March 2016
ne i z ga a M y l nth o M
Vertical Cover With Climbers
Gardening by Pippa Greenwood
Make The Most Of A Small Kitchen Home & Interiors by Katherine Sorrell
Martin Lewis
After the New Year
The Millionaire Maker Local Writer Richard Denny
March What‘s On Guide Local News Local Businesses Recipe: Chicken in Red Wine
Dividends, Taxation & Other Changes to Tax Laws
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‘Excellent’ Senior School ISI Inspection - November 2015
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14 & 16 Seater Mini Buses Available for Advanced Bookings Only
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From the Editor
Local Magazines Published by Glos Directories - connecting local businesses with local people
Dear Reader, Welcome to the March issue which as always is packed full of local events and essential local businesses should you need one or more! What a fabulous month if you happen to be an Easter Egg loving, Horse Racing Fan who is a Hot Cross Bun eating Mum that loves being pampered for the day! If that’s you, bring on March, which is the month of all months for you! The Cheltenham Festival takes place on the 15th-18th March, when the County becomes the focus of the racing world with four outstanding days of National Hunt Racing. The event is an important date for many of our local businesses who benefit from the mass influx and financial spend of the people that attend, and it creates many part time jobs for hundreds of local people. Spring is also on the way and at the time of writing this the daffodils are starting to come out – I so look forward to the beautiful daffodil displays each year! Perhaps in part because it is a sign that I’ve made it through the winter! Remember that the clocks go forward 1 hour at 1am on Sunday 29th of March and all the best until next month. Vicky Muller
- Editor
JOIN OUR DISTRIBUTION TEAM! Local Distributors wanted to assist with distribution of our magazines in Tewkesbury.
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GREAT NEWS! OUR BUTCHERY IS NOW OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! Our Farm Shop Offers: A Butchery Counter (full of Court Farm produced meat) n Weekly Offers n Meat Boxes Court Farm Produced Free Range Eggs n Fruit & Veg n Dairy n Deli n Jams & Chutneys n Bakery Store Cupboard Items n Ales & Cider n Gifts n Seasonal Plants n Animal Area n Seasonal Events
Join us in voting for the Best Decorated Court Farm Egg! Bishop’s Cleeve Primary Acadamy have been busy decorating our eggs which will be displayed in our Farm Shop ready for Easter. Voting takes place 11th-22nd March
FARM SHOP & BUTCHERY OPENING HOURS: MON-FRI 8.30am-6pm SAT: 8.30am-5.30pm SUN:10am-4pm
Stoke Road, Stoke Orchard, Cheltenham, GL52 7RY www.courtfarmshop.co.uk 01242 678374 Like & Follow Us: Page 6
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Richard Denny Your Success Coach The media have called Richard Denny ‘The Millionaire Maker’. For over 30 years he has helped thousands of people into financial wealth, and others into greater achievement and happiness. His lectures, books, videos, DVD’s and CD’s are bought around the world.
10 Tips for overcoming the fear of speaking in public If you have never spoken in public before or had to make a wedding speech, or even a vote of thanks, you more than likely dread the thought of it. Maybe you’ve had a bad experience and now you have a crisis of confidence, if that is so you are just like me and millions of others. Let me assure you these fears and more can be overcome. I personally was terrified of having to make a speech until I was 36 and then learnt how to do it and have since given literally thousands of presentations around the world. The most common fears are these: Fear of drying up Fear of forgetting Fear of trembling hands and trembling voice Fear of boring people Fear of not sounding right Overall can be summed up by ‘making an ass of myself’
So here are 10 tips that will get you started and help you overcome those fears: 1. Prior to writing the speech/presentation collect ideas, stories, interesting facts or anything that you may be able to use. 2. When you write the speech there must be a beginning, a middle and a close. 3. The beginning is to get the audience's attention. To achieve this, you can use an interesting fact or a people story. Try to avoid a weak joke. 4. The middle is the content, this is where you make your case and present your theme. 5. The close is the call to action suggesting something that everybody can do or take away. 6. Illustrate the speech with people stories, genuine case histories and examples. 7. Avoid streams of facts and figures. If necessary, they have to be on a hand out or can be easily read from a screen. 8. Always take some deep breaths before you start as this will settle your nerves, and say to yourself ‘I’m going to enjoy this and everybody else, I’m sure, will enjoy it too.’ 9. Always have some notes with big writing, your notes must be your aid – not a trap. 10. Speaking and presenting is not an ego trip, your message is for the benefit of everybody else. So remember the six P’s - Proper planning prevents particularly poor performance.
FREE: For success and wealth join www.dennyacademy.comPage 7
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Golden Years
Memories of 50 Years Ago by Ted Bruning And that’s why we had decimalisation.
British, and born in the 1950s or earlier? Congratulations! You’re a genius at mental arithmetic! There are no studies, surveys or statistics to prove this, but it stands to reason: you needed a brain from IBM just to work out your change! Here’s a simple test for anyone under 50. On Friday you go out with £1.17.4. You buy a pint of mild for Alf at 1s 2d, a bottle of sweet stout for Alf’s missus Mabel (no white wine for the ladies in those days!) at 10 and 1/2d, a pint of bitter for yourself at 1s 5d, a packet of crisps at 3d, and a dark rum for old Harry at 1s 8d. Later, it’s your round again – same again but no crisps, and Harry has a double (which he never does when it’s his round!). Later still the fish man comes and you have a poke of shrimps, 4d; then you give the lass from the Sally Army 2d for a War Cry which you never actually read. At chucking out time you buy a bottle of Guinness to take home, 1s 9d (1d back on the bottle). So: have you got enough left over to see Rovers at home tomorrow and buy a pie and a Bovril at the ground? Page 8
People think, wrongly, that Britain got decimalised on April 15th 1971, or D-Day as the press dubbed it. The real D-Day was March 1st 1966 when the Chancellor, Jim Callaghan, officially announced that the Government had accepted the report of a committee of enquiry (now more than two years old) and that a currency that was, in essence, more than 1,200 years old would be scrapped in five years’ time. The announcement marked the end of a long, slow march towards decimalisation. When the Decimal Association was founded in 1841 many people saw it as another manifestation of that extreme rationalism that demanded a 13-month year and one universal language. But it at least succeeded in getting a new coin minted from 1849 onwards: the florin, worth two shillings – or 10 to the pound! The florin, though, failed to our perception of the pound and shilling as the base units of currency. We were used to working with bases 12 and 20, and that’s why Britain was so good at arithmetic. (The above example is simple subtraction: imagine you were a wages clerk making up weekly pay-packets for 100-odd workers all of whom worked different hours at different rates!) Another reason why the old money had to go was that it was so damned BIG! Have you ever seen it? You needed a gusset sewn into your change pocket or all those farthings, halfpennies,
cartwheel pennies, 12-sided threepenny bits, tanners, bobs, florins and half-crowns would wear a hole in it in days. Still, there was a lot of resistance; and only when South Africa and Australia took the lead did Harold McMillan authorise the committee of enquiry in 1961. Once Mr Callaghan had made the formal announcement, though, things moved fast. The Decimal Coinage Act and the Decimal Currency Board came in 1969 along with the 50p piece. The new 5p and 10p came in 1970 and were the same size as the shilling and florin they eventually replaced. The only real change on D-Day itself was the introduction of the new 1/2p, 1p and 2p, although even then the old coppers remained in circulation until August. Was it worth it? A lot of old folk got fooled into thinking that 6p was the same as 6d when of course it was closer to 1s 2 and 1/2d; but my 23-year-old daughter is astonished and appalled that we put up with a system that mixed not only base 12 and base 20 but also fractions of the basic unit for so long. Still, we were brilliant at mental arithmetic!
Happy 50tH BirtHdays to Alan Davies (6th), Nigel Clough (19th), and Michael Imperioli (26th) Cake and botox to you all!
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Dear readers, We would like to take this opportunity in introducing ourselves and give you a brief synopsis of upcoming events and our aspirations to make your visits to The Fleet at Twyning truly memorable ones. As the new managers of this beautiful riverside pub and restaurant, with some thirty years of experience, we cordially invite you to visit us and sample the wonderful selection of beers, wines and spirits, fantastic food, breathtaking views and second to none service. It is our intention to have regular monthly live music evenings, themed nights, quiz nights, summer barbecues and an array of other events to suit all ages and tastes. These will be displayed and regularly updated on our website and social media pages. We look forward to greeting you with a warm welcome in the near future.
Paul, Jess and the team
UPCOMING EVENT Due to high demand following their spectacular New Year’s Eve performance we are proud to welcome back,
THUNDER ROAD Good Friday, 25th of March from 8.30pm until late FREE ENTRY! Book your pre-gig dining table NOW to avoid disappointment.
The Fleet at Twyning - A traditional old English riverside Inn, nestled on the banks of the river Avon. As you enter the Inn you are welcomed by a wonderful setting and friendly staff. A roaring fire crackles away and there is a delightful merge of open brickwork and wooden floors and for those not dining here there is a cosy lounge area with aged leather chairs and magnificent riverside views. The menu offers a wide range of mouthwatering dishes. I had the mushrooms cooked in a cream, white wine and garlic sauce on a toasted brioche and my husband had the crispy whitebait with a garlic mayonnaise. The main course consisted of 10 oz British rump steak perfectly cooked to our liking with all the trimmings and the Pie of the Day which was succulent beef, chorizo and butter beans with seasonal vegetables and mashed potato. This was followed by a scrumptious cheeseboard with a selection of locally sourced cheese. All the products were fresh. The Fleet takes great care in selecting the best quality ingredients and of course a large selection of wines and Wadworth beers to satisfy the most discerning of palets. The service really was fantastic and attentive without being too "fussy". We had a great dining experience and I would highly recommend a visit to The Fleet. Whether its dining “al fresco” after a leisurely walk alongside the river on a sunny day or to snuggle up in front of the fire on a cold evening, you will not be disappointed. - Written by Harriet Court from Glos Directories
01684 274 020 Fleet Lane, Twyning, Nr Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 6FL • thefleet@wadworth.co.uk Please mention Tewkesbury Magazine when responding to advertisers
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Looking ahead to retirement and not sure what to do with your pension savings? Visit Pension Wise and feel better informed to make a decision about your retirement. Since new freedoms were introduced last year, thousands of people have been helped by Pension Wise to understand their pension options. Face-to-face appointments of the free and impartial guidance service are available in Gloucester and Cheltenham through Citizens Advice. In a Pension Wise session, a guidance specialist will talk through the various choices open to people with pension savings, whether this is accessing a cash lump sum, getting a regular income or using pension money in a more flexible way. If you are over 50 you may be eligible for a free appointment.
