August 2017
White Chocolate Filo Tarts
August What‘s On Guide
Gardening by Pippa Greenwood
Home & Interiors
Local News Local Businesses
by Katherine Sorrell
䌀漀瘀攀爀椀渀最 䌀栀攀氀琀攀渀栀愀洀Ⰰ 吀攀眀欀攀猀戀甀爀礀Ⰰ 䈀椀猀栀漀瀀ᤠ猀 䌀氀攀攀瘀攀Ⰰ 䌀漀瘀攀爀椀渀最 圀椀渀挀栀挀漀洀戀攀 愀渀搀 猀甀爀爀漀甀渀搀椀渀最 瘀椀氀氀愀最攀猀 圀 Nigel Errington-Smith
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From the Editor
Local Magazines Published by Glos Directories - connecting local businesses with local people
Dear Reader, Can you believe we are in August already! I’m really not sure where this year has gone and 2017 has certainly been interesting thus far. I hope you are enjoying the summer holidays and the long break isn’t proving too much of a strain on you or your purse. The summer holidays can be a worrying time for some parents, whether it’s trying to find childcare, thinking of things to do to keep the children entertained or just being mum's taxi! Why not take a look at the useful 'What’s On' section in the back of the magazine for some great ideas on places to take the children or indeed the whole family. This month sees the popular Winchcombe Country Show return to the Winchcombe School Field on Gretton Road on Monday the 28th – what a brilliant way of spending the Bank Holiday Monday! You can look forward to a range of fun attractions, including a flower show and a breathtaking Motorcycle Stunt Trials Display. Another great family day out earlier in the month is the Mid-Counties Cooperative Gloucestershire Fun Day which is being held on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th August from 11.00am to 7.00pm at Newlands Park in Bishop's Cleeve – make sure you go along. Finally, now that Wimbledon is over, take some time to relax in the garden with a nice cup of tea and read through the August edition of the Winchcombe Magazine, because before you know it the school runs will be starting all over again! Best wishes, Vicky Muller
- Editor Please like us on Follow us on Twitter WinchcombeMag
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We look forward to seeing you there!
If you’re a tutor and would like to run a course, please get in touch.
BeSocial@GL54 is run by the Winchcombe Day Care Centre Foundation. Registered Charity No. 1010742
Page 6
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Winchcombe Country Show Bank Holiday Monday 28th August, 12.00 noon until 5.30pm at Winchcombe Senior School Playing Fields, Greet Road Following the success of last year’s show, the Winchcombe Country Show committee was able to donate over £10,000 to local charities and local organisations. The committee is hoping that this year’s show will be even bigger and better!
start at 11.30am from the Abbey Field Centre in Back Lane. There will be vintage tractors, fancy dress contestants and the Happenstance Border Morris dancers. The procession will arrive at the show site for the opening of the show at 12.00 noon.
The Save Our Show campaign (run earlier in the year) has resulted in six new committee members to replace those who are standing down after this year’s show.
The show’s main event will be the On the Edge Stunt Trials Display Team. Using a purpose-built truck and obstacles, the stunts and tricks you will see rely on absolute precision, unbelievable balance and a total lack of fear!
The traditional flower show remains the heart of the Winchcombe Country Show with over 130 classes to enter. For those who are interested in entering classes, the schedule for entries is available online at Schedules can be purchased at John Keelings newsagents and the Tourist Information Centre in Winchcombe. This year, in support of the Tour of Britain cycle race which will come through Winchcombe on 9th September, there will be a new class for decorating a single bicycle wheel. After the show, the wheels will be displayed in a prominent place in Winchcombe in advance of the race. As a kick off to the show, the annual procession through Winchcombe will
The lead rider is Jack Challoner, four times British & Italian Champion. The finale promises to be breath-taking! Other attractions will include something for everyone. There will be tango dancing, street entertainers, Morris dancing, terrier racing, the Pirton Gun Dog Display Team, a host of dog competitions and much, much more. There will also be a range of stalls providing local crafts and gifts and a wide selection of foods to eat. Tickets cost £4 per adult and £2 per child. Family tickets (two adults and up to three children) will be £10. Please come and support this local event and help to raise funds for charities and organisations in Winchcombe.
All helpers are welcome, so if you would like to help us on the show day, please call Sarah Day on 01242 602395. On Sunday 27th August prior to the show, there will be the Run Winchcombe Event at Sudeley Castle featuring a 5k fun run, a 10k hill climb to the Neolithic long barrow Belas Knapp for the more adventurous and a 1k for 10s and under. Entry is now available online at
Club Team Championships 2017 The 2017 Gloucestershire County Golf Partnership Club Team Championships took place on Sunday 25th June at Cleeve Cloud Golf Club. It is a mixed competition into which Gloucestershire golf clubs can enter a team. Each team consists of two men and two ladies and the total of each team’s handicaps must be between 50 and 96.
Ian Watkins (Chairman, Gloucestershire Golf Partnership), Hugh Fitzsimons, Rita New, Barbara Smyth, Trevor Martin and Sue Rawles (Vice President GLCGA)
It was played in testing winds but it stayed dry. "It was a little windy up on the hill but the views were spectacular," commented one player. With the promise of a Sunday roast on their return, 9 teams took to the hills, however, whilst they were out at play a power cut took place in the clubhouse and surrounding houses. Undeterred by the inconvenience, the kitchen staff
under leadership from Margaret put on a splendid array of salads for the players instead and saved the day. The home team of Hugh Fitzsimons, Rita New, Trevor Martin and Barbara Smyth took the honours with 83 points followed closely by the Broadway team of Barry Folkes, Louise Folkes, Ben Beacham and Irene Hawkes with 81 points. This is the second year this competition has taken place and the winners will go on to the England Golf Team Championships taking place during Golf Week at Woodhall Spa in August. - by Rita New Cleeve Cloud Lady Captain 2017
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Page 7
Cake and Bake White Chocolate Filo Tarts Crisp and light pastry cases filled with a rich and creamy white chocolate mousse – these tarts are easy to make but look impressive. Double up the quantities if serving a crowd.
Ingredients: • 25g unsalted butter, melted • 6-8 sheets filo pastry • 100g good quality white chocolate • 2 tbsp milk • 150ml double cream • Dark chocolate curls and cocoa, to decorate
Makes 6 Ready in 45 minutes, plus cooling and chilling
a little of the melted butter to grease 6 holes of a 12hole bun tray.
2. Use a sharp knife to cut the pastry into 18cm x 10cm squares. Brush each square lightly with some of the remaining melted butter.
3. Line each buttered hole with three of the squares,
arranging each one at an angle so the corners form a star. Press gently into the holes.
4. Bake in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes until the
pastry is crisp and golden brown. Leave to cool in the tray.
5. To make the white chocolate filling, break the
chocolate into pieces and place in a heatproof bowl with the milk. Set the bowl over a pan of simmering water. Leave until the chocolate has melted then remove from the heat and stir until smooth. Cool for 10 minutes.
6. Pour the cream into a bowl and whip the cream until
TIP You can make the pastry cases a few hours in advance but only fill just before serving otherwise the pastry will go soggy. Page 8
1. Preheat the oven to 190C, 170C fan, Gas Mark 5. Use
softly peaking. Gently fold in the cooled chocolate mixture and chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.
7. Gently spoon the chocolate cream between the filo
pastry cases. Decorate with the dark chocolate curls and a dusting of cocoa powder. Serve within 1 hour of filling.
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Page 9
to be viable.
Update from the Chairman The Radio Winchcombe Ltd. AGM was held on 27th June at the White Hart in Winchcombe with good attendance from the members.
Chris Sweet, the Chairman of the Board reported: • The licence was renewed for another 5-year period with effect from May 2017. • That the station itself is very healthy from a broadcasting perspective with the majority of programmes being newly aired and representing a broad spectrum of music and topics. • New presenters had increased the diversity of programming and local content remained high. • The station continues to get good representation on the BBC Local Radio show. • One key remit is the community involvement and this has been something of a problem before but highly effective outside broadcasts, including the representation at the Wartime in the Cotswold weekend, has increased the station's profile. That particular OB received very positive feedback. More of this needs to be done. • We have had a couple of work experience placements which help towards our educational remit although again more could be done. • We continue to need more backroom staff. • The Board appreciates the need to upgrade equipment and grants are being sought to achieve this. • The main strength of the station is its presenters but the station cannot continue indefinitely without additional support and in the absence of further help being found the Board will need to consider if the station continues Page 10
In addition, the Finance Director Ros Martin reported that the current financial position is strong but the reserves are being diminished. We have lost a number of advertisers and they have not been replaced as no one has taken on responsibility for this. This is an issue that is currently being addressed. Once again there was the discussion about the need for further support and the fact that the radio will struggle to continue in its current form. The Board are fully committed to the maintenance of the radio station but have no further capacity to take on further initiatives which inevitably leave the station vulnerable. Whilst this was discussed at our meeting in February and some changes have been made, the situation is now critical. Anyone who could assist in any capacity with the station should email Philip Arkell on Taken from the minutes of the AGM June ‘17
Philip Arkell Remembers During the 1960's while employed as a television engineer working for a shop in Cheltenham, most of my days were spent looking at the television test card. Much of the music accompanying the card was composed by Gordon Langford. Since those days, I have always enjoyed what is called Light Music and play these tunes on “Carousel”, my Radio Winchcombe show on Friday mornings. They are tunes that make me feel happy. Not just tuneful round the outside, but tuneful right through.
