari said $91 million in A coalition of cultural, en- state funds has been sevironmental and political cured to design the Purple student groups gathered Line project, but the money with state officials in support to build it has not. He exof the Purple Line yesterday. pressed confidence in findThe Terps for the Purple ing the necessary funding Line Summit was aimed at and said Gov. Martin O’Malley’s (D) continboosting support ued support of the and excitement project speaks for the Purple volumes in a diffiLine before the cult fiscal year. kick-off of a series “We’re close to of public hearings the end of the road that will be held here,” Porcari along the prosaid. “All legitiposed Metro line’s mate questions route from New JOHN have been anCarrollton to PORCARI swered or are on Bethesda, includ- MARYLAND TRANSPORTATION the path to resoluing a meeting at SECRETARY tion. I don’t think Ritchie Coliseum anybody argues Nov. 19. In the opening address, over the need.” Student leaders certainly Student Government Association President Jonathan agreed the new transportaSachs expressed support for tion line is needed. Wanika Fisher, president the Campus Drive alignment plan, adding that the of the university chapter of line would get 21,000 cars the NAACP, said the Purple off the roads, would open ac- Line would open the univercess to internships and jobs sity to low-income and and would eliminate the racially diverse students. Reza Farhoodi, the Marymile-long walk to the campus from the Green Line’s land Public Interest ReCollege Park Metro Station, search Group’s alternate a stop he said was a mistake transit coordinator and a former photographer for to build in the first place. Maryland Transportation The Diamondback, said the Secretary John Porcari, who federal government’s conused to serve as the univer- tinued support of roads and sity’s vice president for ad- highways in the face of cliministrative affairs, agreed mate change is a “vestige of and said the Purple Line a bygone era.” “It’suptoaprogressiveConwould fix the mistake made gress and White House to start decades ago. Former state Sen. Martin making changes,” he said. Madden (R-Howard and “Our future depends on it.” Kate Shoemaker, the Prince George’s) presented the Alternative SGA’s chairwoman of offAnalysis/Draft Environ- campus affairs, said she atmental Impact Statement, a tended because the project document drawn up Oct. 17 is a big deal for her and her that estimates costs, draw- constituents. “It’s extremely important backs and benefits of the Purple Line project and is that we ensure that people necessary for garnering fed- who live off campus have eral funds. After the 90-day the same access,” she said. comment period ends, a final statement will be pre- BY ALLISON STICE Staff writer
“We’re close to the end of the road here.”
To view video footage of the Purple Line summit, go to: WWW.DIAMONDBACKONLINE.COM
Professors impressed by Wilson’s experience SPEAKER, from Page 1 One of Wilson’s most recent ideas was “the encyclopedia of life, with a goal to find out everything known about every species and to put it all online and made available to anyone, anywhere, at any time, for free,” he said. “This will revolutionize biology, I assure you.” Many professors who attended the lecture were impressed by Wilson — who has won two Pulitzer Prizes and a National Medal of Science — and his experience. “He is one of the giants in 21st century biology, and to get him here, with the audience we had was simply magnificent,” said Arthur Popper, a biology professor and interim associate dean in the College of Chemical and Life Sciences. While some students attended the lecture to fulfill class requirements, many came to soak in Wilson’s knowledge. “The speech was very inspired
— really, the best talk we could have — and it was just really amazing,” said Zachary Russ, a sophomore bioengineering major. “There was a good appreciation about what biology is really all about.” As Wilson spoke about the future of biology, the university has already begun a process to prepare for coming years. Dean of the College of Chemical and Life Sciences Norma Allewell said students can expect more new technologies and lab equipment, as well as increased opportunities in research and internships. The college is also looking to expand with the hiring of new faculty, she added. “We are in the process of evolving here, as the life sciences has only begun to grow in the past decade, since [university] President [Dan] Mote came to Maryland,” Allewell said. “We have fostered what Wilson was speaking of by hiring a number of evolutionary biologists.” To provide students with well -
E. O. Wilson receives a cartoon of himself with a species he discovered as a gift for speaking at the Bioscience Research Building yesterday night. JAMES B. HALE/THE DIAMONDBACK
rounded experiences, the department has employed researchers in various aspects of the field, ranging from bacteria to insects, said Robert Infantino, a biology lecturer and associate dean in the College of Chemical and Life Sciences. Popper added that good professors are essential to making the department one of the most presti-
gious colleges in the country. “We are hiring young faculty who are really doing things in the cutting edge and who are leading the way toward the future of biology,” he said. “That’s the future — the faculty who will be teaching our students.”
Safety main reason for Route 1 upgrades, supporters say RALLY, from Page 1 State Highway Administration meeting. Public officials, including Mayor Stephen Brayman, state Sen. Jim Rosapepe (D-Anne Arundel and Prince George’s) and Student Government Association president Jonathan Sachs, made short speeches in support of the Route 1 funding, stressing the importance of the project with regard to safety and traffic flow. “More than 10 people have died on Route 1 in the past decade,” said Del. Joseline Peña-Melnyk (D - Anne Arundel and Prince George’s), who hosted a similar protest in 2005. “It makes no sense to keep building with no infrastructure.” Sachs related the proposed Route 1 improvements to the university’s rank among other colleges in the country. Officials have said the Route 1 corridor is an eyesore compared with the campus’s picturesque, brickand-pillars image and has the potential to deter prospective students from attending the university. “The best universities in America have great cities around them,” Sachs said. “Rebuilding Route 1 will improve our ability to be
counted in that top tier.” College Park resident Brian Choper, 43, said the improvements would affect the community’s quality of life as a whole. With about seven empty storefronts downtown and forthcoming competition with development projects such as East Campus, city officials have been looking to revitalize College Park and bring in a wider variety of retail. “If we want to attract good businesses, we need a smooth traffic flow to be able to get them,” Choper said. “Congestion is a safety issue too, and the suicide lane. We need to fix that before businesses will come.” State Secretary of Transportation John Porcari addressed the protesters briefly before entering the building, explaining that he appreciated the support for the upgrades but didn’t think he could restore the funding this year. “Unlike our federal partners, we can’t print money,” Porcari said. “We have to work within our means.” At the meeting, proponents of the Route 1 improvements presented their case, but met a similar response to Porcari’s, Peña-Melnyk said. “We’ll see what happens,” she
2010 TERRAPIN YEARBOOK The Editor-In-Chief is responsible for an approximately 320 page yearbook.The term of office runs from February 1st, 2009January 31st, 2010. Salary: $5000. Applications may be picked up in room 3136 South Campus Dining Hall (Diamondback Business Office), 9:30-4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday.
