Love Local Magazines - Newent March'20

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Your FREE local community magazine MARCH 2020


THIS MONTH: Your essential local ‘What’s On’ guide Big Interview with Michael Duff, CTFC Manager Treat Your Mum with our Mother’s Day Gift Guide


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TIME TO SPOIL YOUR MUM After months of rain, storms and floods, we move into March hoping that Spring will bring us calmer and dryer weather.

This month: LOVING LOCAL



10 & 11


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22 & 23

Come rain or shine, on 22nd of March it's time to spoil your mum! Have a look at our fantastic Mother's Day guide on the centre pages of this magazine for unique present ideas, places to go and things to do - and the best part is, it's all local! Ever wondered what life as a Football Manager is like? This month you can find out with our 'Big Interview' in which we asked Cheltenham Town F.C. Manager Michael Duff to tell us about his job. Want to see Cheltenham Town F.C. in action? Then enter our competition on page 15 for a chance to win a pair of tickets to see a home game during the remainder of the season. In addition, we also bring to you the usual mixture of interesting articles, scrumptious recipes, fiendish puzzles, local events and local businesses. Enjoy the read!

Best wishes, Anne GENERAL ENQUIRIES: T: 01242 388 366 TO ADVERTISE T: 01242 388 367 Whilst every care is taken to ensure accuracy, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for loss, damage or omission caused by error in the printing of an advert. All artwork is accepted on the strict condition that permission has been given for use in the publication. Love Local Magazines do not officially endorse any advertising/editorial material included within the publication. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval systen or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise - without the prior consent of the publisher. The use of this magazine for canvassing or direct marketing is strictly prohibited.

A note from the Editor


THIS MONTH'S BIG INTERVIEW: Michael Duff, Cheltenham Town F.C. Manager Page 3

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01531 890110 Page 5


MARCH EVENTS Your essential guide to local events in and around the area WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR Ongoing until 29 March, Nature in Art, Gloucester, GL2 9PA. All the latest winners in the world’s most prestigious wildlife photography competition organised by The Natural History Museum. NEWENT ONION FAYRE OPEN MEETING 3 March, 7.30pm, Newent Market House The team is looking for new members for fresh ideas and helping hands. Come and be part of Gloucestershire's largest free one-day event and support your community., 07831762735 or 01531 821610 for details. SOUTH HEREFORDSHIRE DOWSERS TALK. 5 March, 7.30pm, Aston Ingham Village Hall, HR9 7LS. 'Dowsing and Guidance' with Lisa Fullbright Cossey. Visitors £5, Members £3. OPEN GARDEN FOR NGS: HOME FARM 8 March, 11am - 4pm, Huntley, GL19 3HQ. Beautiful garden with exceptional views and spring flowers. Stout footwear recommended. Admission: £3.50; children free. 6

CHELTENHAM FESTIVAL AND GOLD CUP 10 - 13 March, Cheltenham Racecourse For details and tickets: NEWENT AND DISTRICT CAMERA CLUB 7.30pm, Newent Library. 10 March: Competition ‘battle’ with Stroud & Forest Of Dean camera clubs. 17 March: Competition judged by Mike Martin. 24 March: Club workshop. 31 March: 'Urban Exploration' - Tim Knifton. ART LECTURE 12 March, Highnam Community Centre (Gambier Parry Hall), GL2 8DG. John Singer Sargent: A Life Through Pictures. Visitors welcome. T: 01684 833701 THURSDAY AFTERNOON GROUP PARTY 12 March, 2pm, St Mary's Church Room, Newent. For the older generation. Entertainment in the form of a speaker followed by tea and cake. JUMBLE SALE 14 March, 2pm, Linton Village Hall. Teas and cake too. Call 07974 484141 or email to donate jumble.

