Cheltenham Magazine June17

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June 2017


June Festivals! What‘s On Guide

Recipe Bolognese Meatballs


Local News Local Businesses

Home & Interiors

Cheltenham Ukulele Festival

by Pippa Greenwood

by Katherine Sorrell

16th-18th June

䌀漀瘀攀爀椀渀最 䌀栀攀氀琀攀渀栀愀洀Ⰰ 吀攀眀欀攀猀戀甀爀礀Ⰰ 䈀椀猀栀漀瀀ᤠ猀 䌀氀攀攀瘀攀Ⰰ 䌀漀瘀攀爀椀渀最 圀椀渀挀栀挀漀洀戀攀 愀渀搀 猀甀爀爀漀甀渀搀椀渀最 瘀椀氀氀愀最攀猀 圀 Nigel Errington-Smith

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Import Furniture Depot

N E E P R O O T W S O NE IN 2 577006 E R O L T B S A NHAMVAIL el: 0124

A50 3HQ E T L W E O H N C L NEW ANChEStreet G

FIN Hig 0a% t 272-274


2000 Square Foot Showroom

Stores inCheltenham Cheltenham &&levels Gloucester 2000 Square Footstock Showroom Gloucester Filled with Stores oak and pineinfurniture, massive in living room, bedroom, Filled with oak and pine furniture, massive stock levels Filled with oak and pine furniture, massive stock levels living room, bedroom, dining room and occasional furniture. Lots of chairs to choose from inininaliving wideroom, varietybedroom, of fabrics and styles dining room and occasional furniture. Lots of chairs to choose from in a wide variety styles -dining room and occasional furniture. Lots of chairs to choose from in a wide variety offabrics fabrics and styles tables in many different sizes too. All with very quick delivery times - normally within 7 of days fromand placing order tables tablesininmany manydifferent differentsizes sizestoo. too.All Allwith withvery veryquick quickdelivery deliverytimes times--normally normallywithin within77days daysfrom fromplacing placingorder order Still time for Pre-Christmas Delivery! Still time for Pre-Christmas Living Room Ranges Delivery! Living Room Ranges Living DiningRoom RoomRanges Ranges Dining Room Ranges Dining Room Ranges BedroomRanges Ranges Bedroom Bedroom Ranges OccasionalFurniture Furniture Occasional Occasional Furniture

Our Prices Our Prices OurBePrices Can’t Can’t Be Beaten Can’t BeBeaten Beaten Probably the Probably Probably the cheapest cheapest inthe the cheapest in the inCounty! the County! County!

Fantastic prices on fabulous Fantastic prices on our our fabulous Fantastic prices on our fabulous ranges of original furniture ranges of of original original furniture furniture ranges We pride ourselves on providing quality furniture with a difference. 2000 sqranges ftquality showroom We pride ourselves onfine providing furniture with afor difference. We source all our at the very best prices our

We source all ouronfine ranges quality at the very bestand prices Wecustomers pride ourselves providing furniture withtake afor difference. throughout Gloucestershire - come aour look customers - come and takefora look our We sourcethroughout all ourour fineGloucestershire rangesshowrooms at the very best prices superb today inside inside our superb showrooms today customers throughout Gloucestershire - come and take a look inside our superb showrooms in Cheltenham or Gloucester today 4 - TEWKESBURY DIRECT

Page 2

272 - 274 High Westgate RetailStreet Park (Opposite the Brewery) Westgate Retail Park (OppositeDunelm Dunelm Mill) (Opposite Cheltenham, GL50Mill) 3HQ Gloucester GL1 2RU (Opposite Dunelm Mill) Tel: 01242GL1 577006 Gloucester 2RU Tel: 01452 524545 Gloucester GL1 2RU

Mon Mon-Sat - Sat 9.30am - 5.30pm 9.30am-5.30pm Sun 11.00am 272-274 High- 4.00pm Street Mon-Sat 9.30am-5.30pm Sun 11.00am-4.00pm Sun 11.00am-4.00pm Cheltenham GL50 3HQ

Westgate Retail Park

(Opposite 01242Dunelm) 577006 Tel:Tel: 01452 524545 Tel: 01452 524545 Gloucester, GL1 2RU Mon-Sat 9.30am-5.30pm

Sun01452 11.00am-4.00pm Tel: 524545

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit

䘀爀漀洀 洀愀渀猀椀漀渀猀 琀漀 洀愀椀猀漀渀攀琀琀攀猀 眀攀 最甀愀爀愀渀琀攀攀 愀渀 攀砀挀攀瀀琀椀漀渀愀氀 猀攀爀瘀椀挀攀⸀

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Spa Service is a family run business with over twenty years experience. We offer a fast and professional service with high quality repairs, at affordable prices, to all makes and models. We are experts in the repair of:

Visit our Showroom Visit our Showroom

Page 4

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From the Editor

Local Magazines Published by Glos Directories - connecting local businesses with local people

Dear Reader, As we wave goodbye to Spring 2017, we welcome British summertime and hope for plenty of sunshine for all the upcoming fun days out, summer fetes and picnics in the park. Remember that this month is also Father’s Day (Sunday 18th June)! June is festival time in Cheltenham; you can look forward to the Wychwood Festival, the Cricket Festival, the Science Festival, the Food and Drink Festival and the Ukulele Festival, so there will be plenty for the whole family to enjoy this month. Have a look at our What’s On section at the back of the magazine for many more exciting things to do. Or how about a trip to the big city to see one of the longest-running West End shows – Disney's award-winning musical The Lion King? Anne from our office has recently been to see it and you can read all about her experience on pages 32-34. As usual, if you have a local event that you would like us to share then please like our Facebook page and send us a message and we will be happy to promote it for you. Best wishes, Vicky Muller

- Editor Cheltenham Magazine Distribution Areas

Distributed in Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec Charlton Kings, Charlton Park, Moor End, Prestbury, Pittville, Fairview. (10,000 copies)

Distributed in Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov Leckhampton, Montpellier, Tivoli, The Park, Bath Road, Town Centre, Naunton Park, Sandford Park. (10,000 copies)

Cheltenham Magazine prints 10,000 copies per month. All our magazines are also available to view online. Please visit, email us on or call us on 01242 500 028 to request advertising rates for Cheltenham or should you like information on any or all of the other publications which we publish in Gloucestershire.

Please like us on Follow us on Twitter @CheltenhamMag

Tel: 01242 500 028

Request list online call to book your Aug/Sept Magazine Book now a toprice be included inorthe next Issue andspace growinyour business locally.

Bolognese Meatballs Serves 4

Ready in 50 minutes

These delicious homemade meatballs are flavoured with basil and oregano then cooked in a rich tomato sauce. Serve with spaghetti for a classic Italian supper, or for a change pile on top of boiled rice or steamed couscous.

Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

400g lean minced beef 2 tbsp fresh chopped basil 1 tsp dried oregano 1 onion, peeled and finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1 tbsp virgin olive oil 500g carton passatta (sieved tomatoes) 2 tbsp sun-dried tomato paste 1 tsp sugar 400g spaghetti Freshly grated Parmesan, to serve Fresh basil sprigs, to garnish


Give the meatballs extra flavour by adding some chopped black olives, 2 tbsp Parmesan cheese or 2 tsp drained and rinsed baby capers. Page 6

Put the mince, basil and oregano into a food processor or blender with half the chopped onion and half the crushed garlic. Season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper, then process until almost smooth. Divide and shape the mince mixture into about 28 small meatballs. Heat the oil in a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat. Add the meatballs and cook for 4 to 5 minutes, turning frequently until browned all over. Remove the meatballs from the pan with a slotted spoon and set aside. Add the rest of the onion and garlic to the pan and fry for 5 minutes. Pour in the passatta and add the sundried tomato paste and sugar. Bring to the boil. Return the meatballs to the pan and stir in 150ml water. Simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally, adding a little more water if necessary. Season to taste. Cook the spaghetti in a large pan of lightly salted water for 12 to 14 minutes or according to the packet instructions. Drain well. Serve the meatballs and sauce with the spaghetti and top with grated Parmesan. Garnish with fresh basil sprigs.

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit

What is Kinetic Chain Release? Kinetic Chain Release (also known as KCR) is a simple yet extremely effective system of medically recognised and approved, gentle joint mobilisations and stretches, developed and taught to those who wish to learn by Scottish Physiotherapist Hugh Gilbert. KCR brings the physical body back into balance quickly and easily, frequently providing a high degree of relief and even instant resolution in many cases from pain and discomfort caused by a variety of conditions such as Chronic back pain; Fibromyalgia; Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Chronic Fatigue; IBS; Migraine & Cluster Headaches; Teeth Clenching/ Grinding; Snoring/Sleep Apnoea; Bloating; Tennis/Golfers Elbow; Behavioural Disorders; Weak Ankles; Knee Problems; Neck Pain; Plantar Fasciitis; Stress; Menstrual Pain; Recurring Hamstring issues and PTSD. Clinically evaluated in North

America by the organisation FOTO (Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes), who have 19,600 clinicians listed with them in over 4,200 clinics and 16.9 million patient assessment outcomes reviewed, KCR was shown to meet the "Gold Standard" in measuring rehabilitation outcomes much quicker than other methods, thus saving much time and money. Hugh Gilbert's book "The Early-Aging Workforce, which is very readable for the layperson, explores his "putting together" of the KCR sequence over a number of years while running a number of high profile clinics in Canada and consulting to medical insurance companies and big corporations. KCR has many benefits and can reduce Health Care costs significantly as it can take fewer sessions than related modalities to achieve the same or an improved result when looking at clinical outcomes. It is a simple procedure which is currently revolutionising physical rehabilitation, with apparent knock-on effects on emotional/behavioural issues, and with 900 clinicians predominately in the US and Scotland, then other parts

of the UK and Europe, it is likely to continue to grow quickly. Your Gloucestershire based therapist is Mark Harris based in Drybrook, who has trained and been accredited by assessment with Hugh Gilbert personally as a result of his own experience of the KCR modality when all other avenues had not produced any or lasting benefits or results. Having been diagnosed with chronic fatigue/adrenal fatigue related to complex post-traumatic stress from service in HM forces and then other public services, it was only on meeting Hugh and some of his training team that Mark actually made substantial progress and then found other approaches working with lasting effect. As a result of the dramatic improvement, Mark decided to train in KCR and to offer the service to others. He is looking at hiring treatment room space or can do workplace visits or home visits if sufficient space. For any discussion or to book an assessment and treatments please contact Mark on 07824449011 or 01594 543585 or email

Ever fallen over or been pulled over? Back pain, neck pain or arm numbness? KCR Therapy can help! BRING YOUR BODY BACK TO BALANCE & HEALTH KCR (Kinetic Chain ReleaseTM) is a series of mobilisations and stretches which allows your body to return to natural balance. It is gentle, non-invasive and safe for all ages. Benefits can include relief from chronic pain, increased energy levels and improvement in sports. KCR has been subjected to clinical review in the United States and is recognised as providing the possible results suggested in this advert.

Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) can give release from: • Chronic Fatigue • Fibromyalgia • Carpal Tunnel • Knee Problems • Sprained Ankles • Scoliosis • Teeth Clenching • IBS • Chronic Stress

• Plantar Fasciitis • Back Pain • Neck Pain • Recurring Hamstring Strains • Pelvic problems • Tennis Elbow • Bloating • R.S.I • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

EXPERIENCE FREEDOM WITH KCR! First session £55 (up to 90mins), follow up sessions £45

For assessments and appointments please contact Mark Harris at Green Beech Therapies on 01594 543585 or 07824 449011 or email Work & home visits or clinics in the Forest of Dean, Cheltenham, Gloucester & Stroud Please mention Cheltenham Magazine when responding to advertisers

Page 7

Fun for all ages at Bugsboarding

What a pleasure it was to be invited to Bugsboarding Mountainboard Centre at Overton Cottage in Maisemore (GL2 8HP) to see and try all the different activities available to do there. Having never visited the centre before, I wasn’t quite sure what was there. However, I was amazed at how many different things you can try whether it be mountain boarding, mountain biking, dirt scooting or grass sledging. I must say at this point it was my son and his friend doing the activities! AJ and Bugs were very welcoming and soon the boys were getting kitted out in all their safety gear to start having a few hours of fun! The first thing they tried was mountain boarding. With the help of Freddie, they were taken half way down the hill to learn how to balance on the board and more importantly how to stop and land correctly. After half an hour, the boys

had mastered what to do and were off down the hill at quite a speed I might add with Freddie following behind to make sure they were ok. The best bit was not having to walk back up the hill to the top as Bugs was waiting at the bottom with his truck to bring everyone back to the top. At just £10.00 (14 years and under) or £12.00 for adults (15 years and over) for 1 hour what a great way to spend time doing something different. Scooters were the next thing to try. They jumped on and decided to go a little higher up the hill to gather more speed. Soon they were off on the dirt tracks, taking in the twists and turns of the course and relishing the freedom that the tracks gave them. Finally, it was time for grass sledging, and after some gentle persuasion from AJ, I decided to have a go too! Freddie gave us instructions on how to steer and more importantly on how to stop! And once we had proved we could stop we set off down the hill. Gathering speed and with the wind in my face, it was the most exhilarating experience. I couldn’t wait to get to the bottom to get back up the hill to have another go. The sledges can carry two people if you have young children that want to give it a go or you can just go down by yourself. The centre caters for any group booking including birthdays, school groups, hen/stag do's and corporate training/team building. We had a fabulous time and

Page 8

I can highly recommend this for kids of all ages and adults too! You can just turn up at the centre but I would recommend booking to avoid disappointment. You can contact the centre by calling 07749 897330 or emailing Open from 11.00am to 5.00pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays during school holidays and every weekend. - Written by Sarah Dingwall

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit



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Lunch 12 noon - 3.00pm Dinner 6.00pm - 10.00pm

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Lunch 12 noon - 3.00pm Dinner 6.00pm - 11.00pm


Lunch 12 noon - 3.00pm Dinner 6.00pm - 10.00pm

*Closed on Mondays* Enjoy famous classics like Phad Thai, papaya salad and Tom Yum soups or try one of our more contemporary dishes. We have a wide selection of food and are happy to help you choose the perfect meal for you.

On the go? Try our Noodle Bar Menu for lunch! Private Hire available 10% off on collections Cabbages & Condoms Cheltenham, 44-48 St. James Street, Cheltenham, GL52 2SH T: 01242 257720 | E:

Page 10

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Mint & Coriander

Learn to cook authentic Indian dishes

Cotswolds Ghost Tours offer private & scheduled spooky walks in towns & villages across the Cotswolds region! Our guides are all professionally qualified, Blue Badge Tourist Guides, providing gimmick-free tours relying on their story telling prowess to entertain & inform! Tours in Prestbury and Cheltenham take place on selected dates every month. Check the ‘Tours’ page on our website for details and to book your place now!

June: Fri 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th and Sat 24th July: Fri 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th and Sat 8th August: Fri 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th and Sat 12th

Special Classes for Students in or due to begin university.

Visit for more details. DISCOVER MORE Book one of our public tours online or contact us to book a private walk for your special event!

Tel. 01242 692475 Mob. 07438 495254 Based in Bishop’s Cleeve @mintandcoriander

Old replaced with new Ask Adam for details Weeds and dirt removed Joints resealed - Outlets unblocked Cast iron guttering & fascias painted Email: Page 12

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For all your bathroom needs I'm very excited to introduce Matthew Evans, owner and Director of MRE Contracts, a local firm with over 15 years experience that makes sure you'll get the perfect bathroom. Matt will manage your large or small installations from start to finish, advise you on all aspects of the work and materials and assist with the concept, design and layout. Your bathroom installation will run smoothly and on schedule and they will always try to minimise disruption and leave your premises clean and tidy after their visit.

time frame with no hidden costs once the work has commenced. You will receive the excellent and conscientious service from MRE Contracts' expert fitting team to achieve a luxuriously detailed finish to your new bathroom, wet room, en suite bathroom or bespoke bathroom design. MRE Contracts have an extensive range of suppliers that cover hundreds of different styles, both modern and classic. "Our passion is turning bathrooms into something beautiful, luxurious and unique at affordable prices." explains Matthew.

Matt can work with your budget and provide a comprehensive written estimate and realistic

If you're looking for a new bathroom, make sure you give MRE Contracts a call on 01242 690 907 or 07748 987 895

and to visit their website "I can personally recommend Matt as he fitted my bathroom two years ago and the transformation he achieved was incredible, allowing daily bathroom solutions to incorporate my young families' needs during the day and when the team were off site." - Written by Harriet Court from Glos Directories


01242 690 907 / 07748 987 895

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Here is one of our 5-star reviews. For more, please visit and search for MRE Contracts. Cloakroom refitting with building works to accommodate a shower. “An excellent job that started and finished on time. Moreover Matt had allowed sufficient margin for including significant additional work we requested. A good team who adapted to circumstances and tried to minimise the inevitable dust and mess. Highly recommended.”

Free initial survey & consultation Please mention Cheltenham Magazine when responding to advertisers

Page 13

Running for Amy raises almost £7,000 for hospice Lisa Richardson, 43 from Cheltenham took on the London Marathon in April inspired by the cancer diagnosis of one of her friends and the care given to others to raise funds for local hospice care. Despite never having run before, Lisa Richardson from Charlton Kings decided to run this year’s London Marathon and completed the course in 6 hours and 19 minutes. Lisa was inspired to run for the hospice after her friend Amy Allen was diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer at the age of 33. With Amy as her fundraising campaign manager, the pair has raised near to £7,000 for Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice – one of the highest amounts raised for the Sue Ryder charity nationally. Their efforts secured Amy a grandstand ticket so Amy could be with Lisa at the finish line on the bid day too. However, a couple of days before the race, Amy became too poorly to travel to London to cheer Lisa on. In response, Sue Ryder made sure Amy was a big part of the virtual cheering taking place over social

media throughout the marathon. Amy’s support was shared virtually from home and the charity set up a special Storify timeline to share her virtual support for her friend: news/2017/april/running-for-amy Following the Marathon Lisa popped into Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court hospice to show off her London Marathon finisher’s medal with Amy, and the fundraising team awarded Amy her own medal for being such an incredible supporter. Lisa adds, “It was a real rollercoaster before the race with Amy being so unwell, but I was so encouraged by all the support and kind words. What a day it was too! Going through my Twitter feed from the race left me feeling so, so emotional.” “I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone for their support in the run-up to the Marathon; you've been great. Sue Ryder is a wonderful charity and Leckhampton Court Hospice in Cheltenham relies on donations to continue its invaluable work. The hospice is important to me both personally and professionally so I wanted to raise as much as I could.” Amy said, “When Lisa said she was going to take on the Virgin Money London Marathon I never doubted it for a second. I watched the race

from home, which was not quite where I had planned on being to watch my girl go, but I was left feeling so proud and emotional at what Lisa had achieved. I was tracking Lisa online with some London Marathon treats she had left for me, and there was much celebration when she passed the finish line. I couldn’t get there this year, but maybe another time. I just need to convince Lisa to do it all again!” Ed Jones, Community Fundraising Officer at Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice said, “We call those who take on sporting events like the London Marathon in support of our charity Team Incredible, and what Lisa and Amy have achieved together is what puts the incredible into that team. Their support of each other, their fundraising and their friendship has humbled us all. It was a real pleasure to welcome them to the hospice after the race to hear more about their experience and to present Amy with her own Team Incredible medal too. Thank you both and congratulations from everyone at Leckhampton Court.” To donate to Lisa’s Marathon fundraising challenge visit LisaRichardson-London2017 For more information on Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice visit

“We have been advertising in the Cheltenham Magazine for 6 months and have found it profitable. We feel that our target clients read this magazine and have been very happy with the results.”

“Your magazine is a really good source for advertising and it is bringing people in. Thank you!”

“I am very pleased with the response we have had in the Newent Magazine and look forward to our ad going into the Cheltenham issue.”

Instant Spanish -


Gloucestershire County Council



Page 14

Ledbury Door Supplies

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit

Photographs by Tom Arkell, Cotswold Gentleman

Photograph by Ros Atkinson (@her_dark_materials)

Make more of Asparagus Season

I was delighted to be invited to No.38 The Park for their preview evening showcasing British Asparagus from the Oxfordshire-based Markham Farm. It is hailed one of the best asparagus producers in the country. My guest and I received a warm welcome from the No.38 staff and a glass of fizz from the Cloudy Bay collection before sitting down in the beautiful dining room overlooking the courtyard and a smouldering fire pit. We then enjoyed a glass of the breathtakingly crisp and fresh Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc – I think sometimes you forget how fantastic the “original” NZ Sauvignon Blanc actually tastes!

Each dish is £15 served with a 125ml glass of Cloudy Bay, NZ Sauvignon Blanc.

The good news is that you can hire No.38 exclusively for weddings (they have a license), big birthdays, business away days or any special occasion with friends and family. Enjoy full use of the 14 individually designed bedrooms and the plentiful light and airy downstairs space which includes a pretty courtyard. Please visit for further information. - Written by Harriet Court from Glos Directories

We were served sweet and tender asparagus spears which were perfectly complimented by the wine. This versatile and tasty spring vegetable was served in three different ways; ASPARAGUS WITH AIR-DRIED BEEF, PEA SHOOTS & PARMESAN


The dishes were a taste sensation, light fresh and packed full of goodness. All dishes are available from April through to July at No.38 The Park, No.131, The Chequers, The Wheatsheaf Inn & The Wild Duck (offer subject to availability, come early to avoid disappointment).

Call 01684 772 572 or 07740 784 444 No. 38 The Park T: 01242 822 929 for more information. 38 Evesham Road Cheltenham E: Gloucestershire GL52 2AH


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Page 15

Cheltenhambuild Limited Home/Commercial - Maintenance & Care

GUARANTEED QUALITY & RELIABLE SERVICE From barn conversions and renovations to small maintenance jobs, with over 30 years experience you can trust our service will be second to none, call for a free quotation.

Does your gutter need cleaning or replacing?

Is your chimney in need of some TLC?

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Or do you have a bigger project in mind?

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106.2 - 107 - 107.8 FM

MONDAY - THURSDAY 6am - 10am Paul Ellery In The Morning 10am - 2pm Mark Edwards 2pm - 7pm Drive Time 7pm - 6Am Non Stop Sunshine FRIDAY 6am - 10am Paul Ellery In The Morning 10am - 2pm Mark Edwards 2pm - 7pm Gregg Upwards 7pm - 10pm Chris Roberts 10pm - 7Am Non Stop Sunshine

SATURDAY 7am-10am Mark Edwards in the Morning • 10am - 2pm Gregg Upwards All Request Saturday • 2pm - 6pm Paul Ellery • 6pm - 9pm All the Hits with Pat Sharp • 9pm - 11pm Totally 90’s• 11pm - 6am Non Stop Sunshine SUNDAY 7am - 11am Roger Noble • 11am - 3pm Sunshine On Sunday • 3pm - 7pm Matt Healey• 7pm - 9pm Totally 80’s• 9pm - 11pm Mike Hollis Soul Show • 11pm - 6am Non Stop Sunshine Page 16

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A new Tax Director for Crowthers Sara Crowther became a Director of Crowthers Accountants Limited on 1st April 2017. Sara joins Jonathan Crowther, Nikki Walding, Ian Cooke and Sophie Howard as the fifth director making the future exciting for all the team at Crowthers. Crowthers Accountants is an established firm of Chartered

Accountants with offices in Pershore and Ledbury and a strong reputation throughout Worcestershire and Herefordshire. Sara is based in Cheltenham and is seeking to expand the services offered by Crowthers throughout Gloucestershire and surrounding areas. Crowthers already offer strong tax compliance services to their clients and Sara's arrival will enhance and expand the taxation services offered to clients. Sara will be working with our existing clients across all offices to offer advice on specialist tax matters. Sara had previously run her own business, Crowther Associates Limited, which was established in 2011 to provide specialist corporate tax services. Her business has grown rapidly over the last few years.

Sara has a wealth of corporate tax knowledge and is a wellknown specialist for Research & Development tax relief, capital allowances and corporate reconstructions. By combining forces with Crowthers the aim is to expand the tax services offered to new and existing clients, building on our reputation for being our clients' 'best friend in business'. Sara is also planning to launch probate services in the near future. Sara enjoys helping clients to make significant tax savings and has worked with a wide range of businesses over the years, including businesses in the engineering, manufacturing, technology, agricultural, food and drink and biotech markets. Sara particularly enjoys working with owner managed businesses and family businesses, not least because of her own personal experience in these areas!