Gordon Langford Picture: Courtesy of the Telegraph Gordon Langford and played one of his compositions. After the show, Celia Perrin, a listener, sent me a copy of the order of service for Gordon Langford's funeral and told me that she was related to him. Gordon Langford was born on 11th May 1930 and died on 18th April 2017. He was a composer of choral and orchestral music, winning an Ivor Novello Award for best light music composition for his March from the Colour Suite in 1971. Sadly Gordon has passed away, joining other great light music composers such as Robert Farnon, Eric Coates, Charles Williams and many more. Although they are no longer with us, their light music will live forever. - Philip Arkell, Life Chairman and popular presenter of Carousel Fridays at 10.00am
Get In Touch If you wish to discuss any of the topics mentioned in this article, then please get in touch: For Advertising and funding please contact
LISTEN IN AND GET INVOLVED You can listen to your community station anywhere, anytime via: 107.1 FM, our Free App for Android and iPhone or online at Twitter: @radiowinch Facebook: RadioWinchcombe Philip Arkell and Celia Perrin discuss the life of the late Gordon Langford It was during Carousel one Friday in April that I announced the death of
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Keeping Safe at the Beach this Summer Two out of three people in the UK will head to the seaside at least once this year. Most beach goers will have an enjoyable and relaxing time. So when something goes wrong, who can help? RNLI Lifeboat Volunteers or Search and Rescue Helicopter Crews can respond within minutes, and often save lives close to the shore. But sometimes, at the beach, seconds count. For the best chance of survival, you need someone on the beach who can see the dangers develop: someone who can prevent accidents before they happen and respond instantly if they occur. This is where the RNLI Lifeguards play such a vital role. Ninety-five per cent of a good lifeguard's work is preventative; many lives have already been saved by their vigilance. When you’re heading to a beach, we urge you to respect the water and visit a Lifeguarded Beach. On a lifeguarded beach there are trained professionals to help keep you safe – they’ll be on hand if something goes wrong, in or out of the water. If lifeguards are on patrol, then you’ll need to know your flags:
Red and Yellow flag Lifeguarded area. Safest area to swim, bodyboard and use inflatables.
Black and White chequered flag For surfboards, stand-up paddleboards, kayaks and other non-powered craft. Launch and recovery area for kitesurfers and windsurfers. Never swim or bodyboard here.
Red flag Danger! Never go in the water under any circumstances when the red flag is flying.
Orange windsock Indicates offshore or strong wind conditions. Never use inflatables when the windsock is flying. If the beach you’re at is not lifeguarded, please take extra care if you are going into the water. Remember a lot of beaches overseas do not provide lifeguards. During this hot weather you are reminded of the dangers of swimming in rivers, lakes, quarries, etc. The water is very cold and jumping in can cause “Cold Water Shock” which is a killer. - Fraser Gunn, RNLI Education Liaison Volunteer Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI), a charity registered in England and Wales (209603) Please mention Winchcombe Magazine when responding to advertisers
Page 11
It’s Not Always Good To Be Green by Pippa Greenwood
Water features are great in a garden but the chances are that from time to time you will have been frustrated by the water turning green. Generally, this will be due to one of many different types of algae infestation, and will get worse during warmer weather, but what should you do about it? Blanket weed is long filaments of tangled algae, making a mass resembling a dense green blanket. Remove by pulling, raking or by using a stick or bamboo cane that you twirl into the algae, then compost it down in your compost bin. Surface floating pond weeds such as duckweed, which looks like lots of very tiny oval leaves floating on the water’s surface, can be a real nightmare too. It builds up very rapidly as a bright green surface layer and the best control is to regularly scrape the weed off using a good-sized kitchen sieve. Again it can be composted, but make sure you remove all of it or it will soon be back. Try to avoid the build-up of algae by creating your pond carefully and taking precautions with what you grow and keep in it. Avoid a Page 12
very sunny position, as lots of sunlight increases the algal growth. Bear in mind, however, that a pond close to trees will become clogged by leaves in autumn! Make sure that the pond is as deep as possible, as algal growth is much more likely in shallow water, and avoid putting in too many fish as their excreta raises the water’s nitrogen level, which encourages algae. Surface floating plants, particularly water lilies, will help to shade the water’s surface - ideal if the pond is in a fairly sunny site. You should also include a selection of oxygenating plants, available from your local garden centre or pond plant supplier. Some of these float in bundles in the water, others can be grown in containers, and all of them help raise the oxygen level in the pond and so decrease the algae problem. A spout or fountain will also oxygenate the water, but note that water lilies do not like water that is in motion. Note that if you keep changing the water in an attempt to keep it clear, the pond never gets the chances to create its own natural balance and the situation will not improve. Be patient and usually, provided
you try all the above, the pond will eventually sort itself out and clear water will return. You can use proprietary physical and chemical controls for algae, but make sure that whatever you choose is suitable and can be used safely around wildlife and your pond fish. Using barley straw to clear algae in ponds does work, but it is essential that the straw is from barley and no other cereal crop. If you can get hold of this, cram some into an old pair of tights and submerge in the water by weighing them down with several bricks. Alternatively, buy pads of barley straw (sometimes mixed with lavender stalks), and these will help do the job for you. Visit Pippa’s website www. for her ‘Winter thru’ Spring Collection’ of gorgeous UK-grown gardenready vegetable plants ready for delivery in September. You’ll also find many gardening items including growing frames, SpeedHoes, SpeedWeeders, raised bed kits, Nemaslug and other nematode controls, copper tape, pull-out EasyTunnels, signed books and lots more besides.
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Page 13
Computer Corner
Travel Tech travel funds. You can block the card at any point and add only what you might need each day, leaving everything else secure in the UK.
Hey folks, sorry this article may be a little rushed this month. I’m just packing my bags for a little holiday and as ever, I have a huge flurry of emails to reply to before I leave. That got me thinking though. To ensure the perfect break, what sort of technology might you want to take with you and what should you leave at home? For me, the two travel essentials are travel money of course and a camera. So long as you also have your tickets, passport and a change of clothes, everything else is pretty much optional! Money has changed somewhat since the days we used to pick up our pesetas from Thomas Cook. My top tech pick in this area is to use an app-linked travel card rather than cash. CaxtonFX is a good one. You buy the currency card (a Mastercard) before you leave the UK and top it up online using your phone. Because you’ll be moving money to it from your UK current account directly into the currency you want to spend, there are no exchange fees and no charges to withdraw it from the cashpoint in your resort. Of course, it’s also a little safer than using traditional
My next essential item, the camera, takes a little more planning. I used to travel with my hefty DSLR but with luggage restrictions and the (not always obvious) limits on pricey technology covered by travel insurance, you might want to think about using other ways to capture the sunset. The most obvious alternative is to use your smartphone. The latest iPhones have superb cameras and make it easy to share your pics with those at home through social media. Android cameras have come a long way too, with the Google Pixel device having an almost perfect camera built-in and those made by Samsung looking very sharp. My tip is to add an app such as the wonderful PicsArt system onto your device before you go. These little image apps help you add filters and improve the quality of the photograph with a few easy clicks. The difference between an unfiltered snap and one you’ve improved can make it worth printing and framing, not just sharing on Facebook. Although I consider it a bit of a luxury, the last piece of kit I tend to take on my travels is a decent pair of headphones. Stuck in that flying tube for hours on end, relaxing music or a method to block out the sound can turn a headache of a flight into a pleasure. The best on the market in
terms of noise cancellation are the headsets made by Sony or Bose. The ultimate purchase is the BOSE QuietComfort 35 which have active noise cancellation built in, alongside Bluetooth so you’re free of wires when connecting to your mobile or tablet. However, they will set you back over £300 and that’s almost the same as an upgrade to a quiet seat! A good alternative is the AKG N60NC which cost £100 less and sound almost as good. In my opinion, it is worth going for Bluetooth (both of these have it) as many of the new smartphones are expected to ship without a headphone port. Fancy a bit of basic tech? Try the Smiggle Speaker for £22. It’s a portable speaker that looks ridiculously cute and impressed me with both the battery life and sound quality. It’s cheap enough to take to the beach and the kids will adore the design. For this and all products I’ve mentioned, just drop their name into Google to check the latest pricing or to read thousands of reviews. That’s it for now! I need to download an app to check-in to my flight and print off the bargain hotel I found online. Let’s see how many days I can manage without logging into those emails again. ;) - Alex Sass, Managing Director of and CEO of Hyperworld Control Ltd. Blog:
Winchcombe Country Show urgently needs some serious muscle for the show weekend (the show is on the 28th of August)! If you know of anybody that would be able to help in setting up the show, and indeed on the day, it would be much appreciated. Please e-mail
Page 14
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Word Ladder
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Change one letter at a time (but not the position of any letter) to make a new word - and move from the word at the top of the ladder to the word at the bottom, using the exact number of rungs provided.