U3A MEETING 17 March, 9.45am - 12pm, Newent Memorial Hall FLICKS IN THE STICKS 19 March, 7pm for 7.30pm start, Gorsley Village Hall. 'Official Secrets' (cert. 15). Admission (at the door): £5, Children (u18) £3. Discounted tickets (£4.50, Children £2.50) can be purchased in advance from Gorsley Community Shop or Tony Beckwith (01989 720358, mtonybeckwith@gmail. com). Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available and you are welcome to BYO drinks (glasses provided). Fish and chips will also be available in the car park. KEMPLEY DAFFODIL WEEKEND. 21 & 22 March, St Edward’s Church, Kempley, GL18 2BP. Now in its 45th year. Come and see the wonderful displays of wild daffodils in the local woods and fields. Free guided walks start at 9.45am (5 miles), 10am (5 miles) and 2pm (2 miles). All walks start from St Edwards Church; light refreshments available. MOTHER'S DAY POTTERY PAINTING 21 March, 2 - 4pm, Hot Pot Pottery, Coleford, GL16 7NS £6.50 pp to paint plus the

LOVING LOCAL price of the chosen pottery piece. Book in advance: 01594 837943. COMMUNITY CINEMA 21 March, Doors open at 6pm for 6.30pm start, Newent Community Centre, Ross Road. Family film and refreshments. Free admission. Children must be accompanied by adults. For further details: Andrea Cox: FILM EVENING 21 March, 7pm for 7.30pm start, Pauntley Village Hall 'The Good Liar' (cert 15). Tickets £5.50, to include tea/coffee & cake. BYO wine/beer. Raffle. Advance booking please, by phone on 01531 822315 or email LES GLORIABLES 27 March, 7.30pm, Cliffords Mesne Village Hall A riotously silly physical comedy show created by French/English duo Spitz & Co. Tickets: £12 (Under 18s £6) - from Gareth: 01531 821654, dgwilliams DAFFODIL WEEKEND & SPRING FAYRE 28 & 29 March, 10am - 5pm, Dymock Parish Hall, GL18 2AG. Trading tables with a variety of goods for sale. Guided walks at 11am (1.5 h) & 2.30pm (1h). Information available for people unable to walk re circular vehicular routes. Refreshments available. Jenny Thick: 01531 890453,

OXENHALL DAFFODIL WEEKEND. 28 & 29 March, 10am - 5pm, GL18 1RH. See the daffodils. Free guided walks from Village Hall at 10am (5 miles) and 2pm (1.5 miles). St Anne’s Church open from 10.30am to 12pm. Village Hall open from 12pm - 5pm. www. ‘BIG BREW’ COFFEE MORNING. 28 Mar, 10.30am 12.30pm, Newent Community Centre. To raise money for “Traidcraft Exchange”. FOREST OF DEAN SPRING HALF MARATHON 29 March, 10am start, The Speech House Hotel, Coleford, GL16 7EL. Short distance event in aid of charity. Entrants must be 17 yrs on the day of the race. Registration costs: UKAaffiliated club members: £27; everyone else: £29. Deadline for entries: 15th March. www. FAMILY ACTIVITIES 4 April, 10am - 12pm, Community Cafe, 36 Broad St, Newent. Tile painting, coffee & refreshments, tombola. In aid of Newent Youth Services.

REGULAR EVENTS CARE SUPPORT GROUP (NEW) 1st Fri/month, 10.30am - 12pm, Sheppard House Newent GL18 1TL Carers of all disabilities and health issues welcome. Find information in a relaxed friendly environment. T: 01531821227 COUNTRY MARKET Fridays, 9am - 11am,

Newent Memorial Hall Local produced fresh foods including cakes, savouries, jams and chutneys. Seasonal vegetables, eggs, cut flowers, plants, meat etc. Coffee and Biscuits available. KEMPLEY PRODUCE MARKET. 2nd Saturday/ month, 9.30am - 11.30am, Kempley Village Hall. Local produce. Early arrivals can enjoy a cuppa and browse the book swap before selling begins. For info: Maggie Bligh 01531 890332, kempley; MEND & REPAIR CAFÉ 3rd Sat/month (not in Dec), 10am - 1pm, Community Cafe, 36 Broad St, GL18 1AJ. Bring your broken, damaged and worn out items for our expert volunteer repairers to fix. Small donation only. Cake & drinks for sale. T: 01531 890 609 NEWENT & AREA PRAYER FOCUS 4 March, 8.30am, St Mary's Church Rooms, Newent. Come along and pray for our area with members of all the churches. WALKING FOR HEALTH Every Thurs, 10 - 11am, Meet at Chillout Zone, Newent. For all abilities. Short & local walk followed by refreshments. Margaret Highton: 01531 820245 or Scheme Co-ordinator Barbara Woods: 01594 562240.

