Tewkesbury Magazine May16

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May 2016

ne i z ga a M y l nth o M

The Grass Can Be Greener

Gardening by Pippa Greenwood

Spruce Up Your Home Office Home & Interiors by Katherine Sorrell

Martin Lewis Energy Advice

The Millionaire Maker Local Writer Richard Denny

May What‘s On Guide

Local News Local Businesses

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Page 4

Open Mon - Sat 10am to 4pm, Wed & Sun closed

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

From the Editor

Local Magazines Published by Glos Directories - connecting local businesses with local people

Dear Reader, Don’t you just love May? It’s the month that blesses us with not just one Bank Holiday – it gives us two! So now it is to decide what we will be doing on our extended weekends! Will it be a day out, a day in or will we be attempting a spot of DIY? Once again it is all down to the weather and if April was anything to go by we could have rain, sleet, hailstones, snow and maybe the odd bit of sunshine! May is also that time of the year when we start tot hear the sound of lawn mowers and strimmers buzzing away, as we attempt to tackle the garden that so far this year has been too sodden to even cut the grass. I’m really hoping for BBQ and gardening weather but if not, it will be the ideal time to get those jobs done around the house that I’ve been putting off for ages. Whatever you are planning to do on the two Bank Holidays this month, enjoy it because apart from the one in August, the next extra day off is Boxing Day! Enjoy reading your May issue and see you next month! Best wishes, Vicky Muller

- Editor

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Richard Denny Your Success Coach The media have called Richard Denny ‘The Millionaire Maker’. For over 30 years he has helped thousands of people into financial wealth, and others into greater achievement and happiness. His lectures, books, videos, DVD’s and CD’s are bought around the world.

10 Tips for a Happy Home Our home life affects pretty much every aspect of our lives and has a huge bearing on the level of enjoyment we experience in our activities on the outside. We lead busy lives these days with members of the family scattering in all directions, coming together for snatches of time. Stress levels can sometimes rocket right off the scale, leading to tension and aggravation. Times are tough and now almost more than ever in our recent history we need to have a safe haven where we can relax and feel comfortable, loving and loved. Like so many recipes the simplest are often the best and most effective. Creating a warm, loving, pleasant and comfortable home life isn’t rocket science. It really boils down to putting our family first – their feelings and how our actions can have a positive effect, or one of destructiveness. Try these tips and watch the reaction of those in your home, don’t tell just do. 1. Create something to look forward to both as individuals and collectively, get into the habit of having goals that you and your family can enjoy together. It is said that apparently people who play together seem to stay together. 2. Eat together once a day, around a table if possible, or at least make designated family meal days and absolutely at least one meal at weekends when all are there. 3. Listen – less telling and more listening.

Teenagers often voice a lot of rubbish as you did, but listen you don’t have to react. Become a great listener and your family will love you. 4. Actions speak louder than words so lead by example, children and young people NEED role models. 5. Look for the good things in and about each other and give compliments. 6. Try always to have something positive to say. Those meal times together should be fun times with a little bit of laughter so all participants look forward to the time together. 7. Praise is more powerful than criticism, but sadly very hard for some to do. 8. Demonstrate love and kindness. 9. At the end of each day share the good things that have happened during your day, however small or seemingly insignificant. 10. Keep anger out of the house, nobody else forces us to be angry, we allow ourselves to be angry. Anger is for East Enders, but not in your house.

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To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

How Niche Personal Coaching can help you “I feel at my wits end and don’t • What will people think if they know what to do to help me get know I’m seeking help? through this constant feeling of • I can’t afford it low self-esteem and depression.” Let me dispel some myths. I have Does that sound familiar? When proved it does work; whether we are feeling at our lowest its dealing with low self-esteem, it’s hard to see a way out and confidence, addictions, family the last thing we think of doing issues or relationship concerns is being positive and seeking talking through them with a professional support. trained professional will achieve great results. When we feel things are going wrong we recall a host of negative memories and before we know it we have a frame of mind that is dragging us down. Some of the many concerns people have before seeking help and support include; • It doesn’t work • I will end up on medication • Coaching and counselling is only for crazy people • It might make things worse

You are more likely to come off anti-depressants than go on them! My clients that come to me are far from crazy, in fact they realise the severity of their worries and are positively acting to address them. Things will only get worse if they are swept under the carpet and left to go unresolved.

If we have a maintenance problem at home like say blocked drains, we have to get them sorted. This runs into hundreds of pounds and we except it as part of our property up keep. However, we do not feel we should spend money on getting our personal emotional welfare in shape. We cannot expect to take on huge challenges without putting into place the foundations that a positive outlook, high selfconfidence and self-belief brings. Remember if you keep on doing what you have always done you will keep on getting what you’ve always got. - Carl May, Niche Personal Coaching


You cannot change what other people may be thinking but you can change the way you think.

Niche Personal Coaching “helping you to help yourself” Realistic support to help you achieve your life’s goals and improve your emotional well-being. I can help you with; * * * *

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For more information please contact me in strictest confidence or visit my website. Carl May PNLP 07768 140710 carl@nichepersonalcoaching.co.uk www.nichepersonalcoaching.co.uk

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Page 9

Local Computer Advice

Watch out for rogue emails I have had a lot of calls about emails recently. There seems to be a lot, and I mean a lot, of rogue emails about, ones that claim to be from respectable senders but carry some form of virus or malware in the attachment. They often take the form of business correspondence, with subjects such as: Bloggs & Co: Your invoice is attached or Smith Bros: Refund advice. Bloggs & Smith can be anyone, often large internet companies such and Amazon or Argos, sometimes the taxman. These are stolen names, and the email has nothing to do with them. Open the attachment and usually one of two things happens: either it asks you for your bank account/card details or it releases malware on to your PC, often it will do both. So, how do you decide which email is bad? 1. Ask yourself, are you expecting

an email from the sender? • Have you ever bought anything from that firm? If you haven’t, why would they invoice you? • Banks will not email you asking for account details. • Are you expecting a refund? Remember HMRC do not email tax rebates. 2. Does the sender's REAL email address match that on the email? Fraudulent emails may appear to come from, say: office@ adcomputing.co.uk, but have actually been sent from elsewhere. A quick way to find out where a mail has actually been sent from is to click on reply (BUT NOT SEND). In the “To” box you will see the real sender, which will often be completely different – for example: abd456@qmail67.ru. This address does not relate to adcomputing, and has a Russian

suffix (.ru). Now, why would a British company have a Russian mail address? It doesn’t, the mail is a scam. So, if you receive a mail which is clearly fraudulent, delete it, without opening. If you receive a mail you are not sure about, check the reply address, if it doesn’t tally, delete it. If you are still not sure, contact the company/bank who you believe sent it by phone, or by email but use an address from a letterhead or other document. Do not reply to the iffy address. Take care! Any problems, give us a ring on 01452 384845 or email bill@adcomputing.co.uk

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A D Computing 01452 384845 www.adcomputing.co.uk office@adcomputing.co.uk

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

Kingdom Interiors SHOWROOM OPEN DAY Please come and join us at our fabulous showroom on S AT U R D AY 1 4 T H M AY, 1 0 A M - 4 P M Huge range of fabric and wallpaper collections, the widest selection in the area!

ON SALE ON THE DAY: Talk at 11am from renowned fabric and wallpaper designers Sanderson.

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www.kingdominteriors.co.uk • 01684 291037 At our showroom : The Long Barn, Mitre Farm, Corse Lawn, Gloucester, GL19 4NG If you can't come along, do take a look at the Kingdom Interior's website which has the largest on-line range of designer fabrics and wallpapers in the UK...and all on your doorstep!

Golden Years

Memories of 50 Years Ago by Ted Bruning

It sometimes seems that the world is being engulfed by an unstoppable tsunami of terrorism. The Islamic world in particular is in flames from Nigeria to the Hindu Kush; the seas and beaches of the Mediterranean are awash with a flotsam and jetsam of drowned refugees; and as nobody can agree either on the cause or the solution there seems no end in sight. The present horrors are on such a vast scale because the political upheavals that caused them were themselves so vast. But if you look back 50 years you might perhaps conclude that little has changed: in 1966 the Vietnam War was intensifying; the Biafran War was erupting; India and Pakistan were also at war; as many as 70,000 Egyptian troops, as well as Saudi and Jordanian forces, were bogged down in the eightyear Yemeni Civil War. Nowhere, it seemed, was immune – not even Britain, where on 7th May 1966 the petrol-bombing of a Belfast pub started a fire that burned for 28 years. The conventional narrative of the Troubles is that the flashpoint came in August 1969 with the Battle of the Bogside, three days of nationalist riots in support of Northern Ireland’s hitherto-peaceful Civil Rights movement. The riots followed a bloodless bombing campaign against water, telephone, and

