Winchcombe Magazine April17

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April 2017


April What‘s On Guide


Ricotta Stuffed Chicken


Local News Local Businesses

by Pippa Greenwood

Home & Interiors

Martin Lewis

Balance Transfer

by Katherine Sorrell

䌀漀瘀攀爀椀渀最 䌀栀攀氀琀攀渀栀愀洀Ⰰ 吀攀眀欀攀猀戀甀爀礀Ⰰ 䈀椀猀栀漀瀀ᤠ猀 䌀氀攀攀瘀攀Ⰰ 䌀漀瘀攀爀椀渀最 圀椀渀挀栀挀漀洀戀攀 愀渀搀 猀甀爀爀漀甀渀搀椀渀最 瘀椀氀氀愀最攀猀 圀 Nigel Errington-Smith

一椀最攀氀 䔀爀爀椀渀最琀漀渀ⴀ匀洀椀琀栀

一椀最攀氀 䔀爀爀椀渀最琀漀渀ⴀ匀洀椀琀栀

Import Furniture Depot

NE E P R O O T W S O NE IN 2 577006 E R O L T B S A ENHAMAVAIL Tel: 0124

T L W HQ E 3 O H 0 N C 5 L G E W t NE FINANHiCgh Stree

0a% t 272-274

2000 Square Foot Showroom

Stores inCheltenham Cheltenham &&levels Gloucester 2000 Square Footstock Showroom Gloucester Filled with Stores oak and pineinfurniture, massive in living room, bedroom, Filled with oak and pine furniture, massive stock levels Filled with oak and pine furniture, massive stock levels living room, bedroom, dining room and occasional furniture. Lots of chairs to choose from inininaliving wideroom, varietybedroom, of fabrics and styles dining room and occasional furniture. Lots of chairs to choose from in a wide variety styles -dining room and occasional furniture. Lots of chairs to choose from in a wide variety offabrics fabrics and styles tables in many different sizes too. All with very quick delivery times - normally within 7 of days fromand placing order tables tablesininmany manydifferent differentsizes sizestoo. too.All Allwith withvery veryquick quickdelivery deliverytimes times--normally normallywithin within77days daysfrom fromplacing placingorder order Still time for Pre-Christmas Delivery! Still time for Pre-Christmas Living Room Ranges Delivery! Living Room Ranges Living DiningRoom RoomRanges Ranges Dining Room Ranges Dining Room Ranges BedroomRanges Ranges Bedroom Bedroom Ranges OccasionalFurniture Furniture Occasional Occasional Furniture

Our Prices Our Prices OurBePrices Can’t Can’t Be Beaten Can’t BeBeaten Beaten Probably the Probably Probably the cheapest cheapest inthe the cheapest in the inCounty! the County! County!

Fantastic prices on fabulous Fantastic prices on our our fabulous Fantastic prices on our fabulous ranges of original furniture ranges of of original original furniture furniture ranges We pride ourselves on providing quality furniture with a difference. 2000 sqranges ftquality showroom We pride ourselves onfine providing furniture with afor difference. We source all our at the very best prices our

We all ouronfine ranges quality at the very bestand prices Wecustomers pridesource ourselves providing furniture withtake afor difference. throughout Gloucestershire - come aour look customers - come and takefora look our We sourcethroughout all ourour fineGloucestershire rangesshowrooms at the very best prices superb today inside inside our superb showrooms today customers throughout Gloucestershire - come and take a look inside our superb showrooms in Cheltenham or Gloucester today 4 - TEWKESBURY DIRECT

Page 2

272 - 274 High Westgate RetailStreet Park (Opposite the Brewery) Westgate Retail Park (OppositeDunelm Dunelm Mill) (Opposite Cheltenham, GL50Mill) 3HQ Gloucester GL1 2RU (Opposite Dunelm Mill) Tel: 01242GL1 577006 Gloucester 2RU Tel: 01452 524545 Gloucester GL1 2RU

Mon Mon-Sat - Sat 9.30am - 5.30pm 9.30am-5.30pm Sun 11.00am 272-274 High- 4.00pm Street Mon-Sat 9.30am-5.30pm Sun 11.00am-4.00pm Sun 11.00am-4.00pm Cheltenham GL50 3HQ

Westgate Retail Park

(Opposite 01242Dunelm) 577006 Tel:Tel: 01452 524545 Tel: 01452 524545 Gloucester, GL1 2RU Mon-Sat 9.30am-5.30pm

Sun01452 11.00am-4.00pm Tel: 524545

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit

䌀漀瘀攀爀椀渀最 圀椀渀挀栀挀漀洀戀攀Ⰰ 䌀栀攀氀琀攀渀栀愀洀Ⰰ 吀攀眀欀攀猀戀甀爀礀Ⰰ  䈀椀猀栀漀瀀ᤠ猀 䌀氀攀攀瘀攀 愀渀搀 猀甀爀爀漀甀渀搀椀渀最 瘀椀氀氀愀最攀猀⸀

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From the Editor

Local Magazines Published by Glos Directories - connecting local businesses with local people

Dear Reader, Welcome to the April issue of your local community magazine, which as always is packed full of local businesses and interesting articles for you to read. The Easter holidays will soon be upon us and you will find lots of local events in the What’s On section of the magazine should you be stuck for something to do with the family! I must get organised as the Easter bunny will soon be paying us a visit. Each year I limit my children as to how much chocolate they’re allowed by hiding away their stash after they’ve had a few treats, only to find myself digging in after they’ve gone to bed. So in a bid to cut our family’s sugar intake, I’ve asked the Easter bunny for fewer chocolatey treats and requested he hides some arts & crafts activities instead to keep the kids entertained and to reduce my annual intake of chocolate in April! Maybe we’ll even squeeze in a family walk after lunch on Easter Sunday. Happy Easter to all our readers! Remember to like our Facebook page and to follow us on Twitter in order to keep up to date with all the local businesses and events in your area. Enjoy this month’s issue! Best wishes, Vicky Muller

- Editor Please like us on Follow us on Twitter WinchcombeMag

For general enquiries please call: 01242 308 522 Local: Advertising: Website:

Tel: 01242 500 028

Request list online call to book your Aug/Sept Magazine Book now a toprice be included inorthe next Issue andspace growinyour business locally.

No time to write a blog for your business?

Let us write it for you! ☑ Weekly or monthly blogs starting at £60 per blog post

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GFC and sons

Family run business est. 1976

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email: tel: 07795323470

T: 01242 511584 M: 07813 921153 or 07721 650999 E: W:

Old replaced with new Ask Adam for details Weeds and dirt removed Joints resealed - Outlets unblocked Cast iron guttering & fascias painted Email: Page 6

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Winchcombe U3A

More than 150 people attended a meeting on 15th February to find out whether there is enough support to start a Winchcombe Area branch of the University of the Third Age. The organisers were astonished but delighted by the turnout and at the end of the meeting there was a clear vote in favour of taking this forward. A very wide range of interest groups was suggested including things such as music appreciation, photography, walking football, line dancing, several languages, archaeology, current affairs, astronomy, art, literature, chess and many more. Only two people are needed to start an interest group so there really should be something for everyone. A steering committee has now been formed from volunteers who attended the launch and they are currently organising the inaugural meeting which will be your opportunity to join the U3A (the annual fee for the Winchcombe Area branch will be £18.00) and sign up for any groups you are interested in. The U3A is open to anyone who is no longer working or looking after children full time. If you fit this description come along to Abbeyfields Community Centre, Back Lane, Winchcombe, GL54 5QH between 2.00pm and 4.00pm on Monday 3rd April.

Zaza's Blog Spring has sprung and it’s so nice to have the lighter evenings. We’ve had lots of people in the yard looking at the garden bazaar, finding that perfect planter or Staddle Stone and getting the garden ready for the warmer weather. We’ve been busy inside too, our lovely new showroom is finished and we now have WR Home and WR Workshops – a new Winchcombe-based destination for restored and repurposed home interiors and new local artisan arts and crafts. We have an array of vintage, original and uniquely restored, refurbished, one-of-a-kind and heritage furniture and decorative pieces. We are also showcasing a handful of specially selected, high quality, handmade products from our friends in the Cotswolds, soy candles, soaps, silk scarves and sculptures, championing local Craftspeople and Artisans. Why not try one of Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway’s special events, they are having a Fish and Chips Special (The Cheltenham Fryer) on the 8th April. The train departs from Toddington at 7.00pm, returning at about 9.30pm. You can enjoy a leisurely Saturday evening ride through the Cotswold countryside with a large fish and chips meal delivered to your reserved seats by a train stewards. You can even wave at me from the train as you steam past the yard! Until next time, - Zaza Zebra

Winchcombe Reclamation Ltd, Broadway Road, Winchcombe, GL54 5NT

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Page 7

Come and learn with us at Pre-School

Come and explore with us at Forest School

Come and chat with us at Toddler Group Alderton Village Hall Monday to Wednesday 9am-3pm Forest School Thursday 9am-11am Toddler Group Friday 10am -12noon A traditional community-run Pre-School in a rural village setting Contact our Pre-School Leader Sarah Westgate on or email us: Page 8

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The Gloucester Biltong Company

Producing the finest quality Traditional & Naga Biltong. Mail order on Tel: 01452 346496 or email or simply visit us at Unit 28 Kestrel Court, Waterwells Drive, Quedgeley, Gloucester GL2 2AT.


Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm Sat: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

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8 beautifully styled bedrooms Private dining for up to 20 Fully stocked courtyard garden Large selection of local ales Extensive wine list Serving breakfast, lunch & dinner Alfresco menus available Join us for Easter Sunday lunch AA Restaurant Rosette AA 4-star rating Perfect base to explore The Cotswolds

Colt Corner Sofa

Quality sofas and chairs bespoke or from our designed range, made in our workshop and displayed in our showroom.

Tel. 01242 621414 | Please mention Winchcombe Magazine when responding to advertisers

Page 9

VALE COUNTRY FAIR & POINT TO POINT HORSE RACES SUNDAY 16th APRIL 2017 (Easter Sunday) At Andoversford, Nr Cheltenham, GL54 4LQ Join us for a great family day out on Easter Sunday. There will be plenty of variety and things to see and do. Bring your dog and enter the fun family dog show or sign your terrier up for the terrier racing. Look at the poultry and watch the falconry display given by Jemima Parry-Jones, the owner and director of the International Birds of Prey Centre in Newent. There will be stalls and stands and you can bring your own picnic or buy food and drink there. There will be seven Point to Point Horse Races starting at 2.00pm. The gates open at 10.30am. Adult tickets cost £10, children go free and there will be free parking available. For more information, please visit

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SUNDAY 16th APRIL 2017 (Easter Sunday)

At Andoversford, Nr Cheltenham, GL54 4LQ

Gates open at 10.30am 1st Race at 2.00pm Includes: Falconry Display, Poultry, Family Dog Show & Terrier Racing Adults £10, Children free Free parking

Trade Stands welcome but need to be pre-booked on 07980 863883 or 01989 720335

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit

Dog lovers wanted: Open your home to a friendly dog for his holiday! We are looking for dog lovers to welcome guest dogs into their home for a holiday while owners are away.