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News from Newent Town Council Deputy Mayor’s Message Cllr Christine Howley Having been requested to step in for the Mayor on this occasion, we offer a warm welcome to our newly elected councillor, Julia Gooch. The Mayor and I will be working with the Royal British Legion in planning an event to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE Day in May. Duck Housing Following the successful installation of a duck house on Newent Lake, a further three houses have been generously designed, made and donated by a local resident. Litter pick Please join us on Friday 21st March at 10am in the Market Square to help tidy up our town. All necessary equipment will be provided.

Annual Parish Meeting – Memorial Hall This will take place on Thursday 2nd April. Doors open at 6.30pm. At 7pm the Mayor will give her report and there will be time for questions. Development of 230 dwellings Southend Lane NTC as a statutory consultee opposed this application due to: ● Uneven distribution of affordable homes through the site. ● Insufficient green corridor backing onto Culver St houses ● Lack of visitor cycling racks A more adventurous play area is also sought. FURTHER INFORMATION Information about the Council, its activities and contact details for councillors, can be found on the website at Or ring 01531 820638. A fuller version of this newsletter is available online.

Newent Runners seeking applications for funds Every November for the last 5 years, Newent Runners have showcased our town by organising the Newent 9 race (renamed the Mandy Whittington Newent 9 in 2018 following the untimely death of one of our founder members). The event is run on a not-for-profit basis and all proceeds are donated to charity or local organisations. Past recipients have included Newent Community School, SARS, Royal British Legion, Newent Cricket Club and Kerri Lloyd. The proceeds from the 2019 race have yet to be distributed and the new committee has agreed that we will invite local organisations and charities to apply for funds, ideally to support something related to fitness or healthy living. Applications setting out the amount requested and the purpose are invited to be sent to Newent9@newentrunners. com by the closing date of 18/03/2020. A decision will be made on all applications at our next meeting on 25/03/2020. 8

The 2019 medal designed by Newent Runner, Yvonne Featherstone, using Mandy Whittington’s artwork on the ribbon.




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Page 9


Spinach & Ricotta Dumplings Ready in: 1 hour, plus overnight chilling Serves 4 as a starter, 2 as a main course INGREDIENTS ● 225g baby spinach leaves ● 150g ricotta ● 2 tbsp freshly chopped parsley ● 50g grated Parmesan ● 100g plain flour ● 2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed ● 2 medium eggs, beaten ● Salt and freshly ground black pepper ● 50g butter ● 6 tbsp crème fraiche ● 2 tsp freshly chopped chives ● Salad leaves and cherry tomatoes, to serve


METHOD Place the spinach in a large metal colander set over the sink. Pour over boiling water to wilt. Refresh under cold water, drain well then squeeze firmly with your hands to remove any excess moisture. Roughly chop the spinach and place in a large mixing bowl. Add the ricotta, parsley, Parmesan, flour, garlic and eggs. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and mix to a soft dough. Using clean damp hands, divide and shape the mixture into about 12 walnut-sized balls. Chill for 30 minutes. Bring a large pan of lightly salted water to the boil. Gently add the dumplings. They will drop to the bottom at first then slowly rise to the top. Once they have risen to the top, cook for a further minute. Remove with a slotted spoon and divide between 2 or 4 warmed dishes. Melt the butter in a small pan. Stir in the crème fraiche and simmer to make a creamy sauce. Pour the sauce around the dumplings. Garnish with chopped chives and serve with salad leaves and cherry tomatoes. TIP: Serve the dumplings with a ready-made tomato and herb pasta sauce instead of the creamy sauce, if liked.


Cheat's Apple Strudel Ready in: 55 minutes Serves 6

A classic strudel with home-made pastry can take a long time to make, but using a convenient pack of ready- rolled pastry means you can have a delicious fruity pudding on the table in less than an hour!

METHOD Preheat the oven to 200C / 180C fan / gas mark 6. Line a baking sheet with baking paper.

