Sept What‘s On Guide
What exactly is a credit score, and how does it impact on your life?
Local News Local Businesses
Gardening by Pippa Greenwood
Home & Interiors
by Katherine Sorrell
September 2016
Martin Lewis Home Insurance
The Millionaire Maker Local Writer Richard Denny
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From the Editor
Local Magazines Published by Glos Directories - connecting local businesses with local people
Dear Reader, The Summer Holidays are over and it’s back to school! Is that a huge sigh of relief I hear? I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the school holidays but I’m looking forward to getting into a routine again for now! A huge congratulations to the Great Britain Olympics team, you certainly did us proud and I am already looking forward to the next Olympics! A highlight for me was the Woman’s Hockey final which was a real nail-biter and had the whole family jumping up and down in front of the television! As we head into Autumn, there are lots of fun local events happening so be sure to check our events pages towards the back of the magazine. If you’d like to add your local event for October, please email us on We also hope that you find our useful numbers useful! If you have any suggestions of numbers you’d like to see added you can also drop us an email. Lastly, please do remember to let advertisers know you’ve seen them in our magazine, and if you are a local business and would like to find out more about advertising in your local magazine, please email or call us and we can send you more information. Best wishes, Vicky Muller
- Editor
Cheltenham Magazine Distribution Areas Distributed in Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec Charlton Kings, Charlton Park, Moor End, Prestbury, Pittville, Fairview. (10,000 copies)
Distributed in Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov Leckhampton, Montpellier, Tivoli, The Park, Bath Road, Town Centre, Naunton Park, Sandford Park. (10,000 copies)
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Richard Denny Your Success Coach The media have called Richard Denny ‘The Millionaire Maker’. For over 30 years he has helped thousands of people into financial wealth, and others into greater achievement and happiness. His lectures, books, videos, DVD’s and CD’s are bought around the world.
Ten Tips for Goal Achievement No doubt you are familiar with the saying “a person going nowhere normally gets there”, trite but true. Many people have a wish list, want to win the lottery, buy a new house, buy a new car, have a million pounds. It’s only a wish list not a happiness list and certainly not a goal list. Goals must be things we really and I mean really want in life. They can and should be tangible and intangible. In other words, material things (tangible) and health, spirituality, fitness, attitude (intangible). All of these should have the sole purpose of hopefully increasing your happiness. There are those who make things happen, there are those who watch things happen and there are those who wonder what happened. So please no more excuses or justification. Just concentrate on the result you want and here are 10 tips for goal achievement. 1. Discuss with your partner if you share your life with another person. Do what the majority do not do and discuss the goals that you both want. Some of those you will have in common hopefully. Two people pulling together become a powerful force. 2. Prepare a list and both of you should write down your goals – they must be achievable and realistic. Let me remind you that what the mind of man can accurately conceive and believe it will achieve. 3. Long term and short term goals – your list should contain goals that can be obtained in three months and goals way into the future – even 10 to 20 years hence. It doesn’t matter what age you are, the mind must always have something to look forward to doing or achieving. 4. Tangible or intangible. The goal list should contain tangibles which can be buying houses, cars, promotions, holidays etc. The intangibles can be health, fitness, spirituality, personal and self improvement. 5. Select the primary goals. From the list select the initial goals that you are going to strive for. These can be in the various segments of your life. Goals in your private life, business life, social life and leisure life. Those first goals must be achievable in three months. 6. Form a plan. Goal achievement doesn’t just happen. The major cause of people not achieving their goals is through
the neglect of having a plan and your plan should have a date alongside each goal of when you really want to achieve that goal. It is so important to have dates. So ask yourself on each goal, what do you need to do to achieve it? 7. Daily list – every day make sure that on your “to do” list there is activity towards your goal achievement and check with yourself from time to time during the day with “what am I doing now towards my goal?” 8. Be careful who you tell – sadly there are very few people who will be either supportive, enthusiastic or even interested in your goals. So just be careful who you share this personal information with. 9. Visualise – for some people this can be difficult but really do try to get your mind to see you doing or owning the goal and the goals that you are going for. Mankind is learning more and more about the untapped human potential within our brains and the importance of visualisation. What we visualise we can bring to fruition. 10. Smile! Yes, it sounds corny but my goodness me, the smile not only radiates a positive message to others but does wonders for our own happiness and achievement. Motivation and goal achievement has a direct correlation to our reaction to pain and pleasure. Most goals start out with some pain but as we get closer to the goal the pain diminishes and the pleasure increases; so just go for it!
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Move over Running Man Challenge – here’s the Hospice Half Challenge The Running Man Challenge has taken social media by storm, but here in Cheltenham a team of hospice workers are holding a ‘Running Man Challenge’ of their own, taking on the Cheltenham Half. A Consultant in Palliative Care, Research Nurse and Hospice Chaplain will be joining hundreds of runners in the Cheltenham Half this September to raise funds for the patient care they help provide at Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice. Dr Paul Perkins has been with Sue Ryder for 12 years – nine of them at Leckhampton Court - providing expert palliative care for people living with conditions like cancer, heart conditions and lung failure. He said, “I decided to work in palliative care as I wanted to help people and families at a very important time in their lives. People are often scared about coming into a hospice, but when they do come in they often don't want to go home. People tell us that they feel safe with us.” “Hospices and palliative care have changed. Years ago hospices were all about helping dying patients. Now, we do help very ill people but palliative care can help patients much earlier in their illness too.”
spiritual and pastoral care at the hospice for two and a half years. “I love my job. I enjoy the opportunities to meet with patients and their families and the most satisfying moments are when I am able to make a difference to people’s lives, sometimes making the seemingly impossible happen like helping them make arrangements to be married at the hospice.” “I like a challenge and feel that keeping fit is a very positive thing to do. I enjoy running and think that a half-marathon is within my capabilities and there is also the added benefit of raising funds for a cause that I am passionate about.” “I haven’t been a regular runner or a particularly devotee of taking part in sports but I did do a 5k Fun Run many years ago and have played cricket until recently. I hope I won’t be far behind Paul!” “My family and friends don’t know I have signed up yet but I guess they will say ‘Aren’t you a bit old for this?’. I hope that my wife and sons will be able to be at the finishing line, along with friends and colleagues from Leckhampton Court.”
Joining Dr Paul Perkins and Revd. Pestell is seasoned runner and “I am proud to be part of the Hospice Research Nurse, Anne Leckhampton Court team, and seeing Parkinson who has previously how much money we must raise completed the Bristol Half and every year to be able to continue a number of 10k races. our care I had to do something to Anne has worked for raise funds, so I signed up for the the hospice for three Half challenge.” and a half years. This is not the first time Dr Paul Perkins has swapped his suit and stethoscope for a running vest and trainers as he has also completed the London Marathon and the Tewkesbury Half Marathon before.
Running alongside Dr Paul Perkins will be Hospice Chaplain Revd. Rob Pestell, who has been providing
in research studies which aim to help improve their symptoms and experiences living with a life changing condition.” “It's a really friendly place with approachable staff, where relatives feel as welcomed as their loved ones. As you approach the hospice from the driveway, it's immediately apparent that it is a special place, a striking building set in beautiful surroundings. But for me, it's the people that work and volunteer at Leckhampton Court that make it so special. Everyone works very hard and goes that extra mile to ensure the patients' needs are met.” “I signed up to the Cheltenham Half as I want to go that extra mile (or 13) to help raise funds for and raise awareness of what we do.” If you would like to take part in your own Cheltenham Half ‘Running Man Challenge’ and join Dr Paul Perkins, Nurse Anne Parkinson and Revd Rob Pestell to raise funds for Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice please email leckhampton. or call 01242 246285. Alternatively you can sign up online at cheltenhamhalf To donate to the hospice team’s Cheltenham Half Challenge visit paulperkins
She said “On first visiting the hospice I knew straight away I wanted to be part of a team providing holistic patient centred care.” “As Research Nurse I care for patients
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Golden Years
Memories of 50 Years Ago by Ted Bruning
It’s a constant source of amazement to me how close one of the most valuable franchises in TV history came to fizzling out. But Star Trek – first shown on NBC on 8th September 1966 and cancelled after only three seasons – only just escaped that fate and its creator, Gene Roddenberry, ruined his health and nearly went bankrupt fighting for its survival. After war service as a bomber pilot Roddenberry became an airline pilot, but quit after a serious air-crash and joined the Los Angeles Police public information office instead. He started writing TV scripts after acting as consultant on a courtroom drama series, and in 1956 he quit the police to go full-time, working mainly on cop shows and westerns. He was fired from a series about a Mississippi paddle-steamer for insisting that there ought to be at least one black cast member, a stance on racism that became a hallmark of his, but apart from that incident his career quickly blossomed and he soon started producing as well as writing. His first successful pitch for a series of his own led to NBC commissioning The Lieutenant, a drama set in a US Marine Corps training camp. Guest roles in its 29 episodes went to many actors later to join Star Trek, including Leonard Nimoy Page 12
and Nichelle Nichols – although her episode was never aired because its themes of racism and sexual violence were considered too controversial. The Lieutenant was eventually cancelled, and Roddenberry revived an earlier idea for series about a round-the-world voyage in an airship crewed by multi-ethnic adventurers. The revived idea put the crew aboard a starship, though – an unusual twist at the time since although science fiction writing was in its heyday, the reputation of sci-fi on film had been so tarnished by the B-movies of the 1950s that there was very little of it about. Nonetheless, NBC financed a pilot which was tested at the end of 1964 – and flopped. But CBS was working on Lost In Space, so NBC decided to keep plugging away at sci-fi and financed a second pilot, Where No Man Has Gone Before. This time the test audiences were more receptive, and in May 1966 the first proper episode, The Man Trap, went into production. Five days before it went out, Roddenberry hosted a screening of Where No Man at the World Science Fiction Convention and got a standing ovation. But ratings didn’t live up to expectations and Star Trek looked set to be cancelled after the first season. Roddenberry therefore enlisted the help of the leading sci-fi writers of the day including Isaac Asimov to write to NBC urging a second season. NBC was persuaded, and Asimov also suggested a few improvements. Even this didn’t help: a third season was made after 1,000 fans marched on the studio, but it was shifted
to a worse timeslot. Ratings fell again and the show was cancelled. Roddenberry took it hard. He worked desperately to revive the franchise, but to no avail – a cartoon version was made in 1973, but achieved little. Meanwhile Roddenberry had turned to drink and drugs, and a divorce left him penniless. He produced several TV pilots which were never commissioned and scraped a thin living appearing at sci-fi conventions. However, more and more foreign TV stations were buying the original series and it was slowly developing worldwide cult status. The release of Star Wars in 1977 made sci-fi popular, and a second series, Phase II, was considered. The script developed into Star Trek: The Movie, which was a huge hit; Roddenberry was taken on again to write Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan; and the franchise snowballed from there. Unfortunately the drink and drugs had taken their toll on Roddenberry. He worked on Star Trek: The Next Generation in 1987, had a stroke in 1989, and died in 1991. The franchise he created currently runs to 13 films and six TV treatments; so far it’s made $4 BILLION.