State Senator Jim Rosapepe speaks to supporters of rebuilding Route 1 outside the State Highway Administration in Greenbelt yesterday. ADAM FRIED/THE DIAMONDBACK
said. “And we’re going to keep on fighting, because the people want it funded.” Del. Barbara Frush (D-Anne Arundel and Prince George’s) said safety is the primary reason behind the push for upgrades. “Route 1 is a very unsafe road right now,” Frush said. “My husband and I owned a store on Route 1 20 years ago, and we watched accident after accident, both pedestrian and motor vehicle.” Only three students attended the protest, including SGA Environmental Affairs Liaison
Davey Rogner. He said Route 1 should be a priority for the highway administration because “it’s sustainable growth in an already existing community.” Peña-Melnyk said the improvements have unanimous support in the community and College Park has waited long enough to see the improvement come to fruition. “We have waited more than 40 years,” Peña-Melnyk said. “The time [to upgrade the road] is now.”
Staff Editorial
Guest Column
Mid-semester mindset
A separate, unequal vote
t’s that time of year when, for most undergraduate students, midterms have interactive enough if the student knows he or she will never going to see the TA again. passed and the terror of upcoming finals has yet to set in. For some, this is the Professor reviews are more than tools to evaluate teachers; they’re tools students calm before the storm. It may just be the perfect time to evaluate your teachers. should be able to benefit from directly. They’re tools to improve teaching. For professors and administrators, the benefit of adding mid-year reviews is a poThe annual tradition where the tables are turned and students get the chance to tential increase in evaluations’ accuracy. Administrators here have become increasgrade their teachers is usually saved for late in the semester. And to some extent, this makes sense; students have seen the full range of their pro- ingly concerned with measuring professors quantitatively as they look to improve the university’s national standing, but a number of studies have raised fessors’ curricula, and their grades are almost set. But these evaluquestions about the accuracy of these evaluations in the first place. ations, which often play into tenure and promotion decisions, have One study from Ohio State University linked the ratings stubecome the topic of a national debate in academia, and we think dents give with the grades they receive. Another study from the it’s important to look at ways of improving how students give their Giving students a chance University of Illinois at Chicago linked students’ responses on proprofessors feedback. Administrators have offered one idea, moving toward publishto critique their professors fessor evaluations to their moods. Given this information, finals would seem a pressure cooker for skewed results: Most stuing the evaluations online. And we think it’s a great plan; we hope during the semester may time dents are finding out their final grades, and they’re highly stressed. to see more students participating in the initiative. But giving stuimprove classes. This isn’t a recommendation to replace end-of-semester evaluadents the opportunity to evaluate their professors in the middle of tions — many professors do change throughout the year, and these the semester as well as at the end wouldn’t just promote transparency, it would increase the effectiveness of the evaluations as a whole. Many pro- changes should be reflected in their evaluations. However, adding a mid-year evaluation would provide an additional data set and increase the sample size. It would give fessors hand out mid-year reviews on their own. We think it should be mandatory. Mid-year evaluations might produce tangible changes for students, resulting in administrators one more piece of information to consider. At a school this size, implebetter classes and more learning. For a student struggling through a class, it’s of little menting school-wide evaluations will surely require substantial planning and reuse to let a professor know she’s too long-winded after the last lecture has passed. To a sources. But we think it’s an idea that merits the consideration of the University Senstudent, it may seem pointless to let a teaching assistant know the discussions aren’t ate and the provost’s office.
Our View
Editorial Cartoon: Mike O’Brien
Education: Dropping the pretense of objectivity
e hear a lot about liberal bias in higher education. It’s taken as accepted fact that our professors are all raving leftists who are out to lure us into their conniving Commie clutches. But a study set to appear in a journal published by the American Political Science Association in 2009 found that if the goal of professors is to sway their students’ political ideologies, they’re failing. “There is no evidence that an instructor’s views instigate political change among students,” write Matthew Woessner and April Kelly-Woessner, a husband-and-wife team of political scientists who wrote the study. Before the conservatives start flooding my e-mail’s inbox with rebuttals about the liberal academic community protecting itself, know that Matthew Woessner is a conservative. I’m frightened by the Woessners’ findings. No evidence that instructors’ views instigate political change among students? That looks like terrible incompetence on the part of higher education. College should be a time when we
should enjoy, as Princeton professor Cornel West put it, “those magnificent moments when you left a classroom and recognized that your worldview rested on pudding.” Apparently, if we are to believe the study, we’re not having those pudding moments any more. I’m pretty sure American students haven’t managed to craft well reasoned political beliefs by the time they finish their senior year of high school. Instead, we’re getting entrenched. Most of us take what we learn from our parents and go into college set in our political ways. This is especially dangerous, because most of the time, we don’t know what the hell we’re talking about. By the time we get to college, we have
humanities and social science experts at our disposal — but we aren’t really listening. We take notes and pass the tests but don’t question what we believe, or we assume the professors’ biases are polluting their thoughts, so we can’t trust them. The professors certainly aren’t blameless. There’s an attitude in the classroom that instructors should not only be without bias, but without belief altogether. We can read the textbooks all by ourselves: We need critical analysis. It’s intellectually dishonest for instructors to claim objectivity. Their points of view are going to inflect everything they do, from syllabi to exam questions, and the only way to deal with that is for them to be honest. Well-reasoned beliefs (which our professors hopefully possess) are not prejudiced biases. If you believe the free market is the best way to regulate economic society, tell your students that’s what you think, while still presenting other views in a fair manner. If we trust you to teach us already, I don’t see why revealing your secret political beliefs (which we can usually guess) should change any of that.