INGREDIENTS ● 2 large dessert apples, peeled, cored and chopped ● 50g raisins or sultanas ● 1 tbsp cornflour

● 50g caster sugar

● 2 tsp ground mixed spice ● 320g pack ready-rolled

shortcrust or puff pastry ● Beaten egg, to glaze ● Icing sugar, to dust

● Whipped cream, custard and fresh berries, to serve

Place the apples and raisins or sultanas in a bowl. Mix together the cornflour, sugar and spice and add to the apples, tossing to coat. Unroll the pastry but keep it on the paper. Using a rolling pin, gently roll the pastry a little thinner. With one long side facing you, spoon the apple mixture along the length, leaving a 2cm border at the edges. Gently roll up the pastry to enclose the filling and fold the pastry in at the ends (see Tip). Place seam-side down on the baking sheet. Brush all over with beaten egg. Bake for 30-35 minutes until the pastry is crisp and golden. Leave to stand for 10 minutes. Dust with icing sugar and serve sliced with whipped cream, custard and fresh berries. TIP: Take care when rolling up the pastry and seal the edges by brushing with some of the beaten egg.

Page 11


Michael Duff used to play for Cheltenham Town F.C. In 2018, he returned to the Club in the capacity of Manager. Love Local Magazines met with him to find out what life as a Football Manager is like.

■ If you weren’t a Football

Manager, what would you be? A football coach!

■ Who is your Football Manager role model or idol, and why? I don’t have a specific person that I would want to be. I take different things from different people I’ve played under and who I watch on TV. I just want to be the best version of myself.

■ What did it feel like returning

to Cheltenham as Manager? It was an opportunity to get a first team job at a club that I knew well. I’m lucky that in 25 years I’ve only had two football clubs, Cheltenham being one of them, so coming back was a no brainer. It’s great to bring the family home.

■ How do you cope with the

pressure of being a Football Manager? It’s not easy because it never stops. I’m constantly thinking and the phone never stops ringing. Generally spending time with my family – that’s how I get away. I try and switch off. My kids aren’t interested in whether we’ve won, lost or drawn, so I spend as much time as I can with them when I get the chance. 12

Michael Duff

Cheltenham Town F.C. Manager

"Coming back to Cheltenham was a no brainer." ■ Do you ever switch off from football?

No. Like I said, I spend time with my family to switch off but it’s always in the back of my mind. I get moments when I completely forget about it, but I’m always thinking of something I could tweak, or a player that’s been mentioned, or a player that I like or have watched on the telly. It’s difficult to get away from it.

■ What does a typical working

day look like for you? I’ll be up walking the dog at quarter past seven, get into work for half eight. Then I plan training, start training at 11am, finish at 1pm and have some food. In the afternoon, I analyse performances, deal with players and agents, conduct media interviews, hold meetings, etc. I normally leave work between half four and 5pm.

THE BIG INTERVIEW emotional. I never walk straight into the dressing room afterwards. I take the emotion out of every decision.

■ Can the Robins make

the playoffs this season? You’ll have to ask the players. We’re seventh and we’ve been there all season so there’s a possibility that we can, whether we do is another matter.

■ It feels like CTFC is on the

Then quite often I’m watching stuff at home or I’m going to watch other games on two or three evenings a week.

up – what’s driving this, and how do you sustain it? Planning, hard work and structure.

■ What could the next few years hold for the Robins? We’ve got to take it season by season. ■ What’s your half time team At the minute we’re on the crest of a talk like if you're losing? wave and we are punching It’s no different from when "There’s a above our weight. Notts we’re winning. If we are County got in the playoffs possibility that winning, I don’t say it’s all a couple of years ago and were relegated the next great and if we’re losing, the Robins can year. It happens quite a lot I don’t throw teacups around make the playoffs in this League because the the place. I try and be as turnover of players is so constructive as possible. this season." high. Historically, we’ve I always have a three- or been a bottom-six club. four-minute break with the Our aim is to go from that to a club that staff. Then I walk into the office, can consistently get into the middle band. decide what we’re going to talk about how we’re going to tweak things, what we’re going to tweak, and whether they "We’ve got to take it need a rocket. It’s constructive, it’s not

season by season."

© Pictures by Thousand Word Media

Page 13




3 words






WORDWHEEL Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.