If you are at home all day, have no children under the age of six, have no more than one dog of your own and would like to enjoy the companionship of guest dogs please get in touch


Give a dog a holiday! Where happy dogs holiday

Alexis Bennett 01242 681 488 / 07900 817 504 A franchise owned and operated under licence by Alexis Bennett



Scientist Baird Becquerel Bell Bernoulli Boyle Bunsen Celsius Crick Curie Darwin Davy Einstein Fleming Galen Gauss Halley Hopper

Joule Kepler Lovelace Marconi Newton Nobel Pasteur Rutherford Volta

Find the names of scientists in the grid and the remaining letters will spell out a related phrase Please mention Winchcombe Magazine when responding to advertisers

Page 11

MARTIN LEWIS Money Sins Balance Transfer By Martin Lewis @moneysavingexpert

Arethe youbeginning a sinner? Financially At of the that is. arethe a host year, forThere many, letterbox of everyday becomes anmoney enemy. When misdemeanours that millions it flips open it contains a bill. of people do, costing them And the worst of those thousands, without being for many are credit cards aware of it. These aren’t a final reckoning of the horrors like grabbing a last year’s debts, topped off by payday loan, but the result Christmas spending. If you’ve of simple misunderstandings, debts you can’t repay, there bad habits or inaction. are two key thingstoured to do: So having recently stop borrowing more around the UK doing and cut the interest rate. roadshows for the sixth series of my ITV show, I’ve By cutting the rate,collated more five of the most common. of your repayments clear the actualwhile debtyou’ve rather than 1. Saving expensive debts just help add profit to the lender. The main weapon to Savings rates are depressingly clear credit store cards low – the topand easy-access rate is 1%. a balance transfer, where Credit card and other interest arecredit depressingly you getrates a new card(s) high. repays So, £1,000 credit that debts oncard existing debt atfor 18% costs cards you, soyou you£180 oweait, year,at the same amount saved in but a far lower cost, top paying savings account at for a small fee. 1% interest only earns you £10. The newspay is right If yougood had both, the debt off with your savings and you'd now there’s white-hot be £170 a yearinbetter off. competition this market. So, sort it now stop Many of you willand be thinking, paying more than my needed. "but I want to keep savings, whatifif you the boiler And won'tpacks listenuptoor the roof fallstoin?" However, me, listen Marc who that’s a sentimental strategy, emailed: "took your tip on not a logical one. Let’s carry taking a balance transfer on the £1,000 debt and card and we’ve saved £1,000 savings scenario £9,400 the next to show over you why. 40 months. Amazing." • If you don’t pay the debt

off with the savings How to choose the and rightan emergency happens that balance transfer card deals costs you £1,000 to fix, you’d There is a vast range of use all your savings and still cards choose from, haveto £1,000 of credit ranging up to 43 mths 0%. card debt. But it isn’t quite • If you do pay off as thesimple debt a £1,000 aswith justthe go savings, for the and longest. emergency happens, you’d 1.need Go for thefor lowest fee to pay it on your incredit the time you're sure card, meaning you still you cards havecan no repay. savings Most and £1,000 charge a one-off fee on the of credit card debt. amount of debt transferred. The end result of them both is So, for example, 3% is off £30 the same, yet by paying the per debt£1,000. with theGenerally, savings, youthe longer themeantime. 0% period, save in the the bigger the if the debt The only exception is atwhat 0%. Then financially So, you the need to do is savvy and disciplined can do calculate how long you think what’stake calledtostoozing, where you'll clear the debt, you deliberately buildfor upsafety, 0% add a few months debt only to save it and earn then pick the lowest fee interest. Though with current within the time you saving rates so low, it’sneed. not If sure, safe asyou’re easy asnot it used to play be. Full and go long. For example, help on that at the longest card available stoozing at the of asking writingyour is the 2. Not time at least energy firm if you areuponto 43 mths 0%, with its cheapest deala 3.29% fee. The longest no-fee card is Most people in the UK are on up to their energy firm’s standard 26 mths 0%.typically means tariff, which they’re overpaying by £300 2. You need a a year. I’ve talked best aboutbuy PERSONALISED switching until I’m blue in the table. Each lender credit face, and, of course, the best scores you differently, where plan is to take five minutes to one reject.via do a accepts, full marketothers comparison Best buy tables just list the my

or anyoffers best available, but what approved comparison really counts is whatsite. you can Yet accepted for some that be for.doesn’t Worse hit still, home. So,way let me plain. the only to be find out Even what if you won’t do that, just pick up you’ll actually get is to apply, the phone and ask your current and that“Am marks provider I onyour your credit cheapest file. Yetand, we’ve seen a new tariff?” if not, switch range show your to that of as tools there’sthat no change likely but thechances price! of acceptance before applying, protecting For example, as I write (it can your credit Some card change daily),score. on EDF’s standard firms have their own or my tariff someone with typical Eligibility (www. usage paysCalculator £1,070/year. It also shows has a 12-month fix at £880/year - £190/year less. your chances for most top cards, effectively giving you The British Gas’s standard tariff awith personal table. typical best use isbuy £1,044/year, butMany it also cards runs Sainsbury Energy 3. are 'up to's': (i.e. it’s the same company With these cards, only 51% but a different name), and its of accepted cheapest fix isapplicants £804/year –need get the advertised 0%don’t length, saving £240/year. This ask the a shorter don’trest get could savingget works at all the deal. So, so in many cases,dothe big firms, if you won’t cards that aren’t ‘updo to’s’ a comparison, at least this. can be better. The longest 3. Only making the minimum non-up to 0% www. repayments on deal creditiscards Credit card 42mth 0%minimum for a 3.5% fee, payments are based mostly and it also has the longest on a percentage of the balance, fee-free 25mth which onlydeal just at covers the 0%. interest. So, you hardly This is especially important clear any an eligibility when you comparison. If all£3,000 your A 30-year-old with accepted cardscard are at ‘up17.9% to’ debt on a credit interest,then whothe made only typical cards, likelihood is minimum you won’trepayments, get the fullwould 0%. takeeven 27 years to clearone it. Byorthen, So if there’re two they’d be 57 and have paidthey a non ‘up to’ deals there,

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may be worth looking at. The 3 Balance Transfer Golden Rules Getting the right card's only half the job. Once you get it, you need to use it the right way. a) Repay at least the set monthly min, or you can lose the 0% deal. The same can be true if you bust your credit limit. b) Always clear the card or shift again before the 0% ends, or rates jump to the representative APRs, typically 18% to 20%. c) Don't spend or withdraw cash on them, it's rarely at the cheap rate. Instead, shift your debt to these cards, then put it away somewhere not to be used. A final thought on this. The best way to clear debts is to repay as much as you can and be wary of only repaying the minimum repayments. That’s dangerous. Minimum

repayments are set to only just cover the interest, so repayments drop as debt drops, prolonging the debt period. For example, with £3,000 on a typical card, repaying minimum repayments it’d take you 27 years to repay, costing £4,000 in interest. Now you may say to me “I can’t afford to pay more.” Yet in the first month the minimum repayment would be about £70, and if you fixed your repayment at that rather than letting it drop, you’d clear the debt in five years. Yet if you’ve multiple debts, order them in terms of interest rates, and throw all spare cash at repaying the one with the highest rate (as it’s growing fastest). Just pay minimums on the rest. Once that’s clear, focus on the next most expensive debt and so on. Are you in debt crisis? The solutions above are for those who can manage their

debts. Yet if you a) can't meet even the minimum monthly payments b) have non-mortgage debts bigger than a year's salary or c) can’t sleep due to your debts, or have depression or anxiety because of them, then you’re in what I define as debt crisis. Forget the above and get free, one-on-one debtcounselling help from,, www. or www. They are there to help, not judge. The most common thing I hear after is: "I finally got a good night's sleep". Martin Lewis is the Founder & Chair of Money Saving Expert. To join the 12 million people who get his Martin’s Money Tips weekly email, go to www. latesttip

Awards and Prizes 1. Originally receiving the most votes, which dog was removed as a candidate for the first ever Best Actor Oscar after the Academy wanted to have a human actor win the award so they would appear more serious? 2. Which London art museum hosts the annual Turner Prize exhibition? 3. The Man of Steel award is given annually to the player voted best in which sport? 4. Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize? 5. Which annual award has a name containing three nouns that, according to an analysis of the Oxford English Corpus of over one billion words, are the first, second and third most commonly used nouns in the English language? 6. On which game show were a chequebook and pen awarded as a booby prize? 7. Winning in 1966, who was the first footballer to win the BBC Overseas Sports Personality of the Year award? 8. After winning the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016, Bob Dylan became only the second person to have won both an Oscar and a Nobel Prize. Born in Dublin in 1856, who was the first? 9. What is the maximum individual prize in a monthly premium bonds draw? 10. Sometimes referred to as the animals’ Victoria Cross, the Dickin Medal was established in 1943 and was awarded 54 times to honour actions during World War Two. What type of animals were honoured more than any other, with 32 awards in total? Please mention Winchcombe Magazine when responding to advertisers

Page 13


Have you visited the AWARD-WINNING Beauty Salon in Winchcombe?


irsti and her team have over 30 years’ experience in the beauty industry and offer the full range of beauty treatments to all ages for both men and women. Specialising in CACI the non – surgical face lift, Guinot, Decleor, Clarins, Jessica, Calgel, Sienna X, Lash Perfect, LVL, Minx and the removal of thread veins.

Open 6 days a week with 3 late nights until 9pm. Visit the salon for the first time and receive 25% off your first treatment and then enjoy a further 15% off your second visit.* *Must be used within 6 weeks from the first treatment.

The Coach House 2a Bull Lane, Winchcombe Cheltenham, GL54 5HY Tel: 01242 604017 Website:

Page 14

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They Drive Amongst Us... This piece was inspired by a video of a driver doing something earth-shatteringly stupid - and the internet is full of this stuff. Though worth a chuckle, they serve as a reminder to avoid such people. My top 5: 5. The car trailing a pump nozzle and 3m of hose from its filler cap. Like you didn’t hear some sort of bang as it snapped off the pump? 4. The 4 x 4 driver who exits, via a tight lefthander, a car-wash set on a bank. They floor it, shoot off the road and roll over-and-over down the bank. Pity you wasted your money on that premium wash eh? 3. Those classic instances of tail-gating over a

rising bollard, which is designed to stop such an act and has signs saying so. Still, some drivers think it doesn’t apply to them, until their transport is lifted three feet off the ground. 2. How difficult can it be to drive into a workshop with an inspection pit? Line the car up and drive slowly in. Alternatively, speed in at a crazy angle and jam the car sideways down the pit. 1. Top place must go to the video that prompted this piece. Taken by the dashcam of a car waiting to fill-up at a petrol station, it shows a driver using a cigarette lighter to see how much fuel is in the tank, with predictable results. The dashcam driver, seeing the conflagration unfolding before their eyes, drove off before things really got out of hand, but presumably it didn’t turn out well. You have been warned: they drive amongst us.