I’m not talking about professors telling students how to vote or failing students for their opinions. Presumably, professors have come to their conclusions after a long, laborious process of intellectual interrogation; why not share the results with us? Call us out, challenge us, make us defend our beliefs. My political beliefs have certainly shifted since I started at the university (albeit from left to more radical), partly due to a sociology professor who admitted, and then explained, why he was a neo-Marxist. A college diploma backed by an education that had no chance of changing our views of the world isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. We students are responsible for listening to professors — not just to regurgitate, but to apply. Professors are responsible for making our pudding foundations quake and quiver for four years. Malcolm Harris is a sophomore English and government and politics major. He can be reached at
Police surveillance: Give us back our nature
all me what you want. I’m libertarian, anarchist, anti-state and, most of all, anti-police. When I get a spare moment to visit the tranquility of nature, a government-free zone, I treasure it. In nature, I’m surrounded by trees, water, rocks and plants, and I don’t have to think about how government has seeped its way into every part of my life. I don’t have to see students trying to get me to vote for their favorite oppressor or closed-circuit cameras on all sides. I thought those cameras were limited to the campus. I had thought we were entitled to some privacy when we left the police state that is the university. Apparently, I was wrong. My friend just told me he was busted for smoking pot in a wooded area behind the campus. It was a warm day in May,
and he had literally just finished his last final. The police didn’t walk by to catch him in the act. Security personnel monitoring a camera in a tree saw him pass a joint to his friend, and they label that as a “smoking activity.” University Police spokesman Paul Dillon said some of the campus’s 300 cameras are in wooded areas, and police monitor them for drug behavior. The cops were waiting outside the woods to bust them. I know your law-abiding friends will whine, “It’s illegal.” But that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Just remember, for the government, it’s legal to spend $700 billion in taxpayer money to bail out those who caused the economic mess, and it’s also legal to kidnap people from foreign countries, accuse them of terrorism and torture them without due process. The government has no monopoly on morali-
ty, and I would argue it’s immoral to misuse cameras for any reason other than to prevent or solve violent crimes. Now, if you still see cameras as way of fighting violent crime, consider this: How long do you think it takes for police to respond after a robber strikes? Unlike my friend in the forest, a robber isn’t going to delay after mugging some innocent pedestrian. Dillon told me the cameras have been used to solve violent crimes, but he didn’t provide me with a
single example. I’m just not convinced. One study I read found that the installation of closed-circuit monitors did not produce a statistically significant reduction in crime in the observed areas. Crime is serious; there were more than 200 burglaries, assaults and robberies on the campus in 2006. If you’re concerned, get yourself a handgun and learn how to use it so you don’t have to depend on University Police. Please, though, don’t support the Big Brotherlike system we currently maintain. And to the police, please give back nature. I’m sure you could forfeit a few acres of control for those who just want a moment away from it all. Nathan Cohen is a junior economics and journalism major. He can be reached at
POLICY: The signed letters, columns and cartoon represent only the opinions of the authors. The staff editorial represents the opinion of The Diamondback’s editorial board and is the responsibility of the editor in chief.
PAUL DIPAOLO This past Tuesday, millions reveled in the election of Barack Obama not only as a political victory but as a cultural triumph. On that same day, however, many others felt the sting of discrimination as it was unjustly legitimized through the election process. On referendums in California, Florida and Arizona, the majority of voters agreed to constitutionally define marriage as confined to a man and a woman. Such decisions are prime examples of the backward attitudes that still pervade aspects of our culture, even in 2008. Likewise, they represent the amount of work that we as a society, and our generation especially, have ahead of us. According to the Government Accountability Office, there are more than 1,000 rights bestowed upon married, heterosexual couples. Civil unions and domestic partnerships, available only in some states, cover some but not all of these rights. Yet these legalities fail to address a larger issue. Even if Obama confers equal rights to citizens regardless of sexuality, a separate-but-equal environment will remain. If civil marriage is not legalized for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered couples, they will be further disenfranchised. This is unacceptable. The fact that these laws, or lack of laws, exist contradicts some of the very foundations of this country. How is this different from segregating schools, or from preventing interracial marriages? Is this not just as bad, or even worse, given our time period? Granted, the amount of discrimination in the past against other racial and ethnic groups was substantially more violent and apparent, and by no means should that be trivialized. But the LGBT community has also faced, and continues to face, serious discrimination. From the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in the military to cultural expectations from your family and friends, a gap between what is and what should be still exists, despite many recent gains. While the passage of these referendums can be attributed to the aggressive campaign of special-interest groups and religious organizations, a larger issue looms. The majority of the electorate in these states have demonstrated they do not believe those in the LGBT community are their equals. This is a depressing, angering and baffling idea. But what are we to do other than vote when the issue is presented to us? For those of us affected by this issue, there are countless activist groups one can join. This Saturday, protests will be held across the country, including at the U.S. Capitol Reflecting Pool in Washington at 1:30 p.m. Yet for the majority of us not working on the frontlines, we must always remember to hold ourselves accountable. It is our duty to ensure that our culture progresses in the way the election of a biracial president implies that it should be. If asked if we support equality for gays, many of us would likely answer “yes,” but as a campus, as a generation and as a society, have we created an atmosphere in which people who identify with the LGBT community feel safe? How often do we use the words “gay,” “fag” or “no homo” when referring to something in a negative context? If a friend or family member says something discriminatory about an LGBT person, how do we react? Would someone be afraid to tell us he or she is gay? This is not to suggest you should go out to all of your LGBT friends and apologize for saying things in the past. But I urge you all to reconsider the atmosphere you create and make an effort to change. We must create an atmosphere where we hold ourselves and each other accountable for discrimination and for fostering inequality. Only then will gay marriage be legitimized, and only then will we as a society be able to move past the misunderstanding that divides us in so many ways. The dominant culture in Arizona, Florida and California, at least among the electorate, has not reached that point. Have we? Paul DiPaolo is a junior environmental science and policy major. He can be reached at
AIR YOUR VIEWS Address your letters or guest columns to the Opinion Desk at All letters and guest columns must be signed. Include your full name, year, major and day- and nighttime phone numbers. Please limit letters to 300 words. Please limit guest columns to 600 words. Submission of a letter or guest column constitutes an exclusive, worldwide, transferable license to The Diamondback of the copyright in the material in any media. The Diamondback retains the right to edit submissions for content and length.
47 49 50 51 52
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53 55 56 59 61
Changes form Sheen Ease of mind More blustery Certain wolf
Previous Day’s Puzzle Solved:
20 24
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45 49
Also born on this date are: Hermione Baddeley, actress; Whoopi Goldberg, actress and comedienne; Jean Seberg, actress; Joe Mantegna, actor; Robert Louis Stevenson, author; Garry Marshall, producer and director; Christopher Noth, actor. To see what is in store for you tomorrow, find your birthday and read the corresponding paragraph. Let your birthday star be your daily guide.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — This is a good time to cling to someone who knows just what you need — and tomorrow, and the next day. Don’t turn away from this one.
