Tewkesbury September15

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Sept 2015

ne i z ga a yM l h nt o M

What's On in September Lovely Lawns

Gardening by Pippa Greenwood

A Stitch In Time While The Sun Shines Home & Interiors by Katherine Sorrell

Martin Lewis Childcare

The Millionaire Maker Local Writer Richard Denny

Local News Local Businesses & so much more!


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Manufacturing Positions with HPS TR Ltd, Newent

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From the Editor

Local Magazines Published by Glos Directories - connecting local businesses with local people

Hello Reader, As we say farewell to the final days of summer and welcome autumn with open arms, we keep our fingers crossed for the Indian summer of last year. This would certainly make up for the 'hit and miss' weather we had during the school holidays! This September in Tewkesbury sees a variety of Heritage Open Days between the 10th and 13th September. There will be plenty of interesting tours lead by knowledgeable guides, so don't miss out! The Vintage Fair will also be returning to Tewkesbury Park Hotel with a variety of stalls, live music and events. It all happens on Saturday 12th September. If you fancy trying something a little bit different, then consider taking part in the Basket Making Workshop which takes place on Saturday 19th September - you get to take your basket home with you afterwards! As alwasys we have some great articles and local news in this month's issue so have a cup of tea and enjoy the read! Kind regards,

Vicky Muller

- Editor

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Within 24 hours of the magazine coming out, we received three new enquiries to join the Cleeve Business Over Breakfast Club.

Chris Sweet - Business Over Breakfast Club

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Tips from The Millionaire Maker The media have called Richard Denny the millionaire maker. For over 30 years he has helped thousands of people into financial wealth, and others into greater achievement and happiness. His lectures, books, videos, DVD’s and CD’s are bought around the world and he lives right here in the Cotswolds.

Happiness Europe is now being challenged with a massive immigration situation. This is heading towards epic proportions as people flee from terror and others risk their lives to hopefully have a better life. I have been working in the Ukraine and learnt that 1½ million people have been displaced due to the Russian invasion. What has that got to do with happiness? When we meet people and enquire how they are the standard British response is “not too bad, thank you”. It’s as though we are expecting to be bad. We have been conditioned to grumble, moan and find fault with our lot. The reality and truth is we are pretty fortunate and should be much happier than we admit. Let me share with you something that I promise will make you happier and dare I say more prosperous. Liggy Webb, the world authority on modern life skills, in her brilliant book ‘Thank You’ (she lives in Cheltenham) develops the concept of an attitude

of gratitude. We all know of the amazing power of the brain and when it is thinking positively it really is mind-blowing what our brain will do and achieve for us. So here is what you can do to become a little happier: 1. Just before you go to sleep at night recall three things that happened during the day that made you happy. 2. If you are able to say thank you to God – great – if not just say and think thank you. You will go to sleep on positive thoughts and start developing an attitude of gratitude. 3. The following day your first thoughts should be a thank you for the night – for being alive – and a thank you for what you have. These first thoughts flash through your mind in a few seconds, but are all positive and will kick-start your brain into its success mode. For more detailed information and help join the Denny Business Academy for free. www.dennyacademy.com

For success and wealth go to www.dennyacademy.com Page 71

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Page 8

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discovering Tewkesbury is from Tewkesbury’s rich or stumbling free to explore! history upon one of our Discover Tewkesbury during the 'Heritage Open Days’. Tewkesbury's ‘Heritage Open Days’ is a series of free events and activities, taking place in and around the town centre, running from Thursday 10th through to Sunday 13th September. There are places of interest with free admission, exhibitions, guided walks and talks all on offer. You can even gain access to places which are not normally open to the general public as well as travel by vintage bus! Plus once you have arrived in town, you’ll find each venue is no more than a 5 minute walk away – meaning you are never far away

hidden gems. This year sees some new additions to the packed programme of events including access to the Town Museum’s John Dixon (centre, yellow jumper) leading the storeroom which is usually a ‘staff’ town centre tour. only area to see 12 September. ‘Vintage on some fascinating objects which the Park’ includes a classic are not generally on display car show, an indoor vintage in the main exhibition rooms. market and live authentic At Tewkesbury’s Heritage entertainment. The venue is Centre, Out of the Hat, there the historic Tewkesbury Park will be two traditional craft Hotel and its stunning grounds activities for you to take part with views of the town below. in: learn about the history of Visitors to Tewkesbury will be wallpaper making and have able to use the free vintage a go yourself plus take part bus service to travel to the in designing vintage and Heritage Open the big Days attractions in Church ‘Tewkesbury Street. The bus stop will be Mural’. located at The Crescent (by While at Tewkesbury Abbey) and will Tewkesbury operate between 11 am Abbey you and 4.30pm on the Saturday can climb offering a twenty minute the Knight’s Stairs used by shuttle service. monks right A visit to the Tourist up until the Information Centre will time when the reveal a fantastic selection of monastery leaflets for inspiration during was dissolved your visit including a tour in the 15th of Tewkesbury’s network of centenary medieval alleyways. and inspect the beautiful Further information is ceiling fresco available from www.visittewkesbury.info, inside the Lady Chapel and the Tourist information Centre in Church Street or by apse. ringing 01684 855040. Some Tewkesbury’s activities do require prepopular booking so before setting off vintage fair please do check with the venue also returns or organiser beforehand. on Saturday

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Page 9

Home & Interiors A Stitch In Time While The Sun Shines By Katherine Sorrell tackle each area, and call in an expert if you lack the necessary equipment and skills.


Maintaining the fabric of your house is a bit of a chore - but keep on top of it and you will reap the rewards, says Katherine Sorrell Keeping a regular eye on your property and repairing it when necessary – especially before winter – is an insurance policy against major problems. It will make life easier in the long run, save money and help maintain the value of your home. As Marianne Suhr, historic buildings surveyor and coauthor of Old House Handbook, says: ‘It really is a stitch in time. Buildings can quickly decline if they are not maintained properly. A missing roof tile can lead to water ingress, then dry rot, death watch beetle and even structural collapse.’ Start by finding out what your home is made of and how it is built, then identify areas of concern. Work out how to Page 10

Twice a year, use binoculars to check the condition of your roof and chimney. Look out for general damage, split lead work, loose mortar, missing, slipped or broken tiles or slates and anything else suspicious. From inside your loft, check for evidence of leaks, and examine supporting timbers for signs of deterioration. Brush moss growth off roofs, or fit copper growth inhibitors. Be very careful - it is often better to commission a professional to do roof work.

Rainwater goods

Problems with gutters and downpipes cause damp patches, but are often easily remedied. Observe where water is going during heavy rainfall – is it flowing off the roof into the gutters, down the downpipes and into the drains? If not, perhaps leaves, moss or other debris have blocked your rainwater goods, or a joint has come apart, or water is gathering in one area. Patch or weld metal, replace damaged plastic sections and add extra brackets where there is sagging. Clear gutters, downpipes and drains regularly and redecorate metal rainwater goods when necessary.


Damp in walls might be caused by the ground level outside being higher than inside. If so,

dig back to the correct level, but if problems persist, dig down further and lay a gravel path to create breathing space for the wall. Remove and replace any damaged render, and re-point mortar if it has weathered or is very loose. Although they are everyone’s biggest fear, cracks in walls can be caused by many things – but most are nothing to worry about. When you spot a crack, mark the end of it with a pencil or take a photo and note the date, so you can keep track of it. The Building Research Establishment suggests that cracks less than 5mm wide that do not grow any larger, will generally not affect structural integrity and can simply be redecorated. Contact a structural engineer if you have concerns.

Doors and windows

Remove flaking paint from timber doors and windows and redecorate once the wood has dried out. If there is rot, fill carefully or cut out the section and replace. Overhaul sash windows, by re-aligning, replacing cords and adjusting the weights; add brushes so they are soundproof and don’t rattle. Rusty metal windows should be cleaned, repaired and re-squared. Plane and/or sand sticking wooden doors and windows, and check that locks and hinges are doing their job properly. Oil them every now and then to keep them in tip top condition. Main Image - Bay windows installed in a period property, by The Sash Window Workshop, tel 01344 868668; www.sashwindow.com.

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John Badham On Life In Tewkesbury

I arrived in Tewkesbury in 2001 having finished my career rather earlier than I anticipated as a result of ill-health. I don't quite know why we chose to move to Tewkesbury, we saw this lovely house in Abbey Terrace and fell in love with both the house and the location. I remembered the town well, because when I was a boy my dad - a keen caravanner - used to park up at Mill Avon caravan site so he could attend the Masonic Service that was then held in the Abbey. I am afraid I never took to Masonry, but clearly the town had left its mark! We have now lived in the town for longer than we have lived anywhere else and it is a decision neither of us have ever regretted. This year I have the privilege to be Town Mayor which is the absolute pinnacle of my time here. So what makes this town so

special? It is by definition difficult to quantify. There are not many places where one can live a few minutes’ walk from the shops, look over one of the most beautiful buildings in England and be virtually surrounded by meadows and open spaces (alright with just the occasional flood!). However, there are in truth other beautiful towns and during our married life we have lived in two Abingdon and Ludlow. I think in the end what makes Tewkesbury so attractive is the fundamental integrity of the place. It is a town without pretension or side, a place where people seem to be accepted for what they are, rather than what they have. It is a town with plenty of eccentrics (perhaps I am one of them!). The great thing is that few, if anyone, seem to care. Most of all, that overused word community seems to have real meaning here. I have experienced a little of that in short time I have been Mayor, but also I have seen it in Tewkesburyin-Bloom as well as the other numerous organisations, too many to mention.