By Iain Betson

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07947 089266 Please mention Winchcombe Magazine when responding to advertisers

Page 15

Changes Our books this month are all about change, from shifting viewpoints to rewriting history.

Stickertopia, The Flower Garden – Mitchell Beazley Walk into any bookstore and you’re likely to see at least one shelf dedicated to grown-up colouring books. So it’s not too much of a surprise that sticker books are having a similar grown-up makeover. This one includes 30 garden illustrations, from Klimt’s garden path to the butterfly garden in Bronx Zoo. You can add extra colour and detail with stickers of flowers, leaves, butterflies and birds. It’s surprisingly relaxing, and there’s something rather satisfying about putting your own mark on the designs. All Our Wrong Todays – Elan Mastai No one expects Tom Barren to amount to much. They certainly don’t expect him to go back in time and completely change life as they know it. But that’s what happens. In Tom’s world 2016 looks rather different than it does to us. The discovery of a clean, almost effortless form of energy back in the 60s has made the world something of a utopia. But then Tom becomes the first time traveller, and accidently rewrites history. When he gets back to 2016, everything has changed. Page 16

Take Courage, Anne Brontë and the Art of Life – Samantha Ellis Anne is often seen as the ‘other Brontë’. Most of us would struggle to remember the names of either of her books. In part this is because of the way she’s usually portrayed – quiet, reserved and, well, less interesting than her siblings. Ellis goes to great lengths to show that this was far from the case. Anne’s novel, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, was, in many ways, more subversive and ahead of its time than those of her sisters. As Ellis talks us through her research, a very different Anne Brontë starts to emerge. Take Courage is far from a dry clinical biography; Ellis is clearly indignant at Anne’s treatment and the book is a real pleasure to read. Good Me, Bad Me – Ali Land Can a child brought up to be a killer change her fate? That’s the question posed in this gripping psychological thriller. Milly is in foster care with a new family and a new name. All she wants is a fresh start. But Milly’s mum is a serial killer, and Milly was the one who put her behind bars. As the trial approaches, Milly has to decide what she

wants from life, and how far she’s willing to go to get it. The Art of Contribution – Ann Skinner The Art of Contribution aims to help people live a more meaningful life. Life coach Ann Skinner shares her advice for making a positive impact on the world. The book is broken up into short, easily digestible chapters. They focus on lessons that Skinner has learnt herself, from embracing imperfections to contributing not ‘from a place of feeling that some things in the world need fixing, but from a place of wanting to add joy to it’. Homegoing – Yaa Gyasi Homegoing follows the descendants of two African sisters – one sold into slavery, the other married off to a slave trader. We meet warring tribes in Ghana, brutalised slaves on American plantations, men forced into hard labour once slavery has supposedly been outlawed, drug addicts and numerous other characters. Brilliantly written, vivid and, at times, harrowing, this is one of those books you’ll find yourself recommending to anyone who’ll listen.

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Alex Burn 10 Year Anniversary:Layout 1



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R 10 YEA versary S







ALEXANDER BURN FUNERAL DIRECTORS Alexander Burn is an independent family business with four offices covering the Cheltenham and Tewkesbury area. COURTEOUS, EFFICIENT AND RESPECTFUL 24 hour personal service | Private chapels of rest HM Coroner and NHS Funeral Director for Gloucestershire Bishops Cleeve 22 Church Road 01242 673300

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Boat Moorings The Old Rectory Bredon - Moorings from £825 per year

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INSTALLERS OF PVCU ROOFLINE PRODUCTS We are experts in the installation, removal and replacement of Fascias, Soffits, Guttering & Downpipes

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A Picture Costs A Thousand Words If you’re texting pictures or emoji - the little icons of smiley faces or clapping hands - on your mobile, beware: many networks class those things as picture messages, and charge serious money for sending them. You’ll often find that even the most expensive contract bundle only gives you free text messages, not picture ones. The good news is that there are plenty of alternatives. If you use an iPhone and the recipient has an iPhone, you can send anything you like over Messages using your internet connection, bypassing the phone network altogether, and if you don’t have that possibility you can connect with friends or family via Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp or one of the many hundreds of chat/messaging apps available for PCs, smartphones and tablets. You can even use apps to bypass the phone network to make voice and video calls: Skype is available for almost every platform, while Apple users can FaceTime one another for voice or video.


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Accident damage Alloy wheel refurbs Scratches & dents Full resprays Insurance work Trade/Fleet Motor home specialist Free pick up & delivery

Unit 6, Orchard Ind. Estate, Toddington, GL54 5EB (Behind the Cafe)

OPEN 8.00am - 5.30pm Monday - Friday

Tel. 01242 620876

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Page 19

Cake and Bake Chocolate & Orange Hot Cross Buns

Give the classic hot cross bun a delicious twist with the addition of chocolate chips, orange zest and piped chocolate crosses!


1. Sift the flour into a large bowl and stir in the salt, mixed spice, orange

• 500g strong white plain flour, plus extra for dusting

2. Bring the milk almost to the boil in a small pan then stir in the butter

• 1/2 tsp salt • 2 tsp ground mixed spice • Zest of 1 orange • 50g caster sugar • 1 x 7g sachet easyblend or fast-action dried yeast • 300ml hand-hot milk • 55g butter, cubed • 1 large egg, beaten • 75g dried mixed fruit • 50g dark chocolate chips


AND CROSSES • 1-2 tbsp warmed golden syrup • 50g dark chocolate, melted

Makes 12 Ready in 2 hours, 45 minutes Page 20

zest, sugar and dried yeast. Make a well in the middle.

until melted. Leave the liquid to cool until it’s just hand hot. Pour the liquid into the well with the beaten egg and mix with a round- bladed knife to make a soft and slightly sticky dough. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 8-10 minutes until smooth and elastic, adding a little more flour if the dough is too sticky.

3. Place the dough in a clean, lightly greased bowl and cover with oiled

cling film. Leave the bowl in a warm place for about 1 hour or until the dough has doubled in size.

4. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface, flatten out with the palms of your hands and scatter over the dried fruit and chocolate chips. Fold and knead the dough until the fruit and chocolate chips are incorporated. Divide and shape the dough into 12 even-sized buns and place on a large greased baking sheet.

5. Cover loosely with oiled cling film and leave in a warm place until the buns have risen by at least half again and are almost touching each other - this will take about 45-60 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200C, 180C fan, Gas Mark 6.

6. Bake the buns in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes until risen

and golden brown. Leave on the baking sheet for 5 minutes then transfer to a cooling rack. Brush with the warmed golden syrup whilst the buns are still warm.

7. When the buns are cold, spoon the melted chocolate into a small

disposable piping bag, snip off the end and pipe a cross on each bun. Leave until set then serve.


These buns are best eaten on day they’re made, but if you have some left over the next day simply split and toast and serve with butter or chocolate spread.

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Page 21

Winchcombe Walkers are Welcome WINCHCOMBE

Walk Number 4 Walk Stancombe walk Stancombe © OpenStreetMap contributors and WWaW


Broa dwa y


Duration: 1hour


Rushley Lane

A short circular walk from the centre of Winchcombe along a track and fields returning over the River Isbourne. Distance: 2 miles /3.2kms

be Lane

Sta ancombe Farrm


Difficulty: Easy Start/finish: Back Lane car park £1.00 all day Toilets 20p in car park.

Tou ourist urist Information ur uri nff m mat mation atio Centtre 0 St. Peter terrs Church hu h

Win hcombe Wi Winch m e mbe D

Refreshments: Winchcombe Ascent: 166 feet/50 metres

Leave Back Lane car park via the main entrance into Back Lane and turn right. Carefully cross the road and continue along the pavement to the crossroads. Turn right and carefully re-cross Back Lane and follow North Street past the shops to the T-junction. Turn left past shops and followed by a variety of different style houses.


0..25 mile 0.5 km

Winchcom be Way

towards a farm. Follow the footpath Cowl Lane and follow until you signs past the farm and turn right to reach the car park pedestrian cross a field to Rushley Lane C. entrance on your left. Turn left and follow the lane for 50 metres before you turn right at a footpath sign (Gloucestershire Way) through a kissing gate.

River Isbourne, Castle Street Copyright Winchcombe Walkers are Welcome 2013

View from corner Rushley Lane Hailes Street, Winchcombe

Leave the town along Broadway Road over the bridge and turn right into Rushley Lane A. After 100 metres at a sharp bend in the road continue straight ahead B along Stancombe Lane, uphill for approx 400 metres until you meet a footpath on your right. Turn right along the path and follow the path across the field and up Page 22

Follow the path diagonally across the meadow to the far left hand side, notice the ridge and furrows resulting from ploughing 100’s of years ago. Continue along the path between some houses into Castle Street D and turn right to follow the road up a steep slope to enter the town by the White Hart Inn.

This Walk Route is courtesy of Winchcombe Walkers are Welcome. Each month we publish a different route. All routes are available to view on their website. www.winchcombewelcomes

Carefully cross the road and turn left; approx 50 metres ahead on the right is Cowl Lane. Turn right into

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit

Administering a Deceased’s Estate – What Does it Involve? With the large number of celebrity deaths occurring in 2016 many of us have been prompted to consider our own mortality. But if the worst happens and a loved one dies have you ever considered the practical steps that you would need to take to deal with their affairs? After the practicalities of registering the death and arranging the funeral, the deceased’s financial affairs need to be dealt with. If the deceased left a Will this directs who does what and who gets what. The deceased’s assets and liabilities form their “estate” which will need to be administered by the Executors in the Will. The administration will consist of collating details of the assets and liabilities, paying liabilities

(including inheritance tax), collecting in the assets and then distributing the correct assets to the right beneficiaries. To do this you may require a “Grant of Representation”, one form of which is a Grant of Probate being the document issued by the Court recognising the authority of the Executors to administer the estate. Administering an estate can be time-consuming, complicated and emotionally difficult. Matters may be particularly complicated if the deceased died “intestate” i.e. without having made a Will. If you therefore need any assistance, we can help ease the burden and worry by helping and guiding you through the legal process. We also appreciate that

you might be understandably concerned as to the cost of handing over the administration to a solicitor and we therefore aim to be flexible and transparent in our fees by offering tailored packages to suit your requirements. Sarah Ingles is a Consultant Solicitor in Cheltenham with over 15 years’ experience of advising on LPAs, Wills, inheritance tax planning, trusts and administration of estates and can be contacted on 01242 235250.

Helping to

ease the burden After the death of a loved one, those left behind not only have the funeral and the emotional turmoil to deal with, but also the realities and practicalities of everyday life. The deceased’s affairs must be dealt with, usually an estate administered and wound up. This is where we can help, as much or as little as you like. We can also provide advice to potentially minimise any inheritance tax bill for the family. Just come and talk to us. For legal advice, please contact our bereavement team for an understanding and friendly service.