The friendly Pension Wise team offer straightforward help and support to help you make confident decisions about your retirement savings. Pension Wise is provided by the government and can also help people understand any tax implications or find out about the impact on state benefits. Telephone appointments of Pension Wise are available through the Pensions Advisory Service.
Call to book a face-to-face or phone appointment today on 0300 330 1001 To find out more, visit www.pensionwise.gov.uk
Approaching retirement? Not sure what to do? Talk to Pension Wise the government service providing guidance and information on the new pension freedoms. Pension Wise is suitable for people 50 or over with a defined contribution pension pot. Appointments are available at the Citizens Advice Bureau: 75-81 Eastgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 1PN: or 3 St. George’s Place, Cheltenham, GL50 3LA
Help is free, confidential and completely impartial. To book an appointment, call 0300 330 1001 or visit your local CAB
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It even includes a efficiency, reduce Fast, Rel to request are highly trained Gas Safe First envelope 12 Months. information about your boiler Of Mind – For Your boiler service? Do few minutes to complete our you are covered. breakdown will qu FREE BOILER SERVICE in prolong its life. Service F pack today. registered tradesmen, and a completed direct debit Boiler, Heating, Hot false economy -p Johnston Scotia h simple form. Alland we need are to unwelcome exp each year of the policy. An Expert Joining is easy there are mandate. Then just return it to Water, Plumbing & Peace Electrics. regular overhaul installing and main your contact details, basic Tempted to skip yw Provider. no hidden extras. It only takes us in the Complete prepaid envelope anda Fast, Rel3 efficiency, reduce boilers locally for information about your boiler Of Mind – For Your boiler service? Do few minutes to complete our you are covered. A ScotiaCare HomePlan Service F prolong its life. 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Experienced in all Heating, Hot 31/03/2016 plumbingBoiler, and household Johnston Scotia h of spare parts. Ou protects your boiler, heating the industry, we a Water, Plumbing & Electrics. electrics. It even includes a installing main are highlyand trained system and controls, hot water for several large FREE BOILER SERVICE in boilers locally forb3 registered tradesm system, radiators, internal manufacturers A ScotiaCare HomePlan each year of the policy. No EXCESS charges – You pay no hidden charges for callouts, Experienced in an all plumbing and boiler, household of parts. protects your heating thespare industry, weOu a electrics. It even includes a parts or labour. It is all covered by our policy. are highly trained system and controls, hot water for several large b FREE BOILER SERVICE in registered tradesm system, radiators, internal manufacturers CheckCheck your your existing policy to see what excess you repairs couldbebeasas much as £50! an each yearfor of repairs the policy. existing policy to see what excess youare arecharged charged for – -itItcould much £50! plumbing and household ofasspare parts. Ou electrics. It even includes a Please mention Tewkesbury Magazine when responding to advertisers are Page highly13 trained Page 24 To advertise call 01684 772572 or 07912 575741 or visit www.glosdirectories.co.uk FREE BOILER SERVICE in A Fixed Low Cost Of £7.99 A Month, For The First 12 Months.
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Tewkesbury Talk When I closed my article last month I was off to fill up shelves for Valentine’s Day, and as I write this article we are preparing for a very early Mother’s Day and Easter – a busy opening to the year I am sure you will all agree.
For us it has been even more hectic as we have moved shop! (Just in case you hadn’t noticed we are now at 135 High Street in the former Merlin’s premises.) Crazily we decided to complete the move between Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. And shortly after our biggest trade show of the year. One thing we did find is that we didn’t have to go far to get all the help and services we needed to complete the move. Notwithstanding all the offers of help from customers which made the move much easier. My favourite part of the new premises has to be the wonderful painting done by our friend, the very talented Sam Morris, Cow Artist, from Twyning. This added bit of quirk has really helped stamp our identity. Sam’s artwork is sold internationally and some of the cows can be found in Harrods as well as local independent gift shops. They've also appeared in Farmers Weekly, Art Business Today and
Breeders journals so we feel very honoured. Sam is always happy to support local events whenever she can, and she is a lovely person and always smiling. Have a look at her website, www. samantha-morris.com, or visit her Facebook page, and you will see her stylised cows which are sure to make you smile and laugh out loud, as well as the cows in a realistic style where the you will be amazed at the detail and character she captures. We were surprised to learn that our new premises used to be a pub, The Black Dog, which we found out about the from the ‘I used to be a pub’ initiative from Tewkesbury museum and the talk given by Steve Goodchild – which was a sell-out event, and if it is ever put on again I would strongly recommend you to try and get a ticket. The museum is a great place to learn about all that is, or rather, was Tewkesbury. With lots of interesting exhibits, they are currently putting on a display of Traders Tokens and there is even one there from my dad which he found several years ago when he was metal detecting. It is a tiny coin but there are others, many larger from places like The Bell Hotel.
Trade tokens were issued in the 17th century, in response to a lack of low denomination coins being produced by the crown. To ease the monetary situation, boroughs and cities across the country, began Sam Morris painting the new Tewkesbury Cards & Gifts shop producing tokens Picture taken by Michael Protheroe Page 14
to be used within the locality. I suppose it is similar to the local currencies produced in some towns today like the Brixton or Bristol pound, and goes to show there are very few new ideas around. If you think you have any of these tokens then why not take them down to show Steve at the museum. He would love to see them. If you are into antiquities it is worth remembering that the popular TV programme, The Antiques Roadshow is being filmed at Tewkesbury Abbey on 12th May. Of course, if you want to learn more about our history there is always an opportunity to take in one of the Battlefield walks, with the next one being held on Sunday 6th March leaving at 2.30 pm from The Crescent. This is a 2 hour guided tour of the battlefield, and should you miss that there is another on 3rd April, again leaving at 2.30pm from The Crescent. Talking all things Battle, the dates for this year’s Medieval Festival have been announced as 9th and 10th July and there is to be another community parade this year on Sunday 10th July. If anyone is interested in talking part please get in touch
The Medieval parade 2015 by Margaret Collins
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with Geraldine Liddy at parade@ tewkesburymedievalfestival.org. They are particularly keen on involving mobility scooters and wheelchairs so get those chariots ready. After many years of being without a carnival at all Tewkesbury now has two parades, with May seeing the return of Tewkesbury’s Big Weekend. The website www. tewkesburybigweekend.co.uk is in the process of being updated but I do know that there is going to be a 60’s themed walking parade on Saturday 7th May and the Dog Show in the Vineyards on Sunday 8th May.
TBW Parade 2015 by Nick Jones of The Photo Studio Tewkesbury
In addition, this year’s event kicks off on Friday 6th May, when The Conway Castle which is probably the largest inland waterways passenger vessel in the UK, will be coming to Tewkesbury and offering a special 2 hour evening cruise in support of TBW, with bingo at £1 per game. More information on this is available from Severn Leisure Cruises (www.
The Conway Castle
severnleisurecruises.co.uk) based at Upton on Severn, or by calling into M & Co or Sweets and Treats on the High Street. On 6th March a campaign to get a million people out and about cleaning up their communities is being backed by Tewkesbury Borough Council. Clean for The Queen aims to give the country a tidy-up ahead of The Queen’s 90th birthday in April and is centred on a weekend of activity from Friday, 4th March to Sunday, 6th March 2016. The campaign is backed by anti-litter charities such as Keep Britain Tidy and the Campaign to Protect Rural England. Tewkesbury Borough Council is encouraging and supporting groups and individuals. If you want to get involved visit www. tewkesbury.gov.uk/ cleanforthequeen where you can find out if any other litter picking events are taking place in your area. Get advice about organising a litter picking event; find out where you can collect rolls of waste bags; ask about borrowing litter picking equipment (limited supply available); or arrange for filled bags to be collected following an event. There are many areas around town which need a little love and attention, none more so than the area around the Healing's Mill buildings in Quay Street, Back of Avon where young people are breaking in regularly, running the risk of serious injury once inside. The Police and
Town Council are working with the owners to properly secure the buildings, but the land owners are dragging their feet. If you are Healings Mill not one Picture by ShelbyPowell to drag your feet you may like to get training for the Tewkesbury Half Marathon which takes place on Sunday 15th May, starting at 10am at Tewkesbury Rugby club and sponsored by local company Moog. You can register here www.entrysystem.se/Event/ tewkesburyhalf2016/Register As I mentioned Mother’s Day and Easter are very early this year, and the Abbey, of course, has a full programme of events, Sunday 6th March is Mothering Sunday, Sunday 20th March is Palm Sunday with the traditional procession, and Good Friday is 25th March. We have the knitted eggs for sale in our shop, raising funds for Acorns Children’s Hospice, and you will find them in many shops around town too. For now I am still trying to get used to the new shop, arranging all the new products, and trying to keep up with stacking the extra 50 feet of card shelving. No worry about chocolate making me fat this Easter! If you would like me to mention any event locally please get in touch, I can be found daily at Tewkesbury Cards & Gifts, now at 135 High Street. Happy Easter all. - by Louise Jones
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Location: Near Tewkesbury
Gotta Get A Witness Iain Betson conducts enquires into a useful new website
Come-on, ‘fess up. I know it’s happened to you because it’s happened to me. How many times have you seen, or been the victim of, down-right dangerous driving by another and wished that a policemen had also seen what you had experienced and nabbed the perpetrator? Well now your wish can come true. It takes a little forethought and effort on your part, but if it helps to get numpty drivers and, frankly, those who seem to have little regard for human life when driving off the road and given their just desserts, then I think it’s time and money well spent. The use of the dash-board mounted camera is comparatively recent in the UK, although it is rising. This is in contrast to Russia, where, judging from the hours of Youtube dash-cam uploads, its use seems universal. Your own insurance protection Fitting one to your car is quite simple
Page 16
and reasonably inexpensive to do, certainly when you consider that the material it captures could save you a fortune in insurance. But what do you do with that footage if you do record bad, dangerous or illegal driving? You could contact the police directly and show them the evidence, but your camera may not have recorded enough material for charges to be brought. Alternatively, you could consider submitting it to the PoliceWitness.com website. The aim of the site is to highlight dangerous driving and that those responsible are now having their actions recorded. They also act as a conduit to the police and insurance companies when claims or charges are brought. You may not have been the only one recording an incident, so the site can act as a collection point for other footage of the same incident, thereby increasing the chances of a prosecution. An additional incentive for getting a dash-cam is that, to help insurance companies prove liability, they may also pay for your footage, meaning it could pay for itself.