It is not perfect, nowhere is, but, in my opinion, it gets pretty close. Yet, despite the myriad events, organisations, hugely committed people and its amazing architectural beauty, it remains one of the great undiscovered gems not only of Gloucestershire but of England. Dr Johnson once said that when a man was tired of London he was tired of life. Obviously Samuel Johnson has not lived here!

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Page 13




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Page 14

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Orchid Day Saturday 24 October at Tewkesbury Garden Centre

With Ian Parsons,

former Chairman of the British Orchid Council and President of the South West Orchid Society

Orchid Clinic 10:00–16:00

(except 13:00–13:30 and during talks)

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The Nutrient Company Please mention Tewkesbury Magazine when responding to advertisers

Page 15

Lovely Lawns by Pippa Greenwood Almost every garden has a lawn, and there is a lot you can do to keep it in good condition. Don’t wait until spring but get to work now with some autumn lawn care to keep your lawn looking healthy and green. Large weeds in small lawns are best removed by hand, perhaps using a sturdy old kitchen knife – perfect for removing dandelions, small clumps of daisies and other weeds missed by the mower. You should also take a look at the level of moss in the lawn: when green and luxuriant it can look quite attractive, but once it dies out the lawn will look really awful. On the whole, moss in lawns is encouraged by compaction, poor drainage of the soil and lawn surface and by excessive shading, perhaps by nearby trees or herbaceous plants in adjacent borders. It is worth doing anything you can to alleviate these problems, and for shading you should prune back shrubs which overhang the lawn or have trees professionally crown thinned or lifted, so that more light gets through to the lawn. Herbaceous plants are easily dealt with by using bamboo canes and string to ease them up and away from the grass. Compaction is relatively easy Page 16

to deal with, and in small areas where the problem is not too bad, you can use a normal garden fork. Drive this into the lawn every 10 – 15 cm (4 – 6 in) and ease it back and forth slightly to enlarge the holes created by the tines of the fork. This creates some drainage channels, which will also improve aeration. On very heavy sites or where compaction is bad, use a hollow tine aerator. These can be bought as attachments for some lawnmowers, or you can buy or hire a dedicated machine or piece of equipment. A hollow tine aerator removes cylinders of turf and the soil beneath, thus producing a better effect than using a garden fork. Once aerated, brush a sandy top dressing mixture into all the holes, using a mixture of sieved garden soil and horticultural sand, perhaps mixed with a small quantity of sieved leaf mould. The top dressing ensures that the holes are kept open to allow better drainage and aeration over a longer period.

before you attempt to rake it out. Raking out can be combined with scarifying, where you use a spring tined rake to aggressively rake the surface of the lawn, so that dead moss, thatch (the accumulated bits of dead grass and other lawn debris) and any other surface debris are removed. Once done, you will find that the lawn looks a lot worse than it did when you started, as it will look thinner and more moth-eaten. However, scarifying helps to ensure that the grasses receive plenty of air and allows for better re-growth; have faith, the situation will improve.

Use a proprietary moss killer if moss is really out of control, applied exactly according to the manufacturer’s instructions; you should make sure that the moss is killed off completely

Visit Pippa’s website www. pippagreenwood.com for vegetable plants, Nemaslug, mesh and fleece, Speed Hoes, Speed Weeders, SoftTie, pop-up crop covers , copper tape and lots more besides.

If you still have bare areas once you have improved the texture of the soil and fixed drainage problems, then re-seed or over-seed using a suitable grass-seed mixture. To improve germination and speed of growth, pin a piece of horticultural fleece or Enviromesh over the newly sown area. This will help keep it warmer and prevent birds from stealing the grass seed.

To advertise call 07939 802 384 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

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Page 17

Tewkesbury Talk

Since writing my last article for the August edition I have had a rather large birthday (oh no, 50!) and, as often you do on such occasions, I started to think back about how things have changed around town over time. There are many books and internet sites where you can see pictures of how things were, and it is great fun trying to recognise people, or name shops. I remember shopping in the White Rose Gift shop in Barton Street with my Nan, and every week she would buy me a Wade Whimsey - I had hundreds. That shop is long gone now, but maybe I keep a little bit of it alive with our own card and gift shop. Things vintage form a theme for August and September, with a Commemorative Weekend held at the beginning of August remembering events from both World Wars. Shops put specialist displays in their windows – ours focused on The Battle of Britain, and a section of the Town Hall was transformed into a wartime themed bar, there were displays by re-enactors and the Town Hall gardens played host to a tea dance. A wonderful selection of music played in the marquee and

some people were dancing, others (me included) watched whilst eating homemade cakes and drinking tea from china cups. I could quite get used to taking a half hour out every day but I don’t think Mike would approve. Coming up we have the Heritage Open Days, running 10 – 13 September. There are guided tours with John Dixon, Tewkesbury Town Museum is offering children’s activities and there will be guided tours at The Royal Hop Pole and The John Moore Museum. Church Street has a natural history collection, restored Tudor Merchant's House and the Old Baptist Chapel on view, Tewkesbury Abbey are putting on tours of the Knight’s Stairs and access to the Lady Chapel apse, whilst St Nicholas Church, Ashchurch is holding a children’s quiz with refreshments and displays. One highlight will be ‘Vintage on the Park’. I spoke to event co-ordinator Shelby Powell who told me, ‘To celebrate Tewkesbury's entry in the National Vintage Awards vintage fans are in for a real treat on Saturday 12 September when the fair moves to Tewkesbury Park Hotel. 'Vintage on the Park' features new attractions including a classic car show

Veteran's Day bar

Entrance to the John Moore Museum

Page 18

and will raise funds for Midlands Air Ambulance.’ For those wishing to enjoy the attractions in the town centre as well, there is a vintage red Route Master London Company Bus, sponsored by the lovely ladies at Courtney World Travel, which will be operating a free circular trip every 20 minutes. We are certainly hoping lots of Vintage Fair visitors will take advantage of the bus trip as this event does bring in lots of visitors who we have found enjoy shopping in the town as well as at the fair. Tewkesbury has lots of visitors at the moment with it being school holiday season. We often chat to holidaymakers, and day-trippers and it is lovely to hear how they enjoy Tewkesbury. Obviously we have a super selection of independent shops (not that I am biased at all), and we do have a very pretty town. The Medieval Society banners always generate interest, and the flowers too. The

To advertise call 07939 802 384 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

judging for Britain in Bloom has now taken place so all the Committee can breathe a sigh of relief. The fantastic efforts of all volunteers has helped make our little town a lovelier place than it already was. Lots of groups helped, the Boys Brigade, The Brownies, lots of individuals and businesses too. I popped along to see how the painting of the railings at Back of Avon was getting along – the paint had been provided with sponsorship monies from local businesses Tewkesbury Cards & Gifts, Kingdom Interiors, Sweets & Treats, Nicky’s Café and Tewkesbury Cookshop and the manpower was provided by employees of NatWest - I think they are doing a fabulous job. Some of you many have noticed flower troughs in front of empty shop premises and wondered where these have now gone. The troughs were planted by members of the Tewkesbury Drop in Group under the supervision of Brian Williams at Cornerways nursery. The displays were sponsored by Avonside Taxis and have now been moved to the Grounds of Tewkesbury Hospital where they can continue to give pleasure and be looked after properly.

a swarm of bees decided to make it their home. Not the best place for them, and whilst bees are harmless if unprovoked they do cause a lot of worry in such large numbers. Thankfully, local bee keeper Nick Lambert from Old Manor Holiday Cottages, Twyning volunteered his services and the swarm was removed quickly and without incident.

Bee swarm in hanging basket

Nick Lambert removing the bees

The flower baskets proved very popular, and not just to two legged visitors and residents. One of the Hanging baskets near Woody’s in Kings Walk proved so tempting that

We are often hearing how bees are rapidly becoming an endangered species, so the rehoming of the swarm ticks an ecologic box. Tewkesbury does well on this front with The Ham being an SSI and well worth a walk around, pick up a brochure from the Tourist Information Centre and try to

spot some of the wild flowers mentioned growing there as it is one of the few remaining managed ham meadows, or walk along the route of the old race track. The riverside walk is being improved all the time as are the moorings, and it is lovely to stand on the bridge and feed the ducks and swans which gather there. Talking of race tracks I must remember to book our table for the Charity Race Night in Aid of the Mayor’s Charities on Saturday 26 September, 7pm start at the Watson Hall. Ploughman’s supper, cash bar, and raffle – all the fun of racing without the need of a raincoat or wellies – not to be missed. I am off now to pack for a couple of days away in Clovelly, but I cannot go without mentioning the fantastic support shown for the Isla’s Walking Dream Charity by guests and therapists at a recent event at Bank Cottage, over £500 was raised with the support of ELL Hair Studio, Hannah Shilham of Natural Beauty, Caroline Greaves of Mary Kay, Hazel Robinson of Nuts About Style, Carly’s Massage therapy and many more. Over £6,700 has now been raised towards their £60,000 total - a fantastic effort for this little girl. Next time I write the summer will be well and truly over, we will be looking forward to The Tewkesbury Mop Fair – and our shelves will be full of Christmas cards – scary thought. Remember I can be found daily at Tewkesbury Cards & Gifts if you have any events you would like me to include in the column.