Tewkesbury 01684 299633

Pershore 01386 562000

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Cheltenham 01242 235250

Page 23

Don’t Just Leave Your Care To The Kids by Kate McLelland A debate about how we will fund social care - now and in the future - is currently raging, with politicians blaming each other for the looming crisis. These days the media is full of stories about vulnerable older people let down by fifteenminute home care visits. Added to this, the Guardian recently reported that the country has lost almost 1,500 residential care homes in the past six years. All this may leave you wondering what quality of care we can expect in the coming years. If you have children, it may be tempting to ignore the negative headlines, in the hope that your offspring will look after you when the time comes. But given the way lifestyles are changing and new working patterns are emerging, this could be a risky strategy: you would be wise to put an alternative plan in place. Blame the economy Nowadays, economic pressures are forcing families to live further apart. Research carried out by the WRVS found that a reduction in job security, coupled with changes in the labour market, has driven many families to live elsewhere. 82 per cent of adults who moved Page 24

away from their parents did so for work reasons, with the result that 10 per cent of older people now live more than an hour’s drive away from their nearest child. We’re all living longer Thanks to improvements in health care, older people are now living longer. Parents are also waiting longer before having their first child – statistics gathered last year showed that first-time mums in their thirties and forties now outnumber those giving birth at age 20 and under. With the state pension age due to rise again from 66 to 67 between 2026 and 2028, our working lives are getting longer, too. It’s likely that you will start to need care just as your children are working through their final years before retirement. Even after retirement it’s entirely possible that – exhausted by years of work and parental responsibility – your children may be reluctant to swap full-time work for the job of full-time carer. Thinking ahead If you are intending to downsize, then consider moving to a property that can be modified as your needs change, with a toilet - and

ideally a shower room - on the ground floor, and a reception room that can be adapted into a bedroom if you become unable to climb the stairs. If the property is close to shops and good transport links, so much the better. As you grow older, you should continue to discuss your situation with your children. It may be that you all agree to move into a property with a ‘granny flat’, or compromise by moving separately to an area where there is a good residential care home nearby, so you can still maintain close contact with your loved ones if your health deteriorates. Finally, keep an eye on options for funding your long-term care. There are some excellent sources of advice available, including the Money Advice Service (www. None of us can predict what will happen in the future. In the best-case scenario you could remain fit and healthy throughout your old age, but if that isn’t the case, considering your options now may make life a little easier for yourself, and your family, as you grow older.

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Your Advert Here From only ÂŁ39+ VAT per month (T's & C's apply) Call 01242 500 028 or 07740 784 444 for more information.

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Page 25


After 67 years, the future of the

Winchcombe country show is in jeopardy We currently have no entertainments officer and both the show secretary and treasurer will be retiring after the 2017 show. To keep the show going we urgently need new volunteers now to learn the ropes this year and be ready to take over in 2018. IF WE ARE UNABLE TO RECRUIT MORE VOLUNTEERS THERE WILL BE NO PROCESSION IN 2017 AND NO SHOW IN 2018. The Winchcombe country show is YOUR show run solely by volunteers. If you want it to continue, please help. We really do need you and so do the charities and local organisations that benefit from any funds raised. If you would like to help save our show please contact sarah day at


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Overbury Bowling Club Open Day - 23rd April 2017 After a winter of indoor bowling, and in some cases relaxation, Overbury Bowling Club (www.overburybowling. net) is poised to start the new outdoor season. The club's 6 rink county standard green has been tended throughout the winter to ensure the best possible playing surface for 2017, with the green being officially opened for the new year by the club president Penelope Bossom, of the Overbury Estate, on 17th April 2017. Situated right on the border of Gloucestershire and Worcestershire on the Overbury Estate, Overbury Bowling Club enjoys a large membership from Winchcombe, Greet, Toddington, Alderton, Bishop’s Cleeve and surrounds, and could almost be called Winchcombe and District Bowling Club but tradition dictates that the club is named according to the location of the clubhouse and green. The magnificent views to the Cotswolds and the tranquil surroundings of Overbury village are both widely acknowledged and the envy of visiting clubs.

In addition to many seniors and mixed matches played against Gloucestershire clubs, Overbury Bowling Club fields teams which compete in the Worcestershire Concorde leagues and also in the South Worcestershire Triples league. After finishing in second place in the Triples league last year, the club is campaigning for the top spot this year. Every Monday evening during the season is club night where members can practice, receive coaching, play friendly matches and/or just socialise at the club or in the licensed bar. Wednesday mornings are allocated for club members to play friendly matches and to get to know the other members. Whenever the green is not allocated to maintenance, matches or club activities, it is available for members to use for practice or to receive organised coaching. As well as playing bowls, Overbury Bowling Club has an active social side which includes skittles evenings, whist drives, fun days and walks. For anyone who has wondered if bowls might be the challenge

they seek, come along and try it out with the help of one of our coaches to get you started on the right path. On 23rd April 2017 from 2.00pm, Overbury Bowling Club is holding an Open Day where you can experience this fun, social and sporting activity. To help us with numbers, it would be appreciated if you would contact the club in advance but, if you just want to 'give it a go' on the day, we will be pleased to meet you. New members, both young and senior, are always welcome to join in this very social and sporting activity. The club has both equipment and qualified coaches to get the inexperienced up and running quickly and to iron out those annoying problems which can affect one's game. For more information, contact Overbury Bowling Club at or one of the club officials listed on

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Page 27

Home & Interiors Refresh Your Home For Spring shelves and light fittings, shampooed rugs, washed loose covers and curtains and taken duvets to the launderette? To say nothing of cleaning mirrors and windows – and scrunched-up newspaper and white vinegar will give them a wonderful sparkle.

As our gardens start to grow and blossom fills the trees, it’s time to think about refreshing and re-energising our homes ready for a stylish spring. Clear the clutter There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned tidy up! Heavy winter duvets, furry throws and cable-knit hot water bottles can all be stored out of the way, while at the same time this is a good opportunity to go through shelves and cupboards and get rid of anything you no longer need. If it’s broken, mend it or throw it away; don’t let worn out, unusable and unnecessary items take up space. Clean house After clearing space, you will probably notice that some of your house could do with a deep clean. How good will you feel when you have washed down the front door, wiped Page 28

Have a brush with paint Has your paintwork seen better days? Perhaps windows need sanding and repainting, or door frames need touch-ups where they’ve had knocks and bashes? Or maybe a whole room could do with a makeover? Painting is a relatively quick and inexpensive DIY job that creates an overall impression going above and beyond the effort involved. Introduce colour Now’s the time to ditch dark winter shades and get fresh with spring-like colour. Yellow, blue and green are all associated with spring – and Pantone’s colour of the year is gorgeous ‘Greenery’, described as ‘a fresh and zesty yellowgreen shade that evokes the first days of spring when nature’s greens revive, restore and renew’. Use with plenty of bright white for a really clean, fresh look. Include a dash of pattern Your backdrop of pale spring colours is perfect for adding pops of pattern to make an impact. Chevrons, triangles and geometrics in general (especially if they have a tribal feel) are still current, as well as tropicals, textures (think chunky knits or grassy weaves), graphic

By Katherine Sorrell botanicals such as ferns and leaves and the natural patterns of marble and stone. Up your game with accessories Replace old accessories with on-trend items such as cushions and throws, duvet covers, vases, prints, small storage containers, mirrors, clocks, table lamps and plants. You don’t have to spend a fortune to overhaul your look dramatically. Add some scent Instead of artificial air fresheners, use natural wax scented candles. Alternatively, try reed diffusers with essential oils, or simply arrange locally sourced, scented flowers (those from abroad don’t tend to smell so good). And, try to dry laundry in the sunshine outdoors – you can’t beat that beautiful fresh smell. Bring the outdoors in Now the warmer weather is here, open the windows and get some air circulating around your home. It might even be warm enough to sit outside, so think about pressure washing your patio, scrubbing up your barbecue and cleaning down your outdoor furniture. After all, it’s not that long until summer… Main Image: Artificial bulb jar £5; faceted vase (set of three) £12; short botanic herb jug £12 (small) and £25 (large); green glass tea light holder £5 (large) and £4 (small); fern glass tea light holder £10.50: all from The Contemporary Home, 02392 469400;

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Winchcombe Fruit & Veg

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Word Ladder

Change one letter at a time (but not the position of any letter) to make a new word - and move from the word at the top of the ladder to the word at the bottom, using the exact number of rungs provided.


He po (o






HE ©

Page 30


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Mini Cryptic Crossword

Across 1. Bear mascot, wrong height (7) 7. Singular twit turned distant (5) 8. City somehow reddens (7) 9. Artful snare comes closer! (5) 11. Small seabird back on a ship (5) 12. Canoe going back and forth (5) 14. Sandwich bar totally empty (5) 16. Country song gripping people (7) 18. Meal egghead inside doesn’t eat (5) 19. See newt turn to sugar (7) Down 1. Chair Danes moved around (5) 2. Poem in Arapaho delights! (3) 3. Mountains with less inside (5) 4. Cheers, sans its lead actor (5) 5. Change given finally in secret (7) 6. Key letter put in an odd font a lot (5) 10. Appalling sort of balm, say (7) 12. Blade a snitch sent back east (5)

SWIFT Removals & Storage

13. Limerick’s ending bothers poet (5) 14. Dessert was a failure when cut (5)

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Page 31

Finance Ways To Reduce ‘Hidden’ Spending So You Can Save Money Or Pay Off Debt By Ann Haldon wastage as consumers are encouraged to buy more than they need – a particular danger if you also shop when you’re hungry.