TARGET Excellent: 23 or more words Good: 19 words Fair: 16 words 14


Puzzle Page


1. Which group of 12 large islands and numerous small islands has a name that literally means “twelve islands”? 2. Who sings the first line of the 1983 hit single Islands In The Stream?... Kenny Rogers or Dolly Parton? 3. Which American state was named after the largest of the Channel Islands? 4. In the book Gulliver’s Travels, there are two islands in which the inhabitants are about onetwelfth of the height of a normal human. One of these is called Blefuscu. What is the other island called? 5. On each episode of the radio show Desert Island Discs, how many recordings is a guest allowed to choose when deciding what they would take if they were to be cast away on a desert island? 6. Found in a number of Indonesian islands, including the island it is named after, what is the world’s largest living species of lizard? 7. Behind Great Britain and Ireland, what is name of the third largest island in the British Isles? 8. True or False… the official International Bartenders Association recipe for a Long Island Iced Tea cocktail contains tea? 9. A villa on which island was used as the setting for the TV show Love Island when the show was revived in 2015? 10. What term, that was first created by Sir Thomas More to refer to a fictional island society off the coast of Australia, is now used as a general term for an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect?

Answers on p. 20



Entering Could NOT BE EASIER!

To enter the competition & C's a simply visit our websiteT's and pply submit your information. Closing Date & Time: 4pm on Monday 16th March 2020

© Thousand Word Media

Page 15



Treat your mum this Mother's Day


Treat mum like a Queen this Mother's Day weekend at Sudeley Castle Enjoy a walk around the beautiful castle and gardens, before indulging in an extra special afternoon tea. With a glass of Prosecco on arrival, followed by an amazing array of sandwiches, cakes and scrumptious cream scones, it's the perfect Mother's Day treat! Available all weekend. ÂŁ35 pp. Advance bookings only: 01242 604 244 or

Indulgent treatments at Jodi Brooks Beauty & Cosmetics in Winchcombe Book an indulgent pampering session for your mum this Mother's Day. From nail treatments, facials and massages to skin care and more, there's a perfect gift for your mother at this fantastic local beauticians.

Inspirational shopping with lakeside restaurant near Newent Treat your mum with a day out at the fabulous 3-Shires Garden Centre. This is a true destination centre with inspirational products for the home and garden in a pleasant lakeside setting. The Gallery Restaurant, overlooking the lake, is very popular for delicious food and drink with friends and family from coffee and homemade cakes to delicious three-course lunches. 16


Well Walk Tea Room

Indulgent afternoon tea in Cheltenham Set aside an hour or two and enjoy an indulgent afternoon tea with your mum at this wonderful family-run tea room. Tucked away in a quiet location in the centre of Cheltenham, Well Walk Tea Room gives you everything you would want from a tea experience and more! Enjoy sumptuous freshly baked goods served on vintage china, take in the charming interiors and atmosphere and sit back and relax it's the perfect location to spend some quality time with your mum. £16.95 pp - incl. a bouquet for each mum.

Afternoon tea or a relaxing spa experience at the wonderful Hatherley Manor Hotel in Gloucester Experience the Cotswolds in this elegant 17th-century manor house in the rolling Gloucestershire countryside. The 4-star, AA hotel features an elegant restaurant, a cosy lounge bar within the original beams of the manor, a luxurious state-of-the-art Spa and elegant rooms with 24-hour room service and free Wi-Fi.

Visit and explore the unique and beautiful Rococo Garden in Painswick Experience the great outdoors, with a cheeky peek into the flamboyant frivolity of the early 1700s, in the UK's only complete surviving rococo garden. This is a place to forget the stresses of everyday life. A place for fun, adventure and exploration. A place to relax, to restore, and to discover a haven of peace and tranquillity, sprinkled with quirky features to surprise and delight you.

A fun day out at Cotswold Farm Park - Mum goes free! With a vast array of indoor and outdoor activities on offer, Cotswold Farm Park is the perfect destination for a fun family day out. Visitors can meet and feed various animals and there are plenty of opportunities for the kids to burn off some energy and to learn about various aspects of farming. SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY OFFER: ‘Mums go free’ on 21st and 22nd of March! Applicable to online tickets only: Page 17


Quick & Inexpensive Home Improvements Breathe new life into your home with a few quick and inexpensive changes. Dazzle with great lighting It’s quick and easy to upgrade lampshades or replace table or floor lamps to introduce some on-trend shapes, textures and colours. Dimmer switches add flexibility but check that your light bulbs are the right wattage, so rooms are not poorly lit or dazzling. LED bulbs are kind to the planet and save you money over time. Perhaps consider smart lighting, controlled with a remote control, an app, or a voice command. Ring the changes with colour Have a colour makeover with paint or a change of accessories – perhaps some vases on a shelf, a pile of fluffy towels, storage canisters in the kitchen or files in your home office. Go lighter and brighter for spring and summer. Create great style with cushions and throws. Uplift a sofa with a throw and new cushions, choosing on-trend colours and patterns, complemented by some inexpensive plains. Vary textures and include interesting trims and fastenings.