Round up a Tax Specialist Crowthers help clients to manage their tax affairs and minimise their tax bills. For Corporate, Income and IHT Planning that makes sense. Offices in Ledbury, Pershore and Cheltenham Please mention Cheltenham Magazine when responding to advertisers

Page 17

Cathedral Cladding Ltd Call 01905 700100


INSTALLERS OF PVCU ROOFLINE PRODUCTS We are experts in the installation, removal and replacement of Fascias, Soffits, Guttering & Downpipes

We have received numerous awards & achieved 99% customer satisfaction from the IWA (Independent Warranty Association).


♦ Approved registered Freefoam Installer offering a first class service at a competitive price ♦ Gloucestershire based fitters ♦ No deposit required, only pay when the job is completed ♦ Extensive product range ♦ Choose from a variety of colours and wood effects ♦ Full 10 year Insurance Backed Guarantee ♦ Unique 50 year Manufacturers Guarantee ♦ Over 15 years experience in the industry

“I wanted you to know how very pleased we

are with the work completed by your fitters last week. The whole job was efficiently executed and left tidy at the end of each day. They also removed a redundant ariel and satellite dish giving the whole house a much smarter appearance.“ Mr & Mrs Cottam - Gloucester Covering the Cathedral cities of Gloucestershire, Worcestershire and Herefordshire Company Reg. No. 07976635 | VAT Reg. No. 141475544

Page 18

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit

Severn Shades Blinds Quality made to measure window blinds • Expertly fitted by your local advisor • A wide range of blinds and fabric choices at a price to suit you • Quick, friendly and efficient service • All types of blinds including conservatory roof & sides • Curved blinds for bay windows a speciality

Call Chris on 01453 731376 or 07825 205293 for a no obligation quote. PRESENT THIS ADVERT AND GET 20% OFF.

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Page 19

Shirley’s Catering Tel. 01242 238924 Bespoke catering for all occasions

✓ 5-star food standard rating ✓ High quality homemade food ✓ Fresh, local ingredients ✓ Friendly, personalised service ✓ Sensible prices ✓ Celebrating 20 years of running the business

Electrical Contractors Domestic . Commercial . Industrial . Agricultural

The Cotswold Lighting Company covers ALL aspects of electrical design and installation, from extra sockets to complete re-wires. We also specialise in creating unique lighting effects for your home and garden. visit for more information. No job is ever too big or small!

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COUNCILLORS CORNER We are told we live in a world of instant communication but local residents often miss out. Recently, I received a phone call – “They’re chopping the cherry trees down in Copt Elm Road.” 10 minutes later I was having a chat with the ‘perpetrators’. As the photo shows, there was absolutely no doubt that the tree was diseased. It turns out that Amey contractors were undertaking the tree work on behalf of Gloucestershire Highways. Their tree officer had surveyed the trees and determined

that two needed to be removed. I had two immediate reactions: what a pity they couldn’t have waited till the blossom had finished, and, second, it would have been nice to receive an email informing the ward councillors of what was planned. Here in Charlton Kings, we have been having other problems with Highways. The speed limit along the A40 towards Oxford has been reduced from 40 to 30mph. Work did start for a few days and was then postponed “till after the May Bank Holiday”. The righthand side photo is of roadworks that just popped up towards the end of April when there weren’t supposed to be any roadworks but the real fun started in May when the A40 was closed between Glenfall Way and the garage at East End Road. Traffic

coming into town was diverted along East End Road. You can image what happened when an articulated lorry attempted to get past the Merryfellow – gridlock! Worse, traffic leaving Cheltenham was diverted up Cirencester Road leaving angry traders at Sixways wondering what had happened to all their customers. Proper, timely communication with those affected would have solved a lot of problems. Let us hope our new County Councillor can make a difference! - Cllr Paul McCloskey, Charlton Kings

Cheltenham Calendar You are absolutely spoilt for choice this month and fingers crossed the weather holds out as June is full of festivals! Kicking off the month is the Wychwood Festival. Families and folk lovers will be coming from far and wide to enjoy what the Cheltenham Racecourse has to offer during the first week of June. With headliners Buzzcocks, The Levellers and Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark plus other acts such as Billy Bragg and The Strypes, it promises to be a jam-packed weekend full of family fun. With the Jazz Festival barely over, the Cheltenham Science Festival is already round the corner! The 6th to the 11th of June will be an extravaganza of the 15th anniversary of the annual celebration of all things science. Coming along will be comedian Dara Ó Briain, Former Nasa Chief Scientist Ellen Stofan, and

writer Lionel Shriver plus a multitude of performers, talkers, scientists and big thinkers. With plenty going on around town as well as at the festival site, Imperial Gardens, the whole of Cheltenham will be alive with the buzz of science. Conveniently coinciding with the Science Festival is the loved-by-all Cheltenham Food and Drink Festival. Taking place in Montpellier Gardens, over 140 stalls and producers are here to keep you fed and watered on the weekend commencing 9th. See your favourite chefs, taste fine wines and wash it all down with a large helping of live music. The weekend is being sponsored by Bollinger

by Olivia Scull Champagne, Whole Foods and My Coffee, amongst others. Gorgeous and fresh local produce mixed with a laid back atmosphere make for the perfect recipe. Cheltenham's Everyman Theatre has some great productions this month with the award-winning Room on the Broom, transformed from the much-loved kid's book and Joseph, starring Joe McElderry. You can read my review on the Joseph production on my blog www.watchingfromthecheapseats. June is the time to kick back and wind down as summer really starts to get going, so I suggest you do just that.

You can find more of my work and reviews of shows, plays, etc. I’ve seen on my blog

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Page 21

Inspirational Stories Tales of wartime, refugees and hardships overcome.

Behold the Dreamers - Imbolo Mbue Jende and Neni are firm believers in the American dream and know they can achieve a better life for themselves and their son. Jende works long hours as a chauffeur for the wealthy Clark Edwards and his family, while Neni does care work and studies to be a pharmacist. Then Jende is told his application for a green card has been rejected. As cracks also start appearing in the Edwards family’s lives, it seems the American dream may not be all Jende and Neni hoped for. Alone on a Wide Wide Sea - Michael Morpurgo Six year old Arthur is shipped off to Australia in 1947. He’s put to work on a farm and treated as little more than an unpaid servant. All he has left of his life in England is his lucky key, and memories of the big sister who stayed behind. Years later, Arthur builds a boat for his daughter Allie, to take her back to England and find his sister. A powerful story of what it means to be a family, Alone on a Wide Wide Sea is 10 years old this year. Why not lose yourself in Arthur’s story this summer? Page 22

The Girl Who Beat ISIS Farida Khalaf and Andrea C. Hoffmann ISIS kidnapped Farida Khalaf from her Northern Iraqi village in 2014. Beaten, raped and sold as a slave, the teenage Farida refused to bow down to her captors or to convert to their religion. After numerous attempts, and nearly being beaten to death, Farida eventually escaped with five other girls. Having been granted asylum in Germany, this is her harrowing tale as told to Andrea C. Hoffmann. Goodnight Mister Tom Michelle Magorian This classic tale tells the story of a cantankerous old man who takes in an evacuee in World War II Britain. Tom Oakley is gruff, reclusive and still grieving for the wife and son he lost so many years ago. His ward William has his own demons to battle, including an abusive mother. Together they learn to put the past behind them and trust in each other. When Will is summoned back to London and fails to keep in touch, Tom knows something’s wrong and sets off for the City to bring Will home.

The Nightingale - Kristin Hannah Two sisters in France at the start of World War II. One wants to keep her head down, wait for her husband to come home and keep her daughter safe. The other plans to do everything in her power to fight the enemy. Each will end up making her own contribution, resisting the Nazis and saving lives. As much a tale of sisters as it is of war, this is a truly powerful read that will haunt you for days afterwards. The Girl with Seven Names - Hyeonseo Lee Hyeonseo Lee gives us a glimpse into life in secretive and oppressive North Korea. She was raised in a country where the slightest sign of resistance against the government is punishable by torture or death. At 17, Hyeonseo fled to China, leaving behind her family, and wasn’t able to see them again for 12 years. She is now an advocate for refugees and speaks out about the plight of the people who still live in fear in North Korea. Her TED talk has been viewed 4 million times, by people across the world.

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Page 24

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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Would you like to join our team? We organise a successful monthly social club for visually impaired people in Cheltenham. We want to hear from people who would like to be volunteer drivers taking members to the meetings which take place on the first Wednesday of each month, 2pm - 4pm at Highbury Congregational Church.

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Page 25

Cake and Bake Apricot Jam Swiss Roll Great for a teatime treat, this light sponge cake is best eaten on the day it’s made. For a chocolate version replace 25g of the flour with 25g sifted cocoa powder.


1. Preheat the oven to 200C, Fan 180C, Gas 6. Lightly

• 100g caster sugar, plus extra for sprinkling


• 3 large eggs • 100g self-raising flour FILLING


• 100g unsalted butter, softened • 225g icing sugar • Few drops vanilla extract • 6 tbsp apricot conserve



Serves 8-10 Ready in 40 minutes, plus cooling time



Use any fruit conserve you like or try lemon or lime curd for a really tangy filling. Page 26


grease a 33x23cm Swiss roll tin and line the base and sides with baking paper. Lightly grease the baking paper. Place the eggs and sugar in a large mixing bowl and whisk with a hand-held electric whisk until the mixture is very thick and pale and the whisk leaves a trail when lifted out – this will take 8 to 10 minutes. Sift the flour over the whisked mixture, and gently fold it in with a metal spoon until just incorporated. Turn the mixture into the prepared tin, tilting it gently to make sure the mixture spreads evenly into the corners. Bake in the preheated oven for 8 to 10 minutes until the sponge is pale golden and springs back when lightly pressed with your fingertips. Whilst the cake is baking, place a sheet of baking paper on a clean damp tea towel and sprinkle with 2tbsp caster sugar. Quickly invert the hot sponge onto the paper and peel off the lining paper. Trim the edges of the sponge and roll up firmly from one short end with the paper inside. Leave to cool completely. To make the buttercream filling, beat together the butter and vanilla extract then gradually beat in the icing sugar until smooth and creamy. Carefully unroll the cooled cake and remove the paper. Spread the buttercream over the sponge then spread the apricot conserve on top. Gently re-roll and serve sliced.

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Linc’ing together to beat cancer

3 Counties Cycle Ride Sunday 11 June 2017

Registration & sponsor forms from our website or the LINC Office LINC Office, Cheltenham General Hospital, Sandford Road, Cheltenham, GL53 7AN t 0300 422 4422 Registered Charity number: 1078183 Page 28

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Word Ladder



Here is one possible solution (others may exist) Motorhomes and Caravans NEWT neat Repaired and Painted

Change one letter at a time (but not the position of any letter) to make a new word - and move from the word at the top of the ladder to the word at the bottom, using the exact number of rungs provided.

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CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.




14 3



3 10






17 22 25 16




























19 9


19 10



16 20

17 3



13 13


11/07/2016 16:14







26 26


















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13 9

10 15





4 11


1 12

17 20


19 19


10 20


4 3









8 6



Page 29

Outdoor Relaxation by Pippa Greenwood

When you get back from a hard day’s work, or when you simply find the time to escape into the garden after a stressful day, then it is essential that you are met by a soothing environment. So, concentrate on a truly relaxing feel that will help you to unwind as you enjoy soft shades and textures of foliage, delicate flower colours and fabulous perfumes. Plants have an amazing ability to calm and soothe even the most wound up, stressed out mood, but what should you grow if you really want to create that perfect place to relax? Start by considering a fairly gentle perfume, like that produced by many roses. One of my favourites is ‘Felicia’. For something slightly richer try ‘Tuscany Superb’. If you have an arch, arbour, pergola or even a spare bit of fence then train a honeysuckle over it. Its delicately coloured flowers and fabulous perfume will cheer you up and you can even enjoy it in the early evening. A sowing of night-scented stock will produce plants that are perfect for early evening relaxation, as this is when the flowers open and produce wafts of really sweet scent. Page 30

If you have space for a goodsized container plant, then grow your own Datura or Brugmansia. Commonly known as the angel’s trumpet, these plants produce large elegant trumpet-shaped flowers with a wonderful perfume. Think too of plants with a relaxing feel to them, such as the grass Chasmanthium latifolium which grows to a height of about 45 cm and carries its flattened seed heads above the leaves. They move about delicately in the breeze and are almost impossible not to stroke. Artemisia abrotanum has soft grey-green leaves that will make you want to touch it, which releases a lovely aroma. The perfume of lavender is often used in aromatherapy because of its calming, soothing properties, so grow this in a sunny spot with freedraining soil, perhaps to edge a border. It not only has lovely, slightly furry or felt-like foliage but also produces that heavenly smell. Grasses and bamboos work well too; the rustling sound of bamboo foliage as the stems sway gently is one of the most relaxing sounds I know, and for smaller spaces many of the grasses form wonderfully

rounded and quite irresistible clumps of foliage. When it comes to choosing flowers, if you want to relax then concentrate on cream, white and, of course, the pastel shades. Green is known to be a relaxing colour too, so include plenty of plants with good foliage, and, in shady areas, a miniature grotto-like patch planted up with ferns is wonderful. And finally, before you rush off to the garden centre to buy some of these truly magical ingredients, just a reminder that water in a garden always helps to relax you. Whether it’s a small pond or perhaps a bubble fountain, position it where you can hear that sound of moving water or enjoy watching the wildlife as it comes to feed and drink - and before you know it, you will find that you want to move the whole of your life into your garden. Visit Pippa’s website www. for a really useful selection of favourite gardening items including growing frames, SpeedHoes, SpeedWeeders, raised bed kits, Nemaslug and other nematode controls and copper tape, pull-out EasyTunnels, signed books and lots more besides.