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Cheltenham's leading home improvement, double glazing & property development company. Unit 5, Lower Mill Street,
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Bacon, Brie and Cranberry Filo Parcels with a Port and cranberry sauce
This delicious Recipe is Brought to you by Tewkesbury Cookshop YOU WILL NEED Silicone pastry mat Frying pan, small saucepan Good quality baking tray
Silicone muffin tray (or similar) Pastry brush Multi-grade roll
RECIPE • 1 pack of frozen Filo pastry,
defrosted according to instructions • Smoked streaky bacon, cut into small pieces, fried until crisp and patted dry • 6-8 oz (175-225 grams) good quality Brie, cut into ½ inch cubes
• Homemade cranberry sauce • Melted butter for brushing • Good quality Port
INSTRUCTIONS Working with filo pastry: Filo is a thin and delicate pastry, 8. Continue with other parcels, working with only so make sure your fingernails are short with no rough edges! one sheet of filo at a time (approx. 2 parcels). It needs to be defrosted according to the packet instructions, 9. When complete, place baking tray in the and is easiest to work with if it is chilled – so don’t leave it centre of the oven, and cook for approx. out of the fridge for long. Filo is best used one sheet at a 15 minutes until golden brown and crispy. time so that they don’t stick together. When cutting sheets, Making the sauce: Put 3 tablespoons of use a long ruler to hold the sheet still while you cut it with a cranberry sauce in a small pan, together with sharp knife, and lift the edges using a palette knife. a tablespoon of port, and warm through gently. Strain through a sieve for a smooth Pre-heat your oven to 200°C, Gas mark 6 1. If you are making your own cranberry sauce (it tastes drizzling sauce, or leave it chunky for a dip. much nicer!) then cook it before making the parcels, 10. For each portion, place 2 parcels on a and leave to one side to cool. small plate and drizzle with the sauce. 2. Separate a sheet of filo pastry and lay it out on your Enjoy! silicone mat. Using a clean metal or plastic 12” (30cm) Warning: The filling of the parcels will ruler and sharp knife, cut out squares of roughly 5” be very hot, so leave them to cool for width. For each sheet, you should get approx. 6 squares a few minutes before eating! if you are careful! Allow 3 squares for each parcel. 3. Lay one square down and brush the centre with melted butter. Lay another square on top at an angle and brush the centre with more butter. Lay a third square on top at an angle (you are aiming to make a rough star shape when all 3 sheets are together). 4. Gently push the filo star into your muffin tray using your knuckles. 5. Fill your parcel with approx. 6 cubes of brie, 1 tsp of bacon bits and 1 tsp of cranberry sauce. 6. Brush the edges of the pastry with melted butter and gather edges together, pressing firmly. 7. Carefully lift parcel onto baking tray lined with multigrade roll (or good quality non-stick tray). Page 18
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You will find all the tools you need to make the recipe on the left in our shop. Our friendly and experienced team is always here for you if you need any help or advice.
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Vertical Cover With Climbers by Pippa Greenwood If the boundaries of your garden are uninteresting or drab, then it is time to think about some vertical gardening. Upright surfaces are itching to be clothed in glorious climbers or wall shrubs, and if you have several vertical sites then so much the better. A visit to your local garden centre will reveal a plentiful supply of suitable plants. Start by looking at the surface you have, the size, the direction it faces and the amount of sun or shade the plants growing on the wall or fence are likely to receive. Soil type is important as the plant you choose must be suited to the site. Some climbers are quite quick growing and will look good later this year, and improve as the years pass. Many provide strong colour and others will be a useful backdrop for the garden as a whole. Most buildings can have climbers grown against them, so if you have an unsightly shed, garage or even a fairly uninteresting looking back to your house, then consider erecting some sort of support system on which to grow your climbers. Break up the monotony of a long stretch of wall with a range of different plants, and make a tall, narrow building seem broader by only allowing them Page 20
to reach the height of the first floor. A climbing hydrangea, Hydrangea petiolaris, or selfclinging plants such as ivies are ideal, but make sure the mortar on your wall is in good shape before planting. Climbers are best planted in open ground as they tend to have sizeable root systems. If grown in containers you must re-pot regularly and ultimately plan to use a big container such as a half barrel. Use a loam-based potting compost and add extra grit for drainage, and place a deep layer of crocks at the base of the container. Add controlled release fertilizer granules to the compost, to ensure that plants get adequately fed for the first few months. A triangular or Vshaped trellis panel at the back will give initial support for the plant to climb up before moving on to your wall or fence. Tie the top section of the trellis into the wall or fence, so that it does not rock about. For ground planting, dig a large hole at least 18 inches (45 cm) from the wall or fence and incorporate plenty of compost or well rotted manure. Soak the plant’s root ball and place in the hole, ideally at a 45 degree angle so that it leans towards the wall, then spread out the roots and plant. If your climber
came already attached to bamboo canes, untie the stems from any central stake and train the best looking shoots towards your new support system, using the bamboo canes to help it on its way. Keep climbers well watered, particularly if they are on or near a sunny wall. Any good garden centre will have a range of plants, but here are some suggestions: Vigorous climbers for a quick effect: Actinidia chinensis; Akebia quinata; Clematis montana; Clematis montana ‘Rubens’; Vitis coignetiae Climbers for clay soils: Campsis; Celastrus scandens; Clematis; Ivies; Golden hop; Climbing hydrangea; Honeysuckles (most); Vitis coignetiae Climbers for an alkaline or chalky soil: Actinidia kolomikta; Akebia quinata; Clematis; Ivies; Climbing hydrangea; Jasminum officinale; Honeysuckles; Trachelospermum jasminoides Visit Pippa’s website www. pippagreenwood.com for ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood’ - fantastic UK grown vegetable plants of your choice plus weekly advice and tips emails from Pippa, Nemaslug, biological controls, pop-up crop covers, signed books and lots more besides.
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Tewkesbury Cards & Gifts 135 High Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5JR
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For all your card shop requirements plus lots more We stock a huge range of beautiful scarves and wraps, quality handbags, purses, wallets, Tewkesbury souvenirs, memorials, helium balloons and gifts for every occasion
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Out at work during the day? Here’s how to keep your dog entertained If you work full time or even part time, your dog may be feeling a little bored or lonely. When boredom sets in the result is often shredded carpets and wobbly table legs, but there are plenty of things you can do to distract them when you’re not there. • Fill a sturdy treat ball with peanut butter, canned dog food, and small biscuits. It’s a good idea to use a few different types of food within the ball so that their interest doesn’t wane. • Set up a ‘treasure hunt’ by hiding some plain dog biscuits or dental chews around the house, or wherever they’re allowed to roam if you limit access to some rooms. • Buy an interactive dog toy that stimulates their brain and sparks interest on and off throughout the day. They’ll have to figure out how to get the small treat from underneath each puzzle, and most games like this incorporate various different types of puzzle to really get them thinking. • Rotate your dog’s toys each day so they don’t get bored having constant access to them all. You could even use small toys as a treasure hunt idea instead of, or as well as, hiding food.
Dog lovers wanted: Open your home to a friendly dog for his holiday! We are looking for dog lovers to welcome guest dogs into their home for a holiday while owners are away. If you are at home all day, have no children under the age of six, have no more than one dog of your own and would like to enjoy the companionship of guest dogs please get in touch
Give a dog a holiday! Where happy dogs holiday
Alexis Bennett 01242 681 488 / 07900 817 504 gl@waggingtailsuk.co.uk waggingtailsuk.co.uk/gl/carer-enquiry A franchise owned and operated under licence by Alexis Bennett
Keeping your dog entertained while you’re out just takes a little thought and preparation. It’ll be worth it though to come home to a house that’s still in one piece. By Ann Haldon
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Simply Stone Memorials Based in Tewkesbury & Evesham
Memorials for churchyards & cemeteries Hand-carved memorials undertaken upon request. Additional inscriptions Bespoke Memorials Renovations & cleaning We can arrange private appointments outside of shop opening times or at home if you are unable to come to the shop.