A fresh look for flooring Completely alter a room’s look by removing the carpet, sanding back the floorboards and applying two coats of varnish. Alternatively, add or replace a rug to change the look and feel of your floor and room. Choose complementary colours and patterns and make sure the size and proportions of the rug suit the size and shape of the room, with the furniture fitting onto the rug comfortably. Wonderful window treatments Change the look of windows with ready-made curtains. Floor-length is usually best unless furniture in the way makes sill length the better option. Alternatively, swap curtains for inexpensive clean-cut blinds. Simple slatted or roller blinds can be ordered to your exact measurements and in a variety of styles. Give your pictures the professional touch Create a fabulous display of pictures by putting them in identical or coordinating frames and hanging them in orderly rows or well-planned groups for optimal impact. By Katherine Sorrell

Great ways to give your home a new look: ■ Upgrade your lighting ■ Introduce new colours using paint and accessories ■ Choose new flooring or add a rug ■ Change your curtains ■ Use identical or coordinating picture frames & group pictures


Room to Play Children need their own space so it is beneficial to create a dedicated space in which they can work, play and relax. Where to begin? Is the room just going to be a playroom, or will it double as another room, e.g. a child’s bedroom? Consider available space and its shape, who will use the room, your budget and your child’s likes and dislikes. Sketching a floor plan helps, or involve an architect or interior designer. Design basics Flexibility is key. Keep the basics plain and simple – neutral walls, floor and major items of furniture, with less expensive and easily changed items (such as blinds, cushions or storage boxes) themed to whatever colour or character will stimulate your child’s imagination. On the floor The ideal playroom floor is non-slip, easy to clean, hardwearing and not too hard underfoot. Wooden or laminate boards plus a soft rug (on an anti-slip mat) is ideal, while vinyl, linoleum, cork or rubber are good choices.

Soft carpet will break falls but can stain, so use a texture or pattern that won’t show the dirt. Off the wall Add interest to plain walls with your child’s artwork in bright frames, removable stickers or good-looking storage. Blackboard paint or colour-in wallpaper allow for individual expression, or cover a wall with maps, flags, cork tiles, pegboard, sheet music, artificial grass, a hand-painted mural or a series of LEGO base boards. Furniture and fun Leave space for whizzing around but perhaps add a swing, slide, tunnel, indoor activity frame or climbing wall. Floor cushions and beanbags are better (and cheaper) than quickly outgrown miniature sofas and chairs. Built-in bench seating along one wall, with storage beneath, is a perfect dual-purpose solution. A quiet corner for reading and a special spot for craft activities or homework are essentials, while a den or hideout of some kind is a great idea – even if it’s simply a blanket slung over the back of two chairs. Storage To encourage tidiness, storage should be plentiful and easy to access. Incorporate it into tucked-away spaces such as chimney alcoves or below a window. Low shelving plus a variety of boxes or baskets is ideal. Peg rails, hooks and hanging fabric organisers are all useful space savers. By Katherine Sorrell

Top Tips ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Sketch a floor plan Keep the basics plain and simple Choose non-slip, easy to clean flooring Add interest to the walls Create areas for different purposes Offer plenty of storage solutions

Page 19































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Compton Green Business Park PICTOGRAMS: (1) Words Of Wisdom