Happy 50tH BirtHdays to Salma Hayek (2nd); Toby Jones (7th); Adam Sandler (9th); Ruth Jones (22nd); and Shirley Manson (26th).
Cake and botox to you all!
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1st 1st October October 2016 2016
Full of Life Town Town Hall, Hall, Cheltenham Cheltenham 10am—2pm 10am—2pm An An event event promoting promoting health health and and wellbeing wellbeing for for older older people, people, carers carers and and their their families. families. There There will will be be aa range range of of partners partners in in attendance. attendance. Including: Including: Active Active Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire, Carers Carers Gloucestershire, Gloucestershire, Healthwatch, Healthwatch, Village Village and and Community Community Agents, Agents, Information Information Stands, Stands, Interactive Interactive Activities, Activities, Resources, Resources, Clubs Clubs and and Groups. Groups.
Come Come along along and and find find out out what what isis available available for for you you in in your your area. area. TRANSPORT TRANSPORT AVAILABLE AVAILABLE We We are are happy happy to to arrange arrange transport transport for for those those who who are are unable unable to to access access the the event event .. IfIf you you require require transport, transport, or or for for further further information information contact: contact: KEVIN KEVIN DOWER DOWER OR OR JULIE JULIE PRITCHARD PRITCHARD :: 01452 01452 528491 528491
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Dyslexia Action Project Let me tell you something about Sam. An outstanding portrait photographer, he is also severely dyslexic, a condition that went undiagnosed until he was 16, when, sadly, most of his formative education was finished. So, Sam grew up thinking his name was “Stupid Sam”. As his Mum, I found it painful to hear him say that. I felt I should have done more – that I should have known, and insisted on him being tested. I did have an inkling, but his teachers insisted that he was just a typical lazy boy. Sam was lucky in many ways – his eventual diagnosis led to his attending Bredon School in Bushley, near Tewkesbury, where his condition was first diagnosed over the phone, and then within a week of his admission to the school. On his last day at school, a former pupil carried out the prize giving duties, a young man who had left the school with a GCSE in Game keeping, and, following a series of life ups and downs, is now a highly respected business man. One thing that he said has remained with Sam and me ever since that day. “Dyslexia”, he said “Is not a learning difficulty. It’s a form of genius. You just have to work out
what your genius is, and go with it.” Sam already had a pretty good idea what his genius was, but he had never thought of it in that way before, and it changed everything. Sam went on to study for a degree in Advertising and Editorial Photography at the University of Gloucestershire, and now runs his own studio here in Cheltenham. But he still remembers how it felt. The agony of not knowing why other kids can just do things, and you just can’t. Of not being able to keep up with stuff. Of feeling thick and stupid, and being told you are lazy, when you are doing your very best. Of wanting to give up. Of thinking your name is Stupid Sam. The Dyslexia Action Project was Sam’s idea, to produce a series of portraits of successful dyslexic people, designed to inspire young people to achieve great things in their lives, despite dyslexia – tapping into their genius, and thriving.
with the idea, and we were so thrilled when they came back to us with a very definite “YES – LOVE THE IDEA.” The collection of portraits will be first displayed at an exhibition in London, before it is then taken to schools, colleges, universities, libraries and youth centres where it is hoped it will inspire young people with dyslexia, and help them to break down their barriers to success. For more information about our project, please contact us at Sam Oldfield Photography on 01242 224797, or visit our website at
Maybe you are one of them. Maybe you know someone else who is. If so, we would love to hear from you. We are working in partnership with a brilliant charity called Dyslexia Action on this project. Sam tentatively approached them
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HPS will once again be on Bisley Camp for: the F-Class European Championships (September 2nd - 10th) and Trafalgar (October 15th -16th). PART-TIME VACANCY AVAILABLE: Join our Office administration team! The ideal candidate must have experience with Sage Accounting, show the ability to self start, and must be comfortable with customer-faced sales. School hours can be accommodated (to be discussed). If you feel this is for you, please get in touch.
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COUNCILLORS CORNER It has been a busy few months with interesting events to attend as Deputy Mayor as well as a great deal of council casework to attend to. In Leckhampton I recently joined local residents for a litter pick in the Exmouth Street, Hermitage Street and Francis Street area. There are hopes a new residents association can be formed for this area, with one possible aim being the
At this stage, a number of options improvement of the green where these roads meet Naunton Crescent. have been identified that might help; these are being explored I recently met with Connect Regen as are opportunities for funding to discuss their plans to make any works required. changes to the Bath Terrace and There is strong concern in the south Commercial Street Car Parks. The of Cheltenham about what has been preferred development option called the Leckhampton Corridor would lead to a 10% reduction in problem. I have been working car parking places. More details closely with local families on a can be found on their website: campaign to tackle this. Recently I have visited four Cheltenham I have been conducting senior schools to discuss how they a parking survey in the are planning to meet future Naunton Park area and demand for school places. will produce a report Parents have also handed in a of the results to local 700 signature petition to Balcarras, residents in the autumn. Bournside and Pittville Schools and I plan to carry out a sought assurances that they are similar survey in the St working together to address the Luke’s area later this ‘Leckhampton Corridor’ problem year. (and transport issues in regard I am working with to Pittville). residents, Cheltenham Borough Council and the - Cllr Klara Sudbury, Borough Councillor for College police on ways to tackle Ward and County Councillor anti social behaviour and for Charlton Park and College crime in Sandford Park.
Business 1. The song There's No Business Like Show Business was written for which musical? 2. Called "business reply mail" in the USA, by what name is this service known in the UK? 3. How many dragons are there on an episode of the TV show Dragon's Den? 4. In Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, what is the name of Ebenezer Scrooge's dead business partner, whose ghost visits Scrooge on Christmas Eve? 5. Who was Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills from 2010 to 2015? 6. The 1983 romantic comedy Risky Business was the first leading role for which Hollywood actor? 7. Losing My Virginity was the 1995 autobiography of which businessman? 8. What type of business was Wernham Hogg, the company at the centre of the TV sitcom The Office? 9. A group of which of the following animals is commonly referred to as a business?... a) foxes; b) ferrets; or c) flamingos? 10. In the early 1970s, who adopted the motto "taking care of business", with an abbreviated version of this featuring on a logo he created and on a number of items of jewellery? Please mention Cheltenham Magazine when responding to advertisers
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anning a big spend at any one of 50+ retailers between boiler-only, the cheaper option that c House of Fraser, and PC World), buybest even if you owe a boiler Debit cardsHomebase can be debt likely little and New customers www. its controls, or with central heating cove d in Morrisons get 1p/litre off fuel per but intend to clear it. includes full cards too. and The you competition more’s FlexDirect central heating cover on top (inclu So £100 gets 10pset offout andplans £1,000ish gets a free watchdog’s (77% rate it ‘great’) get a year’s radiators, pipes, etc). Do you qualify? You need to pay to cap fees for busting fee-free overdraft. There’s no in at least £1,000/mth (equivalent your overdraft limit. This set cheapest, limit – it depends on credit c) To find the compare prices via uSw to £13,100 salary) to get the should help, butasdon’t score – but anecdotallyifits limits time. ck isn’t to use them gifts, wait. but that if you’re and add in you’ve bonus and ensure there’s no fee. Overdrafts are astore debtanyway, like anyfirst pop into are decent (if you pass the credit big purchase in that Like all banks, First Direct does a other, key is toa cut score), as mattboliver tweeted and buy theand gift the card. Then fewthe days later, credit check when you apply. repay faster and avoid me: “@martinslewis tive,rate, go and use it to buy your planned ● Get a year's breakdown coverMatched for £ old one - £1,200. Implied I could givingany youpenalties. a potentially whopping petrol 2. Free £150 bank switch bonus. asked for more, but the the winter s here’s a full list of retailers more infoBest at for those who just dip into If your car have has had trouble during Most people’s overdraftsand aren’t their overdraft point was I wanted to pay off.”Thankfu be costly to pay it back in the Spring. huge. My snap Twitter poll found know whatAfter you’re doing can get super che If at the end of the month you 46% are under £250. Yet even a year, it’syou 50p/day, less heating butbenot off ifWith you're going occasionally away There are four you needcharging to know: slip into overdraft, thendown, fees can horrid. thanthings other accounts some accounts, a constant £200 daily fees, but even so, use ld, nooverdraft heatingwould risks burst pipes. So much so thatrate it ‘great’) is a decent (70% - If you’re renewing, of AA and 76 cost you £365/ that time tohaggle. budget84% to clear ers won't damage if your home's alternative. It currently givescustomer an who tried reported success. yr. So cover even ifyou youfor only dip in, you the overdraft debt. Nationwide d for need moretothan days andare you £150 switching bonus. - If you’re new then for basic cover usefora cashb sortfive them. Here myturned the doesn’t require a min pay-in . Thetop ruleten ofthings thumbyou is keep a minimum 14 need ittotoknow. its 0% overdraft, but you need standard RAC policy is £28 online and an AA po If that’s enough to clear your pay in £1,000/mth if you want its but sites like and overdraft so you needn’t touch it 1. Get PAID £100 to get a 0% 5% in-credit interest (equivalent around £10-£15 back so the effective cost to y again, it’s an easy win - especially overdraft. forjourney overdrafts o tickets for oneBest train can save you to £13,100 salary). This usually works, though do note the cashba as you can also get up to £5.50/ under c. £500 mth on its Everyday Rewards100% guaranteed. 4. You can SHIFT overdrafts to has won every - If you have Tesco clubcard points you can sw scheme (you need to fulfil some special 32mth 0% credit cards too ng makes about as much sense as Chewbacca, customer service poll I’ve ever criteria). If not, its authorisedfor RAC cover, so £16 of vouchers gives you ba s. It’sdone, where tickets for a journey’s andyou 89%buy of its overdrawn A few specialist money-transfer breakdown. overdraft is 18.9% EAR, not bad t parts separately slash It the price. It’s allowed customers rateto it ‘great’. offers cards let you pay cash into your is a - For full service, for small amounts, but the bigger ditions of carriage – the only rule is that the accepted new switchers £100 (paid bank to pay off your overdraft, reclaim polcy for £42/year, which covers you a it gets, the costlier. call at the stations buy tickets for. within around 28you days) – that’ll you owebreakdown them instead. spouse forthen home start, andThis onward Do you qualify? You’ll need local delivery clear some of your overdraft to is useful big overdrafts. firm isforsent out, and you pay the to pay in at least £800/mth receipts to get the cost back. e, a single from Manchester to Cornwall costs start with. My top pick is www.virginmoney. (equivalent to £9,850 salary) and he train stops at Cheltenham Spa. Buy a £52 Then for the remainder it gives com, which gives accepted switch at least four direct Manchester to Cheltenham Spa, then a £58 ● debits Do you know where 32mths your stopcock a standard £250 interest-free customers 0% for ais? to get here to Cornwall and the total's £110. That’s thethe £150 bonus. overdraft (above £250, but one-off 1.69% fee (min £3) of the the within same time possibly evenEAR, the same 3. seat. No nudge nudge winkNeed needed. Everyone Switch to 12 month 0% bank. your –limit, it’s 15.9% amountwink shifted. longer? stopcock – mains water tap – is. F Good for those with Bigger where still relatively cheap). It’s a clear is 40mths d if you can for do this forwith your journey, use my bursts create £4,0003.94% of damage, overdrafts. winner those overdrafts 0%,an butaverage with a higher fee. m ySplitthat toolnever at As Justine you can't find the off switch as your home floo go over £350, and still e: "Genius - tickety split has just saved me £50, prepared. xact same Page journey." 18 To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit
Always follow the Money Transfer Golden Rules:
7. Manage your way back into credit.
10. Struggle to control spending? Shift to a no-overdraft account.
a) These are special cards. Most don’t allow this, so be careful. There’s step-by-step help in my full money transfers guide at / moneytransfers. b) Always repay the monthly minimum or you’ll lose the 0% deal. c) Plan to clear by the end of the 0% period or they jump to the full rate, 20.9% and 20.6% rep APR.