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Volunteers Needed! Change someone’s life and enrich your own Bu
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John Badham on History, Community & Place Last month I was reflecting on memory. This was brought about by my mother's illness and my passionate belief in the importance of history our sense of our place in a community of memory. I said then that certain places have a better sense of this than others - Tewkesbury is one them. I love the fact that every Thursday evening, I can sit in my house and hear the gloriously evocative sound of the Abbey Bells. On Saturday I can walk down town and watch Mike Keen-Price charming everyone dressed in his gorgeous Georgian rig. Sometimes one can meet even more quirkily dressed people in all their medieval finery. Quite often the town turns out for parades - whether it is Armed Forces Day, or clanking Knights marching towards the battlefield.
Then there are the amazing musical traditions of this place, our Cathedral standard Schola Cantorum, the fabulous Town Band or the Heart and Soul Choir. The past mingles with the present here in the most delightfully eccentric way. The other remarkable thing is that most of this is the result of the efforts of a small committed band of volunteers.
We are also fortunate that there are so many anniversaries we can celebrate, the result in part of our rich heritage. In 2018 we will remember the end of the Great War which so defined the recent history of every community in this country. In 2021 we will celebrate the 900th anniversary of the foundation of our Abbey as well as the 550th of the bloody battle of Tewkesbury. I know that there are plans afoot to mark these special
dates. Yet this year there is a very important date that is especially relevant to our town, which has so many Royal connections - the Queen will be 90 this year. That is truly amazing in itself - she is already the longest reigning British monarch of all time. Perhaps more importantly she must be one of the most beloved. There are plans to have a great litter pick to mark the occasion. I just wonder if we couldn't do just a little better and make more of this remarkable occasion. It must be one of the greatest blessings that we as a nation possess, to have such an extraordinary lady as our head of State, who represents in her person all that is best, not only in this town, but in every community in this nation and beyond. - by John Badham
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Free weekly news recording for visually impaired people Local news from Cheltenham, Tewkesbury and the North Cotswolds delivered free on memory stick or CD, or via our website.
Interested? Visit our website www.cotswoldlistener.co.uk or call 01242-252072 and leave us a message.
Relaxation Group Tewkesbury Drop In
Every 2 weeks starting Monday the 22nd February, continuing 7th and 21st of March, 4th and 18th of April and the last relaxtion group will be the 9th of May.
1:30pm till 2:30pm There will be a ÂŁ1 charge per session. Approximately 7 people in the group.
Find us: Tewkesbury Drop In, Sun Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5NX For more information call: 01684 757081
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10 Good reasons
to make a Will
ESSENTIAL REASONS 1. To avoid your assets being distributed in accordance with the intestacy rules which could mean, for instance, your spouse not inheriting all of your estate 2. To ensure that those you wish to inherit your assets on your death actually get them 3. To nominate executors of your choice to deal with the distribution of your estate in the certain knowledge that they will comply with your wishes 4. To nominate your preferred guardians of your children to avoid disagreements or family upsets
(depending on circumstances) 7. To explain why a possible beneficiary is being excluded and give specific guidance to executors 8. To ensure the continuation of a family business 9. To ensure that 'first' and 'second' families are treated fairly 10. To reflect lifetime rearrangement of assets
5. To Make small personal gifts 6. To take advantage of tax saving strategies
mma has recently joined D F Legal and is Head of the Wills and Probate Department in Tewkesbury. Emma lives in Ledbury and has over 10 years’ experience in dealing with wills and probate matters and is currently working towards becoming a qualified member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP)
Emma Gummery
Offices in:
Tewkesbury, Ledbury, Stroud and Cheltenham
Page 28
On marriage (or remarriage), your old Will is automatically revoked and has no effect. If you die without making a new Will your estate will pass to a list of your relatives specified by law (under the intestacy rules). On divorce, any gift in your old Will to your ex-spouse is cancelled as is his/ her appointment as Executor but the rest of the Will stands. This can create problems and it is better to make a new Will. If you are not making any provision for a spouse or partner, or a former spouse, or a child, it is possible that he/she could claim against your estate. If this applies to you, you should ask for extra advice about this. Emma can see you at any of our offices and would be more than happy to visit you at home if required. If you would like to arrange an appointment with Emma, please contact us on:
01684 850750
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drains and automobiles
After the New Year
t for various reasons be it business or personal, p cut the cost of travel.
of fuel via extreme couponing trick.
anning a big spend at any one of 50+ retailers between boiler-only, the cheaper option that you’re no HouseAt of Fraser, Homebase buy cashback every boiler andwhen the beginning ofand PC World),Earn its controls, orlonger centralcapable. heating cov I’m 43 and have done thison top (inc d in Morrisons and you get 1p/litre off fuel per time you spend and get includes full central heating cover the New Year we’re purely as a precaution. So £100 10p offtoand £1,000ish gets a£100s free a year back. radiators, myself pipes, etc). all gets supposed create You can choose the DIY route or resolutions to become paycheapest, a solicitor compare for adviceprices – the via u Why not get paid every timec) To find the better people, better Alzheimer’s Society’s has a usefultime ck isn’t to use them as gifts, but that if you’re you spend? You can do this with and add in Energyhelpline.com if you’ve citizens, better eaters and fact sheet at http://tinyurl.com/ big purchase in that store anyway, first pop into a cashback credit card. Yet, set better with cash. jyrs8g2. and buy the gift card. ThenAnd, a few days later, up a direct debit to repay the let’s be honest, most aren’t tive, go and use it to buy your planned card IN FULL every month, ● soGet a year's breakdown cover for £17. to last as whopping long as the Check my iPhone to giving likely you a potentially petrol there’s no interest cost – or it’s huge during data use here’sDecember a full list of Christmas retailers andturkey. more infopointless. at The americanexpress. If your carprevent has had trouble the winter co.uk Platinum Everyday card is isonsfuelsaver.co.uk. be costly to pay it back in theyour Spring. Thankf If you’ve upgraded Yet when it comes to finance the top fee-free payer, giving know whatiPhone you’re can getIt super ch todoing iOS 9,you beware. there’s an advantage. There are back for three months (max heating down, but not off if you're going 5% away There are four things you need know: automatically turns on to ‘Wi-Fi a raft of resolutions that you can £100), then up to 1.25% after. If Assist’ which means if your WiFi do now even if the ‘I WANT TO youthat don’t fully pay it each month, ld, no heating risks burst pipes. So much so - If you’re connection’s renewing, haggle. of AA and 7 weak it84% supplements BE A BETTER ME’ fervour has it’s 22.9% representative APR. ers won't cover you for damage if your home's customer itwho reported withtried pricey mobile success. data. If you died down, and the impact lasts d for more than five days and you turned the If you’re new then for basic using coverdata use a cash think you’ve started all year. Sort . 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It’s else, where buy for a journey’s breakdown. mis-sold AI (Sentinel) don’t assume relatives can walk lastto year. Sothe stopprice. It’s allowed t partsswitched separately slash - For full service, Autoaidbreakdown.co.uk is protection into the bank and access your and–start Sothat the ditionsmoaning of carriage the switching. only rule is reclaim polcy for £42/year, which covers you money – even to pay for your Are you one of 2 million people banks want businessfor. call atmany the stations you your buy tickets care. They’d need to apply spouse for home start, breakdown and onwa who got a letter from the “The that they’re willing to pay you to to take over via the Court oflocal delivery firm is sent out, and you pay th AI Scheme”? If so, it means you switchfrom – either straight cash such e, a single Manchester to Cornwall costs to get the cost back. 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By Alison Runham www.alison.runham.co.uk
Should You Be Wary Of Wheat?