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electricity installations which was blamed on the IRA and which forced the resignation of the province’s moderate prime minister, Terence O’Neill. But in reality, the violence had started three years earlier, and the IRA – which at the time was virtually defunct – had nothing to do with it. The Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association had been formed in 1964 to campaign against discrimination against the province’s Roman Catholics in jobs, housing, education, public spending, and political representation, and O’Neill was well-disposed to negotiations. Alarmed, the Protestant community reacted. Ian Paisley founded the Ulster Constitutional Defence Committee and its paramilitary wing, the Ulster Protestant Volunteers, and an ex-military policeman named Gusty Spence founded the Ulster Volunteer Force. It was Spence’s UVF that drew the first blood. On 8th March 1966, the IRA summoned up the energy – and the dynamite – to blow up a statue of Nelson in Dublin (pictured above). Spence’s UVF retaliated two months later, petrol-bombing a Catholic-owned bar in the largely Protestant Shankill Road. The only casualty was the bar’s neighbour, 77-yearold Protestant widow Matilda Gould, who died of her injuries in hospital six weeks later. And with that horrible irony, the Troubles had begun. In the years that followed some 3,600 were murdered – nobody knows for certain how many. Maybe 800 of them were security personnel, and many of the civilian dead were terrorists

themselves – again, nobody knows for certain how many. Most, though, were blameless pubgoers and passers-by, bombed or shot at random, or chosen for torture and death as suspected informants. But how did it all come to an end? Who won and who lost? Well, democracy won, as it always does. The nationalists secured some concessions, but as long as Northern Ireland remains firmly attached to the UK they can hardly claim victory. The Troubles fizzled out because the insurgents ran out of energy and the democratic politicians kept their nerve. They were tough, uncompromising, and determined. But they made it clear that while the terrorists weren’t going to win anything, there’d always be a place at the table for them – as in Israel, Kenya, and Cyprus – if they renounced violence. In the end, and after serving 18 years for murder, even Gusty Spence, the man who started it all, saw sense and became a democratic politician. Could the same process bring peace to the Middle East? Could Al-Baghdadi one day take his seat as a Syrian MP? Remember Menachem Begin; remember Jomo Kenyatta; remember Archbishop Makarios. Perhaps we should send Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness to Razza to talk some sense into him!

Happy 50tH BirtHdays to

Janet Jackson (16th), Eric Cantona (21st), Helena Bonham-Carter (26th), and Heston Blumenthal (27th)

Cake and botox to you all!

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

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Page 13

Tewkesbury Talk “Snow in April is abominable," said Anne. "Like a slap in the face when you expected a kiss.” - L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Ingleside I thought this quote quite apt for the month we have just had. Warm and sunny with a blast of cold, wet and windy and then snow! Let us hope May is going to be a little calmer, as it is packed with events and things to do. As I write this we have not yet had the Vintage Fair, at the Watson Hall which this year is helping to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday on 21st April. On her birthday, the Queen, and The Duke of Edinburgh, will go on a “walkabout” of Windsor. In the evening she will light the first of 900 beacons worldwide to commemorate her birthday. Unfortunately, Tewkesbury’s beacon can no longer be lit as it has literally rotted away through years of exposure to floods and the elements. Wouldn’t it be lovely if this could be replaced again for events such as this? Easter was early this year, giving seasoned fundraisers for Acorns Hospice, Mr and Mrs Haycock from Twyning, a bit of a headache in getting the cream egg filled knitted animals out for sale in time. However, with new outlets on board, they managed to raise a fabulous £2,030.65 for the charity which provides much needed care for life limited children and their families. The star sellers were new recruits Chamberlains (Stationers) Ltd who raised a fabulous £491.99. We raised £101 in Tewkesbury Cards & Gifts so we need to pull our socks up next year! Mrs Haycock asked that we passed on her thanks to everyone involved – Page 14

buyers, knitters and selling outlets. As you know, Mike and I do like to take a wander around town from time to time, and we have been fascinated by the imaginative window displays at O’Brien, Wrench & Lowcock Opticians in Barton Street. We took a snap of a couple – the mops are a brilliant idea and I would recommend you all take a look when you are down that way – and why not pop into Tilly’s Tea Room or The Jelly Roll Café. Both are friendly and welcoming with great food to eat in or take away.

View of Avon towards Abbeu (Michael Protheroe)

way, as well as several groups of ducks O'Brien Lowcock & Wrench window (I thought hot air balloons (Michael Protheroe) Mike’s picture of the Barge was more interesting than the several he took O'Brien Lowcock & Wrench window of ducks!). Easter Rabbits (Michael Protheroe) On our We also took a stroll along the walk it river one evening to have a lovely struck meal at The Boat House. We saw me how this fabulous barge decorated much the with beautiful flowers along the river has

Narrow boat on Back of Avon (Michael Protheroe)

Arthur Payne collecing Reeds from The Mill Avon (courtesy of Jean Mansfield)

Arthur Payne and Sheila Wynter collecting reeds in the river Severn (courtesy of Jean Mansfield)

changed over recent years. Jean Mansfield has kindly let me use these pictures of her late father, Arthur Payne, a basket maker, collecting reeds from the river, a lovely reminder of a dying art. Another dying art is working with willow, and there is a

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

Garden Willow Workshop at the Heritage Centre in Church Street, on 28th May where you can learn how to make a Garden Wigwam plant support. The cost is £35, all materials and refreshments are provided but spaces are very limited so do telephone to book your place on 01684 855040. To learn more about the history of our town, and as part of Tewkesbury’s Big Weekend, Tewkesbury Historical Society is hosting a free History-hunt to find the hidden local history treasures in the town on Saturday 7th May. It will be suitable for children and adults. You simply need to form a team and collect a clue sheet from the Library Lobby between 1.30pm and 2.15pm. There will be a choice of two clue sheets to use, a more family-/child-oriented one and one more tailored to those knowledgeable about Tewkesbury’s history. Just follow the trail on foot solving history clues along the way whilst learning about the town. The route is all outdoors, along paved paths in the town centre; there are no stairs. On completion of the trail a tour of one of Tewkesbury’s historic gems will be available, along with light refreshments. There will be awards for all participating children. If only we weren’t working,...I would love to do this!

on their web page, and include boat races, a river and walking parade, psychic fair, and the dog show at the Vineyards. The following week sees the Antique Road Show team come to the Abbey. Everyone needs to keep their fingers crossed for fine weather on 12th May, when the Abbey and its grounds will be hosting the show which will be screened later in the year. The following Sunday 15th May, the Tewkesbury Half Marathon, sponsored by local company MOOG is being held with the race HQ at Tewkesbury Rugby Club in Gander Lane. The race starts in Lincoln Green Lane at 10.00am and it would be great to get people out to support the competitors, many of whom will be raising funds for The Roses Theatre. For those who are looking for some evening entertainment the Manor Players, an amateur dramatic society based in Tewkesbury, are presenting Annie by arrangement with Josef Weinberger Ltd, book by Thomas Meehan, music by Charles Strouse and Lyrics by Martin Charnin. The production is being staged at the George Watson Memorial Hall on 12th – 14th May, 7.30 pm start, with a matinee on Saturday 14th at 2.00pm. Tickets cost £10 and are

available from The Orange Pig. Old Chapel Court Concerts have two performances in May, on 13th at 8.00pm and 28th at 3.00pm at The Old Baptist Chapel Church Street. For more information call 01684 850112. For those of you who like a little retail therapy, there is the Boys Brigade Tabletop Sale on Monday 2nd May from 12.30 to 4.30pm at the Boys Brigade Community Centre, Newtown – to raise funds in their anniversary year. In addition the regular Car Boot Sales have started at Tewkesbury School 9.30 am - midday in the main car park. They are held every fortnight and are on the following Sundays – 1st, 15th and 29th May; 12th and 26th June; 10th and 24th July; 7th August. Finally, The Tewkesbury Abbey Fete is being held on 30th May in the Abbey Grounds. Now that is a busy month, let’s hope that we get lots of lovely sunshine like in this recent picture of the town by Jack Boskett (Jack Boskett Photography). Remember if you have anything you would like me to include I can be found daily at Tewkesbury Cards & Gifts, 135 High Street. - by Louise Jones

The Big Weekend runs over the weekend of 6th - 8th May, and there are many events planned both on the River, in the town and at the Vineyards. Mike and I have booked our place on the River boat cruise on the 6th. It leaves at 7pm and costs £8 per person with the option of a game of bingo at £1 per game. You can order your tickets at M&Co or Sweets & Treats in the High Street. Full details of the weekend are available Please mention Tewkesbury Magazine when responding to advertisers

Page 15


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Page 16

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

Be part of the Cheltenham Challenge Sunday 19th June 2016 Welcome to the Cheltenham Challenge, an exciting, challenging, multi-terrain running event offering participants a range of distances. There is something for everyone whatever your age and ability, whether you are an experienced runner, novice, junior or are running as a family with your children, even your dog. Walkers are also welcome to take part in the 5k, 10k and Half Marathon distances. Our Festival of Running is held in the glorious countryside around Cheltenham Racecourse with spectacular scenic routes using public footpaths, sections of the Cheltenham Circular Footpath, Cotswold Way and Winchcombe


Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning If you are looking to have your carpets, rugs or upholstery cleaned, at home or at work, you can be confident in choosing Churchdown Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning. They are an independent Gloucestershire business offering a high standard of workmanship. Their superb clean is achieved using powerful truck-mounted equipment together with specialist stain removal treatment and the most modern cleaning solutions.