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- by Louise Jones Page 19

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Childcare Childcare

First Time Buyers First Buyers This is anTime important warning for anyone who pays for

By Martin Lewis @moneysavingexpert By Martin Lewis @moneysavingexpert

This an important for anyone who pays for ByisMartin Lewiswarning @moneysavingexpert childcare. There are major changes due to take place to the childcare. There are major changes due to take place to the system this year – and you need to decide rather soon how By Martin Lewis system this year – and@moneysavingexpert you need to decide rather soon how It’s theIf you cheapest in history tomiss getout a theyperhaps affect you. leave ittime too late, you could they affect you. If you leave it too late, you could miss out on thousands of pounds. first time buyers’ mortgage – with rates at onIt’s thousands of pounds. perhaps the cheapest time in history to get a

historic lows and the new Help to Buy ISA

first time buyers’ mortgage with rates Are you eligible for childcare tax–credits? due. that’s not the same as saying it’satthe Are you Yet eligible for childcare tax credits?

historic lows andathe new Property Help to Buy ISA best time to buy house. is an ‘asset The most important start point is to check if you’re entitled due. Yet that’s not the same as saying it’sentitled the The mostthat important start pointmove is to check you’re assume class’ means prices – soifnever to what’s technically theProperty ‘Childcare is Element of best time to buycalled acalled house. an ‘asset to buying what’s technically the ‘Childcare Element of a home is as safe as houses. Working Taxmeans Credit’ –prices this is NOT the–same as Child Tax class’ that move soas never Working Credit’ – this is NOT the same Child assume Tax It’s farTax more toit examine Credit. You canimportant usually claim for childrenyour up toown age 15, buying a home is as safe as houses. Credit. You can claim it for children up to age 15, reasons for usually buying. If it’s a (Ofsted long term place to provided you pay for approved or equivalent) provided you pay important for approved (Ofsted or equivalent) It’s far yourthe own live, to more give you securitytoofexamine tenure, and childcare. childcare. reasons for buying. If it’s a long termeven place to repayments are affordable (possibly live, you security tenure, andSo the Sadlyto thegive eligibility criteriait's areofavery complex. I’ve tried to cheaper than renting) reasonable aim. Sadly the eligibility criteria are very(possibly complex. So I’ve tried to repayments are affordable even distil it in a simple rule of thumb: ‘if you’re a single parent Here’s to know… distil it in awhat simpleyou ruleneed of thumb: ‘if you’re a single parent cheaper than renting) reasonable aim. 16+ working 16+ hours a week,it's or aacouple BOTH working working 16+ hours a week, or a couple BOTH working 16+ hours a week, and your total household income is under Here’s hours a week, andyou yourneed total to household income is under Step 1.what Learn the lingo. Aknow… mortgage is likely to £46,000, you should definitely check out if you’re entitled.’ £46,000, shouldfinancial definitely transaction check out if you’re be theyou biggest you'llentitled.’ make,

Step 1. Learn the lingo. A mortgage is likely to

so armread yourself with knowledge to understand Please this carefully – I’m not saying you aremake, entitled, be the financial transaction Please readbiggest this carefully – I’m not Here sayingare youyou'll are entitled, the terms used. the key just that it iscommonly worth checking, as this is big money. The just it is worth checking, as this is bigto money. The sothat arm yourself with knowledge understand facts you’ll need to understand any average pay out is around £60/week. about That’s over average pay out is around £60/week. That’s over the terms commonly used. Here are the key £3,000/year. mortgage. £3,000/year. facts you’ll need to understand about any mortgage. If you’re not entitled taxinterest credits, decide now which a. Thenot Rate: Thisto is to the you now are charged, If you’re entitled tax credits, decide which other scheme works for you and it dictates you repay each other scheme worksthe foramount you

a. The Rate: This is the interest you are charged, month. This isitwhere everything is changing. If you’re eligible for and dictates the mortgages amount you repay each This is where everything is changing. Ifhave you’re eligible for b. Type: Most rate taxThe credits, you’re likely to be better off getting that. If not, month. taxreductions credits, you’re likely to be better off getting that. If not, forschemes the firsttotwo there are other look to at. five years. These b. The Type: Most mortgages there are other schemes to look at. have rate come in a few types. Fixes are where the rate is reductions for the first two to itfive Thesein locked in. Trackers are where canyears. only move This autumn, the new ‘tax-free childcare’ scheme launches This autumn, the new ‘tax-free childcare’ scheme launches come in a few types. Fixes are where the ratemany is and the current childcare vouchers scheme that lets relation to UK base rate moves. And variable and the current childcare vouchers scheme that lets manyin locked in. Trackers are where itincome can only move pay forwhere childcare from theirto pre-tax willbase close for rate, they tend move with UK pay for childcare from their pre-tax income will close for relation tocan UKSo base rateeligible moves. And variable new applicants. if you're for vouchers, but won't rates, but move at the lenders whim. new applicants. So also if you're eligible for vouchers, but won't rate, tend be for where the newthey scheme, gettoinmove quick. with UK base the deal: a short-term deal (eg, bec.forLength the newofscheme, get If in it's quick. rates, but can also move at the lenders whim. a- New 2yr fix), when does scheme: it end?If you're a single parent tax-free childcare c. Length ofchildcare the deal: If it's short-term - New tax-free scheme: Ifayou're a single deal parent(eg, d. Term: How long iswhere the entire who works, or a couple BOTH mortgage work, and you each a 2yr fix), when does it end? who works, or a couple where BOTH work, and you each borrowing length - for eg,every 25yrs, earn under £150,000, 80pand youwhen put in awill newit be d. Term: How long the entire earn under £150,000, forisevery 80p youmortgage put in a new fully repaid? childcare account, the government will add 20p on top childcare account, the government will addwhen 20p onwill topit be borrowing length -pay eg,for 25yrs, and which can be used Ofsted approved (or e. Penalties: Are to there any early-repayment which can be used to pay for Ofsted approved (or fully repaid? equivalent) childcare for under-12s. The maximum the penaltieschildcare if you try and pay itThe offmaximum or move,the before equivalent) for under-12s. e. Penalties: Are there any early-repayment Government will contribute is £2,000 per child per year. the deal ends? Government will contribute is £2,000 per child per year. penalties you try and off or move, f. Can youifoverpay? Arepay youitallowed to paybefore Mostdeal childminders, after-school clubs are Ofsted approved, the Most childminders, after-school clubs areThis Ofsted approved, more off ends? without any penalties? can be very asCan are many nannies. Are you allowed to pay f. you overpay? asuseful are many nannies. as it means you pay less interest over the - Current voucher scheme. Here you usually trade more offchildcare without anyclear penalties? This can betrade very - Current childcare voucher scheme. youmore usually mortgage terms and theHere debt quickly. in your pre-tax salary for vouchers. For example, a basicuseful as it means you pay less interest over the in g. your pre-tax salary for vouchers. For example, a basicYour loan-to-value (LTV):ofThe proportion rate taxpayer can swap £1,000 salary, which afteroftax rate taxpayer can swapand £1,000 of the salary, which afterquickly. tax mortgage terms clear debt more and National Insurance is only £700ish in your pay packet, and National Insurance is only £700ish inproportion your pay packet, g. loan-to-value (LTV): The forYour £1,000 in childcare vouchers. So you're up £300 of per for £1,000 in childcare vouchers. So you're up £300 per £1,000. £1,000.

your home's current value you are borrowing. eg, £20,000you deposit a £100,000 The amaximum can geton is £55/week per means year per parent, The maximum youcurrent can get is £55/week per year per parent, your are borrowing. whichhome's would be a gain ofvalue £930 for a basic-rate taxpayer. you’re borrowing £80,000 –you so it’s an 80% LTV. which would be a gain of £930 for a basic-rate taxpayer. eg, a £20,000 deposit on a £100,000 means Any parent can do this, even if their partner doesn't work, The lower the LTV,even the ifbetter deal you canwork, get. Any parent can do this, their partner doesn't you’re £80,000 so it’sdo, anbut 80% LTV. providedborrowing your employer offers it– (many many provided your employer offers it (many do, but many The lower LTV, better you get. don't). Yet ifthe you’re notthe up todeal this by thecan time the To help with this I’vesigned a totally free 60 page Firstdon't). Yet if you’re not signed up to this by the time the new scheme starts, you can’t do it after. So if it’s right for new scheme starts, you can’t booklet do it after.you So ifcan it’s right for Time Buyers mortgage youhelp – sort it soon. To this I’ve a totally free 60 page Firstyou – sort itwith soon. download from www.mse.me/FTB which takes

Time Buyers mortgage booklet you can

you through everything in more detail. - Tax-free childcare vs childcare vouchers. If you're a couple download fromvswww.mse.me/FTB which - Tax-free childcare childcare vouchers. If you're atakes couple where only one works, the vouchers win hands down, as where only one works, the vouchers win hands down, as you through everything in more detail. Step 2. Deposit, deposit, deposit. Every you won’t be eligible for the new scheme. Plus, 5% if your you won’t be eligible for the new scheme. Plus, if your childcare costs are it's likely vouchers win- due the bigger deposit uplow, to 40% cuts the rate sotoato childcare costs are low, it's likely vouchers win due the Step 2.National Deposit, deposit, deposit. tax and Insurance savings. more can have asavings. big impact. Every 5% taxlittle and National Insurance bigger deposit up to 40% cuts the rate - so a little can have a big impact. Yet formore the self-employed, those whose firms don’t offer Imagine you've a £150,000 home, and want a

Yet for the self-employed, those whose firms don’t offer the vouchers, or those with more than one child and high the vouchers, mortgage. or those withThat's more than one child and high £136,000 awins. 90.7% LTV, the top childcare costs, theanew schemehome, This is want just thea tip of Imagine you've and childcare costs, the new£150,000 scheme wins. This is just the tip of 2the year fix is 3.98%. Yet if you use £1,100 of iceberg mortgage. – full analysisThat's of which wins at LTV, the top £136,000 a 90.7% the iceberg to – full analysis of borrowing which wins atneeded, you'd savings reduce the 2mse.me/childcare. year fix is 3.98%. Yet if you use £1,100 of mse.me/childcare.

