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Summit on Juniper faces heating outages
with the College. Montás and Schibuola both stressed the importance of victims coming forward if they have experienced a similar incident.
“If somebody comes forward to the Hanover Police Department that is a member of the community, we want to make sure that students feel comfortable so that we could arrange for them to meet with the police,” Montás said.
Title IX Coordinator Kristi Clemens said that the swift action on behalf of the College was indicative of a changing culture around sexual assault.
“It’s a sign that our community has faith that we will be responsive to their complaints and be able to provide support,” Clemens said. “It doesn’t necessarily mean that the prevalence is higher, but it means that people feel comfortable and have trust in the institution to say something.”
Montás said that this case was an anomaly and a similar incident had not occurred in his 16 years at the College.
“I don’t think something like that could happen and we would not hear about it,” he said.
While Clemens said that the Title IX office focuses on responding to reports, Safety and Security works on the preventative side with student groups like the Sexual Violence Prevention Project. Safety and Security wants to address these incidents “by being present” and “responding as soon as we possibly can,” according to Montás.
“The takeaway for me is that people are comfortable speaking up when something wrong and harmful occurs on campus,” Clemens said. “We were able to demonstrate that we can take swift action to interrupt that behavior, and so I hope that people continue to report harm.”
Chapel open again after three years
Anthony Fosu ’24 attended the event and spoke on behalf of Morning Glory. The reopening of Rollins has great signifcance to the Dartmouth community, he said.
“For me, [the reopening of Rollins] represents the chance for Dartmouth community members to do what our motto says: Be a voice crying out in the wilderness, especially in their respective traditions,” Fosu said. “I want our community to be able to use this space as much as possible, because I think that sacred spaces like this should be an integral part of everything that we do here.”
Jayanti said that in the future, he hopes that the College will provide additional resources for Hindu community members.
“I really hope that Dartmouth will appreciate the need for having a Hindu chaplain who can be there to advise students, to support students, to guide students, to channel the enthusiasm of the students to constructively learning