Way. You will pass through glorious Cotswold countryside offering fantastic views. The terrain is like no other running event in the area. From 2016, the adult 10k, Half, Marathon and Ultra Marathon events are licensed by the British Trail Association and run under UK Athletics (UKA) rules. The Full and Ultra Marathon events are for experienced runners only. To celebrate Father's Day, we have two family fun runs: a 5k event (all ages) and 10k Junior & Child categories. We will have a number of stalls including funfair rides, food and drink in our event village, helping to make the day a real family fun day.

With hundreds of happy customers they have a wealth of experience bringing carpets back to life in homes and commercial spaces.

Organised by Gloucestershire charity County Community Projects (CCP, the annual Cheltenham Challenge has raised over half a million pounds for more than 75 charities to date. You are welcome to use the event to fundraise for CCP, one of our partner charities, or any other charity of your choice. www.cheltenhamchallenge.org.uk www.facebook.com/CheltChallenge @CheltChallenge #BeThere

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Page 17

Choirs are fun. Let the fun continue! There are many long established choirs active in the Cotswolds; there’s just something magical about the area that inspires people to band together and make music. The successful Gareth Malone BBC TV series and Claire Carter’s regular choir interviews on BBC Radio Gloucestershire have shown the many benefits of singing in a choir and many more choirs have been formed with the aim of having, and bringing, fun. Choirs are in the ascendance and this increase in choirs has raised the need to recruit and retain members, and also to find concerts and audiences. This article looks primarily at the recruiting pressures on Male Voice Choirs, but these pressures are applicable to varying degrees to all choirs; nationwide. I have been a member of the Cotswold Male Voice Choir (CMVC) for over 10 years and I am currently serving on the committee. The CMVC have been in existence for over 65 years and it is our intention to keep going for many, many more years. Male Voice Choirs were in a golden age when men, working in male dominated workplaces, had the spare time and lack of other distractions to come together once or twice a week and organise themselves to make music; largely for the amusement of themselves and their communities. This golden age has passed. Many working men do not, quite rightly, work in male dominated organisations, and workplaces themselves have changed. The set one hour lunch break no longer exists, the 9 to 5 timetable Page 18

no longer exists, people no longer live next door to their factory or mine, and commuting takes up time and energy. In our homes we (men) The Cotswold Male Voice Choir at Cheltenham Town nowadays take our Hall (Picture by Jon Worrall Photography) share of childcare • A big smile on your face and household duties, and have when you’ve just learned a many more distractions with TV, new, fantastic, piece of music. purchased music and the internet. • An even bigger smile on your Despite all these pressures a few face – when all your hard Male Voice Choirs have persisted work results in rapturous but they’re slowly diminishing in applause from an appreciative numbers because they’re finding audience. it difficult to attract new members. Male Voice Choirs are aware that • Make some new life-long friends, sing in some our future lies in our own hands. inspiring venues, raise spirits To quote a well-known MVC and help raise money for piece, “You who have dreams, local charities. if you act they will come true.” On behalf of all the choirs in the Cotswolds, I ask all local magazine readers to consider the benefits of being in a choir. I especially ask the men of the Cotswolds to consider the benefits of being in a Male Voice Choir; there are many: • A good work-out for the brain; ✓ Improved concentration and focus: singing your part next to someone else singing a different part. ✓ Improved memory: we learn all of our songs and use no sheets during a performance. It can be done! ✓ Improved long-term planning: work to a schedule for learning and concerts. • Improved health – breath control for singing really does bring health benefits, we still have an original member from 1949.

For the CMVC, we rehearse for 2 hours each week, and recommend about as much time again learning the words and the music. We (CMVC) support you in your learning with .mp3 files of each part and provision of music and/or printed words. So the learning time fits in with your home life, your work pattern, and your other activities. We support you in developing your singing; we don’t expect new members to be great singers; we’ll help you to be great. See www. cotswoldmvc.org for details. All choirs have an open door policy – just pop along to a rehearsal and have a no obligation listen. It’s all there waiting for you. The CMVC and all local choirs thank the magazine readers for their continuing support for local music. - Richard Gaul, CMVC Member

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PROGRAMME of EVENTS for 2016 Saturday 12 March WINE TASTING EVENING with Cindy Marie MD Lovewinefood - Details from Fay Friday 18 March FLAG DAY (Help please) Saturday 23 April BRIDGE EVENT - Details Margaret Beverley (Box Administrator) - 01242 510 193 Saturday 4 June FLOWER FESTIVAL St Andrews Church Montpellier A concert by the Churchdown Male voice choir in the evening Sunday 5 June SERVICE at St Andrews Saturday 11 June FLAG DAY Tewkesbury (Help please)

Wednesday 22 June OPEN GARDENS at Whitcombe House Overbury GL20 7HZ July (Date TBC) CMES OPEN DAY Saturday 1 - Sunday 2 October COLLECTION AND SOUVENIRS at Prescott Hill Climb, Autumn Classics Meet Friday 7 October QUIZ NIGHT AND FISH AND CHIPS SUPPER at St Lukes Parish Church Hall Wednesday 2 November AGM AND INTEREST EVENING at the Civil Services Social Club, Tewkesbury Road. Plenty of Parking Saturday 10 December NOSTALGIC CHRISTMAS CAROLS Starting at GWR Toddington Join us for a wonderful start to Christmas - Call Fay

Anyone that can help at any event please contact Fay on 01242 261 330 Page 22

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We Salute You!

The show will appeal to those who enjoy toe tapping music from the Show in aid of Armed Forces great bandleaders such Day and the Poppy Appeal as Glen Miller and the King of Swing, Benny Goodman. CB, Chartered Accountants For more energetic members of the is bringing the spirit and audience, there will be plenty of camaraderie of the war years opportunities for jive dancing. The to Tewkesbury by sponsoring finale when audience participation a nostalgic charity show at the is encouraged is a traditional war town’s music hall. time sing-along with plenty of flag The charity show ‘We Salute waving in the aisles. You’ is being organised by the Organiser, Peter Godwin of Tewkesbury Branch of the British Tewkesbury British Legion Club Legion and takes place during the says “This is our annual fundraising Armed Forces weekend to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal, and to event. It should be a really good commemorate the centenary of The evening and brings us closer to this year’s fundraising target Battle of the Somme. towards the Poppy Appeal. We The show will take place on Sunday are very grateful to CB, Chartered 26th June and will feature nostalgic Accountants for their support music performed by the Crescendo towards our appeal.” Big Band. The 18 strong band and John Painter, Managing Partner at accompanying guest singers will be CB, Chartered Accountants said, presenting a medley of 1940’s tunes "We are delighted to support The popular during the swing era and Royal British Legion on this wonderful from the heyday of the big bands commemorative event and to around the time of World War II.

acknowledge the huge sacrifice made by so many over the last 100 years.” Armed Forces Day is a national event offering the public the opportunity to show their support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community from currently serving troops to service families, veterans and cadets. Tickets for the show are priced at £10 and are available to purchase directly from the British Legion Club in Church Street or from high street retail shop, Cards & Gifts. Tickets can also be purchased online www.wesaluteyoushow. co.uk or by ringing Shelby Powell 01684 298004. Limited tickets will also be available to purchase on the evening at £12 each. Doors open at 7pm.

Crescendo Big Band

From left: Tony Shepherd (musical director), Bob Lee, (Presenter for the Crescendo Big Band) and John Painter of CB Chartered Accountants

From left: Bob Lee (presenter), Tony Shepherd (musical director of Crescendo Big Band & John Painter of CB, Chartered Accountants

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Page 23

The Grass Can Be Greener by Pippa Greenwood

Your garden should now be starting to look lush and green, with beds and borders beginning to come into their own. But if your lawn spoils it all, or you want to install one, now is the perfect time to get started. PreParing the site Remove all weeds, large stones, debris and any old grass, then dig or fork over thoroughly to remove all taproots of weeds. Kill off an old lawn or a weed infested site with weedkiller based on glyphosate, then strip it off or dig it in once it all dies off. Incorporate organic matter to improve moisture retention on sandy soils; on heavy soils dig in grit and organic matter for drainage. Next, firm the whole area by treading it over evenly in flat-soled boots, then rake thoroughly and remove stones or other debris from the surface, treading gently down again if necessary. Buying turf Buy turf from a reputable supplier which is suitable for your requirements – some, especially those including lots of dwarf ryegrass, are much tougher, while some contain a seed mixture for use in shade. Page 24

A ‘bowling green’ effect may look superb but will need more maintenance and be less hardwearing. Avoid cheaper turf as it can contain weeds, pests or diseases, or is simply not a good grass mixture. Arrange delivery of turf when you need it and never store for more than two days. It can remain rolled up for up to 24 hours, but for any longer unroll immediately, lay out flat on paving or plastic sheeting and water regularly. Laying the turf Lay turves closely together and do not allow the edges to overlap. For an even finish, joins on each row should be staggered, like bricks in a wall. Lay the first row of turf using the adjacent path or lawn edging to form a straight line to work to. Roll out each turf carefully so that the edge abuts onto its neighbour. Lay the next row, again ensuring that the long edges of each abut onto the long edges of the last row. To avoid damage, kneel on a plank placed over the previous row and continue until your new lawn is in position. If you need a small section of turf to complete a row, add this in the middle of a row rather

than at the end so it is less likely to be dislodged or dry out. For a curved edge lay the turves so that they overlap the new lawn edge and cut to shape. When finished, gently tamp the area over using the back of a rake and if any turves sink place some extra soil underneath until they are level. Finally, brush in a mixture of horticultural sand and finely sieved soil over the surface, ensuring that gaps between the turves are filled in. Care and maintenanCe Gently water the new lawn using a sprinkler, ensuring that the water penetrates right down to the root level. Water regularly in dry weather, particularly for the first couple of months whilst the roots establish and avoid walking on it during this time. You will soon have a gorgeous lawn to be proud of. Visit Pippa’s website www. pippagreenwood.com for ‘Grow Your Own with Pippa Greenwood’ - fantastic UK grown vegetable plants of your choice plus weekly advice and tips emails from Pippa, Nemaslug, biological controls, pop-up crop covers, signed books and lots more besides.