There are the obvious ways to save money, such as using comparison websites or cancelling an unused gym membership, but what about the ‘hidden’ money pits that drain your cash in a less evident way? Three areas immediately spring to mind – food, cars and technology – all essential parts of life but ones that can seriously deplete your financial reserves. So what can you do to stem the flow of cash, start to pay off your debts, or save towards something special such as retirement or a family holiday? Food shopping According to Love Food Hate Waste, £13 billion of edible food was wasted by households across the UK in 2015, equating to 7.3 million tonnes.¹ One of the issues is that people don’t plan their food shopping, and overestimate how much their household needs. Although it’s a very convenient way to shop, supermarkets encourage overspending with so-called ‘deals’ and careful placement of goods around the store. This can result in food Page 32

Cars An essential part of everyday life for most people, running a car is expensive and constitutes a significant chunk of the annual budget. So although you may already be resigned to spending a small fortune on your car, have you looked closely at all the costs? insurance premiums The ever-increasing cost of insurance is a particular bugbear for motorists. On top of the annual increase in premiums, Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) has also risen from 5% to 6%, making insuring your car even more expensive. Although there’s nothing you can do about IPT, if you plan in advance and can afford to pay in one lump sum rather than by monthly direct debit, you’ll save money in the long-run. It’s also worthwhile looking at the level of cover your current policy provides, and whether it’s still appropriate. Fuel Fuel is usually the largest cost for motorists, and one of the best ways to save is to alter your driving habits. Avoiding harsh acceleration and braking, and reducing your speed on the motorway, if only by a few miles per hour, will help you save. You can check the price

of local petrol online using, and plan ahead so you’re not forced into buying expensive fuel at motorway service stations en route. Making sure your tyres are at the correct pressure, and reducing unnecessary weight in the car, will also help. servicing and MoT Package deals on servicing are available on new and used cars, and although it may seem a large outlay at first, they can offer long-term savings. As far as MOTs are concerned, you can save the cost of a re-test just by carrying out a few simple checks before taking the car in, such as tyre tread depth and light bulbs. phones and TeChnology Most people don’t question the fact that they have a landline, but do you really need one? If you naturally reach for your mobile to make a call and could manage without a home phone, you’ll make a significant saving on line rental and call costs. If you prefer to keep the landline, maybe you could save on the cost of your mobile phone. With so many competitive pay-as-you-go deals around, it’s worthwhile checking them against your contract. Also, don’t forget about recycling any old phones to raise extra cash. ¹https://www. unite-food-waste-fight money/bills/article-1591904/50ways-save-money.html

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SATURDAY 7am-10am Mark Edwards in the Morning • 10am - 2pm Gregg Upwards All Request Saturday • 2pm - 6pm Paul Ellery • 6pm - 9pm All the Hits with Pat Sharp • 9pm - 11pm Totally 90’s• 11pm - 6am Non Stop Sunshine SUNDAY 7am - 11am Roger Noble • 11am - 3pm Sunshine On Sunday • 3pm - 7pm Matt Healey• 7pm - 9pm Totally 80’s• 9pm - 11pm Mike Hollis Soul Show • 11pm - 6am Non Stop Sunshine Please mention Winchcombe Magazine when responding to advertisers

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Page 34

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Meet the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity

The Great Western Air Ambulance Charity is a charity funded air ambulance service which is dedicated to saving the lives of local people in Bristol, Bath, North East Somerset, Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset and parts of Wiltshire. The crew attends serious incidents across the region by helicopter or critical care car. During 2016 GWAAC attended 1,735 jobs, 302 of which were in Gloucestershire. When someone is seriously ill or injured time is of the essence, and expert help is needed fast.

This is where the critical care team comes in. Within four minutes of a 999 call the helicopter takes off. The Great Western Air Ambulance works to the Gold Standard Critical Care Model, which means they rush a Critical Care Paramedic and Critical Care Doctor straight to the scene. They arrive no more than 20 minutes later, anywhere in the region, the average flight time is just 12 minutes. The service is reliant on the brilliant team of pilots, critical care paramedics and critical care doctors who specialise in pre-hospital care and trauma medicine. From emergency blood transfusions to roadside amputations or treating cardiac arrests, it’s down to their skill and dedication. Thanks to them many patients – otherwise expected to die – survive. GWAAC needs to raise £2.6million a year to stay operational, however, they receive no day to day funding from the Government

or National Lottery which means they rely on people like you. Are you curious to find out more about the work of the Great Western Air Ambulance Charity? Then why not book a talk? GWAAC offers talks for schools, community groups, and businesses across Bristol, Bath, North East Somerset, Gloucestershire, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset, and parts of Wiltshire in return for a donation of £30. Did you know that the charity attends on average four jobs a day? Or that they operate two critical care cars as well as the helicopter? Book a talk and you will find out more about this and the vital lifesaving work the crew does. The speaker will take you through the whole process, from the initial 999 call to patients being transported to hospital. You will also get to hear stories from patients whose lives have been saved by the actions of the critical care team. To book a talk, please email, or call 0303 4444 999.

Waste collection changes in Tewkesbury borough Many of Tewkesbury borough residents will have a change to their waste and recycling collection day from April 2017. Approximately 65% of homes will either have a new collection day or the collection weeks may switch. A rise in new homes throughout the borough has meant that Tewkesbury Borough Council’s waste contractor, Ubico, has needed to review the way collection rounds are scheduled in order to make them more efficient. The decision to adjust the schedule was also made to coordinate with the introduction of a brand new waste vehicle fleet which is more economical to run, more flexible to operate and

can hold more waste. Last month, residents have received a new leaflet through the post telling them what their new collection day will be. An important point to note is that food waste will be collected in a separate vehicle and most likely caddies will be emptied at a different time to the waste or recycling bin. If this happens, the bins haven’t been missed and the next crew will follow some time afterwards. Lead member for clean and green environment, Councillor Jim Mason, said: “Reassuringly, even if your bin day changes, the type of service you receive will not change. Green bins and food waste will be collected one week with blue bins and more food waste

collected the following week. You can still recycle as much as you do now. “We’re sorry to have to inconvenience some of our residents with a change of routine, but it’s important these changes are made to get the best value for money for council tax payers.”

The new vehicle fleet is more economical to run, more flexible to operate and can hold more waste

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Page 35

Flower Power by Pippa Greenwood Blooming Hollyhock Flower You can inexpensively and easily grow a huge range of flowers from seed at home. Just about every perennial flower is available to grow from seed, and once they have reached flowering size they’ll just keep on performing! There are lots to choose from, including lupins, silene, Echinaceae, geranium, perennial poppies, delphiniums, gaillardia, hollyhocks, rudbeckia and salvia. Pay a visit to your local garden centre or use a seed catalogue and start planning; you could save a fortune, and all from a packet or two of seed.

make sure you collect up any that falls on the surface below. Once the compost is in the tray or pot, firm it down so that there are no large gaps beneath the surface, and level it off to make it easier to sow the seeds evenly and at the same depth. You can make your own tamper using a piece of wood with a small block of wood nailed to it to make a ‘handle’.

To start, you need containers to sow the seed into – I like to use half-sized seed trays, RootTrainers or smaller individual cells – and some good quality compost and your chosen seeds. It helps if you have something to tamp down the compost too, plus labels, a permanent marker, a dibber and some vermiculite (for covering seeds that need some light to germinate well).

It is easier to look after seedlings if the seed has been sown in straight rows; make the rows using a plastic plant label. Check the packets for the correct depths for the seeds, and if you are sowing seeds in small cells then it is easier to make the holes using a dibber (or a pencil if you don’t have one). RootTrainers are ideal for larger seeds such as sunflowers. Don’t sow too densely or the seedlings will need more thinning out and will be more likely to become drawn, leggy and weak. Once in place, just cover the seed with compost.

Sieve compost through a compost sieve to remove the larger lumps, leaving fine compost perfect for seed sowing. If you sieve it straight into the pots, cells or trays,

Next, use a watering can with the rose attached and water

Page 36

If you are sowing larger seed into cells, just pop the seeds in to the prepared holes and cover to the required depth.

thoroughly. If the seed sown was quite small, it is best to stand the tray in a shallow tray or bowl of water, so the compost absorbs water from below – this way the seeds are less likely to be displaced. Finally, label your seed trays clearly, ideally with a permanent marker. Many perennials need heat for the seed to germinate reliably. Put the trays, pots or cells into a propagator, standing each on moist capillary matting. Once the seedlings appear, gradually lower the temperature and then prick each one out into its own pot. Keep them fed and watered as they grow and in just a few weeks or months you will have some great plants ready for the garden. Visit Pippa’s website www. to buy gorgeous UK grown vegetable plants accompanied by weekly advice emails from Pippa, or to peruse the really useful selection of Pippa’s favourite gardening items including SpeedHoes, SpeedWeeders, raised bed kits, Nemaslug and other nematode controls for leather jackets, vine weevils and other pests, pull-out EasyTunnels, signed books and lots more besides.

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Page 37

Hello to everyone from Radio Winchcombe. This month the station has said goodbye to our station manager, Nick Mundy, who has run the station since it went full-time in 2012. Having said that, although we have said goodbye, he will remain on board to help the transition to our new team. We are very grateful for the huge contribution Nick has made over more than five years and it is true to say that the radio would not have become the professional innovative station that it is without his determination and hard work. Philip Arkell is taking over as a temporary station manager whilst we look for a permanent replacement for Nick. The Board held an interesting and stimulating meeting on 20th February with the aim of discussing the way forward as well as to try and find new people to become involved in the running of the station. However much we are dedicated to producing high quality, interesting programmes, these could not be broadcast without the time and energy of a group of ‘behind the scenes’ volunteers who do all of the things that need to be done to keep the station on air. Whilst the Board are encouraged by those who have volunteered for certain roles, we are still looking for help in a number of areas. Are you an individual with computer skills who might be able to help with scheduling, Page 38

looking after the software and hardware systems or who is able to help with outside broadcasts? What about finding advertisers or arranging for adverts to be recorded and updated? Do you think you could help with fundraising by arranging or helping with events to promote the station and raise money? Would you like to act as a liaison for community groups in the town to encourage them to use the radio to publicise their own agendas? Or are you someone who could join the Board and help us with the strategic side of running what is effectively a small business? If you would like more details on any of these potential roles, please contact Ros Martin on Looking at the radio itself, we had another great week at the Gold Cup Race meeting in March. Our superb team of Jim Hart, Cathryn Fry and David Massey presented a range of programmes across the week and we would like to thank them for all their hard work and commitment to making this a jewel in our broadcasting crown. They also gave some superb tips too including tipping a 40/1 outsider! They actually managed to live-stream their programme using Facebook Live which is a tool that the radio station is increasingly using to enable wider interaction with our audience. We even live-streamed our meeting from February, even though the image was sideways!

Sunday Roast, which is on at 6.00pm on alternative Sundays, regularly uses Facebook Live to broadcast live music and has a huge following via this medium. It is something we are hoping to explore further with other programmes.

Jo Durrant

New to the airwaves this month has been Jo Durrant who will present Spotlight, an arts programme, on the last Sunday of each month at 3.00pm. We are delighted to welcome such an experienced presenter as Jo to Radio Winchcombe. In the same time slot on other Sundays will be Phil Hawthorn whose programme is going to cover all things food related including interviews with local food producers. Phil has moved to the area with previous experience in community radio. Other presenters are just hoping this will mean a steady stream of samples to test! Finally, we have Ed Blanke who will be hosting his own show on Thursday mornings; he is new to radio but is already proving to be a great addition to our line-up. Ed Blancke

The station has also welcomed a couple of work experience students during

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March. They learned how the station runs, helped with music cataloguing and even presented their own programme. We do try and accommodate students wishing to do work experience but cannot always help out if there are no volunteers to support them during the time they have. Having said that, one of our Duke of Edinburgh volunteers, Elliot Jordan, from last year is just starting his own programme on the station having really got the radio bug in his time with us! Other highlights over the next few months will include full coverage of the Winchcombe Festival of Music Arts with Radio Winchcombe being the official media partner. We are also hoping to cover a number of local events as outside broadcasts, either live or recording items to broadcast later. - Written by Ros Martin

Get In Touch If you wish to discuss any of the topics mentioned in this article, then please get in touch:

LISTEN IN AND GET INVOLVED You can listen to your community station anywhere, anytime via: 107.1 FM, our Free App for Android and iPhone or online at Twitter: @radiowinch Facebook: RadioWinchcombe

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED For a range of interesting roles

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Page 39

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Page 40

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Page 41

Ricotta Stuffed Chicken Serves 4

Ready in 1 hour 10 minutes

This recipe is a great way to turn chicken fillets into something special. You can prepare them a couple of hours in advance and keep covered in the fridge, then simply cook when needed.

