READY FOR MY CLOSE UP - FILM REVIEW “Ready For My Close Up” is a comedy horror short film directed by Jason Read and produced by Stuart Morriss, with Chuck Harding and Linda Marlowe as executive producers. With the screenplay written by Michael Haberfelner, “Ready For My Close Up” stars horror legend Lynn Lowry as Megs Topplethwaite. Lowry also came up with the concept for the short. Charlotte Mounter stars as Nurse Becca with co-stars including; Dawn Perllman, Michael Haberfelner, George Sweeney and Gary Shail. Filmed in London, England, Lowry stars as Megs Topplethwaite, a once B-movie actress who now resides alone needing care from in-home nurses. An ordinary day for Nurse Rose turns disastrous when she meets Nurse Becca. But the horror does not stop there. When Becca enters the home of Megs Topplethwaite with a devious plan, the real life horrors soon become apparent. Megs Topplethwaite is a lady with many skeletons in her closet, some rather fresh. She has a passionate dislike for delivery boys but endeavours to put on an electrifying performance for each and every one of them. Some more than others. Lynn Lowry shows a diverse range of acting, bringing comedy to the screen with fun changes of costumes and looks. Her witty lines delivered directly to the audience add an extra cult appeal to the short film. Topplethwaite’s home is full to the brim of horror movie memorabilia, including a Jason Voorhees mask, a signed H2 (Halloween) poster and a signed Dawn of the Dead poster, which is a nice touch as leading lady Lynn Lowry starred in George A. Romero’s “The Crazies”. The “Dr Who” Dalek and Cyberman are also a great touch. It feels like you are watching a well produced television show as opposed to an independent short. Maisie Palmer did a magnificent job as the onset make-up artist, as did Kate Boulby as the film’s hair stylist, creating multiple and hugely varied styles for Lynn Lowry. Jason Read achieved a polished and professional look as both cinematographer and editor of the half hour long film. Tomo Davies and Tim Newton delivered excellent sound quality as the film’s sound technicians. I’ve seen many films fall prey to bad lighting. This is most definitely not the case with “Ready For My Close Up”. The set is well lit with an overall professional look. With countless horror Easter eggs scattered throughout the movie, great twists and the perfection that is Lynn Lowry, “Ready For My Close Up” is a fun and entertaining must see gem.
Dead Score: 8.0/10.0 Review by SJ Lykana
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