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Page 26

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The Gloucestershire Chest Fund The Gloucestershire Chest Fund is a small, local, nonprofit making registered charity founded in 1991 by Mrs Doreen Roberts, a lifelong sufferer from chest disease, and two respiratory disease consultants from Standish Hospital. The charities aim is to help create centres of excellence for the detection, diagnosis and treatment of chest diseases in the county of Gloucestershire. The Fund does not supply basic equipment that should be, and is, supplied by the NHS but answers the call from the county's Consultant Chest Physicians for high tech equipment not yet available from that source.

non-invasive detection of lung cancer sited in Gloucestershire Royal Hospital. The Lung Function facilities are now • £19,250 for a portable ultrasound concentrated in Cheltenham General scanner for Cheltenham General and Gloucestershire Royal Hospitals and a similar amount to provide and it is from these facilities that we one for Gloucestershire Royal. receive calls for help. • £38,000 to provide Pleura-Video The charity is managed by Trustees equipment for the county. and staffed by volunteers. We are now raising £48,000 to Since the formation of the charity, provide non-invasive ventilation we have raised, and largely spent, equipment to be used on C.O.P.D. a little under £650,000 in pursuit patients incurring Type II respiratory of our objectives including: failure. This equipment is life saving for these patients. • £30,000 to Professor Hugh If you would like more information, Barr to help development of or are willing to help by giving your early detection of pneumonia time or by making a donation, please and tuberculosis. visit www.gloucestershirechestfund. • £28,000 to trial and evaluate org, or contact Michelle a pulmonary rehabilitation via email at fundraising@ system. gloucestershirechestfund.org • £22,000 for exercise testing or by telephone 07734011554. equipment for Cheltenham General Hospital. Your help is invaluable • £107,000 to provide early, THANK YOU!

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Alzheimer’s: How Can We Fight Back?

Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia in the UK, affecting over 500,000 people - and public awareness is higher than ever, thanks partly to Terry Pratchett’s well-publicised diagnosis and death. But as we welcome Dementia Awareness Week (May 15th-21st), are we any closer to understanding Alzheimer’s causes - and preventing or curing it? What Causes Alzheimer’s? In Alzheimer’s patients, betaamyloid protein builds up to form ‘plaques’ or ‘tangles’ in the brain, preventing nerve cell connections and eventually causing loss of brain tissue. There is also a neurotransmitter shortage. These problems produce dementia symptoms such as memory loss, behaviour changes and a decreased ability to process information and stimuli, which increase in number and severity over time. Can We Prevent Alzheimer’s? Some risk factors for Alzheimer’s are unavoidable. Alzheimer’s is more common if: • You’re over 65 (occurrence rapidly increases over 85). • There is a family history of Alzheimer’s or you carry the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene or MTHFD1L gene.

Page 30

Other genes are specifically responsible for rare, earlyonset Alzheimer’s (although this is not solely hereditary). • You have Down’s syndrome, which can cause amyloid plaque build-up in the brain. • You’re a woman – even accounting for your longer lifespan, although it’s not clear why. Avoidable risk factors: • Excessive alcohol intake. • Heart disease risk factors such as smoking (including passive smoking), lack of exercise, high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and being overweight. • A lack of mental activity - so keep your mind active by reading, playing strategic games (e.g. chess) or completing word puzzles. Diabetes, depression and head injury also increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. While not necessarily ‘avoidable’, you can lower your chance of developing depression and diabetes through lifestyle choices, seek treatment for depression, and wear a helmet when biking or engaging in hazardous pursuits to reduce risk of head injury. Although more research is required, recent studies suggest risk can also be reduced by: • Sleeping on your side rather than your back or stomach, allowing the brain to remove waste products more efficiently. • Getting enough sleep. • Reducing your stress. • Staying sociable and avoiding loneliness. • Following the MIND diet: plenty of vegetables (in particular, green leafy ones), along with nuts, berries,

beans, whole grains, fish, poultry, olive oil and wine (in moderation), and limiting intake of red meats, butter, hard margarine, cheese, pastries, sweets, and fried or fast foods. Can We Cure Alzheimer’s? Not yet. However, there are treatments to alleviate symptoms. Cognitive Stimulation: enjoyable activities that stimulate thinking and encourage engagement. CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy): to help sufferers discuss concerns and adopt more positive ways of thinking. Alternative Therapies such as aromatherapy, massage or music therapy. Drug treatments: cholinesterase inhibitors such as Donepezil (Aricept), Galantamine (Reminyl) and Rivastigmine (Exelon) increase levels of the neurotransmitter acetycholine, They can sometimes improve brain function in sufferers with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s. For severe Alzheimer’s (or moderate Alzheimer’s, unresponsive to cholinesterase inhibitors), Memantine (Ebixa or Axura) may slow the decline in brain function. Medicines to reduce depression, agitation, anxiety and aggression may also be given. Hope for the Future Researchers are working on Alzheimer’s prevention, identification of further genetic markers and potential treatments such as ultrasound waves and drugs already used for diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis.

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

Mental Health Awareness Week May 16th – 22nd May 2016

Coffee Morning at Tewkesbury Drop In Tuesday 17th May, 10:30am

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Days of the Week 1. Since the mid-1930s, UK General Elections have always been held on which day of the week? 2. What is the only day of the week that is an anagram of a valid English word? 3. The final round of each the four major golf championships normally takes place on which day of the week? 4. What day commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus and his Apostles?... Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday or Good Friday? 5. According to the nursery rhyme, on what day of the week did Solomon Grundy get married? 6. Which day of the week features in the titles of top ten hit singles by New Order, Duran Duran and the Bangles? 7. Which TV and film character has the middle name of Friday and a first name to suggest she might be full of woe? 8. What is the first day of the week mentioned in the lyrics of the theme song for the TV show Happy Days? 9. "Mardi Gras" is French for what?... lazy Monday, fat Tuesday or angry Wednesday? 10. Hosted by Chris Evans, when the TV show TFI Friday was first broadcast in 1996, what did Channel 4 say the letters in "TFI" stood for? Please mention Tewkesbury Magazine when responding to advertisers

Page 33

Home & Interiors Spruce Up Your Home Office

Dodgy desk, awkward chair or overflowing shelves? It’s time to give your home office a facelift, says Katherine Sorrell Whether your working space is a corner of the kitchen used for catching up with email, or a high-spec office with everything necessary for fulltime self-employment, it needs to work for you. A few small improvements can make your workspace more comfortable, functional and attractive.

could consider adding a small worktop to one side of your existing desk, or improve your organisation with a new desk that incorporates drawers, cubby holes, shelves or whatever other type of storage you need. If you can, use nearby walls to lift as much as possible off the surface of your desk by introducing wall-mounted storage such as shelves, pin boards, peg boards or hanging racks. Anything that stacks is useful, too. Before you know it, you’ll be able to see your laptop again.

Start with a clear out and a tidy up: go through your old paperwork, stationery, books etc. and give it away, recycle it, file it well out of the way or bin it, as appropriate, and you’re bound to create extra space. Then, sort out messy cabling with extension leads, cable clips or by adding an extra double plug socket.

A lack of storage probably goes for home offices more than any other space in the house. You may be happy with buying a conventional filing cabinet and/or bookcase, but don’t be afraid to look beyond the usual office suppliers: vintage and industrial pieces can add an element of unexpected style to brighten up your work time. Add boxes, baskets, trolleys, racks and desktop accessories in colours and textures that suit your space and personal style.