You will no doubt face one or two considerable challenges in your lifetime, and you can surely rise to the occasion and prove yourself the winner you are. At all times, however, friends and family will be near and dear to you. You’re not one to forget where you came from.
orn today, you possess a quiet strength and you are determined to equip yourself with the skills and abilities you need to live the life you seek. Despite what may be an early start, you won’t necessarily enjoy the success you desire when and where you want it early on; indeed, you may have to make a second, even a third start before you get things right and begin sailing the course that can lead directly to the rewards you will ultimately enjoy. You’re not a quitter, however; stick with it, and success can surely be yours.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — You may be dazzled by someone’s potential, but remember to see things from a realistic
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — You can do much to reduce the severity of threats received even casually from those who would try to displace you at work.
perspective as much as possible. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — You may find yourself in a fight to the finish over an issue that needn’t have escalated to this point. Now, however, it’s up to you.
CANCER (June 21-July 22) — You may be quite sensitive to the feelings of others, but don’t forget to consider your own as you progress through the day.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — You may have to wait your turn, but you can use the time to your advantage. Don’t let yourself become frustrated or agitated.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Plan a little weekend getaway for sometime in the near future — something to look forward to while you are currently working so hard.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) — If you’ve been thinking of taking up a new hobby or learning a new skill, today is a good day to explore options in a practical, hands-on way.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Shy away from the desire to fall into immature and childish behavior. Believe it or not, you have much more control than you think you do.
ARIES (March 21-April 19) — It may be much easier to reach your goals than expected, but resist the temptation to let down when things are going your way.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) — They say that curiosity killed the cat — but a little curiosity can serve you well as you explore a new avenue that could bring profit.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — This can be a good day for you and a partner, but you both may have to work closely together to overcome an unexpected obstacle during the morning.
Copyright 2008 United Feature Syndicate, Inc.
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Students say race talk American Indian students air concerns was thought provoking Survey shows students feel overlooked due to lack of American Indian faculty, classes PANEL, from Page 1 these events because all minority students, not just blacks, tend to get lost in studies, or going to the bars or with student groups, but we need to make sure we don’t forget the issues,” she added. Unlike last year, this year’s panel was not comprised of only students. State delegates Jolene Ivy and Victor Ramirez, for example, were able to bring political perspective to the issue of deconstructing barriers, while students Onyemobi Desta Anyiwo and Kameahle Christopher shared their academic-based views. Also on the panel was Janks Morton, founder of iYago Entertainment Group, and Eugene Robinson, a university film and media professor of over 30 years. Panelist Diop Olugbala, member of the International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement, and Ra Un Nefer Amen, chief priest of the Ausar Auset Society, brought excitement to the event by prompting multiple instances of applause and laughter — such as Olugbala’s attempt to curb religious tension by reminding the audience, “[they] don’t come into this process as Christians or Muslims; [they] come as black people.” Following the introduction of panelists came a brief slide show, including photos from last year’s forum intertwined with words outlining the event’s goals: empowerment, collaboration, global advocacy and more. The first question of the night, initiating the event’s dialogue portion, challenged the panelists to define the word “unity.” “Unity, I feel, is a beautiful thing,” said Christopher, a junior government and politics and African American studies major. “At UMD, we meet people from New York, from the Virgin Islands, from Africa. And we all work together regardless of our differences.” Robinson answered the question by posing one back to the audience: “When [Barack] Obama was elect-
ed, how many of you cried?” he asked, watching as a unanimous majority raised their hands and applauded — giving a visual response to the originally posed question. Among other issues discussed were the barriers facing minorities in society, the effect Obama’s election may have on them and flaws of the media. “The problem is that we don’t all want the same thing,” Anyiwo said, addressing barriers. “If you ask 100 people what freedom is, you’re going to get 100 different answers. We don’t know exactly what we want.” Amen argued that the ways in which the media delivers news is often “distorting” and “misinforming.” “If 300 people are killed in Panama, they will say, ‘only 300.’ Then it seems like not such a big deal,” he said. Following the panel’s dialogue, the floor was opened to students to ask their own questions. Approximately 15 of the 100 students present at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center’s Gildenhorn Hall formed a line behind the microphone to address issues such as affirmative action and voting. Fisher said because of the diverse panel and the students’ questions, the theme of “deconstructing barriers to unity” was successful. “The panel was amazing,” said Jennifer Okafor, a senior English and government and politics major. “I definitely enjoyed their perspectives. They brought excitement out for us and taught us things like that voting is just one small step of the unity process.” The event was concluded with the presentation of awards to all eight panelists, as well as some final words from each. “Go outside and educate yourselves. Learn something from someone else. Talk to someone you wouldn’t normally talk to,” Christopher said, concluding the event. “That’s the best way to learn.”
BY MARISSA LANG Staff writer
American Indian students are often overlooked and grapple with issues of self identity and institutional support, a student needs assessment survey revealed. In the second installment of a six-part series on different parts of the student population, officials in the office of Multicultural Involvement and Community Advocacy presented survey results on the needs of American Indian students at the university. “The concept of invisibility is very constant and keeps coming up,” Graduate Coordinator for Multicultural Outreach and Advocacy Chetan Chowdhry said of the survey results. “A lot of people who claim to have Native American heritage don’t see that as their primary identity, and unlike other races, they are not
necessarily identifiable by facial features.” MICA presented the results of the survey yesterday in congruence with American Indian Heritage Month — a monthlong celebration of American Indian culture and history that was declared last week by the Prince George’s County Council — in a small public forum. U.S. Census Bureau statistics show the state has a 0.3 percent Native American population, though the majority of that population resides in Prince George’s County. There is a 0.4 percent Native American student population at the university. Officials said this small number should not lead to lower cultural recognition or institutionalized support. “There is no voice for American Indian students, and we are not seen as a possible group on campus,” one student wrote in the
survey. Though there is an American Indian Student Union at the university, students said it is still hard to increase cultural awareness. They said there is little American Indian presence in the university administration and faculty, and there is a limited number of classes that deal with American Indian issues — there are currently two such classes available at the university. “Native Americans are a people of culture, not a people of color,” said Dustin Tyee Richardson, American Indian Student Union President and member of the Blackfoot nation. “And in Maryland a lot of people don’t understand the culture. For example, you see ‘redskins’ everywhere. That’s a really offensive term to anyone who self-identifies as Native American.” MICA officials, who plan
to conduct similar surveys for many minority groups on the campus, said publicizing the survey results will help raise awareness and inform administrators what can be done to enhance the experiences of the minority groups on the campus. “We try to do these surveys every two years or so,” Assistant Director of MICA Brandon Dula said. “But this is the first time we’ve made the results public. We hope that it will increase the level of exposure to the campus community that these student populations have.” Last month, MICA officials presented the results from a Latino needs assessment survey, and they plan to do a similar survey for multiracial and biracial students at the university and release those results in December.