Do a money makeover, checking everything you spend money on to see if you’re overspending such as energy, insurance, phone, broadband and more. Many can save £1,000s. Then do a detailed budget and stick to it. Full help to do this at moneymakeover
Basic bank accounts provide a no-frills, no-overdraft current account service. So clear your current overdraft and you could move to one.
5. Bank-charge reclaiming isn’t dead - ‘I got £865 in unfair bank charges back’ Overdraft charges for busting your credit limit are the only thing that give payday loans competition for cost. With fees of up to £6/day or £15/ transaction, they can mount up to £100s or £1,000s a year. Reports of the death of bankcharge reclaiming have been exaggerated. It can still be done, though now you need to be in financial hardship to claim. Full step-by-step help and template letters at www. Claire emailed: “I’ll get 6 years of charges back and a goodwill £70 on top... total £865. Thanks Martin.” 6. Shift your direct debits to minimise fees. Ask companies you pay to shift your direct debits to just before you’re paid. So if you’re paid on the 25th, aim for the 20th. This artificially boosts your balance, so you’re in the red for less time, meaning fewer charges – but budget carefully and don’t forget those bills are coming.
8. Compare overdraft debt rate to the other debt, repay highest interest first. If you’ve multiple debts, write a list of what you owe, then see which costs most, adding up interest and fees for true costs. If your overdraft’s the most expensive, make minimum payments on all other debts, and focus on using incoming cash to clear that. If it’s not the costliest, stay in your overdraft (but never bust your limit) and use spare cash to pay as much off the costliest as you can. Once the most expensive debt is cleared, you’re ready to tackle the next, and so on.
They used to charge fees if you spent more than you had, eg, for unpaid direct debits, but since January those have stopped. If you spend when you’ve not got money, it’ll still be rejected, but now there’s no charge. Options include Cash Card and www. Cashminder account. Martin Lewis is the Founder & Editor in Chief of Money Saving Expert. To join the 10 million people who get his Martin’s Money Tips weekly email, go to www.
9. Savings usually pay you less than an overdraft costs. A £1,000 overdraft costing £20/ mth equals £240/yr, but the same in easy-access savings earns a paltry £15 at best. So repay debt with savings and you’re £225 per £1,000 up each year. You may think: “But I’ll have no savings if the boiler packs up or the roof falls in.” True, but if an emergency strikes, you can go back into overdraft and you’ll be no worse off.
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After spending many years working with tourist groups around the UK, hearing ghost tours in various cities based on gimmicks and hearsay, one of Cheltenham’s Blue Badge tourist guides decided to focus on a different approach for ghost tours in our region. “So many ghost tours seem to focus on the scare factor, with character guides or actors jumping out from around corners, and I wanted something different” says Mike James, founder of Cotswolds Ghost Tours. “I had also heard so many half-hearted stories which consistently ended with words like 'and was never heard of again!...' so we decided to do some serious research into the ghostly experiences from around the Cotswolds which people told us about, and then focus on the story-
telling elements of the tale, by re-telling it in its relevant location so tour participants know they’re getting something genuine.” “We now offer private ghost tours year round, and scheduled public tours on selected dates in both Prestbury and in Cheltenham and our Halloween walks are already in high demand! But our guides are always looking for new stories to keep everything fresh!” In Pittville, Cheltenham, countless individuals have seen the ghostly figure of a woman in widow’s weeds since the 1890s. The story behind her has become a classic and one of the most investigated hauntings in the UK. The morbid tale of Jack the Ripper even makes an appearance in the Cheltenham ghost walk! Prestbury maintains its place in the paranormal world
with the claim to be one of the most haunted villages in England. Many locals tell of having to swerve their cars when coming into the High Street to avoid a spooky hooded figure known as the Black Abbot who has become a focal point for the ghost stories told in this pretty Cotswold village.
While our region is known for its quintessential English charm, it is the stories lurking behind the beauty, which help maintain a sense of intrigue into the darker side of the Cotswolds’ past. Who is the spooky widow in Pittville and the eerie Black Abbot in Prestbury? Join a ghost tour soon to find out! For more information on Cotwolds Ghost Tours and tickets please visit www.
Do you have a ghost story you’d be willing to share? What spooky experiences have you had in the Cotswolds region? To WIN 2 TICKETS on one of our ghost walks this Halloween send your ghost stories (500 words max) to stating ‘Ghost story comp’ by 10th October latest.
All entries will be judged by Cotswolds Ghost Tours and the winner will be contacted by email by 15th October and offered 2 spaces on a public tour in either Prestbury, or Cheltenham on 28th, 29th, or 31st October according to preference. Prizes are as stated and cannot be exchanged for cash alternatives. By entering, you agree to have your name featured in an upcoming issue of the Cheltenham Magazine and online should you win. Any personal data relating to the winner or any other entrants will be used solely in accordance with current UK data protection legislation and will not be disclosed to third parties. I Please mention Cheltenham Magazine when responding to advertisers
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Brilliant Bulbs by Pippa Greenwood
It is spring bulb time in all the garden centres now; they should be crammed full of bulbs, many at a reasonable price and all of which promise to provide glorious masses of colour for years to come. By all means plant bulbs in beds and borders, but if you only have a terrace, patio or a back yard, then there are still plenty of bulb planting opportunities to be had! Bulbs have the potential to make any garden look gorgeous, but you can use them to add an element of fun as well as glamour, colour and perfume. Bulbs look fantastic if allowed to naturalise beneath trees, but miniature varieties look equally good beneath shrubs. Choose miniature daffodils or crocuses and plant them in a scattered effect beneath the shrub, taking care to minimise damage to the shrub’s roots. Keep them well watered in spring and you should have a fantastic display. Ornamental plastic-lined woven baskets, which are available inexpensively from local markets or on the internet, make perfect planting containers provided they are at least 3” (8 cm) deep. Shallower baskets can be Page 24
used for smaller bulbs such as crocuses - simply fill them with bulb fibre and plant up as you would a bowl of indoor bulbs. To ensure adequate drainage, puncture some holes in the plastic liner and use any normal multi-purpose or loam based compost mixture. Baskets like this look particularly decorative in the spring, and if you add a couple of ferns or ivies to larger baskets they will look even better. An outdoor table is unlikely to be used for entertaining in spring, so simply cover it to prevent the surface being spoiled and arrange a selection of pots full of spring bulbs on it – the effect can be really splendid. An old bucket - particularly an enamelled or galvanized one - makes a fabulous planter, but remember to drill some holes in the base or place a layer of pebbles or grit at least 2” (5cm) deep in the bottom, so that excess water accumulates below the level of the roots and the bulbs do not rot off. If your garden or back yard is a good size, then large containers will look particularly handsome. Packed with a single variety of one of the daffodils or tulips
or any other spring bulbs, they will make a striking display. Plant the container up in two layers, so that one lot of bulbs is a couple of inches deeper than the other, and the deeper ones will flower later than those planted closer to the surface to prolong the display. An old bathroom suite or parts of it make wacky and unusual planters. A bath may need a lot of compost to fill it – and don’t forget drainage - but it can act like a full-sized flowerbed. Even a hand basin, lavatory or the cistern can be planted up to great effect. Old watering cans, wheelbarrows or even a decrepit pair of wellies or boots with a hole in them will also make wonderful planters and will save you a fortune! Visit Pippa’s website www. for Pippa’s ‘Winter thru’ Spring’ collection of vegetables for planting next month, along with a really useful selection of Pippa’s favourite gardening items including Nemaslug to control slugs, pop-up crop covers, SpeedHoes, SpeedWeeders, ladybirds to control greenfly, pull-out mini tunnels, signed books and lots more besides.
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Home & Interiors Use Colour with Confidence
Katherine Sorrell outlines how you can employ paint to colour your home beautiful. Most of us are cautious about using colour, so how can we boost our colour confidence? Easy: arm yourself with a little knowledge and make the effort to experiment. You can always repaint if you don’t like the results. Start by leafing through as many interiors books and magazines as possible. A wealth of effort and experience has gone into producing room sets that work for all kinds of tastes. And, all the leading paint manufacturers produce colour cards, brochures that demonstrate how different shades can be put together, and interactive free apps: try Dulux’s Visualizer or Crown’s MyRoomPainter, for example. Consider the sizes of your rooms: pale colours, because they contain a lot of white, seem to recede, enhancing a feeling of spaciousness, while darker colours absorb light and therefore appear more enclosing. Similarly, ‘cool’ colours such as blue and green are more distancing than ‘warm’ colours such as red and Page 28
yellow. This is why people tend to use paler, cooler colours in small rooms, and white on low ceilings, reserving bolder or darker colours for large, bright rooms. But break the rules if you wish: perhaps use a dark, warm colour to make a small room feel welcoming and intimate. For practicality, paint those parts of the house that show the dirt (such as a busy hallway) in a darkish shade, and consider a high-gloss, washable surface finish, too. A simple, one-colour scheme is relatively easy to get right – provided you choose the right colour. Combining two or more can be more challenging, but hugely rewarding. Once you have narrowed down your choices and tried the apps, create a mood board of magazine cuttings and swatches, layering colours and textures to build a balanced palette. Buy tester pots of paints and get a feel for the colours by painting and sticking A4-sized pieces of paper to the walls you’re planning to paint, and see what they look like as the light changes through the day. Also, paint the inside of a cardboard box to see how the colour changes as the walls reflect off each other. If you don’t want a classic colour palette, look out for fashion-forward hues. Dulux’s colour of the year is Cherished Gold, an earthy metallic that works well with both fresh pastels and rich jewel tones, while Pantone’s colours of the year are Rose Quartz and a soft blue called Serenity. Crown’s autumn/winter palette is based around three looks: Out of the Dark, with black and
By Katherine Sorrell charcoal plus bright yellow, pink and orange dashes; Skyscapes, shades of blue with grey and chalky neutrals; and Faded Berries, deep berry tones with mossy and grassy greens. So, research, find your favourite style and either follow fashion or go your own way - colour possibilities are endless. Image - Sherwood matt emulsion, Green Apple matt emulsion and Pastures matt emulsion; all £13.94 for 2.5l matt emulsion, Colours at B&Q, 0333 014 3098;
Natural paints are generally made using combinations of ingredients such as linseed oil, lime, turpentine, citrus oil, chalk and earth and mineral pigments. They allow walls to breathe, so moisture is not trapped beneath - useful if your house is slightly damp - and they don’t become statically charged, thus reducing the build-up of dust on painted surfaces (good for allergy sufferers). Because they are more flexible, they tend not to crack or flake. They use either fully renewable raw materials or those that are in plentiful supply, and energy waste during manufacture is kept to a minimum. Manufacturers claim they are just as effective as conventional paints – if not more so – and, what’s more, they smell nice! Brands include Earthborn, Lakeland, Auro, Nutshell, Aglaia, Pots of Paint and Eico.