cross a threshold and be at just under 90%, savings to reduce the borrowing needed, you'd What about free2yr childcare for threeThis and would four year-olds? where thefree top fix is 2.69%. save What about childcare for andunder four year-olds? cross a threshold bethree at just 90%, over £700/year inand mortgage payments alone. where the top 2yr is 2.69%.plans Thistowould save The Government havefix announced give working The Government have announced plans to give working over £700/year mortgage parents withsaving threein and four-year-olds 30 hours of free Of course for a depositpayments is often aalone.

parents with three and four-year-olds 30 hours of free childcare per week. If made law, pilot schemes will start in childcare per From week. autumn If made law, pilotalso schemes will start struggle. you’ll be given thein Sepcourse 2016, though there's whether it's Of forscepticism a scepticism deposit isabout often ayour Sep 2016, though there's about whether it'sfirst chance of asaving cash boost towards buying deliverable. struggle. From autumn you’ll also be given the deliverable. home if you save into a new type of Help to Buy

chance of a cash boost towards buying your first

ISA. Yet already for at least 38 weeks a year (each week of the if for you a new type of Help Buy Yethome already atsave least into weeks a year (each week to of the You can save up to38a£200 month and the school year), if you’ve threeevery or four-year-old, you’re school year), if you’ve a three or four-year-old, you’re ISA. entitled to 15 hours a week of free childcare. Families with Government will add 25% onchildcare. top (soFamilies £50 onwith entitled to 15 hours week of free You save upaalso to £200 every month and a lowcan income may also get free early education forthe two£200). You can save an additional £1,000 a low income may also get free early education for twoGovernment addit,25% on topyou (socan £50save on year-olds. when you firstwill open meaning year-olds. £200). can also save an additional £1,000 Contact You your local council to check ifwill yourhave child qualifies at £1,200 in the first month (that £300 Contact your local council to check if your child qualifies at (a goodyou place to start is gov.uk/find-free-early-education). If when first open it, meaning you can save (a added good place is gov.uk/find-free-early-education). If on to topstart of it). they do, in go to finder.familyandchildcaretrust.org for info on £1,200 first month (that will havefor £300 they do, go tothe finder.familyandchildcaretrust.org info on which childcare providers you can use under the scheme. added on top of it).need which childcare providers you can use under theto scheme. The minimum you to have saved getfree the You then liaise directly with the provider to get the You then liaise directly with the provider to get the free bonus is £1,600 (so a £400 bonus), and the childcare. childcare. The minimum you need to have saved to get the

maximum the Government will contribute is bonus is(so £1,600 (so afor £400 bonus), and the Is there help for paying summer schools? £3,000 that means you will have saved Is there help for paying for summerwill schools? maximum the Government contribute is £12,000). For full information see £3,000 will have If you’ve(so got that older means childrenyou and work, checksaved whether there www.mse.me/helptobuyisa. If you’ve got older children and work, check whether there £12,000). For full information see are any summer schools in your area that they can go to. are any summer schools in your area that they can go to. Some schools, community centres and youth groups have www.mse.me/helptobuyisa. Some schools, community centresto and youth groups have Step 3. Speedily compare benchmark your their own schemes. their own schemes. cheapest. It’s important to start to work out the

Step 3. Speedily compare to benchmark your

exact cost you’re likely to pay as soonsoasif you pay for Most are Ofsted (or equivalent) registered, cheapest. It’s start toso work Most are Ofsted (orimportant equivalent)to registered, if youout paythe for them, you qualify for childcare tax credit or you can use them, youcost qualify for childcare credit or youas can use exact you’re likely totaxpay as soon childcare vouchers to pay for them. childcare vouchers to pay for them.

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New Farm Shop Opens at Brockmore Farm Farm to fork took on a whole new meaning when Char and Andy from Gorsley’s Brockmore Farm recently opened the doors of their new farm shop to the public. We sent Tewkesbury Magazine's Gregg Upwards to see what everyone is talking about. Char outside her farm shop

Yorkshire pudding and stuffing for just £3.99). The fruit also gets sold and what is left over makes some lovely jam. What I loved about my visit to Brockmore Farm Shop was the range of food, you can eat there as well as the menu which has a great selection of sandwiches, jacket potatoes with lots of fillings, all day breakfasts and bacon sandwiches. Tea and coffee is also served. Take a visit to Brockmore Farm and Farm Shop - you will love too!

Brockmore Farm Shop Gorsley

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Gregg during his visit to the farm shop

Having known Char from her Farm Shop in The Shambles Newent, I was well aware of her dedication and attention to detail when it comes to Farm to Fork, however seeing it is a completely different matter. Everything she sells in the shop has been grown, reared and made on the farm. Brockmore Farm has over 200 sheep that provide the lamb, and pigs that provide the pork and bacon and if you love your BBQ and sausages you have to try their amazing pork and apple burgers. We loved the pork and mustard sausages and as for the eggs, Char and Andy’s chickens provide the most delicious eggs, try them and you will never buy supermarket eggs again! Not just the meat, but also all vegetables grown on the farm get sold to the public or turned into ready made meals for Gorsley’s elderly residents (choice of meat, 3 veg,

Brockmore farm shop and cafe farm to fork

Take a trip to Brockmore Farm to discover the real meaning of Farm to fork!

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Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.

Word Ladder

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Then and just return it to Water, Plumbing & Electrics. regular overhaul installing and may your contact details, basic Peace each year of the policy. Tempted to skip Provider. no hidden extras. It only takes us in the Complete prepaid envelope anda Fast, Re efficiency, reduce boilers locally for information your Of about Mind – Forboiler Your boiler service? D few minutes to HomePlan complete our you are covered. A ScotiaCare Service prolong its life. Experienced in -ap and a completed direct debit Boiler, Heating, Hot false economy Johnston Scotia h simple form. All we need are protects your boiler, heating An Exper the industry, we mandate. 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It even includes a installing maa are highlyand trained system and controls, hot water for several large FREE BOILER SERVICE in boilers locally for registered trades system, radiators, internal manufacturers A ScotiaCare HomePlan each year of the policy. Experienced in an a plumbing and household of spare parts. protects your boiler, heating for callouts, No EXCESS charges – You pay no hidden charges the industry, weOa electrics. It even includes a are highly trained system and controls, hot water for several large FREE BOILER in parts or labour. It is all covered by SERVICE our policy. registered trades system, radiators, internal manufacturers an each year of the policy. plumbing for andrepairs household of spare parts. O Check your existing policy to see what excess you are charged It could be as much as £50! Please mention Tewkesbury Magazine when responding to advertisers Page 27 Check your existing policy to see what excess you areelectrics. charged It foreven repairs – it could be as much as £50! includes a are highly trained Boiler, Heating, Hot Water, Plumbing & Electrics.

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Page 28






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14 15

16 19



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Across 1. Mad twins an earl may hold (6) 6. Beer-soaked limb, say (6) 7. Star almost sounding solemn (6) 8. Repeat in the chorus (4) 10. Raise a glass to grilled bread! (5) 13. Non-clerical poem (3) 14. Now about to possess (3) 15. Ready for collection (3) 16. First time before split fashion (5) 19. Expire with a twisted notion (4) 21. Horatio’s wrestling hold (6) 22. Silent move to join the military (6) 23. Madden with anger to a point (6) Down 1. Gusset I sent out (5) 2. Sail back after a false name (5) 3. Provide relief inside, take a seat (4) 4. Determination to do the puzzle once more (7) 5. Small fruit to inter, it’s said (5) 9. Recently holding currency unit (4) 11. Recital about a newspaper item (7) 12. Note changes pitch (4) 15. Verse strangely cut off (5)

22 23

17. Monarch’s measuring stick? (5) 18. Sing out of ascending change

and move to music (5) 20. Neat way to make a poker stake (4)

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Golden Years Memories of 50 Years Ago by Ted Bruning

North Sea oil and gas reserves may be running dry, but for exactly 50 years they have been making an enormous contribution to our economy. For it was on 21st September 1965 that BP announced that its barge, Sea Gem, had made the first successful “spud”, or test drill, 40 miles off the Yorkshire coast. Sea Gem was one of a number of competing test rigs prospecting the North Sea at the time. Geologists had been certain for quite some years that the reserves were there, and in mind-boggling quantities. But it was only in 1964, when Britain joined the European Free Trade Association, that the North Sea was considered worth a really serious look because EFTA membership meant the end of the tax incentives that had propped up Britain’s not inconsiderable onshore oil industry. That’s right – Britain’s not inconsiderable onshore oil industry. Anglo-Iranian Oil (which eventually became part of BP) had been operating several wells in Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire since the

1930s. Their output had been invaluable during World War II and when Iran nationalised its oil-wells from 195153, and in 1964 they hit peak production. But now, despite the operating difficulties and a technology that was still in its infancy, the North Sea beckoned; and BP engineers based at Eakring near Mansfield improvised the Sea Gem using a French-built work barge, eight specially-made telescopic legs, and a drilling rig. In June 1965, Sea Gem went to work. Sea Gem’s well was actually the fourth to have been spudded in British waters. The first had been for an American company in December 1964, and two more followed in spring and summer 1965. By September all three had been completed and found only dry wells. When Sea Gem started work a further four rigs were also drilling, but showing no signs of success.

retrieved from the bottom of the well was observed to be frothing and bubbling. Within two days the rig’s crew were certain they had a viable well; and on 21st September BP announced publicly (but very cautiously): “A test in BP’s North Sea well now being drilled by the Sea Gem 42 miles east of Humber has produced gas, but not in sufficient volume to be commercially significant. The well is being drilled deeper in the hope that commercial production may yet be encountered.” It needn’t have been so cautious. By mid-December, that first well was yielding ten million cubic feet of natural gas a day – enough to justify the building of pipelines to the shore. It was the start of a new era. There was a tragic postscript, though, for the drilling of the North Sea’s first successful well was immediately followed by the deaths of its first victims. On the night of 27th December, while Sea Gem was moving to another test site, two of its legs gave way. Sea Gem quickly collapsed and sank beneath the icy waters; and although most of the crew were rescued, 13 men died.