Next: your desk. If you are still running out of room, you

If boring looks are the problem, then why not give everything

Page 34

By Katherine Sorrell

a facelift with the paintbrush? Neutrals are undeniably good for concentration, but go for bold colours if they make you happy. Blackboard paint comes in a range of colours and is a great option for sections of walls, desk tops or cupboard fronts where you might want to chalk up some notes. And, how about adding pretty curtains or blinds, an eye-catching rug, a display of collectibles or a dramatic painting or framed photograph? A comfortable chair is a must and an adjustable office chair on castors is best. If yours is dull or ugly, either re-upholster it, make a loose cover or, at worst, hang a length of fabric over the back and add an attractive cushion. Another essential is a good desk light – choose one that is bright, adjustable and that you love the look of. There’s an enormous choice, at prices to suit every budget. For the final details, add accessories to brighten up your life, from a good-looking waste bin to a house plant, some colourful wall art or a scented candle. Let’s face it, the more you enjoy being at work, the more productive you’ll be. Image - A good desk is essential. The new Phineas desk is made from oak and has two cubby holes, drawers, and a cut-out for cables. It costs £545 from Loaf, tel 0845 468 0698; www.loaf.com

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Picture of the month

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‘You Only Have to Ask’! Town Crier Mike Kean-Price reading a happy birthday message for the Queen from the top of Tewkesbury Abbey last month. Picture by Jack Boskett (Jack Boskett Photography)

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Mini Cryptic Crossword Across 1. Puncture when recipe is changed (6) 4. Stumble on a journey (4) 8. Smell one before an Italian city (5) 10. Article of faith viewed either way (5) 11. Takes round wooden post (5) 12. Lawyer who makes and serves coffee, we hear (9) 18. Exists as Elvis goes about (5) 19. Parisian flower (5) 21. Hip new queen or private (5) 22. Always in reverse (4) 23. An aged sort of plan (6) Down 1. Drawers and gasps for breath (5) 2. Enthusiastic energy after a lane change (4) 3. Fool to coagulate (4) 5. Tax return? (6) 6. Space apart for strides (5) 7. Rock group is a welcome sight in the desert (5) 9. Bring up at last (4) 13. I saved up to make a suggestion (6)

14. Sticky stuff from Flores, I note (5) 15. Plant seen in the street (4) 16. Near finish (5) 17. High IQ society

names changes (5) 19. Unforeseen problem in Ulhasnagar (4) 20. A country ruled by me! (4)

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You will find all the tools you need to make the recipe below in our shop. Our friendly and experienced team is always here for you if you need any help or advice.

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BANANA BREAD With optional walnuts or dried fruit… Delicious and comforting! This can also be made with gluten free flour, but you will need to bake it for a little longer. Don't make this using a blender or hand mixer as it will be too smooth and paste-like! A strong arm or mixer with a paddle will give the best results. I heartily recommend the walnuts as they give a lovely texture.

This delicious Recipe is Brought to you by Tewkesbury Cookshop YOU WILL NEED 1lb loaf tin (or silicone pan, or individual mini-loaves) Mixer with paddle, or a strong arm holding a wooden spoon! Mixing bowl and wooden spoon

Sieve Peeler and grater

RECIPE • 4 oz (125g) softened butter (and extra for greasing the tin) • 3 average-sized ripe bananas • 9 oz (250g) self-raising flour (gluten free works well too, I use Dove’s Farm) • 2 eggs • 4 oz (125g) golden caster sugar (ordinary is fine too)

• 1 eating apple, peeled and grated • 1 tablespoon honey or golden syrup • 1 teaspoon mixed spice • 4 oz (125g) chopped walnuts or dried fruit (optional) • 2 tablespoons rum (if using)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

tester in – if it comes out clean, the bread Pre-heat your oven to 150°C, Gas mark 3 is done. If it comes out with any mixture on, Grease your loaf tin you will need to bake it for another In the mixing bowl, mash the ripe bananas with a fork 10 minutes and then check it again. and add the butter, mashing them together. 7. When the bread is ready, take out of the Add the apple and honey (and rum if you're using it!). oven and leave to rest in the tin for five Sieve the flour and mixed spice into the bowl, add the minutes, and then turn out onto a cooling sugar and walnut pieces if you're adding them, and stir rack until cool enough to eat. everything together. 8. Slice and enjoy! Add the eggs one at a time to the bowl. Stir in gradually and then mix everything vigorously. Lovely with a cup of good tea...you can Pour the bread mixture into the tin and bake for add a cream cheese topping to this, a approximately an hour and a half. If you're using bit like carrot cake, or slice and spread gluten free flour it will take a little longer. this with butter or jam, or even chocolate At the end of the baking time, stick a skewer or cake spread! Delicious with ice cream too.

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John Badham remembers Bertram Arthur "Jimmy" James, MC, RAF As my year as Town Mayor comes to an end, I have reflected quite a lot on the experiences I have had and the amazing people I have met. There are lots of extraordinary people who usually, in my experience, hide their lights firmly under the bushel. Certainly I have been privileged to meet many in Tewkesbury. However, I thought this might be an opportunity to tell the story of one very special person I met in a former life- this person was one of the most impressive lovable men I have ever known. At the time I was the Headmaster of a boarding prep school. After supper once a week we brought in speakers from the local area to broaden the children's general knowledge and hopefully to entertain them. A local chap, Squadron Leader Bertram 'Jimmy' James M.C. volunteered to come in. This very modest unassuming elderly man who turned up with his formidable Irish wife Madge, clutched under his arm some drawings. On first impression, one was most struck by his apparent ordinariness. Many of you may know his story, he was one of the seventy-seven men


We take the gift of our children’s good health for granted – but a healthy baby is a miracle. There are currently over 5,000 young people aged 16-24 with Congenital Heart Disease in the South West, of which 600 have complex conditions. These young people are all supported by the Bristol Heart Institute. They and their families are battling to come to terms with the physical and emotional challenges of life limiting, or terminal heart conditions. Youth@Heart was set up in memory of Alice Lawson who struggled with CHD. She was determined to make

who escaped from Stalag Luft III PoW camp in Silesia in 1944, in his case one of thirteen escapes he was involved in. Fifty of them were later shot by the Gestapo. Jimmy survived and the drawings he clutched were his own impressions of the escape tunnels. He was the 'tunnel' King a role taken in the famous film by Charles Bronson. He was not a great communicator and he often lost the thread and lacked the visual aids most speakers possessed. Yet the children were mesmerised by his story and by him. Those as young as nine didn't necessarily understand the details of his narrative, but they intuitively understood that this modest gentle man possessed something beguiling - a simple decency and courage that made him unique. What he gave them was a lesson in what it means to be a good man - perhaps the most important educative experience of all.

life-long depression as a a result of his experiences but he found some peace in a deeply held Christian conviction.

I grew to love him and I believe that for a number of years until his death in 2008 I could count him as my friend. I have never forgotten this He was without bitterness - indeed wonderful man, many of us have he retained an affection and respect been privileged to meet such people for the German people, despite and I have been in particular in this being tortured in Sachsenhausen year as Town Mayor. Concentration Camp and the death of so many close friends including his - by John Badham beloved Roger Bushell. He suffered

a difference to the lives of others in a similar position. Sadly Alice died aged just 22, before she could see her vision realised. 85% of children born with CHD now survive into adulthood, but face an uncertain future. Their emotional health is challenging and affects their physical health. Our aims are to: • Fund a Community Cardiac Youth Worker, undertaking a liaison role between the young person, medical professionals and community provision. Their focus will be on the young person’s holistic needs and will provide support for their emotional wellbeing.

• To offer support, awareness and opportunity to teenagers, young adults (16 to 24) and their families in Gloucestershire (and across the South West), born with complex CHD. • To raise public understanding of complex CHD and its impact on the young person and their family. Your support will help us achieve these aims. For more information visit www.youthatheart.co.uk

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drains and automobiles


t for various reasons be it business or personal, p cut the cost of travel.

By Martin Lewis @moneysavingexpert

of fuel via extreme couponing trick.

anning a big spend at any one of 50+ retailers between boiler-only, the cheaper option that willcontrols, only showor you the tariffs that cov House and PC World),1)buy Allof ofFraser, the big Homebase six energy providers boiler and its central heating It’s quick and easy to switch. they get paid for. This filtersonout d in –Morrisons and you getNpower, 1p/litre off fuelSlashing per the amount you pay for includes full central heating cover top (inc British Gas, EDF, Eon, some of the cheapest deals. Make So £100 gets 10p off free really isn’t difficult. It takes radiators, pipes, etc). Scottish Power andand SSE£1,000ish – have gets aenergy sure when you’re doing a compariminutes to find your cheapest, then now announced price cuts to son you’ve selected the option to it’s switched over in 17 days. I c) gotTo find the compare prices their standard tariffs, most to hit seecheapest, all the results, that way you’llvia u four newish members of my team ck isn’t to use them as gifts, but that if you’re and add in Energyhelpline.com if you’ve time get to see the best deals. over the next month; but these to do a comparison and on average big purchase in that store anyway, first pop into it took 5 minutes 52 seconds. and are buypiddly, the giftpaltry, card.tiny, Thenirrelevant a few days later, - Beware personal and, ultimately, ignorable. Even tive, go and use it to buy your planned Those who worry about●switchprojections you’re a Get a year's breakdownifcover for on £17. cuts of roughly £30 apetrol ing, don’t – it’s the same pipes, givingafter youthese a potentially whopping fixed tariff year, without question here’s a full list ofany retailers andyou more info gas, at meter and safety – the only When doing a comparison, most If your car has had trouble during the winter thing that changes is the price follow the regulaisonsfuelsaver.co.uk. are BEING RIPPED OFF – typically be costly tocomparison pay it backsites in the Spring. Thankf and customer service. guidance ‘per- ch by over £300 a year. know whattors’ you’re doingand youshow can your get super sonal projection’, which is effectively heating down, but not off if you're going away There are four things you need to know: If you’re detecting a sense of