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Town Centre Talking Cheltenham BID – local businesses investing to improve our town In my first article for this magazine a year ago, I wrote about a project planned for Cheltenham that I urged the businesses of the town to support. I’m delighted to report that in August, that project – the Cheltenham Business Improvement District (BID) – started operating. I was part of the team that worked to get the BID off the ground but the most important decision was made by the town’s businesses themselves in voting to pay for the ongoing benefits it will bring. BIDs are business-led and business-funded zones that bring new projects and activities to town and city centres with the dual mission of attracting more people and encouraging them to stay for longer. In simple terms, what that will mean for Cheltenham businesses is more money in their tills. They were asked to vote on whether they would pay a levy equivalent to 1.25% of their business rates to invest in the BID. Of those who voted, some 72% were in favour, which was a massively encouraging response. Cheltenham BID now has to ensure that, over the next five Page 30
years, it makes significant improvements in the five areas that the town’s businesses have told us are most important to them: • Marketing and promotion – marketing campaigns that promote what Cheltenham offers and bring more people into the town centre • Town centre events – new annual events and making the most out of existing events • Parking and accessibility – helping to make the town centre more affordable and easier to access and navigate • Public realm improvements – smartening up the public spaces • Business support – a range of projects to make it easier to do business in Cheltenham. We already have some exciting projects earmarked for the first year, which will include appointing Ambassadors, who would be the uniformed face of the BID. They would welcome visitors and try to ensure that everyone gets the best possible experience from a visit to Cheltenham town centre. Our focus will be on the town centre, covering the High Street, Promenade, Montpellier and The Brewery. The big difference to what has gone before is that because
of the contributions from the levy, the support will be there for the projects the businesses want. With the levy working on the 1.25% basis, it means the smallest will be paying around £100 a year, while bigger businesses will be investing thousands. Over the five years, that all adds up to a budget of more than £2.1 million, which is not just about supporting the town’s retailers but other businesses including our pubs and clubs, leisure areas and offices. Crucially, the volunteer board that will run the BID represent that mix, with everyone from independent shops to restaurant owners stepping up to be involved. With more than 200 BIDs already operating across the country, and this the first in Gloucestershire, we have some catching up to do. All the signs are that with the town’s businesses right behind us, the BID will benefit everyone from the regular shopper to a first-time tourist. - by Kevan Blackadder, Cheltenham BID Director
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08000 141 141 Unregistered attendees cannot be guaranteed a tour and will only be permitted on site if space is available. All timeslots operate on@andigestion a first come, first served basis. Tours will last approximately 45 minutes and people should arrive 30 minutes prior to their allocated slot at Cheltenham North Rugby Club carpark. A shuttle bus will be provided between the Rugby club and the Food Recycling facility.
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Andigestion Ltd - Wingmoor Farm East Stoke Orchard Road Cleeve, GL52 7DG Page 34Bishop’s To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit
Chalk Talk The news that Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust has been found in breach of its licence by the NHS Improvement watchdog is both serious and sobering. At a time when record sums are being invested nationally into the NHS, it is disappointing that Gloucestershire is falling behind on the 4-hour A&E waiting time targets. This should not of course be seen as a criticism of those who are working so brilliantly in the emergency departments across our county. The dedication, compassion and professionalism of local healthcare professionals is beyond question. Secondly, we should not ignore the fact that our emergency departments face challenging factors beyond their immediate control. These include the ‘upstream’ pressure of more people presenting at A&E, sometimes inappropriately. They also include the ‘downstream’ challenge of securing sufficient local health and social care capacity to accommodate discharged patients.
But it would be wrong to hide behind these factors. They are not unique to Gloucestershire. There are systemic weaknesses here which cannot be swept under the carpet. In fairness to the Trust leadership, I believe they recognise that. There has been no attempt to duck it. I have met senior officials, including the energetic new Chief Executive, and it is clear that they are facing this head-on and have already taken decisive steps. I welcome the fact that an Improvement Director has already been appointed and that statistics are already moving in the right direction. But the elephant in the room has to be the downgrade of nighttime A&E at Cheltenham General in 2013. Concerns were raised then that such a major capacity reduction would put the local healthcare system under intolerable strain. We were assured that this was not the case. I believe the time has come to look at this again. With a new Chief
Executive in charge, someone not associated with the 2013 decision, this is the right opportunity for a fresh set of eyes to reflect on whether this was the right call. So, although this news is unwelcome, I believe it can be turned into an opportunity – namely to make significant changes which will build a stronger, more sustainable and more resilient A&E model in our county. No options should be ruled out. I am confident that the Trust will get the job done. - by Alex Chalk
Hospice Grounds, Church Road, Leckhampton, GL53 0QJ Please mention Cheltenham Magazine when responding to advertisers
Page 35
Historical Fiction Whether you’re time traveling back to the middle ages, or just revisiting the sixties, historical fiction is a great way to escape the present for a few hours. The Muse – Jessie Burton Burton’s The Miniaturist was one of 2014’s bestsellers, and personally I think her latest novel is even better. West Indian-born Odelle lands a job at a London art institute in 1967. Her friend, Lawrie, has a painting he thinks the institute might be interested in, but Odelle’s boss seems to know more about the picture than she’s willing to admit. Back in 1936, Olive is attempting to hide her artistic talents from her father, while building a life for herself in Spain. A brilliant portrayal of forging one’s identity in a foreign country. The Harrowing – James Aitcheson It’s 1066 and a Norman army is marching through England, destroying anyone and anything in their path. Five travellers are fleeing to the last Saxon stronghold, but will they reach it in time, and is it just the Normans they’re running from? There’s action scenes aplenty, interspersed with the individual stories of the five travellers – a servant, a lady, a priest, a warrior and a minstrel. Aitcheson has clearly done his homework on this era, and also manages to create characters that are every bit as human and flawed as their modern-day counterparts. Page 36
Let Me Tell You About A Man I Knew – Susan Fletcher Jeanne Trabuc is a dutiful wife and mother, but her sons have left home and the boredom and loneliness of life in rural Provence in the 1880s are settling over her in a quiet depression. So when a new patient arrives at the asylum that her husband runs, Jeanne can’t resist reaching out to him. An artist, with wild red hair, selfmutilated ear and attitude so different to anyone she knows, he has the power to reawaken the spark within Jeanne that she’s subdued for so long. A beautiful, fictional reimagining of Vincent Van Gogh’s time at the Saint-Paul-de-Mausole institution. Stolen Years – Kazia Myers It’s 1940 and Poland is under occupation. Seventeen year old Anna is forced to leave her home near Krakow to work on an Austrian farm, where she is little more than a slave. But she finds solace, friendship and love amongst her fellow workers, even as the situation they find themselves in becomes progressively harder. The author’s parents were Polish refugees and survivors of Stalin’s labour camps, and this personal connection certainly comes across in this poignant tale.
The Farm at the Edge of the World – Sarah Vaughan Will and Alice are evacuated to a Cornish farm to escape war-torn London. There they find safety, although it’s not the picture-postcard life they may have imagined. Friendship between Will and the farmer’s daughter Maggie blossoms into love, but a lie will change things between the three forever. Seventy years on, Alice wants to atone, but is it too late to make amends? An enjoyable story of love, friendship and how sometimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself. The Plague Charmer – Karen Maitland It’s 1361 and plague is once more stealing through England. In its wake is an even deadlier curse – fear. As neighbours turn against each other and hysteria sweeps the nation, can Sara protect her family? Up in the manor house, 16 year old Christina and her secret baby are hiding from the world, waiting to see whether her abusive husband will come home from France and claim the child. With a long cast of characters, and plenty of plot twists and turns, The Plague Charmer could well stay with you long after you’ve turned the last page.
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Page 37
The Cheltenham Lifeboat then and now As part of the 150th anniversary celebration of the launch of the Cheltenham Lifeboat in Pittville, the RNLI recently ran a drawing competition which encouraged local school children to submit drawings of the launch. However, Christ Church Primary School students came up with a different idea and created two tactile mixed media collages instead. One depicts the launch of the boat in 1866 while the other shows what this year's anniversary celebration will be like. The eleven-year-olds evidently put a lot of effort into creating the artwork and showed a great eye for detail (note the period clothing!). The RNLI and Cheltenham Magazine are very impressed with the idea and its realisation.