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Page 21


Tech scams to watch out for By Carrie Marshall

Top Tips

● Stay cynical and trust nobody ● Assume any unsolicited message is a fraud ● Check invoices are genuine ● Never transfer any money if in doubt There are many traps one can fall into online and some scams can leave the victims seriously out of pocket. So how can you keep yourself safe from scammers? Step one is to trust nobody. One of the most common kinds of scams is called ‘phishing’, which is when fraudsters create a convincing-looking fake email purportedly from your bank, from PayPal, from eBay, etc. They’re traps - the sites they link to are also fake and they’re designed to trick you into entering your username and password. If you do, the villains can use those details and start spending your money – and because so many people use the same details on multiple sites, the fraudsters can often access multiple sites too. Many security packages can detect phishing emails, but they’re not 100% reliable so it’s important to stay cynical. A new and worrying kind of scam centres around bank transfer payments. Fraudsters pose as genuine tradespeople or service 22

providers and send a convincing-looking invoice with the bank details they want you to transfer money to. According to payment processing firm ShieldPay, in the UK alone such frauds cost UK bank customers a whopping £207.5 million in 2019. Whether it’s fake emails or fake invoices, it’s a good idea to assume that anything unsolicited that appears in your email inbox is a fraud: if in doubt, call your bank or tradesperson on the phone (and don’t use any numbers listed in the suspicious emails – they can be faked too). Never, ever transfer money if there’s the slightest possibility that the recipient is a scammer. Some of the oldest scams have been reborn on the internet too: snake oil salesmen selling dodgy products that promise to cure all ills; auction scammers who sell fake or broken items without disclosing their status; get-rich-quick schemes, dodgy lotteries and other dubious supposed moneymakers. If something seems too good to be true, it usually is. When you’ve been the victim of a scam: 1) Contact the police if the scammer is nearby or you have sent them money in the last 24 hours. 2) Inform your bank using the number on the back of your bank card to contact them 3) Contact Action Fraud to report the fraud


Improve your smartphone photography For many of us, our phone has become our main camera, but the images we capture on it might not always be to our satisfaction, so here are some useful tips and tricks to help you step up your smartphone photography game. Simple things can make a huge difference – before you start, make sure your phone’s camera lens is clean. Carrying a small microfibre cloth in your bag or pocket can work a treat. To avoid blurry images, always hold your phone with both hands when taking pictures and use your index finger or thumb to trigger the button. If something’s too far away, don’t use your camera app’s digital zoom but get closer for sharper pictures. Think about your composition. Choose interesting surroundings and backdrops but make sure they don’t distract from your subject. When photographing objects, try following the Rule of Odds, which states that an odd number of objects is visually more appealing than an even one. An important factor in getting a good photo is lighting. That changes throughout the day: on a bright day, noon is usually the worst time to take pictures because there’s not much shadow, and if the sun’s in front of you your subjects will appear much darker and more

By Carrie Marshall indistinct than when the sun’s behind you. If you’re shooting in the evening, get as much light as you can onto your subject. If things are really dark you’ll often end up with noisy, poorly detailed pictures, or you’ll have to use the flash and end up with unnatural results. Finally, be smart and back up your photographs. A lost or damaged handset can easily be replaced, but memories can’t, so it really is crucial that you have a backup of any photos that matter to you. At the very minimum you should ensure that every picture and video is automatically uploaded to ‘the cloud’, e.g. iCloud (Apple phones) or Google (Android). But for ‘belt and braces’ make extra copies. Connect your phone to your PC regularly and copy your photos across to your harddrive or use a third-party app such as Flickr or Dropbox to make and store duplicate copies. Or you could use a tried and tested way of backing up photos: print them!

Top Tips

● Hold the phone with both hands ● Avoid using digital zoom ● Think about your composition ● Ensure proper lighting ● Back up your photographs Page 23

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Page 25

Smiths Smiths

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Independent Family Funeral Directors

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Auction Anecdote One of the best parts of my job is when I find a treasure trove of exciting items which I can sit down and spend a good few hours sorting through and cataloguing. A recent phone call from an elderly client led me to an appointment down a dead-end track and into a dark and muddy farmyard. With a forlorn look at my new black suede boots, I squelched to and fro loading boxes of small collectables and antique textiles into my car. The next day I was rewarded for my efforts by spending several delightful hours discovering a host of interesting items - including some fabulous antique costume jewellery, enamel buttons, buckles and a variety of other small collectables. I actually managed to catalogue over one hundred items from just a few boxes – much to the surprise of my client who had imagined I might divide it up into just a few lots. Other interesting pieces included parasols, fans, shawls, various Victorian items of clothing and a small group of bronze and silver medallions. Having listed and valued all these items it was a pleasure to see them all photographed and uploaded onto the internet where they immediately began to attract keen interest from collectors. On sale day the collection of buttons and buckles sold for over £700 in total whilst an amazing Christian Dior plastic petal necklace made £180. Other outstanding results included the medallions which totalled over £1,400 and an unusual Victorian ‘Russian goose feather’ padded petticoat which made £160. Smiths’ next Antiques & Collectables sale is on the 3rd of April and includes a special section for silver, gold and jewellery. Entries are invited on the 3rd, 5th, 10th & 12th March, 10am - 3pm or by appointment. Please visit or call 01521 821776 for further details. - Written by Rita Kearsey, Manager of Smiths Auction Room at Newent