2) Use a comparison site but

your average energy cost over the

next year. frustration my burst writing, you are dothat it the right way. ld, no heating in risks pipes. So much so - If you’re renewing, haggle. 84% of AA and 7 correct. I’ve been banging on about As your saving and your cheap-customer who tried reported success. ers won't cover you for damage if your home's This is normally fine, but is nonsense this for over a decade, yet still 70% est depends on where you live d for more than five days and you turned the for anyone on abasic fixedcover tariff ending - If you’re new then for use a cash of the UK population are on these and14what you use, there’s no one . Thedamn rule awful of thumb is keep it to a minimum within 12 months – something I’veAA p standard RAC policy is £28 online and an tariffs. So before I get winner. Plug your details into a campaigned against, to little avail. but sites like Topcashback.co.uk and Quidco. into the “whats” and “hows”, let comparison site and it’ll show your For example, if your current fixcost coststo me prove why you need to listen. around £10-£15 back so the effective best deal. £800 a year and ends in six months, o tickets for one train journey can save you This usually works, though do note the cashb To do this, you need your address, In recent weeks my Twitter and and after you’ll then pay £1,200 100% guaranteed. your current tariff and your usemail inbox have been swamped a year, as you’ll be on the energy age. The best usage to put in is- If you have Tesco clubcard points you can sw with people shocked at their firm’s standard tariff, the personal ng makes about as much sense as Chewbacca, your Kilowatt hours, if not that, for RAC cover, so £16say ofyou’ll vouchers givesinyou b savings and wishing they’d done projection pay £1,000 then your annual cost, if not then s. It’sit where buyjust tickets breakdown.a year – the cost averaged over 12 before.you Here’s two: for a journey’s monthly cost. t parts separately to slash the price. It’s allowed - For full service, months.Autoaidbreakdown.co.uk is If you don’t have any info – just Sarah: “Switched gas only and electric. ditions of carriage – the rule is that the reclaim polcy for £42/year, which covers you Saving of £1,117you perbuy year, shouldfor. guess! While you may not get the if thestart, market’s cheapest and deal onwa is call at the stations tickets spouse for So home breakdown perfect result, if you’re on a stanhave done it years ago.” £900 a year, the results will tell you local delivery firm is sent out, and you pay th dard tariff you’ll save substantially. to switch and save £100. Yet do e, a Jo: single from Manchester toitget the cost back. “@MartinSLewis - just to Cornwall costs To do a comparison you can use receipts my now and for the first six months he train stops&atsaved Cheltenham Spa.gas Buy a £52 switched £813 on my www.CheapEnergyClub.com or, alteryou’ll actually be paying more, not Manchester to Cheltenham Spa, then a £58 & electric?!? Un-flippin’ believ● Do you know your stopcock is? to natively, you can use any www.ofgem. less.where You need to see both prices hereable!! to Cornwall andfor thebanging total's £110. That’s theapproved comparison site, but, Thank you on gov.uk make a decision, which www.cheaptheabout same it!” time – possibly even the same ifseat. so, do watch for two things. No nudge nudge wink winkdoes. needed. Everyone energyclub.co.uk Comparetheenergyhelpline.com stopcock –and mains water tap – is. - Ensure it searches all where theirmarket.com d if you can do this for your journey, use my have to see bothof as damage, well. bursts create anoptions average £4,000 m tariffs ySplit tool at mse.me/ticketysplit. As Justine you can't find the off switch as your home flo Some comparison sites by default e: "Genius - tickety split has just saved me £50, prepared. Page 42 To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk xact same journey."

- Check customer service feedback too

It’s not all about pure price, ser-

vice counts. It may be worth paying a little more for one with a good service record; Ovo is relatively cheap for many people with a good track record. Most comparison sites include some service listings.

3) If you don’t want to change

t covers your change tariff. supplier, ver, which Many confuse changing tariffs with cluding changing companies, but you don’t

necessarily have to. For example, at the time of writing this, if you’re on uSwitch.com Npower’s standard tariff, which on e. typical usage is £1,110/year, you can switch to its cheapest 12 month fix, which is actually one of the market’s cheapest at £781/year – saving £320. So at the very least do a comparison

season, can and ifityou really don’t want to switch fully,(not if you a big deal, but some don’t like it) heap cover.

at least move to your supplier’s cheapest. It’s worth noting some firms also operate under more than one name, for example British Gas is also Scottish Gas and Sainsbury’s Energy. Also some big suppliers offer far cheaper deals via ‘collective switches’ through local councils or comparison sites. So you may find you can save £100s and stay just where you are – but never sign up to a collective switch that doesn’t offer a full market comparison as part of it.

Quick Q&A “I’ve only got electricity, can I save?” There are cheap deals that allow electricity-only switching. Someone on a standard tariff paying £1,000/ year would pay about £750/year with the cheapest. Again, just do a comparison, same for economy 7.

“I’m on prepay (key or card meter) – can I switch?”

76% of RAC

hback site. A policy £35, .com give o you is £18ish. back isn’t

wap them in PLUMBING basic Ball valves

Siphons Leaks a pay and Tap washers u and your ard travel.Hot A & cold pipe work

Yes. Someone with typical use on a standard prepay tariff pays £1,163/ year - the cheapest is £1,050/year, so a comparison and switch will help. Yet a normal billed meter paying fixed monthly direct debits is far, far cheaper. So if you can, it’s also worth considering if you can change to a normal billed meter, where usage is measured, and you’re billed after.

“I’m £100s in credit with my energy firm, will I get it back if I leave?” It should give you this money once you’ve switched. Many do it automatically, but make sure you ask if not. In the past, they used to operate a ‘don’t ask, don’t get’ policy, so if you’ve switched previously, it may be worth calling your old supplier to check. If you’re in debt you can usually switch, unless the debt’s very large – though you still have to pay it back what you owe.







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R O O T CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

12 6


17 17

14 19






8 23




17 24






















12 7











7 10








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Page 45

Thai Beef Salad Serves 4

Ready in 50 minutes, plus marinating time This colourful and fragrant main-meal salad is great for easy entertaining. Choose thick pieces of steak and take care not to overcook them or they will become tough and chewy.

Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • •

2 x 175g sirloin steaks 1 tbsp lime juice 2 tbsp light soy sauce 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed 1 tsp dried chilli flakes 6 spring onions, trimmed and thinly sliced 8 radishes, trimmed and thinly sliced 100g fresh bean sprouts 1/4 cucumber, thinly sliced 4 firm plum tomatoes, quartered 200g mixed salad leaves


Page 46

juice of 2 limes 2 tbsp Thai fish sauce 2 tsp brown sugar 1 tbsp fresh chopped coriander 1 tsp finely chopped lemon grass

Place the steak in a shallow dish. Mix together the lime juice, soy sauce, garlic and chilli flakes. Season with freshly ground black pepper and cover and leave to marinate for 1 hour. Heat a cast iron skillet or griddle until very hot. Add the steak and cook for 4-6 minutes on each side. Remove from the pan, cover with foil and leave to rest for 15 minutes. Toss together the spring onions, radishes, bean sprouts, cucumber, tomatoes and salad leaves. Mix together all the dressing ingredients, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Slice the warm steak thinly across the grain. Toss gently into the salad with the dressing. Pile into a large shallow serving dish and serve immediately, or leave to cool and serve chilled.

TIP Lemon grass stalks are sold in small packs

by the fresh herbs in the supermarket. You only need a small amount to give an extra zesty fragrance to the dressing but the stalks will keep for 1-2 weeks in the fridge. Try adding chopped to curries, fruit salads or infuse in hot water for a refreshing alternative to tea.

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

Relaxation Group Tewkesbury Drop In

Every 2 weeks starting Monday the 22nd February, continuing 7th and 21st of March, 4th and 18th of April and the last relaxtion group will be the 9th of May.

1:30pm till 2:30pm There will be a £1 charge per session. Approximately 7 people in the group.

Find us: Tewkesbury Drop In, Sun Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5NX For more information call: 01684 757081

106.2 - 107 - 107.8 FM

Monday - Thursday 6am - 10AM Paul Ellery In The Morning 10am - 2pm Mark Edwards 2pm - 7pm Mark Benson in the Afternoon 7pm - 6Am NON STOP SUNSHINE FRIDAY 6am - 10AM Paul Ellery In The Morning 10am - 2pm Mark Edwards 2pm - 7pm Mark Benson in the Afternoon 7pm - 10pm FLOORFILLERS WITH BiG Dog 10pm - 7Am NON STOP SUNSHINE

SATURDAY 7am-10am MARK EDWARDS in the Morning • 10am - 2pm GREGG UPWARDS ALL REQUEST SATURDAY • 2pm - 6pm MARK BAKER in the Afternoon • 6pm - 9pm All the Hits with Pat Sharp • 9pm - 11pm Totally 90’s• 11pm - 6am NON STOP SUNSHINE SUNDAY 7am - 11am MARK BAKER in the Morning • 11am - 3pm LEON OLDMAN • 3pm - 7pm MATT HEALEY • 7pm - 9pm Totally 80’s• 9pm - 11pm Mike Hollis Soul Show • 11pm - 6am NON STOP SUNSHINE Please mention Tewkesbury Magazine when responding to advertisers

Page 47

What's On in May Cheltenham Jazz Festival Ongoing until Monday 2nd May, Various times and venues