Cheltenham & Tewkesbury Branch
PROGRAMME of EVENTS for 2016 Saturday 12 March WINE TASTING EVENING with Cindy Marie MD Lovewinefood - Details from Fay Friday 18 March FLAG DAY (Help please) Saturday 23 April BRIDGE EVENT - Details Margaret Beverley (Box Administrator) - 01242 510 193 Saturday 4 June FLOWER FESTIVAL St Andrews Church Montpellier A concert by the Churchdown Male voice choir in the evening Sunday 5 June SERVICE at St Andrews Saturday 11 June FLAG DAY Tewkesbury (Help please)
Wednesday 22 June OPEN GARDENS at Whitcombe House Overbury GL20 7HZ July (Date TBC) CMES OPEN DAY Saturday 1 - Sunday 2 October COLLECTION AND SOUVENIRS at Prescott Hill Climb, Autumn Classics Meet Friday 7 October QUIZ NIGHT AND FISH AND CHIPS SUPPER at St Lukes Parish Church Hall Wednesday 2 November AGM AND INTEREST EVENING at the Civil Services Social Club, Tewkesbury Road. Plenty of Parking Saturday 10 December NOSTALGIC CHRISTMAS CAROLS Starting at GWR Toddington Join us for a wonderful start to Christmas - Call Fay
Anyone that can help at any event please contact Fay on 01242 261 330 Page 38
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The Story of the Cheltenham Lifeboat
On the 10th October 2016, the people of Cheltenham will be able to witness a partial repeat of a remarkable and almost unbelievable event. It marks the 150th anniversary of the launch of a 32-foot-long, 10 oarsmen lifeboat onto Pittville Lake. But why a lifeboat in a very inland town? It was the result of an appeal by Rev. William Hodgson, Rector of St. Peter’s Church. He was so shocked by the huge number of lives being lost around the coasts, that he felt the people of this relatively prosperous town should fund a new lifeboat to add to the few then existing. Cheltonians responded generously and a lifeboat was ordered from a boat builder on the Thames. On arrival in our town via Brunel’s broad-gauge railway, it was met by a long wagon drawn by
6 shire horses. The boat was transferred to the wagon and taken to the Plough Yard – now the Regent Arcade. On October 10th 1866 it led a procession of military bands, infantry soldiers and private carriages carrying VIP`s through the centre of town with excited flag-waving crowds, cheering its progress until it reached Pitville Park, arriving at a point below the Pump Room at the lakeside. The wife of the then MP, Lady Charlotte Schreiber, broke a bottle of wine naming the vessel, The Cheltenham Lifeboat. With its full crew of 12, including 10 oarsmen aboard, each wearing cork life jackets, it entered the water. Great cheers greeted the launch, even more so when it turned “turtle” - TWICE, to prove its buoyancy. Following the demonstration, the boat was moved, again by train, to the North Somerset resort of
Burnham-on-Sea, where it spent the next 21 years, saving many lives. Exactly 150 years later, ceremony will take place near the point of launch, when the wife of the present MP, Sarah Chalk, will unveil a memorial plaque, recording this eventful day. Of course, our Mayor, Cheltenham’s Rector, and many other presentday VIPs will be in attendance with music provided by a quintet from the Price of Wales Regiment. Why not join them at 1pm on Monday 10th October 2016 and be part of Cheltenham’s history? Written by John Baker, Vice President RNLI (Cheltenham & Tewkesbury Branch)
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Cod, Prawn and Parsley Pie Serves 6
Ready in 1 hour 15 minutes
Cod and prawns in a smooth herby white sauce topped with fluffy mash – it’s the ultimate fish pie!
Cook the potatoes in a large pan of boiling, lightly salted water for 15-20 minutes until tender.
Ingredients: • 1.6kg floury potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
Meanwhile, place the cod in a large frying pan and pour over the milk. Add the bay leaf and peppercorns and bring to the boil. Simmer for 5 minutes then remove from the heat. Using a slotted spoon, remove the cod from the pan and set aside. Strain the milk into a large heatproof jug.
• 750g cod fillet • 1L milk • 1 bay leaf • Few black peppercorns • 75g butter • 50g plain flour
Melt 50g of the butter in a medium saucepan. Stir in the flour and cook for 1 minute. Gradually whisk in 850ml of the milk. Bring to the boil, stirring all the time, then simmer for 3-4 minutes until you have a smooth, thick sauce.
• 3 tbsp freshly chopped parsley • 175g frozen peas, thawed • 225g large peeled prawns, thawed if frozen
Preheat the oven to 200C, fan 180C, Gas 6. Flake the fish, discarding any skin and bones, and stir into the sauce with the parsley, peas and prawns. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste. Transfer the mixture to a deep ovenproof dish.
• 15ml olive oil • Sprig of fresh parsley, to garnish
TIP You can use any white fish fillet for this pie - haddock or coley will work just as well. Alternatively, replace half the cod with salmon fillet or smoked haddock, if liked. Page 40
Mash the potatoes with the rest of the butter and milk and season to taste. Spoon the mash over the fish mixture to cover. Drizzle over the olive oil and bake in the preheated oven for 25-30 minutes until golden and bubbling. Serve garnished with a sprig of parsley.
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Page 41
Lions Club of Cheltenham September Update On Saturday 17th September the Lions Club will welcome their friends from the Treorchy Male Choir back to the Cheltenham Town Hall. The concert will start at 7.30pm and tickets are £23 and £21, available from the Box Office (Tel. 0844 5762210). The proceeds from this year's concert will be donated to Ray Blackwell's appeal for an adapted double-seated bicycle. Ray from Charlton Kings suffered a hypoxic brain injury while skiing in France in 2011. After waking up from a coma and spending over two years in hospital and rehab, Ray is now wheelchair-bound and
has sight and speech difficulties. He can no longer stand unaided and only for short amounts of time. Before his accident, Ray used to be a keen cyclist, with an interest in cars and a passion for skiing, climbing and walking. He used to take part in cycling events in the Pyrenees and Alps and would love to take cycling up again. This would be possible with an adapted bicycle for two people, the cost of which is £6,000. A local appeal has already raised almost £2,000 towards Ray's dream and the Lions Club recently donated another £1,000 which were raised at their Charlton Kings Plant Sale in May. With the proceeds from the concert the Lions Club is hopeful that Ray's dream will become a reality, so please make sure you come along and enjoy
some fantastic Welsh choral music. Should you not be able to come to the concert, then you can support Ray's appeal by making a donation on his Go Fund Me page: www.gofundme. com/2598jy4. Next to the concert, other Lions Club events coming up include a book sale in the Regents Arcade between 3rd and 9th October and an Autumn Plant Sale at the Exmouth Arms, Bath Road on Saturday 8th October. The Club hopes to see you there! The Lions Club meets at the Victory Club on the second and fourth Monday of every month, meetings start at 8.00pm. For further information please call Peter Weir on 01242 210583. - by David Green, Club PRO
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Ledbury Door Supplies
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This space only £40 + vat per month (t&c's apply) For Best Value advertising contact us today to include your business in the October Issue.
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And the winners are...
Last month the Lions Club of Cheltenham gave away 6 COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS (3x2) for the Treorchy Male Choir Concert at the Town Hall to three lucky Cheltenham Magazine readers. The winners of the competition are Marion Morgan, Sally Mills and Mrs F Wilson. We hope you enjoy the concert!
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Page 43
By Alison Runham
Migraine Awareness Week: It’s Not ‘Just’ A Headache
Migraine is one of the WHO’s ‘most disabling lifetime conditions’. Yet it’s often poorly understood and trivialised. Migraine Awareness Week, from 4th–10th September, aims to change that. What is Migraine? Migraine isn’t ‘just a bad headache’. Suffered by three times as many women as men, it’s a complex set of symptoms often including headache, triggered by physiological changes yet with no known ‘cause’. However, triggers have been identified: • Stress or excitement – although some migraines start when stress is relieved. • Hunger/lack of food, causing fluctuating/low blood sugar levels. • Dehydration. • Sleep (too little or too much). • Change of routine. • Alcohol. • Caffeine. • Prolonged screen time – due to screen glare or flickering and muscle tension. • Hormonal changes in women. • Environmental factors – changes in temperature, humidity and altitude, loud noises, flickering or glaring lights, smells. • Jaw tension, coughing, unaccustomed exertion or illness. Most experts now discount tyramine, found in soft cheeses and wine, as a trigger. Page 44
Types and Symptoms Most common are: Migraine with aura (10-30% of migraines). Neurological symptoms occur first, usually lasting less than an hour, normally followed by a headache. Most common symptoms are tunnel vision, double vision, blind spots or temporary blindness, flashing lights and sparkling/coloured spots, stars or zigzags. However, some people also experience weakness on one side or partial paralysis, dizziness, vertigo, numbness or tingling, disturbance to speech, hearing and memory, fear or confusion, and fainting, particularly if they suffer from migraine with brainstem aura and hemiplegic migraine, which are rare subtypes. Migraine without aura: (70-90% of migraines). Attacks usually last 4-72 hours if untreated. The headache is usually a throbbing pain, often on one side, which worsens on exertion. It’s frequently accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting, diarrhoea and light or sound sensitivity. Menstrual Migraine (usually without aura) affects fewer than 10% of women. Experts believe it’s triggered by falling oestrogen levels and/or prostaglandin release during the menstrual cycle. It normally occurs on the two days before, and the first three days during, a period, and often lasts longer than other types. Preventing Migraine Avoiding triggers, following a regular routine, and eating, sleeping and exercising healthily can help. Your GP may recommend preventative medications such as topiramate
and propranolol for severe and/or frequent migraines. Treating Migraine Take medications swiftly, as the stomach often stops working effectively during a migraine. Try: • Over-the-counter painkillers. • From pharmacies: medications containing pain relief and an anti-emetic that alleviates nausea and vomiting and aids painkiller absorption. • From your GP: triptan medications, which reverse the blood vessel dilation thought to cause migraine. For menstrual migraine, ask about hormonal contraceptives, oestrogen supplements and mefenamic acid (an anti-inflammatory painkiller that can also alleviate heavy periods). • Botox injections – which may work by interrupting the pain feedback pathway to the brain. • Resting in a darkened room or having a nap. See Your GP if you’ve never had migraine before or suffer from migraine more than 5 days in a month, even if your pain is under control with medication. You may require a preventative medicine. Seek Emergency Medical Advice if you experience: • Paralysis or weakness in either arm or face. • Slurred/ garbled speech. • A sudden agonising headache. • Headache with a high temperature, stiff neck, mental confusion, seizures, double vision and rash. For support and more information: Migraine Action: The Migraine Trust: www. The National Migraine Centre: www.nationalmigrainecentre.
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CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.
18 3
15 12
9 5
8 4
12 15
4 24
5 12
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Page 45
Yorkie's Singing Studio Private tuition in rock, pop, jazz and contemporary singing • Develop your singing talents, gain vocal confidence and control • All ages and levels welcome Lindsay is an experienced and qualified singing teacher who can help with vocal technique, vocal health, stagecraft, performance confidence and repertoire management. Contact Lindsay on 07577 to arrange a lesson.
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Joules Pizzeria, Bar and Restaurant Clarence Square, Cheltenham
01242 580411
Tel: Open all day every day of the week: 08.00 - 23.00
Steak Night offer Thursday Steak Night 8oz Rump steak with all the trimmings, a glass of house red or white wine (175ml) or a pint of beer or lager and a dessert for just £18.95 Page 46
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Cake and Bake Tart Bourdaloue This classic French tart has a lovely rich almond frangipane filling. Choose pears that are firm, but not rock hard. Ingredients: • 225g ready-made puff pastry • 75g unsalted butter, softened • 75g caster sugar • 2 medium eggs, beaten • 1 tsp almond extract • 75g plain flour • 100g ground almonds • 3 firm pears, peeled, halved and cored • 2 tbsp apricot glaze, warmed (see Tip)
Serves 6 - 8 Ready in 1 hour 30 minutes, plus chilling
Look out for small jars of apricot glaze in the baking sections of supermarkets, rr make your own by pushing 3-4tbsp of warmed apricot jam through a fine-holed sieve.
1. Roll out the puff pastry on a lightly floured surface
and use to line a 23cm round fluted flan tin. Trim the edges and prick the pastry all over with a fork. Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.
2. Beat the butter and sugar together in a bowl until
pale and fluffy. Gradually beat in the eggs, then the almond extract. Sift over the flour and fold in with the ground almonds to make a smooth mixture. Preheat the oven to 200C/fan 180C/Gas 6. Place a heavy baking sheet in the oven to heat up.