By 17th September Sea Gem’s drill had bored down to nearly 3,000 metres, and it was starting to look as though this was yet another dry hole. When its instruments began to indicate the presence of gas, nobody got too excited – it wasn’t uncommon to find small pockets as the drill went deeper. But then the fluid

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Happy 50tH BirtHdays to Lennox Lewis (2nd), Charlie Sheen (3rd), Moby (11th), Zak Starkey (13th), and Omid Djalili (30th). Cake and botox to you all! Page 29

Cake and Bake Lemon Crumble Cheesecake Bars Tangy and creamy with a golden buttery crumble topping, these cheesecake bars make a delicious sweet treat. For a smoother cheesecake filling, use full-fat soft cheese instead of the ricotta.

Ingredients: THE BASE • 250g plain flour • 2 tsp baking powder • 140g butter, chilled and diced • 125g caster sugar • 1 medium egg, beaten THE FILLING • 750g ricotta cheese • 225g caster sugar • Zest and juice of 1 lemon • 3 medium eggs, beaten • 100ml soured cream • 1 tbsp cornflour • Fresh mint sprigs, to decorate

Makes 12 slices Ready in 1½ hours, plus chilling Page 30

1. Preheat the oven to 180C/Fan 160C/Gas Mark 4. Grease an 18cm x 28cm tray-bake tin and line the base with baking paper. 2. To make the base, sift together the flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs then stir in the sugar. Reserve a third of the mixture and chill in the fridge. Stir the beaten egg into the rest of the mixture to make a crumbly dough. Spread into the base of the prepared tin and press down firmly in an even layer. 3. Bake the cheesecake base for 15-20 minutes, or until pale golden. Remove from the oven and leave to cool for 15 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 160C/ Fan 140C/ Gas Mark 3. 4. To make the filling, beat the ricotta cheese, sugar and lemon juice and zest in a bowl until creamy then gradually beat in the eggs. Fold in the soured cream and cornflour and spread the mixture over the warm base. 5. Sprinkle the reserved fine crumble mixture over the top in an even layer. Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes, or until set and pale golden. Leave in the tin to cool completely then chill for 2-3 hours. Slice into 12 bars and serve decorated with fresh mint sprigs.


For an extra fruity flavour, scatter some fresh blueberries or raspberries over the cheesecake mixture before sprinkling with the crumble mixture.

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Location: Near Tewkesbury

CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

19 8


10 19

14 19



18 15

13 25










3 13


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24 19

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26 15




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Upbeat Beatles helping charity to transform lives in Worcestershire For one night only the Upbeat Beatles will be in Malvern Theatres to support local small charity EIL UK on the evening of its 80th anniversary. The landmark concert will be held at Malvern Theatres, 7.45pm Saturday 5th September 2015 and all proceeds will help young local people to broaden their perspectives and horizons and build more positive communities. Who are the Upbeat Beatles The Upbeat Beatles are second to none – powerhouse vocals, precision harmonies and tight musicianship. The guys have an easy, happy rapport with any crowd, giving them a reputation to be envied as the best in the business. There isn’t a band to touch them – 8 bars of “Twist and Shout” and you will know why! No other band can perform this song like the Upbeat Beatles! The show takes you through the Fab Four’s long and winding road from the early Cavern days through Beatlemania, America, Sergeant Pepper to Abbey Road, with narrative and full multi-media presentation. The project it will fund FAIR Play is an innovative project for ten young people (aged 15-17) to explore the issues that affect them such as racism and intolerance through the medium of sport and in particular their common interest of football, rugby, or cricket. FAIR Play is aimed specifically at hard to reach groups of young people from different social and ethnic backgrounds who are suffering some form of disadvantage, including those not in education, employment or training, those with unsecure housing situations or at risk of offending. Upbeat Beatles will be appearing at Malvern Theatres on Saturday 5th September. Tickets are on sale at the Box Office 01684 892277 or via EIL directly 01684 562577. Alternatively book online at malvern-theatres.co.uk using promo code BEATLES for an exclusive discount!

September events focus on delivering business success in Tewkesbury

Two events in September will unveil exciting plans to support and promote business success in Tewkesbury.

The two events, which will take place on 23 and 24 September, will include an introduction to training and advice to help make local businesses more resilient and will also include details of future local and national marketing campaigns. Throughout the two days, there will be a focus on attracting visitors to Tewkesbury and the riverside along the Severn and Avon, as well as generating inward investment to the business parks around Junction 9 and the other areas around the town. Both events are being hosted by Tewkesbury Borough Council, The Federation of Small Businesses and The Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The first event - which will take place at Theocs in Barton Street in Tewkesbury on Wednesday 23 September - is aimed specifically at town centre businesses in Tewkesbury and will highlight initiatives to generate successful and sustainable business for the local and visitor economy. A presentation focusing on training will come from Gloucestershire Enterprise, and local company Mosaique and Vivid PR will launch new branding for the town, which focuses on ‘Tewkesbury; an extraordinary riverside town.’ On Thursday, 24 September at Tewkesbury Park Hotel, the focus of the agenda is driving business success in Tewkesbury. Tewkesbury Borough Council’s Chief Executive Mike Dawson will provide details about creating a thriving business location at J9, the Gloucestershire Growth Hub will address business support services to innovate, develop and grow, and Gloucestershire Enterprise will give information about specialist training and support packages to improve business resilience. Plans detailing new local and national marketing campaigns will also be covered by Mosaique and Vivid PR. The funding for the business resilience and marketing programmes has been secured by Tewkesbury Borough Council from the government’s Business Support Flood Grant to help flood-affected businesses based in Tewkesbury and along the Rivers Severn and Avon. Tewkesbury Borough Council’s Lead Member for Economic Development and Promotion Cllr Rob Bird said: “We were really pleased to secure funding for our flood affected businesses and develop an extensive programme of business support. These launch events will unveil exciting plans on how businesses can benefit from a programme of marketing and investment campaigns, as well as business training and advice. We would also like to thank the Federation of Small Businesses for kindly sponsoring the events.” To reserve a place on either of these free events, please visit: www.tewkesbury.gov.uk/BusinessEvents

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Page 33

Finance What you need to know about NS&I Premium Bonds By Ann Haldon Premium Bonds were first introduced in 1956 by Harold MacMillan as a way to reduce inflation, and they remain a popular savings choice today. It is estimated that over £50 billion is held in the Premium Bond ‘pot,’ making them the largest savings product in the UK. Not a ‘standard’ savings option, bonds pay no interest and never expire. They can make you a millionaire though, if you are lucky enough to win one of the two £1 million draws each month. How do they work? Bonds up to the value of £50,000 can now be bought following a recent rise in the maximum limit. At the other end of the scale the minimum purchase is £100 which buys you 100 £1 bonds, with all bonds being entered into a monthly prize draw. Premium Bond numbers are picked at random by ERNIE (Electronic Random Number Indicator Equipment), and you can check whether you’re a winner via the NS&I website from the third day of each month. The government funds the prize money by calculating a rate of interest as if the bonds were ‘standard’ government bonds, rather than using money from the sale of new Premium Bonds. You can buy them from Page 34

a post office, or directly from NS&I by phone or online. How much can you win? Winnings range from £25 to the £1 million jackpot, with prizes also including a percentage of £25,000, £50,000 and £100,000 wins each month. Returns average the equivalent of around 1.3% according to Moneywise, who also state that the chance of winning from a single bond are approximately 1 in 26,000.� You can be lucky though – the Guardian recently reported a £1 million jackpot winner who had held just £400 worth of bonds. For those wanting a reliable income from their savings, however, other products would be more suitable if they are willing to forego instant access in favour of higher interest rates. What are the main benefits of Premium Bonds? • All winnings are tax-free – a big draw for some people, especially as ISA rates remain low • Bonds can be cashed in with no notice needed • They can be purchased for a child or grandchild with a minimum investment of £100 (unless you are paying by standing order, in which case it is £50) • There’s no risk of losing your capital – Premium Bonds

are backed 100% by a government guarantee • You can choose to have your winnings reinvested in more Premium Bonds, which works in a similar way to compound interest in a savings account • Premium Bonds never expire Unclaimed prizes If you bought Premium Bonds in the dim and distant past, it might be worthwhile looking on the NS&I website where there’s an ‘unclaimed prizes’ finder. With no time limit for claiming, even bonds from 1957 are still valid, and there is a reported £41 million yet to be claimed. Premium Bonds cannot be passed on to someone else on the death of the holder. They remain eligible to win prizes for 12 months, but can be cashed in at any time. NS&I also provide a tracing service, not just for Premium Bonds, but for any of their savings and investment products. Should you choose Premium Bonds over traditional savings accounts? The problem with Premium Bonds is that because you are not guaranteed a return on your money, the investment could reduce in value over time due to inflation. Other savings accounts, even though their interest rate may be low, offset this issue a little.