Ingredients: • 75g ricotta cheese • 2 tbsp fresh thyme leaves • 2 tsp finely grated lemon zest • 4 large skinless chicken breast fillets • 12 thin-cut rashers streaky bacon • 5 tbsp olive oil • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar • 1tsp Dijon mustard • Pinch of sugar • 100g baby spinach leaves • 2 tbsp pine nuts, toasted


Instead of ricotta you could use low-fat soft cheese such as Philadelphia or a mild and creamy goats’ cheese. Page 42

Use a sharp knife to make a deep pocket in each chicken fillet, making sure not to cut right the way through. Place the ricotta cheese in a bowl and stir in the thyme leaves and the lemon zest. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Place one-quarter of the ricotta mixture in the pocket of each chicken fillet. Use the back of a knife to stretch the bacon rashers. Wrap 3 rashers around each chicken fillet and secure with a metal skewer. Preheat the oven to 180C, 160C Fan, Gas Mark 4. Heat 1tbsp of the oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken fillets over high heat for 2-3 minutes until the bacon is browned, turning once. Transfer to a roasting tin and cook for 35-40 minutes until the chicken is cooked through. Cover and leave in a warm place to rest for 10 minutes. To make the dressing, whisk the remaining oil with the vinegar, mustard and sugar in a small jug and season to taste. Slice each chicken fillet into 6 pieces and arrange on the salad leaves. Scatter over the toasted pine nuts and spoon over the dressing. Serve immediately.

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CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.

2 10


26 7

7 1





10 17

6 23









3 10

3 20







21 12





13 8


17 1

19 6







16 16


17 21





21 8

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Page 43

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If you’re looking for a new garage door – you can now book an appointment at our showroom in Coleford to view the styles, colours and finishes available, ask your questions and pick up a brochure. No high pressure sales, just a warm welcome and lots of help and information. Page 44

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What's On in April The Cheltenham Wine Festival Saturday 1st April, 12.00pm - 7.00pm, Pitville Pump Rooms, Cheltenham

Join wine lovers in the Pitville Pump Room to explore and taste over 300 exciting wines. Enjoy some favourites and have fun discovering new ones from 20 countries including France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Chile, Argentina and USA. The event is organised by Cheltenham North Rotary and all profits will go to LINC and Rotary nominated charities. For tickets go to GWSR Volunteer Weekend Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd April, The Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT The Gloucestershire Warwickshire Railway is one of the major tourist attractions in the Cotswolds with over 10,000 visitors in 2016. Uniquely it is run almost entirely by volunteers. To help GWSR achieve their ambitions and operate an extended railway from Broadway in 2018, they need more volunteers. The Volunteer Recruitment Fair will be an opportunity to see behind the scenes, find out where you could be volunteering and why volunteering with GWSR is so special. For more information and to pre-register your interest

please visit or call 01242 621405.

For more information, please call 01242 602236.

The Rotary Club of Tewkesbury Charity Concert Saturday 1st April, 7.30pm, Tewkesbury Abbey, Church Street, Tewkesbury An evening of music provided by The Gloucestershire Youth Orchestra, The Gloucestershire Youth Wind Orchestra and The Gloucestershire Youth Choir. Tickets are just £10.00 for adults and £5.00 for children under 16. Tickets for this event can be purchased from the Abbey Shop, Jennings Carpets and Chamberlains Stationers.

Baby Bounce & Rhyme Wednesday 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th April, 10.30am - 11.00am, Winchcombe Library Nursery rhymes, songs and wiggle & jiggle for babies up to 18 months and their grown-ups!

Folk at the Cote Gilmore and Roberts Saturday 1st April, 8.00pm (Doors/bar opens at 7.30pm) Woodmancote Village Hall Tickets £10 (£12 on the door). For tickets go to www.wegottickets. com/smedsongs or purchase them directly from Simon Medhurst (Tel: 0797 007 8220) or Winchcombe U3A Launch Monday 3rd April, 2.00pm 4.00pm, Abbeyfields Community Centre, Back, Lane, Winchcombe, GL54 5QH Your opportunity to join the new Winchcombe Area branch of the University of the Third Age, and to sign up for any groups you are interested in. The annual membership fee will be £18.00. The U3A is open to anyone who is no longer working or looking after children full time. Winchcombe Folk Night Tuesday 4th April, 8.00pm 11.00pm, The White Hart Inn, High St, Winchcombe, GL54 5LJ

A lively friendly atmosphere welcomes all – whether singer, musician or just a member of the audience. Free entry for everyone.

Whist Drive Wednesday 5th April, 7.00pm, Bishop’s Cleeve Bowls Club (Clubhouse). £1 entry. Knit & Natter Friday 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th April, 10.00am - 12.00pm Winchcombe Library A fun friendly knitting group for people of all ages and abilities. Go along and knit and crochet your own projects or join a project for charity. Enjoy great company and a cuppa. Rhymetime Saturday 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th April, 11.00pm - 11.30pm, Winchcombe Library Stories, rhymes, songs and colouring for children 18 months +. GWSR - Fish and Chips Special (The Cheltenham Fryer) Saturday 8th April, The Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT The train departs from Toddington at 7.00pm, returning at about 9.30pm. Enjoy a leisurely Saturday evening ride through the Cotswold countryside with a large fish and chip meal delivered to your reserved seats by our train stewards. Prescott Bike Festival Sunday 9th April, Gates open at 8.30am with track action starting at 9.30am, Prescott Hill Climb, Cheltenham The annual Bike Festival is a must

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events cont'd...

Page 45 cont'd for all motorcycling fans. Lots of track action, a large display of rare, historic, modern and race bikes, motorcycle manufacturers, clubs, demo areas, passenger ride experiences, celebrity appearances, trade stalls, live music and great entertainment. Iconic British manufacturer Norton will be the featured marque this year. The Norton Owners Club is set to stage a huge display, including parade runs – expect to see the best of the best! Tickets cost £13.00 in advance, £15.00 on the gate and under 16s are free when accompanied by an adult. All proceeds support the Nationwide Association of Blood Bikes and the Severn Freewheelers. For more information and tickets, please visit 33rd HONC - Hell of the North Cotswolds Sunday 9th April, 9.00am, Start and Finish - Winchcombe Community School, Greet Rd, Winchcombe, Glos, GL54 5LB The original and classic British Endurance Cycling event (100 or 50km) is now in its 33rd year. Car parking, changing facilities, showers and toilets will be available. PLEASE NOTE: The event is fully booked, however, spectators are welcome. The event is promoted jointly by Winchcombe Cycling Club and Cheltenham & County Cycling Club. For more information, please visit Bishops Cleeve Craft Fair Sunday 9th April, 10.00am - 2.00pm, Community Centre, Bishops Cleeve A wide range of stalls with a different selection each month. Refreshments available. Free entry. Cleeve Common Activities The Cleeve Common Board of Conservators have devised a new programme of events for 2017. Page 46

To obtain tickets or for further information about events go to the Parish Office, Church Road, Bishop's Cleeve, or call: Office - 07471 68 78 77, Ranger - 07756 828 458. Please note for some events booking is essential. Tuesday 11th April: A free talk all about Cleeve Common, 7.30pm - 9.00pm, in Bishop’s Cleeve Community Centre. What makes Cleeve Common special? Why does it look the way it does? Who owns it? How is it managed? Refreshments available from 7.00pm (small charge). Friday 14th April: Good Friday Easter Trail, 12.00pm 3.00pm, Drop in to the Parish Office to get a copy of the trail, complete the trail and win a prize! Wednesday 26th April: Talk at Winchcombe Annual Town Meeting, 7.00pm - 9.00pm. As part of the Winchcombe Annual Town Meeting, there will be a talk about Cleeve Common and how we manage it today - with lots of photos! Children’s Wednesdays – Science & Nature Wednesday 12th April & 19th April, 10.00am, Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, GL54 5JD Mad Science will spend the day with us providing interactive workshops with various experiments including slime making while Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust will be running Forest School sessions, exploring the more natural areas of the castle gardens and discovering the creatures and habitat up close. Please wear weather-appropriate clothing – wellies are welcome! Included with admission. Andoversford Races Sunday 9th & Sunday 16th April, Ossage Farm, Andoversford, Cheltenham, GL54 4LQ Andoversford is home to the Cotswold Point-to-Point races, an enduring fixture on the Gloucestershire sporting calendar. Gates open at 10.00am with the first race starting at 2.00pm. For more information, please contact 07850 091523 or visit

The Easter Joust Sun 16th April, 10.00am, Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, GL54 5JD Jousting returns to Sudeley Castle this Easter. The Cavalry of Heroes will be providing family friendly entertainment with high energy skilled performances from both stunning horses and great experienced horsemen. Included with admission. Vale Country Fair & Point to Point Horse Races Sunday 16th April (Easter Sunday), Gates open at 10.30am, Andoversford, Nr Cheltenham, GL54 4LQ

Join us for a great family day out on Easter Sunday. There will be plenty of variety and things to see and do. Bring your dog and enter the fun family dog show or sign your terrier up for the terrier racing. Look at the poultry and watch the falconry display given by Jemima Parry-Jones, the owner and director of the International Birds of Prey Centre in Newent. There will be stalls and stands and you can bring your own picnic or buy food and drink there. There will be seven Point to Point Horse Races starting at 2.00pm. Adult tickets cost £10, children go free and there will be free parking available. For more information, please visit GWSR - Easter Eggspress Monday 17th April, The Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT An eggciting combination of steam trains, the Easter bunny and a host of activities bringing Easter fun for all the family. Make your own Easter bonnet and wear it on your visit. Normal ticket prices apply.