State legislature may not want to mandate univ. funds
A panel primarily composed of sports journalists and moderated by Maury Povich discusses the issue of covering race in sports at the Shirley Povich Symposium in the Cole Field House yesterday. JAMES B. HALE/THE DIAMONDBACK
BOHANAN, from Page 1
Panelists mull over race’s impact on sports
during a public hearing in the Colony Ballroom of the Stamp Student Union. The commission consists of university President Dan Mote, University System of Maryland Chancellor Brit Kirwan, other university presidents and state legislators and administrators. “We have a mandated funding formula for K-12 education. We have a mandated funding formula for community colleges. We have a mandated funding formula for private colleges,” said Rosapepe, whose district includes College Park. “There’s no reason the public four-year institutions should be treated any different.” Rosapepe also pointed out goals for funding were set in both 1988 and 1998, but the goals weren’t met either time. But in a year where the state has already made $350 million in budget cuts and with the state projecting deficits of around $1 billion a year for the next several years, any additional mandated funding — which currently makes up two-thirds of the state budget — would be a hard sell to the state legislature. “Given the magnitude of the state budget crisis, I find it unlikely any mandates could pass,” university lobbyist Ross Stern said. But mandating the level of funding — the commission says it should be greater than three-quarters of the states Maryland competes with for employers — would protect the university from budget cuts during economic downturns. “Without [the funding] in statute, and just having goals, I don’t see how it gets off the roller coaster,” said P.J. Hogan, a lobbyist for the university system who was the original chair of the commission when he was a Democratic state senator from Montgomery County. “As long as it’s discre-
tionary, it’s going to be competing against so many other demands. It’s got to be made a priority.” In addition to the state funding recommendation, the commission also said the state should provide more financial aid than three-quarters of the states Maryland competes with for employers and should make sure tuition is lower than it is in half of those states. The new model for funding higher education, which compares MaryROSS STERN land to other UNIVERSITY LOBBYIST states, replaces the old model, which compared universities to their peers. Besides Rosapepe’s recommendations, the commission heard testimony from dozens of people involved in higher education in the state, who were largely supportive of the recommendations the committee made so far. Graduate and professional students testified to the commission about their specific concerns. Pharmacy and law students each asked the commission to enact loan forgiveness programs that would enable them to choose public service over higher-paying careers. Graduate students, including Graduate Student Government President Anu Kothari, asked for higher stipends to enable them to focus on their research.
“Given the magnitude of the state budget crisis, I find it unlikely any mandates could pass.”
Student housing expansion passed BY BRADY HOLT Senior staff writer
The College Park City Council unanimously approved a developer’s request to add more beds to a student housing project planned for Route 1, after members had informally expressed support for the expansion last week. Developers now have the council’s blessing to add a story to the StarView apartment building, for a total of six stories, which increases the planned number of beds from 550 to 662.
“As we all know, there’s a lack of student housing in the area, and anything we can do to make a dent in that demand we’d appreciate,” city council student liaison Dan Hartinger said. Developers, who were so confident the council would approve the expansion that they made the unusual move of not sending any representatives to the meeting, expect to break ground for StarView within a month and said the building will be open for tenants by fall 2010.
Third Annual Shirley Povich Symposium held last night in Cole Field House BY JEFF NEWMAN Staff writer
ESPN anchor and university alumnus Scott Van Pelt navigates a minefield on a daily basis. At last night’s Third Annual Shirley Povich Symposium in Cole Field House, where the topic of discussion was sports, race and the media, Van Pelt provided the highlight of the event when he discussed his ability as a white man to express his opinions on race in sports. “I have a radio show every day, and I mentally have to navigate a minefield out of fear,” Van Pelt said. He went on to recount a 2006 letter he received from an angry viewer when his Sportscenter co-anchor said former Super Bowl-winning coach Mike Ditka would be on the program to offer pointers to Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith, who were about to become the first black men to coach in the Super Bowl. “And there’s a man in Virginia who’s very angry with me, his name is Rumar,” Van Pelt said. “And he’s convinced that I’m a bigot and a racist because I said that Mike Ditka is going to give advice to Tony Dungy and Lovie Smith. The crazy thing is I didn’t say it, it was the other anchor.” “Rumar” could not be reached for comment, but fellow panelist Michael Wilbon, a black sports analyst for ESPN and The Washington Post, told Van Pelt he needed to ignore the criticism and engage in the race conversation, which he said needs input from both whites and blacks. The exchange exemplified the symposium, where panelists debated a number of sensitive issues, including use of the N-word and whether black athletes were more comfortable around black journalists, and didn’t reach any conclusions given these issues’ complexity. A few lighthearted moments were injected into an otherwise passionate discussion on race in sports. To the audience’s delight, panelist and Terrapin
“I have a radio show every day, and I mentally have to navigate a minefield.” SCOTT VAN PELT ESPN ANCHOR AND UNIVERSITY ALUMNUS
men’s basketball coach Gary Williams was even able to squeeze in a few digs at both Duke and North Carolina, referring to Durham as a “backwater place.” “They were great,” grad student Dave Johnson said of Williams’s jabs at his ACC rivals. “I can’t wait to tell everyone about them.” The event was moderated by television personality Maury Povich, son of the late legendary sportswriter Shirley Povich, after whom the symposium was named, and AOL’s Kevin Blackistone, who currently holds the Shirley Povich Chair in Sports Journalism at the Philip Merrill College of Journalism, which along with the Colonnade Society sponsored the event. The evening’s star power drew a large crowd, including a number of aspiring sports journalists who relished the opportunity to hear their idols speak. “I just had a friend who told me about it yesterday, and I’m just a big fan of sports and of Michael Wilbon and Kevin Blackistone, so I just wanted to come down and hear them talk,” said freshman Donald Darang. In addition to Van Pelt, Wilbon and Williams, former Terp and current college basketball analyst Len Elmore and ESPN’s Sage Steele also served on a panel composed of former players, coaches and journalists, white and black, male and female. The panel represented a level of diversity the sports world has historically been a leader in striving for, but still hasn’t reached. Blackistone noted at the beginning of the discussion that the country just
Maury Povich moderates a discussion on covering race in journalism for the Shirley Povich Symposium last night. JAMES B. HALE/THE DIAMONDBACK
elected Barack Obama as its first black president, but that only four of the 119 Football Bowl Subdivision college football teams are coached by blacks, a disparity that shocked some in the stands. “We obviously have come pretty far,” said freshman Ryan Denis. “But there’s still some things, like head coaches in college football, that’s really lagging behind, which you wouldn’t expect in 2008.” A recurring theme was the recent election of Obama as the next president. Both Williams and Elmore expressed a hope that the president-elect’s background
would finally encourage black youth to consider academics, not just athletics, as an avenue for success. “Sometimes players hide behind, ‘well I can’t do well academically because of where I went to high school,’” Williams said. “There was some criticism that ... you were looked on as kind of white if you did really well in school. I think hopefully with Obama’s academic background and the fact that he did play basketball, that combination’s there for our kids to see.”