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If you are a higher rate tax payer, you may find investing in Premium Bonds useful if you have already exhausted other tax-free options. People often buy bonds after inheriting money, or sometimes when they need to ‘store’ a lump sum temporarily – a deposit on a property or an inheritance, for example. So in general terms, Premium Bonds should probably not be the first choice for savings – the main attraction for many is the potential chance of a big win. On a lighter note ERNIE has become something of a celebrity over the years. According to NS&I he receives Valentine’s and Christmas cards – possibly from bond holders trying to court favour and influence his decisions? If you do win the £1 million jackpot, don’t expect a cheque through the post. ‘Agent Million’

will call to deliver the news in person. NS&I claim that one Agent Million has informed more than 100 winners of their new millionaire status. Government’s wishes for Premium Bonds Economic Secretary to the Treasury, Harriet Baldwin, explained the government’s goals regarding Premium Bonds, “Our long-term plan is all about supporting savers and boosting working people’s financial security at all stages of life… That’s why we have increased the amount people can invest in premium bonds for the second time in two years.” Although not suitable for savers looking for a guaranteed regular income, Premium Bonds offer a way to boost a nest egg. They hold a special place in the nation’s heart – along with ERNIE of course.

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�http://www.moneywise. co.uk/banking-saving/savingsaccounts-isas/premium-bondswhat-you-need-to-know http://www.theguardian.com/ money/2015/may/30/premiumbonds-safe-savings-waste-time http://www.telegraph.co.uk/ finance/personalfinance/ savings/11245455/ How-to-claim-forgottenPremium-Bonds-and-thelast-known-locations-of-thelost-100k-winners.html http://www.nsandi.com/ernie http://www.nsandi.com/do-ihave-any-unclaimed-prizes

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Page 35

WOW - MINI COOPER 3-DOOR HATCH FROM £239 A MONTH WITH JUST £239 DEPOSIT. MINI Select representative example: MINI Cooper 3-door Hatch with PEPPER Pack Term of agreement 49 months 48 monthly payments £239.00 On the road cash price* £16,364.13 Customer deposit £239.00 Retailer contribution £359.93 Total deposit £598.93 Amount of credit £15,765.20 Optional to purchase fee^ £1.00 Optional final payment^ £6,637.14 Total amount payable £18,709.07 Rate of interest 5.2% fixed Representative 5.2% APR

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Official Fuel Economy Figures for the MINI Hatch Range: Urban 36.7-64.2 mpg (7.7-4.4 l/100km). Extra Urban 58.9-88.3 mpg (4.8-3.2 l/100km). Combined 47.9-78.5 mpg (5.9-3.6 l/100km). CO2 Emissions 136-95 g/km. Cotswold Motor Group is a credit broker and not a lender. Figures may vary depending on driving style and conditions. Finance examples are for MINI Select agreements for a MINI Cooper 3-door Hatch with PEPPER Pack and a contract mileage of 32,666 miles and excess mileage charge of 4.33p per mile; and a MINI Cooper 5-door Hatch with PEPPER Pack and a contract mileage of 32,666 miles and excess mileage charge of 4.55p per mile. Applies to new vehicles ordered between 21 August and 30 September 2015 and registered by 31 December 2015 (subject to availability). Retail customers only. *On the road cash price includes 3 year MINI Retailer Warranty, MINI Emergency Service, 12 months’ road fund licence, vehicle first registration fee, delivery, number plates and VAT. ^Option to purchase fee and optional final payment payable at the end of the agreement if you decide to purchase the vehicle. Excess mileage charges and vehicle condition charges may be payable if you return the vehicle. All prices are correct at time of publication and are subject to change without notice. Retail customers only. Finance is subject to status and available subject to over 18s in the UK (not The Channel Islands or The Isle of Man). Guarantees and indemnities may be required. Advertised finance is provided by MINI Financial Services, Bartley Way, Hook, Hampshire RG27 9UF. You will have a 14 day statutory right to withdraw from the agreement. Cotswold Motor Group trading as Cotswold Cheltenham and Cotswold Gloucester commonly introduce customers to MINI Financial Services. This introduction does not amount to independent financial advice. Pictures may include options not included in finance examples.

Page 36

To advertise call 07939 802 384 or 01684 772572 or visit www.tewkesburymagazine.co.uk

There’s Life in the “Old-Cog” Yet. Iain Betson suggests rock-oil* still rolls. I’m not convinced electric cars are all they are made out to be. I don’t believe the hype about “zero emissions” - that an electric car is somehow non-damaging to the environment because there’s no CO2 emitted. Well, unless it’s charged up with fairy-dust, where’s the electricity coming from? Over 75% of the UK’s electricity is fossil fuel generated. In essence, electric cars push their emissions down the energy generation chain and add to the load on the grid too. Then there’s the problem of limited range. Batteries are the Achilles heel of the electric car. Consider your phone as an example. Ten years ago, Nokia’s 6310 would go about a week between charges. But today’s smartphones need a top-up pretty much daily. Battery technology has lagged

behind electronics, and will continue to do so. Of course, burning oil has issues. We all know that, but consider the amount of energy stored in the petrol tank of an average saloon. It’s simply huge. That’s why the internal combustion engine has lasted so long and, with continuous development, will continue. Within 5 years of the government introducing road tax based on CO2 emissions, manufacturers had introduced engines that produced the same, or sometimes more, power yet produced less CO2. In fact, per vehicle, income from road tax has dropped each year as a result. Here’s another pointer to the efficiency of modern engines. Bentley’s L series engine has been produced since 1959. In that time, it has been continuously developed, to the point that the current version will run on the emissions of the original. Like it or not, the internal combustion engine will still keep us rolling for a while yet. *The word petroleum comes from the Latin petra, meaning ‘rock’ and oleum, meaning ‘oil’.

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Page 37

Around Britain UNESCO World Heritage Sites 1. Bath - Famous for being the site of the only naturally hot spring in Britain, Bath was granted official city status by Elizabeth I in 1590 and went on to become a popular resort in the Georgian era, the period from which many of the city’s most beautiful buildings originate. The City of Bath was appointed a World Heritage Site in 1987. 2. Durham - Situated on a bend of the river Wear, Durham Cathedral was built to accommodate the remains of St Cuthbert in the late 11th century. Perhaps the largest Norman structure still standing in Britain, together with nearby Durham Castle it was appointed a World Heritage Site in 1986. 3. The Giant’s Causeway, Co Antrim - One of the UK’s four natural World Heritage Sites, The Giant’s Causeway was officially appointed in 1986. Comprising 40,000 interlocking columns of basalt, formed by an ancient volcanic eruption millions of years ago, according to legend the causeway was built by the giant Finn McCool in an attempt to cross to Scotland. 4. Ironbridge Gorge, Shropshire - One of the most famous symbols of the Industrial Revolution, Ironbridge Gorge in Shropshire was made a World Heritage Site in 1986. The bridge from which the gorge takes its name was completed in 1779, and is thought to be the first iron bridge anywhere in the world. 5. Saltaire, West Yorkshire - Built by the industrialist Sir Titus Salt for his workforce in 1853, the Yorkshire village of Saltaire was appointed a World Heritage Site in 2001. An outstanding example of Victorian philanthropy, Salt built houses, schools, bathhouses and a hospital for his workers, as well as providing them with a library, a concert hall and a gymnasium. © Taken from The British Isles: A Trivia Gazetteer by Paul Anthony Jones

Starts and Ends 1. What is the only capital city in the world that begins with the letter “i”? 2. Which TV show was often ended by Nick Ross encouraging viewers not to have nightmares? 3. If a game of football begins with a “kick-off”, which sport begins with a “ball-up”? 4. Of the 118 identified chemical elements, 85 have that a name that ends in what letter? 5. What is the more typical ending for a letter that begins “Dear Sir or Madam”?... “Yours sincerely” or “Yours faithfully”? 6. Which song by U2 starts with Bono counting in Spanish “unos, dos, tres, catorce”, numbers that translate as “one, two, three, fourteen”? 7. Which famous film ends with the line “it was beauty killed the beast”? 8. Which two signs of the zodiac share the same five letter ending? 9. Which is the only Beatles hit single with a title that starts and ends with the same letter? 10. Which two cities were the original endpoints of the Orient Express? Page 38

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Back to School It doesn’t matter what your age, September always signifies back to school. New uniforms have been bought, exercise books have been packed, and the summer is well and truly over. It’s time to knuckle down and get on with reading your set texts for the term. We’ve picked out a selection of the best books about school. You’ll be straight back into the classroom before the bell has rung. Looking for Alaska - John Green Fitting in at a new school is never easy, but Miles Halter’s life is transformed the day he starts at Culver Creek Boarding School and meets the eponymous Alaska Young. She’s beautiful and smart and funny and incredibly sexy, thinks Miles. He’s a smitten kitten but she is more than just a little bit complicated and confused. First comes love and then comes tragedy - and we’d expect nothing less from the author of the blockbusting ‘The Fault in Our Stars’, John Green. How will Miles cope with life on a rollercoaster ride? It’s a really funny book and like your first love, will stay in your heart for a long time. Goodbye, Mr Chips - James Hilton As the students move through the years and eventually leave school, there are some masters and mistresses who live out their days in the same establishment; the school becoming as much a part of their lives as their own family. Mr Chipping or ‘Mr Chips’ teaches classics at Brookfield School and is something of an institution. The kids think classics and Latin are antiquated subjects, and that their master has perhaps ‘had his chips’, but he perseveres as a staunch believer in discipline and education. Time does move Mr Chips on though, as he falls in love with the young and challenging Katherine and worries about the world that lies beyond Brookfield as times change and life continues.