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Page 31

Spectacular! Disney’s multi award-winning musical The Lion King has taken audiences onto a magical journey to the African Pride Lands at London’s Lyceum Theatre for 18 years, making it one of the ten longest-running West End shows and a highly popular choice with theatre goers. Based on the animated Disney film from 1994, the musical follows the story of a young lion called Simba. Born as son to Mufasa, King of the Pride Lands, Simba is destined to rule over the animal kingdom. However, following an evil scheme from his uncle Scar which results in Mufasa’s premature death, Simba is tricked into leaving the kingdom as Scar usurps the role of king and assumes control of the Pride Lands. Years pass by until a chance encounter with his childhood friend Nala causes Simba to return to the Pride Lands to defeat Scar and take on his rightful position as king. The opportunity to experience this acclaimed West End musical should not be passed up. It had always been a wish of mine to see it so when I finally had the chance during a visit to London last month, I was thrilled and was certainly not disappointed!

Particularly prominent in this production is the inventive way in which the actors embody their animal characters through the use of puppets, headpieces, masks and props. Whereas in traditional puppetry the person behind the puppet isn’t seen, the Lion King takes an intentionally human-focused approach to bring the characters to life, convey emotions and to reinforce the humanity of the story which takes you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Costume designer Credit: Johan Persson

The show begins with the celebration of Simba’s birth at Pride Rock and

I must say rarely have I witnessed an opening scene as powerful as this one (have the tissues ready!). Beautifully designed animals emerge from amidst the audience and take to the stage to the breathtaking sound of Elton John and Tim Rice’s iconic song Circle of Life. It takes mere seconds to be transported to the African savanna and be immersed in the rich culture and storyline. The events that unfold before the viewer’s eyes are a truly amazing visual spectacle. Constantly changing colourful stage designs, intricate and imaginative costumes and a multitude of shadow plays, projections and clever effects (especially with the lighting) give the eyes plenty to feast upon during the show.

Credit: Brinkhoff and Mogenburg


and director Julie Taymor, the mastermind behind the show, specifically wanted the audience to see both the puppets and the actors who manipulate them; it’s this double event, both actors and puppets showing emotions and telling the story, which makes the performance so fascinating and expressive. Talented actors and incredible dancers bring the animal kingdom and its colourful characters to life. From the wise and kind-hearted Mufasa and the brave, yet foolish young Simba, to the cunning and evil Scar and the zanier characters such as the hyenas, Timon, Pumbaa and Rafiki. The latter is portrayed by a woman who will definitely have you in stitches throughout the show. Rafiki is the only character who does not appear in puppet form, nor does she wear a mask thus retaining her human character completely. The crowning achievement of this simply enthralling production is, of course, the music. The show features all the iconic and well-known songs from the movie, making it a stunning, all-inclusive experience that you simply don’t want to end. Theatre goers could be heard humming and singing the catchy tunes whilst departing the auditorium and leaving for the streets of London. Not many musicals can boast such a following; it makes for a truly spellbinding evening! Disney’s Lion King plays Tuesdays to Saturdays at 7.30pm and Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 2.30pm. For tickets and more information, visit or call the Box Office on 0844 871 3000 (charges apply). - Written by Anne Golldack

Page 32

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Credit: Helen Maybanks


Credit: Helen Maybanks

During my theatre visit I was fortunate enough to partake in a backstage tour of the show. It was a rare opportunity to take a close-up look at the amazing puppets, props and costumes. The puppets that appeared to be heavy in terms of weight, such as the antelopes, were surprisingly light. In comparison the grass skirts, which the actors seemed to swing around so effortlessly on stage, were quite cumbersome. It was simply captivating to see the level of detail when it came to the beautifully woven costumes. The 14 lionesses in the show, for example, each have an individually designed, hand sewn corset – no two are the same and each corset is hand-painted and the fabric handdyed (these are also fairly heavy). A designated in-house beader maintains them and carries out repairs where needed. Also striking was the limited space behind the stage, given the extensive stage design and many scene changes as well as the large number of props and the many people involved (on stage and behind). Most of the space is in the height so all the props are hoisted up and strategically stored away.

Make your theatre visit extra special Enjoy a pre- or post-theatre dinner INDIGO

The Lyceum Theatre is situated right opposite the One Aldwych Hotel which hosts, amongst others, two restaurants and a luxurious lobby bar. On the 1st floor of the hotel you will find the INDIGO RESTAURANT which allows you to relax in a comfortable chair, overlooking the Lyceum Theatre with its historic grand façade and portico entrance or, should you opt for a seat by the balcony, the buzzing hotel bar on the level below. The Indigo Restaurant serves innovative, gluten and dairy-free dishes, using only the finest and freshest British ingredients and changes its menu regularly. During our visit, both my guest and I opted for the three-course meal from the pre-theatre menu at £27 per person (a two-course option at £22 is also available). After sampling some delicious freshly baked bread, I chose the vegetarian starter which comprised of a slow poached, Breckland Brown egg in Alexander soup served with crispy wild rice, while my partner had the hand-picked Dorset crab, accompanied by Asparagus and watercress. As main courses we chose the Rhug Estate Organic Lamb with baby Lincolnshire potatoes and wild garlic alongside the Filet of Sea Trout with roasted fennel, saffron potato, capers and white balsamic. To conclude what can only be described as a superb meal, we both indulged in the Vanilla panna cotta with poached Yorkshire Rhubarb. During the meal we shared a bottle of white wine, recommended to us by one of the friendly waiters, which complemented our main courses perfectly. The food and service were second to none; each dish was beautifully composed, cooked and presented and wholly satisfying through its lightness, texture and taste. The pre-theatre menu is available Monday to Sunday, 5.30pm - 6.30pm, and post-theatre Monday to Sunday, 10pm - 10.15pm. For more information or to book a dinner at Indigo, please visit continued on page 34

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Page 33

continued from page 33

…at ENEKO AT ONE ALDWYCH Treat yourself to a superb dining experience with a visit to ENEKO at One Aldwych, the first London outpost of renowned chef Eneko Atxa whose Azurmendi restaurant in Bibalo, Northern Spain, has been awarded three Michelin stars. ENEKO at One Aldwych serves Basque country cuisine with a modern twist and is only a few footsteps away from the Lyceum Theatre. Although easy to miss from street level at first sight, the restaurant is a real culinary gem.

To view the menu and book your table, please visit

Fancy a pre- or mid-theatre snack or drink? Snacks are available in the entrance hall of the theatre and there are a total of four licensed bars in the building (one on each level and two in the Royal Circle). There is also the option of booking an Ambassador Experience package with your theatre tickets which allows entry to the VIP Ambassador Lounge 90 minutes before the show and during the interval. Here you can enjoy a variety of drinks and nibbles (they do fantastic Bagels) but do hurry as the 30-minute interval passes very quickly.

Make the most of your visit

Set in the basement the asymmetrical wooden tables, comfortable armchairs, private red booths and stylish modern interior all invite you to sit back and relax. Begin the evening with a glass of wine from the carefully composed all-Spanish wine list, which includes four wines personally created by Eneko and his uncle Gorka (I whole-heartedly recommend the G22 by Gorka Izagirre at £13 per glass if you enjoy white wine). The easy-to-navigate menu offers a varied range of meat, fish and vegetarian options and the friendly and accommodating waiters will be more than happy to help you choose and answer any questions you may have about the food and wine they serve. All dishes are beautifully presented and, thanks to varied textures, rich aromatic flavours and bold combinations, are a true sensation for the taste buds. After sampling some delicious sourdough bread with freshly mixed butter, I started my meal with the heavenly creamy Duck Liver Parfait while my guest had the sumptuous Suckling Pig Tempura. For mains, we had the Basque style squid in ink sauce and the slow-cooked oxtail accompanied by stuffed Piquillo peppers and mashed potato; both were cooked to perfection and simply stunning. To round of our meals, we sampled the Salted Caramel Mousse and the Pineapple Sorbet. The latter came with celery foam and sweet celery ribbons which was a truly innovative and exciting combination – nothing I had ever tasted before! While the above dishes were chosen from the à la carte menu, Eneko at One Aldwych also offers a set pre- and post-theatre menu from Tuesday to Saturday (5.00pm - 6.30pm and 10.00pm - close) at £25 per person for a two-course meal and £28 for a three-course meal. Page 34

The One Aldwych Lobby Bar Why not make the most of your trip to the theatre and spend a night at the One Aldwych Hotel? This contemporary 5-star luxury hotel is located directly opposite the theatre and allows for a comfortable overnight stay. Executive rooms feature king-size or twin beds and a bathroom with bathtub and separate shower. The rooms are equipped with flat screen HD televisions, free WIFI, iPod docking stations and individually controlled air conditioning. The service is exemplary, from the friendly staff who greet you at the entrance to the receptionist and the accommodating staff in the restaurant and lobby bar. The hotel is not only in an ideal position for your night at the theatre but also perfect for those who wish to explore the city. Set in the heart of Covent Garden, the Thames and city centre with its various attractions are only a few minutes’ walk away. The hotel is also conveniently close to public transport links, making it easy to travel around London and to eventually catch a train home at the end of your stay. For further information and room prices please visit - Written by Anne Golldack

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By Ann Haldon

Different Types Of Holiday Insurance: Are You Fully Covered?