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Round up a Tax Specialist Crowthers help clients to manage their tax affairs and minimise their tax bills. For Corporate, Income and IHT Planning that makes sense. Offices in Ledbury, Pershore and Cheltenham Please mention Winchcombe Magazine when responding to advertisers
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come Winchcombe Walkers are Welcome
Train & Walk 19 Cheltenham Racecourse - Greet Cheltenham Racecourse - Greet
Park at Winchcombe Station or Stanley Pontlarge considerately in a nearby street. After purchasing your ticket take the train to Prescott Prescott Cheltenham racecourse. This walk needs to be planned in Continue Continue straight on and follow Stanley the path conjunction with the train timetable Hill Wood Hill station Go up the main steps to leave the station by ra by the the racecourse perimeter fence on Climb Climb available at: ow the through the gate. Turn left and follow the your righ your right to a stile/gate. Go through Manor Manor Glos Way r 50m railway line Farm cutting on your leftand for 50m Farmand continue along cont the path to a juncTake the train to the famous racecourse wards to a stile, continue straight on towards tion. Her tion. Here turn left by a house on your and see the racecourse close up before hand a signal box and a gate on the left hand left left and walkand 50m to a stile B. Cross and w climbing the escarpment to the foot of d side of a fence. Follow the left hand enter a enter a lane (Park Lane); follow this to a la Cleeve Common. Follow the edge of te and field boundary and a track to aT gate and -junction T-junction with Spring Lane and turn left. the common before a gentle descent nd footbridge over a stream. CrossFollow and Follow the lane to the end where youth to Winchcombe via the Isbourne the continue to a road; turn left along the meet a ga meet a gate C. valley. The walk continues through on road to a gate almost immediately on Winchcombe to Winchcombe station Go throu Go through and turn left to follow the your right A. situated in Greet. left left hand fieldhand boundary to another gate. nd head Follow the path across theNottingham fieldGo and head throu Go through and continue across the field Hill Hill Distance: 9 miles / 14.4 km Rushbury 279m ion towards a post situated by a junction toto a gate a gate followed by a footbridge. Follow House to of tracks. Turn left at the post onto a the the path to a path gate and enter the next field. Duration 4.5a hours (walking) wards track which curves to the left towards Continue Continue by the left hand field boundary Difficulty: Strenuous o a windsock post. The track turns to Longwood Longwood dgeFarm . the right and heads towards a hedge.Farm Dryfield Start/finish:from Winchcombe GWSR Station Farm ay Immediately bear slightly right away from situated in Greet. Grid ref: SP 050/232 . Go the track towards a gate/fieldgate. Go Apple Tree Postcode: GL54 5LD Pub follow the path with the the through and gate/ hedgerow on your left to another gate/ swold Way G OS maps: Outdoor Leisure 45, C Cot fieldgate. Landranger 163
GWSR train journey to Cheltenham After Racecourse Station and walk back. ain to
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E Stone Blocks to to thethe far side and a gap betweenfar fields. Go throu Go through and bear right on a track Queen’s Wood towards towards the rear of Ellenborough Park Dew pond hotel j hotel to joinRadio another Continue as Masts W the the path runspath parallel to the hotel to ( C reach reach a field gate. Go througha to reach a fi B lane (Sou lane (Southam Lane). Turn right along the pa vemen pavement to a T-junction; turn right up to next -jun next T-junction withT the B4632. T urn Turn left at the junctionleft taking care of any traffic traffic and walk ahead to a bus an stop. Here cross the cross the B4632 and enter Sunset Lane Prestbury No ve rto D D opposite. oppos Follow the lane to the end n 01242 500 028 or visit To advertise call 07740 784 444 or Lane ay W
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© OpenstreetMap contributors and WWaW
Ascent: 1,027 feet/313 metres Descent: 968 feet/295metres
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Refreshments: Rising Sun, Cleeve Hill Golf Club, several places in Winchcombe or Winchcombe Station.
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Continue straight across the track and follow the Cotswold Way and edge of the common to a field gate where you exit m the common. Go through and continue Solitary straight on and descend slightly until you Tree meet a second field gate to re-enter the common G. Keeping to the Cotswold Way, take the middle of three paths downhill towards a Cotswold Way marker post and bear left at the post towards some treesRadio flankingDew a wall pond and gate. Go Masts through the gate and follow the wall to a
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© OpenstreetMap contributors and WWaW
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Continue ahead for approx 40m before turning right into Corndean Lane. Cross Woodpeckers the river and continue up the lane taking care of any traffic for approx 200m before turning leftBreakheart along the Cotswold Way. Plantation
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Follow the path and go though a kissing gate; continue across the field bearing left to another kissing gate by a road. Go through and turn left, go over the river and follow the road up to a T-junction in C sw Winchcombe. the centreotof old Wa y
Turn right and follow the pavement towards the shops; before the White Hart Inn turn right into Castle Street and follow the road down and cross the river Wontley Farm (Disused)
Turn right and follow the road past a surgery to the school where you need to cross the road and continue in the same Man’s direction to a railway bridge crossing theNoPatch Car parking heritage railway. Before the bridge turn c n for Belas Knap Newmeadow right and follow the road to the Farmstation. y
through followed by another kissing gate to meet a road J.
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towards a solitary tree. Keep to the right of a house F and straightWashpool on up to meet a golf fairway. Follow the edge of the fairway to arrive at the golf club house (open to the public) and a track leading Common Source of R. Isbourne off the common. Postlip Warren
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Postlip Hall
The tarmac path veers left into a housing estate; follow the path up and continue straight ahead (Wyndham Way) to meet B a T-junction with Greenways. Turn right and follow the road to meet Greet Road, opposite a cemetery L.
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Postlip Mill
The walk can be shortened at the Rising Sun byHumblebee taking the bus back to Cottages Winchcombe. Passengers are advised the bus stops are request stops. Indicate to the driver to stop. © Winchcombe Walkers are Welcome 2017
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Follow the lane to the right until you reach some houses and a junction adjacent to the rear of a pub (Rising Sun). Bear right and follow the track along the edge of the common with a stone wall on your left. The tracks rises, fork right by the rear of some houses before heading
Cross the drive leaving the Cotswold Royal Way and go over the stile opposite; Gretton Oak follow the path to another stile entering a field. Continue beside the left hand field boundary for approx ½ mile (0.8km), passing some restored pools on your left. At the end of the field, turn left through the gate, over a footbridge and turn right; Cups Hill follow the path towards Postlip Mill. This is a working industrial site so please take care. The path leads you to an access road, cross and turn right; continue on a stone path ignoring a gate on your right; follow the path along as it then turns and descends to a gate. Turn left and follow Langley Hill the lane; 275mwhere the main track bears left, go straight on and up to a gate ahead. Langley Farm the right hand Follow the pathHill beside field boundary and the River Isbourne until you reach a gate on your left; go
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Turn left at the road and after 50m cross the road and enter ‘Riverside’. Go past three houses on your right and turn right into a cul-de-sac. At the end take the footpath on your left beside a large tree; do not go straight up but bear right around a house and follow the footpath beside the river.
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again. Between some cottages on your leftou is an alleyway marked Isbourne Way; turn left along the path and go through a gate to enter a field. Follow the path to a gated footbridge and continue by the river to another gate adjacent to a road K.
small stabling area. Keep to the footpath around the wall and pass through field gates to arrive by some buildings. Follow the Cotswold Way through the gates and skirt Postlip Hall to your left behind a high stone wall (the Hall can be glimpsed from time to time). Follow the path to a gate by a tarmac drive H.
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Continue straight on and follow the track to a three-way fork; take the less distinct middle track and continue uphill (ignoring other paths going to left and right) as the path steepens and enters a scrubby area before narrowing and reaching a gate. Go through and there is a sign post ahead. Turn right and follow the fence on your right until you reach aStanley metal field gate and Pontlarge footpath sign E. Here turn left and follow the path uphill towards the escarpment as it curves right and then left to meet Stanley some large rectangular blocks of stone. Wood Turn left and follow the left hand track with a seat ahead, the track bears right Wa y Glos towards some houses and keep to the track that passes next to a house. The track rises, past two further stone blocks before joining a lane.
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and a stile/fieldgate. Cross and bear right to a waymarked post and follow the right hand field boundary to a stile; cross and continue straight on to meet a track.
Belas Knap
This walk is courtesy of Winchcombe Walkers are Welcome. Each month we publish different route. Allisroutes WWaW hope youaenjoy the walk, however the walk undertakenare at your sole risk and WWaWto have no responsibility for loss, damage, available view on their website: injury or interpretation. Every possible care has been taken to ensure the information given was accurate at the time of creation.
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Page 17
Cathedral Cladding Ltd Call 01905 700100
INSTALLERS OF PVCU ROOFLINE PRODUCTS We are experts in the installation, removal and replacement of Fascias, Soffits, Guttering & Downpipes
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Sudoku KEEP YOUR HOME WARM AND COSY THIS WINTER Single Load - 1.2m3 / Double Load 2.4m3 Kindling nets / Logs in nets
Mobile Firewood Processing, Forestry Services
FREE DELIVERY within 10 miles of GL19 4QF Tel. 01684 296102 / 07970 664658
Page 20
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Hyundai Gets Wacky A concept car is a good way for manufacturers to gauge public reaction to a design, prior to possible mass manufacture. One example is Ford’s Probe 3, which ultimately morphed into the Sierra. It may seem strange today but, in 1981, the public were initially reluctant to accept the jelly mould curves of the Probe, being more used to the square lines of the then current cars. How times and our expectations change. So they may seem wacky now but these concept offerings from Hyundai may eventually be accepted as the norm in our cars. • I.Guardian is a speed ramp that extends out of the side of school buses or taxis to slow traffic
as it passes. An interesting idea and anything that makes motorists adhere to those “20 is Plenty” signs outside schools is welcome in my book. • Moving Forest is a filter unit that sits on the top of Hyundai’s electric cars and cleans the air of dust and dirt. It looks like one of those ski shaped roof boxes and Hyundai suggest it could find a home in coaches and lorries. • Parents will relate to this idea - taking inspiration from kid’s finger painting on misted up windows, with Sketch Book, they now breathe on an interactive screen, do their doodling, which is then saved to the Cloud and can be accessed on other smart devices. Perhaps Sketch Book will keep the little ones so occupied that you in the front won’t hear from the back. “Are we there yet?” Time will tell. By Iain Betson
Cheltenham Scratch
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07947 089266 Please mention Winchcombe Magazine when responding to advertisers
Page 21
By Ann Haldon
Using credit and debit cards abroad this year? What you should know before you go
Spending money abroad can be costlier than you think if you’re not prepared for the fees and ‘hidden’ charges. Whether you choose to take a debit or credit card, it pays to check the small print in your terms and conditions before you go - you could save a considerable amount in added interest and charges. Specialist credit and debit cards for overseas use only Rather than taking your ‘regular’ credit or debit card on holiday, look for specialist cards designed to be used abroad, as these are intended to reduce the cost of holiday spending. If you find one that’s suitable and your application is successful, however, just make sure you pay off the balance in full every month. The interest rates on these cards are extremely high if you don’t, which could wipe out any savings you’ve made. The best overseas credit cards generally offer much better exchange rates than local retailers. So if you use a credit card and you’re asked which currency you want pay in, choose the local currency as it’s likely to save you money – more on Dynamic Currency Conversion below. Credit cards for holiday spending are generally easier Page 22
to obtain than debit cards If your current bank doesn’t offer a specialist debit card for use abroad, you may have to switch your bank account to obtain one. Alternatively, you could just open a new account with the provider, but this might seem a little unnecessary when there is an easier alternative in credit cards. Be careful when you apply for a new card though - your credit file is adversely affected when applications are refused. The Money Saving Expert website offers an ‘eligibility calculator’ to give you an idea of your chances of acceptance, and help you narrow down the choices. Debit cards can be better if you’re going to withdraw mainly cash Although taking a dedicated credit card for use abroad has many benefits, if you intend to withdraw mainly cash, a specialist debit card will probably be cheaper overall as there are usually no added charges or fees for this. Be careful about card ‘cloning’ When you use a card abroad, or anywhere in fact, be aware of the danger of cloning. This can happen when the card is taken out of your sight, or even when it’s right in front of you if you aren’t taking notice. Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) Some retailers abroad will offer to convert your purchase into sterling when you pay by
card, so you can see exactly how much you’ve spent. This process is called dynamic currency conversion, or cardholder preferred currency. The problem is that you’ll probably lose out on the exchange rate by paying this way. Local retailers choose whether or not to offer this service, and in some cases may automatically convert your purchase to sterling without asking you. It’s a good idea, therefore, to check whether DCC has been used prior to signing a payment slip or entering your PIN. Avoiding the non-sterling transaction fee Although your bank uses the MasterCard, Visa and Amex optimum exchange rates, the charge for conversion adds a non-sterling transaction fee of up to 3% to your bill when you use a non-specialist card abroad. Finding the best card may take a little research, but your time and effort will be repaid via the extra holiday treats you’ll be able to enjoy. travel/travel-credit-cards www.moneysavingexpert. com/shopping/section75-protectyour-purchases travel-money/using-credit-cardsabroad/ creditcards.moneysavingexpert. com/?travel&_ga=2.1383768 16.1530821389.1495096415200857501.1494082078 Credit_Card_FAQ/How_do_ credit_cards_get_cloned. ccfaq_019.php
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Bella’s Interiors Blinds & Shutters
Where quality and customer satisfaction count ALL TYPES OF BLINDS MADE TO MEASURE
01242 238030 Unit 1, Lansdown Ind Est, Cheltenham GL51 8PL
Gas, Oil & Electric Boilers Installed, Serviced & Repaired. Bathrooms, Supplied & Fitted. All Work Guaranteed
07903 083444 // 01242 461831
CODEWORD Each letter in this puzzle is represented by a number between 1 and 26. The codes for three letters are shown. As you find the letters enter them in the box below.