3. Spread the mixture in an even layer in the chilled
pastry case. Place one pear half, cut side down, on a board. Using a sharp knife, carefully slice widthways through the pear half about 10 times. Repeat with the other pear halves, keeping them in their shape.
4. Arrange the sliced pears on top of the almond
mixture, fanning them out slightly. Place the flan tin on the hot baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 180C/fan 160C/ Gas 4 and bake for a further 20-25 minutes until golden. Cover the tart loosely with foil for the last 15-20 minutes of the cooking time to prevent the top from over-browning.
5. Leave the tart to cool for 10-15 minutes then glaze
the top with the warmed apricot glaze. Serve warm or cold with crème fraiche, if liked.
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Page 47
Phil & Maddy’s Coach Holidays ISLES OF SCILLY
The best place in the world, and you don’t even have to leave the UK! This will be our third visit to the Isles of Scilly and we will be using the same hotel, the Bell Rock on St. Mary’s. We will visit the “off-islands” by boat. It is wonderful!
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Mini Cryptic Crossword
Across 1. Determined where a camper might be found (6) 6. Twisted Malian beast (6) 7. Puny crustacean? (6) 8. Hissing noises on the radio still (6) 12. Moral kind of biter (5) 14. Top card in faces (3) 15. Rinse out harnesses (5) 16. A wren’s form of reply (6) 20. Failed turning far from home (6) 21. Like collections, they have value (6) 22. He’s on board for the money (6)
Down 1. Post-retirement problem? (8) 2. Unflagging lies rest badly (8) 3. Flow controllers spat back (4) 4. Crystalline substance found in formic 11. Red icons forced to acid (4) think (8) 5. Teresa rises, holding a garment (4) 9. Level that might fall from an eye, we hear 13. Degenerate garden tool (4) (4) 17. One’s deformed 10. Teachers’ soft shoes? (8)
106.2 - 107 - 107.8 FM
facial organ (4) 18. Time period sounding feeble (4) 19. Raps round a file (4)
Monday - Thursday 6am - 10AM Paul Ellery In The Morning 10am - 2pm Mark Edwards 2pm - 7pm Drive time 7pm - 6Am NON STOP SUNSHINE FRIDAY 6am - 10AM Paul Ellery In The Morning 10am - 2pm Mark Edwards 2pm - 7pm Drive time 7pm - 10pm FLOORFILLERS 10pm - 7Am NON STOP SUNSHINE
SATURDAY 7am-10am MARK EDWARDS in the Morning • 10am - 2pm GREGG UPWARDS ALL REQUEST SATURDAY • 2pm - 6pm SATURDAY AFTERNOON SHOW • 6pm - 9pm All the Hits with Pat Sharp • 9pm - 11pm Totally 90’s• 11pm - 6am NON STOP SUNSHINE SUNDAY 7am - 10am SUNDAY BREAKFAST • 10am - 3pm Gregg Upwards All Request Sunday • 3pm - 7pm MATT HEALEY • 7pm - 9pm Totally 80’s• 9pm - 11pm Mike Hollis Soul Show • 11pm - 6am NON STOP SUNSHINE Please mention Cheltenham Magazine when responding to advertisers
Page 49
Hobbies The Genteel World Of Vintage China By Kate McLelland
Ever since the trend for ‘Shabby Chic’ furniture and accessories started to emerge in the ‘90s and ‘00s, the use of vintage china has risen in popularity. Drinking from a ‘proper’ tea cup harks back to a more genteel time, when tea had visible leaves and we didn’t drink it out of a mug. Nowadays you’ll find vintage tea ware everywhere, from village fetes to wedding breakfasts. It’s not just the charm of these elegantly-shaped drinking vessels that appeals, it’s their cost, too. In many charity shops you can buy a full set including cups, saucers, sugar bowl, milk jug and tea pot, for less than £15 (compare that with a medium-priced, 4-piece contemporary tea set from a popular high street chain store, which will set you back around £80). Of course, not every vintage tea set is cheap. In 2011 a Chinese silver-gilt tea service, auctioned by Sotheby’s Amsterdam, exceeded its estimate of €50,000 to fetch €204,750, while a 19th century 6-piece sterling silver tea and coffee service by Tiffany & Co. sold for over $20,000 at auction in Boston - four times more than Page 50
the expected amount. But the prize for the most costly tea set goes to a Half-Figure Service Meissen porcelain set, which sold for over £500,000 when it went under the hammer in 2012.
or manufacturer. For example, you might put together a collection of cups and saucers with a floral pattern or with an oriental theme, or you could simply collect items of matching colour.
If you are buying a vintage tea set for your personal use, here are some tips to keep the china in tip-top condition: - Never put it in the dishwasher: always hand wash with a mild soap such as baby shampoo. - Don’t soak vintage china as this can cause problems with the glaze, or even remove gold leaf decoration. - Avoid acidic substances like lemon juice. If you use lemon in your tea, be sure to remove it quickly after you’ve finished. - If you want to store your teacups, use a sealable plastic container. Stack carefully, placing a folded tea towel in the bottom of the box and putting a sheet of cardboard over the first layer before adding a second.
If you fancy spreading the vintage love, catering for vintage tea parties is now big business. Sybil Worsley-Cundall runs a company called Once Upon a Teacup in Manchester, providing tea parties for birthdays, hen parties, weddings, baby showers and christenings. She started out by buying a couple of tea sets for a vintage tea party and now runs a successful business. “Combined with the love I have for sourcing and collecting vintage pieces … sharing my vintage tea parties with others seemed a logical way to go,” says Sybil.
If you don’t want to collect whole tea sets but enjoy collecting individual cups and saucers, you can purchase items by pattern or type, colour
You can track down great vintage buys in charity shops, at local auctions and on Ebay, but before you buy it pays to examine every item for cracks and chips. Once you’ve bought your delicate china tea set, don’t be afraid to use and enjoy it: with careful handling and maintenance it should last for generations to come.
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Rock and pop school opens its doors in Cheltenham Chart-topping musicians of the future are being offered their first steps to stardom at a new rock and pop school opening in Cheltenham and Bishop’s Cleeve this September. Run by Neive Richardson with husband-and-wife team Alex and Andy Young, The Rock Project Cheltenham will give 7 to 18 yearolds the opportunity to learn drums, bass, guitar and vocals, tutored by professional, working musicians. The inspiration for the new school came after one of the founders saw The Rock Project in action in another part of the country. Mother of two Neive explained: "My nephew Thomas is a member of The Rock Project in Denbigh. When I saw footage of him standing on a stage playing in a rock band in front of a large audience, I was so impressed by his progress and the confidence he had gained. “I wanted my own sons to have that same experience so contacted The
Rock Project to see if there was a similar school in Gloucestershire. When I found out there wasn't one I investigated how to start a school,” she added. “I knew I would need a partner and so approached Alex and Andy.” The Rock Project is a network of more than 40 schools across the UK and Ireland, so to find out more the three visited a session in Portishead. Alex said that seeing the school in action had made them determined to go ahead. "Both Andy and I have a musical background, so once Neive explained the concept, we wanted to find out more," the mother-oftwo said. "After we had seen a live session we were fully on board. “One of the things that struck me was the students’ confidence. They were totally engrossed in their music, performing together in front of an audience, they seemed so self-assured.” The three have now recruited experienced musicians to tutor young people in drums, bass, guitar and vocals. The first half of the twohour-long weekly sessions will see the students tutored on their chosen instruments,
From left to right: Alex Young, Andy Young and Neive Richardson.
while in the second part they get together to perform as a band. The Rock Project will open in St Paul’s Old School, St Paul’s Road, Cheltenham on Tuesday September 13th and Cleeve School in Bishops Cleeve on Thursday September 15th. Classes in Cheltenham will be divided into a junior session for 7-11 year olds from 4.45pm to 6.45pm and a senior session for 12-18 year olds from 6.45pm to 8.45pm. The classes in Cleeve School will run from 4.15pm to 6.15pm for juniors and 6.15pm to 8.15pm for seniors. All of the instruments will be supplied. For further details or to book a free taster session visit To contact Alex, Andy or Neive email cheltenham@therockproject. com or call 07521 385800.
One of the Rock Projects on stage
David Richards on 01242 898 750 or 07725 722132 Please mention Cheltenham Magazine when responding to advertisers
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CHRISTMAS PARTY CATERING With more than 15 years of experience in events big and small, we will ensure you can relax and enjoy the festivities! Whether you’re looking for beautifully presented buffets, delicious canapes or a three-course meal, take a look at our website or contact our team for more information!
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What's On in Sept/Oct Linc Lunch Club Friday 2nd September The Old Passage at Arlingham Meet, eat, socialise and enjoy! ÂŁ16 each for a 2-course lunch. For more information call 0300 4224422, visit or email Walking Tours of Regency Cheltenham Saturdays throughout September and October, 11am, The Wilson Art Gallery & Museum
Tractor & Trailer ride for Adults Saturday 3rd September, 4pm, Cleeve Common, Cleeve Hill
Back by popular demand a tractor and trailer ride for gown ups! Take a tour of the common to see what the Cleeve Common conservators are doing to conserve the magnificent natural habitat. For full details please visit www., call 07471 687877 or email conservators@ Cheltenham Bride & Groom Show Sunday 4th September, 11.00am Cheltenham Town Hall Free entry.
Walks lasting approximately 1.5 hours, led by qualified blue badge tourist guides. Explore Cheltenham, and get off the beaten track to discover some architectural delights. To book your place please call 01242 237431 or visit info@ Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Events Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, The Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT
Saturday 3rd & 17th September: Fish & Chips Special with Autumn Murder Mystery. Sunday 11th September: Car Club Rally Day at Toddington. Saturday 24th & Sunday 25th: Day out with Thomas. For further details please visit
Katherine Parr Day Sunday 4th September Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, GL54 5JD Heritage Open Days Thursday 8th September - Sunday 11th September, Gloucestershire Heritage Open Days celebrate England’s fantastic architecture and culture by offering free access to places that are usually closed to the public or normally charge for admission. Every year in September, buildings of every age, style and function open up their doors. It is a once a year chance to discover treasures and enjoy a wide range of tours, events and activities that bring local history and culture to life. Please visit www.heritageopendays. for more details and to find events near you.
don't miss the Andigestion Open Day which gived you the rare opportunity to explore one of the UKs top anaerobic digestion plants. If you would like to attend then please register the number of tickets and your preferred time slot at www.eventbrite. Please note this is an over 14's only event and under 18's must be accompanied by an adult. Admission is free.