Buying holiday insurance can sometimes take a back seat when you’re planning to get away. It’s an important investment in your health and safety, however, offering protection and reassurance if something goes wrong when you’re a long way from home. The cost of holiday insurance depends on a number of factors including your age, the length of time you’ll be away, whether or not you’re travelling alone, and the types of activity on the agenda. A comprehensive ‘standard’ policy generally covers the following, although policies do vary: • Holiday cancellation or missed departure. • Theft. • Medical assistance. • Emergency repatriation. • Baggage loss or delay. • Other lost or damaged items. • Personal injury. So what other types of holiday insurance are available, and which might be suitable for you? Single trip/annual or multi trip If you only intend to take one break during a 12-month period, a single trip insurance policy would be the most cost-effective choice as long as it covers everything you need. Annual Page 36

or multi trip insurance is more suitable if you’re going away more than once a year, but there’s usually a maximum allowable duration which is generally 90 days. European/worldwide travel The expense of repatriating travellers from countries outside Europe, or obtaining medical treatment in the USA for example, is very high. Insurance companies have to take this into account when pricing their policies, so if you’re only travelling to Europe the cost should be lower than for worldwide travel. Take care to check whether a specified number of days are mentioned in the policy, as your insurance will be invalid if you exceed this number. Winter/extreme sports A ‘standard’ holiday insurance policy usually contains exclusion clauses relating to winter or extreme sports due to the additional risk of injury. Also, winter sports equipment is expensive, so you’ll need to pay more to cover it against loss or theft. Gap year/backpackers’ insurance Backpackers’ insurance provides cover for an extended length of time away, but there may be limitations specified in the policy, for example the number of times you can return to the UK. There could also be restrictions on returning home before the stated period ends, so it’s important to check the details. Unlike annual insurance where you can go away for several

trips during a 12-month period, gap year and backpackers’ insurance covers one extended holiday break. Family policies Family travel policies generally require all those included on the policy to live at the same address, and can be a cheaper option than insuring each family member individually. Some insurers offer higher rates of cover, or even free insurance for children under a certain age. Group travel Groups such as work colleagues, stag and hen parties, or school trips, where everyone travels to and from the same place, can use group travel insurance to save money. Some insurance companies offer one member of the group free insurance as an incentive. Pre-existing medical conditions If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you might be tempted to take a chance with your holiday insurance and not disclose it. This can prove to be a very expensive mistake, however, as the cost of repatriation is extremely high. Fortunately, some insurance companies offer policies for those already suffering from a health condition. Although it will be more costly than buying a standard policy, it’s impossible to put a price on peace of mind while you’re away. travel-insurance/policy-types/ en-gb/travel-insurance/medicalconditions/ travelinsurance/types-holiday. htm

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Big Brass at hospice in show of support

Gloucester Brass Band are putting on a summer family performance at Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice to raise funds for the charity which provides specialist hospice care for people living with life limiting conditions in the county. ‘Concert at the Court’ takes place on Saturday 22nd July from 1pm to 5pm in the beautiful grounds of Leckhampton Court Hospice, Church Road, Leckhampton, Cheltenham with the historic manor house as the backdrop. It offers a fun day out for all the family with ice cream and refreshments available to buy on the day, bouncy castle and teddy bear’s picnic for children and special interval performance from Angie's Community Choir from Kingsway in Gloucester. Tickets cost £5 per adult, £2.50 for children aged five to 16 and underfives go free. A family ticket for two adults and three children costs £15, with all proceeds going to Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice to help fund the specialist care given by the charity to people living with conditions

like cancer, heart failure, lung disease and neurological conditions. Tickets can be purchased online now at www.sueryder. org/courtconcert or by emailing leckhampton.fundraising@suerdyer. org or calling 01242 246285. Families are encouraged to bring their own blankets, chairs and picnics to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere on the tranquil back lawn of the hospice while Gloucester Brass perform, offering a rare opportunity to enjoy the beautiful surroundings of the historic manor house – said to be one of the oldest homes in Cheltenham. The young at heart are invited to bring along a teddy to take part in a teddy bears’ picnic too with a prize for the best dressed bear. Alysia Cameron Price, Senior Hospice Fundraiser at Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice said, “The hospice is a really special place and we’re really looking forward to opening our doors and welcoming families to enjoy a one off summer concert in our beautiful grounds. With bouncy castle, ice cream and refreshments it will be fun for all the family while helping to raise much needed funds so we can be there for local people and their families at a time they need help most.”

Mandy Phipps plays second coronet in the band and also works in Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice’s kitchen. She said, “Gloucester Brass loves playing at Sue Ryder for such a worthy cause, we play at Christmas in the Chapel and will continue to do so. Please come along with a picnic, blanket and enjoy a summer afternoon of music. There's nothing more British than a Brass Band, cup of tea out of a flask and a sandwich.” Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court is home to the only inpatient unit in the county giving hospice care in its specialist 16 bed unit, alongside day services, hospice at home and family support teams. All its services are given free of charge but as a charity it must raise the majority of the £8,000 it costs every day to run through the support of the local community and through fundraising events like this.

For more information visit For more information on Gloucester Brass visit

Leckhampton Lawn Tennis Club - Cheltenham’s hidden sporting gem There is nothing quite like grass court tennis for blowing away the Winter cobwebs. Even better when the setting includes a perfect view of Leckhampton Hill. Leckhampton Lawn Tennis Club in Moorend Grove has been offering this popular amenity for at least eighty years, perhaps as long as a hundred years.

Our club archives go back to the 1930’s but we are aware that grass courts existed on the site in the 1920’s and some say even before that. If any readers can throw further light onto the history of the Moorend Grove tennis courts we will be delighted to hear from you. We offer organised social tennis sessions throughout the Summer on Monday and Thursday evenings from 6.00pm and on Saturdays from 2.00pm. Members also use the courts outside of these hours for informal play and Gloucestershire league matches. The cost of membership for

Page 40

the five months Summer season is just £50 for adults, £20 for juniors or £90 for families (pro-rata reductions are applied for those joining late in the season). So if you are looking for affordable, enjoyable and sociable grass court tennis at one of Cheltenham’s hidden sporting gems come along to our Open Day on Saturday, 10th June between 11.00am and 5.00pm or call in at the club during one of our social sessions. Address: Moorend Grove, Cheltenham GL53 0EZ Parking: Burrows Playing Field car park Club Secretary: Dave Hughston Email:

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Chalk Talk In a world that’s gone electionbarmy, it’s vital we don’t lose sight of the day-to-day campaigns that hum away behind the scenes but which really affect lives. I’m delighted to report two important developments affecting our local NHS. Last month I received some very welcome news about my campaign for cancer-fighting resources for Cheltenham General, something close to my heart. Cancer is now the biggest cause of death in Gloucestershire. But Cheltenham's brilliant oncology clinicians are achieving better survival rates than the England average. They are some of our country’s finest. That’s why I have been campaigning for our hospital to secure a new LINAC (linear accelerator) radiotherapy machine. Around 4 in 10 of all NHS cancer patients are treated with radiotherapy, typically using high-energy radiation from a LINAC. We already have several at CGH, but technology has moved on dramatically in recent years. The modern versions provide revolutionary precision

treatment, tracking tumours as they move around the body and significantly reducing the damage to healthy tissue. Over several months I have met with Jeremy Hunt, the Health Secretary, and held talks with senior NHS management in Parliament to make the case for Cheltenham’s oncology centre. I’ve said that our cancer team has the skills and track record to justify investment in this vital (if eye-wateringly expensive) equipment. Following my campaign, I’ve now received a letter from NHS England to confirm that Gloucestershire Hospitals Trust is to receive funding for a new LINAC radiotherapy unit. It is estimated that this machine will deliver an estimated 9,000 treatments per year, for around 550-600 patients. Second, I recently received more good news, this time about our A&E. Since my election in 2015, I’ve been fighting for a return to a full 24/7 doctor-led provision. I’ve been calling on Gloucestershire NHS to introduce an Urgent

Care Centre at Cheltenham Hospital throughout the night, to support our excellent emergency nurse practitioners. This would be a vital stepping-stone towards restoring full A&E cover. As part of that, I’ve wanted to see additional funding to help our dedicated staff plan for winter pressures. So I’m delighted that Cheltenham’s A&E team has just been awarded an extra £620,000 to address exactly that. Taken together with £300,00 for Gloucestershire Royal, this is a real vote of confidence in Gloucestershire’s emergency healthcare. It’s a shot in the arm for A&E at Cheltenham too.

- by Alex Chalk

David Richards on 01242 898 750 or 07725 722132 Please mention Cheltenham Magazine when responding to advertisers

Page 43

Lions Club of Cheltenham June Update The club has had another busy couple of months. On Monday 1st May, members attended the Woodmancote Village Fete, manning a ‘fun stall’ and promoting the work of the club. It was a great event and the club enjoyed being part of it.

out in force at the British Heart Foundation Bike Ride. Members were responsible for registration, marshalling and car parking. The ride, now in its thirtieth year, attracts over 2,000 riders every year who can choose from a 30or 50-mile circuit. Cheltenham Lions were delighted to help with the event and have been doing so for the past four years.

Club members manning reception at the bike ride Club President Ron White preparing the plant sale On Saturday 6th May, the club held another very successful plant sale in Charlton Kings. This was their fourth spring sale at this venue and each year it improves. The plants are provided by a local nursery and of a very high standard. Last year, the money raised at the sale went towards the purchase of a special tricycle for Charlton Kings resident Ray Blackwell. This year’s funds will go towards another great cause. Sunday 14th May saw the club

their customers who have donated. Speaking of donations – the club has recently donated £300 to The Milestones School in Gloucester to be used for a new hydrotherapy pool. Between the 12th and 18th of June, the club will be running their book stall at the Regent Arcade again. Hundreds of novels and second hand children’s books will be for sale at bargain prices. The February sale earlier on this year was very successful and enabled the club to donate £850 to the Breast Cancer Unit at Cheltenham General Hospital. On the 22nd and 23rd of June, members will be collecting at Morrisons, Hatherley with all proceeds going to Headway, a charity dedicated to improving life after brain injury. On the social side, members recently enjoyed a meal at the Thai Emerald and are looking forward to a Boat Trip from Upton on Severn which includes Jazz music and a Sunday lunch.

Start of the ride In March, the club placed its first Spectacle Collection Box at Chapmans in the Regent Arcade. Within five weeks the box has been filled with over two hundred pairs! Our thanks go to Chapmans and all of

The club meets at the Victory Club on the second and fourth Monday of every month. For more information, please contact Peter Weir on 07973 807159 or Club President Ron White on 01242 675286. - by David Green, Club PRO

Cheltenham & Tewkesbury Branch

PROGRAMME of EVENTS for 2017 Friday 7th April STRICTLY COME WELLIE DANCE Fun Night at the Civil Service Social Club with The Fabulous TOP Mix. Plenty of parking. Saturday 22nd April CHELTENHAM FLAG DAY (Help please) Sunday 14th May LUNCH & TALK (venue to be decided) Speaker: Geoffrey Miller “Reminiscences of the Queen’s Bank Manager” Saturday 10th June TEWKESBURY FLAG DAY (Help please) Sunday 9th July SEA SUNDAY SERVICE TEWKESBURY St John the Baptist Church, Chaceley, nr Tewkesbury Saturday 22nd - Sunday 23rd July GLOUCESTER DOCKS Commemoration of 150 years of the RNLI Lifeboat

“City of Gloucester” was launched in the Docks Thursday 3rd August BREDON COFFEE MORNING (Help please) Bredon Village Hall September (Date TBC) ITALIAN EVENING AT GIANNI’S Saturday 30th September - Sunday 1st October PRESCOTT HILL CLIMB (Help please) Friday 6th October QUIZ NIGHT & FISH AND CHIPS SUPPER at St Luke’s Parish Church Hall Friday 27th October COFFEE MORNING AT PEGASUS COURT St Stephen’s Road Thursday 9th November, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start AGM & INTEREST EVENING at the Civil Service Social Club Tewkesbury Road. Plenty of parking. Everyone welcome. Saturday 2nd December SOUVENIR & CHRISTMAS CARDS STALL at The Charity Market on the Promenade Thursday 7th December 999 EMERGENCY SERVICE CAROL SERVICE at the beautiful Cheltenham College Chapel with The Gotherington Singers Choir (one not to miss!)

Anyone that can help at any event please contact Fay on 01242 261 330

Plan Your Car Hire This Summer Wherever you holiday, having your own transport can add an extra dimension to your exploring, rather than having to rely on excursions offered by your hotel or travel company. Even if your break is in the UK, hiring can ease the journey there too. A couple of years ago we caught the train to Cornwall; speeding by all the traffic jams was very satisfying and when we reached Penzance we hired a car and continued our journey. But if you haven’t hired a car in a while be aware that, since the abolition of the green paper part of the driving licence, in order to hire a vehicle you will now need to obtain a ‘check code’ from the DLVA website ( You give the hire company this

code to allow them to access your driving licence information. These codes can only be used once, are valid for 21 days and are only for use with licences issued within the UK. If hiring abroad, check that these codes are valid in that country or if your photo ID licence alone is sufficient. If not, you may need an international driving permit too. Finally, if you are overseas, in the words of Michael Caine in The Italian Job: “Remember they drive on the wrong side of the road” (well, the right side actually). Joking aside, I found that once on the highway things were easy; it was at junctions and roundabouts that things got tricky. Oh, and I lost count of times I tried to change gear with the door handle! Enjoy your holiday motoring and have a safe trip there. By Iain Betson

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Page 45

Home & Interiors The Art of Display

If you want to create displays of your treasured possessions that show them off, our top ten tips will help. 1 Consider what you are displaying, whether it is sturdy or fragile, valuable or everyday. Do you wish to admire it from afar or do you prefer it close to hand and perhaps picked up? You may find you can manage with a display on a mantelpiece, shelf or table top, or you can invest in a specially designed cabinet, case or stand. If you opt for specialist display furniture, choose pieces that complement the style and proportions of your home. 2 Good lighting makes all the difference. Carefully positioned ceiling-mounted spotlights are ideal, but an adjustable lamp may provide a more informal, cheaper fix for a simple domestic display. Think about where Page 46

By Katherine Sorrell

the light comes from: directly above, behind (for a dramatic silhouette) or from the front, and how ‘warm’ or ‘cool’ the bulb should be in order to enhance colour and texture.

considered and refined, and suit traditional rooms. Asymmetry, however, is ideal for making an impact in a contemporary space, and can seem more spontaneous and intuitive.