4 25
22 9
22 15
11 2
17 9
15 22
3 10
25 16
4 3
20 16
26 14
18 3
21 21
9 4
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Established in 2003 Tranquility Travel's ethos is to provide personalised travel backed with outstanding customer care. When mainstream travel companies started to move online using inexperienced advisors based in call centres to sell standard packages, Ruth Brunger founded Tranquillity Travel using a team of hand-picked professionals who could draw on their experience to provide unique, personalised holidays that would be remembered for life by their customers. This successful ethos is summed up in their strapline "Not specialising is our speciality" and brings customers back year after year. 15 years on, Ruth's daughter Sarah is proud to be opening a new branch of the family business in her home town of Winchcombe to better serve clients in the Cotswold area. Sarah, like the rest of the Tranquility team, is widely travelled and very experienced in the travel industry. She caught the travel bug from a young age and has over ten years experience arranging travel ranging from exclusive luxury holidays for the high profile VIPs of tour operators Abercrombie and Kent to family holidays including her own young family who she took to South Africa this year. Her broad experience enables her to identify the requirements of each customer and recommend exciting holiday options customised to meet their every need from departure to their arrival home. 'Tailor-made travel is our passion but luxury doesn’t have to mean expensive. With our industry knowledge we provide our customers with the experience of a lifetime, at a price they can afford.� Sarah is available by email or phone, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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Page 25
ARE YOU READY TO TAKE THE PLUNGE? JULIE ANDREWS IS! the beautiful Hearing Dogs and their recipients, it was a very special day. I was more than happy to offer Hilary some help with Take The Plunge 2.”
Before you get carried away, the Julie Andrews to whom we refer is not the star of The Sound Of Music, but she is indeed a very special lady – wheelchair-bound from birth due to spina bifida, she has an appetite for life second to none, and that includes many fundraising activities. She is going to be “Taking The Plunge” at the similarly named event run by two franchisees from Wagging Tails home from home dog boarding company, Hilary Coates (SN branch) and Alexis Bennett (GL branch). Julie, a self-confessed activity lover,
is looking forward to taking a leap into a lake, to then be rescued by a magnificent trained Newfoundland Dog springing from a rescue craft to bring her safely back. “It was fantastic to get a message from Julie to ask if she could take part, we hope that it will encourage others to be brave and have a go,” said Hilary. “I visited the first event in 2015 before I became a Wagging Tails franchisee”, added Alexis “and I was struck by how much fun everyone was having, as well as meeting the Newfoundlands and
Alexis has found some wonderful carers in her first 18 months, giving dogs their very own individual holiday. Hilary’s business has been running for three years now and is very successful, giving her the perfect opportunity to give back to a charity that is close to her heart. “I wear hearing aids for relatively minor hearing loss. I cannot imagine life without much sound. The way the Hearing Dogs bring their recipients back into the world is truly astonishing and humbling.” For information on the event go to newfoundfriends-rescue-day or contact Hilary on or Alexis on
Talented youngsters raise the roof at rock concert A packed audience raised the roof with their cheers and applause when 50 young Cheltenham-based musicians performed their biggestever gig. Talented students from The Rock Project – the UK’s leading rock school – took Tithe Barn in Bishop’s Cleeve by storm in their end-of-year concert. More than 150 friends and families of the start-struck performers sang along to all of their favourite tunes in this unforgettable showcase of live music. Guitarists, bass players, drummers and singers aged 7 to 18 who are part of The Rock Project Cheltenham, which meets weekly in Bishop’s Cleeve and Pittville, performed a wide repertoire of rock classics to modern day anthems. Neive Richardson who together with Alex Young, runs The Rock Project Cheltenham said: “We had an unforgettable concert which included a huge cross-section of music from ACDC Page 26
and Guns ‘n’ Roses to Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder and Taylor Swift. “The feedback has been incredibly positive and the amazing response STAR STRUCK: The Rock Project gave from the audience was proof a thrilling performance of how much everyone enjoyed The Rock Project holds junior and themselves." senior sessions during term time in “It was such a big moment for the Pittville School every Monday and students and gave them a massive Cleeve School in Bishop’s Cleeve confidence boost to witness such every Thursday evening. For further a reaction to their performance.” details contact Neive Richardson or Alex Young at cheltenham@ Student of the Year Awards were, call 07521 presented to students Marley 385800 or visit Goodfellow and Isla Larcombe (Junior Session) along with Tabi Wallington Organisers will also hold a series and Freddie Warren (Senior Session). of music workshops as part of a Summer of Rock event from Monday Awards were also presented to the most 14th August to Friday 18th August at improved players of the year and these Leckhampton School, Cheltenham to were announced as Louis Harvey, Isaac teach guitar, bass guitar, drums and Buttle, Ellie Davage and Lola Metcalfe. vocals to students aged 7 to 18. With more than 60 schools across For details of the Summer Rock the British Isles and Ireland, The call 07577 710998 or email Rock Project is recognised as the holidaycheltenham@therock UK’s leading school for children’s contemporary music tuition.
To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit
summer! live happy thiswith Slimming World
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Mini Cryptic Crossword Across 1. Feds put in a group part (7) 7. One flower developed (5) 8. Spectacles glum leader misses (7) 9. Apologetic type almost evacuated Rugby! (5) 11. Hosiery hits hard (5) 12. Quick cheese and fruit starter (5) 14. Cleric not following tailless cat (5) 16. Prim Leo sent around to beg (7) 18. A man occupying a country (5) 19. Sample consumed with Will (7) Down 1. Heroic narratives, either way (5) 2. Endless target in India (3) 3. Two points state written composition (5) 4. Jobs Thomas initially requests (5) 5. Small quantity of broth – a rip-off! (7) 6. Poet as yet not in order (5) 10. Time ran out for clothing (7) 12. A passenger vehicle near a hat (5)
13. Fathead isn’t 15. Relative on the commonly weak (5) Riviera, we hear (5) 14. Police officer less 17. Eggs finished, by the content gets by (5) sound of it (3)
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Page 27
By Alison Runham
Jet Lag and Joy Lag: How to Recover from Your Holiday
Holidays should be a chance to relax and revitalise ourselves. So why do we sometimes feel miserable and exhausted afterwards, and how can we prevent it? Jet Lag Jet lag refers to symptoms caused by disruption to your ‘body clock’ when you travel to a different time-zone. They can include changed bowel habits, tiredness, headache, anxiety, confusion and nausea. Their severity depends on age and how many time zones you cross. One or two? No problem. Three to six? You’ll feel it. Seven to twelve? You’ll need a few days to adapt, particularly when travelling east, as it’s often easier to delay sleep than make yourself sleep after a shorter day. Reducing Jet Lag Jet lag when you arrive on holiday is inconvenient, but when you return, it can be a problem – especially if you have to adapt quickly to everyday life. While you can’t prevent jet lag, there are ways to help reduce Page 28
its effects. • If possible, gradually move your routine closer to that of your new time zone several days before departure. • Ensure you’re wellrested and hydrated before and during your flight. Nap on the plane if night time will be a long time away when you arrive. If you want to stay awake, keep active (essential for reducing the risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis on long flights). Avoid alcohol, which may increase symptoms. Remember that caffeinated drinks (e.g. tea, coffee and cola) may keep you awake. Adjust to the new time zone immediately. Resist napping on arrival unless it’s night time. Use the calculator created by Dr Idzikowski of Edinburgh Sleep Centre, to tell you how to use daylight to reduce jet lag at
Joy Lag (Post-HoLiday BLues and exHaustion) It’s not uncommon to feel glum and exhausted when you get back from your holiday. Perhaps you overdid it, packing in too many activities and trips, overindulging and not getting enough sleep. Returning to your work, responsibilities,
holiday laundry, gloomy weather and an untidy house can be daunting, too – and there’s no holiday to look forward to anymore. Preventing Joy Lag Before your holiday, try to pack gradually. Less frantic packing will help to prevent you coming back to a mess. If you can afford it, book a treat to look forward to a few weeks post-holiday. Stock up on easy meals for your return and if you can, book a day or two off after your holiday to adjust. during your holiday, don’t cram every moment with trips or organised activities. Shortlist trips, check the weather forecast and any special events and then plan the best days to venture out. Reserve other days for relaxation or a short trip to a local attraction or restaurant. Try to make the journey home as fun and relaxing as possible. Perhaps you could break your journey at a restaurant, or even a hotel – doing the final run home on a full holiday breakfast. after your holiday, be kind to yourself. Cook easy meals or treat yourself by eating out or having a takeaway. Conversely, though, start on the washing as soon as you’re back. It will only take a minute or two and you’ll know you’ve made a start. Put suitcases out of sight until they’re empty. Here’s wishing you reduced jet lag, reduced joy lag and Happy Holidays!