ONLINE EXCLUSIVES: French electronic outfit M83 hits the stage at Black Cat tonight, while Abe Vigoda plays a full bill in Baltimore’s Sonar club. Check out interviews with members from both groups under the Diversions tab at:
Anthony Gonzalez of M83
arts. music. living. movies. weekend.
Jamal Malik (Dev Patel) rises out of the slums of Mumbai to compete on India’s version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.
Guillermo del Toro’s second go-round with Mike Mignola’s comic book hero allowed him to stretch his creative muscles, conjuring up a myriad of characters to populate its world. The DVD explores this further, including a walkthrough of the Troll Market set piece (worth the cost of the DVD alone), an animated comic book (which sets up the potential for a third film) and other great features. For hardcore fans, there’s also a collector’s set, which includes a copy of del Toro’s journal and a bust of a Golden Army soldier in addition to the three-disc film set. COURTESY OF MOVIEWEB
Out of the slums and into the fire Slumdog Millionaire delivers genre-film magic BY THOMAS FLOYD Senior staff writer
On the surface, director Danny Boyle’s Slumdog Millionaire doesn’t have much going for it: An impoverished teenage orphan wins a slot on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, goes on a Cinderella-like run and suddenly finds himself in the hot seat with a chance to win the big prize. It’s the obligatory story of an underdog defying all odds to triumph in the face of adversity. And, honestly, who hasn’t seen that before? But don’t be fooled — there is far more to scribe Simon Beaufoy’s (Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day) layered narrative than one would initially think. In the more-than-capable hands of Boyle (Sunshine), Slumdog is a clinic on masterful storytelling techniques. Weaving together three chronologically disjointed plot threads, the 52-year-old Brit ultimately tells a single captivating tale about one boy’s turbulent emergence from the slums of Mumbai. With Slumdog, Boyle has created a film with seemingly endless appeal. Cinema connoisseurs will praise its expertly crafted character arcs and stunning depiction of ravaged Mumbai, while the masses should appreciate the genuinely likeable protagonists and surprisingly mainstream style. Boyle even splices cultural boundaries, as the movie carries a subversively Western tone but takes place within an Eastern setting. An adaptation of Vikas Swarup’s novel, Q&A, Slumdog opens with police harshly interrogating Jamal Malik
(Dev Patel, Skins) shortly after his appearance on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. The 18year-old was only one question away from winning 20 million rupees when the show broke for the night, prompting the police inspector (Irfan Khan, The Darjeeling Limited) to take him in on suspicion of cheating. After all, how could an uneducated orphan from the slums of Mumbai possibly know so much? Watching a recording of the day’s show, Jamal recalls the experiences which taught him the answers. Just children when anti-Muslim extremists killed their mother, Jamal and his brother, Salim (Madhur Mittal, Say Salaam India), were forced to make it on their own from an early age. Although he spends time exploiting tourists at the Taj Mahal, escaping from a brutal child abuser and resisting the pull of Mumbai’s gang life, Jamal’s most challenging test is handling a tumultuous relationship with his brother. The quiz show essentially serves as the skeleton of the plot, with Jamal’s past becoming the flesh and blood. Eventually, the flashbacks also reveal what the heart of Beaufoy’s script is: Jamal’s forlorn search for his lost love, Latika (newcomer Freida Pinto). Amid the interpersonal storylines, Boyle coarsely portrays Bombay during the industrial expansion that rebranded the city as Mumbai. The crime-riddled streets are littered with garbage, while a perpetual smog hangs ominously over the city. Boyle makes it clear from the get-go
this is far from an ideal place for a child to grow up. But an overly bleak film this is not — Beaufoy’s comic relief always manages to keep it light by drawing an unexpected laugh at just the right moment. The movie does become a bit predictable by the end, catering to its crowd-pleasing instincts with little suspense. And when the cast suddenly breaks the fourth wall for a Bollywoodstyle dance finale, it somewhat undermines the climactic emo- The backstory makes up the emotional core of tional pay-off from moments Slumdog Millionaire. COURTESY OF MOVIEWEB before. The film, though, is still a touching glance at the bonds in life that endure when you have nothing else, and that isn’t easily forgotten. After drawing critical acclaim at the Toronto International Film Festival and winning the event’s People’s Choice Award, Slumdog is starting to emerge as a major contender for the Best Picture statue at this year’s Academy Awards. The hype may be somewhat premature, since the movie doesn’t bring anything radically different to the table, but it does thrive as a well-executed piece of genre filmmaking. You can’t help but let Boyle’s compelling narrative rope you in. You’ll find yourself cheering for Jamal when he comes up with the right answer and panicking when he seems stuck. Wrought with heart, grit and emotion, Slumdog Millionaire is a thoroughly enjoyable effort from one of the industry’s most reliable talents, Oscar nod forthcoming or not.
MOVIE:Slumdog Millionaire | VERDICT:
JFK: ULTIMATE COLLECTOR’S EDITION Another look by Oliver Stone at the White House, 1991’s JFK gets a blow-out edition this week. The set includes a two-disc version of the DVD, as well as a documentary on the Kennedy family, The Kennedys: America’s Emerald Kings. The set also has a docket containing pictures of Kennedy and copies of his correspondence, as well as a book of stills and information about JFK’s production and character cards, featuring a picture of the actor and a description of the historic figure on the back. The DVD cut of the film includes 17 minutes of new footage, but the best piece is the documentary that follows the basis of Stone’s film, Beyond JFK: The Question of Conspiracy, which further examines the former president’s death and the controversy surrounding it.