I’d Tell You I Love You, but Then I’d Have to Kill You - Ally Carter The Gallagher Academy sets itself apart as being for ‘exceptional women’ and the high achievers among us. It’s actually a school for future spies. Here the young ladies learn combat and martial arts, code-deciphering and even have the odd bit of tuition in chemical warfare. Cammie is one such highly-intelligent student who’s being primed for a life in espionage. However, she can’t escape the fact that she’s also just a girl who’s got a bit of a crush on a boy. How does she go about concealing her identity from the one person she might be falling in love with? It could be a case of mission: impossible. The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie - Muriel Spark Most people would say that they have one teacher who really sticks in their mind and who had a significant impact on their future. Unconventional and unorthodox schoolmistress Miss Brodie nurtures the highachieving ‘Brodie set’ and has a great influence over her girls, through her charm and her guile. She fills her lessons with personal accounts of her love life, her politics and her unique slant on life and the future of the Brodie set. Miss Jean Brodie has become an iconic literary figure and has been brought to life both on the stage and in film, by Dame Maggie Smith no less. It’s a back to school must.

Stargirl - Jerry Spinelli Another unusual and left-of-centre teenage girl now, in the form of ‘Stargirl Caraway’. She arrives like a little sprinkling of sunshine at Mica High, strumming her ukulele and taking care of her pet rat. Leo Borlock falls head over heels for her and for a while it looks as though everyone at the school has a soft spot for Stargirl. But, teenagers are fickle, and as soon as you’re up they’ll bring you crashing back down to earth again. The one thing that might save Stargirl is the one thing that could also destroy her: Leo thinks she needs to blend in. Can you make someone be ‘normal’? Can you pretend to be something you’re not? This enchanting book celebrates our quirks and eccentricities and should be read by everyone- whether their ‘freak flag’ is flying, or it’s hidden. The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger Holden Caulfield is cheesed off. The original personification of teenage angst, he narrates a couple of days in his life after being expelled from his stuffy prep school, and generations of adults take him into their stilladolescent hearts. The fact that, to this day, it remains on banned book lists should give you some indication of the power of this antiestablishment novel. Teenagers tend to either revere Caulfield, or absolutely detest him and can’t see what his problem is. Either way, it makes for controversial reading, and a great escape from the ‘olds’ who’ll just get on your case.

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Page 39

Pictograms 4 words

. . . .


2 words

MARATHON 3 words

B R I TAB You have two minutes to find all the words of three or more letters that can be made from the letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns are not. The 6 letter word will always be just a normal everyday word.

3 letters: 11 4 letters: 3 5 letters: 1 6 letters: 1

Puzzle & Crossword Solutions Mini Cryptic Solution

Starts and Ends Quiz


1. Islamabad (capital of Pakistan) 2. Crimewatch 3. Australian Rules Football 4. M 5. Yours faithfully 6. Vertigo 7. King Kong 8. Aquarius and Sagittarius 9. Yesterday 10. Paris and Istanbul

Codeword 19 8





















10 3 6





















18 15








19 15










10 8















15 3























18 15


























rat rib tab tar 4 Letters bait barb brat






9 6













1 12










19 4


13 23










3 Letters air art bar bat bib bit bra

Page 40












10 19





























































15 8


Word Ladder H





5 Letters rabbi 6 Letters RABBIT









Here is one possible solution Here is one possible (others exist) solution may (others may exist

LEAF lead bead beam seam swam swim swig TWIG

Pictograms 1. Point Of No Return 2. Half Marathon 3. Cut It Out

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What's On in September Craft in Action Art Exhibition & Sale Saturday 5th September, 10am 4.30pm, Tewkesbury Abbey Rooms All goods offered for sale are handmade by the exhibitors. Bought in goods and mixed craft tables are NOT allowed, all craft must be of a single type. Come along and meet artists, find out more about their craft, watch demonstrations and buy some beautiful pieces. For more information visit: www.craftinaction73.co.uk Bredon Boat Races Sat 5th Sept, 12 Noon - 4.30pm, The Old Rectory Meadow, Dock Lane, Bredon, Tewkesbury, GL20 7LG

The annual boat races in Bredon promise fun and excitement for the whole family! Come along, watch the races, browse the stalls and enjoy food and refreshments while listening to music. Admission: £2.50. Ashleworth Village Show Saturday 5th September, 2-5pm Woodpeckers Sports Ground, GL19 4JS Traditional show with many attractions for all of the family. Attractions include amongst others: Tuffley Dog Agility display, Tea Tent (with fantastic local professional magician), Brass Band, BBQ, Tombola, Climbing Wall, Archery, Quad Train rides and a Marquee of produce and art. Admission: Just £2 for adults and £1 for children or £5 for a

family ticket. For more information visit: www.ashleworth.btck.co.uk/ AshleworthVillageShow or phone 01452 700098. Heritage Open Days The Royal Hop Pole Various days & times during the Heritage Open Days from Thursday 10th to Sunday13th September, Church Street Guided tours. Pre-booking required. For more information call 01684 274039. Heritage Open Days St Nicholas Church Thursday 10th, Friday 11th & Saturday12th September, 10am - 4pm, Ashchurch Childrens quiz, refreshments and displays. Enquiries to Alison Lund: alirotty3@hotmail.com Heritage Open Days Tewkesbury Heritage Centre Thursday 10th September, 10am - 4pm; Friday 11th September 10am - 4pm; and Saturday 12th September, 10am - 4pm Out of The Hat, Church Street Workshops inc. wallpaper design. For more information call 01684 855040. Heritage Open Days Tewkesbury Town Museum Thursday 10th & Friday 11th, 1pm4pm; & Saturday 12th & Sunday 13th, 11am - 4pm, Barton Street Children’s activities & trail. For more information call 01684 292901. Heritage Open Days Tewkesbury Abbey Friday 11th September, 9.30am - 4pm, Church Street Tours of the Knight’s Stairs & access to the Lady’s Chapel apse. For more information visit: www.tewkesburyabbey.org.uk Heritage Open Days Hidden Tewkesbury Friday 11th September, 1.30 pm Start point: Town Hall Guided Tour with John Dixon. Pre-

Booking essential (limited to 24). Duration : approx. 2 hours.For more information call 01684 855040. Classic Vehicle Day Sunday 13th September Toddington Station car park Classic Vehicle Days present a host of vehicles from days gone by, including selections of cars, motorcycles, commercial vehicles and buses. With over 120 exhibits, alongside a number of vintage trains, the day promises to be a great way to reminisce over some beautifully restored machines. Please note that if you only wish to view the classic vehicles but not ride the train, there will still be an entry charge of £3. Anyone purchasing a train ticket has full access to the site. If you would like an entry form to submit your vehicle for the event and for general information, please visit www.gwsr.com. Heritage Open Days The John Moore Museum & Old Baptist Chapel Saturday 12th September, 10am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm, and Sunday 13th September, 11am - 1pm & 2pm - 5pm, Church Street Natural History collection, restored Tudor Merchant's House and the Old Baptist Chapel, one of the oldest of its kind. For more information call 01684 297 174 or visit: www.johnmooremuseum.org Vintage & Collector's Fair Saturday 12th September, 11am - 4.30pm, Tewkesbury Park Hotel Vintage fair, classic car show, refreshments & live entertainment. Travel by vintage bus from The

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events cont'd on p42...

Page 41

...events cont'd from p41 Crescent. The free bus will be operating every twenty minutes from 11am until 3.30 pm. For more information visit: www.tewkesburyvintagefair.co.uk The Sixteen Choral Pilgrimage Flight of Angels Saturday 12th September, 7.30pm, Tewkesbury Abbey

The Sixteen takes a trip back to 16thcentury Spain, where arts and culture was flourishing. Come and experience this time by listening to the works of composers Francisco Guerrero and Alonso Lobo in the wonderful setting of Tewkesbury Abbey. Basket Making Workshop Saturday 19th September. 10am - 4pm, 100 Church Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5AB Have a go at making a lovely willow basket to take home. £40 per person which includes all materials, tea and delicious cake. The event is suitable for children too (aged 11 and over). Prebooking requires - only eight places available. For more information or to book call 01684 855040. Day out with Thomas Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th September, 9am, Gloucestershire

Warwickshire Railway, the Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT GWR offer the opportunity to ride with Thomas and all his friends in this action packed, fun family event. Trains will run regularly throughout the day from Toddington (from 09:30) and the Cheltenham Racecourse (from 09:45). When you want to take a break from riding with Thomas and friends there are a whole host of other activities you can get stuck into including: meeting and listening to story re-enactments with the the Fat Controller, face painting, a Punch and Judy show, a magic show and much, much more. For detailed information on train timetables, ticket prices and directions to the various train stations, please visit www.gwsr.com

Craft Fair Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th September, 10.30am - 4pm Winchcombe station, GL54 5LB Come and see some exquisite locally-made crafts by some of our volunteers. Entry to the fair is free of charge and you can also visit the model railway and the new Discovery coach. If you fancy a hot drink with a slice of cake, the station’s 1950’s style ‘Coffee Pot Café’ is nearby.

door. For further information call 01684 294639 or email secretary@tewkesburytowncouncil.gov.uk Crescendo Big Band Sunday 27th September, 8pm10.30pm (doors open at 7pm), Gupshill Manor, Tewkesbury Vocalist: Simon Cromey. Tickets: £9 (pay on the door). 20 minute interval. Seating is at tables. If you want a particular table - come early! Great atmosphere and music. For more information visit: www.crescendoband.co.uk