If you suffer from bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, stomach cramps or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), maybe you should be. However, ALWAYS see your GP (rather than self-diagnosing) if these symptoms are severe and persistent, especially if you have blood in your stools, vomiting, excessive bloating or very painful stomach cramps - it may indicate more serious medical conditions. Wheat allergy, wheat sensitivity/ intolerance and Coeliac disease are often confused, so let’s get them straight. WheAt ALLerGY If you are truly wheat allergic, eating wheat will rapidly provoke allergy symptoms such as itching, rashes, sneezing and wheezing. You’ll need to avoid wheat in any form and see your GP. CoeLiAC DiSeASe Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition that affects around 1% of people in the UK and often goes undiagnosed. In Coeliac sufferers, the intestinal lining becomes damaged because it can’t absorb gluten, a protein found in foods including wheat, barley and rye. Tiredness, hair loss, mouth ulcers,
anaemia and unexpected weight loss, alongside gastrointestinal symptoms, can indicate Coeliac disease. Diagnosis is by a blood test and biopsy. Both tests are only accurate if you’re still eating gluten, so you’ll need to continue eating gluten until the tests are complete. If Coeliac disease is diagnosed, you must avoid gluten permanently. WheAt intoLerAnCe/ SenSitivitY Wheat intolerance or sensitivity is much more common than wheat allergy. Symptoms can develop some hours after eating wheat, which can make the condition hard to pinpoint, and it’s not something your GP can test for. Try eliminating wheat for four weeks to see if your symptoms improve (ensuring you replace it with healthy alternatives like rice, corn, buckwheat pasta and quinoa). Remember that wheat is in most breads, cakes, pastas, pastries, cereals, couscous, biscuits, beer, soy sauce and hydrolysed vegetable protein (HVP), and is a hidden ingredient in many other products. Keep a food diary in case another food type, such as dairy, is the culprit – but don’t eliminate whole food groups long-term without consulting your GP. Reintroduce wheat slowly (preferably starting with 100% wheat products). If your symptoms reappear, it’s a good indication that you have wheat sensitivity; trial and error will tell you whether you’re sensitive to all wheat products or just some. This can depend on the process
the wheat has undergone; some people can tolerate toast and pasta better than bread, because the heating process makes the wheat more digestible. Supermarket bread may be less digestible than traditional bakery bread, as supermarkets use an accelerated bread-making process. irritAbLe boWeL SYnDrome (ibS) If your symptoms don’t seem specifically tied to wheat, you may have IBS. While the causes are not entirely clear, stress, illness, high-fat or highfibre foods seem to precipitate attacks, making bowel function erratic and causing gastrointestinal symptoms. Probiotic supplements or foods can help, as can medication prescribed by your GP. tackling Wheat Sensitivity and ibS: the FoDmAP diet Designed originally for people with (IBS), the wheat-free low-FODMAP diet eliminates Fermentable oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, monosaccharides And Polyols - types of carbohydrates that aren’t easily digested and may cause bacterial growth, leading to diarrhoea and bloating. The FODMAP diet should be followed under a dietician’s guidance to ensure you stay healthy and follow it correctly, as it’s quite complex. Your GP can give you a referral. information and Support: Coeliac UK: Helpline 0333 332 2033 www.coeliac.org.uk The IBS Network: 0114 272 32 53 www.theibsnetwork.org Allergy UK (also has information on intolerances): 01322 619898 www.allergyuk.org
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Page 33
Computer Corner
Who You Gonna Call? Ghostbusters, of course! For to be from the police, who those who didn’t already know have caught you accessing that, a new version of the film an illegal site. comedy had just been made. 3. Encrypt all your files so that This is fine if you have a spook you cannot access them until on the loose. But what if you you have paid off the virus have a spook in your computer? owner (ransomeware). Computer spooks, like viruses and So what can you do malware, are becoming a real to protect yourself? menace. They don’t just affect 1. Install good Internet Security people who go to “iffy” websites. software. I use Bullguard They can pop up in emails, or (a “Which” Best Buy) on infect legitimate sites. They are standalone PCs or Eset on about money. A virus may: business networks. Keep it up 1. Want to steal information from to date, and run it frequently. your PC (or Mac or phone) 2. Back up your data frequently. such as bank account detail, 3. Pay attention to what you are card numbers etc. doing. Don’t open emails from 2. Convince you into making a strangers, especially if they payment to them by claiming have attachments. Watch what
you download. Many downloads bring unwanted programs with them. What if I think I have got a virus? 1. If you can, disconnect the PC from networks and the internet. Then try eliminating it with your Internet security software – this often works. 2. If that fails, or you can’t get into your PC at all, contact us on 01452 384845, email: office@adcomputing.co.uk, or submit a support request on our website. www.adcomputing.co.uk. We offer a full virus and malware removal service, at competitive rates.
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Cheltenham & Tewkesbury Branch
PROGRAMME of EVENTS for 2016 Saturday 12 March WINE TASTING EVENING with Cindy Marie MD Lovewinefood - Details from Fay Friday 18 March FLAG DAY (Help please) Saturday 23 April BRIDGE EVENT - Details Margaret Beverley (Box Administrator) - 01242 510 193 Saturday 4 June FLOWER FESTIVAL St Andrews Church Montpellier A concert by the Churchdown Male voice choir in the evening Sunday 5 June SERVICE at St Andrews Saturday 11 June FLAG DAY Tewkesbury (Help please)
Wednesday 22 June OPEN GARDENS at Whitcombe House Overbury GL20 7HZ July (Date TBC) CMES OPEN DAY Saturday 1 - Sunday 2 October COLLECTION AND SOUVENIRS at Prescott Hill Climb, Autumn Classics Meet Friday 7 October QUIZ NIGHT AND FISH AND CHIPS SUPPER at St Lukes Parish Church Hall Wednesday 2 November AGM AND INTEREST EVENING at the Civil Services Social Club, Tewkesbury Road. Plenty of Parking Saturday 10 December NOSTALGIC CHRISTMAS CAROLS Starting at GWR Toddington Join us for a wonderful start to Christmas - Call Fay
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Dividend Taxation And Other Changes To Tax Laws in 2016/17 By Ann Haldon > 32.5% (for the higher rate band) > 38.1% (in the additional rate band) People with a low dividend income will see a reduction in their tax bill, but the new measures are likely to hit family-run small businesses the hardest.
A change to the dividend taxation laws is to be implemented from April 2016. Pension and ISA dividends will not be affected by the new regime and will remain free of tax, but the new dividend rules are likely to have an adverse effect on directors and shareholders of small incorporated companies. The new proposals will reportedly bring in an extra £2.54 billion in revenue for the 2016/17 tax year,�with smaller amounts continuing to bolster the public purse in future years. The changes are an effort by the government to equalise tax laws for those who run unincorporated businesses.
So why has the Treasury decided to overhaul the current system? The government is attempting to discourage tax-motivated incorporation, which means setting up a business as a limited company simply to enjoy a lower rate of tax on income. In the past, directors/ shareholders of a limited company have been able to take a small salary from their business, which attracted enough tax to maintain their entitlement to the state pension. The government’s objection, however, is that company profits are then used to extract a further dividend taxed at the much lower rate of 10%.
Here’s a summary of the changes to be introduced • A maximum annual Dividend Allowance of £5,000 is to come into force (after taking the personal allowance into account) • The existing 10% notional Dividend Tax Credit will be scrapped • Dividends over the £5,000 annual limit will be taxed at the following rates: > 7.5% on dividend income in the basic rate band
Strong objections from the business community With the inherent difficulties facing small businesses, fears have been expressed that the government is making it much harder for people in business to survive financially. This includes both individual contractors who have incorporated their businesses, and family-run companies. In fact, an online petition has been started, objecting to these new rules. Company directors/ shareholders say that the
rewards of low dividend taxation compensated for the long hours and risks they took when starting their business, and that their overall contribution to the economy needs to be more widely acknowledged by the government. Are there any other changes to UK taxation in the forthcoming financial year? Other announcements made in last year’s Budget include: • Pension tax relief changes - Restrictions on pension tax relief for those with an income of £150,000 or more will come into force from April 2016. A fixed rate of 33% will apply for all in the new tax year, regardless of the rate band. • Savings interest - Said to be an acknowledgement of recent poor returns for savers, George Osborne also announced in last year’s budget that savings interest of up to £1,000 will no longer be taxed. • Digital tax accounts - The ‘account’ will be similar to online banking in that details on how much is owed will be available to view at any time, and taxpayers will be able to make payments throughout the financial year rather than meeting a specific deadline. These are all significant changes to taxation laws in the UK, and are set to bring in considerable sums for the Treasury, but the new dividend tax rules seem to be attracting the most concern and criticism. �http://www.itcontracting.com/ new-dividend-tax-april-2016/
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Page 37
Daniel Tingle & Craig Hamill running the London Marathon
Daniel's Story
Craig's Story
On April 24th 2016 I'm going to be taking part in Virgin London Marathon.
On the 24th April 2016 I will be running the Virgin London Marathon for the 3rd time (at the grand old age of 41) in aid of Coeliac UK, a charity close to my heart as my 6 year old daughter Isabelle has Coeliac Disease.
I wanted to raise money for a charity that were fantastic in supporting for my son and the whole family - Action Medical Research. In March 2014 my son Ethan who at the time was aged 8 suffered a Stroke. At the Time we were in complete shock really because we always believed a stroke is what an Adult would suffer with. Ethan had to have various scans and tests and lots of back and forth to Hospital for meetings with Consultants. We were then warned that Ethan could suffer a further episode and sure enough he suffered a second stroke under four weeks after the first stroke. Following the second episode we had to attend Bristol Hospital to see Neurologist's. There first initial thoughts were that Ethan had a defective nerve in his Brain, this turned out not to be the cause of Ethan's medical problems. So the doctors decided to look into Ethan's Heart. We had two Consultations with the heart Professor and his decision was to carry out a Bubble Study test to insure there wasn't an underlying Heart problem. This proved to be the cause because they found a block on the left side of Ethan's heart. Ethan has made a full recovery now and just has to have medication every night indefinitely. This was an extremely tuff time for Ethan and the whole family. From that moment onwards we were determined to raise as much awareness that Strokes do happen in young children not just Adults. I really do appreciate you reading my story and hopefully tell people about our story to spread awareness of Childhood Strokes. The Reason why I decided to raise money for Action Medical Research is because there are many unexplained child illness's and without there support,research and time a diagnosis would be harder to find. If you are able to help me reach my target it would be fantastic and I really would appreciate your support www.justgiving.com/Daniel-Tingle1 Page 38
Isabelle was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease in June 2015. This is a lifelong autoimmune disease where she suffers from an adverse reaction to gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye. Her immune system can mistakenly attack healthy tissue and damages the surface of the small intestines, disrupting her body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food. Typical symptoms range from diarrhoea and sickness, in particular, Isabelle suffers physically and emotionally, mainly with joint, leg and stomach pain, as well as anemia and fatigue. It took nearly 1 year to get Isabelle diagnosed and after several blood tests, appointments and a biopsy, her diagnosis was a relief, although met with sadness too. We have had to make many changes to her diet, which has not been easy, due to her having to try many new foods. It is particularly tricky when eating out or attending friends’ parties, as many cafes, restaurants and venues still do not cater for people with Coeliac disease. My mother in law also has Coeliac disease, as do a small number of children at Isabelle’s school, so I am on a mission to raise lots of awareness and undertake lots of fundraising events such as a Charity Race Night, Gluten Free Cake Sale, Holding an Allergy Awareness School Assembly (at Bishop's Cleeve Primary Academy), Raffle, Leg Waxing, Selling Sweets and Car Washing. Coeliac UK have been a great support to us as a family and are also a great charity who campaign for better access to diagnosis, care and better access to food in/out of the home. Coeliac UK also research the nature of the disease and potential cures and provide expert and independent information, to help people manage their health and diet.