3 Group objects together and they can be much more than the sum of their parts. A group display may consist of almost anything: a series of Delftware plates or tiles, a dozen framed silk headscarves, pebbles in graduating sizes, mirrored baubles, wooden shoe lasts, a row of modern chairs in sorbet shades…you can have great fun with almost anything you decide to gather together.

7 A great way to make an impact with a display is by showing off a single, fabulous, huge object - but ensure there is plenty of space around it in which it can ‘breathe’.

4 Displays of identical pairs of objects are probably the most simple, and often the most visually powerful, of all. There’s something extremely pleasing about this mirroring and doubling, but you must ensure your objects are placed evenly and symmetrically. 5 When choosing a group of different objects to display, look for ways in which they will work together, whether by colour, size, shape, texture or proportion. It is important to have something that creates coherence and some objects may simply not fit well into the group. 6 Every time you display more than one object, you need to opt for symmetry or asymmetry. Symmetrical displays tend to appear more classical,

8 Small objects can look lost in most rooms, so be particularly careful about how you display them. Try to ‘frame’ them within their surroundings – maybe in a cabinet or niche, on a side table, or on a plinth rather than a long, wide shelf. 9 If displaying large groups of paintings, prints or flat objects on a wall, start by laying your potential group on the floor. Choose the piece that you wish to be most prominent, then surround it with pieces that work well alongside it. 10 Finally, stand right back - does your display need tweaking? Don’t be afraid to change things around, and try not to make the finished result overly formal or perfect. This is your home, not a gallery, and the important thing is that you love what’s around you.

Main Image: Ebony glazed display cabinet, £668.25, Alexander & Pearl: 020 8508 0411; www.

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Does your PC or laptop have a webcam built into it? You should cover the lens with tape whenever you don’t need to use it. That’s not our advice; it’s the advice from former FBI director James Comey, who describes it as a simple but important security measure. It turns out that PC webcams are extremely easy to hack with malicious software, often without anybody realising, and the same software can disable the little LED light that’s there to let you know when the camera is on. There have been multiple cases of people using such software to spy on unsuspecting PC users, especially women, and while few of us have to worry about giving away state secrets the thought that someone might be watching us get dressed isn’t something we’re very enthusiastic about. If only we could fix every possible PC security issue with a little bit of black electrical tape.


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Page 49

Parenting Top Tips to Help Your Child Sleep Image: Children’s pyjamas by Panda & Ping,

Late nights, early mornings and night-time wanderings can really have an effect on your child’s wellbeing (and your stress levels). If your child is struggling to sleep, these tips might help. Get into a routine According to Jessica Alexander of The Sleep Council, a bedtime routine is vital. She told the NHS, “A bedtime ritual teaches the brain to become familiar with sleep times and wake times. It programmes the brain and internal body clock to get used to a set routine.” Ban screen time before bed The blue light emitted by smartphones, tablets and other digital devices has been found to disrupt sleep. A Norwegian study of 10,000 teenagers found that the more time the teenagers spent on electronic devices during the day, the less sleep they got. So keep phones, tablets and TVs out of your child’s room and ban them from being used for at least an hour before bedtime. Get plenty of exercise and fresh air Both exercise and time spent outdoors have been found to promote a better night’s sleep. So take the kids to the park, Page 50

by Kate Duggan

or play out in the garden in the afternoon.

when it gets cold, can help to cut down on the excuses.

Try calming music Quiet, soothing music can help your child to relax. If you play the same song every night, it can even become a sleep trigger. Good choices include Kesang Marstrand’s ‘In the Land of Dreams’, and ‘Hello Night’, which you can find on YouTube, or play direct on You could also try recordings of white noise, which some children find relaxing.

Make peace We all find it hard to get to sleep if we’re worried or stressed. Your child is no different. If they’re upset because you’re cross, or if they’re worried about an argument from earlier in the day, they might struggle to drop off. So try to make peace and keep calm. And take time to discuss anything that might be bothering them, from exam nerves to fall-outs with friends.

Cut down on sugar Fruit juice, squash, sugary drinks and caffeine can all stop your child from getting to sleep. Try to make sure they stick to water or milk for a few hours before bedtime. And cut out any sugary snacks, or anything that might cause bloating or trapped wind. Even naturally sweet foods, such as honey, can have an effect on your child’s sleep pattern.

Find out what works, and stick to it All children are different, and the perfect solution for one might not work for another. Some parents swear by bathing their child before bed; others find a bath wakes their child up. A few drops of lavender essential oil on their pillow helps some children to drop off, while others just dislike the smell. Some children sleep better in complete darkness; others need a nightlight to feel secure enough to rest. As with all parenting, there is an element of trial and error involved, but when you find what works for your child, build it into your daily routine.

Plan ahead What excuses does your child use for getting out of bed in the night? What can you do to make it easier for them to stay in bed? Little things, like a bottle of water on the bedside table, or an extra blanket for

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WINCHCOMBE OPEN GARDENS 2017 Sunday 11th June 2.00pm till 6.00pm

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Party Time 1. Appearing regularly alongside Noel Edmonds on the TV show Noel's House Party, what colour were Mr Blobby's spots? 2. With his 2016 hit single, Party Like A Russian, which famous British singer was accused of racism by Russian media, with one newspaper claiming he will never perform in Russia again? 3. Also used as a general term for a large celebration or party, what name is given to a large gathering of Scouts who rally at a national or international level? 4. What animal is the traditional mascot for the Republican Party of the USA? 5. Referring to himself as a "comedy terrorist", whose 21st birthday party did Aaron Barschak gate-crash in 2003 by dressing up as Osama bin Laden? 6. According to the theme tune of the 1980s animated TV series Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles, which of the main characters "was a party dude"? 7. In a 1977 BBC TV production of the play Abigail's Party, who played Abigail? 8. Named after a word that means "forbidden or disapproved of", what party game was first published in 1989, with the aim being for a player to have their partners guess a word on their card without using the word itself or five additional words listed? 9. In 2012, Leanne Wood became the first female leader of which political party? 10. In the novel Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, which three characters does Alice have a "mad tea-party" with? Page 52

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What's On in June/July Cleeve Common Activities The Cleeve Common Board of Conservators have devised a new programme of events for 2017. To obtain tickets or for further information about events go to the Parish Office, Church Road, Bishop's Cleeve, or call: Office 07471 68 78 77, Ranger - 07756 828 458. Please note for some events booking is essential. Friday 2nd June: Magnificent Meadows Open Day, 10.00am - 4.00pm. A meeting for the whole family, guided walks, children’s activities and more as we celebrate our wild flower grassland. Friday 16th June: Memorial walk, for those remembered on the Memorial Wall. Wychwood Festival Friday 2nd June - Sunday 4th June, Cheltenham Racecourse, GL50 4SH

The festival starts on the Friday with the Festival Village opening at 12 noon, live music on the stages will begin shortly after. The festival is known for its family-friendly feel, big range of music on offer plus loads of other activities including 100 workshops for all ages, comedy, cinema and much more. For more information, please call 0844 576 2210 or visit

large car park. Admission: £5.00. Cheltenham Cricket Festival Saturday 3rd - Friday 16th June, 11.00am - 6.00pm, Cheltenham College Sports Ground, Cheltenham, GL53 7AB

The Cheltenham Cricket Festival is one of the most loved events in the social and sporting calendar. The idyllic setting of Cheltenham College provides the perfect backdrop for cricket at the height of the summer. For more information about this festival, please call 0117 910 8010. Churchdown Book Fair First Sunday of every month, 10.00am - 3.30pm, Churchdown Community Centre, Parton Road, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2JH Gloucestershire’s longest running independent book fair attracting between 20 and 25 dealers from all over the country. 1000s of quality second hand an antiquarian books, postcards and Ephemera. Refreshments and easy parking available. Admission 50p (under 16s free). Enquiries and bookings: Terry Sims 01452 546879 or email Cheltenham Science Festival Tuesday 6th June - Sunday 11th June, Cheltenham Town Hall, Cheltenham, GL50 1QA Cheltenham Science Festival celebrates its 15th birthday with a six-day extravaganza of science and the arts. Comedians Dara O’Briain and Jon Culshaw, musician Evelyn Glennie and writer Lionel Shriver are among an international cast of big thinkers, top scientists and performers coming to Cheltenham for this festival. With a mission to ‘question everything’, the festival will explore headline

Cheltenham Civil Service Club Over 30s Disco Friday 2nd June, 8.00pm 12.00am, Cheltenham Civil Service Club, Tewkesbury Road, Uckington, Cheltenham, GL51 9SL All types of music played – from the 50s to the present day. A friendly group, everyone welcome. Dress code is smart casual (no mention jeans please). Bar and Magazine when responding to advertisers Please Cheltenham

themes of our future world. For more information, please call 0844 576 2210 or visit www. A Hustings at the Methodist Church Tuesday 6th June, 7.30pm, Methodist Church, Bishop's Close, Bishop's Cleeve All are invited to come, meet and question the candidates for the 8th June General Election at a Hustings (= a meeting at which candidates in an election address potential voters). Winchcombe Folk Night Tuesday 6th June, 8.00pm 11.00pm, The White Hart Inn, High St, Winchcombe, GL54 5LJ An open night in a lively and friendly atmosphere. A warm welcome is extended to singers, musicians and audiences to join our regular performers. For more information please call 01242 602236. Cheltenham Food and Drink Festival Friday 9th - Sunday 11th June, Montpellier Gardens, Cheltenham, GL50 1SD

This festival showcases the very best of local and national food producers, giving you a chance to sample, enjoy and celebrate food lover’s tasty morsels, healthy food options, specialist wines, natural organic produce and a multitude of ale and drink specialties. For

events cont'd... Page 53 cont'd a free festival programme and more information, please visit Mint & Coriander Cooking Courses Friday 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th June and Saturday 24th June, Bishop’s Cleeve Learn to cook authentic Indian dishes from scratch with Aly who will be sharing her family recipes and cooking tips with you. Classes take place in the privacy of Aly's home in Bishop's Cleeve and you can expect a generous dollop of fun mixed with the possibility of making a new friend or two. To find out more about the workshops or to book a place, please call 01242 692475 or 07438 495254 or get in touch via email: For further information and some fantastic recipes, please visit www. and follow Mint & Coriander on Facebook. Leckhampton Lawn Tennis Club Open Day Saturday 10th June, 11.00am - 5.00pm, Moorend Grove, Cheltenham, GL53 0EZ If you are looking for affordable, enjoyable and sociable grass court tennis at one of Cheltenham’s hidden sporting gems, then go to this Open Day and find out more about Leckhampton Lawn Tennis Club and the memberships they offer. Ashton Under Hill Open Gardens Saturday 10th - Sunday 11th June, 1.00pm - 6.00pm, Ashton Under Hill, WR11 7SW 2017 will be the 40th year of the annual Open Gardens weekend, which continues to grow in popularity and attracts well over a thousand visitors over the two days. Entry is just £6.00 for adults Page 54

and children under 16 are free. GWSR - Mid-Summer Murder Mystery evening Saturday 10th June, Train departs at 7.00pm (returning at about 9.30pm), Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, The Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT

Fish and Chips Special (The Cheltenham Fryer). A leisurely Saturday evening ride through the Cotswold countryside with a large fish and chip meal delivered to your reserved seats by our train stewards plus the excitement of solving the whodunit. For more information, please visit 3 Counties Cycle Ride Sunday 11th June, Start & finish at Tewkesbury Rugby Club

A Linc event. Pre-registration fee: Adult £15, Under 16 £10. A choice of two routes, 32km or 64km. We ask that you raise sponsorship for this event. Registration & sponsor forms are available from or the LINC Office: Cheltenham General Hospital, Sandford Road, Cheltenham, GL53 7AN. Tel. 0300 422 4422 Bishops Cleeve Craft Fair Sunday 11th June, 10.00am - 2.00pm, Community Centre, Bishops Cleeve A wide range of stalls with a different selection each month. Refreshments available. Free entry. For more information, please contact Libby Cleal on 07776 301767.