St. Stephen's Church Open Day Saturday 10th September, 10.00am - 4.00pm The Church will be open to visitors and there will be an interesting display of vestments and church plates on show for all to view. Tea and coffee will be served. There will also be a fantastic walking tour, 'Tivoli in 90 minutes' given by Adrian Barlow on the day. It will start and finish at the Church. Adrian will explore what the architecture of the streets around Tivoli can tell us about the evolving growth and character of Tivoli today. For more information please contact Natalie Norman on 01242 573 508 or Sandford Park Lido Open Day Saturday 10th September, 11.00am - 5.30pm, Sandford Park Lido, Cheltenham
Andigestion Open Day The Lido will its doors as part Saturday 10th September, 10am of the Heritage Open Days - 2pm, Wingmoor Farm East, Stoke weekend. Visitors will be able Orchard Road, Bishop's Cleeve Have you ever wondered what happens to your food waste once events cont'd... you have it? If so Please mention Cheltenham Magazine whenscraped responding to then advertisers Page 53 cont'd to explore the facility and see areas that are not normally open to the public. Normal entrance prices apply for using the facility and swimming. For more information please visit www. Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice Autumn Fayre Sat 10th September, 11am 4pm, Hospice Grounds, Church Road, Leckhampton, GL53 0QJ
Whatever your age, you're sure to have a wonderful day at Leckhampton Court’s annual Autumn Fayre. The young - and young at heart - can enjoy children’s entertainment, games, face painting, Cheltenham Town FC Hot Shot and a bouncy castle, as well as live music and special performances from guests. There’s also a great range of stalls to browse - from craft, fashion and local produce to children's toys. Delicious food, including afternoon tea and cake, BBQ and a Pan Asian food stall, will also be on offer. Admission to the event, sponsored by Bristol Street Motors, is £2.50 for adults (to be paid on the gate on day). Children under 12 are free. For more information call 01242 246285 or visit leckhamptonautumnfayre. Churchdown Male Voice Choir Concert Saturday 10th September, 7.30pm St. Stephen's Church, St. Stephen's Road, Tivoli, Cheltenham, GL513AB This concert will be raising funds to help repair the roof of this magnificent building. There will be a varied programme to take advantage of the great accoustics. Tickets £8 - available from Colin Acton (CMVC) on 01452 714360, (St. Stephen's) Ken Stephens on 01242 529883, Natalie Page 54
Norman on 01242 573 508 or, or on entrance. Cheltenham Triathlon Sunday 11th September, 7.00am - 1.00pm, Sandford Park Lido, Cheltenham
A fun event open to competitors over the age of 17 (all abilities), who enjoy a personal or a team challenge. You will swim 500m in the lido pool, cycle for 13km and run for 2.5km. The event raises funds both for LINC (The Leukaemia & Intensive Chemotherapy Fund) and Sandford Lido Limited. For more information and to book a place please visit
Cleeve Chorale Open Rehearsal Tuesday 13th September, 7.30pm - 9.30pm, Bishop's Cleeve Primary Academy Cleeve Chorale (a mixed choir) are holding an open rehearsal on Tuesday 13th September. If you enjoy singing, have wanted to sing in a choir and are looking for a choir to sing with, then come along to our open rehearsal. You will not be expected to make any commitment, just come along and enjoy singing for an evening. You can also meet our Musical Director and chat to members of the choir over refreshments. Entry is free and everyone is welcome. Treorchy Male Choir Concert Saturday 17th September, 7.30pm, Cheltenham Town Hall
Organised by the Lions Club of Cheltenham in aid of their local
charities. The world-famous choir has performed throughout the world including Australia (4 sellout concerts at Sydney Opera House), New Zealand, Canada and USA. They have also recently given two charity concerts for Prince Albert of Monaco, and represented Wales at the Battle of the Somme commemoration services in July. An excellent concert of Welsh Choral Music and a large variety of songs from the shows guaranteed. Tickets: £23 and £21 from the Town Hall Box Office: 0844 5762210. Film Screening of Jaws Sunday 18th September, 8.30pm - 10.15pm Sandford Park Lido, Cheltenham Come along to a film screening of the movie classic Jaws! To purchase tickets please go to cultscreens/event/356810 Classic Car Rally Sunday 18th September, 10am - 4pm, Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, GL54 5JD
This event will be held on the private North Lawn, directly in front of the castle. Car clubs and groups who register together will be designated their own parking area on the lawn. Included with general admission to view or £5 to display a car when registered by 16th September (fee of £15 if arriving on day). For more information visit The Hobgoblin Cheltenham Comedy Festival Monday 19th September -
To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit
Saturday 24th September, Cheltenham A fantastic line up of top comedians and up and coming stars, performing in various venues across Cheltenham. For more information and tickets please visit Public Lecture: Grabbing Rhino issues by the horns – what does the future hold? Wednesday 21st September, refreshments at 5pm, lecture starts at 6pm, University of Gloucestershire, Park Campus, The Park, Cheltenham, GL50 2RH
Professor Adam Hart will be discussing the pros and cons of the rhino trade in a free lecture entitled 'Rhino: What does the future hold?'. Adam is Professor of Science Communication at the University and, as well as making documentaries for the BBC, is also involved with large scale citizen science projects. The lecture is the first in a new season of public lectures held at the University of Gloucestershire. Admission is free but tickets must be booked in advance at www.eventbrite. Howlers at the Hall Wednesday 21st September, 8.30pm, Cheltenham Town Hall The ultimate comedy club night showcasing the very best in new and established comedy talent. Over 18’s only. Tickets £12.00, students £9.00. For more information please visit Cheltenham Nearly New Sale of Children and Babygoods Sunday 25th Sept, 10.30am 12 Noon, The Reddings and
District Community Centre, North Road West, The Reddings, Cheltenham, GL516RF Toys, clothes, prams, bikes and more for sale! For more information or to download a table booking form visit: www.cheltenhamnearlynewsale. or email cheltnearlynewsale
Memory Café Thursday 25th & Thursday 29th September, 6.00pm - 7.30pm, Grevill House, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham, GL52 6YL Enjoy a cup of tea and some cake with others who are concerned about or who care for someone with memory problems. The informal Memory Café offers a chance to share experiences and concerns and to gain valuable support and information. Members of the care home team will be on hand to provide information. The event is supported by Admiral Nurses (Dementia UK).
Gloucestershire Rural Community Council – Full of Life Saturday 1st October, 10am 2pm, Cheltenham Town Hall The aim of this event is to promote health and wellbeing for older people, carers and their families. A range of partners will also be at the event including, Active Gloucestershire, Carers Gloucestershire, Healthwatch, and
many more. Soft drinks and lunch will be provided. Transport can also be arranged. For more information or if you would like to arrange transport please call Kevin Dower or Julie Pritchard on 01452 528491. Churchdown Male Voice Choir Concert Saturday 1st October, 7.30pm St. Barnabus Church, Stroud Road, GL1 5LI Churchdown is thrilled to play host to Truro Male Voice Choir in a joint concert raising funds for the Alzheimer's Society. This is a great venue with an outstanding accoustic for the choirs to show their best. The concert will include guest soloists. Tickets £8, available from Colin Acton on 01452 714360, Jean Humby at Alzheimer Society on 01452 525222 or on entrance. CLIC Sargent Gloucestershire Airport Runway Run Saturday 1st October, 7.30pm 10.30pm, Gloucestershire Airport, Staverton, Cheltenham, GL51 6SR A brand new and exciting event in aid of CLIC Sargent. Runners and walkers will have exclusive access to the local airport after dark. The course will be lit by the runway lights and the distance will be around 5km. Even those who aren’t keen runners can come along and join in the fun as the event village will be free to access by the public. There will be food and fun for all the family. CLIC Sargent are asking every participant to fundraise just £75.00, which would fund a family to use their Home from Home services for two nights, allowing families free accommodation to stay together near to Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. Adults £20.00, Juniors £10.00 (U16 and accompanied by an adult), £15.00 if part of a team of 4. All out swim with Macmillian Cancer Support Sunday 2nd October, 9am 1pm, Sandford Parks Lido
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events cont'd... Page 55 cont'd The ‘All out swim’ is a sponsored cold water swim which aims to raise funds for Macmillian Cancer Support. You will need to be 9 years or older to take part and under 18’s are only eligible to take part in the 1.5k distance. Cost: £25.00. For more information please visit www. or call 0300 1000 200.
Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th October: Autumn Diesel Weekend. Saturday 22nd & Sunday 23rd October: Cotswold Food & Drink Fayre. Saturday 29th October: 'Steam & Scream' event to celebrate Halloween. For further details please visit Wool Weekend Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th October, Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, GL54 5JD
Wedding Inspiration Day Sunday 2nd October, 11am, Pittville Pump rooms, Cheltenham
A celebration of wool through the ages to coincide with HRH Prince Charles’ nationwide Wool Week. Discover this spectacular wedding and civil partnership venue, dressed as it could be for your big day. A selection of prestigious local suppliers will also be on hand to help you out with the finishing touches to your special day. Free admission. The Times & The Sunday Times Cheltenham Literature Festival Friday 7th October - Sunday 16th October, Imperial Square, Cheltenham
The Devil’s Aquathlon & Devil’s 2k Swim Sunday 9th October, Sandford Parks Lido 9am - 12pm: The Devil’s Aquathlon is a tough swimming and running challenge which raises funds for two charities and is designed for competitors aged 19 and above who enjoy a personal or team challenge. 1pm - 2pm: The Devil’s 2k swim is a swimming race for competitors aged 17 and older. The 2km-race will take place in the Lido’s 50m main pool. To enter either race please visit Record & CD Fair Saturday 22nd October, 10.00am, Cheltenham Town Hall
The Cheltenham Literature is every book lover’s dream. Come and see some of the world’s greatest writers and thinkers, listen to talks and join workshops. Fun for all the family guaranteed. Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Events Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, The Railway Page 56
Over 40 stalls selling all things music from CD’s and records to music memorabilia. Admission: £1.00.
Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice – Starlight Hike Saturday 22nd October, 8pm, St. Edwards Prep School, Charlton Kings, Cheltenham Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice is asking people from right across the country to get behind this special event to remember loved ones. The starlight hike takes hundreds of walkers on a 10km walk around Cheltenham, raising much needed funds to continue providing specialist hospice and end of life care for local families. The event has become a regular speactacle, with hundreds of walkers sporting neon colours and flashing lights taking to the streets of Cheltenham, creating a real party atmosphere. For more information, please visit www.sueryder. org/LeckhamptonSLH, email or call 01242 246285. Tea Dance Monday 24th October, 2.30pm, Cheltenham Town Hall
Put on your dancing shoes and enjoy a fun and social afternoon of dancing, live music and of course tea and biscuits in the beautiful surroundings of the main hall. Halloweek! Monday 24th - Sunday 30th October, Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, GL54 5JD
A week of ghostly events to celebrating Halloween. Make
To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit
sure you don’t miss the Spooky Spectacular on Sunday 30th October! Cheltenham Ghost Walks Spooks & Spectres Friday 28th, Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th October, 7.30pm,
10am - 4pm, Pittville Pump Rooms Visit the Rock, Gem ‘n’ Bead Show and be fascinated by the range of natural stone products from around the world. There will also be a great selection of beads, findings and jewellery making equipment. You’ll never see such a comprehensive selection of stones and products in one place. Admission prices: Adults £4.50, Seniors £2.00, Children (8-16) £1.00 and under 8’s are free. For more information please visit
LOCAL CLUBS & CLASSES Prestbury & Town Centre Tickets £8.00 available from Rock, Gem ‘n’ Bead Show Saturday 29th October, 10am 5pm & Sunday 30th October,
Cheltenham Parkinson’s Group Last Tuesday of the month – evenings or daytime depending on the activity, St Mark's Methodist Church Hall, Gloucester Road, Cheltenham, GL51 8PX We offer information, friendship
and support to local people with Parkinson's, their families and carers. We also organise regular events and social activities, all are welcome to join us. Contact Jane Henderson, Volunteer Coordinator, on 0344 225 3694 or if you are interested in coming along. See more at uk/local-support-groups/regions/ cheltenham-and-district-branch
LOCAL MARKETS Cheltenham’s Farmers’ Market Every second and last Friday of each month, 9am - 2pm Pedestrianised area of the Promenade outside Cavendish House A great opportunity to sample and buy locally grown and made produce from Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds.