To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit
Goodrum Carpets
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Page 29
Hospice launches appeal to refurbish county’s only inpatient unit A local hospice has launched a special appeal to help refurbish its specialist inpatient unit – the only one in the county providing specialist around the clock care for people across Gloucestershire with a life limiting condition. Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice based just outside Cheltenham has 16 beds giving expert hospice care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for people in the county living with cancer, lung disease, heart failure and neurological conditions. It is the only specialist unit providing palliative care for people from every corner of the county – from Gloucester to Cheltenham, from Stroud to Cirencester and from Tewkesbury to the Forest of Dean - and it is housed in a Grade II listed Cotswold manor house first purchased by Lady Ryder 40 years ago this year. To continue providing its specialist care in a home from home environment which meets the care standards of today the charity
has an urgent need to invest in refurbishing the unit, but it estimates this could cost £110,000. That’s why the hospice has launched ‘The Big 40’ appeal to raise the funds needed for the work, without diverting existing funds away from the specialist care its team of doctors, nurses, specialists and volunteers provide. Elise Hoadley is Hospice Director at Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice. She said, “It was 40 years ago this year that Lady Ryder and a team of fundraisers, local businesses and volunteers from every corner of the county started their mammoth task of rebuilding and refurbishing the old manor house with the vision of creating a special place to provide compassionate care to people in the county. “That vision remains and as custodians of the wonderful legacy left by all those who were here at the very start, we have a duty to make sure we maintain this wonderful building in a way that retains its character whilst creating a bright and welcoming home from home for our patients and families.” “Refurbishing the unit by replacing flooring, completely redecorating, adding new electric points and
new bedside TVs and installing new hand washing facilities will mean we can continue providing a warm and welcoming place for Gloucestershire residents to come and receive our specialist care.” Mike Tague, Head of Hospice Fundraising at Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice added, "There are many ways people can support us in our Big 40 appeal, by making a donation or arranging a fundraising event to help raise funds towards our refurbishment plans - from coffee mornings to bake sales to sponsored events. £50 could install new electrical sockets with shaver points in a patient's bedroom, £200 could pay for a new bedside TV or £300 could completely redecorate one of our patient rooms making a difference to the welcoming environment we offer to those we care for." For more information on the appeal and to donate visit www.sueryder. org/leckhamptonbig40, email leckhampton.fundraising@sueryder. org or call 01242 246285. Any funds raised over and above the estimated cost of refurbishment will be used to fund existing projects or running costs at the hospice.
Logos 1. The logo of the film studio Dreamworks features a boy sitting on a crescent moon doing what activity? 2. Best known for its sportswear, which Italian clothing company has a logo that features the silhouettes of a man and woman sitting back to back against each other? 3. Featuring on its logo, in what year was the company Guinness founded? 4. A new lion logo for what was unveiled in February 2016, with many people saying that it resembled Mufasa from The Lion King? 5. What type of animal is used as the logo of Bacardi? 6. The logo for the beer brand McEwan’s was based on which famous painting by Frans Hals? 7. How many dots in total feature on the domino that is used for the logo of Domino’s Pizza? 8. In 2011, Iran threatened to boycott the 2012 London Olympics, saying the logo was racist as it spelt out a biblical name used to refer to the city of Jerusalem. What is this name? 9. Which famous company has a logo featuring a twin-tailed siren, and caused controversy in 2006 when briefly reintroducing the original version of the logo where the siren’s breasts were visible? 10. Which famous person from history was depicted sitting under an apple tree on the very first logo of the company Apple? Page 30
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Page 31
Home & Interiors Eco Chic at Home
Being an eco-warrior doesn’t have to be a battle. With a little thought and effort, you can decorate your home beautifully without harming the planet. Can ‘going green’ ever be stylish? Of course! While you might start with some basics, such as switching to LED light bulbs, insulating your loft or lagging your boiler, the end of your journey could be a chic, sophisticated home that’s filled with furnishings that are natural, sustainable and durable – in other words, minimising harm to the planet. From floors to ceilings, fabrics to accessories, small changes in your choices can create big eco-transformations. First, think about your priorities in terms of ways to help the environment. Should you aim to be low carbon, non-toxic or energy efficient? Renewable, fair trade, locally sourced, organic or simply ‘natural’? The answer is not always obvious but some simple research will help you weigh up your options. Page 32
By Katherine Sorrell
Look for labels, such as FSC to show timber has been responsibly sourced, or Goodweave that tells you a rug has not been woven by a child. Ask where things come from, what they contain, how they have been made. Buy from a specialist retailer with green credentials, look out for reclaimed, recycled or upcycled products, or buy antique or vintage pieces – they are often well made, good-looking and are certainly long-lasting; many would argue that they are the greenest of all, being the ultimate in recycling. Try to think less about what you think you need, and ask instead what you really don’t need. The three rules of green living are: reduce what you use; reuse what you can; and recycle as much as possible. So, rather than getting rid of things carelessly, consider how you could adapt them and give them another life. Perhaps you could re-cover an old sofa instead of buying a new one, clad the top of an old table with a thin sheet of marble, or repaint a kitchen chair, for example. When you do buy new, you may want to support local artisans or businesses (reducing your
carbon footprint in terms of import miles, too), or fair trade, co-operative or social initiatives overseas, which ensure fair pay and conditions for their workers. It is worth investigating eco choices for virtually everything around the house – from natural floorings such as sisal, cork, Marmoleum or wool carpets, to alternatives to cotton (which uses huge amounts of fresh water and pesticides) such as linen, hemp and alpaca. How much environmental harm does a product cause during production, and what toxins does it contain? Chemicals in paint, fabrics, synthetic carpets, plywood furniture and other man-made materials may ‘off gas’ for years, doing no one much good – another excellent reason to check the labelling. Lastly, bear in mind the beauty of natural materials, from oak and slate to bamboo and linen, in terms of both colour and texture. Subtle shades of browns, greys and off-whites, and tactile appeal that ranges from super-soft to satisfyingly knobbly – everything works together without your having to try too hard, and they will age gracefully, too, adding gentle good looks to your home for a long time to come.
Main iMage: TWells vase collection made from 100% recycled glass, from £15, garden Trading: 01993 845559;
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Check out our Facebook page for updated images of our work! Opening Times: Mondays by appointment only ~ Tues-Sat 10am-5pm ~ Sundays – Closed Eastern Avenue, Gloucester GL4 3BU (Next to The Weavers Shop, opposite SMYTHS)
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Page 33
Great British Bake Off stars cook up a treat at Redrow’s Wendlescliffe development Louise said: “I feel it is important Stars of last year’s Great British Bake Off Val and Louise were back in the kitchen at the end of July in an exciting afternoon of cookery at Redrow’s Wendlescliffe development in Bishop’s Cleeve.
The master baker made ‘quick and easy’ scones, decadent brownies, sweet summer fruit pastry with crème patisserie and ‘Friday Outrageous Pudding’ which notably caught viewers’ attention on the BBC show.
Val Stones and Louise Williams, whose expert skills in the kitchen were put to the test in the prestigious bake off tent in 2016, led a cooking demonstration from 12pm until 4pm for members of the public to watch and enjoy.
Val, who lives near Yeovil, said: “It was a fantastic opportunity to show our guests these wonderful recipes in the up close and personal environment of the Wendlescliffe kitchen”.
The event took place in one of the Wendlescliffe show homes, and gave spectators the opportunity to learn the bakers’ most treasured culinary hints and tips within the intimate environment of the beautifully designed Redrow kitchen. Val, 67, who left the show in week five’s challenging pastry week, baked an array of sweet delights.
Louise demonstrated a selection of savoury recipes inspired by her recent trip to Andalucia. The 46-year-old from Cardiff enjoys mixing interesting flavours with traditional techniques. Her demonstration included a Warqa pastry, a savoury bake filled with prawns, onions, pimento, garlic and chill, and Morrocan bread stuffed with seasonal vegetables and spices.
to show that baking can be done in a normal, household kitchen. “People tend to shy away from bread, but I hope I instilled some confidence. Baking is my bliss, and I relish the opportunity to pass on some hints and tips I have picked up over the years!” The Wendlescliffe development, which is located at one end of Bishop’s Cleeve and surrounded by open countryside, will be a combination of three and fourbedroom family homes with the first properties due to be completed for occupation in the Autumn. Work began on infrastructure at the 71-plot development in February, with completion expected by the middle of 2019. House prices start from £299,995, for a three-bedroom semidetached home with a single garage and driveway. For more information about Bishops Cleeve or to book a site visit, please call 01242 854905 or visit developments/wendlescliffebishops-cleeve-242436.