I appreciate your time in reading our story and if you want to help us achieve our target of £2500 then you can make a Justgiving donation (www.justgiving.com/ Craig-Hamill1). Isabelle and I would really appreciate your support.
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Home & Interiors Make The Most Of A Small Kitchen
Tiny kitchen spaces are often extremely efficient – you can wash, slice and cook almost without moving at all. And you can create a practical and attractive galley kitchen for very little money, writes Katherine Sorrell. PLANNING THE ROOM In a small kitchen every centimetre counts, and the first principle of design is the ‘work triangle’ – the movement between the cooker, sink and fridge. Each zone should be self-contained, with its own storage and worktop space, but it should also be easy to move between each one. Ensure this by drawing a floor plan with lines connecting each point on the triangle, and avoid placing obstructions between them. In theory the most efficient length for each side of the triangle is about two metres, but in practice the three work centres should not be uncomfortably close or too far apart. In a double galley, keep the sink and cooker on the same side, with the fridge opposite. You can’t create a triangle in a single galley, but its linear shape makes it easy to use as long as the line is Page 40
not too long. Aim for tall cupboards at one end, then the hob, and the maximum amount of worktop between the hob and the sink, with the dishwasher next to the sink at the other end. Add a rubbish bin under the sink and, if you have room, a pull-out larder. EATING AND ENTERTAINING It’s always a good idea to fit in somewhere to eat and drink – perhaps a fold-down table, or a small dining table which extends for extra guests. Or, add a breakfast bar by forming an ‘L’ shape at the end of a worktop and tuck a couple of high stools underneath it. CHOOSING UNITS & WORKTOPS The trend is for mixing textures and colours in the kitchen, including metallics, marble and rough, tough industrial accents. Deep worktops and open shelving will update any sized kitchen but quality matters most. Cheaper carcasses are made from chipboard, sometimes with just hardboard backs, which is fine for a budget option. But for a well-used, long-lasting kitchen, opt for plywood or MDF veneer, the thicker the better. Laminate worktops are the budget choice – choose high-pressure rather than low-pressure ones, as they’re more durable. Wooden worktops can be inexpensive, but avoid ones that are too
By Katherine Sorrell
cheap or too thin, especially next to a sink as they’ll just warp and buckle. Splashbacks are often made from the worktop material, though cheaper alternatives are ceramic tiles, tongue and groove painted with tough gloss, or a fashionable sheet of clear or coloured acrylic. MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR SPACE WITH THESE IDEAS • Fit wall cupboards that go right up to the ceiling • Sliding doors are ideal as they don’t intrude into the room • ‘Magic’ corner cupboards (with mechanisms that let you access the back) let you fit more in • Wall-hung racking systems provide organisation but let you see what you’ve got • Pull-out shelving and slim drawers (e.g. in the plinth) add extra storage space • Internal fittings help organise cupboards • For appliances, choose multifunctional, compact, slimline, built-in and stacking versions • Reflective and/or transparent surfaces and pale colours make the room seem bigger • Base cabinets on legs or recessed plinths let you see more floor • Avoid visual confusion by sticking to ultra-plain cabinet fronts with either no handles or very discreet ones • Larger-than-average floor tiles make the floor seem larger Main Image:Make use of wall space, drawers, slim appliances and free-standing storage such as trolleys. Metod Grevsta kitchen, £47 for a 40x60cm base cabinet with shelves, Ikea, tel 020 3645 0000; www.ikea.co.uk.
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Catchphrases 1. The first three words of which famous movie catchphrase literally translate as "until the viewing"? 2. Which company was privatised in 1986, with adverts featuring the catchphrase "if you see Sid, tell him" being used to encourage individuals to buy shares? 3. In 2010 the BBC issued an apology to which TV presenter after Jon Culshaw poked fun at his weight on The Impressions Show using the catchphrase "I was fierce hungry, so I was"? 4. Which TV dating show features the catchphrase "No likey, no lightey"? 5. Who coined the catchphrases "say what you see" and "it's good, but it's not right" on the TV show Catchphrase? 6. What is the best known one-word catchphrase of the double act whose real names are Janet Tough and Ian Tough? 7. In 2011, who attempted to trademark a number of his catchphrases, including "duh, winning", "tiger blood", "rock star from Mars" and "I’m not bi-polar, I’m bi-winning"? 8. How did the TV character Daffyd Thomas refer to himself in his best known catchphrase? 9. Which cartoon character's catchphrase was originally derived from the Brylcreem advertising slogan "A little dab'll do ya"? 10. Which famous character's best known catchphrase was originally written in a script as "annoyed grunt"?
Word Ladder
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2 26
14 1
25 4
18 8
22 16
26 3
18 26
22 25
3 18
9 20
3 25
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March Highlights At The Roses
Swan Lake
Circus Of Horrors
The Revenant (15) Richard Thur 10 Mar 7.30pm Digance
Tues 1 Mar 7.30pm
Wed 9 Mar 7.30pm
Wed 2 Mar 7.30pm
Sun 13 Mar 7.30pm
Spotlight (15)
Sat 5 - Thur 10 Mar
Ireland’s Call
Sun 6 Mar 2.30pm & 7.30pm
Room (15)
Tues 15 - Wed 23 Mar
Fri 11 Mar 7.30pm
ions Festivals Part Support Exhibit Live Film Take Live Film Take Part Support Exhibitions Festivals Live Film 2016 LiveTake FilmPart January - March January - March 2016 t Exhibitions Festival TakeSuppor Partival s port Sup s JanuarJanu y - March Exhibiti ons Fest ary - Mar 2016 Don’t miss Don’t miss ons Fest Exhibiti ch 2016 port ivals Don’t miss Coffee Don’t miss e Part SupCoffee Cotteswold TakCotteswold Film Roses @ The Roses @ The Cottesw Live Cott oldeswo Coffee our 2016 ch ld Coffee Have you tried @ The Have you tried our Roses Mar - cafe? @ The Rose ary new delicious delicious new cafe? Janu Have s you tried Haveour you tried our
delicious new ns Exhibitions delicio cafe? Exhibitio us new cafe? ’t miss gallery Don In our brand new In our brand new gallery Exhibitio Exhi nsbitions ld Coffee In eswo our brand Season In our Cott new gallery Oscar brand s Oscar Season new gallery Rose mainstream The best @ The The best Oscar mainstream Osca Season tried our film r Seas independent andyou Have and independent film The bestThe mainstream new cafe? best mainst on delicious & Drama and independent ream and indepe film Dance ns Dance & Drama ndent film of bitioseason A bumper Exhi A bumper season of gallery Dance Danc & Drama theatre brand new e & Dram ourphysical Inlive live physical theatre A bumper A bumpe a seasonr of on season of live physical live physic theatre Oscar Seas
mainstream The best ndent film and indepe
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Drama Dancer&season of A bumpe al theatre live physic
atre.org www.rosesthe www.rosestheatre.org 295074 01684 ww Box Office: osesthe Boxwww.r Office: 01684 5NX GL20 atre.org Glosw.ro sest295074 hea Sun Street, Tewkesbury, Box tre.org Box Sun Street, Tewkesbury, Glos GL20 5NX Office: Office: 01684 0168295074 SunSun Street, 4 295074 Street Tewkesbury, , Tewkesbury, Glos GL20 5NX
Joli Vyann: Imbalance
Tues 22 Mar 7.30pm
Martin James Bartlett
Dad’s Army (PG) Fri 25 - Wed 30 Mar
Thurs 24 Mar 7.30pm
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Glos GL20 5NX tre.org sesthea www.ro 01684 295074
ce: 5NX Glos GL20 Box Offi , Tewkesbury, Sun Street
Download a brochure at rosestheatre.org
Page 43
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Page 44
Stoke Orchard Cheltenham Cheltenham, GL52 7SJ GL52 7SJ
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The Clubhouse
Home of the Bugatti Owners’ Club
A Warm Welcome & Good Food in Beautiful Surroundings
Perfect for Weddings, Parties, Family Gatherings or Corporate Hire •Holds up to 150 seated •Fully stocked long bar •Dance Floor •Live Music Setup •Catering available for any event •Technology set up for business meetings and conferences •Terrace with panoramic views across the rolling Cotswolds
For details on availability and prices, please contact Ciaran on Tel: 07970 205520 or Email: clubhouse@prescott-hillclimb.com The Clubhouse, Prescott Speed Hill Climb, Prescott Hill, Gotherington, Cheltenham GL52 9RD Please mention Tewkesbury Magazine when responding to advertisers
Page 45
Chicken in Red Wine Serves 4
Ready in 1 hour 15 minutes This is a quick, easy and flavoursome way to serve chicken. Use a full-bodied red wine such as a Burgundy for the best flavour, although there is no need to buy a really pricy one!
Ingredients: • 2 tbsp olive oil • 600g skinless chicken breast fillets, cut into chunks • 225g button mushrooms • 200g shallots, peeled • 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed • 300ml red wine • 200ml chicken or vegetable stock • 2 tbsp sun-dried tomato puree • 1 bay leaf • 2tbsp cornflour • Sprigs of fresh parsley to garnish • Sautéed potatoes and steamed green beans, to serve
This dish freezes well, so it’s worth doubling up the quantities to freeze away half for another day. Allow to cool completely then spoon into a shallow freezer-proof container and freeze for up to 2 months. Defrost thoroughly then reheat in a flameproof casserole until piping hot. Page 46
Heat the oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat. Add the chicken chunks and fry for 4-5 minutes, turning frequently until golden brown all over. Transfer to a plate with a slotted spoon. Add the button mushrooms and shallots to the pan and fry for 5 minutes until just beginning to brown. Add the garlic and fry for a further minute then return the chicken to the pan and stir in the red wine, stock, tomato puree and bay leaf. Bring to the boil then reduce the heat, cover and simmer gently for 25-30 minutes or until the chicken and onions are tender. Blend the cornflour and 2 tbsp water to a smooth paste then stir the paste into the pan. Simmer gently for further 2-3 minutes, stirring all the time, until the liquid has thickened. Serve with sautéed potatoes and steamed green beans and garnish with parsley sprigs.