MARKETS Tewkesbury General Retail Market Wednesdays and Saturdays, 9am - 3.30pm, Spring Gardens Car Park, Oldbury Road, Tewkesbury, GL20 5DN Popular town centre retail market with a range of stalls. For more information please contact: Dave Joynes, Grenchurch Markets Ltd on 01386 840138. Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market Every 2nd Saturday of the month, 9am - 1.30pm, Abbey Lawns Car Park, Gander Lane, Tewkesbury, GL20 5PG The Tewkesbury Farmers & Craft Market has a great mix of local produce from farmers, growers and food producers plus a wonderful collection of local arts and crafts. For information about stalls please contact Dave Joynes, Cotswold Markets on 01386 840138 or email: Trade. CotswoldMarkets@gmail.com

Charity Race Night Saturday 26th September, 7pm 11.30pm, George Watson Hall In aid of the Mayor's charities. Tickets: £15 (to include a Ploughman's Supper). Cash bar and raffle available on the evening. Tickets available from Tewkesbury Town Hall or on the Page 42

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Tewkesbury Useful Numbers CHURCHES

Holy Trinity Church of England 01684 292797 Priors Park Chapel

01684 274837

St Joseph's Catholic Church

01684 293273

St Giles Church of England St Nicholas Church

Tewkesbury Abbey

Tewkesbury Baptist Church

01684 772237

01684 293729 01684 850959 01684 293044

Tewkesbury Methodist Church 01684 297411

Tewkesbury Spiritualist Church 01684 295 677

DOCTORS & PHARMACY Bredon Hill Surgery

Church Street Practice

01684 773444 01684 853398

Jesmond House Practice 01684 292813 Watledge Surgery

01684 293278

Badham Pharmacy

01684 290659

Winsome Clinic

07886 310362

Boots 01684 292122 Lloyds Pharmacy

Northway Chemist Superdrug

01684 293125 01684 299499 01684 273201

Gloucestershire Royal Hospital 0300 422 2222

Tewkesbury Hospital 0300 421 6100

Tewkesbury Library


Bredon Post Office

Tewkesbury Post Office

Ambulance (Emergency Only) 999 Fire (Emergency Only) 999 Gas Emergency 0800 111 999 Police (Emergency Only) 999 Police (non-emergency) 101 NHS Direct 111


Bus Information Train Information

01452 418630

0845 748 4950


Tewkesbury Borough Council 01684 295010


Electricty -足Power Loss

0800 365 900

Water Leaks

0800 169 1144

Gas Emergency

Water Severn Trent


0800 111 999

0800 783 4444

Alcoholics Anonymous

0845 769 7555

Citizens Advice Bureau

0870 120 4040

Directory Enquiries

118 500

Childline 0800 1111 Crimestoppers

Drugs Helpline Floodline




Parentline Plus RSPCA


National Missing Persons

0800 555 111 0800 776 600

0845 988 1188 0808 800 2222 0300 123 4999 01452 306333 0500 700 700

0845 2305420

01684 772349 01684 294606

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Page 43

Health Sitting Comfortably? It Could Be Killing You. By Alison Runham www.alison.runham.co.uk

Even if you exercise regularly, too much sitting could significantly shorten your life. With employment and entertainment becoming ever more sedentary, sitting down for hours is the norm for many of us. But in the last decade, research has increasingly proved that prolonged sitting is a health risk in itself, regardless of how much or how little exercise we do, and can cause irreversible damage. Disturbing rEsEarch A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in 2008 estimated that for every hour we sit watching TV after the age of 25, our life expectancy decreases by 21.8 minutes, while a 2012 study in the Lancet estimated that inactivity causes 9% of premature deaths. So how does sitting shorten life expectancy? Recent studies showed a 147% increase in the incidence of cardiovascular events (incidents causing heart muscle damage) and a 112% increase in diabetes risk amongst those spending longest sitting, Page 44

compared to those who sat least. Inactivity is known to increase breast and colon cancer risk too - and unsurprisingly, obesity. James Levine, Director of the Mayo Clinic-Arizona State University Obesity Solutions Initiative, has said he believes sitting is more dangerous than smoking. “We are sitting ourselves to death.” We know prolonged inactivity results in decreased bone density, and evidence now shows it reduces the action of enzymes that maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Some experts have suggested the effects of prolonged sitting may partially resemble those of zero gravity, causing the accelerated ageing, bone and muscle loss that occurs in astronauts. Unfortunately, exercise sessions aren’t a “cure for too much sitting,” explains Professor Marc Hamilton, from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center, in Men’s Health. “The average person could never do enough to counteract the effect of hours and hours of chair time.” tackling thE ProblEm A moderately active lifestyle which includes housework, walking or gardening is ideal. Take regular active breaks from seated activities like reading and watching TV: mop the floor, take a quick walk, or do a few minutes of ‘step’ (an exercise step isn’t required. Stairs will

do). You could also consider: • Reducing your sitting time by standing on public transport, walking or biking to the station, or getting off the bus earlier. • Standing or walking while on the phone. • A standing desk, a desk that converts between sitting and standing, or a unit that converts your normal desk to a standing one. • A treadmill desk (or attach a bracket or stand to your treadmill). • Sitting on a yoga ball; your core muscles will be used constantly to retain balance. • Walking or organising a sporting activity at lunchtime. • Active Sitting. It won’t replace standing or walking, but makes sitting healthier. Try raising your heels up and down; contracting your stomach muscles; raising and lower your lower leg from knee height or whole leg from hip height; swivelling your office chair using just your hips; tensing, stretching and bending your arms; rolling your shoulders. • Using the Pomodoro Technique, described here: http://pomodorotechnique. com/. This time management technique inserts regular breaks – that’s the time to get active. So next time you’re about to start something, stop. Does it have to be done sitting down? If not, then don’t sit! Bear in mind, though, that constant standing isn’t ideal either. Experts recommend aiming for a 50/50 split between sitting and activity.

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Visitors stay for longer following new parking charges

are enjoying a busier year compared to last year. The Borough Council’s new strategy introduced the new charges of £1 for one hour, £2 for up to three hours and £4 for over three hours. This More people replaced the older pricing are visiting structure of £2 for two hours, Tewkesbury and Winchcombe £3.50 for three hours, £5 for for longer, according to the four hours and £8 for over latest car park ticket sales. four hours - meaning anyone Figures show that since staying in the town centres Tewkesbury Borough Council for longer than two hours now introduced a new car finds it cheaper to do so. parking strategy in April, The figures are a welcome result there has been a 150% for the Borough Council, which increase in the number of hoped the new strategy would over three hour tickets sold. encourage visitors and shoppers In addition, over the same to support local businesses by period there has been a six spending longer in the two towns. per cent increase in ticket Tewkesbury Borough Council’s sales overall, which indicates Lead Member for Economic that the two market towns

Development Cllr Rob Bird said: “'Our objective was to help local businesses in our two stunning market towns, by encouraging people to visit and stay longer, through cheaper and simpler parking charges. These early figures indicate some success, and are excellent news for the economies of Tewkesbury and Winchcombe. We are continuing to work on other elements of our parking strategy, including new signage and mobile phone payments, and we hope to introduce these later on in the year.” While car park ticket sales are strong, the two towns continue to have a good level of parking available to support the demand.

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Page 45

advertisers index Aerials & Satellites Digital TV & Satellite Systems 17 Beauty & Hairdressing The Beauty Lounge 31 Natasha Broughton Hairdressing 25 Boat Moorings The Old Rectory 11 Bookkeepers The BooksAngel 12 Building, Maintenance, Repair, Carpentry & Handyman Services, Painters & Decorators Bill Bowmer Handyman 25 Dave Dowell 17 FKR Block Paving & Tarmac 20 LB Services 24 Caring Services Family Friend 31 Carpets & Flooring Goodrum Carpets 35 Charities & Community Building Circles 25 Chimney Sweep Severnside Sweeps 12 Cleaning & Domestic Services Tewkesbury Cleaning 28 Clubs & Classes Monkey Music 24 Electrical Services LB Services 24 Pro Electrical 20 Entertainment & Leisure Sunshine Radio 8 Roses Theatre 47

Events Basket Making Workshop 22 Charity Celebration Concert 17 Charity Race Night 13 Orchid Day 15 Food & Drink Brockmore Farm Shop 22 Jelly Roll Cafe 31 Wiltshire Farm Foods back page Funeral Directories Alexander Burn 26 Furniture Gloucester Furniture 4 Gloucester Import Furniture 2 Garden Centres Tewkesbury Garden Centre 14 Gardens & Landscaping Edward Price 31 Guttering Severn Guttering Services 31 Health Slimming World 31 Holidays Road-River-Rentals 20 Hypnotherapy & Reiki Advance Practice 6 Positive Exchange 32 Locksmiths MM Locksecure 28 Motoring, MOT’s & Vehicle Sales Cotswold Mini 36 Exhaust, Tyres & Batteries 6 J.T. Vehicle Services 37 MB Finishings 8

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Pets Echo Dogz Canine Training 45 Plumbing, Heating & Boiler Services LB Services 24 Johnston Scotia 27 Paul's Plumbing 25 Paul Tamcken Plumbing & Heating 20 Reflexology Judith Humphreys Reflexology 31 Removals Swift Removals & Storage 26 Roofing LCM Flat Roofing 12 Shopping Brockmore Farm Shop 22 Tewkesbury Cards & Gifts 12 Storage Compton Green Business Park 11 Swift Removals & Storage 26 Television Aerials & Satellites Digital TV & Satellite Systems 17 Vacancies HPS TR Ltd 4 Vehicle Hire Avonside Private Hire 8 Windows, Doors & Conservatories G2S Group 3 Cloudy 2 Clear

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The Roses Reopens This September!

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