Sailing Anchor Beam Below Boom Bridge Clipper Crossjack Deck Gaff Gunwale Helm Hull Keel Ketch Mast Mizzen Navigation Porthole Prow
Rigging Rudder Sailor Sails Seafarer Spars Spinnaker Stern Tack Yacht
Find the names of words associated with sailing in the grid and the remaining letters will spell out a related phrase
Page 34
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Thwarting the Hackers Winner of the HEATING INSTALLER FOR THE SOUTH WEST Award 2017
Reports of some big company being hacked and its users’ data compromised are almost daily news. It’s seems that it’s more a case of asking when a particular service will be hacked rather than if. That means taking precautions against the inevitable, the biggest one being to never, ever reuse the same password on more than one website. If you do, then if one website is hacked the baddies have the password for your other sites and services too. And while we’re at it, let’s make sure we don’t use easily guessable passwords either: the UK’s favourite password is currently 12345678. If you need to create strong passwords you’ll never remember, an online service such as 1Password or LastPass will do the remembering for you. Apple’s Safari can do the same on Macs, iPhones and iPads, although many third-party password services are available too.
Have you visited the AWARD-WINNING Beauty Salon in Winchcombe? and her team have over 30 years’ experience in the beauty K irsti industry and offer the full range of beauty treatments to all ages
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Open 6 days a week with 3 late nights until 9pm. Visit the salon for the first time and receive 25% off your first treatment and then enjoy a further 15% off your second visit.* *Must be be used used within within 66 weeks weeks from from the the first first treatment. treatment. *Must
The Coach Coach House House 2a 2a Bull Bull Lane, Lane, Winchcombe Winchcombe The Cheltenham, GL54 GL54 5HY 5HY Cheltenham, Tel: 01242 01242 604017 604017 Website: Website: Tel:
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Page 35
Cream Of Pea & Herb Soup Serves 4
Ready in 45 minutes, plus cooling
This light and creamy summery soup tastes delicious hot or cold. To serve cold, leave the soup to cool then chill in the fridge for 2-3 hours before serving. Top with a dollop of crème fraiche and serve with crusty bread, if liked. Melt the butter in a large deep pan. Add the leek and potato and cook over a medium heat for 10 minutes until beginning to soften.
Ingredients: •
25g butter
1 leek, trimmed and chopped
1 potato, peeled and diced
1 litre vegetable stock
400g fresh podded peas
Few fresh mint leaves
Few fresh dill sprigs, plus extra to garnish
Pinch of sugar
100ml double cream
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
Pour in the stock and bring to the boil, then simmer for 10-15 minutes until the potato is tender. Add nearly all the peas (reserve a few for garnish), mint, dill and sugar and simmer for a further 4-5 minutes. Cool the soup for 10 minutes then puree until almost smooth with a stick blender or in batches in a food processor. Return the pureed mixture to the pan and heat through gently. Stir in the cream and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
If fresh peas are unavailable use the same quantity of frozen peas instead. Page 36
Ladle into four warmed bowls and serve garnished with the reserved peas and dill sprigs.
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What's On in August Teddy Bear Tuesdays at GWSR Tuesday 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th August, Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, The Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT Join in the fun and bring your own teddy bear. No need to book, just turn up. Ride the Teddy Bear railcar special and if it’s dry join the Teddy Bears picnic on the grass at Winchcombe Station. For more information and prices, please visit Winchcombe Folk Night Tuesday 1st August, 8.00pm 11.00pm, The White Hart Inn, High St, Winchcombe, GL54 5LJ
An open night in a lively and friendly atmosphere. A warm welcome is extended to singers, musicians and audiences to join our regular performers. For more information please call 01242 602236. Baby Bounce & Rhyme Wednesday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th August, 10.30am 11.00am, Winchcombe Library Nursery rhymes, songs and wiggle & jiggle for babies up to 18 months and their grown-ups! Children’s Wednesday Wednesday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th August , Sudeley Castle, Winchcombe, GL54 5JD The popular summer Children’s Wednesdays are back at Sudeley Castle to keep everyone happy during the school holidays! There will be plenty to see and do. Attractions include bouncy castles, a toddler’s activity centre, dragon tales, actionfilled history sessions interactive shows and more. For further details, please visit
An RNLI event. All the usual attractions. Coffees, teas, cakes and simple lunches available. Charity/craft stalls and more. Art & Illustration Workshop Friday 4th August, BeSocial@GL54, Langley Road, Winchcombe, GL54 5QN Monthly class with Winchcombe artist and illustrator Gemma Hastilow-Smith. Informal, friendly and suited for beginners. £12 per session. For more information or to book, please call Gemma on 01242 602 727 or 07813 062 003. Knit & Natter Friday 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th August, 10.00am - 12.00pm, Winchcombe Library A fun friendly knitting group for people of all ages and abilities. Go along and knit and crochet your own projects or join a project for charity. Enjoy great company and a cuppa. Mint & Coriander Cooking Courses Friday 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th August, Bishop’s Cleeve Learn to cook authentic Indian dishes from scratch with Aly who will be sharing her family recipes and cooking tips with you. Classes take place in the privacy of Aly's home in Bishop's Cleeve and you can expect a generous dollop of fun mixed with the possibility of making a new friend or two. To find out more about the workshops or to book a place, please call 01242 692475 or 07438 495254 or get in touch via email: mintncoriander@yahoo. com. For further information and some fantastic recipes, please visit www. and follow Mint & Coriander on Facebook. Churchdown MVC Concert Friday 4th August, 7.30pm, St Catharine's Church (Wotton Pitch), Gloucester, GL1 3PL The concert will contribute towards a wonderful ornamental tree trunk seat memorial that will be placed locally in one of Gloucester’s parks. You can look forward to a wide selection of music providing a thoroughly entertaining evening. Tickets just £8, available from Colin Acton on 01452 714360 or on the door prior to the performance.
between 20 and 25 dealers from all over the country. 1000s of quality second hand and antiquarian books, postcards and Ephemera. Refreshments and easy parking available. Admission 50p (under 16s free). Enquiries and bookings: Terry Sims 01452 546879 or email terry_ Rhymetime Saturday 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th August, 11.00pm - 11.30pm, Winchcombe Library Stories, rhymes, songs and colouring for children 18 months +. Tewkesbury Dog Companion Show Saturday 5th August, 12.00 noon Tewkesbury Rugby Club, GL20 5PG With free onsite parking and a licensed bar, dog owners and their four-legged friends are guaranteed a fun-filled family afternoon. Choose from a range of over twenty classes from Pedigree to Novelty which includes all the popular ones including 'dog with the waggiest tail', 'dog most like its owner' and 'most appealing eyes'. For the youngest members of the family, there are two children's classes for best handler aged 5 to 11 and 12 to 16 years. There are rosettes on offer for each class from 1st to 5th place, plus rosettes for Best in Show, Best Puppy, Best Veteran and Best Novelty. On site, there will be a small selection of stalls and a dog demonstration is also planned. The show opens at 12.00 noon for registration with judging starting at 1.00pm prompt. The event is being sponsored by Folly Gardens Vets and the prize for the dog entered into the most classes is being sponsored by Bookworm Bookshop. Charities to benefit are Vale Wildlife Hospital and the James Hopkins Trust. Entry forms will be available on the day or can be picked up in advance from a number of town centre outlets including Bookworm Bookshop and Folly Gardens Vets. Otherwise, an entry form can be downloaded from the organisers' Facebook page (Tewkesbury Companion Dog Show).
Churchdown Book Fair Paws in the Park First Sunday of every month, Sunday 6th August, 10.00am - 3.30pm, Churchdown 11.00am - 5.00pm, Pittville Bredon Coffee Morning Community Centre, Parton Road, Pump Room Lawn, Cheltenham Thursday 3rd August, Churchdown, Gloucester, GL3 2JH 10.00am - 2.00pm, Gloucestershire’s longest running Bredon Village Hall independent book fair attracting events cont'd... Please mention Winchcombe Magazine when responding to advertisers Page 37 cont'd The dog show will start at 12.00pm with 10 classes including dog most like its owner, best rescue dog and child’s best friend. Returning this year will also be the Scurry, terrier racing and Cotswold Canine Athletics. Many new charities, businesses and other organisations will be attending for the first time, including Alder Holly, a first aid company for dogs, and Rocky's Rescue. As well as all the doggy fun, there will be refreshments and bouncy castles making this a day suitable for all the family to enjoy. Cleeve Common Activities The Cleeve Common Board of Conservators have devised a new programme of events for 2017. To obtain tickets or for further information about events go to the Parish Office, Church Road, Bishop's Cleeve, or call: Office - 07471 6878 77, Ranger - 07756 828458. Please note for some events booking is essential. Friday 11th & 25th August: Summer Holiday Family Fun.Adventure on the Common for children and accompanying adults. GWSR - The Cheltenham Fryer Fish & Chip Special Saturday 12th August & Saturday 2nd September, Train departs at 7.00pm (returning at about 9.30pm), Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, The Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT A leisurely Saturday evening ride through the Cotswold countryside with a large fish and chip meal delivered to your reserved seats by our train stewards. For more information and to book, please visit Bishop's Cleeve Craft Fair Sunday 13th August, 10.00am - 2.00pm, Community Centre, Bishop's Cleeve A wide range of stalls with a different selection each month. Refreshments available. Free entry. For more information, please contact Libby Cleal on 07776 301767. Page 38