To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk
1 Tidy (4)
8 9
3 Uneducated (8) 9 Not man-made (7)
12 13
10 Tummy button (5) 11 Premature (5)
16 Not present (6) 19 Vegetable (6) 21 Big cat (5) 24 Heartbeat (5) 25 Frightened (7) 26 Less than twenty (8) 27 Second-hand (4) Down 1 Rubbish (8) 2 Performer (5)
12 Pacific and Atlantic (6) 14 Stitching (6)
23 24
4 Faster than canter (6)
15 Made from fleece (7)
5 28grams approx. (5)
17 Double-cross (6)
6 Move forwards (7)
18 Hot beverage (6)
7 Cash register (4)
20 Representative (5)
8 Used for drawing (6)
22 Presents (5)
13 Surprised (8)
23 Unlocked (4)
Boat Moorings The Old Rectory Bredon - Moorings from £825 per year
✓ Private, safe, water and electricity ✓ Drive to your boat dorothy@richarddenny.co.uk
01684 773196
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Page 47
And Another Thing... Where Tom Stops Commuting by Tom Hughes Follow Tom on Twitter @groomsdaybook
My Dearly Beloved’s face fell as the true horror of my announcement sunk in. “So what you’re saying is that from now on, you’ll be working from home?” “Yes. Nigel is cutting costs. It’s actually great news because they are paying for a broadband upgrade, and I get a desk.” “You’ve got a desk.” “And no more commuting - hurrah! I thought I could move into Evan’s old room.” “Well I’m not getting rid of that divan, it’s never been slept in.” Monday morning 7am. I leapt into my work trousers and after slurping my coffee was on the drive, keys in hand before I realised. Of course, I don’t have to do this anymore! So, sitting at my new desk an hour early, I took the first conference call of the morning: a very important discussion about our national marketing strategy. Page 48
“Hi Tom, Nigel in Basingstoke here and Marty in Seattle, what’s your take on this? I was just about to launch into my best corporate blather when – MMMMNNNMMNNNNN! “Sorry Tom, there seems to be some interference on the line?” Apologising, I opened Evan’s bedroom door (sorry, branch office door) and was promptly bashed on the big toe by the Hoover. “Darling - I’m in a meeting!” I hissed. The Henry fell silent. “Well this house won’t clean itself - darling. Anyway that’s me done, I’m going out.” So while Marty droned on about performance indicators, I looked down from the bedroom (branch) window as Sarah, Bags for Life in hand, set off for Tesco and the dreaded Big Shop. At last some peace! Or so I thought. I was in the middle of composing
my umpteenth electronic missive of the day when I heard a scratching at the door. It was Ollie, demanding to know what I was doing at home this time of the morning. To stop the whining I relented and in two bounds he was over the desk and onto the window sill, where he settled down for a mid morning snooze. So, with my best friend asleep next to me, I beavered away at my spreadsheets. The new phone buzzed once more and, as Ollie raised an inquisitive eyebrow, I took my second conference call of the day. I was just about to set out in no uncertain terms why Basingstoke couldn’t escape restructuring when next door’s cat decided to run across the porch roof. “So, Tom what you are saying is…” “Grrrrrrr…” “Oh, sorry Tom, don’t you like Marty’s idea?”
To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk
“Woof! Bark! Woof!” “Tom, is that a dog I can hear?” I heaved Ollie out onto the landing, nearly strangling myself with my headset in the process. I coughed. “Sorry guys. New ring tone.” After ending the call I spotted Sarah returning from the Big Shop. “I thought you were ‘at work’?” “I can’t just sit up there watching you struggling. Here, let me.” “Look I’m perfectly capable of putting away the shopping - no Tom, the bleach doesn’t live in there! Just go back upstairs and leave me to it.”
As Sarah unpacked everything my stomach reminded me that lunch time was almost upon us. So, nestled on the sofa next to Sarah with my bag of Quavers and my ham bloomer, something told me that turning the TV channel over to check on England’s progress at Trent Bridge was not a good idea. I decided instead to join in with the catch up. “And who’s she?” “That’s the mother, she lives in the garage, and that’s the daughter and she’s pregnant to the drug dealer.”
“No, he’s dead.” “Hasn’t anyone noticed?” “He’s encased in concrete.” “I see...” Finally it was time to return to work. But I shouldn’t have had that second Eccles cake because around three forty five both Olly and I began to flag. The phone rang, the computer bleeped, my mobile buzzed. Eventually the racket drew Sarah to see what was happening inside Tom Hughes Towers. “Hello, Tom’s phone? I’m sorry, he can’t come to the phone right now he’s…in a meeting with Oliver. Of course you can’t hear snoring, that’s…his new ring tone.”
“And which one’s he?” “The one under the bed.” “Is he hiding?”
Bees Birds Buds Cyclamens Daffodils Dandelions Easter Equinox Frogs Grass Green Growth Irises Lilies March Nesting Planting
Rain Renewal Season Sunshine
Tulips Warmth Wet
Find the names associated with spring in the grid and the remaining letters will spell out a related phrase
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Page 49
What's On in March Showborough House Sculpture Garden Ongoing, 10.30am - 4.00pm, Showborough House, Twyning, GL20 6DN Art exhibition and sale of sculptures with more than 60 exhibits in a wide range of media. Tea and coffee available. Entry: Free but donations welcome. Orchid Society Show Saturday 5th March, 10.30am 4.00pm, Churchdown Community Centre, Parton Road, Churchdown, Glos GL3 2JH Large display of orchids by the Cheltenham Orchid Society and smaller displays by Bristol OS and South West OS; trade stands with orchids for sale by Burnham Nurseries and Laurence Hobbs, alpines for sale from Hoo House Nursery; resident Artist, information on orchid culture, potting demonstrations and re-potting service for visitors' orchids, GFGS stand, Glos Alpine Society stand and catering all day. Entry: £2. Devil Mud Run Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th March, Stanley Pontlarge, Cheltenham, GL54 5HE
A hardcore, hilly 8 kilometre course featuring over 31 obstacles that makes you run across the open, rugged countryside and through the woods. You will encounter plenty of mud, water and sweat on the way! Page 50
For more information, times and prices visit: www.devilmudrun.com. Tewkesbury Camerata Concert Sunday 12th March, 7.30pm Tewkesbury Methodist Church, High Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5BB In aid of Winston's Wish. Free admission. Cate Cody - Jazz Concert Sunday 13th March, The Tithe Barn, Bishop’s Cleeve, Cheltenham Road, GL52 8LU Bring your own picnic, cafe tables provided ; tickets £15. For more information and tickets visit: www.jazzcats.co.uk
all occasion: delicious handmade chocolates; wooden crafts including pyrography and tactile wood turned objects; delicate watercolours and silk flowers arrangement and much more. Tea room with homemade cakes and sandwiches available. Free Admission. For more information visit: www.creatorsofcraft.co.uk The Sainsbury's Sport Relief Mile Sunday 20th March Croft Farm Waterpark, Bredons Hardwick, Tewkesbury, GL20 7EE
The Festival Tuesday 15th - Friday 18th March, 10.00am - 6.00pm Cheltenham Racecourse
15th March: Champion Day; 16th March: Ladies Day; 17th March: St Patrick’s Thursday; 18th March: Gold Cup Day. Cheltenham Festival and Gold Cup is one of the finest Jump Racing events in the country and THE must go to event for every racing fan. For more information, prices and tickets please visit: www.cheltenham. thejockeyclub.co.uk. Craft Fair Saturday 19th March, 10.00am - 4.00pm, Tewkesbury Town Hall, High Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5AL Presented by Creators of Craft. Come along and shop some beautifully unique and lovingly handcrafted gifts. The range includes textiles: quilting, patchwork; bunting, hats and embroidered pictures; teddy bears; handcrafted jewellery; fuse glass coasters and hanging decorations; a selection of handmade cards for
Choose to complete 1, 3 or 6 miles in any way, and at any pace you want. Hosted by The Gym & Tonic Health Club. Admission: Adult £7.00, Child £3.00, Family £17.00 (this does not include a donation). For more information visit: www.sportrelief.com Children’s Nearly New Sale Sunday 20th March, 10.00am 12.00pm, Wheatpieces Community Hall, Columbine Road, Tewkesbury, GL20 7SP
Buy pre-owned children's clothes, shoes, toys, books, maternity wear, baby equipment and prams at great prices. Admission: £1 per person, children go free. If you are interested in selling please email tewksnearlynew@gmail. com. For further information visit: www.facebook.com/ tewkesburynearlynew
To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk
Pendock Spring Chicken Run Sunday 20th March, 11.00am Pendock CE Primary School, School Lane, Pendock, Nr Staunton, GL19 3PW
Run around the roads and farm tracks while raising money for Pendock CE School. You can chose from 1k, 5k or 10k. Registration will be open between 9.30am and 11.00am for runners to collect numbers. Receive free entry into a raffle with your race number. For more information visit: www.runpendock.co.uk Liane Carroll - Concert Sunday 20th March, 7.45pm The Tithe Barn, Cheltenham Road, Bishop's Cleeve, GL52 8LU Come and see BBC Jazz award winner Liane Carroll and her amazing trio perform. Renowned as one of the best interpreters of song, Liane has been playing to adoring audiences for the past 25 years and continues to astound people worldwide. Tickets £15, available from 0333 666 3366. For more information visit: www.cleeveconcerts.com. Mad Hatter’s Easter Fun Day Sunday 27th March, 10.00am, Sudeley Castle & Gardens, Winchcombe, GL54 5JD
Egg-citing Easter themed Tea Party with the Mad Hatter. Fun trail in the
gardens, flower crafts with ‘Flowers of Fun’, Mad Hatter’s Easter Bonnet Competition. For more information visit: www.sudeleycastle.co.uk/ event/easter-sunday. The Terrace Café will also be open, selling tasty treats for all the family. The event is included with general admission. Children’s Wednesday Tudor Twist Wednesday 30th March, 10.00am, Sudeley Castle & Gardens, Winchcombe, GL54 5JD Good King Hal will perform ‘Henry’s Horrid History Shows’ and tell his audience all about the life and times of Henry VIII. Learn more about the Tudor ship, The Mary Rose, as they visit from Portsmouth Historic Dockyard with their pop-up museum and activities, and meet and find out how rats, tarantulas, snails and frogs were ‘used’ in this time, from medicine to clothing, by a poor Tudor lad from Zoolab. Included with general admission.