Hall’s goal a lone success in game of missed chances SOCCER, from Page 12 North Carolina every week,” coach Sasho Cirovski joked after the game. “He played his two best games of the year the last two games. He’s an outstanding goalkeeper, as we all know, and he’s sort of matured, and we’re seeing that. He was a calming influence on our team today.” He needed to be, or else the Terps could very well be out of the tournament and back in College Park already. Four times, MacMath made spectacular diving
stops of shots on goal. Arguably, the toughest save came with just more than 34 minutes remaining in the second half. Tar Heel forward Eddie Ababio received the ball on the left side, cut right and fired a shot from just inside the box that MacMath stretched out to deflect out of bounds for a corner kick. MacMath made three more diving saves, two of which came on balls headed just inside the left post. It was a complete performance, especially impressive for a player
making his postseason debut. “I was a little bit more nervous than I was on Friday night,” MacMath said. “But after the game got going and I made my first save, the nerves went down a little bit.” MacMath protected the lead Hall provided early in the first half. After defender Rich Costanzo and midfielder Doug Rodkey crisply worked the ball down the right side of the field, Costanzo sent a cross to a wide-open Hall, who had enough time to collect the
ball and calmly put away the lone goal of the game. Just as in last Friday’s 2-1 win against North Carolina, the Terps had a number of missed opportunities in the beginning of the second half — hitting the crossbar, left post and sending a shot right at Tar Heel goalkeeper Brooks Haggerty despite being behind the defense — all in the first 10 minutes. That made MacMath’s job that much harder, but he stepped up to the challenge. “I had to just keep my mindset,” MacMath said. “I
knew they were going to come at us like that being down 1-0. [It’s] just smart communication with our defenders and keeping everything tight in the back.” The Terps will play No. 3seed Boston College on Friday in the tournament semifinals. But they might be without midfielder Matt Kassel, who suffered a right foot contusion in the first half and did not return to the game. He will get an X-ray before it is determined whether he can play Friday, according to Cirovski.
No matter what Kassel’s status for Friday is, the Terps now know for sure they have a goalkeeper in MacMath capable of carrying them through closely contested postseason games. Judging by Hall’s reaction after the game, that’s a great luxury to have. “He made some great saves today,” Hall said. “Getting balls that were going off the posts, you need that to win games like this. So I’m really happy about that.”
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Schimmel looking to turn up the heat BY JONAS SHAFFER For The Diamondback
As he introduced himself as the third head coach in as many years for the Terrapin swimming and diving team, Sean Schimmel laid out his expectations to his squad. Above all, it was one number that grabbed their attention. “Two-hundred twelve,” senior Dong Kim said, grinning. “Everyone knows what 212 means.” Schimmel’s point in referencing 212 — the degree Fahrenheit at which water boils — was to emphasize that every degree matters. Every step, then, for the Terps, would matter on the path to success, just as water does not boil at 211 degrees. The first-year coach knows that carving out a spot among the nation’s elite won’t happen in one season. Still, Schimmel is an established winner now looking to translate past success to his own program. Before he was named head coach in May, Schimmel served as the associate head coach and recruiting coordinator at LSU, whose 2008 men’s and women’s teams earned a spot in the top 20 of dual-meet rankings. Prior to
his two seasons in Baton Rouge, La., Schimmel worked as an assistant men’s coach at Harvard. While there, the Crimson posted a 61-4 dual-meet record. In replacing interim head coach Jared Schroeder, Schimmel takes over men’s and women’s squads that last year finished eighth and ninth, respectively, in the ACC championships. “[Maryland] has all the makings and resources to bring the program where I want it to be,” Schimmel said. “I’m just really grateful for the opportunity and the trust that they put within me to give the opportunity to move the program forward.” The season officially kicked off Oct. 24 and has gone just as expected. At home in the Eppley Center Natatorium against Johns Hopkins, the women cruised to a 185-95 thumping, while the men’s side dominated in a 167-105 win. Against Duke and NC State, the Terps struggled to carry over that success. During their road trip, the men fell in losses to N.C. State, 198-151, and Duke, 203-144. The women fared better, earning their first ACC vic-
tory of the year against the Wolfpack, 189-162, but falling to the Blue Devils, 199-154. The next week, the Terps took another step forward, even if it wasn’t reflected in the squads’ losses to North Carolina, an ACC power. Numerous swimmers on both the men’s and women’s sides set personal bests for the season, and coaches and players alike are eagerly awaiting the rest of their schedule. “We’re looking forward to progressively getting better and having the kids step up not in their training, but in their performance as well,” Schimmel said. In the coming months, Schimmel will depend on a mix of seasoned veterans and talented freshmen to succeed for both the men and women. Kim proved his worth as a dependable short-distance swimmer early on, earning first in the 100-yard freestyle in the season’s first two meets. Senior Eric Cullen has also been a stalwart in the short-distance breaststroke events, while freshman Sean Stewart has lived up to his billing as a highprofile recruit in the
First-year coach Sean Schimmel admits his swimming and diving teams do not have as much talent as other ACC programs, but he believes success is on the way. ALLISON AKERS/THE DIAMONDBACK
freestyle and butterfly. The women must compete with only one senior, albeit a very talented one. Against Johns Hopkins, Yelena Skalinskaya won the 50-yard freestyle, 100-yard freestyle and 200-yard freestyle. Junior Jen Vogel has also
impressed Schimmel in the 100- and 200-yard butterfly. The side’s 11 freshmen are talented, but still adjusting to the rigors of college athletics. “Right now we’re battling some depth issues with the team,” Schimmel said. “We have great kids on the team,
we have talent on the team, we just don’t have as much of it as a lot of the other teams in the ACC.” To improve on that, Schimmel and the Terps will look to improve one degree at a time.