WSP Solicitors & Randall and Payne Quiz Night Raises £2,200 for The Pied Piper Appeal and Gloucestershire Young Carers – smashing £20,000 total! Local businesses were asked to get their thinking caps on for the eighth annual WSP and Randall & Payne quiz evening in aid of two great charities on 29th June.
20” Fat Toni’s pizzas delivered for contestants to tuck into!
The evening was another annual success, with over £2,200 being raised for The Pied Piper Appeal The quiz, hosted by Steve Knibbs and Gloucestershire Young of BBC Points West, welcomed Carers. The Pied Piper Appeal over 130 people from all across is a children's charity, set up in Gloucestershire to Marling School 1992 help to fund life-changing Hall in Stroud. With local business medical and practical equipment heavy weights such as BBC Radio that can transform the lives of Gloucestershire, Lloyds Bank, sick and disabled children in Natwest and X-Press Legal in Gloucestershire. Gloucestershire the running, it was a competitive Young Carers, also founded in evening right from the first question. 1992, aims to support and meet the changing needs of young As well as a quiz, there was a bar carers in the county. This year stocked with Stroud Brewery beer was a special year for WSP and a raffle with prizes donated and Randall & Payne having from local businesses such as The beaten their milestone of raising Mayflower, Three Choirs Vineyard, Cattle Country, Forest Green Rovers over £20,000 in total from their and The Everyman Theatre, to name annual quiz evenings. a few. There were also over 35 The winners of this year’s quiz
were 1st Quiztinctly Average, 2nd Knibbsy's Worst Nightmare (BBC Radio Gloucestershire) and 3rd The Really Clueless Quiz Team (The Really Helpful Marketing Company).
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Page 57
By Ann Haldon
What Exactly Is A Credit Score, And How Does It Impact On Your Life? payment, or if you have been made bankrupt in the past. • If you are on the electoral roll. • How many times you have applied for credit.
When you apply for credit or other types of borrowing, the lender will check your credit score to see if you are a good or bad risk. Your credit rating also comes into play in other situations, and has the potential to affect every aspect of your life. A low score means that you may have to pay an increased rate of interest to counteract the risk to a lender. This has massive implications if you’re trying to obtain a mortgage, as a poor credit rating can mean less product choice and higher monthly repayments. How is a credit score formulated? A number between zero and 999 is used as a guide to lenders and other interested parties, such as landlords and utility companies, about your ability to repay. Scores between 721 and 999 are generally considered a lower risk, but there are other factors that influence your overall rating: • Your previous history of repayment. • How much credit is available to you. • The level of debt. • Whether any County Court Judgements have been made against you for nonPage 58
so How could a low credit score impact on your life? Difficulty in getting a mortgage Even if you find a lender willing to offer you a mortgage, the interest rate will probably be much higher, and you won’t have access to the better deals. Having a low credit score is often an indication that you can’t afford a mortgage, but unfortunately it can also affect your ability to rent. Problems renting A landlord will check your credit score - if they see that payments have been missed or that you are not on the electoral role, they could view you as untrustworthy and an unnecessary risk. Personal loans and other finance Obtaining car finance will be difficult if your credit score is low, as this is the main factor on which a lender bases their decision. It’s not only the large purchases that can be stifled, however – you may also encounter problems when trying to increase your bank overdraft or when requesting a higher limit on your credit card. How to improve your credit score over time If your credit rating is low, or
you feel that it could be better, there are specific actions you can take to improve it over the long-term: • Make sure you’re on the electoral register, as a permanent address increases confidence that you’re trustworthy. • Pay at least the monthly minimum on your credit cards. • Cancel any unused credit cards appearing on your credit report - too much available credit adds to your risk from the lender’s viewpoint. • Check for mistakes on your credit report, with all three agencies – you can request that they amend your report, and add a comment against the entry to explain that it is incorrect. • If a spouse or partner has a poor credit score, you can apply for a financial disassociation . A good credit score can make your life more straightforward, so it’s worthwhile reviewing your credit report every so often to make sure that all the details are correct, and also to check for any suspicious activity. It’s possible to obtain a copy from any of the credit reference agencies for a few pounds. http://uk.businessinsider. com/how-your-credit-scorecan-impact-your-life-20165?r=US&IR=T https://www.sainsburysbank.
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3 words
5 words
You have two minutes to find all the words of three or more letters that can be made from the letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns are not. The 6 letter word will always be just a normal everyday word.
3 letters: 11 4 letters: 11 5 letters: 2 6 letters: 1
Puzzle & Crossword Solutions Business
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.
TARGET Excellent: 120 or more words Good: 95 words Fair: 80 words
24 26
18 3
12 8
Word Ladder
18 9
5 3
15 5
12 12
5 3
24 12
12 15
SLOW slot
solution (others may
Here is one possible solution Here ismay one possible (others exist)
21 4
Page 60
Mini Cryptic Crossword
1. Annie Get Your Gun 2. Freepost 3. Five 4. Jacob Marley 5. Vince Cable 6. Tom Cruise 7. Richard Branson 8. Paper merchant 9. (b) Ferrets 10. Elvis Presley
Pictograms 1. Kiss of Life 2. Skull And Crossbones 3. Every Dog Has Its Day
5 Letters DEMON MOOED 6 Letters MOONED
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Cheltenham Useful Numbers DOCTORS SURGERIES
Leckhampton Surgery
01242 539080
Underwood Surgery
01242 580644
01242 215020
Gas Emergency
Springbank Surgery Overton Park Surgery The Portland Practice
Yorkleigh Surgery
The Royal Crescent Surgery St Georges Surgery
Sixways Clinic
Seven Posts Surgery
01242 234306
Electricty -ÂPower Loss
0800 365 900
01242 519049
Water Leaks
0800 169 1144
01242 215015
01242 580248 08444 772551 01242 246549 0300 422 2222
Cheltenham General
0300 422 2222
Charlton Lane Hospital
01242 802897 01242 634100
Cheltenham Library
0845 2305420
Prestbury Library
0845 2305420
Hesters Way Library
Upper Hatherley Library
01242 262626
01242 580511
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital Nuffield Health Hospital
Cheltenham Borough Council
0845 2305420 0845 2305420
Cheltenham Post Office 08457 223344 Bath Road Post Office, 170 Bath Road, GL53 7NF Charlton Kings, Budgens, 12 Lyefield Rd. W, GL53 8EZ Hesters Way, 8 - 10 Hesters Way Road, GL51 0DA Prestbury, 6 High Street, Prestbury, GL52 3AS 107 Salisbury Avenue, Warden Hill, GL51 3DA Shurdington, 2 Yarnolds, Shurdington, GL51 4SH
Water Severn Trent
0800 111 999
0800 783 4444
Alcoholics Anonymous National 0800 9177650 Alcoholics Anonymous GLOS (24h) 01452 418515 Search & Rescue Team 01242 519470 Childline 0800 1111 Citizens Advice Bureau 03444 111 444 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Directory Enquiries 118 500 Drugs Helpline 0800 776 600 Floodline 0845 988 1188 Parentline Plus 0808 800 2222 RSPCA 0300 123 4999 Samaritans 01452 306333 National Missing Persons 0500 700 700
EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ambulance (Emergency Only)
Fire (Emergency Only)
Police (Emergency Only)
Gas Emergency
Police (non-emergency) NHS Direct
0800 111 999 101 111
St Marks, 255 - 257 Gloucester Road, GL51 8NW Tewkesbury Road, 93 Tewkesbury Road, GL51 9DB Up Hatherley, 238 Hatherley Road, GL51 6HB Whaddon Road, 112 Whaddon Road, GL52 5NQ
Bus Information Train Information
01242 544120 08457 484950
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advertisers index Accountants Cheltenham Tax Accountants 31 Imperial Accounting 39 Aerials & Satellites Digital TV & Satellite Systems 31 Bathrooms Adam Boothroyd Designs 10 Beauty Charley's Waxing Studio 41 Boat Moorings The Old Rectory 59 Building, Maintenance, Repair, Carpentry & Handyman Services, Painters & Decorators A.P. Property Maintenance 31 Cakebridge Home Improvements 48 Cleeve Handyman 25 Dave Dowell 10 Imperial Construction 29 Building Supplies Staverton Building Supplies 63 Caravan Repairs PJ Lane 31 Caring Services C & D Domestic Services 10 Carpets Goodrum Carpets 22 Catering Orchard Catering 52 The Clean Plate Catering Company 6 Charities & Community Building Circles 25 Choirs Got 2 Sing 8 Cleaning C & D Domestic Services 10 Churchdown Upholstery & Carpet Cleaning 59 Clubs & Classes
Instant Spanish KS2 Tuition Linc Lunch Club Yorkie's Singing Studio
Competitions Cotwolds Ghost Tours
27 6 29 46
Electrical Services Flexitest Ltd Pro Electrical
Entertainment Sunshine Radio 49 Estate Agents Errington Smith 3&26 Events Andigestion Open Day 34 Full of Life 13 RNLI 2016 Programme 38 Sue Ryder Autumn Fayre 35 Fencing & Sheds A.P. Property Maintenance 31 Food & Drink Gloucester Biltong 37 Joules Pizzeria, Bar & Grill 46 Malswick House 20 The Lion Inn Winchcombe 43 The Ox Cheltenham 16 Wiltshire Farm Foods back page Woolstone Orchards 25 Fruit Farms Woolstone Orchards 25 Furniture Gloucester Import Furniture 2 Gardens & Landscaping Cotswold & Vale Supplies 6 Edward Price 25 Holidays Phil & Maddy's Coach Holidays 48 Holistic Therapist Jayne Burke 59 Hypnotherapy Advance Practice 21 Interior Design Bella's Interiors 41 Kingdom Interiors 29 Kitchens Adam Boothroyd Designs
Legal & Financial Services Dee & Griffin Thomson & Bancks Solicitors
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