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Bishop's Cleeve Players present the Curse of the Rajasthani Ruby Friday 21st April, 7.45pm and Saturday 22nd April at 2.30pm and 7.45pm, The Tithe Barn, Bishops Cleeve This new and original Sherlock Holmes Adventure tells of a ruby that carries with it a curse bringing ill fortune to anyone who tries to possess it. Only when it is returned to the rightful owners will the curse be lifted. Tickets are £10.00 for evening performances (a bar will be available) and £8.00 for the matinee. Tickets can be purchased from George Lewis Footwear or telephone 01242673729 or 01242673917 or alternatively send an email request to Tewkesbury Vintage Fair Saturday 22nd April, 10.30am - 4.30pm, Watson Hall, Barton Street, Tewkesbury, GL20 5PX

Step back in time to the good old days with our Vintage Fair. Enjoy authentic entertainment including live music, jive dancing and a vintage fashion show, visit our Vintage Beauty Parlour and Pop up Tea Room and browse over 25 stalls crammed with vintage clothing, kitchen ware, collectables, jewellery, books ornaments and more! There will also be a few vintage and classic cars parked in the street. It’s a great day out for all vintage fans of all ages, so don’t miss out! Entry £1, in aid of the cancer charity Hope for Tomorrow. For more information, please visit, email: tewkesburyevents@gmail. com or phone 01684 438385. Cleeve Chorale Spring Concert Saturday 22nd April, 7.30pm, St. Michael's Church, Bishop's Cleeve

Cleeve Chorale are holding their Spring Concert on Saturday 22nd April 2017. Under their new Musical Director they have a varied programme including items from some of the world's best composers - Mozart, Handel and Pergolesi. They will also be joined by some of the county's best soloists with orchestral accompaniment. Tickets are £10 each (children under 16 free) on sale at George Lewis Footwear, Woodmancote News and Gotherington Stores or on the door. Refreshments included in the price to complete the evening. Musical Charity Evening Saturday 22nd April, Doors open at 7.30pm, show will start at 8.00pm, Theoc House, Barton Street, Tewkesbury Come along and enjoy songs from the great music legends of the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's. Stourbridge-based entertainer, Richard Griffin, will shake up Theoc House with hits from Elvis, The Beatles, Tom Jones, Elton John and many more – dancers welcome. A licensed bar will be available. The event is in aid of the cancer charity Hope for Tomorrow and is being sponsored by Stefan Robert’s team at Roberts Express Delivery. Advance tickets £5, available from a number of high street outlets including M&Co, Bookworm Bookshop and Cards and Gifts. Tickets will also be available on the night at £6.50. GWSR - Wartime in the Cotswolds Sat 22nd & Sun 23rd April Take a trip back in time and enjoy the railway's nostalgic and lighthearted look at life in the Cotswolds in the 1940s. Please note that entry to the site will be by ticket only, there is no free entry. Overbury Bowling Club Sunday 23rd April, 2.00pm, Overbury Bowling Club, Overbury, Tewkesbury, Glos, GL20 7NT Overbury Bowling Club welcomes all those who would like to try

playing bowls to join them on their Open Day. While people can just arrive on the day, a prior contact to help plan for the numbers would be appreciated. Refreshments will be available in the clubhouse and at the bar. For more information, please contact Overbury Bowling Club at or one of the club officials listed on Cleeve Concerts Performances start at 7.30pm and are held at the Tithe Barn in Bishop's Cleeve. Come along and see established artists in an intimate setting. Sun 23rd April: Cara Dillon. Tickets are available from Cheltenham Town Hall, and the Cleeve Concert website www. Tickets also can be bought at the door on the night. For more information, please contact 03336 663 366. Cheltenham Jazz Festival Wednesday 26th April - Monday 1st May, Montpellier Gardens, Cheltenham, GL50 1AD

The popular Jazz Festival, now in its 21st year, is returning to Cheltenham bringing us an exciting mix of local talents and international stars. The Festival will run for six days and takes place in a tented festival village featuring a Big Top stage, the Jazz Arena, a family tent where workshops, performances and sing-alongs will take place, and a food and drink area surrounding the Free Stage. For more information and tickets, please visit Winchcombe Tea Dance Wednesday 26th April, 2.00pm

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events cont'd... Page 47 cont'd - 4.00pm, Abbey Fields Community Centre, Back Lane, Winchcombe No partner needed. A friendly, social afternoon with some experienced dancers on hand to partner those who may be on their own. Admission: £5.00, includes a piece of cake, tea or coffee, and live music from local musician Don Adams. All proceeds go to the Winchcombe Day Care Centre, a registered charity. For more information about the centre, please visit Spring Grand Sale Thursday 27th - Sunday 30th April, Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, GL54 5JD Exclusive homes and gardens sale in a luxurious marquee with top quality restaurant selling furniture for indoors and outdoors, decorative accessories, gifts and some fashion items. There will also be a food hall. More information including opening times and ticket purchasing can be found at Please note, tickets do not include entry to the Castle, Exhibitions, Rooms or Garden. A Day at the Races Saturday 29th April, 7.00pm Woodmancote Village Hall Woodmancote Cricket Club invites you to a Night at the Races.Free entry to all Woodmancote residents (ticket required to include free nibbles), bar available. For more information call 07971 426558. The Crescendo Big Band Afternoon Concert Sunday 30th April, Page 48

Doors open 3.00pm, Gupshill Manor, Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury, GL20 5SY Enjoy a rare opportunity to hear renowned jazz vocalist Catherine Sykes who regularly tours with the Glenn Miller UK and Nick Ross Orchestras. You can expect the very best of swing and jazz music from this talented 18 piece ensemble now in its 33rd year run with musical director Tony Sheppard and former BBC radio presenter Bob Lee. Entry: £7.50.

Cheltenham Poetry Festival Poetry in Motion Monday 15th May, 8.30pm, Various venues A night of poetry, cinema and readings by four international performance poets: Melanie Branton, Tim Vosper, Kay Baxter and David C. Johnson, plus an exciting selection of poetry films by award-winning film maker Diana Taylor. Films include Burne Jones and the Fox, the film of Anna Saunders' Indigo Dreams Collection. Tickets are £5.00 and £7.00 and can be purchased by calling 01242 522852.


Lamp Shade Making Workshop Friday 5th of May, 10.00am 2.30pm, Teddington Village Hall, Near Tewkesbury Run by Local Curtain Maker, Raspberry Hen Fabrics, the workshop will enable attendees to make and keep a drum lampshade. Cost: £35, all materials included, no sewing needed, suitable for all abilities. The course runs at an easy pace. Good choice of fabrics and shade sizes available. Booking essential – please contact rachael@ or call 07811 045055. For more information, visit East Glos Club Open Day Saturday 13th May, 11.00am - 3.00pm, Old Bath Road, Cheltenham, GL53 7DF

Special Open Day offer: Free month’s membership for everyone who joins on the day + win a racket raffle. Drop in any time from 11am to 3pm to try Tennis, Squash or Hockey.

Alderton Acorns Preschool Group Alderton Village Hall, Dibden Lane, Alderton, GL20 8NT We pride ourselves on our friendly welcome to mother, toddler and baby groups helping children to be happy in a safe enviornment. For more information contact: 07843 161159. Bishop’s Cleeve Methodist Church Women’s Fellowship Meetings Wednesdays, 2.00pm, Church Hall New members of both sexes always welcome. Wednesday 12th April: Holiday in Australia, speakers David and Margaret Aldred. Wednesday 26th April: Salvation Army songsters. Bishop's Cleeve Players Meet every second Tuesday of the month, 7.30 - 9.30pm School Room, The Tithe Barn We are a friendly local amateur dramatic group who welcome anyone with an interest in the theatre. There are a variety of roles within our group not just for those wishing to act. No previous experience neccessary. Get in touch via email: bishopscleeveplayers@ or come along to

To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit

one of our monthly meetings. For more information visit: Bishop’s Cleeve WI Meeting Tuesdays, 7.15pm The Tithe Barn, Cheltenham Road, Bishop's Cleeve, GL52 8LU New members and visitors always welcome. For more information contact 01242 677520. Brownies (7-10 years) Through regular meetings, special events, day trips, sleepovers, camps and holidays, Brownies learn new hobbies, play music, explore other cultures and get adventurous outdoors. Girls can also extend their knowledge and abilities by working towards Brownie interest badges covering many different hobbies and activities. We are a registered charity and operate under The Guide Association. For more information please visit Cheltenham Parkinson’s Group Last Tuesday of the month – evenings or daytime depending on the activity, St Mark's Methodist Church Hall, Gloucester Road, Cheltenham, GL51 8PX We offer information, friendship and support to local people with Parkinson's, their families and carers. We also organise regular events and social activities, all are welcome to join us. Contact Jane Henderson, Volunteer Coordinator, on 0344 225 3694 or uk if you are interested in coming along. See more at cheltenham-and-district-branch Cleeve Carers & Friendship Group Tuesdays, 2.00pm, St. Michael’s Hall Cleeve Carers and Friendship group reaches out to those in the community who may not be carers

but are home alone or would simply like to meet with others for friendship. For more information call 01242 673001. Cleeve Ladies Probus Club Bishop’s Cleeve Tithe Barn Tuesday 4th April: Worcester’s Wonderful Women; speaker Sandy Cale. Tuesday 18th April: Dr. Beeching – Executioner or Undertaker, speaker John Dixon. Royal British Legion Winchcombe Branch Meet Mondays, 7.30pm, The Winchcombe Conservative W. M. Club, Abbey Terrace, GL54 5LW The Royal British Legion is the UK‘s leading Armed Forces charity and one of its largest membership organisations. Members get together through the network of branches and clubs all over the country and overseas to participate in social, fundraising and welfare activities. Membership is open to everyone. For dates and more information visit: branches/winchcombe or contact John Welch on 01242 602 233 or 07798 538 864. Winchcombe Duplicate Bridge Club Meet every Friday from 1.45pm5.30pm, The Community Centre, Langley Close, Winchcombe The table money cost is £2 per person and we serve tea and biscuits for 20p. Any one wishes to join please contact our Chairman Ted Phillips on 01242 620451. Winchcombe Film Society Fridays

Subscriptions cost £20 per season and entitle the subscriber to attend

10 film screenings free of charge and include complimentary tea/ coffee and biscuits. For further information please email: Mercia Probus Club of Winchcombe, Wednesday Group Meet fortnightly on Wednesdays, 10.00am 12.00 Noon, Wichcombe Methodist Church Hall (at the rear of the building) The Mercia Probus Club for men provides an opportunity for retired or semi-retired people to meet and socialise. Following a friendly chat with other members over coffee, we enjoy good quality speakers who present on a variety of interesting subjects. For more information please contact John Pearce on 01242 602834 or John Rowe on 01242 604305. Methodist Church High Street, Winchcombe, GL54 5LJ The Methodist Church is not only a central hub of the town for Methodist Worship on Sundays at 10.30am and meeting point on Thursdays between 10am and Noon, our premises are also available to hire for clubs and anyone representing art, craft, activity or most other non-political groups on various days and times each week (providing you do not clash with regular groups using our premises at this present time). Please ring John Rowe on 01242 604305 for further details and to book your time. Toddington WI We meet on the third Monday of every month at 7.30pm in Toddington Village Hall. We are an active and friendly group with lots going on. Visitors and new members are always welcome, come along, meet us and see for yourself. For more information and to arrange a visit, please contact Jane on 01242 620919 or Felicity on 01242 621041.

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Page 49 cont'd Winchcombe Library Club 1st Monday of every month, 11.30am - 12.30pm, Winchcombe Library An informal friendly group for those who have difficulty getting to the library. Choose books and have a cup of tea and biscuits. Transport can be arranged. Please see a member of the library to join the club. New members always welcome. 1st Winchcombe Scout Group The Group is home to a Beaver Colony, Cub Pack and Scout Troop with a growing membership of some 60 young people and adult helpers. For more information contact Jim Maher on 01386 881474. Winchcombe Ladies Probus Club Meets every other Tuesday morning in Winchcombe Methodist Hall. We meet for coffee at 10.00am followed by an informative talk on a wide variety of topics. We also arrange walks, outings and lunches. For further information please contact Marianna Simpson on 01242 602 352. Woodmancote Probus Club Tuesdays, 10.00am New Village Hall, Woodmancote Meetings start with refreshments followed by a talk at 10.30am. Tuesday 30th May: Rout on the Riviera, speaker Paul Barnett.