The popular Jazz Festival is bringing us an exiting mix of local talents and international stars such as Grammy-nominated US trumpeter Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah or Jamie Cullum. For more information and tickets visit: www.cheltenhamfestivals.com Mira Showers Triathlon Sunday 1st May, 7.00am 11.00am, Sandford Parks Lido, Cheltenham An early season triathlon for teams of three in aid of Sandford Lido Limited. The event is similar to the Cheltenham Triathlon but incorporates a shorter swim, different cycle route and a slightly different run route. All three team members complete the swim, cycle and run individually and the combined time produces the team winners. For more information visit: www.sandfordparkslido.org.uk Victorian May Day Sunday 2nd May, from 10.00am, Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, GL54 5JD

Sudeley Castle is hosting their third annual Victorian May Day with fun Page 48

for all the family: Morris Dancers, Maypole dancing, Punch and Judy shows, traditional side stalls, games and much more. The event is included with general admission. Cheltenham Festival of Performing Arts Tues 3rd - Sun 15th May, Various times and venues Two weeks of dance, music and drama performances by children and adults from Gloucestershire and all over the UK. For more information please visit: www.cfpa.org.uk Cheltenham Poetry Festival Friday 6th May - Sunday 15th May, Various venues in Cheltenham A fantastic mix of music, poetry, comedy, stand-up, film, slams and workshops – a must for all poetry lovers! For more information please call 01242 518905 or visit www.cheltenhampoetryfest.co.uk. Cleeve Chorale Spring Concert Saturday 7th May, 7.30pm, St. Michael's Church, Bishops Cleeve The Choir will be performing a varied programme including Vivaldi's Gloria and Bob Chilcott's "Songs and Cries of London Town". Tickets £10 each (accompanied children free). Tickets for sale at George Lewis Footwear and Woodmancote News. The Choir will also be holding a Summer Concert at Bishop's Cleeve Academy on Saturday 2nd July. Tewkesbury`s Big Weekend Saturday 7th May and Sunday 8th May Enjoy a wide range of attractions including bell boat racing, street entertainers, childrens fairground rides, raffles and tombolas! Everyone Welcome! Tewkesbury Bowling Club Open Day Sunday 8th May, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury, GL20 5PG After major works during the winter to improve our clubhouse

we would like to invite you to try your hand at Lawn Green Bowling. Why not come along and experience the friendly atmosphere of our club and see how enjoyable bowls can be? From 10.30am until 4.00pm with lots of support and help to get you started and we also provide ongoing coaching. All you need is a flattish pair of shoes. New to lawn green bowling? Membership is free for 2016! Phoenix Realm Psychic Day Sunday 8th May, 10am - 4pm, Tewkesbury Town Hall

Spiritual readers, Angel and Tarot readers, Aura Photography and many stalls with all things magical and fitting with a Psychic Fayre. Free entry. Craft Fair Wednesday 11th May, 10.00am - 4.00pm, Tewkesbury Town Hall, High Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5AL

Presented by Creators of Craft. Come along and shop some beautifully unique and lovingly handcrafted gifts. The range includes textiles: quilting, patchwork; bunting, hats and embroidered pictures; teddy bears; handcrafted jewellery; fuse glass coasters and hanging decorations; a selection of handmade cards for all occasion: delicious handmade chocolates; wooden crafts

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

including pyrography and tactile wood turned objects; delicate watercolours and silk flowers arrangement and much more. Tea room with homemade cakes and sandwiches available. Free admission. For more information visit: www.creatorsofcraft.co.uk Cleeve Concerts Sundays, 13th May - 29th May Performances start at 7.45pm, The Tithe Barn, Bishop's Cleeve, Cheltenham Road, GL52 8LU 13th May: Andy Fairweather Low, £23. 22nd May: Kieran Goss, £16. 29th May: Pete Brown's Newgrass Cutters, £15. 5th June: Peter Howarth, £16. Sunday 19th June: Lil'Jimmy Red, £16. Tickets available from 0333 666 3366 (calls charged at national rate) or www.ticketsource. co.uk. For more information, visit: www.cleeveconcerts.com Kingdom Interiors Showroom Open Day Saturday 14th May, 10am - 4pm The Long Barn, Mitre Farm, Corse Lawn, GLoucester, GL19 4NG Please come and join us at our fabulous showroom - we have a huge range of fabric and wallpaper collections, the widest selection in the area! Talk from renowned fabric and wallpaper designers Sanderson at 11am. On sale on the day: Fabric remnants and ex-display curtains, roman blinds, cards, gifts, interior accessories and paintings by local artists and artisan gifts. If you can't come along, do take a look at the Kingdom Interior's website which has the largest on-line range of designer fabrics and wallpapers in the UK...and all on your doorstep! www.kingdominteriors.co.uk Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway Events Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, The Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT Saturday 14th May: Murder Mystery Evening. Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd May: Steam and

Real Ale Weekend. Saturday 28th to Bank Holiday Monday 30th May: Cotswold Festival of Steam Gala. Saturday 11th June: Midsummer Murder Mystery. Sunday 12th June: Classic Vehicle Day. Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th June: Day out with Thomas. For further details please visit www.gwsr.com. Cheltenham Wine Festival Saturday 14th May, 12pm - 7pm Cheltenham Town Football Club, Whaddon Road, GL52 5NA Calling all wine lovers! Explore, taste and discover over 250 delicious wines at the Grand Wine Tasting in Cheltenham. Enjoy tasting your favourites and have some fun discover some new ones! For more information call 07706 712640. Tewkesbury Half Marathon Sunday 15th May, 10am, Meet at Tewkesbury Rugby Club, The Moats, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury, GL20 5PG

Age range for the Half Marathon is 17+. For more information visit: www.tewkesburyhalf.com

The 7th annual walking festival based in Winchcombe, a “Walkers are Welcome’ town and the start of a Julia Bradbury’s ‘Best Walks with a View’ television series, hosts three days of interesting walks. People can sample sections of the many long distance paths in the Cotswolds, have a pub lunch, improve their photographic techniques and find out more about the history in the landscape. Last year saw a record breaking 480 walkers cover a staggering total of 3,224 miles. The walking festival is attracting international visitors with bookings from Australia and the United States. To book your walk visit www. winchcombewelcomeswalkers.com/ festival Winchcombe Festival of Music and Arts Mon 23rd May - Mon 30th May The festival that celebrates the best local bands, groups, artists, poets and writers is back for another brilliant week. There will be talks, poetry, workshops, visual art, a street fair, and an art trail all to make your week one to remember. General enquiries can be emailed to enquiries.wfma@ gmail.com La Vie en Bleu incorporating La Vita Rosso Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th May, 10.00am - 5.00pm, Gotherington, Cheltenham, GL52 9RD

Annual Meeting on the Town Council (Mayor Making) Monday 16th May Adjourned meeting of the Town Council Wednesday 18th May Winchcombe Cotswolds Walking Festival Friday 20th May - Sunday 22nd May, Winchcombe

A celebration of French and Italian cars/everything Italian. Cars, trade stalls, live music and entertainment. Advance tickets: £15 per person, or £20 on the gate. For more information and tickets please visit: www.prescott-hillclimb.com

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Page 49

May Highlights At The Roses


Thurs 5 May 7.30pm

Eddie The Eagle (PG)

The Dreamers Sun 8 May 7.30pm

Fri 6 - Tues 10 May

My Big Fat Greek Bon Giovi Fri 20 May 7.30pm Wedding 2 (PG) Sat 14 - Thurs 19 May

Magic: A Kind Of Queen Fri 13 May 7.30pm

English String Orchestra

Cate Cody Trio

Tues 24 May 8.30pm

Sun 22 May 3pm

ions Festivals Part Support Exhibit Live Film Take Live Film Take Part Support Exhibitions Festivals Film Live Take Part Suppor 2016 - Live April - JuneApril June 2016 Film Take Part t Exhibitions Festival s port Sup s April - June April2016 Festival Exhibiti ons Don’t miss Don’t miss June ons Fest 2016 Exh- ibiti ivals o Don’t Support miss Don’t miss Part e Michael Morpurg Michael Morpurgo TakPatron FilmAppeal Our Capital Our CapitalMichael Appeal Patron Live Mich Morpurg o ael Morp presents War Horse: presents War OurHorse: CapitalOur urgo Appeal Patron Capita - June d2016 l Appea OnlyilRemembere Only Remembered presents Apr War presen Horse: ts

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Jazz Legend

s The Big Chri Band BarberLegend The Jazz

Proudly supported


Proudly supported by atre.org www.rosesthe www.rosestheatre.org 295074 01684 ww Box Office: osesthe Proudly supported Boxwww.r Office: 01684 295074 5NX GL20 atre.org by Glosw.ro sest hea Sun Street, Tewkesbury, BoxBox tre.orgProudly supported by Proudly Sun Street, Tewkesbury, Glos GL20 5NX Office: Offi01684 295074 ce: 0168 support