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Terps known for drawing power BOWLS, from Page 12
go hand in hand — better games equal more money. “Overall, we’re looking for Big Ten, Big 12, Big East, Pac-10 and SEC). If the Terps win their the best matchup that we can last three games, they will win the put on the field,” said Greg Creese, director of Atlantic Division and communications for play for the ACC chamthe Champs Sports pionship on Dec. 6. Bowl. “Obviously, “Somebody showed there’s some slotting me a scenario where that takes place — each in the Coastal Divibowl has a different sion there could be a pick each year — and five-way tie,” said once it gets to our pick Larry Wahl, vice we’re simply looking to president of media put the best matchup and public relations on the field.” of the Orange Bowl For bowls like the Committee. “We’re in Champs Sports Bowl, a wait-and-see mode. played in Orlando, Fla., There’s a lot of qualthe ACC seems like a ity football to be natural fit. But for othplayed, and a lot of ers, like the Emerald teams still have that Bowl, played in San opportunity.” Francisco, it’s less Because it automaticlear how popular an cally receives the con- GARY East Coast team might ference champions, the CAVALLI be. For that reason, the Orange Bowl has an EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, Emerald Bowl pays its easier job than the re- THE EMERALD BOWL ACC team $750,000, maining ACC bowls, which must decide which teams while it pays the other team, will make for the best game and from the Pac-10, $850,000. “We don’t expect the ACC rake in the most revenue. One of the biggest criticisms team to bring us a huge crowd,” levied by opponents of the cur- Cavalli said. “We look for a team rent BCS system is that the that will bring us a good bowls are more interested in matchup that will appeal to both profit than they are in competi- the football fan in the [San Frantion. But the bowls insist the two cisco] Bay Area and to the
“Maryland, I think, sold the highest total we’ve ever had from an ACC team other than Virginia Tech.”
national television audience.” The appeal of an East Coast team against a West Coast team has been successful in the past, Cavalli said. In 2006, Florida State and UCLA, two programs with storied histories, drew the ninth-highest television audience of all the bowl games. The Terps, thanks to a large alumni base that is scattered across the country, have a solid reputation of large fan turnouts at bowl games, which has made them attractive in the past even if their final record did not. Cavalli said he was “pleasantly surprised” with how well Terp fans traveled to the Emerald Bowl last year, when the then 6-6 Terps lost to Oregon State, 21-14. “Maryland, I think, sold the highest total we’ve ever had from an ACC team other than Virginia Tech,” Cavalli said. With the way things are looking in the ACC, there could be some large turnouts for programs like North Carolina that haven’t been to a big bowl game in recent years. “A lot of the time what you find is that when schools that haven’t been to a major bowl in some time, they’ll really get behind it,” Wahl said.
Chick-Fil-A Bowl
Gator Bowl
Opponent: BCS Payout: $18 million Last time Terps reached bowl: 2002 L, 56-23 (Florida) All-Time Record: 0-3
Opponent: SEC Payout: Total of $6 million Last time Terps reached bowl: 2002 W, 30-3 (Tennessee) All-Time Record: 1-1
Opponent: Big East/Big 12 Payout: $2.5 million Last time Terps reached bowl: 2004 W, 41-7 (West Virginia) All-Time Record: 3-0-1
Champ Sports Bowl
Music City Bowl
Emerald Bowl
Opponent: SEC Payout: $1.6 million Last time Terps reached bowl: never All-Time Record: N/A
Opponent: Pac-10 Payout: $750,000 ACC, $850,000 Pac-10 Last time Terps reached bowl: 2007 L, 21-14 (Oregon State) All-Time Record: 0-1
Meineke Car Care Bowl
Humanitarian Bowl
EagleBank Bowl
Opponent: Big East Payout: $1 million Last time Terps reached bowl: never All-Time Record: N/A
Opponent: WAC Payout: $750,000 Last time Terps reached bowl: never All-Time Record: N/A
Opponent: Big Ten Payout: $2.125 million Last time Terps reached bowl: 2006 W, 24-7 (Purdue) All-Time Record: 1-0
Opponent: Navy Payout: $1 million Last time Terps reached bowl: New bowl All-Time Record: N/A
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The Bright Side for Barnes Cornerback Kevin Barnes, out for the season with a shoulder injury, got good news recently that his rotator cuff and shoulder blade healed themselves. He won’t be back, but he does have new hope. Read more at
BOWL FEVER With things so up and down in the ACC, nothing is certain BY JEFF NEWMAN Staff writer
As the college football regular season enters its final weeks, bowl committees are beginning to canvass their games’ potential participants. For the ACC bowls, it’s been easier said than done. Eight of the conference’s 12 teams have winning records, preseason favorite Clemson does not, and neither the Atlantic nor Coastal Division has a
team alone in first place. Nothing is certain in the wild and wacky ACC, other than its weekly power shifts. With so many teams vying for a shot at the conference championship, it’s likely the ACC bowls won’t know which teams are playing where until the final games have been played. “I don’t think any of us have any good handle on what’s going on,” said Gary Cavalli, executive director of the Emerald Bowl. The ACC is contractually tied to
2008 FOOTBALL nine bowl games, and eight conference teams have already met the six-win threshold required to become bowl eligible. Since coach Ralph Friedgen’s arrival in 2001, the Terrapin football team has been to five bowl games, with three wins sand-
wiched between two losses. In Friedgen’s first year, the team won the ACC title and earned a trip to the Orange Bowl, where it lost to Florida, 56-23. The Terps have a chance to return to the Orange Bowl this year, which will host the ACC champion and either the Big East champion or an undefeated team from outside the six Bowl Championship Series conferences (ACC,
MacMath leads way in 1-0 win Men’s soccer pulls out close ACC tournament win against UNC BY AARON KRAUT Senior staff writer
CARY, N.C. – Midfielder Jeremy Please See BOWLS, Page 11
Hall sat in front of the microphone after yesterday’s Terrapin men’s soccer game and gave his goalkeeper, sitting to his right, a deserved pat on the back. Despite facing tough pressure from No. 23 North Carolina, goalkeeper Zac MacMath helped take SOCCER the No. 5 Terps to No. 23 North Carolina. . . 0 a 1-0 win in the No. 5 TERPS. . . . . . . . . . 1 ACC tournament quarterfinals yesterday. MacMath notched six saves and helped protect an early Terp lead. It was Hall who struck for the Terps (16-3-0), putting his team in the lead with a goal in the 14th minute. Still, the Terps could not convert offensive opportunities in the second half, failing to put the game away just as they did in the Nov. 7 regular season finale against North Carolina. As a result, MacMath’s effort was even more necessary. “I think Zac should play against
Please See SOCCER, Page 9