Open Farm Sunday Sunday 11th June, 10.00am - 4.00pm, Court Farm, Stoke Road, GL52 7RS Lisa Grayson and Simon Knight would like to invite you to visit their farm, farm shop and butchery so that they can share the fascinating world of farming with you and show visitors how they farm on a daily basis. They are working with a whole host of local farmers, producers and suppliers to create a farming event for the whole family to enjoy! You can look forward to a range of activities and walks around the farm. Free entry and no need to book. There will be plenty of parking available in one of their fields. GWSR - Classic Vehicle Day Sunday 11th June, Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, The Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT Combine the scene of historic road transport with a backdrop of vintage trains. Normal ticket prices for those wishing to travel, but for those just planning to admire the cars there will be a small admission charge. For more information, please visit Bishop's Cleeve Street Fair Sunday 11th June, 12.00 noon, Bishop’s Cleeve

This year’s theme is “10 years on”, marking the 10th anniversary of the horrendous floods in the area and how we coped in Bishop’s Cleeve. We would like all local people to let us share their photos and personal memories in a public

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit

display at the Tithe Barn. All contributions can be handed in to Badham’s the Chemists or George Lewis Footwear. There will be the usual parades, stalls and a mix of entertainment, including a 3-legged bucket race. Folly Gardens Veterinary Practice is organising a Dog Show – entry forms are available from Folly’s Vets, Badham’s Chemist and George Lewis Footwear. Programmes, including raffle tickets, are available to purchase from many shops along Church Road and on the day. This year the money raised will be divided between SARA (Severn Area Rescue Association), the Tewkesbury/Cheltenham RNLI and Bishop’s Cleeve Christmas Lights. Cleeve Chorale Concert Sunday 11th June, Bishop's Cleeve Come to the Bishop's Cleeve Street Fair and enjoy a performance by Cleeve Chorale. It will be a fun, free event, held outside, and everyone is invited. Winchcombe Open Gardens Sunday 11th June, 2.00pm 6.00pm, Winchcombe Come and find the hidden gardens of Winchcombe! There are 17 gardens to discover which range from fully designed to intimate hidden gems. All will give you inspiration and ideas to take home to your own castles! There will also be tea, cakes and plant sales on your route. Tickets are £5.00 per adult, under 12s free. Tickets and maps will be available to purchase at the Winchcombe Tourist Information office. You can also buy tickets on the day from any of the open gardens or from the Back-Lane car park by the library (SAT NAV ref GL54 5PZ). All proceeds from the day will go to the preservation of the Grade I listed St Peter’s Church in the heart of the town. Registered charity number: 1046434. For further information, please email

Cleeve Concerts Performances start at 7.30pm and are held at the Tithe Barn in Bishop's Cleeve. Come along and see established artists in an intimate setting. Sunday 11th June: Martyn Joseph. Sunday 25th June: The Searchers. Tickets are available from Cheltenham Town Hall, and the Cleeve Concert website www. Tickets can also be bought at the door on the night. For more information, please contact 03336 663 366. Cheltenham Wigs Tuesday 13th June, 10.00am - 11.00am, BeSocial@GL54, Langley Road, Winchcombe, GL54 5QN A one-day advice session about managing hair loss for those with cancer or Alopecia. To book, please call Leigh on 01242 572 669 or 07414 702 762. For further information visit Tasty Tuesday at Wholefoods Cheltenham Tuesday 13th June, 6.00pm 8.00pm, Wholefoods Cheltenham Five tasters, five wines and all for a fiver! This event is held every second Tuesday of the month. Cost: £5.00. For more information please call 01242 542950. Linc Golf Day Wednesday 14th June, Cotswold Hills Golf Club, 2 Manor Barn, Ullenwood, Cheltenham, GL53 9QT Team of 4 £240 or £60 per person. Coffee and bacon rolls on arrival. Shotgun start. Dinner and prize giving. For more information call 0300 422 4422 or visit Supper Club Thursday 15th June, 7.00pm - 8.30pm, Wholefoods Cheltenham A relaxed dining experience

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in the cosy Acorn Cook Centre. The resident chefs will be preparing a three-course meal for you, paired with delicious wines. The first Supper Club will have a 'Best of British' theme, complete with English wines. Please inform Wholefoods in advance of any dietary requirements. Cost: £20.00. For more information please call 01242 542950. The Ukulele Festival of Great Britain Friday 16th - Sunday 18th June, Various venues throughout Cheltenham

The popular festival is back in town to unite Ukulele lovers from around the world. This year will be a celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Summer of Love so get the hippie outfits ready and join in the fun. Listen to concerts, get involved in open mic sessions, browse stalls and join in the Big Busk which takes place in Montpellier Gardens this year. For more information, please visit Churchdown MVC Concert Friday 16th June, 7.00pm, St Catharine's Church, Wotton Pitch, Gloucester, GL1 3PL That night we entertain the wonderful Beaufort Choir from Ebbw Vale. Their musical arrangements are a breath of fresh air to male voice concerts and those attending are in for a treat! The concert is in aid of the Longfield Hospice which operates within the county offering support to many families.

events cont'd... Page 55 cont'd Wild Beer Tasting Saturday 17th June, 6.30pm 8.00pm, Wholefoods Cheltenham Wholefoods are excited to welcome local beer brewers, Wild Beer, to explore their yummy range. Born out of a love of fermentation, barrel-ageing and most importantly, flavour, Wild Beer Co has gone from strength to strength thanks to crowdfunding since its creation 4 and a half years ago. Experts from Cheltenham’s own Wild Beer bar, Jessop House, will enthuse and imbibe in this informative, yet informal evening. Cost: £12.00. For more information please call 01242 542950. Stanton Village Gardens Open Day Sun 18th June, 2.00pm 6.00pm, Stanton (near Broadway)

Over 15 gardens open for one day only in this most picturesque Cotswold village. Teas, plant stall and free parking. Entry £6.00, children FOC. Contact for more information. Open Day Coffee Morning Wednesday 21st June, 10.30am - 12.30pm, Cheltenham Drop In, Children's Library (2nd floor), Chester Walk, Cheltenham Come and meet the Drop In staff to find out how we can help you through our Enablement & Forwards Employment Service. Tel. 01242 244950 Concert at the Court Saturday 22nd July, 1.00pm 5.00pm, Sue Ryder Leckhampton Page 56

Court Hospice, Church Road, Leckhampton, Cheltenham Gloucester Brass Band are putting on a summer family performance to raise funds for the charity. There will be fun for all the family with ice creams and refreshments, bouncy castle and a teddy bear's picnic. You can also look forward to a special interval performance from Angie's Community Choir from Kingsway in Gloucester. Tickets are £5.00 for adults and £2.50 for children aged five to sixteen. Under fives are free. A family tickets for two adults and three children costs just £15.00. All proceeds go to Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice. GWSR - Day out with Thomas Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th June, Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, The Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT

Thomas the Tank Engine and his friends visit the Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway. Please note that entry to the site will be by ticket only. There is no free entry. For more information, please visit Model Steam Road Vehicle Society Rally Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th June, Tewkesbury Rugby Football Club, The Moats, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury, GL20 5PG For more information visit Tewkesbury Food & Drink Festival Saturday 24th - Sunday 25th June, Tewkesbury Abbey Grounds, GL20 5PG The popular Food and Drink Festival returns to town and is going back to its roots by taking

place in the Abbey Grounds. The weekend will provide lots of fun and is guaranteed to delight all food lovers. There will be more than 60 stalls offering a wealth of local produce including award-winning cheeses, locally reared meat, homemade cakes and pastries, local wine, beer and cider plus much more. Adults £2.50, under 14s free. For more information please call 01608 652668. We Salute You! Show Sunday 25th June, Doors open at 7.00pm, Watson Hall, Tewkesbury, GL20 5PX Enjoy an evening of uplifting vintage music with Cate Cody and her quartet, The Jazz Cats, with the Tewkesbury British Legion Club to commemorate Armed Forces Day. There will be classical songs from a bygone era including 'As time goes by', 'It had to be you', 'Fly me to the moon' and 'Every time we say goodbye'. The show includes a sing-along and flag waving finale (flags supplied) and there will be a licensed bar, vintage tea room, with homemade cake, and a dance floor. The venue is accessible and tickets at £10 each are available from M&Co, the Bookworm shop, the British Legion Club or online at www. Tickets are also available on the door at £12 each. Profits in aid of the Poppy Appeal. Strawberry Tea in aid of Cancer Research UK Wednesday 28th June, 2.15 - 4.15pm, Stoke Orchard Community Centre Prior to tea, Ann Day, who is Assistant Hon. Curator of the Lace Guild Museum in Stourbridge and who has been making lace and teaching it for 40 years, will give

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a talk on the topic of 'Looking at Lace'. She will also be happy to identify guests’ own lace. Tickets (£7.50) and further information are available from either 01242 572493 or 01242 244582. Cheltenham Animal Shelter Open Day Saturday 1st July, 12.00pm - 4.30pm, Gardner’s Lane, Cheltenham, GL51 9JW Enjoy a wonderful afternoon with more stalls and stands than ever before. As well as fantastic food and drinks, cake, coffee and entertainment, there will be a fun dog show with classes including prettiest bitch, most handsome male, most appealing eyes and waggiest tail, to name but a few. Pam Ayres, the Cheltenham Animal Shelter Patron, will open proceedings. For more information on the shelter, please visit Cheltenham Music Festival Saturday 1st - Sunday 16th July, Various venues across town, Cheltenham The Cheltenham Music Festival presents a vast range of music from classical to contemporary, paired with fantastic family events, making it the perfect event for any music lover. For more details and the full programme, please visit: www. Churchdown MVC Concert Saturday 1st July, 7.30pm, St Oswald's Church, Coney Hill, Gloucester, GL4 4LX The Churchdown Choir is joined by the county’s very popular Stuart singers for a thoroughly entertaining evening in aid of the Willow Trust. The Trust offers canal boat trips for disability groups and individuals at no cost, which is a great source of pleasure and empowerment for the participants.

Where Art Thou, 8.00pm, Tickets: Adults - £10.00 adults, Children - £6.00. Saturday 8th July: Pied Piper Junior Aquathlon, 11.00am, £16.00. Saturday 15th July: Pride and Prejudice, 8.00pm, Tickets: Adults - £14.00, children - £7.00. Saturday 22nd July: Nightswimmer, 8.00pm. Friday 28th July: The Comedy of Errors, 8.00pm, Tickets: Adults £14.00, Children - £7.00. Cleeve Chorale Summer Concert Sunday 2nd July, 5.00pm, Bishop's Cleeve Primary Academy School Hall Cleeve Chorale will be joined by the BCPA School choir. GWSR - The Cheltenham Fryer Fish & Chip Special Saturday 8th July, Train departs at 7.00pm (returning at about 9.30pm), Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, The Railway

Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT A leisurely Saturday evening ride through the Cotswold countryside with a large fish and chip meal delivered to your reserved seats by our train stewards. For more information, please visit GWSR - Classic Bus Rally Sunday 9th July, Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, The Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT Another one day GWSR event, fully open to the public, which builds on the success of previous Bus Rallies. 21 historic buses are already booked in for this year, ranging in age from 1939 through to 1998. There will be a number of stalls attending, selling books, bus and railway memorabilia as well as models of buses and trains.