Linc Superhero Fun Run Sunday 13th August, 10.00am start, Pittville Park, Cheltenham Run an obstacle course around the lake dressed as a superhero. This race is open to runners of all ages and for the first time ever, superpooches are welcome! There will be prizes for the best dressed in every category. Adults £10, children £5, dogs £3. Registration and sponsorship forms available on, or call 0300 4224422 or sign up at 9.00am on the day. Your entry money supports LINC enabling us to help local cancer patients. The Mid Counties Co-operative Fun Day Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th August, 11.00am 7.00pm, Newlands Park, Bishop’s Cleeve, Cheltenham, GL52 3PE A jam-packed family fun day in support of local charities. There will be something for everyone, including a fun fair, donkey rides, birds of prey, live music, food and drink and more. £2.00 entry fee, under 12s free. Oxford Sculptors Group Exhibition Kiftsgate Court Gardens Saturday 19th August - Wednesday 6th September, Kiftsgate Court, Mickleton, Gloucestershire, GL55 6LN Approximately 100 pieces by established sculptors are displayed in one of the most beautiful private gardens in England. There are human, animal and plant forms in a variety of sizes, styles and prices. Famous for the largest rose in England, the gardens are set spectacularly on the edge of the Cotswold Escarpment and make the perfect setting. Open 2pm to 6pm as follows (August: Mon, Tues, Wed, Sat and Sun; September: Mon Wed and Sun only). Garden admission applies. For more information, please visit and Summer Steam and Real Ale Weekend Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th August, Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway, The Railway Station, Toddington, GL54 5DT For more information and prices, please visit Tewkesbury Classic Vehicle Festival Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th August, Tewkesbury School, Ashchurch
Road, Tewkesbury, GL20 8DF
Saturday: A fun-filled weekend starting with a nostalgic 1950’s American style drive in movie experience showing the 1978 film Grease. Gates open at 6.00pm with the film starting at 8.00pm. Tickets are £10.00 per person and can be purchased online only at www. Sunday, 11.00am - 4.00pm: Classic Vehicle Festival with over 700 cars and 200 motorcycles along with 100+ market stalls selling everything from jewellery to jam! Live period music from The Haywood Sisters and Gloucester Strings. Entry: Just £5.00 for adults, children under 12 go free. Free on-site parking. Clarence House Trip Monday 21st Aug, The coach will depart Cheltenham Racecourse at 9.00am and leave London at 6.30pm. An exclusive chance to visit Clarence House. This trip can be combined with a visit to the Royal Mews and/or the Queens Gallery where there will be an exhibition of Canaletto and the Art of Venice. Clarence House - £35 each; The Queen’s Gallery – Adults £9.90 Seniors £9; The Royal Mews – Adults £9 Seniors £8.30. Due to ticket options, please contact LINC team for booking form and tickets. For more information visit Cheltenham Vegan Fair Saturday 26th August, 10.00am, Cheltenham Town Hall The Cheltenham Vegan Fair is back in town and it’s bigger and brighter than ever! With hot and cold food, ethical clothing, charities, talks, a children’s area and more cake than you can shake a stick at. Why not go along and see what veganism is all about. The event is supported by the Dean Farm Trust. Tickets: £3.00 on the door, under 16s free. 68th Winchcombe Country Show Bank Holiday Monday 28th August, 12.00pm - 5.30pm, Winchcombe School Field, Greet Road, GL54 5LB Traditional country show featuring flower show, On The Edge
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Motorcycle Stunt Trials Display & much more. Tickets: £4 per adult & £2 per child. Family tickets (2 adults and up to 3 children) cost £10. For more information, visit Winchcombe Tea Dance Wednesday 30th August, 2.00pm - 4.00pm, Abbey Fields Community Centre, Back Lane, Winchcombe No partner needed. A friendly, social afternoon with some experienced dancers on hand to partner those who may be on their own. Admission: £5.00 on the door, includes a piece of cake, tea or coffee, and live music from local musician Don Adams. Don accompanies dancers with music from the 1920’s through to the 1960’s. The pieces are adapted for all types of ballroom favourites, from foxtrots and quick-steps to waltzes and jives. All proceeds go to the Winchcombe Day Care Centre, a registered charity. For more information about the centre, please visit
LOCAL CLUBS & CLASSES Alderton Acorns Pre-School Monday to Wednesday, 9.00am - 3.00pm, Forest School: Thursdays, 9.00am 11.00pm, Toddler Group: Fridays, 10.00am - 12 noon, Alderton Village Hall, Dibden Lane, Alderton, GL20 8NT We pride ourselves on our friendly welcome to mother, toddler and baby groups helping children to be happy in a safe enviornment. For more information contact Pre-School Leader Sarah Westgate on 07843 161159, email aldertonacornspreschool@ or visit Bishop’s Cleeve Methodist Church Wednesday Fellowship Wednesdays, 2.00pm, Church Hall New members of both sexes always welcome. or come along to one of our monthly meetings. For more information visit: Bishop’s Cleeve WI Meeting Tuesdays, 7.15pm The Tithe Barn, Cheltenham Road,Bishop's Cleeve, GL52 8LU New members and visitors always welcome. For more information contact 01242 677520. Brownies (7-10 years) Through regular meetings, special events, day trips, sleepovers, camps and holidays, Brownies learn new hobbies, play music, explore other cultures and get adventurous outdoors. Girls can also extend their knowledge and abilities by working towards Brownie interest badges covering many different hobbies and activities. We are a registered charity and operate under The Guide Association. For more information please visit Cheltenham Parkinson’s Group Last Tuesday of the month – evenings or daytime depending on the activity, St Mark's Methodist Church Hall, Gloucester Road, Cheltenham, GL51 8PX We offer information, friendship and support to local people with Parkinson's, their families and carers. We also organise regular events and social activities, all are welcome to join us. Contact Jane Henderson, Volunteer Co-ordinator, on 0344 225 3694 or if you are interested in coming along. See more at uk/local-support-groups/regions/ cheltenham-and-district-branch Cleeve Carers & Friendship Group Tuesdays, 2.00pm, St. Michael’s Hall Cleeve Carers and Friendship group reaches out to those in the community who may not be carers but are home alone or would simply like to meet with others for friendship. For more information call 01242 673001. Tuesday 8th August: Members Only Garden Party.
Wichcombe Methodist Church Hall (at the rear of the building) The Mercia Probus Club for men provides an opportunity for retired or semi-retired people to meet and socialise. Following a friendly chat with other members over coffee, we enjoy good quality speakers who present on a variety of interesting subjects. For more information please contact John Pearce on 01242 602834 or John Rowe on 01242 604305. Methodist Church High Street, Winchcombe, GL54 5LJ The Methodist Church is not only a central hub of the town for Methodist Worship on Sundays at 10.30am and meeting point on Thursdays between 10am and Noon, our premises are also available to hire for clubs and anyone representing art, craft, activity or most other non-political groups on various days and times each week (providing you do not clash with regular groups using our premises at this present time).Please ring John Rowe on 01242 604305 for further details and to book your time. Royal British Legion Winchcombe Branch Meet Mondays, 7.30pm, The Winchcombe Conservative W. M. Club, Abbey Terrace, GL54 5LW The Royal British Legion is the UK‘s leading Armed Forces charity and one of its largest membership organisations. Members get together through the network of branches and clubs all over the country and overseas to participate in social, fundraising and welfare activities. Membership is open to everyone. For dates and more information visit: branches.britishlegion. or contact John Welch on 01242 602 233 or 07798 538 864. Toddington WI We meet on the third Monday of every month at 7.30pm in Toddington Village Hall. We are an active and friendly group with lots going on. Visitors and new members are always welcome, come along, meet us and see for yourself. For more information and to arrange a visit, please contact Jane on 01242 620919 or Felicity on 01242 621041.
Cleeve Ladies Probus Club Tuesdays - fortnightly, Bishop's Cleeve Players 9.45am,Bishop’s Cleeve Meet every second Tuesday Tithe Barn of the month, 7.30 - 9.30pm 8th August: Cheltenham’s Hidden School Room, The Tithe Barn Winchcombe Area U3A Gems; speaker: Geoffrey North. We are a friendly local amateur Monthly Meeting 22nd August: Location Quiz; dramatic group who welcome anyone Second Tuesday of every month, speaker: Angela Panrucker. with an interest in the theatre. There Abbey Fields Community Centre, Back Mercia Probus Club of Winchcombe, are a variety of roles within our Lane, Winchcombe, GL54 5QH Wednesday Group group not just for those wishing Meet fortnightly on Wednesdays, to act. No previous experience 10.00am - 12.00 Noon, events cont'd... neccessary. Get in touch via email: Please mention Winchcombe Magazine when responding to advertisers Page 39 cont'd Why not look ahead to widen your interests and explore a new hobby or activity. Come along to find out more about the new groups on offer. Email: winchcombe.u3a@icloud. com Facebook: WinchcombeAreaU3A/ Winchcombe Duplicate Bridge Club Meet every Friday from 1.45pm5.30pm, Toddington Village Hall The table money cost is £3 per person (includes tea and biscuits). Anyone who wishes to join please contact our Chairman Ted Phillips on 01242 620451 or Michael Cornelius on 01242 603894. Winchcombe Film Society Fridays Subscriptions cost £20 per season and entitle the subscriber to attend 10 film screenings free of charge and include complimentary tea/coffee and biscuits. For further information please email: Winchcombe Ladies Probus Club Meets every other Tuesday morning in Winchcombe Methodist Hall. We meet for coffee at 10.00am followed by an informative talk on a wide variety of topics. We also arrange walks, outings and lunches. For further information please contact Marianna Simpson on 01242 602 352. Winchcombe Library Club 1st Monday of every month,11.30am - 12.30pm, Winchcombe Library An informal friendly group for those who have difficulty getting to the library. Choose books and have a cup of tea and biscuits. Transport can be arranged. Please see a member of the library to join the club. New members always welcome. Woodmancote Probus Club Tuesdays, 10.00am New Village Hall, Woodmancote Meetings start with refreshments followed by a talk at 10.30am. 1st August: Take Five and a few more; speaker: Tony Philpott. 15th August: Butlin Red Coats; speaker: Paul Maguire. 22nd August: My Life in Russia; speaker: Marsha Lees. 29th August: No meeting. Page 40
1st Winchcombe Scout Group The Group is home to a Beaver Colony, Cub Pack and Scout Troop with a growing membership of some 60 young people and adult helpers. For more information contact Jim Maher on 01386 881474.
GL54 5QN Gentle exercise class for older people. £4.50 per session. To book, please call Kathy on 01451 824 058 or 07746 672 726. For further information visit
Walking Rugby for Mature Movers Every Friday, 10.00am - 11.30am, 10.00am - 11.30am, Winchcombe Sports Hall, 8 Gretton Road, Winchcombe, GL54 5EE If you love team sports but aren’t up to sprinting down a wing or shooting a corner, these fun and friendly classes are ideal. £3.00 per session. Call Nicole on 01452 872273 for full details.