Fitness Happenstance Meet every Thursday evening, 7.30 - 9pm, Abbey Primary School Happenstance Border Morris dancing and musicians welcomes both men and women of all ages. In the summer months we like to dance out. For more information please contact Cressida Pryor on 01242 604120/ 07791004649. Heidi's Heroes Mondays 11.30am - 12.30am Page 50

and 8.00pm - 9.00pm, Cheltenham Ladies College Sports Centre, Malvern Road, Cheltenham Cancer patients past and present are invited to join a unique fitness class being run and funded by the Cheltenham based charity Heidi's Heroes. Classes are being held on Monday mornings and evenings and are open to patients with all types of cancer, irrespective of their prognosis. The classes are jointly run by Clare Lait, a Specialist Cancer Physiotherapist, and Brendan Ward, Senior Gym Instructor at Cheltenham Ladies College's Sports Centre. For more details please contact Clare on 07738 709072 or email

Gardening Winchcombe Gardening Club Wednesdays, 7.30pm, Methodist Church Hall, Winchcombe

Visitors and new members always welcome. For further information contact Diggory Davies on 01242 609590 or visit members/winchcombe

Music Blue Moon Harmony Choir Thursday evenings 7.30pm - 9.30pm Bishop's Cleeve Junior School Blue Moon Harmony Choir was founded in 2002 with over forty regular members. However, we would welcome new singers in all parts. You are guaranteed a warm welcome and friendly support as we practice new songs together. You don't have to read music as CDs are supplied to help with learning. For more information call John on 01242 251531 or visit:

Cleeve Chorale Tuesdays 7.30pm Bishop’s Cleeve Primary Academy Are you interested in having a good sing (no previous experience required)? Then come along to our rehearsal nights. For more information call: 01242 672881. Cleeve Harmony Ladies A Capella Chorus Wednesday evenings, 7.45pm - 10.00pm, The Tithe Barn Whether you are a Bedroom Beginner, a Shower Songstress or an Experienced Singer, come and join in this brand new chorus. For more information, email Donna at cleeve. or ring on 07737 280336. You can also find us on Facebook: Cleeve Harmony Chorus. Gotherington Singers Monday evenings, 7.45pm 9.30pm, Alternating between Gotherington Village Hall and Bethesda Methodist Church, Cheltenham We are a ladies choir formed 50 years ago in Gotherington. If you are interested in joining us come along to one of our rehearsals and see how you like us! We are a very friendly group performing a wide and varied range of music, and we will give you a warm welcome! Previous experience is not necessary. For more information call Vivien on 01242 523168, or visit our website We can also be found on Facebook. The Isbourne Singers Wednesdays 8.00pm - 9.00pm Guide Hall, Winchcombe We are a ladies choir who meet once a week singing a variety of music including classical and songs from the shows. New members welcome. No audition necessary. A warm welcome awaits you. For more information call Jean on 01242 603204 or John on 01242 672849. Winchcombe Concert Brass Tuesday evenings, 7.30pm, Abbey Fields Community Centre, Back Lane, Winchcombe, Cheltenham, GL54 5QH

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A group consisting of brass and wood wind players. New players of all abilities always welcome. For more information, please contact Roger Cook on 01242 603208.

Guided Walks of Historic Winchcombe 2017

Winchcombe Community Choir Meets every Wednesday during term time, 10am to 12 Noon Cleeve Room, Abbey Fields Community Centre, Back Lane For more information contact Chrissie on 01386 552736 or 07707 675216 or email or Liz on 01905 620827 or 07850 547916 or email

The 2017 season of these increasingly popular and successful free guided walks, which have gone from strength to strength in the 4 years since they started, starts on 9th April 2017.

Walking Free Guided Walks around Winchcombe Walks will take place at 11.00am and 2.30pm every Sunday from 9th April until the end of October. Starting at the TIC, the walks are for anyone, visitor or resident, who is interested in the fascinating history of Winchcombe – from ancient Saxon Borough to WW2 and beyond. The walks are short and easy, designed to be accessible to all. They will take 1–1¼ hours, are less than a mile and all on pavements around the Town Centre. Winchcombe Walkers Last Thursday of each month A relaxed group of people who meet on a casual basis for a walk of 5-8 miles. Our leaders are volunteers and we aim to cover the whole 12 months at our annual get together, usually towards the end of the year. For more information contact Paul Clark via email:

LOCAL MARKETS Country Market Every Thursday morning, 9.00am - 10.30am, Guide Hall, High Street, Winchcombe, GL54 5LJ Second Saturday of every month, 9.00am - 12.00 pm, under the Town Hall, outside the Tourist Information Office Contact: 01242 603124 or 01242 603673; Email: For more information, please visit

The tours take place at 11.00am and 2.30pm every Sunday, from April until October; and are for anyone, visitor or resident, who is interested in the fascinating history of Winchcombe – from ancient Saxon Borough to WW2 and beyond. They are short and easy: designed to be accessible to all, 1-1¼ hours, less than a mile, all on pavements around the town centre. Places are limited to 10 or 12, but larger parties or parties at different times can probably be catered for if pre-booked. The walks are led by local people who are keen to share some of the history of, and their enthusiasm for, this special place. We can also provide bespoke tours for interested groups at other times with sufficient notice: these have been very successful in the past. Because of the increase in visitor numbers we are looking for new people to join our band of enthusiastic volunteer guides to continue the good service we provide to visitors to our town and to provide for the increasing interest in these tours. SO, if you live in or near Winchcombe and are interested in its history, and can spare just a few hours a year, why not think about joining our band of volunteer guides in helping to lead these walks? No experience is necessary; just an interest in and love of our town and a willingness to share this with visitors. You would be given training and support and be able to accompany a more experienced guide initially. For further information please contact the Winchcombe TIC on 01242 602925 or winchcombetic@tewkesbury.; or email Sue Smith, the co-ordinator, at

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Page 51



3 words


You have two minutes to find all the words of three or more letters that can be made from the letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns are not. The 6 letter word will always be just a normal everyday word.

3 words

3 letters: 13 4 letters: 8 5 letters: 5 6 letters: 2



Puzzle & Crossword Solutions 2 words









Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.

TARGET Excellent: 43 or more words Good: 36 words Fair: 30 words

Drink Up 1. Rin Tin Tin 2. Tate Britain 3. Rugby League 4. Marie Curie 5. Time Person of the Year 6. Blankety Blank 7. Eusebio 8. George Bernard Shaw (winning the Nobel Prize for Literature and an Oscar for Adapted Screenplay for Pygmalion) 9. One million pounds 10. Pigeons

Codeword 2 10















3 7






26 7









12 3 3












23 16





8 9

















23 7






















17 1

















12 21






10 17




















19 6




14 6







23 7







18 16















21 8










16 5



























23 17

























hire herd head HEAT




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14 4

Word Ladder

here D Y

16 1













17 21

Mini Cryptic Crossword

Pictograms 1. Half A Dozen 2. School Of Thought 3. Vicious Circle





Answer: Page 52 MANHANDLE To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit

Winchcombe Useful Numbers UTILITIES

CHURCHES St Peter's Winchcombe

01242 602067

Electricty -­Power Loss

0800 365 900

Christ Church, Gretton

01242 602067

Gas Emergency

0800 111 999

St Michael's, Stanley-Pontlarge 01242 602067

Water Leaks

0800 169 1144

St Mary's, Sudeley

Water Severn Trent

0800 783 4444

01242 602308

SCHOOLS Winchcombe School

HELPLINES 01242 602233

Winchcombe Abbey Primary School 01242 602447

DOCTORS & PHARMACY Lloyds Pharmacy Winchcombe 01242 602305 Stoke Road Surgery

01242 672007

Winchcombe Medical Centre

01242 602307

Badham Pharmacy Stoke Road 01242 672211 Badham Pharmacy Church Road 01242 672653

HOSPITALS Gloucestershire Royal Hospital 0300 422 2222 Nuffield Health Hospital

01242 802897

Cheltenham General

03004 222222

LIBRARIES Winchcombe Library

0845 230 5420

POST OFFICES Alderton Post Office

01242 620201

Bishop's Cleeve Post Office

01242 672482

Gotherington Post Office

01242 672249

Winchcombe Post Office

01242 602315

Alcoholics Anonymous Glos 01452 418515 (24hrs) Alcoholics Anonymous National 0800 9177650 Childline 0800 1111 Citizens Advice Bureau 03444 111 444 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Directory Enquiries 118 500 Drugs Helpline 0800 776 600 Floodline 0845 988 1188 Parentline Plus 0808 800 2222 RSPCA 0300 123 4999 Samaritans 01452 306333 National Missing Persons 0500 700 700

EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ambulance (Emergency Only) Fire (Emergency Only) Gas Emergency Police (Emergency Only) Police (non-emergency) NHS Direct

999 999 0800 111 999 999 101 111

TRAVEL Bus Information

01452 418630

Train Information

0845 748 4950

COUNCIL Tewkesbury Borough Council 01684 295010

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advertisers index Aerials & Satellites

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Building, Maintenance, Repair, Carpentry & Handyman Services, Painters & Decorators Dave Dowell Decor by Makeover GFC Property Maintenance Glosbuild Ltd Profinishes Ltd

19 41 6 21 30

Family Friend


Goodrum Carpets


LMC Cleaning Company


Alderton Acorns Pre-school & Toddlers Group Overbury Bowling Club Winchcombe Country Show

8 27 26

Caring & Domestic Services Carpets

Cleaning Services

Clubs, Groups & Charities


Wordy Birdy




Make a Will Month Poetry in Motion Prescott Bike Fest Vale Country Fair

17 21 41 10

Food & Drink

Food Fanatics Gloucester Biltong The Lion Inn Winchcombe Wiltshire Farm Foods Winchcombe Fruit & Veg Winchcombe Sweets

34 9 9 back page 30 37

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Gloucester Import Furniture

Garage Doors


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Entertainment / Radio Estate Agents

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Cheltenham Town Landscaping & Driveway Services Thomson & Bancks Solicitors

Motoring, MOT’s & Vehicle Sales

4 23

Cheltenham Scratch & Scuff Repairs 15 First Choice Car Body Repair 19 JT Vehicle Services 15

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Saxon Print Ltd


Pet Services

Plumbing, Heating & Boiler Services


Property Maintenance

GFC Property Maintenance


DRL Removals Swift Removals & Storage

30 31

Cathedral Cladding Glosbuild Ltd

18 21

Removals Roofing Schools

Alderton Acorns Pre-school & Toddlers Group


Winchcombe Fruit & Veg Winchcombe Sweets

30 37

Swift Removals & Storage


Digital TV & Satellite Systems


Shopping Storage

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