La Bohème

Thur 26 May 7.30pm


Fri 27 May 7.30pm

Page 50

The Giant’s Loo Roll

Tues 31 May 2.30pm

Sun Street, Sun Street 4 295074 Tewkesbury, , Tewkesbury, Glos GL20 5NX Glos GL20 5NX tre.org

ed by

sesthea www.ro 01684 295074

ce: 5NX Glos GL20 Box Offi , Tewkesbury, Sun Street

Download a brochure at rosestheatre.org

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

...events cont'd Family Fun Day Sunday 29th May, from 10.00am, Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, GL54 5JD A fun day out for the whole family with giant outdoor games, arts and crafts, a selection of inflatables, costumed characters, donkey rides, animal encounters, a history and time-travel show, Punch and Judy Shows, live music and much more. The event is included with general admission.

to join us. Contact Jane Henderson, Volunteer Co-ordinator, on 0344 225 3694 or jhenderson@parkinsons. org.uk if you are interested in coming along. See more at www. parkinsons.org.uk/local-supportgroups/regions/south-west-england/ tewkesbury-support-group

MARKETS High Street Food and Arts Market Saturday 28th May, Tewkesbury High Street The High Street will turn into a food

LOCAL CLUBS & CLASSES Tewkesbury Parkinson’s Group First Wednesday of the month, 10.45am - 12.15pm, The Boys' Brigade Community Centre Canterbury Leys, Newtown Tewkesbury, GL20 8BP We offer information, friendship and support to local people with Parkinson's, their families and carers. We also organise regular events and social activities, all are welcome

and craft street market. The High Street will be closed to cars for the day and instead Tewkesbury will be filled with stalls selling fine foods, arts and crafts, including local beers and ciders, award winning cheeses, plants and herbs

plus much much more! For general enquiries call 01684 855040. Tewkesbury General Retail Market Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9.00am - 3.30pm, Spring Gardens Car Park, Oldbury Road, Tewkesbury, GL20 5DN Popular town centre retail market with a range of stalls. For more information please contact: Dave Joynes, Grenchurch Markets Ltd on 01386 840138. Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market Every 2nd Saturday of the month, 9am - 1.30pm, Abbey Lawns Car Park, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury, GL20 5PG The Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market has a great mix of local produce from farmers, growers and food producers plus a wonderful collection of local arts and crafts. For information about stalls please contact Dave Joynes, Cotswold Markets on 01386 840138 or email: Trade. CotswoldMarkets@gmail.com

Beer Amber Aroma Barley Barrel Beer Bitter Blonde Bottle Brew Bright Cask Copper Firkin Gas Golden

Grain Hops Landlord Licensee Malt Porter Pump Real Ale Sugar Tap Tawny Traditional Vat Yeast

Find the names associated with beer in the grid and the remaining letters will spell out a related phrase

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Page 51




2 words

You have two minutes to find all the words of three or more letters that can be made from the letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns are not. The 6 letter word will always be just a normal everyday word.

3 letters: 10 4 letters: 4 5 letters: 2 6 letters: 1


Puzzle & Crossword Solutions Days of the Week

4 words



Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.

TARGET Excellent: 20 or more words Good: 17 words Fair: 14 words

1. Thursday 2. Monday (an anagram of dynamo) 3. Sunday 4. Maundy Thursday 5. Wednesday 6. Monday (Blue Monday, New Moon On Monday, Manic Monday) 7. Wednesday Addams (from The Addams family; the nursery rhyme Monday's Child says "Wednesday's child is full of woe") 8. Sunday 9. Fat Tuesday 10. Thank Four It's

12 6









Answer: SIMPLE

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Word Ladder

Here is one possible Here issolution one possibl (others may exist)


















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Mini Cryptic Crossword

solution (others ma










9 7 2





















free flee floe sloe slot soot ROOT

Pictograms 1. Fingers crossed 2. Foul language 3. Quick on the draw

Sudoku 3 Letters ACT ANT ANY CAN CAT HAT



To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

Tewkesbury Useful Numbers CHURCHES

Holy Trinity Church of England 01684 292797 Priors Park Chapel

01684 274837

St Joseph's Catholic Church

01684 293273

St Giles Church of England St Nicholas Church

Tewkesbury Abbey

Tewkesbury Baptist Church

01684 772237 01684 293729 01684 850959

01684 293044

Tewkesbury Methodist Church 01684 297411

Tewkesbury Spiritualist Church 01684 295 677

DOCTORS & PHARMACY Bredon Hill Surgery

Church Street Practice

01684 773444 01684 853398

Jesmond House Practice 01684 292813 Watledge Surgery

01684 293278

Badham Pharmacy

01684 290659

Winsome Clinic

07886 310362

Boots 01684 292122 Lloyds Pharmacy

01684 293125


01684 273201

Northway Chemist

01684 299499


Gloucestershire Royal Hospital 0300 422 2222

Tewkesbury Hospital 0300 421 6100


Tewkesbury Library


Bredon Post Office

Tewkesbury Post Office


Ambulance (Emergency Only) 999 Fire (Emergency Only) 999 Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Police (Emergency Only) 999 Police (non-emergency) 101 NHS Direct 111


Bus Information Train Information

01452 418630

0845 748 4950


Tewkesbury Borough Council 01684 295010


Electricty -足Power Loss

0800 365 900

Water Leaks

0800 169 1144

Gas Emergency

Water Severn Trent

0800 111 999

0800 783 4444


Alcoholics Anonymous Glos 01452 418515 (24hrs) Alcoholics Anonymous National 0800 9177650 Childline 0800 1111 Citizens Advice Bureau

0870 120 4040

Directory Enquiries

118 500

Crimestoppers Drugs Helpline


Parentline Plus RSPCA


National Missing Persons

0800 555 111 0800 776 600

0845 988 1188 0808 800 2222 0300 123 4999 01452 306333 0500 700 700

0845 2305420

01684 772349 01684 294606

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advertisers index Accounting Crowthers Chartered Accountants 35 Exton Accountants 19 Aerials & Satellites Digital TV & Satellite Systems 19 Boat Moorings The Old Rectory 37 Bookkeepers The BooksAngel 6 Building, Maintenance, Repair, Carpentry & Handyman Services, Painters & Decorators Bill Bowmer Handyman 8 D & A Habbitts 8 Dave Dowell 45 FKR Block Paving 20 LB Services 26 Matt Grimshaw Carpentry 40 Tewkesbury Exterior Painting 8 Building Supplies Staverton Building Supplies 32 Carpets Goodrum Carpets 19 Norton Carpets 4 Catering The Clubhouse Prescott 22 Charities & Community Building Circles 13 Cleaning & Domestic Services Churchdown Upholstery & Carpet Cleaning 17 Tewkesbury Cleaning 35 Computer Repairs & Advice A.D. Computing 10 Digger Works D & A Habbitts 8 Driveways & Paving / Tarmac FKR Block Paving 20 Glenearn Plant Hire 40 P & M Driveways 27 Driving Instructors Clearway Driving Tuition 38 Electrical Services LB Services 26 Pro Electrical 4

Entertainment / Theatre / Events BBC Antiques Roadshow 20 Bible Seminars 13 Cheltenham Challenge 16&17 Jumble Sale 26 Mental Health Awareness Week 31 Relaxation Group 47 RNLI Events 2016 22 Roses Theatre 50 Sunshine Radio 47 Warm & Well Talk 26 Fencing D & A Habbitts 8 Food & Drink The Clubhouse Prescott 22 Coombe Hill Farm Shop 8 Gloucester Biltong 38 Jelly Roll Cafe 20 Tewkesbury Cookshop 39 Wiltshire Farm Foods back page Furniture Gloucester Import Furniture 2 Garage Repairs V.S.F. Ltd 3 Garden Centres Tewkesbury Garden Centre 21 Gardens & Landscaping D & A Habbitts 8 Edward Price 40 Health Slimming World 40 HR Support Simply about People 4 Hypnotherapy & Reiki Advance Practice 36 Positive Exchange 33 Interior Design Bella's Interior 31 Kingdom Interiors 11 Legal & Financial Services DF Legal 28&29 Life Coaches Niche Personal Coaching 9 Locksmiths MM Locksecure 26

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Advertising Rates start from only Sixteenth Page £18 Eighth Page £28 Quarter Page £35 Half Page £58 Full Page £99 Per month & excl vat

Memorials Simply Stone 26 Oven Cleaning Oven Cleaning Specialist 22 Pets Wagging Tails 13 Plant Hire Glenearn Plant Hire 40 Plumbing, Heating & Boiler Services Intergas Cheltenham Ltd 43 Johnston Scotia 25 LB Services 26 Paul Tamcken Plumbing & Heating 19 Removals DRL Removals 38 Swift Removals & Storage 31 Roofing D & A Habbitts 8 LCM Flat Roofing 20 Tewkesbury Flat & Pitched Roofing 8 Shopping Coombe Hill Farm Shop 8 Tewkesbury Cards & Gifts 6 Tewkesbury Cookshop 39 Sport Supplies HPS TR Ltd 36 Storage Compton Green Business Park 20 Swift Removals & Storage 31 Taxis & Airport Transfers Urban Taxis 6 Television Aerials & Satellites Digital TV & Satellite Systems 19 Venues The Clubhouse Prescott 22 Video Filming Dominic Iles 38 Windows, Doors & Conservatories Cloudy 2 Clear 13 Inceil Conservatory Insulation Sytsems 55 Indeluxe 44

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