MARKETS Tewkesbury General Retail Market Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9.00am - 3.30pm, Spring Gardens Car Park, Oldbury Road, Tewkesbury, GL20 5DN Popular town centre retail market with a range of stalls. For more information please contact: Dave Joynes, Grenchurch Markets Ltd on 01386 840138.
Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market Every 2nd Saturday of the month, 9am - 1.30pm, Abbey Lawns Car Park, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury, GL20 5PG The Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market has a great mix of local produce from farmers, growers and food producers plus a wonderful collection of local arts and crafts. For information about stalls please contact Dave Joynes, Cotswold Markets on 01386 840138 or email: Trade. CotswoldMarkets@gmail.com
Tewkesbury Parkinson’s Group First Wednesday of the month, 10.45am - 12.15pm, The Boys' Brigade Community Centre Canterbury Leys, Newtown Tewkesbury, GL20 8BP We offer information, friendship and support to local people with Parkinson's, their families and carers. We also organise regular events and social activities, all are welcome to join us. Contact Jane Henderson, Volunteer Co-ordinator, on 0344 225 3694 or jhenderson@parkinsons. org.uk if you are interested in coming along. See more at www.parkinsons. org.uk/local-support-groups/regions/ south-west-england/tewkesburysupport-group
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Page 51
Pictograms 2 words
4 words
You have two minutes to find all the words of three or more letters that can be made from the letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns are not. The 6 letter word will always be just a normal everyday word.
3 letters: 8 4 letters: 7 5 letters: 0 6 letters: 1
Puzzle & Crossword Solutions Quick
4 words
Crossword 1. Hasta la vista, baby (from the film Terminator 2: Judgment Day) N E A T I G N O R A N T O C C A U D I 2. British Gas N A V E L N A T U R A L O A L C A L S 3. Eamonn Holmes O C E A N S E A R L Y 4. Take Me Out N O P C S S E W I N G A B S E N T 5. Roy Walker E O C E A 6. Fandabidozi P O T A T O T I G E R L G F R I T O (Janet and Ian Tough are the Krankies) F E A R F U L P U L S E 7. Charlie Sheen E N E Y T E E U S E D N I N E T E E N 8. The only gay in the village Across: 1 Neat, 3 Ignorant, 9 Natural, 10 Navel, 11 Early, 12 Oceans, 14 Sewing, (on the TV show Little Britain) 16 Absent, 19 Potato, 21 Tiger, 24 Pulse, 25 Fearful, 26 Nineteen, 27 Used. Down: 1 Nonsense, 2 Actor, 4 Gallop, 5 Ounce, 6 Advance, 7 Till, 8 Crayon, 13 Startled, 9. Fred Flintstone's 15 Woollen, 17 Betray, 18 Coffee, 20 Agent, 22 Gifts, 23 Open. ("Yabba dabba do") 10. Homer Simpson's Word Ladder (the catchphrase is "d'oh") Here is one possible solution Here is one possible (others may exist) 1
23 24
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.
TARGET Excellent: 50 or more words Good: 43 words Fair: 38 words
N I A Page 52
18 8
20 19
21 26
solution (others may exist)
Codeword 18
18 8
19 8
17 2
18 5
11 24
13 8
7 25
26 3
14 6
20 18
10 23
4 26
19 11
20 22
3 3
Pictograms 1. Breaking News 2. Point Of No Return 3. Black And White Movie
Sudoku 3 Letters ERR IRE ORE ROE ROT TIE
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Tewkesbury Useful Numbers CHURCHES
Holy Trinity Church of England 01684 292797 Priors Park Chapel
01684 274837
St Joseph's Catholic Church
01684 293273
St Giles Church of England St Nicholas Church
Tewkesbury Abbey
Tewkesbury Baptist Church
01684 772237 01684 293729 01684 850959
01684 293044
Tewkesbury Methodist Church 01684 297411
Tewkesbury Spiritualist Church 01684 295 677
DOCTORS & PHARMACY Bredon Hill Surgery
Church Street Practice
01684 773444 01684 853398
Jesmond House Practice 01684 292813 Watledge Surgery
01684 293278
Badham Pharmacy
01684 290659
Winsome Clinic
07886 310362
Boots 01684 292122 Lloyds Pharmacy
Northway Chemist Superdrug
01684 293125 01684 299499 01684 273201
Gloucestershire Royal Hospital 0300 422 2222
Tewkesbury Hospital 0300 421 6100
Tewkesbury Library
Bredon Post Office
Tewkesbury Post Office
Ambulance (Emergency Only) 999 Fire (Emergency Only) 999 Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Police (Emergency Only) 999 Police (non-emergency) 101 NHS Direct 111
Bus Information Train Information
01452 418630
0845 748 4950
Tewkesbury Borough Council 01684 295010
Electricty -足Power Loss
0800 365 900
Water Leaks
0800 169 1144
Gas Emergency
Water Severn Trent
0800 111 999
0800 783 4444
Alcoholics Anonymous Glos 01452 418515 (24hrs) Alcoholics Anonymous National 0800 9177650 Childline 0800 1111 Citizens Advice Bureau
0870 120 4040
Directory Enquiries
118 500
Crimestoppers Drugs Helpline
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advertisers index Accounting Exton Accountants 6 Aerials & Satellites Digital TV & Satellite Systems 39 Architectural Stonemasonry HD Masonry 24 Boat Moorings The Old Rectory 47 Bookkeepers The BooksAngel 24 Building, Maintenance, Repair, Carpentry & Handyman Services, Painters & Decorators Bill Bowmer Handyman 32 D & A Habbitts 6 Dave Dowell 41 FKR Block Paving 11 HD Masonry 24 LB Services 32 Matt Grimshaw Carpentry 36 Tewkesbury Exterior Painting 3 Catering The Clubhouse Prescott 45 Caring Services Family Friend 19 Carpets Goodrum Carpets 12 Charities & Community Building Circles 24 Cotswold Listener 26 Chimney Sweeps Severnside Sweeps 22 Cleaning & Domestic Services C&D Home Help Services 12 Tewkesbury Cleaning 4 Computer Repairs & Advice A.D. Computing 34 Digger Works D & A Habbitts 6 Driving Instructors Clearway Driving Tuition 3 Driveways & Paving / Tarmac FKR Block Paving 11 Glenearn Plant Hire 19 P & M Driveways 11 Electrical Services LB Services 32 Pro Electrical 22
Entertainment / Theatre / Events Air Cadets Recruitment Night 25 Relaxation Group 26 RNLI Events 2016 35 Roses Theatre 43 Sunshine Radio 35 Fencing Cotswold Vale Supplies 31 D & A Habbitts 6 Food & Drink The Clubhouse Prescott 45 Coombe Hill Farm Shop 25 Court Farm Shop 6 Gloucester Biltong 19 Jelly Roll Cafe 32 The Fleet 9 The Red Lion Wainlode 27 Tewkesbury Cookshop 19 Wiltshire Farm Foods back page Furniture Gloucester Import Furniture 2 Garden Centres Tewkesbury Garden Centre 21 Gardens & Landscaping Cotswold Vale Supplies 31 D & A Habbitts 6 Edward Price 19 Guttering Severn Guttering Services 32 Health & Fitness Back in to Action Hydrotherapy 3 Slimming World 32 Holidays Road River Rentals 22 HR Support Simply about People 36 Hydrotherapy & Physiotherapy Back in to Action Hydrotherapy 3 Hypnotherapy & Reiki Advance Practice 44 Positive Exchange 16 Interior Design Bella's Interior 32 Legal & Financial Services DF Legal 28&29 Pension Wise 10 Locksmiths MM Locksecure 39
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Last school holiday before the new pool opens, last chance to use the facilities... ● Crash courses for beginners and improvers, £35.00 per week, half hour class each day Mon - Fri ● All swimming abilities accepted ● Family Fun Sessions Come along and test our waterslide!
To register your child call 01684 293740
Swimming Pool &Health Suite Oldbury Road Tewkesbury, Glos 01684 293740
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Page 55
Is your other half gluten-free? So are half of our ready meals. More and more of us are discovering we are gluten-intolerant. Yet gluten-free food has been expensive and hard to find, until now. Choose from over 150 dishes from Diced Beef Chilli to Rice Pudding, each made using tasty ingredients that are perfectly cooked then quick-frozen to lock the goodness in. All available no-contract, no-commitment and with free delivery. Just order what you want, when you want.
Braised Beef in Rich Sauce ÂŁ4.95 from our Gluten-Free selection Call us today for your FREE brochure
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