Dance for Parkinson’s Every Monday, 2.00pm 3.30pm, Abbey Fields Community Centre, Back Lane Weekly sessions for anyone with Parkinson’s disease and their families/ carer. £4.50 per session. No dance knowledge needed; go at your own pace. Live music and refreshments included. Contact Sarah Hartley on 01242 603207.
Happenstance Meet every Thursday evening, 7.30 - 9.00pm, Winchcombe Abbey Primary School Happenstance Border Morris dancing and musicians welcomes both men and women of all ages. In the summer months we like to dance out. For more information please contact Cressida Pryor on 01242 604120/ 07791004649.
Winchcombe Gardening Club Wednesdays, 7.30pm, Methodist Church Hall, Winchcombe Visitors and new members always welcome. For further information contact Diggory Davies on 01242 609590 or visit members/winchcombe
Heidi's Heroes Mondays 11.30am - 12.30am and 8.00pm - 9.00pm, Cheltenham Ladies College Sports Centre, Malvern Road, Cheltenham
Blue Moon Harmony Choir Thursday evenings, 7.30pm - 9.30pm Bishop's Cleeve Junior School Blue Moon Harmony Choir was founded in 2002 with over forty regular members. However, we would welcome new singers in all parts. You are guaranteed a warm welcome and friendly support as we practice new songs together. You don't have to read music as CDs are supplied to help with learning. For more information call John on 01242 251531 or visit:
Cancer patients past and present are invited to join a unique fitness class being run and funded by the Cheltenham based charity Heidi's Heroes. Classes are being held on Monday mornings and evenings and are open to patients with all types of cancer, irrespective of their prognosis. The classes are jointly run by Clare Lait, a Specialist Cancer Physiotherapist, and Brendan Ward, Senior Gym Instructor at Cheltenham Ladies College's Sports Centre. For more details please contact Clare on 07738 709072 or email Move it or lose it Every Tuesday, 11.30am 12.30pm, BeSocial@GL54, Langley Road, Winchcombe,
Cleeve Chorale Tuesdays 7.30pm Bishop’s Cleeve Primary Academy Are you interested in having a good sing? Then come along to our rehearsal nights; no previous experience required. Cleeve Chorale commence their Autumn term rehearsals on Tuesday 5th September. New members always welcome. For more information call 01242 672881. Cleeve Harmony Ladies A Capella Chorus Wednesday evenings, 7.45pm - 10.00pm, The Tithe Barn Whether you are a Bedroom Beginner, a Shower Songstress or an Experienced Singer, come and join in this brand new chorus. For more
To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit
information, email Donna at cleeve. or ring on 07737 280336. You can also find us on Facebook: Cleeve Harmony Chorus. Gotherington Singers Monday evenings, 7.45pm 9.30pm, Alternating between Gotherington Village Hall and Bethesda Methodist Church, Cheltenham We are a ladies choir formed 50 years ago in Gotherington. If you are interested in joining us come along to one of our rehearsals and see how you like us! We are a very friendly group performing a wide and varied range of music, and we will give you a warm welcome! Previous experience is not necessary. For more information call Vivien on 01242 523168, or visit our website We can also be found on Facebook. The Isbourne Singers Wednesdays 8.00pm - 9.00pm Guide Hall, Winchcombe We are a ladies choir who meet once a week singing a variety of music including classical and songs from the shows. New members welcome. No audition necessary. A warm welcome awaits you. For more information call Jean on 01242 603204 or John on 01242 672849.
Winchcombe Community Choir Meets every Wednesday during term time, 10am to 12 Noon Cleeve Room, Abbey Fields Community Centre, Back Lane For more information contact Chrissie on 01386 552736 or 07707 675216 or email chrissieleaney@naturalvoice. net or Liz on 01905 620827 or 07850 547916 or email lizhooper@ Winchcombe Concert Brass Tuesday evenings, 7.30pm, Abbey Fields Community Centre, Back Lane, Winchcombe, Cheltenham, GL54 5QH A group consisting of brass and wood wind players. New players of all abilities always welcome. For more information, please contact Roger Cook on 01242 603208.
Walking Free Guided Walks around Winchcombe Walks will take place at 11.00am and 2.30pm every Sunday until the end of October. Starting at the TIC, the walks are for anyone, visitor or resident, who is interested in the fascinating history of Winchcombe – from ancient Saxon Borough to WW2 and beyond. The walks are short and easy, designed to be accessible to all. They will take 1–1¼
106.2 - 107 - 107.8 FM
hours, are less than a mile and all on pavements around the Town Centre. Winchcombe Walkers Last Thursday of each month A relaxed group of people who meet on a casual basis for a walk of 5-8 miles. Our leaders are volunteers and we aim to cover the whole 12 months at our annual get together, usually towards the end of the year. For more information contact Paul Clark via email:
LOCAL MARKETS Country Market Every Thursday morning, 9.00am - 10.30am, Guide Hall, High Street, Winchcombe, GL54 5LJ Second Saturday of every month, 9.00am - 12.00 pm, under the Town Hall, outside the Tourist Information Office Contact: 01242 603124 or 01242 603673; Email: slucyhall@hotmail. com. For more information, please visit
MONDAY - THURSDAY 6am - 10am Paul Ellery In The Morning 10am - 2pm Mark Edwards 2pm - 7pm Drive Time 7pm - 6Am Non Stop Sunshine FRIDAY 6am - 10am Paul Ellery In The Morning 10am - 2pm Mark Edwards 2pm - 7pm Gregg Upwards 7pm - 10pm Chris Roberts 10pm - 7Am Non Stop Sunshine
SATURDAY 7am-10am Mark Edwards in the Morning • 10am - 2pm Gregg Upwards All Request Saturday • 2pm - 6pm Paul Ellery • 6pm - 9pm All the Hits with Pat Sharp • 9pm - 11pm Totally 90’s• 11pm - 6am Non Stop Sunshine SUNDAY 7am - 11am Roger Noble • 11am - 3pm Sunshine On Sunday • 3pm - 7pm Matt Healey• 7pm - 9pm Totally 80’s• 9pm - 11pm Mike Hollis Soul Show • 11pm - 6am Non Stop Sunshine Please mention Winchcombe Magazine when responding to advertisers
Page 41
3 words GEORGE 12/07/1974
You have two minutes to find all the words of three or more letters that can be made from the letters above. Plurals are allowed, proper nouns are not. The 6 letter word will always be just a normal everyday word.
2 words
3 letters: 20 4 letters: 18 5 letters: 8 6 letters: 4
Puzzle & Crossword Solutions 4 words
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have ten minutes to find as many words as possible, none of which may be plurals, foreign words or proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters or more, all must contain the central letter and letters can only be used once in every word. There is at least one word that uses all of the letters in the wheel.
TARGET Excellent: 50 or more words Good: 40 words Fair: 35 words
1. Fishing 2. Kappa 3. 1759 4. The English Premier League 5. A bat 6. The Laughing Cavalier 7. 3 8. Zion 9. Starbucks 10. Isaac Newton (referring to his theories on gravity inspired by a falling apple)
Codeword 25
22 9 4
25 3
17 9
25 23
25 18
22 1 9
21 22
5 22
Word Ladder
Here is one possible Here is one possible solution (others may (others exist) solution may exis cool
22 24
S 7
18 6
Mini Cryptic Crossword
17 1
toll tell fell full FUEL
Pictograms 1. Best Before Date 2. False Teeth 3. Mix Business With Pleasure
Answer: Page 42 DISBELIEF To advertise call 07740 784 444 or 01242 500 028 or visit
Fabric - Curtains - Blinds - Interior Design
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Upholstery - Carpets - Flooring - Wallpaper - Shutters Please mention Winchcombe Magazine when responding to advertisers
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OPEN Mon - Sat 10.00am - 4.30pm Sundays 11.00am - 3.00pm Repair service available. All items gift-wrapped. 7 North Street, Winchcombe, Tel. 01242 609556 Page 44
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Winchcombe Useful Numbers UTILITIES
CHURCHES Catholic Church, Chandos Street Christ Church, Gretton Churches Together in Winchcombe Encounter Church, Gretton Road Logos Christian Fellowship Methodist Church, High Street Society of Friends (Quakers) St Mary's, Sudeley St Michael's, Stanley-Pontlarge St Peter's Winchcombe
01242 602412 01242 602067 01242 602412 01242 604552 01242 602882 01242 603163 01242 516156 01242 602308 01242 602067 01242 602067
SCHOOLS Winchcombe Abbey Primary School 01242 602447 Winchcombe School 01242 602233
DOCTORS & PHARMACY Badham Pharmacy Church Road Badham Pharmacy Stoke Road Lloyds Pharmacy Winchcombe Stoke Road Surgery Winchcombe Medical Centre
01242 672653 01242 672211 01242 602305 01242 672007 01242 602307
03004 222222 0300 422 2222 01242 802897
LIBRARIES Winchcombe Library
0845 230 5420
POST OFFICES Alderton Post Office Bishop's Cleeve Post Office Gotherington Post Office Winchcombe Post Office
0800 365 900 0800 111 999 0800 169 1144 0800 783 4444
HELPLINES Alcoholics Anonymous Glos 01452 418515 (24hrs) Alcoholics Anonymous National 0800 9177650 Childline 0800 1111 Citizens Advice Bureau 03444 111 444 Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Directory Enquiries 118 500 Drugs Helpline 0800 776 600 Floodline 0845 988 1188 Parentline Plus 0808 800 2222 RSPCA 0300 123 4999 Samaritans 116 123 National Missing Persons 0500 700 700
HOSPITALS Cheltenham General Gloucestershire Royal Hospital Nuffield Health Hospital
Electricty -ÂPower Loss Gas Emergency Water Leaks Water Severn Trent
Ambulance (Emergency Only) Fire (Emergency Only) Gas Emergency Police (Emergency Only) Police (non-emergency) NHS Direct
999 999 0800 111 999 999 101 111
01242 620201 01242 672482 01242 672249 01242 602315
TRAVEL Bus Information Train Information
01452 418630 0845 748 4950
COUNCIL Tewkesbury Borough Council
01684 295010
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ALL WELCOME! Trade & Retail
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