Monthly Sales of Antiques & Collectables Friday 3rd April with Silver, Gold & Jewellery Section also includes Ceramics, Glass, Furniture, Pictures & Collectables

Viewing Day prior 10am - 7pm and morning of sale Fully illustrated catalogues available online

Fine sapphire & diamond ring

Victorian diamond bow brooch

Entries invited 5th, 10th, 12th & 17th March 10am-3pm or by appointment

Stamps & Postcards also invited now for our specialist sale in May Home visits for larger consignments

Live online bidding available at Page 27

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Page 31

Estate Agents l Letting Agents Auctioneers & Valuers Agricultural Valuers


SSTC - Similar Required

f o

£600,000 TIBBERTON

3 Bedrooms & Shower Room. Garage & Private Garden. A superbly located spacious 5-bedroom detached family NEWENT home; part of a small select development. The property enjoys a tranquil and private Semi-Detached setting and is situated l An extremely well presented House in the groundsRefurbished of Stardens Manor House. It high is in standard excellent l Recently throughout to a very order throughout and viewing is highly recommended. l Quiet corner position in a sought after cul-de-sac location l Entrance Porch, Hallway, Cloakroom, Lounge, Kitchen/Diner 4 Reception Rooms, Large Timber Gazebo providing l UPVC Double Glazing & Gas Central Heating outdoor living space, double detached garage l Energy Performance rating ‘D’ with studio above and lovely garden situated Ref 783 £179,950 in a peaceful setting



An Impressive Former Vicarage. Gardens approx 1 acre. A delightful 4-bedroom property offering a wealth ofNEWENT character, situated in a courtyard development in a popular rural village location. l Set in an Elevated Position in Mature Landscaped Gardens l Entrance Hallway, Drawing Room, Dining Room, Large Magnificent Entrance Hall, Cloakroom, Kitchen/Breakfast Room, Conservatory, Kitchen/Breakfast Room, Utility Room, Rear & Inner Lounge/Dining Room & Garden Room Lobby, Sitting Room, Library, 2nd Kitchen & Shower Room. Master Bedroom with&Ensuite, 3 further l First Floor: 5 Bedrooms 2 bathrooms and Family Bathroom l 2Bedrooms Storey Coach House, Double Garage Garage & Garden

o r


Ref 753

SSTC - Similar Required 3 Double Bedrooms with Ensuite & Family Bathroom 3 Bedrooms & Family Bathroom £339,950 NEWENT £164,995 NEWENT NEWENT A NEWENT beautiful & spacious detached house Well presented town house. l

A Delightful, Spacious & Well Presented Detached Bungalow

lA well presented Extended Detached in a very sought-after cul-de-sac location withHouse

Hall, Cloakroom, Room &Town Kitchen l Lounge, In a Quiet Location within easyLiving distance of the Centre Dining Kitchen, Study, l Entrance open aspect andRoom, well-kept rearConservatory, garden Hallway, Lounge, Dining Room, Kitchen, Cloakroom Cloakroom & Utility Room Bedrooms & Family Bathroom l 2Entrance Entrance Hallway, Cloakroom, l Private & Conservatory, Ensuite Wet Room/Shower Room to Master Garden & Allocated Parking l Garden Lounge/Dining & Kitchen l Ample Detached Garage with & parking to Glazing the front throughout Off Road Parking Gas Central Heating Double l The property benefits from gas central heating & double glazing Four BedroomsRoom & Family Bathroom Ideal first time buyer or investment opportunity Integral Garage & Garden £225,000 Ref 785 Ref 736 £299,950

email: Tel: 01531 820767

16 Broad Street, Newent, Gloucestershire, GL18 1AJ

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