Sandford Park Lido Events Keynsham Road, Cheltenham, GL53 7PU Saturday July: Oh Badger Magazine when responding to advertisers Please1st mention Cheltenham

For more information, please visit Great Yorkshire Holiday Monday 10th - Saturday 15th July 2017

By coach from Bishop’s Cleeve. Join us on our Yorkshire holiday. We will be visiting the Great Yorkshire Show in Harrogate, the National Rail Museum (free) in York, the Minster, the Walls, the Shambles, Betty’s and much more. We will also be going on a train journey on the North Yorkshire Steam Railway, which will take us from Pickering to Whitby (time there). Then we will go to the Yorkshire Dales (optional walk), Scarborough and Filey. On our way home we will be visiting the tram museum at Crich, near Matlock and have lunch there. All entries included in the price. ABTA company. For more information and to book, please call Phil on 01386 832095. Children’s Wednesday Wednesday 26th July, Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, GL54 5JD

Bouncy Castle Hire Malvern will put a bounce into the day with a bouncy castle and toddler’s activity centre. Tales of the Wood will be told by Nightshade the storyteller, plus much more. For more information, please visit

events cont'd... Page 57 cont'd Dubtoberfest VW Show and Tribute Festival Friday 28th July - Sunday 30th July, 12.00pm, Cheltenham Racecourse, Southam Lane entrance, Cheltenham, GL52 3NY Come along and enjoy the UK’s only Bavarian-themed VW festival. 3 nights camping, hilarious Oompah party, top tribute festival, huge bierkeller tent and fabulous family entertainment. For more information, please visit GWSR - Heritage Diesel Gala Friday 28th - Sunday 30th July Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, The Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT Join us for another 3-day summer festival of heritage diesel traction at the end of July, recreating that past era of locomotive-hauled trains. For more information, please visit Farmers Arms Appfest Saturday 29th July, from 11.30am - 1.00am, Lower Apperley, Glos, GL19 4DR A festival featuring the one and only Chesney Hawkes, plus some top tribute bands from around the world. There will be plenty of food and drink (pig roast, BBQ, outdoor bar and more), a bouncy castle for children, large marquee areas to combat British weather, large stages with top of the range sound and light systems and a complimentary coach and mini but transport system. Don’t miss out on this fabulous familyfriendly festival which raises money for local charities including Winston’s Wish. For more information, please visit www. or ring 01452 780307.

LOCAL CLUBS & CLASSES Advice Bites Café Last Thursday of every month, Page 58

6.00pm - 7.00pm, Grevill House, 279 London Road, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, GL52 6YL A group for those concerned about a friend or relative getting older. Join us for a cup of tea and piece of cake and share concerns and experiences in an informal setting. There will be a different guest speaker at each session. Sessions are free to attend and there is no need to book. If you would like further information please refer to The Orders of St John Care Trust Facebook page, email manager. or call 01242 512964 / 07712 433978. Cheltenham Parkinson’s Group Last Tuesday of the month – evenings or daytime depending on the activity, St Mark's Methodist Church Hall, Gloucester Road, Cheltenham, GL51 8PX

We offer information, friendship and support to local people with Parkinson's, their families and carers. We also organise regular events and social activities, all are welcome to join us. Contact Jane Henderson, Volunteer Coordinator, on 0344 225 3694 or if you are interested in coming along. See more at uk/local-support-groups/regions/ cheltenham-and-district-branch Heidi's Heroes Mondays 11.30am - 12.30am and 8.00pm - 9.00pm, Cheltenham Ladies College Sports Centre, Malvern Road, Cheltenham Cancer patients past and present are invited to join a unique fitness class being run and funded by the Cheltenham based charity Heidi's Heroes. Classes are being held on Monday mornings and evenings and are open to patients with all

types of cancer, irrespective of their prognosis. The classes are jointly run by Clare Lait, a Specialist Cancer Physiotherapist, and Brendan Ward, Senior Gym Instructor at Cheltenham Ladies College's Sports Centre. For more details please contact Clare on 07738 709072 or email Trinity Ladies Probus Club Meets on the first & third Wednesday of every month, Doors open at 9.45am for coffee (meeting starts at 10.30am), St Mary’s Parish Centre, New Street, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, GL53 8JJ Are you a retired or semi-retired woman? Live in the Cheltenham area? Do you enjoy learning new things or meeting people? We organise trips and events and have a guest speaker at every meeting. These talks cover a very wide range of subjects. Why not come along and try us out? Visitors are very welcome! The meeting fee is just £2 (£1 for members). If you decide to join, you can buy an annual subscription for £25 (payable in March). Six-month membership is also available. Questions? Call Anne Jones on 01242 512 700 or email her at LOCAL MARKETS Cheltenham’s Farmers’ Market Every second and last Friday of each month, 9.00am 2.00pm, Pedestrianised area of the Promenade outside Cavendish House, Cheltenham A great opportunity to sample and buy locally grown and made produce from Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds. Churchdown Craft and Produce Market Saturday 24th June, 10.00am - 12.00pm, St Johns Church, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2DB Browse over 20 quality handmade craft and produce stalls. Refreshments available. Free Entry.

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Mini Cryptic Crossword Across 1. Two left – a novel problem (7) 7. Deer biting second tongue (5) 8. Great tin seen differently (7) 9. Informer giving real tips to fool (5) 11. Note added to awful lament (5) 12. Swan following Dutch yes man (5) 14. Marvell’s first poetry forms (5) 16. Odd garnets moved around (7) 18. Grumbler’s confession about a girl (5) 19. Cor, Hal’s turned academic! (7) Down 1. Up to 500 treated Gino (5) 2. Old filling an alien allowed (3) 3. Sign in sum sorted out (5) 4. Solitary leader out in front (5) 5. Put up with poor, rude Ned (7) 6. Edge inside like beginner (5) 10. One may get a lot from this! (7) 12. Trousers in France, I answer shortly (5)

13. One entering low grounds (5) 14. Stuff written about hot month (5)

15. Complete female (the queen) (5) 17. Garden I loathe some love (3)

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3 words

3 Le ACT ALB You have two minutes to find all the words of BAT three or more letters that can be made from the letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns BO CAB are not. The 6 letter word will always be just a CAT normal everyday word. CO 3 letters: 13 4 letters: 13 5 letters: 2 6 letters: 1 CO

FITIVO 4 words


Puzzle & Crossword Solutions



Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.

TARGET Excellent: 78 or more words Good: 65 words Fair: 58 words




Party Time 1. Yellow 2. Robbie Williams 3. Jamboree 4. The elephant 5. Prince William's 6. Michelangelo 7. No-one (Abigail is the daughter of one of the characters, but is never seen herself) 8. Taboo 9. Plaid Cymru 10. The March Hare, the Hatter and the Dormouse

Codeword 13 3






14 3

























20 7 3



17 3



19 8














19 3




11 1



























19 9 3

































14 3 9






11 1





























beat bent







15 4



11 8 6













Here is one possible solution Here is one possible (others may(others exist) solution may exis neat




Word Ladder



























2 20

21 20






19 19




22 20

25 8











1 13













10 9













Mini Cryptic Crossword



Pictograms 1. Fit For Nothing 2. Tied Up In Knots 3. The Burning Question





Answer: Page 60 POSTDATED To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit

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Leckhampton Surgery

01242 539080

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01242 580644


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Springbank Surgery Overton Park Surgery The Portland Practice

Yorkleigh Surgery

The Royal Crescent Surgery St Georges Surgery

Sixways Clinic

Seven Posts Surgery


01242 234306

Electricty -­Power Loss

0800 365 900

01242 519049

Water Leaks

0800 169 1144

01242 215015


01242 580248 08444 772551 01242 246549 0300 422 2222

Cheltenham General

0300 422 2222

Charlton Lane Hospital


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Cheltenham Library

0845 2305420

Prestbury Library

0845 2305420

Hesters Way Library

Upper Hatherley Library

01242 262626

01242 580511

Gloucestershire Royal Hospital Nuffield Health Hospital

Cheltenham Borough Council

0845 2305420 0845 2305420


Cheltenham Post Office 08457 223344 Bath Road Post Office, 170 Bath Road, GL53 7NF Charlton Kings, Budgens, 12 Lyefield Rd. W, GL53 8EZ Hesters Way, 8 - 10 Hesters Way Road, GL51 0DA Prestbury, 6 High Street, Prestbury, GL52 3AS 107 Salisbury Avenue, Warden Hill, GL51 3DA Shurdington, 2 Yarnolds, Shurdington, GL51 4SH

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0800 111 999

0800 783 4444

Alcoholics Anonymous National 0800 9177650 Alcoholics Anonymous GLOS (24h) 01452 418515 Search & Rescue Team 01242 519470 Childline 0800 1111 Citizens Advice Bureau 03444 111 444 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Directory Enquiries 118 500 Drugs Helpline 0800 776 600 Floodline 0845 988 1188 Parentline Plus 0808 800 2222 RSPCA 0300 123 4999 Samaritans 116 123 National Missing Persons 0500 700 700

EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ambulance (Emergency Only)


Fire (Emergency Only)


Police (Emergency Only)


Gas Emergency

Police (non-emergency) NHS Direct

0800 111 999 101 111

St Marks, 255 - 257 Gloucester Road, GL51 8NW Tewkesbury Road, 93 Tewkesbury Road, GL51 9DB Up Hatherley, 238 Hatherley Road, GL51 6HB Whaddon Road, 112 Whaddon Road, GL52 5NQ


Bus Information Train Information

01242 544120 08457 484950

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advertisers index Accountants Cheltenham Tax Accountants 49 Crowthers Chartered Accountants 17 Orben Accounts 39 Aerials & Satellites Digital TV & Satellite Systems 23 Appliances Spa Service 4 Bathrooms, Bedrooms & Kitchens Leckhampton Bathrooms & Kitchens 38 MRE Contracts 13 Boat Moorings The Old Rectory 37 Building, Maintenance, Repair, Carpentry & Handyman Services, Painters & Decorators Broad Oak Decorating 35 Cakebridge Home Improvements 41 Cheltenham Build Ltd 16 Cleeve Handyman Services 59 Dave Dowell 35 Eckington Maintenance Work 9 George Clee Home Improvements 27 Glosbuild Ltd 23 MRE Contracts 13 Caravan Repairs PJ Lane 29 Caring Services Heritage Healthcare 9 Wellbeing Healthcare 45 Carpets Goodrum Carpets 51 Catering Shirley's Catering 20 Cleaning & Domestic Services Churchdown Upholstery & Carpet Cleaning 27 Clearance & Rubbish Removals Crown Clearance 49 Clubs, Groups & Charities The Lions Club of Cheltenham 44 Trinity Ladies Probus 25 Copywriting Wordy Birdy 20 Driveway Services Cheltenham Town Landscaping & Driveway Services 4 Glosbuild Ltd 23 Electrical Services The Cotswold Lighting Company 20

Electrical Services (cont'd) David Richards Electrical 43 Pro Electrical 19 Entertainment Sunshine Radio 16 Estate Agents Errington Smith 3 House-Moves 25 Events Advice Bites Cafe 24 Concert at the Court 40 Cotswolds Ghost Tours 12 3 Counties Cycle Ride 28 Eneko at One Aldwych 34 Indigo 33 It's a Knockout 10 The Lion King 32 Open Day Coffee Morning 39 RNLI Programme of Events 44 Tennis Club Open Day 40 Winchcombe Open Gardens 52 Food & Drink Cabbages & Condoms Restaurant 10 Mint & Coriander Cooking Classes 12 No. 38 The Park 15 Wiltshire Farm Foods back page Foot Clinics Fothergill Foot Clinic 41 Sandford Foot Clinic 39 Furniture Gloucester Import Furniture 2 Garage Repairs V.S.F. Ltd 11 Gardens & Landscaping Bramwell Garden Services 31 Cheltenham Town Landscaping & Driveway Services 4 Cleeve Garden Services 59 Clive Pardoe - Gardener 35 Cotswold & Vale Supplies 42 Edward Price 37 Jim's Mowing 48 Lime Orchard 25 Health Green Beech Therapies 7 KCR Therapy 7 Hotel One Aldwych London 34 Hypnotherapy Advance Practice 25

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Interior Design Bella's Interiors 37 Interior Needs 47 Severn Shades Blinds 19 Uptec Sofa Makers 63 Legal & Financial Services Dee & Griffin 19 DF Legal 23 Leisure Bugsboarding Mountainboard Centre 8 Opportunites Voluntee Driver 25 Pets The Luxury Dog Hotel 9 Plumbing, Heating & Boiler Services Boilerfixers Ltd 52 Cleeve Handyman Services 59 Intergas Cheltenham 31 Red Panda Heating 49 Removals Crown Clearance 49 Swift Removals & Storage 51 Roofing Cathedral Cladding 18 Cheltenham Build Ltd 16 George Clee Home Improvements 27 Glosbuild Ltd 23 Guttering Solutions 12 LCM Flat Roofing 31 Watertight Roofing Cheltenham Ltd 37 Schools & Classes Mint & Coriander Cooking Classes 12 St Edward's School 27 Stone Experts Granite Sparkle Art 9 Storage Swift Removals & Storage 51 Television Aerials & Satellites Digital TV & Satellite Systems 23

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Windows, Doors & Conservatories Cloudy 2 Clear Ledbury Door Supplies


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